Bid sum almost halved since I last posted in this thread, from around 17-20M CNY to around 10M CNY. Generally, still very low levels compared to anything seen months ago as you can see by the pic.
Bid/ask ratio is around the lowest seen in ages.
Generally still low levels, but to be fair it slightly increased. Not by much though.
From 6-7M CNY to 8M CNY.
Bid sum is low in absolute terms, is stays around $1M-$1.5M range, increased a little and fluctuating but still in this low range.
Nothing interesting as always, see my first post for more info on why.
Bid sum stayed around the same levels, it fluctuated a little but overall we don’t see any big increase or decrease.
Since the bottom it slightly increased but it still way below levels seen since January 2015.
Still very low bid sum, after the hack fuckery it stabilized at the lowest levels seen all throughout September-December 2014.
As a general trend, bid/ask ratio is stabilizing around the lowest levels ever compared to anything seen in 2014 in all exchanges.
Again, there is no indication that new money is flowing in exchanges. Demand seems to not pick up for now.
All other exchanges at various time frames: