Damn3d - interested in purchasing; so how does this 2 for 3 go? Can I do it from auto buy?
Also, can I change password on account or not? Change username/email etc? Never used spotify but have a friend who is crazy about this service.
Purchased thru auto buy link of
Damn3d on April 10th and the 2 accounts that were provided were not accessible. PM'd him and this was rectified shortly; accounts inaccessible due to consecutive username and same passwords being generated.
April 12th noticed that there was "offline devices" last accessed the day before on one of the accounts from a Android Device. As I do not have any Droids that was a concern that I was sharing the accounts. A second account showed that there was also usage by another user with activity as of April 20th; I never changed the initial password on the account just to see what would happen. Offline Devices currently are is iPhone Device which I do have but have never used to logged into this account. Prior to midnight last night, I removed all Offline Devices on the account and this morning after checking there was another Device attached to the account once again which was not mine.
I have ceased using these Spotify accounts and will take it as a lesson learned.
*** Note - All times are in GMT +8 Time Zone - Asia Pacific