Testnet warThis page is temporarily down due to the consequences of the "testnet war", such as synchronization loss, unconfirmed transactions...
Bitcoin developers themselves have begun to fight against Bitcoin testnet, because unable to control their emotions and behaving like children. They have taken on the roles of police, judges, and enforce their personal rules. As Bitcoin testnet cannot be destroyed due to its decentralization, they have decided to take actions that prevent and inconvenience its use for everyone!!! And they even mock people to their faces.
Specifically, for example, Lopp, who openly admits to this attack here, here, here. I believe he is not alone in this, and his actions cast a bad light on people who are involved in development and have nothing to do with this attack.
I therefore hold the opinion that people like him should not have access to development because, due to their personal tantrums, they represent a general security risk for Bitcoin as a whole.
All of this arose because the testnet is used to test applications (which, by the way, is the essence of the Bitcoin testnet) and people are rewarded for it in the form of AirDrops. Another problem they see is that the testnet started trading publicly about a year ago on altquick.com (the closed market has been around for a long time...) which is completely logical given its similarity to BTC (limited supply, mining...) Yes, I have no problem with that. The market also has positives, for example, people who need a quantity they cannot obtain from available sources will not misuse services such as faucets. People will not HODL testnet, it will circulate again, and people who buy testnet, will sell it again after use...
This faucet has been operating for 10 years (9 of which without any advertising) and I have distributed more than 327k tBTC from own resources which cost money (mining). And if these intrigues continue, it will probably be its end.
When I openly asked here
https://groups.google.com/g/bitcoindev/c/9bL00vRj7OU if Lopp is attacking BTC and what his reasons are, given that it affects everyone, my post was not published, which confirmed to me that democracy does not work...
It is probably time to start taking an interest in the people who manage the Bitcoin core, how they got there, and who oversees them. If you have exposure to BTC, it's also about your "money"...