Those PDU's won't work as your trying to put 73KW in one rack.
You will need a PDU with a IEC309 connector, those are good for 60A of 3PH and the PDU's can usually handle a little over 17KW. You can get the extended rack enclosures that allow 2 of these per side so you would get 4 PDUs and 240A of rated power in the rack thats about as close as you will get, but if you stick to code you can only use 80% of the rated power 24/7.
Since you didn't ask for cooling advice I will just give you a side note. Most Datacenters can not handle this amount of heat from one rack, you will be a glowing red violation when they do their thermal imaging check.
totally, have a friend with 3 MW in DC config , sadly he can maybe use 10% of it for BTC with his cooling arrangements . i like using * my power. nice PDUs though, I have lots of these.