I vote decentralized currency Instead of Internet currency - internet currency has no meaning.
Also remove "often 10%" as an example of the premium for cc payments. This simply is too high, Square is now charging a flat fee of 2.75% for card present transactions. Also remember that part of that premium comes from chargebacks which is to the advantage of the consumer.
"Bitcoin is a chance to revolutionize the financial system, making it fairer and more democratic."
While I certainly hope this is true, we really don't have the facts to back it up. Also, people's definition of "fair" varies, the term is a bit vague.
Otherwise very well written, kudos!
I really like the way Gavin is positioning the project, less hyperbole, more down to earth.
I agree with the use of decentralized currency instead of Internet currency.
Credit card fees are charged to merchants and then used to permit chargebacks, which merchants generally don't like. I don't know about the actual size of the fee, so I can't comment on that.
Do you think maybe we should break it into talking points for merchants vs consumers?