I see a lot of links. No links to images or css or javascript stuff though.
Below are the lines that contain http:
also I am logged into a wallet.
<script type="text/javascript" src="/Resources/wallet/bootstrap.min.js"></script> <!-- Bootstrap
http://twitter.github.com/bootstrap/ -->
<script type="text/javascript" src="/Resources/wallet/bitcoinjs.min.js"></script> <!-- Please consider a donation to bitaddress.org @ 1NiNja1bUmhSoTXozBRBEtR8LeF9TGbZBN and
http://www.bitcoinjs.org/ -->
<input placeholder="
http://www.mydomain.com/btc" id="wallet-http-url" type="text" /></div>
Open the Google Authenticator <a href="/r?url=http://support.google.com/accounts/bin/answer.py?hl=en&answer=1066447" target="new">mobile app</a> and scan the QR code below to complete the pairing process.
<p>If your looking to get your first free bitcent try <a href="/r?url=http://dailybitcoins.org/" target="new">dailybitcoins.org</a>, you will receive 0.001 BTC just for visiting. <a href="/r?url=https://strikesapphire.com/?afc=sBzg9HAcBl" target="new">Strike Sapphire</a> hosts regular free poker tournaments which payout in Bitcoin.
<a class="btn btn-secondary" href="/r?url=http://dailybitcoins.org/" target="new">Free Bitcoins</a>
<small><A href="/r?url=http://SatoshiDice.com" target="new">SatoshiDICE</a> is the most popular Bitcoin betting game. Win up to 64,000x your bet, instantly. All rolls are verifiable using the blockchain.</small>
<li>Output from <a href="/r?url=http://multibit.org/" target="new">Multibit</a>
<p>To complete the transaction open one of these pages <a href="/pushtx" target="new">blockchain.info/pushtx</a> or <a href="
http://bitsend.rowit.co.uk/" target="new">bitsend.rowit.co.uk</a>. Copy and paste the text below into the textarea and press submit to complete the transaction.</p>