Well just a bit of info I am in the 'odd' situation where I am a LEGAL miner in USA under the IRS 2013 virtual currency guidelines on mining (long story bank screwed up called up SEC saying I had shipped 90k worth of money orders over seas...it was 10.1k to KNC in Sweden ...ie was THEIR bank error..but at that point felt i needed to file and such ...good thing bank even after I proved it was their bank error they STILL tried to get me in trouble with SEC as me NOT being a biz....a nice filled out ameneded 2013 tax form from the CPA fixed that...Assholes!0
anyway with that in mind and the fact I know some of you are not in this position and are wisely imho waiting on your stash till this all gets more clear in a few years and then maybe
you will announce assets to IRS with a 'MAN IT WAS A REALLY GOOD YEAR" with a straight face after probably mining 3 years lol..
anyway....the catch is 2013 ..should have paid (imho) 4k of taxes on income made mining ...paid NONE got a bunch of equip depreciation that will go down for 5 years...I was
pleasently surprised....
2014 just filed my taxes this year made...according to the IRS 19K or so mining etc...thought my taxes were gonna be 5k or some such..but after the equip depreciation I had and
the sale of a miner etc ...i came out with a 1.5K capital LOSS THIS YEAR...ie paid no taxes again
looking good right
now for 2015 I will have 4.3K of equip depreciation etc left..so that means if I want to show a profit (you need to show a profit 3 out of 5 yrs) i need to make more then that ..it seems likely even at this point I can pull that off
BUT here is the catch....I've NO FRIGGING IDEA with out some kinda home mining how I can show revenue to get the next year after 2015...that of 2016 the approx 2.15K or so again for 2017 and whatever remainder (very modest likely less then 700 usd) for 2017 projected
I suppose I can LIE one of those years to get 3 out of 5 years at a profit to protect my past no taxes due and equip depreciation...but it is looking dicey to say the least
so anyway I am in the position I kinda sorta need something in 2016 and 2017 that I can mine at a modest level ...even a bit of a loss to show revenue to the IRS of some type
(ie i be a farmer ..i needs to be farming crops don't ya know)....I suppose I could get USED equipment? I am kinda doubtful on some co-op venture of shared equip/costs etc in some kinda co-hosting arrangement (i again doubt cloud hosting would count on this???)
so anyway long way around to explain my need for home miners and/or some kind of group co-op (like a grain elevator co-op of farmers) say on equip/bldg/expenses etc....but I assume you would (for the above tax breaks) need to be a part owner of such an enterprise and not just a cloud hosting per say
Does anyone know of a non-profit (ideally) co-op type arrangement for mining coin in such a matter ....I assume up to this point it has not been an option in folk like
myself could simply home mine...but with my above situation has does anyone have anyone legit that does such data hall stuff (or shares) on a small enough basis to pull this off?
Again cloud hosting (see my tagline below) I don't think has the chops to pull this off....I think from my IRS situation .they would want something more along a partnership (even a small share) and/or co-op arrangement
anyway ...perhaps I'm wrong and cloud hosting for my purpose would work for the IRS as mining (doubt it) but fishing for info here...if I can pull this 'legal' miner biz off due to the luck of the balance it seems of the equip i have gotten vs what I've mined up to this point...I'd sure like to run it out the last 2 years showing mining revenue in some manner to the IRS
thanks for listening.....looking for legit stuff in this area...if home mining is dead...and cloud mining does not have the chops for this imho IRS requirement wise my only real hope
is a limited share in a physical group mining operation..and that of course leads me again to the example of farmers in more or less this same situation ..ie co-op?
(at this point not sure if i should send my banker for being asses a fruit basket or not...so far it has worked well...assholes they may have been to get me here)
anyway advice on the end game here if home mining is dead 2016 and 2017 it would be nice by hook or crook I could run my last equip deprecation due out there of around 4.5k
in my favor by showing some kinda mining revenue ...even if at a bit of a loss just to show i be a 'farming' so to speak
thanks and I know this may not apply to a lot of folk my situation but hey the work around has been working so far...again looking at a way to wrap this up if home mining is
really dead (or hell i just lose them last 2 years of 4.5k or so of equp depreciation as applied to my taxes due etc)
thanks appreciate the advice for my somewhat 'half assed' way I backed into being a legal usa virtual currency miner (sigh)