Hello JackSparrow,
I managed somehow to understand what you wrote via Google Translate. I haven't advertise at all on #bitcoin-de, so I don't understand why is your message dedicated to me?
[12:01:45] --> AmazonStuff (~AmazonStu@unaffiliated/amazonstuff) hat #bitcoin-de betreten
[12:18:53] <AmazonStuff> Hello, sorry for writing in english. Is anyone interested to buy BTC via escrow and Moneygram?
[19:00:00] --> AmazonStuff (~AmazonStu@unaffiliated/amazonstuff) hat #bitcoin-de betreten
[19:00:47] <AmazonStuff> Anyone interested to buy BTC?
Und vor ein paar Minuten:
[12:08:19] <-- AmazonStuff (~AmazonStu@unaffiliated/amazonstuff) hat #bitcoin-de verlassen
Die Fakten sprechen für sich.