This is a topic that I feel very curious about it. In my country, acculturation pornography is illegal and punishable by imprisonment, but it still works popular, widely on the internet... I know, they make money from it. But i wonder how can they earn from it? inwhat ways ? and what their potential can be exploited to make ?
Can you say more details about that ? Thanks a lot !
The site will be hosted in US where running a porn site is legal. You will be making money from the ad networks who will place ads on your website.
There is tons of potential, please feel free to ask any questions. I will be more than happy to help.
Thanks and Regards
Have you sold any of your site on this forum ? I mean I am interested to know if someone already has bought and started business. I want to have some personal views of the buyers to see if it worth to jump in this business or not . If anyone has bought please let some review to know how is it so far ?
I've bought one, already made 7 cents
I've made a few adjustments already but at this point the site is too heavy for the VPS I'm running some other sites on so I've pulled it offline at this point. Currently looking into getting it hosted somewhere cheap where it won't crash the VPS
Not sure whether I've changed something that crashed it, because the site as delivered is mostly static. That's what I wanted to fix with the adjustments.
One thing I'm not sure about is that most video's I tried don't play embedded but launch a new window. Plus at this point a few video's were already removed, so in the long run I'll need to figure out a way to add more fresh video's to the site. All in all a good basis to start with anyway.