- Loan amount : 0.04
- Repayment amount : 0.048
- Length: 7 days, repayement on 17th of March
- Collateral: my bitcointalk account if necessary
- BTC address : 17UaNxqRX9EKj6dfb1zF1EVm1fRFpvgwve
Loan accepted if you provide your Bitcointalk account as a collateral.
To do this, we have two solutions, either you find and give your account to a trusted 3rd party so he can hold it.
Or we can do the following :
- You email me your credentials (I'll provide an email to you in a PM). I'll change your account email and password.
- I'll post in this thread a message that I have your account, signed with the loan repayment address.
- After this is done, I'll send 0.04BTC to your address.
- When the loan is repaid in full I'll reply to your email with the new credentials, so you can recover your account.
Let me know if you agree to this so we can proceed.