Unfortunately I am very technically challanged ( is technologically retarted a good statement or is it offensive?) and I was just hoping to find something that would let me collect rakes instead of playing against players , even tough house always wins , I do not have enough coins to say I have a casino bankroll. I can barely cover max bet let alone have 100's of coins to keep the max bet at %1-3. So moneypot is too expensive of a try for me . I was hoping something more of pvp .
I asked someone to do a coin flip for me. We are looking into it . There will be a coin flip ever 5 minutes and people can bet if it will come heads or tails , collectively , whoever wins gets other parts coins by % of their bet (if you bet %10 of all tails and tail wins , you will get %10 of all bets made on heads etc etc you get the point) and we will only collect rakes like %1 or so .
If he can actually manage this , I am thinking also a design of a coin (for the coin flip) related to bitcoin to have a heads or tails side version .
This seems like the easiest way for me to break into the industry. I can pay one off , I don't care how much needed , if I believe in the idea I can even get a loan from a bank , but I can't take the risk to play against people even when I am the house. One 'Nakowa' bet away from being bankrupt