Anyway how can Yobit have orders for 1,500,000 Analcoin at 1 satoshi? There's only 300,000 total coins! Someone have a word with these exchanges, where do they get their values from?
Just like Lindsey, might be time for me to leave cryptocurrency, Bitcoin worth $300 and everything else worth $0.00001 I don't think so. BitCON is just part of the dictatorship eCONomy it would appear.
Buttman is very disappointed!
What does the amount of coins people want to buy has to do with the total amount ?
Does it look stupid - Yes it does.
Has an Exchange anything to do here ? No as they have no idea how many coins are traded with them, with other exchanged and between players.
Besides all the "BUY" order means is "Person X" is willing to buy "Coin X" in amount of "Y". Nothing else. Buy order can not be filled up more than the amount of coins sold. There is nothing wrong if someone sets up a huge order of 1 mil. He will at max get 300000/1000000 so the order will stay there for the time Dev decides there will be more coins or till the buyer removes the order.