It's like this:
Forgive me if I act like a noob here, tis the only way to say:
Tools: Anything you know you can connect to wherever your research told you to. My suggestion was COM. You do this by pluggin in some kinda Upper Sideband Bastard lead, into said victim (fn). You will now see winblows tell you an Upper Sideband Bastard Is victimising your pc.. (Installing)
Once done, you need to be more than a seed of greif, you need to be a seed that ROOT's.. Ie, grow's leg's n walk's, only, I'm not stealing your fn, I'm showing you where to look.. The first time a fone is connected to the last, will record this Upper Sideband Bastard's com connection in the auth log..
You wont find this in logging.. you need to look at com authorisation, ie, who did YOU give access to YOUR fn com port?
Forget it mate, personally, I know of no-one that could seriously gain from what you think you have, or what happened.. the NSA have more on you than him, what's the prob? Throw the fn in the bucket and get a new yin, at 10p an hour, they're goin fast.. did it really cost you so much as to go so far to find out?
If you'd like me to find out HIS connections to YOUR fn, lemme know, it will cost, but only on proof of connection