In need of a nice logo for our website should give an impression of "professional,trustworthy,reliable" and be related to our business(unblock website)
You need NOT consider those 3 images on the index when designing the logo as those 3 images are optional.
Size:big, so it can be adjusted to any size
UNBLOCK.CN.COM should be on the logo
We want the icon too.
For example on starter page and other page have different part of the logo
The logo would replace the current logo and it should be included on the banner
Additionally, we need a banner to advertise on and Google Adsense. The banner should be eye-catching and describe the purpose of (something like: Your site is blocked in China? we will unblock it for you today!) Size:728x90
The logo should be in the banner
Reply below if your are interested.
We will pay in BTC. Of course, if you are interesting in this censorship fighting project and are willing to donate, please read
Design-wise. Everything we have now can be taken as a suggestion -you can use it if you think it's good, and can also completely ignore it