I would like to know if its possible to add bitcoin payment gateway to my website
http://facepostmarket.com/ and how hard it is to integrate the system.
Any sugestions?
Here is a post I made in a similar thread:
https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=962278I would avoid using Bitpay and Coinbase for payment verification, you need to be a real company, have tax codes and ids etc. Learn about callback handling
https://blockchain.info/api/api_receiveI setup payment handling and qr generation on a new Django website I was working on using blockchain.info receive api, it was so easy I was laughing the entire time I set it up.
Alternatively you setup your own node, and send RPC Calls to it too generate new addresses and then check for payments: getreceivedbyaddress <bitcoinaddress> [minconf=1]