Hey how is it going,
I have a few suggestions which could improve this a lot:
- The sounds are weird sometimes, for example if someone folds I hear the klack-klack sound which should be used for check?
There is another sound that is wrong after someone has made his action, it sounds like the sound for new hand on stars. - After every hand there is a 2-3 second delay, that slows down the game a lot. Would be good to get rid of that pause.
- It would be nice to have the option to keep balances in btc, some people like me don't want to have usd ( or just use btc ingame )
To make this a big success you could also think about implementing handhistories which copy the pokerstars handhistory format, so HUDs ( like holdemmanager ) could work
on this site without problem ( and this could attract a lot of serious players )
There is also such software as opensource ( fpdb.sf.net ) maybe built this in the software.
Your software has a lot of potential imho, its million times better than this stupid flash crap ...