Dean Clifford got out of Canadian prison after 16 months. From his welcome-back video,
Dean Clifford Update 20 Recorded March 21 2015, by Craig Lynch, at From Dean:
Apparently we are the government.
The beginning is here, like we used to have that title page, "The Beginning is Near," on our website. Well, it's not near anymore. The beginning is here. It's now. It's done. It's going. There's groups all over the world that are catching on to this, and they're declaring their freedom. They're creatin' their own nations. People are becoming common law sheriffs - appointing themselves as sheriffs. You know, and, the powers that were are getting pissed off about this, and are trying to really crack down, because we're catch on to the scam that, well wait a minute, if you get your authority from me, and you have the authority to create sheriffs and police officers, then I have that same inherent authority already. I can just do it myself. I don't need you for a middleman anymore. I'll just execute my own will instead of having you guys create a fake one for me, and force that fake will back on me as my employees. So it's all nonsense. All of it is absolute nonsense. There is nothing to argue about in court. There is nothing to even speak to. There is no point in reading their puke. There is nothing. It's all a charade. Every last bit of it.