Bitcoin Forum

Alternate cryptocurrencies => Altcoin Discussion => Topic started by: PhilipMorris on April 29, 2015, 10:21:05 AM

Title: Ryan Pumper "Pumpgroup" SCAM
Post by: PhilipMorris on April 29, 2015, 10:21:05 AM
Just wanted to inform you guys, don't do any business with Ryan Pumper....;u=369209

It's a total scam, the fee to enter is 0.5 BTC per week. This is obviously a ridiculous high amount.

All you get is some useless obvious information about trading on exchanges. He also provides you with coins you should buy, and at which prices. I bought like 4 coins he mentioned, at the given price. All coins have continued to decline lower.

Its also a pain in the ass to communicate with this guy, he just doesn't reply to PM's for days.

If you take a look at his website, you can see all these great profits of 1000's of %'s he makes. He is literaly pulling these numbers out of his ass.
I've also spoken to other "members" on the chatbox on his website. All agreed that Ryans pumpers group is a shady business.

From his Bitcoin-address, we can tell that he has allready made alot of victims. Most of the victims sign up for 1 week, take their losses and leave:

Be warned! Don't fall for this SCAM.

Title: Re: Ryan Pumper "Pumpgroup" SCAM
Post by: spartak_t on April 29, 2015, 11:19:41 AM
All I can think of is:

- You don't say?

This is obvious. I'm sorry for your loss, but it is the greed who push us into such actions. It is your fault - not his.

Title: Re: Ryan Pumper "Pumpgroup" SCAM
Post by: GTO911 on April 29, 2015, 11:34:34 AM
Here is Ryan

Title: Re: Ryan Pumper "Pumpgroup" SCAM
Post by: tokeweed on April 29, 2015, 11:39:12 AM

I thought it was Brian.

Title: Re: Ryan Pumper "Pumpgroup" SCAM
Post by: SpanishSoldier on April 29, 2015, 11:43:05 AM
Use basic business sense next time. Why on earth someone will tell u how he is making hundreds of bitcoin ? He will only SELL you that secret information if he is NOT making that money.

Title: Re: Ryan Pumper "Pumpgroup" SCAM
Post by: JackRipper on April 29, 2015, 02:14:22 PM

From his Bitcoin-address, we can tell that he has allready made alot of victims. Most of the victims sign up for 1 week, take their losses and leave:

I'm really surprised by just how many people have fallen for this. When will people realize that the biggest victims of the P&Ds that we see in crypto are those who think that they are insiders?

Title: Re: Ryan Pumper "Pumpgroup" SCAM
Post by: CryptoJerk on April 29, 2015, 02:17:36 PM

No it was actually a 53btc injection that pushed the price from 50 to 179

I don't care whatever you call it, accumulation or whatever. You fuckers have inside knowledge.

I am looking at the NKT chart now and I am seeing pre-buys where this group has been gathering coins. Loads of fucking pre buys since the 12th of jan, so "ryan" and his "group" obviously know something that they aren't telling us here.

It is insiders knowledge and "his group" obviously do know something that isn't being shared publicly. Thats the benefit of being in a private group i suppose ;)

Yeah so here you are bragging to everyone because you guys cheat the system every week am I supposed to be impressed or something?

I hate to discuss "private" matters here but I have personally worked with ryan before and I know how he operates. This is why I brought up bots and the whole 9. He's heavily into that shit because when you have your own servers you can work bots in multiple coins at a time without having to physically be there

You can setup your bots, head out to the beach (or whatever the fuck this guy does) and come home to 50btc of profit easily without breaking a sweat. You can do this every fucking day if you want

I am not a trader, I develop coins and make my money that way.

After working with ryan once on a "small job" that we paid him good money for (40btc) I used his services again to help my team accumulate a % of a certain coin. This is how I know ryan is working bots all over this market because with this coin that we were dealing with, you couldn't place a single sell order without 5 small orders undercutting you. Professional manipulation

He forced sell resistance higher with sell orders totaling 20btc which jammed up the coin and caused people to dump on our buys. Granted, the whole thing was done very impressively and he has obviously put together a pretty decent machine, no complaints there. What pissed me off is the total lack of empathy this guy has

His asking price for this service was 70btc to which we all agreed upon, we even ponied up 15btc upfront. Now with the price of this coin shot to shit, and the job done. Ryan, out of the fucking blue, asks for the remaining 65btc..... but how the fuck could we pay him right away without the price of the coin lifting first? I explained this to him 50 times but he didn't budge because he didn't "trust" us WTF ryan?

He kept his sell walls on the coin and kept his bots running.... basically holding us to ransom until we paid this 65btc

Now I'm all for manipulation, the market cant function without it. But what I value more than anything else is ethical manipulation, you don't break the gentleman's code over some BS like this

sure, maybe we should have had our shit together before bringing ryan on board but sometimes, in business, you have to understand that you need to take risks to make MORE money!! ryan didn't want to take that risk with us and basically hung us out to dry

We ended up paying him 10btc per day last week before he decided to remove his "sell pressure"

im sure ass kissers and cronies are thinking "if you want a service you have to pay for it" and "nothings for free" blah blah.. well fuck you! In business, it's give and take. Ryan wanted to get paid first and that's understandable, but we didn't have the dough to pay him so he could have helped us out on that front and given us a little leeway

i'm not a ryan hater like the rest... hell, the guy teaches how the market is manipulated and how to profit from it, that's respectable..  i have made good money here and there. I am just disappointed with the way he has treated my team and feel like it was wrong and could have been handled differently

great trader, but hes a miser and him and his group only make money because they manipulate the fuck out of this market. Every day they fill up on some random coin (like NKT). Then, out of the blue, this random shitcoin is pumping like hell and they only people that profit is ryan and his group,, not my type of scene

hell manipulation is there for all to see so I will profit from this regardless

You could even call me a manipulator, who gives a shit. In this market you're either fucking someone in the ass or getting fucked yourself. I don't care how much money you make in the process, if you get into bed with ryan you're shaking hands with the devil himself. I would much rather slug it out in the market and make money on my own, all it's gonna take is some elbow grease but im not scared to work hard. Fuck taking the easy route, that's for pussies who don't care about the guy the other side of the trade

Ryan is working bots galore all over this fucking market there is no way in fucking hell you can "predict" all of this shit every fucking month like this GTFO

there is something you idiots are doing to "make things happen" so just come out and fucking say it

you tell me you are just going to "predict" 200 pumps naturally? OH FUCKING PLEASE this is NOT natural! no way is this "natural" either you guys have inside information or you are working with outside whales because wtf??

there is no way you can make this kind of volume just appear out of the freaking blue like this yet every time it does, you fuckers just happen to "know" about it MONTHS before the rest of us? Yeah maybe i can understand you seeing some shit popping off with all the talk on twitter and then scoring some money from a quick pump

but to do this every month is complete and total manipulation of the market it is NOT natural so tell us ALL about the bots you are using so that we can get on a level playing field

NO ONE in this place should have ANY advantage

You do realize you can buy an advanced trade / arbitrage bot for less than half a BTC and set it up yourself, right? It's a pretty level playing field if you don't expect anyone to do your work for you.

No you cannot

those things do not work worth a darn!

I'm a developer myself and I know what im doing so dont fucking come here and advise me

you need something heavy duty not some fucking quatloo trader GTFO

look how ryan was mocking us the other day by posting this, look what these guys are doing

On January 23rd, SPR ( fell into a quagmire of what seemed to be an endless pit of decline, and as a rule – the ‘majority’ of traders in this market believe that a decline in price is “irreversible,” which is interestingly what causes them to refer to coins like this as “dead,” whilst skilled traders refer to coins that are in this type of condition as “cheap” and therefore ripe for accumulation. (

Starting on January 23rd, SPR declined from 69,960 Satoshi by 96% and settled at 2,507 Satoshi on March 12th.

do you think some fucking cat trader or quatloo trader can do that?

get real! that is more than a 90 PERCENT fall right there

these people are running riot in this place and no one is putting a leash on them

Title: Re: Ryan Pumper "Pumpgroup" SCAM
Post by: escrow.dude on April 29, 2015, 02:20:26 PM
you people do not listin?

i told you they want to control

this is what they plan for us here


No more pump here from this groups No more pump,for you people you make money, but someone else will lost monye

This is not fair way to do here. It should be fair and open for everyone here to do their own business not because you pump groups want to do secret deals on us

I keep to say here and I will never remove! You will make money but we who cannot afford you, we do not know which of the coin that you are pumping so yes we are angry with you people because it is not fair to us

Maybe you do here for free for us at least maybe once or two time, or you just want us to look you make money?

if you do not than i am sure that is you people do not care about us you only want to be here for pump and dump and this is not honest

I do not care if you make million dollar here if it is dirty then it is not clean and honest money so i will not

Leave this place for us to do honest trading, no more pump here

Title: Re: Ryan Pumper "Pumpgroup" SCAM
Post by: inigthz on April 29, 2015, 02:36:00 PM
Just wanted to inform you guys, don't do any business with Ryan Pumper....;u=369209

It's a total scam, the fee to enter is 0.5 BTC per week. This is obviously a ridiculous high amount.

All you get is some useless obvious information about trading on exchanges. He also provides you with coins you should buy, and at which prices. I bought like 4 coins he mentioned, at the given price. All coins have continued to decline lower.

Its also a pain in the ass to communicate with this guy, he just doesn't reply to PM's for days.

If you take a look at his website, you can see all these great profits of 1000's of %'s he makes. He is literaly pulling these numbers out of his ass.
I've also spoken to other "members" on the chatbox on his website. All agreed that Ryans pumpers group is a shady business.

From his Bitcoin-address, we can tell that he has allready made alot of victims. Most of the victims sign up for 1 week, take their losses and leave:

Be warned! Don't fall for this SCAM.

Thanks for your sacrifice.  ;)

Title: Re: Ryan Pumper "Pumpgroup" SCAM
Post by: Zangelbert Bingledack on April 29, 2015, 03:14:12 PM
You need only look at his claimed results, up thousands of percent ( every single month, to know this is a scam.

If you had started with $1 and invested it with him for the past 8 months, you would have roughly $1 trillion now according to his numbers. Think about it. It's not mathematically possible, and he sure as hell wouldn't need to bother offering a 0.5 BTC/week subscription service. He'd be the richest man in crypto.

It looks like additionally this guy has mastered the sockpuppet game and even has "contrary opinions" that talk about how he "shouldn't be allowed to get away with his amazing pumps." Designed to make it look like the only opposition he has is that people are jealous of his gains.

The altcoin space is dominated by the idea that someone's out there making more money than you. Just relax, find good assets yourself, buy and sit tight for a few years. I recommend Bitcoin ;D

As cypherdoc says, despite the historic bull market of adoption, most people will lose money in this space. There are so many ways to get fooled if you're looking to get rich quick. You have to be willing to get rich slow. Over several years, not months.

Title: Re: Ryan Pumper "Pumpgroup" SCAM
Post by: JackRipper on April 29, 2015, 03:27:52 PM
Anybody with reasonable intelligence can see that his numbers don't add up. If Xcoin sees a 200% gain last week and Ycoin sees a 300% gain during the same period, he would call that a 500% gain. The reality is that it's. 250% gain because you can't be all-in on both coins at the same time.

Title: Re: Ryan Pumper "Pumpgroup" SCAM
Post by: Balkhole on April 29, 2015, 04:34:43 PM
If you had started with $1 and invested it with him for the past 8 months, you would have roughly $1 trillion now according to his numbers. Think about it. It's not mathematically possible

you're wrong actually

take a glimse

Title: Re: Ryan Pumper "Pumpgroup" SCAM
Post by: cryptic4000 on April 29, 2015, 04:55:45 PM
So basically he collects 0.5 btc (Scam#1) from people to trick them to invest (Scam#2) but actually dumping on them.

Title: Re: Ryan Pumper "Pumpgroup" SCAM
Post by: JackRipper on April 29, 2015, 05:24:43 PM
So basically he collects 0.5 btc (Scam#1) from people to trick them to invest (Scam#2) but actually dumping on them.

That's exactly what he does. He gets them coming and going.

Title: Re: Ryan Pumper "Pumpgroup" SCAM
Post by: michietn94 on April 29, 2015, 05:44:16 PM
So basically he collects 0.5 btc (Scam#1) from people to trick them to invest (Scam#2) but actually dumping on them.

That's exactly what he does. He gets them coming and going.

I think he have done with this business for a long time.
I'm wondering if there will be any clarification from Ryan cs regarding this accusations

Title: Re: Ryan Pumper "Pumpgroup" SCAM
Post by: Zoomer on April 29, 2015, 06:02:20 PM
Balkhole is a ryan shill that is his trick when he see he is being outed he comes out with a massive wall of bollox which screams profit so obvious just give up and stop scamming you bum. Spending all your time talking to yourself with your shills pffffft

Title: Re: Ryan Pumper "Pumpgroup" SCAM
Post by: BTCvsALTCOINS on April 29, 2015, 06:05:56 PM
Come on guys whoever falls for this guys circus deserves to lose money! The fact is that most of these lose there funds week1 then he tells them it sometime takes time and they buy in for another 0.5btc and then buy even more of his garbage lol Fools will be parted from their funds say no more.

Title: Re: Ryan Pumper "Pumpgroup" SCAM
Post by: darkangel11 on April 29, 2015, 06:57:38 PM
Come on guys whoever falls for this guys circus deserves to lose money! The fact is that most of these lose there funds week1 then he tells them it sometime takes time and they buy in for another 0.5btc and then buy even more of his garbage lol Fools will be parted from their funds say no more.

He made over 160 BTC giving bad advice to his customers, that's a dream job! I could do the same for less, let's say 0.2BTC. I'll be available 12h a day if you have any questions and pick some coins every day for you to buy (at random) everything fair and square.  ::)

Title: Re: Ryan Pumper "Pumpgroup" SCAM
Post by: BTCvsALTCOINS on May 01, 2015, 08:56:50 PM
Come on guys whoever falls for this guys circus deserves to lose money! The fact is that most of these lose there funds week1 then he tells them it sometime takes time and they buy in for another 0.5btc and then buy even more of his garbage lol Fools will be parted from their funds say no more.

He made over 160 BTC giving bad advice to his customers, that's a dream job! I could do the same for less, let's say 0.2BTC. I'll be available 12h a day if you have any questions and pick some coins every day for you to buy (at random) everything fair and square.  ::)

Yes he made well over 160btc because just the 0.5btc entry fee was peanuts to the 2-5-10btc that members purchased his shitty listed coins and 100-200% profit, thousands of bitcoin he has made the scumbag.

Title: Re: Ryan Pumper "Pumpgroup" SCAM
Post by: jerelimZ on May 01, 2015, 08:59:34 PM
Come on guys whoever falls for this guys circus deserves to lose money! The fact is that most of these lose there funds week1 then he tells them it sometime takes time and they buy in for another 0.5btc and then buy even more of his garbage lol Fools will be parted from their funds say no more.

He made over 160 BTC giving bad advice to his customers, that's a dream job! I could do the same for less, let's say 0.2BTC. I'll be available 12h a day if you have any questions and pick some coins every day for you to buy (at random) everything fair and square.  ::)

me too. 160 btc is life changing to me and i could even buy a new car my car is 20 years old :( but ryan is no good pumper. Iconic Expert or Wolong or Bob Surplus or Prom are good pumpers. they make millions i think.

Title: Re: Ryan Pumper "Pumpgroup" SCAM
Post by: JackRipper on May 01, 2015, 09:07:14 PM
Come on guys whoever falls for this guys circus deserves to lose money! The fact is that most of these lose there funds week1 then he tells them it sometime takes time and they buy in for another 0.5btc and then buy even more of his garbage lol Fools will be parted from their funds say no more.

He made over 160 BTC giving bad advice to his customers, that's a dream job! I could do the same for less, let's say 0.2BTC. I'll be available 12h a day if you have any questions and pick some coins every day for you to buy (at random) everything fair and square.  ::)

me too. 160 btc is life changing to me and i could even buy a new car my car is 20 years old :( but ryan is no good pumper. Iconic Expert or Wolong or Bob Surplus or Prom are good pumpers. they make millions i think.

As pumpers go, Iconic Expert doesn't even come close to Wolong or Bob Surplus. He dabbled in it a little but that was it.

Title: Re: Ryan Pumper "Pumpgroup" SCAM
Post by: jerelimZ on May 01, 2015, 09:11:57 PM
Come on guys whoever falls for this guys circus deserves to lose money! The fact is that most of these lose there funds week1 then he tells them it sometime takes time and they buy in for another 0.5btc and then buy even more of his garbage lol Fools will be parted from their funds say no more.

He made over 160 BTC giving bad advice to his customers, that's a dream job! I could do the same for less, let's say 0.2BTC. I'll be available 12h a day if you have any questions and pick some coins every day for you to buy (at random) everything fair and square.  ::)

me too. 160 btc is life changing to me and i could even buy a new car my car is 20 years old :( but ryan is no good pumper. Iconic Expert or Wolong or Bob Surplus or Prom are good pumpers. they make millions i think.

As pumpers go, Iconic Expert doesn't even come close to Wolong or Bob Surplus. He dabbled in it a little but that was it.

Ok then we can leave Iconic Expert out then but you get me that ryan is no good pumper.

Title: Re: Ryan Pumper "Pumpgroup" SCAM
Post by: CryptoJerk on May 01, 2015, 09:19:23 PM
Come on guys whoever falls for this guys circus deserves to lose money! The fact is that most of these lose there funds week1 then he tells them it sometime takes time and they buy in for another 0.5btc and then buy even more of his garbage lol Fools will be parted from their funds say no more.

He made over 160 BTC giving bad advice to his customers, that's a dream job! I could do the same for less, let's say 0.2BTC. I'll be available 12h a day if you have any questions and pick some coins every day for you to buy (at random) everything fair and square.  ::)

Yes he made well over 160btc because just the 0.5btc entry fee was peanuts to the 2-5-10btc that members purchased his shitty listed coins and 100-200% profit, thousands of bitcoin he has made the scumbag.

true any idiot can see it

they are just here for the money the whole lot of them

we have to worry even more about his members who he is fucking training how to manipulate prices on his website, that is what we must stop right now TODAY if possible

they are all shitbags him and his members, they dont give a SHIT about crypto they only care about the money

we have to bring that whole thing to an end

im sure my developer friends and cohorts will agree?

if these little idiots keep buying us out of our own coins then what the fuck is the point of us still donig this?

they are liquidity takers and they are fucking parasites on every coin that is out there

this is not just my problem

if you develop then you should be just as pissed off as i am

Title: Re: Ryan Pumper "Pumpgroup" SCAM
Post by: BTCfaucetTIME on May 01, 2015, 09:29:59 PM
look at this one
us who develop after we sell and leave coin these group they will come absorb supply from bottom entire supply
then like selfish they will hold for themselves and not even give to us who made the coin a small portion for show respect
this is gang trading that they do and then they will take their profit and ryan pumper will uses his software to cause price to fall
he will only tell insider which price they will buy and they do entire thing over again too many time
just look if they do not do what they do all the coins will dead and gone from market
but these people they will keep using same coin pumping again too many time so it never delist
this i think is problem for us that build coin

If you had started with $1 and invested it with him for the past 8 months, you would have roughly $1 trillion now according to his numbers. Think about it. It's not mathematically possible

you're wrong actually

take a glimse

Title: Re: Ryan Pumper "Pumpgroup" SCAM
Post by: CryptoJerk on May 01, 2015, 09:35:31 PM
look at this one
us who develop after we sell and leave coin these group they will come absorb supply from bottom entire supply
then like selfish they will hold for themselves and not even give to us who made the coin a small portion for show respect
this is gang trading that they do and then they will take their profit and ryan pumper will uses his software to cause price to fall
he will only tell insider which price they will buy and they do entire thing over again too many time
just look if they do not do what they do all the coins will dead and gone from market
but these people they will keep using same coin pumping again too many time so it never delist
this i think is problem for us that build coin

They are hijacking all the coins its so obvious that this is what they want to do

just look at how many coins they have bought since last year

why are they doing this what is their goal?

they are trying to dominate the whole market for themselves and because they can initiate price declines this is way too much power for one group to have in my opinion and I think that every developer should stop them NOW

this is a developers market not a traders market and they are creating a situation where developers are getting pushed to the side

this is getting out of hand

eventually we wont be able to do a damn thing to stop them

when that happens, don't say I didn't warn you all

let us all come together and ACT NOW before its too late

Title: Re: Ryan Pumper "Pumpgroup" SCAM
Post by: OBAViJEST on May 02, 2015, 02:48:26 AM
If you had started with $1 and invested it with him for the past 8 months, you would have roughly $1 trillion now according to his numbers. Think about it. It's not mathematically possible

you're wrong actually

take a glimse


That's literally the fifth time in the past two days I've seen those images posted in defense of ryan's abnormally small member.  Is this supposed to be some undeniable, universally-accepted truth that just shuts down anyone who doesn't fall for this blatant scam?

I've said it before, and I'll say it again:  it's embarrassingly obvious, after reading 'pumper's dicks', that the same lone loser is masquerading behind a massive number of alt-accounts.  Click on a couple random pages of the thread, and read a couple different user's posts in your head - the bozo doesn't even try to change his style of speech.  It's so horribly obvious, especially considering the fact that so many of those fake accounts use so many similar (shitty tumblr) gifs. 

At this point, whomever gives BTC to that guy deserves the loss...but that doesn't mean he shouldn't be stopped.  Maybe he's in on a deal with the mods?

Title: Re: Ryan Pumper "Pumpgroup" SCAM
Post by: OBAViJEST on May 02, 2015, 02:50:39 AM
you people do not listin?

i told you they want to control

this is what they plan for us here


No more pump here from this groups No more pump,for you people you make money, but someone else will lost monye

This is not fair way to do here. It should be fair and open for everyone here to do their own business not because you pump groups want to do secret deals on us

I keep to say here and I will never remove! You will make money but we who cannot afford you, we do not know which of the coin that you are pumping so yes we are angry with you people because it is not fair to us

Maybe you do here for free for us at least maybe once or two time, or you just want us to look you make money?

if you do not than i am sure that is you people do not care about us you only want to be here for pump and dump and this is not honest

I do not care if you make million dollar here if it is dirty then it is not clean and honest money so i will not

Leave this place for us to do honest trading, no more pump here


the more unethical business is allowed here, the worse off we all are.  That shit makes everyone look bad, and we'll all eventually suffer if it continues to be allowed here.

Title: Re: Ryan Pumper "Pumpgroup" SCAM
Post by: d0om on May 02, 2015, 03:26:46 AM
While I don't support his actions, he does his work artfully so to speak... I mean, you attract customers by bragging about how good you are at manipulation, and then the "customers" with empty pockets several months down the road get mad and accuse him of being... Manipulative.

Title: Re: Ryan Pumper "Pumpgroup" SCAM
Post by: CryptoJerk on May 02, 2015, 11:07:09 AM
look at this one
us who develop after we sell and leave coin these group they will come absorb supply from bottom entire supply
then like selfish they will hold for themselves and not even give to us who made the coin a small portion for show respect
this is gang trading that they do and then they will take their profit and ryan pumper will uses his software to cause price to fall
he will only tell insider which price they will buy and they do entire thing over again too many time
just look if they do not do what they do all the coins will dead and gone from market
but these people they will keep using same coin pumping again too many time so it never delist
this i think is problem for us that build coin

If you had started with $1 and invested it with him for the past 8 months, you would have roughly $1 trillion now according to his numbers. Think about it. It's not mathematically possible

you're wrong actually

take a glimse

they have systematically hijacked the movement of all of these coins plus the 200 other coins that they have "accumulated"

ryan is part of a larger network of exchange owners and manipulators thats why he speaks about the "connections" that "exist" in the market

him and his group buy up all the coins at the bottom every time (how the fuck do you think he pinpoints the bottom every single time) look clearly at those images every time he send his "picks" it is always at the bottom (how does he know this?)

i have sat and watched his every move for 8 months straight and he has been doing this from the start, we have all seen him spit out a pick and we will ridicule the pick and laugh, but always always that coin gains plus 500% value? I have sat and watch this and i know that this is impossible unless he is working hand in hand with exchanges and all the other pumpers in crypto

thats why he calls it pumpers "picks", pumpers pick the coins him and his group have already bought so they make money without doing anything

and cause he is the only one with this knowledge it is only him and his group buying at those levels so they are hijacking the total supply of coins systematically

when a coin pumps they generate a few hundred btcs and then what happens?

ryan puts his little shitty bots to work and initiates a price decline at whichever price he decides is "the top" and noobs start to battle with his bots and that takes the price down lower

and then he sends out his picks to his members and they are the only ones that buy at the bottom so they sit back laughing at the rest of us who are trying to trade in a natural way because to them, they have already won

so they dont even care about pumps, the couple hundred btcs they generate is peanuts compared to what they will make once that have hijaked the supply of all the available coins

outsiders will not even stand a chance against this shitty little group

why do you think eveyone who isnt in his group keeps losing? this is WIDESCALE manipulation

and it is hurting developers the most, so lets DO SOMETHING ABOUT THIS before its too late

Title: Re: Ryan Pumper "Pumpgroup" SCAM
Post by: ClownHunter on May 02, 2015, 11:18:09 AM
they have systematically hijacked the movement of all of these coins plus the 200 other coins that they have "accumulated"

ryan is part of a larger network of exchange owners and manipulators thats why he speaks about the "connections" that "exist" in the market

him and his group buy up all the coins at the bottom every time (how the fuck do you think he pinpoints the bottom every single time) look clearly at those images every time he send his "picks" it is always at the bottom (how does he know this?)

i have sat and watched his every move for 8 months straight and he has been doing this from the start, we have all seen him spit out a pick and we will ridicule the pick and laugh, but always always that coin gains plus 500% value? I have sat and watch this and i know that this is impossible unless he is working hand in hand with exchanges and all the other pumpers in crypto

thats why he calls it pumpers "picks", pumpers pick the coins him and his group have already bought so they make money without doing anything

and cause he is the only one with this knowledge it is only him and his group buying at those levels so they are hijacking the total supply of coins systematically

when a coin pumps they generate a few hundred btcs and then what happens?

ryan puts his little shitty bots to work and initiates a price decline at whichever price he decides is "the top" and noobs start to battle with his bots and that takes the price down lower

and then he sends out his picks to his members and they are the only ones that buy at the bottom so they sit back laughing at the rest of us who are trying to trade in a natural way because to them, they have already won

so they dont even care about pumps, the couple hundred btcs they generate is peanuts compared to what they will make once that have hijaked the supply of all the available coins

outsiders will not even stand a chance against this shitty little group

why do you think eveyone who isnt in his group keeps losing? this is WIDESCALE manipulation

and it is hurting developers the most, so lets DO SOMETHING ABOUT THIS before its too late

lol if you spent as much time analyzing the market as you do analyzing ryan, you'd be a millionaire by now :D

Title: Re: Ryan Pumper "Pumpgroup" SCAM
Post by: spartak_t on May 03, 2015, 08:24:29 AM
If we talk about pumpers, no one of mentioned can be compared with Wolong. Look on what he did with Doge and later with Panda.

Title: Re: Ryan Pumper "Pumpgroup" SCAM
Post by: ed_teech on May 03, 2015, 09:08:58 AM
Ryan is a SCAM. Anybody who claims he can predict the market AND charges you for this is a SCAMMER.

Title: Re: Ryan Pumper "Pumpgroup" SCAM
Post by: alice chan on May 03, 2015, 10:38:04 AM
If we talk about pumpers, no one of mentioned can be compared with Wolong. Look on what he did with Doge and later with Panda.

Wolong was never consistent same with the other names. All most of them ever did was tell you something was happening while it was happening. Do you know why Ryan unbuckles his pants and pisses on all of them? Cos he tells you about a pump days....... weeks....... months before it happens

All of the names mentioned dibbled and dabbled here and there, one call here another there, like a priest in the ancient times who could read astrology and so knew when a total eclipse was going to occur. So he threatened the population into praising god or the world would be "cast into darkness". And then in the morning, right at 9am, the sky is turned pitch black (by a solar eclipse) and the priest is hailed as a prophet. But he isn't a prophet he just knows what to look for, he cant create an eclipse at will

Ryan on the other hand has created pumps out of thin air for 9 months in a row, at will.

He gave away 0.5btc each time he got 100% profit from a trade for 7 days in a row, no pumper has ever done that because they don't trade :)

He even teaches others how to trade exactly how he does (
Private Group Round Up


Total Gains: 3,310%

Week Beginning: 04/20
Week Ending: 04/26
Return: 1,132%

Week Beginning: 04/13
Week Ending: 04/19
Return: 678%

Week Beginning: 04/06
Week Ending: 04/12
Return: 788%

Week Beginning: 03/30
Week Ending: 04/05
Return: 712%

Total Gains: 4,110%

Week Beginning: 03/23
Week Ending: 03/29
Return: 1,007%

Week Beginning: 03/16
Week Ending: 03/22
Return: 2,018%

Week Beginning: 03/09
Week Ending: 03/15
Return: 431%

Week Beginning: 03/02
Week Ending: 03/08
Return: 654%

Total Gains: 3,004%

Week Beginning: 02/23
Week Ending: 03/01
Return: 557%

Week Beginning: 02/16
Week Ending: 02/22
Return: 738%

Week Beginning: 02/09
Week Ending: 02/15
Coins: 10K, NKT, 2015, LTCD, CSD, XTR
Return: 976%

Week Beginning: 02/02
Week Ending: 02/08
Coins: GNS, ICG, EXCL, VTC, 2015
Return: 733%

Total Gains: 4,492%

Week Beginning: 01/26
Week Ending: 02/01
Coins: EXCL, SBIT, CAM, GP, FSC2, OPTI, IOC, 2015, DGD
Return: 917%

Week Beginning: 01/19
Week Ending: 01/25
Return: 780%

Week Beginning: 01/12
Week Ending: 01/18
Return: 631%

Week Beginning: 01/05
Week Ending: 01/11
Return: 1,008%

Week Beginning: 12/29
Week Ending: 01/04
Return: 1,102%


Total Gains: 3,040%

Week Beginning: 12/22
Week Ending: 12/28
Return: 741%

Week Beginning: 12/15
Week Ending: 12/21
Return: 705%

Week Beginning: 12/08
Week Ending: 12/14
Return: 667%

Week Beginning: 12/01
Week Ending: 12/07
Return: 927%

Total Gains: 4,569%

Week Beginning: 11/24
Week Ending: 11/30
Return: 767%

Week Beginning: 11/17
Week Ending: 11/23
Return: 947%

Week Beginning: 11/10
Week Ending: 11/16
Return: 735%

Week Beginning: 11/03
Week Ending: 11/09
Return: 1,127%

Week Beginning: 10/27
Week Ending: 11/02
Return: 993%

Total Gains: 5,582%

Week Beginning: 10/20
Week Ending: 10/26
Return: 1,319%

Week Beginning: 10/13
Week Ending: 10/19
Return: 1,717%

Week Beginning: 10/06
Week Ending: 10/12
Return: 1,334%

Week Beginning: 09/29
Week Ending: 10/05
Return: 1,212%

Total Gains: 4,760%

Week Beginning: 09/22
Week Ending: 09/27
Return: 1,753%

Week Beginning: 09/15
Week Ending: 09/20
Return: 945%

Week Beginning: 09/08
Week Ending: 09/14
Return: 523%

Week Beginning: 09/01
Week Ending: 09/07
Return: 1,539% (


April: 3,310%
Click for more (

March: 4,110%
Click for more (

February: 3,004%
Click for more (

January: 4,492%
Click for more (


December: 3,040%
Click for more (

November: 4,569%
Click for more (

October: 5,582%
Click for more (

September: 4,760%
Click for more (


Hey Ryan,
Fellow trader here. I use similar strategies as you, it is all a common sense game. One of the biggest tips to newbie investors is to not over-hold! If you can make a quick 20%, do not be afraid to sell, because if you try to hold until that 40% the chances are you will lose.

Also, check into Intellicoin ;) Seems to have real potential

Dr. Coin

RyanPumper. You have a new follower here. Incredible tradings, keep doing that way ;)

As someone new to all this, I'm finding your info helpful.

Really good info in this thread, I'll keep checking back

PM sent. Great advice so far!

Really good info in this thread, I will join  ;D
any tips for tonight into tomorrow morning?

Nice calls. Right on the money!  8)

I learned a lot reading this thread. Today is a new day so I am rethinking my loosing strategy's  8)

Really nice work here Ryan, rethinking my entire approach to trading, thanks :)
Perhaps you could talk us through a chart to spot obvious patterns?

Great trades as always. Keep showing us your trades, master.

KORE is flying

XSt is a great call ryan. If you swing trade though you wont see the full potential but you'll still make money. XST is a true ANON winner. Peer reviews done on the code and the dev is highly respected by some of the greatest minds on the forum.


I agree with your simple volume strategies, Ryan.

Watching :)

Xst is holding like a champ ryan... good call on that one.

Just turned 0.8 btc into 4 btc this week ;D ;D so i'm building my trading pot. This is my third week on the team

I like the trade info. It good sound advice.

I went with KORE.
Noticed some talk about it on Twitter, also seems they are releasing their wallet with Anon VOIP on the 15th of sept.
Bought myself some shares earlier .. just watching it go up slowly now.

Signed up for my 2nd week...the knowledge I have learnt from Ryan has helped my trading massively

hello ryan
thanks for your alert on kore
what about next coin ? what do you think about ioc / xbot / shade ?

Would just like to say thank you Ryan, all of the tips you've given so far have helped me realise potential trades.
I've noticed patterns and trend changes quite quicker than I used to and have a rough idea of where the market is going.

That being said I have made no money this week, I set my buy orders too low on a few coins the day/night before they rally'd up. Knowing I could've made money this week is a much better feeling than losing.
Most of the activity happens between 8 & 10am my time and I'm usually in bed till gone 12, need to change that if I want to get in at the start of a rally.

I'd definitely recommend others to take a step back and see what happens.

Thanks. :)

- BenedictLol

Hey Ryan thanks for the heads up on SDC that was my first big profit. I like the whole get in early on the way up then exit, then get back in when the price crashes to make additional money from the rebound.

after parlaying 0.3 btc into 1.7 btc with only two trades of the same coin I feel like theres so much more i can do. Hopefully every trade will be this easy lool

looking forward to the rest of the week

in his "picks of the week" he PMed on the 6th of Sept he said to get into KORE, anything under 20k would be great.
Later that day it was sitting at 16k, slowly went up to 20K.
If you got in early and held on to it till KORE was getting near their anon VoIP wallet you'd have been able to sell early and exit at 30k (like I did) or play hard and get 33k+ out of it (it spiked at 35k about 3 hours ago).

Yep 0.5BTC is a big price if you're a small time trader like me, but for those who wanna play big, cheap ticket to more profit.

If you are already disciplined in your approach to trading then I would recommend Ryan (to make money with).
If you are a complete newbie who wants to learn about this sort of trading and eliminate common mistakes, with the possiblility of making the .5btc back I would also recommend him.

Ryan Pumper,

Just wanted to say great trading thread, I have learned a lot.
I would like to receive your PICK OF THE WEEK in pm if its still open.


great picks!!

very impressive so far Ryan. Started the week with .6 btc and traded up to 3.7 btc. I was pushing for a full 4 btc which is a nice round number LOL :D but can't complain. Really impressed because i came in with average expectations which you surpassed by miles. Thanks for your help today as well, it was very much appreciated.

I made 254% on cnd. I' m very happy with that. :)


First of all, thanks for the info you are sharing. Please keep posting the older info, I like this thread, I use it to learn, not to trade YET.

Second: for the giveaway, the only requirement is retweet? More retweets increase the chance? Or..?


I made 60% on FTC this week due to your tips. Thanks RYAN PUMPER.

Hey there, would love to hear what your picks of the week are.  Been watching some of the ones you've mentioned in your thread and I made a bit with them so far.

I am looking forward to your pick of the week !

i watch your thread everyday and learn so many tips
i think this time will be ioc, right ?

Read through your thread..wish i came across it sooner. Very solid.  ;)

Hi Guys, Ryan Pumper here... I’m an Altcoin hoarder/investor. I have been in Crypto since July 2013.. Bought 1000 bucks worth of BTC after reading the whitepaper – then came November and my original $1000 had gone up nearly 10 times. At that point, I put down everything and went all in.

Most of my time is spent perusing the Alt scene, and I’ve picked up on a lot of things along the way that for some reason aren’t commonly referenced or brought up at all within the community. I see some people who say they have never made any money trading Alts – which blows my mind because I feel that even the most novice trader can pull 100% a day from Crypto – and that’s me being quite conservative.

Anyway, I’ll be posting my trades, and suggestions on a daily basis and talking you guys through the thought process behind them. My personal target is 100% per day minimum.. and I know that if you guys understand the basic principles behind each one of my trades, then you too will be making 100% per day.

Twtter: @Pumper_Ryan ( follow for daily picks, and updates.

31 Aug - 01 Sep
Total return: 133%


Out of every coin that I’ve traded or invested in – my largest reward, bar none, has come from BTCD. I have a long position in BTCD, not only that but I’ve been playing the swings every day since July to maximize my returns. This has been the most consistent performer on so many different levels.

My decision to get into this coin in the first place was based on the fact that it was behaving exactly like Vericoin (VRC). If you remember, Vericoin had its first rally and then continued on upwards from there. I know several people who made 10 – 20Xs their money during VRC’s heyday. These guys were literally minting Bitcoins every time VRC rallied.

BTCD had its first rally and then formed a very strong uptrend. I was constantly monitoring the volume, and saw an almost 1:1 match with the data I had for VRC back when it was building up steam. So, I bit the bullet and put all I had into this coin...

and, to cut a long story short, BTCD is still trending upwards today.

Overall, there is a lot of money to be had from trading Crypto intra-day and taking advantage of scalping opportunities but I tell you, there are coins out there that perform better over the long-term than they do intra-day, and THESE are the coins that you can pull gargantuan returns from. It’s just a matter of taking the time out to analyse the entire market and that consists of tracking data, keeping records of things such as m/cap and volume etc.. that way you can tell instantly when you have a home-run opportunity in front of you.


Simple play here. HAL put up a brilliant performance all week and had a lot of Organic volume – indicating genuine demand from the average market participant. I knew that the volume would dip during the weekend, which would cause a certain amount of traders to start selling off their positions thus bringing the price slightly lower than it should be after such a fantastic week.

As predicted, the price began to fall below the consensus set during the week.. and as there was actually genuine demand for this coin I knew that, if the price went low enough, another flash rally would ensue. Which is what ended up happening.

18% isn’t much but considering that many people dumped out at a loss, 18% is just fine for me.


If you trade Crypto on a daily basis, then I’m sure you have several Lowball Bids placed on a variety of coins. For me, one of those coins was VOOT.

There isn’t actually much demand for VOOT at all, but VOOT was in the limelight this weekend as there was a community takeover – or something to that effect going on. So as soon as I heard about that I placed a bunch of lowball Bids on VOOT.

One of them triggered... the priced bounced back to normal levels, then a small rally ensued. Needless to say, I took profit immediately.

Tip: When trying to lowball a coin, look at the current market price and think to yourself; if I bought in at this price, what would be the worst case scenario? If people started dumping and the price starts to fall, what price point would make me the most uncomfortable... THATS where you place your bid. You might not get hit all of the time, but when you do – you can easily find yourself up 15 – 30% within minutes provided that there is genuine demand for that particular coin.

Title: Re: Ryan Pumper "Pumpgroup" SCAM
Post by: spartak_t on May 03, 2015, 11:04:46 AM
If we talk about pumpers, no one of mentioned can be compared with Wolong. Look on what he did with Doge and later with Panda.
Wolong was never consistent same with the other names. All most of them ever did was tell you something was happening while it was happening.

It doesn't have to be consistent. I meant pumps and his wallet in general. It's like comparing Warren Buffett with average stock trader. When Wolong made pumps, BTC was at different price and we are talking about 100s of thousands $... maybe even millions.

Title: Re: Ryan Pumper "Pumpgroup" SCAM
Post by: CryptoJerk on May 03, 2015, 11:19:12 AM
If we talk about pumpers, no one of mentioned can be compared with Wolong. Look on what he did with Doge and later with Panda.
Wolong was never consistent same with the other names. All most of them ever did was tell you something was happening while it was happening.

It doesn't have to be consistent. I meant pumps and his wallet in general. It's like comparing Warren Buffett with average stock trader. When Wolong made pumps, BTC was at different price and we are talking about 100s of thousands $... maybe even millions.

lol i could never worship another man like this, this is borderline homoerotic

no one in crypto is on warrent buffets level

all pump and dumpers eat shit for breakfast

why dont you talk about what YOU have personally done

sheesh all this talk about other men is starting to make me sick

how many fucking threads am i going to see dedicated to ryan pumper?

what is he the god of crypto or something?

Wolong was never consistent same with the other names. All most of them ever did was tell you something was happening while it was happening. Do you know why Ryan unbuckles his pants and pisses on all of them? Cos he tells you about a pump days....... weeks....... months before it happens

All of the names mentioned dibbled and dabbled here and there, one call here another there, like a priest in the ancient times who could read astrology and so knew when a total eclipse was going to occur. So he threatened the population into praising god or the world would be "cast into darkness". And then in the morning, right at 9am, the sky is turned pitch black (by a solar eclipse) and the priest is hailed as a prophet. But he isn't a prophet he just knows what to look for, he cant create an eclipse at will

Ryan on the other hand has created pumps out of thin air for 9 months in a row, at will.

He gave away 0.5btc each time he got 100% profit from a trade for 7 days in a row, no pumper has ever done that because they don't trade :)

He even teaches others how to trade exactly how he does

Yah I would be consistent to if i was working with exchange owners and manipulating all the coins and at the same time capturing all of the volume on bittrex for myself and followers, i would be pretty darn consistent too

i dont care how many times ryan his given away money

if it's money he got by manipulating someone elses coin then it's still money he got by cheating the system

he throws money around because he doesn't even value the importance of money because it is "#tooeasy" for him and his shitty group to make, he is teaching the wrong attitude here. Money should be valued no matter how easy it was made

if you support a system cheater then thats on you

he is using bots, let him teach us everything about his bots thats what i want to know

Title: Re: Ryan Pumper "Pumpgroup" SCAM
Post by: spartak_t on May 03, 2015, 11:55:02 AM

Your are really a jerk, but I feel the need to answer you.

1. I am not putting Wolong on Warren Buffett's level, because it will not be serious. It was just an example (expression).
2. I HATE pumpers and I have always said it. Comparing some people doesn't need that we love or worship them.
3. You want to talk about me? OK. In my real life I have investor, cryptocurrencies are currently my real job, he pays me salary on every 10 days and 30% of the profit. Last year we bought 48,000 euro worth of mining equipment. I have VAT registered company called Cryptoventures LRD and you can check the domain here ( You will find my personal information and you can understand If I'm joking or not.

Now please stop judging people by some posts!

Title: Re: Ryan Pumper "Pumpgroup" SCAM
Post by: CryptoJerk on May 03, 2015, 12:39:35 PM

Your are really a jerk, but I feel the need to answer you.

1. I am not putting Wolong on Warren Buffett's level, because it will not be serious. It was just an example (expression).
2. I HATE pumpers and I have always said it. Comparing some people doesn't need that we love or worship them.
3. You want to talk about me? OK. In my real life I have investor, cryptocurrencies are currently my real job, he pays me salary on every 10 days and 30% of the profit. Last year we bought 48,000 euro worth of mining equipment. I have VAT registered company called Cryptoventures LRD and you can check the domain here ( You will find my personal information and you can understand If I'm joking or not.

Now please stop judging people by some posts!

you are a stupid man

what nonsense are you speaking bro

Crypto is your job, and HE pays you? ON every 10 days? and 30% of the profit?  :D Did you drop out of school at the age of twelve?

any fool can register a company, and just because you are one of said fools who have registered a company doesn't mean your company makes any real money, or you would be working on your company and not worshiping other males on some online forum

you are out here on your knees with every pump and dumpers dick shoved deep into the back of your throat, you are nothing but a misguided lady boy

Any idiot with an internet connection can say he owns 48k worth of mining equipment why dont you take some pictures and show us some proof? Stand in front of your rigs and hold up a newpaper with todays date and also with a piece of paper showing your user name

you cant do that can you?

i wonder why :D

Title: Re: Ryan Pumper "Pumpgroup" SCAM
Post by: spartak_t on May 03, 2015, 12:53:00 PM
you are a stupid man

what nonsense are you speaking bro

Crypto is your job, and HE pays you? ON every 10 days? and 30% of the profit?  :D Did you drop out of school at the age of twelve?

any fool can register a company, and just because you are one of said fools who have registered a company doesn't mean your company makes any real money, or you would be working on your company and not worshiping other males on some online forum

you are out here on your knees with every pump and dumpers dick shoved deep into the back of your throat, you are nothing but a misguided lady boy

Any idiot with an internet connection can say he owns 48k worth of mining equipment why dont you take some pictures and show us some proof? Stand in front of your rigs and hold up a newpaper with todays date and also with a piece of paper showing your user name

you cant do that can you?

i wonder why :D

What I said was serious and I would advice you to be careful how you are addressing me, because in real life that "lady boy" (which is actually 34) can break your jaw.

Tomorrow I must go to office and I can easily make the pictures, but I don't feel the need doing it. ocminer and minerpools for example can confirm that I own 7 x 60MH A2 Terminator's. I have them since May 2014 and I travelled to Netherlands to buy them locally.

You can now continue to be jerk on other threads.

Take care.

Title: Re: Ryan Pumper "Pumpgroup" SCAM
Post by: OBAViJEST on May 03, 2015, 01:17:58 PM

Any idiot with an internet connection can say he owns 48k worth of mining equipment why dont you take some pictures and show us some proof? Stand in front of your rigs and hold up a newpaper with todays date and also with a piece of paper showing your user name

Honestly, 48k worth of mining equipment doesn't sound like enough to lie and brag about...even a used skid steer loader ( is 25k!

Title: Re: Ryan Pumper "Pumpgroup" SCAM
Post by: spartak_t on May 03, 2015, 01:30:41 PM
Honestly, 48k worth of mining equipment doesn't sound like enough to lie and brag about...even a used skid steer loader ( is 25k!

Despite your joke it was really something back in the days. Those ASICs were able to mine about $800-$1100/day worth of alts so...

Title: Re: Ryan Pumper "Pumpgroup" SCAM
Post by: jerelimZ on May 05, 2015, 12:25:49 AM
If we talk about pumpers, no one of mentioned can be compared with Wolong. Look on what he did with Doge and later with Panda.

Wolong was never consistent same with the other names. All most of them ever did was tell you something was happening

Are there sum pumpers that are consistent?  What about Prom or Bob?

I ask why, I wants to follow dem to learn this better much.

Title: Re: Ryan Pumper "Pumpgroup" SCAM
Post by: on May 05, 2015, 06:42:44 AM
If we talk about pumpers, no one of mentioned can be compared with Wolong. Look on what he did with Doge and later with Panda.

Wolong was never consistent same with the other names. All most of them ever did was tell you something was happening

Are there sum pumpers that are consistent?  What about Prom or Bob?

I ask why, I wants to follow dem to learn this better much.

If you read Ryan pumper picks thread (, you get good insight about market manipulation and how it works.

Title: Re: Ryan Pumper "Pumpgroup" SCAM
Post by: hellscabane on May 05, 2015, 03:10:31 PM
And the shills keep pouring in. Yay?

Ryan (Penis) Pumper and all of his shit-alts are so funny. At least it's a never-ending supply of popcorn.  ;D

Title: Re: Ryan Pumper "Pumpgroup" SCAM
Post by: BitcoiNaked on May 05, 2015, 08:23:42 PM
This looks like a fucking scam to me, i wanted to join but screw this shit.

Title: Re: Ryan Pumper "Pumpgroup" SCAM
Post by: Askuzai on May 05, 2015, 08:31:52 PM
I know it's a groundbreaking concept but instead of bitching why not take the 0.5 BTC and purchase bots of your own to automate your trading strategy. Also if you're paying attention to this thread, please head to the Pumper's Picks thread to see CryptoJerk borderline grovelling as he asks Ryan to let him join his team the past few days. Pure comedy from both sides on this one.

Title: Re: Ryan Pumper "Pumpgroup" SCAM
Post by: spartak_t on May 06, 2015, 06:23:36 AM
Just read through his thread, look at the coins hes talked about having several previous pumps and regular volume and the answer is there....Ryan has been kind enough to give this info for free....not sure why he gets so much hate

I don't personally hate him, but I don't like pumps. I can agree that sometimes coins need a pump to get traction, but calling yourself a pumper is not looking good in my eyes. Cryptocurrencies should not be considered only as a way to make fast/big profits.

Title: Re: Ryan Pumper "Pumpgroup" SCAM
Post by: CryptoJerk on May 06, 2015, 09:02:34 AM
Just read through his thread, look at the coins hes talked about having several previous pumps and regular volume and the answer is there....Ryan has been kind enough to give this info for free....not sure why he gets so much hate

he reveals too much

Title: Re: Ryan Pumper "Pumpgroup" SCAM
Post by: Namrekka on May 06, 2015, 09:12:10 AM

And....did you sell your soul to the devil?

Title: Re: Ryan Pumper "Pumpgroup" SCAM
Post by: Mayer Amschel on May 06, 2015, 09:15:41 AM
His thread is filled with atleast 15 accounts that keep it live. Obviously same person/group behind these accounts to lure in the noobs for 0.5 btc.

- Mayer Amschel

Title: Re: Ryan Pumper "Pumpgroup" SCAM
Post by: CryptoJerk on May 06, 2015, 09:24:06 AM

And....did you sell your soul to the devil?

Fuck off you piece of shit

I dont even know why i bother replying newbie accounts

Im not a broke peasant like you

do you think i care what a bunch of internrt nerds think about my decisions

Im not your friend so never get it confused

I do business and i make deals

Thats why i have more money than you, u dork

You can laugh and make fun of me all you like

When im on the internet im a boss when i get off the internet im still a boss

You only have balls when your on the interwebs

Now fuck off and go choke on a cock

Title: Re: Ryan Pumper "Pumpgroup" SCAM
Post by: Namrekka on May 06, 2015, 09:52:00 AM

And....did you sell your soul to the devil?

Fuck off you piece of shit

I dont even know why i bother replying newbie accounts

Im not a broke peasant like you

do you think i care what a bunch of internrt nerds think about my decisions

Im not your friend so never get it confused

I do business and i make deals

Thats why i have more money than you, u dork

You can laugh and make fun of me all you like

When im on the internet im a boss when i get off the internet im still a boss

You only have balls when your on the interwebs

Now fuck off and go choke on a cock

Excuse me!
It was just a question. Newbee? look at the registration date! And since when I'm a broken peasant? A discussion about who has more money? I guess I could be your a bit more respect please!

Title: Re: Ryan Pumper "Pumpgroup" SCAM
Post by: Hubus on May 06, 2015, 11:49:42 AM
Well, those greedy unfair liars are just parasites, feeding on others and leaving them bloodless. No need to look up at them, on the contrary.

Title: Re: Ryan Pumper "Pumpgroup" SCAM
Post by: Hubus on May 06, 2015, 12:13:21 PM

And....did you sell your soul to the devil?

Fuck off you piece of shit

Well, I do understand Namrekka's question, because the following seems "a bit" contradictory:

why do you think eveyone who isnt in his group keeps losing? this is WIDESCALE manipulation

and it is hurting developers the most, so lets DO SOMETHING ABOUT THIS before its too late

and then:

I have seen what you guys are doing and I have put some thought into what we can do together as a unit

what do you say ryan?

my bots + your bots, we come together and do some serious damage

im not backing down or anything i am just looking at the numbers

and maybe we can do some real business

you guys are trying to capture the daily volume on trex, i know this

so lets at least work together

i can bring something that is quite useful too

Is this ironic? Sarcastic? Maybe you can explain instead of throwing insults.

And: No, I did not follow the whole story from the beginning and don't know who is guilty or not, so I cannot really judge, but I got some bad feeling here in my short time in cryptocurrency and this forum already.

Title: Re: Ryan Pumper "Pumpgroup" SCAM
Post by: hellscabane on May 06, 2015, 03:09:55 PM
Lame...Fake drama.

So lame...

Might as well suck each other off or something, that'd at least be more entertaining than this bullshit drivel. Oh well, y'all are scammers so I guess that's what ya do.

Title: Re: Ryan Pumper "Pumpgroup" SCAM
Post by: Namrekka on May 06, 2015, 04:29:03 PM
Is this ironic? Sarcastic? Maybe you can explain instead of throwing insults.

And: No, I did not follow the whole story from the beginning and don't know who is guilty or not, so I cannot really judge, but I got some bad feeling here in my short time in cryptocurrency and this forum already.

It was just a question. Ok...a bit sarcastic but humorous meant. If you read the whole story you know why. I don't insult anyone of doing something. Everyone is free to do his business.

Title: Re: Ryan Pumper "Pumpgroup" SCAM
Post by: BillyBobZorton on May 06, 2015, 04:31:19 PM
Just wanted to inform you guys, don't do any business with Ryan Pumper....;u=369209

It's a total scam, the fee to enter is 0.5 BTC per week. This is obviously a ridiculous high amount.

All you get is some useless obvious information about trading on exchanges. He also provides you with coins you should buy, and at which prices. I bought like 4 coins he mentioned, at the given price. All coins have continued to decline lower.

Its also a pain in the ass to communicate with this guy, he just doesn't reply to PM's for days.

If you take a look at his website, you can see all these great profits of 1000's of %'s he makes. He is literaly pulling these numbers out of his ass.
I've also spoken to other "members" on the chatbox on his website. All agreed that Ryans pumpers group is a shady business.

From his Bitcoin-address, we can tell that he has allready made alot of victims. Most of the victims sign up for 1 week, take their losses and leave:

Be warned! Don't fall for this SCAM.

It's obvious, what would be their business if it isn't making more money from their fees than what they can offer with their so called pumps? There are way too many altcoins, they keep coming on a daily basis, not even being inside an "inner circle" of pumpers guarantee that they will do it right and it will turn out okay. Take into account to sell big amounts of shitcoin you need a big volume (people there that will buy your pumped shitcoins).

Title: Re: Ryan Pumper "Pumpgroup" SCAM
Post by: jerelimZ on May 09, 2015, 08:51:14 AM
I will to make my own pump group. If you want to get in send me a PM.

Title: Re: Ryan Pumper "Pumpgroup" SCAM
Post by: TheMystic on May 17, 2015, 05:44:45 PM
It looks like Ryan got tired of people caling him out, so he closed his thread and opened a self-moderated one.

Title: Re: Ryan Pumper "Pumpgroup" SCAM
Post by: CryptoJerk on May 17, 2015, 05:49:14 PM


fast money is dirty money people, use your heart and leave it alone

work hard and you will make it

dont sell your souls for cash (or bitcoins)

No it was actually a 53btc injection that pushed the price from 50 to 179

I don't care whatever you call it, accumulation or whatever. You fuckers have inside knowledge.

I am looking at the NKT chart now and I am seeing pre-buys where this group has been gathering coins. Loads of fucking pre buys since the 12th of jan, so "ryan" and his "group" obviously know something that they aren't telling us here.

It is insiders knowledge and "his group" obviously do know something that isn't being shared publicly. Thats the benefit of being in a private group i suppose ;)

Yeah so here you are bragging to everyone because you guys cheat the system every week am I supposed to be impressed or something?

I hate to discuss "private" matters here but I have personally worked with ryan before and I know how he operates. This is why I brought up bots and the whole 9. He's heavily into that shit because when you have your own servers you can work bots in multiple coins at a time without having to physically be there

You can setup your bots, head out to the beach (or whatever the fuck this guy does) and come home to 50btc of profit easily without breaking a sweat. You can do this every fucking day if you want

I am not a trader, I develop coins and make my money that way.

After working with ryan once on a "small job" that we paid him good money for (40btc) I used his services again to help my team accumulate a % of a certain coin. This is how I know ryan is working bots all over this market because with this coin that we were dealing with, you couldn't place a single sell order without 5 small orders undercutting you. Professional manipulation

He forced sell resistance higher with sell orders totaling 20btc which jammed up the coin and caused people to dump on our buys. Granted, the whole thing was done very impressively and he has obviously put together a pretty decent machine, no complaints there. What pissed me off is the total lack of empathy this guy has

His asking price for this service was 70btc to which we all agreed upon, we even ponied up 15btc upfront. Now with the price of this coin shot to shit, and the job done. Ryan, out of the fucking blue, asks for the remaining 65btc..... but how the fuck could we pay him right away without the price of the coin lifting first? I explained this to him 50 times but he didn't budge because he didn't "trust" us WTF ryan?

He kept his sell walls on the coin and kept his bots running.... basically holding us to ransom until we paid this 65btc

Now I'm all for manipulation, the market cant function without it. But what I value more than anything else is ethical manipulation, you don't break the gentleman's code over some BS like this

sure, maybe we should have had our shit together before bringing ryan on board but sometimes, in business, you have to understand that you need to take risks to make MORE money!! ryan didn't want to take that risk with us and basically hung us out to dry

We ended up paying him 10btc per day last week before he decided to remove his "sell pressure"

im sure ass kissers and cronies are thinking "if you want a service you have to pay for it" and "nothings for free" blah blah.. well fuck you! In business, it's give and take. Ryan wanted to get paid first and that's understandable, but we didn't have the dough to pay him so he could have helped us out on that front and given us a little leeway

i'm not a ryan hater like the rest... hell, the guy teaches how the market is manipulated and how to profit from it, that's respectable..  i have made good money here and there. I am just disappointed with the way he has treated my team and feel like it was wrong and could have been handled differently

great trader, but hes a miser and him and his group only make money because they manipulate the fuck out of this market. Every day they fill up on some random coin (like NKT). Then, out of the blue, this random shitcoin is pumping like hell and they only people that profit is ryan and his group,, not my type of scene

hell manipulation is there for all to see so I will profit from this regardless

You could even call me a manipulator, who gives a shit. In this market you're either fucking someone in the ass or getting fucked yourself. I don't care how much money you make in the process, if you get into bed with ryan you're shaking hands with the devil himself. I would much rather slug it out in the market and make money on my own, all it's gonna take is some elbow grease but im not scared to work hard. Fuck taking the easy route, that's for pussies who don't care about the guy the other side of the trade

Ryan is working bots galore all over this fucking market there is no way in fucking hell you can "predict" all of this shit every fucking month like this GTFO

there is something you idiots are doing to "make things happen" so just come out and fucking say it

you tell me you are just going to "predict" 200 pumps naturally? OH FUCKING PLEASE this is NOT natural! no way is this "natural" either you guys have inside information or you are working with outside whales because wtf??

there is no way you can make this kind of volume just appear out of the freaking blue like this yet every time it does, you fuckers just happen to "know" about it MONTHS before the rest of us? Yeah maybe i can understand you seeing some shit popping off with all the talk on twitter and then scoring some money from a quick pump

but to do this every month is complete and total manipulation of the market it is NOT natural so tell us ALL about the bots you are using so that we can get on a level playing field

NO ONE in this place should have ANY advantage

You do realize you can buy an advanced trade / arbitrage bot for less than half a BTC and set it up yourself, right? It's a pretty level playing field if you don't expect anyone to do your work for you.

No you cannot

those things do not work worth a darn!

I'm a developer myself and I know what im doing so dont fucking come here and advise me

you need something heavy duty not some fucking quatloo trader GTFO

look how ryan was mocking us the other day by posting this, look what these guys are doing

On January 23rd, SPR ( fell into a quagmire of what seemed to be an endless pit of decline, and as a rule – the ‘majority’ of traders in this market believe that a decline in price is “irreversible,” which is interestingly what causes them to refer to coins like this as “dead,” whilst skilled traders refer to coins that are in this type of condition as “cheap” and therefore ripe for accumulation. (

Starting on January 23rd, SPR declined from 69,960 Satoshi by 96% and settled at 2,507 Satoshi on March 12th.

do you think some fucking cat trader or quatloo trader can do that?

get real! that is more than a 90 PERCENT fall right there

these people are running riot in this place and no one is putting a leash on them

Title: Re: Ryan Pumper "Pumpgroup" SCAM
Post by: escrow.dude on May 17, 2015, 05:51:58 PM
you people do not listin?

i told you they want to control

this is what they plan for us here


No more pump here from this groups No more pump,for you people you make money, but someone else will lost monye

This is not fair way to do here. It should be fair and open for everyone here to do their own business not because you pump groups want to do secret deals on us

I keep to say here and I will never remove! You will make money but we who cannot afford you, we do not know which of the coin that you are pumping so yes we are angry with you people because it is not fair to us

Maybe you do here for free for us at least maybe once or two time, or you just want us to look you make money?

if you do not than i am sure that is you people do not care about us you only want to be here for pump and dump and this is not honest

I do not care if you make million dollar here if it is dirty then it is not clean and honest money so i will not

Leave this place for us to do honest trading, no more pump here

Title: Re: Ryan Pumper "Pumpgroup" SCAM
Post by: TheMystic on May 17, 2015, 06:02:09 PM


fast money is dirty money people, use your heart and leave it alone

work hard and you will make it

dont sell your souls for cash (or bitcoins)

No it was actually a 53btc injection that pushed the price from 50 to 179

I don't care whatever you call it, accumulation or whatever. You fuckers have inside knowledge.

I am looking at the NKT chart now and I am seeing pre-buys where this group has been gathering coins. Loads of fucking pre buys since the 12th of jan, so "ryan" and his "group" obviously know something that they aren't telling us here.

It is insiders knowledge and "his group" obviously do know something that isn't being shared publicly. Thats the benefit of being in a private group i suppose ;)

Yeah so here you are bragging to everyone because you guys cheat the system every week am I supposed to be impressed or something?

I hate to discuss "private" matters here but I have personally worked with ryan before and I know how he operates. This is why I brought up bots and the whole 9. He's heavily into that shit because when you have your own servers you can work bots in multiple coins at a time without having to physically be there

You can setup your bots, head out to the beach (or whatever the fuck this guy does) and come home to 50btc of profit easily without breaking a sweat. You can do this every fucking day if you want

I am not a trader, I develop coins and make my money that way.

After working with ryan once on a "small job" that we paid him good money for (40btc) I used his services again to help my team accumulate a % of a certain coin. This is how I know ryan is working bots all over this market because with this coin that we were dealing with, you couldn't place a single sell order without 5 small orders undercutting you. Professional manipulation

He forced sell resistance higher with sell orders totaling 20btc which jammed up the coin and caused people to dump on our buys. Granted, the whole thing was done very impressively and he has obviously put together a pretty decent machine, no complaints there. What pissed me off is the total lack of empathy this guy has

His asking price for this service was 70btc to which we all agreed upon, we even ponied up 15btc upfront. Now with the price of this coin shot to shit, and the job done. Ryan, out of the fucking blue, asks for the remaining 65btc..... but how the fuck could we pay him right away without the price of the coin lifting first? I explained this to him 50 times but he didn't budge because he didn't "trust" us WTF ryan?

He kept his sell walls on the coin and kept his bots running.... basically holding us to ransom until we paid this 65btc

Now I'm all for manipulation, the market cant function without it. But what I value more than anything else is ethical manipulation, you don't break the gentleman's code over some BS like this

sure, maybe we should have had our shit together before bringing ryan on board but sometimes, in business, you have to understand that you need to take risks to make MORE money!! ryan didn't want to take that risk with us and basically hung us out to dry

We ended up paying him 10btc per day last week before he decided to remove his "sell pressure"

im sure ass kissers and cronies are thinking "if you want a service you have to pay for it" and "nothings for free" blah blah.. well fuck you! In business, it's give and take. Ryan wanted to get paid first and that's understandable, but we didn't have the dough to pay him so he could have helped us out on that front and given us a little leeway

i'm not a ryan hater like the rest... hell, the guy teaches how the market is manipulated and how to profit from it, that's respectable..  i have made good money here and there. I am just disappointed with the way he has treated my team and feel like it was wrong and could have been handled differently

great trader, but hes a miser and him and his group only make money because they manipulate the fuck out of this market. Every day they fill up on some random coin (like NKT). Then, out of the blue, this random shitcoin is pumping like hell and they only people that profit is ryan and his group,, not my type of scene

hell manipulation is there for all to see so I will profit from this regardless

You could even call me a manipulator, who gives a shit. In this market you're either fucking someone in the ass or getting fucked yourself. I don't care how much money you make in the process, if you get into bed with ryan you're shaking hands with the devil himself. I would much rather slug it out in the market and make money on my own, all it's gonna take is some elbow grease but im not scared to work hard. Fuck taking the easy route, that's for pussies who don't care about the guy the other side of the trade

Ryan is working bots galore all over this fucking market there is no way in fucking hell you can "predict" all of this shit every fucking month like this GTFO

there is something you idiots are doing to "make things happen" so just come out and fucking say it

you tell me you are just going to "predict" 200 pumps naturally? OH FUCKING PLEASE this is NOT natural! no way is this "natural" either you guys have inside information or you are working with outside whales because wtf??

there is no way you can make this kind of volume just appear out of the freaking blue like this yet every time it does, you fuckers just happen to "know" about it MONTHS before the rest of us? Yeah maybe i can understand you seeing some shit popping off with all the talk on twitter and then scoring some money from a quick pump

but to do this every month is complete and total manipulation of the market it is NOT natural so tell us ALL about the bots you are using so that we can get on a level playing field

NO ONE in this place should have ANY advantage

You do realize you can buy an advanced trade / arbitrage bot for less than half a BTC and set it up yourself, right? It's a pretty level playing field if you don't expect anyone to do your work for you.

No you cannot

those things do not work worth a darn!

I'm a developer myself and I know what im doing so dont fucking come here and advise me

you need something heavy duty not some fucking quatloo trader GTFO

look how ryan was mocking us the other day by posting this, look what these guys are doing

On January 23rd, SPR ( fell into a quagmire of what seemed to be an endless pit of decline, and as a rule – the ‘majority’ of traders in this market believe that a decline in price is “irreversible,” which is interestingly what causes them to refer to coins like this as “dead,” whilst skilled traders refer to coins that are in this type of condition as “cheap” and therefore ripe for accumulation. (

Starting on January 23rd, SPR declined from 69,960 Satoshi by 96% and settled at 2,507 Satoshi on March 12th.

do you think some fucking cat trader or quatloo trader can do that?

get real! that is more than a 90 PERCENT fall right there

these people are running riot in this place and no one is putting a leash on them

Dude, you were kissing his ass in his thread. Now you're telling people not to listen to him. Which is it?

Title: Re: Ryan Pumper "Pumpgroup" SCAM
Post by: Marcin21 on May 19, 2015, 06:37:31 PM
Ryan open self-moderated topic. Removes my questions

Title: Re: Ryan Pumper "Pumpgroup" SCAM
Post by: CryptoJerk on May 19, 2015, 06:41:18 PM


fast money is dirty money people, use your heart and leave it alone

work hard and you will make it

dont sell your souls for cash (or bitcoins)

No it was actually a 53btc injection that pushed the price from 50 to 179

I don't care whatever you call it, accumulation or whatever. You fuckers have inside knowledge.

I am looking at the NKT chart now and I am seeing pre-buys where this group has been gathering coins. Loads of fucking pre buys since the 12th of jan, so "ryan" and his "group" obviously know something that they aren't telling us here.

It is insiders knowledge and "his group" obviously do know something that isn't being shared publicly. Thats the benefit of being in a private group i suppose ;)

Yeah so here you are bragging to everyone because you guys cheat the system every week am I supposed to be impressed or something?

I hate to discuss "private" matters here but I have personally worked with ryan before and I know how he operates. This is why I brought up bots and the whole 9. He's heavily into that shit because when you have your own servers you can work bots in multiple coins at a time without having to physically be there

You can setup your bots, head out to the beach (or whatever the fuck this guy does) and come home to 50btc of profit easily without breaking a sweat. You can do this every fucking day if you want

I am not a trader, I develop coins and make my money that way.

After working with ryan once on a "small job" that we paid him good money for (40btc) I used his services again to help my team accumulate a % of a certain coin. This is how I know ryan is working bots all over this market because with this coin that we were dealing with, you couldn't place a single sell order without 5 small orders undercutting you. Professional manipulation

He forced sell resistance higher with sell orders totaling 20btc which jammed up the coin and caused people to dump on our buys. Granted, the whole thing was done very impressively and he has obviously put together a pretty decent machine, no complaints there. What pissed me off is the total lack of empathy this guy has

His asking price for this service was 70btc to which we all agreed upon, we even ponied up 15btc upfront. Now with the price of this coin shot to shit, and the job done. Ryan, out of the fucking blue, asks for the remaining 65btc..... but how the fuck could we pay him right away without the price of the coin lifting first? I explained this to him 50 times but he didn't budge because he didn't "trust" us WTF ryan?

He kept his sell walls on the coin and kept his bots running.... basically holding us to ransom until we paid this 65btc

Now I'm all for manipulation, the market cant function without it. But what I value more than anything else is ethical manipulation, you don't break the gentleman's code over some BS like this

sure, maybe we should have had our shit together before bringing ryan on board but sometimes, in business, you have to understand that you need to take risks to make MORE money!! ryan didn't want to take that risk with us and basically hung us out to dry

We ended up paying him 10btc per day last week before he decided to remove his "sell pressure"

im sure ass kissers and cronies are thinking "if you want a service you have to pay for it" and "nothings for free" blah blah.. well fuck you! In business, it's give and take. Ryan wanted to get paid first and that's understandable, but we didn't have the dough to pay him so he could have helped us out on that front and given us a little leeway

i'm not a ryan hater like the rest... hell, the guy teaches how the market is manipulated and how to profit from it, that's respectable..  i have made good money here and there. I am just disappointed with the way he has treated my team and feel like it was wrong and could have been handled differently

great trader, but hes a miser and him and his group only make money because they manipulate the fuck out of this market. Every day they fill up on some random coin (like NKT). Then, out of the blue, this random shitcoin is pumping like hell and they only people that profit is ryan and his group,, not my type of scene

hell manipulation is there for all to see so I will profit from this regardless

You could even call me a manipulator, who gives a shit. In this market you're either fucking someone in the ass or getting fucked yourself. I don't care how much money you make in the process, if you get into bed with ryan you're shaking hands with the devil himself. I would much rather slug it out in the market and make money on my own, all it's gonna take is some elbow grease but im not scared to work hard. Fuck taking the easy route, that's for pussies who don't care about the guy the other side of the trade

Ryan is working bots galore all over this fucking market there is no way in fucking hell you can "predict" all of this shit every fucking month like this GTFO

there is something you idiots are doing to "make things happen" so just come out and fucking say it

you tell me you are just going to "predict" 200 pumps naturally? OH FUCKING PLEASE this is NOT natural! no way is this "natural" either you guys have inside information or you are working with outside whales because wtf??

there is no way you can make this kind of volume just appear out of the freaking blue like this yet every time it does, you fuckers just happen to "know" about it MONTHS before the rest of us? Yeah maybe i can understand you seeing some shit popping off with all the talk on twitter and then scoring some money from a quick pump

but to do this every month is complete and total manipulation of the market it is NOT natural so tell us ALL about the bots you are using so that we can get on a level playing field

NO ONE in this place should have ANY advantage

You do realize you can buy an advanced trade / arbitrage bot for less than half a BTC and set it up yourself, right? It's a pretty level playing field if you don't expect anyone to do your work for you.

No you cannot

those things do not work worth a darn!

I'm a developer myself and I know what im doing so dont fucking come here and advise me

you need something heavy duty not some fucking quatloo trader GTFO

look how ryan was mocking us the other day by posting this, look what these guys are doing

On January 23rd, SPR ( fell into a quagmire of what seemed to be an endless pit of decline, and as a rule – the ‘majority’ of traders in this market believe that a decline in price is “irreversible,” which is interestingly what causes them to refer to coins like this as “dead,” whilst skilled traders refer to coins that are in this type of condition as “cheap” and therefore ripe for accumulation. (

Starting on January 23rd, SPR declined from 69,960 Satoshi by 96% and settled at 2,507 Satoshi on March 12th.

do you think some fucking cat trader or quatloo trader can do that?

get real! that is more than a 90 PERCENT fall right there

these people are running riot in this place and no one is putting a leash on them

Dude, you were kissing his ass in his thread. Now you're telling people not to listen to him. Which is it?

Fuck off you little crypto idiot

I have my reasons, so fuck off and stop stalking me around the forum

what an imbecile you are

i am fighting for the common trader

if you aren't fighting for morality in this market then you should GTFO

Title: Re: Ryan Pumper "Pumpgroup" SCAM
Post by: Braino on May 20, 2015, 01:12:07 AM
Butthurters gonna butthurt  :-*

Title: Re: Ryan Pumper "Pumpgroup" SCAM
Post by: jerelimZ on May 20, 2015, 08:02:38 PM
Butthurters gonna butthurt  :-*

You can say that again  8)

Title: Re: Ryan Pumper "Pumpgroup" SCAM
Post by: HCLivess on June 29, 2015, 12:11:43 PM
I "pumped" a coin though eating sellwalls and they claimed they've done it.
They instantly removed my post.

Title: Re: Ryan Pumper "Pumpgroup" SCAM
Post by: MR1 on June 29, 2015, 04:44:17 PM
Definitely he`s a scammer. Look at his self moderated thread :D

Nobody in crypto world can guarantee thousands of % gain like this idiot pumpers do.  

Title: Re: Ryan Pumper "Pumpgroup" SCAM
Post by: sdmathis on June 29, 2015, 05:33:37 PM
I "pumped" a coin though eating sellwalls and they claimed they've done it.
They instantly removed my post.

He does that all the time. He sees movement in a coin and he claims that he caused it. I've others move a coin by eating sell walls and setting buy walls, then a few days later, Ryan claims that it was him. The guy is so full of crap.

Title: Re: Ryan Pumper "Pumpgroup" SCAM
Post by: CryptoJerk on June 29, 2015, 05:44:12 PM
you people do not listin?

i told you they want to control

this is what they plan for us here


No more pump here from this groups No more pump,for you people you make money, but someone else will lost monye

This is not fair way to do here. It should be fair and open for everyone here to do their own business not because you pump groups want to do secret deals on us

I keep to say here and I will never remove! You will make money but we who cannot afford you, we do not know which of the coin that you are pumping so yes we are angry with you people because it is not fair to us

Maybe you do here for free for us at least maybe once or two time, or you just want us to look you make money?

if you do not than i am sure that is you people do not care about us you only want to be here for pump and dump and this is not honest

I do not care if you make million dollar here if it is dirty then it is not clean and honest money so i will not

Leave this place for us to do honest trading, no more pump here

i have said it one hundred times

they are not here to be your friends, they are here to bilk profit from every coin on the market

they dont care about crypto

they do not post in any other thread

they have nothing to say about anything other than fucking money

they have a whole fucking website dedicated to altcoin manipulation, teaching others how to be little insugent bullies, that hold devs hostage using their own motherfucking coins

this is why i call them CYBORGS

why cant people just exercise restraint instead of bein greedy

Unless you are making at least $500,000 then you are NOT making any money

I don't wanna hear or see any more little fags boasting about some five grand that they made from that godforsaken group

five grand is peanuts to someone like me

I dont wanna see any more of this

If anyone wants to link up with me, I am down to troll them hard for the next year

every single day I will log on here to troll them

Fuck my job, fuck everything, I will troll these cold hearted, manipulating, terrorists every day if i have to

They have created their traders union, so lets make our own anti traders union

lets go to war with them

Title: Re: Ryan Pumper "Pumpgroup" SCAM
Post by: damiano on June 29, 2015, 05:45:39 PM
So the guy has a self moderated thread, wants 0.5btc for his so called 'picks' and he has 20 accounts talking to himself how great he and his picks are even though most have no volume, sounds legit. All people are doing is paying to buy his already accumilated coin, thought that would be obvious.

Title: Re: Ryan Pumper "Pumpgroup" SCAM
Post by: escrow.dude on June 29, 2015, 05:52:10 PM
this is no clean heart behaviour, it is not honest and dirty money i will even call what they have made BLOOD MONEY. I will never join pump groups in my whole complete life. I do honest trading and that is good enough for me. I do not need to make so much money and that is not why i joined in this place, i come here to make friend not to pay my bill. Even if they make me walk naked in mumbai infront of family, that one i will do before i bring my clean heart inside the groud and do anything manipulate. Plase i will beg you people here, do not become greedy and join with them because that one is very wrong. You will only be deceiving yourself we all know fast money never lasts, you will be rich on this day and poor tomorrow. Do not do that one


Title: Re: Ryan Pumper "Pumpgroup" SCAM
Post by: MR1 on June 29, 2015, 05:53:24 PM
So the guy has a self moderated thread, wants 0.5btc for his so called 'picks' and he has 20 accounts talking to himself how great he and his picks are even though most have no volume, sounds legit. All people are doing is paying to buy his already accumilated coin, thought that would be obvious.

U summarized perfectly what most of these minion pumpers do :)

Title: Re: Ryan Pumper "Pumpgroup" SCAM
Post by: damiano on June 29, 2015, 06:28:26 PM

I can't believe how much you spam that and get away with it lol 90% of your post history is the same copy and pasted post. Nice one for warning people though.

U summarized perfectly what most of these minion pumpers do :)

haha thank you glad I did because I've been around long enough to see threw these types, he has done good for himself from all the greedy newbies paying him their 0.5btc and then buying his stacks what he got weeks before at the bottom, lol he must love what he does.

The punchline is most of them was warned time and time again but let their greed get the better of them and went for it anyway and probably lost around 3-10btc each  ???

Title: Re: Ryan Pumper "Pumpgroup" SCAM
Post by: Braino on July 08, 2015, 01:38:00 PM
The butthurt in this thread runs deep, VERY deep.

If you don't like altcoin trading then don't trade altcoins or find a new hobby  :-*

Title: Re: Ryan Pumper "Pumpgroup" SCAM
Post by: HCLivess on July 08, 2015, 01:52:20 PM
these guys pumped ltc, right?  ;D ;D

Title: Re: Ryan Pumper "Pumpgroup" SCAM
Post by: shanem on July 08, 2015, 02:04:15 PM
I wonder how many people paid 0.5 btc to RyanPumper for a week
I would not even pay RyanPumper 0.5 btc for a month let alone a week for his " tips ".

Title: Re: Ryan Pumper "Pumpgroup" SCAM
Post by: X68N on July 08, 2015, 07:27:30 PM
since this thread is about "ryan pumper", i must say that this pseudonym seems a bit childish to me.
I have the crazy association in my mind pumper = diaper, so every time i read "ryan diaper" in the title of scam/picks threads   ;D

Title: Re: Ryan Pumper "Pumpgroup" SCAM
Post by: Gillette on July 08, 2015, 07:58:54 PM
these guys pumped ltc, right?  ;D ;D

They pumped my dick :D

Title: Re: Ryan Pumper "Pumpgroup" SCAM
Post by: NattyLiteCoin on July 08, 2015, 10:13:43 PM
these guys pumped ltc, right?  ;D ;D

All $50 million over the last 60 hours!