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Other => Politics & Society => Topic started by: WEB slicer on June 30, 2015, 07:44:41 PM

Title: LGBT
Post by: WEB slicer on June 30, 2015, 07:44:41 PM
what do you think of this?

personally, i don't like this whole gay movement. but i don't care either. do what you want.

however, i do think recognizing a man to be a woman and a woman to be a man is going to far and people who go along with this are fucking stupid.

#caitlyn jenner

this guy was a man for 65 years now people consider him a woman.

pure stupid.

the world is losing it's common sense at a staggering rate.

Title: Re: LGBT
Post by: pedrog on June 30, 2015, 08:47:09 PM
It's none of your business, people can live their lives as they want and the pursuit of happiness is different for all of us.

If it does not harm anyone else, who cares?

Title: Re: LGBT
Post by: WEB slicer on June 30, 2015, 08:53:45 PM
like i said, i don't care. but that doesn't mean i have to like it or agree with it.

however, when this lifestyle is constantly thrown in my face and i am forced to wonder if the person i'm looking at is really a woman or a man pretending to be a woman and men are going in to the women's bathroom and women in the men's bathroom it does become my business.

Title: Re: LGBT
Post by: Wilikon on June 30, 2015, 09:11:13 PM
what do you think of this?

personally, i don't like this whole gay movement. but i don't care either. do what you want.

however, i do think recognizing a man to be a woman and a woman to be a man is going to far and people who go along with this are fucking stupid.

#caitlyn jenner

this guy was a man for 65 years now people consider him a woman.

pure stupid.

the world is losing it's common sense at a staggering rate.

Obama Admin To Allow Transgender Men To Live With Real Women In Immigration Detention Facilities…

U.S. immigration officials on Monday announced transgender detainees will for the first time be able to be housed in detention facilities that match their gender identity.

The update is part of an 18-page guide unveiled today that details how U.S. Immigration & Customs Enforcement (ICE) officers and contractors should interact with transgender immigrants in custody.

“We believe this guidance is the most comprehensive for transgender individuals in any custodial entity,” Andrew Lorenzen-Strait, the deputy assistant director for custody programs for ICE, told Fusion in a telephone interview Monday.

The announcement comes less than a week after an undocumented transgender woman named Jennicet Gutiérrez interrupted President Obama’s speech at a White House pride event.

“President Obama, release all LGBTQ immigrants from detention,” Gutiérrez told the president.

Also last week 35 members of the House of Representatives sent a letter to Secretary of Homeland Security Jeh Johnson urging him to end the detention of LGBT undocumented immigrants.”

As long as the already detained women were ok with this? I do not believe they had a vote on it though.

Title: Re: LGBT
Post by: WEB slicer on June 30, 2015, 09:13:55 PM
this is where it crosses the line for me. if you want to pretend to be a woman, fine. but when a man is recognized to be a real woman and i am obligated to accept a man to be a woman it's gone too far.

what the fuck happened to my choice?

i don't want it. i don't need it. i don't want to be around it.

Title: Re: LGBT
Post by: TheButterZone on June 30, 2015, 09:20:50 PM
Show us on this doll where Jenner touched you.

Title: Re: LGBT
Post by: WEB slicer on June 30, 2015, 09:22:30 PM
OK - that was funny.   :D

Title: Re: LGBT
Post by: hendra147 on June 30, 2015, 09:28:40 PM

This is man ? or woman ?

in my country transgender is something very bad and forbidden

@WEB slicer I like your argument, i agree with you , man is man woman is woman
we have all been created by God with the state as male or female, if we change the sex we mean that we are not grateful for what has been given to us

Title: Re: LGBT
Post by: BLKBITZ on June 30, 2015, 11:48:25 PM
It's none of your business, people can live their lives as they want and the pursuit of happiness is different for all of us.

If it does not harm anyone else, who cares?

But it does harm other people. It may not be physical but peoples rights are heavily affected by it.

Title: Re: LGBT
Post by: Possum577 on June 30, 2015, 11:58:31 PM
what do you think of this?

personally, i don't like this whole gay movement. but i don't care either. do what you want.

You seem conflicted - you don't like it but you also don't care and at the same time you say it's OK for LGBT folks to "do what you want". What if we persecuted you for being undecided?

This is kind of what LGBT folks may be going through. Being forced into a stereotype that they honestly don't believe in or feel in their heart. Or being told they can't love and life life with the person that they love simply because of the their gender. It's ridiculous. How can the government or a stranger tell you who you can and can't love (provided the person is an adult and mature enough to understand what love is and to make those decisions)?

This literally has zero impact on anyone else, yet many in the world feel compelled to say "No, you can't love that person." It's really, really silly.

I'm glad the US has granted the right to marry a same sex individual to everyone. Equality doesn't happen until all people have the same rights and the same opportunities.

Title: Re: LGBT
Post by: Harry Hood on July 01, 2015, 12:01:02 AM
It's none of your business, people can live their lives as they want and the pursuit of happiness is different for all of us.

If it does not harm anyone else, who cares?

But it does harm other people. It may not be physical but peoples rights are heavily affected by it.

I think you need to share more about your thoughts here. How does it affect anyone negatively? How are peoples rights affected negatively by giving more rights to those who are gay/lesbian?

Title: Re: LGBT
Post by: WEB slicer on July 01, 2015, 01:03:35 AM
You seem conflicted
i'm not conflicted at all. i clearly don't like it. but just because i don't like it doesn't mean somebody else shouldn't be able to do it. i don't care what people do as long as it's behind closed doors and does not effect me. but it's become so prevalent it is starting to effect me and that's when i start to have an issue with it. my issue is not with being LGBT. my issue is that it's in my face and starting to effect my life.

Title: Re: LGBT
Post by: WEB slicer on July 01, 2015, 01:12:36 AM
How does it affect anyone negatively?
fag parades
fags dancing naked on the streets
fags on the tv
fags flirting with you
tranny walks in the bathroom when your taking a piss
falling in love with somebody who you think is a woman but is really a man

it effects people. especially those of faith. if you want to be LGBT, fine. just don't throw it in our face and expect us to like it or accept it.

Title: Re: LGBT
Post by: BadBear on July 01, 2015, 01:26:09 AM
How does it affect anyone negatively?
fag parades
fags dancing naked on the streets
fags on the tv
fags flirting with you
tranny walks in the bathroom when your taking a piss
falling in love with somebody who you think is a woman but is really a man

it effects people. especially those of faith. if you want to be LGBT, fine. just don't throw it in our face and expect us to like it or accept it.

So as long as they don't assemble publicly, appear on television, dare to talk to you (going to go out on a limb here and guess they weren't actually flirting with you), use the bathroom when you do, or cause you to question your own sexuality then you're okay with them? That's awful open minded of you. 

Title: Re: LGBT
Post by: Wilikon on July 01, 2015, 01:30:22 AM
How does it affect anyone negatively?
fag parades
fags dancing naked on the streets
fags on the tv
fags flirting with you
tranny walks in the bathroom when your taking a piss
falling in love with somebody who you think is a woman but is really a man

it effects people. especially those of faith. if you want to be LGBT, fine. just don't throw it in our face and expect us to like it or accept it.

It is just the beginning.

The alarming parts is free speech and freedom of religion. Not sure how the future is looking but...

Title: Re: LGBT
Post by: WEB slicer on July 01, 2015, 01:30:56 AM
umm, first things first. they have never caused me to question my own sexuality.

dude asked how does it effect people. i gave some examples. if i want to shoot heroin and play with my dick would it be acceptable to do in public? no.

well, why not? i'm doing it to myself. how does it effect other people? if you think about it long enough i'm sure you can come up with another long list of ways it effects others.

keep it behind closed doors. other people don't want to be exposed to it. especially those raising kids.

Title: Re: LGBT
Post by: TheButterZone on July 01, 2015, 02:02:49 AM
People of faith do not have a right to not be offended. I'm offended by all religions; do you see me calling for them to stop exercising their victimless liberties? No, only to stop committing acts of aggression, aka "actual crimes".

Title: Re: LGBT
Post by: Beliathon on July 01, 2015, 02:05:44 AM
what do you think of this?
Inevitable internet-driven expansion of empathy, equality was coming sooner or later for these sexuality-minorities. It will come next to transfolk ( and polyfolk, and the religious nutjobs will lose their shit yet again.

By the time monogamy feels old-fashioned and silly, gender itself will have begun melting away, along with all the other awful fictional divisions of human beings religion-driven culture has cooked up over the past two thousand years.

Title: Re: LGBT
Post by: kuroman on July 01, 2015, 02:15:13 AM
It's none of your business, people can live their lives as they want and the pursuit of happiness is different for all of us.

If it does not harm anyone else, who cares?

I'm ok with gays and homosexuals, people should lives their lives as they want as long as they don't do no harm to anyway else as you statz

But on the other hand I'm having issues with LGBT and FEMEN movements some of their actions are harmfull, and they should really tone it out a bit especially after getting what they asked for.

Title: Re: LGBT
Post by: bryant.coleman on July 01, 2015, 02:57:21 AM
How does it affect anyone negatively? How are peoples rights affected negatively by giving more rights to those who are gay/lesbian?

There are many cases. For example, transgender psychos are demanding the right to be given access to bathrooms.etc, where only women are allowed. Now I don't want to talk about the real intentions of these trannies, but most of the women don't approve someone flashing their dick to gain entry to a room where women and children undress and bathe.

Title: Re: LGBT
Post by: Beliathon on July 01, 2015, 03:04:19 AM
How does it affect anyone negatively? How are peoples rights affected negatively by giving more rights to those who are gay/lesbian?

There are many cases. For example, transgender psychos are demanding the right to be given access to bathrooms.etc, where only women are allowed. Now I don't want to talk about the real intentions of these trannies, but most of the women don't approve someone flashing their dick to gain entry to a room where women and children undress and bathe.
Hate-fueled fear-mongering 101

Title: Re: LGBT
Post by: pureelite on July 01, 2015, 07:05:21 PM
what do you think of this?

personally, i don't like this whole gay movement. but i don't care either. do what you want.

however, i do think recognizing a man to be a woman and a woman to be a man is going to far and people who go along with this are fucking stupid.

#caitlyn jenner

this guy was a man for 65 years now people consider him a woman.

pure stupid.

the world is losing it's common sense at a staggering

LGBT is the most ridiculous organization in the world . I think that's what these people do not need to be accepted in the world. I also think it is a great shame for all countries in which it is allowed the Pride Parade

Title: Re: LGBT
Post by: saddampbuh on July 01, 2015, 08:18:43 PM
men going with other men, men pretending to be women, its an affront to decent human values everywhere

i'm mostly a live and let live sort of person but when someone else is forcing their issues in my face i dont like it. lgbtqxyz rights are infringing upon my rights and those of normal people. in my fathers time sodomy was already decriminalised but he and his friends used to go queer bashing around the back of jack straws castle once in a while to keep them in line and there was nothing the fags could do about it because the police would laugh at them. like i said, live and let live but you have to keep dangerous elements in check and we aren't doing that any more

it still shocks me how widespread acceptance of this filth has come about so quickly. i'm only 31 and when we found out what "gay" meant as kids i remember the teacher explained to us very clearly that it was a very bad thing and not some fun frivolous thing to be joked about, and now all of a sudden the jew media tells us what we thought were laws of gods and nature for the past so many thousand years were wrong and men kissing and giving one another aids is the perfect way to live

Title: Re: LGBT
Post by: Beliathon on July 01, 2015, 08:50:29 PM
men going with other men, men pretending to be women, its an affront to decent human values everywhere
Death penalty for masturbation? The FACTS say YES!

Friends, the Bible is a perfect book. Anything not specifically mentioned in it can be worked out using simple common sense and logic.

For example, masturbation. God was displeased enough with Onan for spilling his seed that He slaughtered him (Genesis 38:9-10), but otherwise there are no explicit instructions for what to do with a masturbator, but there are implicit instructions.

It's simplest and most straightforward fact is that touching oneself for pleasure is a homosexual act, so it would seem that Leviticus 20:13 would cover that, but what does the scripture say?

Leviticus 20:13 If a man also lie with mankind, as he lieth with a woman, both of them have committed an abomination: they shall surely be put to death; their blood shall be upon them.

It's clear here that the Lord is talking about an act of sodomy with another man, not an act of self-sodomy.

But when someone is defiling himself through a lonely act of self-pleasure, he isn't thinking of baseball or cars. He is thinking of someone who is getting him aroused! JESUS HIMSELF said "Whosoever looketh on a woman to lust after her hath committed adultery with her already in his heart." (Matthew 5:28)

The LORD knows that such looks lead to sick pleasures, because immediately after he said, "And if thy right eye offend thee, pluck it out, and cast it from thee: for it is profitable for thee that one of thy members should perish, and not that thy whole body should be cast into hell. And if thy right hand offend thee, cut it off, and cast it from thee: for it is profitable for thee that one of thy members should perish, and not that thy whole body should be cast into hell." (Matthew 5:29-30)

Cast into HELL! And He would have the courts of the land send you there quickly...

Leviticus 20:10 And the man that committeth adultery with another man's wife, even he that committeth adultery with his neighbour's wife, the adulterer and the adulteress shall surely be put to death.

Both the man and the woman he has adulterous thoughts about shall surely be put to death (legally through a court of law)!

The facts couldn't be any more clear. We all know that masturbation, in addition to being a homosexual act, is an act of adultery and the Bible is clear on what the punishment for adultery should be. The punishment for masturbation should be death.

Case closed.

I expect every single one of you True Christian masturbators reading this to beg God's forgiveness, confess your sin, accept God's righteous punishment and end your life.

God is watching, reflect upon the fate of your soul now and act with great care.

Title: Re: LGBT
Post by: WEB slicer on July 01, 2015, 10:23:46 PM
i'm not religious so jerking off isn't an issue for me.

Title: Re: LGBT
Post by: Trifixion713 on July 01, 2015, 10:59:28 PM
I'm just going to leave this here, saw it posted on FB and thought it was satire a'la The Onion but nope...

Former U.S. House Majority Leader Tom DeLay claims the Justice Department has drafted a memo that spells out a dozen "perversions," including bestiality and pedophilia, that it wants legalized.

"We've … found a secret memo coming out of the Justice Department. They're now going to go after 12 new perversions. Things like bestiality, polygamy, having sex with little boys and making that legal," DeLay said Tuesday on "The Steve Malzberg Show" on Newsmax TV.

Title: Re: LGBT
Post by: Mikestang on July 01, 2015, 11:02:11 PM
Joe Rogan sums it up nicely:  If you're against gay marriage you're either dumb as fuck, or you secretly think dicks are delicious.

Title: Re: LGBT
Post by: WEB slicer on July 01, 2015, 11:04:22 PM
i like rogan. but i disagree with him this time.

Title: Re: LGBT
Post by: zecexe on July 01, 2015, 11:26:24 PM
what do you think of this?

personally, i don't like this whole gay movement. but i don't care either. do what you want.

however, i do think recognizing a man to be a woman and a woman to be a man is going to far and people who go along with this are fucking stupid.

the world is losing it's common sense at a staggering rate.

#caitlyn jenner

this guy was a man for 65 years now people consider him a woman.

pure stupid.

It's a free world tho, let the "ONE" will "JUDGE" "THEM".

God loves sinners, but condemns sin. And the Bible's verdict on homosexual behavior, as with all sexual immorality, is that it is sinful.

According to the book of Leviticus 20: 13

"If a man lies with a man as one lies with a woman, both of them have done what is detestable. They must be put to death, their blood will be on their own heads."

How does it affect anyone negatively?
fag parades
fags dancing naked on the streets
fags on the tv
fags flirting with you
tranny walks in the bathroom when your taking a piss
falling in love with somebody who you think is a woman but is really a man

it effects people. especially those of faith. if you want to be LGBT, fine. just don't throw it in our face and expect us to like it or accept it.

 Jude: also emphasized,

And don't forget Sodom and Gomorrah and their neighboring towns, which were filled with immorality and every kind of sexual perversion. Those cities were destroyed by fire and serve as a warning of the eternal fire of God's judgment.

Title: Re: LGBT
Post by: Mikestang on July 01, 2015, 11:58:21 PM
All ya'lls bible talk is moot to this discussion because they are your beliefs and you can't legislate belief.  Well, you can try...

Read your bible and highlight the number of times it mentions homosexuality.  Then do the same but for the sin of eating shellfish, and tell me which is mentioned more (spoiler alert: shellfish by leaps and bounds).  Also take note that tattoos are considered sin (which makes all those christian tattoos deliciously ironic), as is mixing linen materials in your wardrobe.

Get off your religious crutches and try thinking on your own for a change.  It hurts at first, but worth it in the long run.

Title: Re: LGBT
Post by: PenguinFire on July 02, 2015, 05:41:49 AM
Joe Rogan sums it up nicely:  If you're against gay marriage you're either dumb as fuck, or you secretly think dicks are delicious.

Haha, YES.  Joe Rogan knows his stuff.  I live in the south so I come face to face with these pitful excuses of humans everyday of my time.  Some are old and that is all they have ever known (not an excuse but I dislike them less) but many, even a majority I went to high school with are bigot scum.

Title: Re: LGBT
Post by: MakingMoneyHoney on July 02, 2015, 06:01:56 AM
I expect every single one of you True Christian masturbators reading this to beg God's forgiveness, confess your sin, accept God's righteous punishment and end your life.

God is watching, reflect upon the fate of your soul now and act with great care.

Sins are just sins. In Jesus all sins that you ask for forgiveness for are forgiven. You act like someone should die for committing a sin, well guess what? One did, Jesus. So we don't have to. Glory be to God. :)

Title: Re: LGBT
Post by: aikunsatu on July 02, 2015, 06:13:22 AM
I think it's brilliant if it's real and not for attention. Everybody needs to be who they are in thier own skin, love and happiness has no boundaries,  only society and religion does. Homosexuality dates back to the beginning of time,  it's humans small minds in society and religion that could not understand it, so they shunned it. Homosexuality is found in over 450 different species but homophobia is found in only 1. The gender altering part is quite crazy and defeats the purpose.

Title: Re: LGBT
Post by: jerowacik on July 02, 2015, 06:14:59 AM
How many LGBT in here , Hei OP please add this as Vote

Are you LGBT ?

I don't care with LGBT
LGBT just another Joke .
In this world just only woman and men , and they produce child  :)

Title: Re: LGBT
Post by: zecexe on July 02, 2015, 06:46:56 AM

I don't care with LGBT
LGBT just another Joke .
In this world just only woman and men , and they produce child  :)

Unlucky for those married couple if they will make a baby there's a change their son/daughter might one of the LGBT.

Title: Re: LGBT
Post by: Hamuki on July 02, 2015, 09:52:01 AM
How many LGBT in here , Hei OP please add this as Vote

Are you LGBT ?

I don't care with LGBT
LGBT just another Joke .
In this world just only woman and men , and they produce child  :)

So what about a woman and a woman?
How do one of them all of a sudden get a child?
Sperm Bank, and thats done. No need to be with the man..
You just get what you need and you can live on with a happy life and a son/daughter.

Its amazing to see how many ignorant people who are on here.

Title: Re: LGBT
Post by: Beliathon on July 02, 2015, 03:16:57 PM
In Jesus all sins that you ask for forgiveness for are forgiven. You act like someone should die for committing a sin, well guess what? One did, Jesus.
Then why do Christians keep killing people?

Title: Re: LGBT
Post by: MakingMoneyHoney on July 02, 2015, 04:22:07 PM
In Jesus all sins that you ask for forgiveness for are forgiven. You act like someone should die for committing a sin, well guess what? One did, Jesus.
Then why do Christians keep killing people?

Why does anyone kill anyone? Everyone is full of sin, Christians stumble too (

I expect every single one of you True Christian masturbators reading this to beg God's forgiveness, confess your sin, accept God's righteous punishment and end your life.

It's pretty amazing to me, how no one even blinks an eye when you tell Christians to kill themselves ("end your life"). Heaven forbid someone told homosexuals to kill themselves. (I would never, btw - No one should ever be told to kill themself).

Any respect I would have had for you goes out the window when you tell someone to just kill themself. And it kind of makes me lose respect for the forum when no one else calls you on it.

Title: Re: LGBT
Post by: Lethn on July 02, 2015, 04:23:38 PM
I believe I called Beliathon a moron awhile back actually, the reason none of us respond to him I suspect is because most have put him on their ignore lists by now, this guy is a classic misandrist and authoritarian scumbag.

Title: Re: LGBT
Post by: MakingMoneyHoney on July 02, 2015, 05:05:44 PM
I believe I called Beliathon a moron awhile back actually, the reason none of us respond to him I suspect is because most have put him on their ignore lists by now, this guy is a classic misandrist and authoritarian scumbag.

I can at least understand it when people have him on ignore. I still don't get why no one who sees his posts could just let slide.

If he had told any other group of people to kill themselves, people would be up in arms, as long he's directing it towards Christians, who cares?

Title: Re: LGBT
Post by: Lethn on July 02, 2015, 05:35:30 PM
I believe I called Beliathon a moron awhile back actually, the reason none of us respond to him I suspect is because most have put him on their ignore lists by now, this guy is a classic misandrist and authoritarian scumbag.

I can at least understand it when people have him on ignore. I still don't get why no one who sees his posts could just let slide.

If he had told any other group of people to kill themselves, people would be up in arms, as long he's directing it towards Christians, who cares?

This forum is one of the few out there that doesn't actively censor people just because they write things somebody doesn't like, you don't like that, go to a heavily moderated forum and see how long you'll last lol.

Title: Re: LGBT
Post by: MakingMoneyHoney on July 02, 2015, 05:43:14 PM
I believe I called Beliathon a moron awhile back actually, the reason none of us respond to him I suspect is because most have put him on their ignore lists by now, this guy is a classic misandrist and authoritarian scumbag.

I can at least understand it when people have him on ignore. I still don't get why no one who sees his posts could just let slide.

If he had told any other group of people to kill themselves, people would be up in arms, as long he's directing it towards Christians, who cares?

This forum is one of the few out there that doesn't actively censor people just because they write things somebody doesn't like, you don't like that, go to a heavily moderated forum and see how long you'll last lol.

I never asked that he be moderated or censored. In fact, it's perfect that his posts are stuck there forever, it shows people his true thoughts. That does not mean other people should sit idly by and not stick up for others.

Telling a group of people based upon their religion to kill themselves, wishing a group of people dead based upon their religion, is reminiscent of Hitler killing and torturing Jews.

I know he's not actually going out and killing Christians, but he's telling them to kill themselves.

For someone who seems to think people should get along with each other, he's incredibly intolerant to a whole group of people.

Title: Re: LGBT
Post by: Beliathon on July 02, 2015, 05:55:50 PM
I believe I called Beliathon a moron awhile back actually, the reason none of us respond to him I suspect is because most have put him on their ignore lists by now, this guy is a classic misandrist and authoritarian scumbag.

Telling a group of people based upon their religion to kill themselves, wishing a group of people dead based upon their religion, is reminiscent of Hitler killing and torturing Jews.
Why do you refuse God's justice? It's right there in the Holy Book as I've already demonstrated! Homosexuals and masturbators alike were punished by death on this continent in the colonial days, why shouldn't we go back to that?

If homosexuality is a sin, masturbation is an equal sin in the eyes of God. You don't get to cherry-pick from the perfect Holy Book.

Quote from: Beliathon
God was displeased enough with Onan for spilling his seed that He slaughtered him (Genesis 38:9-10), but otherwise there are no explicit instructions for what to do with a masturbator, but there are implicit instructions.

It's simplest and most straightforward fact is that touching oneself for pleasure is a homosexual act, so it would seem that Leviticus 20:13 would cover that, but what does the scripture say?

Leviticus 20:13 If a man also lie with mankind, as he lieth with a woman, both of them have committed an abomination: they shall surely be put to death; their blood shall be upon them.

It's clear here that the Lord is talking about an act of sodomy with another man, not an act of self-sodomy.

But when someone is defiling himself through a lonely act of self-pleasure, he isn't thinking of baseball or cars. He is thinking of someone who is getting him aroused! JESUS HIMSELF said "Whosoever looketh on a woman to lust after her hath committed adultery with her already in his heart." (Matthew 5:28)

The LORD knows that such looks lead to sick pleasures, because immediately after he said, "And if thy right eye offend thee, pluck it out, and cast it from thee: for it is profitable for thee that one of thy members should perish, and not that thy whole body should be cast into hell. And if thy right hand offend thee, cut it off, and cast it from thee: for it is profitable for thee that one of thy members should perish, and not that thy whole body should be cast into hell." (Matthew 5:29-30)

Cast into HELL! And He would have the courts of the land send you there quickly...

Leviticus 20:10 And the man that committeth adultery with another man's wife, even he that committeth adultery with his neighbour's wife, the adulterer and the adulteress shall surely be put to death.

Title: Re: LGBT
Post by: MakingMoneyHoney on July 02, 2015, 06:08:40 PM
Telling a group of people based upon their religion to kill themselves, wishing a group of people dead based upon their religion, is reminiscent of Hitler killing and torturing Jews.
Why do you refuse God's justice? It's right there in the Holy Book as I've already demonstrated! Homosexuals and masturbators alike were punished by death in the US in the colonial days, shouldn't we go back to that?

If homosexuality is a sin, masturbation is an equal sin in the eyes of God. You don't get to cherry-pick from the perfect Holy Book.

Why bother posting that it's a sin? I never said it wasn't. I'm not cherry-picking. A sin is a sin, like you said.

The glory of God is that He sent His son to die for our sins, so we ask for forgiveness, and we are forgiven. As we ask for forgiveness, we can walk around blameless until we sin again (as everyone does). :)

Why do you think Christians should kill themselves? If you don't believe in Christianity, why do you wish a group of people dead? Are you really that intolerant?

Title: Re: LGBT
Post by: Beliathon on July 02, 2015, 06:34:26 PM
Why do you think Christians should kill themselves?
You're putting words in my mouth, I never said all Christians should kill themselves! I have many Christians in my family, but as far I know they're not dirty masturbators. They only make love to bear children, as God intended.

I only said that Christian abominations, such as Christian masturbators, should consider what was Written by The Lord God (who slaughtered his children for this and similar sins) and act accordingly.

Christianity is fatwa free, so safe to make fun of...

I feel just as safe mocking any other religion, and will gladly do so should some of their ilk show themselves here.

Title: Re: LGBT
Post by: Wilikon on July 02, 2015, 06:35:15 PM
I believe I called Beliathon a moron awhile back actually, the reason none of us respond to him I suspect is because most have put him on their ignore lists by now, this guy is a classic misandrist and authoritarian scumbag.

I can at least understand it when people have him on ignore. I still don't get why no one who sees his posts could just let slide.

If he had told any other group of people to kill themselves, people would be up in arms, as long he's directing it towards Christians, who cares?

Christianity is fatwa free, so safe to make fun of...

Title: Re: LGBT
Post by: MakingMoneyHoney on July 02, 2015, 07:15:49 PM
Why do you think Christians should kill themselves?
You're putting words in my mouth, I never said all Christians should kill themselves! I have many Christians in my family, but as far I know they're not dirty masturbators. They only make love to bear children, as God intended.

I only said that Christian abominations, such as Christian masturbators, should consider what was Written by The Lord God (who slaughtered his children for this and similar sins) and act accordingly.

If homosexuality is a sin, masturbation is an equal sin in the eyes of God. You don't get to cherry-pick from the perfect Holy Book.

You just said all sins were equal in the eyes of God. According to your words, if one sin is worth killing yourself for, then all sins are worth killing yourself for. All Christians sin (because everyone sins), so according to your words, all Christians should kill themselves. I never put words into your mouth, everyone here can read your quotes.

Title: Re: LGBT
Post by: aNtiClocK on July 02, 2015, 08:05:37 PM
Don't you think this is nature's way of celebrating LGBT rights... A double rainbow!

Title: Re: LGBT
Post by: Sakarias-Corporation on July 02, 2015, 09:05:04 PM
How does it affect anyone negatively?
fag parades
fags dancing naked on the streets
fags on the tv
fags flirting with you
tranny walks in the bathroom when your taking a piss
falling in love with somebody who you think is a woman but is really a man

it effects people. especially those of faith. if you want to be LGBT, fine. just don't throw it in our face and expect us to like it or accept it.

i bet you fell in love with a transgender and got bruned ;)

seriously, all the statements you made above are as spoken by a retarded child...

it effects people of faith ? why on earth would you be affected by a Homosexual / transgender man or woman ?
sounds like the people of ''Faith'' you refers to are very narrow minded as you...

Title: Re: LGBT
Post by: WEB slicer on July 02, 2015, 09:30:44 PM
fuck you.

just because it doesn't bother you doesn't mean it doesn't bother others.

Title: Re: LGBT
Post by: WEB slicer on July 02, 2015, 10:04:01 PM
ohh and just to give some legitimacy to my examples of how it effects others i'm going to provide some real world examples.

man unknowingly marries another man.

this is not the first time i have seen this. a japanese man fell in love with what he thought was a woman and had plans to get married and have kids and that's when his partner told him he had a dick.

here is LGBT community naked in the streets.

here is LGBT lifestyle corrupting the youth.

Title: Re: LGBT
Post by: TheButterZone on July 02, 2015, 10:04:39 PM
Nobody has the right to not be bothered in public forums.

Title: Re: LGBT
Post by: WEB slicer on July 02, 2015, 10:14:05 PM
say whatever you want. i've got plenty of ammo.

Title: Re: LGBT
Post by: Beliathon on July 02, 2015, 10:15:21 PM
Why do you think Christians should kill themselves?
You're putting words in my mouth, I never said all Christians should kill themselves! I have many Christians in my family, but as far I know they're not dirty masturbators. They only make love to bear children, as God intended.

I only said that Christian abominations, such as Christian masturbators, should consider what was Written by The Lord God (who slaughtered his children for this and similar sins) and act accordingly.

If homosexuality is a sin, masturbation is an equal sin in the eyes of God. You don't get to cherry-pick from the perfect Holy Book.

You just said all sins were equal in the eyes of God. According to your words, if one sin is worth killing yourself for, then all sins are worth killing yourself for. All Christians sin (because everyone sins), so according to your words, all Christians should kill themselves. I never put words into your mouth, everyone here can read your quotes.
Putting words in my mouth yet again, are all Christians this good at shoving things into other people's mouths,  or just you and half the priests?

Masturbation = homosexuality in the eyes of God unless you're a hermophrodite, in which case I'm not sure how God's law applies.

Title: Re: LGBT
Post by: TheButterZone on July 02, 2015, 10:22:02 PM
say whatever you want. i've got plenty of ammo.

You have no right to shoot people who bother you without causing or posing an imminent threat of physical harm to you.

Title: Re: LGBT
Post by: Beliathon on July 02, 2015, 10:23:18 PM
fuck you.

just because it doesn't bother you doesn't mean it doesn't bother others.
So you're offended? So fucking what,  why would anyone care what offends you or anyone else?

Welcome to the internet,  you Christian Nazi Nutsack.

Title: Re: LGBT
Post by: WEB slicer on July 02, 2015, 10:26:07 PM
Ok, so it bothers you. How will you oppose it? By writing about it on the forums?
Actually some of the things you showed as an example like marrying someone to find out he changed his gender is similar to marrying someone who's sterile and kept it from you. In both cases you were deceived and can go to court over it if you want, but crying about it won't change the fact that such things are happening. People go to bed with someone to find out they have STD or worse, HIV. Out of these I'd prefer to find out the girl is a tranny ;)
i have no interest in opposing it. i was just curious to hear what others think.

marrying somebody who is sterile and unknowingly marrying somebody of the same sex is not similar. they are two entirely different situations. sure, they both have the element of non disclosure, but that's as far as the similarities go.

Title: Re: LGBT
Post by: WEB slicer on July 02, 2015, 10:27:45 PM
So you're offended? So fucking what,  why would anyone care what offends you or anyone else?

Welcome to the internet,  you Christian Nazi Nutsack.
i'm not offended. that was just my short and simple response to that comment.

i'm not christian either jagoff.

Title: Re: LGBT
Post by: MakingMoneyHoney on July 02, 2015, 10:29:27 PM
Why do you think Christians should kill themselves?
You're putting words in my mouth, I never said all Christians should kill themselves! I have many Christians in my family, but as far I know they're not dirty masturbators. They only make love to bear children, as God intended.

I only said that Christian abominations, such as Christian masturbators, should consider what was Written by The Lord God (who slaughtered his children for this and similar sins) and act accordingly.

If homosexuality is a sin, masturbation is an equal sin in the eyes of God. You don't get to cherry-pick from the perfect Holy Book.

You just said all sins were equal in the eyes of God. According to your words, if one sin is worth killing yourself for, then all sins are worth killing yourself for. All Christians sin (because everyone sins), so according to your words, all Christians should kill themselves. I never put words into your mouth, everyone here can read your quotes.
Putting words in my mouth yet again, are all Christians this good at shoving things into other people's mouths,  or just you and half the priests?

Masturbation = homosexuality in the eyes of God unless you're a hemophrodite, in which case I'm not sure how God's law applies.

How do you continue to ignore what you, yourself wrote? Everyone else can see what you wrote here. I'm not making anything up.

I don't care if masturbation = homosexuality in the eyes of God, that makes no difference to anything.

Premise 1: All sins are equal, you said this:

If homosexuality is a sin, masturbation is an equal sin in the eyes of God. You don't get to cherry-pick from the perfect Holy Book.

Premise 2: All Christians sin (everyone sins, I'm sure you'd be the first to point out sins in a Christian)

Premise 3: You believe all Christians who masturbate should kill themselves because it's a sin. Your words:

I expect every single one of you True Christian masturbators reading this to beg God's forgiveness, confess your sin, accept God's righteous punishment and end your life.

Conclusion: You believe all Christians who sin should kill themselves, therefore all Christians should kill themselves (because all Christians sin).

Edit: It occurs to me that for some reason you do not believe that all sins are equal (premise number 1), but they are. People will argue some sins are worse than others, but it comes down to the fact that one sin can lead to "eternal condemnation" no matter what that sin is. And Jesus can save us from all sins, so they're just as equally forgivable as each other.

"n regard to both eternal consequences and salvation, all sins are the same. Every sin will lead to eternal condemnation (Romans 6:23). All sin, no matter how “small,” is against an infinite and eternal God, and is therefore worthy of an infinite and eternal penalty. Further, there is no sin too “big” that God cannot forgive it. Jesus died to pay the penalty for sin (1 John 2:2). Jesus died for all of our sins (2 Corinthians 5:21). Are all sins equal to God? Yes and no. In severity? No. In penalty? Yes. In forgivability? Yes." (source (

Title: Re: LGBT
Post by: Wilikon on July 02, 2015, 11:19:27 PM
ohh and just to give some legitimacy to my examples of how it effects others i'm going to provide some real world examples.

man unknowingly marries another man.

this is not the first time i have seen this. a japanese man fell in love with what he thought was a woman and had plans to get married and have kids and that's when his partner told him he had a dick.

here is LGBT community naked in the streets.

here is LGBT lifestyle corrupting the youth.

When I see the video with the little boy that answer makes even more sense #33 (Asked 4 times before getting the legalese)

Then follow up with #36

Their ultimate goal is clear: Man is meat. No matter the age.

Title: Re: LGBT
Post by: Wilikon on July 03, 2015, 01:42:39 AM
ohh and just to give some legitimacy to my examples of how it effects others i'm going to provide some real world examples.

man unknowingly marries another man.

this is not the first time i have seen this. a japanese man fell in love with what he thought was a woman and had plans to get married and have kids and that's when his partner told him he had a dick.

here is LGBT community naked in the streets.

here is LGBT lifestyle corrupting the youth.

When I see the video with the little boy that answer makes even more sense #33 (Asked 4 times before getting the legalese)

Then follow up with #36

Their ultimate goal is clear: Man is meat. No matter the age.

Age: 7th grade. 12yo.

VA School Board Votes To Teach ‘Gender Identity’ In Seventh Grade

 Beginning in seventh grade, public school students in the Virginia suburbs outside Washington, D.C., will be taught about “sexual orientation terms,” including heterosexuality, homosexuality, bisexuality – “and the gender identity term transgender,” according to a newly adopted sex education curriculum.

The Fairfax County School Board voted last week to adopt the controversial new “Family Life Education Curriculum.”

The meeting was crowded with angry parents, many of whom spoke out against the sudden changes.

Andrea Lafferty, a Fairfax County parent and president of the Traditional Values Coalition, spoke at the board meeting, asking parents: “Do you want gender identity to be introduced to seventh grade?” Parents in the audience shouted, “No!”

Last month, as reported, the Fairfax County School Board voted to make “gender identity” a protected class, and Lafferty mentioned that as well.

“The night of the gender identity vote, I explained to Superintendent (Karen) Garza that parents were upset about the process,” Lafferty told the crowd. “To my surprise, she responded tersely and claimed the process had included parents.

“Parents, do you feel you’ve been involved in the process?” Lafferty asked. Again, the assembled parents responded with loud shouts of “no!”

After learning to define heterosexuality, homosexuality, bisexuality and gender identity in seventh grade, students in eighth grade will delve deeper into “individual identity.”

The eighth grade curriculum says individual identity will be described “as having four parts – biological gender, gender identity (includes transgender), gender role, and sexual orientation (includes heterosexual, bisexual, and homosexual).”
In ninth grade, students will be taught that “sexuality evolves from infancy to old age.”

Students with questions – “or those concerned about their sexual orientation or gender identity will be advised to talk with a parent, member of the clergy, trusted adult or counselor. Emphasis will be placed on tolerance and nondiscrimination of all people.”

By tenth grade, “Sexual orientation and gender identity terms will be discussed with focus on appreciation for individual differences.”

Laura Hanford, a Fairfax mother of five, accused the school board of “outright deceit” in their attempts to change the curriculum.

Hanford said the curriculum had been presented “on the grounds that it aligns with Virginia State Health Standards.” But she pointed out that “none of those controversial new teachings” on gender identity and family constructs are in the state standards: “They’re not even addressed,” she said.

“We align better with those standards now than we will if you pass those recommendations,” Hanford told the board.

“In thirty of the busiest days of the year, you presented us with a curriculum so extreme on gender and sexuality that it offended families and people of faith across the county,” Hanford continued. “Your own directives on community engagement say that your desired outcome is that stakeholders feel a part of the solution. Is this a room full of satisfied stakeholders?”

The school board passed the changes to the curriculum to angry cries from those gathered. The vote was 10-2 with board members Elizabeth Schultz and Patty Reed voting no on the curriculum changes.

The board disregarded motions by Reed and Schultz to postpone the vote so that board members and parents would have more time to consider the proposed changes.

“I am very concerned that we’re watching a legacy of an environment that is setting this board at odds with parents,” Schultz said. “Certainly policymaking done on the fly without consideration of the people on whom the policy has the greatest level of impact --and to do so without a great degree of care and to make sure that we’re representing the people who have elected us to be here -- can only yield bad policy.”

Schultz said she’s concerned that the curriculum may prompt lawsuits: “Now our time is going to be distracted and taken away from the real work of the board. We should be worried about educating 186,000 students and not about all of this peripheral political stuff."

In addition to their concerns about the changes to the sex-ed curriculum, parents voiced objections to the school board moving controversial items from the Family Life and Education Curriculum to the mandatory Health Curriculum, which would prevent parents from opting out.

The board compromised on that issue by voting to move some of the curriculum objectives back to the FLE curriculum.

Title: Re: LGBT
Post by: WEB slicer on July 03, 2015, 01:53:46 AM
it's shoved in your face and your choice of being exposed to it is being taken away. this is my problem with it.

Title: Re: LGBT
Post by: Beliathon on July 03, 2015, 02:07:12 AM
it's shoved in your face and your choice of being exposed to it is being taken away. this is my problem with it.
You're really going to hate being plugged in to the Hivemind. Tragically this likely means you'll be left out of the next phase of human evolution. Not to worry, I'm sure the cyborgs will respect your right to exist as you will. They'll probably build a very accomdating theist-zoo, for all those who will inevitably refuse the "unnatural technology" that merges God's creation with man's abominations.

If you're lucky.

Title: Re: LGBT
Post by: TheButterZone on July 03, 2015, 02:15:04 AM
Please link us to pics or videos of "it" being shoved in your face. Unwanted physical contact with your face can be charged as a crime.

Title: Re: LGBT
Post by: cooldgamer on July 03, 2015, 05:11:12 AM
VA School Board Votes To Teach ‘Gender Identity’ In Seventh Grade
Sex-ed is just a part of school, what exactly is wrong with teaching about trans/gay stuff factually?  It's not like the whole school year is going to be filled with it, but when it's relevant it should not be an avoided subject.  Some of these students may grow up to be LGBT, and we shouldn't withhold the information from them.  Gay people do have a higher STD risk, and that can be avoided with education.  Considering that ~50% of trans people attempt suicide sometime in their life, it's not a half bad idea to at least be like "Hey, this is a thing, don't try to hang yourself because you feel this way".  It's not being shoved down their throats, they're being educated just like they are about other sex concepts, hence the whole point of sex ed.

This isn't kindergarten, these are teenagers.  They shouldn't be shielded from the world.

it's shoved in your face and your choice of being exposed to it is being taken away. this is my problem with it.

Nobody is making you be LGBT.  You don't even have to accept their life choices personally, but you can't ask to not be exposed to how people live unless you just want to stay home all day.  Pride parades are a fucking awful thing though, I really don't know why the community thinks they're a good idea...

Title: Re: LGBT
Post by: WEB slicer on July 03, 2015, 05:51:53 AM
i understand what you are saying.

but if the school is asking the community how they feel about this being taught, and the community says we don't want it taught, and they go ahead and plan to teach it despite the communities disapproval......

i do consider that being shoved down their throat.

Title: Re: LGBT
Post by: cryptocoiner on July 03, 2015, 06:00:45 AM

Title: Re: LGBT
Post by: Lethn on July 03, 2015, 06:14:48 AM
say whatever you want. i've got plenty of ammo.

You have no right to shoot people who bother you without causing or posing an imminent threat of physical harm to you.

That, is something I can completely agree with, people who think otherwise are just violent fuckers.

Title: Re: LGBT
Post by: cooldgamer on July 03, 2015, 06:35:00 AM
i understand what you are saying.

but if the school is asking the community how they feel about this being taught, and the community says we don't want it taught, and they go ahead and plan to teach it despite the communities disapproval......

i do consider that being shoved down their throat.
While it does seem a bit tacky to do it that way (if that's the word for it), the alternative would have been to just go ahead and implement it, and then parents would have said they never got asked for input.  Schools are a place to educate, not re-enforce the beliefs of the parents.  If you want to do that, homeschool or send them to a private religious one.  

The negatives to teaching it aren't really there except for exposing teens to lifestyles beyond what they may believe to be moral, the positives are less STD's, possibly less suicides, getting to ask questions before making a bad mistake...  

Title: Re: LGBT
Post by: TheButterZone on July 03, 2015, 06:36:28 AM
i understand what you are saying.

but if the school is asking the community how they feel about this being taught, and the community says we don't want it taught, and they go ahead and plan to teach it despite the communities disapproval......

i do consider that being shoved down their throat.

Tyranny of the majority/mob rule is invalid. The mob is welcome to teach bigotry at home or run private schools for bigotry. Won't look good though when the students of bigotry end up suiciding because they were LGBT, or getting killed in self-defense because they believed it was moral ( to bash/kill LGBTs.

Title: Re: LGBT
Post by: Sakarias-Corporation on July 03, 2015, 07:53:39 AM
i understand what you are saying.

but if the school is asking the community how they feel about this being taught, and the community says we don't want it taught, and they go ahead and plan to teach it despite the communities disapproval......

i do consider that being shoved down their throat.

Tyranny of the majority/mob rule is invalid. The mob is welcome to teach bigotry at home or run private schools for bigotry. Won't look good though when the students of bigotry end up suiciding because they were LGBT, or getting killed in self-defense because they believed it was moral ( to bash/kill LGBTs.

Spot on TBZ!

Title: Re: LGBT
Post by: chalkboard17 on July 03, 2015, 08:09:00 AM
ohh and just to give some legitimacy to my examples of how it effects others i'm going to provide some real world examples.

man unknowingly marries another man.

this is not the first time i have seen this. a japanese man fell in love with what he thought was a woman and had plans to get married and have kids and that's when his partner told him he had a dick.

here is LGBT community naked in the streets.

here is LGBT lifestyle corrupting the youth.
I guess being used to brazilian women I always find it odd how nearly all women outside have no ass, lol. They are all pretty hot anyway though.
A gay kid having fun dancing + women naked. Yeah, because religion (and in northern hemisphere winter) has raised people to wear clothes and clothes. So we see naked as something "wrong and impure" when there isn't anything wrong about that at all.
I have no problem with any of these things, this on the other hand...:

say whatever you want. i've got plenty of ammo.
Claiming to fucking shoot on people for expressing themselves something that you don't like!
(just would like to assure that I believe EVERY citizen should have the right to bear guns. this guy besides being violent to peaceful people is a good reason to fuel anti-gun people/government)

Title: Re: LGBT
Post by: TheButterZone on July 03, 2015, 08:22:14 AM
Nah, even if the pro-criminal safety government actually wanted, and magically was able to, remove all guns from violent criminals hands let alone existence (not possible either way), violent bigots would just use other weapons as they did in the Middle Ages. Armed gays don't get bashed, and if you want to commit suicide by gay, that's your Darwinian choice.

Title: Re: LGBT
Post by: Beliathon on July 03, 2015, 11:17:11 AM
i understand what you are saying.

but if the school is asking the community how they feel about this being taught, and the community says we don't want it taught, and they go ahead and plan to teach it despite the communities disapproval......

i do consider that being shoved down their throat.
Same bigoted arguments were made to support racial segregation after the civil war.

They didn't hold weight then,  they don't hold weight now. Nobody gives a shit that you and your imaginary sky-friend have a problem with the way 5% or so of the population shares orgasm. Campaigns like Free the Nipple are gaining traction and momentum because all the myths of religion are falling away in the wake of the internet. Hell, it won't be too long before we see Free the Genitals campaigns where full public nudity is forced upon you in parks and such. Science is going to assert the fact that naked bodies do absolutely no harm to anyone,  including children.

I for one am looking forward to seeing how many Christians lose their minds when their children are subjected to the random nudity in public. The police will be forced to protect the naked activists rather than arrest them for out of touch Christian laws like "indecent exposure", which like all other laws founded in myth, will be removed from the books district by district in the not-too-distant future.

The game is over, theists. You lost. You can save yourself a ton of grief by just abandoning your faith now and accepting the reality of an indifferent universe. Otherwise it's going to feel a lot like God is betraying you again and again. I sincerely pity anyone who will go through that.

Yours in compassion and solidarity,

World Citizen Beliathon, Queer-Hetero Ally

Title: Re: LGBT
Post by: ridery99 on July 03, 2015, 02:24:48 PM
This painting ordered by the NWO from Denver airport tells everything:

USA, your countdown has begun. NWO is winning.

Title: Re: LGBT
Post by: ridery99 on July 03, 2015, 02:28:07 PM
Legalizing sodomy has been the most successful mind control campaign this far, here's an article every brainwashed should read: (

It gives a clue how they made it :)

Title: Re: LGBT
Post by: BTCballa on July 03, 2015, 07:45:29 PM
How does it affect anyone negatively?
fag parades
fags dancing naked on the streets
fags on the tv
fags flirting with you
tranny walks in the bathroom when your taking a piss
falling in love with somebody who you think is a woman but is really a man

it effects people. especially those of faith. if you want to be LGBT, fine. just don't throw it in our face and expect us to like it or accept it.

HAHAHA so u have fallen in love with someone, later to find out they were a man. pfff u fag.

But seriously dude u have a warped sense on reality, in the fact that you say u don't care about this subject but post derogatory, homophobic things??? Clearly you care, and you care very much...

Title: Re: LGBT
Post by: WEB slicer on July 03, 2015, 09:21:36 PM
Claiming to fucking shoot on people for expressing themselves something that you don't like!
verbal ammunition.   ::)

Title: Re: LGBT
Post by: WEB slicer on July 03, 2015, 09:27:39 PM
HAHAHA so u have fallen in love with someone, later to find out they were a man. pfff u fag.

But seriously dude u have a warped sense on reality, in the fact that you say u don't care about this subject but post derogatory, homophobic things??? Clearly you care, and you care very much...
fuck you too.

i think the majority of americans have a warped sense of reality. i don't care what they do. i do care if it effects others who don't want to be exposed to it.

do you comprehend?

Title: Re: LGBT
Post by: Seketsuna on July 03, 2015, 10:04:19 PM
HAHAHA so u have fallen in love with someone, later to find out they were a man. pfff u fag.

But seriously dude u have a warped sense on reality, in the fact that you say u don't care about this subject but post derogatory, homophobic things??? Clearly you care, and you care very much...
fuck you too.

i think the majority of americans have a warped sense of reality. i don't care what they do. i do care if it effects others who don't want to be exposed to it.

do you comprehend?

And how is it affecting you exactly?

Title: Re: LGBT
Post by: WEB slicer on July 03, 2015, 10:06:26 PM
i already gave examples. and it's not just about how it effects me. it's how it effects others.

Title: Re: LGBT
Post by: TheButterZone on July 03, 2015, 11:21:17 PM
Categorically invalid examples where nobody is/was physically harmed.

Title: Re: LGBT
Post by: WEB slicer on July 03, 2015, 11:24:40 PM
shoo troll. physical harm isn't a requirement to having something effects another's life.

Title: Re: LGBT
Post by: TheButterZone on July 03, 2015, 11:25:56 PM
Bigots have the right to be offended until the day they die, if that is their choice.

Title: Re: LGBT
Post by: WEB slicer on July 03, 2015, 11:27:47 PM
that's great yoda. i'm done with you. have a nice day.

Title: Re: LGBT
Post by: TheButterZone on July 03, 2015, 11:29:47 PM
You can't win, Darth. If you strike me down, I shall become more powerful than you could possibly imagine.

Title: Re: LGBT
Post by: Seketsuna on July 03, 2015, 11:46:45 PM
i already gave examples. and it's not just about how it effects me. it's how it effects others.

No you didn't, you posted dumb videos of people dancing naked. Guess what? Straight people do that too, I don't see you using it as an excuse to hate hetero's.

It's cute how you pretend you're trying to protect others.


Title: Re: LGBT
Post by: WEB slicer on July 03, 2015, 11:50:00 PM
i gave examples. if they are not good enough for you i have no interest in trying to convince you further.

i'm not trying to protect anybody. it's just conversation.

Title: Re: LGBT
Post by: TheButterZone on July 04, 2015, 12:45:35 AM
So LGBTs have SO MUCH of an effect on everyone... that you haven't found it worth personally trying to protect anybody from them.

Misanthropy at its finest.

Title: Re: LGBT
Post by: Wilikon on July 04, 2015, 02:33:18 AM
Categorically invalid examples where nobody is/was physically harmed.

Like when people call the cops for being "triggered"?

Title: Re: LGBT
Post by: bryant.coleman on July 04, 2015, 08:32:05 AM
No you didn't, you posted dumb videos of people dancing naked. Guess what? Straight people do that too, I don't see you using it as an excuse to hate hetero's.

The big difference between heterosexuals and these faggots is that normal heterosexual people don't march naked on the streets in order to protest "discrimination" against them. And whenever someone denies permission to conduct these perverse marches, they accuse them of Homophobia. Faggs believe that marching naked on the streets and practicing sodomy on the open are their birth-right. 

Title: Re: LGBT
Post by: msc_de on July 04, 2015, 09:13:18 AM

Title: Re: LGBT
Post by: TheButterZone on July 04, 2015, 09:45:24 AM
No you didn't, you posted dumb videos of people dancing naked. Guess what? Straight people do that too, I don't see you using it as an excuse to hate hetero's.

The big difference between heterosexuals and these faggots is that normal heterosexual people don't march naked on the streets in order to protest "discrimination" against them. And whenever someone denies permission to conduct these perverse marches, they accuse them of Homophobia. Faggs believe that marching naked on the streets and practicing sodomy on the open are their birth-right.  

BS and you know it: is a protest primarily attended by heteros.

Title: Re: LGBT
Post by: cooldgamer on July 04, 2015, 01:31:24 PM
You know you want to

Title: Re: LGBT
Post by: Beliathon on July 04, 2015, 08:44:54 PM

BS and you know it: is a protest primarily attended by heteros.
Can confirm, I've participated twice and was hetero both times.

Bigoted theist spotted, don't let the bogey get on your six, it's very likely he's homosexual himself!

Title: Re: LGBT
Post by: WEB slicer on July 04, 2015, 10:16:14 PM
there is a difference between gay parades and naked bike rides.

naked bike rides is about the community doing something together in their natural form. it lacks any kind of sexual messages or displays.

gay parades however are about a small group of minorities coming together to publicly display their homosexuality.

homosexuality is not about love or marriage. is about sexual desire. they are swinging their dicks around, grinding, grouping, humping, and publicly displaying over sexualized gestures that reflect their sexuality.

the biggest issue is not nudity. it's public displays of sexuality. and it's no different than me playing with my dick in public. if we can't show nipples on tv i don't think a sexual desire parade on public roads is appropriate either.

Title: Re: LGBT
Post by: TheButterZone on July 04, 2015, 10:36:44 PM

Nipples should be shown on TV and you should be able to display your sexuality in public as long as you aren't anywhere near letting bodily fluids out in public, that's unsanitary. Combining wrongs doesn't make them right.

Title: Re: LGBT
Post by: PenguinFire on July 04, 2015, 10:37:52 PM
I am very surprised, as well as discussed, of all the bigots on here hating on LGBT people and homosexual marriage.  And I thought where I lived (in the South) was bad.  This forum's opinion is giving my backwoods area a run for it's money.

Title: Re: LGBT
Post by: WEB slicer on July 04, 2015, 11:00:13 PM
it's not just this forum and the south that feels this way. it's not just people in the US who feel this way. most of the world feels this way. LGBT and their supporters are the minority across the entire planet.

Title: Re: LGBT
Post by: Wilikon on July 04, 2015, 11:13:29 PM
Categorically invalid examples where nobody is/was physically harmed.

State of Oregon fines Christian bakers $135,000 over a wedding cake

Oregon Labor Commissioner Brad Avakian finalized a preliminary ruling today ordering Aaron and Melissa Klein, the bakers who refused to make a cake for a same-sex wedding, to pay $135,000 in emotional damages to the couple they denied service.

Title: Re: LGBT
Post by: TheButterZone on July 04, 2015, 11:29:14 PM
it's not just this forum and the south that feels this way. it's not just people in the US who feel this way. most of the world feels this way. LGBT and their supporters are the minority across the entire planet.

Victimless liberties of minorities should be infringed by the majority/mob, got it.

Oregon Labor Commissioner Brad Avakian finalized a preliminary ruling today ordering Aaron and Melissa Klein, the bakers who refused to make a cake for a same-sex wedding, to pay $135,000 in emotional damages to the couple they denied service.

Government still being used as a weapon against victimless actors (who would have driven themselves out of business soon enough by refusing to shut the fuck up and take people's money), what a surprise! If "emotional damages" are a legitimate tort, then it's time to start bankrupting/liquidating assets of members of government en masse.

Title: Re: LGBT
Post by: bryant.coleman on July 04, 2015, 11:36:14 PM
it's not just this forum and the south that feels this way. it's not just people in the US who feel this way. most of the world feels this way. LGBT and their supporters are the minority across the entire planet.

North America and Western Europe are the only regions in the world where sodomy is encouraged. Most of the other countries have taken measures to discourage this mental disease. India recently made homosexual relations illegal. Russia has also taken steps to prevent children getting brainwashed with sodomite propaganda.

Title: Re: LGBT
Post by: WEB slicer on July 04, 2015, 11:39:15 PM
North America and Western Europe are the only regions in the world where sodomy is encouraged. Most of the other countries have taken measures to discourage this mental disease. India recently made homosexual relations illegal. Russia has also taken steps to prevent children getting brainwashed with sodomite propaganda.
i know. good luck explaining that to people like mr butters. even when he is wrong or the minority he will just keep spewing bullshit from his mouth every chance he gets.

Title: Re: LGBT
Post by: TheButterZone on July 04, 2015, 11:44:33 PM
So you want to ban sodomy, which includes even fellatio between a man and a woman? That's a "mental disease"? FUCK YOU and the bullshit train you rode in on.

Title: Re: LGBT
Post by: JLynn171 on July 04, 2015, 11:48:54 PM
this is where it crosses the line for me. if you want to pretend to be a woman, fine. but when a man is recognized to be a real woman and i am obligated to accept a man to be a woman it's gone too far.

what the fuck happened to my choice?

i don't want it. i don't need it. i don't want to be around it.

Then dont be around it, IF you dont like it dont become a woman, or if you are a woman dont become a man ...
If its your family memeber that is having this issue of gender identitity, then its your CHOICE to accept him or move on with your life with out them...
It is a country of CHOICE you can chooose to be an asshole and go looking for problems while people CHOOSE to where clothes that make them comfortable, and then you can CHOOSE to walk away from them.  But since this is a free country if their choice is to be in public, then you have to make the choice to leave or stay you cant impose on others to make your freedoms by stomping on their own...

Title: Re: LGBT
Post by: Beliathon on July 04, 2015, 11:50:48 PM
Victimless liberties of minorities should be infringed by the majority/mob, got it.
If the bible thumpers truly had their way, homosexuals would still face the death penalty. This was reality in the pre-USA thirteen colonies, and still reality today in some of the worst parts of the Islamic world.

Funny how Christians love to hate on Muslims, but if it weren't for the influence of American non-theists, American law would look a lot like Sharia Law.

Title: Re: LGBT
Post by: WEB slicer on July 04, 2015, 11:54:01 PM
Then dont be around it, IF you dont like it dont become a woman, or if you are a woman dont become a man ...
If its your family memeber that is having this issue of gender identitity, then its your CHOICE to accept him or move on with your life with out them...
It is a country of CHOICE you can chooose to be an asshole and go looking for problems while people CHOOSE to where clothes that make them comfortable, and then you can CHOOSE to walk away from them.  But since this is a free country if their choice is to be in public, then you have to make the choice to leave or stay you cant impose on others to make your freedoms by stomping on their own...
if they are allowed in the bathroom of the opposite sex and they are imprisoning people of the opposite sex together and they are marching down the public roads with their shit hanging out it's kinda hard not to be around it.

why is it ok for them to impose their lifestyle on us but when we object to being exposed to it we are the assholes and they are the victims? if i don't want to bake them a fucking cake why the fuck don't i have that right?

Title: Re: LGBT
Post by: JLynn171 on July 04, 2015, 11:54:47 PM
Victimless liberties of minorities should be infringed by the majority/mob, got it.
If the bible thumpers truly had their way, homosexuals would still face the death penalty. This was reality in the pre-USA thirteen colonies, and still reality today in some of the worst parts of the Islamic world.

Funny how Christians love to hate on Muslims, but if it weren't for the influence of American non-theists, American law would look a lot like Sharia Law.

True followers of the Bible know that the old laws where replaced with Jesus' sacrifice and are not judgemental and show their neighbor love

Title: Re: LGBT
Post by: Beliathon on July 05, 2015, 12:02:56 AM
True followers of the Bible know that the old laws where replaced with Jesus' sacrifice and are not judgemental and show their neighbor love
"Great news you guys, I've got it straight from God, this is The Perfect Book, inscribed with His Holy Words!"

*400 years later*

"Guys, uhhh listen, good news and bad news. Bad news, about that Holy Book we've been following for the last four centuries.. Yeah, God kinda got it wrong the first time, but the good news is he just updated it with this New Testament and it's PERFECT this time, I swear!"

*2,000 years later*


I mean shit, at least the Muslims are consistent. Christianity is a self-contradicting joke.

Apparently the Christian god is a classic flip-flopping, closet-gay conservative politician.

Title: Re: LGBT
Post by: JLynn171 on July 05, 2015, 12:08:17 AM
Victimless liberties of minorities should be infringed by the majority/mob, got it.
If the bible thumpers truly had their way, homosexuals would still face the death penalty. This was reality in the pre-USA thirteen colonies, and still reality today in some of the worst parts of the Islamic world.

Funny how Christians love to hate on Muslims, but if it weren't for the influence of American non-theists, American law would look a lot like Sharia Law.

True followers of the Bible know that the old laws where replaced with Jesus' sacrifice and are not judgemental and show their neighbor love

If they are walking down the road flashing their private parts that is illegal and they should be arrested, if they are in the stall peeing next to you dont peep under the seat or hold it till your in a private place if you do not feel that comfortable...  If i didnt wanna get muddy i wouldnt go mud wrestling you have to know the enviroment you choose to be in and what is acceptable there then choose whether that is acceptable to you

Title: Re: LGBT
Post by: TheButterZone on July 05, 2015, 12:12:54 AM
if i don't want to bake them a fucking cake why the fuck don't i have that right?

You have that right just as much as everyone has the right to self-defense. Rights are infringed. If it weren't for the government infringing rights, you'd go out of business because you refused to bake cakes, shut up and take peoples' money, just as violent bigots would go away rather than being shot by their victims.

Title: Re: LGBT
Post by: WEB slicer on July 05, 2015, 12:14:04 AM
if they are in the stall peeing next to you dont peep under the seat or hold it till your in a private place if you do not feel that comfortable
so i'm gonna hold it or find another place to piss? fuck that. they separate the homosexuals in prison they should build the LGBT their own bathroom.

if they cut off their shit block their bodies natural hormones and pump their body full of hormones from the opposite sex they aren't a natural man or woman so they deserve their own bathroom.

it's not about being LGBT. it's about forcing their lifestyle on us and taking away our right to say NO.

Title: Re: LGBT
Post by: TheButterZone on July 05, 2015, 12:15:40 AM
if they are in the stall peeing next to you dont peep under the seat or hold it till your in a private place if you do not feel that comfortable
so i'm gonna hold it or find another place to piss? fuck that. they separate the homosexuals in prison they should build the LGBT their own bathroom.

Segregationism rules!

Title: Re: LGBT
Post by: JLynn171 on July 05, 2015, 12:35:25 AM
if they are in the stall peeing next to you dont peep under the seat or hold it till your in a private place if you do not feel that comfortable
so i'm gonna hold it or find another place to piss? fuck that. they separate the homosexuals in prison they should build the LGBT their own bathroom.

if they cut off their shit block their bodies natural hormones and pump their body full of hormones from the opposite sex they aren't a natural man or woman so they deserve their own bathroom.

it's not about being LGBT. it's about forcing their lifestyle on us and taking away our right to say NO.

So why is that you would feel more comfortbable peeing in public if you could see what they were peeing out of?  Do they galk/stare at you? Maybe you have a good idea and they should be forced to offer Male/Female/People restrooms since really we are all people, you uncofortableness level with this seems to be high like you may have some burried issues other than peeing next to someone you dont know wont see and they wont see you besides when you wash their hands, but hell for all you know the "real" woman who peed next to you last week could have been an alien species not even from our galaxy in a woman costume... once again if they are doing you no harm do them no harm, try imagine 1 day every where you go every 1 looks and stares at you snickers laughs threatens you just because of where you want to piss in water at??? until this world learns to love every1 like Jesus said we should do I believe God will keep pushing mankinds limits and make sure we are a truely loving species....

Title: Re: LGBT
Post by: WEB slicer on July 05, 2015, 12:49:44 AM
i prefer not to be around it and i am not the only one who feels this way. regardless of the reasons that's the way most people feel and the majority should not be forced to conform to the minority.

Title: Re: LGBT
Post by: TheButterZone on July 05, 2015, 12:59:22 AM
Same arguments made by white supremacists against blacks. /yawn

Title: Re: LGBT
Post by: Beliathon on July 05, 2015, 01:43:56 AM

Also bibles in every court of law, how fucked is that? A court of law is a place to determine truth by evidence, a place where lives are ruined or protected from ruin. Yet Christian America defiles this House of Reason with a Book of Superstition, upon which the accused are compelled to swear.

Is nothing sacred, Christians? Are you so full of hubris, so void of shame that you'd push your religion on people during one of the most terrifying and traumatic events of their lives? Get the bible out of the courtroom and I'll have slightly more respect for Christendom.

The presence of the Holy Bible in the courtroom is an insult to every person sentenced.

Title: Re: LGBT
Post by: Nemo1024 on July 05, 2015, 01:48:08 PM
A Trivia Pursuit quiz question:

Which one of the following three abbreviations is NOT a mental decease diagnosis: ADHD, LGBT, NASA?  ;D

Honestly, I am starting to get tired of the pink mafia propaganda in pop media: there's hardly a film made in 2013-2015, which does not feature an in-your-face sufferer of LGBT.

Title: Re: LGBT
Post by: Beliathon on July 05, 2015, 02:01:40 PM
Which one of the following three abbreviations is NOT a mental decease diagnosis: ADHD, LGBT, NASA?
Still living in 1975, are we? Because homosexuality was removed from the DSM since 1986. The fact that it was ever in there only serves to highlight the corruptibility by politics of the softer sciences.

Title: Re: LGBT
Post by: bryant.coleman on July 05, 2015, 02:04:12 PM
Honestly, I am starting to get tired of the pink mafia propaganda in pop media: there's hardly a film made in 2013-2015, which does not feature an in-your-face sufferer of LGBT.

Why are you surprised? Various lobbies in the United States (including the LGBT lobby) has been using the Hollywood movies as a propaganda tool to spread their ideology to the non-Americans. Why do you think propaganda movies such as the Brokeback Mountain and Milk were showered with awards and accolades, at the same time great movies such as Les Misérables were ignored?

Title: Re: LGBT
Post by: Nemo1024 on July 05, 2015, 03:53:47 PM
Which one of the following three abbreviations is NOT a mental decease diagnosis: ADHD, LGBT, NASA?
Still living in 1975, are we? Because homosexuality was removed from the DSM since 1986. The fact that it was ever in there only serves to highlight the corruptibility by politics of the softer sciences.

Still taking sarcasm literally, are we?

In no way do I condone what was done in the Great Britain during the 50's-80's to people for what is their private matter (a genius, Alan Turing is one such victim).

But neither do I condone the present in-your-face propaganda of something, which is - again - a private matter of the people concerned. Just like in the 50's, so now this should remain within the privacy of the people's bedrooms.

What I also personally think, is that LGBT is a deviation from the norm - either hormonal or mental, which is not harmful to the society if it is not forced upon it. It is neither harmful to the affected individual, save for the individual's ability to procreate, which is not bad given the circumstances. So LGBT should just be ignored and left for the affected individuals to sort out for themselves.

Title: Re: LGBT
Post by: ridery99 on July 05, 2015, 04:07:17 PM
USA and EU are a declining civilization. I hope Russia and China take over before it's too late, before all western children are polluted by sodomites and their propaganda!  :o

Title: Re: LGBT
Post by: MakingMoneyHoney on July 05, 2015, 05:22:15 PM
Honestly, I am starting to get tired of the pink mafia propaganda in pop media: there's hardly a film made in 2013-2015, which does not feature an in-your-face sufferer of LGBT.

Why are you surprised? Various lobbies in the United States (including the LGBT lobby) has been using the Hollywood movies as a propaganda tool to spread their ideology to the non-Americans. Why do you think propaganda movies such as the Brokeback Mountain and Milk were showered with awards and accolades, at the same time great movies such as Les Misérables were ignored?

Why are almost 100% of all A-list actors forced to wear dresses (

It's pretty crazy when you think about how many men in Hollywood have worn a dress at some point.

Title: Re: LGBT
Post by: Beliathon on July 05, 2015, 05:37:19 PM
But neither do I condone the present in-your-face propaganda of something, which is - again - a private matter of the people concerned. Just like in the 50's, so now this should remain within the privacy of the people's bedrooms.
They used to say the same about interracial relationships, until we realized that was awful bigotry. These types of relationships were were illegal in the USA until 1967's Supreme Court Loving vs. Virginia.

Both heteros and gays alike should be able to fuck outside in public parks, in full view of your children. Sex causes no harm to anyone, it only offends theists, and they need to shut the fuck up about what offends them because NOBODY CARES, NOT EVEN YOUR GOD OR YOUR DOG CARES.

Title: Re: LGBT
Post by: TheButterZone on July 05, 2015, 06:34:26 PM
Honestly, I am starting to get tired of the pink mafia propaganda in pop media: there's hardly a film made in 2013-2015, which does not feature an in-your-face sufferer of LGBT.

Why are you surprised? Various lobbies in the United States (including the LGBT lobby) has been using the Hollywood movies as a propaganda tool to spread their ideology to the non-Americans. Why do you think propaganda movies such as the Brokeback Mountain and Milk were showered with awards and accolades, at the same time great movies such as Les Misérables were ignored?

Easily disproven bullshit trolling, as those movies weren't in the same awards year to be able to compete with each other. LM grossed more in the US than Brokeback & Milk, COMBINED. LM destroyed Milk in major US awards count, and only won 1 less major US award than Brokeback.

Les Miserables
Gross: $148,775,460 (USA) (29 March 2013)
Oscars won:
 Best Performance by an Actress in a Supporting Role
 Best Achievement in Makeup and Hairstyling
 Best Achievement in Sound Mixing
Golden Globes won:
 Best Motion Picture - Comedy or Musical
 Best Performance by an Actor in a Motion Picture - Comedy or Musical
 Best Performance by an Actress in a Supporting Role in a Motion Picture

 Gross: $31,838,002 (USA) (10 April 2009)
Oscars won:
 Best Performance by an Actor in a Leading Role
 Best Writing, Original Screenplay
Golden Globes won:

Brokeback Mountain
 Gross: $83,025,853 (USA) (14 April 2006)
Oscars won:
 Best Achievement in Directing
 Best Writing, Adapted Screenplay
 Best Achievement in Music Written for Motion Pictures, Original Score
Golden Globes won:
 Best Motion Picture - Drama
 Best Director - Motion Picture
 Best Screenplay - Motion Picture
 Best Original Song - Motion Picture

Title: Re: LGBT
Post by: Wilikon on July 05, 2015, 06:56:14 PM

Also bibles in every court of law, how fucked is that? A court of law is a place to determine truth by evidence, a place where lives are ruined or protected from ruin. Yet Christian America defiles this House of Reason with a Book of Superstition, upon which the accused are compelled to swear.

Is nothing sacred, Christians? Are you so full of hubris, so void of shame that you'd push your religion on people during one of the most terrifying and traumatic events of their lives? Get the bible out of the courtroom and I'll have slightly more respect for Christendom.

The presence of the Holy Bible in the courtroom is an insult to every person sentenced.

The cowards never use the image of mohamed. I wonder why...

Title: Re: LGBT
Post by: Beliathon on July 05, 2015, 10:12:28 PM
The cowards never use the image of mohamed. I wonder why...
Because there's no Muslims in this thread preaching about their invisible sky father to me, that's why. But just for good measure and to show you I truly have no fucks to give about what anyone else (especially a theist) thinks of god:


Side question: Do you seriously believe any Dangerous/Important Muslims would be reading this obscure protocol forum? Or that they would care what a random internet nobody pseudonymous atheist like me thinks?

Again, I'm whole-heartedly with Stephen Fry on this issue:

Internet retaliation is a worry I leave for the gentler children of this Earth, who fear death. I welcome the inevitable, meditating on death soothes my restless spirit.

Title: Re: LGBT
Post by: Nemo1024 on July 06, 2015, 12:37:35 PM
But neither do I condone the present in-your-face propaganda of something, which is - again - a private matter of the people concerned. Just like in the 50's, so now this should remain within the privacy of the people's bedrooms.
They used to say the same about interracial relationships, until we realized that was awful bigotry. These types of relationships were were illegal in the USA until 1967's Supreme Court Loving vs. Virginia.

Both heteros and gays alike should be able to fuck outside in public parks, in full view of your children. Sex causes no harm to anyone, it only offends theists, and they need to shut the fuck up about what offends them because NOBODY CARES, NOT EVEN YOUR GOD OR YOUR DOG CARES.

It's a figure of speech, that you took literally. I meant that it's their private matter, not to be imposed onto others. Oh and heteros copulating in a public park is a bad thing as well. I am not interested in seeing how others do it, and so see no reason why others would want to display their horizontal dances to the general public.

The question of LGBT is pretty simple. But just like with any topic, where a powerful group pushes through it's agenda, this too is muddied and made to look more complicated.

Let's look at it from logical and biological perspective, setting aside emotions.

Let's start with the following premise. In the vast majority of cases, a man is sexually attracted and aroused by a woman, and a woman is attracted to and aroused by a man. This has a clear biological function of procreation, of getting healthy descendants. Any pleasure derived from the act is a boichemical form or reward (with a substance related to morphine) for an energy-consuming act. Any felling of attraction when being with someone of the opposite sex is there to ensure that the couple stay long enough together to raise their descendants, providing them with enough energy and life-knowledge.

What about the case when a man is attracted to a man or a woman is attracted to a woman? Biologically it's a dead-end with a built-in self-destruct mechanism. No descendants are coming after such specimens. And whatever permutations in their gene compositions that lead to cause such behaviour are removed from the gene pool.

What about cases, when a man or a woman are sexually attracted to a child? Not much different from the above, really, when it comes to basic biochemistry. Some groups in, e.g. Holland are working on legalising paedophily, which would expand LGBT into LGBTP. The biggest difference is that a child, who most probably has no deviation from the norm, gets forced onto itself a certain behaviour damaging/reprogramming said child.

For the same reason, adoption of children by LGBT is damaging for the child involved. Even if it's not violated physically, it's worldview, which is in the stage of fragile construction, is violated psychologically.

Title: Re: LGBT
Post by: bryant.coleman on July 06, 2015, 01:01:21 PM
It's a figure of speech, that you took literally. I meant that it's their private matter, not to be imposed onto others. Oh and heteros copulating in a public park is a bad thing as well. I am not interested in seeing how others do it, and so see no reason why others would want to display their horizontal dances to the general public.

To tell the truth, I don't understand the obsession these sodomites have in exhibiting themselves naked and copulating in front of little children. And unlike the case with heterosexuals, it is not limited to a few isolated (and mentally deranged) cases. A majority of the faggs seems to be pretty much obsessed with this idea. 

Title: Re: LGBT
Post by: Gyfts on July 06, 2015, 01:03:36 PM
How does a person's sex change  result in the rest of "us" losing common sense? Of course it's something bizarre, but there are people that support his decision. Others, however, don't. What most do, though, is respect it. You can't really criticise a decision like that because you're not in his/her mind. On topic of LGBT, it's not something that concerns me. I think the whole reaction towards the decision went overboard.

Title: Re: LGBT
Post by: Wilikon on July 06, 2015, 01:57:35 PM
The cowards never use the image of mohamed. I wonder why...
Because there's no Muslims in this thread preaching about their invisible sky father to me, that's why. But just for good measure and to show you I truly have no fucks to give about what anyone else (especially a theist) thinks of god:


Side question: Do you seriously believe any Dangerous/Important Muslims would be reading this obscure protocol forum? Or that they would care what a random internet nobody pseudonymous atheist like me thinks?

Again, I'm whole-heartedly with Stephen Fry on this issue:

Internet retaliation is a worry I leave for the gentler children of this Earth, who fear death. I welcome the inevitable, meditating on death soothes a restless spirit.


Title: Re: LGBT
Post by: Beliathon on July 06, 2015, 02:20:28 PM
heteros copulating in a public park is a bad thing as well. I am not interested in seeing how others do it, and so see no reason why others would want to display their horizontal dances to the general public.
But it's not your property, that's public space. Why should their freedom to fuck where they choose be impeded simply because you're offended by it?

Let's review some of the things that have historically offended most Christians:

-Showing the hair, knees, or shoulders of women was once considered indecent and shameful (sound familiar, islamophobes?)
-Masturbation (many Christians willingly lied to children and told them it would make them go blind)
-Examination / studying of the human body, especially forbidding dissection of corpses and the living (no modern medicine...)
-The existence of atheists (they regularly burned heretics like me alive back in the day)

And some things that still offend most Christians today:

-Public Sex (despite the USA's booming 12 billion dollar porn industry)
-Homosexuality (despite Supreme Court approval since 2015; despite science's assertion that it is natural in dozens of other species)
-Abortion (despite Supreme Court approval since 1973; despite all ethics and reason and compassion for women)
-The existence of atheists (

Title: Re: LGBT
Post by: BitcoinRichman on July 06, 2015, 02:31:38 PM

Title: Re: LGBT
Post by: bryant.coleman on July 06, 2015, 04:03:16 PM
But it's not your property, that's public space. Why should their freedom to fuck where they choose be impeded simply because you're offended by it?

Public sex is not legal in the United States. For your information, Spain is the only country in the world, where copulation in public is not a criminal offense. But even in Spain, the public act should not involve anyone under the age of 18, and more importantly, it should not be committed in the presence of minors or those with learning disabilities.

Now coming back to the United States. Public sex is illegal in the US. Even exposing your genitals is illegal there.

Title: Re: LGBT
Post by: Beliathon on July 06, 2015, 05:53:16 PM
Now coming back to the United States. Public sex is illegal in the US. Even exposing your genitals is illegal there.
Yes, and why do you suppose that might that be? What possible cultural influence would bend the law against the human body itself?

Title: Re: LGBT
Post by: TheButterZone on July 06, 2015, 06:35:26 PM
It's immoral to cage humans for victimless crimes.

Title: Re: LGBT
Post by: Wilikon on July 07, 2015, 12:37:39 AM
It's immoral to cage humans for victimless crimes.

Can children be victims? Never?

Title: Re: LGBT
Post by: TheButterZone on July 07, 2015, 03:03:56 AM
It's immoral to cage humans for victimless crimes.

Can children be victims? Never?

How is a minor merely seeing copulation a victimization? Are parents required to stop copulating and destroy all their sex tapes the instant they birth, or become guardian of, their first child, so that there is no possibility their child(ren) will be "scarred for life" by seeing their parents fucking? Are all non-human animals made into eunuchs so that they cannot copulate and be seen by children? Are animal documentaries and amateur YouTube videos censored, even those where animals are instinctively humping humans, or are they shown on Funniest Home Videos, which plays during family programming TV blocks, rated for all-ages?

I was "victimized" by all of the above, and yet I've never gotten an STD, never gotten anyone pregnant, and in the words of Penn Jillette, "I, myself, have raped and killed everyone I want to ... and the number for both is zero." (

Here goeth extinction.

Title: Re: LGBT
Post by: iWokeUpLate on July 07, 2015, 03:31:00 AM
If it appears that it's genuinely a free choice - that sex and relationships just aren't very important to them, or they're taking a timeout to concentrate on something more important - that's entirely up to them.

Title: Re: LGBT
Post by: bryant.coleman on July 07, 2015, 04:52:34 AM
How is a minor merely seeing copulation a victimization?

It is up to the parents to decide whether they want their chidren to view sodomites bumming each other or not. The LGBT lobby would like to take away that right from the parents, and force their perversions on the children. That's why I have been arguing that copulating in public places, in front of children is not a good idea.

Title: Re: LGBT
Post by: TheButterZone on July 07, 2015, 06:00:03 AM
How is a minor merely seeing copulation a victimization?

It is up to the parents to decide whether they want their chidren to view sodomites bumming each other or not. The LGBT lobby would like to take away that right from the parents, and force their perversions on the children. That's why I have been arguing that copulating in public places, in front of children is not a good idea.

That's not an answer to the question you quoted. Let's try another one:
How is ANYBODY, merely seeing ANYTHING, a victimization?

Title: Re: LGBT
Post by: bryant.coleman on July 07, 2015, 06:44:27 AM
That's not an answer to the question you quoted. Let's try another one:
How is ANYBODY, merely seeing ANYTHING, a victimization?

Kids should not be forced to watch the things which they don't want to watch. If you want to spread the LGBT propaganda to the children, then there are several other methods to do so (such as sex education and pamphlets / brochures), rather than bumming each other in public places such as parks and schools in front of little kids.

Title: Re: LGBT
Post by: WEB slicer on July 07, 2015, 06:47:15 AM
hey butters,

do you think it's OK for people to jerk off in public?

Title: Re: LGBT
Post by: TheButterZone on July 07, 2015, 06:59:55 AM
That's not an answer to the question you quoted. Let's try another one:
How is ANYBODY, merely seeing ANYTHING, a victimization?

Kids should not be forced to watch the things which they don't want to watch. If you want to spread the LGBT propaganda to the children, then there are several other methods to do so (such as sex education and pamphlets / brochures), rather than bumming each other in public places such as parks and schools in front of little kids.

Again, avoiding the question. There is no force involved if you are merely seeing something. Please read, thank you.

hey butters,

do you think it's OK for people to jerk off in public?

I REALLY fucking hate redundancy.

you should be able to display your sexuality in public as long as you aren't anywhere near letting bodily fluids out in public, that's unsanitary.

Title: Re: LGBT
Post by: WEB slicer on July 07, 2015, 07:01:11 AM
I REALLY fucking hate redundancy.
good, now i know how to pester you.

let me re-word that question.....

do you think it's OK for people to play with their dick in public?

Title: Re: LGBT
Post by: TheButterZone on July 07, 2015, 07:07:21 AM
I REALLY fucking hate redundancy.
good, now i know how to pester you.

let me re-word that question.....

do you think it's OK for people to play with their dick in public?

No, because that's unsanitary and is STILL redundant to your previous asked and answered question. If your dick cannot emit any bodily fluids, you won't be in public, you'll be in the hospital, or in a psych ward after mutilating yourself.

Title: Re: LGBT
Post by: WEB slicer on July 07, 2015, 07:08:01 AM
avoiding the question.
there is a difference between fondling and masturbating.

Title: Re: LGBT
Post by: WEB slicer on July 07, 2015, 07:10:08 AM
Welcome to my ignore list.

fuck you yoda!!!!

the dark side wins!!!!!

Title: Re: LGBT
Post by: TheButterZone on July 07, 2015, 07:15:55 AM
avoiding the question.
there is a difference between fondling and masturbating.

Since I was busy editing my post instead of clicking Ignore...

Your dick doesn't care what word you use to describe causing it to emit fluids.

Title: Re: LGBT
Post by: WEB slicer on July 07, 2015, 07:17:05 AM
you can play with it without releasing fluids.


Title: Re: LGBT
Post by: TheButterZone on July 07, 2015, 07:20:58 AM
you can play with it without releasing fluids.


Maybe YOU can, and don't need to wear underwear because you have total control of your bodily fluids at all times. But extraordinary claims require extraordinary proof! Vid or it did happen. j/k

Title: Re: LGBT
Post by: WEB slicer on July 07, 2015, 07:22:16 AM
what happened to ignore butters?

are you really that slow and need an explanation to the many ways you can play with your dick without releasing fluids?

Title: Re: LGBT
Post by: TheButterZone on July 07, 2015, 07:25:09 AM
what happened to ignore butters?

are you really that slow and need an explanation to the many ways you can play with your dick without releasing fluids?

Can't let your utter bullshit go unchecked now that you've stopped being redundant.

Funny how bigots act like they know more about penises than anyone else, whether it's "gun control" advocates saying "ammosexuals" are just compensating for tiny dicks (like all female gun owners are actually men), or...

Go right ahead with your penis expertise.

Title: Re: LGBT
Post by: WEB slicer on July 07, 2015, 07:25:39 AM
avoiding the question.
is it OK to play with your dick in public if it does not release fluids?

Title: Re: LGBT
Post by: TheButterZone on July 07, 2015, 07:36:22 AM
avoiding the question.
is it OK to play with your dick if it does not release fluids?

And... back to redundancy. You should really make up your mind whether you want me to ignore you or not and either stick with the redundancy trigger or stop fondling it.

At the point that your dick does not release fluids, it would be OK to play with it because
you'll be in the hospital, or in a psych ward after mutilating yourself.

Title: Re: LGBT
Post by: WEB slicer on July 07, 2015, 07:38:19 AM
you sure are stupid yoda. you can stroke it without releasing fluids. you can slap it. squeeze the tip. pull your balls. twirl it around like a helicopter. all without releasing fluids.

answer the fucking question yoda.

Title: Re: LGBT
Post by: WEB slicer on July 07, 2015, 07:40:15 AM
At the point that your dick does not release fluids, it would be OK to play with it

glad i managed to quote this before you changed your words around again. you sure do like to edit alot.

Title: Re: LGBT
Post by: TheButterZone on July 07, 2015, 07:44:26 AM
you sure are stupid yoda. you can stroke it without releasing fluids. you can slap it. you can squeeze the tip. pull your balls. twirl it around like a helicopter. all without releasing fluids.

answer the fucking question yoda.

Do you have no sensation in your dick or did you mutilate your dick hole or something? GET TO A HOSPITAL NOW!

At the point that your dick does not release fluids, it would be OK to play with it

glad i managed to quote this before you changed your words around again. you sure do like to edit alot.

Double quoted, since you're the "expert" on how to "fondle" yourself without emitting bodily fluids, seeming to look for anybody to approve of your doing it in public. Which as I previously quoted myself as saying about dicks that do not release fluids, would actually have to be in a hospital or psych ward - those are not public places by any stretch.

Title: Re: LGBT
Post by: WEB slicer on July 07, 2015, 07:47:10 AM
it's so cute how you try to act like it's impossible to play with it without releasing fluids.

Title: Re: LGBT
Post by: WEB slicer on July 07, 2015, 07:49:16 AM
hey butters!!!!!

now i understand why you support LGBT.


Title: Re: LGBT
Post by: WEB slicer on July 07, 2015, 07:50:26 AM
you kinda look like willy wonka.

the little hat.

the silly grin.

the flower shirt.

it all makes sense now.


Title: Re: LGBT
Post by: TheButterZone on July 07, 2015, 07:51:42 AM
it's so cute how you try to act like it's impossible to play with it without releasing fluids.

It's so cute how you try to act like you know more about my dick than I do. You've failed sex ed (, next student!

Title: Re: LGBT
Post by: WEB slicer on July 07, 2015, 07:52:24 AM
good night sweet yoda.

sweet dreams!!!

Title: Re: LGBT
Post by: Beliathon on July 07, 2015, 06:05:11 PM
it's so cute how you try to act like it's impossible to play with it without releasing fluids.
It's so cute how you try to act like you know more about my dick than I do.
What the hell have you done with this thread? You damn dirty apes! If it wasn't gay before, it sure as hell is now!

Title: Re: LGBT
Post by: WEB slicer on July 07, 2015, 10:01:43 PM
What the hell have you done with this thread?

right here......

How is ANYBODY, merely seeing ANYTHING, a victimization?
you should be able to display your sexuality in public as long as you aren't anywhere near letting bodily fluids out in public
At the point that your dick does not release fluids, it would be OK to play with it

butters seems to think playing with your dick in front of children is OK and he was very specific that it's only OK if you don't release bodily fluids.


good job with that butters. the dark side wins this one.

Title: Re: LGBT
Post by: GeorgeFeb on July 07, 2015, 10:15:06 PM
Relax people, even Caligula Born: August 31, 12 AD & Alexander Born: July 356 AD were gays a long time ago, so NOTHING really changed with humans over thousands of years, NOTHING & no technologies will change humanity, well though technologies can dumbify you as they successfully do! :D

But only the one thing which is really has changed overtime it's a democratization of these kinda behaviors, simple!

Title: Re: LGBT
Post by: TheButterZone on July 07, 2015, 11:14:34 PM
What the hell have you done with this thread?

right here......

How is ANYBODY, merely seeing ANYTHING, a victimization?
you should be able to display your sexuality in public as long as you aren't anywhere near letting bodily fluids out in public
At the point that your dick does not release fluids, it would be OK to play with it

butters seems to think playing with your dick in front of children is OK and he was very specific that it's only OK if you don't release bodily fluids.

Children are not allowed in hospital rooms or psych wards, non-public places, when adults are exposing their dicks that doesn't release bodily fluids.

Title: Re: LGBT
Post by: WEB slicer on July 07, 2015, 11:19:24 PM
butters, you lost this one. nobody is going to agree with you. give it up.

Title: Re: LGBT
Post by: TheButterZone on July 07, 2015, 11:21:22 PM
butters, you lost this one. nobody is going to agree with you. give it up.

Except everyone who knows how healthy penises actually work. Top kek!

Title: Re: LGBT
Post by: WEB slicer on July 07, 2015, 11:22:58 PM
OK butters, you still wanna go? lets make you look even more stupid than you already do.

let's take the dick out of it. do you think it's OK for people to go around spreading their cheeks and showing their asshole to little kids?

Title: Re: LGBT
Post by: TheButterZone on July 07, 2015, 11:39:00 PM
OK butters, you still wanna go? lets make you look even more stupid than you already do.

let's take the dick out of it. do you think it's OK for people to go around spreading their cheeks and showing their asshole to little kids?

The "people" in that case would be those who'd had hair removal or some members of genetic populations where androgenic hair is less common, so that the anus would actually be visible.

What would be the point in showing the terminus of your GI tract? Other than as a joke (mooning) or asking someone to describe the appearance to determine whether medical care is needed (hard to manage on your own even with mirrors and/or cameras)... are you trying to say some people are aroused by laughter or being told the state of their anus?

That is psych ward stuff, once again, where children are not allowed.

Title: Re: LGBT
Post by: WEB slicer on July 07, 2015, 11:41:13 PM
The "people" in that case would be those who'd had hair removal or some members of genetic populations where androgenic hair is less common, so that the anus would actually be visible.

What would be the point in showing the terminus of your GI tract? Other than as a joke (mooning) or asking someone to describe the appearance to determine whether medical care is needed (hard to manage on your own even with mirrors and/or cameras)...
butters, the verbal gymnastics is not helping you. a simple yes or no is all that is required.

Title: Re: LGBT
Post by: TheButterZone on July 07, 2015, 11:44:45 PM
The "people" in that case would be those who'd had hair removal or some members of genetic populations where androgenic hair is less common, so that the anus would actually be visible.

What would be the point in showing the terminus of your GI tract? Other than as a joke (mooning) or asking someone to describe the appearance to determine whether medical care is needed (hard to manage on your own even with mirrors and/or cameras)... are you trying to say some people are aroused by laughter or being told the state of their anus?

That is psych ward stuff, once again, where children are not allowed.
butters, the verbal gymnastics is not helping you. a simple yes or no is all that is required.

Says the verbal gymnast who broke his back trying to bend over backwards to analogize apples to elephants (in this case, non-genitals to genitals, where this all began). Play stupid games, win stupid prizes.

Even exposing your genitals is illegal there.
It's immoral to cage humans for victimless crimes.

Title: Re: LGBT
Post by: WEB slicer on July 07, 2015, 11:47:05 PM
you should be able to display your sexuality in public as long as you aren't anywhere near letting bodily fluids out in public
fags do identify the asshole as a part of their sexuality.

are you going to answer the question or are you going to concede?

Title: Re: LGBT
Post by: TheButterZone on July 07, 2015, 11:48:37 PM
you should be able to display your sexuality in public as long as you aren't anywhere near letting bodily fluids out in public
fags do identify the asshole as a part of their sexuality.

are you going to answer the question or are you going to concede?

How can anyone concede to bullshit you just made up to attempt to win an argument?

What next, are you going to say the human mouth is self-identified as a part of homosexuality? When both mouths and anuses are parts of heterosexualty as well?

You're a joke.

Title: Re: LGBT
Post by: Scamalert on July 07, 2015, 11:54:43 PM
fags flirting with you

I doubt that a gay guy was ever flirting with you, and if a gay guy really fliterted with you, then should you feel flathered. Most gay guys are extremly neat and is very vain when it comes to finding a boy friend, I would say that it is almost impossible for a straight guy to score a gay guy, unless you are very very good looking and got all your fashion shit together.

Title: Re: LGBT
Post by: WEB slicer on July 07, 2015, 11:56:34 PM
OK butters. it is clear when you have been backed up in to a corner you will just spew bullshit from your mouth and dodge the questions presented to you.

i consider you to be defeated. i'm also confident nobody here will agree with your statements about expressing their sexuality to kids. you have made a fool of yourself. good job.

Title: Re: LGBT
Post by: TheButterZone on July 07, 2015, 11:56:45 PM
fags flirting with you

I doubt that a gay guy was ever flirting with you, and if a gay guy really fliterted with you, then should you feel flathered. Most gay guys are extremly neat and is very vain when it comes to finding a boy friend, I would say that it is almost impossible for a straight guy to score a gay guy, unless you are very very good looking and got all your fashion shit together.

Being more attractive to men than women (measured by flirting levels) should make a hetero depressed. LOL

OK butters. it is clear when you have been backed up in to a corner you will just spew bullshit from your mouth and dodge the questions presented to you.

i consider you to be defeated. i'm also confident nobody here will agree with your statements. you have made a fool of yourself. good job.

Live long and prosper, with your rejection of reality and substitution of your own.

Title: Re: LGBT
Post by: bryant.coleman on July 08, 2015, 05:05:31 AM
I would say that it is almost impossible for a straight guy to score a gay guy, unless you are very very good looking and got all your fashion shit together.

Don't flatter yourself.

An average gay male will be having sex with somewhere from 1,000 to 10,000 different partners in his lifetime (i.e. before he dies from HIV/AIDS or Syphilis). May be 1% or 2% out of that will be good looking. That said, why should a straight guy try to score a gay guy? For getting HIV?

Title: Re: LGBT
Post by: TheButterZone on July 08, 2015, 09:18:23 AM
I would say that it is almost impossible for a straight guy to score a gay guy, unless you are very very good looking and got all your fashion shit together.

Don't flatter yourself.

An average gay male will be having sex with somewhere from 1,000 to 10,000 different partners in his lifetime (i.e. before he dies from HIV/AIDS or Syphilis). May be 1% or 2% out of that will be good looking. That said, why should a straight guy try to score a gay guy? For getting HIV?

LMFAO, unless you're going with the "you've had sex with everyone you've had sex with has ever had sex with to infinity"...

Title: Re: LGBT
Post by: pureelite on July 08, 2015, 01:50:04 PM
what do you think of this?

personally, i don't like this whole gay movement. but i don't care either. do what you want.

however, i do think recognizing a man to be a woman and a woman to be a man is going to far and people who go along with this are fucking stupid.

#caitlyn jenner

this guy was a man for 65 years now people consider him a woman.

pure stupid.

the world is losing it's common sense at a staggering rate.

I do not know why okoovoga great dust rising, these people and this population should not be the center of attention. This is a great shame for the whole world, a great shame.

Title: Re: LGBT
Post by: pureelite on July 08, 2015, 01:54:06 PM
what do you think of this?

personally, i don't like this whole gay movement. but i don't care either. do what you want.

however, i do think recognizing a man to be a woman and a woman to be a man is going to far and people who go along with this are fucking stupid.

#caitlyn jenner

this guy was a man for 65 years now people consider him a woman.

pure stupid.

the world is losing it's common sense at a staggering rate.

I do not know why around this great dust rising, these people and this population should not be the center of attention. This is a great shame for the whole world, a great shame.

Title: Re: LGBT
Post by: Beliathon on July 08, 2015, 02:30:38 PM
That said, why should a straight guy try to score a gay guy? For getting HIV?
For money, of course. The rich and the poor mingle both economically and sexually in every major metropolis.

Title: Re: LGBT
Post by: Mehek on July 08, 2015, 03:11:17 PM
what do you think of this?

personally, i don't like this whole gay movement. but i don't care either. do what you want.

however, i do think recognizing a man to be a woman and a woman to be a man is going to far and people who go along with this are fucking stupid.

#caitlyn jenner

this guy was a man for 65 years now people consider him a woman.

pure stupid.

the world is losing it's common sense at a staggering rate.

If you really didn't care , then it shouldn't have bothered you. In the end,  nothing matters , whether you're - a man, woman, girl, boy , gay , bisexual , straight, black, white , rich , poor, etc. just let others do what makes them happy unless it is violating your rules. Just live and let live.

Title: Re: LGBT
Post by: WEB slicer on July 08, 2015, 11:25:40 PM
If you really didn't care , then it shouldn't have bothered you. In the end,  nothing matters , whether you're - a man, woman, girl, boy , gay , bisexual , straight, black, white , rich , poor, etc. just let others do what makes them happy unless it is violating your rules. Just live and let live.
i am going to end this discussion with that post. i would also like to say even though i don't agree with LGBT i don't hate anybody and wish the LGBT community a happy life.