Bitcoin Forum

Bitcoin => Bitcoin Discussion => Topic started by: LiteCoinGuy on December 09, 2015, 06:37:05 AM

Title: Police Raid Home of Alleged "Bitcoin Creator" Craig Wright - ALL FACTS
Post by: LiteCoinGuy on December 09, 2015, 06:37:05 AM
Police Raid Home of Alleged Bitcoin Creator Craig Wright

Police in Australia have raided the home of Craig Wright, the tech entrepreneur who reports suggest may be one of two individuals behind creation of the bitcoin protocol.


Pretty Certain Dr. Craig Steven Wright is Not Satoshi

by dudetalking

    Dave Kleinman's background does not indicate anything that would point to being involved with bitcoin in any way. His background comes across as Local to regional IT expert.

    Craig Wrights Linked-in is pretty odd and beyond showing he owns tons of shadow companies, there is nothing in his past that would indicate he had the skills to create bitcoin. He has tons of IT Certifications, that are not related to cryptography field. Also, I am curious if the media can verify his education credentials. Looking at his CV all his courses are at Charles Sturt University, a relative new for profit school, seems like a vocational university. Not to take away but not exactly what one would picture to be Satoshi's background.

    He's discussion at the All Star Panel, was very odd, and not in any way lucid or clear. Here is /u/nullc take on a transcript I made.

    user /u/jarederaj points out a book Wright wrote full of grammatical errors, nothing related to cryptocurrency, digital cash

    He has listed a US patent for "Registry system" of some kind filed in 2012 and approved in 2014. Very odd. By 2012 He would have been a multimillionaire very odd to file a patent on a registry system that sounds like blockledger document registrations. Patent Description

        The present invention relates to a registry, and particularly a registry suitable for use as an estate registry, a corporate registry or a document registry.

Just clearly more questions that answers


    Seems that this Satoshi may have defrauded the Australian Government possibly out of 50 million. Pretty Certain has become highly certain that this is not Satoshi.

    Ok More info. Seems that one of Wrights Companies Hotwire Preemptive Intelligence Pty Limited was in bankruptcy. I think its a little ridiculous that Satoshi would go into bankruptcy on a business, while he is sitting on several hundred million in Bitcoin. Here are the creditor reports and notes.

    Ok looking at his main company The board is 4 people, himself, his wife, a guy that works on huts and a retiree. Then you look at the main page of their website:

DeMorgan is a pre-IPO Australian listed company focused on alternative currency, next generation banking and reputational and educational products with a focus on security and creating a simple user experience.

WTF its like Step Brother Prestige worldwide, the first word in entertainment, portfolios, insurance


    Damn just noticed that his linked in background has bitcoin tabs all over the place. Saved a screenshot in case it changes: Cmon this guy is totally playing us.


'Satoshi' lost bitcoins at Mt. Gox? -- Page 28: "Dr. Wright, as the major shareholder no longer being able to provide financial accommodation to the Company, due to the collapse of the Mount Gox Bitcoin registry where we understand Dr. Wright had a significant exposure." (ref. Koen Swinkels)


craig is a poor fraudster:


wrong emailaddress. moron fraudster.


SGI denies links with alleged bitcoin founder Craig Wright


"On Friday afternoon, Charles Sturt University released a statement via email to Mashable confirming Wright completed three qualifications from the university: Master of Networking and Systems Administration, Master of Management (Information Technology) and Master of Information Systems Security.

He was not awarded a Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) by the university, a Masters in Systems Development or a degree in Psychology as he claimed on his LinkedIn page and in his resume. "

Title: Re: Police Raid Home of Alleged "Bitcoin Creator" Craig Wright
Post by: SuperCoinGuy on December 09, 2015, 06:39:43 AM
They were probably looking for his private keys.

Title: Re: Police Raid Home of Alleged "Bitcoin Creator" Craig Wright
Post by: TeamButtcoin on December 09, 2015, 06:42:27 AM
They were probably looking for his private keys.

actually its cuz he's a big-time tax cheat

Title: Re: Police Raid Home of Alleged "Bitcoin Creator" Craig Wright
Post by: monsanto on December 09, 2015, 06:43:49 AM


Title: Re: Police Raid Home of Alleged "Bitcoin Creator" Craig Wright
Post by: smoothie on December 09, 2015, 06:44:53 AM
So in other words they raided his house because:

"We want our cut!"  :P

Title: Re: Police Raid Home of Alleged "Bitcoin Creator" Craig Wright
Post by: TeamButtcoin on December 09, 2015, 06:49:24 AM
So in other words they raided his house because:

"We want our cut!"  :P

they want to get their cut back from a man who conned them (, you mean

Title: Re: Police Raid Home of Alleged "Bitcoin Creator" Craig Wright
Post by: Quickseller on December 09, 2015, 06:52:53 AM
So in other words they raided his house because:

"We want our cut!"  :P
He was apparently having tax problems for some time prior to being revealed as being "satoshi". I would question if the two events were even correlated. 

Title: Re: Police Raid Home of Alleged "Bitcoin Creator" Craig Wright
Post by: Scream on December 09, 2015, 06:53:55 AM
Potential hoax
Wired acknowledged that the trail of evidence leading to Mr Wright could be part of an elaborate hoax.

Asher Tan of CoinJar, Australia's largest bitcoin exchange, said he was skeptical of Wired's claim, pointing out the bitcoin community relies on mathematical proof.

Solid technical proof should be given more weight than speculation, he said.

"There are some methods of doing this," Mr Tan said. These would include "moving bitcoin attributed to Satoshi's personal stash or utilising his personal encryption key (PGP) to communicate.

"These aren't foolproof methods of identifying him, but anyone who publicly stakes a claim to being Satoshi would be expected to demonstrate either of these methods."

The New York Times, which conducted an inconclusive investigation of its own into the matter, has described Mr Nakamoto's identity as "one of the great mysteries of the digital age".

But many in the bitcoin community believe that the identity of the person (or people) behind Nakamoto is irrelevant, since the virtual currency is an open source and community driven technology.  It sure is a fun story though.

Title: Re: Police Raid Home of Alleged "Bitcoin Creator" Craig Wright
Post by: LiteCoinGuy on December 09, 2015, 06:55:12 AM

there he is!



Title: Re: Police Raid Home of Alleged "Bitcoin Creator" Craig Wright
Post by: HabBear on December 09, 2015, 06:56:55 AM
Is Craig Wright an anagram for Satoshi Nakamoto?
 ;D definition, no.

What a shameless plug for your blog.

Title: Re: Police Raid Home of Alleged "Bitcoin Creator" Craig Wright
Post by: USB-S on December 09, 2015, 07:01:08 AM
Wait until the CEO news start rolling in ;D

Title: Re: Police Raid Home of Alleged "Bitcoin Creator" Craig Wright
Post by: Searing on December 09, 2015, 07:04:35 AM
The problem is even if he is NOT the time the press gets done with this and banks saying see open crypto is dangerous..and/if/when he actually is dodging taxes
we are screwed as far as press etc is concerned...lots of fud/panic and such already on this 'speculation'

now if he IS satoshi and did play tax games with other early adopter coins...then with fees and penalties they could go after him for is 1 million btc and auction them off

anyway stuff like that would mean that 'banks closed crypto' would win...fees would stay the same and they would not be worth billions anymore but trillions

FML this is gonna such bad and drag on like GOX for a frigging year imho and we probably will find out he was not satoshi etc..but man all that drama will sure make $$$ for press FUD

Title: Re: Police Raid Home of Alleged "Bitcoin Creator" Craig Wright
Post by: LiteCoinGuy on December 09, 2015, 07:05:32 AM
"I'm surprised the story didn't mention his linkedin profile, which is one of the more detailed ones I've seen:

Count me skeptical, though. This guy seems to be trying way too hard to make it look like he's Satoshi. Leaked documents to reporters. Edited blog posts - with more suggestive evidence added after the fact. It seems like the work of a conman to be blunt.

Then there's the whole "Top 15 supercomputer" bragging. Who cares, even if it is true?

Satoshi could provide the best evidence for his identity by signing a message with the key pair that received payment from the genesis block. All the other stuff cited in the article can be forged.

Also, I've found no evidence that Tulips "kill grass." Quite the opposite, it seems: "

Title: Re: Police Raid Home of Alleged "Bitcoin Creator" Craig Wright
Post by: Scream on December 09, 2015, 07:28:02 AM
This is some info I found about him

Writing papers,
Managing change.

Nothing but security and blockchain

Some of his websites

The domain of his email is

Look here

The domain is again registered by him

sorry i copas from bitkookos

Title: Re: Police Raid Home of Alleged "Bitcoin Creator" Craig Wright
Post by: p2p on December 09, 2015, 07:31:39 AM
It's not related to his involvement with bitcoin. What a coincidence that the raid happens within hours of the news article. They are definitely after that private key with the huge stash of bitcoin  :D

Title: Re: Police Raid Home of Alleged "Bitcoin Creator" Craig Wright
Post by: keystroke on December 09, 2015, 07:54:10 AM
At least Dorian didn't get raided! I would like to see all of the notOshis get together for a party one day.

Title: Re: Police Raid Home of Alleged "Bitcoin Creator" Craig Wright
Post by: LiteCoinGuy on December 09, 2015, 07:58:30 AM
The problem is even if he is NOT the time the press gets done with this and banks saying see open crypto is dangerous..and/if/when he actually is dodging taxes
we are screwed as far as press etc is concerned...lots of fud/panic and such already on this 'speculation'

now if he IS satoshi and did play tax games with other early adopter coins...then with fees and penalties they could go after him for is 1 million btc and auction them off

anyway stuff like that would mean that 'banks closed crypto' would win...fees would stay the same and they would not be worth billions anymore but trillions

FML this is gonna such bad and drag on like GOX for a frigging year imho and we probably will find out he was not satoshi etc..but man all that drama will sure make $$$ for press FUD

of course this story will be pumped though the media in the next 2 weeks. but there is no bad press for bitcoin - it is always free advertising  ;D

Title: Re: Police Raid Home of Alleged "Bitcoin Creator" Craig Wright
Post by: USB-S on December 09, 2015, 08:22:06 AM
The problem is even if he is NOT the time the press gets done with this and banks saying see open crypto is dangerous..and/if/when he actually is dodging taxes
we are screwed as far as press etc is concerned...lots of fud/panic and such already on this 'speculation'

now if he IS satoshi and did play tax games with other early adopter coins...then with fees and penalties they could go after him for is 1 million btc and auction them off

anyway stuff like that would mean that 'banks closed crypto' would win...fees would stay the same and they would not be worth billions anymore but trillions

FML this is gonna such bad and drag on like GOX for a frigging year imho and we probably will find out he was not satoshi etc..but man all that drama will sure make $$$ for press FUD

of course this story will be pumped though the media in the next 2 weeks. but there is no bad press for bitcoin - it is always free advertising  ;D
Maybe the price will hit 100 again. Then I could buy 4 times as many bitcoins than I currently can.

Title: Re: Police Raid Home of Alleged "Bitcoin Creator" Craig Wright
Post by: LiteCoinGuy on December 09, 2015, 08:35:02 AM
i dont think there will be a big negative effect.

our new "Satoshi" was also fucked my Mark Karpeles  ;D

Alleged Bitcoin Creator Craig Wright May Have Lost Bitcoin in Mt Gox Collapse

Title: Re: Police Raid Home of Alleged "Bitcoin Creator" Craig Wright
Post by: Benarand on December 09, 2015, 08:47:33 AM
It's not related to his involvement with bitcoin. What a coincidence that the raid happens within hours of the news article. They are definitely after that private key with the huge stash of bitcoin  :D

I don't think the police can find the private key if he is Satoshi. Satoshi would hide his keys properly. Satoshi would not doge tax.

Title: Re: Police Raid Home of Alleged "Bitcoin Creator" Craig Wright
Post by: MasterBrain on December 09, 2015, 10:11:07 AM
The problem is even if he is NOT the time the press gets done with this and banks saying see open crypto is dangerous..and/if/when he actually is dodging taxes
we are screwed as far as press etc is concerned...lots of fud/panic and such already on this 'speculation'

now if he IS satoshi and did play tax games with other early adopter coins...then with fees and penalties they could go after him for is 1 million btc and auction them off

anyway stuff like that would mean that 'banks closed crypto' would win...fees would stay the same and they would not be worth billions anymore but trillions

FML this is gonna such bad and drag on like GOX for a frigging year imho and we probably will find out he was not satoshi etc..but man all that drama will sure make $$$ for press FUD

of course this story will be pumped though the media in the next 2 weeks. but there is no bad press for bitcoin - it is always free advertising  ;D
Maybe the price will hit 100 again. Then I could buy 4 times as many bitcoins than I currently can.

Probably will do the same :D

Title: Re: Police Raid Home of Alleged "Bitcoin Creator" Craig Wright
Post by: fastdice_alchemist on December 09, 2015, 10:52:11 AM
I call bullshit on this one, theres too much pointing away from him for him to be the one.

Title: Re: Police Raid Home of Alleged "Bitcoin Creator" Craig Wright
Post by: LiteCoinGuy on December 09, 2015, 11:06:08 AM
I call bullshit on this one, theres too much pointing away from him for him to be the one.

of course it is BS - the dust has to settle first.

Title: Re: Police Raid Home of Alleged "Bitcoin Creator" Craig Wright
Post by: LiteCoinGuy on December 09, 2015, 11:07:36 AM


Title: Re: Police Raid Home of Alleged "Bitcoin Creator" Craig Wright
Post by: mexicantarget on December 09, 2015, 11:12:53 AM
What's the reason for raiding his private space? They're looking for more bitcoins to sell?
Even if he's Satoshi (Which I highly doubt), they have no right to invade into his house. He did nothing wrong.

Title: Re: Police Raid Home of Alleged "Bitcoin Creator" Craig Wright
Post by: Bitcoinpro on December 09, 2015, 11:29:45 AM
What's the reason for raiding his private space? They're looking for more bitcoins to sell?
Even if he's Satoshi (Which I highly doubt), they have no right to invade into his house. He did nothing wrong.

Definately a very strange event the timing is bizarre

i will call the NSW police commisioner and ask for an explanation,

id also go so far as to ask the Prime Minister to sack him over this

it seems so obvious they wanted coin,

Title: Re: Police Raid Home of Alleged "Bitcoin Creator" Craig Wright
Post by: pedrog on December 09, 2015, 11:30:49 AM
What's the reason for raiding his private space? They're looking for more bitcoins to sell?
Even if he's Satoshi (Which I highly doubt), they have no right to invade into his house. He did nothing wrong.

Related to tax evasion and fraud with public granted funds to his businesses, I read somewhere.

Title: Re: Police Raid Home of Alleged "Bitcoin Creator" Craig Wright
Post by: XCASH on December 09, 2015, 11:39:51 AM
What's the reason for raiding his private space? They're looking for more bitcoins to sell?
Even if he's Satoshi (Which I highly doubt), they have no right to invade into his house. He did nothing wrong.

The police refused to give a reason for the raid on his rented house, but said to ask the Australian Tax Office. He had a giant computer system there that he installed a three-phase power system for, so it must be a monster. The police who raided his office wore shirts with "Computer Forensics" on them, so they were after the computer equipment data

I'm only guessing, but Bitcoins are subject to capital gains tax in Australia, and if he didn't declare them all the Australian Tax Office could instigate a raid. In some countries the tax man can have more power than the police in cases involving millions. Before the police raid they usually knock on the door, the tax man just orders it broken down.

Locksmiths broke open the door of the property, in a suburb on Sydney's north shore. When asked what they were doing, one officer told a Reuters reporter they were "clearing the house".

A reporter who approached an office listed as the location of two of Wright's registered businesses, DeMorgan Ltd and Panopticrypt Pty Ltd, in another Sydney suburb, was turned away by police with one officer saying: "There's an operation going on at the moment, I can't answer any questions." Several police officers could be seen speaking with workers inside

The Australian Federal Police (AFP) said in a statement that the officers' "presence at Mr. Wright's property is not associated with the media reporting overnight about bitcoins".

The AFP referred all inquiries about the raids to the Australian Tax Office, which said it could not comment on "any individual's or entity's tax affairs" due to legal confidentiality.

At Wright's rented home, a modest brick house in the leafy middle class suburb of Gordon, three police workers wearing white gloves could be seen searching the garage, which contained gym equipment.

A man who identified himself as the owner of the house, Garry Hayres, told Reuters that Wright and his family had lived there for a year, and were due to move out on Dec. 22 to move to Britain.

Hayres said that Wright had a "substantial computer system set-up" and had attached a "three-phase" power system to the back of the house for extra power.

Police personnel at Wright's office in nearby Ryde wore shirts tagged "Computer Forensics".

Title: Re: Police Raid Home of Alleged "Bitcoin Creator" Craig Wright
Post by: Bitcoinpro on December 09, 2015, 11:41:17 AM
What's the reason for raiding his private space? They're looking for more bitcoins to sell?
Even if he's Satoshi (Which I highly doubt), they have no right to invade into his house. He did nothing wrong.

Related to tax evasion and fraud with public granted funds to his businesses, I read somewhere.

the timming after he has had a very public piece published is highly embaressing

he should sue in my opinion,

Title: Re: Police Raid Home of Alleged "Bitcoin Creator" Craig Wright
Post by: Straux on December 09, 2015, 11:50:03 AM
Yay. I'm in Australia. Just sit back and relax, and watch our economy suddenly spike up the equivalent of 1 million bitcoins xD

But seriously, this guy is a real joke.

Title: Re: Police Raid Home of Alleged "Bitcoin Creator" Craig Wright
Post by: pedrog on December 09, 2015, 11:50:28 AM
What's the reason for raiding his private space? They're looking for more bitcoins to sell?
Even if he's Satoshi (Which I highly doubt), they have no right to invade into his house. He did nothing wrong.

Related to tax evasion and fraud with public granted funds to his businesses, I read somewhere.

the timming after he has had a very public piece published is highly embaressing

he should sue in my opinion,

I don't think the police spends the night looking at bitcoin related articles, this operation had to be scheduled at least a few days ago.

And they may had found what they were looking for, I assume, evidence of a crime...

Title: Re: Police Raid Home of Alleged "Bitcoin Creator" Craig Wright
Post by: Alley on December 09, 2015, 01:32:48 PM
So this guy is SN and is almost a billionaire and he "rents" that shithole house?  Come on guys...

Title: Re: Police Raid Home of Alleged "Bitcoin Creator" Craig Wright
Post by: nichu on December 09, 2015, 02:08:40 PM
why would everyone chase after SN. let him live in peace .

Title: Re: Police Raid Home of Alleged "Bitcoin Creator" Craig Wright
Post by: LiteCoinGuy on December 09, 2015, 02:52:17 PM
craid the fraudster:

Title: Re: Police Raid Home of Alleged "Bitcoin Creator" Craig Wright
Post by: Kprawn on December 09, 2015, 03:42:40 PM
why would everyone chase after SN. let him live in peace .

His/her invention has disrupted a lot of big businesses and even some banks... they will want to make an example of this person, to show their power and how they deal with people

who dare to go against it. There are a lot of pissed off people out there, who are losing a sizable amount of money because of Bitcoin. Craig Wright might have bitten off more than

what he will be able to chew, with this hoax.  ::)

Title: Re: Police Raid Home of Alleged "Bitcoin Creator" Craig Wright
Post by: thejaytiesto on December 09, 2015, 03:47:09 PM
The problem is even if he is NOT the time the press gets done with this and banks saying see open crypto is dangerous..and/if/when he actually is dodging taxes
we are screwed as far as press etc is concerned...lots of fud/panic and such already on this 'speculation'

now if he IS satoshi and did play tax games with other early adopter coins...then with fees and penalties they could go after him for is 1 million btc and auction them off

anyway stuff like that would mean that 'banks closed crypto' would win...fees would stay the same and they would not be worth billions anymore but trillions

FML this is gonna such bad and drag on like GOX for a frigging year imho and we probably will find out he was not satoshi etc..but man all that drama will sure make $$$ for press FUD

Well, let's just hope this guy is just what it seems to be, an attentionwhore fraudster, and that the police doesn't find 1 million BTC in some USB, because then those guys are going to become the biggest auctioneers in Bitcoin ever, they will probably sell it all to potential new whales. Actually it may not even be a bad thing since it will redistribute those coins.

Title: Re: Police Raid Home of Alleged "Bitcoin Creator" Craig Wright
Post by: LiteCoinGuy on December 09, 2015, 04:42:35 PM

Title: Re: Police Raid Home of Alleged "Bitcoin Creator" Craig Wright
Post by: Blawpaw on December 09, 2015, 04:45:32 PM
The guy is not the real Satoshi Nakamoto! The way I see it. it is nothing but an Hoax, and the Media is making a lot of money over it. The real Satoshi will never go public.

Title: Re: Police Raid Home of Alleged "Bitcoin Creator" Craig Wright
Post by: bitcoinblessed on December 09, 2015, 04:48:41 PM
Good read! Thanks for the post. Craig=Satoshi?  :P

Title: Re: Police Raid Home of Alleged "Bitcoin Creator" Craig Wright
Post by: maokoto on December 09, 2015, 05:15:18 PM
So Satoshi Nakamoto is not even Japanese?? That makes Bitcoin lose lots of glamour lol.

I read earlier today that there were some rumors of satoshi being found, so ... this is it?

Title: Re: Police Raid Home of Alleged "Bitcoin Creator" Craig Wright
Post by: n2004al on December 09, 2015, 05:34:22 PM
The OP deserve the maximum of evaluation for its scrupulosity in finding and bringing here all the possible "news" and "facts" mixed with the endless thirst of every kind of journalist which have found another "victim" to "crucify" with all the mysterious of the creator and the itself creation of bitcoin. But this time with the desire and full desire and involvement of the personage himself. Who like and ask for all this attention give time after time "new news" about its protagonism in the first biggest invention of this century. How will be the end of this story? Who want to bet that it will be like all the other similar ones before this.

Title: Re: Police Raid Home of Alleged "Bitcoin Creator" Craig Wright
Post by: LiteCoinGuy on December 09, 2015, 07:32:59 PM
you are welcome  :)

i guess the bitcoin community did a pretty good job in researching too. amazing!

Title: Re: Police Raid Home of Alleged "Bitcoin Creator" Craig Wright - ALL FACTS
Post by: LiteCoinGuy on December 09, 2015, 07:35:47 PM
Satoshi's PGP Keys Are Probably Backdated and Point to a Hoax

Title: Re: Police Raid Home of Alleged "Bitcoin Creator" Craig Wright - ALL FACTS
Post by: Mr. Forum on December 09, 2015, 07:46:41 PM
It is funny how this people are trying to frustrate the entire bitcoins as a digital currency. I just came to find out the reason why people and states are against this bitcoin thing. Like other forms of currency, bitcoin has no formal body that can exercise control over it when demand and supply keep changing. In so doing, it becomes a serious threat to the economy if at all people will depend on it as a stable currency. Raiding the home wont help now, the protocol is already in use.

Title: Re: Police Raid Home of Alleged "Bitcoin Creator" Craig Wright - ALL FACTS
Post by: Gleb Gamow on December 09, 2015, 09:08:57 PM


    Damn just noticed that his linked in background has bitcoin tabs all over the place. Saved a screenshot in case it changes: Cmon this guy is totally playing us.

My takeaway is that your Linkedin avatar (upper right-hand corner) depicts a man's likeness, whereas I thought the general consensus was that you're a woman.

Title: Re: Police Raid Home of Alleged "Bitcoin Creator" Craig Wright - ALL FACTS
Post by: 5w00p on December 09, 2015, 09:32:57 PM
Could this nerd try any harder to be double-oh-se7en in his little tux photo?

Title: Re: Police Raid Home of Alleged "Bitcoin Creator" Craig Wright - ALL FACTS
Post by: Gleb Gamow on December 09, 2015, 09:44:07 PM
Locksmiths broke open the door of the property, in a suburb on Sydney's north shore. When asked what they were doing, one officer told a Reuters reporter they were "clearing the house".

Reuters Reporter: Yeah, Honey, I should be home shortly. Doesn't seem to be nothin' happenin' here at this stakeout in front of a house that still has garbage cans at the curb several days after pickup. Oh, wait, what's this? A locksmith just showed up and is approachin' the front door with a batterin' ram. Now, a van load of computer forensic experts just pulled up, and they're enterin' the computer forensic expert's home. Do me a favor, dear, while I cover the story: Sell 15% of bitcoins if it reaches $420 before I get home. I may be late. Kitty litter. Got it. I'll pick it up on the way home.

Title: Re: Police Raid Home of Alleged "Bitcoin Creator" Craig Wright - ALL FACTS
Post by: Gleb Gamow on December 09, 2015, 09:47:28 PM
Could this nerd try any harder to be double-oh-se7en in his little tux photo?
"Bow tie? Aren't those just for noodle-heads, Q?"

Title: Re: Police Raid Home of Alleged "Bitcoin Creator" Craig Wright - ALL FACTS
Post by: virtualx on December 09, 2015, 10:05:03 PM
It is funny how this people are trying to frustrate the entire bitcoins as a digital currency. I just came to find out the reason why people and states are against this bitcoin thing. Like other forms of currency, bitcoin has no formal body that can exercise control over it when demand and supply keep changing. In so doing, it becomes a serious threat to the economy if at all people will depend on it as a stable currency. Raiding the home wont help now, the protocol is already in use.

It's about making an example. Scare tactics to prevent others from doing similar things. We see similar things in other situations. Of course these raids are because they think it's the bitcoin creator, tax evaders are usually not raided.

Title: Re: Police Raid Home of Alleged "Bitcoin Creator" Craig Wright - ALL FACTS
Post by: emelac on December 09, 2015, 10:18:35 PM
It is funny how this people are trying to frustrate the entire bitcoins as a digital currency. I just came to find out the reason why people and states are against this bitcoin thing. Like other forms of currency, bitcoin has no formal body that can exercise control over it when demand and supply keep changing. In so doing, it becomes a serious threat to the economy if at all people will depend on it as a stable currency. Raiding the home wont help now, the protocol is already in use.

It's about making an example. Scare tactics to prevent others from doing similar things. We see similar things in other situations. Of course these raids are because they think it's the bitcoin creator, tax evaders are usually not raided.

They raid your house if they want millions of dollars back from you. I found a comment in a reddit post that claims Wright conned the Australian Tax office out of millions of dollars by claiming tax credits for spending Satoshi's Bitcoins (which he never had) on R&D.

He conned the Australian Tax office out of millions of dollars.
Australia will give you tax credits if you spend money on R&D. He claimed to have spent Satoshi bitcoin by reassigning ownership of some of them through legal document.
The house raid is part of Australian Tax Office trying to get their money back.
edit: report on his company that went bust in 2014 has more info on how the capital he claimed to own was shuffled around his various other companies to generate tax credits/refunds :

Title: Re: Police Raid Home of Alleged "Bitcoin Creator" Craig Wright - ALL FACTS
Post by: oblivi on December 10, 2015, 01:05:36 AM
I don't expect any words from Wright for the rest of the week at least.. im sure he will remain silent, but he will eventually have to give some kind of explanation as to what is going on including the PGP mismatches.

Title: Re: Police Raid Home of Alleged "Bitcoin Creator" Craig Wright - ALL FACTS
Post by: nachoig on December 10, 2015, 01:08:28 AM
And I said it wasn't a good idea to try to find who is Satoshi. See what's happening now.

Title: Re: Police Raid Home of Alleged "Bitcoin Creator" Craig Wright - ALL FACTS
Post by: stereotype on December 10, 2015, 08:29:20 AM
So, the guy who people think is Satoshi (Nick S), is speaking with the guy who is claiming to be Satoshi? Interesting!  ;) ;D

Title: Re: Police Raid Home of Alleged "Bitcoin Creator" Craig Wright - ALL FACTS
Post by: Amph on December 10, 2015, 08:35:57 AM
a clown searching for notoriety, i can't find another way to call him

and was already proven that he is a impostor by maxwell

Title: Re: Police Raid Home of Alleged "Bitcoin Creator" Craig Wright - ALL FACTS
Post by: stereotype on December 10, 2015, 08:39:50 AM
a clown searching for notoriety, i can't find another way to call him

and waas already proven that he is a impostor by maxwell
Indeed. Cue the facial expression readers, trained on Nick's face as the clown speaks!

Title: Re: Police Raid Home of Alleged "Bitcoin Creator" Craig Wright - ALL FACTS
Post by: LiteCoinGuy on December 10, 2015, 09:00:49 AM
So, the guy who people think is Satoshi (Nick S), is speaking with the guy who is claiming to be Satoshi? Interesting!  ;) ;D

a normal day in the crazy bitcoin world  ;D

Title: Re: Police Raid Home of Alleged "Bitcoin Creator" Craig Wright - ALL FACTS
Post by: justspare on December 10, 2015, 09:14:06 AM
Man the Australian police are smart. Raid some random guys house that was clearly not the maker of Bitcoin. They probably just wanted a share of his Bitcoin, he doesn't deserve this. Just because he is good with technology, the police assume this, completely disgraceful.

Title: Re: Police Raid Home of Alleged "Bitcoin Creator" Craig Wright - ALL FACTS
Post by: marcelus on December 10, 2015, 11:48:45 AM
I think the Aussie police are behind the leak. They knew the bitcoin community would expose this fraud and that they'd then be in a much stronger position to prosecute him for defrauding the Australian state of millions of dollars. I bet you that super computer doesn't exist. He's been claiming R&D rebates off the back of secretly calling himself Satoshi Nakamoto and pretending some dead guy had his funds in trusteeship.

Title: Re: Police Raid Home of Alleged "Bitcoin Creator" Craig Wright - ALL FACTS
Post by: Mickeyb on December 10, 2015, 02:28:14 PM
A simple fact that this guy was dodging tax paying smells really bad to me. Why would a guy that has left this technology to us, to the world not pay his taxes. A guy that has millions and millions of dollars worth of Bitcoin?!

I mean this is a person that really tried to change the world for the better with this technology.

All this story is a complete BS if you are asking me.

Title: Re: Police Raid Home of Alleged "Bitcoin Creator" Craig Wright - ALL FACTS
Post by: marcelus on December 10, 2015, 04:41:09 PM
A simple fact that this guy was dodging tax paying smells really bad to me. Why would a guy that has left this technology to us, to the world not pay his taxes. A guy that has millions and millions of dollars worth of Bitcoin?!

I mean this is a person that really tried to change the world for the better with this technology.

All this story is a complete BS if you are asking me.

It's not that he didn't pay tax, it's that he defrauded the government out of $54m through bogus R&D he claimed he spent non-existent Bitcoin on (backed up by his secret claims to have been Satoshi). Now it's all come out in the wash that he's a fraud and the Aussie police are out for him. Hence why I think they may have been behind the leak. Why spend a lot of time and money investigating something you know very little about when the Bitcoin community can out the guy in a couple of hours?

Title: Re: Police Raid Home of Alleged "Bitcoin Creator" Craig Wright - ALL FACTS
Post by: LiteCoinGuy on December 11, 2015, 08:57:24 AM
SGI denies links with alleged bitcoin founder Craig Wright

Title: Re: Police Raid Home of Alleged "Bitcoin Creator" Craig Wright - ALL FACTS
Post by: Karartma1 on December 11, 2015, 09:00:04 AM
Let's put things into sequence: Wright is not Satoshi but there's an article which claims that he can probably be him. Then this guy get raided by the australian police. If there was no article we would have never heard of him. My question is why and what this really have to do with bitcoin?

Title: Re: Police Raid Home of Alleged "Bitcoin Creator" Craig Wright - ALL FACTS
Post by: Kepasa on December 11, 2015, 09:03:24 AM
It is real Satoshi?;u=3

Date Registered:    November 19, 2009, 07:12:39 PM
Last Active:    December 13, 2010, 04:45:41 PM

Title: Re: Police Raid Home of Alleged "Bitcoin Creator" Craig Wright - ALL FACTS
Post by: stereotype on December 11, 2015, 09:04:53 AM
It is real Satoshi?;u=3

Date Registered:    November 19, 2009, 07:12:39 PM
Last Active:    December 13, 2010, 04:45:41 PM

Yes it is.

Title: Re: Police Raid Home of Alleged "Bitcoin Creator" Craig Wright - ALL FACTS
Post by: BerndBrot on December 11, 2015, 09:11:02 AM
Let's put things into sequence: Wright is not Satoshi but there's an article which claims that he can probably be him. Then this guy get raided by the australian police. If there was no article we would have never heard of him. My question is why and what this really have to do with bitcoin?

Bitcoin All-Star Panel.

Title: Re: Police Raid Home of Alleged "Bitcoin Creator" Craig Wright - ALL FACTS
Post by: LiteCoinGuy on December 11, 2015, 09:24:10 AM
"On Friday afternoon, Charles Sturt University released a statement via email to Mashable confirming Wright completed three qualifications from the university: Master of Networking and Systems Administration, Master of Management (Information Technology) and Master of Information Systems Security.

He was not awarded a Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) by the university, a Masters in Systems Development or a degree in Psychology as he claimed on his LinkedIn page and in his resume. "

Title: Re: Police Raid Home of Alleged "Bitcoin Creator" Craig Wright - ALL FACTS
Post by: ShrykeZ on December 11, 2015, 01:03:28 PM
It is real Satoshi?;u=3

Date Registered:    November 19, 2009, 07:12:39 PM
Last Active:    December 13, 2010, 04:45:41 PM

Yeah that is the real Satoshi account, pretty sure it has been locked though.

Title: Re: Police Raid Home of Alleged "Bitcoin Creator" Craig Wright - ALL FACTS
Post by: Denker on December 11, 2015, 01:25:12 PM
SGI denies links with alleged bitcoin founder Craig Wright

So his so called supercomuter does not exist it seems.
That guy is nothing more than pure vaporware.A storyteller!
I hope nobody here is really believing all this crazy talk him being Satoshi.He definitely is not!

Title: Re: Police Raid Home of Alleged "Bitcoin Creator" Craig Wright - ALL FACTS
Post by: Gleb Gamow on December 11, 2015, 02:52:57 PM
So, the guy who people think is Satoshi (Nick S), is speaking with the guy who is claiming to be Satoshi? Interesting!  ;) ;D

Complete with Michelle Seven-cum-Darla blessed to be in the presence of Our Gang perplexed as to whom Dr. Craig Steven Wright was asking him if he's an investor, miner, what. A few minutes later, Ms Seven ask Mr. Wright to elaborate on the Twitter exchange between her and Craig most recently while the rest of the panel facepalms.

Title: Re: Police Raid Home of Alleged "Bitcoin Creator" Craig Wright - ALL FACTS
Post by: Gleb Gamow on December 11, 2015, 03:05:35 PM
A simple fact that this guy was dodging tax paying smells really bad to me. Why would a guy that has left this technology to us, to the world not pay his taxes. A guy that has millions and millions of dollars worth of Bitcoin?!

I mean this is a person that really tried to change the world for the better with this technology.

All this story is a complete BS if you are asking me.

It not a matter of not paying his taxes, but of Craig Wright receiving an approved tax rebate of 45 cents for every dollar he spent in his endeavor masked on real money loans using a paper wallet as collateral held by another endeavor in Craig's control. The paper wallet supposedly represent all the bitcoins Satoshi mined complete with a QR code to prove to the ATO reps that it's legit.

That's why Craig left the country (Australia) - he fucked the ATO to tune of millions based on an elaborate hoax, all the while he was cryin' because Mt Gox supposedly still has control of some of Craig's bitcoins.

A simple fact that this guy was dodging tax paying smells really bad to me. Why would a guy that has left this technology to us, to the world not pay his taxes. A guy that has millions and millions of dollars worth of Bitcoin?!

I mean this is a person that really tried to change the world for the better with this technology.

All this story is a complete BS if you are asking me.

It's not that he didn't pay tax, it's that he defrauded the government out of $54m through bogus R&D he claimed he spent non-existent Bitcoin on (backed up by his secret claims to have been Satoshi). Now it's all come out in the wash that he's a fraud and the Aussie police are out for him. Hence why I think they may have been behind the leak. Why spend a lot of time and money investigating something you know very little about when the Bitcoin community can out the guy in a couple of hours?

Okay, I'll admit that you said it more elegantly.

Title: Re: Police Raid Home of Alleged "Bitcoin Creator" Craig Wright - ALL FACTS
Post by: Slark on December 11, 2015, 03:07:05 PM
It is real Satoshi?;u=3

Date Registered:    November 19, 2009, 07:12:39 PM
Last Active:    December 13, 2010, 04:45:41 PM

Yeah that is the real Satoshi account, pretty sure it has been locked though.
Yes, it have been locked by theymos since that last security breach on the forums where hackers got access to emails and accounts database.
There was a possibility that they also gained access to satoshi's account.

Title: Re: Police Raid Home of Alleged "Bitcoin Creator" Craig Wright - ALL FACTS
Post by: Gleb Gamow on December 11, 2015, 03:12:24 PM
Let's put things into sequence: Wright is not Satoshi but there's an article which claims that he can probably be him. Then this guy get raided by the australian police. If there was no article we would have never heard of him. My question is why and what this really have to do with bitcoin?

CEO Craig Steven Wright said Denariuz Bank would begin accepting deposits in the second half of 2014 and would eventually offer Bitcoin-based equivalents of conventional savings accounts, term deposits, credit and debit cards, and loans.

Wright said Denariuz would launch with a global pool of more than 100,000 Bitcoin ($A73.6 million) from its backers.

Eventually, the bank hopes to have a million customers globally. (


Via search for 'Denariuz' on this forum.

Title: Re: Police Raid Home of Alleged "Bitcoin Creator" Craig Wright - ALL FACTS
Post by: Gleb Gamow on December 11, 2015, 03:14:38 PM
"On Friday afternoon, Charles Sturt University released a statement via email to Mashable confirming Wright completed three qualifications from the university: Master of Networking and Systems Administration, Master of Management (Information Technology) and Master of Information Systems Security.

He was not awarded a Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) by the university, a Masters in Systems Development or a degree in Psychology as he claimed on his LinkedIn page and in his resume. "

Nice find! I've been waiting for such to eventually come to light.

Title: Re: Police Raid Home of Alleged "Bitcoin Creator" Craig Wright
Post by: Wapinter on December 11, 2015, 03:18:19 PM
The guy is not the real Satoshi Nakamoto! The way I see it. it is nothing but an Hoax, and the Media is making a lot of money over it. The real Satoshi will never go public.
The real Satoshi must be enjoying all the drama going in his name. Lucky craig he may not have the fortune that real Satoshi has but now he has as much fame as Satoshi has.Both are in news again because of each other :) :D

Title: Re: Police Raid Home of Alleged "Bitcoin Creator" Craig Wright - ALL FACTS
Post by: Gleb Gamow on December 11, 2015, 03:23:39 PM
SGI denies links with alleged bitcoin founder Craig Wright

So his so called supercomuter does not exist it seems.
That guy is nothing more than pure vaporware.A storyteller!
I hope nobody here is really believing all this crazy talk him being Satoshi.He definitely is not!

Just like the other storyteller, John Fitzpatrick, who also was planning to build the worlds largest computer array to mine bitcoins. His elaborate hoax cost folks jobs in Portland, OR, at a university:

John Fitzpatrick conducted interviews in front of a ritzy resident claiming that he lived there, later for everybody to discover he did not. Surprise, surprise!

Title: Re: Police Raid Home of Alleged "Bitcoin Creator" Craig Wright
Post by: marcelus on December 11, 2015, 05:27:27 PM
The guy is not the real Satoshi Nakamoto! The way I see it. it is nothing but an Hoax, and the Media is making a lot of money over it. The real Satoshi will never go public.
The real Satoshi must be enjoying all the drama going in his name. Lucky craig he may not have the fortune that real Satoshi has but now he has as much fame as Satoshi has.Both are in news again because of each other :) :D

The real Satoshi is in that video, looking up at Wright and laughing at him as he introduced himself and then proceeded to postulate that Bitcoin was turing complete.

Title: Re: Police Raid Home of Alleged "Bitcoin Creator" Craig Wright - ALL FACTS
Post by: DimensionZ on December 11, 2015, 06:28:51 PM
Maybe Satoshi Nakamoto is a woman? Has there been evidence that the creator is clearly a man?

Title: Re: Police Raid Home of Alleged "Bitcoin Creator" Craig Wright - ALL FACTS
Post by: xmax on December 11, 2015, 07:38:01 PM
I hears a detective in this raid confiscated 7 different sets of keys in his house, all beacuse there was a key tag marked with a P for Private.  Little did he know, these were not the private keys everyone was looking for.  Needless to say, the detective was not happy when he could not find a place on the computer to insert the key..  :D

Title: Re: Police Raid Home of Alleged "Bitcoin Creator" Craig Wright - ALL FACTS
Post by: repentance on December 11, 2015, 08:26:24 PM
It's not that he didn't pay tax, it's that he defrauded the government out of $54m through bogus R&D he claimed he spent non-existent Bitcoin on (backed up by his secret claims to have been Satoshi). Now it's all come out in the wash that he's a fraud and the Aussie police are out for him. Hence why I think they may have been behind the leak. Why spend a lot of time and money investigating something you know very little about when the Bitcoin community can out the guy in a couple of hours?

It looks like there was tax fraud prior to that as well.  

Hotwire was only incorporated in June 2013 and the ATO withheld a $3 million GST refund for the September 2013 quarter, which is what precipitated the insolvency of Hotwire.  So in their first quarter of operation they submitted GST claims which the ATO did not find legitimate.  The ATO also with-held R&D credits of $9.6 million for Hotwire.  

De Morgan is another Wright company and the one which is under investigation for the $54 million R&D rebate claim.  Apart from any tax fraud issues arising from this investigation, there are also potential securities fraud issues.  It's a public company and that creates its own legal issues.

It's probably worth pointing out that the AFP is our federal police.  They both investigate in their own right and provide support to government departments in investigating high value or novel crimes which break federal laws.  They also assist the state police forces where appropriate.  

It's beyond ridiculous to believe that ordinary people can understand Bitcoin but federal agencies whose job it is to investigate financial crimes cannot.  While the use of Bitcoin in this particular situation is novel, it's not like it hasn't featured in other investigations in the past - especially those related to Silk Road.  The potential for it to be used for money laundering/terrorism financing has been acknowledged by federal agencies for a long time.  They get how it works and they have both the resources and the authority to access data which no-one else can.  These guys investigate complex financial crimes all the time.

I also think you're over-estimating the value of the "Bitcoin community" in investigations such as this one.  The Bitcoin community has been largely unaware of this guy and he certainly wasn't on their "is this guy Satoshi" radar before any more than Ross Ulbricht was on their radar prior to the Silk Road busts.  The community at large would not be aware if he's managed to acquire $30 million in Bitcoin in ways which aren't recorded in the blockchain.  The individuals who would have knowledge of such transactions would have their own compelling motives for remaining silent.

Title: Re: Police Raid Home of Alleged "Bitcoin Creator" Craig Wright - ALL FACTS
Post by: Paul Revere on December 11, 2015, 11:47:15 PM
Any news on the Craig Wright = Mystery GAW/Paycoin whale investor "Craig" = Paycoiner Tankjnr theory?

If true, the massive irony created by Satoshi Nakamoto being a Paycoiner hanging out with the fucking imbeciles on Hashtalk could in fact affect the gravitational constant of the entire Universe and cause a severe distortion in the current reality vector. ;D

Title: Re: Police Raid Home of Alleged "Bitcoin Creator" Craig Wright
Post by: shamati on December 12, 2015, 12:36:13 AM

Gavin Bitcoin  lookk like Robert DeNiro  in Heat

Title: Re: Police Raid Home of Alleged "Bitcoin Creator" Craig Wright - ALL FACTS
Post by: chek2fire on December 12, 2015, 12:39:03 AM
UPDATE: Friday, Dec. 11, 4:24 p.m.: Charles Sturt University denies some of Craig Wright's claims regarding his education at the university, including that he completed a thesis.

Title: Re: Police Raid Home of Alleged "Bitcoin Creator" Craig Wright - ALL FACTS
Post by: Karartma1 on December 12, 2015, 01:09:10 AM
Let's put things into sequence: Wright is not Satoshi but there's an article which claims that he can probably be him. Then this guy get raided by the australian police. If there was no article we would have never heard of him. My question is why and what this really have to do with bitcoin?

CEO Craig Steven Wright said Denariuz Bank would begin accepting deposits in the second half of 2014 and would eventually offer Bitcoin-based equivalents of conventional savings accounts, term deposits, credit and debit cards, and loans.

Wright said Denariuz would launch with a global pool of more than 100,000 Bitcoin ($A73.6 million) from its backers.

Eventually, the bank hopes to have a million customers globally. (


Via search for 'Denariuz' on this forum.

Ok. Touché, I should have spoken for myself only. I heard of him only when the article came out. Thanks  ;)

Title: Re: Police Raid Home of Alleged "Bitcoin Creator" Craig Wright
Post by: LiteCoinGuy on December 12, 2015, 08:54:19 AM

Robert DeNiro = Satoshi? Gizmodo, that is your job!  ;D :D ;D

Title: Re: Police Raid Home of Alleged "Bitcoin Creator" Craig Wright - ALL FACTS
Post by: Gleb Gamow on December 12, 2015, 09:26:03 AM
^^^ Can George Takei play Darian [Satoshi]?

Title: Re: Police Raid Home of Alleged "Bitcoin Creator" Craig Wright - ALL FACTS
Post by: Searing on December 12, 2015, 09:34:38 AM

Probably IS Satoshi! (would that not be epic!) :)

Title: Re: Police Raid Home of Alleged "Bitcoin Creator" Craig Wright - ALL FACTS
Post by: Blawpaw on December 14, 2015, 04:13:11 AM
let's face it. We will never know who Satoshi really is! He is a smart guy and he knows that they will put him out once that happens...

Title: Re: Police Raid Home of Alleged "Bitcoin Creator" Craig Wright - ALL FACTS
Post by: lolgato on December 14, 2015, 04:21:42 AM
There going to be a bunch of fake satoshis popping up the more popular bitcoin get.

Title: Re: Police Raid Home of Alleged "Bitcoin Creator" Craig Wright - ALL FACTS
Post by: TPTB_need_war on December 14, 2015, 08:25:58 AM
   He's discussion at the All Star Panel, was very odd, and not in any way lucid or clear. Here is /u/nullc take on a transcript I made.

    user /u/jarederaj points out a book Wright wrote full of grammatical errors, nothing related to cryptocurrency, digital cash

jarederaj, nullc (Gregory Maxwell), and Szabo fail to understand Turing-completeness. Craig Wright apparently does.

Before you downvote, make sure you read my entire thread about Determinism and unbounded entropy. Because you are wrong. Period.

Preventing Turing-completeness is damn hard to accomplish. Idiots think they have.

Craig Wright may or may not be a fraud. I do not have an opinion on that aspect. I am just referring to the allegation about who is correct about Turing-completeness.

Edit: Although I think my explanation on my thread is more insightful on why, I found this which explains that it is very difficult to not have Turing-completeness:

Title: Re: Police Raid Home of Alleged "Bitcoin Creator" Craig Wright - ALL FACTS
Post by: TPTB_need_war on December 14, 2015, 08:52:46 AM
and was already proven that he is a impostor by maxwell

You do not comprehend what the word proof means, at least not in a mathematical sense.

Circumstantial evidence is not an irrefutable proof. Period. And I will soon offer a theory positing a possible refutation to Maxwell and Theymos's circumstantial evidence.

Even going one step below the veracity of a proof, we have for example in a USA criminal court (don't know about all jurisdictions) that circumstantial evidence is not always evidence-beyond-a-reasonable-doubt. In civil court (less stringent since a challenge to personal liberty via incarceration is not at-stake) the test for victory (veracity) is afaik preponderance of the evidence.

We haven't even completed the discovery phase of evidence yet...

Title: Re: Police Raid Home of Alleged "Bitcoin Creator" Craig Wright - ALL FACTS
Post by: spartacusrex on December 14, 2015, 11:08:42 AM

I was just thinking how 'ironic' it would be if Craig was actually Satoshi, and he could see what everyone thinks..

I'm not saying he is or isn't Satoshi.

I can see a series of events take place that would lead to this situation with him in either scenario.

And also, I see no correlation between computer / crypto / genius coder types and some moral/ethical higher code. And certainly not any ability to run a company.. Quite the opposite in fact..

Maybe Satoshi is a bad ass. Raising Hell in his wake.

( Hell in a good way )


That would be cool.

Title: Re: Police Raid Home of Alleged "Bitcoin Creator" Craig Wright - ALL FACTS
Post by: calkob on December 14, 2015, 11:17:30 AM
basically the the Mafia has shown up looking there share, pay up our your going to jail.   :-\

Title: Re: Police Raid Home of Alleged "Bitcoin Creator" Craig Wright - ALL FACTS
Post by: Amph on December 14, 2015, 01:06:58 PM
and was already proven that he is a impostor by maxwell

You do not comprehend what the word proof means, at least not in a mathematical sense.

Circumstantial evidence is not an irrefutable proof. Period. And I will soon offer a theory positing a possible refutation to Maxwell and Theymos's circumstantial evidence.

Even going one step below the veracity of a proof, we have for example in a USA criminal court (don't know about all jurisdictions) that circumstantial evidence is not always evidence-beyond-a-reasonable-doubt. In civil court (less stringent since a challenge to personal liberty via incarceration is not at-stake) the test for victory (veracity) is afaik preponderance of the evidence.

We haven't even completed the discovery phase of evidence yet...

at this point nothing can be a guarantee that is his satoshi, not even signing, no one know if the wallet of satoshi still belong to him

so why i should trust this guy or anyone else, we can simply accept that satoshi will not be discovered ever and move on, it would not matter at this point

besides all this, he does not look like someone who could have write all those technical posts here, not even near it