Bitcoin Forum

Economy => Service Announcements => Topic started by: ZACHM on January 18, 2016, 02:00:49 AM

Title: KanoPool Monitor - hashrates, workers, rewards and notifications for KanPool
Post by: ZACHM on January 18, 2016, 02:00:49 AM
Update: For those new here, KanoPool used to be called CKPool hence the website address for the monitor. I have edited the title of this thread and some of the mentioning of CKPool to KanoPool. Hopefully this will clear up some confusion.

KanoPool Monitor (

This is a website/application to monitor your mining on Kano KanoPool (
If you are not using Kano KanoPool ( then switch now!  ;D

KanoPool Monitor ( has the following features:

- Total Pool Hashrate graphing
- Block finds and average time between blocks on graph
- Your hashrate graphed
- Your individual workers hashrate graphed
- Overall hashrate Reduced notification
- Dropped Worker notification
- Individual Worker reduced hashrate notification
- Rewards tracking (Not automatic yet - see below)

Here are some screenshots (click for larger): ( ( ( ( ( (

Here is the procedure to register and start tracking:

Step 1 - Mine at Kano KanoPool (! (Preferably with a username)

Step 2 - Go to ( and click Register

Step 3 - Fill in your email address and choose a password (Not the one you use on KanoPool (!)

Step 4 - Log in!

Step 5 - Get your API Key from Kano KanoPool ( at (

Step 6 - Go to Account Settings

Step 7 - Come back to KanoPool Monitor and fill in your information at a minimum your Kano KanoPool ( Username and APIkey, then click save.
Your individual worker settings will not be available until you have your username and api key saved and it have been running for about 10 minutes.

Many people like to recieve the notification via text message, if you would like to do that here is a list of email to text for cell phone carriers: (
Just set it as your secondary email address in the settings and have the notifications sent to that address.

Rewards tracking information is not available through the Kano KanoPool ( API.
You need to manually enter the data from the rewards page on (, Your N Avg (just the numbers), Your BTC) for each block found, don't worry about when you do it, the system tracks the price of BTC when the block is found (all the way back to the first block found at Kano KanoPool (

If you have a lot of past rewards you would like to enter you can have me import them for you:
1. Log into and go to your rewards page
2. Select all of the rewards that you have not yet entered
3. Copy into Excel (or similar) and save as a *.csv file
4. email the file to me and I will import it for you.

Eventually I plan on making this more automatic, but for now this will work.

This is a constant work in progress, some things on the To-Do List:
- Bulk Import of Rewards
- Export of Rewards info to a CSV file
- More rewards tracking info
- Clean up the site
- add more options for how the information is displayed
- Option to let the site know you are receiving notification via text and make those smaller (The ones now are a lot of characters)
- Users have option between local time and UTC (Pool Time) on the graphs, etc.
- Update the images on this post to match what the site looks like now.
- Give me ideas!

If you have any problems, questions or suggestions let me know.

Title: Re: CKPool Monitor - hashrates, workers, rewards and get notifications for CKPool
Post by: AriesIV10 on January 18, 2016, 02:27:14 AM
Love It.  This really helps me coming over to CKPool from the Great Dashboard of Slush's and even the information provided on Bitminter!

Thanks Zack for doing this!

Title: Re: CKPool Monitor - hashrates, workers, rewards and get notifications for CKPool
Post by: clgrissom3 on January 18, 2016, 02:30:54 AM
Thanks Zach!  You have done a great job of supporting the Kano CKPool with your effort!

Title: Re: CKPool Monitor - hashrates, workers, rewards and get notifications for CKPool
Post by: coffeeangst on January 18, 2016, 02:43:13 AM
Any chance this service could be https?  Don't like passwords and API keys floating around in the clear.

Title: Re: CKPool Monitor - hashrates, workers, rewards and get notifications for CKPool
Post by: ZACHM on January 18, 2016, 02:49:07 AM
Love It.  This really helps me coming over to CKPool from the Great Dashboard of Slush's and even the information provided on Bitminter!

Thanks Zack for doing this!

Thanks Zach!  You have done a great job of supporting the Kano CKPool with your effort!

Thanks, let me know if you have any issues.

Any chance this service could be https?  Don't like passwords and API keys floating around in the clear.

I am working on this. Will most likely be a self-signed certificate.

But for now:
I suggest you use a password that is not used anywhere else.
The API on CKPool is only for getting the data, none of your information can be changed.
If you ever felt you wanted to remove the api key you can go to and request a new api key, the old one will be deactivated.

I know a lot of people are worried about security of things, but none of this information can be used for anything malicious (At least not that I know of).

Title: Re: CKPool Monitor - hashrates, workers, rewards and get notifications for CKPool
Post by: Moria843 on January 18, 2016, 02:35:56 PM
Thanks Zach. It's great to have everything in one place.

Title: Re: CKPool Monitor - hashrates, workers, rewards and get notifications for CKPool
Post by: Ares~ on January 18, 2016, 03:55:48 PM
Great work Zach!

Title: Re: CKPool Monitor - hashrates, workers, rewards and get notifications for CKPool
Post by: bctmke on January 18, 2016, 06:26:49 PM
This is an awesome "app" if you will.

The email notifications are spot on.  Definitely jump on this bandwagon if you're mining at Kano's pool (and if not, why aren't you?)

Title: Re: CKPool Monitor - hashrates, workers, rewards and get notifications for CKPool
Post by: ZACHM on January 18, 2016, 06:36:04 PM
Any chance this service could be https?  Don't like passwords and API keys floating around in the clear.

All setup and secure with https!
Cost me about $50 usd a year, but should make people feel a little better.

Title: Re: CKPool Monitor - hashrates, workers, rewards and get notifications for CKPool
Post by: aurel57 on January 18, 2016, 07:35:07 PM
Very nice! Thanks!

Title: Re: CKPool Monitor - hashrates, workers, rewards and get notifications for CKPool
Post by: clgrissom3 on January 18, 2016, 07:41:12 PM
I have a question about dropped worker in settings...I have all of my miners set to 1 notification and I'm still getting 3 for the test miner I shut down every night.  Am I supposed to have the old Dropped Worker Notification in the top section checked when I use the Individual Worker Settings in the bottom section?

Title: Re: CKPool Monitor - hashrates, workers, rewards and get notifications for CKPool
Post by: bctmke on January 18, 2016, 07:55:04 PM
Any chance this service could be https?  Don't like passwords and API keys floating around in the clear.

All setup and secure with https!
Cost me about $50 usd a year, but should make people feel a little better.

Awesome - great add, thanks!

Title: Re: CKPool Monitor - hashrates, workers, rewards and get notifications for CKPool
Post by: ZACHM on January 18, 2016, 08:13:32 PM
I have a question about dropped worker in settings...I have all of my miners set to 1 notification and I'm still getting 3 for the test miner I shut down every night.  Am I supposed to have the old Dropped Worker Notification in the top section checked when I use the Individual Worker Settings in the bottom section?

To clarify:
Are you shutting down the miner every night?
Or are you get 3 notifications each night but the miner has been shutdown the whole time?

The Low Hash Rate Notification and Dropped Worker Notification in the upper section are independent of the Individual Worker Settings. The upper Low Hash Rate is for total hashrate, the dropped workers is for your worker not submitting a share within the last 5 minutes. Individual Worker Settings are for each worker hashrate dropping below a set threshold. Obviously if you turn the worker off it's hashrate is 0 and therefore below the threshold and it will trigger the notification.

I'll check on the number of notifications code, maybe I have to tweak it a little.

Title: Re: CKPool Monitor - hashrates, workers, rewards and get notifications for CKPool
Post by: clgrissom3 on January 18, 2016, 09:26:53 PM
I have a question about dropped worker in settings...I have all of my miners set to 1 notification and I'm still getting 3 for the test miner I shut down every night.  Am I supposed to have the old Dropped Worker Notification in the top section checked when I use the Individual Worker Settings in the bottom section?

To clarify:
Are you shutting down the miner every night?
Or are you get 3 notifications each night but the miner has been shutdown the whole time?

The Low Hash Rate Notification and Dropped Worker Notification in the upper section are independent of the Individual Worker Settings. The upper Low Hash Rate is for total hashrate, the dropped workers is for your worker not submitting a share within the last 5 minutes. Individual Worker Settings are for each worker hashrate dropping below a set threshold. Obviously if you turn the worker off it's hashrate is 0 and therefore below the threshold and it will trigger the notification.

I'll check on the number of notifications code, maybe I have to tweak it a little.

Yes, I have a small miner that I shut down every night...5 minutes later I start getting notifications for a total of 3 as I expected.  I have been playing with the settings to see if I can find a way to just ignore this one miner.

It does not have enough hash to make a difference in the pool for me and it has to be rebooted about every 4 hours anyway.  I use it to test settings and new Kano sites mostly since I would not want to take any of my S7s offline for testing purposes.

Title: Re: CKPool Monitor - hashrates, workers, rewards and get notifications for CKPool
Post by: ZACHM on January 18, 2016, 09:30:58 PM
If you just uncheck the boxes under the emails for that worker and the Dropped Worker notification is unchecked in the upper section. You should not get notifications for that worker.

Title: Re: CKPool Monitor - hashrates, workers, rewards and get notifications for CKPool
Post by: clgrissom3 on January 18, 2016, 09:34:14 PM
I tried that and it did stop the notification for that one worker...but I think it stopped the notifications for all of my other miners as well once I unchecked the upper box.

Title: Re: CKPool Monitor - hashrates, workers, rewards and get notifications for CKPool
Post by: ZACHM on January 18, 2016, 09:37:10 PM
Yes and No. It would stop the "Dropped Worker Notification", but if your workers "drop" their hashrate would go to 0 and you would get a notification for low hashrate for that worker, which I think would be sufficient for you to check it out. I suggest having notifications set to at least 2, that way if you get one you are aware that there might be a problem, if the hashrate picks back up you won't get the second. If you get the second then you know there is a problem.

Title: Re: CKPool Monitor - hashrates, workers, rewards and get notifications for CKPool
Post by: clgrissom3 on January 18, 2016, 10:00:25 PM
I've set it that way again to see what happens.  I can shut down my test miner for that part of the test and I'll watch for an event to happen for the others.  I'll let you know what I find...thanks Zach!

EDIT:  Haha!  The first thing I have to do is realize what units I'm working with.  When I set everything to 2 it was 2TH/s and all the S5s in my collection which runs standard at 1.155TH/s starting popping with low hash rate warnings!  Had to fix that quickly...

Title: Re: CKPool Monitor - hashrates, workers, rewards and get notifications for CKPool
Post by: aurel57 on January 18, 2016, 11:14:04 PM
It working like a champ! Got notice of the last block and now low hash rate on one of my miners. thanks again

Title: Re: CKPool Monitor - hashrates, workers, rewards and get notifications for CKPool
Post by: ZACHM on January 19, 2016, 12:26:59 AM
EDIT:  Haha!  The first thing I have to do is realize what units I'm working with.  When I set everything to 2 it was 2TH/s and all the S5s in my collection which runs standard at 1.155TH/s starting popping with low hash rate warnings!  Had to fix that quickly...

Yeah, that helps. I figured TH/s is the easiest to use, but maybe I should make it optional.

I have the low rate set at 0.75 for my S5's

Title: Re: CKPool Monitor - hashrates, workers, rewards and get notifications for CKPool
Post by: ZACHM on January 19, 2016, 12:27:45 AM
It working like a champ! Got notice of the last block and now low hash rate on one of my miners. thanks again

Awesome, thanks for the feedback.

Title: Re: CKPool Monitor - hashrates, workers, rewards and get notifications for CKPool
Post by: kipper01 on January 19, 2016, 02:30:32 PM
This request is out of pure laziness on my part.  Is it possible to place the rewards entry box at the top of page? Each time I enter a reward I need to scroll to the bottom of the page.  :(

Title: Re: CKPool Monitor - hashrates, workers, rewards and get notifications for CKPool
Post by: ZACHM on January 19, 2016, 04:15:51 PM
Done!  ;)
I had been thinking the same thing.

Title: Re: CKPool Monitor - hashrates, workers, rewards and get notifications for CKPool
Post by: clgrissom3 on January 19, 2016, 06:03:45 PM
TH/s is's the universal standard these days.  I just had to laugh at myself for a second for not thinking about the units.  Everything is working great so far...and I love getting the text for found blocks!

Title: Re: CKPool Monitor - hashrates, workers, rewards and get notifications for CKPool
Post by: ZACHM on January 19, 2016, 06:18:45 PM
Your text messages can now be shorter, go to account settings and check the box to let CKPool Monitor know that you are receiving your notifications via SMS.

Title: Re: CKPool Monitor - hashrates, workers, rewards and get notifications for CKPool
Post by: chentron on January 19, 2016, 07:12:45 PM
very helpful web  !!!

Request: could You set local time on the graphs ?


Title: Re: CKPool Monitor - hashrates, workers, rewards and get notifications for CKPool
Post by: firetreeactual on January 19, 2016, 08:24:10 PM
This is pretty cool, Zach. Right up there with the stuff you get on Slush's Pool, which was a reason I started with them...good data right in front of me. Mahalo nui loa for the work.

Title: Re: CKPool Monitor - hashrates, workers, rewards and get notifications for CKPool
Post by: clgrissom3 on January 19, 2016, 08:36:11 PM
That pool hiccup we just had confirmed that I got all notifications except the one miner I wanted to ignore...test complete.  Nice work Zach!

Title: Re: CKPool Monitor - hashrates, workers, rewards and get notifications for CKPool
Post by: ZACHM on January 19, 2016, 08:44:09 PM
Great! Yeah my phone and email were going crazy, I was busy trying to sort out the SMS vs Email feature.

Title: Re: CKPool Monitor - hashrates, workers, rewards and get notifications for CKPool
Post by: ZACHM on January 19, 2016, 08:47:59 PM
Request: could You set local time on the graphs ?

That is on my list now.  :)

Title: Re: CKPool Monitor - hashrates, workers, rewards and get notifications for CKPool
Post by: clgrissom3 on January 19, 2016, 09:23:58 PM
very helpful web  !!!

Request: could You set local time on the graphs ?


That might be useful but everything on Kano is could cause confusion.

Title: Re: CKPool Monitor - hashrates, workers, rewards and get notifications for CKPool
Post by: ZACHM on January 19, 2016, 09:32:53 PM
Right now I think it is showing my timezone (EST).
My thought is to make it optional, either display in your local timezone or UTC.

Title: Re: CKPool Monitor - hashrates, workers, rewards and get notifications for CKPool
Post by: ZACHM on January 19, 2016, 09:51:15 PM
Did everyone get that last Block Found notification?

Title: Re: CKPool Monitor - hashrates, workers, rewards and get notifications for CKPool
Post by: clgrissom3 on January 19, 2016, 09:58:44 PM
Did everyone get that last Block Found notification?

I got it...

Title: Re: CKPool Monitor - hashrates, workers, rewards and get notifications for CKPool
Post by: clgrissom3 on January 19, 2016, 09:59:34 PM
Right now I think it is showing my timezone (EST).
My thought is to make it optional, either display in your local timezone or UTC.

I'm in EST Chesapeake, VA.

Title: Re: CKPool Monitor - hashrates, workers, rewards and get notifications for CKPool
Post by: ZACHM on January 19, 2016, 10:02:09 PM

So the graph and block find times look right for you also.  ;)

Title: Re: CKPool Monitor - hashrates, workers, rewards and get notifications for CKPool
Post by: dmwardjr on January 19, 2016, 10:24:16 PM
Hi Zach,

Thanks again for all of your hard work, Sir.  VERY MUCH APPRECIATED!!!   ;D

I sent a 0.1 BTC donation to you a little over a month ago.

I thought it was time to send another 0.1 BTC to you.

Thanks again, Sir.


EDIT:  I have enough hash to send you what I did.  However, others may not be able to afford as much based on their hash.  

ANY AMOUNT would be helpful to him everyone.  ANY AMOUNT!  Even if it's a dollar or euro.  ANY AMOUNT is helpful.  It adds up....

Title: Re: CKPool Monitor - hashrates, workers, rewards and get notifications for CKPool
Post by: clgrissom3 on January 19, 2016, 11:01:11 PM
Zach, it seems that the notifications are coming faster now.  It may have been my carrier but in the past it could take as long as 15-20 minutes.  Those last two came in less than 4 minutes each.

Title: Re: CKPool Monitor - hashrates, workers, rewards and get notifications for CKPool
Post by: clgrissom3 on January 19, 2016, 11:09:51 PM
Hi Zach,

Thanks again for all of your hard work, Sir.  VERY MUCH APPRECIATED!!!   ;D

I sent a 0.1 BTC donation to you a little over a month ago.

I thought it was time to send another 0.1 BTC to you.

Thanks again, Sir.


EDIT:  I have enough hash to send you what I did.  However, others may not be able to afford as much based on their hash.  

ANY AMOUNT would be helpful to him everyone.  ANY AMOUNT!  Even if it's a dollar or euro.  ANY AMOUNT is helpful.  It adds up....

I agree!

Zach, I also appreciate your hard work...I can't believe how much I like the features you've put into CKPool Monitor.  I've sent a little BTC happiness your way once again...0.025 from me!

Title: Re: CKPool Monitor - hashrates, workers, rewards and get notifications for CKPool
Post by: ZACHM on January 19, 2016, 11:37:01 PM
I sent a 0.1 BTC donation to you a little over a month ago.

I thought it was time to send another 0.1 BTC to you.

Zach, I also appreciate your hard work...I can't believe how much I like the features you've put into CKPool Monitor.  I've sent a little BTC happiness your way once again...0.025 from me!

Thank you both very much, I really appreciate it.

Zach, it seems that the notifications are coming faster now.  It may have been my carrier but in the past it could take as long as 15-20 minutes.  Those last two came in less than 4 minutes each.

Are you using the text option? If so the size of the text is much smaller, which will send quicker.

Did you get two notifications for the block find?
I did, but wasn't sure if I had set something in my account, or the code. On my phone right now, I'll check it when I get to a computer later tonight.

Title: Re: CKPool Monitor - hashrates, workers, rewards and get notifications for CKPool
Post by: clgrissom3 on January 19, 2016, 11:45:09 PM
I only got one notification in text and one in email...for each of the last two blocks...and I did notice the smaller message size.

Title: Re: CKPool Monitor - hashrates, workers, rewards and get notifications for CKPool
Post by: dmwardjr on January 20, 2016, 12:09:39 AM
Thank you both very much, I really appreciate it.

You're welcome.

Thanks again!

Title: Re: CKPool Monitor - hashrates, workers, rewards and get notifications for CKPool
Post by: dmwardjr on January 20, 2016, 12:30:20 AM
The donation I sent to you, Zach, still has 0 confirmations: (

Title: Re: CKPool Monitor - hashrates, workers, rewards and get notifications for CKPool
Post by: ZACHM on January 20, 2016, 12:48:23 AM
Thanks again. 4 confirmations now!

Title: Re: CKPool Monitor - hashrates, workers, rewards and get notifications for CKPool
Post by: dmwardjr on January 20, 2016, 12:48:58 AM
Thanks again. 4 confirmations now!

You're welcome.

Title: Re: CKPool Monitor - hashrates, workers, rewards and get notifications for CKPool
Post by: ZACHM on January 20, 2016, 02:48:30 AM
Go to and log in.
Then look under your email address in the top.  ;D

Title: Re: CKPool Monitor - hashrates, workers, rewards and get notifications for CKPool
Post by: fvineyard on January 20, 2016, 03:41:22 AM
Nice job Zach. I like the new info under our email address!

Thanks for your efforts!


Title: Re: CKPool Monitor - hashrates, workers, rewards and get notifications for CKPool
Post by: E on January 20, 2016, 05:54:07 AM
Hi Zach -

Just noticed that the "Your %" field is missing a factor of 100 (or has an extra %, matter of perspective :) ) (

Thanks for the site! It's making my move to ckpool smoother for sure.


Title: Re: CKPool Monitor - hashrates, workers, rewards and get notifications for CKPool
Post by: ZACHM on January 20, 2016, 02:12:54 PM
It is the decimal proportion.  ;)
I fixed it so it is now percent.

Title: Re: CKPool Monitor - hashrates, workers, rewards and get notifications for CKPool
Post by: chentron on January 21, 2016, 12:31:11 AM
local time say it is 19.24h, (graph and banner on top webpage), but it is 01.24h  here .

UTC is 00.24h

I think it showing local time of your server, not the local time in the computer client.


So the graph and block find times look right for you also.  ;)

Title: Re: CKPool Monitor - hashrates, workers, rewards and get notifications for CKPool
Post by: ZACHM on January 21, 2016, 12:35:09 AM
I'm working on that. Yes all of the "Local Time" and graphs, block find times etc. are EST right now.
Planning on switching everything over to UTC while giving each user to option to display it in their timezone if they want.

When I said what you quoted I was talking to clgrissom3 who is also in EST timezone.

Title: Re: CKPool Monitor - hashrates, workers, rewards and get notifications for CKPool
Post by: hawkfish007 on January 21, 2016, 03:41:08 PM
Man missing "found another block" email, are we eating enough chickens?

Title: Re: CKPool Monitor - hashrates, workers, rewards and get notifications for CKPool
Post by: clgrissom3 on January 21, 2016, 04:57:43 PM
Man missing "found another block" email, are we eating enough chickens?

I just had a chicken "Dagwood" sandwich!  Maybe that will help!


Title: Re: CKPool Monitor - hashrates, workers, rewards and get notifications for CKPool
Post by: ZACHM on January 21, 2016, 05:56:15 PM
I had chicken last night. I guess I'll have some more today!  :D

Title: Re: CKPool Monitor - hashrates, workers, rewards and get notifications for CKPool
Post by: AriesIV10 on January 25, 2016, 12:52:47 PM

Great job on this monitor!  I do have a few additions and modifications if you are able.


1) Put the Block Number and Block Difficulty on the header.
2) Bitminter has a feature that lets you know where you are in the 5Nd under Statistics-Live Stats full size-Latest Shifts.
This feature would help out new people to see where they are in getting to 5Nd and also people that may have a miner go offline.


1) Change PH/s on Your Rate to TH/s.  Most of us are just TH/s

All of these are just recommendations to an already Great Monitor and are not needed.  Thanks for all that you do.

Title: Re: CKPool Monitor - hashrates, workers, rewards and get notifications for CKPool
Post by: ZACHM on January 25, 2016, 08:17:20 PM

1) What block number? Last one found by pool (that is shown) last one found by network? or the current on being worked on? I assume current one because you mentioned difficulty, but I'm curious as to what the value of know the current block number is? I understand showing the difficulty. I will add them soon, I'm working on some very big changes, probably within the next few weeks.

2) I'm not sure about this one. Kano's answer when it was asked of him:;topicseen#msg13211604

The 5Nd is referring to what shares are paid for with each block find. There is no "ramping up" or "reduced payout" or whatever other terminology people are using. Your payout is based on the shares you submit. The amount of shares paid by the pool are 5 times the network difficulty (5Nd).

The reason it is mentioned so much is because new people jump on the pool and wait for their first payment. We hit a block and they see their payment and think wow that sucks I got way less than I did at pool X, I'm leaving. What they don't realize is that they will most likely keep getting paid for those shares on the next several blocks. Add all those payments up and most likely they got paid better than PPS for the time they spent on the pool. The "ramping up" that everyone talks about is the smaller payouts getting bigger until you have been mining on the pool for long enough that your 5Nd average has reached your hashrate. Keep in mind that if you stop mining with the pool you will keep getting paid until all of your shares are outside the 5Nd window.

For anyone looking for more on the topic here is my previous examples of the 5Nd:

The thing that everyone should do is tell new people to watch their shift page on and when there is no 0 in the Hs column above the red line then the next block we hit should be full payout.

With all of that being said, I will look into somehow showing something related to the 5Nd.  :)


1) I'll look into that, it does show as TH/s on mine. It should be dynamic, but maybe I have a decimal place issue.

Title: Re: CKPool Monitor - hashrates, workers, rewards and get notifications for CKPool
Post by: AriesIV10 on January 25, 2016, 08:54:50 PM
Thanks again for all of your hard work that you have done to help us fully understand!

1) What block number? Yes, the current one.

Here is what I am seeing on mine (I did sign out and then sign back in, trying to reset it):

our Rate: 0.13 PH/s
Workers: 27
Pool Rate: 15.07 PH/s
Your %: 0.8863

Thanks Again!

Title: Re: CKPool Monitor - hashrates, workers, rewards and get notifications for CKPool
Post by: ZACHM on January 25, 2016, 10:39:36 PM
I'll get the block on there soon.

Yeah, it sees the number of characters in your hashrate and bumps it up to PH/s.
I rolled the number down 1, Let me know if that works for you.

Title: Re: CKPool Monitor - hashrates, workers, rewards and get notifications for CKPool
Post by: AriesIV10 on January 25, 2016, 11:26:28 PM
I'll get the block on there soon.

Yeah, it sees the number of characters in your hashrate and bumps it up to PH/s.
I rolled the number down 1, Let me know if that works for you.

That did it.  Thanks!

Title: Re: CKPool Monitor - hashrates, workers, rewards and get notifications for CKPool
Post by: ZACHM on January 27, 2016, 01:12:29 AM
Anyone that signed up after 2015-01-14 may have not gotten the last block notification and will be missing hashrate on their graph from 12:20 pm EST to 7:52 pm EST.   :'(

A user accidentally had a space after their username and the process that runs to get all the data was dieing at that point.  :-[
I believe I have fixed this so it won't happen again.  :)

Until the next unforeseen issue arises things are working again.  :D

Title: Re: CKPool Monitor - hashrates, workers, rewards and get notifications for CKPool
Post by: kano on January 27, 2016, 07:36:07 AM
Anyone that signed up after 2015-01-14 may have not gotten the last block notification and will be missing hashrate on their graph from 12:20 pm EST to 7:52 pm EST.   :'(

A user accidentally had a space after their username and the process that runs to get all the data was dieing at that point.  :-[
I believe I have fixed this so it won't happen again.  :)

Until the next unforeseen issue arises things are working again.  :D
There's allowed to be a space in the username (but they get stripped off the front and end)
I of course never disallowed that, but also never had one before until recently when one of my scripts failed to work processing a payout at home :D

Title: Re: CKPool Monitor - hashrates, workers, rewards and get notifications for CKPool
Post by: ZACHM on January 27, 2016, 08:03:26 PM
There's allowed to be a space in the username (but they get stripped off the front and end)
I of course never disallowed that, but also never had one before until recently when one of my scripts failed to work processing a payout at home :D

Are you saying that I need to make sure that my script can safely process usernames that could have a space in the middle of them? I guess I'll implement that either way, but having usernames with spaces just seems silly.  :-\
I had just set it to strip spaces for now, but I will now just trim them from the ends and I will have to add a % (I assume) if there is a space in the middle so the api will still work?

It is fun hitting these little things and thinking wow I didn't see that one coming , then you have to find the solution.  :D

Title: Re: CKPool Monitor - hashrates, workers, rewards and get notifications for CKPool
Post by: kano on January 27, 2016, 09:27:41 PM
There's allowed to be a space in the username (but they get stripped off the front and end)
I of course never disallowed that, but also never had one before until recently when one of my scripts failed to work processing a payout at home :D

Are you saying that I need to make sure that my script can safely process usernames that could have a space in the middle of them? I guess I'll implement that either way, but having usernames with spaces just seems silly.  :-\
I had just set it to strip spaces for now, but I will now just trim them from the ends and I will have to add a % (I assume) if there is a space in the middle so the api will still work?

It is fun hitting these little things and thinking wow I didn't see that one coming , then you have to find the solution.  :D
There's an item on my todo list to add a value to the API call "usercode" as a hex version of the username and show that on the web page.
But it will continue to support both
Sooner or later I need to get the main pool to properly support UTF-8
(it works at home but not on the live pool - basically just a postgresql or apache setting I got wrong somewhere :P)

Title: Re: CKPool Monitor - hashrates, workers, rewards and get notifications for CKPool
Post by: ZACHM on January 28, 2016, 02:32:18 AM
There's an item on my todo list

I can only image the length of your todo list. I know mine is very long if you include my job and my wife's list for me.  :D

Here is a teaser screen shot for those interested in V2 of the monitor.  ;)
Let me know what other "gauges" or information I should try to show.
I plan on getting current block and network difficulty on there.

Title: Re: CKPool Monitor - hashrates, workers, rewards and get notifications for CKPool
Post by: marvykkio on January 29, 2016, 06:55:15 AM
I like this graphic, much easier :D :D

Title: Re: CKPool Monitor - hashrates, workers, rewards and get notifications for CKPool
Post by: ZACHM on January 30, 2016, 04:29:23 AM
V2 is live!  ;D

Let me know if you find anything that is not working.

I am going through things, and I think I have most of the transition issue solved.

I am planning on moving the hashing graphs to the dashboard.
They will be smaller with less detail and a shorter timespan, but you will be able to click on them (or link nearby) to go to a full size same as it is now.

Also planning on making the hashgraph for the overall pool on the main page load faster.

Title: Re: CKPool Monitor - hashrates, workers, rewards and get notifications for CKPool
Post by: kipper01 on January 30, 2016, 01:50:22 PM
V2 is live!  ;D

I am liking it! 

One question would it make more sense on the reward page to flip them?  Show newest block first?

Title: Re: CKPool Monitor - hashrates, workers, rewards and get notifications for CKPool
Post by: ZACHM on January 30, 2016, 01:54:33 PM
Yes, I was planning on making it an option, so people can see it the way they want. Soon...

Title: Re: CKPool Monitor - hashrates, workers, rewards and get notifications for CKPool
Post by: cryptotore on January 30, 2016, 02:16:35 PM
Thanks for your efforts, appreciated!

Title: Re: CKPool Monitor - hashrates, workers, rewards and get notifications for CKPool
Post by: clgrissom3 on January 30, 2016, 05:00:24 PM
V2 is very nice!  Keep it going!

Title: Re: CKPool Monitor - hashrates, workers, rewards and get notifications for CKPool
Post by: zOU on January 30, 2016, 05:35:56 PM
Thank you !

is there a possibility we could change/set the timezone for the graph ?

Title: Re: CKPool Monitor - hashrates, workers, rewards and get notifications for CKPool
Post by: ZACHM on January 30, 2016, 05:36:54 PM
That is on the to-do list.  ;)

Title: Re: CKPool Monitor - hashrates, workers, rewards and get notifications for CKPool
Post by: zOU on January 30, 2016, 05:47:19 PM
That is on the to-do list.  ;)

Correct, my apologies, I was just about to edit my post...

++>> - Users have option between local time and UTC (Pool Time) on the graphs, etc.

Title: Re: CKPool Monitor - hashrates, workers, rewards and get notifications for CKPool
Post by: Gornidah on January 30, 2016, 06:04:54 PM

Its the site working ok?
I've registered, put my API but still no info from Pool or workers, check the screenshot: ( (


Title: Re: CKPool Monitor - hashrates, workers, rewards and get notifications for CKPool
Post by: cryptotore on January 30, 2016, 06:18:56 PM
Found a small bug in the reward view range when converting btc to NOK.
0.6 btc = 226 usd = 1961 nok
Seems like it is counting 0.05 btc as 0.5 btc or something like that.

Thanks. :-*

Title: Re: CKPool Monitor - hashrates, workers, rewards and get notifications for CKPool
Post by: zOU on January 30, 2016, 06:42:16 PM
Something strange is displayed:

the graph starts 7h ago, even though I've joined the pool only slightly over 1h ago...

or I don't read it correctly ?

Also, I do not really understand the peaks in hash rate...1mn I have 0Ghs reported, the following update is ok (1.3THs) etc etc

Title: Re: CKPool Monitor - hashrates, workers, rewards and get notifications for CKPool
Post by: ZACHM on January 30, 2016, 06:45:56 PM
I am not at home right now (on my phone).
I'll look into all of this when I get home.
Sorry I can't get to it right away.

Title: Re: CKPool Monitor - hashrates, workers, rewards and get notifications for CKPool
Post by: zOU on January 30, 2016, 06:59:45 PM
I am not at home right now (on my phone).
I'll look into all of this when I get home.
Sorry I can't get to it right away.

no worries, I'll be happy to know what I'm reading wrong (or to help you noticing something unusual) when you get the time.

Editing to insert a better capture:

Title: Re: CKPool Monitor - hashrates, workers, rewards and get notifications for CKPool
Post by: ZACHM on January 30, 2016, 09:06:10 PM
Found a small bug in the reward view range when converting btc to NOK.
0.6 btc = 226 usd = 1961 nok
Seems like it is counting 0.05 btc as 0.5 btc or something like that.

Thanks. :-*

I'll have to check on this on the computer later tonight. Not sure what is going on, must be an issue converting from USD to NOK.

no worries, I'll be happy to know what I'm reading wrong (or to help you noticing something unusual) when you get the time.

I think I have this fixed. It is a timezone issue I noticed last night but didn't get a chance to fix yet.


Its the site working ok?
I've registered, put my API but still no info from Pool or workers, check the screenshot: ( (


I think yours is fixed too, let me know.

Title: Re: CKPool Monitor - hashrates, workers, rewards and get notifications for CKPool
Post by: Gornidah on January 30, 2016, 09:13:45 PM
Yeah, its fine now, thanks! :D

Title: Re: CKPool Monitor - hashrates, workers, rewards and get notifications for CKPool
Post by: ZACHM on January 31, 2016, 05:55:53 AM
Block Found Emails:
Hopefully we should be getting our block found emails again. When I switched to the new version of the site, I had made some changes to the code to start working with UTC timecodes like Kano does with the pool. So when we found a block the Monitor was storing the block in the database with a UTC timestamp, when a new block came in that was less than 5 hours later it would see the old block as newer than the newest block so it didn't think it was a new block, so no email. I think I have that straightened around now, but won't know until we get some more blocks.  ;D

The good news to that is that I think I have everything switched over to UTC now and can start working on the options for people to show things in their timezone.

Found a small bug in the reward view range when converting btc to NOK.
0.6 btc = 226 usd = 1961 nok
Seems like it is counting 0.05 btc as 0.5 btc or something like that.

Thanks. :-*

That should be fixed now, actually anyone not using USD would have had that issue. I was accidentally multiplying by the conversion rate twice. But on my display it was showing correct because it was converting from USD to USD so it was multiplying by 1.  :D

Title: Re: CKPool Monitor - hashrates, workers, rewards and get notifications for CKPool
Post by: PPOC on January 31, 2016, 06:03:57 AM
Any way on the rewards page that the newest is at the top vs. the oldest? If you have a lot of history I always look at the newest data anyway and have to scroll to the bottom of page while entering new blocks on top of page. Maybe a user selectable sort option?


Title: Re: CKPool Monitor - hashrates, workers, rewards and get notifications for CKPool
Post by: ZACHM on January 31, 2016, 06:06:19 AM
Yes, I am planning on making it a user selectable sort option.

Title: Re: CKPool Monitor - hashrates, workers, rewards and get notifications for CKPool
Post by: clgrissom3 on January 31, 2016, 01:34:13 PM
You are going to get really, really tired one day soon! :D

Title: Re: CKPool Monitor - hashrates, workers, rewards and get notifications for CKPool
Post by: xleejohnx on January 31, 2016, 03:38:21 PM
I love the website! It's awesome
But still not getting the block found.
Hash rate monitor works perfect

Title: Re: CKPool Monitor - hashrates, workers, rewards and get notifications for CKPool
Post by: ZACHM on January 31, 2016, 04:45:06 PM
OK, maybe I have it fixed this time. While I was trying to debug the UTC time for blocks I put a echo command it to output some information for me to see. Apparently I was echoing a non-string object and it was breaking the script, but this was only happening when we find a block, so I was not noticing it when I was checking it.

Lets find a block so we can see if it will work now.  ;D

Hi Zach - I see you are making some upgrades to your monitor - looking very nice.

PLEASE - can you add the option to not have "stacked" graph of workers - you need to have a single line plot for each worker so we can compare worker relative performance.

Thanks - usukan

After I get all the other issues resolved that I have right now, I'll take a look at that. It should be a very simple thing to do.

Title: Re: CKPool Monitor - hashrates, workers, rewards and get notifications for CKPool
Post by: usukan on February 01, 2016, 02:12:33 AM
OK, maybe I have it fixed this time. While I was trying to debug the UTC time for blocks I put a echo command it to output some information for me to see. Apparently I was echoing a non-string object and it was breaking the script, but this was only happening when we find a block, so I was not noticing it when I was checking it.

Lets find a block so we can see if it will work now.  ;D

Hi Zach - I see you are making some upgrades to your monitor - looking very nice.

PLEASE - can you add the option to not have "stacked" graph of workers - you need to have a single line plot for each worker so we can compare worker relative performance.

Thanks - usukan

After I get all the other issues resolved that I have right now, I'll take a look at that. It should be a very simple thing to do.

Thanks Zach

Title: Re: CKPool Monitor - hashrates, workers, rewards and get notifications for CKPool
Post by: ZACHM on February 01, 2016, 02:24:34 AM
Hi Zach - I see you are making some upgrades to your monitor - looking very nice.

PLEASE - can you add the option to not have "stacked" graph of workers - you need to have a single line plot for each worker so we can compare worker relative performance.

Thanks - usukan
Thanks Zach

I think you should be all set with that now, eventually I will make the graphs more interactive so every person can view it just the way they want.

Title: Re: CKPool Monitor - hashrates, workers, rewards and get notifications for CKPool
Post by: cavaliersrus on February 01, 2016, 02:36:28 AM
i plan on trying this sometime soon being i just signed up on pool

Title: Re: CKPool Monitor - hashrates, workers, rewards and get notifications for CKPool
Post by: ZACHM on February 01, 2016, 02:39:47 AM
It looks a little different now, then what is shown in the OP.
If you have any issues getting it setup, let me know.  :)

Title: Re: CKPool Monitor - hashrates, workers, rewards and get notifications for CKPool
Post by: ZACHM on February 01, 2016, 04:44:10 AM
One question would it make more sense on the reward page to flip them?  Show newest block first?

Any way on the rewards page that the newest is at the top vs. the oldest? If you have a lot of history I always look at the newest data anyway and have to scroll to the bottom of page while entering new blocks on top of page. Maybe a user selectable sort option?


I set this up very simply for right now.
Defaults to Newest on top, users can click a link on top of the table and the page will reload in the other order.

Title: Re: CKPool Monitor - hashrates, workers, rewards and get notifications for CKPool
Post by: PPOC on February 01, 2016, 04:52:19 AM
One question would it make more sense on the reward page to flip them?  Show newest block first?

Any way on the rewards page that the newest is at the top vs. the oldest? If you have a lot of history I always look at the newest data anyway and have to scroll to the bottom of page while entering new blocks on top of page. Maybe a user selectable sort option?


I set this up very simply for right now.
Defaults to Newest on top, users can click a link on top of the table and the page will reload in the other order.

Excellent - Thank you!

Title: Re: CKPool Monitor - hashrates, workers, rewards and get notifications for CKPool
Post by: AriesIV10 on February 01, 2016, 05:59:37 AM
The block email is working!

Thanks Zach

Title: Re: CKPool Monitor - hashrates, workers, rewards and get notifications for CKPool
Post by: ZACHM on February 01, 2016, 06:10:59 AM
Yes, notifications are working again, the contest is over for February (congrats to Kilowatt) so now I can go to bed. :D

Title: Re: CKPool Monitor - hashrates, workers, rewards and get notifications for CKPool
Post by: aarons6 on February 01, 2016, 06:11:28 AM
Yes, notifications are working again, the contest is over for February (congrats to Kilowatt) so now I can go to bed. :D
it only took like 30 seconds to get my email too.. as i was watching it.

Title: Re: CKPool Monitor - hashrates, workers, rewards and get notifications for CKPool
Post by: ZACHM on February 01, 2016, 06:16:28 AM
The timing is dependant on when the script runs. Right now it runs every 5 minutes. But it is a large script that puts everyone's hashrates into the database, creates the graph on the main page, and the table on the main page. So it takes about two minutes to process, need to go through it and optimize soon.

Title: Re: CKPool Monitor - hashrates, workers, rewards and get notifications for CKPool
Post by: usukan on February 01, 2016, 06:24:19 AM
Hi Zach - I see you are making some upgrades to your monitor - looking very nice.

PLEASE - can you add the option to not have "stacked" graph of workers - you need to have a single line plot for each worker so we can compare worker relative performance.

Thanks - usukan
Thanks Zach

I think you should be all set with that now, eventually I will make the graphs more interactive so every person can view it just the way they want.

Cool thanks Zach - I see its changed to not stacked - this may look a little confusing at first glance but its easy to pick any non performers.

Cheers usukan

Title: Re: CKPool Monitor - hashrates, workers, rewards and get notifications for CKPool
Post by: kano on February 01, 2016, 07:04:21 AM
Zach, well ... you timed that well, literally hundreds of invalid requests sent to the pool web site so you got banned.

The good timing was that 2 others tried it at exactly the same time:
one failure repeated injection attack from
and another doing the same as your web site failing over and over but a lot fewer requests

PM me when you've fixed it.
My guess however would be that someone put a crap load of invalid accounts on your web site that you now need to remove and block that from happening ...
Let me know if it was the same IP

Title: Re: CKPool Monitor - hashrates, workers, rewards and get notifications for CKPool
Post by: zOU on February 01, 2016, 07:11:10 AM

Cool thanks Zach - I see its changed to not stacked - this may look a little confusing at first glance but its easy to pick any non performers.

Cheers usukan

pretty neat !

Title: Re: CKPool Monitor - hashrates, workers, rewards and get notifications for CKPool
Post by: cavaliersrus on February 01, 2016, 01:55:47 PM
ok i signed up and put my username and api key on the site but its not showing hashing rate is it cause i did not add .worker after ?

Title: Re: CKPool Monitor - hashrates, workers, rewards and get notifications for CKPool
Post by: kano on February 01, 2016, 09:21:31 PM
ok i signed up and put my username and api key on the site but its not showing hashing rate is it cause i did not add .worker after ?
I've not heard back from zach still, so no nothing works.

Title: Re: CKPool Monitor - hashrates, workers, rewards and get notifications for CKPool
Post by: cavaliersrus on February 02, 2016, 12:01:18 AM
ok thank you kano for your reply and also for the pool as im pointing about 1.4-1.5 TH on it

Title: Re: CKPool Monitor - hashrates, workers, rewards and get notifications for CKPool
Post by: ZACHM on February 02, 2016, 12:41:52 AM
Sorry everyone. I was not able to do anything on this today because I had a sick kid this morning then I got to my office and things were extremely busy all day.

I will be checking into all of this now. I will post back shortly...

Title: Re: CKPool Monitor - hashrates, workers, rewards and get notifications for CKPool
Post by: kano on February 02, 2016, 04:19:18 AM
Sorry everyone. I was not able to do anything on this today because I had a sick kid this morning then I got to my office and things were extremely busy all day.

I will be checking into all of this now. I will post back shortly...

Ban removed.
Looks like there wasn't hundreds - I've run a cross check of each error with each IP
Only 3 times - just happened to coincide with the other 2 and I counted them wrong :(
(in the hundreds of errors only 3 were from here)

Title: Re: CKPool Monitor - hashrates, workers, rewards and get notifications for CKPool
Post by: ZACHM on February 02, 2016, 04:24:17 AM
Wow, I feel better now. I have been combing through things trying to figure out what went wrong.

I am going to put rewriting the processing script at the top of my todo list.
I noticed a lot of things within it that can be greatly improved upon.

Thanks Kano.

Title: Re: CKPool Monitor - hashrates, workers, rewards and get notifications for CKPool
Post by: cavaliersrus on February 02, 2016, 04:58:13 AM
ok i guess this is not for pool ?

Title: Re: CKPool Monitor - hashrates, workers, rewards and get notifications for CKPool
Post by: ZACHM on February 02, 2016, 05:04:16 AM
Yes it is.
remove the .worker from your username.

Title: Re: CKPool Monitor - hashrates, workers, rewards and get notifications for CKPool
Post by: cavaliersrus on February 02, 2016, 05:06:06 AM
there it goes how often does this refresh on the server and communicates to kanos server api ?

Title: Re: CKPool Monitor - hashrates, workers, rewards and get notifications for CKPool
Post by: ZACHM on February 02, 2016, 05:08:43 AM
Every 5 minutes.

You just happened to signup when there were issues going on.
They are for the most part resolved now.

Title: Re: CKPool Monitor - hashrates, workers, rewards and get notifications for CKPool
Post by: cavaliersrus on February 02, 2016, 05:23:01 AM
oh cool thanks for making this man once i get more btc ill send u a lil donation it wont be much but it will be a lil somethin

Title: Re: CKPool Monitor - hashrates, workers, rewards and get notifications for CKPool
Post by: PPOC on February 02, 2016, 09:13:45 PM
Nothing major, but if your doing any work on the rewards page and specifically the reports you can run. Just thinking that if you run a report for say Jan, get the totals at the bottom if would be cool to see the reports range totals compared to PPS earning. So you can quickly see if the period you selected is above or below PPS. Since you already show PPS on the days totals, if might be pretty easy to display the PPS earning for a report range and compare to your actual earning.


Total BTC = 11.87990851
Average Hashrate = 70.359 TH/s
Average BTC/Day/THs = 0.00544669
PPS for period = .00512345
Over/Under = .00032324

Total BTC = 11.87990851
Average Hashrate = 70.359 TH/s
Average BTC/Day/THs = 0.00544669
PPS for period = .00502345
Over/Under = .00042324

Title: Re: CKPool Monitor - hashrates, workers, rewards and get notifications for CKPool
Post by: kipper01 on February 02, 2016, 10:30:25 PM
How much do I need to donate to get the non-ads version of your site?  :)

Title: Re: CKPool Monitor - hashrates, workers, rewards and get notifications for CKPool
Post by: ZACHM on February 03, 2016, 02:56:02 AM
Nothing major, but if your doing any work on the rewards page and specifically the reports you can run. Just thinking that if you run a report for say Jan, get the totals at the bottom if would be cool to see the reports range totals compared to PPS earning. So you can quickly see if the period you selected is above or below PPS. Since you already show PPS on the days totals, if might be pretty easy to display the PPS earning for a report range and compare to your actual earning.


Yes, I was planing on doing that. I was looking at it the other night, but got distracted with other things.

How much do I need to donate to get the non-ads version of your site?  :)

Currently there is no "non-ads" version of the site. I will look into that and maybe just make it donation based. Meaning if you have sent any donation I will remove the ads for you, any amount, people could even do a little mining to my account if they wanted. I just threw the ads on there to help cover my hosting/server cost. I think my hosting/server cost with the HTTPS is around $10 a month. I think the ads are only making around $5-$6 a month.

Title: Re: CKPool Monitor - hashrates, workers, rewards and get notifications for CKPool
Post by: PPOC on February 03, 2016, 03:01:59 AM
Nothing major, but if your doing any work on the rewards page and specifically the reports you can run. Just thinking that if you run a report for say Jan, get the totals at the bottom if would be cool to see the reports range totals compared to PPS earning. So you can quickly see if the period you selected is above or below PPS. Since you already show PPS on the days totals, if might be pretty easy to display the PPS earning for a report range and compare to your actual earning.


Yes, I was planing on doing that. I was looking at it the other night, but got distracted with other things.

How much do I need to donate to get the non-ads version of your site?  :)

Currently there is no "non-ads" version of the site. I will look into that and maybe just make it donation based. Meaning if you have sent any donation I will remove the ads for you, any amount, people could even do a little mining to my account if they wanted. I just threw the ads on there to help cover my hosting/server cost. I think my hosting/server cost with the HTTPS is around $10 a month. I think the ads are only making around $5-$6 a month.

I donated already and will certainly send another .1 for the add free version. If you get enough donation says $100 or more per month, can you upgrade the hosting to make the site more responsive? Maybe a $50 package? Heck, give me the requirements and I'll give you a EC2 medium instance.

Title: Re: CKPool Monitor - hashrates, workers, rewards and get notifications for CKPool
Post by: valkir on February 03, 2016, 03:07:55 AM
Is there a way to recover our password ?  :P

Title: Re: CKPool Monitor - hashrates, workers, rewards and get notifications for CKPool
Post by: ZACHM on February 03, 2016, 03:38:08 AM
I donated already and will certainly send another .1 for the add free version. If you get enough donation says $100 or more per month, can you upgrade the hosting to make the site more responsive? Maybe a $50 package? Heck, give me the requirements and I'll give you a EC2 medium instance.

PM me your username.

Is there a way to recover our password ?  :P

PM me your username and email. I am working on something for that and you can be my guinea pig if you want?

Edit: That option is there now, go to the main page ( click on login then at the bottom choose Forgot password? Get a New One

Title: Re: CKPool Monitor - hashrates, workers, rewards and get notifications for CKPool
Post by: ZACHM on February 03, 2016, 05:34:00 AM
I have added the functionality to remove the ads from the site.

If you don't care that the ads are there, then you can stop reading now and go tell your miners to find some blocks.  :D

If you want the ads removed just send me a donation, any amount, whatever you want. You can even mine to my account if you would like (zachmonroe) just give it a worker name with your username so I know who to give the credit to.
After you have sent a donation, just let me know and I'll remove your ads.
This is obviously manual so it might take a little while for me to get to it (I do sleep occasionally  ;) )

Those of you that have already sent me a donation, log into the site and see if the ads are still there, If they are let me know.
I tried to go through and figure out who sent me a donation, but some of you I can't tell what your username on my site is.
I think that there might be only 1 person that I missed.

This is completely optional, I had not even thought of it until kipper01 asked about it. Then I thought why not, so here we are.  :)

Title: Re: CKPool Monitor - hashrates, workers, rewards and get notifications for CKPool
Post by: kipper01 on February 03, 2016, 12:47:02 PM
I have added the functionality to remove the ads from the site.

If you don't care that the ads are there, then you can stop reading now and go tell your miners to find some blocks.  :D

If you want the ads removed just send me a donation, any amount, whatever you want. You can even mine to my account if you would like (zachmonroe) just give it a worker name with your username so I know who to give the credit to.
After you have sent a donation, just let me know and I'll remove your ads.
This is obviously manual so it might take a little while for me to get to it (I do sleep occasionally  ;) )

Those of you that have already sent me a donation, log into the site and see if the ads are still there, If they are let me know.
I tried to go through and figure out who sent me a donation, but some of you I can't tell what your username on my site is.
I think that there might be only 1 person that I missed.

This is completely optional, I had not even thought of it until kipper01 asked about it. Then I thought why not, so here we are.  :)

Thanks ZachM ...When I get home from work tonight I will donate some additional funds to help you out.

Title: Re: CKPool Monitor - hashrates, workers, rewards and get notifications for CKPool
Post by: zOU on February 03, 2016, 01:02:38 PM
I have added the functionality to remove the ads from the site.

If you don't care that the ads are there, then you can stop reading now and go tell your miners to find some blocks.  :D

I had adblock disabled on your site :)

Title: Re: CKPool Monitor - hashrates, workers, rewards and get notifications for CKPool
Post by: maxsettings on February 03, 2016, 04:30:53 PM
I have added the functionality to remove the ads from the site.

If you don't care that the ads are there, then you can stop reading now and go tell your miners to find some blocks.  :D

I had adblock disabled on your site :)

Same here, unintentionally. I have Ghostery installed and forget that sites are blocked by default. Sorry about that, I whitelisted it a few days back once I realized and am now getting ads. Once I make any sort of profit from mining I'm planning on sending some little donation your way - until then hopefully you'll get something from the ads! I do tend to visit multiple times a day...

Thanks for this great tool, it's incredibly useful!

Title: Re: CKPool Monitor - hashrates, workers, rewards and get notifications for CKPool
Post by: ZACHM on February 04, 2016, 03:04:58 AM
Nothing major, but if your doing any work on the rewards page and specifically the reports you can run. Just thinking that if you run a report for say Jan, get the totals at the bottom if would be cool to see the reports range totals compared to PPS earning. So you can quickly see if the period you selected is above or below PPS. Since you already show PPS on the days totals, if might be pretty easy to display the PPS earning for a report range and compare to your actual earning.


Total BTC = 11.87990851
Average Hashrate = 70.359 TH/s
Average BTC/Day/THs = 0.00544669
PPS for period = .00512345
Over/Under = .00032324

Total BTC = 11.87990851
Average Hashrate = 70.359 TH/s
Average BTC/Day/THs = 0.00544669
PPS for period = .00502345
Over/Under = .00042324

I have gotten a fairly good start with this. Take a look. The math is still a little off somewhere, you will get two different percentages depending on your sort order. I think I am averaging in some zeros on one end or the other. The numbers are fairly close though, so it give you a rough idea for now. I will continue working on this, but wanted show what I have so far.

Also, the site should be a little fast now. I did some optimizing of things.

Title: Re: CKPool Monitor - hashrates, workers, rewards and get notifications for CKPool
Post by: ZACHM on February 04, 2016, 03:55:35 AM
Slight hiccup on the Reward Range View page, apparently we exceeded the quota for api calls to convert currency. So until I figure something out for that, eveything is defaulting to USD. Sorry for any inconvenience. I will get it straightened out soon.

Title: Re: CKPool Monitor - hashrates, workers, rewards and get notifications for CKPool
Post by: SergES on February 04, 2016, 02:08:35 PM
We found another block after 0 Days 2 Hours 52 Minutes ! Approximately 33.8 %Diff - Found @ 2016-02-04 13:37:22
Block # 396670
Thanks for using CKPoolMonitor

We found another block after 0 Days 0 Hours 0 Minutes ! Approximately 33.8 %Diff - Found @ 2016-02-04 13:37:22
Block # 396670
Thanks for using CKPoolMonitor

What is this?

Title: Re: CKPool Monitor - hashrates, workers, rewards and get notifications for CKPool
Post by: zOU on February 04, 2016, 02:43:48 PM
2 mails for the same block :)

Title: Re: CKPool Monitor - hashrates, workers, rewards and get notifications for CKPool
Post by: ZACHM on February 04, 2016, 04:50:22 PM
Yeah, not sure why we got two notifications for the same block. I'm looking into it.

Title: Re: CKPool Monitor - hashrates, workers, rewards and get notifications for CKPool
Post by: ZACHM on February 05, 2016, 12:24:59 AM
I guess it was just a weird anomaly, it did not happen on the one after it.  :)

Title: Re: CKPool Monitor - hashrates, workers, rewards and get notifications for CKPool
Post by: aarons6 on February 05, 2016, 01:17:43 AM
your site stopped loading and now i get this

Title: Re: CKPool Monitor - hashrates, workers, rewards and get notifications for CKPool
Post by: ZACHM on February 05, 2016, 01:48:28 AM
When I was trying to speed things up I tried using async loading of the scripts, but but what was happening was things were loading before things they were dependent upon.
I removed that and I think it should be better now.

Someone had pm'd me about not seeing the graph, and I think this was related.

Title: Re: CKPool Monitor - hashrates, workers, rewards and get notifications for CKPool
Post by: cryptotore on February 05, 2016, 01:18:28 PM
Site is down, would appreciate a fix!  :-*

Aand its up.

Title: Re: CKPool Monitor - hashrates, workers, rewards and get notifications for CKPool
Post by: ZACHM on February 07, 2016, 01:51:53 PM
Sorry about that one, I guess I can't remove the unworthy block from my database until we find another one.

Title: Re: CKPool Monitor - hashrates, workers, rewards and get notifications for CKPool
Post by: nhando on February 07, 2016, 02:15:54 PM
Yeah, woke up did a 2nd BLOCK dance while brushing my teeth and again was let down.   =)  Let's have a REAL block soon please. 

Title: Re: CKPool Monitor - hashrates, workers, rewards and get notifications for CKPool
Post by: ZACHM on February 07, 2016, 02:18:56 PM
Yeah, I should have realized it was going to do that.

You mentioned that you might have some gear for sale? I might be interested, could you send me a PM with what you have for sale?

Title: Re: CKPool Monitor - hashrates, workers, rewards and get notifications for CKPool
Post by: clgrissom3 on February 08, 2016, 11:27:45 PM
Yeah, I should have realized it was going to do that.

You mentioned that you might have some gear for sale? I might be interested, could you send me a PM with what you have for sale?

PM me your list also  ;D

Title: Re: CKPool Monitor - hashrates, workers, rewards and get notifications for CKPool
Post by: ZACHM on February 10, 2016, 05:08:04 AM
Just thought I'd share some updates:
- There was some issues with the primary script, I sorted those out so things should be running a little smoother.
- The graph and pay chart on the main page were not loading correctly, they have been fixed.

Currently there are about 160 active users using the monitor and we are tracking almost 7PH or about 30% of the hashrate on the pool.  :)

If anyone notices any issues let me know.

Hopefully this coming weekend I will have some free time to cross some of the items off the to-do list.  ;)

I am still seeing some accounts where people have entered a username and BTC address, or some other combination. If you are mining on with a username then only enter your username and API Key, DO NOT enter a BTC address. If you are mining with a BTC Address then only enter that, DO NOT enter a username or API Key. If you have questions or need any help you can ask here, pm me or send me an email.  :)

Title: Re: CKPool Monitor - hashrates, workers, rewards and get notifications for CKPool
Post by: ZACHM on February 11, 2016, 04:57:35 AM
Just a FYI for anyone that has Project Fi. They have finally created the email/SMS gateway. The address is:

Title: Re: CKPool Monitor - hashrates, workers, rewards and get notifications for CKPool
Post by: cryptotore on February 11, 2016, 10:43:52 AM
Seems like there was a problem with recording hashrate on 9.feb.
I rented about 300 TH/s for a couple of hours, but it does not show in my hashgraph. I can see it in the shift-tab and shift-graph on the pool's site tho.

Send me a PM if you need more details, thanks!


Title: Re: CKPool Monitor - hashrates, workers, rewards and get notifications for CKPool
Post by: ZACHM on February 11, 2016, 05:53:01 PM
When the script that gets everyone’s data from and processes it into my database runs it goes one by one through the users. There was an issue with a user’s account information and when the script got to that user it would die. I have since fixed the script, but any user after that one did not get recorded data from 2016-02-08 14:21 to 2016-02-10 04:01 UTC. Sorry about that, I am working on a way for me to be notified when things like this happen so I can fix them sooner.

Title: Re: CKPool Monitor - hashrates, workers, rewards and get notifications for CKPool
Post by: PPOC on February 12, 2016, 01:20:16 AM
Can anyone find Waldo? Anything odd about this alert?

Your hashrate has dropped below your specified rate of 95.0000 TH/s!
Your latest 5 minute average rate is 2,913.8485 TH/s!
You will continue to get these notifications approximately every 5 minutes until your rate increases above your set minimum or you log in and change your settings.

Thanks for using CKPoolMonitor

Please be sure to login and verify your apikey and/or BTC address are valid.

Title: Re: CKPool Monitor - hashrates, workers, rewards and get notifications for CKPool
Post by: ZACHM on February 12, 2016, 02:01:22 AM
I think I found him.

The comma in the hashrate was messing it up. Hopefully should be fixed now.

Title: Re: CKPool Monitor - hashrates, workers, rewards and get notifications for CKPool
Post by: HerbPean on February 18, 2016, 04:17:26 AM
I think I found an issue.

I created a new worker named => AV62 and I have an older worker named => AV6R1.

The stats are shown incorrectly in the full details worker graph page.

The stats for worker AV6R1 are shown for the worker AV62.

Thanks ;-)

Title: Re: CKPool Monitor - hashrates, workers, rewards and get notifications for CKPool
Post by: ZACHM on February 18, 2016, 05:16:01 AM
If I understand, you are no longer using AV6R1?

The worker graph does not really look at the worker names, it looks at their position in the results as stored in the database. So if AV6R1 was your last worker, then you stopped using that worker, your new worker would become your last worker. But the graph gets its worker name from the first record, so your old worker is on the first record it finds within the graphs timespan. Thereby displaying your new workers data with the old worker name, eventually the old worker will clear out.

It is something that I had planned on fixing, but had forgotten about it. Thanks for the reminder, I will get on it very soon.

Title: Re: CKPool Monitor - hashrates, workers, rewards and get notifications for CKPool
Post by: HerbPean on February 18, 2016, 02:54:09 PM
If I understand, you are no longer using AV6R1?

The worker graph does not really look at the worker names, it looks at their position in the results as stored in the database. So if AV6R1 was your last worker, then you stopped using that worker, your new worker would become your last worker. But the graph gets its worker name from the first record, so your old worker is on the first record it finds within the graphs timespan. Thereby displaying your new workers data with the old worker name, eventually the old worker will clear out.

It is something that I had planned on fixing, but had forgotten about it. Thanks for the reminder, I will get on it very soon.

I used both of them but the stats has been interchange in the UI.

AV62 has been running for like 10 hours but it show days of stats ... AV6R1 show only the last 10 hours. It should be the other way around.

Title: Re: CKPool Monitor - hashrates, workers, rewards and get notifications for CKPool
Post by: ZACHM on March 11, 2016, 02:43:42 AM
The import feature is finally here!  ;D

There may be some bugs to work out, but it seams to work right now.

You need to select the information from your rewards page and copy it to a spreadsheet program, then save it as a csv file.

It should look something like this:

The file name does not matter, except it needs to be a .csv extension

Then go to Your Rewards ( page and choose to upload the file.

It should enter those rewards in for you, it will check for duplicates so you don't need to worry about overwriting older entries.

Try it and let me know if you have any problems.

Title: Re: CKPool Monitor - hashrates, workers, rewards and get notifications for CKPool
Post by: PPOC on March 11, 2016, 02:50:03 AM
The import feature is finally here!  ;D

There may be some bugs to work out, but it seams to work right now.

You need to select the information from your rewards page and copy it to a spreadsheet program, then save it as a csv file.

It should look something like this:

The file name does not matter, except it needs to be a .csv extension

Then go to Your Rewards ( page and choose to upload the file.

It should enter those rewards in for you, it will check for duplicates so you don't need to worry about overwriting older entries.

Try it and let me know if you have any problems.

You think Kano might provide the rewards data via API? That would be much easier for all I think

Title: Re: CKPool Monitor - hashrates, workers, rewards and get notifications for CKPool
Post by: ZACHM on March 11, 2016, 02:56:53 AM
You think Kano might provide the rewards data via API? That would be much easier for all I think

I asked one time in the past, but don't want to bother him about it.
Yes it would be easier, but I think in order to do it safely there would probably have to be a second API key for access to the rewards records.
But at the same time I don't think it would really matter, there isn't anything that can be done with the data, and the transactions are already public on the blockchain.

If he added it, I would assume it would only give the most recent reward info. But that would be enough.

Title: Re: CKPool Monitor - hashrates, workers, rewards and get notifications for CKPool
Post by: clgrissom3 on March 11, 2016, 03:08:46 AM
The import feature is finally here!  ;D

There may be some bugs to work out, but it seams to work right now.

You need to select the information from your rewards page and copy it to a spreadsheet program, then save it as a csv file.

It should look something like this:

The file name does not matter, except it needs to be a .csv extension

Then go to Your Rewards ( page and choose to upload the file.

It should enter those rewards in for you, it will check for duplicates so you don't need to worry about overwriting older entries.

Try it and let me know if you have any problems.

Very nice Zach!

Title: Re: CKPool Monitor - hashrates, workers, rewards and get notifications for CKPool
Post by: nhando on March 11, 2016, 04:31:50 AM
The import feature is finally here!  ;D

There may be some bugs to work out, but it seams to work right now.

You need to select the information from your rewards page and copy it to a spreadsheet program, then save it as a csv file.

It should look something like this:

The file name does not matter, except it needs to be a .csv extension

Then go to Your Rewards ( page and choose to upload the file.

It should enter those rewards in for you, it will check for duplicates so you don't need to worry about overwriting older entries.

Try it and let me know if you have any problems.

I get this error after uploading the CSV file into your tool.

The file Rewards.csv has been uploaded.
Not a valid block number!

Fatal error: Call to a member function fetch_assoc() on a non-object in /homepages/8/d177552237/htdocs/zachmonroe/ckpoolmonitor/fileUpload.php on line 49

Title: Re: CKPool Monitor - hashrates, workers, rewards and get notifications for CKPool
Post by: ZACHM on March 11, 2016, 04:40:54 AM
Your file is not a valid .csv file, yours looks like this:

I'm not sure what you have, but it is not a .csv

Title: Re: CKPool Monitor - hashrates, workers, rewards and get notifications for CKPool
Post by: nhando on March 11, 2016, 05:13:59 AM
Works now.  Pretty cool stuff.  Am I correct in understanding the PPS % part is comparing what I earned against the market rate?  Can you check to see why some of them are not populated correctly hence it's showing some crazy percentage?   Most of them are appearing as they should be but quite a few are way out of whack

401354   607.31   0.54493489   2016-03-06 01:41:48   316.86842375   402.59   0.78708127   158427203767.4   0.00317442   24794.49 %   Edit
401328   884.16   0.78996921   2016-03-05 22:34:42   0.78996921         158427203767.4         Edit
401244   0   779.01000000   2016-03-05 08:00:10   779.79996921   442.08   1.76393406   158427203767.4   0.00317442   55567.13 %

Title: Re: CKPool Monitor - hashrates, workers, rewards and get notifications for CKPool
Post by: ZACHM on March 11, 2016, 05:19:52 AM
I'll look into it tomorrow, it is after midnight here and I'm going to bed.

My guess is that either your reward amount is off, or your avg hash rate...

edit: I found the problem, there is a comma in your avg hashrate when you are over 1 PH, it shows it as 1,xxxTHs. An extra comma in a .csv file is an issue. I'll fix it tomorrow.

Title: Re: CKPool Monitor - hashrates, workers, rewards and get notifications for CKPool
Post by: nhando on March 11, 2016, 05:43:19 AM
Very cool.  No rush................really awesome tool to easily track our performance. 

Title: Re: CKPool Monitor - hashrates, workers, rewards and get notifications for CKPool
Post by: ZACHM on March 11, 2016, 08:28:19 PM
When you get a chance try uploading your file again. I think I got it all sorted out. I deleted most of the rewards you imported yesterday, but some are still there so you should see it say "Block Reward was already entered!" for the ones still in. Let me know if how it works out.  :)

Title: Re: CKPool Monitor - hashrates, workers, rewards and get notifications for CKPool
Post by: nhando on March 11, 2016, 08:42:29 PM
Looks great now!  Very awesome stuff.  Can you add a total at the bottom?   Would be cool to see total average up or down.  No rush on the feature, just a nice to have type of thing.

Title: Re: CKPool Monitor - hashrates, workers, rewards and get notifications for CKPool
Post by: ZACHM on March 11, 2016, 08:46:08 PM
If you select a date range at top then click view it takes you to another page which gives you information for the selected range.

Here is from January 1st until today for me:

Total BTC = 6.34337708
Average Hashrate = 20.455 TH/s
Average BTC/Day/THs = 0.00436772
% PPS = 103.92%

Title: Re: CKPool Monitor - hashrates, workers, rewards and get notifications for CKPool
Post by: Ares~ on March 12, 2016, 11:59:07 AM
Anyone else receiving emails of low hashrate but miners are actually hashing ok as per

Title: Re: CKPool Monitor - hashrates, workers, rewards and get notifications for CKPool
Post by: Ares~ on March 12, 2016, 12:04:07 PM
My miners hash rate showing correct speeds but the pool hash rate showing as zero on  ???

Title: Re: CKPool Monitor - hashrates, workers, rewards and get notifications for CKPool
Post by: ZACHM on March 12, 2016, 12:16:49 PM
I think the monitor's IP was banned, I have a message into Kano.

Title: Re: CKPool Monitor - hashrates, workers, rewards and get notifications for CKPool
Post by: ZACHM on March 12, 2016, 01:31:25 PM
That was the last block that was found, you are not missing any.

Also, the site is working again.

Title: Re: CKPool Monitor - hashrates, workers, rewards and get notifications for CKPool
Post by: HerbPean on March 13, 2016, 05:52:23 PM
Thanks, appreciated feature.

Title: Re: CKPool Monitor - hashrates, workers, rewards and get notifications for CKPool
Post by: nhando on March 14, 2016, 06:36:33 AM
This block was reported twice

We found another block after 2 H 8 m 55 s ! Approximately 34.4 %Diff - Found @ 2016-03-14 05:43:24
Block # 402561

Thanks for using CKPoolMonitor

Please be sure to login and verify your apikey and/or BTC address are valid.

This block the Diff was not accurate.  Kano reported at 8.23%.

We found another block after 34 m 31 s ! Approximately 7.5 %Diff - Found @ 2016-03-14 06:17:55
Block # 402567

Thanks for using CKPoolMonitor

Please be sure to login and verify your apikey and/or BTC address are valid.

Zach - What do you think is causing the discrepancy? 

Title: Re: CKPool Monitor - hashrates, workers, rewards and get notifications for CKPool
Post by: clgrissom3 on March 14, 2016, 03:22:28 PM
Zach, I created a second kano account so I could keep my rentals there a way to pull in both accounts into my one CKPool Monitor account or do I need to create a second account on your side also?

Title: Re: CKPool Monitor - hashrates, workers, rewards and get notifications for CKPool
Post by: zOU on March 14, 2016, 06:01:45 PM
Zach, I created a second kano account so I could keep my rentals there a way to pull in both accounts into my one CKPool Monitor account or do I need to create a second account on your side also?

2 API keys, some it seems you'll need 2 accounts, unless Zach can do some magic and monitor 2 api keys on the same account :)

Wouldn't have it been easier to use the same account but different workers ?

Title: Re: CKPool Monitor - hashrates, workers, rewards and get notifications for CKPool
Post by: ZACHM on March 14, 2016, 06:02:04 PM
This block was reported twice
Block # 402561

This block the Diff was not accurate.  Kano reported at 8.23%.
Block # 402567

Zach - What do you think is causing the discrepancy? 

I am still trying to figure out what is going on with the duplicate notifications for some blocks.

The block diff is an estimation based on submitted shares, my monitor only get info from every 5 minutes, so the share count can be off by 5 minutes. Even Kano's site does not give an absolute Diff% right away, that is why there is the ~ in front of it for a little while, until all of the shares have been totaled.

Title: Re: CKPool Monitor - hashrates, workers, rewards and get notifications for CKPool
Post by: ZACHM on March 14, 2016, 06:04:12 PM
Zach, I created a second kano account so I could keep my rentals there a way to pull in both accounts into my one CKPool Monitor account or do I need to create a second account on your side also?

2 API keys, some it seems you'll need 2 accounts, unless Zach can do some magic and monitor 2 api keys on the same account :)

Wouldn't have it been easier to use the same account but different workers ?

Yes for now you need a separate account. I have been thinking about how to offer and option for combining then, but I think it is more than I want to tackle right now.

I have two accounts on Kano and two account on my monitor also.

Title: Re: CKPool Monitor - hashrates, workers, rewards and get notifications for CKPool
Post by: clgrissom3 on March 14, 2016, 09:40:07 PM
Zach, I created a second kano account so I could keep my rentals there a way to pull in both accounts into my one CKPool Monitor account or do I need to create a second account on your side also?

2 API keys, some it seems you'll need 2 accounts, unless Zach can do some magic and monitor 2 api keys on the same account :)

Wouldn't have it been easier to use the same account but different workers ?

I tried using my first account for to do both for a couple of months and it causes more work than I really wanted to do just calculating how the rentals were going money-wise.  I wanted to run them on separate accounts so I can see exactly what I was doing without having to worry about calculation errors.  I have no problem doing a second CKPool Monitor account...I just wanted to see if there was any ZACHM magic I didn't know about first!  :D

Title: Re: CKPool Monitor - hashrates, workers, rewards and get notifications for CKPool
Post by: nhando on March 15, 2016, 01:08:55 AM
This block was reported twice
Block # 402561

This block the Diff was not accurate.  Kano reported at 8.23%.
Block # 402567

Zach - What do you think is causing the discrepancy? 

I am still trying to figure out what is going on with the duplicate notifications for some blocks.

The block diff is an estimation based on submitted shares, my monitor only get info from every 5 minutes, so the share count can be off by 5 minutes. Even Kano's site does not give an absolute Diff% right away, that is why there is the ~ in front of it for a little while, until all of the shares have been totaled.

Thanks and just for the record, your tool have been about 5-10 mins faster in reporting the block then when it show up on Kano site last night.

Title: Re: CKPool Monitor - hashrates, workers, rewards and get notifications for CKPool
Post by: PPOC on March 16, 2016, 01:34:25 PM
Zach, just ran a report for 3/1 to 3/15 and each day in the report it starts with a zero in each column, then the correct values after. I think that is messing up the totals at the bottom and avg. all the zeros into the totals.

Date   Block   Avg Hash   BTC   USD/BTC   USD
2016-03-01   0   0   0.00000000   0   0
2016-03-01   400663   108.83   0.09652595   438.03   42.28
2016-03-01   400706   110.69   0.09390071   434.05   40.76
2016-03-02   0   0   0.00000000   0   0
2016-03-02   400787   110.09   0.08991343   435.2   39.13
2016-03-02   400812   109.23   0.08844129   435.83   38.55
2016-03-02   400826   108.77   0.08925910   434.48   38.78
2016-03-02   400880   108.43   0.08910508   431.64   38.46
2016-03-03   0   0   0.00000000   0   0
2016-03-03   400940   108.51   0.09676479   425.23   41.15
2016-03-03   400956   108.52   0.09609930   423.74   40.72
2016-03-03   401007   109.59   0.09481368   420.56   39.87

Title: Re: CKPool Monitor - hashrates, workers, rewards and get notifications for CKPool
Post by: ZACHM on March 16, 2016, 02:12:51 PM
Try it now, you had a entry for block 0, which was getting included on each day.

Title: Re: CKPool Monitor - hashrates, workers, rewards and get notifications for CKPool
Post by: PPOC on March 16, 2016, 02:24:19 PM
Try it now, you had a entry for block 0, which was getting included on each day.

That did the trick! Thanks

Title: Re: CKPool Monitor - hashrates, workers, rewards and get notifications for CKPool
Post by: firetreeactual on March 25, 2016, 05:06:08 PM
Just tried to set up my account...the API key keeps getting rejected, although I go straight over to and get a new key, it is still rejected.

Howzit? (Hawaiian pidgin...)


Title: Re: CKPool Monitor - hashrates, workers, rewards and get notifications for CKPool
Post by: ZACHM on March 25, 2016, 05:11:28 PM
You need to put in your username too.

Title: Re: CKPool Monitor - hashrates, workers, rewards and get notifications for CKPool
Post by: firetreeactual on March 25, 2016, 05:16:54 PM
That was quick...thought I did...will try again.

EDIT: Duh...fill in the blank, E...mahalo Zach. Workee.

Title: Re: CKPool Monitor - hashrates, workers, rewards and get notifications for CKPool
Post by: rkinnin on April 07, 2016, 02:26:47 PM
my App, which runs on a iPad with IOS 9.3.1, is not showing my miners any longer.  This started happening a day or so ago.  It worked great for a month or so.  Over on the Kano postings I see others are reporting similar results.  Thoughts?

Title: Re: CKPool Monitor - hashrates, workers, rewards and get notifications for CKPool
Post by: sbogovac on April 07, 2016, 02:48:53 PM
Same here on a up-to-date iPhone; I uninstalled, reset and reinstalled. Now it works, but strange...

Title: Re: CKPool Monitor - hashrates, workers, rewards and get notifications for CKPool
Post by: ZACHM on April 07, 2016, 03:04:39 PM
my App, which runs on a iPad with IOS 9.3.1, is not showing my miners any longer.  This started happening a day or so ago.  It worked great for a month or so.  Over on the Kano postings I see others are reporting similar results.  Thoughts?

Same here on a up-to-date iPhone; I uninstalled, reset and reinstalled. Now it works, but strange...

Are the both of you talking about the iOS app? If so then you need to go here:

Everything seems to be working fine on

Title: Re: CKPool Monitor - hashrates, workers, rewards and get notifications for CKPool
Post by: gegebitlover on April 13, 2016, 02:42:33 AM
Sorry about that one, I guess I can't remove the unworthy block from my database until we find another one.

hello I have a big problem with I have the app on my mobile and this is the second time I receive a notification that says -Found a block! : 407 025 I went looking on my pc would write in my api /index.php?k=api&username=gegebitlover&api followed my name is my worker share Was back down while I had a lot more I went on the pool site to see the block is finding it's not me it's a fact that in User not even part of the pool I watch the first time I did the same I went to see the site is telling me to put my address bitcoin address but normally my wallet is my brief worker I started today is nothing and for two months I received micro payment that exceeds not 2euro defois 0.70euro almost every day I do not understand is my share back to zero I lost everything, help me understand I am looking to join kano not possible email address no contact please help me nothing to disgust I thank you for your reading and desoler for my english

Title: Re: CKPool Monitor - hashrates, workers, rewards and get notifications for CKPool
Post by: kano on April 13, 2016, 03:01:52 AM
Sorry about that one, I guess I can't remove the unworthy block from my database until we find another one.

hello I have a big problem with I have the app on my mobile and this is the second time I receive a notification that says -Found a block! : 407 025 I went looking on my pc would write in my api /index.php?k=api&username=gegebitlover&api followed my name is my worker share Was back down while I had a lot more I went on the pool site to see the block is finding it's not me it's a fact that in User not even part of the pool I watch the first time I did the same I went to see the site is telling me to put my address bitcoin address but normally my wallet is my brief worker I started today is nothing and for two months I received micro payment that exceeds not 2euro defois 0.70euro almost every day I do not understand is my share back to zero I lost everything, help me understand I am looking to join kano not possible email address no contact please help me nothing to disgust I thank you for your reading and desoler for my english

I used google translate on this ... :D
Didn't help, they don't have a translator for 'wtf was that?'

Firstly, when the pool find a block, it isn't your block, it's the whole pool's block.

Secondly, the pool support thread is here:

Thirdly, you'll need to tell me your username if you want help with your payouts, unless you are address mining.

Lastly, the rewards page says all.

Title: Re: CKPool Monitor - hashrates, workers, rewards and get notifications for CKPool
Post by: ZACHM on April 13, 2016, 03:27:31 AM
I used google translate on this ... :D
Didn't help, they don't have a translator for 'wtf was that?'

It sure would be nice if they did.  :D

Title: Re: CKPool Monitor - hashrates, workers, rewards and get notifications for CKPool
Post by: zOU on April 13, 2016, 09:26:15 PM

I believe he's french

So on kano, at current pool hashrate, if you mine with less than 140GHs, your reward is less than 0.0001BTC which is the payment treshold.

Zach: I just checked my hash graph and it seems that at some point yesterday all my miners got mixed up in the graphs. Is there any info you need to have a look ?

Thank you

Title: Re: CKPool Monitor - hashrates, workers, rewards and get notifications for CKPool
Post by: sbogovac on April 13, 2016, 09:31:27 PM
I believe he's french [...]

And in France they don't use punctuation marks...  ???

Title: Re: CKPool Monitor - hashrates, workers, rewards and get notifications for CKPool
Post by: ZACHM on April 13, 2016, 09:31:43 PM
I'll take a look at it tonight when I get home. I'll see what I can figure out for you.

Title: Re: CKPool Monitor - hashrates, workers, rewards and get notifications for CKPool
Post by: zOU on April 13, 2016, 09:34:04 PM
I believe he's french [...]

And in France they don't use punctuation marks...  ???

excellent point.

That didn't help with comprehension of his post.

To his defense, teaching of English in French schools is pretty inefficient. (I know, I'm french and attended school there too)

kano, I'd be happy to help with translation if you want to communicate effectively with him.

Zach: thank you,there's no rush I just thought I'd mention it. I'm happy to provide any relevant information you may need.

Title: Re: CKPool Monitor - hashrates, workers, rewards and get notifications for CKPool
Post by: kano on April 13, 2016, 10:35:23 PM
I believe he's french [...]

And in France they don't use punctuation marks...  ???

excellent point.

That didn't help with comprehension of his post.

To his defense, teaching of English in French schools is pretty inefficient. (I know, I'm french and attended school there too)

kano, I'd be happy to help with translation if you want to communicate effectively with him.

Zach: thank you,there's no rush I just thought I'd mention it. I'm happy to provide any relevant information you may need.
Heh, no, saying he's Fench is one of the worst excuses around.
In general the French know English way better than they admit.
Half my family is from French lineage (I'm only a small %) and my sister's husband in 100% French - I've been there a couple of times.
The French hate to admit they know English but a lot know it well.
Also, google translate works VERY well with English<->French

Title: Re: CKPool Monitor - hashrates, workers, rewards and get notifications for CKPool
Post by: zOU on April 13, 2016, 10:42:38 PM

Heh, no, saying he's Fench is one of the worst excuses around.
In general the French know English way better than they admit.
Half my family is from French lineage (I'm only a small %) and my sister's husband in 100% French - I've been there a couple of times.
The French hate to admit they know English but a lot know it well.
Also, google translate works VERY well with English<->French

oh I'm not trying to find excuse for him.
And believe me I work with a lot of nationalities in a pure english speaking environment and the french are the worst :)

anyway :)

Title: Re: CKPool Monitor - hashrates, workers, rewards and get notifications for CKPool
Post by: scopus on April 17, 2016, 06:04:02 PM

Earnings from March 13th to 16th April inclusive , each for 2 TX : - 0.20392827 BTC and - 0.24121603 BTC

Title: Re: CKPool Monitor - hashrates, workers, rewards and get notifications for CKPool
Post by: scopus on April 17, 2016, 06:16:45 PM

Good luck to all

Title: Re: CKPool Monitor - hashrates, workers, rewards and get notifications for CKPool
Post by: wmabern on April 19, 2016, 04:53:53 PM
Any chance this service could be https?  Don't like passwords and API keys floating around in the clear.

All setup and secure with https!
Cost me about $50 usd a year, but should make people feel a little better.

When I go here to signup, I get passwords don't match error. I know I have put in the correct passwords.

I have signed up before months ago. Maybe it's using my email and trying to match with my old passwords? How do I reset it, please?

Thank you.

Title: Re: CKPool Monitor - hashrates, workers, rewards and get notifications for CKPool
Post by: ZACHM on April 19, 2016, 05:02:18 PM
Go to the site, click login and at the bottom of the popup is a link for getting a new password.  :)

Title: Re: CKPool Monitor - hashrates, workers, rewards and get notifications for CKPool
Post by: wmabern on April 19, 2016, 05:05:38 PM
Thanks. Duuuhh. Didn't even see that. :-[

Title: Re: CKPool Monitor - hashrates, workers, rewards and get notifications for CKPool
Post by: HerbPean on April 19, 2016, 07:19:42 PM
Sorry about that one, I guess I can't remove the unworthy block from my database until we find another one.

hello I have a big problem with I have the app on my mobile and this is the second time I receive a notification that says -Found a block! : 407 025 I went looking on my pc would write in my api /index.php?k=api&username=gegebitlover&api followed my name is my worker share Was back down while I had a lot more I went on the pool site to see the block is finding it's not me it's a fact that in User not even part of the pool I watch the first time I did the same I went to see the site is telling me to put my address bitcoin address but normally my wallet is my brief worker I started today is nothing and for two months I received micro payment that exceeds not 2euro defois 0.70euro almost every day I do not understand is my share back to zero I lost everything, help me understand I am looking to join kano not possible email address no contact please help me nothing to disgust I thank you for your reading and desoler for my english

Guys going to request him to speak to me in french to help him ;-) (I'm also telling him this is not the good thread for this support request)

gegebitlover, je suis francophone. Ton texte est pas très claire. Je vais t'aider ;-)

Premièrement, si tu as un compte sur Kano.Is, tu ne peux pas perdre tes bitcoins que tu as miné ... Je comprends pas trop ton histoire de share et tout ... Je comprends pas ton call API => api /index.php?k=api&username=gegebitlover&api... Si tu mines via un compte je pense pas que tu puisses avoir accèss à cette info via des call API, tu dois te logguer sur à moins que tu mines avec une adresse et que tu utilises ceci pour voir tes statistiques:

Ce qui m'amène à penser que tu mine peut-être sur en SOLO

Sur les statistiques sont resetées à tous les block qui sont trouvés.


Ensuite, Lorsque l'application t'envoie une notification qu'un block est trouvé, tu n'es pas "payé" tant et aussi longtemps qu'il n'y a pas 100 confirmations. Par la suite, Kano fait le payment de façon manuelle, donc il y a un délaie selon s'il dort ou pas ... ça lui arrive parfois ;-)

L'application envoie aussi des notifications pour Kano.Is ET, donc si c'est un block trouvé sur, celui qui trouve rammasse les 25 BTC (moins les frais) et comme tu dois miner avec une adresse, ceux-ci sont envoyé à cette adresse.

Si tu veux que Kano regarde tes statistiques, il faut que tu lui donne ton usager ou ton adresse.

Aussi, le bon thread pour demander de l'aide pour Kano.IS c'est


Title: Re: CKPool Monitor - hashrates, workers, rewards and get notifications for CKPool
Post by: kano on April 20, 2016, 12:04:45 AM
I already PMd him in English and French :P

Title: Re: CKPool Monitor - hashrates, workers, rewards and get notifications for CKPool
Post by: HerbPean on April 20, 2016, 12:58:12 AM
I already PMd him in English and French :P

/HighFive !

Title: Re: CKPool Monitor - hashrates, workers, rewards and get notifications for CKPool
Post by: whysoanon on April 20, 2016, 01:46:01 AM
Well tose are some crafty lookin tools my friend wow. I just may ive tis a sot :)

Title: Re: CKPool Monitor - hashrates, workers, rewards and get notifications for CKPool
Post by: sbogovac on April 20, 2016, 05:51:00 AM
Any reason why my app is continuously showing a (1), as a push-message is waiting...

Opened, read it (one miner trending down), reset miner (hashing ok now), even uninstalled ad reinstalled the app.

Still showing (1)...  ???

Title: Re: CKPool Monitor - hashrates, workers, rewards and get notifications for CKPool
Post by: PPOC on April 20, 2016, 02:11:44 PM
Maybe a API error in pulling in diff, but in my rewards page, block 407917 is showing a Zero diff, thus skewing the reward vs. PPS numbers. Just wanted to point that out.


407917   101.32   0.07453068   2016-04-19 01:58:09   0.21781392   101.3   0.00215026   0.0   0.00187642

Title: Re: CKPool Monitor - hashrates, workers, rewards and get notifications for CKPool
Post by: wmabern on April 20, 2016, 03:50:12 PM
Could someone kindly explain the Avg5Nd (TH/s) on the dashboard in simple terms?
Does it mean you won't get paid as much until your number is higher?

I just started using this pool yesterday and my Avg5Nd (TH/s) is 2.83.


Also, should I wait until I have a higher Avg5Nd (TH/s) number to rent some hash or does it matter?
Thanks again!

Title: Re: CKPool Monitor - hashrates, workers, rewards and get notifications for CKPool
Post by: PPOC on April 25, 2016, 02:39:15 PM
Maybe a API error in pulling in diff, but in my rewards page, block 407917 is showing a Zero diff, thus skewing the reward vs. PPS numbers. Just wanted to point that out.


407917   101.32   0.07453068   2016-04-19 01:58:09   0.21781392   101.3   0.00215026   0.0   0.00187642

Got another block that is showing zero diff

408247   304.6   0.21062784   2016-04-21 04:37:25   0.84748482         0.0

Title: Re: CKPool Monitor - hashrates, workers, rewards and get notifications for CKPool
Post by: scopus on April 25, 2016, 05:14:33 PM
Hello There, Kano! Great anime, especially the eyes! The last time Kano CKPool power grows, the number of blocks increases. Poole now finds on average 4-5 blocks a day. This week on the purse receives 30-40 payments that increases the size of the transaction and eventually (finally) leads to an increase in the size of the fee when you send BTC from the address which receives payment - in average transaction size increased by 1 KB from each 6.5 inputs. To reduce costs and save time as the pool and the miners offer to make payments once a day.
With heartfelt greetings, scopus ))

Title: Re: CKPool Monitor - hashrates, workers, rewards and get notifications for CKPool
Post by: HerbPean on April 25, 2016, 06:17:59 PM
Hello There, Kano! Great anime, especially the eyes! The last time Kano CKPool power grows, the number of blocks increases. Poole now finds on average 4-5 blocks a day. This week on the purse receives 30-40 payments that increases the size of the transaction and eventually (finally) leads to an increase in the size of the fee when you send BTC from the address which receives payment - in average transaction size increased by 1 KB from each 6.5 inputs. To reduce costs and save time as the pool and the miners offer to make payments once a day.
With heartfelt greetings, scopus ))

Wrong Thread. This isn't Kano pool thread. This is about the monitoring system.

Title: Re: CKPool Monitor - hashrates, workers, rewards and get notifications for CKPool
Post by: scopus on April 25, 2016, 06:55:24 PM
Thank you

Title: Re: CKPool Monitor - hashrates, workers, rewards and get notifications for CKPool
Post by: ZACHM on April 26, 2016, 01:06:44 AM
Any reason why my app is continuously showing a (1), as a push-message is waiting...

Opened, read it (one miner trending down), reset miner (hashing ok now), even uninstalled ad reinstalled the app.

Still showing (1)...  ???

You are talking about either the iOS app or the Android app. This thread is not for either of those.
The iOS thread is here:
I don't think there is one for Android, but that is by: TheOneJester;u=503053  He has not been active for several months.

Could someone kindly explain the Avg5Nd (TH/s) on the dashboard in simple terms?
Does it mean you won't get paid as much until your number is higher?

I just started using this pool yesterday and my Avg5Nd (TH/s) is 2.83.


Also, should I wait until I have a higher Avg5Nd (TH/s) number to rent some hash or does it matter?
Thanks again!

Yes, when your Avg5Nd is about equal to your overall hashrate you should be receiving full payout.
When to rent is irrelevant to your current Avg5Nd.

407917   101.32   0.07453068   2016-04-19 01:58:09   0.21781392   101.3   0.00215026   0.0   0.00187642
408247   304.6   0.21062784   2016-04-21 04:37:25   0.84748482         0.0

Those should be fixed now. Yes it was an API call error.

Title: Re: CKPool Monitor - hashrates, workers, rewards and get notifications for CKPool
Post by: PPOC on April 26, 2016, 01:18:16 AM
Any reason why my app is continuously showing a (1), as a push-message is waiting...

Opened, read it (one miner trending down), reset miner (hashing ok now), even uninstalled ad reinstalled the app.

Still showing (1)...  ???

You are talking about either the iOS app or the Android app. This thread is not for either of those.
The iOS thread is here:
I don't think there is one for Android, but that is by: TheOneJester;u=503053  He has not been active for several months.

Could someone kindly explain the Avg5Nd (TH/s) on the dashboard in simple terms?
Does it mean you won't get paid as much until your number is higher?

I just started using this pool yesterday and my Avg5Nd (TH/s) is 2.83.


Also, should I wait until I have a higher Avg5Nd (TH/s) number to rent some hash or does it matter?
Thanks again!

Yes, when your Avg5Nd is about equal to your overall hashrate you should be receiving full payout.
When to rent is irrelevant to your current Avg5Nd.

407917   101.32   0.07453068   2016-04-19 01:58:09   0.21781392   101.3   0.00215026   0.0   0.00187642
408247   304.6   0.21062784   2016-04-21 04:37:25   0.84748482         0.0

Those should be fixed now. Yes it was an API call error.

Excellent, just checked and all good. Ran a report for the 4/1 to 4/20 to see how the pool is doing and notices each day is getting a zero at the top, then showing the rest of the days blocks. I think this happen once before when I ran reports and you had fixed something.

Date   Block   Avg Hash   BTC   USD/BTC   USD
2016-04-01   0   0   0.00000000   0   0
2016-04-01   405191   109.34   0.08501729   418.71   35.6

Title: Re: CKPool Monitor - hashrates, workers, rewards and get notifications for CKPool
Post by: gegebitlover on April 30, 2016, 08:19:09 AM
Sorry about that one, I guess I can't remove the unworthy block from my database until we find another one.

hello I have a big problem with I have the app on my mobile and this is the second time I receive a notification that says -Found a block! : 407 025 I went looking on my pc would write in my api /index.php?k=api&username=gegebitlover&api followed my name is my worker share Was back down while I had a lot more I went on the pool site to see the block is finding it's not me it's a fact that in User not even part of the pool I watch the first time I did the same I went to see the site is telling me to put my address bitcoin address but normally my wallet is my brief worker I started today is nothing and for two months I received micro payment that exceeds not 2euro defois 0.70euro almost every day I do not understand is my share back to zero I lost everything, help me understand I am looking to join kano not possible email address no contact please help me nothing to disgust I thank you for your reading and desoler for my english

Guys going to request him to speak to me in french to help him ;-) (I'm also telling him this is not the good thread for this support request)

gegebitlover, je suis francophone. Ton texte est pas très claire. Je vais t'aider ;-)

Premièrement, si tu as un compte sur Kano.Is, tu ne peux pas perdre tes bitcoins que tu as miné ... Je comprends pas trop ton histoire de share et tout ... Je comprends pas ton call API => api /index.php?k=api&username=gegebitlover&api... Si tu mines via un compte je pense pas que tu puisses avoir accèss à cette info via des call API, tu dois te logguer sur à moins que tu mines avec une adresse et que tu utilises ceci pour voir tes statistiques:

Ce qui m'amène à penser que tu mine peut-être sur en SOLO

Sur les statistiques sont resetées à tous les block qui sont trouvés.


Ensuite, Lorsque l'application t'envoie une notification qu'un block est trouvé, tu n'es pas "payé" tant et aussi longtemps qu'il n'y a pas 100 confirmations. Par la suite, Kano fait le payment de façon manuelle, donc il y a un délaie selon s'il dort ou pas ... ça lui arrive parfois ;-)

L'application envoie aussi des notifications pour Kano.Is ET, donc si c'est un block trouvé sur, celui qui trouve rammasse les 25 BTC (moins les frais) et comme tu dois miner avec une adresse, ceux-ci sont envoyé à cette adresse.

Si tu veux que Kano regarde tes statistiques, il faut que tu lui donne ton usager ou ton adresse.

Aussi, le bon thread pour demander de l'aide pour Kano.IS c'est


HerbPean  merci pour votre aide et désolé pour les problème de traduction je suis content de trouver quelqu'un qui parle français j'ai lu les post et si j'ai bien compris sur ont ne mine pas en solo parce que j'ai trouver deux block et je n'est jamais vu mon pseudo ou mon adresse btc marquer sur le tableau des block trouver je suis inscrit sur et j'ai l'application mobile pour controler les mineur et pour recevoir les notification des blocks trouver par deux fois l'application ma dit: - found a block! : 407025 le dernier étais le block  407025 j'ai fait une capture d'écran au cas ou je suis partie regarder sur avec mon adresse btc est mon share etait repartie a zéro j'ai regarder le stats sur et le block a été attribué a une autre personne je pensais que l'ont minais pas en solo sur ou au moins une récompense j'avoue que je suis un peut perdu cela fait deux fois du cout j'ai mit mes mineur sur solo.ckpool en espérant qu'il ne ce passe pas la meme chose parce que c quand meme deux blocks je ne comprend pas le principe de si l'ont mine pour trouver des block a qui va la récompense ? HerbPean je vous remercie encore de votre aides et de m'accorder de votre temps j'espère que vous pourrez m'aidez a mieux comprendre

sorry to everybody for writing in French I thank you all for your help

Title: Re: CKPool Monitor - hashrates, workers, rewards and get notifications for CKPool
Post by: HerbPean on May 01, 2016, 05:35:49 PM
j'ai fait une capture d'écran au cas ou je suis partie regarder sur avec mon adresse btc est mon share etait repartie a zéro

Les statistiques sont probablement reseter lorsqu'un block est trouvé. Je ne mine pas avec un adresse directement, j'ai un compte et je te sugère fortement de t'en creer un pour éviter tout forme de confusion. Je sais que reset les statistique après qu'un block soit trouvé.

je ne comprend pas le principe de si l'ont mine pour trouver des block a qui va la récompense ?

Kano.Is partage les "rewards" selon un principe qui s'apelle PPLNS. Je conseille de traduire cette page pour comprendre comment ça fonctionne (Utilise google translate).

le block a été attribué a une autre personne je pensais que l'ont minais pas en solo sur ou au moins une récompense j'avoue que je suis un peut perdu cela fait deux fois du cout j'ai mit mes mineur sur solo.ckpool en espérant qu'il ne ce passe pas la meme chose parce que c quand meme deux blocks

C'est tout à fait normal aussi que tu ne trouve pas de block ... Il y a 40 Peta Hash de puissance total dans le pool, alors plusieurs usagers trouve des block par jour. Personnelement, j'ai jamais solvé un block depuis 2 ans et demi.

Title: Re: CKPool Monitor - hashrates, workers, rewards and get notifications for CKPool
Post by: PPOC on May 17, 2016, 05:37:23 AM
Any reason why my app is continuously showing a (1), as a push-message is waiting...

Opened, read it (one miner trending down), reset miner (hashing ok now), even uninstalled ad reinstalled the app.

Still showing (1)...  ???

You are talking about either the iOS app or the Android app. This thread is not for either of those.
The iOS thread is here:
I don't think there is one for Android, but that is by: TheOneJester;u=503053  He has not been active for several months.

Could someone kindly explain the Avg5Nd (TH/s) on the dashboard in simple terms?
Does it mean you won't get paid as much until your number is higher?

I just started using this pool yesterday and my Avg5Nd (TH/s) is 2.83.


Also, should I wait until I have a higher Avg5Nd (TH/s) number to rent some hash or does it matter?
Thanks again!

Yes, when your Avg5Nd is about equal to your overall hashrate you should be receiving full payout.
When to rent is irrelevant to your current Avg5Nd.

407917   101.32   0.07453068   2016-04-19 01:58:09   0.21781392   101.3   0.00215026   0.0   0.00187642
408247   304.6   0.21062784   2016-04-21 04:37:25   0.84748482         0.0

Those should be fixed now. Yes it was an API call error.

Thanks Zach! Block 410747 has same zero issue.

Title: Re: CKPool Monitor - hashrates, workers, rewards and get notifications for CKPool
Post by: PPOC on May 17, 2016, 05:40:50 AM
Any reason why my app is continuously showing a (1), as a push-message is waiting...

Opened, read it (one miner trending down), reset miner (hashing ok now), even uninstalled ad reinstalled the app.

Still showing (1)...  ???

You are talking about either the iOS app or the Android app. This thread is not for either of those.
The iOS thread is here:
I don't think there is one for Android, but that is by: TheOneJester;u=503053  He has not been active for several months.

Could someone kindly explain the Avg5Nd (TH/s) on the dashboard in simple terms?
Does it mean you won't get paid as much until your number is higher?

I just started using this pool yesterday and my Avg5Nd (TH/s) is 2.83.


Also, should I wait until I have a higher Avg5Nd (TH/s) number to rent some hash or does it matter?
Thanks again!

Yes, when your Avg5Nd is about equal to your overall hashrate you should be receiving full payout.
When to rent is irrelevant to your current Avg5Nd.

407917   101.32   0.07453068   2016-04-19 01:58:09   0.21781392   101.3   0.00215026   0.0   0.00187642
408247   304.6   0.21062784   2016-04-21 04:37:25   0.84748482         0.0

Those should be fixed now. Yes it was an API call error.

Excellent, just checked and all good. Ran a report for the 4/1 to 4/20 to see how the pool is doing and notices each day is getting a zero at the top, then showing the rest of the days blocks. I think this happen once before when I ran reports and you had fixed something.

Date   Block   Avg Hash   BTC   USD/BTC   USD
2016-04-01   0   0   0.00000000   0   0
2016-04-01   405191   109.34   0.08501729   418.71   35.6

Have you had a chance to look at the reports? Each day is still showing a zero at the top and I think the skews the overall report. I ran April and PPS looks way over what it actually was.

4/1 to 4/30
Average BTC/Day/THs = 0.00389706
% PPS = 158.75%

Title: Re: CKPool Monitor - hashrates, workers, rewards and get notifications for CKPool
Post by: ZACHM on May 17, 2016, 04:06:42 PM
Thanks Zach! Block 410747 has same zero issue.

That should be fixed now.

Have you had a chance to look at the reports? Each day is still showing a zero at the top and I think the skews the overall report. I ran April and PPS looks way over what it actually was.

4/1 to 4/30
Average BTC/Day/THs = 0.00389706
% PPS = 158.75%

I'll try to look into that later today. Extremely busy at work right now.

Title: Re: CKPool Monitor - hashrates, workers, rewards and get notifications for CKPool
Post by: firetreeactual on May 23, 2016, 01:49:41 PM
Just noticed no e-mails coming on block finds...the last six, it looks like. No pool hash rate showing, 5Nd is blank.

Oops... 8)

Title: Re: CKPool Monitor - hashrates, workers, rewards and get notifications for CKPool
Post by: ZACHM on May 23, 2016, 01:53:02 PM
I'll get at that as soon as I can.  :-[ At work right now.  :(

Title: Re: CKPool Monitor - hashrates, workers, rewards and get notifications for CKPool
Post by: firetreeactual on May 23, 2016, 05:55:58 PM
I'll get at that as soon as I can.  :-[ At work right now.  :(

No too. Imua.

Title: Re: CKPool Monitor - hashrates, workers, rewards and get notifications for CKPool
Post by: yvcea on May 23, 2016, 06:07:32 PM
I am new by here. Started CKpool today with 5 S7. Moving here from p2pool..

Title: Re: CKPool Monitor - hashrates, workers, rewards and get notifications for CKPool
Post by: dmwardjr on May 23, 2016, 07:35:12 PM
I am new by here. Started CKpool today with 5 S7. Moving here from p2pool..

Welcome to the crew!   ;D

Title: Re: CKPool Monitor - hashrates, workers, rewards and get notifications for CKPool
Post by: SergES on May 24, 2016, 03:34:03 AM
Stopped working? Notification and information from site all zeros.

Title: Re: CKPool Monitor - hashrates, workers, rewards and get notifications for CKPool
Post by: ZACHM on May 24, 2016, 03:54:01 AM
I have not been able to find the cause or get it working again. :-[
I am waiting to hear back from Kano at the moment.

Title: Re: CKPool Monitor - hashrates, workers, rewards and get notifications for CKPool
Post by: firetreeactual on May 25, 2016, 05:32:20 PM
I have not been able to find the cause or get it working again. :-[
I am waiting to hear back from Kano at the moment.

No worries. One doesn't realize how nice a convenience is until it isn't're appreciated, Zach.  8)

Title: Re: CKPool Monitor - hashrates, workers, rewards and get notifications for CKPool
Post by: elokk on May 25, 2016, 10:08:53 PM
i just got a notification for block #413345

Title: Re: CKPool Monitor - hashrates, workers, rewards and get notifications for CKPool
Post by: firetreeactual on May 25, 2016, 10:09:51 PM
FWIW...I just noticed an e-mail came in re the last block we found (413345). Site is reading the pool hash rate. Didn't have time to check further. Looks like you found the whatever it was.

Title: Re: CKPool Monitor - hashrates, workers, rewards and get notifications for CKPool
Post by: kano on May 25, 2016, 10:18:05 PM
I have not been able to find the cause or get it working again. :-[
I am waiting to hear back from Kano at the moment.
I replied in PM twice :P I was waiting to hear back from you :P
Your source IP address isn't your web site. Your web site address isn't blocked.
I guess it gets proxied by something or some such.
You'll need to work out why the address changes and resolve that.
I'll presume the 'new' blocked address is you and I've cleared that (just now)

Title: Re: CKPool Monitor - hashrates, workers, rewards and get notifications for CKPool
Post by: ZACHM on May 26, 2016, 03:54:39 AM
I have not been able to find the cause or get it working again. :-[
I am waiting to hear back from Kano at the moment.
I replied in PM twice :P I was waiting to hear back from you :P
Your source IP address isn't your web site. Your web site address isn't blocked.
I guess it gets proxied by something or some such.
You'll need to work out why the address changes and resolve that.
I'll presume the 'new' blocked address is you and I've cleared that (just now)

Yes, I got the pm's, I have not had time to respond, I am swamped at work right now.

Thanks for clearing that one, apparently it was it. Everything started working again.
I will try to find out why the address changed and what is going on with the proxied ip address.

Thanks again Kano!

Title: Re: CKPool Monitor - hashrates, workers, rewards and get notifications for CKPool
Post by: SergES on June 10, 2016, 05:46:59 AM
Hello, three blocks fell from the statistics, 414909, 414938, 415481, it can be fixed?

Title: Re: CKPool Monitor - hashrates, workers, rewards and get notifications for CKPool
Post by: xxcsu on June 14, 2016, 05:35:28 PM
This monitoring website is not functional anymore for me ... nothing showing up under dashboard , hashrate 0, workers 0 , pool rate 0 , your rate 0 ...
false information about last block found , lucky me , still can see the correct "Pool Time with date "  :) but that is all .

Title: Re: CKPool Monitor - hashrates, workers, rewards and get notifications for CKPool
Post by: ZACHM on June 14, 2016, 08:19:07 PM
Yes, the database was full and I needed to clean some stuff out.  :)
I have to manually enter the blocks that are missing, but otherwise we should be good now.

Title: Re: CKPool Monitor - hashrates, workers, rewards and get notifications for CKPool
Post by: ZACHM on June 15, 2016, 11:20:37 PM
Hopefully all the missing blocks are back in now, if anyone sees anything let me know.

Title: Re: CKPool Monitor - hashrates, workers, rewards and get notifications for CKPool
Post by: edonkey on July 06, 2016, 02:50:37 PM
The site is still not reporting new blocks. It says:

Time Since Last Block:
47 Hours 39 Minutes ( 419278 )

The last block (419561) was 45 minutes ago.

Also, my Dashboard is showing all zeros which I know is not the case.

The site has been very slow as well. Maybe the DB needs to be optimized?

Title: Re: CKPool Monitor - hashrates, workers, rewards and get notifications for CKPool
Post by: edonkey on July 06, 2016, 03:03:27 PM
The site is still not reporting new blocks. It says:

Time Since Last Block:
47 Hours 39 Minutes ( 419278 )

The last block (419561) was 45 minutes ago.

Also, my Dashboard is showing all zeros which I know is not the case.

The site has been very slow as well. Maybe the DB needs to be optimized?

The email regarding block 419561 just came through. Maybe you kicked the server?

Title: Re: CKPool Monitor - hashrates, workers, rewards and get notifications for CKPool
Post by: ZACHM on July 06, 2016, 06:47:10 PM
Yeah, something like that.  ;)

The script that does the grabbing of data from was stuck somehow, anyway I fixed it and added back in the missing blocks. So everything should be back to normal.  :)

Thanks for letting me know, I have no internet at my house right now, so I have been somewhat in the dark.
Hopefully they will have it fixed soon, it has been over 48 hours now...  :'( All my miners are off.

Title: Re: CKPool Monitor - hashrates, workers, rewards and get notifications for CKPool
Post by: edonkey on July 07, 2016, 01:58:57 AM
Yeah, something like that.  ;)

The script that does the grabbing of data from was stuck somehow, anyway I fixed it and added back in the missing blocks. So everything should be back to normal.  :)

Thanks for letting me know, I have no internet at my house right now, so I have been somewhat in the dark.
Hopefully they will have it fixed soon, it has been over 48 hours now...  :'( All my miners are off.

Thanks for your fast response!

Good luck getting back online. That sucks to have your miners off this close to the halving.

Title: Re: CKPool Monitor - hashrates, workers, rewards and get notifications for CKPool
Post by: HerbPean on September 16, 2016, 04:32:37 AM
I think the sever is down, my stats has not refreshed since 9/15/2016 04:54 (IOS)

Thanks !

Title: Re: CKPool Monitor - hashrates, workers, rewards and get notifications for CKPool
Post by: ZACHM on October 10, 2016, 07:56:12 PM
I am most likely going to reduce the hashrate tracking.
I don't think it is used very much, I know I don't use it anymore.
I and I think most of you users primarily use the notifications and maybe the block reward tracking.

Out of 300+ active users only 13 have logged into the site within the last week.

So what I am thinking about doing is reducing the frequency of the hashrate collection and saving of data. Currently it runs every 5 minutes, I am thinking of reducing it to every 15 minutes, or maybe less....

I would like to keep the block found notifications still running at every 5 minutes, or maybe faster, 1m? (for when we get those back to back blocks less than 5 minutes apart  8) )

The problem right now is that all of the data is collected and processed in a single script. So I need to rewrite the script and separate the notifications. This will take time and I'm sure will cause some downtime and probably some false/duplicate/missing notifications.

If anyone has any suggestions please let me know.

Title: Re: CKPool Monitor - hashrates, workers, rewards and get notifications for CKPool
Post by: ZACHM on October 14, 2016, 02:58:23 PM
I have separated out the Block Notification section and that part should be running every minute, which should translate to faster block notifications.  8)

The regular hashrate part runs every 15 minutes. This should reduce the load on the site.

Let me know if anyone has any issues.

Title: Re: CKPool Monitor - hashrates, workers, rewards and get notifications for CKPool
Post by: gt_addict on November 14, 2016, 05:12:34 PM
Anyone else having issues with workers not showing up? Tried downloading the app again and generating a new api key but still no workers.

Title: Re: CKPool Monitor - hashrates, workers, rewards and get notifications for CKPool
Post by: kano on November 14, 2016, 07:47:44 PM
Anyone else having issues with workers not showing up? Tried downloading the app again and generating a new api key but still no workers.
The one's the web site version, not an app.

Title: Re: CKPool Monitor - hashrates, workers, rewards and get notifications for CKPool
Post by: gt_addict on November 14, 2016, 09:01:18 PM
Anyone else having issues with workers not showing up? Tried downloading the app again and generating a new api key but still no workers.
The one's the web site version, not an app.

Whoops  ::)  Thanks Kano. Ill try searching again more thoroughly ;)

Title: Re: CKPool Monitor - hashrates, workers, rewards and get notifications for CKPool
Post by: paramind22 on November 14, 2016, 10:22:46 PM
I believe this was asked before in the thread but never answered.  How long does it take for one's account to be registering in the CKPool Monitor?   My account is also just about 2.5 hours old now. 

Title: Re: CKPool Monitor - hashrates, workers, rewards and get notifications for CKPool
Post by: ZACHM on November 14, 2016, 10:48:27 PM
The account is registered, things should start showing up with 15 minutes or so.

I checked and you are not mining at CKPool right now, so it won't be showing you anything.
Based on what I'm seeing, my guess would be that you have your settings wrong and you are not mining on CKPool.

Title: Re: CKPool Monitor - hashrates, workers, rewards and get notifications for CKPool
Post by: paramind22 on November 14, 2016, 10:58:51 PM
The account is registered, things should start showing up with 15 minutes or so.

I checked and you are not mining at CKPool right now, so it won't be showing you anything.
Based on what I'm seeing, my guess would be that you have your settings wrong and you are not mining on CKPool.

Thanks, I did everything that I understood it said, like creating two workers for each machine but I didn't seem to be
getting any readings on its interface, just in the text box area it said I was mining and getting shares.  Going to figure
this one out later tonight.

Title: Re: CKPool Monitor - hashrates, workers, rewards and get notifications for CKPool
Post by: ZACHM on November 14, 2016, 11:10:48 PM
I'm assuming you have S3's or similar, your settings should look like:

pool 1:                stratum+tcp://
pool 1 worker:      brainstormer.S3x
pool 1 password:   x

Title: Re: CKPool Monitor - hashrates, workers, rewards and get notifications for CKPool
Post by: paramind22 on November 14, 2016, 11:14:16 PM
I'm assuming you have S3's or similar, your settings should look like:

pool 1:                stratum+tcp://
pool 1 worker:      brainstormer.S3x
pool 1 password:   x

Thanks.  In the field for URL I usually have had better luck so far just with a format like:   Wasn't able to connect there using the syntax of

Title: Re: CKPool Monitor - hashrates, workers, rewards and get notifications for CKPool
Post by: kano on November 15, 2016, 03:05:44 AM
I'm assuming you have S3's or similar, your settings should look like:

pool 1:                stratum+tcp://
pool 1 worker:      brainstormer.S3x
pool 1 password:   x

Thanks.  In the field for URL I usually have had better luck so far just with a format like:   Wasn't able to connect there using the syntax of
Weird - coz http:// is the old getwork connection type that's really bad for ASIC mining.
Not sure why that pool still supports old protocols - the only reason that an S3 might support it is prolly coz it's an old cgminer in it.
If the pool doesn't properly support stratum, and you end up on getwork or gbt, your mining will suffer for it.

Title: Re: CKPool Monitor - hashrates, workers, rewards and get notifications for CKPool
Post by: clgrissom3 on May 13, 2017, 07:30:06 PM
Zach, it's been a while since I sent you a tip so I just popped off a little BTC goodness to you ;D

Title: Re: CKPool Monitor - hashrates, workers, rewards and get notifications for CKPool
Post by: ZACHM on May 14, 2017, 01:45:47 AM
Thank you very much. I really appreciate it. 😀

Title: Re: KanoPool Monitor - hashrates, workers, rewards and get notifications for KanPool
Post by: ZACHM on June 26, 2018, 09:39:32 PM
Just a little update for those of you who still use the monitor and notifications.
I went through and did a little housekeeping today.
I have turned off any account which has not had a hashrate recorded in a long time ( 425+ accounts! )
If I turned off your account but you still wanted to get block notifications, just log back in and go to your settings and check the box for active account.

And, as I was writing this I got the notification that we just found a block!


Title: Re: KanoPool Monitor - hashrates, workers, rewards and get notifications for KanPool
Post by: HerbPean on June 27, 2018, 06:06:57 PM
Just a little update for those of you who still use the monitor and notifications.
I went through and did a little housekeeping today.
I have turned off any account which has not had a hashrate recorded in a long time ( 425+ accounts! )
If I turned off your account but you still wanted to get block notifications, just log back in and go to your settings and check the box for active account.

And, as I was writing this I got the notification that we just found a block!


Thanks !

Title: Re: KanoPool Monitor - hashrates, workers, rewards and notifications for KanPool
Post by: clgrissom3 on December 29, 2018, 02:12:19 PM
Zach, I seemed to lost my user settings this morning.  When I put my username and API key back in it returns a fatal error.

Fatal error: Uncaught Error: Call to undefined function mysql_connect() in /homepages/8/d177552237/htdocs/zachmonroe/ckpoolmonitor/savesettings.php:6 Stack trace: #0 {main} thrown in /homepages/8/d177552237/htdocs/zachmonroe/ckpoolmonitor/savesettings.php on line 6

Title: Re: KanoPool Monitor - hashrates, workers, rewards and notifications for KanPool
Post by: ABC~Alarm on February 22, 2019, 02:30:13 PM
Can not I log in to the site anymore? I always get this mistake.

Fatal error: Uncaught Error: Call to undefined function mysql_connect() in /homepages/8/d177552237/htdocs/zachmonroe/ckpoolmonitor/register.php:26 Stack trace: #0 {main} thrown in /homepages/8/d177552237/htdocs/zachmonroe/ckpoolmonitor/register.php on line 26

Title: Re: KanoPool Monitor - hashrates, workers, rewards and notifications for KanPool
Post by: Artemis3 on February 22, 2019, 07:25:35 PM
This site stopped working for me months ago, maybe a year. Log ins simply stopped working and only showed the general pool stats. It might have been abandoned...

Title: Re: KanoPool Monitor - hashrates, workers, rewards and notifications for KanPool
Post by: Antnoob on April 13, 2019, 06:12:40 PM
I cannot register in the site, is there a problem currently, or just some really crazy password requirements? If so they should be mentioned in the error message, instead I'm getting:

Fatal error: Uncaught Error: Call to undefined function mysql_connect() in /homepages/8/d177552237/htdocs/zachmonroe/ckpoolmonitor/register.php:26 Stack trace: #0 {main} thrown in /homepages/8/d177552237/htdocs/zachmonroe/ckpoolmonitor/register.php on line 26

Title: Re: KanoPool Monitor - hashrates, workers, rewards and notifications for KanPool
Post by: kano on April 13, 2019, 09:33:16 PM
I cannot register in the site, is there a problem currently, or just some really crazy password requirements? If so they should be mentioned in the error message, instead I'm getting:

Fatal error: Uncaught Error: Call to undefined function mysql_connect() in /homepages/8/d177552237/htdocs/zachmonroe/ckpoolmonitor/register.php:26 Stack trace: #0 {main} thrown in /homepages/8/d177552237/htdocs/zachmonroe/ckpoolmonitor/register.php on line 26
Looks like it's been dead for a couple of months, I'll remove it from the KanoPool first post.