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Other => Politics & Society => Topic started by: McDonalds5 on February 25, 2016, 09:57:46 PM

Title: Gay marriage will destabilise family life
Post by: McDonalds5 on February 25, 2016, 09:57:46 PM
We will see a major destabilization in these pro-sodomite countries. ( (

This was the principle factor, she said, that has caused the collapse in marriage rates between heterosexuals in countries where gay marriage had been introduced - as well as a sharp rise in cohabitation and the numbers of children born out of wedlock. (

By Marshall Kirk and Erastes Pill

The first order of business is desensitization of the American public concerning gays and gay rights. To desensitize the public is to help it view homosexuality with indifference instead of with keen emotion. Ideally, we would have straights register differences in sexual preference the way they register different tastes for ice cream or sports games: she likes strawberry and I like vanilla; he follows baseball and I follow football. No big deal.

At least in the beginning, we are seeking public desensitization and nothing more. We do not need and cannot expect a full "appreciation" or "understanding" of homosexuality from the average American. You can forget about trying to persuade the masses that homosexuality is a good thing. But if only you can get them to think that it is just another thing, with a shrug of their shoulders, then your battle for legal and social rights is virtually won. And to get to shoulder-shrug stage, gays as a class must cease to appear mysterious, alien, loathsome and contrary. A large-scale media campaign will be required in order to change the image of gays in America. And any campaign to accomplish this turnaround should do six things.


The principle behind this advice is simple: almost any behavior begins to look normal if you are exposed to enough of it at close quarters and among your acquaintances. The acceptability of the new behavior will ultimately hinge on the number of one's fellows doing it or accepting it. One may be offended by its novelty at first--many, in times past, were momentarily scandalized by "streaking,'' eating goldfish, and premarital sex. But as long as Joe Six-pack feels little pressure to perform likewise, and as long as the behavior in question presents little threat to his physical and financial security, he soon gets used to it and life goes on. The skeptic may still shake his head and think "people arc crazy these days," but over time his objections are likely to become more reflective, more philosophical, less emotional.

The way to benumb raw sensitivities about homosexuality is to have a lot of people talk a great deal about the subject in a neutral or supportive way. Open and frank talk makes the subject seem less furtive, alien, and sinful, more above-board. Constant talk builds the impression that public opinion is at least divided on the subject, and that a sizable segment accepts or even practices homosexuality. Even rancorous debates between opponents and defenders serve the purpose of desensitization so long as "respectable" gays are front and center to make their own pitch. The main thing is to talk about gayness until the issue becomes thoroughly tiresome.

And when we say talk about homosexuality, we mean just that. In the early stages of any campaign to reach straight America, the masses should not be shocked and repelled by premature exposure to homosexual behavior itself. Instead, the imagery of sex should be downplayed and gay rights should be reduced to an abstract social question as much as possible. First let the camel get his nose inside the tent--only later his unsightly derriere!

Where we talk is important. The visual media, film and television, are plainly the most powerful image-makers in Western civilization. The average American household watches over seven hours of TV daily. Those hours open up a gateway into the private world of straights, through which a Trojan horse might be passed. As far as desensitization is concerned, the medium is the message--of normalcy. So far, gay Hollywood has provided our best covert weapon in the battle to desensitize the mainstream. Bit by bit over the past ten years, gay characters and gay themes have been introduced into TV programs and films (though often this has been done to achieve comedic and ridiculous affects). On the whole the impact has been encouraging. The prime-time presentation of Consenting Adults on a major network in 1985 is but one high-water mark in favorable media exposure of gay issues. But this should be just the beginning of a major publicity blitz by gay America.

Would a desensitizing campaign of open and sustained talk about gay issues reach every rabid opponent of homosexuality? Of course not. While public opinion is one primary source of mainstream values, religious authority is the other. When conservative churches condemn gays, there are only two things we can do to confound the homophobia of true believers. First, we can use talk to muddy the moral waters. This means publicizing support for gays by more moderate churches, raising theological objections of our own about conservative interpretations of biblical teachings, and exposing hatred and inconsistency. Second, we can undermine the moral authority of homophobic churches by portraying them as antiquated backwaters, badly out of step with the times and with the latest findings of psychology. Against the mighty pull of institutional Religion one must set the mightier draw of Science & Public Opinion (the shield and sword of that accursed "secular humanism"). Such an unholy alliance has worked well against churches before, on such topics as divorce and abortion. With enough open talk about the prevalence and acceptability of homosexuality, that alliance can work again here.


In any campaign to win over the public, gays must be cast as victims in need of protection so that straights will be inclined by reflex to assume the role of protector. If gays are presented, instead, as a strong and prideful tribe promoting a rigidly nonconformist and deviant lifestyle, they are more likely to be seen as a public menace that justifies resistance and oppression. For that reason, we must forego the temptation to strut our "gay pride" publicly when it conflicts with the Gay Victim image. And we must walk the fine line between impressing straights with our great numbers, on the one hand, and sparking their hostile paranoia-"They are all around us!"--on the other.

A media campaign to promote the Gay Victim image should make use of symbols which reduce the mainstream's sense of threat, which lower it's guard, and which enhance the plausibility of victimization. In practical terms, this means that jaunty mustachioed musclemen would keep very low profile in gay commercials and other public presentations, while sympathetic figures of nice young people, old people, and attractive women would be featured. (It almost goes without saying that groups on the farthest margin of acceptability such as NAMBLA, [Ed note -- North American Man-Boy Love Association] must play no part at all in such a campaign: suspected child-molesters will never look like victims.)

Now, there are two different messages about the Gay Victim that are worth communicating. First, the mainstream should be told that gays are victims of fate, in the sense that most never had a choice to accept or reject their sexual preference. The message must read: "As far as gays can tell, they were born gay, just as you were born heterosexual or white or black or bright or athletic. Nobody ever tricked or seduced them; they never made a choice, and are not morally blameworthy. What they do isn't willfully contrary - it's only natural for them. This twist of fate could as easily have happened to you!"

Straight viewers must be able to identify with gays as victims. Mr. and Mrs. Public must be given no extra excuses to say, "they are not like us." To this end, the persons featured in the public campaign should be decent and upright, appealing and admirable by straight standards, completely unexceptionable in appearance--in a word, they should be indistinguishable from the straights we would like to reach. (To return to the terms we have used in previous articles, spokesmen for our cause must be R-type "straight gays" rather than Q-type "homosexuals on
display.") Only under such conditions will the message be read correctly: "These folks are victims of a fate that could have happened to me."

By the way, we realize that many gays will question an advertising technique, which might threaten to make homosexuality look like some dreadful disease, which strikes fated "victims". But the plain fact is that the gay community is weak and must manipulate the powers of the weak, including the play for sympathy. In any case, we compensate for the negative aspect of this gay victim appeal under Principle 4. (Below)

The second message would portray gays as victims of society. The straight majority does not recognize the suffering it brings to the lives of gays and must be shown: graphic pictures of brutalized gays; dramatizations of job and housing insecurity, loss of child custody, and public humiliation: and the dismal list goes on.

"... In any campaign to win over the public, gays must be cast as victims in need of protection so that straights will be inclined by reflex to assume the role of protector."


A media campaign that casts gays as society's victims and encourages straights to be their protectors must make it easier for those to respond to assert and explain their new protectiveness. Few straight women, and even fewer straight men, will want to defend homosexuality boldly as such. Most would rather attach their awakened protective impulse to some principle of justice or law, to some general desire for consistent and fair treatment in society. Our campaign should not demand direct support for homosexual practices, should instead take anti-discrimination as its theme. The right to free speech, freedom of beliefs, freedom of association, due process and equal protection of laws-these should be the concerns brought to mind by our campaign.

It is especially important for the gay movement to hitch its cause to accepted standards of law and justice because its straight supporters must have at hand a cogent reply to the moral arguments of its enemies. The homophobes clothe their emotional revulsion in the daunting robes of religious dogma, so defenders of gay rights must be ready to counter dogma with principle.


In order to make a Gay Victim sympathetic to straights you have to portray him as Everyman. But an additional theme of the campaign should be more aggressive and upbeat: to offset the increasingly bad press that these times have brought to homosexual men and women, the campaign should paint gays as superior pillars of society. Yes, yes, we know--this trick is so old it creaks. Other minorities use it all the time in ads that announce proudly, "Did you know that this Great Man (or Woman) was _________?" But the message is vital for all those straights who still picture gays as "queer" people-- shadowy, lonesome, fail, drunken, suicidal, child-snatching misfits.

The honor roll of prominent gay or bisexual men and women is truly eye popping. From Socrates to Shakespeare, from Alexander the Great to Alexander Hamilton, from Michelangelo to Walt Whitman, from Sappho to Gertrude Stein, the list is old hat to us but shocking news to heterosexual America. In no time, a skillful and clever media campaign could have the gay community looking like the veritable fairy godmother to Western Civilization.

Along the same lines, we shouldn't overlook the Celebrity Endorsement. The celebrities can be straight (God bless you, Ed Asner, wherever you are) or gay.


At a later stage of the media campaign for gay rights-long after other gay ads have become commonplace-it will be time to get tough with remaining opponents. To be blunt, they must be vilified. (This will be all the more necessary because, by that time, the entrenched enemy will have quadrupled its output of vitriol and disinformation.) Our goal is here is twofold. First, we seek to replace the mainstream's self-righteous pride about its homophobia with shame and guilt. Second, we intend to make the antigays look so nasty that average Americans will want to dissociate themselves from such types.

The public should be shown images of ranting homophobes whose secondary traits and beliefs disgust middle America. These images might include: the Ku Klux Klan demanding that gays be burned alive or castrated; bigoted southern ministers drooling with hysterical hatred to a degree that looks both comical and deranged; menacing punks, thugs, and convicts speaking coolly about the "fags" they have killed or would like to kill; a tour of Nazi concentration camps where homosexuals were tortured and gassed.

A campaign to vilify the victimizers is going to enrage our most fervid enemies, of course. But what else can we say? The shoe fits, and we should make them try it on for size, with all of America watching.


Any massive campaign of this kind would require unprecedented expenditures for months or even years--an unprecedented fundraising drive.

Effective advertising is a costly proposition: several million dollars would get the ball rolling. There are 10-15 million primarily homosexual adults in this country: if each one of them donated just two dollars to the campaign, its war chest would actually rival that of its most vocal enemies. And because those gays not supporting families usually have more discretionary income than average, they could afford to contribute much more.

"... We intend to make the antigays look so nasty that average Americans will want to dissociate themselves from such types."

But would they? Or is the gay community as feckless, selfish, uncommitted, and short-sighted as its critics claim? We will never know unless the new campaign simultaneously launches a concerted nationwide appeal for funding support from both known and anonymous donors. The appeal should be directed both at gays and at straights who care about social justice.

In the beginning, for reasons to be explained in a moment, the appeal for funds may have to be launched exclusively through the gay press--national magazines, local newspapers, flyers at bars, notices in glossy skin magazines. Funds could also come through the outreach of local gay organizations on campuses and in metropolitan areas. Eventually, donations would be solicited directly alongside advertisements in the major straight media.

There would be no parallel to such an effort in the history of the gay community in America. If it failed to generate the needed capital to get started; there would be little hope for the campaign and l little hope for major progress toward gay rights in the near future. For the moment let us suppose that gays could see how donations would greatly serve their long-term interest, and that sufficient funds could be raised. An heroic assumption.


Without access to TV, radio, and the mainstream press, there will be no campaign. This is a tricky problem, became many impresarios of the media simply refuse to accept what they call "issue-advertising" -- persuasive advertising can provoke a storm of resentment from the public and from sponsors, which is bad for business. The courts have confirmed the broadcaster's right to refuse any "issue advertising" he dislikes.

What exactly constitutes "issue advertising"? It evidently does not include platitudinous appeals to the virtues of family unity (courtesy of the Mormons) neither does it include tirades against perfidious Albion courtesy of Lyndon LaRouche); neither does it include reminders that a Mind-Is-a Terrible Thing to Waste (courtesy of the United Negro College Fund); neither does it include religious shows which condemn gay "sinners"; neither does it include condemnations of nuclear war or race discrimination--at least not in Massachusetts. Some guys get all the breaks.

What issue advertising does include these days is almost any communiqué presented openly by a homosexual organization. The words "gay" and "homosexual"' are considered controversial whenever they appear.

Because most straightforward appeals are impossible, the National Gay Task Force has had to cultivate quiet backroom liaisons with broadcast companies and newsrooms in order to make sure that issues important to the gay community receive some coverage; but such an arrangement is hardly ideal, of course, because it means that the gay community's image is controlled by the latest news event instead of by careful design--and recently most of the news about gays has been negative.

So what can be done to crash the gates of the major media? Several things, advanced in several stages.


Newspapers and magazines may very well be hungrier for gay advertising dollars than television and radio are. And the cost of ads in print is generally lower. But remember that the press, for the most part, is only read by better-educated Americans, many of who are already more accepting of homosexuality in any case. So to get more impact for our dollars, we should skip the New Republic and New Left Review readers and head for Time, People, and the National Enquirer. (Of course, the gay community may have to establish itself as a regular advertising presence in more sophisticated forums first before it is accepted into the mass press.)

While we're storming the battlements with salvos of ink, we should also warm the mainstream up a bit with a subtle national campaign on highway billboards. In simple bold print on dark backgrounds, a series of unobjectionable messages should be introduced:




And so on. Each sign will tap patriotic sentiment, each message will drill a seemingly agreeable proposition into mainstream heads - a "public service message" suited to our purposes. And, if heir owners will permit it, each billboard will be signed, in slightly smaller letters, "Courtesy of the National Gay Task Force" - to build positive associations and get the public used to seeing such sponsorship.


As for television and radio, a more elaborate plan may be needed to break the ice. For openers, naturally, we must continue to encourage the appearance of favorable gay characters in films and TV shows. Daytime talk shows also remain a useful avenue for exposure. But to speed things up we might consider a bold stratagem to gain media attention. The scheme we have in mind would require careful preparations, yet it would save expense even while it elevated the visibility and stature of the gay movement overnight.

Well before the next elections for national office, we might lay careful plans to run symbolic gay candidates for every high political office in this country. (Such plans would have to deal somehow with the tricky problem of inducing gays and straights to sign enough endorsement petitions to get us on the ballot.) Our 50-250 candidates would participate in such debates as they could, run gay-themed advertisements coordinated at our national headquarters, and demand equal time on the air. They could then graciously pull out of the races before the actual elections, while formally endorsing more viable straight contenders. (With malicious humor, perhaps, in some states we could endorse our most rabid opponents.) It is essential not to ask people actually to vote Yea or Nay on the gay issue at this early stage: such action would end up committing most to the Nay position and would only tally huge and visible defeats for our cause.

Through such a political campaign, the mainstream would get over the initial shock of seeing gay ads, and the acceptability of such ads would be fortified by the most creditable context possible; and all this would be accomplished before non-electoral advertising was attempted by the gay community. During the campaign all hell would break loose, but if we behaved courageously and respectable our drive would gain legitimacy in and case and might even become a cause celebre.
If all went as planned, the somewhat desensitized public and the major networks themselves would be 'readied for the next step of our program.


At this point the gay community has its foot in the door, and it is time to ask the networks to accept gay sponsorship of certain ads and shows. Timing is critical: The request must be made immediately after our national political ads disappear. Failing that, we should request sponsorship the next time one of the networks struts its broad-mindedness by televising a film or show with gay characters or themes. If they wish to look consistent instead of hypocritical, we'll have them on the spot. But the networks would still be forced to say No unless we made their resistance look patently unreasonable, and possibly illegal. We'd do just that by proposing "gay ads" patterned exactly after those currently sponsored by the Mormons and others. As usual, viewers would be treated to squeak-clean skits on the importance of family harmony and understanding --this time the narrator would end by saying, "This message was brought to you by --the National Gay Task Force." All very quiet and subdued. Remember: exposure is everything, and the medium is the message.

"... Exposure is everything and the medium is the message."

The gay community should join forces with other civil liberties groups of respectable cast to promote bland messages about America the Melting Pot, always ending with an explicit reference to the Task Force of some other gay organization. Making the best of a bad situation, we can also propose sympathetic media appeals for gifts and donations to fund AIDS research--if Jerry Lewis and the March of Dimes can do it, so can we. Our next indirect step will be to advertise locally on behalf of support groups peripheral to the gay community: frowzy straight moms and dads announcing phone numbers and meeting times for "Parents of Gays" or similar gatherings. Can't you just see such ads now, presented between messages from the Disabled Vets and the Postal Workers Union?


By this point, our salami tactics will have carved out, slice by slice, a large portion of access to the mainstream media. So what then? It would finally be time to bring gay ads out of the closet. The messages of such ads should directly address lingering public fears about homosexuals as loathsome and contrary aliens. For examples, the following are possible formats for TV or radio commercials designed to chip away at chronic misperceptions.

Format A for Familiarization: The Testimonial.

To make gays seem less mysterious, present a series of short spots featuring the boy-or girl-next-door, fresh and appealing, or warm and lovable grandma grandpa types. Seated in homey surroundings, they respond to an off camera interviewer with assurance, good nature, and charm. Their comments bring out three social facts:

1. There is someone special in their life, a long-term relationship (to stress gay stability, monogamy, commitment);

2. Their families are very important to them, and are supportive of them (to stress that gays are not "anti-family," and that families need not be anti-gay.)

3. As far as they can remember they have always been gay, and were probably born gay; they certainly never decided on a preference one way or the other (stressing that gays are doing what is natural for them, and are not being willfully contrary). The subjects should be interviewed alone, not with their lovers or children, for to include others in the picture would unwisely raise disturbing questions about the complexities of gay social relations, which these commercials could not explain. It is best instead to take one thing at a time.

Format B for Positive Associations: The Celebrity Spot.

While it might be useful to present celebrity endorsements by currently popular gay figures and straight sympathizers (Johnny Mathis? Marlo Thomas?), the homophobia climate of America would make such brash endorsements unlikely in the near future. So early celebrity spots will instead identify historical gay or bisexual personalities who are illustrious and dignified...and dead. The ads could be sardonic and indirect. For example, over regal music and a portrait or two, a narrator might announce simply: Michelangelo (an art class), Tchaikovsky (a music class), Tennessee Williams (a drama class), etc.

Format C for Victim Sympathy: Our Campaign to Stop Child Abuse.

As we said earlier, there are many ways to portray gays as victims of discrimination: images of brutality, tales of job loss and family separation, and so on. But we think something like the following 30-sccond commercials would get to the heart of the matter best of all.

The camera slowly moves in on a middle-class teenager, sitting alone in his semi-darkened bedroom. The boy is pleasing and unexceptional in appearance, except that he has been roughed up and is staring silently, pensively, with evident distress. As the camera gradually focuses in on his face, a narrator comments: It will happen to one in every ten sons. As he grows up he will realize that he feels differently about things than most of his friends. If he lets it show, he'll be an outsider made fun of, humiliated, attacked. If he confides in his parents, they may throw him out of the house, onto the streets. Some will say he is "anti-family." Nobody will let him be himself. So he will have to hide. From his friends, his family. And that's hard. It's tough enough to be a kid these days, but to be the one in ten... A message from the National Gay Task Force.

What is nice about such an ad is that it would economically portray gays as innocent and vulnerable, victimized and misunderstood, surprisingly numerous yet not menacing. It also renders the "anti-family" charge absurd and hypocritical.

Format D for Identification with Victims: The Old Switcheroo.

The mainstream will identify better with the plight of gays if straights can, once in a while, walk a mile in gay shoes. A humorous television or radio ad to help them do this might involve a brief animated or dramatized scenario, as follows.

The camera approaches the mighty oak door of the boss's office, which swings open, and the camera (which represents you the viewer) enters the room. Behind the oversized desk sits a fat and scowling old curmudgeon chomping on a cigar. He looks up at the camera (i.e. at the viewer) and snarls, " So it's you, Smithers. Well you're fired!" The voice of a younger man is heard to reply with astonishment, "But--but--Mr. Thomburg, I've been with your company for ten years. I thought you liked my work." The boss responds, with a tone of disgust, "Yes, yes, Smithers your work is quite adequate. But I've heard rumors that you've been seen around town with some kind of girlfriend. A girlfriend! Frankly I'm shocked. We're not about to start hiring any heterosexuals in this company. Now get out." The younger man speaks once more: "But boss, that's just not fair! What if it were you?" The boss glowers back as the camera pulls quickly out of the room and the big door slams shut. Printed on the door: "A message from the National Gay Task Force."

One can easily imagine similar episodes involving housing or other discrimination.

Format E for Vilification of Victimizers: Damn the Torpedoes.

We have already indicated some of the images which might be damaging to the homophobic vendetta: ranting and hateful religious extremists neo-Nazis, and Ku Klux Klansmen made to look evil and ridiculous (hardly a difficult task).

These images should be combined with those of their gay victims by a method propagandists call the "bracket technique." For example, for a few seconds an unctuous beady-eyed Southern preacher is seen pounding the pulpit in rage about "those sick, abominable creatures." While his tirade continues over the soundtrack, the picture switches to pathetic photos of gays who look decent, harmless, and likable; and then we cut back to the poisonous face of the preacher, and so forth. The contrast speaks for itself. The effect is devastating.

" would portray gays as innocent and vulnerable, victimized and misunderstood, surprisingly numerous, yet not menacing."

Format F for Funds: SOS

Alongside or during these other persuasive advertisements, we would have to solicit donations so that the campaign might continue. Direct appeals from celebrities (preferable living ones, thank you) might be useful here. All appeals must stress that money can be given anonymously (e.g. via money orders) and that all donations are confidential. "We can't help unless you help," and all that.

The Time Is Now

We have sketched out here a blueprint for transforming the social values of straight America. At the core of our program is a media campaign to change the way the average citizens view homosexuality. It is quite easy to find fault with such a campaign. We have tried to be practical and specific here, but the proposals may still have a visionary sheen.

There are one hundred reasons why the campaign could not be done or would be risky. But there are at least 20 million good reasons why some such program must be tried in the coming years: the welfare and happiness of every gay man and woman in this country demand it. As the last large, legally oppressed minority in American society, it is high time that gays took effective measures to rejoin the mainstream in pride and strength. We believe that, like it or not, such a campaign is the only way of doing so anytime soon.

And, let us repeat, time may be running out. The AIDS epidemic is sparking anger and fear in the heartland of straight America. As the virus leaks out of homosexual circles and into the rest of society, we need have no illusions about who is receiving the blame. The ten years ahead may decide for the next forty whether gays claim their liberty and equality or are driven back, once again, as America's caste of detested untouchables. It's more than a quip: speak now or forever hold your peace.

In November 1987 article entitled "The Overhauling of Straight America'' appeared in Guide Magazine. A few years later it's authors did expand it into a book:

 Marshall Kirk, Hunter Madsen: "After the Ball -- How America will conquer its fear and hatred of Gays in the 1990s". (Plume, 1990), ISBN: 0452264987.

Title: Re: Gay marriage will destabilise family life
Post by: Moloch on February 25, 2016, 10:04:41 PM
Get over your stupid homophobia

Studies have shown that homophobia often means you are secretly gay... ( (

Our paper describes six studies conducted in the United States and Germany involving 784 university students...
Using this methodology we identified a subgroup of participants who, despite self-identifying as highly straight, indicated some level of same-sex attraction
Over 20 percent of self-described highly straight individuals showed this discrepancy

Title: Re: Gay marriage will destabilise family life
Post by: McDonalds5 on February 25, 2016, 10:10:04 PM
Get over your stupid homophobia

Studies have shown that homophobia often means you are secretly gay... ( (

Our paper describes six studies conducted in the United States and Germany involving 784 university students...
Using this methodology we identified a subgroup of participants who, despite self-identifying as highly straight, indicated some level of same-sex attraction
Over 20 percent of self-described highly straight individuals showed this discrepancy

Studies by LGBT lobby are not actually studies. Read the article in the OP  :)

Title: Re: Gay marriage will destabilise family life
Post by: Moloch on February 25, 2016, 10:17:41 PM
Studies by LGBT lobby are not actually studies. Read the article in the OP

Negative, Ghost Rider, the pattern is full

I have no interest in reading homophobic bigotry

Who funds the studies that you trust? (please don't say the bible or God or some stupid shit like that)

Title: Re: Gay marriage will destabilise family life
Post by: gentlemand on February 25, 2016, 10:35:33 PM
This is 100% correct. The moment gay marriage was legalised here I punched my (female) fiancee in the quim and found a penis inside my colon in a bus station toilet within the hour. He said he was going to marry me. He never called me back.

Title: Re: Gay marriage will destabilise family life
Post by: af_newbie on February 25, 2016, 10:48:02 PM
We will see a major destabilization in these pro-sodomite countries. ( (

This was the principle factor, she said, that has caused the collapse in marriage rates between heterosexuals in countries where gay marriage had been introduced - as well as a sharp rise in cohabitation and the numbers of children born out of wedlock. (

By Marshall Kirk and Erastes Pill

The first order of business is desensitization of the American public concerning gays and gay rights. To desensitize the public is to help it view homosexuality with indifference instead of with keen emotion. Ideally, we would have straights register differences in sexual preference the way they register different tastes for ice cream or sports games: she likes strawberry and I like vanilla; he follows baseball and I follow football. No big deal.

At least in the beginning, we are seeking public desensitization and nothing more. We do not need and cannot expect a full "appreciation" or "understanding" of homosexuality from the average American. You can forget about trying to persuade the masses that homosexuality is a good thing. But if only you can get them to think that it is just another thing, with a shrug of their shoulders, then your battle for legal and social rights is virtually won. And to get to shoulder-shrug stage, gays as a class must cease to appear mysterious, alien, loathsome and contrary. A large-scale media campaign will be required in order to change the image of gays in America. And any campaign to accomplish this turnaround should do six things.


The principle behind this advice is simple: almost any behavior begins to look normal if you are exposed to enough of it at close quarters and among your acquaintances. The acceptability of the new behavior will ultimately hinge on the number of one's fellows doing it or accepting it. One may be offended by its novelty at first--many, in times past, were momentarily scandalized by "streaking,'' eating goldfish, and premarital sex. But as long as Joe Six-pack feels little pressure to perform likewise, and as long as the behavior in question presents little threat to his physical and financial security, he soon gets used to it and life goes on. The skeptic may still shake his head and think "people arc crazy these days," but over time his objections are likely to become more reflective, more philosophical, less emotional.

The way to benumb raw sensitivities about homosexuality is to have a lot of people talk a great deal about the subject in a neutral or supportive way. Open and frank talk makes the subject seem less furtive, alien, and sinful, more above-board. Constant talk builds the impression that public opinion is at least divided on the subject, and that a sizable segment accepts or even practices homosexuality. Even rancorous debates between opponents and defenders serve the purpose of desensitization so long as "respectable" gays are front and center to make their own pitch. The main thing is to talk about gayness until the issue becomes thoroughly tiresome.

And when we say talk about homosexuality, we mean just that. In the early stages of any campaign to reach straight America, the masses should not be shocked and repelled by premature exposure to homosexual behavior itself. Instead, the imagery of sex should be downplayed and gay rights should be reduced to an abstract social question as much as possible. First let the camel get his nose inside the tent--only later his unsightly derriere!

Where we talk is important. The visual media, film and television, are plainly the most powerful image-makers in Western civilization. The average American household watches over seven hours of TV daily. Those hours open up a gateway into the private world of straights, through which a Trojan horse might be passed. As far as desensitization is concerned, the medium is the message--of normalcy. So far, gay Hollywood has provided our best covert weapon in the battle to desensitize the mainstream. Bit by bit over the past ten years, gay characters and gay themes have been introduced into TV programs and films (though often this has been done to achieve comedic and ridiculous affects). On the whole the impact has been encouraging. The prime-time presentation of Consenting Adults on a major network in 1985 is but one high-water mark in favorable media exposure of gay issues. But this should be just the beginning of a major publicity blitz by gay America.

Would a desensitizing campaign of open and sustained talk about gay issues reach every rabid opponent of homosexuality? Of course not. While public opinion is one primary source of mainstream values, religious authority is the other. When conservative churches condemn gays, there are only two things we can do to confound the homophobia of true believers. First, we can use talk to muddy the moral waters. This means publicizing support for gays by more moderate churches, raising theological objections of our own about conservative interpretations of biblical teachings, and exposing hatred and inconsistency. Second, we can undermine the moral authority of homophobic churches by portraying them as antiquated backwaters, badly out of step with the times and with the latest findings of psychology. Against the mighty pull of institutional Religion one must set the mightier draw of Science & Public Opinion (the shield and sword of that accursed "secular humanism"). Such an unholy alliance has worked well against churches before, on such topics as divorce and abortion. With enough open talk about the prevalence and acceptability of homosexuality, that alliance can work again here.


In any campaign to win over the public, gays must be cast as victims in need of protection so that straights will be inclined by reflex to assume the role of protector. If gays are presented, instead, as a strong and prideful tribe promoting a rigidly nonconformist and deviant lifestyle, they are more likely to be seen as a public menace that justifies resistance and oppression. For that reason, we must forego the temptation to strut our "gay pride" publicly when it conflicts with the Gay Victim image. And we must walk the fine line between impressing straights with our great numbers, on the one hand, and sparking their hostile paranoia-"They are all around us!"--on the other.

A media campaign to promote the Gay Victim image should make use of symbols which reduce the mainstream's sense of threat, which lower it's guard, and which enhance the plausibility of victimization. In practical terms, this means that jaunty mustachioed musclemen would keep very low profile in gay commercials and other public presentations, while sympathetic figures of nice young people, old people, and attractive women would be featured. (It almost goes without saying that groups on the farthest margin of acceptability such as NAMBLA, [Ed note -- North American Man-Boy Love Association] must play no part at all in such a campaign: suspected child-molesters will never look like victims.)

Now, there are two different messages about the Gay Victim that are worth communicating. First, the mainstream should be told that gays are victims of fate, in the sense that most never had a choice to accept or reject their sexual preference. The message must read: "As far as gays can tell, they were born gay, just as you were born heterosexual or white or black or bright or athletic. Nobody ever tricked or seduced them; they never made a choice, and are not morally blameworthy. What they do isn't willfully contrary - it's only natural for them. This twist of fate could as easily have happened to you!"

Straight viewers must be able to identify with gays as victims. Mr. and Mrs. Public must be given no extra excuses to say, "they are not like us." To this end, the persons featured in the public campaign should be decent and upright, appealing and admirable by straight standards, completely unexceptionable in appearance--in a word, they should be indistinguishable from the straights we would like to reach. (To return to the terms we have used in previous articles, spokesmen for our cause must be R-type "straight gays" rather than Q-type "homosexuals on
display.") Only under such conditions will the message be read correctly: "These folks are victims of a fate that could have happened to me."

By the way, we realize that many gays will question an advertising technique, which might threaten to make homosexuality look like some dreadful disease, which strikes fated "victims". But the plain fact is that the gay community is weak and must manipulate the powers of the weak, including the play for sympathy. In any case, we compensate for the negative aspect of this gay victim appeal under Principle 4. (Below)

The second message would portray gays as victims of society. The straight majority does not recognize the suffering it brings to the lives of gays and must be shown: graphic pictures of brutalized gays; dramatizations of job and housing insecurity, loss of child custody, and public humiliation: and the dismal list goes on.

"... In any campaign to win over the public, gays must be cast as victims in need of protection so that straights will be inclined by reflex to assume the role of protector."


A media campaign that casts gays as society's victims and encourages straights to be their protectors must make it easier for those to respond to assert and explain their new protectiveness. Few straight women, and even fewer straight men, will want to defend homosexuality boldly as such. Most would rather attach their awakened protective impulse to some principle of justice or law, to some general desire for consistent and fair treatment in society. Our campaign should not demand direct support for homosexual practices, should instead take anti-discrimination as its theme. The right to free speech, freedom of beliefs, freedom of association, due process and equal protection of laws-these should be the concerns brought to mind by our campaign.

It is especially important for the gay movement to hitch its cause to accepted standards of law and justice because its straight supporters must have at hand a cogent reply to the moral arguments of its enemies. The homophobes clothe their emotional revulsion in the daunting robes of religious dogma, so defenders of gay rights must be ready to counter dogma with principle.


In order to make a Gay Victim sympathetic to straights you have to portray him as Everyman. But an additional theme of the campaign should be more aggressive and upbeat: to offset the increasingly bad press that these times have brought to homosexual men and women, the campaign should paint gays as superior pillars of society. Yes, yes, we know--this trick is so old it creaks. Other minorities use it all the time in ads that announce proudly, "Did you know that this Great Man (or Woman) was _________?" But the message is vital for all those straights who still picture gays as "queer" people-- shadowy, lonesome, fail, drunken, suicidal, child-snatching misfits.

The honor roll of prominent gay or bisexual men and women is truly eye popping. From Socrates to Shakespeare, from Alexander the Great to Alexander Hamilton, from Michelangelo to Walt Whitman, from Sappho to Gertrude Stein, the list is old hat to us but shocking news to heterosexual America. In no time, a skillful and clever media campaign could have the gay community looking like the veritable fairy godmother to Western Civilization.

Along the same lines, we shouldn't overlook the Celebrity Endorsement. The celebrities can be straight (God bless you, Ed Asner, wherever you are) or gay.


At a later stage of the media campaign for gay rights-long after other gay ads have become commonplace-it will be time to get tough with remaining opponents. To be blunt, they must be vilified. (This will be all the more necessary because, by that time, the entrenched enemy will have quadrupled its output of vitriol and disinformation.) Our goal is here is twofold. First, we seek to replace the mainstream's self-righteous pride about its homophobia with shame and guilt. Second, we intend to make the antigays look so nasty that average Americans will want to dissociate themselves from such types.

The public should be shown images of ranting homophobes whose secondary traits and beliefs disgust middle America. These images might include: the Ku Klux Klan demanding that gays be burned alive or castrated; bigoted southern ministers drooling with hysterical hatred to a degree that looks both comical and deranged; menacing punks, thugs, and convicts speaking coolly about the "fags" they have killed or would like to kill; a tour of Nazi concentration camps where homosexuals were tortured and gassed.

A campaign to vilify the victimizers is going to enrage our most fervid enemies, of course. But what else can we say? The shoe fits, and we should make them try it on for size, with all of America watching.


Any massive campaign of this kind would require unprecedented expenditures for months or even years--an unprecedented fundraising drive.

Effective advertising is a costly proposition: several million dollars would get the ball rolling. There are 10-15 million primarily homosexual adults in this country: if each one of them donated just two dollars to the campaign, its war chest would actually rival that of its most vocal enemies. And because those gays not supporting families usually have more discretionary income than average, they could afford to contribute much more.

"... We intend to make the antigays look so nasty that average Americans will want to dissociate themselves from such types."

But would they? Or is the gay community as feckless, selfish, uncommitted, and short-sighted as its critics claim? We will never know unless the new campaign simultaneously launches a concerted nationwide appeal for funding support from both known and anonymous donors. The appeal should be directed both at gays and at straights who care about social justice.

In the beginning, for reasons to be explained in a moment, the appeal for funds may have to be launched exclusively through the gay press--national magazines, local newspapers, flyers at bars, notices in glossy skin magazines. Funds could also come through the outreach of local gay organizations on campuses and in metropolitan areas. Eventually, donations would be solicited directly alongside advertisements in the major straight media.

There would be no parallel to such an effort in the history of the gay community in America. If it failed to generate the needed capital to get started; there would be little hope for the campaign and l little hope for major progress toward gay rights in the near future. For the moment let us suppose that gays could see how donations would greatly serve their long-term interest, and that sufficient funds could be raised. An heroic assumption.


Without access to TV, radio, and the mainstream press, there will be no campaign. This is a tricky problem, became many impresarios of the media simply refuse to accept what they call "issue-advertising" -- persuasive advertising can provoke a storm of resentment from the public and from sponsors, which is bad for business. The courts have confirmed the broadcaster's right to refuse any "issue advertising" he dislikes.

What exactly constitutes "issue advertising"? It evidently does not include platitudinous appeals to the virtues of family unity (courtesy of the Mormons) neither does it include tirades against perfidious Albion courtesy of Lyndon LaRouche); neither does it include reminders that a Mind-Is-a Terrible Thing to Waste (courtesy of the United Negro College Fund); neither does it include religious shows which condemn gay "sinners"; neither does it include condemnations of nuclear war or race discrimination--at least not in Massachusetts. Some guys get all the breaks.

What issue advertising does include these days is almost any communiqué presented openly by a homosexual organization. The words "gay" and "homosexual"' are considered controversial whenever they appear.

Because most straightforward appeals are impossible, the National Gay Task Force has had to cultivate quiet backroom liaisons with broadcast companies and newsrooms in order to make sure that issues important to the gay community receive some coverage; but such an arrangement is hardly ideal, of course, because it means that the gay community's image is controlled by the latest news event instead of by careful design--and recently most of the news about gays has been negative.

So what can be done to crash the gates of the major media? Several things, advanced in several stages.


Newspapers and magazines may very well be hungrier for gay advertising dollars than television and radio are. And the cost of ads in print is generally lower. But remember that the press, for the most part, is only read by better-educated Americans, many of who are already more accepting of homosexuality in any case. So to get more impact for our dollars, we should skip the New Republic and New Left Review readers and head for Time, People, and the National Enquirer. (Of course, the gay community may have to establish itself as a regular advertising presence in more sophisticated forums first before it is accepted into the mass press.)

While we're storming the battlements with salvos of ink, we should also warm the mainstream up a bit with a subtle national campaign on highway billboards. In simple bold print on dark backgrounds, a series of unobjectionable messages should be introduced:




And so on. Each sign will tap patriotic sentiment, each message will drill a seemingly agreeable proposition into mainstream heads - a "public service message" suited to our purposes. And, if heir owners will permit it, each billboard will be signed, in slightly smaller letters, "Courtesy of the National Gay Task Force" - to build positive associations and get the public used to seeing such sponsorship.


As for television and radio, a more elaborate plan may be needed to break the ice. For openers, naturally, we must continue to encourage the appearance of favorable gay characters in films and TV shows. Daytime talk shows also remain a useful avenue for exposure. But to speed things up we might consider a bold stratagem to gain media attention. The scheme we have in mind would require careful preparations, yet it would save expense even while it elevated the visibility and stature of the gay movement overnight.

Well before the next elections for national office, we might lay careful plans to run symbolic gay candidates for every high political office in this country. (Such plans would have to deal somehow with the tricky problem of inducing gays and straights to sign enough endorsement petitions to get us on the ballot.) Our 50-250 candidates would participate in such debates as they could, run gay-themed advertisements coordinated at our national headquarters, and demand equal time on the air. They could then graciously pull out of the races before the actual elections, while formally endorsing more viable straight contenders. (With malicious humor, perhaps, in some states we could endorse our most rabid opponents.) It is essential not to ask people actually to vote Yea or Nay on the gay issue at this early stage: such action would end up committing most to the Nay position and would only tally huge and visible defeats for our cause.

Through such a political campaign, the mainstream would get over the initial shock of seeing gay ads, and the acceptability of such ads would be fortified by the most creditable context possible; and all this would be accomplished before non-electoral advertising was attempted by the gay community. During the campaign all hell would break loose, but if we behaved courageously and respectable our drive would gain legitimacy in and case and might even become a cause celebre.
If all went as planned, the somewhat desensitized public and the major networks themselves would be 'readied for the next step of our program.


At this point the gay community has its foot in the door, and it is time to ask the networks to accept gay sponsorship of certain ads and shows. Timing is critical: The request must be made immediately after our national political ads disappear. Failing that, we should request sponsorship the next time one of the networks struts its broad-mindedness by televising a film or show with gay characters or themes. If they wish to look consistent instead of hypocritical, we'll have them on the spot. But the networks would still be forced to say No unless we made their resistance look patently unreasonable, and possibly illegal. We'd do just that by proposing "gay ads" patterned exactly after those currently sponsored by the Mormons and others. As usual, viewers would be treated to squeak-clean skits on the importance of family harmony and understanding --this time the narrator would end by saying, "This message was brought to you by --the National Gay Task Force." All very quiet and subdued. Remember: exposure is everything, and the medium is the message.

"... Exposure is everything and the medium is the message."

The gay community should join forces with other civil liberties groups of respectable cast to promote bland messages about America the Melting Pot, always ending with an explicit reference to the Task Force of some other gay organization. Making the best of a bad situation, we can also propose sympathetic media appeals for gifts and donations to fund AIDS research--if Jerry Lewis and the March of Dimes can do it, so can we. Our next indirect step will be to advertise locally on behalf of support groups peripheral to the gay community: frowzy straight moms and dads announcing phone numbers and meeting times for "Parents of Gays" or similar gatherings. Can't you just see such ads now, presented between messages from the Disabled Vets and the Postal Workers Union?


By this point, our salami tactics will have carved out, slice by slice, a large portion of access to the mainstream media. So what then? It would finally be time to bring gay ads out of the closet. The messages of such ads should directly address lingering public fears about homosexuals as loathsome and contrary aliens. For examples, the following are possible formats for TV or radio commercials designed to chip away at chronic misperceptions.

Format A for Familiarization: The Testimonial.

To make gays seem less mysterious, present a series of short spots featuring the boy-or girl-next-door, fresh and appealing, or warm and lovable grandma grandpa types. Seated in homey surroundings, they respond to an off camera interviewer with assurance, good nature, and charm. Their comments bring out three social facts:

1. There is someone special in their life, a long-term relationship (to stress gay stability, monogamy, commitment);

2. Their families are very important to them, and are supportive of them (to stress that gays are not "anti-family," and that families need not be anti-gay.)

3. As far as they can remember they have always been gay, and were probably born gay; they certainly never decided on a preference one way or the other (stressing that gays are doing what is natural for them, and are not being willfully contrary). The subjects should be interviewed alone, not with their lovers or children, for to include others in the picture would unwisely raise disturbing questions about the complexities of gay social relations, which these commercials could not explain. It is best instead to take one thing at a time.

Format B for Positive Associations: The Celebrity Spot.

While it might be useful to present celebrity endorsements by currently popular gay figures and straight sympathizers (Johnny Mathis? Marlo Thomas?), the homophobia climate of America would make such brash endorsements unlikely in the near future. So early celebrity spots will instead identify historical gay or bisexual personalities who are illustrious and dignified...and dead. The ads could be sardonic and indirect. For example, over regal music and a portrait or two, a narrator might announce simply: Michelangelo (an art class), Tchaikovsky (a music class), Tennessee Williams (a drama class), etc.

Format C for Victim Sympathy: Our Campaign to Stop Child Abuse.

As we said earlier, there are many ways to portray gays as victims of discrimination: images of brutality, tales of job loss and family separation, and so on. But we think something like the following 30-sccond commercials would get to the heart of the matter best of all.

The camera slowly moves in on a middle-class teenager, sitting alone in his semi-darkened bedroom. The boy is pleasing and unexceptional in appearance, except that he has been roughed up and is staring silently, pensively, with evident distress. As the camera gradually focuses in on his face, a narrator comments: It will happen to one in every ten sons. As he grows up he will realize that he feels differently about things than most of his friends. If he lets it show, he'll be an outsider made fun of, humiliated, attacked. If he confides in his parents, they may throw him out of the house, onto the streets. Some will say he is "anti-family." Nobody will let him be himself. So he will have to hide. From his friends, his family. And that's hard. It's tough enough to be a kid these days, but to be the one in ten... A message from the National Gay Task Force.

What is nice about such an ad is that it would economically portray gays as innocent and vulnerable, victimized and misunderstood, surprisingly numerous yet not menacing. It also renders the "anti-family" charge absurd and hypocritical.

Format D for Identification with Victims: The Old Switcheroo.

The mainstream will identify better with the plight of gays if straights can, once in a while, walk a mile in gay shoes. A humorous television or radio ad to help them do this might involve a brief animated or dramatized scenario, as follows.

The camera approaches the mighty oak door of the boss's office, which swings open, and the camera (which represents you the viewer) enters the room. Behind the oversized desk sits a fat and scowling old curmudgeon chomping on a cigar. He looks up at the camera (i.e. at the viewer) and snarls, " So it's you, Smithers. Well you're fired!" The voice of a younger man is heard to reply with astonishment, "But--but--Mr. Thomburg, I've been with your company for ten years. I thought you liked my work." The boss responds, with a tone of disgust, "Yes, yes, Smithers your work is quite adequate. But I've heard rumors that you've been seen around town with some kind of girlfriend. A girlfriend! Frankly I'm shocked. We're not about to start hiring any heterosexuals in this company. Now get out." The younger man speaks once more: "But boss, that's just not fair! What if it were you?" The boss glowers back as the camera pulls quickly out of the room and the big door slams shut. Printed on the door: "A message from the National Gay Task Force."

One can easily imagine similar episodes involving housing or other discrimination.

Format E for Vilification of Victimizers: Damn the Torpedoes.

We have already indicated some of the images which might be damaging to the homophobic vendetta: ranting and hateful religious extremists neo-Nazis, and Ku Klux Klansmen made to look evil and ridiculous (hardly a difficult task).

These images should be combined with those of their gay victims by a method propagandists call the "bracket technique." For example, for a few seconds an unctuous beady-eyed Southern preacher is seen pounding the pulpit in rage about "those sick, abominable creatures." While his tirade continues over the soundtrack, the picture switches to pathetic photos of gays who look decent, harmless, and likable; and then we cut back to the poisonous face of the preacher, and so forth. The contrast speaks for itself. The effect is devastating.

" would portray gays as innocent and vulnerable, victimized and misunderstood, surprisingly numerous, yet not menacing."

Format F for Funds: SOS

Alongside or during these other persuasive advertisements, we would have to solicit donations so that the campaign might continue. Direct appeals from celebrities (preferable living ones, thank you) might be useful here. All appeals must stress that money can be given anonymously (e.g. via money orders) and that all donations are confidential. "We can't help unless you help," and all that.

The Time Is Now

We have sketched out here a blueprint for transforming the social values of straight America. At the core of our program is a media campaign to change the way the average citizens view homosexuality. It is quite easy to find fault with such a campaign. We have tried to be practical and specific here, but the proposals may still have a visionary sheen.

There are one hundred reasons why the campaign could not be done or would be risky. But there are at least 20 million good reasons why some such program must be tried in the coming years: the welfare and happiness of every gay man and woman in this country demand it. As the last large, legally oppressed minority in American society, it is high time that gays took effective measures to rejoin the mainstream in pride and strength. We believe that, like it or not, such a campaign is the only way of doing so anytime soon.

And, let us repeat, time may be running out. The AIDS epidemic is sparking anger and fear in the heartland of straight America. As the virus leaks out of homosexual circles and into the rest of society, we need have no illusions about who is receiving the blame. The ten years ahead may decide for the next forty whether gays claim their liberty and equality or are driven back, once again, as America's caste of detested untouchables. It's more than a quip: speak now or forever hold your peace.

In November 1987 article entitled "The Overhauling of Straight America'' appeared in Guide Magazine. A few years later it's authors did expand it into a book:

 Marshall Kirk, Hunter Madsen: "After the Ball -- How America will conquer its fear and hatred of Gays in the 1990s". (Plume, 1990), ISBN: 0452264987.

It will, if you are gay and are in a heterosexual marriage.  If you are .straight, gay relationships should have no effect on you.
Only if you are a closet gay, you think and care what two (or more) gays are doing in their private lives.

I'm not sure why someone would think their family life will be destabilized?


Title: Re: Gay marriage will destabilise family life
Post by: mrflibblehat on February 26, 2016, 12:17:41 AM
Get over your stupid homophobia

Studies have shown that homophobia often means you are secretly gay... ( (

Our paper describes six studies conducted in the United States and Germany involving 784 university students...
Using this methodology we identified a subgroup of participants who, despite self-identifying as highly straight, indicated some level of same-sex attraction
Over 20 percent of self-described highly straight individuals showed this discrepancy

That might just be a little bit too big of an assumption.

Title: Re: Gay marriage will destabilise family life
Post by: popcorn1 on February 26, 2016, 12:36:08 AM
MORE GAY HATER'S  :D Thick people..Do proper research when 2 gays have a child the child grows to do  better in life than most kids FACT.
So the question being asked is floored  ;D

So try again THICK STUPID gay haters

Title: Re: Gay marriage will destabilise family life
Post by: Moloch on February 26, 2016, 12:47:28 AM
OP is afraid that if gay marriage is legal, he will turn gay

Title: Re: Gay marriage will destabilise family life
Post by: DigitalCurrencyConsultant on February 26, 2016, 12:47:49 AM
MORE GAY HATER'S  :D Thick people..Do proper research when 2 gays have a child the child grows to do  better in life than most kids FACT.
So the question being asked is floored  ;D

So try again THICK STUPID gay haters

so how does two gay people have a child??  ::) They don't and if you look at the history and research of the studies on that topic. And the testimony of some to many of those children thrown into the situation. However, I tend to agree with the Biblical point of view and if it offends someone that's ok cause it's still my right to have a viewpoint. And I agree with the OP but back to crypto

Title: Re: Gay marriage will destabilise family life
Post by: DigitalCurrencyConsultant on February 26, 2016, 12:49:00 AM
OP is afraid that if gay marriage is legal, he will turn gay
dude your way of argumentation makes you look foolish ;) Think before you speak and try not to talk like a 13 year old. Use the education you should have got in school to have a relevant conversation. Cause to be honest you have nothing to stand on when you use facts

Title: Re: Gay marriage will destabilise family life
Post by: popcorn1 on February 26, 2016, 12:49:38 AM
MORE GAY HATER'S  :D Thick people..Do proper research when 2 gays have a child the child grows to do  better in life than most kids FACT.
So the question being asked is floored  ;D

So try again THICK STUPID gay haters

so how does two gay people have a child??  ::) They don't and if you look at the history and research of the studies on that topic. And the testimony of some to many of those children thrown into the situation. However, I tend to agree with the Biblical point of view and if it offends someone that's ok cause it's still my right to have a viewpoint. And I agree with the OP but back to crypto

When a gay couple get married they plan to stay together so they will do an elton john
because they love each other and plan on staying together ;D DUMB ASS

other wise they would never get married DERRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR

Title: Re: Gay marriage will destabilise family life
Post by: Moloch on February 26, 2016, 12:49:44 AM
MORE GAY HATER'S  :D Thick people..Do proper research when 2 gays have a child the child grows to do  better in life than most kids FACT.
So the question being asked is floored  ;D

So try again THICK STUPID gay haters

so how does two gay people have a child?

Usually via a surrogate mother (

Title: Re: Gay marriage will destabilise family life
Post by: DigitalCurrencyConsultant on February 26, 2016, 12:51:31 AM
MORE GAY HATER'S  :D Thick people..Do proper research when 2 gays have a child the child grows to do  better in life than most kids FACT.
So the question being asked is floored  ;D

So try again THICK STUPID gay haters

so how does two gay people have a child??  ::) They don't and if you look at the history and research of the studies on that topic. And the testimony of some to many of those children thrown into the situation. However, I tend to agree with the Biblical point of view and if it offends someone that's ok cause it's still my right to have a viewpoint. And I agree with the OP but back to crypto

I could care less how Elton John did it. and yes I am quite a smart guy thanks

Title: Re: Gay marriage will destabilise family life
Post by: popcorn1 on February 26, 2016, 12:54:32 AM
MORE GAY HATER'S  :D Thick people..Do proper research when 2 gays have a child the child grows to do  better in life than most kids FACT.
So the question being asked is floored  ;D

So try again THICK STUPID gay haters

so how does two gay people have a child?

Usually via a surrogate mother (
Elton John  done the same surrogacy it's his flesh and blood

Title: Re: Gay marriage will destabilise family life
Post by: popcorn1 on February 26, 2016, 12:56:46 AM
MORE GAY HATER'S  :D Thick people..Do proper research when 2 gays have a child the child grows to do  better in life than most kids FACT.
So the question being asked is floored  ;D

So try again THICK STUPID gay haters

so how does two gay people have a child??  ::) They don't and if you look at the history and research of the studies on that topic. And the testimony of some to many of those children thrown into the situation. However, I tend to agree with the Biblical point of view and if it offends someone that's ok cause it's still my right to have a viewpoint. And I agree with the OP but back to crypto

I could care less how Elton John did it. and yes I am quite a smart guy thanks
You did ask how?

Title: Re: Gay marriage will destabilise family life
Post by: popcorn1 on February 26, 2016, 12:57:57 AM
MORE GAY HATER'S  :D Thick people..Do proper research when 2 gays have a child the child grows to do  better in life than most kids FACT.
So the question being asked is floored  ;D

So try again THICK STUPID gay haters

so how does two gay people have a child?

Usually via a surrogate mother (
How do we make them learn Moloch  ;D

Title: Re: Gay marriage will destabilise family life
Post by: DigitalCurrencyConsultant on February 26, 2016, 12:58:31 AM
MORE GAY HATER'S  :D Thick people..Do proper research when 2 gays have a child the child grows to do  better in life than most kids FACT.
So the question being asked is floored  ;D

So try again THICK STUPID gay haters

so how does two gay people have a child?

Usually via a surrogate mother (
Elton John  done the same surrogacy it's his flesh and blood

Flesh and blood only perhaps half of him. The other half is the mother of the child. So there was a mother and a father. There is no two fathers of that child. So that point is mute there now isn't it ;)

Title: Re: Gay marriage will destabilise family life
Post by: DigitalCurrencyConsultant on February 26, 2016, 01:02:49 AM
And we are not to hate people. We have a right not to like what they do. There is people in this crypto field that some of us don't like what they do cause well we don't like it. But we don't hate them. We don't like their behaviors and their destruction of society as the OP states.

Title: Re: Gay marriage will destabilise family life
Post by: popcorn1 on February 26, 2016, 01:07:32 AM
And we are not to hate people. We have a right not to like what they do. There is people in this crypto field that some of us don't like what they do cause well we don't like it. But we don't hate them. We don't like their behaviors and their destruction of society as the OP states.
I hate the crypto scammers ..SO FLOORED AGAIN :D

HMMM I had a talent for finding scams not done it for a while might just go on a hunt tomorrow  ;D

Title: Re: Gay marriage will destabilise family life
Post by: DigitalCurrencyConsultant on February 26, 2016, 01:08:46 AM
And we are not to hate people. We have a right not to like what they do. There is people in this crypto field that some of us don't like what they do cause well we don't like it. But we don't hate them. We don't like their behaviors and their destruction of society as the OP states.
I hate the crypto scammers ..SO FLOORED AGAIN :D

I don't hate people. I may hate their actions but not people

Title: Re: Gay marriage will destabilise family life
Post by: popcorn1 on February 26, 2016, 01:16:33 AM
MORE GAY HATER'S  :D Thick people..Do proper research when 2 gays have a child the child grows to do  better in life than most kids FACT.
So the question being asked is floored  ;D

So try again THICK STUPID gay haters

so how does two gay people have a child?

Usually via a surrogate mother (
Elton John  done the same surrogacy it's his flesh and blood

Flesh and blood only perhaps half of him. The other half is the mother of the child. So there was a mother and a father. There is no two fathers of that child. So that point is mute there now isn't it ;)
2 kids they both get to spread there genes.
Before you start well half brothers or sisters  LIKE MOST STRAIGHT FAMILIES THESE DAYS
7/10 Straight families got half brother and sisters ?

So what else GAY HATER

Title: Re: Gay marriage will destabilise family life
Post by: popcorn1 on February 26, 2016, 01:18:26 AM
And we are not to hate people. We have a right not to like what they do. There is people in this crypto field that some of us don't like what they do cause well we don't like it. But we don't hate them. We don't like their behaviors and their destruction of society as the OP states.
I hate the crypto scammers ..SO FLOORED AGAIN :D

I don't hate people. I may hate their actions but not people
Yer right someone steels my money i love them  :D :D

Also it makes no sense you hate there actions but you don't hate the person :-\

See it's a bit hypocritical because it's the person doing it

Title: Re: Gay marriage will destabilise family life
Post by: DigitalCurrencyConsultant on February 26, 2016, 01:24:35 AM
MORE GAY HATER'S  :D Thick people..Do proper research when 2 gays have a child the child grows to do  better in life than most kids FACT.
So the question being asked is floored  ;D

So try again THICK STUPID gay haters

so how does two gay people have a child?

Usually via a surrogate mother (
Elton John  done the same surrogacy it's his flesh and blood

Flesh and blood only perhaps half of him. The other half is the mother of the child. So there was a mother and a father. There is no two fathers of that child. So that point is mute there now isn't it ;)
2 kids they both get to spread there genes.
Before you start well half brothers or sisters  LIKE MOST STRAIGHT FAMILIES THESE DAYS
7/10 Straight families got half brother and sisters ?

So what else GAY HATER

sounds if you have some emotional imbalance with a name calling child. Oh well your issue not mine. I don't agree with you, you don't agree with me... but name calling shows intelligence levels. Doesn't seem you can post scientific facts, physiological facts, or have much else to stand on besides name calling.. typical person who has their thoughts but can't stand behind them.

You can not like what people do, but their actions is what you do not like of people, when it comes down to it..

Title: Re: Gay marriage will destabilise family life
Post by: popcorn1 on February 26, 2016, 01:27:28 AM
MORE GAY HATER'S  :D Thick people..Do proper research when 2 gays have a child the child grows to do  better in life than most kids FACT.
So the question being asked is floored  ;D

So try again THICK STUPID gay haters

so how does two gay people have a child?

Usually via a surrogate mother (
Elton John  done the same surrogacy it's his flesh and blood

Flesh and blood only perhaps half of him. The other half is the mother of the child. So there was a mother and a father. There is no two fathers of that child. So that point is mute there now isn't it ;)
2 kids they both get to spread there genes.
Before you start well half brothers or sisters  LIKE MOST STRAIGHT FAMILIES THESE DAYS
7/10 Straight families got half brother and sisters ?

So what else GAY HATER

sounds if you have some emotional imbalance with a name calling child. Oh well your issue not mine. I don't agree with you, you don't agree with me... but name calling shows intelligence levels. Doesn't seem you can post scientific facts, physiological facts, or have much else to stand on besides name calling.. typical person who has their thoughts but can't stand behind them.

You can not like what people do their actions is what you do not like of people when it comes down to it..
Your a hypocritical person ;D

Title: Re: Gay marriage will destabilise family life
Post by: DigitalCurrencyConsultant on February 26, 2016, 01:27:36 AM
And we are not to hate people. We have a right not to like what they do. There is people in this crypto field that some of us don't like what they do cause well we don't like it. But we don't hate them. We don't like their behaviors and their destruction of society as the OP states.
I hate the crypto scammers ..SO FLOORED AGAIN :D

I don't hate people. I may hate their actions but not people
Yer right someone steels my money i love them  :D :D

Also it makes no sense you hate there actions but you don't hate the person :-\

See it's a bit hypocritical because it's the person doing it

I don't like folks who steal or are dishonest.. but folks can change and still make it right

Title: Re: Gay marriage will destabilise family life
Post by: DigitalCurrencyConsultant on February 26, 2016, 01:28:17 AM
MORE GAY HATER'S  :D Thick people..Do proper research when 2 gays have a child the child grows to do  better in life than most kids FACT.
So the question being asked is floored  ;D

So try again THICK STUPID gay haters

so how does two gay people have a child?

Usually via a surrogate mother (
Elton John  done the same surrogacy it's his flesh and blood

Flesh and blood only perhaps half of him. The other half is the mother of the child. So there was a mother and a father. There is no two fathers of that child. So that point is mute there now isn't it ;)
2 kids they both get to spread there genes.
Before you start well half brothers or sisters  LIKE MOST STRAIGHT FAMILIES THESE DAYS
7/10 Straight families got half brother and sisters ?

So what else GAY HATER

sounds if you have some emotional imbalance with a name calling child. Oh well your issue not mine. I don't agree with you, you don't agree with me... but name calling shows intelligence levels. Doesn't seem you can post scientific facts, physiological facts, or have much else to stand on besides name calling.. typical person who has their thoughts but can't stand behind them.

You can not like what people do their actions is what you do not like of people when it comes down to it..
Your a hypocritical person ;D

 ;D ;D No just a realist

Title: Re: Gay marriage will destabilise family life
Post by: popcorn1 on February 26, 2016, 01:36:10 AM
No just a realist :D

What you say makes no sense GAY HATER :D

people complain over something they dislike ..AND YOUR COMPLAINING?


Title: Re: Gay marriage will destabilise family life
Post by: Moloch on February 26, 2016, 01:39:25 AM
Dave Bautista will stick his foot in your ass (

Title: Re: Gay marriage will destabilise family life
Post by: popcorn1 on February 26, 2016, 01:41:38 AM
Dave Bautista will stick his foot in your ass (
yeeeeeehaaaaa i never known that .. is he gay  ;D answer no

Title: Re: Gay marriage will destabilise family life
Post by: Moloch on February 26, 2016, 01:42:51 AM
Dave Bautista will stick his foot in your ass (
yeeeeeehaaaaa i never known that .. is he gay  ;D answer no

His mom is gay :o

Title: Re: Gay marriage will destabilise family life
Post by: popcorn1 on February 26, 2016, 01:48:36 AM
Dave Bautista will stick his foot in your ass (
yeeeeeehaaaaa i never known that .. is he gay  ;D answer no

His mom is gay :o
:D I know my friend .with his mom being gay ..never made him genes getting passed on is bullshit ;)

lots say don't want gays spreading there genes

Title: Re: Gay marriage will destabilise family life
Post by: Moloch on February 26, 2016, 02:16:58 AM
Dave Bautista will stick his foot in your ass (
yeeeeeehaaaaa i never known that .. is he gay  ;D answer no

His mom is gay :o
:D I know my friend .with his mom being gay ..never made him genes getting passed on is bullshit ;)

lots say don't want gays spreading there genes

I have a pair of gay Jeans, but I don't wear them anymore

Title: Re: Gay marriage will destabilise family life
Post by: popcorn1 on February 26, 2016, 02:19:27 AM
Dave Bautista will stick his foot in your ass (
yeeeeeehaaaaa i never known that .. is he gay  ;D answer no

His mom is gay :o
:D I know my friend .with his mom being gay ..never made him genes getting passed on is bullshit ;)

lots say don't want gays spreading there genes

I have a pair of gay Jeans, but I don't wear them anymore
:D :D is it because they go straight up your ring hole :D and they hurt

Title: Re: Gay marriage will destabilise family life
Post by: af_newbie on February 26, 2016, 02:52:05 AM
And we are not to hate people. We have a right not to like what they do. There is people in this crypto field that some of us don't like what they do cause well we don't like it. But we don't hate them. We don't like their behaviors and their destruction of society as the OP states.

First of all, their behavior is none of your business.

They are not harming anyone.  Two people love each other, they get married.  Sounds logical to me.

They are not destroying society.  Dicks like you are an ancient relic.  But what can we expect?  You only read ONE, bronze age book.

You say you don't hate?  Of course you hate gays.  If it was legal, you would kill them wherever you could find them.

Title: Re: Gay marriage will destabilise family life
Post by: Moloch on February 26, 2016, 03:24:47 AM
Dave Bautista will stick his foot in your ass (
yeeeeeehaaaaa i never known that .. is he gay  ;D answer no

His mom is gay :o
:D I know my friend .with his mom being gay ..never made him genes getting passed on is bullshit ;)

lots say don't want gays spreading there genes

I have a pair of gay Jeans, but I don't wear them anymore

is it because they go straight up your ring hole :D and they hurt

They were always cupping my balls

Title: Re: Gay marriage will destabilise family life
Post by: The Sceptical Chymist on February 26, 2016, 03:37:17 AM
I'm going to take the grumpy, contrarian view and say that family life will destabilize any marriage, whether straight or faggy.  And I'm also going to voice my opinion that sodomy is the only way we're going to control the population--so do your part and commit sodomy on your significant other (but only if it's legal in your jurisdiction). 

Title: Re: Gay marriage will destabilise family life
Post by: popcorn1 on February 26, 2016, 04:17:16 AM
I'm going to take the grumpy, contrarian view and say that family life will destabilize any marriage, whether straight or faggy.  And I'm also going to voice my opinion that sodomy is the only way we're going to control the population--so do your part and commit sodomy on your significant other (but only if it's legal in your jurisdiction).  
Gay marriage

Title: Re: Gay marriage will destabilise family life
Post by: The Sceptical Chymist on February 26, 2016, 04:19:57 AM
I'm going to take the grumpy, contrarian view and say that family life will destabilize any marriage, whether straight or faggy.  And I'm also going to voice my opinion that sodomy is the only way we're going to control the population--so do your part and commit sodomy on your significant other (but only if it's legal in your jurisdiction).  
Gay marriage
I don't just randomly click on links, so you ought to write something.  Also you should watch your consecuposting, you might get suspended for doing that along with just including a smiley face with a huge quote pyramid.  You are precariously on the edge of shitposting.

I'm trying so hard to be a nice boy tonight but I don't think I'm going to make it.

Title: Re: Gay marriage will destabilise family life
Post by: popcorn1 on February 26, 2016, 04:54:56 AM
I'm going to take the grumpy, contrarian view and say that family life will destabilize any marriage, whether straight or faggy.  And I'm also going to voice my opinion that sodomy is the only way we're going to control the population--so do your part and commit sodomy on your significant other (but only if it's legal in your jurisdiction).  
Gay marriage
I don't just randomly click on links, so you ought to write something.  Also you should watch your consecuposting, you might get suspended for doing that along with just including a smiley face with a huge quote pyramid.  You are precariously on the edge of shitposting.

I'm trying so hard to be a nice boy tonight but I don't think I'm going to make it.
I am so scared :'( :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D
Is everyone gay? :D :D

Shall we talk about how straight people fuck
Also have you ever tried to pull a crypto scam..HAVE I CAUGHT YOU :D

Title: Re: Gay marriage will destabilise family life
Post by: clangtrump on February 26, 2016, 07:35:36 AM
I'm going to take the grumpy, contrarian view and say that family life will destabilize any marriage, whether straight or faggy.  And I'm also going to voice my opinion that sodomy is the only way we're going to control the population--so do your part and commit sodomy on your significant other (but only if it's legal in your jurisdiction).  
Gay marriage
I don't just randomly click on links, so you ought to write something.  Also you should watch your consecuposting, you might get suspended for doing that along with just including a smiley face with a huge quote pyramid.  You are precariously on the edge of shitposting.

I'm trying so hard to be a nice boy tonight but I don't think I'm going to make it.
I am so scared :'( :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D
Is everyone gay? :D :D

Shall we talk about how straight people fuck
Also have you ever tried to pull a crypto scam..HAVE I CAUGHT YOU :D

Gay in dictionary means happy right? So i guess we are all gay in some sense.. :)

Title: Re: Gay marriage will destabilise family life
Post by: valta4065 on February 26, 2016, 09:37:07 AM
MORE GAY HATER'S  :D Thick people..Do proper research when 2 gays have a child the child grows to do  better in life than most kids FACT.
So the question being asked is floored  ;D

So try again THICK STUPID gay haters

Oh it's you again. You're probably gay seeing how much energy you put in defending them...

Your claim without any kind of study means nothing. I don't see how 2 gays could raise a child better than 2 hetero. That makes no sense to me.

Title: Re: Gay marriage will destabilise family life
Post by: valta4065 on February 26, 2016, 09:39:38 AM
I don't understand how gay marriage can destabilise family life? They can't have kids so I don't see chat family they could destabilise...

Am I missing something here?

Title: Re: Gay marriage will destabilise family life
Post by: arbitrage on February 26, 2016, 09:58:05 AM
If you teaching kids in school that this is normal thing, you are actually preparing your kids.
You can't teach your kids anymore this is immoral or bad. This is direct influence on normal family.

Title: Re: Gay marriage will destabilise family life
Post by: valta4065 on February 26, 2016, 10:03:27 AM
If you teaching kids in school that this is normal thing, you are actually preparing your kids.
You can't teach your kids anymore this is immoral or bad. This is direct influence on normal family.

Well it IS a normal and natural thing. Most animals do it! Why should it be unnatural only for humans? Oo

Title: Re: Gay marriage will destabilise family life
Post by: romero121 on February 26, 2016, 10:04:16 AM
I don't understand how gay marriage can destabilise family life? They can't have kids so I don't see chat family they could destabilise...

Am I missing something here?

Gay marriages will not destabilize family life until then they get into contact with a girl and have a child.
Why? because they won't get much affectionate with girls for a long time, always they gets attracted
towards boys, which makes the depending girl to get out of him causing collapse in the family.

Title: Re: Gay marriage will destabilise family life
Post by: arbitrage on February 26, 2016, 10:18:06 AM
This is normal what they doing i must admit.
(From my standpoint this is bad and twisted but i don't care about them and their habits).
Family must be protected! Other children must be protected from this indoctrination.

Title: Re: Gay marriage will destabilise family life
Post by: craked5 on February 26, 2016, 12:54:56 PM
This is normal what they doing i must admit.
(From my standpoint this is bad and twisted but i don't care about them and their habits).
Family must be protected! Other children must be protected from this indoctrination.

But what are you talking about? Oo
They just got the right to marry each other! That's all!

Title: Re: Gay marriage will destabilise family life
Post by: af_newbie on February 26, 2016, 01:01:47 PM
This is normal what they doing i must admit.
(From my standpoint this is bad and twisted but i don't care about them and their habits).
Family must be protected! Other children must be protected from this indoctrination.

Yes children must be protected from religious indoctrination and molestation by your priests.   I agree.

As far as gays go, what you suggesting is like banning production of red cars because it might infuriate your imaginary friend.
Completely ridiculous.

Title: Re: Gay marriage will destabilise family life
Post by: cooldgamer on February 26, 2016, 01:03:00 PM
This is normal what they doing i must admit.
(From my standpoint this is bad and twisted but i don't care about them and their habits).
Family must be protected! Other children must be protected from this indoctrination.

Soo... assuming it's 'indoctrination' for being gay being an okay thing, what's so bad about that?  If you toss religion out to the side, the only negative is not being able to have kids and a higher risk of disease.  Ironically, migitating the risk of disease can be done by education so people know to wrap it up, which you'd probably call indoctrination..

Title: Re: Gay marriage will destabilise family life
Post by: mainpmf on February 26, 2016, 01:33:23 PM
This is normal what they doing i must admit.
(From my standpoint this is bad and twisted but i don't care about them and their habits).
Family must be protected! Other children must be protected from this indoctrination.

Soo... assuming it's 'indoctrination' for being gay being an okay thing, what's so bad about that?  If you toss religion out to the side, the only negative is not being able to have kids and a higher risk of disease.  Ironically, migitating the risk of disease can be done by education so people know to wrap it up, which you'd probably call indoctrination..

Yeah, diseases and no kids are cool actually as it would reduce global population ^^

Title: Re: Gay marriage will destabilise family life
Post by: gregyoung14 on February 26, 2016, 01:52:32 PM
This is normal what they doing i must admit.
(From my standpoint this is bad and twisted but i don't care about them and their habits).
Family must be protected! Other children must be protected from this indoctrination.

Soo... assuming it's 'indoctrination' for being gay being an okay thing, what's so bad about that?  If you toss religion out to the side, the only negative is not being able to have kids and a higher risk of disease.  Ironically, migitating the risk of disease can be done by education so people know to wrap it up, which you'd probably call indoctrination..

Yeah, diseases and no kids are cool actually as it would reduce global population ^^

It's not it's being discouraged not to have kids. These people can't have kids and nothing is wrong with that. Those who can, should, if they want it. But if they're not up for it. Then who are we to impose this on them.

Title: Re: Gay marriage will destabilise family life
Post by: panju1 on February 26, 2016, 03:54:04 PM
This is normal what they doing i must admit.
(From my standpoint this is bad and twisted but i don't care about them and their habits).
Family must be protected! Other children must be protected from this indoctrination.

Soo... assuming it's 'indoctrination' for being gay being an okay thing, what's so bad about that?  If you toss religion out to the side, the only negative is not being able to have kids and a higher risk of disease.  Ironically, migitating the risk of disease can be done by education so people know to wrap it up, which you'd probably call indoctrination..

If these people are 'married', I am sure they will be able to adopt.
What kind of life will be giving to these adopted kids?

Title: Re: Gay marriage will destabilise family life
Post by: Slow death on February 26, 2016, 04:00:19 PM
my God
should not accept gay marriage >:(

anyone ever seen porno gay?

I still have not seen, but only to imagine the disgust me

man marries a woman and reproduce bearing children

gays do not have children which in itself is already easy to see that men should not have sex between them

We are changing the natural order of things

Title: Re: Gay marriage will destabilise family life
Post by: Slow death on February 26, 2016, 04:17:05 PM
This is normal what they doing i must admit.
(From my standpoint this is bad and twisted but i don't care about them and their habits).
Family must be protected! Other children must be protected from this indoctrination.

Soo... assuming it's 'indoctrination' for being gay being an okay thing, what's so bad about that?  If you toss religion out to the side, the only negative is not being able to have kids and a higher risk of disease.  Ironically, migitating the risk of disease can be done by education so people know to wrap it up, which you'd probably call indoctrination..

If these people are 'married', I am sure they will be able to adopt.
What kind of life will be giving to these adopted kids?

the child is traumatized for sure

Title: Re: Gay marriage will destabilise family life
Post by: cooldgamer on February 26, 2016, 05:02:53 PM
This is normal what they doing i must admit.
(From my standpoint this is bad and twisted but i don't care about them and their habits).
Family must be protected! Other children must be protected from this indoctrination.

Soo... assuming it's 'indoctrination' for being gay being an okay thing, what's so bad about that?  If you toss religion out to the side, the only negative is not being able to have kids and a higher risk of disease.  Ironically, migitating the risk of disease can be done by education so people know to wrap it up, which you'd probably call indoctrination..

If these people are 'married', I am sure they will be able to adopt.
What kind of life will be giving to these adopted kids?

the child is traumatized for sure
Oh no, a child is going to grow up in a loving home that happens to have 2 people of the same sex married instead of a foster home!  The horror, the agony!  /s

my God
should not accept gay marriage >:(

anyone ever seen porno gay?

I still have not seen, but only to imagine the disgust me

man marries a woman and reproduce bearing children

gays do not have children which in itself is already easy to see that men should not have sex between them

We are changing the natural order of things
Sorry to burst your bubble, but God doesn't exist.  We're here on this planet to make purpose for our self and enjoy life, if for some people that involves getting with somebody of the same sex who are you to say they shouldn't?

Title: Re: Gay marriage will destabilise family life
Post by: Daniel91 on February 26, 2016, 06:03:49 PM
I agree with this statement.
Now, we even have pedophilia movement, pedophiles also wants their rights.
Isn't it crazy?
For the sake of so called democracy and individual rights our governments destroying our social structure and order, destabilize family life etc.
Honestly, real family need support and help now, not Gay marriages.
In many countries we already see more and more divorces, less children and more elderly people.
Such trend, if continue, is road to destruction.
I hope our governments understand it and will do something about it.

Title: Re: Gay marriage will destabilise family life
Post by: cooldgamer on February 26, 2016, 06:43:39 PM
I agree with this statement.
Now, we even have pedophilia movement, pedophiles also wants their rights.
Isn't it crazy?
For the sake of so called democracy and individual rights our governments destroying our social structure and order, destabilize family life etc.
Honestly, real family need support and help now, not Gay marriages.
In many countries we already see more and more divorces, less children and more elderly people.
Such trend, if continue, is road to destruction.
I hope our governments understand it and will do something about it.

Who is to decide what a 'real' family is?  If you take out the ability to have a biological child, a gay couple is just as capable of doing everything else as a straight couple is.  Hell, lots of children in foster homes need good places to stay, personally I'd rather have a gay couple take one in than a straight one go and make more kids.

It's stupid to compare LGBT rights to pedophiles.  One is doing things between consenting adults, one is taking away the innocence of a child.

Title: Re: Gay marriage will destabilise family life
Post by: bryant.coleman on February 26, 2016, 06:45:30 PM
Oh no, a child is going to grow up in a loving home that happens to have 2 people of the same sex married instead of a foster home!  The horror, the agony!  /s

The child would be much better in a foster home or in an orphanage. If gay parents are rising the kid, then most probably he will be sexually abused, and he will end up as a pedophile when he grows up.

Gay Foster Parents More Apt to Molest (Vol. 17 No. 7 Nov 2002 Journal of the Family Research Institute).

Are Over A Third of Foster Parent Molestations Homosexual?

Title: Re: Gay marriage will destabilise family life
Post by: cooldgamer on February 26, 2016, 07:11:25 PM
Oh no, a child is going to grow up in a loving home that happens to have 2 people of the same sex married instead of a foster home!  The horror, the agony!  /s

The child would be much better in a foster home or in an orphanage. If gay parents are rising the kid, then most probably he will be sexually abused, and he will end up as a pedophile when he grows up.

Gay Foster Parents More Apt to Molest (Vol. 17 No. 7 Nov 2002 Journal of the Family Research Institute).

Are Over A Third of Foster Parent Molestations Homosexual?
So that study shows that there were an estimated 221 cases of abuse by gay couples (I think) over a 23 year period.  It was hard to find a number on the total amount of children in foster homes during that period, but there's an average of 400,000 children in one at any time.  That means using that conservative as possible number, there's a 0.055% chance of a child in there being molested by a gay person, or somewhere around 1 in 2,000.  With that number in mind, do you feel confident saying any given child would be better off in straight foster or state care than being adopted by a gay couple?

Title: Re: Gay marriage will destabilise family life
Post by: popcorn1 on February 26, 2016, 10:29:32 PM
MORE GAY HATER'S  :D Thick people..Do proper research when 2 gays have a child the child grows to do  better in life than most kids FACT.
So the question being asked is floored  ;D

So try again THICK STUPID gay haters

Oh it's you again. You're probably gay seeing how much energy you put in defending them...

Your claim without any kind of study means nothing. I don't see how 2 gays could raise a child better than 2 hetero. That makes no sense to me.
What gets said about GAYS hurts me MY SON IS GAY ;D he is such a good kid its unreal and
everyone who meets him always says how good he is..HE IS AN ASSET TO MANKIND NOT A BURDEN ;D

Now for the proof that kids tend to do better if there parents are gay ;D DO your research

some ways, gay parents may bring talents to the table that straight parents don't.

Gay parents "tend to be more motivated, more committed than heterosexual parents on average, because they chose to be parents," said Abbie Goldberg, a psychologist at Clark University in Massachusetts who researches gay and lesbian parenting. Gays and lesbians rarely become parents by accident, compared with an almost 50 percent accidental pregnancy rate among heterosexuals, Goldberg said. "That translates to greater commitment on average and more involvement."

And while research indicates that kids of gay parents show few differences in achievement, mental health, social functioning and other measures, these kids may have the advantage of open-mindedness, tolerance and role models for equitable relationships, according to some research. Not only that, but gays and lesbians are likely to provide homes for difficult-to-place children in the foster system, studies show. (Of course, this isn't to say that heterosexual parents can't bring these same qualities to the parenting table

when 2 gay couples have a child they have them to love to take care of them with all there hearts ..
 a lot of straight couples have children by accident . I.E BROKEN HOMES..
Gays want that child because its not an accident they have planned for it..

Don't get me wrong straight couples who have children can bring up there children just as good..
I am just saying that gay couples tend to do better FACT with there children

Title: Re: Gay marriage will destabilise family life
Post by: criptix on February 26, 2016, 11:04:12 PM
  Gay parents "tend to be more motivated, more committed than heterosexual parents on average, because they chose to be parents," said Abbie Goldberg, a psychologist at Clark University in Massachusetts who researches gay and lesbian parenting. Gays and lesbians rarely become parents by accident, compared with an almost 50 percent accidental pregnancy rate among heterosexuals, Goldberg said. "That translates to greater commitment on average and more involvement."

And while research indicates that kids of gay parents show few differences in achievement, mental health, social functioning and other measures, these kids may have the advantage of open-mindedness, tolerance and role models for equitable relationships, according to some research. Not only that, but gays and lesbians are likely to provide homes for difficult-to-place children in the foster

I never though about the first part because im hetero, but it makes a lot of sense.
You just cant get pregant by chance - so getting a kid for a homo couple is something the have definietly though about.
Today most kids that behave bad and are starting crimes are usually from a broken home without perspective for a good future.

Title: Re: Gay marriage will destabilise family life
Post by: popcorn1 on February 26, 2016, 11:11:29 PM
 Gay parents "tend to be more motivated, more committed than heterosexual parents on average, because they chose to be parents," said Abbie Goldberg, a psychologist at Clark University in Massachusetts who researches gay and lesbian parenting. Gays and lesbians rarely become parents by accident, compared with an almost 50 percent accidental pregnancy rate among heterosexuals, Goldberg said. "That translates to greater commitment on average and more involvement."

And while research indicates that kids of gay parents show few differences in achievement, mental health, social functioning and other measures, these kids may have the advantage of open-mindedness, tolerance and role models for equitable relationships, according to some research. Not only that, but gays and lesbians are likely to provide homes for difficult-to-place children in the foster

I never though about the first part because im hetero, but it makes a lot of sense.
You just cant get pregant by chance - so getting a kid for a homo couple is something the have definietly though about.
Today most kids that behave bad and are starting crimes are usually from a broken home without perspective for a good future.
when you look at the bigger picture it changes your mind..
anyway av a nice day and take it easy  ;D

Title: Re: Gay marriage will destabilise family life
Post by: arbitrage on February 27, 2016, 07:04:34 AM
This is just an attack on normal ordinary family unit.
Admitting rights to LGBT population to have a kids, i will not be father any longer but "PARENT 1"!  My kids in school must learn about same sex marriages and how this is good , and at the same time we can't teach them at home different because we can be punished for preaching hate..

Title: Re: Gay marriage will destabilise family life
Post by: arbitrage on February 27, 2016, 08:02:42 AM
I don't understand how gay marriage can destabilise family life? They can't have kids so I don't see chat family they could destabilise...
Am I missing something here?

I don't have anything against LGBT population, but this is evident that someone pushing their rights as main question everywhere. Agenda exist.
They already have all major rights as we all others have.
Why all others must accept changing in definition "what is family" in order to please some sexual minorities?
What is next?

Title: Re: Gay marriage will destabilise family life
Post by: criptix on February 27, 2016, 08:05:46 AM
I don't understand how gay marriage can destabilise family life? They can't have kids so I don't see chat family they could destabilise...
Am I missing something here?

I don't have anything against LGBT population, but this is evident that someone pushing their rights as main question everywhere. Agenda exist.
They already have all major rights as we all others have.
Why all others must accept changing in definition "what is family" in order to please some sexual minorities?
What is next?

So having a family status recognized by the .gov and society is not a major right we - the "normal" population - have?

Tell me what exactly would that change in my or your family life?

Title: Re: Gay marriage will destabilise family life
Post by: kryptqnick on February 27, 2016, 08:41:50 AM
I don't think gay marriage can destabilize family and everything.. If talking about kids then it even might be a bit vice versa, because a gay couple has kids only if it really wants to. So, they'll do their best to take care of them, whereas heterosexual couples might hate their children for spoiling their life.

Title: Re: Gay marriage will destabilise family life
Post by: arbitrage on February 27, 2016, 08:45:08 AM
So having a family status recognized by the .gov and society is not a major right we - the "normal" population - have?
Tell me what exactly would that change in my or your family life?
Exactly > You must teach your kids something that spitting to your heritage and culture.
This is will never pass in Russia and countries that respect normal way of life.
Nothing personal. Everyone fights for what he believe.

Title: Re: Gay marriage will destabilise family life
Post by: criptix on February 27, 2016, 08:50:17 AM
So having a family status recognized by the .gov and society is not a major right we - the "normal" population - have?
Tell me what exactly would that change in my or your family life?
Exactly > You must teach your kids something that spitting to your heritage and culture.
This is will never pass in Russia and countries that respect normal way of life.
Nothing personal. Everyone fights for what he believe.

Do you fear your kids become gay through school teachings?
Or what are you speaking of?

Title: Re: Gay marriage will destabilise family life
Post by: arbitrage on February 27, 2016, 09:07:34 AM
Do you fear your kids become gay through school teachings?
Or what are you speaking of?
I'm not afraid of that.

 As soon as they got their rights, you will be forbidden to teach children differently. I just have feeling many normal families will suffer. I won't be surprised that normal families in future will lose their kids if they teach them "wrong".
This will become hate preach.

Title: Re: Gay marriage will destabilise family life
Post by: EdenHazard on February 27, 2016, 12:57:32 PM
yes you are right,i really disagree with gay marriage or lesby marriage. LGBT will destabilise family and inherit,how can man and man have a child?i think its not gonna be normal situation.

Title: Re: Gay marriage will destabilise family life
Post by: adverbelly on February 27, 2016, 05:59:41 PM
This is 100% correct. The moment gay marriage was legalised here I punched my (female) fiancee in the quim and found a penis inside my colon in a bus station toilet within the hour. He said he was going to marry me. He never called me back.

this was a tragic story.. it made me angry with the guy who didnt call you back.. :) who does he think he is? so rude.. :)

Title: Re: Gay marriage will destabilise family life
Post by: salinizm on February 27, 2016, 06:07:56 PM
This is just an attack on normal ordinary family unit.
Admitting rights to LGBT population to have a kids, i will not be father any longer but "PARENT 1"!  My kids in school must learn about same sex marriages and how this is good , and at the same time we can't teach them at home different because we can be punished for preaching hate..

absolutely right ... children must be taught about gay marriages for not having bias against it..

Title: Re: Gay marriage will destabilise family life
Post by: designerusa on February 27, 2016, 06:57:31 PM
This is just an attack on normal ordinary family unit.
Admitting rights to LGBT population to have a kids, i will not be father any longer but "PARENT 1"!  My kids in school must learn about same sex marriages and how this is good , and at the same time we can't teach them at home different because we can be punished for preaching hate..

absolutely right ... children must be taught about gay marriages for not having bias against it..

perfectly agreed.. and in addition to this one, children must be taught about how horrible being a gay in a heterosexual society and must learn about defending themselves for hate crimes..

Title: Re: Gay marriage will destabilise family life
Post by: bitbunnny on February 27, 2016, 07:19:59 PM
I just can't understand why do people object to gay marriages. Why they just can't accept that people love each other? That is in the end the most important thing. Live and let live!

Title: Re: Gay marriage will destabilise family life
Post by: arbitrage on February 28, 2016, 09:41:43 AM
I just can't understand why do people object to gay marriages. Why they just can't accept that people love each other? That is in the end the most important thing. Live and let live!
No one denying their love, this is something against LGBT propaganda to adopt kids.
This is very dangerous because they are asking for redefining of marriage and family.
Today this looks like not harmful, but behind curtain this is destruction of family.
Gay couples cannot have their kids so they are desirable because there is a plan for reducing number of people on planet. Normal families with many kids are not welcome this is clear.

Title: Re: Gay marriage will destabilise family life
Post by: Lituation on February 28, 2016, 03:46:34 PM
I know plenty of gay couples who has better family life than regular people. This is biased, unproven opinion of someone. It has no credibility.

Title: Re: Gay marriage will destabilise family life
Post by: bryant.coleman on February 28, 2016, 04:21:34 PM
I just can't understand why do people object to gay marriages. Why they just can't accept that people love each other? That is in the end the most important thing. Live and let live!

I will accept gay marriage when gay couples learn to live like heterosexual couples. You can't claim that you are married, and then have sex with any stranger in the town. I have already posted links to studies conducted by well-known researchers and posted on various scientific journals, showing that most of the homosexuals have more than 100 sex partners.

Title: Re: Gay marriage will destabilise family life
Post by: eon89 on February 28, 2016, 04:55:37 PM
I just can't understand why do people object to gay marriages. Why they just can't accept that people love each other? That is in the end the most important thing. Live and let live!

I will accept gay marriage when gay couples learn to live like heterosexual couples. You can't claim that you are married, and then have sex with any stranger in the town. I have already posted links to studies conducted by well-known researchers and posted on various scientific journals, showing that most of the homosexuals have more than 100 sex partners.

Also, and this is again backed up by studies, they are carriers and transmit much more STDs than straight people.

Title: Re: Gay marriage will destabilise family life
Post by: valta4065 on February 29, 2016, 09:44:17 AM
MORE GAY HATER'S  :D Thick people..Do proper research when 2 gays have a child the child grows to do  better in life than most kids FACT.
So the question being asked is floored  ;D

So try again THICK STUPID gay haters

Oh it's you again. You're probably gay seeing how much energy you put in defending them...

Your claim without any kind of study means nothing. I don't see how 2 gays could raise a child better than 2 hetero. That makes no sense to me.
What gets said about GAYS hurts me MY SON IS GAY ;D he is such a good kid its unreal and
everyone who meets him always says how good he is..HE IS AN ASSET TO MANKIND NOT A BURDEN ;D

Now for the proof that kids tend to do better if there parents are gay ;D DO your research

some ways, gay parents may bring talents to the table that straight parents don't.

Gay parents "tend to be more motivated, more committed than heterosexual parents on average, because they chose to be parents," said Abbie Goldberg, a psychologist at Clark University in Massachusetts who researches gay and lesbian parenting. Gays and lesbians rarely become parents by accident, compared with an almost 50 percent accidental pregnancy rate among heterosexuals, Goldberg said. "That translates to greater commitment on average and more involvement."

And while research indicates that kids of gay parents show few differences in achievement, mental health, social functioning and other measures, these kids may have the advantage of open-mindedness, tolerance and role models for equitable relationships, according to some research. Not only that, but gays and lesbians are likely to provide homes for difficult-to-place children in the foster system, studies show. (Of course, this isn't to say that heterosexual parents can't bring these same qualities to the parenting table

when 2 gay couples have a child they have them to love to take care of them with all there hearts ..
 a lot of straight couples have children by accident . I.E BROKEN HOMES..
Gays want that child because its not an accident they have planned for it..

Don't get me wrong straight couples who have children can bring up there children just as good..
I am just saying that gay couples tend to do better FACT with there children

Which means gays are not better parents at all. It's just that considering how it's hard for gays to become parents, only those with a better situation and chosing to be parents will be.

In other words, what you're saying could also be: "parents adopting children are better parents". No they're not, it's just that they have a better situation and decide to be parents that's all.

Title: Re: Gay marriage will destabilise family life
Post by: valta4065 on February 29, 2016, 09:47:59 AM
I don't understand how gay marriage can destabilise family life? They can't have kids so I don't see chat family they could destabilise...
Am I missing something here?

I don't have anything against LGBT population, but this is evident that someone pushing their rights as main question everywhere. Agenda exist.
They already have all major rights as we all others have.
Why all others must accept changing in definition "what is family" in order to please some sexual minorities?
What is next?

You don't have to change your definition and you can teach your kid whatever you want wtf are you talking about?

Gay marriage is just a right granted to gay people without taking any of your liberty! how could it be something wrong in any way?

Title: Re: Gay marriage will destabilise family life
Post by: ahmedjadoon on February 29, 2016, 10:03:39 AM
I agree this is against human nature.

Title: Re: Gay marriage will destabilise family life
Post by: mOgliE on February 29, 2016, 10:54:42 AM
I agree this is against human nature.

Great. Cool. So why are animals doing it? Because even animals are against nature? Why are homosexuals existing since the beginning of mankind? Because we're against the nature since we've been created?

Would you care to define "nature then"?

Title: Re: Gay marriage will destabilise family life
Post by: arbitrage on February 29, 2016, 02:43:18 PM
You don't have to change your definition and you can teach your kid whatever you want wtf are you talking about?

Gay marriage is just a right granted to gay people without taking any of your liberty! how could it be something wrong in any way?

Why kids must be disturbed with such perverse teachings?
I mean those are small children, why they must learn about SEX?
Isn't this little early for them?
Children must be protected not confused and indoctrinated like this!
This is what will happen and what i'm trying to say!

Title: Re: Gay marriage will destabilise family life
Post by: craked5 on February 29, 2016, 02:46:16 PM
You don't have to change your definition and you can teach your kid whatever you want wtf are you talking about?

Gay marriage is just a right granted to gay people without taking any of your liberty! how could it be something wrong in any way?

Why kids must be disturbed with such perverse teachings?
I mean those are small children, why they must learn about SEX?
Isn't this little early for them?
Children must be protected not confused and indoctrinated like this!
This is what will happen and what i'm trying to say!

What is dangerous or indoctrinating in teaching them how the body works? Oo

What is perverse about this??

It's just to explain them how they work! That's all!
You consider indoctrination and perversion explaining them how you make babies? xD

Title: Re: Gay marriage will destabilise family life
Post by: Snail2 on February 29, 2016, 02:48:54 PM
Gay marriage isn't the cause of destabilised family life. That was destabilized long time ago. I'd say this is an at least hundred years old story, what accelerating since the 70's, partly because of re-evaluation of traditional gender roles, partly because of the ever decreasing purchasing power of salaries, and also because of marxist indoctrination in most of the schools.

Title: Re: Gay marriage will destabilise family life
Post by: arbitrage on February 29, 2016, 02:51:37 PM
I agree this is against human nature.

Great. Cool. So why are animals doing it? Because even animals are against nature? Why are homosexuals existing since the beginning of mankind? Because we're against the nature since we've been created?

Would you care to define "nature then"?
Everyone can do whatever he likes to do and that is not question at all.
If they love same sex they can enjoy it.

But when all this starts influence normal families then is time for draw the line.
This is about protecting family nothing more.

Title: Re: Gay marriage will destabilise family life
Post by: mOgliE on February 29, 2016, 02:52:21 PM
Gay marriage isn't the cause of destabilised family life. That was destabilized long time ago. I'd say this is an at least hundred years old story, what accelerating since the 70's, partly because of re-evaluation of traditional gender roles, partly because of the ever decreasing purchasing power of salaries, and also because of marxist indoctrination in most of the schools.


So we should come back to the good old "woman at house, men at work" ?
If you want to go this way, I'd say the family destabilisation was caused probably a few thousands years ago, when we started to take care of our olds and weaks. A few thousands years ago we just let them die, it was much easier and much closer to nature.

Title: Re: Gay marriage will destabilise family life
Post by: mOgliE on February 29, 2016, 02:53:09 PM
I agree this is against human nature.

Great. Cool. So why are animals doing it? Because even animals are against nature? Why are homosexuals existing since the beginning of mankind? Because we're against the nature since we've been created?

Would you care to define "nature then"?
Everyone can do whatever he likes to do and that is not question at all.
If they love same sex they can enjoy it.

But when all this starts influence normal families then is time for draw the line.
This is about protecting family nothing more.

And my question is all about one thing:
In which way are gays marriage putting your family in danger?

Title: Re: Gay marriage will destabilise family life
Post by: arbitrage on February 29, 2016, 03:02:35 PM
What is dangerous or indoctrinating in teaching them how the body works? Oo

What is perverse about this??

It's just to explain them how they work! That's all!
You consider indoctrination and perversion explaining them how you make babies? xD
Kids are not yet mentally prepared for knowledge like this.
You can influence on kids because they are not corrupted and don't have attitude yet.
This is very dangerous and you must be retarded not to see where all this is going.

It is natural for kids to be curious about new things.
Did you watch porn at age 6?
Do you know how this is dangerous?

Title: Re: Gay marriage will destabilise family life
Post by: mOgliE on February 29, 2016, 03:26:13 PM
What is dangerous or indoctrinating in teaching them how the body works? Oo

What is perverse about this??

It's just to explain them how they work! That's all!
You consider indoctrination and perversion explaining them how you make babies? xD
Kids are not yet mentally prepared for knowledge like this.
You can influence on kids because they are not corrupted and don't have attitude yet.
This is very dangerous and you must be retarded not to see where all this is going.

It is natural for kids to be curious about new things.
Did you watch porn at age 6?
Do you know how this is dangerous?

Lol, so what's the correct age for such thing my dear sir? And who decides of it?

And there is an incredible difference between porn and sex education --'

Title: Re: Gay marriage will destabilise family life
Post by: Snail2 on February 29, 2016, 03:39:08 PM

So we should come back to the good old "woman at house, men at work" ?
If you want to go this way, I'd say the family destabilisation was caused probably a few thousands years ago, when we started to take care of our olds and weaks. A few thousands years ago we just let them die, it was much easier and much closer to nature.

That's no longer working. That's why I mentioned the "ever decreasing purchasing power of salaries" between other reasons. Even if some ladies would want to be "full-time housewives", they can't really do that in most cases if they are want some good living standards.
Actually the elders in a family were a stabilizing force in most cases. (BTW higher primates, dolphins, elephants, crows used to care about their elderly, so this is more likely something about intelligence.)

Title: Re: Gay marriage will destabilise family life
Post by: arbitrage on February 29, 2016, 08:44:47 PM
Lol, so what's the correct age for such thing my dear sir? And who decides of it?

And there is an incredible difference between porn and sex education --'
Sexual education can start only when kids are ready and this is after age of 12.
because after that performances puberty so this is best time also for confusing adolescents.
 So must be conducted according to the nature.

If you every day talking about gay love you will influence on kids this is sure.
Same if you everyday calling some kid stupid, eventually he will develop some signs of disorder or retardation.
Now you know why is this dangerous.

Title: Re: Gay marriage will destabilise family life
Post by: popcorn1 on February 29, 2016, 09:20:28 PM
Gay marriage isn't the cause of destabilised family life. That was destabilized long time ago. I'd say this is an at least hundred years old story, what accelerating since the 70's, partly because of re-evaluation of traditional gender roles, partly because of the ever decreasing purchasing power of salaries, and also because of marxist indoctrination in most of the schools.
Try tell a women she staying in while you go the pub in the 21st century  :D MURDER Am scared to even mention the pub
years ago she would of had no choice but to stay in and mind the kids..

Title: Re: Gay marriage will destabilise family life
Post by: Arrakeen on February 29, 2016, 09:29:16 PM
Lol, so what's the correct age for such thing my dear sir? And who decides of it?

And there is an incredible difference between porn and sex education --'
Sexual education can start only when kids are ready and this is after age of 12.
because after that performances puberty so this is best time also for confusing adolescents.
 So must be conducted according to the nature.

If you every day talking about gay love you will influence on kids this is sure.
Same if you everyday calling some kid stupid, eventually he will develop some signs of disorder or retardation.
Now you know why is this dangerous.


The only signs they'll develop is hatred, towards you.  Possibly a lowered value of self-worth, if no one corrects your abuse.  Depression, etc.  But no one will end up retarded just because you tell them that every day  :D WOW

Sex education is fucking useless; we learn it from our peers.  The only thing people should be learning is how to stay safe - not how to put a fucking condom on a banana in middle school.  Learn from your mistakes, that's what puberty is all about  :P

So must be conducted according to the nature.

The 'natural' way is for them to learn themselves.  If, while learning, they discover attraction towards the same sex....well, that'd be nature.  If they don't - nature.  I tried the same sex thing - kissed a dude - and very, very quickly learned that route wasn't mine LOL

But do I regret it?  No, because I found out myself - not because some 'instructor' told me what gender was correct.

(I'm not attacking you in this post, just making a comment based off of yours!)

Title: Re: Gay marriage will destabilise family life
Post by: McDonalds5 on February 29, 2016, 09:30:34 PM
I agree this is against human nature.

Great. Cool. So why are animals doing it?

Humans are above animals.

Title: Re: Gay marriage will destabilise family life
Post by: Arrakeen on February 29, 2016, 09:38:33 PM
I agree this is against human nature.

Great. Cool. So why are animals doing it?

Humans are above animals.

No they're not...just because we can build things with tools and realize our self-awareness, doesn't mean other animals don't do the same.  We just don't fully understand them, and probably never will.

Title: Re: Gay marriage will destabilise family life
Post by: mainpmf on February 29, 2016, 09:41:12 PM
Lol, so what's the correct age for such thing my dear sir? And who decides of it?

And there is an incredible difference between porn and sex education --'
Sexual education can start only when kids are ready and this is after age of 12.
because after that performances puberty so this is best time also for confusing adolescents.
 So must be conducted according to the nature.

If you every day talking about gay love you will influence on kids this is sure.
Same if you everyday calling some kid stupid, eventually he will develop some signs of disorder or retardation.
Now you know why is this dangerous.

So the great mighty arbitrage came to tell us at which age it's good to teach about sex.

You know that puberty depends on each child right? And the puberty age is slowly but surely decreasing because of better living conditions.

It means some kids will reach puberty at not even 10.

I guess it's not a bad thing to start teaching them about sex ed at 8.

Title: Re: Gay marriage will destabilise family life
Post by: mainpmf on February 29, 2016, 09:42:15 PM
I agree this is against human nature.

Great. Cool. So why are animals doing it?

Humans are above animals.

Hmm... No...
And describe what's human nature then!

Title: Re: Gay marriage will destabilise family life
Post by: McDonalds5 on February 29, 2016, 09:45:15 PM
I agree this is against human nature.

Great. Cool. So why are animals doing it?

Humans are above animals.

We are apes.

Don't believe every lie public school socialists tell you  ;)

Title: Re: Gay marriage will destabilise family life
Post by: arbitrage on February 29, 2016, 09:53:47 PM

The only signs they'll develop is hatred, towards you.  Possibly a lowered value of self-worth, if no one corrects your abuse.  Depression, etc.  But no one will end up retarded just because you tell them that every day  :D WOW

Sex education is fucking useless; we learn it from our peers.  The only thing people should be learning is how to stay safe - not how to put a fucking condom on a banana in middle school.  Learn from your mistakes, that's what puberty is all about  :P
Yes you has rightfully corrected me i admit this, thanks.
 I'm writing with passion ( so i made few mistakes calling things with different names) , because i truly believe in this bad influence of gay propaganda, i have kids. And i'm Father and don't want to call me "parent 1".

Title: Re: Gay marriage will destabilise family life
Post by: popcorn1 on February 29, 2016, 10:02:52 PM
I agree this is against human nature.

Great. Cool. So why are animals doing it?

Humans are above animals.
some animals look after their young better than humans?.So are humans above animals

Title: Re: Gay marriage will destabilise family life
Post by: popcorn1 on February 29, 2016, 10:18:45 PM

The only signs they'll develop is hatred, towards you.  Possibly a lowered value of self-worth, if no one corrects your abuse.  Depression, etc.  But no one will end up retarded just because you tell them that every day  :D WOW

Sex education is fucking useless; we learn it from our peers.  The only thing people should be learning is how to stay safe - not how to put a fucking condom on a banana in middle school.  Learn from your mistakes, that's what puberty is all about  :P
Yes you has rightfully corrected me i admit this, thanks.
 I'm writing with passion ( so i made few mistakes calling things with different names) , because i truly believe in this bad influence of gay propaganda, i have kids. And i'm Father and don't want to call me "parent 1".
You can get your kids to call you anything you want their your kids? Keep putting poison in their brains and they will call you twat

Title: Re: Gay marriage will destabilise family life
Post by: Arrakeen on March 01, 2016, 01:14:06 AM

The only signs they'll develop is hatred, towards you.  Possibly a lowered value of self-worth, if no one corrects your abuse.  Depression, etc.  But no one will end up retarded just because you tell them that every day  :D WOW

Sex education is fucking useless; we learn it from our peers.  The only thing people should be learning is how to stay safe - not how to put a fucking condom on a banana in middle school.  Learn from your mistakes, that's what puberty is all about  :P
Yes you has rightfully corrected me i admit this, thanks.
 I'm writing with passion ( so i made few mistakes calling things with different names) , because i truly believe in this bad influence of gay propaganda, i have kids. And i'm Father and don't want to call me "parent 1".
You can get your kids to call you anything you want their your kids? Keep putting poison in their brains and they will call you twat

But if they call him twat enough times, will he become one? That's what is important here  :o

Title: Re: Gay marriage will destabilise family life
Post by: popcorn1 on March 01, 2016, 01:23:45 AM

The only signs they'll develop is hatred, towards you.  Possibly a lowered value of self-worth, if no one corrects your abuse.  Depression, etc.  But no one will end up retarded just because you tell them that every day  :D WOW

Sex education is fucking useless; we learn it from our peers.  The only thing people should be learning is how to stay safe - not how to put a fucking condom on a banana in middle school.  Learn from your mistakes, that's what puberty is all about  :P
Yes you has rightfully corrected me i admit this, thanks.
 I'm writing with passion ( so i made few mistakes calling things with different names) , because i truly believe in this bad influence of gay propaganda, i have kids. And i'm Father and don't want to call me "parent 1".
You can get your kids to call you anything you want their your kids? Keep putting poison in their brains and they will call you twat

But if they call him twat enough times, will he become one? That's what is important here  :o
If it's his way of thinking then yes.. If it's my way of thinking then no..
But the trouble is he already is one :D

Title: Re: Gay marriage will destabilise family life
Post by: arbitrage on March 01, 2016, 09:14:28 AM
You can't rely on kids "he will find his path" they are confused and that's why we have
parents to guide us and help us till we grow up. Kids must not be confused while they growing up.

Title: Re: Gay marriage will destabilise family life
Post by: valta4065 on March 01, 2016, 10:28:23 AM
I agree this is against human nature.

Great. Cool. So why are animals doing it?

Humans are above animals.

We are apes.

Don't believe every lie public school socialists tell you  ;)

AH OK!!!

You're just another shitty creationnist dumbass ^^

Please people, don't stop here, we've got another idiot believing that God created humans and that the multiple proofs of evolution have been created by Satan in order to make us doubt God.

Title: Re: Gay marriage will destabilise family life
Post by: valta4065 on March 01, 2016, 10:31:31 AM
You can't rely on kids "he will find his path" they are confused and that's why we have
parents to guide us and help us till we grow up. Kids must not be confused while they growing up.

And who are you to decide what confuses them or not? What is in the "it gonna confuse kids" column and what is in the "it's ok for my kids" column?
Kids must be taught how things are. From an objective perspective.
An objective perspective would be to explain them what sex is and that it can be between two persons of the same sex though it's a minority compared to two persons of different sex.

Title: Re: Gay marriage will destabilise family life
Post by: Snail2 on March 01, 2016, 12:10:26 PM
And who are you to decide what confuses them or not? What is in the "it gonna confuse kids" column and what is in the "it's ok for my kids" column?
Kids must be taught how things are. From an objective perspective.
An objective perspective would be to explain them what sex is and that it can be between two persons of the same sex though it's a minority compared to two persons of different sex.

Two fathers or a father and another bloke who behaving as "mom" (or the same thing with lesbians) can be as confusing for a kid as a topless bar for a baby :). Also in most cases the promiscuity of same sex couples used to be a lot higher than in most of the cases of hetero couples.

Title: Re: Gay marriage will destabilise family life
Post by: mainpmf on March 01, 2016, 02:39:39 PM
And who are you to decide what confuses them or not? What is in the "it gonna confuse kids" column and what is in the "it's ok for my kids" column?
Kids must be taught how things are. From an objective perspective.
An objective perspective would be to explain them what sex is and that it can be between two persons of the same sex though it's a minority compared to two persons of different sex.

Two fathers or a father and another bloke who behaving as "mom" (or the same thing with lesbians) can be as confusing for a kid as a topless bar for a baby :). Also in most cases the promiscuity of same sex couples used to be a lot higher than in most of the cases of hetero couples.

And I suppose you're a professor in social sciences and also have a PhD in psychology and you made a study on children and the effect of same sex couples promiscuity on children?

Cause if not your assertion, though having a lots of conviction, is nothing but a mere opinion.

Title: Re: Gay marriage will destabilise family life
Post by: Snail2 on March 01, 2016, 04:02:08 PM
And I suppose you're a professor in social sciences and also have a PhD in psychology and you made a study on children and the effect of same sex couples promiscuity on children?

Cause if not your assertion, though having a lots of conviction, is nothing but a mere opinion.

Well, we are here for telling our opinion, I guess. This is mine. Take it or leave it :).

It's well known that the promiscuity of parents used to have an effect on the sexual behaviour of children. I guess that's the same in the case of same sex parents.

Title: Re: Gay marriage will destabilise family life
Post by: chanchel on March 01, 2016, 04:45:48 PM
And we are not to hate people. We have a right not to like what they do. There is people in this crypto field that some of us don't like what they do cause well we don't like it. But we don't hate them. We don't like their behaviors and their destruction of society as the OP states.
I hate the crypto scammers ..SO FLOORED AGAIN :D

I don't hate people. I may hate their actions but not people
Yer right someone steels my money i love them  :D :D

Also it makes no sense you hate there actions but you don't hate the person :-\

See it's a bit hypocritical because it's the person doing it

You obviously don't have children.  Everyone can say that they hate an action but not the person.  My kids do things all the time that I absolutely hate, but I love my children.  People are not perfect and everyone does stupid things.  For example, there were several of us playing soccer one night (all grown men) and 2 of my brothers got into a fist fight that I had to break up.  I hate the fact that they fought like children, but I don't hate them, I still love them.  Just because we disapprove of an action does not mean we hate someone.  This is how the the gay marriage thing gained traction, if anyone disagrees with you then you are a hater.  You know what the next is going to be?  Pedophilia is going the same was as gay acceptance, they are going to make you feel bad for despising what they do and gain acceptance because its "natural".  You will see.

Title: Re: Gay marriage will destabilise family life
Post by: craked5 on March 01, 2016, 07:14:02 PM
And I suppose you're a professor in social sciences and also have a PhD in psychology and you made a study on children and the effect of same sex couples promiscuity on children?

Cause if not your assertion, though having a lots of conviction, is nothing but a mere opinion.

Well, we are here for telling our opinion, I guess. This is mine. Take it or leave it :).

It's well known that the promiscuity of parents used to have an effect on the sexual behaviour of children. I guess that's the same in the case of same sex parents.

Well if it's stated as an opinion I don't see why what you're saying would be a problem.

But maybe it was a bit unclear that it was effectively your opinion and not a pure fact :)

To be honest I think I'll even take it on this question!

Title: Re: Gay marriage will destabilise family life
Post by: popcorn1 on March 01, 2016, 09:48:35 PM
And we are not to hate people. We have a right not to like what they do. There is people in this crypto field that some of us don't like what they do cause well we don't like it. But we don't hate them. We don't like their behaviors and their destruction of society as the OP states.
I hate the crypto scammers ..SO FLOORED AGAIN :D

I don't hate people. I may hate their actions but not people
Yer right someone steels my money i love them  :D :D

Also it makes no sense you hate there actions but you don't hate the person :-\

See it's a bit hypocritical because it's the person doing it

You obviously don't have children.  Everyone can say that they hate an action but not the person.  My kids do things all the time that I absolutely hate, but I love my children.  People are not perfect and everyone does stupid things.  For example, there were several of us playing soccer one night (all grown men) and 2 of my brothers got into a fist fight that I had to break up.  I hate the fact that they fought like children, but I don't hate them, I still love them.  Just because we disapprove of an action does not mean we hate someone.  This is how the the gay marriage thing gained traction, if anyone disagrees with you then you are a hater.  You know what the next is going to be?  Pedophilia is going the same was as gay acceptance, they are going to make you feel bad for despising what they do and gain acceptance because its "natural".  You will see.
Pedophilia is going the same was as gay acceptance, :o..
Your mentality says it all.Also I have 4 kids..
NO CHILD SHOULD BE HAVING SEX STRAIGHT OR GAY ;D EDUCATION EDUCATION.I am a great believer in not letting a child grow up to fast.

Also don't let them hang around on street corners..Once there 18 or 21 there free to do as they please .It's there life..
But at least you give them the right attitude to face the world ;D

My kids do things all the time that I absolutely hate, YOU SAY
THEN YOU GOT NO CONTROL OVER YOUR KIDS ;D    man if you let your kids do things that you absolutely hate your in for a ruff ride..
Reward them for the good punish them for the bad..PUNISHMENT take there phones computers away for an amount of time..Always reward for the good..cuddle them praise them make them feel like a million dollars for being good..
say if they get a good grade you will take them on a day out or buy them something..Always praise them for the good that a child does it makes them feel special ..BECAUSE THEY ARE SPECIAL GAY OR STRAIGHT ;D   don't be an ass hole all your life one day it could be your son or daughter who turns around and tells you there gay.
Let them grow up to think there parents will love them no matter what they are as long as there not hurting anyone

Title: Re: Gay marriage will destabilise family life
Post by: mikehersh2 on March 02, 2016, 02:05:32 AM
You should be able to marry whoever you want, no matter what gender, no matter what. saying that it will "destabilize family life" is just a fancy way of saying you're afraid of change

Title: Re: Gay marriage will destabilise family life
Post by: chanchel on March 02, 2016, 09:53:17 PM
And we are not to hate people. We have a right not to like what they do. There is people in this crypto field that some of us don't like what they do cause well we don't like it. But we don't hate them. We don't like their behaviors and their destruction of society as the OP states.
I hate the crypto scammers ..SO FLOORED AGAIN :D

I don't hate people. I may hate their actions but not people
Yer right someone steels my money i love them  :D :D

Also it makes no sense you hate there actions but you don't hate the person :-\

See it's a bit hypocritical because it's the person doing it

You obviously don't have children.  Everyone can say that they hate an action but not the person.  My kids do things all the time that I absolutely hate, but I love my children.  People are not perfect and everyone does stupid things.  For example, there were several of us playing soccer one night (all grown men) and 2 of my brothers got into a fist fight that I had to break up.  I hate the fact that they fought like children, but I don't hate them, I still love them.  Just because we disapprove of an action does not mean we hate someone.  This is how the the gay marriage thing gained traction, if anyone disagrees with you then you are a hater.  You know what the next is going to be?  Pedophilia is going the same was as gay acceptance, they are going to make you feel bad for despising what they do and gain acceptance because its "natural".  You will see.
Pedophilia is going the same was as gay acceptance, :o..
Your mentality says it all.Also I have 4 kids..
NO CHILD SHOULD BE HAVING SEX STRAIGHT OR GAY ;D EDUCATION EDUCATION.I am a great believer in not letting a child grow up to fast.

Also don't let them hang around on street corners..Once there 18 or 21 there free to do as they please .It's there life..
But at least you give them the right attitude to face the world ;D

My kids do things all the time that I absolutely hate, YOU SAY
THEN YOU GOT NO CONTROL OVER YOUR KIDS ;D    man if you let your kids do things that you absolutely hate your in for a ruff ride..
Reward them for the good punish them for the bad..PUNISHMENT take there phones computers away for an amount of time..Always reward for the good..cuddle them praise them make them feel like a million dollars for being good..
say if they get a good grade you will take them on a day out or buy them something..Always praise them for the good that a child does it makes them feel special ..BECAUSE THEY ARE SPECIAL GAY OR STRAIGHT ;D   don't be an ass hole all your life one day it could be your son or daughter who turns around and tells you there gay.
Let them grow up to think there parents will love them no matter what they are as long as there not hurting anyone

Well then you must be the absolute perfect parent.  Your kids can do no wrong because you have absolute control over them.  Every day must be a fun day in your house, rule with an iron fist!!!!!  Doesn't feel good to be judged by someone you don't know, does it?  But really I have no idea how you parent do I?
You are trying to judge how I parent and you know absolutely nothing about me.  I never said anything about my child having sex, where did that come from?  So, if one of your kids becomes a drug addict living on the street, you will just say, "oh, its so lovely when you are high, drugs are fantastic."  Because you are not allowed to hate their actions.  I hate it when my children fight, I don't stand for it, they do get punished for it (no I can't take away their phone or xbox because they don't have either, nor will they for some time).  I praise them all the time when they do good, they get rewarded for good grades, they get rewarded for doing chores, they get one on one time with their parents.  You said that its hypocritical to hate an action but not the person.  Just think about how stupid that statement really is.  I hate it when i lose my temper, but I don't hate myself.  If you want to know what all the parenting books tell you about praise and punishment.  1.  Praise first, there should be 5 positives for every negative.  2.  You don't praise the person, i.e. you're such a good boy, you praise the action, jimmy you did a fantastic job on your chores today.  If you label the child then they feel labeled, whether its always having to live up to being the good boy (which often leads to depression) or your stupid (obvious where that one leads).  Don't judge how I parent, I don't judge how anyone else parents.  Every child is different, there isn't cookie cutter mold on how to raise children because they all have different challenges.  I have a very good friend who is gay, i don't hate him, but I think homosexual acts are a sin and don't like them.  I can still love my son or daughter if they are gay, just like I would still love them if they were a drug addict, but I can hate the action. 
As far as the pedophilia goes, have you seen siecus (who they are).  They are in charge of a lot of sexual education in the US, much to the dismay of many parents.  They tried to push their agenda in our school district and was shut down.  Anyway, they want to teach kindergarten age children that masturbation is good, they also want to force high school age kids to read certain books.  The premise of one of those books is to get you to feel sympathy for the pedophile.  Read over this  I've read many other articles that say much the same. 

Title: Re: Gay marriage will destabilise family life
Post by: popcorn1 on March 02, 2016, 11:10:27 PM
And we are not to hate people. We have a right not to like what they do. There is people in this crypto field that some of us don't like what they do cause well we don't like it. But we don't hate them. We don't like their behaviors and their destruction of society as the OP states.
I hate the crypto scammers ..SO FLOORED AGAIN :D

I don't hate people. I may hate their actions but not people
Yer right someone steels my money i love them  :D :D

Also it makes no sense you hate there actions but you don't hate the person :-\

See it's a bit hypocritical because it's the person doing it

You obviously don't have children.  Everyone can say that they hate an action but not the person.  My kids do things all the time that I absolutely hate, but I love my children.  People are not perfect and everyone does stupid things.  For example, there were several of us playing soccer one night (all grown men) and 2 of my brothers got into a fist fight that I had to break up.  I hate the fact that they fought like children, but I don't hate them, I still love them.  Just because we disapprove of an action does not mean we hate someone.  This is how the the gay marriage thing gained traction, if anyone disagrees with you then you are a hater.  You know what the next is going to be?  Pedophilia is going the same was as gay acceptance, they are going to make you feel bad for despising what they do and gain acceptance because its "natural".  You will see.
Pedophilia is going the same was as gay acceptance, :o..
Your mentality says it all.Also I have 4 kids..
NO CHILD SHOULD BE HAVING SEX STRAIGHT OR GAY ;D EDUCATION EDUCATION.I am a great believer in not letting a child grow up to fast.

Also don't let them hang around on street corners..Once there 18 or 21 there free to do as they please .It's there life..
But at least you give them the right attitude to face the world ;D

My kids do things all the time that I absolutely hate, YOU SAY
THEN YOU GOT NO CONTROL OVER YOUR KIDS ;D    man if you let your kids do things that you absolutely hate your in for a ruff ride..
Reward them for the good punish them for the bad..PUNISHMENT take there phones computers away for an amount of time..Always reward for the good..cuddle them praise them make them feel like a million dollars for being good..
say if they get a good grade you will take them on a day out or buy them something..Always praise them for the good that a child does it makes them feel special ..BECAUSE THEY ARE SPECIAL GAY OR STRAIGHT ;D   don't be an ass hole all your life one day it could be your son or daughter who turns around and tells you there gay.
Let them grow up to think there parents will love them no matter what they are as long as there not hurting anyone

Well then you must be the absolute perfect parent.  Your kids can do no wrong because you have absolute control over them.  Every day must be a fun day in your house, rule with an iron fist!!!!!  Doesn't feel good to be judged by someone you don't know, does it?  But really I have no idea how you parent do I?
You are trying to judge how I parent and you know absolutely nothing about me.  I never said anything about my child having sex, where did that come from?  So, if one of your kids becomes a drug addict living on the street, you will just say, "oh, its so lovely when you are high, drugs are fantastic."  Because you are not allowed to hate their actions.  I hate it when my children fight, I don't stand for it, they do get punished for it (no I can't take away their phone or xbox because they don't have either, nor will they for some time).  I praise them all the time when they do good, they get rewarded for good grades, they get rewarded for doing chores, they get one on one time with their parents.  You said that its hypocritical to hate an action but not the person.  Just think about how stupid that statement really is.  I hate it when i lose my temper, but I don't hate myself.  If you want to know what all the parenting books tell you about praise and punishment.  1.  Praise first, there should be 5 positives for every negative.  2.  You don't praise the person, i.e. you're such a good boy, you praise the action, jimmy you did a fantastic job on your chores today.  If you label the child then they feel labeled, whether its always having to live up to being the good boy (which often leads to depression) or your stupid (obvious where that one leads).  Don't judge how I parent, I don't judge how anyone else parents.  Every child is different, there isn't cookie cutter mold on how to raise children because they all have different challenges.  I have a very good friend who is gay, i don't hate him, but I think homosexual acts are a sin and don't like them.  I can still love my son or daughter if they are gay, just like I would still love them if they were a drug addict, but I can hate the action. 
As far as the pedophilia goes, have you seen siecus (who they are).  They are in charge of a lot of sexual education in the US, much to the dismay of many parents.  They tried to push their agenda in our school district and was shut down.  Anyway, they want to teach kindergarten age children that masturbation is good, they also want to force high school age kids to read certain books.  The premise of one of those books is to get you to feel sympathy for the pedophile.  Read over this  I've read many other articles that say much the same. 
My kids are more disciplined than i am all black belts in ju jitsu..I smoke weed drink now and then
19 year old boy is gay 2nd dan black belt in ju jitsu..He teaches adults self defence classes all know he is gay and all love and respect him..
13 year old girl 7 gold tab junior black belt top sets in all subjects in school sports captain prefect in school. Wants to study law.

Now i got 2 older boys i had a child already and so did my wife I had no say so over there lives
And trust me there both fucking useless..
So I am only telling you by my experiences of life ..

 A very good friend who is gay You say..VERY STRANGE..

I have loads of  gay friends and when I look at them I am thinking you dirty fucker what your doing is a sin and your going to hell because your the cause of pedophiles you dirty gay person..
and also you dirty gay sinner if you get married and have kids they will grow up mentality ill?

Now if i thought like this why would they even be my friend?
And if you say you don't think like that your an out an out liar..WHAT YOUR SAYING SAYS IT ALL

Grow up and get a life SAD MAN

Title: Re: Gay marriage will destabilise family life
Post by: valta4065 on March 03, 2016, 10:57:19 AM
You should be able to marry whoever you want, no matter what gender, no matter what. saying that it will "destabilize family life" is just a fancy way of saying you're afraid of change


Only correct comment I've seen here.
Gay marriage is granting freedom to some (the gays) while not touching the freedom of the others.

It's a simple equation. As everyone is or winning or not losing, it should be what's made.

Title: Re: Gay marriage will destabilise family life
Post by: craked5 on March 03, 2016, 12:03:31 PM
And we are not to hate people. We have a right not to like what they do. There is people in this crypto field that some of us don't like what they do cause well we don't like it. But we don't hate them. We don't like their behaviors and their destruction of society as the OP states.
I hate the crypto scammers ..SO FLOORED AGAIN :D

I don't hate people. I may hate their actions but not people
Yer right someone steels my money i love them  :D :D

Also it makes no sense you hate there actions but you don't hate the person :-\

See it's a bit hypocritical because it's the person doing it

You obviously don't have children.  Everyone can say that they hate an action but not the person.  My kids do things all the time that I absolutely hate, but I love my children.  People are not perfect and everyone does stupid things.  For example, there were several of us playing soccer one night (all grown men) and 2 of my brothers got into a fist fight that I had to break up.  I hate the fact that they fought like children, but I don't hate them, I still love them.  Just because we disapprove of an action does not mean we hate someone.  This is how the the gay marriage thing gained traction, if anyone disagrees with you then you are a hater.  You know what the next is going to be?  Pedophilia is going the same was as gay acceptance, they are going to make you feel bad for despising what they do and gain acceptance because its "natural".  You will see.

There is a strict and easy limit that can be made here. Pedophilia isn't a problem because it's youngs and olds. I don't care about the difference of age of two people for example. The problem of pedophilia is mutual consent.
A child can't give his consent for sexual intercourse.

Hence pedophilia can be nothing but a rape. Hence it can't be accepted.

Title: Re: Gay marriage will destabilise family life
Post by: Snail2 on March 03, 2016, 12:18:28 PM
Well if it's stated as an opinion I don't see why what you're saying would be a problem.

But maybe it was a bit unclear that it was effectively your opinion and not a pure fact :)

To be honest I think I'll even take it on this question!

Apart from difficulty and block number everything else is an opinion here :). My opinion is based on some scientifically proven facts what I was able to gather on the internet and also on events what I've seen with my own eyes. Of course the first can be wrong :).

Title: Re: Gay marriage will destabilise family life
Post by: MRKLYE on March 03, 2016, 12:20:21 PM
Take your anti-gay bullshit and shove it up your ass bud.

Title: Re: Gay marriage will destabilise family life
Post by: magnific61 on March 03, 2016, 12:35:34 PM
I find this disgusty!
Man how can marry with a man?  Or how a woman can with a woman?
It is against to human nature

Title: Re: Gay marriage will destabilise family life
Post by: craked5 on March 03, 2016, 12:40:46 PM
I find this disgusty!
Man how can marry with a man?  Or how a woman can with a woman?
It is against to human nature

So is your grammar. And your limited IQ.

Please refer to the dozens of previous posts which prove that homosexuality is perfectly natural.
If god created animals, he also created homosexuals.

Title: Re: Gay marriage will destabilise family life
Post by: Snail2 on March 03, 2016, 02:41:31 PM
I find this disgusty!
Man how can marry with a man?  Or how a woman can with a woman?
It is against to human nature

Tastes are different :). I also do not understand why a man would find appealing an other man (I can understand lesbians tho'), but it's not against human nature. It's something about Xq28, 7q36, 8p12, 10q26 and also something with the lack of fucose mutarotase according to the latest researches.

Title: Re: Gay marriage will destabilise family life
Post by: arbitrage on March 03, 2016, 03:12:15 PM

And who are you to decide what confuses them or not? What is in the "it gonna confuse kids" column and what is in the "it's ok for my kids" column?
Kids must be taught how things are. From an objective perspective.
An objective perspective would be to explain them what sex is and that it can be between two persons of the same sex though it's a minority compared to two persons of different sex.
What do you know about world when you are small kid?
Parent are those who have rights to teach kids about world and this is their duty.

Only if you are not an advocate that the state can take the children from you, and actually,
our children are not ours. This is problem we can soon face as normal families!
If you not teaching correctly your kids..

Title: Re: Gay marriage will destabilise family life
Post by: arbitrage on March 03, 2016, 03:38:25 PM
So when you are teaching child about drugs, you must tell him to try for himself to
learn on his own skin that this is bad and wrong. Because never belive to no one..
Yes this can be apply to religion and politics but not on moral and life principles,
this must come from father and mother teachings!

Title: Re: Gay marriage will destabilise family life
Post by: xslugx on March 03, 2016, 03:53:49 PM
So when you are teaching child about drugs, you must tell him to try for himself to
learn on his own skin that this is bad and wrong. Because never belive to no one..
Yes this can be apply to religion and politics but not on moral and life principles,
this must come from father and mother teachings!

Or father and father teaching.

Or mother and mother teaching.

Title: Re: Gay marriage will destabilise family life
Post by: BADecker on March 03, 2016, 04:06:22 PM
The kids they adopt will probably be better off than an orphanage, but way worse off than in a heterosexual family.


Title: Re: Gay marriage will destabilise family life
Post by: nostal02 on March 03, 2016, 04:38:23 PM
Im not against it LGBT groups are free to do what they want...
It really depends on how they educate children if they want to have one and proper education means a lot...
Let face the fact that they are part of the society and gay marriage is becoming legal to some country...

Title: Re: Gay marriage will destabilise family life
Post by: xslugx on March 03, 2016, 06:10:30 PM
The kids they adopt will probably be better off than an orphanage, but way worse off than in a heterosexual family.


You know that's funny that's the main goal of homosexuality in Nature.

Penguins for example see there rate of homosexuality evolve in correlation to number of orphans.
And homosexuals Penguins raise the orphans!

Funny no?

Title: Re: Gay marriage will destabilise family life
Post by: popcorn1 on March 03, 2016, 09:06:29 PM
You should be able to marry whoever you want, no matter what gender, no matter what. saying that it will "destabilize family life" is just a fancy way of saying you're afraid of change


Only correct comment I've seen here.
Gay marriage is granting freedom to some (the gays) while not touching the freedom of the others.

It's a simple equation. As everyone is or winning or not losing, it should be what's made.
Only correct comment  :D :D :D I must of been talking threw my butt hole then.
Your so full of shit ;D

Title: Re: Gay marriage will destabilise family life
Post by: popcorn1 on March 03, 2016, 09:17:57 PM
And we are not to hate people. We have a right not to like what they do. There is people in this crypto field that some of us don't like what they do cause well we don't like it. But we don't hate them. We don't like their behaviors and their destruction of society as the OP states.
I hate the crypto scammers ..SO FLOORED AGAIN :D

I don't hate people. I may hate their actions but not people
Yer right someone steels my money i love them  :D :D

Also it makes no sense you hate there actions but you don't hate the person :-\

See it's a bit hypocritical because it's the person doing it

You obviously don't have children.  Everyone can say that they hate an action but not the person.  My kids do things all the time that I absolutely hate, but I love my children.  People are not perfect and everyone does stupid things.  For example, there were several of us playing soccer one night (all grown men) and 2 of my brothers got into a fist fight that I had to break up.  I hate the fact that they fought like children, but I don't hate them, I still love them.  Just because we disapprove of an action does not mean we hate someone.  This is how the the gay marriage thing gained traction, if anyone disagrees with you then you are a hater.  You know what the next is going to be?  Pedophilia is going the same was as gay acceptance, they are going to make you feel bad for despising what they do and gain acceptance because its "natural".  You will see.

There is a strict and easy limit that can be made here. Pedophilia isn't a problem because it's youngs and olds. I don't care about the difference of age of two people for example. The problem of pedophilia is mutual consent.
A child can't give his consent for sexual intercourse.

Hence pedophilia can be nothing but a rape. Hence it can't be accepted.

Your a Weirdo ..JUST READ WHAT YOUR SAYING..Give your head a wobble will you..
Pedophilia IS A FUCKIN PROBLEM >:(..Stop trying to make yourself look smart dumb ass..
You sound like a SICKO

I would never trust my kids around you..FUCK THAT..

Title: Re: Gay marriage will destabilise family life
Post by: magnific61 on March 03, 2016, 09:21:55 PM
I find this disgusty!
Man how can marry with a man?  Or how a woman can with a woman?
It is against to human nature

Tastes are different :). I also do not understand why a man would find appealing an other man (I can understand lesbians tho'), but it's not against human nature. It's something about Xq28, 7q36, 8p12, 10q26 and also something with the lack of fucose mutarotase according to the latest researches.
I don't believe in Darwin Theory. And seriously it has not been proven. So, that meand i am still not proven by answer using Darwin Theory😊
It is still against to human nature also according to Darwin Theory because that theory  says every living wants to sustain its generation.

Title: Re: Gay marriage will destabilise family life
Post by: popcorn1 on March 03, 2016, 09:57:57 PM
I find this disgusty!
Man how can marry with a man?  Or how a woman can with a woman?
It is against to human nature

Tastes are different :). I also do not understand why a man would find appealing an other man (I can understand lesbians tho'), but it's not against human nature. It's something about Xq28, 7q36, 8p12, 10q26 and also something with the lack of fucose mutarotase according to the latest researches.
I don't believe in Darwin Theory. And seriously it has not been proven. So, that meand i am still not proven by answer using Darwin Theory😊
It is still against to human nature also according to Darwin Theory because that theory  says every living wants to sustain its generation.
Go back to happy clapping you will find all the answers..

Title: Re: Gay marriage will destabilise family life
Post by: magnific61 on March 04, 2016, 07:59:08 AM
I find this disgusty!
Man how can marry with a man?  Or how a woman can with a woman?
It is against to human nature

So is your grammar. And your limited IQ.

Please refer to the dozens of previous posts which prove that homosexuality is perfectly natural.
If god created animals, he also created homosexuals.
My grammar may be bad. But english is not my native language.  With my limited iq i can speak 3 more languages except english. If you like a man behind you that moans by pleasure, just its your choice.

Title: Re: Gay marriage will destabilise family life
Post by: mainpmf on March 04, 2016, 11:31:28 AM
You should be able to marry whoever you want, no matter what gender, no matter what. saying that it will "destabilize family life" is just a fancy way of saying you're afraid of change


Only correct comment I've seen here.
Gay marriage is granting freedom to some (the gays) while not touching the freedom of the others.

It's a simple equation. As everyone is or winning or not losing, it should be what's made.
Only correct comment  :D :D :D I must of been talking threw my butt hole then.
Your so full of shit ;D

Considering the amount of vulgarity you're spitting it might be a possibility yeah.

You're only yelling and insulting. You give few if no logical arguments.

You just abuse the Caps Lock of your keyboard and the emojis that's all.

Title: Re: Gay marriage will destabilise family life
Post by: popcorn1 on March 04, 2016, 10:51:13 PM
You should be able to marry whoever you want, no matter what gender, no matter what. saying that it will "destabilize family life" is just a fancy way of saying you're afraid of change


Only correct comment I've seen here.
Gay marriage is granting freedom to some (the gays) while not touching the freedom of the others.

It's a simple equation. As everyone is or winning or not losing, it should be what's made.
Only correct comment  :D :D :D I must of been talking threw my butt hole then.
Your so full of shit ;D

Considering the amount of vulgarity you're spitting it might be a possibility yeah.

You're only yelling and insulting. You give few if no logical arguments.

You just abuse the Caps Lock of your keyboard and the emojis that's all.
Better than talking all nice .When really your being horrible little cunts OK.
People like you STAB YOU IN THE all nice but really your rats.. ;D SO GO DIE CUNT
Also with a brain like yours waste of space ..Don't believe in Darwin  :D D :Dumb shits

And also the question being asked is a total lie and a fuckin Insult to gay people SO FUCK OFF

Title: Re: Gay marriage will destabilise family life
Post by: TECSHARE on March 05, 2016, 12:33:00 AM
The problem with the logic that anyone who is against gay marriage is against homosexuals or homosexuality is that homosexuals and homosexuality don't involve the government. When you introduce government into the situation, it instantly becomes something that effects every resident of the nation, especially tax payers. Government does not solve problems, it only causes them. Homosexuals rallying for state recognized marriage is no different than begging for more wide distribution of the shackles every one else suffers from. Demanding the government regulate the people more is EVERYONE'S problem regardless of who or what you are sexually attracted to. Reducing this subject down to "you are either for us or against us" is a fallacy and has no place in honest debate. Not everyone who is against gay marriage is a right wing closet gay Jesus freak homophobic bigot.

Title: Re: Gay marriage will destabilise family life
Post by: popcorn1 on March 05, 2016, 01:43:51 AM
The problem with the logic that anyone who is against gay marriage is against homosexuals or homosexuality is that homosexuals and homosexuality don't involve the government. When you introduce government into the situation, it instantly becomes something that effects every resident of the nation, especially tax payers. Government does not solve problems, it only causes them. Homosexuals rallying for state recognized marriage is no different than begging for more wide distribution of the shackles every one else suffers from. Demanding the government regulate the people more is EVERYONE'S problem regardless of who or what you are sexually attracted to. Reducing this subject down to "you are either for us or against us" is a fallacy and has no place in honest debate. Not everyone who is against gay marriage is a right wing closet gay Jesus freak homophobic bigot.
Point 1 if your saying Gay marriage will destabilise family life..Then you are homophobic
If your saying horrible things about gay people how ever nice you put it .Your homophobic

No one slags off the good things in life?.
The government needed to step in or how else would gays been able to get married..

Then I hear people calling people worse than animals.. >:( It gets my blood boiling..

Humans are the most destructful  murdering creature on this planet.

Also I have a friend who is just as vulgar as I am


Title: Re: Gay marriage will destabilise family life
Post by: TECSHARE on March 05, 2016, 02:04:33 AM
The problem with the logic that anyone who is against gay marriage is against homosexuals or homosexuality is that homosexuals and homosexuality don't involve the government. When you introduce government into the situation, it instantly becomes something that effects every resident of the nation, especially tax payers. Government does not solve problems, it only causes them. Homosexuals rallying for state recognized marriage is no different than begging for more wide distribution of the shackles every one else suffers from. Demanding the government regulate the people more is EVERYONE'S problem regardless of who or what you are sexually attracted to. Reducing this subject down to "you are either for us or against us" is a fallacy and has no place in honest debate. Not everyone who is against gay marriage is a right wing closet gay Jesus freak homophobic bigot.
Point 1 if your saying Gay marriage will destabilise family life..Then you are homophobic
If your saying horrible things about gay people how ever nice you put it .Your homophobic

No one slags off the good things in life?.
The government needed to step in or how else would gays been able to get married..

Then I hear people calling people worse than animals.. >:( It gets my blood boiling..

Humans are the most destructful  murdering creature on this planet.

Also I have a friend who is just as vulgar as I am

Good to see your reading comprehension skills are up to snuff. Feel free to continue your intolerance of intolerance. 

P.S. "destructful" is not a word.

Title: Re: Gay marriage will destabilise family life
Post by: af_newbie on March 05, 2016, 02:08:11 AM

Humans are the most destructful  murdering creature on this planet.


We are the most dangerous animals ever.  A plague really.
No other animal in Earth's history was able to dominate (and exterminate) other life forms the way we did.  And on top of that, we developed special ideologies to hate and kill each other.  Really remarkable.

Title: Re: Gay marriage will destabilise family life
Post by: popcorn1 on March 05, 2016, 02:41:02 AM
The problem with the logic that anyone who is against gay marriage is against homosexuals or homosexuality is that homosexuals and homosexuality don't involve the government. When you introduce government into the situation, it instantly becomes something that effects every resident of the nation, especially tax payers. Government does not solve problems, it only causes them. Homosexuals rallying for state recognized marriage is no different than begging for more wide distribution of the shackles every one else suffers from. Demanding the government regulate the people more is EVERYONE'S problem regardless of who or what you are sexually attracted to. Reducing this subject down to "you are either for us or against us" is a fallacy and has no place in honest debate. Not everyone who is against gay marriage is a right wing closet gay Jesus freak homophobic bigot.
Point 1 if your saying Gay marriage will destabilise family life..Then you are homophobic
If your saying horrible things about gay people how ever nice you put it .Your homophobic

No one slags off the good things in life?.
The government needed to step in or how else would gays been able to get married..

Then I hear people calling people worse than animals.. >:( It gets my blood boiling..

Humans are the most destructful  murdering creature on this planet.

Also I have a friend who is just as vulgar as I am

Good to see your reading comprehension skills are up to snuff. Feel free to continue your intolerance of intolerance.  

P.S. "destructful" is not a word.
Sorry I used the wrong word .I am a builder not a secretary.
Where I am from we call people destructful shits. You know exactly what it means.
You can talk with all your long words means nothing when what you say is wrong.

example ..We had a symbiotic relationship she was horrible.Now most people i know would think what is he even talking about..

Now where i am from i would say.
I always done all the work she just sat around and lived like a queen she is taking the piss..
Then everybody understands.

Title: Re: Gay marriage will destabilise family life
Post by: TECSHARE on March 05, 2016, 05:31:10 PM
The problem with the logic that anyone who is against gay marriage is against homosexuals or homosexuality is that homosexuals and homosexuality don't involve the government. When you introduce government into the situation, it instantly becomes something that effects every resident of the nation, especially tax payers. Government does not solve problems, it only causes them. Homosexuals rallying for state recognized marriage is no different than begging for more wide distribution of the shackles every one else suffers from. Demanding the government regulate the people more is EVERYONE'S problem regardless of who or what you are sexually attracted to. Reducing this subject down to "you are either for us or against us" is a fallacy and has no place in honest debate. Not everyone who is against gay marriage is a right wing closet gay Jesus freak homophobic bigot.
Point 1 if your saying Gay marriage will destabilise family life..Then you are homophobic
If your saying horrible things about gay people how ever nice you put it .Your homophobic

No one slags off the good things in life?.
The government needed to step in or how else would gays been able to get married..

Then I hear people calling people worse than animals.. >:( It gets my blood boiling..

Humans are the most destructful  murdering creature on this planet.

Also I have a friend who is just as vulgar as I am

Good to see your reading comprehension skills are up to snuff. Feel free to continue your intolerance of intolerance.  

P.S. "destructful" is not a word.
Sorry I used the wrong word .I am a builder not a secretary.
Where I am from we call people destructful shits. You know exactly what it means.
You can talk with all your long words means nothing when what you say is wrong.

example ..We had a symbiotic relationship she was horrible.Now most people i know would think what is he even talking about..

Now where i am from i would say.
I always done all the work she just sat around and lived like a queen she is taking the piss..
Then everybody understands.

Please, tell me. What exactly did I say that is wrong? Quote me please. With an active link.

Title: Re: Gay marriage will destabilise family life
Post by: popcorn1 on March 06, 2016, 01:35:31 AM
The problem with the logic that anyone who is against gay marriage is against homosexuals or homosexuality is that homosexuals and homosexuality don't involve the government. When you introduce government into the situation, it instantly becomes something that effects every resident of the nation, especially tax payers. Government does not solve problems, it only causes them. Homosexuals rallying for state recognized marriage is no different than begging for more wide distribution of the shackles every one else suffers from. Demanding the government regulate the people more is EVERYONE'S problem regardless of who or what you are sexually attracted to. Reducing this subject down to "you are either for us or against us" is a fallacy and has no place in honest debate. Not everyone who is against gay marriage is a right wing closet gay Jesus freak homophobic bigot.
Point 1 if your saying Gay marriage will destabilise family life..Then you are homophobic
If your saying horrible things about gay people how ever nice you put it .Your homophobic

No one slags off the good things in life?.
The government needed to step in or how else would gays been able to get married..

Then I hear people calling people worse than animals.. >:( It gets my blood boiling..

Humans are the most destructful  murdering creature on this planet.

Also I have a friend who is just as vulgar as I am

Good to see your reading comprehension skills are up to snuff. Feel free to continue your intolerance of intolerance.  

P.S. "destructful" is not a word.
Sorry I used the wrong word .I am a builder not a secretary.
Where I am from we call people destructful shits. You know exactly what it means.
You can talk with all your long words means nothing when what you say is wrong.

example ..We had a symbiotic relationship she was horrible.Now most people i know would think what is he even talking about..

Now where i am from i would say.
I always done all the work she just sat around and lived like a queen she is taking the piss..
Then everybody understands.

Please, tell me. What exactly did I say that is wrong? Quote me please. With an active link.
You have done nothing wrong my friend..I was just saying about destructful I am sorry for using the wrong word..Just people use it a lot where i am from..I know it's destructive ..


Title: Re: Gay marriage will destabilise family life
Post by: TECSHARE on March 06, 2016, 03:47:13 AM
Well thank you for your approval of my speech. Your approval means a lot to me.

Back to the point at hand, if you were not speaking to me or about me, then why the fuck did you quote me when you said those things?

Title: Re: Gay marriage will destabilise family life
Post by: popcorn1 on March 06, 2016, 07:46:19 AM
Well thank you for your approval of my speech. Your approval means a lot to me.

Back to the point at hand, if you were not speaking to me or about me, then why the fuck did you quote me when you said those things?
I pardon you.Take me 30 mins to explain why ..But as I said your all good..Now take a chill pill
before your sclerosis flares up don't want you feeling ill.
Let you off this time next time there wont be one.. A JOKE by the way

So av a nice day and take it easy

Title: Re: Gay marriage will destabilise family life
Post by: TECSHARE on March 06, 2016, 07:49:05 PM
Funny, when someone actually has a good point suddenly everything is a joke and none of your hateful rambling is supposed to mean anything. Smooth.

Title: Re: Gay marriage will destabilise family life
Post by: popcorn1 on March 07, 2016, 12:25:18 AM
Funny, when someone actually has a good point suddenly everything is a joke and none of your hateful rambling is supposed to mean anything. Smooth.
Ok what ever you won ;D AM CONFUSED.COM
How can you mean what you say if you cannot say what you mean..Class.
What point :-\

Title: Re: Gay marriage will destabilise family life
Post by: TECSHARE on March 07, 2016, 04:29:14 AM
Funny, when someone actually has a good point suddenly everything is a joke and none of your hateful rambling is supposed to mean anything. Smooth.
Ok what ever you won ;D AM CONFUSED.COM
How can you mean what you say if you cannot say what you mean..Class.
What point :-\

What do I win? Are you implying I have some kind of ulterior motive for posting here? Most people come here to discuss the subject matter at hand, I don't know what your major mental malfunction is...

Title: Re: Gay marriage will destabilise family life
Post by: valta4065 on March 07, 2016, 10:06:59 AM
The problem with the logic that anyone who is against gay marriage is against homosexuals or homosexuality is that homosexuals and homosexuality don't involve the government. When you introduce government into the situation, it instantly becomes something that effects every resident of the nation, especially tax payers. Government does not solve problems, it only causes them. Homosexuals rallying for state recognized marriage is no different than begging for more wide distribution of the shackles every one else suffers from. Demanding the government regulate the people more is EVERYONE'S problem regardless of who or what you are sexually attracted to. Reducing this subject down to "you are either for us or against us" is a fallacy and has no place in honest debate. Not everyone who is against gay marriage is a right wing closet gay Jesus freak homophobic bigot.

I don't understand your point. What's the problem with homosexuality and right for their marriage?

Do you have any argument against it not linked to religion or homophobia? :)

Title: Re: Gay marriage will destabilise family life
Post by: valta4065 on March 07, 2016, 10:09:59 AM
Considering the amount of vulgarity you're spitting it might be a possibility yeah.

You're only yelling and insulting. You give few if no logical arguments.

You just abuse the Caps Lock of your keyboard and the emojis that's all.
Better than talking all nice .When really your being horrible little cunts OK.
People like you STAB YOU IN THE all nice but really your rats.. ;D SO GO DIE CUNT
Also with a brain like yours waste of space ..Don't believe in Darwin  :D D :Dumb shits

And also the question being asked is a total lie and a fuckin Insult to gay people SO FUCK OFF

You're... Terrifying...

Truly if people like you are usual in USA I understand why they're all talking about "politically correct" legion.

Why are you yelling like this? Why are you insulting us? They both said they were for gay marriage why the fuck are you insulting them like this?

Title: Re: Gay marriage will destabilise family life
Post by: TECSHARE on March 07, 2016, 12:22:17 PM
The problem with the logic that anyone who is against gay marriage is against homosexuals or homosexuality is that homosexuals and homosexuality don't involve the government. When you introduce government into the situation, it instantly becomes something that effects every resident of the nation, especially tax payers. Government does not solve problems, it only causes them. Homosexuals rallying for state recognized marriage is no different than begging for more wide distribution of the shackles every one else suffers from. Demanding the government regulate the people more is EVERYONE'S problem regardless of who or what you are sexually attracted to. Reducing this subject down to "you are either for us or against us" is a fallacy and has no place in honest debate. Not everyone who is against gay marriage is a right wing closet gay Jesus freak homophobic bigot.

If there is homophobia there please point it out.

Title: Re: Gay marriage will destabilise family life
Post by: mainpmf on March 07, 2016, 02:21:07 PM
The problem with the logic that anyone who is against gay marriage is against homosexuals or homosexuality is that homosexuals and homosexuality don't involve the government. When you introduce government into the situation, it instantly becomes something that effects every resident of the nation, especially tax payers. Government does not solve problems, it only causes them. Homosexuals rallying for state recognized marriage is no different than begging for more wide distribution of the shackles every one else suffers from. Demanding the government regulate the people more is EVERYONE'S problem regardless of who or what you are sexually attracted to. Reducing this subject down to "you are either for us or against us" is a fallacy and has no place in honest debate. Not everyone who is against gay marriage is a right wing closet gay Jesus freak homophobic bigot.

If there is homophobia there please point it out.

The question is not the homophobia of your claim cause as far as what you wrote there is none. Question is why there could be a problem with gay marriage? A problem not linked to homophobia.
At least that's what I understand. And anyway I would like to here how you can be opposed to gay marriage from a non religious/non homphobic point of view.

Title: Re: Gay marriage will destabilise family life
Post by: TECSHARE on March 07, 2016, 02:47:02 PM
I know cognitive dissonance prevents you from acknowledging this, but try reading the emboldened text again.

Title: Re: Gay marriage will destabilise family life
Post by: mainpmf on March 07, 2016, 02:57:23 PM
I know cognitive dissonance prevents you from acknowledging this, but try reading the emboldened text again.

Thanks for insulting me. You could also simply rephrase your thoughts but I guess insults are the way Americans do shit...

Well I still don't understand. You say that gay marriage is the concern of everyone because it involves the government. And so? It doesn't explain why gay marriage is a problem.

Title: Re: Gay marriage will destabilise family life
Post by: TECSHARE on March 07, 2016, 03:11:10 PM
I know cognitive dissonance prevents you from acknowledging this, but try reading the emboldened text again.

Thanks for insulting me. You could also simply rephrase your thoughts but I guess insults are the way Americans do shit...

Well I still don't understand. You say that gay marriage is the concern of everyone because it involves the government. And so? It doesn't explain why gay marriage is a problem.

That wasn't an insult, but attacking me based on my nationality is a personal attack however. I was pointing out the fact that you are conditioned to ignore the simple logic of this scenario. I never said gay marriage was "a problem", simply that it directly involves government, and thus directly effects every resident, therefore people have a right to oppose it based on this logic alone if they so choose. No bigotry required.

Title: Re: Gay marriage will destabilise family life
Post by: craked5 on March 07, 2016, 03:17:17 PM
I know cognitive dissonance prevents you from acknowledging this, but try reading the emboldened text again.

Thanks for insulting me. You could also simply rephrase your thoughts but I guess insults are the way Americans do shit...

Well I still don't understand. You say that gay marriage is the concern of everyone because it involves the government. And so? It doesn't explain why gay marriage is a problem.

That wasn't an insult, but attacking me based on my nationality is a personal attack however. I was pointing out the fact that you are conditioned to ignore the simple logic of this scenario. I never said gay marriage was "a problem", simply that it directly involves government, and thus directly effects every resident, therefore people have a right to oppose it based on this logic alone if they so choose. No bigotry required.

Right != Reason

They have the right to oppose it, and nobody is discussing their right to oppose it.

But lots of people are questioning their reasons. Because there is no reason to oppose it.

If you go this way, even the fact that gay relationships are made illegal isn't bad in itself as it's also regulated by the government.

Title: Re: Gay marriage will destabilise family life
Post by: TECSHARE on March 07, 2016, 03:23:12 PM
The reason is it effects everyone, not just homosexuals.

If you go this way, even the fact that gay relationships are made illegal isn't bad in itself as it's also regulated by the government.

No. That doesn't make any sense at all. You don't need permission from the government to be gay. Gayness is not taxed either. You have no logic in this position.

Title: Re: Gay marriage will destabilise family life
Post by: craked5 on March 07, 2016, 03:29:41 PM
The reason is it effects everyone, not just homosexuals.

Which is why people refuse this argument. It doesn't. In which way does it affect anyone but the gays?

If you go this way, even the fact that gay relationships are made illegal isn't bad in itself as it's also regulated by the government.

No. That doesn't make any sense at all. You don't need permission from the government to be gay. Gayness is not taxed either. You have no logic in this position.

Well you needed one only a few decades ago, and they didn't give it out. Being gay was illegal only few decades ago.

Title: Re: Gay marriage will destabilise family life
Post by: TECSHARE on March 07, 2016, 03:48:39 PM
The reason is it effects everyone, not just homosexuals.

Which is why people refuse this argument. It doesn't. In which way does it affect anyone but the gays?

So then, explain to me how enacting a law that affects all Americans and American residents, most being tax payers, and changing constitutional law DOES NOT affect everyone? I already explained how it effects everyone else, you simply just keep pretending like it is not a fact trying to bait me into some tertiary argument about gay marriage which I have no interest in. People have a right to object because government effects everyone, and people have a right to have a say in what their government does regardless of their sexuality, without being harassed and designated bigots simply for disagreeing. It is very simple. I am not arguing for or against it, just that people have legitimate reason to protest that doesn't involve prejudice.

If you go this way, even the fact that gay relationships are made illegal isn't bad in itself as it's also regulated by the government.

No. That doesn't make any sense at all. You don't need permission from the government to be gay. Gayness is not taxed either. You have no logic in this position.

Well you needed one only a few decades ago, and they didn't give it out. Being gay was illegal only few decades ago.

Your argument there still has zero logic. Sodomy (not homosexuality) may have been illegal in the past in the US, but that doesn't have anything to do with your supposed argument. You are simply trying once again to recast this argument under the subject of bigotry because that is the easiest way to marginalize people whom you do not agree with.

Title: Re: Gay marriage will destabilise family life
Post by: craked5 on March 07, 2016, 03:58:38 PM
The reason is it effects everyone, not just homosexuals.

Which is why people refuse this argument. It doesn't. In which way does it affect anyone but the gays?

So then, explain to me how enacting a law that affects all Americans and American residents, most being tax payers, and changing constitutional law DOES NOT affect everyone? I already explained how it effects everyone else, you simply just keep pretending like it is not a fact trying to bait me into some tertiary argument about gay marriage which I have no interest in. People have a right to object because government effects everyone, and people have a right to have a say in what their government does regardless of their sexuality, without being harassed and designated bigots simply for disagreeing. It is very simple. I am not arguing for or against it, just that people have legitimate reason to protest that doesn't involve prejudice.

Again you're wrong. They have a legitimate right. Not a legitimate reason.
Right: because it goes through the government official wya, which means they have the right to express their opinions and ask for the government to take it into account
No reason: Because it will not affect them in any way. By this I mean: it will not touch their freedom in any way, will not cost them anything, will not harm them in any way. It will have 0 effect on their life. unless they're gays of course, and in this case they'll be granted more freedom that's all.

If you go this way, even the fact that gay relationships are made illegal isn't bad in itself as it's also regulated by the government.

No. That doesn't make any sense at all. You don't need permission from the government to be gay. Gayness is not taxed either. You have no logic in this position.

Well you needed one only a few decades ago, and they didn't give it out. Being gay was illegal only few decades ago.

Your argument there still has zero logic. Sodomy (not homosexuality) may have been illegal in the past in the US, but that doesn't have anything to do with your supposed argument. You are simply trying once again to recast this argument under the subject of bigotry because that is the easiest way to marginalize people whom you do not agree with.

Indeed sodomy was illegal. thanks for the (useless) precision.
And I don't see where you don't understand me. Your words were : "You don't need permission from the government to be gay" I corrected you by saying you no longer need permission to be gay. That's all.
My supposed argument is that legal/illegal characteristic of everything (including homosexuality) has to go through the government approval. Government decides if such thing is legal or illegal. As you said earlier that any law concerns all Americans which means all Americans has every right to agree or disagree with every law, it means you support the right for Americans to ban homosexuality if they want to. I might be wrong of course, but that's what I understood from your arguments. And please don't go insulting me again or yelling at possible "strawman argument" if I misunderstood your arguments just say it.

Title: Re: Gay marriage will destabilise family life
Post by: TECSHARE on March 07, 2016, 04:12:15 PM
Sure, "more freedom". More freedom to be regulated. More government regulation is EVERYONE'S concern. I will give you ONE EXAMPLE since you are so willfully ignorant and can't get past your own cognitive dissonance. A heterosexual couple have a child. That child is gay. The heterosexual parents are now directly effected by regulation of gay marriage via their child. Once more, this one single example is besides the point and again just a tertiary argument I will spend no more time arguing about.

I should point out by the way I am opposed to government being involved in marriage at all for anyone.

As far as your rambling about homosexuality being illegal, homosexuality wasn't illegal in the US sodomy was, for heterosexuals as well as homosexuals. What you are describing is DEREGULATION of private personal activities, not creating MORE regulation, so again your argument has no logical basis as my entire argument is that increased government regulation is not desirable, and thus it is a legitimate reason for anyone residing here to protest gay marriage.

Title: Re: Gay marriage will destabilise family life
Post by: popcorn1 on March 07, 2016, 10:13:24 PM
Considering the amount of vulgarity you're spitting it might be a possibility yeah.

You're only yelling and insulting. You give few if no logical arguments.

You just abuse the Caps Lock of your keyboard and the emojis that's all.
Better than talking all nice .When really your being horrible little cunts OK.
People like you STAB YOU IN THE all nice but really your rats.. ;D SO GO DIE CUNT
Also with a brain like yours waste of space ..Don't believe in Darwin  :D D :Dumb shits

And also the question being asked is a total lie and a fuckin Insult to gay people SO FUCK OFF

You're... Terrifying...

Truly if people like you are usual in USA I understand why they're all talking about "politically correct" legion.

Why are you yelling like this? Why are you insulting us? They both said they were for gay marriage why the fuck are you insulting them like this?
GOOD. Same person who said how can gays bring a child up better you could not see it being possible..Well i proved you wrong
It's not a debate it's a FUCKIN INSULT ..So go and fuck yourself..
All i see on this thread is gays are to blame for..paedophiles. destabilised families  worse than animals molestation spoiling movies..ANYTHING ELSE YOU STUPID FUCKERS WANT TO ADD..

And you wonder why I am swearing because it's insults not a debate THICK SHIT..
And then you cheeky shit had the cheek to say that someone on here was the only 1 with the right answer..FUCK OFF PRICK ..The whole question being asked is an insult to gay people so fuck you

Title: Re: Gay marriage will destabilise family life
Post by: TECSHARE on March 08, 2016, 02:40:19 AM
Pay no attention to the civilized debate behind the curtain. Cognitive dissonance at its best.

Title: Re: Gay marriage will destabilise family life
Post by: popcorn1 on March 08, 2016, 03:41:39 AM
Pay no attention to the civilized debate behind the curtain. Cognitive dissonance at its best.
It's not a debate.It's a wrong statement..So keep up your quest for no rules with rules

Title: Re: Gay marriage will destabilise family life
Post by: TECSHARE on March 08, 2016, 08:06:23 AM
Pay no attention to the civilized debate behind the curtain. Cognitive dissonance at its best.
It's not a debate.It's a wrong statement..So keep up your quest for no rules with rules

I'm surprised people want to even argue against homosexual relationships.  It is not my business what people do in their bedrooms.  

Would they complain that Asians like to have more oral than Blacks (just an example, I'm not sure if it is true)?  Why people even think about what gay people do in their bedrooms?  Why they have interest in it?  Closet gays themselves? Jealous?

Never understood that logic.  

It really does not matter if kids are raised by a man and a women or two women, two men, or three men and five women.  What is the difference?  If parents love their kids, they will provide for them, show them love and teach them how to be good human beings.

I agree with you 100%, it is nobody's business, even the government's. I never argued against homosexual relationships. I stated that people are demanding increased regulation via the government, as a result it effects everyone subject to that government regardless of your sexuality, therefore merely objecting to it does not make one a homophobe or a bigot. The idea that it doesn't effect anyone else is a myth designed to mask the fact that this makes people less free, not more free, exploiting the LGBT movement to do so. This directly involves the government and gives them more power, control, and authority over gay marriage when the government shouldn't be involved in any kind of marriage at all.

Title: Re: Gay marriage will destabilise family life
Post by: craked5 on March 08, 2016, 08:20:58 AM
Sure, "more freedom". More freedom to be regulated. More government regulation is EVERYONE'S concern. I will give you ONE EXAMPLE since you are so willfully ignorant and can't get past your own cognitive dissonance. A heterosexual couple have a child. That child is gay. The heterosexual parents are now directly effected by regulation of gay marriage via their child. Once more, this one single example is besides the point and again just a tertiary argument I will spend no more time arguing about.

I should point out by the way I am opposed to government being involved in marriage at all for anyone.

As far as your rambling about homosexuality being illegal, homosexuality wasn't illegal in the US sodomy was, for heterosexuals as well as homosexuals. What you are describing is DEREGULATION of private personal activities, not creating MORE regulation, so again your argument has no logical basis as my entire argument is that increased government regulation is not desirable, and thus it is a legitimate reason for anyone residing here to protest gay marriage.
Incredible how you can't simply politely expose your point of view... You seem to have to be rude...

Anyway. Your argument is a complete nonsense because the notion of mariage itself is linked to government. Being married means to be recognized as a couple in the eye of the state: marriage (oxford dictionary)-The legally or formally recognized union of a man and a woman (or, in some jurisdictions, two people of the same sex) as partners in a relationship:. If you don't want to be regulated by government don't marry at the city hall! Only marry at the church!

You just refuse to grant more freedom to others. Simply because you don't want to be involved in any official thing doesn't mean others don't want either. Legitimate gay marriage doesn't increase state regulation! It only gives the right to homosexuals to be regulated by the gov if they want.

Title: Re: Gay marriage will destabilise family life
Post by: craked5 on March 08, 2016, 08:26:36 AM
I agree with you 100%, it is nobody's business, even the government's. I never argued against homosexual relationships. I stated that people are demanding increased regulation via the government, as a result it effects everyone subject to that government regardless of your sexuality, therefore merely objecting to it does not make one a homophobe or a bigot. The idea that it doesn't effect anyone else is a myth designed to mask the fact that this makes people less free, not more free, exploiting the LGBT movement to do so. This directly involves the government and gives them more power, control, and authority over gay marriage when the government shouldn't be involved in any kind of marriage at all.

Again you're wrong simply because marriage is linked to government. It's an official recognition of being a couple. If it doesn't involve government, it's not a marriage, it's something else. That's what we call definition of words.

You seem to have incredible problems with government... But would you care to explain me how people get more regulated by notifying the state they live with someone? I mean nobody forces you to do so, you chose to get married or not, you don't have to get married in order to go together to the church and get married (though the word is here misused) in front of god if you want.

Marriage is total freedom. The freedom to give up parts of your freedom and to officially claim a relationship. But it's in no way mandatory.

Freedom means you also have the freedom to give up this freedom. Simple logic man.

Title: Re: Gay marriage will destabilise family life
Post by: valta4065 on March 08, 2016, 11:46:09 AM
Pay no attention to the civilized debate behind the curtain. Cognitive dissonance at its best.
It's not a debate.It's a wrong statement..So keep up your quest for no rules with rules

I'm surprised people want to even argue against homosexual relationships.  It is not my business what people do in their bedrooms.  

Would they complain that Asians like to have more oral than Blacks (just an example, I'm not sure if it is true)?  Why people even think about what gay people do in their bedrooms?  Why they have interest in it?  Closet gays themselves? Jealous?

Never understood that logic.  

It really does not matter if kids are raised by a man and a women or two women, two men, or three men and five women.  What is the difference?  If parents love their kids, they will provide for them, show them love and teach them how to be good human beings.

I agree with you 100%, it is nobody's business, even the government's. I never argued against homosexual relationships. I stated that people are demanding increased regulation via the government, as a result it effects everyone subject to that government regardless of your sexuality, therefore merely objecting to it does not make one a homophobe or a bigot. The idea that it doesn't effect anyone else is a myth designed to mask the fact that this makes people less free, not more free, exploiting the LGBT movement to do so. This directly involves the government and gives them more power, control, and authority over gay marriage when the government shouldn't be involved in any kind of marriage at all.

Wrong. People are only asking for the right to chose if they want to be regulated by the government or not. Nothing more. they never asked for government regulation, only the possibility to be regulated by gov. because believe it or not, some people like both their country and their institutions  ::)

Title: Re: Gay marriage will destabilise family life
Post by: TECSHARE on March 08, 2016, 09:17:19 PM
See the frothing rage people get into over the mere concept that people should have any say what their government imposes upon them? Anyone who protests is clearly a (insert marginalizing phrase or word here). I simply suggested that anyone under the rule of said government has a right to protest the changing of laws which directly effect them, but in your little myopic reactionary minds any such suggestion is equivalent to being anti-gay. You claim I have no argument, but your entire argument rests upon:
against gay marriage = closet gay/bigot/homophobe/jesus freak

I say it directly effects every resident of the nation (as all laws do), you reply "NO, BECAUSE HOMOPHOBIA!"
Reactionaries such as yourself sure do seem to take issue with people having an opposing opinion to them, or having a say in how one's own government is run for reactionaries.

Title: Re: Gay marriage will destabilise family life
Post by: popcorn1 on March 09, 2016, 12:34:47 AM
Pay no attention to the civilized debate behind the curtain. Cognitive dissonance at its best.
It's not a debate.It's a wrong statement..So keep up your quest for no rules with rules

I'm surprised people want to even argue against homosexual relationships.  It is not my business what people do in their bedrooms.  

Would they complain that Asians like to have more oral than Blacks (just an example, I'm not sure if it is true)?  Why people even think about what gay people do in their bedrooms?  Why they have interest in it?  Closet gays themselves? Jealous?

Never understood that logic.  

It really does not matter if kids are raised by a man and a women or two women, two men, or three men and five women.  What is the difference?  If parents love their kids, they will provide for them, show them love and teach them how to be good human beings.

I love your thinking.And thanks for being a great human being..If only the whole planet was like you..Not asking for much but logic.
I do read what you always got to say and your logic is nice to see

SO THANKS..Some good thinkers some crazy thinkers

Title: Re: Gay marriage will destabilise family life
Post by: popcorn1 on March 09, 2016, 12:44:49 AM
Sure, "more freedom". More freedom to be regulated. More government regulation is EVERYONE'S concern. I will give you ONE EXAMPLE since you are so willfully ignorant and can't get past your own cognitive dissonance. A heterosexual couple have a child. That child is gay. The heterosexual parents are now directly effected by regulation of gay marriage via their child. Once more, this one single example is besides the point and again just a tertiary argument I will spend no more time arguing about.

I should point out by the way I am opposed to government being involved in marriage at all for anyone.

As far as your rambling about homosexuality being illegal, homosexuality wasn't illegal in the US sodomy was, for heterosexuals as well as homosexuals. What you are describing is DEREGULATION of private personal activities, not creating MORE regulation, so again your argument has no logical basis as my entire argument is that increased government regulation is not desirable, and thus it is a legitimate reason for anyone residing here to protest gay marriage.
Incredible how you can't simply politely expose your point of view... You seem to have to be rude...

Anyway. Your argument is a complete nonsense because the notion of mariage itself is linked to government. Being married means to be recognized as a couple in the eye of the state: marriage (oxford dictionary)-The legally or formally recognized union of a man and a woman (or, in some jurisdictions, two people of the same sex) as partners in a relationship:. If you don't want to be regulated by government don't marry at the city hall! Only marry at the church!

You just refuse to grant more freedom to others. Simply because you don't want to be involved in any official thing doesn't mean others don't want either. Legitimate gay marriage doesn't increase state regulation! It only gives the right to homosexuals to be regulated by the gov if they want.

well said

Title: Re: Gay marriage will destabilise family life
Post by: popcorn1 on March 09, 2016, 01:11:24 AM
See the frothing rage people get into over the mere concept that people should have any say what their government imposes upon them? Anyone who protests is clearly a (insert marginalizing phrase or word here). I simply suggested that anyone under the rule of said government has a right to protest the changing of laws which directly effect them, but in your little myopic reactionary minds any such suggestion is equivalent to being anti-gay. You claim I have no argument, but your entire argument rests upon:
against gay marriage = closet gay/bigot/homophobe/jesus freak

I say it directly effects every resident of the nation (as all laws do), you reply "NO, BECAUSE HOMOPHOBIA!"
Reactionaries such as yourself sure do seem to take issue with people having an opposing opinion to them, or having a say in how one's own government is run for reactionaries.
Getting married is also about getting each others money.Its about being recognised as partners
by law..Then no problems when it comes to the will or house and so on.

Title: Re: Gay marriage will destabilise family life
Post by: popcorn1 on March 09, 2016, 01:28:59 AM
See the frothing rage people get into over the mere concept that people should have any say what their government imposes upon them? Anyone who protests is clearly a (insert marginalizing phrase or word here). I simply suggested that anyone under the rule of said government has a right to protest the changing of laws which directly effect them, but in your little myopic reactionary minds any such suggestion is equivalent to being anti-gay. You claim I have no argument, but your entire argument rests upon:
against gay marriage = closet gay/bigot/homophobe/jesus freak

I say it directly effects every resident of the nation (as all laws do), you reply "NO, BECAUSE HOMOPHOBIA!"
Reactionaries such as yourself sure do seem to take issue with people having an opposing opinion to them, or having a say in how one's own government is run for reactionaries.
It's a statement like this statement.....Straight marriage will turn you into a mental thief and cause your family problems

Now tell me what's wrong with the statement I just made

It's the same sort of statement as Gay marriage will destabilise family life

Title: Re: Gay marriage will destabilise family life
Post by: TECSHARE on March 09, 2016, 07:26:02 AM
See the frothing rage people get into over the mere concept that people should have any say what their government imposes upon them? Anyone who protests is clearly a (insert marginalizing phrase or word here). I simply suggested that anyone under the rule of said government has a right to protest the changing of laws which directly effect them, but in your little myopic reactionary minds any such suggestion is equivalent to being anti-gay. You claim I have no argument, but your entire argument rests upon:
against gay marriage = closet gay/bigot/homophobe/jesus freak

I say it directly effects every resident of the nation (as all laws do), you reply "NO, BECAUSE HOMOPHOBIA!"
Reactionaries such as yourself sure do seem to take issue with people having an opposing opinion to them, or having a say in how one's own government is run for reactionaries.
It's a statement like this statement.....Straight marriage will turn you into a mental thief and cause your family problems

Now tell me what's wrong with the statement I just made

It's the same sort of statement as Gay marriage will destabilise family life

The only problem with your logic: I never made any of those statements.

Title: Re: Gay marriage will destabilise family life
Post by: Swordsoffreedom on March 09, 2016, 10:11:00 AM
Vote for Trump?
Something Something Rage Against Something Today then Tomorrow.
Trump: I'm doing a Samson here I ain't got time for this.

Independent View
Keep your wang out of my closet, do what you want in your own bedroom.
But for petes sake stop with all the rainbow parades and forcing it down society's throat at every opportunity with TV Ads, Late Night TV, Print Articles we got it shuddup.

Democrat View
Let it be let it be down smooth as a gin drink it up our liberal media encourages it, let it be its the law of the land this is the new family life and its not going away.

Outsider Looking In: Calls it the Mexican Viewpoint

Wow look at all the refugees coming into Europe Raping all those Boys in that Refugee Camp, this is what we need a new LGBT demographic leaving the Barbaric Middle East for friendlier lands and new marriage opportunities.
(By definition they fit into that category even if its because they treat women more like cattle uh oh identity crisis incoming.)

Hurray For Equality everyone needs to be arrested equally.

Sums its up for me.

Title: Re: Gay marriage will destabilise family life
Post by: yugo23 on March 09, 2016, 10:38:23 AM
See the frothing rage people get into over the mere concept that people should have any say what their government imposes upon them? Anyone who protests is clearly a (insert marginalizing phrase or word here). I simply suggested that anyone under the rule of said government has a right to protest the changing of laws which directly effect them, but in your little myopic reactionary minds any such suggestion is equivalent to being anti-gay. You claim I have no argument, but your entire argument rests upon:
against gay marriage = closet gay/bigot/homophobe/jesus freak

I say it directly effects every resident of the nation (as all laws do), you reply "NO, BECAUSE HOMOPHOBIA!"
Reactionaries such as yourself sure do seem to take issue with people having an opposing opinion to them, or having a say in how one's own government is run for reactionaries.

False. Never said that. You just keep ignoring our arguments.

You're wrong on the definition of marriage itself. Marriage means regulation by government. It's in the definition of the word...

Title: Re: Gay marriage will destabilise family life
Post by: Swordsoffreedom on March 09, 2016, 11:03:13 AM

You're wrong on the definition of marriage itself. Marriage means regulation by government. It's in the definition of the word...

Intruding in

Marriage is a union between a man and a women is the traditional definition.
(Last decade or two definition changes make it a government intervention in the legal definition so both are accurate statements.)
Marriage means intrusion by (the Judiciary) to standardize a definition. (Per say not Government but I'm being nitpicky) Although the government does Impose that all of society by definition needs to accept it raucous opposition or not. Like banning booze in prohibition etc.

Either way I'm having a bit of fun in here Trumping it up a bit he-he

One of the main remaining debates are the rationale for economic benefit to legalizing it as a marriage by definition.

A state bestows numerous benefits on marriage that by its very nature and design promotes children and increasing the population, marriage provides the normal conditions for a stable, affectionate, and moral atmosphere that is beneficial to the upbringing of children—all fruit of the mutual affection of the parents. This aids in perpetuating the nation and strengthening society, and is an evident interest of any State population = labor = growth.

That said the Supreme Court did just rule on an adoption case so that avenue is available but it still seems like an interesting footnote should you get tax discounts if you don't adopt but are by definition married, answer seems to be yes because traditional marriages do but recieve more with kids but I feel like its murky legally.

Especially if we start a priority system of adoption on who gets a kid first using minorities first logic.
Minorities as recognized based on a labor code could apply to an adoption process which seems unfair by standard definition to a traditional family who want to adopt.

In a sense it also depends on how people believe in a child being raised a traditional Yin Yang Approach aka balanced raising between a Male and Female, Yang Yang or Yin Yin and their definition of balance at this point aka the moral order and were not going to even get into polygamy combinations but I have a feeling that will come up in the future following this progressive logic line of what is the next cutting edge in the sexual revolution.

To techshares point
Child says hes Gay
Parents intervene
Social Services appear take child away where before it was within the parents purview to intervene.

Yes it can destabilize a family life simply said.

Title: Re: Gay marriage will destabilise family life
Post by: yugo23 on March 09, 2016, 11:16:10 AM
To techshares point
Child says hes Gay
Parents intervene
Social Services appear take child away where before it was within the parents purview to intervene.

Yes it can destabilize a family life simply said.

Where does the gay marriage appear in your reasoning?

Title: Re: Gay marriage will destabilise family life
Post by: Swordsoffreedom on March 09, 2016, 11:24:25 AM
To techshares point
Child says hes Gay
Parents intervene
Social Services appear take child away where before it was within the parents purview to intervene.

Yes it can destabilize a family life simply said.

Where does the gay marriage appear in your reasoning?

Hmm it doesn't yugo the OP was related to the Destabilize family Life aspect
I was referring to that part.
Semantics aside

If Gay Marriage was there it would be
Gay parents raise child
Child says he Gay

Gay Parents Raise Child
Child says he Straight
??? or Acceptance

I guess that could still destabilize their relationship depending on if they want their adopted kid to be raised up like their parents and be gay.
(Deem that acceptable?)

In the end presume
Child says he straight
Gay parents intervene

Social Services appear (Is this discrimination if they take the kid away) Or in a parents right

Reverse the switch and see if your double standardizing or share the same rationale and reasoning.

Title: Re: Gay marriage will destabilise family life
Post by: yugo23 on March 09, 2016, 11:27:47 AM
To techshares point
Child says hes Gay
Parents intervene
Social Services appear take child away where before it was within the parents purview to intervene.

Yes it can destabilize a family life simply said.

Where does the gay marriage appear in your reasoning?

Hmm it doesn't yugo the OP was related to the Destabilize family Life aspect
I was referring to that part.
Semantics aside

If Gay Marriage was there it would be
Gay parents raise child
Child says he Gay

Gay Parents Raise Child
Child says he Straight
??? or Acceptance

I guess that could still destabilize their relationship depending on if they want their adopted kid to be raised up like their parents and be gay.
(Deem that acceptable?)

In the end presume
Child says he straight
Gay parents intervene

Social Services appear (Is this discrimination if they take the kid away) Or in a parents right

Reverse the switch.

Destabilize by the gay marriage ;)

Gays destabilize family life that's for sure. But their right to get married? I don't see how this part could destabilize anything ^^

Title: Re: Gay marriage will destabilise family life
Post by: Swordsoffreedom on March 09, 2016, 11:55:05 AM

Destabilize by the gay marriage ;)

Gays destabilize family life that's for sure. But their right to get married? I don't see how this part could destabilize anything ^^

Taxation, personal rights, adoption rules, perhaps labor discrimination and societal snowball effects.

It's more of a butterfly effect it creates rifts all over the place.

In Taxation if its not set equal to marriage between traditional couples it creates issues defining benefits and taxation rules similar to or different to straight couples based on children etc and if their is any other benefits based on minority rules. If nothing is different no snowball effect, but if any subsidy for minorities as defined by legal changes is done then it starts to impact the revenue and takes away from other services.

In the case Taxation is impacted, lets say it was done indirectly, example a law is passed in adoption priorities, where services prioritize perceived minority adoption over traditional families in this case gay marriage couples are first on the ticket for adoption of a child.
This can create a perceived and actual affect on the people involved as the agency may have a bias either way based on a formula set by the law.

If so does a child have the right to decide who they will accept as their parents, it can be made that the child should makes that decision, if its not in their opinion to be adopted by gays or traditional families but is set in law that minorities are first that would raise an issue. As it is that is not defined and should not be no special privileges based on gender race or orientation in adoption should be set.

I guess here it could destabilize a potential family life that could have been in that wishy washy oh what could have been if only X didn't happen sense of the word :)

Labor discrimination comes up on occasion in gay marriage, but its in the sense that a person can identify as gay to get a competitive edge in the labor market. (So it's more less another way to try to declare as a minority and get a foot in the door over someone else equally qualified) Legal now so it's a bit of an edge that comes from its legalization, where as before it's still fair game for both while adding a criteria for minority groups might have added gay marriage after the court ruling in some companies.

Again more of it could have been me if the employer didn't have a minority quota that defined gay married couples as a group to meet a quota maybe I could get that job. Wishy Washy since an employer has other considerations.

The real backbone of this argument of how it impacts me is in Societal snowball effects:

I say I don't like Gay marriage which is within my rights, now I'm perceived as a racist, geez I rather get on board or someone will trample over my liberties.

I run a traditional school that has for years encouraged prayers in school and straight sex relationships, now the government is telling me to quash my religious liberties and traditions because Gay Marriage is legal, allow gays into my school and legalize gay sex in my dorms even though it's against my schools beliefs and their are other schools possibly even next door that a Student can take law classes in that would gladly accept them.

(Kind of like inclusive catholic schools , theirs a public school next door it's a great school if you don't want to take religious classes here their is no problem going over there.)

Yet for some reason they want to go to this law school and impose their agenda on my institution, maybe cause its close by or the entrance requirements are lower and easier to get in, maybe its their first choice for some obscure reason, or they have a hidden equality agenda and want to screw around with the rules here and prevent another Scalia in the Supreme Court who knows, but I know one thing don't mess with the status quo, in a religious institution obey the rules and follow them else apply elsewhere as its within the rights of the school to deny students for this and I have done a reasonable amount to accommodate them as students.

Either way the rule of dormitories and the impact of gay married couples in schools that prohibit that type of marriage is a testy ground. Lets say the school decides to take them in but later another issue arises.

A Politically Correct agenda would feed money towards any Public Action Committee that opposes the viewpoint of gays needing to not be gay at a religious institution and call them villains even though they are the ones intruding on the rules set by the organization and breaking the tradition.

The media now has free reign to say whatever they want to support this new legislation, and anyone who offers criticism pertaining to it is censured silenced and not allowed to express their opinion without being called a bigot boo-hoo for equality.

Those are the main issues of snowball effects that can impact life from that ruling.

And for your comfort

How would it destabilize a family, said parents are gay they adopt a kid and they want housing in that religious schools dormitory for married couples because they are students at that school.

Now is that an intrusion on personal liberties, religious liberties or did they give up the right to their viewpoint and access to the dormitory housing when they decided to apply for that religious community and school knowing all of this beforehand and the regulations they had.

The butterfly effect is far reaching one little ruling can create some quite fun scenarios :)

Title: Re: Gay marriage will destabilise family life
Post by: popcorn1 on March 09, 2016, 10:23:38 PM

Destabilize by the gay marriage ;)

Gays destabilize family life that's for sure. But their right to get married? I don't see how this part could destabilize anything ^^

Taxation, personal rights, adoption rules, perhaps labor discrimination and societal snowball effects.

It's more of a butterfly effect it creates rifts all over the place.

In Taxation if its not set equal to marriage between traditional couples it creates issues defining benefits and taxation rules similar to or different to straight couples based on children etc and if their is any other benefits based on minority rules. If nothing is different no snowball effect, but if any subsidy for minorities as defined by legal changes is done then it starts to impact the revenue and takes away from other services.

In the case Taxation is impacted, lets say it was done indirectly, example a law is passed in adoption priorities, where services prioritize perceived minority adoption over traditional families in this case gay marriage couples are first on the ticket for adoption of a child.
This can create a perceived and actual affect on the people involved as the agency may have a bias either way based on a formula set by the law.

If so does a child have the right to decide who they will accept as their parents, it can be made that the child should makes that decision, if its not in their opinion to be adopted by gays or traditional families but is set in law that minorities are first that would raise an issue. As it is that is not defined and should not be no special privileges based on gender race or orientation in adoption should be set.

I guess here it could destabilize a potential family life that could have been in that wishy washy oh what could have been if only X didn't happen sense of the word :)

Labor discrimination comes up on occasion in gay marriage, but its in the sense that a person can identify as gay to get a competitive edge in the labor market. (So it's more less another way to try to declare as a minority and get a foot in the door over someone else equally qualified) Legal now so it's a bit of an edge that comes from its legalization, where as before it's still fair game for both while adding a criteria for minority groups might have added gay marriage after the court ruling in some companies.

Again more of it could have been me if the employer didn't have a minority quota that defined gay married couples as a group to meet a quota maybe I could get that job. Wishy Washy since an employer has other considerations.

The real backbone of this argument of how it impacts me is in Societal snowball effects:

I say I don't like Gay marriage which is within my rights, now I'm perceived as a racist, geez I rather get on board or someone will trample over my liberties.

I run a traditional school that has for years encouraged prayers in school and straight sex relationships, now the government is telling me to quash my religious liberties and traditions because Gay Marriage is legal, allow gays into my school and legalize gay sex in my dorms even though it's against my schools beliefs and their are other schools possibly even next door that a Student can take law classes in that would gladly accept them.

(Kind of like inclusive catholic schools , theirs a public school next door it's a great school if you don't want to take religious classes here their is no problem going over there.)

Yet for some reason they want to go to this law school and impose their agenda on my institution, maybe cause its close by or the entrance requirements are lower and easier to get in, maybe its their first choice for some obscure reason, or they have a hidden equality agenda and want to screw around with the rules here and prevent another Scalia in the Supreme Court who knows, but I know one thing don't mess with the status quo, in a religious institution obey the rules and follow them else apply elsewhere as its within the rights of the school to deny students for this and I have done a reasonable amount to accommodate them as students.

Either way the rule of dormitories and the impact of gay married couples in schools that prohibit that type of marriage is a testy ground. Lets say the school decides to take them in but later another issue arises.

A Politically Correct agenda would feed money towards any Public Action Committee that opposes the viewpoint of gays needing to not be gay at a religious institution and call them villains even though they are the ones intruding on the rules set by the organization and breaking the tradition.

The media now has free reign to say whatever they want to support this new legislation, and anyone who offers criticism pertaining to it is censured silenced and not allowed to express their opinion without being called a bigot boo-hoo for equality.

Those are the main issues of snowball effects that can impact life from that ruling.

And for your comfort

How would it destabilize a family, said parents are gay they adopt a kid and they want housing in that religious schools dormitory for married couples because they are students at that school.

Now is that an intrusion on personal liberties, religious liberties or did they give up the right to their viewpoint and access to the dormitory housing when they decided to apply for that religious community and school knowing all of this beforehand and the regulations they had.

The butterfly effect is far reaching one little ruling can create some quite fun scenarios :)
All that writing only to be told your full off shit..

Title: Re: Gay marriage will destabilise family life
Post by: popcorn1 on March 09, 2016, 10:30:03 PM
To techshares point
Child says hes Gay
Parents intervene
Social Services appear take child away where before it was within the parents purview to intervene.

Yes it can destabilize a family life simply said.

Where does the gay marriage appear in your reasoning?

Hmm it doesn't yugo the OP was related to the Destabilize family Life aspect
I was referring to that part.
Semantics aside

If Gay Marriage was there it would be
Gay parents raise child
Child says he Gay

Gay Parents Raise Child
Child says he Straight
??? or Acceptance

I guess that could still destabilize their relationship depending on if they want their adopted kid to be raised up like their parents and be gay.
(Deem that acceptable?)

In the end presume
Child says he straight
Gay parents intervene

Social Services appear (Is this discrimination if they take the kid away) Or in a parents right

Reverse the switch.

Destabilize by the gay marriage ;)

Gays destabilize family life that's for sure. But their right to get married? I don't see how this part could destabilize anything ^^
Gays destabilize family life that's for sure..Only if your family are homophobes.

Title: Re: Gay marriage will destabilise family life
Post by: aardvark15 on March 09, 2016, 10:40:26 PM
I'm straight and married and as far as I'm concerned, if two gay people want to get married, that's their business.  It's hard to criticize when a large percentage of traditional marriages end in divorce and there are a lot of other heterosexual relationships that produce children out of wedlock.

Title: Re: Gay marriage will destabilise family life
Post by: popcorn1 on March 09, 2016, 10:58:32 PM
Gay parents have 'healthier and less argumentative children'
Five to 17-year-olds with gay parents have 'significantly better' general health and greater family cohesion
May be because they communicate to address problems of discrimination and bullying

Read more:

Study Finds Same Sex Couples Make Better Parents: Is It ...
7 Jul 2014 - Gay parents might be better at raising children because they're more often ... due to the many channels they must go through compared to their ... "That's really a measure that looks at how well families get along, and it seems  .


So who ever is saying Gay marriage will destabilise family life is a total IDIOT ..
More destabilised families come from straight sex couples than from gay couples..FACT
Go and do your research.

Title: Re: Gay marriage will destabilise family life
Post by: Swordsoffreedom on March 10, 2016, 02:44:22 AM
All that writing only to be told your full off shit..

Oh, you’re so politically correct. You’re so beautiful,I know, you’re so perfect. Aren’t you perfect. Aren’t you just a perfect young man
"Hey, give me a break. You know what? It’s stuff like that that people in this country are tired of. It’s stuff like that."

The anti-PC college professor (50, California)
‘I’m angry at forced diversity’

I’m a liberal-left college professor in the social sciences. I’m going to vote for Trump but I won’t tell hardly anybody.

My main reason is anger at the two-party system and the horrible presidencies of Obama and Bush. But I’m also furious at political correctness on campus and in the media.

I’m angry at forced diversity and constant, frequently unjustified complaints about racism/sexism/homophobia/lack of trans rights. I’m particularly angry at social justice warriors and my main reason to vote Trump is to see the looks on your faces when he wins.

It’s not that I like Trump. It’s that I hate those who can’t stand him. I want them to suffer the shock of knowing all their torrents of blog posts and Tumblr bitch-fests and “I just can’t ...” and accusations of mansplaining didn’t actually matter. That they’re still losing. And that things are not getting better for them. They’re getting worse.

Before he ran, the left’s stranglehold on the national conversation of what is or isn’t tolerable was getting stronger by the minute. It was the year of Caitlyn Jenner. Rachel Dolezal. Black Lives Matter. Anyone who even hinted at disapproval was exiled. Every week, someone would dare to blurt out something un-PC, and the media would absolutely crucify them. It had me thinking this was it. We’ve lost. How on earth can we hope to defeat these people, with their complete domination of the national conversation and relentless narrative of “Progress! Tolerance! Acceptance! Feels!”?

Political correctness is the birthplace of disastrous, un-American policies that will destroy the country in a death by a thousand cuts. But here comes Trump, the first person who didn’t even blink when the machine turns its sights on him.

He didn’t just fight back. He chewed it up and spit it out.

Title: Re: Gay marriage will destabilise family life
Post by: Swordsoffreedom on March 10, 2016, 03:27:28 AM

Go and do your research.

Disgraced Researcher on Gay Marriage Accused of Lying about Funding

Not only does it appear that UCLA grad student Michael LaCour lied about the results of his study on how easy it is to change minds on gay marriage, but it also appears he falsified data on his CV.

With much ballyhoo, Science journal published a paper by LaCour and his colleague, Professor Donald Green of Columbia University, which showed that opponents of gay marriage could not only have their minds changed after a 20-minute scripted conversation, but that their minds stayed changed over time.

The mainstream and advocacy media celebrated the results. After all, this fit into the narrative that Americans are eager to support “marriage equality,” and even opponents can be persuaded if they meet an earnest gay man face to face.

Turns out, it all appears to be a fraud. The grad student allegedly faked the data and later said he accidentally deleted it from his computer. His colleague hastily wrote to Science, stating the paper was a phony.

Now it comes to light that LaCour allegedly lied about funding sources for his now-disgraced study. He claimed he received funding for his paper from the Ford Foundation, the Williams Institute at UCLA, and the Evelyn and Walter Haas, Jr. Fund. Each institution now denies ever funding LaCour or his study.

Jesse Singal, writing in New York magazine’s Science of Us reported Tuesday that another funding claim on LaCour’s CV is also phony. LaCour said he received $160,000 from the Jay and Rose Phillips Family Foundation. The foundation reportedly told Singal they had not funded LaCour at all.

One of the odd angles of the media narrative is the comparison between Michael LaCour’s alleged fraud and the authenticated research of Mark Regnerus, who has become a punching bag for advocates of same-sex marriage.

Regnerus published the largest-ever analysis of children raised by LGBTs compared to those raised by single moms and those raised by their biological mother and father. His study showed that across a whole host of measurements, the children raised by two men or two women in a same-sex relationship fared far worse in life than those raised by the children’s biological mother and father. Despite an ongoing assault on his methods and findings, Regnerus’s study has never been retracted by the peer-reviewed publication that published it. What’s more, even though his university carried out an investigation, both his methods and findings were given a clean bill of health, even by those who support gay marriage.

Matthew Franck, writing at First Things, says any comparison between the two studies and the two researchers is entirely specious. One study was “the first ever research, using a nationally representative sample, on the young-adult outcomes for kids raised by people who have same-sex romantic relationships.” The other reportedly was a fraud. No comparison.

Title: Re: Gay marriage will destabilise family life
Post by: popcorn1 on March 10, 2016, 03:54:22 AM
All that writing only to be told your full off shit..

Oh, you’re so politically correct. You’re so beautiful,I know, you’re so perfect. Aren’t you perfect. Aren’t you just a perfect young man
"Hey, give me a break. You know what? It’s stuff like that that people in this country are tired of. It’s stuff like that."

The anti-PC college professor (50, California)
‘I’m angry at forced diversity’

I’m a liberal-left college professor in the social sciences. I’m going to vote for Trump but I won’t tell hardly anybody.

My main reason is anger at the two-party system and the horrible presidencies of Obama and Bush. But I’m also furious at political correctness on campus and in the media.

I’m angry at forced diversity and constant, frequently unjustified complaints about racism/sexism/homophobia/lack of trans rights. I’m particularly angry at social justice warriors and my main reason to vote Trump is to see the looks on your faces when he wins.

It’s not that I like Trump. It’s that I hate those who can’t stand him. I want them to suffer the shock of knowing all their torrents of blog posts and Tumblr bitch-fests and “I just can’t ...” and accusations of mansplaining didn’t actually matter. That they’re still losing. And that things are not getting better for them. They’re getting worse.

Before he ran, the left’s stranglehold on the national conversation of what is or isn’t tolerable was getting stronger by the minute. It was the year of Caitlyn Jenner. Rachel Dolezal. Black Lives Matter. Anyone who even hinted at disapproval was exiled. Every week, someone would dare to blurt out something un-PC, and the media would absolutely crucify them. It had me thinking this was it. We’ve lost. How on earth can we hope to defeat these people, with their complete domination of the national conversation and relentless narrative of “Progress! Tolerance! Acceptance! Feels!”?

Political correctness is the birthplace of disastrous, un-American policies that will destroy the country in a death by a thousand cuts. But here comes Trump, the first person who didn’t even blink when the machine turns its sights on him.

He didn’t just fight back. He chewed it up and spit it out.

I like trump so when your voting for him make sure you know what your voting for because what you say makes no difference to the gay community.
I see Donald trump like this.A bio party man.perfect president. republican liberal democrat all rolled into 1.
So could be a good thing trump. But then again could be the worse thing America have ever done
BUT can it get any worse than what's on offer now.So what ever happens still wont bother the LGBT
Plus why get rid of the LGBT movement Don't you like to PARTY Grumpy old fart :D
I am to old to party but let the young enjoy there lives and be free .BORING MAN we don't get long on this planet ;D

Title: Re: Gay marriage will destabilise family life
Post by: popcorn1 on March 10, 2016, 03:58:35 AM

Go and do your research.

Disgraced Researcher on Gay Marriage Accused of Lying about Funding

Not only does it appear that UCLA grad student Michael LaCour lied about the results of his study on how easy it is to change minds on gay marriage, but it also appears he falsified data on his CV.

With much ballyhoo, Science journal published a paper by LaCour and his colleague, Professor Donald Green of Columbia University, which showed that opponents of gay marriage could not only have their minds changed after a 20-minute scripted conversation, but that their minds stayed changed over time.

The mainstream and advocacy media celebrated the results. After all, this fit into the narrative that Americans are eager to support “marriage equality,” and even opponents can be persuaded if they meet an earnest gay man face to face.

Turns out, it all appears to be a fraud. The grad student allegedly faked the data and later said he accidentally deleted it from his computer. His colleague hastily wrote to Science, stating the paper was a phony.

Now it comes to light that LaCour allegedly lied about funding sources for his now-disgraced study. He claimed he received funding for his paper from the Ford Foundation, the Williams Institute at UCLA, and the Evelyn and Walter Haas, Jr. Fund. Each institution now denies ever funding LaCour or his study.

Jesse Singal, writing in New York magazine’s Science of Us reported Tuesday that another funding claim on LaCour’s CV is also phony. LaCour said he received $160,000 from the Jay and Rose Phillips Family Foundation. The foundation reportedly told Singal they had not funded LaCour at all.

One of the odd angles of the media narrative is the comparison between Michael LaCour’s alleged fraud and the authenticated research of Mark Regnerus, who has become a punching bag for advocates of same-sex marriage.

Regnerus published the largest-ever analysis of children raised by LGBTs compared to those raised by single moms and those raised by their biological mother and father. His study showed that across a whole host of measurements, the children raised by two men or two women in a same-sex relationship fared far worse in life than those raised by the children’s biological mother and father. Despite an ongoing assault on his methods and findings, Regnerus’s study has never been retracted by the peer-reviewed publication that published it. What’s more, even though his university carried out an investigation, both his methods and findings were given a clean bill of health, even by those who support gay marriage.

Matthew Franck, writing at First Things, says any comparison between the two studies and the two researchers is entirely specious. One study was “the first ever research, using a nationally representative sample, on the young-adult outcomes for kids raised by people who have same-sex romantic relationships.” The other reportedly was a fraud. No comparison.
Your facts are lies..The guy your talking about is a TOTAL LIAR. So what he as said is all lies..So you believe liars do you.. CRAZY
The guy trying to make him self cash and fame .So all your proof now has to be thrown out of the window..Be no good in court your evidence  

Also what he was doing was not in support for the gay community

Title: Re: Gay marriage will destabilise family life
Post by: TECSHARE on March 10, 2016, 04:01:21 AM
To techshares point
Child says hes Gay
Parents intervene
Social Services appear take child away where before it was within the parents purview to intervene.

Yes it can destabilize a family life simply said.

I want to note that this was not my point. I don't support parents dictating someone's sexuality for them, nor do I support the state removing a child from their natural parents for doing so as long as they are not otherwise being abused. My only implication was that friends and family, some times direct dependents are homosexual, which has a direct effect on not only them, but all of the residents of the places where the law is in effect. This is why I did not want to give any examples because it leaves so much room for interpretation and slinging accusations. The point is the law applies to everyone, not just gays. The implication that it does not effect anyone else is a lie. Furthermore the constant accusations of bigotry, homophobia, etc placed upon anyone who dares raise this point is not only abusive but counterproductive to true equality.

Title: Re: Gay marriage will destabilise family life
Post by: popcorn1 on March 10, 2016, 04:20:26 AM
To techshares point
Child says hes Gay
Parents intervene
Social Services appear take child away where before it was within the parents purview to intervene.

Yes it can destabilize a family life simply said.

I want to note that this was not my point. I don't support parents dictating someone's sexuality for them, nor do I support the state removing a child from their natural parents for doing so as long as they are not otherwise being abused. My only implication was that friends and family, some times direct dependents are homosexual, which has a direct effect on not only them, but all of the residents of the places where the law is in effect. This is why I did not want to give any examples because it leaves so much room for interpretation and slinging accusations. The point is the law applies to everyone, not just gays. The implication that it does not effect anyone else is a lie. Furthermore the constant accusations of bigotry, homophobia, etc placed upon anyone who dares raise this point is not only abusive but counterproductive to true equality.
Your trying to have NO RULES WITH RULES.Wont work sorry

Title: Re: Gay marriage will destabilise family life
Post by: Slow death on March 10, 2016, 04:31:05 AM
The implications of approving gay marriage are very large.

In a house there father and mother and the child easily identifies it, at school she learns about reproduction, reproductive organs, for women and men, as they reproduce the animals.

but comes home has two men in which calls father and know it if the other will be the mother, even if parents try to explain it at school the child too suffered with colleagues in the street the child too suffered with people

Whenever the gay couple out with the child, the child had suffered discrimination

The problem is that even for me to accept a lot, do not accept gays and two man to kiss in front of me threw up and now imagine the radicals?

Have countries that gays are tortured, are dead ... how many countries this double wrath gay?

  as two men vain to explain to the child how they reproduce? even if the child until 12 years old stay with this couple as they grow come a time that will not endure and fled home.

Title: Re: Gay marriage will destabilise family life
Post by: popcorn1 on March 10, 2016, 04:40:01 AM
The implications of approving gay marriage are very large.

In a house there father and mother and the child easily identifies it, at school she learns about reproduction, reproductive organs, for women and men, as they reproduce the animals.

but comes home has two men in which calls father and know it if the other will be the mother, even if parents try to explain it at school the child too suffered with colleagues in the street the child too suffered with people

Whenever the gay couple out with the child, the child had suffered discrimination

The problem is that even for me to accept a lot, do not accept gays and two man to kiss in front of me threw up and now imagine the radicals?

Have countries that gays are tortured, are dead ... how many countries this double wrath gay?

  as two men vain to explain to the child how they reproduce? even if the child until 12 years old stay with this couple as they grow come a time that will not endure and fled home.
Go back in your mud hut Dumb ass

Title: Re: Gay marriage will destabilise family life
Post by: romero121 on March 10, 2016, 05:40:37 AM
I'm straight and married and as far as I'm concerned, if two gay people want to get married, that's their business.  It's hard to criticize when a large percentage of traditional marriages end in divorce and there are a lot of other heterosexual relationships that produce children out of wedlock.

Yes it is upon their business. Besides business it's opposite to nature as well the creations. For some sort of need someone started regulating it which eventually got acceptance over other countries. This needs to be eliminated.

Title: Re: Gay marriage will destabilise family life
Post by: popcorn1 on March 10, 2016, 06:05:42 AM
I'm straight and married and as far as I'm concerned, if two gay people want to get married, that's their business.  It's hard to criticize when a large percentage of traditional marriages end in divorce and there are a lot of other heterosexual relationships that produce children out of wedlock.

Yes it is upon their business. Besides business it's opposite to nature as well the creations. For some sort of need someone started regulating it which eventually got acceptance over other countries. This needs to be eliminated.
it's opposite to nature as well the creations..So why does it repeat over and over again in most species..And it's you who needs to be eliminated.ANOTHER THICK SHIT.

It be nice for subject to go because it's all lies but be my guest and try and i will rip you to shreds on this subject.HOW CAN ANYONE WIN AGAINST LOVE..So come and try ;D

Title: Re: Gay marriage will destabilise family life
Post by: Betwrong on March 10, 2016, 08:10:03 AM
I'm straight and married and as far as I'm concerned, if two gay people want to get married, that's their business.  It's hard to criticize when a large percentage of traditional marriages end in divorce and there are a lot of other heterosexual relationships that produce children out of wedlock.

My Thoughts Exactly! Thank you! I was planning to say almost the same words. We would have the right to be against the gay marriage only if all the heterosexual marriages were perfect. But since they are like Hell mostly why should we oppose something different?

Title: Re: Gay marriage will destabilise family life
Post by: Swordsoffreedom on March 10, 2016, 08:22:00 AM
I like trump so when your voting for him make sure you know what your voting for because what you say makes no difference to the gay community.
I see Donald trump like this.A bio party man.perfect president. republican liberal democrat all rolled into 1.
So could be a good thing trump. But then again could be the worse thing America have ever done
BUT can it get any worse than what's on offer now.So what ever happens still wont bother the LGBT
Plus why get rid of the LGBT movement Don't you like to PARTY Grumpy old fart :D
I am to old to party but let the young enjoy there lives and be free .BORING MAN we don't get long on this planet ;D

Trump is Samson pushing the paradigm back to open discussion, he ain't got time for this.
He's breaking up Super PAC's which pay their way to influence and power at the expense of everyone else and breaking establishment traditions while pointing out all the crap they are spouting, i'm just grateful we have a guy that's doing all that for everyone's sake.

If you look at who's really trying to stop free speech it's : the left.
Are you aware of how Facebook and Twitter are censoring conservative voices?
It's by assaulting debate under the brand of equality.

Textbooks nowadays write in minor characters under the brand of equality and inclusion to give a historical viewpoint that is not relevant so minorities feel better. The Haudenosaunee political system ring a bell? I thought so.

Pretending to be nice and clean on the outside then having your minions attack your opponents for you using attack Ads then pretending to be squeaky clean themselves is US politics.

Trump can exist because our norms have become hollowed shells of what they purport to be. Our norms have been gamed. It feels very much like we’ve gotten to a point where people in many of our institutions, in positions of authority, follow the letter of the law about civic decency, but have almost entirely abandoned the spirit of the law. Trump just takes the last little leap and ditches the letter of the law too.

Title: Re: Gay marriage will destabilise family life
Post by: Swordsoffreedom on March 10, 2016, 08:29:10 AM
Your facts are lies..The guy your talking about is a TOTAL LIAR. So what he as said is all lies..So you believe liars do you.. CRAZY
The guy trying to make him self cash and fame .So all your proof now has to be thrown out of the window..Be no good in court your evidence  

Also what he was doing was not in support for the gay community

"Oh give me a break" "Yeah, yeah, I know, you're an adult," Little Popcorn

The study researched and arrived at a result the Pink Mafia didn't like and the one that put a gigantic amount of Political Money to cover up the truth are the liars.

Pink Mafia Logic: Pay the study makers make them say what we want to hear and then put it all over the press, if someone disagrees we will throw them under a bus and never mention our false studies were lies or correct it in the news.
Equality! Acceptance! Tolerance! Ignorance!

Who sponsors these studies 90% of the media is controlled by the Pink Mafia in the USA.
Be honest if you mind drone the big six corporations you can make up all the BS you want just look at Trump bashing.

By surveying what is available for consumption in the mass media, it is easy to see what type of society these 6 corporations are helping to construct. They have the power to warp reality by calling staged shows ‘reality’ shows. Ideas which don’t support mainstream narratives and the consumer agenda are omitted, and stories about independent people over-coming strife without dependence on government are seldom if ever elevated.

The bottom line is that corporate media is a behemoth of special interests and mind controllers. So much of the human story is omitted in this capitalistic, for-profit environment scheme like this, which is why now more than ever the independent, alternative media is such a gem for human kind.

But we love you anyways even if you control a cesspool of crap we call the mainstream media, honestly we give you the respect and love that you won't give us, but why don't you love us Gay Sempai, and give us the love that you so diligently deny US.

I want to note that this was not my point. I don't support parents dictating someone's sexuality for them, nor do I support the state removing a child from their natural parents for doing so as long as they are not otherwise being abused. My only implication was that friends and family, some times direct dependents are homosexual, which has a direct effect on not only them, but all of the residents of the places where the law is in effect. This is why I did not want to give any examples because it leaves so much room for interpretation and slinging accusations. The point is the law applies to everyone, not just gays. The implication that it does not effect anyone else is a lie. Furthermore the constant accusations of bigotry, homophobia, etc placed upon anyone who dares raise this point is not only abusive but counterproductive to true equality.

Sum it up:
The Butterfly Effect: It creates ripples all over and different choices that create headaches in cause and effect.
+ Political Correctness
“I think the big problem this country has is being politically correct. I’ve been challenged by so many people, and I don’t frankly have time for total political correctness. And to be honest with you, this country doesn’t have time either."

Title: Re: Gay marriage will destabilise family life
Post by: haileysantos95 on March 10, 2016, 12:07:33 PM
Gay marriage doesnt destabilize family life,its depends on the person who is within the family.
If a certain family accept their neighbor that they are gay it wont affect them or the way they live in the community.

Title: Re: Gay marriage will destabilise family life
Post by: yugo23 on March 10, 2016, 02:35:11 PM
I want to note that this was not my point. I don't support parents dictating someone's sexuality for them, nor do I support the state removing a child from their natural parents for doing so as long as they are not otherwise being abused. My only implication was that friends and family, some times direct dependents are homosexual, which has a direct effect on not only them, but all of the residents of the places where the law is in effect. This is why I did not want to give any examples because it leaves so much room for interpretation and slinging accusations. The point is the law applies to everyone, not just gays. The implication that it does not effect anyone else is a lie. Furthermore the constant accusations of bigotry, homophobia, etc placed upon anyone who dares raise this point is not only abusive but counterproductive to true equality.

False. It affects only gays... I don't even see how you can think otherwise...

And nobody accused you of bigotery. You were just told that your argument is stupid and false. Except for Popcorn1 of course but he keeps insulting and yelling on everyone so that doesn't count.

Title: Re: Gay marriage will destabilise family life
Post by: TECSHARE on March 10, 2016, 10:09:29 PM
False. It affects only gays... I don't even see how you can think otherwise...

And nobody accused you of bigotery. You were just told that your argument is stupid and false. Except for Popcorn1 of course but he keeps insulting and yelling on everyone so that doesn't count.

Saying "false", and then not explaining your reasoning at all is not an argument. That is just you standing on a street corner with a bullhorn yelling your opinion at the world. Yes, more opinions my argument is "stupid & false", of course no reasoning behind it to back that up, it just is because I said so. You are right no one accused me of "bigotery", but popcorn is a perfect example of the hostility of the true believers who are "intolerant of intolerance" and think they are "evening things out" by attacking "the other side", when in reality we are all on the same side and he is actually driving people away from accepting homosexuals with his behavior. He is not exactly the best ambassador for the gay community (or the English speaking community either). I am glad you can designate him as "doesn't count" for me, otherwise I would have to make that decision for myself.

The fact is gay marriage effects everyone regardless of your denials. The law is designed to apply to everyone equally. The law does not verify your sexual preferences, it applies to all humans in the jurisdiction, and all humans in the jurisdiction pay the price of the legislation. Saying "false" does not make this less true, and denying anyone else a say in this situation is not equality, it is the creation of a "protected class" which we can not discuss without spiteful shitheels like popcorn on "both sides" of the fence demolishing anything resembling civil debate, thinking he is "winning" by doing so.

I'm straight and married and as far as I'm concerned, if two gay people want to get married, that's their business.  It's hard to criticize when a large percentage of traditional marriages end in divorce and there are a lot of other heterosexual relationships that produce children out of wedlock.

Yes it is upon their business. Besides business it's opposite to nature as well the creations. For some sort of need someone started regulating it which eventually got acceptance over other countries. This needs to be eliminated.
it's opposite to nature as well the creations..So why does it repeat over and over again in most species..And it's you who needs to be eliminated.ANOTHER THICK SHIT.

It be nice for subject to go because it's all lies but be my guest and try and i will rip you to shreds on this subject.HOW CAN ANYONE WIN AGAINST LOVE..So come and try ;D

Actually, it makes it easier to criticize. Until the government got involved in marriage, the vast majority of them were successful. Now with no fault divorce, people (mostly women) are paid to break up their marriages and then either supported by their divorced partner and or the state. The government getting involved in marriage of any kind is a failure. Government involvement in marriage should be abolished for everyone. Now days more marriages fail than succeed. State marriage is simply a system to strip the population of its wealth by eating families, gay or straight.

I'm straight and married and as far as I'm concerned, if two gay people want to get married, that's their business.  It's hard to criticize when a large percentage of traditional marriages end in divorce and there are a lot of other heterosexual relationships that produce children out of wedlock.

My Thoughts Exactly! Thank you! I was planning to say almost the same words. We would have the right to be against the gay marriage only if all the heterosexual marriages were perfect. But since they are like Hell mostly why should we oppose something different?

Yes, like opposing government involvement in any marriage, straight or gay.

Title: Re: Gay marriage will destabilise family life
Post by: popcorn1 on March 11, 2016, 12:21:41 AM
False. It affects only gays... I don't even see how you can think otherwise...

And nobody accused you of bigotery. You were just told that your argument is stupid and false. Except for Popcorn1 of course but he keeps insulting and yelling on everyone so that doesn't count.

Saying "false", and then not explaining your reasoning at all is not an argument. That is just you standing on a street corner with a bullhorn yelling your opinion at the world. Yes, more opinions my argument is "stupid & false", of course no reasoning behind it to back that up, it just is because I said so. You are right no one accused me of "bigotery", but popcorn is a perfect example of the hostility of the true believers who are "intolerant of intolerance" and think they are "evening things out" by attacking "the other side", when in reality we are all on the same side and he is actually driving people away from accepting homosexuals with his behavior. He is not exactly the best ambassador for the gay community (or the English speaking community either). I am glad you can designate him as "doesn't count" for me, otherwise I would have to make that decision for myself.

The fact is gay marriage effects everyone regardless of your denials. The law is designed to apply to everyone equally. The law does not verify your sexual preferences, it applies to all humans in the jurisdiction, and all humans in the jurisdiction pay the price of the legislation. Saying "false" does not make this less true, and denying anyone else a say in this situation is not equality, it is the creation of a "protected class" which we can not discuss without spiteful shitheels like popcorn on "both sides" of the fence demolishing anything resembling civil debate, thinking he is "winning" by doing so.

I'm straight and married and as far as I'm concerned, if two gay people want to get married, that's their business.  It's hard to criticize when a large percentage of traditional marriages end in divorce and there are a lot of other heterosexual relationships that produce children out of wedlock.

Yes it is upon their business. Besides business it's opposite to nature as well the creations. For some sort of need someone started regulating it which eventually got acceptance over other countries. This needs to be eliminated.
it's opposite to nature as well the creations..So why does it repeat over and over again in most species..And it's you who needs to be eliminated.ANOTHER THICK SHIT.

It be nice for subject to go because it's all lies but be my guest and try and i will rip you to shreds on this subject.HOW CAN ANYONE WIN AGAINST LOVE..So come and try ;D

Actually, it makes it easier to criticize. Until the government got involved in marriage, the vast majority of them were successful. Now with no fault divorce, people (mostly women) are paid to break up their marriages and then either supported by their divorced partner and or the state. The government getting involved in marriage of any kind is a failure. Government involvement in marriage should be abolished for everyone. Now days more marriages fail than succeed. State marriage is simply a system to strip the population of its wealth by eating families, gay or straight.

I'm straight and married and as far as I'm concerned, if two gay people want to get married, that's their business.  It's hard to criticize when a large percentage of traditional marriages end in divorce and there are a lot of other heterosexual relationships that produce children out of wedlock.

My Thoughts Exactly! Thank you! I was planning to say almost the same words. We would have the right to be against the gay marriage only if all the heterosexual marriages were perfect. But since they are like Hell mostly why should we oppose something different?

Yes, like opposing government involvement in any marriage, straight or gay.

popcorn is a perfect example of the hostility of the true believers who are "intolerant of intolerance"You say..
Better than no rule with rules.

See the trouble is your saying its a discussion.When it's an insult..This is the same sort of discussion would you discuss this EXAMPLE.

Black people marriage will destabilise family life
Pakistani people marriage will destabilise family life
Ginger people marriage will destabilise family life
Fat people marriage will destabilise family life
Ugly people marriage will destabilise family life
Acne spotty people marriage will destabilise family life

When people get married is it guaranteed they will stay together for ever.When people split up is it nice for there kids to see the break up.

6 examples lets discuss the 6 examples..NO.. why because it's all bullshit and insulting..
So TECSHARE carry on with your fight for NO RULES WITH RULES because you make no sense.

TECSHARE you say government gives us rules and you hate the rules .
So i suppose we need to live by your rules so now we would live under the TECSHARE rules?

So after all that fighting and killing we done for you defeating the government we got to live by your rules now..So all that fighting was for nothing..Back to square 1 with RULES.

How does life work without rules?

Title: Re: Gay marriage will destabilise family life
Post by: TECSHARE on March 11, 2016, 01:24:08 AM
popcorn is a perfect example of the hostility of the true believers who are "intolerant of intolerance"You say..
Better than no rule with rules.

See the trouble is your saying its a discussion.When it's an insult..This is the same sort of discussion would you discuss this EXAMPLE.

Black people marriage will destabilise family life
Pakistani people marriage will destabilise family life
Ginger people marriage will destabilise family life
Fat people marriage will destabilise family life
Ugly people marriage will destabilise family life
Acne spotty people marriage will destabilise family life

When people get married is it guaranteed they will stay together for ever.When people split up is it nice for there kids to see the break up.

6 examples lets discuss the 6 examples..NO.. why because it's all bullshit and insulting..
So TECSHARE carry on with your fight for NO RULES WITH RULES because you make no sense.

TECSHARE you say government gives us rules and you hate the rules .
So i suppose we need to live by your rules so now we would live under the TECSHARE rules?

So after all that fighting and killing we done for you defeating the government we got to live by your rules now..So all that fighting was for nothing..Back to square 1 with RULES.

How does life work without rules?

Did you eat a lot of paint chips as a kid?

Title: Re: Gay marriage will destabilise family life
Post by: popcorn1 on March 11, 2016, 01:40:56 AM
Also you say I insult people.Does it feel horrible not nice ;D..
So imagine what gay people go threw everyday. If your offended by me imagine what gay people are feeling?.They get killed.
To many gay people scared to be free because of death hatred shun away.WHY
To many secret gays throwing stones"hypocrites"because of death hatred shun away.

Does it matter what consenting adults do with there lives as long as they hurt no one.
example say 5 people all loved each other would it matter if all 5 married each other if they hurt no one
There adults.
If a straight sex axeman killed another person in another city what affect does it have on your life if you don't know the person..Nothing you go arrr then carry on with your life..
So why would 2 gay people getting married bother you more than some killer axeman or some child dying of starvation
It's not being political correct it's called having a hart ;D
So many people angry at gayness but not angry at child neglect child poverty jobs government for war
OH I forgot if people are gay they are to blame for all those reasons anyway..

Jungle people stand there naked with no shame
You do the same on a tube station will you feel ashamed ..WHY..Because you been told to feel like that
Well now your getting told to love gayness.. Because for thousands of years you been told gayness is a sin.When most creatures do it..So because of a few gay hating rulers.. everybody had to hate gay even if they where gay..
they had to hate themselves..SO SAD..WELL NO MORE..JUST LIKE THE JEWS NO MORE..

Title: Re: Gay marriage will destabilise family life
Post by: popcorn1 on March 11, 2016, 01:47:52 AM
popcorn is a perfect example of the hostility of the true believers who are "intolerant of intolerance"You say..
Better than no rule with rules.

See the trouble is your saying its a discussion.When it's an insult..This is the same sort of discussion would you discuss this EXAMPLE.

Black people marriage will destabilise family life
Pakistani people marriage will destabilise family life
Ginger people marriage will destabilise family life
Fat people marriage will destabilise family life
Ugly people marriage will destabilise family life
Acne spotty people marriage will destabilise family life

When people get married is it guaranteed they will stay together for ever.When people split up is it nice for there kids to see the break up.

6 examples lets discuss the 6 examples..NO.. why because it's all bullshit and insulting..
So TECSHARE carry on with your fight for NO RULES WITH RULES because you make no sense.

TECSHARE you say government gives us rules and you hate the rules .
So i suppose we need to live by your rules so now we would live under the TECSHARE rules?

So after all that fighting and killing we done for you defeating the government we got to live by your rules now..So all that fighting was for nothing..Back to square 1 with RULES.

How does life work without rules?

Did you eat a lot of paint chips as a kid?
You have no logic.You do confuse me maybe I am to stupid..What's the picture for :D

Title: Re: Gay marriage will destabilise family life
Post by: Slow death on March 11, 2016, 08:16:40 PM
I think gays are sick and need treatment ... we should not accept such a thing in society

Title: Re: Gay marriage will destabilise family life
Post by: popcorn1 on March 11, 2016, 09:52:49 PM
I think gays are sick and need treatment ... we should not accept such a thing in society
I changed your name to hurry up and die cunt.Sounds better than slow death unless you get cancer.

Title: Re: Gay marriage will destabilise family life
Post by: justspare on March 11, 2016, 10:04:19 PM
Get over your stupid homophobia

Studies have shown that homophobia often means you are secretly gay... ( (

Our paper describes six studies conducted in the United States and Germany involving 784 university students...
Using this methodology we identified a subgroup of participants who, despite self-identifying as highly straight, indicated some level of same-sex attraction
Over 20 percent of self-described highly straight individuals showed this discrepancy
I doubt that he is gay though. He is showing how being gay is bad. Whatever study you looked at is completely fake. Or you just made it up.

Title: Re: Gay marriage will destabilise family life
Post by: Slow death on March 12, 2016, 08:49:29 AM
I think gays are sick and need treatment ... we should not accept such a thing in society
I changed your name to hurry up and die cunt.Sounds better than slow death unless you get cancer.

ku ku ku

Do not tell me you're gay?

You ever seen porno gay?

Has anyone seen porno 2 men having sex? because I saw an accident and was quite disgusting.

Before seeing that film I accepted gay ... not had problems with them, but after seeing that movie only 3 minutes? I started to not like gays and every time I see a gay I want to throw up

Title: Re: Gay marriage will destabilise family life
Post by: craked5 on March 16, 2016, 11:29:49 AM
I think gays are sick and need treatment ... we should not accept such a thing in society
I changed your name to hurry up and die cunt.Sounds better than slow death unless you get cancer.

ku ku ku

Do not tell me you're gay?

You ever seen porno gay?

Has anyone seen porno 2 men having sex? because I saw an accident and was quite disgusting.

Before seeing that film I accepted gay ... not had problems with them, but after seeing that movie only 3 minutes? I started to not like gays and every time I see a gay I want to throw up

Gays make you throw up but lesbians are ok I bet ::)

Title: Re: Gay marriage will destabilise family life
Post by: craked5 on March 16, 2016, 11:30:43 AM
I think gays are sick and need treatment ... we should not accept such a thing in society

And who are you to decide it? Do you have any argument to support such idea?

Title: Re: Gay marriage will destabilise family life
Post by: JavaLove on March 16, 2016, 04:16:46 PM
I am a fairly right leaning conservative however I don't think BEING gay is necessarily bad.

You should be able to date whomever you'd like. Whether female or male. You get to decide.

That's not to say that you can change the law based on your decisions, though. My opinion is that marriage is a very sacred tradition. It is something that has been respected for generations and we need to keep that respect. It should not be taken lightly and should not be seen as a joke. To me, marriage is something that should last for a lifetime, with no divorces.

Marriage is between a man and a woman for good reason. Both are the only ones that can have kids together and it's been set like this for a long time. I've seen many gay people before and they speak of marriage as a joke and make jokes about it. Some people get married and then OOPS in a year there's a divorce.

I feel like gay people have twisted their own words and made themselves look like a joke. Right now, you can marry anyone you'd like. However that shouldn't be the case until they can actually prove that marriage is not a joke to them.

Reminder: I think gay people are fine. If my son/daughter told me they were gay I'd be fine and would support them as best I can. However, I feel marriage is something completely sacred and should be taken seriously. If you're not going to take it seriously, don't participate.

Title: Re: Gay marriage will destabilise family life
Post by: popcorn1 on March 16, 2016, 05:25:57 PM
I am a fairly right leaning conservative however I don't think BEING gay is necessarily bad.

You should be able to date whomever you'd like. Whether female or male. You get to decide.

That's not to say that you can change the law based on your decisions, though. My opinion is that marriage is a very sacred tradition. It is something that has been respected for generations and we need to keep that respect. It should not be taken lightly and should not be seen as a joke. To me, marriage is something that should last for a lifetime, with no divorces.

Marriage is between a man and a woman for good reason. Both are the only ones that can have kids together and it's been set like this for a long time. I've seen many gay people before and they speak of marriage as a joke and make jokes about it. Some people get married and then OOPS in a year there's a divorce.

I feel like gay people have twisted their own words and made themselves look like a joke. Right now, you can marry anyone you'd like. However that shouldn't be the case until they can actually prove that marriage is not a joke to them.

Reminder: I think gay people are fine. If my son/daughter told me they were gay I'd be fine and would support them as best I can. However, I feel marriage is something completely sacred and should be taken seriously. If you're not going to take it seriously, don't participate.
YOUR A FUCKIN JOKE..Who the fuck made you chief marriage dude of all sacred marriage's FUCKIN DICK..
You thick shit all marriage should be banned then DUMB ASS because it's straight couples who get divorced the most..
Insulting little cunt..BRING IT BACK UP AGAIN fuckin wanker ;D So gay people don't take there love for each other seriously FUCK YOU TWAT

Yes i know I am insulting and rude people keep telling me..  I am not an ass hole like some..I am a cunt to a cunt.and your a cunt ;D

Why do people love bringing this insulting statement back up all the time..I wonder who will be my next victim  :D

Before you decide to bring this statement back up again ask your self this..Are you guaranteed to stay together till you die if 2 straight couples get married..ANSWER NO.So if your gay or straight makes no difference because both could end in divorce.
So the whole statement is a JOKE and so are you

Title: Re: Gay marriage will destabilise family life
Post by: JavaLove on March 16, 2016, 08:31:35 PM
I am a fairly right leaning conservative however I don't think BEING gay is necessarily bad.

You should be able to date whomever you'd like. Whether female or male. You get to decide.

That's not to say that you can change the law based on your decisions, though. My opinion is that marriage is a very sacred tradition. It is something that has been respected for generations and we need to keep that respect. It should not be taken lightly and should not be seen as a joke. To me, marriage is something that should last for a lifetime, with no divorces.

Marriage is between a man and a woman for good reason. Both are the only ones that can have kids together and it's been set like this for a long time. I've seen many gay people before and they speak of marriage as a joke and make jokes about it. Some people get married and then OOPS in a year there's a divorce.

I feel like gay people have twisted their own words and made themselves look like a joke. Right now, you can marry anyone you'd like. However that shouldn't be the case until they can actually prove that marriage is not a joke to them.

Reminder: I think gay people are fine. If my son/daughter told me they were gay I'd be fine and would support them as best I can. However, I feel marriage is something completely sacred and should be taken seriously. If you're not going to take it seriously, don't participate.
YOUR A FUCKIN JOKE..Who the fuck made you chief marriage dude of all sacred marriage's FUCKIN DICK..
You thick shit all marriage should be banned then DUMB ASS because it's straight couples who get divorced the most..
Insulting little cunt..BRING IT BACK UP AGAIN fuckin wanker ;D So gay people don't take there love for each other seriously FUCK YOU TWAT

Yes i know I am insulting and rude people keep telling me..  I am not an ass hole like some..I am a cunt to a cunt.and your a cunt ;D

Why do people love bringing this insulting statement back up all the time..I wonder who will be my next victim  :D

Before you decide to bring this statement back up again ask your self this..Are you guaranteed to stay together till you die if 2 straight couples get married..ANSWER NO.So if your gay or straight makes no difference because both could end in divorce.
So the whole statement is a JOKE and so are you

Who will be your next victim? No one's scared of you. No one's retreating to their mom because you called them a cunt.

I accept all opinions and of course I accept yours. You sound like an idiot but that's fine if you'd like to present yourself as such. To respond:

I don't care if gay men have sex, date what ever. I really don't. If you want to then go ahead by all means. If my son/daughter were to tell me they were gay I'd support them and still love them.

Marriage is something holy and sacred and should not be taken lightly. If you're getting married you should not be getting married with someone who you're going to get divorced with. I'm not saying make divorce harder but what I am saying is try and work things out with one another.

Gay men/women have made a mockery of marriage and the institution in recent years. Everyone just gets married now like there's no tomorrow. They get married with the first person they see.

Call me whatever you'd like I think marriage is sacred and SHOULD be kept that way. Want to be gay? Fine go ahead. Want to participate in a tradition we've been having for centuries? Sure, just follow the rules. Stop bringing your problems into it.

Title: Re: Gay marriage will destabilise family life
Post by: Moloch on March 16, 2016, 08:48:25 PM
I feel like gay people have twisted their own words and made themselves look like a joke. Right now, you can marry anyone you'd like. However that shouldn't be the case until they can actually prove that marriage is not a joke to them.

You say some really ignorant bullshit...

But seriously... Do straight people have to prove marriage is not a joke to them also?

Do you agree that this statement is double-standard hypocritical bullshit?

Title: Re: Gay marriage will destabilise family life
Post by: JavaLove on March 16, 2016, 10:33:01 PM
I feel like gay people have twisted their own words and made themselves look like a joke. Right now, you can marry anyone you'd like. However that shouldn't be the case until they can actually prove that marriage is not a joke to them.

You say some really ignorant bullshit...

But seriously... Do straight people have to prove marriage is not a joke to them also?

Do you agree that this statement is double-standard hypocritical bullshit?

Do you even know what the ignorant means? I don't mean to get hostile but seriously. Every time I have a discussion with a democrat they call me "ignorant". It simply means uninformed or uneducated. It doesn't mean anything else!

How do you know I am not gay? And what if I am? Will my previous statement on marriage still matter to you and would I still be ignorant?

But in regards to your question, I totally agree that everyone needs to start taking marriage seriously. This thread was specifically about gay marriage so that is why I am posting about it. I understand that there are all straights, gays and lesbians (and probably what ever else) who do not take marriage seriously. That being said, marriage is an institution that has existed for centuries and is a tradition. It must be respected. Of course we can make amendments to those traditions, I am not saying we can't. But those amendments must be compatible with the previous regulations/rules.

Title: Re: Gay marriage will destabilise family life
Post by: popcorn1 on March 17, 2016, 12:46:21 AM
Quote from:  link=topic=1377162.msg14217671#msg14217671 date=1458145006
I feel like gay people have twisted their own words and made themselves look like a joke. Right now, you can marry anyone you'd like. However that shouldn't be the case until they can actually prove that marriage is not a joke to them.

You say some really ignorant bullshit...

But seriously... Do straight people have to prove marriage is not a joke to them also?

Do you agree that this statement is double-standard hypocritical bullshit?

Do you even know what the ignorant means? I don't mean to get hostile but seriously. Every time I have a discussion with a democrat they call me "ignorant". It simply means uninformed or uneducated. It doesn't mean anything else!

How do you know I am not gay? And what if I am? Will my previous statement on marriage still matter to you and would I still be ignorant?

But in regards to your question, I totally agree that everyone needs to start taking marriage seriously. This thread was specifically about gay marriage so that is why I am posting about it. I understand that there are all straights, gays and lesbians (and probably what ever else) who do not take marriage seriously. That being said, marriage is an institution that has existed for centuries and is a tradition. It must be respected. Of course we can make amendments to those traditions, I am not saying we can't. But those amendments must be compatible with the previous regulations/rules.
Are you a strange gay :D You like tradition so much why don't you join the Dani Tribe
And also god hates gays..
This thread was specifically about gay marriage you say.Read the statement being made.
And if your gay your a thick shit..if 2 gay couples get married will the kids they have be fucked up kids
yes or no ?..
And also you fuckin moron how many gays do you know that say i am getting married then split up then get married then split up..Most gays that get married stay married not like straight couples marry 2 to 5 times over there life time.
where do you spend your nights in here

The question is not what do you think on gay marriage..It's saying if your gay and you get married your family will be a fucked up one lots of family problems is this true?
Because it's been proven to be a lie. Remember you can always join the Dani tribe if you love your tradition.
Did you get married and your lover left you because sounds like your pig sick over the split .Did he or she promise you the world and left you with nothing?A bitter gay are you..

Then if your not gay where is all these gays talking about marriage like it was a joke that you know of.
Or are you lying about the whole situation Which is it story 1 or 2..

Are you religious then it sums it all up A RELIGIOUS HATER.Everybody knows religious freaks hate gays.
You really are a plant pot it's not a debate it's an insult THICK SHIT :D
plus old testament was tradition why the new testament who decided to break that tradition..
So lets keep traditions king JavaLove likes only

Title: Re: Gay marriage will destabilise family life
Post by: JavaLove on March 17, 2016, 01:01:50 AM
Quote from:  link=topic=1377162.msg14217671#msg14217671 date=1458145006
I feel like gay people have twisted their own words and made themselves look like a joke. Right now, you can marry anyone you'd like. However that shouldn't be the case until they can actually prove that marriage is not a joke to them.

You say some really ignorant bullshit...

But seriously... Do straight people have to prove marriage is not a joke to them also?

Do you agree that this statement is double-standard hypocritical bullshit?

Do you even know what the ignorant means? I don't mean to get hostile but seriously. Every time I have a discussion with a democrat they call me "ignorant". It simply means uninformed or uneducated. It doesn't mean anything else!

How do you know I am not gay? And what if I am? Will my previous statement on marriage still matter to you and would I still be ignorant?

But in regards to your question, I totally agree that everyone needs to start taking marriage seriously. This thread was specifically about gay marriage so that is why I am posting about it. I understand that there are all straights, gays and lesbians (and probably what ever else) who do not take marriage seriously. That being said, marriage is an institution that has existed for centuries and is a tradition. It must be respected. Of course we can make amendments to those traditions, I am not saying we can't. But those amendments must be compatible with the previous regulations/rules.
Are you a strange gay :D You like tradition so much why don't you join the Dani Tribe
And also god hates gays..
This thread was specifically about gay marriage you say.Read the statement being made.
And if your gay your a thick shit..if 2 gay couples get married will the kids they have be fucked up kids
yes or no ?..
And also you fuckin moron how many gays do you know that say i am getting married then split up then get married then split up..Most gays that get married stay married not like straight couples marry 2 to 5 times over there life time.
where do you spend your nights in here

The question is not what do you think on gay marriage..It's saying if your gay and you get married your family will be a fucked up one lots of family problems is this true?
Because it's been proven to be a lie. Remember you can always join the Dani tribe if you love your tradition.
Did you get married and your lover left you because sounds like your pig sick over the split .Did he or she promise you the world and left you with nothing?A bitter gay are you..

Then if your not gay where is all these gays talking about marriage like it was a joke that you know of.
Or are you lying about the whole situation Which is it story 1 or 2..

Are you religious then it sums it all up A RELIGIOUS HATER.Everybody knows religious freaks hate gays.
You really are a plant pot it's not a debate it's an insult THICK SHIT :D
plus old testament was tradition why the new testament who decided to break that tradition..
So lets keep traditions king JavaLove likes only

So there were a lot of questions asked here, totally disordered I may add.

I will start off by answering one of the questions: yes I am religious. If it wasn't obvious I am a Christian but I totally disagree with your statement. I wouldn't call myself a religious "freak" however I do defend my religion and believe highly in it. I don't agree where you said religious freaks hate gays. I don't hate ANYONE. You can call me moron, cunt, whatever I still don't hate you. Same thing with a gay person. As I said you don't even know if I am gay or not. If I am gay thanks for calling me thick shit. I guess it's a compliment.

The numbers on straight people getting divorced is higher than gay people because there are not as many gay people who are married yet. You've got to let the numbers come out. However, look at how most gay people view marriage. It's not usually in a good way. Now, they can say whatever they'd like I don't care however you should have respect for the institution that you are entering.

Again, marriage is an age old tradition. I never said it can't be changed. But, you referenced the thread, this thread is discussing if "gay marriage will destabilize family life" which is totally true. The family tradition was a man and a woman. I don't care in which way you spin it, that's already a destabilization.

I need to repeat myself: you can be with a guy, you can be with a girl but marriage is a tradition that has existed for generations. Just because you want to date someone/something (because some people actually want to date objects) different doesn't mean you should participate in the tradition. If it's existed for years, then go along with your daily life. It's not a requirement to be married and if you want to be married, go with the opposite sex.

Finally: I like the last sentence. Going with traditions "King JavaLove" only likes sounds great to me.

Title: Re: Gay marriage will destabilise family life
Post by: popcorn1 on March 17, 2016, 01:42:24 AM
Quote from:  link=topic=1377162.msg14217671#msg14217671 date=1458145006
I feel like gay people have twisted their own words and made themselves look like a joke. Right now, you can marry anyone you'd like. However that shouldn't be the case until they can actually prove that marriage is not a joke to them.

You say some really ignorant bullshit...

But seriously... Do straight people have to prove marriage is not a joke to them also?

Do you agree that this statement is double-standard hypocritical bullshit?

Do you even know what the ignorant means? I don't mean to get hostile but seriously. Every time I have a discussion with a democrat they call me "ignorant". It simply means uninformed or uneducated. It doesn't mean anything else!

How do you know I am not gay? And what if I am? Will my previous statement on marriage still matter to you and would I still be ignorant?

But in regards to your question, I totally agree that everyone needs to start taking marriage seriously. This thread was specifically about gay marriage so that is why I am posting about it. I understand that there are all straights, gays and lesbians (and probably what ever else) who do not take marriage seriously. That being said, marriage is an institution that has existed for centuries and is a tradition. It must be respected. Of course we can make amendments to those traditions, I am not saying we can't. But those amendments must be compatible with the previous regulations/rules.
Are you a strange gay :D You like tradition so much why don't you join the Dani Tribe
And also god hates gays..
This thread was specifically about gay marriage you say.Read the statement being made.
And if your gay your a thick shit..if 2 gay couples get married will the kids they have be fucked up kids
yes or no ?..
And also you fuckin moron how many gays do you know that say i am getting married then split up then get married then split up..Most gays that get married stay married not like straight couples marry 2 to 5 times over there life time.
where do you spend your nights in here

The question is not what do you think on gay marriage..It's saying if your gay and you get married your family will be a fucked up one lots of family problems is this true?
Because it's been proven to be a lie. Remember you can always join the Dani tribe if you love your tradition.
Did you get married and your lover left you because sounds like your pig sick over the split .Did he or she promise you the world and left you with nothing?A bitter gay are you..

Then if your not gay where is all these gays talking about marriage like it was a joke that you know of.
Or are you lying about the whole situation Which is it story 1 or 2..

Are you religious then it sums it all up A RELIGIOUS HATER.Everybody knows religious freaks hate gays.
You really are a plant pot it's not a debate it's an insult THICK SHIT :D
plus old testament was tradition why the new testament who decided to break that tradition..
So lets keep traditions king JavaLove likes only

So there were a lot of questions asked here, totally disordered I may add.

I will start off by answering one of the questions: yes I am religious. If it wasn't obvious I am a Christian but I totally disagree with your statement. I wouldn't call myself a religious "freak" however I do defend my religion and believe highly in it. I don't agree where you said religious freaks hate gays. I don't hate ANYONE. You can call me moron, cunt, whatever I still don't hate you. Same thing with a gay person. As I said you don't even know if I am gay or not. If I am gay thanks for calling me thick shit. I guess it's a compliment.

The numbers on straight people getting divorced is higher than gay people because there are not as many gay people who are married yet. You've got to let the numbers come out. However, look at how most gay people view marriage. It's not usually in a good way. Now, they can say whatever they'd like I don't care however you should have respect for the institution that you are entering.

Again, marriage is an age old tradition. I never said it can't be changed. But, you referenced the thread, this thread is discussing if "gay marriage will destabilize family life" which is totally true. The family tradition was a man and a woman. I don't care in which way you spin it, that's already a destabilization.

I need to repeat myself: you can be with a guy, you can be with a girl but marriage is a tradition that has existed for generations. Just because you want to date someone/something (because some people actually want to date objects) different doesn't mean you should participate in the tradition. If it's existed for years, then go along with your daily life. It's not a requirement to be married and if you want to be married, go with the opposite sex.

Finally: I like the last sentence. Going with traditions "King JavaLove" only likes sounds great to me.

I bet you it does..Religious gay hater now were getting to the real story.All this bullshit i don't hate gays or nobody :D Typical of bible basher's not all but most of you are 2 faced mother fuckers.
So enjoy your day KING JAVALOVE showed your true colours Thanks gay hater ;D
Much better to speak the truth instead of talking bullshit straight to the point saves time..

Title: Re: Gay marriage will destabilise family life
Post by: JavaLove on March 17, 2016, 05:21:00 AM
I bet you it does..Religious gay hater now were getting to the real story.All this bullshit i don't hate gays or nobody :D Typical of bible basher's not all but most of you are 2 faced mother fuckers.
So enjoy your day KING JAVALOVE showed your true colours Thanks gay hater ;D
Much better to speak the truth instead of talking bullshit straight to the point saves time..

You're just twisting my words and coming up with things I've NEVER said.

Where does it say I hate gays or am against gays? What if I were gay? That argument still looms around.

Secondly, I never said religion hates gays nor did I ever say God hates gays. It was you who said all that.

All I said is that marriage is an institution we must respect and follow the rules that have been in place for centuries. I can still be gay, you can still be gay. We can all still be gay. What we must do, however, is respect the rules that are already in place.

I respect every gay person on the planet and believe they have a lot of courage. I only give them support and love. However, this does not change my stance. Marriage is not something you must have in order to live. Therefore, you don't need it. If you want it so badly, respect the rules already put in place.

BTW this all links back to the original topic. Yes gay marriage will destabilize family life and there's no doubt about it. But that's not my reason for opposing it.

Title: Re: Gay marriage will destabilise family life
Post by: yugo23 on March 17, 2016, 10:15:36 AM
I feel like gay people have twisted their own words and made themselves look like a joke. Right now, you can marry anyone you'd like. However that shouldn't be the case until they can actually prove that marriage is not a joke to them.

You say some really ignorant bullshit...

But seriously... Do straight people have to prove marriage is not a joke to them also?

Do you agree that this statement is double-standard hypocritical bullshit?

Do you even know what the ignorant means? I don't mean to get hostile but seriously. Every time I have a discussion with a democrat they call me "ignorant". It simply means uninformed or uneducated. It doesn't mean anything else!

How do you know I am not gay? And what if I am? Will my previous statement on marriage still matter to you and would I still be ignorant?

But in regards to your question, I totally agree that everyone needs to start taking marriage seriously. This thread was specifically about gay marriage so that is why I am posting about it. I understand that there are all straights, gays and lesbians (and probably what ever else) who do not take marriage seriously. That being said, marriage is an institution that has existed for centuries and is a tradition. It must be respected. Of course we can make amendments to those traditions, I am not saying we can't. But those amendments must be compatible with the previous regulations/rules.

Be reassured, gay or straight doesn't change the fact that your statement is dumb as hell ;)

Title: Re: Gay marriage will destabilise family life
Post by: Betwrong on March 17, 2016, 10:25:59 AM
I feel like gay people have twisted their own words and made themselves look like a joke. Right now, you can marry anyone you'd like. However that shouldn't be the case until they can actually prove that marriage is not a joke to them.

You say some really ignorant bullshit...

But seriously... Do straight people have to prove marriage is not a joke to them also?

Do you agree that this statement is double-standard hypocritical bullshit?

I agree. I'm straight and I'm married for many years(25) but I still can't prove that marriage is not a joke. )) IMO in the free Western society adult people should have the right to do whatever they want if they don't hurt other people by doing that.

Title: Re: Gay marriage will destabilise family life
Post by: mainpmf on March 17, 2016, 10:29:58 AM
I feel like gay people have twisted their own words and made themselves look like a joke. Right now, you can marry anyone you'd like. However that shouldn't be the case until they can actually prove that marriage is not a joke to them.

You say some really ignorant bullshit...

But seriously... Do straight people have to prove marriage is not a joke to them also?

Do you agree that this statement is double-standard hypocritical bullshit?

I agree. I'm straight and I'm married for many years(25) but I still can't prove that marriage is not a joke. )) IMO in the free Western society adult people should have the right to do whatever they want if they don't hurt other people by doing that.

Well the problem is also: what does it mean? What does it mean that marriage isn't a joke? How can you even prove that?

Title: Re: Gay marriage will destabilise family life
Post by: magnific61 on March 17, 2016, 10:47:12 AM
Gay marriage?   Disgusty!
Maybe should be respectful of people's choice but it doesn't prevent nausea when imagine.
Anyway the biggest problem of western civilisation is distorted family life and gay marriage impacts it even worse.

Title: Re: Gay marriage will destabilise family life
Post by: mainpmf on March 17, 2016, 10:54:35 AM
Gay marriage?   Disgusty!
Maybe should be respectful of people's choice but it doesn't prevent nausea when imagine.
Anyway the biggest problem of western civilisation is distorted family life and gay marriage impacts it even worse.

Yeah sure, it's like the worst thing ever! You imagine? People actually loving each other without being different sex? Horrible!!! So unnatural!!!

Title: Re: Gay marriage will destabilise family life
Post by: magnific61 on March 17, 2016, 11:38:29 AM
Gay marriage?   Disgusty!
Maybe should be respectful of people's choice but it doesn't prevent nausea when imagine.
Anyway the biggest problem of western civilisation is distorted family life and gay marriage impacts it even worse.

Yeah sure, it's like the worst thing ever! You imagine? People actually loving each other without being different sex? Horrible!!! So unnatural!!!
They are animals, not human. We have our moral rules for keeping life better.

Title: Re: Gay marriage will destabilise family life
Post by: yugo23 on March 17, 2016, 11:41:53 AM
Gay marriage?   Disgusty!
Maybe should be respectful of people's choice but it doesn't prevent nausea when imagine.
Anyway the biggest problem of western civilisation is distorted family life and gay marriage impacts it even worse.

Yeah sure, it's like the worst thing ever! You imagine? People actually loving each other without being different sex? Horrible!!! So unnatural!!!
They are animals, not human. We have our moral rules for keeping life better.
Oh great! So they're animals for doing natural things? I guess that's a new argument. And where does this moral come from? Cause that's important to respect moral rules. But you gotta know where this moral comes from in order to be sure to not break it :)

Title: Re: Gay marriage will destabilise family life
Post by: popcorn1 on March 17, 2016, 02:21:03 PM
Gay marriage?   Disgusty!
Maybe should be respectful of people's choice but it doesn't prevent nausea when imagine.
Anyway the biggest problem of western civilisation is distorted family life and gay marriage impacts it even worse.

Yeah sure, it's like the worst thing ever! You imagine? People actually loving each other without being different sex? Horrible!!! So unnatural!!!
They are animals, not human. We have our moral rules for keeping life better.
Yes we have our moral rules for keeping life better.

Title: Re: Gay marriage will destabilise family life
Post by: valta4065 on March 17, 2016, 03:23:31 PM
Gay marriage?   Disgusty!
Maybe should be respectful of people's choice but it doesn't prevent nausea when imagine.
Anyway the biggest problem of western civilisation is distorted family life and gay marriage impacts it even worse.

Yeah sure, it's like the worst thing ever! You imagine? People actually loving each other without being different sex? Horrible!!! So unnatural!!!
They are animals, not human. We have our moral rules for keeping life better.
Yes we have our moral rules for keeping life better.

Good example of how great our way of living is.

Title: Re: Gay marriage will destabilise family life
Post by: Swordsoffreedom on March 29, 2016, 09:08:50 AM
Feel like adding a breath of life to this topic.

What happens in Gay Alimony who gets the kid ?

We can't go with Feminist legal view where the Women in the relationship gets the kid most of the time and the assets are split that way for the guy until the kid is 18 since we have two guys or two women who broke up and adopted a kid together.
So who adopts the kid is a legit question and who makes the payments.

When a heterosexual couple divorces, a judge determines custody rights—both visitation and child support—based on a child’s best interest. But that issue is complicated for gay couples who raised children together if only one is an adoptive parent. New York, for example, doesn’t recognize “de facto” parents—those who, according to the American Law Institute, “share (at least) equally in primary childcare responsibilities while residing with a child for reasons other than money.”

As a result, a biological or adoptive parent can “literally slam the door on the other parent—and vice versa; the other parent can walk away—and then the judge won’t even look at visitation rights or child support,” says Karen Moulding, co-author of Sexual Orientation & The Law, an annually updated legal treatise on LGBT and alternative family issues. “Now we have this situation where same-sex couples can get divorced, but some states including New York don’t necessarily enforce parental rights and responsibilities.”

Title: Re: Gay marriage will destabilise family life
Post by: KennyR on March 29, 2016, 10:06:21 AM
Gay marriage will destabilize family life, Guy get deviated attention towards guys than his wife which causes a negative response on his wife's behaviour.

Title: Re: Gay marriage will destabilise family life
Post by: saiha on March 29, 2016, 12:53:50 PM
How gay marriage will destabilise family life if they can't create a life  ;D? Except by adopting a child.  Gay marriage is very immoral, this is written in the bible, even though we don't base in the bible. Socially gay marriage is immoral

Title: Re: Gay marriage will destabilise family life
Post by: Daisy14 on April 19, 2016, 07:41:18 AM
Studies by LGBT lobby are not actually studies. Read the article in the OP

Negative, Ghost Rider, the pattern is full

I have no interest in reading homophobic bigotry

Who funds the studies that you trust? (please don't say the bible or God or some stupid shit like that)

If you think the bible and God are stupid, then how did you come into existence?

Please do not tell me about the theory of evolution because even scientists are starting to agree that it is false. Google it.

Title: Re: Gay marriage will destabilise family life
Post by: bryant.coleman on April 19, 2016, 09:46:19 AM
Gay marriage?   Disgusty!
Maybe should be respectful of people's choice but it doesn't prevent nausea when imagine.
Anyway the biggest problem of western civilisation is distorted family life and gay marriage impacts it even worse.

Yeah sure, it's like the worst thing ever! You imagine? People actually loving each other without being different sex? Horrible!!! So unnatural!!!
They are animals, not human. We have our moral rules for keeping life better.
Oh great! So they're animals for doing natural things? I guess that's a new argument. And where does this moral come from? Cause that's important to respect moral rules. But you gotta know where this moral comes from in order to be sure to not break it :)

From your argument, it seems that you are trying to give an impression that homosexual behavior is very common among the animals. That is not true at all. The incidence of homosexuality among the animals is less than that in the humans. For example, there are a total of 5,416 mammal species in the world. The median incidence of homosexuality among them is much less than the 1.5% observed among the humans. 

Title: Re: Gay marriage will destabilise family life
Post by: AzibLala007 on April 19, 2016, 10:46:23 AM
i think gay marriages will be banned in the world.
and this is also illigal in many religions especially in Islam.
and yes it destroy the family lines.

Title: Re: Gay marriage will destabilise family life
Post by: JesusHadAegis on April 19, 2016, 11:51:06 AM
i think gay marriages will be banned in the world.
and this is also illigal in many religions especially in Islam.
and yes it destroy the family lines.

I think i disagree with you, in my point of view, gay marriage is just like fighting for women rights during the early 20th and late 19 century. They just want to have there own community without harm. we are just blinded with gay entertainers and we are generalizing too much.

And to sum it up, people discourage gay marriage because of mainly the bible because it was stated there that man is for woman and so on.

What happened to its saying about love and respect?

feel free to comment.

Title: Re: Gay marriage will destabilise family life
Post by: Betwrong on April 19, 2016, 04:46:55 PM
i think gay marriages will be banned in the world.
and this is also illigal in many religions especially in Islam.
and yes it destroy the family lines.

I think i disagree with you, in my point of view, gay marriage is just like fighting for women rights during the early 20th and late 19 century. They just want to have there own community without harm. we are just blinded with gay entertainers and we are generalizing too much.

And to sum it up, people discourage gay marriage because of mainly the bible because it was stated there that man is for woman and so on.

What happened to its saying about love and respect?

feel free to comment.

I agree with you. Permitting gay marriage is just showing that in your country adult people have more rights to do whatever they want. Nobody has the right to restrict those rights of other people if they not physically harm other people.

And yes, many, if not all, "religious" people "forget" about love and respect, although their religion tells them to not.

Title: Re: Gay marriage will destabilise family life
Post by: iluvbitcoins on April 19, 2016, 07:11:34 PM
I am the only one who thinks being gay is a choice  :-\
Seriously, like, if you put anyone in a chair, and stimulate him sexually positive when looking at a male individual, after a week, he'll be attracted to males lol

Title: Re: Gay marriage will destabilise family life
Post by: Slowturtleinc on April 19, 2016, 08:14:25 PM
I am the only one who thinks being gay is a choice  :-\
Seriously, like, if you put anyone in a chair, and stimulate him sexually positive when looking at a male individual, after a week, he'll be attracted to males lol

So you are saying that sexuality is something you can overwrite with the right stimulation?
This kind of falls in line with those Get straight camps where they try to get men that are ashamed of being Gay to be more straight.

Read recently but it did not come from a strong enough source that I noted it but was a interesting idea on why gays do not get fazed out after one dies. The theory that sounded a bit out landish was that 50% of the population carries this gene that lays dormant till activated.
Seems like one of those ideas they threw together quickly to come up with a reason why its still relevant generations later.

Title: Re: Gay marriage will destabilise family life
Post by: iluvbitcoins on April 19, 2016, 08:28:15 PM
I am the only one who thinks being gay is a choice  :-\
Seriously, like, if you put anyone in a chair, and stimulate him sexually positive when looking at a male individual, after a week, he'll be attracted to males lol

So you are saying that sexuality is something you can overwrite with the right stimulation?
This kind of falls in line with those Get straight camps where they try to get men that are ashamed of being Gay to be more straight.

Read recently but it did not come from a strong enough source that I noted it but was a interesting idea on why gays do not get fazed out after one dies. The theory that sounded a bit out landish was that 50% of the population carries this gene that lays dormant till activated.
Seems like one of those ideas they threw together quickly to come up with a reason why its still relevant generations later.

dunno, I mean, like, you need to get a boner to fuck someone

but if you come up to a random guy and say, I'll give you a million dollars if you fuck him in the ass

I'm 97% certain, he'd be able to do it lol

It's not an easy choice, but it is a choice, I think, I can't be 100% sure
But it's what it seems to me

The camps fall in the category of telling them it's a sin, that can only get them to kill themselves if they think they can't change
Proper technique would be stimulans

But I don't know, it needs to be tested on volunteers  :D

Homosexuality is a disorder (Define disorder: to disturb the order), but it's benign, it's not dangerous  :)

Title: Re: Gay marriage will destabilise family life
Post by: popcorn1 on April 19, 2016, 10:16:24 PM
i think gay marriages will be banned in the world.
and this is also illigal in many religions especially in Islam.
and yes it destroy the family lines.
Wont destroy ISLAM..You all breed like rats so if one turns out gay what difference will it make to you  :D
RATS..You marry many times and breed many rats ;D I FUCKIN HATE MUSLIMS

I cannot wait for this fuckin war..You think us westerners are scared of you :D :D :D
You got the whole world against you..ISLAM WILL DIE BEFORE GAY MARRIAGE..

Learn to be benign or you will loose Islam altogether

Title: Re: Gay marriage will destabilise family life
Post by: popcorn1 on April 19, 2016, 10:25:01 PM
I am the only one who thinks being gay is a choice  :-\
Seriously, like, if you put anyone in a chair, and stimulate him sexually positive when looking at a male individual, after a week, he'll be attracted to males lol

So you are saying that sexuality is something you can overwrite with the right stimulation?
This kind of falls in line with those Get straight camps where they try to get men that are ashamed of being Gay to be more straight.

Read recently but it did not come from a strong enough source that I noted it but was a interesting idea on why gays do not get fazed out after one dies. The theory that sounded a bit out landish was that 50% of the population carries this gene that lays dormant till activated.
Seems like one of those ideas they threw together quickly to come up with a reason why its still relevant generations later.

dunno, I mean, like, you need to get a boner to fuck someone

but if you come up to a random guy and say, I'll give you a million dollars if you fuck him in the ass

I'm 97% certain, he'd be able to do it lol

It's not an easy choice, but it is a choice, I think, I can't be 100% sure
But it's what it seems to me

The camps fall in the category of telling them it's a sin, that can only get them to kill themselves if they think they can't change
Proper technique would be stimulans

But I don't know, it needs to be tested on volunteers  :D

Homosexuality is a disorder (Define disorder: to disturb the order), but it's benign, it's not dangerous  :)
Sounds like you want some cock up your bottom  :D

Title: Re: Gay marriage will destabilise family life
Post by: popcorn1 on April 19, 2016, 10:33:50 PM
Gay marriage?   Disgusty!
Maybe should be respectful of people's choice but it doesn't prevent nausea when imagine.
Anyway the biggest problem of western civilisation is distorted family life and gay marriage impacts it even worse.

Yeah sure, it's like the worst thing ever! You imagine? People actually loving each other without being different sex? Horrible!!! So unnatural!!!
They are animals, not human. We have our moral rules for keeping life better.
Oh great! So they're animals for doing natural things? I guess that's a new argument. And where does this moral come from? Cause that's important to respect moral rules. But you gotta know where this moral comes from in order to be sure to not break it :)

From your argument, it seems that you are trying to give an impression that homosexual behavior is very common among the animals. That is not true at all. The incidence of homosexuality among the animals is less than that in the humans. For example, there are a total of 5,416 mammal species in the world. The median incidence of homosexuality among them is much less than the 1.5% observed among the humans. 
so is a black human a different specie to a white human?..Now the fact that more than one type of animal as gay sex does this not prove that its more common than human gay sex..

Now I know why i put you on my ignore list..THICK SHIT

Title: Re: Gay marriage will destabilise family life
Post by: Slowturtleinc on April 20, 2016, 12:37:08 AM
Funny how extreme religions both agree to be narrow minded when it comes to any deviation from the norm. When religion dictates what you believe, I feel its a waste of time discussing issues if this ilk.
Just widens the divide and honestly bounce between sadness and anger over people hating one another because thats the way it is or thats the way its always been! Some point people should think for themselves does it make sense to be homophobic and hateful?

Title: Re: Gay marriage will destabilise family life
Post by: Crazygreek on April 20, 2016, 01:48:12 AM
How gay marriage will destabilise family life if they can't create a life  ;D? Except by adopting a child.  Gay marriage is very immoral, this is written in the bible, even though we don't base in the bible. Socially gay marriage is immoral

Gay marriage is not immoral, it's useless. Two guys who think that's marriage will make theirs love stronger just want to live togather but it's so stupid from other side. I can't really understand why it's happening to mans.

Title: Re: Gay marriage will destabilise family life
Post by: Slowturtleinc on April 20, 2016, 02:02:38 AM
How gay marriage will destabilise family life if they can't create a life  ;D? Except by adopting a child.  Gay marriage is very immoral, this is written in the bible, even though we don't base in the bible. Socially gay marriage is immoral

Gay marriage is not immoral, it's useless. Two guys who think that's marriage will make theirs love stronger just want to live togather but it's so stupid from other side. I can't really understand why it's happening to mans.

With marriage they gain aspects that they would not have access to otherwise. You would be shocked how many hurdles they would have otherwise.
Says more about how we set up society.
We still are set up with all these religious aspects that are no longer relevant in our current times.

Title: Re: Gay marriage will destabilise family life
Post by: RJX on April 20, 2016, 08:20:30 AM
How gay marriage will destabilise family life if they can't create a life  ;D? Except by adopting a child.  Gay marriage is very immoral, this is written in the bible, even though we don't base in the bible. Socially gay marriage is immoral

Gay marriage is not immoral, it's useless. Two guys who think that's marriage will make theirs love stronger just want to live togather but it's so stupid from other side. I can't really understand why it's happening to mans.

With marriage they gain aspects that they would not have access to otherwise. You would be shocked how many hurdles they would have otherwise.
Says more about how we set up society.
We still are set up with all these religious aspects that are no longer relevant in our current times.

OP statement is nonsense. Any family, or household that comprises of a man, a woman, two and a half kid and a dog will not be undermined in any way if both their neighbours are gay couples. If any, they'll dress smarter.

Any family that opposes gay marriage should know they've allready 'made the cut', if you will. So why judge any other that pursues happiness, or whatever one's after.

Live and let live.

Title: Re: Gay marriage will destabilise family life
Post by: Pierre 2 on April 20, 2016, 01:03:39 PM
I think gay marriages should be allowed.
Because it somekinda solves population problems in world.

Title: Re: Gay marriage will destabilise family life
Post by: Evildrum on April 20, 2016, 04:27:42 PM
I think gay marriages should be allowed.
Because it somekinda solves population problems in world.
Same sex marriage is wrong period. God does not condone any type of sin & homosexual sex is an abomination. This is one of the signs of the End of Days. The world is more evil than Sodom & Gomorrah. Marriage & christian living is being mocked by our own Gov't. Christains are being persecuted as never before. Children are a gift from God & their being exploited by these gay & Lesbians to satisfy their selfish needs. God is judging America for their disobedience, Unless people in this country turn from their evil ways & repent this once great country founded on biblical principles will be destroyed

You sure States was founded on biblical priciples?

Its arrogance to think your god is the end all for all.
Step back and tell me what would you not do for god?

Title: Re: Gay marriage will destabilise family life
Post by: n0ne on April 20, 2016, 06:06:01 PM
i think gay marriages will be banned in the world.
and this is also illigal in many religions especially in Islam.
and yes it destroy the family lines.

Gay marriages might be opposite to most religion but slowly it has got acceptance in most of the countries. Gay relation is also keeps on increasing which is not good for a healthy growth of the family and universe.

Title: Re: Gay marriage will destabilise family life
Post by: Evildrum on April 20, 2016, 06:17:54 PM
i think gay marriages will be banned in the world.
and this is also illigal in many religions especially in Islam.
and yes it destroy the family lines.

Gay marriages might be opposite to most religion but slowly it has got acceptance in most of the countries. Gay relation is also keeps on increasing which is not good for a healthy growth of the family and universe.

You realize that population growth on a global scale is increasing dramatically each year?
The percentage of gay people is hard to figure since so many lived in the closest in the past from fear of persecution from bigots.

The idea that every one needs to have off spring and plenty of them is a thinking that has fallen off in more civilized areas of the world. The only reason people have huge families is one to support themselves with cheap labor or because they are following a religious rule.
Look at the highest fertility rated places in the world and they tend to be religious hot beds.

Title: Re: Gay marriage will destabilise family life
Post by: Jasad on April 21, 2016, 08:09:13 AM
agreed,i never support gay marriage or LGBT existence,its really danger for human being,i can't imagine if this kind of marriage will legal in some country,or the worst is legal in all countries in this world,i'm sure the world in danger if this happen. yes you right,its will destabilise family life.

Title: Re: Gay marriage will destabilise family life
Post by: Farhad shaikh on April 21, 2016, 10:48:02 AM
Who say "gay marriage will destabilise family life"? I don,t agree with that. It,s a nurture thing. we will all accept that. :-[

Title: Re: Gay marriage will destabilise family life
Post by: romero121 on April 21, 2016, 02:27:36 PM
I think gay marriages should be allowed.
Because it somekinda solves population problems in world.

There are lot other ways to solve population problems. Legalizing gay marriage create unwanted issues as well creates bad intention within human mind, though they are straight.

Title: Re: Gay marriage will destabilise family life
Post by: Slowturtleinc on April 21, 2016, 07:51:56 PM
agreed,i never support gay marriage or LGBT existence,its really danger for human being,i can't imagine if this kind of marriage will legal in some country,or the worst is legal in all countries in this world,i'm sure the world in danger if this happen. yes you right,its will destabilise family life.

Good thing they do not need your support then.
Whats the right wing wet dream here that some how every one goes gay because marriage is available to everyone or is it that you feel marriage should be between a man and a women? If its the latter you can only blame the way the system is set up for pushing gay marriage into a must. If couples where allowed to receive the same benefits the amount of people gay and straight would fall off significantly. So that may be something you may want to think about with the whole marriage is a sacred cow so to speak.

Title: Re: Gay marriage will destabilise family life
Post by: mOgliE on April 27, 2016, 11:13:42 AM
I think gay marriages should be allowed.
Because it somekinda solves population problems in world.

There are lot other ways to solve population problems. Legalizing gay marriage create unwanted issues as well creates bad intention within human mind, though they are straight.

Yeah! Unwanted issues! Like people having the freedom to do whatever they want!
So unwanted violation of your rights! Much bad intention!

YOu're afraid of becoming gay because gays will have the right to marry?

Title: Re: Gay marriage will destabilise family life
Post by: Enotche on April 27, 2016, 11:48:45 AM
You know, I think that gay men are born, not made. I could be wrong, but intuition tells me that during a woman's pregnancy, the fetus is developing, and something happens to him, perhaps DNA or something. Initially, we have all the sex characteristics of both sexes. So, apparently, during fetal development there is something, some kind of deviation, which is then at puberty reaches a peak, and the man realizes that he is a different sexual orientation.

That is why my attitude toward gays, such as a patient. I do not think they are inferior, they are not to blame that these were born.

With regards to gay marriage. I can not give a complete answer to this question. Yes, they have a right to exist, but may not climb to the rest of the people with his attitude, outlook and so on. They should not promote it. Let the peace and quiet there.

Title: Re: Gay marriage will destabilise family life
Post by: romero121 on April 27, 2016, 02:19:54 PM
I think gay marriages should be allowed.
Because it somekinda solves population problems in world.

There are lot other ways to solve population problems. Legalizing gay marriage create unwanted issues as well creates bad intention within human mind, though they are straight.

Yeah! Unwanted issues! Like people having the freedom to do whatever they want!
So unwanted violation of your rights! Much bad intention!

YOu're afraid of becoming gay because gays will have the right to marry?

Nothing to afraid about it. Its a natural feeling that gets created within every human. The bad emotions leads to unwanted violation.

Title: Re: Gay marriage will destabilise family life
Post by: mOgliE on April 27, 2016, 04:05:48 PM
I think gay marriages should be allowed.
Because it somekinda solves population problems in world.

There are lot other ways to solve population problems. Legalizing gay marriage create unwanted issues as well creates bad intention within human mind, though they are straight.

Yeah! Unwanted issues! Like people having the freedom to do whatever they want!
So unwanted violation of your rights! Much bad intention!

YOu're afraid of becoming gay because gays will have the right to marry?

Nothing to afraid about it. Its a natural feeling that gets created within every human. The bad emotions leads to unwanted violation.

And who are you to define what's a "bad emotion" or an "unwanted violation"?

Title: Re: Gay marriage will destabilise family life
Post by: saiha on April 27, 2016, 04:26:00 PM

I think gay marriages should be allowed.
Because it somekinda solves population problems in world.
I don't agree that gay marriage could solve the rapid growth of population in the world. Think of it even China with their 2 child policy won't stop that problem. And definitely gay marriage is not the solution of it and it should not be allowed.

Title: Re: Gay marriage will destabilise family life
Post by: mOgliE on April 27, 2016, 04:29:29 PM

I think gay marriages should be allowed.
Because it somekinda solves population problems in world.
I don't agree that gay marriage could solve the rapid growth of population in the world. Think of it even China with their 2 child policy won't stop that problem. And definitely gay marriage is not the solution of it and it should not be allowed.

Wrong. China clearly solved its overpopulation problem, population is going to shrink as fertility rate is slightly above 1.2

Their main problem will be their aging population though.

Title: Re: Gay marriage will destabilise family life
Post by: saiha on April 27, 2016, 04:33:20 PM

I think gay marriages should be allowed.
Because it somekinda solves population problems in world.
I don't agree that gay marriage could solve the rapid growth of population in the world. Think of it even China with their 2 child policy won't stop that problem. And definitely gay marriage is not the solution of it and it should not be allowed.

Wrong. China clearly solved its overpopulation problem, population is going to shrink as fertility rate is slightly above 1.2

Their main problem will be their aging population though.
I see , I thought they didn't solved that problem because they are still one of the most populated country in the world but good to know about it. But let's move back again to gay marriage. It will definitely change people's point of view if it will happen. And it's kind awkward to look on it.  :-X

Title: Re: Gay marriage will destabilise family life
Post by: Akupuniard on April 28, 2016, 01:32:30 AM
It's true, gay marriage is bad for population and also it's forces others children live with unnormal people, i am about orientation. So i really want that no homo will win.

Title: Re: Gay marriage will destabilise family life
Post by: popcorn1 on April 28, 2016, 01:54:44 AM
It's true, gay marriage is bad for population and also it's forces others children live with unnormal people, i am about orientation. So i really want that no homo will win.
Freedom of speech..But if your population thinks like you do then your population will become POOR SKINT NO TRADE ;D  ..TRAMPS...

Also it's been proven that most gay marriage stay together longer than straight marriage and produce better off springs I.E the kids do better in life..Plus the fact not everyone is gay way more straight people than gay to upset the balance.

Title: Re: Gay marriage will destabilise family life
Post by: EUROPEANTURK on April 28, 2016, 03:11:10 PM
We will see a major destabilization in these pro-sodomite countries. ( (

This was the principle factor, she said, that has caused the collapse in marriage rates between heterosexuals in countries where gay marriage had been introduced - as well as a sharp rise in cohabitation and the numbers of children born out of wedlock. (

By Marshall Kirk and Erastes Pill

The first order of business is desensitization of the American public concerning gays and gay rights. To desensitize the public is to help it view homosexuality with indifference instead of with keen emotion. Ideally, we would have straights register differences in sexual preference the way they register different tastes for ice cream or sports games: she likes strawberry and I like vanilla; he follows baseball and I follow football. No big deal.

At least in the beginning, we are seeking public desensitization and nothing more. We do not need and cannot expect a full "appreciation" or "understanding" of homosexuality from the average American. You can forget about trying to persuade the masses that homosexuality is a good thing. But if only you can get them to think that it is just another thing, with a shrug of their shoulders, then your battle for legal and social rights is virtually won. And to get to shoulder-shrug stage, gays as a class must cease to appear mysterious, alien, loathsome and contrary. A large-scale media campaign will be required in order to change the image of gays in America. And any campaign to accomplish this turnaround should do six things.


The principle behind this advice is simple: almost any behavior begins to look normal if you are exposed to enough of it at close quarters and among your acquaintances. The acceptability of the new behavior will ultimately hinge on the number of one's fellows doing it or accepting it. One may be offended by its novelty at first--many, in times past, were momentarily scandalized by "streaking,'' eating goldfish, and premarital sex. But as long as Joe Six-pack feels little pressure to perform likewise, and as long as the behavior in question presents little threat to his physical and financial security, he soon gets used to it and life goes on. The skeptic may still shake his head and think "people arc crazy these days," but over time his objections are likely to become more reflective, more philosophical, less emotional.

The way to benumb raw sensitivities about homosexuality is to have a lot of people talk a great deal about the subject in a neutral or supportive way. Open and frank talk makes the subject seem less furtive, alien, and sinful, more above-board. Constant talk builds the impression that public opinion is at least divided on the subject, and that a sizable segment accepts or even practices homosexuality. Even rancorous debates between opponents and defenders serve the purpose of desensitization so long as "respectable" gays are front and center to make their own pitch. The main thing is to talk about gayness until the issue becomes thoroughly tiresome.

And when we say talk about homosexuality, we mean just that. In the early stages of any campaign to reach straight America, the masses should not be shocked and repelled by premature exposure to homosexual behavior itself. Instead, the imagery of sex should be downplayed and gay rights should be reduced to an abstract social question as much as possible. First let the camel get his nose inside the tent--only later his unsightly derriere!

Where we talk is important. The visual media, film and television, are plainly the most powerful image-makers in Western civilization. The average American household watches over seven hours of TV daily. Those hours open up a gateway into the private world of straights, through which a Trojan horse might be passed. As far as desensitization is concerned, the medium is the message--of normalcy. So far, gay Hollywood has provided our best covert weapon in the battle to desensitize the mainstream. Bit by bit over the past ten years, gay characters and gay themes have been introduced into TV programs and films (though often this has been done to achieve comedic and ridiculous affects). On the whole the impact has been encouraging. The prime-time presentation of Consenting Adults on a major network in 1985 is but one high-water mark in favorable media exposure of gay issues. But this should be just the beginning of a major publicity blitz by gay America.

Would a desensitizing campaign of open and sustained talk about gay issues reach every rabid opponent of homosexuality? Of course not. While public opinion is one primary source of mainstream values, religious authority is the other. When conservative churches condemn gays, there are only two things we can do to confound the homophobia of true believers. First, we can use talk to muddy the moral waters. This means publicizing support for gays by more moderate churches, raising theological objections of our own about conservative interpretations of biblical teachings, and exposing hatred and inconsistency. Second, we can undermine the moral authority of homophobic churches by portraying them as antiquated backwaters, badly out of step with the times and with the latest findings of psychology. Against the mighty pull of institutional Religion one must set the mightier draw of Science & Public Opinion (the shield and sword of that accursed "secular humanism"). Such an unholy alliance has worked well against churches before, on such topics as divorce and abortion. With enough open talk about the prevalence and acceptability of homosexuality, that alliance can work again here.


In any campaign to win over the public, gays must be cast as victims in need of protection so that straights will be inclined by reflex to assume the role of protector. If gays are presented, instead, as a strong and prideful tribe promoting a rigidly nonconformist and deviant lifestyle, they are more likely to be seen as a public menace that justifies resistance and oppression. For that reason, we must forego the temptation to strut our "gay pride" publicly when it conflicts with the Gay Victim image. And we must walk the fine line between impressing straights with our great numbers, on the one hand, and sparking their hostile paranoia-"They are all around us!"--on the other.

A media campaign to promote the Gay Victim image should make use of symbols which reduce the mainstream's sense of threat, which lower it's guard, and which enhance the plausibility of victimization. In practical terms, this means that jaunty mustachioed musclemen would keep very low profile in gay commercials and other public presentations, while sympathetic figures of nice young people, old people, and attractive women would be featured. (It almost goes without saying that groups on the farthest margin of acceptability such as NAMBLA, [Ed note -- North American Man-Boy Love Association] must play no part at all in such a campaign: suspected child-molesters will never look like victims.)

Now, there are two different messages about the Gay Victim that are worth communicating. First, the mainstream should be told that gays are victims of fate, in the sense that most never had a choice to accept or reject their sexual preference. The message must read: "As far as gays can tell, they were born gay, just as you were born heterosexual or white or black or bright or athletic. Nobody ever tricked or seduced them; they never made a choice, and are not morally blameworthy. What they do isn't willfully contrary - it's only natural for them. This twist of fate could as easily have happened to you!"

Straight viewers must be able to identify with gays as victims. Mr. and Mrs. Public must be given no extra excuses to say, "they are not like us." To this end, the persons featured in the public campaign should be decent and upright, appealing and admirable by straight standards, completely unexceptionable in appearance--in a word, they should be indistinguishable from the straights we would like to reach. (To return to the terms we have used in previous articles, spokesmen for our cause must be R-type "straight gays" rather than Q-type "homosexuals on
display.") Only under such conditions will the message be read correctly: "These folks are victims of a fate that could have happened to me."

By the way, we realize that many gays will question an advertising technique, which might threaten to make homosexuality look like some dreadful disease, which strikes fated "victims". But the plain fact is that the gay community is weak and must manipulate the powers of the weak, including the play for sympathy. In any case, we compensate for the negative aspect of this gay victim appeal under Principle 4. (Below)

The second message would portray gays as victims of society. The straight majority does not recognize the suffering it brings to the lives of gays and must be shown: graphic pictures of brutalized gays; dramatizations of job and housing insecurity, loss of child custody, and public humiliation: and the dismal list goes on.

"... In any campaign to win over the public, gays must be cast as victims in need of protection so that straights will be inclined by reflex to assume the role of protector."


A media campaign that casts gays as society's victims and encourages straights to be their protectors must make it easier for those to respond to assert and explain their new protectiveness. Few straight women, and even fewer straight men, will want to defend homosexuality boldly as such. Most would rather attach their awakened protective impulse to some principle of justice or law, to some general desire for consistent and fair treatment in society. Our campaign should not demand direct support for homosexual practices, should instead take anti-discrimination as its theme. The right to free speech, freedom of beliefs, freedom of association, due process and equal protection of laws-these should be the concerns brought to mind by our campaign.

It is especially important for the gay movement to hitch its cause to accepted standards of law and justice because its straight supporters must have at hand a cogent reply to the moral arguments of its enemies. The homophobes clothe their emotional revulsion in the daunting robes of religious dogma, so defenders of gay rights must be ready to counter dogma with principle.


In order to make a Gay Victim sympathetic to straights you have to portray him as Everyman. But an additional theme of the campaign should be more aggressive and upbeat: to offset the increasingly bad press that these times have brought to homosexual men and women, the campaign should paint gays as superior pillars of society. Yes, yes, we know--this trick is so old it creaks. Other minorities use it all the time in ads that announce proudly, "Did you know that this Great Man (or Woman) was _________?" But the message is vital for all those straights who still picture gays as "queer" people-- shadowy, lonesome, fail, drunken, suicidal, child-snatching misfits.

The honor roll of prominent gay or bisexual men and women is truly eye popping. From Socrates to Shakespeare, from Alexander the Great to Alexander Hamilton, from Michelangelo to Walt Whitman, from Sappho to Gertrude Stein, the list is old hat to us but shocking news to heterosexual America. In no time, a skillful and clever media campaign could have the gay community looking like the veritable fairy godmother to Western Civilization.

Along the same lines, we shouldn't overlook the Celebrity Endorsement. The celebrities can be straight (God bless you, Ed Asner, wherever you are) or gay.


At a later stage of the media campaign for gay rights-long after other gay ads have become commonplace-it will be time to get tough with remaining opponents. To be blunt, they must be vilified. (This will be all the more necessary because, by that time, the entrenched enemy will have quadrupled its output of vitriol and disinformation.) Our goal is here is twofold. First, we seek to replace the mainstream's self-righteous pride about its homophobia with shame and guilt. Second, we intend to make the antigays look so nasty that average Americans will want to dissociate themselves from such types.

The public should be shown images of ranting homophobes whose secondary traits and beliefs disgust middle America. These images might include: the Ku Klux Klan demanding that gays be burned alive or castrated; bigoted southern ministers drooling with hysterical hatred to a degree that looks both comical and deranged; menacing punks, thugs, and convicts speaking coolly about the "fags" they have killed or would like to kill; a tour of Nazi concentration camps where homosexuals were tortured and gassed.

A campaign to vilify the victimizers is going to enrage our most fervid enemies, of course. But what else can we say? The shoe fits, and we should make them try it on for size, with all of America watching.


Any massive campaign of this kind would require unprecedented expenditures for months or even years--an unprecedented fundraising drive.

Effective advertising is a costly proposition: several million dollars would get the ball rolling. There are 10-15 million primarily homosexual adults in this country: if each one of them donated just two dollars to the campaign, its war chest would actually rival that of its most vocal enemies. And because those gays not supporting families usually have more discretionary income than average, they could afford to contribute much more.

"... We intend to make the antigays look so nasty that average Americans will want to dissociate themselves from such types."

But would they? Or is the gay community as feckless, selfish, uncommitted, and short-sighted as its critics claim? We will never know unless the new campaign simultaneously launches a concerted nationwide appeal for funding support from both known and anonymous donors. The appeal should be directed both at gays and at straights who care about social justice.

In the beginning, for reasons to be explained in a moment, the appeal for funds may have to be launched exclusively through the gay press--national magazines, local newspapers, flyers at bars, notices in glossy skin magazines. Funds could also come through the outreach of local gay organizations on campuses and in metropolitan areas. Eventually, donations would be solicited directly alongside advertisements in the major straight media.

There would be no parallel to such an effort in the history of the gay community in America. If it failed to generate the needed capital to get started; there would be little hope for the campaign and l little hope for major progress toward gay rights in the near future. For the moment let us suppose that gays could see how donations would greatly serve their long-term interest, and that sufficient funds could be raised. An heroic assumption.


Without access to TV, radio, and the mainstream press, there will be no campaign. This is a tricky problem, became many impresarios of the media simply refuse to accept what they call "issue-advertising" -- persuasive advertising can provoke a storm of resentment from the public and from sponsors, which is bad for business. The courts have confirmed the broadcaster's right to refuse any "issue advertising" he dislikes.

What exactly constitutes "issue advertising"? It evidently does not include platitudinous appeals to the virtues of family unity (courtesy of the Mormons) neither does it include tirades against perfidious Albion courtesy of Lyndon LaRouche); neither does it include reminders that a Mind-Is-a Terrible Thing to Waste (courtesy of the United Negro College Fund); neither does it include religious shows which condemn gay "sinners"; neither does it include condemnations of nuclear war or race discrimination--at least not in Massachusetts. Some guys get all the breaks.

What issue advertising does include these days is almost any communiqué presented openly by a homosexual organization. The words "gay" and "homosexual"' are considered controversial whenever they appear.

Because most straightforward appeals are impossible, the National Gay Task Force has had to cultivate quiet backroom liaisons with broadcast companies and newsrooms in order to make sure that issues important to the gay community receive some coverage; but such an arrangement is hardly ideal, of course, because it means that the gay community's image is controlled by the latest news event instead of by careful design--and recently most of the news about gays has been negative.

So what can be done to crash the gates of the major media? Several things, advanced in several stages.


Newspapers and magazines may very well be hungrier for gay advertising dollars than television and radio are. And the cost of ads in print is generally lower. But remember that the press, for the most part, is only read by better-educated Americans, many of who are already more accepting of homosexuality in any case. So to get more impact for our dollars, we should skip the New Republic and New Left Review readers and head for Time, People, and the National Enquirer. (Of course, the gay community may have to establish itself as a regular advertising presence in more sophisticated forums first before it is accepted into the mass press.)

While we're storming the battlements with salvos of ink, we should also warm the mainstream up a bit with a subtle national campaign on highway billboards. In simple bold print on dark backgrounds, a series of unobjectionable messages should be introduced:




And so on. Each sign will tap patriotic sentiment, each message will drill a seemingly agreeable proposition into mainstream heads - a "public service message" suited to our purposes. And, if heir owners will permit it, each billboard will be signed, in slightly smaller letters, "Courtesy of the National Gay Task Force" - to build positive associations and get the public used to seeing such sponsorship.


As for television and radio, a more elaborate plan may be needed to break the ice. For openers, naturally, we must continue to encourage the appearance of favorable gay characters in films and TV shows. Daytime talk shows also remain a useful avenue for exposure. But to speed things up we might consider a bold stratagem to gain media attention. The scheme we have in mind would require careful preparations, yet it would save expense even while it elevated the visibility and stature of the gay movement overnight.

Well before the next elections for national office, we might lay careful plans to run symbolic gay candidates for every high political office in this country. (Such plans would have to deal somehow with the tricky problem of inducing gays and straights to sign enough endorsement petitions to get us on the ballot.) Our 50-250 candidates would participate in such debates as they could, run gay-themed advertisements coordinated at our national headquarters, and demand equal time on the air. They could then graciously pull out of the races before the actual elections, while formally endorsing more viable straight contenders. (With malicious humor, perhaps, in some states we could endorse our most rabid opponents.) It is essential not to ask people actually to vote Yea or Nay on the gay issue at this early stage: such action would end up committing most to the Nay position and would only tally huge and visible defeats for our cause.

Through such a political campaign, the mainstream would get over the initial shock of seeing gay ads, and the acceptability of such ads would be fortified by the most creditable context possible; and all this would be accomplished before non-electoral advertising was attempted by the gay community. During the campaign all hell would break loose, but if we behaved courageously and respectable our drive would gain legitimacy in and case and might even become a cause celebre.
If all went as planned, the somewhat desensitized public and the major networks themselves would be 'readied for the next step of our program.


At this point the gay community has its foot in the door, and it is time to ask the networks to accept gay sponsorship of certain ads and shows. Timing is critical: The request must be made immediately after our national political ads disappear. Failing that, we should request sponsorship the next time one of the networks struts its broad-mindedness by televising a film or show with gay characters or themes. If they wish to look consistent instead of hypocritical, we'll have them on the spot. But the networks would still be forced to say No unless we made their resistance look patently unreasonable, and possibly illegal. We'd do just that by proposing "gay ads" patterned exactly after those currently sponsored by the Mormons and others. As usual, viewers would be treated to squeak-clean skits on the importance of family harmony and understanding --this time the narrator would end by saying, "This message was brought to you by --the National Gay Task Force." All very quiet and subdued. Remember: exposure is everything, and the medium is the message.

"... Exposure is everything and the medium is the message."

The gay community should join forces with other civil liberties groups of respectable cast to promote bland messages about America the Melting Pot, always ending with an explicit reference to the Task Force of some other gay organization. Making the best of a bad situation, we can also propose sympathetic media appeals for gifts and donations to fund AIDS research--if Jerry Lewis and the March of Dimes can do it, so can we. Our next indirect step will be to advertise locally on behalf of support groups peripheral to the gay community: frowzy straight moms and dads announcing phone numbers and meeting times for "Parents of Gays" or similar gatherings. Can't you just see such ads now, presented between messages from the Disabled Vets and the Postal Workers Union?


By this point, our salami tactics will have carved out, slice by slice, a large portion of access to the mainstream media. So what then? It would finally be time to bring gay ads out of the closet. The messages of such ads should directly address lingering public fears about homosexuals as loathsome and contrary aliens. For examples, the following are possible formats for TV or radio commercials designed to chip away at chronic misperceptions.

Format A for Familiarization: The Testimonial.

To make gays seem less mysterious, present a series of short spots featuring the boy-or girl-next-door, fresh and appealing, or warm and lovable grandma grandpa types. Seated in homey surroundings, they respond to an off camera interviewer with assurance, good nature, and charm. Their comments bring out three social facts:

1. There is someone special in their life, a long-term relationship (to stress gay stability, monogamy, commitment);

2. Their families are very important to them, and are supportive of them (to stress that gays are not "anti-family," and that families need not be anti-gay.)

3. As far as they can remember they have always been gay, and were probably born gay; they certainly never decided on a preference one way or the other (stressing that gays are doing what is natural for them, and are not being willfully contrary). The subjects should be interviewed alone, not with their lovers or children, for to include others in the picture would unwisely raise disturbing questions about the complexities of gay social relations, which these commercials could not explain. It is best instead to take one thing at a time.

Format B for Positive Associations: The Celebrity Spot.

While it might be useful to present celebrity endorsements by currently popular gay figures and straight sympathizers (Johnny Mathis? Marlo Thomas?), the homophobia climate of America would make such brash endorsements unlikely in the near future. So early celebrity spots will instead identify historical gay or bisexual personalities who are illustrious and dignified...and dead. The ads could be sardonic and indirect. For example, over regal music and a portrait or two, a narrator might announce simply: Michelangelo (an art class), Tchaikovsky (a music class), Tennessee Williams (a drama class), etc.

Format C for Victim Sympathy: Our Campaign to Stop Child Abuse.

As we said earlier, there are many ways to portray gays as victims of discrimination: images of brutality, tales of job loss and family separation, and so on. But we think something like the following 30-sccond commercials would get to the heart of the matter best of all.

The camera slowly moves in on a middle-class teenager, sitting alone in his semi-darkened bedroom. The boy is pleasing and unexceptional in appearance, except that he has been roughed up and is staring silently, pensively, with evident distress. As the camera gradually focuses in on his face, a narrator comments: It will happen to one in every ten sons. As he grows up he will realize that he feels differently about things than most of his friends. If he lets it show, he'll be an outsider made fun of, humiliated, attacked. If he confides in his parents, they may throw him out of the house, onto the streets. Some will say he is "anti-family." Nobody will let him be himself. So he will have to hide. From his friends, his family. And that's hard. It's tough enough to be a kid these days, but to be the one in ten... A message from the National Gay Task Force.

What is nice about such an ad is that it would economically portray gays as innocent and vulnerable, victimized and misunderstood, surprisingly numerous yet not menacing. It also renders the "anti-family" charge absurd and hypocritical.

Format D for Identification with Victims: The Old Switcheroo.

The mainstream will identify better with the plight of gays if straights can, once in a while, walk a mile in gay shoes. A humorous television or radio ad to help them do this might involve a brief animated or dramatized scenario, as follows.

The camera approaches the mighty oak door of the boss's office, which swings open, and the camera (which represents you the viewer) enters the room. Behind the oversized desk sits a fat and scowling old curmudgeon chomping on a cigar. He looks up at the camera (i.e. at the viewer) and snarls, " So it's you, Smithers. Well you're fired!" The voice of a younger man is heard to reply with astonishment, "But--but--Mr. Thomburg, I've been with your company for ten years. I thought you liked my work." The boss responds, with a tone of disgust, "Yes, yes, Smithers your work is quite adequate. But I've heard rumors that you've been seen around town with some kind of girlfriend. A girlfriend! Frankly I'm shocked. We're not about to start hiring any heterosexuals in this company. Now get out." The younger man speaks once more: "But boss, that's just not fair! What if it were you?" The boss glowers back as the camera pulls quickly out of the room and the big door slams shut. Printed on the door: "A message from the National Gay Task Force."

One can easily imagine similar episodes involving housing or other discrimination.

Format E for Vilification of Victimizers: Damn the Torpedoes.

We have already indicated some of the images which might be damaging to the homophobic vendetta: ranting and hateful religious extremists neo-Nazis, and Ku Klux Klansmen made to look evil and ridiculous (hardly a difficult task).

These images should be combined with those of their gay victims by a method propagandists call the "bracket technique." For example, for a few seconds an unctuous beady-eyed Southern preacher is seen pounding the pulpit in rage about "those sick, abominable creatures." While his tirade continues over the soundtrack, the picture switches to pathetic photos of gays who look decent, harmless, and likable; and then we cut back to the poisonous face of the preacher, and so forth. The contrast speaks for itself. The effect is devastating.

" would portray gays as innocent and vulnerable, victimized and misunderstood, surprisingly numerous, yet not menacing."

Format F for Funds: SOS

Alongside or during these other persuasive advertisements, we would have to solicit donations so that the campaign might continue. Direct appeals from celebrities (preferable living ones, thank you) might be useful here. All appeals must stress that money can be given anonymously (e.g. via money orders) and that all donations are confidential. "We can't help unless you help," and all that.

The Time Is Now

We have sketched out here a blueprint for transforming the social values of straight America. At the core of our program is a media campaign to change the way the average citizens view homosexuality. It is quite easy to find fault with such a campaign. We have tried to be practical and specific here, but the proposals may still have a visionary sheen.

There are one hundred reasons why the campaign could not be done or would be risky. But there are at least 20 million good reasons why some such program must be tried in the coming years: the welfare and happiness of every gay man and woman in this country demand it. As the last large, legally oppressed minority in American society, it is high time that gays took effective measures to rejoin the mainstream in pride and strength. We believe that, like it or not, such a campaign is the only way of doing so anytime soon.

And, let us repeat, time may be running out. The AIDS epidemic is sparking anger and fear in the heartland of straight America. As the virus leaks out of homosexual circles and into the rest of society, we need have no illusions about who is receiving the blame. The ten years ahead may decide for the next forty whether gays claim their liberty and equality or are driven back, once again, as America's caste of detested untouchables. It's more than a quip: speak now or forever hold your peace.

In November 1987 article entitled "The Overhauling of Straight America'' appeared in Guide Magazine. A few years later it's authors did expand it into a book:

 Marshall Kirk, Hunter Madsen: "After the Ball -- How America will conquer its fear and hatred of Gays in the 1990s". (Plume, 1990), ISBN: 0452264987.

according to me, everybody has right to marry with their beloved ones so it doesnt matter whether they are same gender or not.. the only thing for a marriage is love for me..

Title: Re: Gay marriage will destabilise family life
Post by: Daniel91 on April 28, 2016, 04:17:56 PM
Well, this is very sensitive topic.
Someone will say that it's human right and that we can't and shouldn't stop people to love each other.
Other will say that marriage is sacred thing, connected with God's blessing and spirituality and isn't only physical thing or emotion.
I agree with second viewpoint.
People can love each other  but why they want to change definition of marriage?
All rights regular married couples have, they also have in many countries.
So, why is important to have marriage license than?
What is true agenda behind it?
Do you know that some people also want to decriminalize incest and pedophilia?
So, what is next step than?
Allow mother to marry son or father to marry daughter?
Or 70 year old man to marry girl of 7 years?
I'm afraid that this is true agenda behind all this talks about human rights for everybody.
You are first brainwashed to accept gay marriage by media, but gradually you will be pushed to accept incest and pedophilia, i have no doubt about it.
Everything in the name of ''human rights''. such sweet words but can freedom and rights exist without responsibility?


Title: Re: Gay marriage will destabilise family life
Post by: Evildrum on April 28, 2016, 05:55:29 PM
It's true, gay marriage is bad for population and also it's forces others children live with unnormal people, i am about orientation. So i really want that no homo will win.

With this thinking would you support abusive relationships because they represent a normal family?
Father comes home beats the wife and kids but maintains structure of a marriage.
Just interested to see how far you are willing to stretch the idea of a normal marriage,is this any thing that is straight or do you have wiggle room as long as it does not extend to two dudes?

Title: Re: Gay marriage will destabilise family life
Post by: o_o on April 29, 2016, 10:18:26 AM
It's true, gay marriage is bad for population and also it's forces others children live with unnormal people, i am about orientation. So i really want that no homo will win.

Bad for population? Why? Force? Do you know what is very bad for the society? Ignorance.
I don't think that lgbt people must be different from straight people. The first and the most important problem is that, because people are equal to each other, without distinctions of sex, race or sexual orientation. A lot of straight people would adopted some kids, ad the same is for lgbt people.
In 60's we never thought we would be able to accept black people in the society. There were people like you that were opposed, but thanks to thinking progress today, for example, a lot of people, gay or straight, adopted black kids in their family like human and without distinctions.
So where is the problem? Are we obliged to wait so many years of acceptance or we can aceppted the real things??

Title: Re: Gay marriage will destabilise family life
Post by: mOgliE on May 01, 2016, 02:37:41 PM
Well, this is very sensitive topic.
Someone will say that it's human right and that we can't and shouldn't stop people to love each other.
Other will say that marriage is sacred thing, connected with God's blessing and spirituality and isn't only physical thing or emotion.
I agree with second viewpoint.
People can love each other  but why they want to change definition of marriage?
All rights regular married couples have, they also have in many countries.
So, why is important to have marriage license than?
What is true agenda behind it?
Do you know that some people also want to decriminalize incest and pedophilia?
So, what is next step than?
Allow mother to marry son or father to marry daughter?
Or 70 year old man to marry girl of 7 years?
I'm afraid that this is true agenda behind all this talks about human rights for everybody.
You are first brainwashed to accept gay marriage by media, but gradually you will be pushed to accept incest and pedophilia, i have no doubt about it.
Everything in the name of ''human rights''. such sweet words but can freedom and rights exist without responsibility?


YOu're wrong in almost everything you're saying. Let's go one step after the other:
-Marriage is not linked to God in any way. Marriage is an institution linked to the state, that's all. It's a contract between two persons recognized by the state, doing a marriage at the church is completely different and has nothing to do with any legal aspet.
-It's important to have marriage for another very simple reason:
Man A is married to woman A. They have a child together.
The woman dies. Man A keeps the child. Man A falls in love with Man B. If they can't marry each other, the Man B has no right on the child (understand he can't takes any part in his education and can't take care of him if anything happens to man A).
You think it never happens? Trust me it does. Several cases already happenned...
-It had nothing to do with pedophilia or anything like this because in those cases there is no mutual consent. So legalizing gay marriage isn't the first step to legalize zopphilia...

Title: Re: Gay marriage will destabilise family life
Post by: tabas on May 01, 2016, 03:38:48 PM
Gay marriage is also a source of HIV/Aids and surely it will destabilize families lives.

People tend to think that gay marriage should be allow but think again if you can attain to accept this kind of society.

Title: Re: Gay marriage will destabilise family life
Post by: bryant.coleman on May 01, 2016, 03:44:03 PM
Gay marriage is also a source of HIV/Aids and surely it will destabilize families lives.

People tend to think that gay marriage should be allow but think again if you can attain to accept this kind of society.

Let them die off HIV/AIDS. Who cares? But that is not the reason why I am opposing gay marriage. What is the point in registering a marriage, when the couple continues to have sex with dozens of strangers every year? I am not saying that heterosexual people don't cheat. They do cheat. But among the homosexuals, it is more like a norm.

Title: Re: Gay marriage will destabilise family life
Post by: Hirose UK on May 02, 2016, 05:34:01 AM
gays must be cast as victims
what kind of victim? victim of their bad mind or because of gen from their parents? I think they are victim for their lack of thoughts. they just don't have motivate to love women. I mean, it's too crazy to love men while there are so many women out there.

the need to be close to Allah, to get motivation to be normal again.

Title: Re: Gay marriage will destabilise family life
Post by: saiha on May 02, 2016, 03:08:26 PM
gays must be cast as victims
what kind of victim? victim of their bad mind or because of gen from their parents? I think they are victim for their lack of thoughts. they just don't have motivate to love women. I mean, it's too crazy to love men while there are so many women out there.

the need to be close to Allah, to get motivation to be normal again.

If they won't stop marrying same sex lesbian marriage and Gay marriage.
The world will be in big danger just like what happened to Sodom and Gomorra

Title: Re: Gay marriage will destabilise family life
Post by: bryant.coleman on May 02, 2016, 03:23:50 PM
If they won't stop marrying same sex lesbian marriage and Gay marriage.
The world will be in big danger just like what happened to Sodom and Gomorra

Gay sex (not gay marriage) is responsible for more than 75% of the new HIV infections in the Western nations. A large portion of the other STDs, such as Syphilis, Gonorrhea, Herpes, Chlamydia.etc are also spread as a result of gay sex. I don't care much as long as these people stay wherever they are. But I don't want my tax money to be spent for their treatment.

Title: Re: Gay marriage will destabilise family life
Post by: saiha on May 02, 2016, 03:40:47 PM
If they won't stop marrying same sex lesbian marriage and Gay marriage.
The world will be in big danger just like what happened to Sodom and Gomorra

Gay sex (not gay marriage) is responsible for more than 75% of the new HIV infections in the Western nations. A large portion of the other STDs, such as Syphilis, Gonorrhea, Herpes, Chlamydia.etc are also spread as a result of gay sex. I don't care much as long as these people stay wherever they are. But I don't want my tax money to be spent for their treatment.

Me either, much better to give it to poor people somewhere in Africa and give them something for their livelihood.
It's their fault if they have those diseases, I don't want them to suffer but they didn't think about it.

Title: Re: Gay marriage will destabilise family life
Post by: Arrakeen on May 02, 2016, 04:25:18 PM
If they won't stop marrying same sex lesbian marriage and Gay marriage.
The world will be in big danger just like what happened to Sodom and Gomorra

Gay sex (not gay marriage) is responsible for more than 75% of the new HIV infections in the Western nations. A large portion of the other STDs, such as Syphilis, Gonorrhea, Herpes, Chlamydia.etc are also spread as a result of gay sex. I don't care much as long as these people stay wherever they are. But I don't want my tax money to be spent for their treatment.

Do you have a source on that 75% statistic?

From (

In the United States, HIV is spread mainly by:
Having anal or vaginal sex with someone who has HIV without using a condom or taking medicines to prevent or treat HIV.
Anal sex is the highest-risk sexual behavior. For the HIV-negative partner, receptive anal sex (“bottoming”) is riskier than insertive anal sex (“topping”).
Vaginal sex is the second highest-risk sexual behavior.
Sharing needles or syringes, rinse water, or other equipment (“works”) used to prepare injection drugs with someone who has HIV. HIV can live in a used needle up to 42 days depending on temperature and other factors.

So let's say anal sex is the #1 reason HIV is spreading. But what's this? They say "...without using a condom..."

It's not gay sex.  It's lack of contraceptives/preventive medicine.  

"I don't want my tax money spent on their treatment" LOL WHAT?  You sound so ignorant.  Your tax money will be taken from you regardless of where it's going - and adding to that, the money YOU worked for is being spent by the state/federal gov't while you have no say in the matter.  Shouldn't that be the real issue?  

If they won't stop marrying same sex lesbian marriage and Gay marriage.
The world will be in big danger just like what happened to Sodom and Gomorra

Gay sex (not gay marriage) is responsible for more than 75% of the new HIV infections in the Western nations. A large portion of the other STDs, such as Syphilis, Gonorrhea, Herpes, Chlamydia.etc are also spread as a result of gay sex. I don't care much as long as these people stay wherever they are. But I don't want my tax money to be spent for their treatment.

Me either, much better to give it to poor people somewhere in Africa and give them something for their livelihood.
It's their fault if they have those diseases, I don't want them to suffer but they didn't think about it.

Those poor people in Africa are suffering from similar diseases, yet you want to give them your money?  But it's their fault for being diseased, why reward them?  What's a poor african gonna do with the federal reserve IOU that you donate?

& why is everyone freaking out about HIV in this often do you people have anal sex with strangers & use dirty needles? Logic out the window here...and so am I   8)

Title: Re: Gay marriage will destabilise family life
Post by: popcorn1 on May 02, 2016, 05:48:49 PM
gays must be cast as victims
what kind of victim? victim of their bad mind or because of gen from their parents? I think they are victim for their lack of thoughts. they just don't have motivate to love women. I mean, it's too crazy to love men while there are so many women out there.

the need to be close to Allah, to get motivation to be normal again.
All you muslims are dirty Bacha bazi you dirty animal goat fuckers..
And when you muslims get bombed i smile it makes me happy..
We will keep bombing you dirty rats till your all fuckin dead..Go and fuck your Bacha bazi

I hope all you muslims die..LONG LIVE THE JEWS..THEY WILL WIPE YOU MUSLIMS OUT ;D good

I fuckin hate you muslims die fuckers

And we are all free to say what we please ;D

Hirose UK I don't like what you said but i bet you never liked what i said deal with it you dirty MUSLIM

Title: Re: Gay marriage will destabilise family life
Post by: Arrakeen on May 03, 2016, 02:10:14 AM
gays must be cast as victims
what kind of victim? victim of their bad mind or because of gen from their parents? I think they are victim for their lack of thoughts. they just don't have motivate to love women. I mean, it's too crazy to love men while there are so many women out there.

the need to be close to Allah, to get motivation to be normal again.
All you muslims are dirty Bacha bazi you dirty animal goat fuckers..
And when you muslims get bombed i smile it makes me happy..
We will keep bombing you dirty rats till your all fuckin dead..Go and fuck your Bacha bazi

I hope all you muslims die..LONG LIVE THE JEWS..THEY WILL WIPE YOU MUSLIMS OUT ;D good

I fuckin hate you muslims die fuckers

And we are all free to say what we please ;D

Hirose UK I don't like what you said but i bet you never liked what i said deal with it you dirty MUSLIM

Please tell me you're serious oh god this is hilarious

This entire thread is like a group of insecure, disgruntled old white men circlejerking each other  :D

Title: Re: Gay marriage will destabilise family life
Post by: popcorn1 on May 03, 2016, 04:49:03 AM
gays must be cast as victims
what kind of victim? victim of their bad mind or because of gen from their parents? I think they are victim for their lack of thoughts. they just don't have motivate to love women. I mean, it's too crazy to love men while there are so many women out there.

the need to be close to Allah, to get motivation to be normal again.
All you muslims are dirty Bacha bazi you dirty animal goat fuckers..
And when you muslims get bombed i smile it makes me happy..
We will keep bombing you dirty rats till your all fuckin dead..Go and fuck your Bacha bazi

I hope all you muslims die..LONG LIVE THE JEWS..THEY WILL WIPE YOU MUSLIMS OUT ;D good

I fuckin hate you muslims die fuckers

And we are all free to say what we please ;D

Hirose UK I don't like what you said but i bet you never liked what i said deal with it you dirty MUSLIM

Please tell me you're serious oh god this is hilarious

This entire thread is like a group of insecure, disgruntled old white men circlejerking each other  :D
At least with do it with men not  Bacha bazi..
ISLAM is cancer..

Funny thing is in the west we are blaming ISIS..And no body on tv as got the balls to say it's ISLAM
that's the problem..we west hate ISLAM..


I would rather the planet blew up than live under.. SHARIA LAW..
What is the point of having NUKES if we just let them walk in our countries and let them take over..
Best place for ISLAM is the desert where it belongs..

Don't worry i speak about all religion . I hate all religion vicars PEDO..

Don't know much about jews..But one thing i know is there always getting picked on for the fact they do well in life.. OH and Palestine..But if you do your history how can it be muslim land if the muslims never existed when jews first started out no such thing as a muslim..

I am a Jedi now if i went around saying if you don't believe in my religion i will kill you or i will blow myself up to get attention .Also it's ok to marry children and marry more than one child if you wish.
Also kill jews..Would you believe in my religion?..Well we know you would because you already do

Also if you mock my religion you got JEDIPHOBIA and is a racist ;D

And being gay your all welcome to be a jedi..LUKE SKY WALKER..Our great leader was gay..FACT..
DON'T SHAG KIDS and anyone welcome to be a jedi all colour people welcome

Not bothered where your from bothered by what you believe  ;D
You start the hate and we will finish it jedi rule..

Title: Re: Gay marriage will destabilise family life
Post by: Slow death on May 03, 2016, 09:21:46 AM
If they won't stop marrying same sex lesbian marriage and Gay marriage.
The world will be in big danger just like what happened to Sodom and Gomorra

Gay sex (not gay marriage) is responsible for more than 75% of the new HIV infections in the Western nations. A large portion of the other STDs, such as Syphilis, Gonorrhea, Herpes, Chlamydia.etc are also spread as a result of gay sex. I don't care much as long as these people stay wherever they are. But I don't want my tax money to be spent for their treatment.

Me either, much better to give it to poor people somewhere in Africa and give them something for their livelihood.
It's their fault if they have those diseases, I don't want them to suffer but they didn't think about it.

Very good think about giving us some coins (am from africa)

I agree with your thought.

here in Africa has a man who became a woman, changed sex, put cilicone the breasts ... the guy turned woman.

Can someone tell me to accept his choice and I have to accept gays.

But relationship of gay comes diseases and has serious moral problems for our society

Human being has well defined reproductive organs, I am not religious, but I wonder ... how these gay sex? kiss?

I said here a topic that I saw for a few seconds a film porno gay and not hold on and wanted to vomit

Not accept gays >:( >:(

Title: Re: Gay marriage will destabilise family life
Post by: Slow death on May 03, 2016, 09:38:12 AM
gays must be cast as victims
what kind of victim? victim of their bad mind or because of gen from their parents? I think they are victim for their lack of thoughts. they just don't have motivate to love women. I mean, it's too crazy to love men while there are so many women out there.

the need to be close to Allah, to get motivation to be normal again.
All you muslims are dirty Bacha bazi you dirty animal goat fuckers..
And when you muslims get bombed i smile it makes me happy..
We will keep bombing you dirty rats till your all fuckin dead..Go and fuck your Bacha bazi

I hope all you muslims die..LONG LIVE THE JEWS..THEY WILL WIPE YOU MUSLIMS OUT ;D good

I fuckin hate you muslims die fuckers

And we are all free to say what we please ;D

Hirose UK I don't like what you said but i bet you never liked what i said deal with it you dirty MUSLIM

Please tell me you're serious oh god this is hilarious

This entire thread is like a group of insecure, disgruntled old white men circlejerking each other  :D
At least with do it with men not  Bacha bazi..
ISLAM is cancer..

Funny thing is in the west we are blaming ISIS..And no body on tv as got the balls to say it's ISLAM
that's the problem..we west hate ISLAM..


I would rather the planet blew up than live under.. SHARIA LAW..
What is the point of having NUKES if we just let them walk in our countries and let them take over..
Best place for ISLAM is the desert where it belongs..

Don't worry i speak about all religion . I hate all religion vicars PEDO..

Don't know much about jews..But one thing i know is there always getting picked on for the fact they do well in life.. OH and Palestine..But if you do your history how can it be muslim land if the muslims never existed when jews first started out no such thing as a muslim..

I am a Jedi now if i went around saying if you don't believe in my religion i will kill you or i will blow myself up to get attention .Also it's ok to marry children and marry more than one child if you wish.
Also kill jews..Would you believe in my religion?..Well we know you would because you already do

Also if you mock my religion you got JEDIPHOBIA and is a racist ;D

And being gay your all welcome to be a jedi..LUKE SKY WALKER..Our great leader was gay..FACT..
DON'T SHAG KIDS and anyone welcome to be a jedi all colour people welcome

Not bothered where your from bothered by what you believe  ;D
You start the hate and we will finish it jedi rule..

You mean you're going to blow up the world to be with your gay partner? ;D

if he saw his speech would be dazzled, like going up to fight the fanatics of ISLAM and all religious fanatics to defend gay. :D

I do not know between the fanatics of religions and gay men who are worse?

But surely they should do a movie: GAYS VS ISIS

ISIS: protect your ass, gays are coming :D

GAYS: do not let them explode you, the fanatics are coming :D

Title: Re: Gay marriage will destabilise family life
Post by: bryant.coleman on May 03, 2016, 10:22:01 AM
If they won't stop marrying same sex lesbian marriage and Gay marriage.
The world will be in big danger just like what happened to Sodom and Gomorra

Gay sex (not gay marriage) is responsible for more than 75% of the new HIV infections in the Western nations. A large portion of the other STDs, such as Syphilis, Gonorrhea, Herpes, Chlamydia.etc are also spread as a result of gay sex. I don't care much as long as these people stay wherever they are. But I don't want my tax money to be spent for their treatment.

Do you have a source on that 75% statistic?


MSM + MSM/IDU is 56%. And don't get confused by the 32% figure for FSM. A large part of the women are infected by HIV-positive bisexual women. Now considering the fact that homosexuals and bisexuals together account for less than 1.5% of the total population of the United States, don't you think that MSM individuals are the major drivers of HIV infection?

Title: Re: Gay marriage will destabilise family life
Post by: popcorn1 on May 03, 2016, 12:48:24 PM
gays must be cast as victims
what kind of victim? victim of their bad mind or because of gen from their parents? I think they are victim for their lack of thoughts. they just don't have motivate to love women. I mean, it's too crazy to love men while there are so many women out there.

the need to be close to Allah, to get motivation to be normal again.
All you muslims are dirty Bacha bazi you dirty animal goat fuckers..
And when you muslims get bombed i smile it makes me happy..
We will keep bombing you dirty rats till your all fuckin dead..Go and fuck your Bacha bazi

I hope all you muslims die..LONG LIVE THE JEWS..THEY WILL WIPE YOU MUSLIMS OUT ;D good

I fuckin hate you muslims die fuckers

And we are all free to say what we please ;D

Hirose UK I don't like what you said but i bet you never liked what i said deal with it you dirty MUSLIM

Please tell me you're serious oh god this is hilarious

This entire thread is like a group of insecure, disgruntled old white men circlejerking each other  :D
At least with do it with men not  Bacha bazi..
ISLAM is cancer..

Funny thing is in the west we are blaming ISIS..And no body on tv as got the balls to say it's ISLAM
that's the problem..we west hate ISLAM..


I would rather the planet blew up than live under.. SHARIA LAW..
What is the point of having NUKES if we just let them walk in our countries and let them take over..
Best place for ISLAM is the desert where it belongs..

Don't worry i speak about all religion . I hate all religion vicars PEDO..

Don't know much about jews..But one thing i know is there always getting picked on for the fact they do well in life.. OH and Palestine..But if you do your history how can it be muslim land if the muslims never existed when jews first started out no such thing as a muslim..

I am a Jedi now if i went around saying if you don't believe in my religion i will kill you or i will blow myself up to get attention .Also it's ok to marry children and marry more than one child if you wish.
Also kill jews..Would you believe in my religion?..Well we know you would because you already do

Also if you mock my religion you got JEDIPHOBIA and is a racist ;D

And being gay your all welcome to be a jedi..LUKE SKY WALKER..Our great leader was gay..FACT..
DON'T SHAG KIDS and anyone welcome to be a jedi all colour people welcome

Not bothered where your from bothered by what you believe  ;D
You start the hate and we will finish it jedi rule..

You mean you're going to blow up the world to be with your gay partner? ;D

if he saw his speech would be dazzled, like going up to fight the fanatics of ISLAM and all religious fanatics to defend gay. :D

I do not know between the fanatics of religions and gay men who are worse?

But surely they should do a movie: GAYS VS ISIS

ISIS: protect your ass, gays are coming :D

GAYS: do not let them explode you, the fanatics are coming :D

This is what will happen to ISIS when we get them.


Gay v ISIS.. Don't think so... rest of the world v ISIS..
How many sailors are gay? how many gays in armed forces? Britain and USA forces...
How do you know the generals of these armies top brass how do you know there not gay?

Your mixing gay with being weak..Not all gays act like a girl or a man if your a woman..
My son is gay 2nd dan black belt in ju jitsu and i swear he can kick as fast as you can punch and 7ft high.. even if you put your arms up to block his kick it would snap your arms..

So just be careful you might say something to the wrong gay and he will fuck you up..

The point is if your child turns out gay would you hate your child?..
Because if you answer yes then what a sad person?..Most religious people answer yes they hate there
own child..Bad parents..

Why cause stress to your child when you can love and respect them as long as they hurt no one..

Imagine growing up thinking your parents hated you because how you feel sexual wise..
Must be pure stress for these young kids..
As long as my kids hurt no one i don't care what they do as long as there happy because life is to short before we get old..Let them live and feel free to love and be happy?


Title: Re: Gay marriage will destabilise family life
Post by: streazight on May 03, 2016, 04:23:17 PM
no it is good