Bitcoin Forum

Bitcoin => Armory => Topic started by: goatpig on April 05, 2016, 03:28:43 PM

Title: Armory 0.94.1 is out
Post by: goatpig on April 05, 2016, 03:28:43 PM

This is hopefully the one and only bug fix release on top of 0.94

Focusing on the next version from now on.

Copy paste of the changelog for the good measure:

== Fixed ==
   - Fixed parsing new blocks with no wallet loaded
   - Fixed wallet/address import
   - Fixed address sweeping
   - .deb installer: will not register shortcuts if /usr/share/desktop-directories is missing

== Removed ==
   - Removed Bitcoin P2P alert parsing, as it was removed from Bitcoin Core.

Title: Re: Armory 0.94.1 is out
Post by: pf on April 05, 2016, 08:12:04 PM
Armory 0.94.1 did NOT compile successfully on my OS X 10.11.4 with Xcode 7.3 command line tools. This is the error:

Removing Python test-suite.
Removing directory tree: /Users/joe/Desktop/BitcoinArmory/osxbuild/workspace/
Removing .pyo and unneeded .py files.
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "", line 784, in <module>
  File "", line 131, in main
  File "", line 703, in cleanup_app
    if CLIOPTS.cleanupapp:
AttributeError: Values instance has no attribute 'cleanupapp'

I followed the OS X build instructions. (I also uninstalled all the Homebrew packages first before installing the ones mentioned in the instructions.)

It seems to me like the compilation is mostly done at that point and some of the final steps fail (I could be wrong). The is there, but when I double-click on it nothing happens. Looking at, this is logged out when the is double-clicked:

Code:[1]: (com.armory.armory.569123[30321]) Service exited with abnormal code: 1

Any ideas?

Title: Re: Armory 0.94.1 is out
Post by: droark on April 06, 2016, 05:50:04 PM
Yeah. I goofed and need to generate a PR to fix the build issue. Sorry about that! In the meantime, if you want to paste in the following line at line 62 of osxbuild/, you'll be fine. I'll put together a PR after rebasing on my end.

parser.add_option('--cleanupapp',   dest='cleanupapp',  default=False, action='store_true', help='Delete Python files in the compiled application')

Title: Re: Armory 0.94.1 is out
Post by: pf on April 06, 2016, 07:34:18 PM
Yeah. I goofed and need to generate a PR to fix the build issue. Sorry about that! In the meantime, if you want to paste in the following line at line 62 of osxbuild/, you'll be fine. I'll put together a PR after rebasing on my end.

parser.add_option('--cleanupapp',   dest='cleanupapp',  default=False, action='store_true', help='Delete Python files in the compiled application')

After adding your change, the compilation ran without any errors. But I still can't run When double-clicking on it (even if I copy it to /Applicaitons first), nothing happens, and logs out "Service exited with abnormal code: 1".

Any ideas?

Title: Re: Armory 0.94.1 is out
Post by: droark on April 07, 2016, 05:46:59 PM
Don't know about that one. Mine works fine. You may want to do a make clean and start from scratch to be safe.

Title: Re: Armory 0.94.1 is out
Post by: goatpig on April 07, 2016, 06:11:47 PM
Yeah. I goofed and need to generate a PR to fix the build issue. Sorry about that! In the meantime, if you want to paste in the following line at line 62 of osxbuild/, you'll be fine. I'll put together a PR after rebasing on my end.

parser.add_option('--cleanupapp',   dest='cleanupapp',  default=False, action='store_true', help='Delete Python files in the compiled application')

After adding your change, the compilation ran without any errors. But I still can't run When double-clicking on it (even if I copy it to /Applicaitons first), nothing happens, and logs out "Service exited with abnormal code: 1".

Any ideas?

Make sure 0.94 isn't pointed at a 0.93.x DB folder.

Title: Re: Armory 0.94.1 is out
Post by: pf on April 07, 2016, 06:48:37 PM
Yeah. I goofed and need to generate a PR to fix the build issue. Sorry about that! In the meantime, if you want to paste in the following line at line 62 of osxbuild/, you'll be fine. I'll put together a PR after rebasing on my end.

parser.add_option('--cleanupapp',   dest='cleanupapp',  default=False, action='store_true', help='Delete Python files in the compiled application')

After adding your change, the compilation ran without any errors. But I still can't run When double-clicking on it (even if I copy it to /Applicaitons first), nothing happens, and logs out "Service exited with abnormal code: 1".

Any ideas?

Make sure 0.94 isn't pointed at a 0.93.x DB folder.
I tried that too (deleting the ~/Library/Application Support/Armory folder). Didn't work. Still getting "Service exited with abnormal code: 1". Any more ideas?

Update: When I go into the folder and double-click on the Armory binary there, the Terminal shows up and this error is displayed before the program quits:

joe-mac:~ joe$ /Applications/ ; exit;
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/Applications/", line 36, in <module>
    from twisted.internet.defer import Deferred
ImportError: No module named twisted.internet.defer
Saving session...
...copying shared history...
...saving history...truncating history files...

[Process completed]

Does this give you any clues about how to fix the problem?

Title: Re: Armory 0.94.1 is out
Post by: goatpig on April 07, 2016, 07:27:06 PM
You have to install the Twisted Python package.

Title: Re: Armory 0.94.1 is out
Post by: pf on April 07, 2016, 07:40:42 PM
You have to install the Twisted Python package.
Thanks, this did the trick. Armory 0.94.1 is now running on my Mac. This is what I did on my OS X El Capitan:
sudo easy_install twisted
Maybe it would be a good idea to mention this in the OS X build notes. Thanks again!

You asked me not to point it to the older database, so it's starting from scratch now building the database. I presume I must do this. (Thankfully it's much faster due to the new smaller database size.)

Title: Re: Armory 0.94.1 is out
Post by: droark on April 07, 2016, 08:12:28 PM
Update: When I go into the folder and double-click on the Armory binary there, the Terminal shows up and this error is displayed before the program quits:

Did you follow my instructions and do a make clean, followed by a complete rebuild? Long story short, assembly of the Armory package wasn't completed when you encountered the initial error; it just won't have everything you need, including Twisted, which is included inside the package (i.e., you shouldn't install it using brew).

Again, to be clear, there's no need to install Twisted on OS X; the build script takes care of that and downloads all the required runtime code. There's no need to update the documentation, at least in this regard. (Also, yes, I know the OS X build process is kinda wonky. Sorry. It's what was inherited a couple of years ago. It works but is far from ideal. Armory's former intern, Joseph, came up with a solution that would've been awesome. Alas, unless somebody's willing to spend days, if not weeks, rewriting his code from scratch, it can't be used.)

Title: Re: Armory 0.94.1 is out
Post by: cypherdoc on April 08, 2016, 05:25:46 AM
are these still the official build instructions for ubuntu?

do i need to delete my current BitcoinArmory directory before building as i am getting this error:

$ git clone
fatal: destination path 'BitcoinArmory' already exists and is not an empty directory.

Title: Re: Armory 0.94.1 is out
Post by: Carlton Banks on April 08, 2016, 07:32:02 AM
do i need to delete my current BitcoinArmory directory before building as i am getting this error:

yes. That's what it's telling you, and it means it. The other alternative is to execute the git command from a different directory, i.e. one in which no directory named BitcoinArmory exists. There is probably also a way of indicating to git that you want the target directory to have an alternative name, not sure what that is. Use "man git" or "git --help" for that.

Also, I would consider looking into using the "make install" command subsequent to make itself (perhaps specifically for Python/SWIG projects), as once you've ran make, the built application directory structure ends up in your home directory somewhere. The permissions set on those folders would allow external attackers to discover their existence, so the Armory executable & dependents are better off living in /usr/lib/ (where the Armory installer places them on Linux).

Title: Re: Armory 0.94.1 is out
Post by: Carlton Banks on April 08, 2016, 09:29:40 AM

If you just want to erase the 0.93.3 location and replace it with 0.94.1:

cd BitcoinArmory (or whatever path gets you to the BitcoinArmory directory)
git checkout master
git pull
make clean && make

Subsequently, you won't need the second line once you're definitively following the master branch.

Title: Re: Armory 0.94.1 is out
Post by: cypherdoc on April 08, 2016, 05:57:12 PM

If you just want to erase the 0.93.3 location and replace it with 0.94.1:

cd BitcoinArmory (or whatever path gets you to the BitcoinArmory directory)
git checkout master
git pull
make clean && make

Subsequently, you won't need the second line once you're definitively following the master branch.

appears to have failed.  ran thru above steps and seemed ok.  but when launching, i still get 0.93.3:

~/BitcoinArmory$ python
Loading Armory Engine:
   Armory Version:       0.93.3

/home/*/BitcoinArmory/armoryengine/ SyntaxWarning: import * only allowed at module level
  def PyCreateAndSignTx_old(srcTxOuts, dstAddrsVals):
(ERROR) - Socket already in use.  Sending CLI args to existing proc.
(ERROR) - Exiting...

Title: Re: Armory 0.94.1 is out
Post by: Carlton Banks on April 08, 2016, 06:08:09 PM
I think you're probably still using the etotheipi repo. You need to run "git clone git://" to access goatpig's fork. Delete or rename the BitcoinArmory directory first (or you could run the git clone command from somewhere that is not your home directory)

Title: Re: Armory 0.94.1 is out
Post by: cypherdoc on April 08, 2016, 06:09:37 PM
I think you're probably still using the etotheipi repo. You need to run "git clone git://" to access goatpig's fork.

yeah, probably.

does that mean i go to your first post and delete the entire BitcoinArmory folder with it's contents?

Title: Re: Armory 0.94.1 is out
Post by: Carlton Banks on April 08, 2016, 06:12:49 PM
See above! I strongly suspect that's your issue (git checkout master can only have performed that exact command; etotheipi's master branch is still on 93.3, whereas the goatpig master branch is at 94.1)

Title: Re: Armory 0.94.1 is out
Post by: cypherdoc on April 08, 2016, 06:32:42 PM
See above! I strongly suspect that's your issue (git checkout master can only have performed that exact command; etotheipi's master branch is still on 93.3, whereas the goatpig master branch is at 94.1)

does goatpig have 0.94.1 git tagged?:

Ubuntu:~/BitcoinArmory$ git tag -v v0.94.1
error: 811798a9282d216e0a450fe342d8a4671fee01d3: cannot verify a non-tag object of type commit.
error: could not verify the tag 'v0.94.1'

Title: Re: Armory 0.94.1 is out
Post by: Carlton Banks on April 08, 2016, 06:44:18 PM
He does. I suspect there's some minor error in the version string you're supplying, but that's only a guess. I don't make use of that particular git command, so can't help you specifically with it from off the top of my head unfortunately.

Title: Re: Armory 0.94.1 is out
Post by: cypherdoc on April 08, 2016, 06:50:13 PM
He does. I suspect there's some minor error in the version string you're supplying, but that's only a guess. I don't make use of that particular git command, so can't help you specifically with it from off the top of my head unfortunately.

so i run make and make clean and even make install but still get this:

Ubuntu:~/BitcoinArmory$ python
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "", line 39, in <module>
    import CppBlockUtils as Cpp
ImportError: No module named CppBlockUtils

thanks for your help on this Carlton.

Title: Re: Armory 0.94.1 is out
Post by: Carlton Banks on April 08, 2016, 07:06:44 PM
Ok, so some command line essentials: if you're doing your git clone command afresh, the make clean command isn't needed. make clean is used to purge the old build prior to compiling a new one, so you don't need it for this situation. I think you may have run make, then make clean afterwards. Also, forget about make install for now, it won't solve this problem.

Try this to correct what's happened:

cd ~
sudo rm -dRf BitcoinArmory
git clone git://
git checkout master

Title: Re: Armory 0.94.1 is out
Post by: cypherdoc on April 08, 2016, 07:15:48 PM
He does. I suspect there's some minor error in the version string you're supplying, but that's only a guess. I don't make use of that particular git command, so can't help you specifically with it from off the top of my head unfortunately.

ok, got it.

now how do i delete Armory's copy of the blockchain?

Title: Re: Armory 0.94.1 is out
Post by: achow101 on April 08, 2016, 07:18:35 PM
See above! I strongly suspect that's your issue (git checkout master can only have performed that exact command; etotheipi's master branch is still on 93.3, whereas the goatpig master branch is at 94.1)

does goatpig have 0.94.1 git tagged?:

Ubuntu:~/BitcoinArmory$ git tag -v v0.94.1
error: 811798a9282d216e0a450fe342d8a4671fee01d3: cannot verify a non-tag object of type commit.
error: could not verify the tag 'v0.94.1'
It isn't signed.

He does. I suspect there's some minor error in the version string you're supplying, but that's only a guess. I don't make use of that particular git command, so can't help you specifically with it from off the top of my head unfortunately.

ok, got it.

now how do i delete Armory's copy of the blockchain?
Go to the armory data directory and delete everything in the "databases" folder.

Title: Re: Armory 0.94.1 is out
Post by: Carlton Banks on April 08, 2016, 07:23:18 PM
You can also delete the /.armory/atisignedannounce directory. Hasn't caused me any problems thus far.

Title: Re: Armory 0.94.1 is out
Post by: cypherdoc on April 08, 2016, 07:27:22 PM
See above! I strongly suspect that's your issue (git checkout master can only have performed that exact command; etotheipi's master branch is still on 93.3, whereas the goatpig master branch is at 94.1)

does goatpig have 0.94.1 git tagged?:

Ubuntu:~/BitcoinArmory$ git tag -v v0.94.1
error: 811798a9282d216e0a450fe342d8a4671fee01d3: cannot verify a non-tag object of type commit.
error: could not verify the tag 'v0.94.1'
It isn't signed.

that's not good, is it?

He does. I suspect there's some minor error in the version string you're supplying, but that's only a guess. I don't make use of that particular git command, so can't help you specifically with it from off the top of my head unfortunately.

ok, got it.

now how do i delete Armory's copy of the blockchain?
Go to the armory data directory and delete everything in the "databases" folder.

what are these Errors at the bottom?  when the gui client opens, it still says 0.93.3 and isn't updating:

Ubuntu:~/BitcoinArmory$ python
Loading Armory Engine:
   Armory Version:       0.94.1
   Armory Build:         x
   PyBtcWallet  Version: 1.35
Detected Operating system: Linux
   OS Variant            : ('Ubuntu', '14.04', 'trusty')
   User home-directory   : /home/x
   Satoshi BTC directory : /home/x/.bitcoin/
   Armory home dir       : /home/x/.armory/
   ArmoryDB directory     : /home/x/.armory/databases
   Armory settings file  : /home/x/.armory/ArmorySettings.txt
   Armory log file       : /home/x/.armory/armorylog.txt
   Do wallet checking    : True
(ERROR) - Socket already in use.  Sending CLI args to existing proc.
(ERROR) - Exiting...

Title: Re: Armory 0.94.1 is out
Post by: achow101 on April 08, 2016, 07:34:18 PM
that's not good, is it?
It's not necessarily bad though.

what are these Errors at the bottom?  when the gui client opens, it still says 0.93.3 and isn't updating:

Ubuntu:~/BitcoinArmory$ python
Loading Armory Engine:
   Armory Version:       0.94.1
   Armory Build:         x
   PyBtcWallet  Version: 1.35
Detected Operating system: Linux
   OS Variant            : ('Ubuntu', '14.04', 'trusty')
   User home-directory   : /home/x
   Satoshi BTC directory : /home/x/.bitcoin/
   Armory home dir       : /home/x/.armory/
   ArmoryDB directory     : /home/x/.armory/databases
   Armory settings file  : /home/x/.armory/ArmorySettings.txt
   Armory log file       : /home/x/.armory/armorylog.txt
   Do wallet checking    : True
(ERROR) - Socket already in use.  Sending CLI args to existing proc.
(ERROR) - Exiting...

It means the the socket that armory uses is in use. This probably means you already have armory open.

Title: Re: Armory 0.94.1 is out
Post by: cypherdoc on April 08, 2016, 07:36:39 PM
that's not good, is it?
It's not necessarily bad though.

what are these Errors at the bottom?  when the gui client opens, it still says 0.93.3 and isn't updating:

Ubuntu:~/BitcoinArmory$ python
Loading Armory Engine:
   Armory Version:       0.94.1
   Armory Build:         x
   PyBtcWallet  Version: 1.35
Detected Operating system: Linux
   OS Variant            : ('Ubuntu', '14.04', 'trusty')
   User home-directory   : /home/x
   Satoshi BTC directory : /home/x/.bitcoin/
   Armory home dir       : /home/x/.armory/
   ArmoryDB directory     : /home/x/.armory/databases
   Armory settings file  : /home/x/.armory/ArmorySettings.txt
   Armory log file       : /home/x/.armory/armorylog.txt
   Do wallet checking    : True
(ERROR) - Socket already in use.  Sending CLI args to existing proc.
(ERROR) - Exiting...

It means the the socket that armory uses is in use. This probably means you already have armory open.

yep, had 0.93.3 still open.  sheesh.  all good now.  thks Carlton and KnightDB.

would be comforting if goatpig would git tag his source though...

Title: Re: Armory 0.94.1 is out
Post by: cypherdoc on April 08, 2016, 09:50:54 PM
You can also delete the /.armory/atisignedannounce directory. Hasn't caused me any problems thus far.

ok, more trouble:

-INFO  - 1460146744: (BlockchainScanner.cpp:636) scanned from height #362309 to #363439
-INFO  - 1460146753: (BlockchainScanner.cpp:636) scanned from height #363440 to #364372
terminate called after throwing an instance of 'std::bad_alloc'
  what():  std::bad_alloc

would that call for a bitcoind -reindex?

edit:  actually, bitcoind seems to be running normally.

Title: Re: Armory 0.94.1 is out
Post by: Carlton Banks on April 08, 2016, 10:05:19 PM
You can also delete the /.armory/atisignedannounce directory. Hasn't caused me any problems thus far.

ok, more trouble:

-INFO  - 1460146744: (BlockchainScanner.cpp:636) scanned from height #362309 to #363439
-INFO  - 1460146753: (BlockchainScanner.cpp:636) scanned from height #363440 to #364372
terminate called after throwing an instance of 'std::bad_alloc'
  what():  std::bad_alloc

would that call for a bitcoind -reindex?

hmmmmm, I think that's the C++ runtime making that complaint, but possibly nothing to do with bitcoind. Try erasing the /.armory/databases folder and rebuild the databases folder from the start. If that's unsuccessful, try bitcoind -reindex, but I'm not confident that's the source of your issue.

That part of the code (tx scan) is a multi-threaded high performance wonder, but it took some lengthy debugging in it's original incarnation. It's possible you've done everyone a favour by finding an unknown bug. Keep the log files if you can, goatpig may want to see them.

Title: Re: Armory 0.94.1 is out
Post by: cypherdoc on April 08, 2016, 10:40:53 PM
You can also delete the /.armory/atisignedannounce directory. Hasn't caused me any problems thus far.

ok, more trouble:

-INFO  - 1460146744: (BlockchainScanner.cpp:636) scanned from height #362309 to #363439
-INFO  - 1460146753: (BlockchainScanner.cpp:636) scanned from height #363440 to #364372
terminate called after throwing an instance of 'std::bad_alloc'
  what():  std::bad_alloc

would that call for a bitcoind -reindex?

hmmmmm, I think that's the C++ runtime making that complaint, but possibly nothing to do with bitcoind. Try erasing the /.armory/databases folder and rebuild the databases folder from the start. If that's unsuccessful, try bitcoind -reindex, but I'm not confident that's the source of your issue.

That part of the code (tx scan) is a multi-threaded high performance wonder, but it took some lengthy debugging in it's original incarnation. It's possible you've done everyone a favour by finding an unknown bug. Keep the log files if you can, goatpig may want to see them.

happened again after outright deletion of /.armory/databases folder, this time at a different blockheight:

-INFO  - 1460155030: (BlockchainScanner.cpp:636) scanned from height #194857 to #200839
-INFO  - 1460155039: (BlockchainScanner.cpp:636) scanned from height #200840 to #206610
-INFO  - 1460155047: (BlockchainScanner.cpp:636) scanned from height #206611 to #211790
terminate called after throwing an instance of 'std::bad_alloc'
  what():  std::bad_alloc

running bitcoind -reindex

Title: Re: Armory 0.94.1 is out
Post by: Carlton Banks on April 08, 2016, 11:29:39 PM
That's even more curious. I might be wrong about it being an Armory bug then, it's hard to believe that something so deterministic has not yet happened to someone else so far. I'm stumped by this one, if the re-index doesn't work, you will need goatpig, droark or knightDk to help troubleshoot. Limited knowledge of C++ runtime errors over here.

Title: Re: Armory 0.94.1 is out
Post by: Cassiel on April 11, 2016, 08:26:04 AM
Small install bug...

Armory is 64bit (right?) but wants to install to C:\Program Files (x86) by default, should be C:\Program Files.

That's all!   :)

Title: Re: Armory 0.94.1 is out
Post by: Cassiel on April 11, 2016, 08:43:36 AM
Also, I just realised...

I uninstalled old v0.93 version, moved AppData\Roaming\Amory, installed latest v0.94.1. When Armory was all synced and db built, I imported my wallet from my old AppData\Roaming\Amory folder.

Now all this worked perfect, but I just realised that Armory never asked for my passphrase for the imported (encrypted) wallet. It just imported it and was good to go.

Is that right?

Title: Re: Armory 0.94.1 is out
Post by: Carlton Banks on April 11, 2016, 08:51:47 AM
Armory never asked for my passphrase for the imported (encrypted) wallet. It just imported it and was good to go.

Is that right?

Yes, that's expected behaviour.

Title: Re: Armory 0.94.1 is out
Post by: gangtraet on April 11, 2016, 09:40:04 AM
Now all this worked perfect, but I just realised that Armory never asked for my passphrase for the imported (encrypted) wallet. It just imported it and was good to go.

The encryption only encrypts the private keys.  You cannot spend the coins without the password, but you can see them.

Title: Re: Armory 0.94.1 is out
Post by: Cassiel on April 11, 2016, 10:01:32 AM
Ah I understand now, OK thanks.

Title: Re: Armory 0.94.1 is out
Post by: cypherdoc on April 11, 2016, 03:54:12 PM
That's even more curious. I might be wrong about it being an Armory bug then, it's hard to believe that something so deterministic has not yet happened to someone else so far. I'm stumped by this one, if the re-index doesn't work, you will need goatpig, droark or knightDk to help troubleshoot. Limited knowledge of C++ runtime errors over here.

bitcoind -reindex worked.

after a variety of issues, i just now finished it, and 0.94.1 is running.

Title: Re: Armory 0.94.1 is out
Post by: kyren on April 11, 2016, 11:33:54 PM
Been running 94.1 for days now.

Thanks so much!  Works great!

Title: Re: Armory 0.94.1 is out
Post by: cypherdoc on April 13, 2016, 12:15:12 AM
crap, it's back!:

-Ubuntu:~/BitcoinArmory$ python
Loading Armory Engine:
   Armory Version:       0.94.1
   Armory Build:         811798a928
   PyBtcWallet  Version: 1.35
Detected Operating system: Linux
   OS Variant            : ('Ubuntu', '14.04', 'trusty')
   User home-directory   : /home/x
   Satoshi BTC directory : /home/x/.bitcoin/
   Armory home dir       : /home/x/.armory/
   ArmoryDB directory     : /home/x/.armory/databases
   Armory settings file  : /home/x/.armory/ArmorySettings.txt
   Armory log file       : /home/x/.armory/armorylog.txt
   Do wallet checking    : True
(ERROR) - 5 attempts to load blockchain failed.  Remove mempool.bin.
(ERROR) - File mempool.bin does not exist. Nothing deleted.
-INFO  - 1460505492: (BlockUtils.cpp:924) blkfile dir: /home/x/.bitcoin/blocks
-INFO  - 1460505492: (BlockUtils.cpp:925) lmdb dir: /home/x/.armory/databases
-INFO  - 1460505492: (lmdb_wrapper.cpp:387) Opening databases...
-INFO  - 1460505492: (BlockUtils.cpp:1105) Executing: doInitialSyncOnLoad
-INFO  - 1460505493: (DatabaseBuilder.cpp:162) Reading headers from db
-INFO  - 1460505499: (DatabaseBuilder.cpp:195) Found 407055 headers in db
-INFO  - 1460505506: (DatabaseBuilder.cpp:43) updating HEADERS db
-INFO  - 1460505508: (DatabaseBuilder.cpp:223) parsed block file #491
-DEBUG - 1460505508: (Blockchain.cpp:213) Organizing chain
-INFO  - 1460505508: (DatabaseBuilder.cpp:47) updated HEADERS db in 1.785s
-INFO  - 1460505508: (DatabaseBuilder.cpp:98) scanning new blocks from #225967 to #407009
-INFO  - 1460505528: (BlockchainScanner.cpp:636) scanned from height #225967 to #229667
-INFO  - 1460505551: (BlockchainScanner.cpp:636) scanned from height #229668 to #232781

-INFO  - 1460506296: (BlockchainScanner.cpp:636) scanned from height #368954 to #370252
-INFO  - 1460506309: (BlockchainScanner.cpp:636) scanned from height #370253 to #371493
-INFO  - 1460506321: (BlockchainScanner.cpp:636) scanned from height #371494 to #372486
terminate called after throwing an instance of 'std::bad_alloc'
  what():  std::bad_alloc

Title: Re: Armory 0.94.1 is out
Post by: achow101 on April 13, 2016, 12:21:06 AM
crap, it's back!:

-Ubuntu:~/BitcoinArmory$ python
Loading Armory Engine:
   Armory Version:       0.94.1
   Armory Build:         811798a928
   PyBtcWallet  Version: 1.35
Detected Operating system: Linux
   OS Variant            : ('Ubuntu', '14.04', 'trusty')
   User home-directory   : /home/x
   Satoshi BTC directory : /home/x/.bitcoin/
   Armory home dir       : /home/x/.armory/
   ArmoryDB directory     : /home/x/.armory/databases
   Armory settings file  : /home/x/.armory/ArmorySettings.txt
   Armory log file       : /home/x/.armory/armorylog.txt
   Do wallet checking    : True
(ERROR) - 5 attempts to load blockchain failed.  Remove mempool.bin.
(ERROR) - File mempool.bin does not exist. Nothing deleted.
-INFO  - 1460505492: (BlockUtils.cpp:924) blkfile dir: /home/x/.bitcoin/blocks
-INFO  - 1460505492: (BlockUtils.cpp:925) lmdb dir: /home/x/.armory/databases
-INFO  - 1460505492: (lmdb_wrapper.cpp:387) Opening databases...
-INFO  - 1460505492: (BlockUtils.cpp:1105) Executing: doInitialSyncOnLoad
-INFO  - 1460505493: (DatabaseBuilder.cpp:162) Reading headers from db
-INFO  - 1460505499: (DatabaseBuilder.cpp:195) Found 407055 headers in db
-INFO  - 1460505506: (DatabaseBuilder.cpp:43) updating HEADERS db
-INFO  - 1460505508: (DatabaseBuilder.cpp:223) parsed block file #491
-DEBUG - 1460505508: (Blockchain.cpp:213) Organizing chain
-INFO  - 1460505508: (DatabaseBuilder.cpp:47) updated HEADERS db in 1.785s
-INFO  - 1460505508: (DatabaseBuilder.cpp:98) scanning new blocks from #225967 to #407009
-INFO  - 1460505528: (BlockchainScanner.cpp:636) scanned from height #225967 to #229667
-INFO  - 1460505551: (BlockchainScanner.cpp:636) scanned from height #229668 to #232781

-INFO  - 1460506296: (BlockchainScanner.cpp:636) scanned from height #368954 to #370252
-INFO  - 1460506309: (BlockchainScanner.cpp:636) scanned from height #370253 to #371493
-INFO  - 1460506321: (BlockchainScanner.cpp:636) scanned from height #371494 to #372486
terminate called after throwing an instance of 'std::bad_alloc'
  what():  std::bad_alloc

How much RAM does your computer have? I think Armory might be using up too much RAM.

Title: Re: Armory 0.94.1 is out
Post by: cypherdoc on April 13, 2016, 01:26:11 AM
crap, it's back!:

-Ubuntu:~/BitcoinArmory$ python
Loading Armory Engine:
   Armory Version:       0.94.1
   Armory Build:         811798a928
   PyBtcWallet  Version: 1.35
Detected Operating system: Linux
   OS Variant            : ('Ubuntu', '14.04', 'trusty')
   User home-directory   : /home/x
   Satoshi BTC directory : /home/x/.bitcoin/
   Armory home dir       : /home/x/.armory/
   ArmoryDB directory     : /home/x/.armory/databases
   Armory settings file  : /home/x/.armory/ArmorySettings.txt
   Armory log file       : /home/x/.armory/armorylog.txt
   Do wallet checking    : True
(ERROR) - 5 attempts to load blockchain failed.  Remove mempool.bin.
(ERROR) - File mempool.bin does not exist. Nothing deleted.
-INFO  - 1460505492: (BlockUtils.cpp:924) blkfile dir: /home/x/.bitcoin/blocks
-INFO  - 1460505492: (BlockUtils.cpp:925) lmdb dir: /home/x/.armory/databases
-INFO  - 1460505492: (lmdb_wrapper.cpp:387) Opening databases...
-INFO  - 1460505492: (BlockUtils.cpp:1105) Executing: doInitialSyncOnLoad
-INFO  - 1460505493: (DatabaseBuilder.cpp:162) Reading headers from db
-INFO  - 1460505499: (DatabaseBuilder.cpp:195) Found 407055 headers in db
-INFO  - 1460505506: (DatabaseBuilder.cpp:43) updating HEADERS db
-INFO  - 1460505508: (DatabaseBuilder.cpp:223) parsed block file #491
-DEBUG - 1460505508: (Blockchain.cpp:213) Organizing chain
-INFO  - 1460505508: (DatabaseBuilder.cpp:47) updated HEADERS db in 1.785s
-INFO  - 1460505508: (DatabaseBuilder.cpp:98) scanning new blocks from #225967 to #407009
-INFO  - 1460505528: (BlockchainScanner.cpp:636) scanned from height #225967 to #229667
-INFO  - 1460505551: (BlockchainScanner.cpp:636) scanned from height #229668 to #232781

-INFO  - 1460506296: (BlockchainScanner.cpp:636) scanned from height #368954 to #370252
-INFO  - 1460506309: (BlockchainScanner.cpp:636) scanned from height #370253 to #371493
-INFO  - 1460506321: (BlockchainScanner.cpp:636) scanned from height #371494 to #372486
terminate called after throwing an instance of 'std::bad_alloc'
  what():  std::bad_alloc

How much RAM does your computer have? I think Armory might be using up too much RAM.

hmmm, how much do you recommend?

Title: Re: Armory 0.94.1 is out
Post by: cypherdoc on April 13, 2016, 01:35:45 AM
crap, it's back!:

-Ubuntu:~/BitcoinArmory$ python
Loading Armory Engine:
   Armory Version:       0.94.1
   Armory Build:         811798a928
   PyBtcWallet  Version: 1.35
Detected Operating system: Linux
   OS Variant            : ('Ubuntu', '14.04', 'trusty')
   User home-directory   : /home/x
   Satoshi BTC directory : /home/x/.bitcoin/
   Armory home dir       : /home/x/.armory/
   ArmoryDB directory     : /home/x/.armory/databases
   Armory settings file  : /home/x/.armory/ArmorySettings.txt
   Armory log file       : /home/x/.armory/armorylog.txt
   Do wallet checking    : True
(ERROR) - 5 attempts to load blockchain failed.  Remove mempool.bin.
(ERROR) - File mempool.bin does not exist. Nothing deleted.
-INFO  - 1460505492: (BlockUtils.cpp:924) blkfile dir: /home/x/.bitcoin/blocks
-INFO  - 1460505492: (BlockUtils.cpp:925) lmdb dir: /home/x/.armory/databases
-INFO  - 1460505492: (lmdb_wrapper.cpp:387) Opening databases...
-INFO  - 1460505492: (BlockUtils.cpp:1105) Executing: doInitialSyncOnLoad
-INFO  - 1460505493: (DatabaseBuilder.cpp:162) Reading headers from db
-INFO  - 1460505499: (DatabaseBuilder.cpp:195) Found 407055 headers in db
-INFO  - 1460505506: (DatabaseBuilder.cpp:43) updating HEADERS db
-INFO  - 1460505508: (DatabaseBuilder.cpp:223) parsed block file #491
-DEBUG - 1460505508: (Blockchain.cpp:213) Organizing chain
-INFO  - 1460505508: (DatabaseBuilder.cpp:47) updated HEADERS db in 1.785s
-INFO  - 1460505508: (DatabaseBuilder.cpp:98) scanning new blocks from #225967 to #407009
-INFO  - 1460505528: (BlockchainScanner.cpp:636) scanned from height #225967 to #229667
-INFO  - 1460505551: (BlockchainScanner.cpp:636) scanned from height #229668 to #232781

-INFO  - 1460506296: (BlockchainScanner.cpp:636) scanned from height #368954 to #370252
-INFO  - 1460506309: (BlockchainScanner.cpp:636) scanned from height #370253 to #371493
-INFO  - 1460506321: (BlockchainScanner.cpp:636) scanned from height #371494 to #372486
terminate called after throwing an instance of 'std::bad_alloc'
  what():  std::bad_alloc

How much RAM does your computer have? I think Armory might be using up too much RAM.

well, there you go.

doubled my memory and it's working again :)

what clued you in?  that mempool.bin error?

Title: Re: Armory 0.94.1 is out
Post by: achow101 on April 13, 2016, 01:38:49 AM
well, there you go.

doubled my memory and it's working again :)

what clued you in?  that mempool.bin error?
Actually 'std::bad_alloc' did. It's a C++ error when something fails to allocate enough memory (I had to google it though).

Title: Re: Armory 0.94.1 is out
Post by: goatpig on April 13, 2016, 12:53:37 PM
Unless you are running a x86 OS or you have low RAM and disabled the swap (or actually managed to fill swap partition), you can't get a bad_alloc for running out of physical RAM. This is all virtual address space, the underlying actual RAM isn't all that relevant.

bad_alloc appears when the OS fails to allocate memory. This is more often the case when a bogus amount of memory is requested (say unserializing a random chunck of 9 bytes as a varInt and allocating that absurd number) than actually exhausting all RAM on the system.

If you suspect it is actually how much memory you have available on your system, you should try and reduce the RAM Armory uses instead of increasing yours:

Set this value to 2 to cut the memory use in half, then
make clean

It's currently tuned to run at around 1GB.

Title: Re: Armory 0.94.1 is out
Post by: solitude on April 13, 2016, 11:58:52 PM
How is the latest Bitcoin Core doing with the latest Armory?  Any major bugs?

Title: Re: Armory 0.94.1 is out
Post by: Newar on April 15, 2016, 07:56:07 AM

First off, thank you for keeping the project going. Very much appreciated!

I got 0.94.1 installed and get right off the bat:

 (ERROR) - 28 attempts to load blockchain failed.  Remove mempool.bin.
(ERROR) - File mempool.bin does not exist. Nothing deleted.
-INFO  - 1460704730: (BlockUtils.cpp:924) blkfile dir: /home/eee/.bitcoin/blocks
-INFO  - 1460704730: (BlockUtils.cpp:925) lmdb dir: /root/.armory/databases
-INFO  - 1460704730: (lmdb_wrapper.cpp:387) Opening databases...
-INFO  - 1460704731: (BlockUtils.cpp:1105) Executing: doInitialSyncOnLoad
-INFO  - 1460704731: (DatabaseBuilder.cpp:162) Reading headers from db
-INFO  - 1460705165: (DatabaseBuilder.cpp:195) Found 378432 headers in db
-INFO  - 1460705168: (DatabaseBuilder.cpp:43) updating HEADERS db
-DEBUG - 1460705168: (Blockchain.cpp:213) Organizing chain
-INFO  - 1460705169: (DatabaseBuilder.cpp:47) updated HEADERS db in 0.948337s
-INFO  - 1460705169: (DatabaseBuilder.cpp:98) scanning new blocks from #0 to #377947
---ERROR ERROR - - ERROR - -146070517114607051711460705171: ERROR : - : 1460705171: (BlockchainScanner.cpp:276() (BlockchainScanner.cpp:BlockchainScanner.cppunknown block deser error during scan at height #276) unknown block deser error during scan at height #2
:276) unknown block deser error during scan at height #3
(BlockchainScanner.cpp:276) unknown block deser error during scan at height #0
terminate called without an active exception

Should I bitcoind -reindex?

Bitcoin Core (0.12) runs fine on its own though.

Title: Re: Armory 0.94.1 is out
Post by: goatpig on April 15, 2016, 08:19:21 PM
Should I bitcoind -reindex?

Yes. This is a deser error, that's unmistakably corrupted block data.

Title: Re: Armory 0.94.1 is out
Post by: cypherdoc on April 15, 2016, 08:37:53 PM

It's currently tuned to run at around 1GB.

that's interesting b/c i had to increase it from 2GB to 4GB to get it to run again.

Title: Re: Armory 0.94.1 is out
Post by: goatpig on April 15, 2016, 08:42:19 PM

It's currently tuned to run at around 1GB.

that's interesting b/c i had to increase it from 2GB to 4GB to get it to run again.

You also have to consider what the OS consumes.

Title: Re: Armory 0.94.1 is out
Post by: achow101 on April 15, 2016, 08:43:04 PM

It's currently tuned to run at around 1GB.

that's interesting b/c i had to increase it from 2GB to 4GB to get it to run again.

You also have to consider what the OS consumes.
And Bitcoin Core. Bitcoin Core consumes quite a bit of memory.

Title: Re: Armory 0.94.1 is out
Post by: bitpop on April 21, 2016, 05:22:39 AM

Title: Re: Armory 0.94.1 is out
Post by: Newar on April 21, 2016, 07:09:36 AM
Should I bitcoind -reindex?

Yes. This is a deser error, that's unmistakably corrupted block data.

I have done the reindex, and - since the error persisted - removed the blocks, chainstate and database folders of bicoind. Now after everything is fresh I still get:

(WARNING) - Overriding not-available state. This should happen 0-5 times
(ERROR) - 32 attempts to load blockchain failed.  Remove mempool.bin.
(ERROR) - File mempool.bin does not exist. Nothing deleted.
-INFO  - 1461221735: (BlockUtils.cpp:924) blkfile dir: /home/eee/.bitcoin/blocks
-INFO  - 1461221735: (BlockUtils.cpp:925) lmdb dir: /root/.armory/databases
-INFO  - 1461221735: (lmdb_wrapper.cpp:387) Opening databases...
-INFO  - 1461221736: (BlockUtils.cpp:1105) Executing: doInitialSyncOnLoad
-INFO  - 1461221736: (DatabaseBuilder.cpp:162) Reading headers from db
-INFO  - 1461221902: (DatabaseBuilder.cpp:195) Found 378432 headers in db
-INFO  - 1461221905: (DatabaseBuilder.cpp:43) updating HEADERS db
-DEBUG - 1461221905: (Blockchain.cpp:213) Organizing chain
-INFO  - 1461221906: (DatabaseBuilder.cpp:47) updated HEADERS db in 0.948083s
-INFO  - 1461221906: (DatabaseBuilder.cpp:98) scanning new blocks from #0 to #377947
--ERROR -- ERROR ERROR - - 14612219091461221909: 1461221909(: BlockchainScanner.cpp(:: BlockchainScanner.cpp(:BlockchainScanner.cpp:276276276) ) ) unknown block deser error during scan at height #unknown block deser error during scan at height #1
-ERROR - unknown block deser error during scan at height #20

1461221909: (BlockchainScanner.cpp:276) unknown block deser error during scan at height #3
terminate called without an active exception
-ERROR - 1461221909: (BlockchainScanner.cpp:276) unknown block deser error during scan at height #0

Lubuntu Trusty, 16 GB RAM, 51 GB free HDD

Any more pointers?

Title: Re: Armory 0.94.1 is out
Post by: Carlton Banks on April 21, 2016, 09:47:58 AM

are you sure that Armory is using the correct directory for .armory? it's currently in /root/, which implies you installed 0.94 while logged in as the root user? Can you try rebuilding the 0.94 db? (delete .armory/databases) It's possible that whichever erroneous contents in your previous copy of the Bitcoin blockchain also made it's way into the Armory databases, and so the tx scanning stage for Armory is essentially detecting that mismatch.

Title: Re: Armory 0.94.1 is out
Post by: goatpig on April 21, 2016, 11:06:27 AM
-INFO  - 1461221902: (DatabaseBuilder.cpp:195) Found 378432 headers in db

As Carlton suspects, you are using a fresh copy of the blockchain over a preexisting DB. Delete that DB, let Armory start from scratch.

Title: Re: Armory 0.94.1 is out
Post by: sabretache on April 22, 2016, 10:38:16 AM
I've been using Armory for a couple years now. I'm 'techie-light' so please bare with me & apologies if this has already been answered.

System: OS - Ubuntu 15.1 15Gb real memory 15Gb virtual memory

Initially I installed 0.94.1 on top of 0.93.1 using the Git clone + make + make install instructions.

That resulted in the Armory GUI showing a successful Wallet consistency check + successful Bitcoin Engine init; then the GUI turned grey and I got a program not responding message requiring a manual close which left Bitcoind running but no Armory process running. I then uninstalled Armory leaving the settings as was and re-installed.

Result: As above except that, instead of the GUI freezing, it simply disappears.

All looks fine in the log (to me anyway - ie no errors) until the last few lines as follows:
2016-04-22 10:44 (INFO) -- - Dashboard switched to auto-InitSync
2016-04-22 10:44 (INFO) -- - loadBlockchainIfNecessary
2016-04-22 10:44 (ERROR) -- - 4 attempts to load blockchain failed.  Remove mempool.bin.
2016-04-22 10:44 (ERROR) -- - File mempool.bin does not exist. Nothing deleted.
2016-04-22 10:44 (INFO) -- - Setting netmode: 1
2016-04-22 10:44 (INFO) -- - Dashboard switched to "Scanning" mode
2016-04-22 10:44 (INFO) -- - Connection initiated.  Start handshake
2016-04-22 10:44 (INFO) -- - Dashboard switched to "Scanning" mode
2016-04-22 10:44 (INFO) -- - Received version message from peer:
2016-04-22 10:44 (INFO) -- -    Version:     70012
2016-04-22 10:44 (INFO) -- -    SubVersion:  /Satoshi:0.12.0/
2016-04-22 10:44 (INFO) -- -    TimeStamp:   1461318297
2016-04-22 10:44 (INFO) -- -    StartHeight: 408421
2016-04-22 10:44 (INFO) -- - Handshake finished, connection open!
Any pointers much appreciated

Title: Re: Armory 0.94.1 is out
Post by: goatpig on April 22, 2016, 10:54:07 AM
You can't use the same DB as 0.93 for 0.94. Point to another folder using the --dbdir command line argument

Title: Re: Armory 0.94.1 is out
Post by: sabretache on April 22, 2016, 02:11:20 PM
You can't use the same DB as 0.93 for 0.94. Point to another folder using the --dbdir command line argument

Thanks gp. I renamed the 93.1 db folder then created a new one with standard name. All purring along fine now. If all remains well, I'll delete the old one in a day or two and get back 60+Gb of space

Title: Re: Armory 0.94.1 is out
Post by: sabretache on April 22, 2016, 06:16:17 PM
Another daft question:

How do I get the Armory icon to show on the launcher? - that's using the standard Ubuntu Gnome GUI

At present the launcher shows a grey '?'. Otherwise everything working fine.

Title: Re: Armory 0.94.1 is out
Post by: Blazed on April 22, 2016, 06:51:37 PM
I just upgraded 2 of my Armory instances and have had no issues so far. I just love seeing my used space cut in half with the new database setup.

goatpig, would you like a free Silver Wallet for being cool enough to keep Armory going? ->

Title: Re: Armory 0.94.1 is out
Post by: goatpig on April 23, 2016, 10:10:50 AM
goatpig, would you like a free Silver Wallet for being cool enough to keep Armory going? ->

That's a kind offer but I'll pass. These things look nice though =)

Title: Re: Armory 0.94.1 is out
Post by: Newar on April 24, 2016, 06:10:17 AM

are you sure that Armory is using the correct directory for .armory? it's currently in /root/, which implies you installed 0.94 while logged in as the root user? Can you try rebuilding the 0.94 db? (delete .armory/databases) It's possible that whichever erroneous contents in your previous copy of the Bitcoin blockchain also made it's way into the Armory databases, and so the tx scanning stage for Armory is essentially detecting that mismatch.

-INFO  - 1461221902: (DatabaseBuilder.cpp:195) Found 378432 headers in db

As Carlton suspects, you are using a fresh copy of the blockchain over a preexisting DB. Delete that DB, let Armory start from scratch.

Thank you both. Fixed.

Title: Re: Armory 0.94.1 is out
Post by: ARXANGEL on April 24, 2016, 05:52:01 PM
I install new Armory win64 with core 0.12.1 and in generality it work.
But when I tried to close Armory - program froze and don't closed.
In log:
2016-04-24 18:43 (INFO) -- - Current block number: 408740
2016-04-24 18:44 (INFO) -- - BDM is safe for clean shutdown
2016-04-24 18:44 (INFO) -- SDM.pyc:683 - Called stopBitcoind
2016-04-24 18:44 (ERROR) -- SDM.pyc:894 - generic error
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "SDM.pyc", line 857, in __backgroundRequestTopBlock
  File "bitcoinrpc_jsonrpc\authproxy.pyc", line 97, in __call__
  File "httplib.pyc", line 1074, in getresponse
  File "httplib.pyc", line 415, in begin
  File "httplib.pyc", line 379, in _read_status
BadStatusLine: ''
2016-04-24 18:44 (ERROR) -- ArmoryUtils.pyc:3168 - Error in pybkgdthread: ''
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "armoryengine\ArmoryUtils.pyc", line 3166, in run
  File "armoryengine\ArmoryUtils.pyc", line 3103, in funcPartial
  File "SDM.pyc", line 857, in __backgroundRequestTopBlock
  File "bitcoinrpc_jsonrpc\authproxy.pyc", line 97, in __call__
  File "httplib.pyc", line 1074, in getresponse
  File "httplib.pyc", line 415, in begin
  File "httplib.pyc", line 379, in _read_status
BadStatusLine: ''
2016-04-24 18:45 (ERROR) -- Networking.pyc:350 - ***Connection to Satoshi client LOST!  Attempting to reconnect...
2016-04-24 18:45 (INFO) -- - Attempting to close the main window!
2016-04-24 18:45 (WARNING) -- SDM.pyc:768 - Overriding not-available state. This should happen 0-5 times

Then I wait more than 10 minutes, kill process and restart Armory.
But sometimes (in previous version) and now start with gray transactions (tab transaction active, but not unabled) and I can't browse transactions, but 14-15pcs visible (in disabled mode).
If I go to Dashboard tab I can't come back (button transaction gray and disabled).
Armory write that offline - loading database headers (long time - more than hour and nothing changed).
Image, that many time I see in Armory (from 19:16 to 20:17):
I shoutdown Armory and close OK.
2016-04-24 19:08 (INFO) -- SDM.pyc:669 - PID of bitcoind: 12800
2016-04-24 19:08 (INFO) -- SDM.pyc:670 - PID of armory:   5136
2016-04-24 19:08 (INFO) -- ArmoryUtils.pyc:593 - Executing popen: ['.\\guardian.exe', '5136', '12800']
2016-04-24 19:08 (INFO) -- SDM.pyc:848 - Creating proxy in SDM: host=, port=8332
2016-04-24 19:08 (INFO) -- - setupUriRegistration
2016-04-24 19:08 (INFO) -- - URL-register action: AskUser
2016-04-24 19:08 (INFO) -- - Usermode: Expert
2016-04-24 19:08 (INFO) -- - Changing usermode:
2016-04-24 19:08 (INFO) -- -    From: Expert
2016-04-24 19:08 (INFO) -- -      To: Expert
2016-04-24 19:08 (INFO) -- - Dashboard switched to auto-InitSync
2016-04-24 19:13 (INFO) -- - loadBlockchainIfNecessary
2016-04-24 19:13 (INFO) -- - Setting netmode: 1
2016-04-24 19:13 (INFO) -- - Dashboard switched to "Scanning" mode
2016-04-24 19:13 (INFO) -- Networking.pyc:64 - Connection initiated.  Start handshake
2016-04-24 19:13 (INFO) -- - Dashboard switched to "Scanning" mode
2016-04-24 19:13 (INFO) -- Networking.pyc:155 - Received version message from peer:
2016-04-24 19:13 (INFO) -- Networking.pyc:156 -    Version:     70012
2016-04-24 19:13 (INFO) -- Networking.pyc:157 -    SubVersion:  /Satoshi:0.12.1/
2016-04-24 19:13 (INFO) -- Networking.pyc:158 -    TimeStamp:   1461514397
2016-04-24 19:13 (INFO) -- Networking.pyc:159 -    StartHeight: 408740
2016-04-24 19:13 (INFO) -- Networking.pyc:341 - Handshake finished, connection open!
2016-04-24 19:16 (INFO) -- - Dashboard switched to auto-BadConnection
2016-04-24 19:16 (INFO) -- - Current block number: 408741
2016-04-24 19:17 (INFO) -- - New Block! : 408742
2016-04-24 19:17 (INFO) -- - Current block number: 408742
2016-04-24 19:43 (INFO) -- - New Block! : 408743
2016-04-24 19:43 (INFO) -- - Current block number: 408743
2016-04-24 19:52 (INFO) -- - New Block! : 408744
2016-04-24 19:52 (INFO) -- - Current block number: 408744
2016-04-24 20:07 (INFO) -- - New Block! : 408745
2016-04-24 20:07 (INFO) -- - Current block number: 408745
2016-04-24 20:08 (INFO) -- Networking.pyc:214 - Received new block.  000000000000000000234ba7945b1b431a420e48ba3190ac33f26cf3db6bf193
2016-04-24 20:08 (INFO) -- - New Block! : 408746
2016-04-24 20:08 (INFO) -- - Current block number: 408746
2016-04-24 20:10 (INFO) -- - New Block! : 408747
2016-04-24 20:10 (INFO) -- - Current block number: 408747
2016-04-24 20:17 (INFO) -- - BDM is safe for clean shutdown
2016-04-24 20:17 (INFO) -- SDM.pyc:683 - Called stopBitcoind
2016-04-24 20:17 (ERROR) -- SDM.pyc:894 - generic error
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "SDM.pyc", line 857, in __backgroundRequestTopBlock
  File "bitcoinrpc_jsonrpc\authproxy.pyc", line 97, in __call__
  File "httplib.pyc", line 1074, in getresponse
  File "httplib.pyc", line 415, in begin
  File "httplib.pyc", line 379, in _read_status
BadStatusLine: ''
2016-04-24 20:17 (ERROR) -- ArmoryUtils.pyc:3168 - Error in pybkgdthread: ''
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "armoryengine\ArmoryUtils.pyc", line 3166, in run
  File "armoryengine\ArmoryUtils.pyc", line 3103, in funcPartial
  File "SDM.pyc", line 857, in __backgroundRequestTopBlock
  File "bitcoinrpc_jsonrpc\authproxy.pyc", line 97, in __call__
  File "httplib.pyc", line 1074, in getresponse
  File "httplib.pyc", line 415, in begin
  File "httplib.pyc", line 379, in _read_status
BadStatusLine: ''
2016-04-24 20:17 (ERROR) -- Networking.pyc:350 - ***Connection to Satoshi client LOST!  Attempting to reconnect...
2016-04-24 20:17 (INFO) -- - Attempting to close the main window!

Then I run Armory again - start and close without problem in few minutes. WTF?) Connection to internet stable all time:
2016-04-24 20:19 (INFO) -- SDM.pyc:669 - PID of bitcoind: 18284
2016-04-24 20:19 (INFO) -- SDM.pyc:670 - PID of armory:   20248
2016-04-24 20:19 (INFO) -- ArmoryUtils.pyc:593 - Executing popen: ['.\\guardian.exe', '20248', '18284']
2016-04-24 20:19 (INFO) -- SDM.pyc:848 - Creating proxy in SDM: host=, port=8332
2016-04-24 20:19 (INFO) -- - setupUriRegistration
2016-04-24 20:19 (INFO) -- - URL-register action: AskUser
2016-04-24 20:19 (INFO) -- - Usermode: Expert
2016-04-24 20:19 (INFO) -- - Changing usermode:
2016-04-24 20:19 (INFO) -- -    From: Expert
2016-04-24 20:19 (INFO) -- -      To: Expert
2016-04-24 20:19 (INFO) -- - Dashboard switched to auto-InitSync
2016-04-24 20:27 (INFO) -- - loadBlockchainIfNecessary
2016-04-24 20:27 (INFO) -- - Setting netmode: 1
2016-04-24 20:27 (INFO) -- - Dashboard switched to "Scanning" mode
2016-04-24 20:27 (INFO) -- Networking.pyc:64 - Connection initiated.  Start handshake
2016-04-24 20:27 (INFO) -- - Dashboard switched to "Scanning" mode
2016-04-24 20:27 (INFO) -- Networking.pyc:155 - Received version message from peer:
2016-04-24 20:27 (INFO) -- Networking.pyc:156 -    Version:     70012
2016-04-24 20:27 (INFO) -- Networking.pyc:157 -    SubVersion:  /Satoshi:0.12.1/
2016-04-24 20:27 (INFO) -- Networking.pyc:158 -    TimeStamp:   1461518847
2016-04-24 20:27 (INFO) -- Networking.pyc:159 -    StartHeight: 408747
2016-04-24 20:27 (INFO) -- Networking.pyc:341 - Handshake finished, connection open!
2016-04-24 20:34 (INFO) -- - Current block number: 408747
2016-04-24 20:35 (INFO) -- - New Block! : 408748
2016-04-24 20:35 (INFO) -- - Current block number: 408748
2016-04-24 20:40 (INFO) -- - BDM is safe for clean shutdown
2016-04-24 20:40 (INFO) -- SDM.pyc:683 - Called stopBitcoind
2016-04-24 20:41 (INFO) -- - Attempting to close the main window!
2016-04-24 20:41 (ERROR) -- Networking.pyc:350 - ***Connection to Satoshi client LOST!  Attempting to reconnect...
I think may be this line do Armory offline and then don't come back: 2016-04-24 19:16 (INFO) -- - Dashboard switched to auto-BadConnection (but blocks downloading!).

Title: Re: Armory 0.94.1 is out
Post by: goatpig on April 24, 2016, 09:51:44 PM
Armory is failing to shutdown bitcoind somehow. Turn off auto management and deal with BitcoinQt manually instead.

Title: Re: Armory 0.94.1 is out
Post by: iblackfin on April 29, 2016, 10:18:43 PM
In this version I found that for some transactions I have the Invalid TX error message: "The transaction be displayed you requested does not exist in Armory's database. This is unusual..."
I tried to rebuild the database from scratch, delete and import wallet - nothing helped .. The transaction is there, so I suspect in some reason Armory decided to not include the transaction in DB. Would it be considered as a bug? I am going to revert back to v0.93 to see if it has the same issue. Will post about the result.

Title: Re: Armory 0.94.1 is out
Post by: Carlton Banks on April 29, 2016, 10:23:02 PM
In this version I found that for some transactions I have the Invalid TX error message: "The transaction be displayed you requested does not exist in Armory's database. This is unusual..."
I tried to rebuild the database from scratch, delete and import wallet - nothing helped .. The transaction is there, so I suspect in some reason Armory decided to not include the transaction in DB. Would it be considered as a bug? I am going to revert back to v0.93 to see if it has the same issue. Will post about the result.

It is considered a bug, and already reported to some extent. I discovered the same problem with both coinbase outputs and transactions that spend coinbase outs, but too late for goatpig to fix it, sadly. Can you tell us whether the tx's you're experiencing this with are either coinbase or spending coinbase?

Title: Re: Armory 0.94.1 is out
Post by: iblackfin on April 29, 2016, 10:37:48 PM
In this version I found that for some transactions I have the Invalid TX error message: "The transaction be displayed you requested does not exist in Armory's database. This is unusual..."
I tried to rebuild the database from scratch, delete and import wallet - nothing helped .. The transaction is there, so I suspect in some reason Armory decided to not include the transaction in DB. Would it be considered as a bug? I am going to revert back to v0.93 to see if it has the same issue. Will post about the result.

It is considered a bug, and already reported to some extent. I discovered the same problem with both coinbase outputs and transactions that spend coinbase outs, but too late for goatpig to fix it, sadly. Can you tell us whether the tx's you're experiencing this with are either coinbase or spending coinbase?
Sure, this is related to spending coinbase ...

Title: Re: Armory 0.94.1 is out
Post by: Carlton Banks on April 29, 2016, 10:44:33 PM
Ok, that's the same bug me and knightdk found. goatpig knows, so it will likely receive a fix. I don't think it's a problem to continue to use 0.94 with wallets containing coinbase, although I can't say whether spending coinbase will work with 0.94. So you can probably use 0.94 for now, or to put it another way, that's what I've been doing.

Title: Re: Armory 0.94.1 is out
Post by: iblackfin on April 29, 2016, 10:50:15 PM
Thanks for letting me know that this bug is already known, so waiting for the fix then ...

Title: Re: Armory 0.94.1 is out
Post by: ImI on May 02, 2016, 03:03:26 PM
ok, i deleted the 0.93 db, but now Armory keeps crashing at the exact moment it ends syncing and tries to load the database headers.

any idea?

edit: ok, rescan&rebuild the db seems to do the trick

Title: Re: Armory 0.94.1 is out
Post by: Nattygirl on May 04, 2016, 12:59:54 PM
Hi every one.
Does this mean we can not use 0.93.9 version of Armory anymore or it doesn't make a difference?
Because I have been trying to build the Armory 0.93.3 version and it takes up all my 267GB memory space, I do not know why...:-(

Title: Re: Armory 0.94.1 is out
Post by: achow101 on May 04, 2016, 01:07:18 PM
Hi every one.
Does this mean we can not use 0.93.9 version of Armory anymore or it doesn't make a difference?
You can still use it, but it is recommended that you use 0.94.1 because it is the latest version that has fixed several bugs.

Because I have been trying to build the Armory 0.93.3 version and it takes up all my 267GB memory space, I do not know why...:-(

The databases for 0.93.3 and earlier are much much larger. Use 0.94.1 and the databases will only be a few hundred MB instead of several Gb

Title: Re: Armory 0.94.1 is out
Post by: Nattygirl on May 04, 2016, 01:19:02 PM
thank you :-).

Title: Re: Armory 0.94.1 is out
Post by: bitcoinron on May 11, 2016, 06:33:00 PM
I now have armory the transaction you requested displayed does not exist in database.

My transaction summary is now missing 5 coins... I can't tell if they were stolen or if this is armory. I am switching to bitcoin core.

Armory seems to have a security problem where malware can transfer coins I can discuss thanks

Title: Re: Armory 0.94.1 is out
Post by: bitcoinron on May 11, 2016, 06:55:43 PM
Is there a way to switch back to bitcoin classic? I have 5 wallets

Now 5 coins are missing.. I receive transaction doesn't exist in database error in armory.

I have no way to access my funds and I can't export my wallet so basically this is a bad situation.

I need to check if this is an armory bug or worst case if they have been stolen as I have found a bug that may allow one to do this.

Title: Re: Armory 0.94.1 is out
Post by: achow101 on May 11, 2016, 07:01:25 PM
Is there a way to switch back to bitcoin classic? I have 5 wallets

Now 5 coins are missing.. I receive transaction doesn't exist in database error in armory.

I have no way to access my funds and I can't export my wallet so basically this is a bad situation.

I need to check if this is an armory bug or worst case if they have been stolen as I have found a bug that may allow one to do this.
Is there a way to switch back to bitcoin classic? I have 5 wallets

Now 5 coins are missing.. I receive transaction doesn't exist in database error in armory.

I have no way to access my funds and I can't export my wallet so basically this is a bad situation.

I need to check if this is an armory bug or worst case if they have been stolen as I have found a bug that may allow one to do this.
Please do not jump to conclusions and make definitive statements like this without knowing what is actually wrong.

If the transaction(s) was a coinbase transaction, then this is a known bug. We know that there is a problem with Armory when displaying coinbase transactions

If the problem is something else, then can you also provide us with the armory logs?

Lastly, is the five bitcoins missing from your balance or is it just that you cannot see the details of the transaction that sent you those Bitcoins.

Title: Re: Armory 0.94.1 is out
Post by: bitcoinron on May 11, 2016, 11:02:31 PM
I don't know if it's coinbase.. all the sudden I see these transaction subtracting from my account of wallet 2 and then it happens 12 hours later to wallet 1. Non of these transaction are openable. All have error message transaction can't be displayed, does not exist.

Is there a specific log file I can sent?

These transaction shouldn't be there and now I can't really view the details and coin is gone from the interface.. but I've had incorrect totals before that were fixed by this release

Title: Re: Armory 0.94.1 is out
Post by: achow101 on May 11, 2016, 11:43:39 PM
I don't know if it's coinbase.. all the sudden I see these transaction subtracting from my account of wallet 2 and then it happens 12 hours later to wallet 1. Non of these transaction are openable. All have error message transaction can't be displayed, does not exist.
That might be a bug. Since the coins are leaving your wallet, then it isn't a coinbase transaction. Try rescanning the wallet. Go to Help > Rescan Databases and then click OK on the dialog box. Then restart Armory.

Is there a specific log file I can sent?
Go to File > Export Log File and it will instruct you to save the file somewhere. Open up that file and post the contents here. If Bitcointalk tells you that it is too large, post it to pastebin and post the link to that pastebin.

Title: Re: Armory 0.94.1 is out
Post by: bitcoinron on May 12, 2016, 03:37:20 AM
This is what my dashlooks like..

All those negative transactions, I never made them. You can not get transaction info from them.

I deleted all databases and rebuilt.. took me 4 days, same problem... I need to get my wallet into bitcoincore and test there but I don't know how.

Title: Re: Armory 0.94.1 is out
Post by: bitcoinron on May 12, 2016, 04:02:28 AM
The log is at:

How can I revert to check my coins in another program? How can I go armory -> bitcoin core?

Title: Re: Armory 0.94.1 is out
Post by: achow101 on May 12, 2016, 04:22:43 AM
This is what my dashlooks like..

All those negative transactions, I never made them. You can not get transaction info from them.

I deleted all databases and rebuilt.. took me 4 days, same problem... I need to get my wallet into bitcoincore and test there but I don't know how.
Did you rescan the wallet. Not rebuild the database but rescan the databases. There is a difference between the two, and rescanning shouldn't take as long.

Are you able to copy the transaction IDs of those transactions and post them here. If there is a bug then those txids will not match what the transaction supposedly is in your wallet or they may not exist.

The log is at:

How can I revert to check my coins in another program? How can I go armory -> bitcoin core?
I am unable to download your log.

Title: Re: Armory 0.94.1 is out
Post by: bitcoinron on May 12, 2016, 04:33:02 AM
Thanks, I have scanned and rebuilt everything. I did this database from scratch and had the same problem after.

I can not get transactions on them.. I double click and get this entry doesn't exist in armory error message ( exact message is in other posts)

It will show up as invalid ID on bitcoin transaction explorer when opened in application

The log is working for me:

I am trying to load a wallet into bitcoin core to test now.

Title: Re: Armory 0.94.1 is out
Post by: bitcoinron on May 12, 2016, 05:46:16 AM
Here is the message I get when I click on the transactions now (the withdrawls).. the old transaction work. I think there's something wrong with these transactions. (

Some of them work, but I don't know if they refer to the correct transaction.

Title: Re: Armory 0.94.1 is out
Post by: bitpop on May 12, 2016, 08:01:50 AM
Are you by chance pruning bitcoin

Title: Re: Armory 0.94.1 is out
Post by: bitcoinron on May 12, 2016, 09:13:04 AM
No, I have not pruned. I don't really know how. I have loaded the bitcoin db, and redid the armory db.

I then reload the bitcoin db and redid the armory db but this takes 4 days to get the data 100% again and same issue.

Title: Re: Armory 0.94.1 is out
Post by: bitpop on May 12, 2016, 10:41:32 AM
Just take your private keys and import into core

Title: Re: Armory 0.94.1 is out
Post by: bitcoinron on May 12, 2016, 06:23:44 PM
I don't know how to do that and don't understand the dangers about it.

The wiki warms me of losing coins.

Is there a way to make a wallet.dat?

Title: Re: Armory 0.94.1 is out
Post by: bitcoinron on May 12, 2016, 06:32:34 PM
How does this import related to wallet.dat? Will I do it every time? I need to use bitcoind RPC calls? I don't know how this is working in relation to wallet.dat

I'd like to make 5 wallets and just take them and switch em in bitcoin core to check if it sums the transactions differently.

Title: Re: Armory 0.94.1 is out
Post by: goatpig on May 12, 2016, 06:38:48 PM
1) Make sure you have flagged all wallets as yours, or display all wallets in the bottom right combo box.

2) Extent your wallet's address chain.

3) Make sure the top block in Armory matches the top block in Bitcoin Core

4) The missing txid error is unrelated to your issue, it's explained here:

Title: Re: Armory 0.94.1 is out
Post by: bitcoinron on May 12, 2016, 07:46:20 PM
Thanks, I'm getting these type of error messages around the time period:

2016-05-06 18:32 (ERROR) -- SDM.pyc:883 - ValueError in bkgd req top blk
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "SDM.pyc", line 857, in __backgroundRequestTopBlock
  File "bitcoinrpc_jsonrpc\authproxy.pyc", line 104, in __call__
  File "json\__init__.pyc", line 351, in loads
  File "json\decoder.pyc", line 366, in decode
  File "json\decoder.pyc", line 384, in raw_decode

I have done "receive coin" to generate an address on all wallets and then rescan db and restarted.

Armory Current block number: 411478
Bitcoin logs show something like: blocks=411385

I think Armory is OK..

More of the error text:

Title: Re: Armory 0.94.1 is out
Post by: goatpig on May 12, 2016, 08:07:01 PM
Thanks, I'm getting these type of error messages around the time period:

2016-05-06 18:32 (ERROR) -- SDM.pyc:883 - ValueError in bkgd req top blk
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "SDM.pyc", line 857, in __backgroundRequestTopBlock
  File "bitcoinrpc_jsonrpc\authproxy.pyc", line 104, in __call__
  File "json\__init__.pyc", line 351, in loads
  File "json\decoder.pyc", line 366, in decode
  File "json\decoder.pyc", line 384, in raw_decode

That's Armory having trouble talking to Core through the RPC. This isn't related to your issue however.

I have done "receive coin" to generate an address on all wallets and then rescan db and restarted.

You want an extra 1000, not just one. Go in offline mode, pick expert mode, in the wallet properties dialog, click on the figure next to addresses used, set 1000 in the text box and click compute. Do that for every wallet, then restart Armory in online mode and let it scan. Also, in the wallet properties dialog, make sure all wallets are flagged as yours.

Title: Re: Armory 0.94.1 is out
Post by: bitcoinron on May 12, 2016, 10:45:29 PM
Thanks, I added 1000 to the wallet and restart it, still same problem.

Those log errors look around the time of the "bad" transactions in armory. They start around the time of the problem transaction and they end around the time it's finished (running all day on the 2016-05-06). This is causing some transaction log corruption?

Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "SDM.pyc", line 857, in __backgroundRequestTopBlock
  File "bitcoinrpc_jsonrpc\authproxy.pyc", line 104, in __call__
  File "json\__init__.pyc", line 351, in loads
  File "json\decoder.pyc", line 366, in decode
  File "json\decoder.pyc", line 384, in raw_decode
ValueError: No JSON object could be decoded
2016-05-06 13:40 (ERROR) -- SDM.pyc:883 - ValueError in bkgd req top blk
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "SDM.pyc", line 857, in __backgroundRequestTopBlock
  File "bitcoinrpc_jsonrpc\authproxy.pyc", line 104, in __call__
  File "json\__init__.pyc", line 351, in loads
  File "json\decoder.pyc", line 366, in decode
  File "json\decoder.pyc", line 384, in raw_decode
ValueError: No JSON object could be decoded
2016-05-06 13:40 (ERROR) -- SDM.pyc:883 - ValueError in bkgd req top blk
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "SDM.pyc", line 857, in __backgroundRequestTopBlock
  File "bitcoinrpc_jsonrpc\authproxy.pyc", line 104, in __call__
  File "json\__init__.pyc", line 351, in loads
  File "json\decoder.pyc", line 366, in decode
  File "json\decoder.pyc", line 384, in raw_decode
ValueError: No JSON object could be decoded
2016-05-06 13:40 (ERROR) -- SDM.pyc:883 - ValueError in bkgd req top blk
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "SDM.pyc", line 857, in __backgroundRequestTopBlock
  File "bitcoinrpc_jsonrpc\authproxy.pyc", line 104, in __call__
  File "json\__init__.pyc", line 351, in loads
  File "json\decoder.pyc", line 366, in decode
  File "json\decoder.pyc", line 384, in raw_decode
ValueError: No JSON object could be decoded
2016-05-06 13:40 (ERROR) -- SDM.pyc:883 - ValueError in bkgd req top blk
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "SDM.pyc", line 857, in __backgroundRequestTopBlock
  File "bitcoinrpc_jsonrpc\authproxy.pyc", line 104, in __call__
  File "json\__init__.pyc", line 351, in loads
  File "json\decoder.pyc", line 366, in decode
  File "json\decoder.pyc", line 384, in raw_decode
ValueError: No JSON object could be decoded
2016-05-06 13:40 (ERROR) -- SDM.pyc:883 - ValueError in bkgd req top blk
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "SDM.pyc", line 857, in __backgroundRequestTopBlock
  File "bitcoinrpc_jsonrpc\authproxy.pyc", line 104, in __call__
  File "json\__init__.pyc", line 351, in loads
  File "json\decoder.pyc", line 366, in decode
  File "json\decoder.pyc", line 384, in raw_decode
ValueError: No JSON object could be decoded
2016-05-06 13:40 (ERROR) -- SDM.pyc:883 - ValueError in bkgd req top blk
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "SDM.pyc", line 857, in __backgroundRequestTopBlock
  File "bitcoinrpc_jsonrpc\authproxy.pyc", line 104, in __call__
  File "json\__init__.pyc", line 351, in loads
  File "json\decoder.pyc", line 366, in decode
  File "json\decoder.pyc", line 384, in raw_decode
ValueError: No JSON object could be decoded
2016-05-06 13:40 (ERROR) -- SDM.pyc:883 - ValueError in bkgd req top blk
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "SDM.pyc", line 857, in __backgroundRequestTopBlock
  File "bitcoinrpc_jsonrpc\authproxy.pyc", line 104, in __call__
  File "json\__init__.pyc", line 351, in loads
  File "json\decoder.pyc", line 366, in decode
  File "json\decoder.pyc", line 384, in raw_decode
ValueError: No JSON object could be decoded
2016-05-06 13:40 (ERROR) -- SDM.pyc:883 - ValueError in bkgd req top blk
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "SDM.pyc", line 857, in __backgroundRequestTopBlock
  File "bitcoinrpc_jsonrpc\authproxy.pyc", line 104, in __call__
  File "json\__init__.pyc", line 351, in loads
  File "json\decoder.pyc", line 366, in decode
  File "json\decoder.pyc", line 384, in raw_decode
ValueError: No JSON object could be decoded
2016-05-06 13:40 (ERROR) -- SDM.pyc:883 - ValueError in bkgd req top blk
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "SDM.pyc", line 857, in __backgroundRequestTopBlock
  File "bitcoinrpc_jsonrpc\authproxy.pyc", line 104, in __call__
  File "json\__init__.pyc", line 351, in loads
  File "json\decoder.pyc", line 366, in decode
  File "json\decoder.pyc", line 384, in raw_decode
ValueError: No JSON object could be decoded
2016-05-06 13:40 (ERROR) -- SDM.pyc:883 - ValueError in bkgd req top blk
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "SDM.pyc", line 857, in __backgroundRequestTopBlock
  File "bitcoinrpc_jsonrpc\authproxy.pyc", line 104, in __call__
  File "json\__init__.pyc", line 351, in loads
  File "json\decoder.pyc", line 366, in decode
  File "json\decoder.pyc", line 384, in raw_decode
ValueError: No JSON object could be decoded
2016-05-06 13:40 (ERROR) -- SDM.pyc:883 - ValueError in bkgd req top blk
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "SDM.pyc", line 857, in __backgroundRequestTopBlock
  File "bitcoinrpc_jsonrpc\authproxy.pyc", line 104, in __call__
  File "json\__init__.pyc", line 351, in loads
  File "json\decoder.pyc", line 366, in decode
  File "json\decoder.pyc", line 384, in raw_decode
ValueError: No JSON object could be decoded
2016-05-06 13:40 (ERROR) -- SDM.pyc:883 - ValueError in bkgd req top blk
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "SDM.pyc", line 857, in __backgroundRequestTopBlock
  File "bitcoinrpc_jsonrpc\authproxy.pyc", line 104, in __call__
  File "json\__init__.pyc", line 351, in loads
  File "json\decoder.pyc", line 366, in decode
  File "json\decoder.pyc", line 384, in raw_decode
ValueError: No JSON object could be decoded
2016-05-06 13:40 (ERROR) -- SDM.pyc:883 - ValueError in bkgd req top blk
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "SDM.pyc", line 857, in __backgroundRequestTopBlock
  File "bitcoinrpc_jsonrpc\authproxy.pyc", line 104, in __call__
  File "json\__init__.pyc", line 351, in loads
  File "json\decoder.pyc", line 366, in decode
  File "json\decoder.pyc", line 384, in raw_decode
ValueError: No JSON object could be decoded
2016-05-06 13:40 (ERROR) -- SDM.pyc:883 - ValueError in bkgd req top blk
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "SDM.pyc", line 857, in __backgroundRequestTopBlock
  File "bitcoinrpc_jsonrpc\authproxy.pyc", line 104, in __call__
  File "json\__init__.pyc", line 351, in loads
  File "json\decoder.pyc", line 366, in decode
  File "json\decoder.pyc", line 384, in raw_decode
ValueError: No JSON object could be decoded
2016-05-06 13:40 (ERROR) -- SDM.pyc:883 - ValueError in bkgd req top blk
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "SDM.pyc", line 857, in __backgroundRequestTopBlock
  File "bitcoinrpc_jsonrpc\authproxy.pyc", line 104, in __call__
  File "json\__init__.pyc", line 351, in loads
  File "json\decoder.pyc", line 366, in decode
  File "json\decoder.pyc", line 384, in raw_decode
ValueError: No JSON object could be decoded
2016-05-06 13:40 (ERROR) -- SDM.pyc:883 - ValueError in bkgd req top blk
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "SDM.pyc", line 857, in __backgroundRequestTopBlock
  File "bitcoinrpc_jsonrpc\authproxy.pyc", line 104, in __call__
  File "json\__init__.pyc", line 351, in loads
  File "json\decoder.pyc", line 366, in decode
  File "json\decoder.pyc", line 384, in raw_decode
ValueError: No JSON object could be decoded
2016-05-06 13:40 (ERROR) -- SDM.pyc:883 - ValueError in bkgd req top blk
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "SDM.pyc", line 857, in __backgroundRequestTopBlock
  File "bitcoinrpc_jsonrpc\authproxy.pyc", line 104, in __call__
  File "json\__init__.pyc", line 351, in loads
  File "json\decoder.pyc", line 366, in decode
  File "json\decoder.pyc", line 384, in raw_decode
ValueError: No JSON object could be decoded
2016-05-06 13:40 (ERROR) -- SDM.pyc:883 - ValueError in bkgd req top blk
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "SDM.pyc", line 857, in __backgroundRequestTopBlock
  File "bitcoinrpc_jsonrpc\authproxy.pyc", line 104, in __call__
  File "json\__init__.pyc", line 351, in loads
  File "json\decoder.pyc", line 366, in decode
  File "json\decoder.pyc", line 384, in raw_decode
ValueError: No JSON object could be decoded
2016-05-06 13:40 (ERROR) -- SDM.pyc:883 - ValueError in bkgd req top blk
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "SDM.pyc", line 857, in __backgroundRequestTopBlock
  File "bitcoinrpc_jsonrpc\authproxy.pyc", line 104, in __call__
  File "json\__init__.pyc", line 351, in loads
  File "json\decoder.pyc", line 366, in decode
  File "json\decoder.pyc", line 384, in raw_decode
ValueError: No JSON object could be decoded
2016-05-06 13:40 (ERROR) -- SDM.pyc:883 - ValueError in bkgd req top blk
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "SDM.pyc", line 857, in __backgroundRequestTopBlock
  File "bitcoinrpc_jsonrpc\authproxy.pyc", line 104, in __call__
  File "json\__init__.pyc", line 351, in loads
  File "json\decoder.pyc", line 366, in decode
  File "json\decoder.pyc", line 384, in raw_decode
ValueError: No JSON object could be decoded
2016-05-06 13:40 (ERROR) -- SDM.pyc:883 - ValueError in bkgd req top blk
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "SDM.pyc", line 857, in __backgroundRequestTopBlock
  File "bitcoinrpc_jsonrpc\authproxy.pyc", line 104, in __call__
  File "json\__init__.pyc", line 351, in loads
  File "json\decoder.pyc", line 366, in decode
  File "json\decoder.pyc", line 384, in raw_decode
ValueError: No JSON object could be decoded
2016-05-06 13:40 (ERROR) -- SDM.pyc:883 - ValueError in bkgd req top blk
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "SDM.pyc", line 857, in __backgroundRequestTopBlock
  File "bitcoinrpc_jsonrpc\authproxy.pyc", line 104, in __call__
  File "json\__init__.pyc", line 351, in loads
  File "json\decoder.pyc", line 366, in decode
  File "json\decoder.pyc", line 384, in raw_decode
ValueError: No JSON object could be decoded
2016-05-06 13:40 (ERROR) -- SDM.pyc:883 - ValueError in bkgd req top blk
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "SDM.pyc", line 857, in __backgroundRequestTopBlock
  File "bitcoinrpc_jsonrpc\authproxy.pyc", line 104, in __call__
  File "json\__init__.pyc", line 351, in loads
  File "json\decoder.pyc", line 366, in decode
  File "json\decoder.pyc", line 384, in raw_decode
ValueError: No JSON object could be decoded
2016-05-06 13:40 (ERROR) -- SDM.pyc:883 - ValueError in bkgd req top blk
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "SDM.pyc", line 857, in __backgroundRequestTopBlock
  File "bitcoinrpc_jsonrpc\authproxy.pyc", line 104, in __call__
  File "json\__init__.pyc", line 351, in loads
  File "json\decoder.pyc", line 366, in decode
  File "json\decoder.pyc", line 384, in raw_decode
ValueError: No JSON object could be decoded
2016-05-06 13:40 (ERROR) -- SDM.pyc:883 - ValueError in bkgd req top blk
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "SDM.pyc", line 857, in __backgroundRequestTopBlock
  File "bitcoinrpc_jsonrpc\authproxy.pyc", line 104, in __call__
  File "json\__init__.pyc", line 351, in loads
  File "json\decoder.pyc", line 366, in decode
  File "json\decoder.pyc", line 384, in raw_decode
ValueError: No JSON object could be decoded
2016-05-06 13:40 (ERROR) -- SDM.pyc:883 - ValueError in bkgd req top blk
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "SDM.pyc", line 857, in __backgroundRequestTopBlock
  File "bitcoinrpc_jsonrpc\authproxy.pyc", line 104, in __call__
  File "json\__init__.pyc", line 351, in loads
  File "json\decoder.pyc", line 366, in decode
  File "json\decoder.pyc", line 384, in raw_decode
ValueError: No JSON object could be decoded
2016-05-06 13:40 (ERROR) -- SDM.pyc:883 - ValueError in bkgd req top blk
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "SDM.pyc", line 857, in __backgroundRequestTopBlock
  File "bitcoinrpc_jsonrpc\authproxy.pyc", line 104, in __call__
  File "json\__init__.pyc", line 351, in loads
  File "json\decoder.pyc", line 366, in decode
  File "json\decoder.pyc", line 384, in raw_decode
ValueError: No JSON object could be decoded
2016-05-06 13:40 (ERROR) -- SDM.pyc:883 - ValueError in bkgd req top blk
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "SDM.pyc", line 857, in __backgroundRequestTopBlock
  File "bitcoinrpc_jsonrpc\authproxy.pyc", line 104, in __call__
  File "json\__init__.pyc", line 351, in loads
  File "json\decoder.pyc", line 366, in decode
  File "json\decoder.pyc", line 384, in raw_decode
ValueError: No JSON object could be decoded
2016-05-06 13:40 (ERROR) -- SDM.pyc:883 - ValueError in bkgd req top blk
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "SDM.pyc", line 857, in __backgroundRequestTopBlock
  File "bitcoinrpc_jsonrpc\authproxy.pyc", line 104, in __call__
  File "json\__init__.pyc", line 351, in loads
  File "json\decoder.pyc", line 366, in decode
  File "json\decoder.pyc", line 384, in raw_decode
ValueError: No JSON object could be decoded
2016-05-06 13:40 (ERROR) -- SDM.pyc:883 - ValueError in bkgd req top blk
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "SDM.pyc", line 857, in __backgroundRequestTopBlock
  File "bitcoinrpc_jsonrpc\authproxy.pyc", line 104, in __call__
  File "json\__init__.pyc", line 351, in loads
  File "json\decoder.pyc", line 366, in decode
  File "json\decoder.pyc", line 384, in raw_decode
ValueError: No JSON object could be decoded
2016-05-06 13:40 (ERROR) -- SDM.pyc:883 - ValueError in bkgd req top blk
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "SDM.pyc", line 857, in __backgroundRequestTopBlock
  File "bitcoinrpc_jsonrpc\authproxy.pyc", line 104, in __call__
  File "json\__init__.pyc", line 351, in loads
  File "json\decoder.pyc", line 366, in decode
  File "json\decoder.pyc", line 384, in raw_decode
ValueError: No JSON object could be decoded
2016-05-06 13:40 (ERROR) -- SDM.pyc:883 - ValueError in bkgd req top blk
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "SDM.pyc", line 857, in __backgroundRequestTopBlock
  File "bitcoinrpc_jsonrpc\authproxy.pyc", line 104, in __call__
  File "json\__init__.pyc", line 351, in loads
  File "json\decoder.pyc", line 366, in decode
  File "json\decoder.pyc", line 384, in raw_decode
ValueError: No JSON object could be decoded
2016-05-06 13:41 (ERROR) -- SDM.pyc:883 - ValueError in bkgd req top blk
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "SDM.pyc", line 857, in __backgroundRequestTopBlock
  File "bitcoinrpc_jsonrpc\authproxy.pyc", line 104, in __call__
  File "json\__init__.pyc", line 351, in loads
  File "json\decoder.pyc", line 366, in decode
  File "json\decoder.pyc", line 384, in raw_decode
ValueError: No JSON object could be decoded
2016-05-06 13:41 (ERROR) -- SDM.pyc:883 - ValueError in bkgd req top blk
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "SDM.pyc", line 857, in __backgroundRequestTopBlock
  File "bitcoinrpc_jsonrpc\authproxy.pyc", line 104, in __call__
  File "json\__init__.pyc", line 351, in loads
  File "json\decoder.pyc", line 366, in decode
  File "json\decoder.pyc", line 384, in raw_decode
ValueError: No JSON object could be decoded
2016-05-06 13:41 (ERROR) -- SDM.pyc:883 - ValueError in bkgd req top blk
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "SDM.pyc", line 857, in __backgroundRequestTopBlock
  File "bitcoinrpc_jsonrpc\authproxy.pyc", line 104, in __call__
  File "json\__init__.pyc", line 351, in loads
  File "json\decoder.pyc", line 366, in decode
  File "json\decoder.pyc", line 384, in raw_decode
ValueError: No JSON object could be decoded
2016-05-06 13:41 (ERROR) -- SDM.pyc:883 - ValueError in bkgd req top blk
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "SDM.pyc", line 857, in __backgroundRequestTopBlock
  File "bitcoinrpc_jsonrpc\authproxy.pyc", line 104, in __call__
  File "json\__init__.pyc", line 351, in loads
  File "json\decoder.pyc", line 366, in decode
  File "json\decoder.pyc", line 384, in raw_decode
ValueError: No JSON object could be decoded
2016-05-06 13:41 (ERROR) -- SDM.pyc:883 - ValueError in bkgd req top blk
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "SDM.pyc", line 857, in __backgroundRequestTopBlock
  File "bitcoinrpc_jsonrpc\authproxy.pyc", line 104, in __call__
  File "json\__init__.pyc", line 351, in loads
  File "json\decoder.pyc", line 366, in decode
  File "json\decoder.pyc", line 384, in raw_decode
ValueError: No JSON object could be decoded
2016-05-06 13:41 (ERROR) -- SDM.pyc:883 - ValueError in bkgd req top blk
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "SDM.pyc", line 857, in __backgroundRequestTopBlock
  File "bitcoinrpc_jsonrpc\authproxy.pyc", line 104, in __call__
  File "json\__init__.pyc", line 351, in loads
  File "json\decoder.pyc", line 366, in decode
  File "json\decoder.pyc", line 384, in raw_decode
ValueError: No JSON object could be decoded
2016-05-06 13:41 (ERROR) -- SDM.pyc:883 - ValueError in bkgd req top blk
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "SDM.pyc", line 857, in __backgroundRequestTopBlock
  File "bitcoinrpc_jsonrpc\authproxy.pyc", line 104, in __call__
  File "json\__init__.pyc", line 351, in loads
  File "json\decoder.pyc", line 366, in decode
  File "json\decoder.pyc", line 384, in raw_decode
ValueError: No JSON object could be decoded
2016-05-06 13:41 (ERROR) -- SDM.pyc:883 - ValueError in bkgd req top blk
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "SDM.pyc", line 857, in __backgroundRequestTopBlock
  File "bitcoinrpc_jsonrpc\authproxy.pyc", line 104, in __call__
  File "json\__init__.pyc", line 351, in loads
  File "json\decoder.pyc", line 366, in decode
  File "json\decoder.pyc", line 384, in raw_decode
ValueError: No JSON object could be decoded
2016-05-06 13:41 (ERROR) -- SDM.pyc:883 - ValueError in bkgd req top blk
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "SDM.pyc", line 857, in __backgroundRequestTopBlock
  File "bitcoinrpc_jsonrpc\authproxy.pyc", line 104, in __call__
  File "json\__init__.pyc", line 351, in loads
  File "json\decoder.pyc", line 366, in decode
  File "json\decoder.pyc", line 384, in raw_decode
ValueError: No JSON object could be decoded
2016-05-06 13:41 (ERROR) -- SDM.pyc:883 - ValueError in bkgd req top blk
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "SDM.pyc", line 857, in __backgroundRequestTopBlock
  File "bitcoinrpc_jsonrpc\authproxy.pyc", line 104, in __call__
  File "json\__init__.pyc", line 351, in loads
  File "json\decoder.pyc", line 366, in decode
  File "json\decoder.pyc", line 384, in raw_decode
ValueError: No JSON object could be decoded
2016-05-06 13:41 (ERROR) -- SDM.pyc:883 - ValueError in bkgd req top blk
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "SDM.pyc", line 857, in __backgroundRequestTopBlock
  File "bitcoinrpc_jsonrpc\authproxy.pyc", line 104, in __call__
  File "json\__init__.pyc", line 351, in loads
  File "json\decoder.pyc", line 366, in decode
  File "json\decoder.pyc", line 384, in raw_decode
ValueError: No JSON object could be decoded
2016-05-06 13:41 (ERROR) -- SDM.pyc:883 - ValueError in bkgd req top blk
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "SDM.pyc", line 857, in __backgroundRequestTopBlock
  File "bitcoinrpc_jsonrpc\authproxy.pyc", line 104, in __call__
  File "json\__init__.pyc", line 351, in loads
  File "json\decoder.pyc", line 366, in decode
  File "json\decoder.pyc", line 384, in raw_decode
ValueError: No JSON object could be decoded
2016-05-06 13:41 (ERROR) -- SDM.pyc:883 - ValueError in bkgd req top blk
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "SDM.pyc", line 857, in __backgroundRequestTopBlock
  File "bitcoinrpc_jsonrpc\authproxy.pyc", line 104, in __call__
  File "json\__init__.pyc", line 351, in loads
  File "json\decoder.pyc", line 366, in decode
  File "json\decoder.pyc", line 384, in raw_decode
ValueError: No JSON object could be decoded
2016-05-06 13:41 (ERROR) -- SDM.pyc:883 - ValueError in bkgd req top blk
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "SDM.pyc", line 857, in __backgroundRequestTopBlock
  File "bitcoinrpc_jsonrpc\authproxy.pyc", line 104, in __call__
  File "json\__init__.pyc", line 351, in loads
  File "json\decoder.pyc", line 366, in decode
  File "json\decoder.pyc", line 384, in raw_decode
ValueError: No JSON object could be decoded
2016-05-06 13:41 (ERROR) -- SDM.pyc:883 - ValueError in bkgd req top blk
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "SDM.pyc", line 857, in __backgroundRequestTopBlock
  File "bitcoinrpc_jsonrpc\authproxy.pyc", line 104, in __call__
  File "json\__init__.pyc", line 351, in loads
  File "json\decoder.pyc", line 366, in decode
  File "json\decoder.pyc", line 384, in raw_decode
ValueError: No JSON object could be decoded
2016-05-06 13:41 (ERROR) -- SDM.pyc:883 - ValueError in bkgd req top blk
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "SDM.pyc", line 857, in __backgroundRequestTopBlock
  File "bitcoinrpc_jsonrpc\authproxy.pyc", line 104, in __call__
  File "json\__init__.pyc", line 351, in loads
  File "json\decoder.pyc", line 366, in decode
  File "json\decoder.pyc", line 384, in raw_decode
ValueError: No JSON object could be decoded
2016-05-06 13:41 (ERROR) -- SDM.pyc:883 - ValueError in bkgd req top blk
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "SDM.pyc", line 857, in __backgroundRequestTopBlock
  File "bitcoinrpc_jsonrpc\authproxy.pyc", line 104, in __call__
  File "json\__init__.pyc", line 351, in loads
  File "json\decoder.pyc", line 366, in decode
  File "json\decoder.pyc", line 384, in raw_decode
ValueError: No JSON object could be decoded
2016-05-06 13:41 (ERROR) -- SDM.pyc:883 - ValueError in bkgd req top blk
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "SDM.pyc", line 857, in __backgroundRequestTopBlock
  File "bitcoinrpc_jsonrpc\authproxy.pyc", line 104, in __call__
  File "json\__init__.pyc", line 351, in loads
  File "json\decoder.pyc", line 366, in decode
  File "json\decoder.pyc", line 384, in raw_decode
ValueError: No JSON object could be decoded
2016-05-06 13:41 (ERROR) -- SDM.pyc:883 - ValueError in bkgd req top blk
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "SDM.pyc", line 857, in __backgroundRequestTopBlock
  File "bitcoinrpc_jsonrpc\authproxy.pyc", line 104, in __call__
  File "json\__init__.pyc", line 351, in loads
  File "json\decoder.pyc", line 366, in decode
  File "json\decoder.pyc", line 384, in raw_decode
ValueError: No JSON object could be decoded
2016-05-06 13:41 (ERROR) -- SDM.pyc:883 - ValueError in bkgd req top blk
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "SDM.pyc", line 857, in __backgroundRequestTopBlock
  File "bitcoinrpc_jsonrpc\authproxy.pyc", line 104, in __call__
  File "json\__init__.pyc", line 351, in loads
  File "json\decoder.pyc", line 366, in decode
  File "json\decoder.pyc", line 384, in raw_decode
ValueError: No JSON object could be decoded
2016-05-06 13:41 (ERROR) -- SDM.pyc:883 - ValueError in bkgd req top blk
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "SDM.pyc", line 857, in __backgroundRequestTopBlock
  File "bitcoinrpc_jsonrpc\authproxy.pyc", line 104, in __call__
  File "json\__init__.pyc", line 351, in loads
  File "json\decoder.pyc", line 366, in decode
  File "json\decoder.pyc", line 384, in raw_decode
ValueError: No JSON object could be decoded
2016-05-06 13:41 (ERROR) -- SDM.pyc:883 - ValueError in bkgd req top blk
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "SDM.pyc", line 857, in __backgroundRequestTopBlock
  File "bitcoinrpc_jsonrpc\authproxy.pyc", line 104, in __call__
  File "json\__init__.pyc", line 351, in loads
  File "json\decoder.pyc", line 366, in decode
  File "json\decoder.pyc", line 384, in raw_decode
ValueError: No JSON object could be decoded
2016-05-06 13:41 (ERROR) -- SDM.pyc:883 - ValueError in bkgd req top blk
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "SDM.pyc", line 857, in __backgroundRequestTopBlock
  File "bitcoinrpc_jsonrpc\authproxy.pyc", line 104, in __call__
  File "json\__init__.pyc", line 351, in loads
  File "json\decoder.pyc", line 366, in decode
  File "json\decoder.pyc", line 384, in raw_decode
ValueError: No JSON object could be decoded
2016-05-06 13:41 (ERROR) -- SDM.pyc:883 - ValueError in bkgd req top blk
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "SDM.pyc", line 857, in __backgroundRequestTopBlock
  File "bitcoinrpc_jsonrpc\authproxy.pyc", line 104, in __call__
  File "json\__init__.pyc", line 351, in loads
  File "json\decoder.pyc", line 366, in decode
  File "json\decoder.pyc", line 384, in raw_decode
ValueError: No JSON object could be decoded
2016-05-06 13:41 (ERROR) -- SDM.pyc:883 - ValueError in bkgd req top blk
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "SDM.pyc", line 857, in __backgroundRequestTopBlock
  File "bitcoinrpc_jsonrpc\authproxy.pyc", line 104, in __call__
  File "json\__init__.pyc", line 351, in loads
  File "json\decoder.pyc", line 366, in decode
  File "json\decoder.pyc", line 384, in raw_decode
ValueError: No JSON object could be decoded
2016-05-06 13:41 (ERROR) -- SDM.pyc:883 - ValueError in bkgd req top blk
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "SDM.pyc", line 857, in __backgroundRequestTopBlock
  File "bitcoinrpc_jsonrpc\authproxy.pyc", line 104, in __call__
  File "json\__init__.pyc", line 351, in loads
  File "json\decoder.pyc", line 366, in decode
  File "json\decoder.pyc", line 384, in raw_decode
ValueError: No JSON object could be decoded
2016-05-06 13:41 (ERROR) -- SDM.pyc:883 - ValueError in bkgd req top blk
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "SDM.pyc", line 857, in __backgroundRequestTopBlock
  File "bitcoinrpc_jsonrpc\authproxy.pyc", line 104, in __call__
  File "json\__init__.pyc", line 351, in loads
  File "json\decoder.pyc", line 366, in decode
  File "json\decoder.pyc", line 384, in raw_decode
ValueError: No JSON object could be decoded
2016-05-06 13:41 (ERROR) -- SDM.pyc:883 - ValueError in bkgd req top blk
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "SDM.pyc", line 857, in __backgroundRequestTopBlock
  File "bitcoinrpc_jsonrpc\authproxy.pyc", line 104, in __call__
  File "json\__init__.pyc", line 351, in loads
  File "json\decoder.pyc", line 366, in decode
  File "json\decoder.pyc", line 384, in raw_decode
ValueError: No JSON object could be decoded
2016-05-06 13:41 (ERROR) -- SDM.pyc:883 - ValueError in bkgd req top blk
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "SDM.pyc", line 857, in __backgroundRequestTopBlock
  File "bitcoinrpc_jsonrpc\authproxy.pyc", line 104, in __call__
  File "json\__init__.pyc", line 351, in loads
  File "json\decoder.pyc", line 366, in decode
  File "json\decoder.pyc", line 384, in raw_decode
ValueError: No JSON object could be decoded
2016-05-06 13:41 (ERROR) -- SDM.pyc:883 - ValueError in bkgd req top blk
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "SDM.pyc", line 857, in __backgroundRequestTopBlock
  File "bitcoinrpc_jsonrpc\authproxy.pyc", line 104, in __call__
  File "json\__init__.pyc", line 351, in loads
  File "json\decoder.pyc", line 366, in decode
  File "json\decoder.pyc", line 384, in raw_decode
ValueError: No JSON object could be decoded
2016-05-06 13:41 (ERROR) -- SDM.pyc:883 - ValueError in bkgd req top blk
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "SDM.pyc", line 857, in __backgroundRequestTopBlock
  File "bitcoinrpc_jsonrpc\authproxy.pyc", line 104, in __call__
  File "json\__init__.pyc", line 351, in loads
  File "json\decoder.pyc", line 366, in decode
  File "json\decoder.pyc", line 384, in raw_decode
ValueError: No JSON object could be decoded
2016-05-06 13:41 (ERROR) -- SDM.pyc:883 - ValueError in bkgd req top blk
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "SDM.pyc", line 857, in __backgroundRequestTopBlock
  File "bitcoinrpc_jsonrpc\authproxy.pyc", line 104, in __call__
  File "json\__init__.pyc", line 351, in loads
  File "json\decoder.pyc", line 366, in decode
  File "json\decoder.pyc", line 384, in raw_decode
ValueError: No JSON object could be decoded
2016-05-06 13:41 (ERROR) -- SDM.pyc:883 - ValueError in bkgd req top blk
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "SDM.pyc", line 857, in __backgroundRequestTopBlock
  File "bitcoinrpc_jsonrpc\authproxy.pyc", line 104, in __call__
  File "json\__init__.pyc", line 351, in loads
  File "json\decoder.pyc", line 366, in decode
  File "json\decoder.pyc", line 384, in raw_decode
ValueError: No JSON object could be decoded
2016-05-06 13:41 (ERROR) -- SDM.pyc:883 - ValueError in bkgd req top blk
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "SDM.pyc", line 857, in __backgroundRequestTopBlock
  File "bitcoinrpc_jsonrpc\authproxy.pyc", line 104, in __call__
  File "json\__init__.pyc", line 351, in loads
  File "json\decoder.pyc", line 366, in decode
  File "json\decoder.pyc", line 384, in raw_decode
ValueError: No JSON object could be decoded
2016-05-06 13:41 (ERROR) -- SDM.pyc:883 - ValueError in bkgd req top blk
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "SDM.pyc", line 857, in __backgroundRequestTopBlock
  File "bitcoinrpc_jsonrpc\authproxy.pyc", line 104, in __call__
  File "json\__init__.pyc", line 351, in loads
  File "json\decoder.pyc", line 366, in decode
  File "json\decoder.pyc", line 384, in raw_decode
ValueError: No JSON object could be decoded
2016-05-06 13:41 (ERROR) -- SDM.pyc:883 - ValueError in bkgd req top blk
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "SDM.pyc", line 857, in __backgroundRequestTopBlock
  File "bitcoinrpc_jsonrpc\authproxy.pyc", line 104, in __call__
  File "json\__init__.pyc", line 351, in loads
  File "json\decoder.pyc", line 366, in decode
  File "json\decoder.pyc", line 384, in raw_decode
ValueError: No JSON object could be decoded
2016-05-06 13:41 (ERROR) -- SDM.pyc:883 - ValueError in bkgd req top blk
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "SDM.pyc", line 857, in __backgroundRequestTopBlock
  File "bitcoinrpc_jsonrpc\authproxy.pyc", line 104, in __call__
  File "json\__init__.pyc", line 351, in loads
  File "json\decoder.pyc", line 366, in decode
  File "json\decoder.pyc", line 384, in raw_decode
ValueError: No JSON object could be decoded
2016-05-06 13:41 (ERROR) -- SDM.pyc:883 - ValueError in bkgd req top blk
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "SDM.pyc", line 857, in __backgroundRequestTopBlock
  File "bitcoinrpc_jsonrpc\authproxy.pyc", line 104, in __call__
  File "json\__init__.pyc", line 351, in loads
  File "json\decoder.pyc", line 366, in decode
  File "json\decoder.pyc", line 384, in raw_decode
ValueError: No JSON object could be decoded
2016-05-06 13:41 (ERROR) -- SDM.pyc:883 - ValueError in bkgd req top blk
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "SDM.pyc", line 857, in __backgroundRequestTopBlock
  File "bitcoinrpc_jsonrpc\authproxy.pyc", line 104, in __call__
  File "json\__init__.pyc", line 351, in loads
  File "json\decoder.pyc", line 366, in decode
  File "json\decoder.pyc", line 384, in raw_decode
ValueError: No JSON object could be decoded
2016-05-06 13:41 (ERROR) -- SDM.pyc:883 - ValueError in bkgd req top blk
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "SDM.pyc", line 857, in __backgroundRequestTopBlock
  File "bitcoinrpc_jsonrpc\authproxy.pyc", line 104, in __call__
  File "json\__init__.pyc", line 351, in loads
  File "json\decoder.pyc", line 366, in decode
  File "json\decoder.pyc", line 384, in raw_decode
ValueError: No JSON object could be decoded
2016-05-06 13:41 (ERROR) -- SDM.pyc:883 - ValueError in bkgd req top blk
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "SDM.pyc", line 857, in __backgroundRequestTopBlock
  File "bitcoinrpc_jsonrpc\authproxy.pyc", line 104, in __call__
  File "json\__init__.pyc", line 351, in loads
  File "json\decoder.pyc", line 366, in decode
  File "json\decoder.pyc", line 384, in raw_decode
ValueError: No JSON object could be decoded
2016-05-06 13:41 (ERROR) -- SDM.pyc:883 - ValueError in bkgd req top blk
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "SDM.pyc", line 857, in __backgroundRequestTopBlock
  File "bitcoinrpc_jsonrpc\authproxy.pyc", line 104, in __call__
  File "json\__init__.pyc", line 351, in loads
  File "json\decoder.pyc", line 366, in decode
  File "json\decoder.pyc", line 384, in raw_decode
ValueError: No JSON object could be decoded
2016-05-06 13:41 (ERROR) -- SDM.pyc:883 - ValueError in bkgd req top blk
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "SDM.pyc", line 857, in __backgroundRequestTopBlock
  File "bitcoinrpc_jsonrpc\authproxy.pyc", line 104, in __call__
  File "json\__init__.pyc", line 351, in loads
  File "json\decoder.pyc", line 366, in decode
  File "json\decoder.pyc", line 384, in raw_decode
ValueError: No JSON object could be decoded
2016-05-06 13:41 (ERROR) -- SDM.pyc:883 - ValueError in bkgd req top blk
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "SDM.pyc", line 857, in __backgroundRequestTopBlock
  File "bitcoinrpc_jsonrpc\authproxy.pyc", line 104, in __call__
  File "json\__init__.pyc", line 351, in loads
  File "json\decoder.pyc", line 366, in decode
  File "json\decoder.pyc", line 384, in raw_decode
ValueError: No JSON object could be decoded
2016-05-06 13:41 (ERROR) -- SDM.pyc:883 - ValueError in bkgd req top blk
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "SDM.pyc", line 857, in __backgroundRequestTopBlock
  File "bitcoinrpc_jsonrpc\authproxy.pyc", line 104, in __call__
  File "json\__init__.pyc", line 351, in loads
  File "json\decoder.pyc", line 366, in decode
  File "json\decoder.pyc", line 384, in raw_decode
ValueError: No JSON object could be decoded
2016-05-06 13:41 (ERROR) -- SDM.pyc:883 - ValueError in bkgd req top blk
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "SDM.pyc", line 857, in __backgroundRequestTopBlock
  File "bitcoinrpc_jsonrpc\authproxy.pyc", line 104, in __call__
  File "json\__init__.pyc", line 351, in loads
  File "json\decoder.pyc", line 366, in decode
  File "json\decoder.pyc", line 384, in raw_decode
ValueError: No JSON object could be decoded
2016-05-06 13:41 (ERROR) -- SDM.pyc:883 - ValueError in bkgd req top blk
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "SDM.pyc", line 857, in __backgroundRequestTopBlock
  File "bitcoinrpc_jsonrpc\authproxy.pyc", line 104, in __call__
  File "json\__init__.pyc", line 351, in loads
  File "json\decoder.pyc", line 366, in decode
  File "json\decoder.pyc", line 384, in raw_decode
ValueError: No JSON object could be decoded
2016-05-06 13:41 (ERROR) -- SDM.pyc:883 - ValueError in bkgd req top blk
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "SDM.pyc", line 857, in __backgroundRequestTopBlock
  File "bitcoinrpc_jsonrpc\authproxy.pyc", line 104, in __call__
  File "json\__init__.pyc", line 351, in loads
  File "json\decoder.pyc", line 366, in decode
  File "json\decoder.pyc", line 384, in raw_decode
ValueError: No JSON object could be decoded
2016-05-06 13:41 (ERROR) -- SDM.pyc:883 - ValueError in bkgd req top blk
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "SDM.pyc", line 857, in __backgroundRequestTopBlock
  File "bitcoinrpc_jsonrpc\authproxy.pyc", line 104, in __call__
  File "json\__init__.pyc", line 351, in loads
  File "json\decoder.pyc", line 366, in decode
  File "json\decoder.pyc", line 384, in raw_decode
ValueError: No JSON object could be decoded
2016-05-06 13:41 (ERROR) -- SDM.pyc:883 - ValueError in bkgd req top blk
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "SDM.pyc", line 857, in __backgroundRequestTopBlock
  File "bitcoinrpc_jsonrpc\authproxy.pyc", line 104, in __call__
  File "json\__init__.pyc", line 351, in loads
  File "json\decoder.pyc", line 366, in decode
  File "json\decoder.pyc", line 384, in raw_decode
ValueError: No JSON object could be decoded
2016-05-06 13:41 (ERROR) -- SDM.pyc:883 - ValueError in bkgd req top blk
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "SDM.pyc", line 857, in __backgroundRequestTopBlock
  File "bitcoinrpc_jsonrpc\authproxy.pyc", line 104, in __call__
  File "json\__init__.pyc", line 351, in loads
  File "json\decoder.pyc", line 366, in decode
  File "json\decoder.pyc", line 384, in raw_decode
ValueError: No JSON object could be decoded
2016-05-06 13:41 (ERROR) -- SDM.pyc:883 - ValueError in bkgd req top blk
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "SDM.pyc", line 857, in __backgroundRequestTopBlock
  File "bitcoinrpc_jsonrpc\authproxy.pyc", line 104, in __call__
  File "json\__init__.pyc", line 351, in loads
  File "json\decoder.pyc", line 366, in decode
  File "json\decoder.pyc", line 384, in raw_decode
ValueError: No JSON object could be decoded
2016-05-06 13:41 (ERROR) -- SDM.pyc:883 - ValueError in bkgd req top blk
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "SDM.pyc", line 857, in __backgroundRequestTopBlock
  File "bitcoinrpc_jsonrpc\authproxy.pyc", line 104, in __call__
  File "json\__init__.pyc", line 351, in loads
  File "json\decoder.pyc", line 366, in decode
  File "json\decoder.pyc", line 384, in raw_decode
ValueError: No JSON object could be decoded
2016-05-06 13:41 (ERROR) -- SDM.pyc:883 - ValueError in bkgd req top blk
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "SDM.pyc", line 857, in __backgroundRequestTopBlock
  File "bitcoinrpc_jsonrpc\authproxy.pyc", line 104, in __call__
  File "json\__init__.pyc", line 351, in loads
  File "json\decoder.pyc", line 366, in decode
  File "json\decoder.pyc", line 384, in raw_decode
ValueError: No JSON object could be decoded
2016-05-06 13:41 (ERROR) -- SDM.pyc:883 - ValueError in bkgd req top blk
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "SDM.pyc", line 857, in __backgroundRequestTopBlock
  File "bitcoinrpc_jsonrpc\authproxy.pyc", line 104, in __call__
  File "json\__init__.pyc", line 351, in loads
  File "json\decoder.pyc", line 366, in decode
  File "json\decoder.pyc", line 384, in raw_decode
ValueError: No JSON object could be decoded
2016-05-06 13:41 (ERROR) -- SDM.pyc:883 - ValueError in bkgd req top blk
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "SDM.pyc", line 857, in __backgroundRequestTopBlock
  File "bitcoinrpc_jsonrpc\authproxy.pyc", line 104, in __call__
  File "json\__init__.pyc", line 351, in loads
  File "json\decoder.pyc", line 366, in decode
  File "json\decoder.pyc", line 384, in raw_decode
ValueError: No JSON object could be decoded
2016-05-06 13:41 (ERROR) -- SDM.pyc:883 - ValueError in bkgd req top blk
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "SDM.pyc", line 857, in __backgroundRequestTopBlock
  File "bitcoinrpc_jsonrpc\authproxy.pyc", line 104, in __call__
  File "json\__init__.pyc", line 351, in loads
  File "json\decoder.pyc", line 366, in decode
  File "json\decoder.pyc", line 384, in raw_decode
ValueError: No JSON object could be decoded
2016-05-06 13:41 (ERROR) -- SDM.pyc:883 - ValueError in bkgd req top blk
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "SDM.pyc", line 857, in __backgroundRequestTopBlock
  File "bitcoinrpc_jsonrpc\authproxy.pyc", line 104, in __call__
  File "json\__init__.pyc", line 351, in loads
  File "json\decoder.pyc", line 366, in decode
  File "json\decoder.pyc", line 384, in raw_decode
ValueError: No JSON object could be decoded
2016-05-06 13:41 (ERROR) -- SDM.pyc:883 - ValueError in bkgd req top blk
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "SDM.pyc", line 857, in __backgroundRequestTopBlock
  File "bitcoinrpc_jsonrpc\authproxy.pyc", line 104, in __call__
  File "json\__init__.pyc", line 351, in loads
  File "json\decoder.pyc", line 366, in decode
  File "json\decoder.pyc", line 384, in raw_decode
ValueError: No JSON object could be decoded
2016-05-06 13:42 (ERROR) -- SDM.pyc:883 - ValueError in bkgd req top blk
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "SDM.pyc", line 857, in __backgroundRequestTopBlock
  File "bitcoinrpc_jsonrpc\authproxy.pyc", line 104, in __call__
  File "json\__init__.pyc", line 351, in loads
  File "json\decoder.pyc", line 366, in decode
  File "json\decoder.pyc", line 384, in raw_decode
ValueError: No JSON object could be decoded
2016-05-06 13:42 (ERROR) -- SDM.pyc:883 - ValueError in bkgd req top blk
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "SDM.pyc", line 857, in __backgroundRequestTopBlock
  File "bitcoinrpc_jsonrpc\authproxy.pyc", line 104, in __call__
  File "json\__init__.pyc", line 351, in loads
  File "json\decoder.pyc", line 366, in decode
  File "json\decoder.pyc", line 384, in raw_decode
ValueError: No JSON object could be decoded
2016-05-06 13:42 (ERROR) -- SDM.pyc:883 - ValueError in bkgd req top blk
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "SDM.pyc", line 857, in __backgroundRequestTopBlock
  File "bitcoinrpc_jsonrpc\authproxy.pyc", line 104, in __call__
  File "json\__init__.pyc", line 351, in loads
  File "json\decoder.pyc", line 366, in decode
  File "json\decoder.pyc", line 384, in raw_decode
ValueError: No JSON object could be decoded
2016-05-06 13:42 (ERROR) -- SDM.pyc:883 - ValueError in bkgd req top blk
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "SDM.pyc", line 857, in __backgroundRequestTopBlock
  File "bitcoinrpc_jsonrpc\authproxy.pyc", line 104, in __call__
  File "json\__init__.pyc", line 351, in loads
  File "json\decoder.pyc", line 366, in decode
  File "json\decoder.pyc", line 384, in raw_decode
ValueError: No JSON object could be decoded
2016-05-06 13:42 (ERROR) -- SDM.pyc:883 - ValueError in bkgd req top blk
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "SDM.pyc", line 857, in __backgroundRequestTopBlock
  File "bitcoinrpc_jsonrpc\authproxy.pyc", line 104, in __call__
  File "json\__init__.pyc", line 351, in loads
  File "json\decoder.pyc", line 366, in decode
  File "json\decoder.pyc", line 384, in raw_decode
ValueError: No JSON object could be decoded
2016-05-06 13:42 (ERROR) -- SDM.pyc:883 - ValueError in bkgd req top blk
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "SDM.pyc", line 857, in __backgroundRequestTopBlock
  File "bitcoinrpc_jsonrpc\authproxy.pyc", line 104, in __call__
  File "json\__init__.pyc", line 351, in loads
  File "json\decoder.pyc", line 366, in decode
  File "json\decoder.pyc", line 384, in raw_decode
ValueError: No JSON object could be decoded
2016-05-06 13:42 (ERROR) -- SDM.pyc:883 - ValueError in bkgd req top blk
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "SDM.pyc", line 857, in __backgroundRequestTopBlock
  File "bitcoinrpc_jsonrpc\authproxy.pyc", line 104, in __call__
  File "json\__init__.pyc", line 351, in loads
  File "json\decoder.pyc", line 366, in decode
  File "json\decoder.pyc", line 384, in raw_decode
ValueError: No JSON object could be decoded
2016-05-06 13:42 (ERROR) -- SDM.pyc:883 - ValueError in bkgd req top blk
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "SDM.pyc", line 857, in __backgroundRequestTopBlock
  File "bitcoinrpc_jsonrpc\authproxy.pyc", line 104, in __call__
  File "json\__init__.pyc", line 351, in loads
  File "json\decoder.pyc", line 366, in decode
  File "json\decoder.pyc", line 384, in raw_decode
ValueError: No JSON object could be decoded
2016-05-06 13:42 (ERROR) -- SDM.pyc:883 - ValueError in bkgd req top blk
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "SDM.pyc", line 857, in __backgroundRequestTopBlock
  File "bitcoinrpc_jsonrpc\authproxy.pyc", line 104, in __call__
  File "json\__init__.pyc", line 351, in loads
  File "json\decoder.pyc", line 366, in decode
  File "json\decoder.pyc", line 384, in raw_decode
ValueError: No JSON object could be decoded
2016-05-06 13:42 (ERROR) -- SDM.pyc:883 - ValueError in bkgd req top blk
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "SDM.pyc", line 857, in __backgroundRequestTopBlock
  File "bitcoinrpc_jsonrpc\authproxy.pyc", line 104, in __call__
  File "json\__init__.pyc", line 351, in loads
  File "json\decoder.pyc", line 366, in decode
  File "json\decoder.pyc", line 384, in raw_decode
ValueError: No JSON object could be decoded
2016-05-06 13:42 (ERROR) -- SDM.pyc:883 - ValueError in bkgd req top blk
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "SDM.pyc", line 857, in __backgroundRequestTopBlock
  File "bitcoinrpc_jsonrpc\authproxy.pyc", line 104, in __call__
  File "json\__init__.pyc", line 351, in loads
  File "json\decoder.pyc", line 366, in decode
  File "json\decoder.pyc", line 384, in raw_decode
ValueError: No JSON object could be decoded
2016-05-06 13:42 (ERROR) -- SDM.pyc:883 - ValueError in bkgd req top blk
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "SDM.pyc", line 857, in __backgroundRequestTopBlock
  File "bitcoinrpc_jsonrpc\authproxy.pyc", line 104, in __call__
  File "json\__init__.pyc", line 351, in loads
  File "json\decoder.pyc", line 366, in decode
  File "json\decoder.pyc", line 384, in raw_decode
ValueError: No JSON object could be decoded
2016-05-06 13:42 (ERROR) -- SDM.pyc:883 - ValueError in bkgd req top blk
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "SDM.pyc", line 857, in __backgroundRequestTopBlock
  File "bitcoinrpc_jsonrpc\authproxy.pyc", line 104, in __call__
  File "json\__init__.pyc", line 351, in loads
  File "json\decoder.pyc", line 366, in decode
  File "json\decoder.pyc", line 384, in raw_decode
ValueError: No JSON object could be decoded
2016-05-06 13:42 (ERROR) -- SDM.pyc:883 - ValueError in bkgd req top blk
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "SDM.pyc", line 857, in __backgroundRequestTopBlock
  File "bitcoinrpc_jsonrpc\authproxy.pyc", line 104, in __call__
  File "json\__init__.pyc", line 351, in loads
  File "json\decoder.pyc", line 366, in decode
  File "json\decoder.pyc", line 384, in raw_decode
ValueError: No JSON object could be decoded
2016-05-06 13:42 (ERROR) -- SDM.pyc:883 - ValueError in bkgd req top blk
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "SDM.pyc", line 857, in __backgroundRequestTopBlock
  File "bitcoinrpc_jsonrpc\authproxy.pyc", line 104, in __call__
  File "json\__init__.pyc", line 351, in loads
  File "json\decoder.pyc", line 366, in decode
  File "json\decoder.pyc", line 384, in raw_decode
ValueError: No JSON object could be decoded
2016-05-06 13:42 (ERROR) -- SDM.pyc:883 - ValueError in bkgd req top blk
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "SDM.pyc", line 857, in __backgroundRequestTopBlock
  File "bitcoinrpc_jsonrpc\authproxy.pyc", line 104, in __call__
  File "json\__init__.pyc", line 351, in loads
  File "json\decoder.pyc", line 366, in decode
  File "json\decoder.pyc", line 384, in raw_decode
ValueError: No JSON object could be decoded
2016-05-06 13:42 (ERROR) -- SDM.pyc:883 - ValueError in bkgd req top blk
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "SDM.pyc", line 857, in __backgroundRequestTopBlock
  File "bitcoinrpc_jsonrpc\authproxy.pyc", line 104, in __call__
  File "json\__init__.pyc", line 351, in loads
  File "json\decoder.pyc", line 366, in decode
  File "json\decoder.pyc", line 384, in raw_decode
ValueError: No JSON object could be decoded
2016-05-06 13:42 (ERROR) -- SDM.pyc:883 - ValueError in bkgd req top blk
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "SDM.pyc", line 857, in __backgroundRequestTopBlock
  File "bitcoinrpc_jsonrpc\authproxy.pyc", line 104, in __call__
  File "json\__init__.pyc", line 351, in loads
  File "json\decoder.pyc", line 366, in decode
  File "json\decoder.pyc", line 384, in raw_decode
ValueError: No JSON object could be decoded
2016-05-06 13:42 (ERROR) -- SDM.pyc:883 - ValueError in bkgd req top blk
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "SDM.pyc", line 857, in __backgroundRequestTopBlock
  File "bitcoinrpc_jsonrpc\authproxy.pyc", line 104, in __call__
  File "json\__init__.pyc", line 351, in loads
  File "json\decoder.pyc", line 366, in decode
  File "json\decoder.pyc", line 384, in raw_decode
ValueError: No JSON object could be decoded

Title: Re: Armory 0.94.1 is out
Post by: goatpig on May 13, 2016, 12:17:17 AM
Again, this error is unrelated. I don't know why the JSON-RPC interface is failing but none of it is involved with transaction scanning. Turn off auto bitcoind management to get rid of these messages. With that done, start BitcoinQt manually, then start Armory, and make sure the top blocks match exactly.

What leads you to believe the balance is incorrect? Did it show before? Have you received a payment that never showed up?

Title: Re: Armory 0.94.1 is out
Post by: bitcoinron on May 13, 2016, 02:44:41 AM
I am beleiving these balances are not correct because:

1. I had a number of coins sitting in my wallets and I didn't transfer them
2. Problem transaction start to appear around error messages
3. Transaction do not load up when double clicked (see screen before)
4. Transactions that do load up when double clicked seem to have incorrect transaction references.

I am hoping my coins are still here and this is a transaction issue.

I have above screen shots with some of the display

Title: Re: Armory 0.94.1 is out
Post by: bitcoinron on May 13, 2016, 03:18:18 AM
I tried turning off management, and allowing bitcoin core to load and then allow armory, but the problem is still the same

Title: Re: Armory 0.94.1 is out
Post by: bitcoinron on May 13, 2016, 04:14:30 AM
Block counts are the same in armory and bitcoin core

Title: Re: Armory 0.94.1 is out
Post by: goatpig on May 13, 2016, 06:58:16 AM
4. Transactions that do load up when double clicked seem to have incorrect transaction references.

That's unrelated. That's left over GUI code that I didn't update to reflect the changes in DB structure. Again, I linked to the explanation for the why and how.

I am hoping my coins are still here and this is a transaction issue.

Check each addresses on a blockchain explorer, no reason for your coins to have moved at all.

2. Problem transaction start to appear around error messages
3. Transaction do not load up when double clicked (see screen before)

Armory failed to compute the hash for these transactions somehow, that breaks a bunch of a stuff in the scanning process down the road. That's a bug and it shouldn't be happening at all. I would suggest you redownload the blockchain from scratch in another location and rebuild a fresh copy of the DB against that chain, ideally on another machine.

Title: Re: Armory 0.94.1 is out
Post by: bitcoinron on May 13, 2016, 05:50:21 PM
Ok, I redownloaded it.. it took 4 days, and retested. I dont have another machine I can use.

Is there a way I can port a wallet to bitcoin core so I can test there?


Title: Re: Armory 0.94.1 is out
Post by: goatpig on May 13, 2016, 06:06:19 PM
You have to export the private keys from the Armory wallet and import into a Core wallet. Have you checked the address balance on a blockchain explorer yet?

Title: Re: Armory 0.94.1 is out
Post by: bitcoinron on May 15, 2016, 03:47:43 AM
I'm trying.. I don't know how to tell..

It does really look like a problem with those transactions not being valid

I don't know how to move wallets or restore them

Title: Re: Armory 0.94.1 is out
Post by: bitcoinron on May 15, 2016, 10:52:23 PM
I can't really tell how to do the bitcoin explorer addressing checking..

Is there a way to check the aggregate?

When I double click the withdrawl transactions, it comes up with the error.

"The transaction you requested be displayed does not exist in Armory's database. This is unusual..."

Title: Re: Armory 0.94.1 is out
Post by: bitcoinron on May 15, 2016, 10:56:24 PM
The transaction all seem to say "UNKNOWN INPUT".. I dont know if this helps, I'm trying to find at transaction I can check. The problem is the coins are missing, can't be used..

Title: Re: Armory 0.94.1 is out
Post by: bitpop on May 16, 2016, 12:45:20 AM
You need to export your private keys and import into core

Title: Re: Armory 0.94.1 is out
Post by: bitcoinron on May 16, 2016, 03:35:19 AM
I heard that it's dangerous and breaks the wallets.. I've got two.. hoping for a fix or something?

Title: Re: Armory 0.94.1 is out
Post by: bitpop on May 16, 2016, 04:03:32 AM
I heard that it's dangerous and breaks the wallets.. I've got two.. hoping for a fix or something?

No you'll be fine as long as you don't share the keys. You can't lose anything by importing.

Also, post an address and what it is supposed to have if possible.

Title: Re: Armory 0.94.1 is out
Post by: SimonBelmond on May 16, 2016, 08:15:28 AM
What is the latest downloadable build which is running on Win32? Will there be any interaction problems with 0.94.1?

Edit: Using a 32 bit Win system as offline device for signing.

Title: Re: Armory 0.94.1 is out
Post by: goatpig on May 16, 2016, 09:38:28 AM
I heard that it's dangerous and breaks the wallets.. I've got two.. hoping for a fix or something?

You have 3 possiblities:

1) Export keys to another wallet software.

2) Try to debug Armory yourself.

3) Identify the buggy wallet and send me a watching only copy to reproduce and debug on my own. You lose privacy but I get to fix the issue.

What is the latest downloadable build which is running on Win32? Will there be any interaction problems with 0.94.1?

Edit: Using a 32 bit Win system as offline device for signing.

0.92.x had x86 builds and is compatible with later versions. Otherwise you can build 0.94.x in x86, that will run just fine. Not sure about XP though.

Title: Re: Armory 0.94.1 is out
Post by: bitcoinron on May 16, 2016, 10:26:09 PM
Thanks, it's best I sent a watching copy. It effects two wallet so it should be the same issue in both of those wallets. I send to you now.

Title: Re: Armory 0.94.1 is out
Post by: goatpig on May 16, 2016, 10:34:57 PM
Will let you know what I found out tomorrow.

Title: Re: Armory 0.94.1 is out
Post by: alomar on May 17, 2016, 08:14:45 PM
I can't really tell how to do the bitcoin explorer addressing checking..

Is there a way to check the aggregate?

When I double click the withdrawl transactions, it comes up with the error.

"The transaction you requested be displayed does not exist in Armory's database. This is unusual..."

i have seen this error message too in my wallet:

"The transaction you requested be displayed does not exist in Armory's database. This is unusual..."[/i]

Title: Re: Armory 0.94.1 is out
Post by: goatpig on May 17, 2016, 08:45:20 PM
Looks like it happens under certain (yet to be determined) conditions when the sender address is used as the change address. Will let you know when I figure out the bug and fix it.

Title: Re: Armory 0.94.1 is out
Post by: alomar on May 17, 2016, 11:06:24 PM
new problem:

upon opening Armory 0.94.1, wallet consistency check starts fine but then:

1.  Sync blocks-OK
2.  Building Database-OK
3.  Scanning Transaction History-GUI shuts down (closes)

any ideas?  Armory is set to manage bitcoind.

Ubuntu 14.04.4 LTS

edit:  was working fine until i added 1000 addresses to one of the wallets.

Title: Re: Armory 0.94.1 is out
Post by: goatpig on May 17, 2016, 11:13:08 PM
Do a rebuild & rescan

Title: Re: Armory 0.94.1 is out
Post by: alomar on May 17, 2016, 11:15:44 PM
Do a rebuild & rescan

would that be:

bitcoind -reindex and then bitcoind -rescan?

do both?

Title: Re: Armory 0.94.1 is out
Post by: alomar on May 17, 2016, 11:30:51 PM
running bitcoind -reindex.

is there any indication when it is finished?

Title: Re: Armory 0.94.1 is out
Post by: goatpig on May 17, 2016, 11:48:31 PM
No I meant picking Rebuild & Rescan in Armory's Help menu...

Title: Re: Armory 0.94.1 is out
Post by: alomar on May 18, 2016, 05:09:15 AM
No I meant picking Rebuild & Rescan in Armory's Help menu...

what exactly is that command doing?  is it working on just the Armory DB or Bitcoin's DB or both?

Title: Re: Armory 0.94.1 is out
Post by: goatpig on May 18, 2016, 10:12:43 AM
working on just the Armory DB

Title: Re: Armory 0.94.1 is out
Post by: Rampion on May 18, 2016, 02:54:46 PM
Installed 0.94.1 with an alternative folder for the db (--dbdir) and all is well.  If i drop the --dbdir argument it will re-build the new ~120MB db in the default folder and delete de old ~70GB one - correct?

Title: Re: Armory 0.94.1 is out
Post by: achow101 on May 18, 2016, 03:09:19 PM
Installed 0.94.1 with an alternative folder for the db (--dbdir) and all is well.  If i drop the --dbdir argument it will re-build the new ~120MB db in the default folder and delete de old ~70GB one - correct?
It won't delete the old one; you will have to find it and delete it manually.

Title: Re: Armory 0.94.1 is out
Post by: alomar on May 18, 2016, 06:16:08 PM

worked, thanks.

Title: Re: Armory 0.94.1 is out
Post by: Rampion on May 18, 2016, 09:34:29 PM
Installed 0.94.1 with an alternative folder for the db (--dbdir) and all is well.  If i drop the --dbdir argument it will re-build the new ~120MB db in the default folder and delete de old ~70GB one - correct?
It won't delete the old one; you will have to find it and delete it manually.

So even if I don't use --dbdir to choose an alternate db folder Armory 0.94.1 will not use the old directory, e.g.: "databases"?

One question about key-stretching: which algorithm are you using? ROMix? Scrypt?

Title: Re: Armory 0.94.1 is out
Post by: goatpig on May 18, 2016, 09:58:43 PM
So even if I don't use --dbdir to choose an alternate db folder Armory 0.94.1 will not use the old directory, e.g.: "databases"?

It will use the default folder lacking any specific CLI arg, i.e ~/.armory/databases

One question about key-stretching: which algorithm are you using? ROMix? Scrypt?

ROMix I believe.

Title: Re: Armory 0.94.1 is out
Post by: Rampion on May 18, 2016, 10:39:55 PM
So even if I don't use --dbdir to choose an alternate db folder Armory 0.94.1 will not use the old directory, e.g.: "databases"?

It will use the default folder lacking any specific CLI arg, i.e ~/.armory/databases

OK, so the recommended procedure when upgrading to 0.94.1 is to manually delete the old databases, right? Otherwise we would have in the same folder the ~70GB db together with the ~120MB one....

One question about key-stretching: which algorithm are you using? ROMix? Scrypt?
ROMix I believe.
May I ask who is in charge of mantaining that part of the code?

Title: Re: Armory 0.94.1 is out
Post by: achow101 on May 18, 2016, 11:16:47 PM
OK, so the recommended procedure when upgrading to 0.94.1 is to manually delete the old databases, right? Otherwise we would have in the same folder the ~70GB db together with the ~120MB one....

One question about key-stretching: which algorithm are you using? ROMix? Scrypt?
ROMix I believe.
May I ask who is in charge of mantaining that part of the code?
Goatpig is the only one in charge of maintaining anything in armory as he is the only full time developer of it.

Title: Re: Armory 0.94.1 is out
Post by: bitcoinron on May 22, 2016, 03:18:41 AM
Ok, hope it's going OK. Looking forward to new version. Thanks

Title: Re: Armory 0.94.1 is out
Post by: goatpig on May 22, 2016, 11:22:22 AM
Ok, hope it's going OK. Looking forward to new version. Thanks

Your wallets helped me identify and fix 2 GUI bugs, but nothing in there indicates the balances are off.

Most of the wallets funds were moved in some 15 transactions, all spending coins to a same address. Half of them had change, and the pattern does not suggest someone stealing coins or trying to sweep the wallet, rather deliberate, incremental spending. I invite you to look into that, notably that one recipient address.

Title: Re: Armory 0.94.1 is out
Post by: bitcoinron on May 23, 2016, 05:03:46 AM
Ok, thanks. I did not spend these. The only way is a bug or someone stealing them with a trojan. I didn't spend, the balances are very weird to leave money like that. Thanks

Title: Re: Armory 0.94.1 is out
Post by: bitcoinron on May 23, 2016, 07:28:26 PM
Can you confirm someone has stolen all my coins?

If this is true. This is something connecting to bitcoind while armory is loaded with the RPC configuration in the config file, scanning wallets and transferring out.

Title: Re: Armory 0.94.1 is out
Post by: bitcoinron on May 23, 2016, 07:34:27 PM
Is there anyway to confirm this was stolen? Bitcoin is really not useful. People stealing $2000 just like that? I'm so'posed to run a business like this?

Title: Re: Armory 0.94.1 is out
Post by: goatpig on May 23, 2016, 07:41:05 PM
There is a set of transactions moving coins from your wallets but again the pattern does not reflect theft, rather deliberate spending. It would make little sense for a thief to steal your coins the way this was done. Without further investigations, I cannot qualify this spending pattern as theft.

To confirm or infirm this case, you would need to present more information and/or enlist the community into helping with the investigation. You would would have to at least divulge the addresses involved, your spending habits, and whether you know the recipient addresses.

I cannot assert if this is theft with what information I have, and so far I remain skeptical.

Title: Re: Armory 0.94.1 is out
Post by: bitcoinron on May 23, 2016, 07:53:01 PM
It is theft. I don't spend any coins.. I was about to transfer out but I wasn't able to.

I collect small payments into 2 wallets from my business. I never spend and then I was going to exchange it..

Unless this has somehow "spent" into an address which I can still access? This doesn't make any sense to me. What do you need?

Armory was running in the background

I am scanning for malware now, the only thing i can think of is it want bitcoin client and got the wallet address and balances and RPC a transfer.

I agree it doest look like it's theft, but I didn't use them.. so unless it's a bug.. it's definitly thefy

Title: Re: Armory 0.94.1 is out
Post by: bitcoinron on May 23, 2016, 07:55:24 PM
Whatever it was appeared to push all my coins to this wallet:


I am hoping it's a bug.. I just spent money and time to lose money.. $2000 is alot of money for me.

Title: Re: Armory 0.94.1 is out
Post by: bitpop on May 23, 2016, 07:55:32 PM
It could be someone physically close to you and he did a hasty job of corrupting your wallets

Title: Re: Armory 0.94.1 is out
Post by: bitcoinron on May 23, 2016, 08:00:33 PM
Nope, no one has access to my machines or my office

Title: Re: Armory 0.94.1 is out
Post by: bitcoinron on May 23, 2016, 08:02:42 PM
I'm telling you, if these coins are coin, it's a trojan most likely used RPC while armory was open.

Unless this is another type of attack. Who knows why it was done like this.

I'm still hoping for a bug

Title: Re: Armory 0.94.1 is out
Post by: bitpop on May 23, 2016, 08:05:51 PM
Increase your keypool and start private keys importing into bitcoin

Title: Re: Armory 0.94.1 is out
Post by: bitcoinron on May 23, 2016, 08:06:47 PM
I noticed bitcoin-cli can connect while armory is open.. not sure if it is possible to issue commands such as get wallet balance and transfer..

Otherwise, if this is not a bug that has made a mistake in transaction account, I have no idea

Title: Re: Armory 0.94.1 is out
Post by: bitcoinron on May 23, 2016, 08:09:49 PM
Try to export private key in new wallet and check using bitcoin?

Title: Re: Armory 0.94.1 is out
Post by: bitcoinron on May 23, 2016, 08:11:15 PM
I have 2 wallets I need to try this on..

Is there instructions for exporting and importing into a wallet.dat?

I need to do it twice?

Title: Re: Armory 0.94.1 is out
Post by: bitpop on May 23, 2016, 08:15:51 PM

You need to do it for every armory address

Title: Re: Armory 0.94.1 is out
Post by: bitcoinron on May 23, 2016, 08:32:38 PM
Ok, I will now try to import all 5 wallets into wallet.dat on my bitcoin install and see if that restores the coins

Title: Re: Armory 0.94.1 is out
Post by: goatpig on May 23, 2016, 09:13:50 PM
Whatever it was appeared to push all my coins to this wallet:


I am hoping it's a bug.. I just spent money and time to lose money.. $2000 is alot of money for me.

This is 1/3rd of the story at best.

We are talking about 5BTC, split in 2 wallets, ~2.9 BTC in wallet A, ~2.1 BTC in wallet B.

On May 6th, 3 transactions in block #410492 moved coins from wallets A and B to address 18mhcZ4tdD2GQquSrMda5TPzgRodAEfYeF:

- tx 1&2 move all coins from wallet A. All coins in this wallet were split between 2 addresses. The spending tx each sweep one of these addresses.
- tx 3 moves all coins out of out of 1 address from wallet B, about 0.28 BTC.

In all cases, there was no change and all outputs were spent regardless of how small they were (a few were >0.02 BTC). This pattern is indicative of a private key sweep.

However, all transactions came with small fees. All fees were >0.002BTC. Considering one of these tx spends 10 utxos and another one 7, we're far below the proper fee/kB for quick confirmation. The fact that all 3 tx were confirmed within the same block with such low fees is possibly an indicator that they sat in the mempool for some time.

This to me doesn't characterize theft, rather deliberate private key sweeping. You would expect a thief targeting your private keys would be sophisticated enough to pay a 0.01 total fee on 3 tx stealing some 3 BTC just to get included in the next block.

This accounts for ~3.2 BTC. If the story ended there, and you claimed 3.2 BTC were stolen, then you would have more evidence supporting your claim than otherwise. The fee analysis alone is not strong enough on its own refute theft. However, you are claiming 5 BTC are missing, and the last ~2 BTC leave your wallet in a different fashion.


About half a day later, in block #410581, 6 transactions move coins from wallet B.

- 5 tx spend to address 1CDyeeCHcReYhfaeTb37Piwq8ZWqLtHU5o
- 1 tx spends to address 12DaNV3b6iSobe5uMwBELYdMkoLJ1V4eto
- 4 out of 6 addresses return change
- As a result of change, wallet B currently has a balance, albeit rather small. Nonetheless, this balance remains larger than some of the smaller utxos that were redeemed among all these transactions.
- The fee/kB density of these 6 transactions is over 2~3 times superior (guesstimate) that that of the first 3 transactions.


It is also notable that prior to these 9 transactions, you only spent coins once, from wallet B, in November 2015. This implies, in case you use online wallets, that you rarely if ever typed in your password to decrypt your private keys. The point is moot if your wallets are offline. On the other hand, there is not much to discuss if your wallets are online and unencrypted.

This observation narrows down the possible attack vectors. Since you didn't spend any coins for months prior to the event, this couldn't have been an attack on the recipient address (swapping a payment address for the attacker's), nor an adversary process trying to steal your password/encryption key or decrypted private keys in RAM. This also rules out RNG snafu.

Again this point is moot if you toyed around with your password a few hours before the coins moved. This comment in particular and this post in general should be a reminder that you need to provide as much details as possible if you hope to find out what happened to your coins. Your wallets only speak that much.

The only credible attack vector that remains is that someone has access to your encrypted wallets (physical access to your computer, cloud storage backup, infected machine, etc...) and your passwords (possibly brute forced if they are weak, again need more details here). However, this would contradict the sweeping pattern: why sweep private keys if you crack a wallet? Just spend it all in one go.

Still this doesn't explain why the attacker would sweep all keys from one wallet and only ~15% from the other, nor his spending pattern (you'd expect 1:1 spend address to wallet address, or a single address for all wallets), nor why he deemed useful to return change, nor why he paid low fees to steal >60% of your coins and much higher fees for the remainder, and lastly why he did it 12h apart.

Title: Re: Armory 0.94.1 is out
Post by: bitcoinron on May 23, 2016, 09:58:28 PM
So I guess this is some type of trojan that has been sitting calling bitcoind every 10 minutes or something trying to extract private keys?

I'm trying to port over to bitcoin-qt now to verify. I don't know exactly how it was done. I remember it was a day I visited a litecoin website and installed litecoin.

Title: Re: Armory 0.94.1 is out
Post by: bitcoinron on May 23, 2016, 10:03:06 PM
There is some brief window in time that allows this to be read from bitcoind after unlocked?

Title: Re: Armory 0.94.1 is out
Post by: bitcoinron on May 23, 2016, 10:04:20 PM
Wallets should not have been unlocked with bitcoind at those two times. I don't see how they can have my passphrase. Will update soon.

That address is still growing where coins have been transferred.

Title: Re: Armory 0.94.1 is out
Post by: goatpig on May 23, 2016, 10:55:34 PM
There is some brief window in time that allows this to be read from bitcoind after unlocked?

What has bitcoind to do with this? Have you imported your private keys into a Core wallet before this event? Armory wallets are entirely separate from the underlying node. Armory never communicates private nor public keys to the Bitcoin node, nor does it need to.

Title: Re: Armory 0.94.1 is out
Post by: bitcoinron on May 24, 2016, 12:15:54 AM
No, I haven't done this exported and imported before

I am still trying to figure out how to export from armory to a format I can use in bitcoin-qt console for function


I tried PrivBase58, PrivHexBE, SHA256(?) format but it would give me the error:

Invalid private key encoding (code -5)

Title: Re: Armory 0.94.1 is out
Post by: achow101 on May 24, 2016, 12:47:03 AM
So I guess this is some type of trojan that has been sitting calling bitcoind every 10 minutes or something trying to extract private keys?

I'm trying to port over to bitcoin-qt now to verify. I don't know exactly how it was done. I remember it was a day I visited a litecoin website and installed litecoin.
If you are calling Armory a trojan, then you are mistaken. It is not a virus nor is it malware.

No, I haven't done this exported and imported before

I am still trying to figure out how to export from armory to a format I can use in bitcoin-qt console for function


I tried PrivBase58, PrivHexBE, SHA256(?) format but it would give me the error:

Invalid private key encoding (code -5)
When you look at the Address key info, you want to use the "Private Key (base58)" or if you exported the key lists you want "PrivBase58", both are the same. You want to copy that string without spaces in order to import to Bitcoin Core. There is a handy little checkbox when you export the key list to "Omit spaces in key data". The key should start with a "5" (all uncompressed Bitcoin Private keys start with a 5). If it does not, then it is not the importable private key.

Title: Re: Armory 0.94.1 is out
Post by: bitcoinron on May 24, 2016, 01:53:48 AM
I am not calling Armory a trojan, I am talking about a trojan running at the same time as Armory trying to steal bitcoins.

Thanks, I am trying to import now. I am thinking of how this could be possible.

Title: Re: Armory 0.94.1 is out
Post by: bitcoinron on May 24, 2016, 01:56:53 AM
I keep getting Invalid private key encoding (code -5) in bitcoin-qt console

Title: Re: Armory 0.94.1 is out
Post by: bitcoinron on May 24, 2016, 02:04:17 AM
I have no way to verify this is correct in bitcoin core.

I need to export my wallets in core to make sure my coins are stolen.

importprivkey is not working on the armory exports

Title: Re: Armory 0.94.1 is out
Post by: bitcoinron on May 24, 2016, 02:24:48 AM
It just doesn't make sense to me, I need to confirm in bitcore-qt

I'm working to generate payment in coins here.. have about 5..

Then one day armory just shows incorrect balances and the interface starts being buggy..

And so it's now a trojan or something that stole the coins but the interface is buggy so I can't tell

I want to export into bitcoin-qt core to see the balances there before I conclude someone must have trojaned my computer and stole  those from multiple wallets with passphase

But now I can't export to bitcoin-qt with any armory export?

Any ideas?

Title: Re: Armory 0.94.1 is out
Post by: achow101 on May 24, 2016, 02:35:47 AM
I am not calling Armory a trojan, I am talking about a trojan running at the same time as Armory trying to steal bitcoins.

Thanks, I am trying to import now. I am thinking of how this could be possible.
I keep getting Invalid private key encoding (code -5) in bitcoin-qt console
I have no way to verify this is correct in bitcoin core.

I need to export my wallets in core to make sure my coins are stolen.

importprivkey is not working on the armory exports
It just doesn't make sense to me, I need to confirm in bitcore-qt

I'm working to generate payment in coins here.. have about 5..

Then one day armory just shows incorrect balances and the interface starts being buggy..

And so it's now a trojan or something that stole the coins but the interface is buggy so I can't tell

I want to export into bitcoin-qt core to see the balances there before I conclude someone must have trojaned my computer and stole  those from multiple wallets with passphase

But now I can't export to bitcoin-qt with any armory export?

Any ideas?
It works fine for me. You need to make sure that you are not missing any characters and don't have any spaces in the private key.

P.S. You should stop posting consecutive posts like you are doing right now. It is very spammy. Instead, when you have some information to add and no one has responded yet, please edit your last post with that extra info.

Title: Re: Armory 0.94.1 is out
Post by: AussieHash on May 24, 2016, 03:52:12 AM
I remember it was a day I visited a litecoin website and installed litecoin.

Was it an unsolicited phishing link that encouraged you to install ( litecoin that day?

See also;all

Title: Re: Armory 0.94.1 is out
Post by: bitcoinron on May 24, 2016, 05:49:42 AM
Yes, it's confirmed in bitcoin core someone managed to steal all my coins out of all wallets in armory with passphases on the wallets

Title: Re: Armory 0.94.1 is out
Post by: AussieHash on May 24, 2016, 05:53:01 AM
Armory's key points of differentiation are privacy and the security of cold offline signing +/- multisig lockboxes.

If you're not using an air-gapped cold offline signing process with Armory (especially if running windows), then you're no more secure than just using a wallet on a jailbroken phone.

Title: Re: Armory 0.94.1 is out
Post by: goatpig on May 24, 2016, 10:15:45 AM
Armory's key points of differentiation are privacy and security of cold offline signing +/- multisig lockboxes.

If you're not using an air-gapped cold offline signing process with Armory (especially if running windows), then you're no more secure than just using a phone wallet.

And he still hasn't provided that level of details. Are the wallets offline or online? How long are the passwords, do they contain easily identifiable tokens? Does he use the password same for each wallet? Has he manipulated his wallets within the week leading to the event and how? What about month? Has he changed encryption on his wallet recently? Does he has cloud storage backups? What password do they use? Does he know of the addresses that received the coins? Has he scanned his online machine for infection? Any logs we can look at?

I've spent enough time on this. Short of some new significant evidence, this is in the hands of the community.

Title: Re: Armory 0.94.1 is out
Post by: bitpop on May 24, 2016, 05:41:17 PM
Armory is supposed to be used offline for maximum security. I trust it solely with all my bitcoin.

For you, use trezor in the future.

Title: Re: Armory 0.94.1 is out
Post by: Stroto on June 01, 2016, 09:25:10 AM

Is it possible to see the size of a tx before you send it? Either with direct sending or with the steps of creating an unsigned tx - sign & broadcast it?

I ask this because I made a transaction that had a huge size in kb and so an extremely low fee sats/bit that will take ages to confirm.

So next time I would like to prevent that.

Title: Re: Armory 0.94.1 is out
Post by: goatpig on June 01, 2016, 02:19:43 PM

Is it possible to see the size of a tx before you send it? Either with direct sending or with the steps of creating an unsigned tx - sign & broadcast it?

I ask this because I made a transaction that had a huge size in kb and so an extremely low fee sats/bit that will take ages to confirm.

So next time I would like to prevent that.

You can look at the raw tx after signing it, in the offline signing/broadcasting dialog.

Title: Re: Armory 0.94.1 is out
Post by: Stroto on June 01, 2016, 05:28:55 PM

Is it possible to see the size of a tx before you send it? Either with direct sending or with the steps of creating an unsigned tx - sign & broadcast it?

I ask this because I made a transaction that had a huge size in kb and so an extremely low fee sats/bit that will take ages to confirm.

So next time I would like to prevent that.

You can look at the raw tx after signing it, in the offline signing/broadcasting dialog.

Thanks. I looked everywhere but didn't decode the Raw Tx  ::)

As of now there is no way to rebroadcast the tx with a higher fee right?

Any plans to implement replace by fee in a next update?

Title: Re: Armory 0.94.1 is out
Post by: goatpig on June 01, 2016, 06:00:27 PM
At some point but not in the next update. Doesn't matter for your particular case, the original tx would have to flag RBF to be replaceable anyways. You can always try a child pays for parent to hurry things up, some pools do prioritize those I believe.

Title: Re: Armory 0.94.1 is out
Post by: Stroto on June 02, 2016, 12:06:57 AM
I just waited it out. It took about 13 hours for a 3 sats/b tx.

Title: Re: Armory 0.94.1 is out
Post by: AussieHash on June 02, 2016, 12:40:16 AM
I just waited it out. It took about 13 hours for a 3 sats/b tx.

You can choose the sat/b based on how long you wish to wait.  Bitpay in my experience accepts 0-confirmation payments, so you can use the lowest fee setting in mycelium.

Title: Re: Armory 0.94.1 is out
Post by: Stroto on June 02, 2016, 07:13:29 AM
I just waited it out. It took about 13 hours for a 3 sats/b tx.

You can choose the sat/b based on how long you wish to wait.  Bitpay in my experience accepts 0-confirmation payments, so you can use the lowest fee setting in mycelium.

It was not the fee that was the problem at first, it was the size of the tx as it was build up from all small inputs into one output. That made it almost 9kb. Normally my tx are between 200 and 800 b and my fee is slightly higher then average/ideal on tradeblock or blocktrail. So that is why my fee was 10 to 20 times lower then normal.

Title: Re: Armory 0.94.1 is out
Post by: alomar on June 09, 2016, 10:16:33 PM
i was having some unknown issues opening 0.94.1 with Ubuntu 14.04.4 LTS in a VM.  once opened, i found one of my watching only wallets missing.  this persisted upon a reboot.  strange.  any ideas about why?

had to make a fresh restore of this watching wallet from the offline wallet and made one tx w/o any problems.  phew.  i noticed in the meantime that all Comments were gone.  is there any way to recover the original file with it's comments?  any problems wanting to do this?

Title: Re: Armory 0.94.1 is out
Post by: ArmoryFanxx on June 11, 2016, 12:36:06 AM
Without fail Armory 0.94.1 crashes when it starts "Loading Database Headers".

I am fully in sync with Bitcoin Core. I did not have this issue with 0.93.3. OS: Windows 10.

Is there a layman's reason for upgrading to 94.1? Will 0.93.3 ever not be able to receive transfers while online?

I appreciate any help regarding resolving this error, thank you very much.

Title: Re: Armory 0.94.1 is out
Post by: bitpop on June 11, 2016, 01:31:21 AM
My Windows 10 also barely worked and had permissions issues. I nuked it back to 7.

Try deleting the directory after backing up your wallet. Then import.

Title: Re: Armory 0.94.1 is out
Post by: ArmoryFanxx on June 11, 2016, 01:51:29 AM
My Windows 10 also barely worked and had permissions issues. I nuked it back to 7.

Try deleting the directory after backing up your wallet. Then import.
Thanks, so far I've tried the following:

  • Ran the Armory uninstaller.
  • Deleted from the Program Files directory.
  • Reinstalled 0.94.1 and changed the name to NewArmory.

I haven't deleted \AppData\Roaming\Armory\databases because I figured I'd have to reimport and all that.

FWIW, I then reinstalled 0.93.3 and everything worked without crashing & I received transfers as normal. So I'm sort of wondering if there's any immediate reason I need to upgrade in the short-term aside from the DB not taking as much space with the new version.

Title: Re: Armory 0.94.1 is out
Post by: bitpop on June 11, 2016, 01:55:38 AM
Rename AppData\Roaming\Armory

Title: Re: Armory 0.94.1 is out
Post by: ArmoryFanxx on June 11, 2016, 02:06:35 AM
Rename AppData\Roaming\Armory
Thank you, looks like that did the trick, it is now building the database blocks. After it finishes I'll have to reimport my watch-only wallet since it was gone after I renamed the Roaming/Armory and reinstalled the 0.94.1. Hopefully no more crashes.

Title: Re: Armory 0.94.1 is out
Post by: bitpop on June 11, 2016, 02:36:16 AM
Rename AppData\Roaming\Armory
Thank you, looks like that did the trick, it is now building the database blocks. After it finishes I'll have to reimport my watch-only wallet since it was gone after I renamed the Roaming/Armory and reinstalled the 0.94.1. Hopefully no more crashes.

Yes just reimport. I've seen horrible permissions issues in win 10 for some reason. And admin actions aren't always root. M$ is scum and now they're tricking 7 users into upgrading.

Title: Re: Armory 0.94.1 is out
Post by: Ano59 on June 20, 2016, 01:22:01 PM
Hi everybody.

I'm trying to build goatpig's Armory fork on Windows 10 x64 but as I'm quite a newbie I can't complete this task. I used this ( as a reference. I installed everything needed, including MVSE 2013. I then got several errors when trying to compile C++ parts, I got rid of some of them but then I got stuck.

Trying to compile "guardian" :
  • Success

Trying to compile "cryptopp" :
  • Error C4996: 'inet_addr': Use inet_pton() or InetPton() instead or define _WINSOCK_DEPRECATED_NO_WARNINGS to disable deprecated API warnings (socketft.cpp #102) > Solved by adding a line in socketft.h : "#define _WINSOCK_DEPRECATED_NO_WARNINGS"
  • Then success.

Trying to compile "LMDB_Win" :
  • Error C4146: unary minus operator applied to unsigned type, result still unsigned (mdb.c #6504) > Solved by replacing "sizeof(size_t)" by "INT_MIN" on this line
  • Error C2440: 'function': unable to convert 'DWORD (__cdecl *)(void *)' to 'LPTHREAD_START_ROUTINE' (mdb.c #8776) > Still stuck here

Trying to compile "BitcoinArmory_CppTests" :
  • Error C4996: 'lseek': The POSIX name for this item is deprecated. Instead, use the ISO C++ conformant name: _lseek. See online help for details. (blockdatamap.cpp #326) > Solved by replacing "lseek" by "_lseek" in blockdatamap.cpp, lines #326 and #327
  • Error LNK1104: cannot open file 'LMDB_Win_d.lib' > Still stuck here because of LMBD_Win compilation failure

Trying to compile "BitcoinArmory_SwigDLL" :
  • Error LNK1104: cannot open file 'LMDB_Win_d.lib' > Still stuck here because of LMBD_Win compilation failure

Would you mind helping a noob doing this quite difficult task ?
Thanks in advance.

Title: Re: Armory 0.94.1 is out
Post by: achow101 on June 20, 2016, 01:27:07 PM
Hi everybody.

I'm trying to build goatpig's Armory fork on Windows 10 x64 but as I'm quite a newbie I can't complete this task. I used this ( as a reference. I installed everything needed, including MVSE 2013. I then got several errors when trying to compile C++ parts, I got rid of some of them but then I got stuck.

Trying to compile "guardian" :
  • Success

Trying to compile "cryptopp" :
  • Error C4996: 'inet_addr': Use inet_pton() or InetPton() instead or define _WINSOCK_DEPRECATED_NO_WARNINGS to disable deprecated API warnings (socketft.cpp #102) > Solved by adding a line in socketft.h : "#define _WINSOCK_DEPRECATED_NO_WARNINGS"
  • Then success.

Trying to compile "LMDB_Win" :
  • Error C4146: unary minus operator applied to unsigned type, result still unsigned (mdb.c #6504) > Solved by replacing "sizeof(size_t)" by "INT_MIN" on this line
  • Error C2440: 'function': unable to convert 'DWORD (__cdecl *)(void *)' to 'LPTHREAD_START_ROUTINE' (mdb.c #8776) > Still stuck here

Trying to compile "BitcoinArmory_CppTests" :
  • Error C4996: 'lseek': The POSIX name for this item is deprecated. Instead, use the ISO C++ conformant name: _lseek. See online help for details. (blockdatamap.cpp #326) > Solved by replacing "lseek" by "_lseek" in blockdatamap.cpp, lines #326 and #327
  • Error LNK1104: cannot open file 'LMDB_Win_d.lib' > Still stuck here because of LMBD_Win compilation failure

Trying to compile "BitcoinArmory_SwigDLL" :
  • Error LNK1104: cannot open file 'LMDB_Win_d.lib' > Still stuck here because of LMBD_Win compilation failure

Would you mind helping a noob doing this quite difficult task ?
Thanks in advance.
I've run into this issue before. This is what goatpig told me to do:

In each project properties, browse to Configuration Properties -> C/C++ -> Code Generation.

Make Runtime Library is the same.

For Release it needs to be /MT.

For SwigDLL in debug, it needs to be /MT

For the CppTests in debug, it needs to be /MTd

Pick the proper option and rebuild CryptoPP, then the SwigDLL project (it is set to rebuild LMDB along)

Title: Re: Armory 0.94.1 is out
Post by: Ano59 on June 20, 2016, 03:13:19 PM
Thanks for your answer, but it seems that I simply didn't select "Release" (and "x64") before building. I find Visual Studio's GUI to be a bit confusing for newbies.

I managed to build something, now I just have to try it. EDIT : It does work!

Title: Re: Armory 0.94.1 is out
Post by: Wsbltc on July 03, 2016, 04:46:59 PM
@goatpig, Why cannot broadcast offline transaction ? (ubuntu 16.04, bitcoin core 0.12.1)

2016-07-03 09:06 (INFO) -- - Sending Tx, 6870e4566951051d137ab0f89ab3de327e587715b71969ebefe252f84d26e026
2016-07-03 09:06 (INFO) -- - sendTx called...
2016-07-03 09:06 (INFO) -- - Transaction sent to Satoshi client...!
2016-07-03 09:10 (ERROR) -- Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/usr/lib/armory/", line 6283, in showContextMenuTxIn
    idx = self.txInView.selectedIndexes()[0]
IndexError: list index out of range

Title: Re: Armory 0.94.1 is out
Post by: goatpig on July 03, 2016, 06:54:22 PM
Tx was broadcasted, something GUI element failed after that.

Title: Re: Armory 0.94.1 is out
Post by: visdude on July 15, 2016, 03:38:41 AM
I just discovered that when I double-click on an outgoing transaction on the main "Transactions" tab to display the Transaction Information (Windows 7), I get:

"The transaction you requested be displayed does not exist in Armory's database. This is unusual..."

Context Menu (right click)>View Details - yields the same result as above.
Context Menu>View on - works (opens the page) but says "Transaction not found"
Context Menu>Change Comment - works
Context Menu>Copy Transaction ID - does not work (no Tranx ID copied onto the clipboard and therefore cannot/nothing to paste)
Context Menu>Open Relevant Wallet - opens Wallet Properties of a totally different wallet

I already did "Rebuild and Rescan Databases", but to no avail. A Linux machine setup of the same wallets have the same issues. Outgoing Incoming transactions on both W7 and Linux machines are fine though.

Any thoughts?

Title: Re: Armory 0.94.1 is out
Post by: achow101 on July 15, 2016, 03:45:49 AM
I just discovered that when I double-click on an outgoing transaction on the main "Transactions" tab to display the Transaction Information (Windows 7), I get:

"The transaction you requested be displayed does not exist in Armory's database. This is unusual..."

Context Menu (right click)>View Details - yields the same result as above.
Context Menu>View on - works (opens the page) but says "Transaction not found"
Context Menu>Change Comment - works
Context Menu>Copy Transaction ID - does not work (no Tranx ID copied onto the clipboard and therefore cannot/nothing to paste)
Context Menu>Open Relevant Wallet - opens Wallet Properties of a totally different wallet

I already did "Rebuild and Rescan Databases", but to no avail. A Linux machine setup of the same wallets have the same issues. Outgoing transactions on both W7 and Linux machines are fine though.

Any thoughts?

It's a known issue. There's a post somewhere here explaining it.

Title: Re: Armory 0.94.1 is out
Post by: visdude on July 15, 2016, 03:58:46 AM
I just discovered that when I double-click on an outgoing transaction on the main "Transactions" tab to display the Transaction Information (Windows 7), I get:

"The transaction you requested be displayed does not exist in Armory's database. This is unusual..."

Context Menu (right click)>View Details - yields the same result as above.
Context Menu>View on - works (opens the page) but says "Transaction not found"
Context Menu>Change Comment - works
Context Menu>Copy Transaction ID - does not work (no Tranx ID copied onto the clipboard and therefore cannot/nothing to paste)
Context Menu>Open Relevant Wallet - opens Wallet Properties of a totally different wallet

I already did "Rebuild and Rescan Databases", but to no avail. A Linux machine setup of the same wallets have the same issues. Outgoing transactions on both W7 and Linux machines are fine though.

Any thoughts?

It's a known issue. There's a post somewhere here explaining it.
Oh! Sorry for missing the post. Thanks for the info.

Is a fix slated in the next release?

Title: Re: Armory 0.94.1 is out
Post by: goatpig on July 15, 2016, 12:41:22 PM
Oh! Sorry for missing the post. Thanks for the info.

Is a fix slated in the next release?


Title: Re: Armory 0.94.1 is out
Post by: Hazir on July 16, 2016, 07:16:15 PM
Any info why Armory is no longer displayed on site as one of the suggested wallets? I am talking about their "Choose your wallet" section.
Armory used to be listed there but it is not anymore.

Something happened?

Title: Re: Armory 0.94.1 is out
Post by: achow101 on July 16, 2016, 07:51:11 PM
Any info why Armory is no longer displayed on site as one of the suggested wallets? I am talking about their "Choose your wallet" section.
Armory used to be listed there but it is not anymore.

Something happened?

I tried to get it reinstated here: but it hasn't been done yet.

Title: Re: Armory 0.94.1 is out
Post by: M4rt1n on September 20, 2016, 02:33:31 AM
Sorry if this is a stupid question but I just upgraded to 0.94.1 from 0.93.3 (old Website) and had to rescan and rebuild Databases to make the programm pass the Step with reading the Header.

Now it all works :) but I cant find any update function anymore... is it gone or is something at my programm wrong?

Thanks in advance!

Title: Re: Armory 0.94.1 is out
Post by: M4rt1n on September 20, 2016, 02:39:46 AM
Without fail Armory 0.94.1 crashes when it starts "Loading Database Headers".

I am fully in sync with Bitcoin Core. I did not have this issue with 0.93.3. OS: Windows 10.

Is there a layman's reason for upgrading to 94.1? Will 0.93.3 ever not be able to receive transfers while online?

I appreciate any help regarding resolving this error, thank you very much.

Hey mate had the same problem, just click (while loading) at the Top menü >> Help >> Rebuild and Rescan Databases >> close the whole Armory and start it again >> be happy  ;)

Title: Re: Armory 0.94.1 is out
Post by: achow101 on September 20, 2016, 02:42:10 AM
Sorry if this is a stupid question but I just upgraded to 0.94.1 from 0.93.3 (old Website) and had to rescan and rebuild Databases to make the programm pass the Step with reading the Header.
Yes, the database format has changed so it is both much faster to rebuild and rescan and much smaller than the original. You should delete the old databases to free up a lot of space (several 10s of GBs). If you delete the databases folder inside the data directory, it will remove the old databases and the new ones, but don't worry, the new ones will be rebuilt very quickly.

Now it all works :) but I cant find any update function anymore... is it gone or is something at my programm wrong?
No, that is how it is supposed to be. The updater stuff was removed since the announcements server is no longer working, the development has changed leadership, no announcements server is set up that we can use, and we don't want any phone home code. It may be reintroduced later if we decide to.

Title: Re: Armory 0.94.1 is out
Post by: M4rt1n on September 20, 2016, 03:04:06 AM
Yes, the database format has changed so it is both much faster to rebuild and rescan and much smaller than the original. You should delete the old databases to free up a lot of space (several 10s of GBs). If you delete the databases folder inside the data directory, it will remove the old databases and the new ones, but don't worry, the new ones will be rebuilt very quickly.

Thanks for the reply!
Sorry but all this Armory things are pretty new for me. Could you pls tell me which directorys/Files I have to delete? Running Windows 10 x64 Enterprise and had the normal installation (no custom settings/paths).

No, that is how it is supposed to be. The updater stuff was removed since the announcements server is no longer working, the development has changed leadership, no announcements server is set up that we can use, and we don't want any phone home code. It may be reintroduced later if we decide to.

What is a 'phone home code'?
Oh thats sad. where can I find the latest stable version of Armory? Is it this Link ? Or is there any other link for stable versions?

Is there any option to change language?

Thank you very much in advance!

Title: Re: Armory 0.94.1 is out
Post by: achow101 on September 20, 2016, 03:12:53 AM
Thanks for the reply!
Sorry but all this Armory things are pretty new for me. Could you pls tell me which directorys/Files I have to delete? Running Windows 10 x64 Enterprise and had the normal installation (no custom settings/paths).
For you, it should be %appdata%/Armory Delete the folder named "databases" and then start Armory.

What is a 'phone home code'?
Phone home code is any code that communicates back to a server controlled by the developers (i.e. it phones home).

Oh thats sad. where can I find the latest stable version of Armory? Is it this Link ? Or is there any other link for stable versions?
That is the link. All releases will be announced there with links to the downloads.

Is there any option to change language?
Working on it. It will likely be available in 0.95.1. If you want to help with that, we have a Transifex project open at You can help translate the project to another language.

Title: Re: Armory 0.94.1 is out
Post by: M4rt1n on September 20, 2016, 03:28:34 AM
For you, it should be %appdata%/Armory Delete the folder named "databases" and then start Armory.

Damn.. that gave me 80GB ??? how is this possible? The whole Blockchain is just 70GB. But as long as it works I dont complain about getting back 80GB of my SSD :)

Phone home code is any code that communicates back to a server controlled by the developers (i.e. it phones home).

Oh ok but how will the new Update-System work then?

That is the link. All releases will be announced there with links to the downloads.


Working on it. It will likely be available in 0.95.1. If you want to help with that, we have a Transifex project open at You can help translate the project to another language.

Already started ;)

Title: Re: Armory 0.94.1 is out
Post by: achow101 on September 20, 2016, 03:31:29 AM
Oh ok but how will the new Update-System work then?
Don't know yet, it isn't really a priority right now.

Title: Re: Armory 0.94.1 is out
Post by: M4rt1n on September 20, 2016, 10:51:00 AM
Hi guys just send some money with Armory 0.94.1 and got this error.

The Error is "Invalide Tx"
If the money now gone forever??

Title: Re: Armory 0.94.1 is out
Post by: M4rt1n on September 20, 2016, 11:48:40 AM
Ok. This is what happened.

The transfered money is where it should be! and already got over 20 confirmes, but I still cant see the Details or even open the transaction at as I cant see any details of the transaction.

Even deleted the DB twice just to make sure the DB is builded correctly.
Now my friend confirmed the money is at his account but the fact of this Errormessage and that I cant see any details of this transaction bugs me quiet a lot :P

Is there any solution for this problem?

Thanks in advance!

Title: Re: Armory 0.94.1 is out
Post by: achow101 on September 20, 2016, 12:22:53 PM
Hi guys just send some money with Armory 0.94.1 and got this error.

The Error is "Invalide Tx"
If the money now gone forever??
Ok. This is what happened.

The transfered money is where it should be! and already got over 20 confirmes, but I still cant see the Details or even open the transaction at as I cant see any details of the transaction.

Even deleted the DB twice just to make sure the DB is builded correctly.
Now my friend confirmed the money is at his account but the fact of this Errormessage and that I cant see any details of this transaction bugs me quiet a lot :P

Is there any solution for this problem?

Thanks in advance!
That's a known bug and should be fixed in the next version, 0.95.

The money is not lost, as the transaction has confirmed.

Just go to Help > Rescan Balance and follow the directions of the dialog. It will rescan the blockchain for your balance and you should see the Bitcoin there.

Title: Re: Armory 0.94.1 is out
Post by: Ente on October 06, 2016, 01:10:26 PM
does goatpig have 0.94.1 git tagged?:
Ubuntu:~/BitcoinArmory$ git tag -v v0.94.1
error: 811798a9282d216e0a450fe342d8a4671fee01d3: cannot verify a non-tag object of type commit.
error: could not verify the tag 'v0.94.1'
It isn't signed.
that's not good, is it?

So both v0.94.0 and v0.94.1 are not signed?
That way I have to trust that noone manipulated data in the repo circumventing the regular, visibly logged commit infrastructure?
Are/will any releases be signed?
For me, this repo is so much of a target that the risk of unsigned releases is too high for me..


Title: Re: Armory 0.94.1 is out
Post by: achow101 on October 06, 2016, 01:28:09 PM
So both v0.94.0 and v0.94.1 are not signed?
That way I have to trust that noone manipulated data in the repo circumventing the regular, visibly logged commit infrastructure?
Are/will any releases be signed?
For me, this repo is so much of a target that the risk of unsigned releases is too high for me..

All releases are signed. All future tags will be signed.

Title: Re: Armory 0.94.1 is out
Post by: Ente on October 06, 2016, 02:42:47 PM
All releases are signed. All future tags will be signed.

Sounds great!
Just to be clear, a "release" is like a major version, right? Is 0.94.0 a release then, and is it signed already?
I'd like to step up to 0.94, for the much reduced database size..


Title: Re: Armory 0.94.1 is out
Post by: achow101 on October 06, 2016, 02:45:02 PM
All releases are signed. All future tags will be signed.

Sounds great!
Just to be clear, a "release" is like a major version, right? Is 0.94.0 a release then, and is it signed already?
I'd like to step up to 0.94, for the much reduced database size..

A release is any version that has a tag and published binaries. The binaries for 0.94 and 0.94.1 are hashed and those hashes are placed into a file and signed. That has happened with all releases. The tags are also signed, but goatpig didn't do that for 0.94 or 0.94.1. Future releases will have signed tags.

Title: Re: Armory 0.94.1 is out
Post by: Ente on October 06, 2016, 02:50:11 PM
Aah, I see! Thanks for the clarification!

edit: So Armory doesn't like a pruned bitcoin-core? I need the whole blockchain each time Armory starts up?
edit2: Restoring 91 GB bitcoin-core stuff.. *sigh*


Title: Re: Armory 0.94.1 is out
Post by: achow101 on October 06, 2016, 03:00:27 PM
Aah, I see! Thanks for the clarification!

edit: So Armory doesn't like a pruned bitcoin-core? I need the whole blockchain each time Armory starts up?
edit2: Restoring 91 GB bitcoin-core stuff.. *sigh*

Nope, pruning won't work. It reads the block files directly and it still needs the entire blockchain which a pruned node cannot provide.

Title: Re: Armory 0.94.1 is out
Post by: unamis76 on October 19, 2016, 03:49:56 PM
I know I'm probably opening a can of worms and that this isn't a priority, but 0.94.1 can't seem to auto manage bitcoind in Windows 10 14931.

I've had similar problem before, and back then it was because of permissions, but this time I've set them before running bitcoind and Armory.

Here's the logfile:

ArmoryUtils.pyc:1080 - C++ block utilities loaded successfully
ArmoryUtils.pyc:1190 -
ArmoryUtils.pyc:1191 -
ArmoryUtils.pyc:1192 -
ArmoryUtils.pyc:1193 - ************************************************************
ArmoryUtils.pyc:1194 - Invoked: C:\Program Files (x86)\Armory\ArmoryQt.exe --datadir=D:\Armory --satoshi-datadir=D:\Bitcoin
ArmoryUtils.pyc:1195 - ************************************************************
ArmoryUtils.pyc:1196 - Loading Armory Engine:
ArmoryUtils.pyc:1197 -    Armory Version        : 0.94.1
ArmoryUtils.pyc:1198 -    Armory Build:         : 811798a928
ArmoryUtils.pyc:1199 -    PyBtcWallet  Version  : 1.35
ArmoryUtils.pyc:1200 - Detected Operating system: Windows
ArmoryUtils.pyc:1201 -    OS Variant            : 8-6.2.9200--Multiprocessor Free
ArmoryUtils.pyc:1202 -    User home-directory   : C:\Users\************\AppData\Roaming
ArmoryUtils.pyc:1203 -    Satoshi BTC directory : D:\Bitcoin
ArmoryUtils.pyc:1204 -    Armory home dir       : D:\Armory
ArmoryUtils.pyc:1205 - Detected System Specs    :
ArmoryUtils.pyc:1206 -    Total Available RAM   : 2.00 GB
ArmoryUtils.pyc:1207 -    CPU ID string         : Intel64 Family 6 Model 15 Stepping 11, GenuineIntel
ArmoryUtils.pyc:1208 -    Number of CPU cores   : 2 cores
ArmoryUtils.pyc:1209 -    System is 64-bit      : True
ArmoryUtils.pyc:1210 -    Preferred Encoding    : cp1252
ArmoryUtils.pyc:1211 -    Machine Arch          : amd64
ArmoryUtils.pyc:1212 -    Available HDD (ARM)   : 6 GB
ArmoryUtils.pyc:1213 -    Available HDD (BTC)   : 6 GB
ArmoryUtils.pyc:1214 -
ArmoryUtils.pyc:1215 - Network Name: Main Network
ArmoryUtils.pyc:1216 - Satoshi Port: 8333
ArmoryUtils.pyc:1217 - Do wlt check: True
ArmoryUtils.pyc:1218 - Named options/arguments to
ArmoryUtils.pyc:1220 -     nettimeout      : 2
ArmoryUtils.pyc:1220 -     rescan          : False
ArmoryUtils.pyc:1220 -     ignoreAllZC     : False
ArmoryUtils.pyc:1220 -     rescanBalance   : False
ArmoryUtils.pyc:1220 -     disableModules  : False
ArmoryUtils.pyc:1220 -     port            : None
ArmoryUtils.pyc:1220 -     interport       : 8223
ArmoryUtils.pyc:1220 -     skipStatsReport : False
ArmoryUtils.pyc:1220 -     forceWalletCheck: False
ArmoryUtils.pyc:1220 -     rebuild         : False
ArmoryUtils.pyc:1220 -     datadir         : D:\Armory
ArmoryUtils.pyc:1220 -     clearMempool    : False
ArmoryUtils.pyc:1220 -     offline         : False
ArmoryUtils.pyc:1220 -     coverageOutputDir: None
ArmoryUtils.pyc:1220 -     armoryDBDir     : DEFAULT
ArmoryUtils.pyc:1220 -     satoshiPort     : DEFAULT
ArmoryUtils.pyc:1220 -     useTorSettings  : False
ArmoryUtils.pyc:1220 -     netlog          : False
ArmoryUtils.pyc:1220 -     keypool         : 100
ArmoryUtils.pyc:1220 -     coverageInclude : None
ArmoryUtils.pyc:1220 -     forceOnline     : False
ArmoryUtils.pyc:1220 -     skipAnnounceCheck: False
ArmoryUtils.pyc:1220 -     redownload      : False
ArmoryUtils.pyc:1220 -     multisigFile    : DEFAULT
ArmoryUtils.pyc:1220 -     disableTorrent  : False
ArmoryUtils.pyc:1220 -     testAnnounceCode: False
ArmoryUtils.pyc:1220 -     mtdebug         : False
ArmoryUtils.pyc:1220 -     logDisable      : False
ArmoryUtils.pyc:1220 -     settingsPath    : D:\Armory\ArmorySettings.txt
ArmoryUtils.pyc:1220 -     verbosity       : None
ArmoryUtils.pyc:1220 -     doDebug         : False
ArmoryUtils.pyc:1220 -     enableDetSign   : True
ArmoryUtils.pyc:1220 -     testnet         : False
ArmoryUtils.pyc:1220 -     rpcport         : DEFAULT
ArmoryUtils.pyc:1220 -     satoshiHome     : D:\Bitcoin
ArmoryUtils.pyc:1220 -     satoshiRpcport  : DEFAULT
ArmoryUtils.pyc:1220 -     logFile         : D:\Armory\ArmoryQt.exe.log.txt
ArmoryUtils.pyc:1220 -     disableConfPermis: False
ArmoryUtils.pyc:1220 -     enableSupernode : False
ArmoryUtils.pyc:1221 - Other arguments:
ArmoryUtils.pyc:1224 - ************************************************************
ArmoryUtils.pyc:1624 - C++ block utilities loaded successfully
BDM.pyc:420 - Using the asynchronous/multi-threaded BlockDataManager.
BDM.pyc:421 - Blockchain operations will happen in the background.  
BDM.pyc:422 - Devs: check TheBDM.getState() before asking for data.
BDM.pyc:423 - Registering addresses during rescans will queue them for
BDM.pyc:424 - inclusion after the current scan is completed.
ArmoryUtils.pyc:3535 - Using settings file: D:\Armory\ArmorySettings.txt - loadWalletsAndSettings - Loading wallets... - Number of wallets read in: 1 -    Wallet (************):   "************ (Watch)               "   (No Encryption) - Loading Multisig Lockboxes - Setting up networking... - Internet status: 0 - startBitcoindIfNecessary - setSatoshiPaths
SDM.pyc:321 - Found bitcoind in the following places:
SDM.pyc:323 -    C:\Program Files\Bitcoin\daemon\bitcoind.exe
SDM.pyc:325 - Using: C:\Program Files\Bitcoin\daemon\bitcoind.exe
SDM.pyc:496 - Reading bitcoin.conf file
SDM.pyc:515 - Setting permissions on bitcoin.conf
SDM.pyc:524 - Setting permissions on bitcoin.conf
ArmoryUtils.pyc:593 - Executing popen: [u'icacls', u'D:\\Bitcoin\\bitcoin.conf', u'/inheritance:r', u'/grant:r', u'************:F']
(ERROR) -- - Failed to setup SDM
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "", line 2442, in startBitcoindIfNecessary
  File "SDM.pyc", line 359, in setupSDM
  File "SDM.pyc", line 529, in readBitcoinConf
  File "armoryengine\ArmoryUtils.pyc", line 661, in subprocess_check_output
CalledProcessError: Command '[u'icacls', u'D:\\Bitcoin\\bitcoin.conf', u'/inheritance:r', u'/grant:r', u'************:F']' returned non-zero exit status 5 - Setting netmode: 0 - setupUriRegistration - Armory already registered for current user.  Done! - Usermode: Expert - Changing usermode: -    From: Expert -      To: Expert
abaseBuilder.cpp:149) scanned new blocks in 0.013s
-INFO  - 1465302404: (..\DatabaseBuilder.cpp:153) init db in 366.338s
-INFO  - 1465302404: (..\BlockDataViewer.cpp:155) Enabling zero-conf tracking

Everything seems to work fine without auto manage

Title: Re: Armory 0.94.1 is out
Post by: goatpig on October 19, 2016, 03:59:54 PM
It can't even read bitcoin.conf. Does the file exist?

Title: Re: Armory 0.94.1 is out
Post by: achow101 on October 19, 2016, 04:06:26 PM
I know I'm probably opening a can of worms and that this isn't a priority, but 0.94.1 can't seem to auto manage bitcoind in Windows 10 14931.

I've had similar problem before, and back then it was because of permissions, but this time I've set them before running bitcoind and Armory.
Check the permissions on the bitcoin.conf file. Make sure that you are allowed to change it's permissions.

Title: Re: Armory 0.94.1 is out
Post by: unamis76 on October 19, 2016, 06:07:40 PM
It can't even read bitcoin.conf. Does the file exist?

Yes, it does. I've formatted my Windows drive, the drive with Bitcoin and Armory files is intact.

I know I'm probably opening a can of worms and that this isn't a priority, but 0.94.1 can't seem to auto manage bitcoind in Windows 10 14931.

I've had similar problem before, and back then it was because of permissions, but this time I've set them before running bitcoind and Armory.
Check the permissions on the bitcoin.conf file. Make sure that you are allowed to change it's permissions.

I'm checking. Not sure what's up now as I've already set permissions as I did last time. I'll probably take a rest and look at this when I'm fresher, probably something obvious missing... It really sucks messing with file permissions on Windows :D

Thank you for your replies.