Bitcoin Forum

Other => Politics & Society => Topic started by: Moloch on April 11, 2016, 08:05:10 PM

Title: Is Donald Trump A Racist or a Bigot? (uncensored)
Post by: Moloch on April 11, 2016, 08:05:10 PM
Since self-moderated topics are used simply to push a personal opinion, and delete the facts...

I have created this new topic about Donald Trump's racism and bigotry, where your posts will not be deleted

1) “When Mexico sends its people, they’re not sending their best. They’re not sending you. They’re not sending you. They’re sending people that have lots of problems, and they’re bringing those problems with us. They’re bringing drugs. They’re bringing crime. They’re rapists. And some, I assume, are good people.” (
Wallace asked Trump, "What evidence do you have, specific evidence, that the Mexican government is sending criminals across the border?"

Trump cited conversations with "border patrol people" who told him that it was true: "Our leaders are stupid, our politicians are stupid, and the Mexican government is much smarter, much sharper, much more cunning, and they send the bad ones over because they don't want to pay for them, they don't want to take care of them. Why should they, when the stupid leaders of the United States will do it for them?And that’s what’s happening, whether you like it or not."

2a) “If you see somebody getting ready to throw a tomato, knock the crap out of them, would you? Just knock the hell–” "I'll pay for the legal fees"
2b) "I love the old days, you know what they used to do to guys like that when they were in a place like this? They’d be carried out in a stretcher, folks. Oh, it’s true.”

Trump: Knock The Crap Out Of Them, I’ll Pay For Lawsuits (

Trump on protester: 'I’d like to punch him in the face' (

Donald Trump justifies use of violence against rally protesters: Supporters should ‘swing back’ (

3) "He lined up to 50 people and they shot 49 of those people and to the 50th person, he said, 'You go back to your people. And you tell them what happened'"  "For 25 years there wasn't a problem. OK. Twenty-five years, there wasn't a problem..."

Donald Trump praises US general who shot Muslims with bullets dipped in pig's blood - but story is false (

4) 'Get him out and confiscate his coat': Trump orders security to kick protester out into the freezing -10° cold (

Title: Re: Is Donald Trump A Racist or a Bigot? (uncensored)
Post by: eddie13 on April 11, 2016, 08:10:53 PM
Trump rulez!!

Title: Re: Is Donald Trump A Racist or a Bigot? (uncensored)
Post by: saddampbuh on April 11, 2016, 09:33:12 PM
most blacks, mexicans and muslims are useless welfare parasites and trump supporters understand this

Title: Re: Is Donald Trump A Racist or a Bigot? (uncensored)
Post by: Jordan23 on April 11, 2016, 10:08:11 PM
I don't see anything racist or bigoted. Were you trying to point that out?

Title: Re: Is Donald Trump A Racist or a Bigot? (uncensored)
Post by: BADecker on April 11, 2016, 11:12:45 PM
Sure hope so. The world wouldn't exist if there weren't any racists or bigots.    8)

Title: Re: Is Donald Trump A Racist or a Bigot? (uncensored)
Post by: Moloch on April 12, 2016, 01:46:24 AM
most blacks, mexicans and muslims are useless welfare parasites and trump supporters understand this (
In English the word "bigot" refers to a person whose habitual state of mind includes an obstinate, irrational, or unfair intolerance of ideas, opinions, ethnicities, or beliefs that differ from their own, and intolerance of the people who hold them.

Title: Re: Is Donald Trump A Racist or a Bigot? (uncensored)
Post by: Wilikon on April 12, 2016, 01:54:26 AM
most blacks, mexicans and muslims are useless welfare parasites and trump supporters understand this (
In English the word "bigot" refers to a person whose habitual state of mind includes an obstinate, irrational, or unfair intolerance of ideas, opinions, ethnicities, or beliefs that differ from their own, and intolerance of the people who hold them.

Yep. I agree with this definition.

Still no direct quotes yet and people are free to post whatever here, without the fear of having their post deleted...


Title: Re: Is Donald Trump A Racist or a Bigot? (uncensored)
Post by: Moloch on April 12, 2016, 02:49:16 AM
most blacks, mexicans and muslims are useless welfare parasites and trump supporters understand this (
In English the word "bigot" refers to a person whose habitual state of mind includes an obstinate, irrational, or unfair intolerance of ideas, opinions, ethnicities, or beliefs that differ from their own, and intolerance of the people who hold them.

Yep. I agree with this definition.

Still no direct quotes yet and people are free to post whatever here, without the fear of having their post deleted...

Trumpeteers must have a unique definition of direct quote...

PS. Your link is broken... can't you even link something properly?  No wonder you never cite sources

Title: Re: Is Donald Trump A Racist or a Bigot? (uncensored)
Post by: Lituation on April 12, 2016, 03:30:55 AM
He knows white Americans power, he play for them. I think his actions are legit. You have one vote, use wisely.
Trump and Clinton both bad choices. We'll never see a president like Obama again.

Title: Re: Is Donald Trump A Racist or a Bigot? (uncensored)
Post by: Wilikon on April 12, 2016, 04:27:48 AM
He knows white Americans power, he play for them. I think his actions are legit. You have one vote, use wisely.
Trump and Clinton both bad choices. We'll never see a president like Obama again.

Amen!  :D

Title: Re: Is Donald Trump A Racist or a Bigot? (uncensored)
Post by: Swordsoffreedom on April 12, 2016, 05:58:01 AM
He knows white Americans power, he play for them. I think his actions are legit. You have one vote, use wisely.
Trump and Clinton both bad choices. We'll never see a president like Obama again.

Amen!  :D

You know things are fun when Obama thanks Trump for increasing his approval rating ^^

Title: Re: Is Donald Trump A Racist or a Bigot? (uncensored)
Post by: saddampbuh on April 12, 2016, 06:42:42 AM (
In English the word "bigot" refers to a person whose habitual state of mind includes an obstinate, irrational, or unfair intolerance of ideas, opinions, ethnicities, or beliefs that differ from their own, and intolerance of the people who hold them.
the truth can't be irrational

Title: Re: Is Donald Trump A Racist or a Bigot? (uncensored)
Post by: magnific61 on April 12, 2016, 06:52:06 AM
So many racist bastards are in forum.
This mentality will put world in fire.

Title: Re: Is Donald Trump A Racist or a Bigot? (uncensored)
Post by: bryant.coleman on April 12, 2016, 06:58:49 AM
most blacks, mexicans and muslims are useless welfare parasites and trump supporters understand this

Anyone with an IQ of more than 60 would understand this. The main reason for the economic downturn currently affecting the United States is the growing population of parasites. Earlier, the population of this particular group was maintained at 10% to 15%. But with the influx of Mexicans, the share has increased to 30%-35%, and is on way to becoming an absolute majority across the nation.

Title: Re: Is Donald Trump A Racist or a Bigot? (uncensored)
Post by: sunsilk on April 12, 2016, 07:02:44 AM
So many racist bastards are in forum.
This mentality will put world in fire.
You are right with that dude. But we cannot stop racism in this world. Maybe trump is their leader.

Title: Re: Is Donald Trump A Racist or a Bigot? (uncensored)
Post by: magnific61 on April 12, 2016, 07:53:45 AM
So many racist bastards are in forum.
This mentality will put world in fire.
You are right with that dude. But we cannot stop racism in this world. Maybe trump is their leader.
You're also right with that. But unfortunately i am afraid that when he comes he will be a new Hitler

Title: Re: Is Donald Trump A Racist or a Bigot? (uncensored)
Post by: lasersgopew on April 12, 2016, 01:26:58 PM
I'll entertain this notion of him being hypothetically racist or bigoted, despite any real evidence that that end, if you'll entertain the following question:

In what way would being a racist or a bigot disqualify him from the presidency, or even betray some underlying mental/ethical incompetence that would lessen his ability to lead?

It's a necessary prerequisite for anyone who attains such status, regardless of their character, that they have a penchant for objective truth. Show me one great American president, and I'll show you a racist. Even the biggest champions of the neo-liberal causes are either avowed racists, such as LBJ -- or are more subtlety racist, as is the case with most modern "liberals". Racism, in its current definition, is an emergent property of anyone sufficiently cognizant of the human condition. To recognize that human races have differences, and that those differences contribute to their relative abilities, is nothing more than to recognize objective truth.

I gather that the point of your posting this thread was to highlight traits you find objectionable in Trump, with the expectation that others would object to them as well, and the ultimate goal of shifting their consensus to be more in line with your own. To that I ask, where is your moral outrage when liberals infantilize and belittle minorities? Is it not the pinnacle of overt racism to treat blacks and Hispanics as inherently less-able, and in need of special governmental assistance? Was it not racist to incentivize the dissolution of black families, through neoliberal welfare programs that mandated the father not be present in the home? Is is racist to promote the systematic abortion of black babies, to such a degree that currently more are being aborted than born? Is it racist to promote the influx of illegal immigrants, with the clear understanding that their labor directly undercuts the earning potential of minority communities in the United States, with the direct causal result being greater poverty, crime and moral decay? Is it not racist to do all these things under the guise of being a savior figure to the mentally deficient lackeys, just to secure their fealty at the ballot box?

There are two basic methods by which humans obtain knowledge, objective truth and consensus. Objective truth has been the bedrock of western civilization since the days of Hermes, and it could be argued that its preeminence in western philosophy, heretofore being held as thoroughly unimpeachable, has directly resulted in nearly every facet and conveyance that modern society relies upon. The ultimate aim of modern liberalism is the destruction of objective truth, in favor of consensus -- for the mere fact that consensus can be controlled and manipulated. Nothing in their ethos is rooted in true fairness or equality, and they have no legitimate heritage with enlightenment ideals -- they only want to consolidate power. Regardless of whatever public face they may wear, the philosophical lineage of the neoliberal politician is that of their communist ideologues. I suggest you give that postulation some serious thought before you lend your proverbial sword to their cause.

I'm admittedly a racist, and a sexist; but I'm also a moralist, and none of those attributes are in conflict with one another. Neither racism or sexism should imply malice -- that's a modern contrivance and a media narrative that has no objective merit, and is used far more often to stifle free thought, than it is to highlight injustice.

Food for thought:

Title: Re: Is Donald Trump A Racist or a Bigot? (uncensored)
Post by: gentlemand on April 12, 2016, 02:04:21 PM
Bigot most certainly. He probably feels just as much contempt for crackers as the rest but he's not going to voice that so he's either an equal opportunity racist or not racist. Hard to decide.

Title: Re: Is Donald Trump A Racist or a Bigot? (uncensored)
Post by: bryant.coleman on April 12, 2016, 03:17:02 PM
So many racist bastards are in forum.
This mentality will put world in fire.
You are right with that dude. But we cannot stop racism in this world. Maybe trump is their leader.

Lol... this is amazing. A Turk complaining about racism, and a Filipino supporting him. Do I need to remember the Muslim that his own people exterminated some three million Christians in 1915? Or is extermination of minorities better than "racism"? My advice to the Filipino would be to migrate to Turkey next time, rather than trying for a job in the US or the UK. You will feel no racism there. You will be simply exterminated. ROFLMAO.

Title: Re: Is Donald Trump A Racist or a Bigot? (uncensored)
Post by: Wilikon on April 12, 2016, 03:19:58 PM
So many racist bastards are in forum.
This mentality will put world in fire.
You are right with that dude. But we cannot stop racism in this world. Maybe trump is their leader.

Lol... this is amazing. A Turk complaining about racism, and a Filipino supporting him. Do I need to remember the Muslim that his own people exterminated some three million Christians in 1915? Or is extermination of minorities better than "racism"? My advice to the Filipino would be to migrate to Turkey next time, rather than trying for a job in the US or the UK. You will feel no racism there. You will be simply exterminated. ROFLMAO.

Title: Re: Is Donald Trump A Racist or a Bigot? (uncensored)
Post by: Moloch on April 12, 2016, 09:22:54 PM
Here Are 9 Examples Of Donald Trump Being Racist (

Title: Re: Is Donald Trump A Racist or a Bigot? (uncensored)
Post by: Curtains873 on April 12, 2016, 09:45:51 PM
I'll entertain this notion of him being hypothetically racist or bigoted, despite any real evidence that that end, if you'll entertain the following question:

In what way would being a racist or a bigot disqualify him from the presidency, or even betray some underlying mental/ethical incompetence that would lessen his ability to lead?

It's a necessary prerequisite for anyone who attains such status, regardless of their character, that they have a penchant for objective truth. Show me one great American president, and I'll show you a racist. Even the biggest champions of the neo-liberal causes are either avowed racists, such as LBJ -- or are more subtlety racist, as is the case with most modern "liberals". Racism, in its current definition, is an emergent property of anyone sufficiently cognizant of the human condition. To recognize that human races have differences, and that those differences contribute to their relative abilities, is nothing more than to recognize objective truth.

I gather that the point of your posting this thread was to highlight traits you find objectionable in Trump, with the expectation that others would object to them as well, and the ultimate goal of shifting their consensus to be more in line with your own. To that I ask, where is your moral outrage when liberals infantilize and belittle minorities? Is it not the pinnacle of overt racism to treat blacks and Hispanics as inherently less-able, and in need of special governmental assistance? Was it not racist to incentivize the dissolution of black families, through neoliberal welfare programs that mandated the father not be present in the home? Is is racist to promote the systematic abortion of black babies, to such a degree that currently more are being aborted than born? Is it racist to promote the influx of illegal immigrants, with the clear understanding that their labor directly undercuts the earning potential of minority communities in the United States, with the direct causal result being greater poverty, crime and moral decay? Is it not racist to do all these things under the guise of being a savior figure to the mentally deficient lackeys, just to secure their fealty at the ballot box?

There are two basic methods by which humans obtain knowledge, objective truth and consensus. Objective truth has been the bedrock of western civilization since the days of Hermes, and it could be argued that its preeminence in western philosophy, heretofore being held as thoroughly unimpeachable, has directly resulted in nearly every facet and conveyance that modern society relies upon. The ultimate aim of modern liberalism is the destruction of objective truth, in favor of consensus -- for the mere fact that consensus can be controlled and manipulated. Nothing in their ethos is rooted in true fairness or equality, and they have no legitimate heritage with enlightenment ideals -- they only want to consolidate power. Regardless of whatever public face they may wear, the philosophical lineage of the neoliberal politician is that of their communist ideologues. I suggest you give that postulation some serious thought before you lend your proverbial sword to their cause.

I'm admittedly a racist, and a sexist; but I'm also a moralist, and none of those attributes are in conflict with one another. Neither racism or sexism should imply malice -- that's a modern contrivance and a media narrative that has no objective merit, and is used far more often to stifle free thought, than it is to highlight injustice.

Food for thought:

Great post. I don´t fully agree with it, which is fine. I´m too much in agreement to bother bickering.

Title: Re: Is Donald Trump A Racist or a Bigot? (uncensored)
Post by: Wilikon on April 12, 2016, 10:14:36 PM
I'll entertain this notion of him being hypothetically racist or bigoted, despite any real evidence that that end, if you'll entertain the following question:

In what way would being a racist or a bigot disqualify him from the presidency, or even betray some underlying mental/ethical incompetence that would lessen his ability to lead?

It's a necessary prerequisite for anyone who attains such status, regardless of their character, that they have a penchant for objective truth. Show me one great American president, and I'll show you a racist. Even the biggest champions of the neo-liberal causes are either avowed racists, such as LBJ -- or are more subtlety racist, as is the case with most modern "liberals". Racism, in its current definition, is an emergent property of anyone sufficiently cognizant of the human condition. To recognize that human races have differences, and that those differences contribute to their relative abilities, is nothing more than to recognize objective truth.

I gather that the point of your posting this thread was to highlight traits you find objectionable in Trump, with the expectation that others would object to them as well, and the ultimate goal of shifting their consensus to be more in line with your own. To that I ask, where is your moral outrage when liberals infantilize and belittle minorities? Is it not the pinnacle of overt racism to treat blacks and Hispanics as inherently less-able, and in need of special governmental assistance? Was it not racist to incentivize the dissolution of black families, through neoliberal welfare programs that mandated the father not be present in the home? Is is racist to promote the systematic abortion of black babies, to such a degree that currently more are being aborted than born? Is it racist to promote the influx of illegal immigrants, with the clear understanding that their labor directly undercuts the earning potential of minority communities in the United States, with the direct causal result being greater poverty, crime and moral decay? Is it not racist to do all these things under the guise of being a savior figure to the mentally deficient lackeys, just to secure their fealty at the ballot box?

There are two basic methods by which humans obtain knowledge, objective truth and consensus. Objective truth has been the bedrock of western civilization since the days of Hermes, and it could be argued that its preeminence in western philosophy, heretofore being held as thoroughly unimpeachable, has directly resulted in nearly every facet and conveyance that modern society relies upon. The ultimate aim of modern liberalism is the destruction of objective truth, in favor of consensus -- for the mere fact that consensus can be controlled and manipulated. Nothing in their ethos is rooted in true fairness or equality, and they have no legitimate heritage with enlightenment ideals -- they only want to consolidate power. Regardless of whatever public face they may wear, the philosophical lineage of the neoliberal politician is that of their communist ideologues. I suggest you give that postulation some serious thought before you lend your proverbial sword to their cause.

I'm admittedly a racist, and a sexist; but I'm also a moralist, and none of those attributes are in conflict with one another. Neither racism or sexism should imply malice -- that's a modern contrivance and a media narrative that has no objective merit, and is used far more often to stifle free thought, than it is to highlight injustice.

Food for thought:

Title: Re: Is Donald Trump A Racist or a Bigot? (uncensored)
Post by: Moloch on April 13, 2016, 06:57:35 AM

Is it racist, or just a failure to check your facts before tweeting (false) racist propaganda?

It's a shame they didn't have google back in 2015...

Title: Re: Is Donald Trump A Racist or a Bigot? (uncensored)
Post by: lasersgopew on April 13, 2016, 07:43:24 AM
Yes, casually re-tweeting false statistics clearly proves a deeply ingrained malicious racism -- he should have used the real statistics instead:

Meanwhile, the Democratic front-runner, Hillary "Super Predator" Clinton -- a champion of the "three strikes" bill, disciple of noted racist and eugenicist Margret Sanger, friend and admirer of KKK leader Robert Byrd -- just got done performing an overtly "racist" sketch with a Democratic mayor. I await your righteous indignation.

Title: Re: Is Donald Trump A Racist or a Bigot? (uncensored)
Post by: bryant.coleman on April 13, 2016, 08:42:38 AM
Yes, casually re-tweeting false statistics clearly proves a deeply ingrained malicious racism -- he should have used the real statistics instead:

What you have posted are not the correct stats. In your stats, the Hispanics are counted as a part of the White population, thereby inflating the white on black crime rate (there is a lot of hispanic on black crime occurring in cities such as Los Angeles and San Francisco). I don't know whether Trump has used the correct stats or not, but they look closer to the truth.

Title: Re: Is Donald Trump A Racist or a Bigot? (uncensored)
Post by: lasersgopew on April 13, 2016, 10:02:19 AM
Yes, casually re-tweeting false statistics clearly proves a deeply ingrained malicious racism -- he should have used the real statistics instead:

What you have posted are not the correct stats. In your stats, the Hispanics are counted as a part of the White population, thereby inflating the white on black crime rate (there is a lot of hispanic on black crime occurring in cities such as Los Angeles and San Francisco). I don't know whether Trump has used the correct stats or not, but they look closer to the truth.
You're correct in that the white crime rate is enormously inflated, but as far as I know there aren't any comprehensive statistics that take hispanics into account. The FBI is generally the best source for national crime data, and they categorize all hispanics as broadly "white", but even if they didn't, many of the municipal police departments that contribute to the FBI's database do. This deliberate obfuscation is undoubtedly done for political purposes as well. Even the most emasculated of neoliberal fuckboi serfs, in the most stringently thought-policed of progressive fiefdoms, would begin to question things if Rachael Maddow told them that their beloved minorities are committing 97% of all violent crime.

Examples for the uninitiated:

Title: Re: Is Donald Trump A Racist or a Bigot? (uncensored)
Post by: irfan_pak10 on April 13, 2016, 10:39:57 AM
Donald trump is a biggest racist on this planet earth.he is a threat to Muslims as well as whole world. he can not bare any one who refuse his thought. if he will become a president of U.S he will start new wars on many Muslims countries and in result many new terrorist organizations will born and will make this world a hell.

Title: Re: Is Donald Trump A Racist or a Bigot? (uncensored)
Post by: lasersgopew on April 13, 2016, 10:52:43 AM
Donald trump is a biggest racist on this planet earth.he is a threat to Muslims as well as whole world. he can not bare any one who refuse his thought. if he will become a president of U.S he will start new wars on many Muslims countries and in result many new terrorist organizations will born and will make this world a hell.
General non-interventionist, protectionist, would rather let Russia and Assad deal with ISIS in Syria than involve the US, anti-Iraq war, etc; would consider cutting off their oil supply to starve their organization.

Carpet bomb the entire area into oblivion, enthusiastically suck Israel's dick.

Largely responsible for the whole mess to begin with, literally helped funnel Libyan arms to ISIS after she got done wrecking that country, supports toppling Assad, long history of kicking hornets nests, top aide has ties to Muslim Brotherhood.


Title: Re: Is Donald Trump A Racist or a Bigot? (uncensored)
Post by: bryant.coleman on April 13, 2016, 11:46:29 AM
Largely responsible for the whole mess to begin with, literally helped funnel Libyan arms to ISIS after she got done wrecking that country, supports toppling Assad, long history of kicking hornets nests, top aide has ties to Muslim Brotherhood.

It is not her top aide who is having links to the Muslim Brotherhood and Islamic State. Actually, Huma Abedin is rumored to be her lesbian partner (She married Anthony Weiner to hide her sexual preference). It is a well known fact that Hitlery is bisexual, and is more attracted to women than men. Her lesbian relationship with Janet Reno was an open secret during the 1990s.

Title: Re: Is Donald Trump A Racist or a Bigot? (uncensored)
Post by: lasersgopew on April 13, 2016, 12:08:38 PM
Largely responsible for the whole mess to begin with, literally helped funnel Libyan arms to ISIS after she got done wrecking that country, supports toppling Assad, long history of kicking hornets nests, top aide has ties to Muslim Brotherhood.

It is not her top aide who is having links to the Muslim Brotherhood and Islamic State. Actually, Huma Abedin is rumored to be her lesbian partner (She married Anthony Weiner to hide her sexual preference). It is a well known fact that Hitlery is bisexual, and is more attracted to women than men. Her lesbian relationship with Janet Reno was an open secret during the 1990s.
She's technically her "top aide", but I'm guessing she's more of a "bottom aide", or maybe a "pillow princess aide" -- if you catch my drift. Bill supposedly makes no secret of the fact that she's kissed more beavers than he has.

Title: Re: Is Donald Trump A Racist or a Bigot? (uncensored)
Post by: Moloch on April 13, 2016, 04:33:38 PM
Donald trump is a biggest racist on this planet earth.he is a threat to Muslims as well as whole world. he can not bare any one who refuse his thought. if he will become a president of U.S he will start new wars on many Muslims countries and in result many new terrorist organizations will born and will make this world a hell.
General non-interventionist, protectionist, would rather let Russia and Assad deal with ISIS in Syria than involve the US, anti-Iraq war, etc; would consider cutting off their oil supply to starve their organization.

Carpet bomb the entire area into oblivion, enthusiastically suck Israel's dick.

Largely responsible for the whole mess to begin with, literally helped funnel Libyan arms to ISIS after she got done wrecking that country, supports toppling Assad, long history of kicking hornets nests, top aide has ties to Muslim Brotherhood.


It's a shame you don't take Sanders seriously...

He's literally the only serious person running for president... the others are all a joke

Title: Re: Is Donald Trump A Racist or a Bigot? (uncensored)
Post by: Spendulus on April 13, 2016, 04:57:39 PM
Here Are 9 Examples Of Donald Trump Being Racist (

I read through the first couple of them, and found they didn't support your claim of racism, or huffingtonpost's claim of racism....

Title: Re: Is Donald Trump A Racist or a Bigot? (uncensored)
Post by: RJX on April 13, 2016, 05:35:50 PM
Racism, the greatest card in the deck and somehow mostly played by those who have nothing else to bring to the table and often by those who are guilty as hell.

Racism is a bad thing but it's difficult to argue with the numbers. But do keep fighting for social justice!

Lambs to slaughter, cognitive dissonance apparently only sounds like 'he's a dick, you're doing the right thing'

Title: Re: Is Donald Trump A Racist or a Bigot? (uncensored)
Post by: BADecker on April 13, 2016, 05:51:58 PM
Anybody who is bigotted against anyone because of his/her racism or bigotry, is a hypocrite.

Government people aren't necessarily bigots against racists or bigots. Rather, they are probably doing it for money. This shows that they are bigots against poverty... their own poverty, that is.


Title: Re: Is Donald Trump A Racist or a Bigot? (uncensored)
Post by: bryant.coleman on April 13, 2016, 05:58:19 PM
Racism, the greatest card in the deck and somehow mostly played by those who have nothing else to bring to the table and often by those who are guilty as hell.

Liberal definition of "racist":

Bombing of orphanages and kindergartens (Serbia, 1999) by NATO is not racism. Discriminating against Yazidi refugees is not racism. Blowing up more than a hundred innocent civilians is not racism. But if you talk about deporting illegal invaders, then you are a racist. If you speak against the people who enslaved and impregnated 6-year old Yazidi girls, then you are a racist.

Title: Re: Is Donald Trump A Racist or a Bigot? (uncensored)
Post by: RJX on April 13, 2016, 06:23:30 PM

Liberal definition of "racist":

Bombing of orphanages and kindergartens (Serbia, 1999) by NATO is not racism. Discriminating against Yazidi refugees is not racism. Blowing up more than a hundred innocent civilians is not racism. But if you talk about deporting illegal invaders, then you are a racist. If you speak against the people who enslaved and impregnated 6-year old Yazidi girls, then you are a racist.

We allow fresh refugees to import their underage brides, by law!

Parliament wanted to stop this but the liberal party blocked that. It still happens as I write this.

Title: Re: Is Donald Trump A Racist or a Bigot? (uncensored)
Post by: Moloch on April 13, 2016, 06:28:28 PM
But if you talk about deporting illegal invaders, then you are a racist.


They are simply humans born in another country who like USA better... can you blame them?

What would you do if you were born in Mexico?

Title: Re: Is Donald Trump A Racist or a Bigot? (uncensored)
Post by: BADecker on April 13, 2016, 06:34:48 PM

Liberal definition of "racist":

Bombing of orphanages and kindergartens (Serbia, 1999) by NATO is not racism. Discriminating against Yazidi refugees is not racism. Blowing up more than a hundred innocent civilians is not racism. But if you talk about deporting illegal invaders, then you are a racist. If you speak against the people who enslaved and impregnated 6-year old Yazidi girls, then you are a racist.

We allow fresh refugees to import their underage brides, by law!

Parliament wanted to stop this but the liberal party blocked that. It still happens as I write this.

The age of marriage in the United States varies by state, but is generally 18. There are, however, two exceptions—Nebraska (19) and Mississippi (21). Most states, however, allow minors below 18 to marry (generally they have to be at least 16 but sometimes lower) with parental and/or judicial consent. Some states allow female minors below 18 to marry without parental or judicial consent, if she is pregnant.


Title: Re: Is Donald Trump A Racist or a Bigot? (uncensored)
Post by: BADecker on April 13, 2016, 06:35:49 PM
But if you talk about deporting illegal invaders, then you are a racist.


They are simply humans born in another country who like USA better... can you blame them?

What would you do if you were born in Mexico?

Move to Belize.     ;D

Title: Re: Is Donald Trump A Racist or a Bigot? (uncensored)
Post by: BADecker on April 13, 2016, 06:39:07 PM
But if you talk about deporting illegal invaders, then you are a racist.


They are simply humans born in another country who like USA better... can you blame them?

What would you do if you were born in Mexico?

Move to Belize.     ;D

Lots more freedom in Belize, even if their common law is a shade more difficult that the U.S.


Title: Re: Is Donald Trump A Racist or a Bigot? (uncensored)
Post by: pao_de_lo on April 13, 2016, 07:13:29 PM
search for: Saul Alinsky

The Triumph of Cultural Marxism (
 - Olavo de Carvalho, Cliff Kincaid e Jerry Kenney [/b] (

official site:
 - AGENDA - documentário completo - Legendado _ (

Title: Re: Is Donald Trump A Racist or a Bigot? (uncensored)
Post by: bryant.coleman on April 13, 2016, 07:39:57 PM
But if you talk about deporting illegal invaders, then you are a racist.


They are simply humans born in another country who like USA better... can you blame them?

What would you do if you were born in Mexico?

If I was born in Mexico, then I'd have started my own business or farm there rather than illegally immigrating to any other country. Even if I wanted to immigrate to the United States or any other developed nation, I would have done that through the legal route. Trust me, millions of Mexicans have legally immigrated to the United States, and they feel angry when those who didn't followed the rules are given priority over them.

Title: Re: Is Donald Trump A Racist or a Bigot? (uncensored)
Post by: pao_de_lo on April 13, 2016, 07:52:03 PM
But if you talk about deporting illegal invaders, then you are a racist.


They are simply humans born in another country who like USA better... can you blame them?

What would you do if you were born in Mexico?

If I was born in Mexico, then I'd have started my own business or farm there rather than illegally immigrating to any other country. Even if I wanted to immigrate to the United States or any other developed nation, I would have done that through the legal route. Trust me, millions of Mexicans have legally immigrated to the United States, and they feel angry when those who didn't followed the rules are given priority over them.

Mexicans must live in Mexico. Brasileiros para o Brasil.
I am against immigration.

Eu sou brasileiro.
I am Brazilian.

Title: Re: Is Donald Trump A Racist or a Bigot? (uncensored)
Post by: lasersgopew on April 13, 2016, 07:57:32 PM
Donald trump is a biggest racist on this planet earth.he is a threat to Muslims as well as whole world. he can not bare any one who refuse his thought. if he will become a president of U.S he will start new wars on many Muslims countries and in result many new terrorist organizations will born and will make this world a hell.
General non-interventionist, protectionist, would rather let Russia and Assad deal with ISIS in Syria than involve the US, anti-Iraq war, etc; would consider cutting off their oil supply to starve their organization.

Carpet bomb the entire area into oblivion, enthusiastically suck Israel's dick.

Largely responsible for the whole mess to begin with, literally helped funnel Libyan arms to ISIS after she got done wrecking that country, supports toppling Assad, long history of kicking hornets nests, top aide has ties to Muslim Brotherhood.


It's a shame you don't take Sanders seriously...

He's literally the only serious person running for president... the others are all a joke
I think he has legitimately good intentions, but as the saying goes, "the road to hell is paved with good intentions". Sanders is an ardent communist, and has been his entire adult life; and many of his policies betray a rather severe naivete about world affairs and human nature -- even to the extent that they could be described as "child-like". His proposition for dealing with ISIS highlights that lack of understanding particularly well in its assertion that ISIS should be fought using a Saudi-Iranian coalition -- anyone who knows the politics of the region understands why that's simply ludicrous. Regardless of all the finer points that could be made demonstrating the glaring lack of critical thought many of his policies necessitate, ultimately, anyone who openly exalts the virtues of communism, especially given its propensity towards industrialized democide and extreme universal poverty, simply doesn't deserve serious consideration. He would be played like a rented fiddle by any world leader with an ounce of real strategic agency.

Hillary, Cruz and Kasich are obviously the distillate of some cryptic malodorous miasma of dark primordial evil, and a more enlightened society would promptly dispose of them in the most imposing volcano known.

Trump is the only viable candidate left, and perhaps the last-best-hope for the survival of this nation. If you give honest thought to his policies, especially in contrast with those of the other candidates, I'm confidant that you'll arrive at the same conclusion. If for nothing else, one need only look to those who so vehemently oppose him -- as it reads like a veritable who's-who of the worlds most vile human wretches.

Title: Re: Is Donald Trump A Racist or a Bigot? (uncensored)
Post by: bryant.coleman on April 14, 2016, 02:29:01 AM
Mexicans must live in Mexico. Brasileiros para o Brasil.
I am against immigration.

Eu sou brasileiro.
I am Brazilian.

I don't have anything against legal immigrants. Unlike the illegal immigration, legal immigration can bring in more positives than negatives. However, the issue with illegal immigration is that most of the time it will be the undesirables who take part (criminals, gangsters.etc) in it. That is one of the reasons why the crime rate is so high in the border states of the US.

Title: Re: Is Donald Trump A Racist or a Bigot? (uncensored)
Post by: Moloch on April 14, 2016, 08:10:19 PM

Title: Re: Is Donald Trump A Racist or a Bigot? (uncensored)
Post by: lasersgopew on April 15, 2016, 03:17:58 AM
You could've saved yourself a little time and just posted "I have no legitimate arguments".

Title: Re: Is Donald Trump A Racist or a Bigot? (uncensored)
Post by: bryant.coleman on April 15, 2016, 03:23:05 AM

This is the difference between the legal and illegal immigrants. Educated and highly skilled people are less likely to break the laws and regulations. On the other hand, the criminals and other undesirables doesn't mind bending, or even breaking the laws for their own convenience. One of the reasons why I favor legal immigration to illegal immigration.

Title: Re: Is Donald Trump A Racist or a Bigot? (uncensored)
Post by: vero on April 15, 2016, 06:43:12 AM
Trump is a racist, Maybe he's not a racist himself, it's same like people calling Beyonce a racist for her halftime show and the very same people turn around and argue that Trump is NOT a racist.

Title: Re: Is Donald Trump A Racist or a Bigot? (uncensored)
Post by: Moloch on April 15, 2016, 04:38:56 PM
Quote from the Don

I don't see how anyone could consider this racist (bazinga)

Title: Re: Is Donald Trump A Racist or a Bigot? (uncensored)
Post by: markj113 on April 15, 2016, 04:53:24 PM
Quote from the Don

I don't see how anyone could consider this racist (bazinga)

Yep, and here is another "racist" telling it like it is -

Title: Re: Is Donald Trump A Racist or a Bigot? (uncensored)
Post by: lasersgopew on April 15, 2016, 06:38:32 PM
Quote from the Don

I don't see how anyone could consider this racist (bazinga)
Doesn't hold a candle to the racist quotes attributed to Sanders.

Title: Re: Is Donald Trump A Racist or a Bigot? (uncensored)
Post by: Moloch on April 15, 2016, 07:06:38 PM
Quote from the Don

I don't see how anyone could consider this racist (bazinga)
Doesn't hold a candle to the racist quotes attributed to Sanders. (

Check your facts... that is a quote by Margaret Sanger, not Bernie Sanders... stop with the slander

Title: Re: Is Donald Trump A Racist or a Bigot? (uncensored)
Post by: lasersgopew on April 15, 2016, 07:37:57 PM
Quote from the Don

I don't see how anyone could consider this racist (bazinga)
Doesn't hold a candle to the racist quotes attributed to Sanders. (

Check your facts... that is a quote by Margaret Sanger, not Bernie Sanders... stop with the slander
I know it's a quote by Margaret Sanger, racist neoliberal demigod and founder of Planned Parenthood -- I just thought we were just making shit up, since you posted that blatantly false Trump quote?

Title: Re: Is Donald Trump A Racist or a Bigot? (uncensored)
Post by: Moloch on April 15, 2016, 07:54:40 PM
Quote from the Don

I don't see how anyone could consider this racist (bazinga)
Doesn't hold a candle to the racist quotes attributed to Sanders. (

Check your facts... that is a quote by Margaret Sanger, not Bernie Sanders... stop with the slander
I know it's a quote by Margaret Sanger, racist neoliberal demigod and founder of Planned Parenthood -- I just thought we were just making shit up, since you posted that blatantly false Trump quote?

It's not false... it's printed in a book, published in 1991... do you need a link, or can you google the fucking quote?

This is the difference between a Trump and Bernie supporter:
One of us checks his facts before posting...
The other makes up bullshit lies (then accuses me of doing the same)

I suppose you are simply following Dear Leader's example?

It's not like Trump checks his facts before re-tweating neo-nazi propaganda...
(see Trumps tweet claiming blacks murder white 81%... real number is 14%, white on white = 83%)

Title: Re: Is Donald Trump A Racist or a Bigot? (uncensored)
Post by: lasersgopew on April 15, 2016, 08:26:28 PM
Quote from the Don

I don't see how anyone could consider this racist (bazinga)
Doesn't hold a candle to the racist quotes attributed to Sanders. (

Check your facts... that is a quote by Margaret Sanger, not Bernie Sanders... stop with the slander
I know it's a quote by Margaret Sanger, racist neoliberal demigod and founder of Planned Parenthood -- I just thought we were just making shit up, since you posted that blatantly false Trump quote?

It's not false... it's printed in a book written in 1991... do you need a link, or can you google the fucking quote?
It's written in a book, so that makes it true? Interesting logic. I guess Abraham Lincoln really was a vampire hunter after all.

For your information, the book was "Trumped!: The Inside Story of the Real Donald Trump-His Cunning Rise and Spectacular Fall", and it was written by a former Trump employee, "John R. O'Donnell", who had previously been fired by Trump from his job as the president of Trump Plaza Hotel & Casino, for his poor performance.

The full quote, as alleged by the disgruntled former employee:

"I have black guys counting my money! I hate it. The only kind of people I want counting my money are short guys that wear yarmulkes every day. Those are the kind of people I want counting my money. Nobody else. Besides that, I've got to tell you something else. I think that the guy is lazy. And it's probably not his fault because laziness is a trait in blacks. It really is, I believe that. It's not anything they can control... Don't you agree?"

Let us assume for a moment that this is a legitimate quotation and that it accurately reflects his understanding of the situation -- what about it is wrong? Is it wrong because it's factually incorrect, or is it wrong because it hurts your fee-fees? Would such a sentiment, objectively an accurate portrayal of reality -- impair his ability to lead and make effective decisions? No? If on the other hand, his capacity for objective thought were so diminished as to render him incapable of recognizing the truth in that situation -- instead leading him to supplant objectivity with a narrative based solely on emotion and social expectation -- would he then be of diminished capacity as a leader? Objectively, yes.

This is the difference between a Trump and Bernie supporter:
One of us checks his facts before posting...
The other makes up bullshit lies (then accuses me of doing the same)

I suppose you are simply following Dear Leader's example?

It's not like Trump checks his facts before re-tweating neo-nazi propaganda...
(see Trumps tweet claiming blacks murder white 81%... real number is 14%, white on white = 83%)
Cute.  :D

Title: Re: Is Donald Trump A Racist or a Bigot? (uncensored)
Post by: Moloch on April 15, 2016, 08:31:13 PM
Quote from the Don (

I don't see how anyone could consider this racist (bazinga)
Doesn't hold a candle to the racist quotes attributed to Sanders. (

Check your facts... that is a quote by Margaret Sanger, not Bernie Sanders... stop with the slander
I know it's a quote by Margaret Sanger, racist neoliberal demigod and founder of Planned Parenthood -- I just thought we were just making shit up, since you posted that blatantly false Trump quote?

It's not false... it's printed in a book written in 1991... do you need a link, or can you google the fucking quote?
It's written in a book, so that makes it true? Interesting logic. I guess Abraham Lincoln really was a vampire hunter after all.

For your information, the book was "Trumped!: The Inside Story of the Real Donald Trump-His Cunning Rise and Spectacular Fall", and it was written by a former Trump employee, "John R. O'Donnell", who had previously been fired by Trump from his job as the president of Trump Plaza Hotel & Casino, for his poor performance.

The full quote, as alleged by the disgruntled former employee:

"I have black guys counting my money! I hate it. The only kind of people I want counting my money are short guys that wear yarmulkes every day. Those are the kind of people I want counting my money. Nobody else. Besides that, I've got to tell you something else. I think that the guy is lazy. And it's probably not his fault because laziness is a trait in blacks. It really is, I believe that. It's not anything they can control... Don't you agree?"

Let us assume for a moment that this is a legitimate quotation and that it accurately reflects his understanding of the situation -- what about it is wrong? Is it wrong because it's factually incorrect, or is it wrong because it hurts your fee-fees? Would such a sentiment, objectively an accurate portrayal of reality -- impair his ability to lead and make effective decisions? No? If on the other hand, his capacity for objective thought were so diminished as to render him incapable of recognizing the truth in that situation -- instead leading him to supplant objectivity with a narrative based solely on emotion and social expectation -- would he then be of diminished capacity as a leader? Objectively, yes.

How does the full quote make it better?  It actually makes it worse...

He basically says he hates black people... "I have black guys counting my money... I hate it!"

That's fucking racist

Title: Re: Is Donald Trump A Racist or a Bigot? (uncensored)
Post by: Spendulus on April 15, 2016, 08:37:19 PM
Quote from the Don (

I don't see how anyone could consider this racist (bazinga)
Doesn't hold a candle to the racist quotes attributed to Sanders. (

Check your facts... that is a quote by Margaret Sanger, not Bernie Sanders... stop with the slander
I know it's a quote by Margaret Sanger, racist neoliberal demigod and founder of Planned Parenthood -- I just thought we were just making shit up, since you posted that blatantly false Trump quote?

It's not false... it's printed in a book written in 1991... do you need a link, or can you google the fucking quote?
It's written in a book, so that makes it true? Interesting logic. I guess Abraham Lincoln really was a vampire hunter after all.

For your information, the book was "Trumped!: The Inside Story of the Real Donald Trump-His Cunning Rise and Spectacular Fall", and it was written by a former Trump employee, "John R. O'Donnell", who had previously been fired by Trump from his job as the president of Trump Plaza Hotel & Casino, for his poor performance.

The full quote, as alleged by the disgruntled former employee:

"I have black guys counting my money! I hate it. The only kind of people I want counting my money are short guys that wear yarmulkes every day. Those are the kind of people I want counting my money. Nobody else. Besides that, I've got to tell you something else. I think that the guy is lazy. And it's probably not his fault because laziness is a trait in blacks. It really is, I believe that. It's not anything they can control... Don't you agree?"

Let us assume for a moment that this is a legitimate quotation and that it accurately reflects his understanding of the situation -- what about it is wrong? Is it wrong because it's factually incorrect, or is it wrong because it hurts your fee-fees? Would such a sentiment, objectively an accurate portrayal of reality -- impair his ability to lead and make effective decisions? No? If on the other hand, his capacity for objective thought were so diminished as to render him incapable of recognizing the truth in that situation -- instead leading him to supplant objectivity with a narrative based solely on emotion and social expectation -- would he then be of diminished capacity as a leader? Objectively, yes.

How does the full quote make it better?  It actually makes it worse...

He basically says he hates black people... "I have black guys counting my money... I hate it!"

That's fucking racist

Really?  Since you have been doing so much lying, would you mind telling us what page the quote is on in the book?


Title: Re: Is Donald Trump A Racist or a Bigot? (uncensored)
Post by: Moloch on April 15, 2016, 08:46:13 PM
Quote from the Don (

I don't see how anyone could consider this racist (bazinga)
Doesn't hold a candle to the racist quotes attributed to Sanders. (

Check your facts... that is a quote by Margaret Sanger, not Bernie Sanders... stop with the slander
I know it's a quote by Margaret Sanger, racist neoliberal demigod and founder of Planned Parenthood -- I just thought we were just making shit up, since you posted that blatantly false Trump quote?

It's not false... it's printed in a book written in 1991... do you need a link, or can you google the fucking quote?
It's written in a book, so that makes it true? Interesting logic. I guess Abraham Lincoln really was a vampire hunter after all.

For your information, the book was "Trumped!: The Inside Story of the Real Donald Trump-His Cunning Rise and Spectacular Fall", and it was written by a former Trump employee, "John R. O'Donnell", who had previously been fired by Trump from his job as the president of Trump Plaza Hotel & Casino, for his poor performance.

The full quote, as alleged by the disgruntled former employee:

"I have black guys counting my money! I hate it. The only kind of people I want counting my money are short guys that wear yarmulkes every day. Those are the kind of people I want counting my money. Nobody else. Besides that, I've got to tell you something else. I think that the guy is lazy. And it's probably not his fault because laziness is a trait in blacks. It really is, I believe that. It's not anything they can control... Don't you agree?"

Let us assume for a moment that this is a legitimate quotation and that it accurately reflects his understanding of the situation -- what about it is wrong? Is it wrong because it's factually incorrect, or is it wrong because it hurts your fee-fees? Would such a sentiment, objectively an accurate portrayal of reality -- impair his ability to lead and make effective decisions? No? If on the other hand, his capacity for objective thought were so diminished as to render him incapable of recognizing the truth in that situation -- instead leading him to supplant objectivity with a narrative based solely on emotion and social expectation -- would he then be of diminished capacity as a leader? Objectively, yes.

How does the full quote make it better?  It actually makes it worse...

He basically says he hates black people... "I have black guys counting my money... I hate it!"

That's fucking racist

Really?  Since you have been doing so much lying, would you mind telling us what page the quote is on in the book?


I don't lie... I gave up lying over a decade ago... the truth is more humorous... that look on your face... priceless (

Title: Re: Is Donald Trump A Racist or a Bigot? (uncensored)
Post by: lasersgopew on April 15, 2016, 08:50:17 PM
Quote from the Don (

I don't see how anyone could consider this racist (bazinga)
Doesn't hold a candle to the racist quotes attributed to Sanders. (

Check your facts... that is a quote by Margaret Sanger, not Bernie Sanders... stop with the slander
I know it's a quote by Margaret Sanger, racist neoliberal demigod and founder of Planned Parenthood -- I just thought we were just making shit up, since you posted that blatantly false Trump quote?

It's not false... it's printed in a book written in 1991... do you need a link, or can you google the fucking quote?
It's written in a book, so that makes it true? Interesting logic. I guess Abraham Lincoln really was a vampire hunter after all.

For your information, the book was "Trumped!: The Inside Story of the Real Donald Trump-His Cunning Rise and Spectacular Fall", and it was written by a former Trump employee, "John R. O'Donnell", who had previously been fired by Trump from his job as the president of Trump Plaza Hotel & Casino, for his poor performance.

The full quote, as alleged by the disgruntled former employee:

"I have black guys counting my money! I hate it. The only kind of people I want counting my money are short guys that wear yarmulkes every day. Those are the kind of people I want counting my money. Nobody else. Besides that, I've got to tell you something else. I think that the guy is lazy. And it's probably not his fault because laziness is a trait in blacks. It really is, I believe that. It's not anything they can control... Don't you agree?"

Let us assume for a moment that this is a legitimate quotation and that it accurately reflects his understanding of the situation -- what about it is wrong? Is it wrong because it's factually incorrect, or is it wrong because it hurts your fee-fees? Would such a sentiment, objectively an accurate portrayal of reality -- impair his ability to lead and make effective decisions? No? If on the other hand, his capacity for objective thought were so diminished as to render him incapable of recognizing the truth in that situation -- instead leading him to supplant objectivity with a narrative based solely on emotion and social expectation -- would he then be of diminished capacity as a leader? Objectively, yes.

How does the full quote make it better?  It actually makes it worse...

He basically says he hates black people... "I have black guys counting my money... I hate it!"

That's fucking racist
Is your reading comprehension really that poor, or are you, as the British would say, "taking the piss"?

Anyway, since you don't like constructive arguments or complex abstract thought, here's another famous Bernie Sanders quote:

Title: Re: Is Donald Trump A Racist or a Bigot? (uncensored)
Post by: Moloch on April 15, 2016, 11:05:55 PM
Quote from the Don (

I don't see how anyone could consider this racist (bazinga)
Doesn't hold a candle to the racist quotes attributed to Sanders. (

Check your facts... that is a quote by Margaret Sanger, not Bernie Sanders... stop with the slander
I know it's a quote by Margaret Sanger, racist neoliberal demigod and founder of Planned Parenthood -- I just thought we were just making shit up, since you posted that blatantly false Trump quote?

It's not false... it's printed in a book written in 1991... do you need a link, or can you google the fucking quote?
It's written in a book, so that makes it true? Interesting logic. I guess Abraham Lincoln really was a vampire hunter after all.

For your information, the book was "Trumped!: The Inside Story of the Real Donald Trump-His Cunning Rise and Spectacular Fall", and it was written by a former Trump employee, "John R. O'Donnell", who had previously been fired by Trump from his job as the president of Trump Plaza Hotel & Casino, for his poor performance.

The full quote, as alleged by the disgruntled former employee:

"I have black guys counting my money! I hate it. The only kind of people I want counting my money are short guys that wear yarmulkes every day. Those are the kind of people I want counting my money. Nobody else. Besides that, I've got to tell you something else. I think that the guy is lazy. And it's probably not his fault because laziness is a trait in blacks. It really is, I believe that. It's not anything they can control... Don't you agree?"

Let us assume for a moment that this is a legitimate quotation and that it accurately reflects his understanding of the situation -- what about it is wrong? Is it wrong because it's factually incorrect, or is it wrong because it hurts your fee-fees? Would such a sentiment, objectively an accurate portrayal of reality -- impair his ability to lead and make effective decisions? No? If on the other hand, his capacity for objective thought were so diminished as to render him incapable of recognizing the truth in that situation -- instead leading him to supplant objectivity with a narrative based solely on emotion and social expectation -- would he then be of diminished capacity as a leader? Objectively, yes.

How does the full quote make it better?  It actually makes it worse...

He basically says he hates black people... "I have black guys counting my money... I hate it!"

That's fucking racist

Is your reading comprehension really that poor, or are you, as the British would say, "taking the piss"?

Anyway, since you don't like constructive arguments or complex abstract thought, here's another lie about Bernie Sanders:
(propaganda removed)

Is all you have ad-hominem attacks?

1) Donald Trump is known for suing for slander... he's done it dozens of times

B) Donald Trump did not sue for slander in this particular case

One could assume that when he doesn't sue for slander, it's because it is true (slander has to be false)

Title: Re: Is Donald Trump A Racist or a Bigot? (uncensored)
Post by: Spendulus on April 15, 2016, 11:39:50 PM
B) Donald Trump did not sue for slander in this particular case

One could assume that when he doesn't sue for slander, it's because it is true (slander has to be false)

No, one could not assume that.


Title: Re: Is Donald Trump A Racist or a Bigot? (uncensored)
Post by: lasersgopew on April 16, 2016, 12:17:54 AM
Quote from the Don (

I don't see how anyone could consider this racist (bazinga)
Doesn't hold a candle to the racist quotes attributed to Sanders. (

Check your facts... that is a quote by Margaret Sanger, not Bernie Sanders... stop with the slander
I know it's a quote by Margaret Sanger, racist neoliberal demigod and founder of Planned Parenthood -- I just thought we were just making shit up, since you posted that blatantly false Trump quote?

It's not false... it's printed in a book written in 1991... do you need a link, or can you google the fucking quote?
It's written in a book, so that makes it true? Interesting logic. I guess Abraham Lincoln really was a vampire hunter after all.

For your information, the book was "Trumped!: The Inside Story of the Real Donald Trump-His Cunning Rise and Spectacular Fall", and it was written by a former Trump employee, "John R. O'Donnell", who had previously been fired by Trump from his job as the president of Trump Plaza Hotel & Casino, for his poor performance.

The full quote, as alleged by the disgruntled former employee:

"I have black guys counting my money! I hate it. The only kind of people I want counting my money are short guys that wear yarmulkes every day. Those are the kind of people I want counting my money. Nobody else. Besides that, I've got to tell you something else. I think that the guy is lazy. And it's probably not his fault because laziness is a trait in blacks. It really is, I believe that. It's not anything they can control... Don't you agree?"

Let us assume for a moment that this is a legitimate quotation and that it accurately reflects his understanding of the situation -- what about it is wrong? Is it wrong because it's factually incorrect, or is it wrong because it hurts your fee-fees? Would such a sentiment, objectively an accurate portrayal of reality -- impair his ability to lead and make effective decisions? No? If on the other hand, his capacity for objective thought were so diminished as to render him incapable of recognizing the truth in that situation -- instead leading him to supplant objectivity with a narrative based solely on emotion and social expectation -- would he then be of diminished capacity as a leader? Objectively, yes.

How does the full quote make it better?  It actually makes it worse...

He basically says he hates black people... "I have black guys counting my money... I hate it!"

That's fucking racist

Is your reading comprehension really that poor, or are you, as the British would say, "taking the piss"?

Anyway, since you don't like constructive arguments or complex abstract thought, here's another lie about Bernie Sanders:

Is all you have ad-hominem attacks?

1) Donald Trump is known for suing for slander... he's done it dozens of times

B) Donald Trump did not sue for slander in this particular case

One could assume that when he doesn't sue for slander, it's because it is true (slander has to be false)
Once again, you insist on only arguing within this false paradigm in which "BUT HES A RAYSIS!!" is a legitimate refutation, it isn't. This Hegelian dialectic you're gravitating towards is but a trap for fools, and is a calling card for the sort of neoliberal protoserfs that you'd expect to be following a self-professed Communist such as Sanders. You don't address the actual substance of any of my arguments because you can't formulate a cogent response; instead, you redirect the basis of the argument back to the original subjective crux of whether or not Trump is a racist, with the implication being that this would somehow disqualify him. Until you can see past this fundamental flaw in your reasoning, there isn't much point in me trying to provide another legitimate counterargument. It's analogous to arguing with child who responds to every riposte with "because!" -- ultimately, the child becomes the lesser of fools as the debate progresses.

It reminds me of something Bernie once said,

Title: Re: Is Donald Trump A Racist or a Bigot? (uncensored)
Post by: ravens on April 16, 2016, 12:29:16 AM
Donald Trump is a racist, he seems to be focusing on the Mexicans and the Muslims right now.

Title: Re: Is Donald Trump A Racist or a Bigot? (uncensored)
Post by: Moloch on April 16, 2016, 02:16:14 AM

Title: Re: Is Donald Trump A Racist or a Bigot? (uncensored)
Post by: Moloch on April 16, 2016, 04:19:20 PM
Donald Trump is crazy about protestors (

Title: Re: Is Donald Trump A Racist or a Bigot? (uncensored)
Post by: Moloch on April 16, 2016, 04:56:50 PM
Every Donald Trump Insult of 2015 (40 mins) (

Title: Re: Is Donald Trump A Racist or a Bigot? (uncensored)
Post by: Lethn on April 16, 2016, 05:01:20 PM
Can you morons at least get your ethnicities right if you're going to accuse people of being racist? Islam isn't a race, it's a religion, so fuck off with that bullshit.

Title: Re: Is Donald Trump A Racist or a Bigot? (uncensored)
Post by: Moloch on April 16, 2016, 05:02:40 PM
Can you morons at least get your ethnicities right if you're going to accuse people of being racist? Islam isn't a race, it's a religion, so fuck off with that bullshit.

Which makes him a bigot... check the thread title moron

noun: bigot; plural noun: bigots

    a person who is intolerant toward those holding different opinions.
    "don't let a few small-minded bigots destroy the good image of the city"
    synonyms:   chauvinist, partisan, sectarian; racist, sexist, homophobe, dogmatist, jingoist

A racist by another name is still a bigot

Besides the simple fact that Trump cannot tell one religion from another by outward appearance (and he can't ask because they could simply lie)...
Trump wants to profile anyone who looks middle-eastern, which is fucking racist as it gets... he doesn't care about religion, he cares about skin color

Title: Re: Is Donald Trump A Racist or a Bigot? (uncensored)
Post by: Lethn on April 16, 2016, 05:15:51 PM
That's fine then but use that instead of trotting out the bullshit line of Islam is a race you fucking moron, that's the problem that I have, if you're going to be outraged at least do it coherently and have a decent point behind it. Frankly though, as much as I personally dislike Donald Trump, I think people like you and especially Islamists need a good scare and to be brought into line, almost everybody on the left have been absolute pussies about standing up to Islamists who want to establish Theocracies in our countries and have stated that is exactly their intention.

People like you have been running around screaming racist at anyone that disagrees with you and attacking them for far too long and it's your own fucking fault that it's gotten to this point.

Title: Re: Is Donald Trump A Racist or a Bigot? (uncensored)
Post by: lasersgopew on April 16, 2016, 06:09:38 PM
People like you have been running around screaming racist at anyone that disagrees with you and attacking them for far too long and it's your own fucking fault that it's gotten to this point.
That's one of the most delicious ironies of the current age, that all these professional umbrage-takers have so diluted their accusatory buzzwords that they've essentially neutered their own movement. Ten years ago, calling someone a racist had a degree of weight to it, it was a serious accusation; but nowadays it just comes across as whiny and pathetic to most reasonable people. Being considered a racist is almost comical in some circles now, and the accusation is bandied about as a joke in itself -- casually calling someone a racist because they're afraid of black dogs or don't like black coffee, for instance.

In the grand scheme of things, the social justice movement has done more harm to minorities and women than any institution since Jim Crow. It's only a matter of time before no one really cares if a person is racist, and then it will only be a matter of time before racism becomes once-again commonplace and open. It's interesting from a strategic standpoint, that the only way for the SJW cult to save themselves and their movement from complete ruin, is to take their foot of the gas, take a few steps back, and distance themselves from many core elements of their collective ethos -- but to do so would also mean the collapse of the whole in exchange for the survival of a few specific chosen causes.

In essence, the entire movement could be characterized as a lone communist transvestite fox-kin, eye's closed tight on their grimaced face, pissing into the wind and screaming about how they hate getting pissed on.

Title: Re: Is Donald Trump A Racist or a Bigot? (uncensored)
Post by: Moloch on April 16, 2016, 06:30:03 PM
That's fine then but use that instead of trotting out the bullshit line of Islam is a race you fucking moron, that's the problem that I have

Nobody said Islam was a race... except you... "you fucking moron"

You pretend like I said it... so you can attack a straw-man... but I never said Islam was a race... you said that

I am simply posting some of the ridiculous things that Trump has said... if you want to interpret them as racist, that's all you brah

The man is a troll... like many of his supporters... I see why you like him so much

A presidential candidate needs to have a little dignity, self-respect, and respect for "the other" too

Title: Re: Is Donald Trump A Racist or a Bigot? (uncensored)
Post by: markj113 on April 16, 2016, 07:27:39 PM
Is Donald Trump A Racist or a Bigot?

The answer is it doesnt matter, the reason Donald has achieved so much success is that the majority of America is sick to death of being pushed around by the minority.  Getting called racist if you dare object to latest Islamic/minority demands, constantly chipping away at the Amercian way of life.

Donald Trump is the personification of a majority of people that are now saying enough is enough, get into line or go back from where you came.

Poke the sleeping bear too much and sooner or later your going to get your ass handed to you.

And its not just America, the whole of Europe is beginning to stir and say enough is enough, close the borders and ship the rapefugees back to the shit hole they came from.

The time for sympathy past when you were welcomed then decided to rape and rob the local population.

Title: Re: Is Donald Trump A Racist or a Bigot? (uncensored)
Post by: Lethn on April 16, 2016, 07:35:27 PM
Donald Trump is a racist, he seems to be focusing on the Mexicans and the Muslims right now.

You were saying? Cut it with your bullshit, you are deliberately trying to stop anybody from posting about this by throwing accusations left and right and like most people like you you're extremely hostile to anyone that even politely disagrees with you, what's funny is you never really respond to anyone, you're just sitting there ragetyping and never having a conversation with people or reading their posts properly.

Title: Re: Is Donald Trump A Racist or a Bigot? (uncensored)
Post by: Moloch on April 16, 2016, 10:13:11 PM
I think people like you and especially Islamists need a good scare and to be brought into line, almost everybody on the left have been absolute pussies about standing up to Islamists who want to establish Theocracies in our countries and have stated that is exactly their intention.

1) I am not pro-Islam... not sure where you got that idea

B) Are you seriously afraid of Islam setting up a theocracy in America?  That could never happen... Christians have been trying for 200 years and failing...

what's funny is you never really respond to anyone, you're just sitting there ragetyping and never having a conversation with people or reading their posts properly.

Quit bullshitting... you don't have a point beyond, "Islam is not a race" (self-evident)... I'm not going to argue semantics all week... bring some facts or a logical argument if you want a debate

Title: Re: Is Donald Trump A Racist or a Bigot? (uncensored)
Post by: gilangIDR on April 16, 2016, 10:52:59 PM
I really do not like donald trump. he was so racist, he does not like Muslims and immigrants. in this democratic era actually are freely provided in accordance with the regulations. while donald trump only see one side. he did not know how beautiful the value of togetherness.

Title: Re: Is Donald Trump A Racist or a Bigot? (uncensored)
Post by: malzahar on April 16, 2016, 10:56:05 PM

Its amazing how people can just look so calm, when their speech is totally against what he stands lol.

Yeah, build a wall for everything..  I`m totally voting for bernie. I rather have a weirdo then a crazy wall builder.

Title: Re: Is Donald Trump A Racist or a Bigot? (uncensored)
Post by: Moloch on April 17, 2016, 06:13:16 AM
IMHO, this is one of the worst things Trump has said

Donald Trump on ISIS: 'You have to take out their families' (

It's horrible to condone murdering innocent civilians...

Title: Re: Is Donald Trump A Racist or a Bigot? (uncensored)
Post by: lasersgopew on April 17, 2016, 07:23:40 PM
IMHO, this is one of the worst things Trump has said

Donald Trump on ISIS: 'You have to take out their families' (

It's horrible to condone murdering innocent civilians...
A statement that he later backed away from (

Meanwhile, the drone program that's championed by Obama and his ilk, has killed 90% innocent civilians in some cases ( Even intentionally killing a 16-year-old American citizen by blowing up the entire restaurant he was in ( Don't worry though, we also blow up our own hostages and those of our allies ( sometimes as well.

In case you're heart is bleeding for those poor souls whose lives were unduly cut short by having red-hot metal fragments inexplicably shred their organs and blast waves crush the skulls of their children before them, fret not, for chairman Sanders fully endorses and pledges to continue the program ( if elected.

A factually correct paraphrasing of Sanders' position would be, "I endorse and pledge to continue the willful killing of innocent civilians, in instances where we have reason to believe that someone who is not very nice might be in that general area".

Do you really want a petulant and ill-tempered 74-year-old Communist bum, who thinks it's okay to willfully murder civilians, and who supports the overthrow of a democratically-elected government in Syria -- to have any real power? Or is this simply more feigned outrage? Surely innocent people are just as dead when a "progressive" kills them, right? I mean, communism alone has lead to the death of nearly 100 million people in the last century...

Title: Re: Is Donald Trump A Racist or a Bigot? (uncensored)
Post by: Moloch on April 18, 2016, 03:55:10 AM
IMHO, this is one of the worst things Trump has said

Donald Trump on ISIS: 'You have to take out their families' (

It's horrible to condone murdering innocent civilians...
A statement that he later backed away from (

Meanwhile, the drone program that's championed by Obama and his ilk, has killed 90% innocent civilians in some cases ( Even intentionally killing a 16-year-old American citizen by blowing up the entire restaurant he was in ( Don't worry though, we also blow up our own hostages and those of our allies ( sometimes as well.

In case you're heart is bleeding for those poor souls whose lives were unduly cut short by having red-hot metal fragments inexplicably shred their organs and blast waves crush the skulls of their children before them, fret not, for chairman Sanders fully endorses and pledges to continue the program ( if elected.

A factually correct paraphrasing of Sanders' position would be, "I endorse and pledge to continue the willful killing of innocent civilians, in instances where we have reason to believe that someone who is not very nice might be in that general area".

Do you really want a petulant and ill-tempered 74-year-old Communist bum, who thinks it's okay to willfully murder civilians, and who supports the overthrow of a democratically-elected government in Syria -- to have any real power? Or is this simply more feigned outrage? Surely innocent people are just as dead when a "progressive" kills them, right? I mean, communism alone has lead to the death of nearly 100 million people in the last century...

1) You are completely wrong about Sanders... he actually said, "no more wars"... he does not advocate killing anyone
Bernie Sanders: "No More Wars" (

B) This isn't about Obama or drone strikes (which I also disapprove of)

iii) I don't care how many times Trump backs away from the stupid shit he says, he still said it... he still meant it... the fact that his advisors told him he needs to write an apology and take it back is meaningless... it's the thought that counts

Title: Re: Is Donald Trump A Racist or a Bigot? (uncensored)
Post by: bryant.coleman on April 18, 2016, 07:43:44 AM
IMHO, this is one of the worst things Trump has said

Donald Trump on ISIS: 'You have to take out their families' (

It's horrible to condone murdering innocent civilians...

This is what I hate about the ultra-left wing nuts. You never condone the atrocities by ISIS. You all cheered and laughed when the ISIS barbarians were raping 5-year old and 6-year old Yazidi children. But when someone says that we should "go after" the family members of these ISIS  guys, then you all get upset. Once more, he said "go after", rather than "take out".

Title: Re: Is Donald Trump A Racist or a Bigot? (uncensored)
Post by: Moloch on April 18, 2016, 05:06:07 PM
IMHO, this is one of the worst things Trump has said

Donald Trump on ISIS: 'You have to take out their families' (

It's horrible to condone murdering innocent civilians...

This is what I hate about the ultra-left wing nuts. You never condone the atrocities by ISIS. You all cheered and laughed when the ISIS barbarians were raping 5-year old and 6-year old Yazidi children. But when someone says that we should "go after" the family members of these ISIS  guys, then you all get upset. Once more, he said "go after", rather than "take out".

First, the word you are looking for is condemn, not condone... words are important...

Second... I'm not aware of anyone who cheered or laughed when ISIS was raping children (I don't even recall this happening, I think you made it up)
Where do you get the idea that anyone approves of ISIS?  Who said they like ISIS?  Anyone?
You are (falsely) accusing the people you disagree with of being evil... plain and simple... bigotry in action

As far as Trump goes, he didn't say we need to "go after them" (he lied in his public apology), he said, "TAKE OUT THEIR FAMILIES" (3 times) ( (time queued, so you can hear Trump say it 3 times)
Quote from: Donald Trump
The other thing is with the terrorists... you have to take out their families
When you get these terrorists, you have to take out their families
They care about their lives, don't kid yourself
But they say they don't care about their lives, you have to take out their families

He's talking about murder... there is no other way to interpret that... unless you think he means, "take them out for dinner"?  Get a fucking clue

Title: Re: Is Donald Trump A Racist or a Bigot? (uncensored)
Post by: Spendulus on April 18, 2016, 05:30:25 PM
iii) I don't care how many times Trump backs away from the stupid shit he says, he still said it... he still meant it... the fact that his advisors told him he needs to write an apology and take it back is meaningless... it's the thought that counts

Oh, but that isn't true with the Great Bern?


Title: Re: Is Donald Trump A Racist or a Bigot? (uncensored)
Post by: Moloch on April 18, 2016, 06:11:46 PM
iii) I don't care how many times Trump backs away from the stupid shit he says, he still said it... he still meant it... the fact that his advisors told him he needs to write an apology and take it back is meaningless... it's the thought that counts

Oh, but that isn't true with the Great Bern?


Can you name something specific that Bernie has change his mind about?

Anything at all?

Title: Re: Is Donald Trump A Racist or a Bigot? (uncensored)
Post by: Tyrantt on April 18, 2016, 10:14:16 PM
If someone who's not white is a drug dealer or a killer, a rapist or anything like that, you cant say he's a bad guy because you'll be marked as aracist.

Title: Re: Is Donald Trump A Racist or a Bigot? (uncensored)
Post by: Tyrantt on April 18, 2016, 10:16:13 PM
You are (falsely) accusing the people you disagree with of being evil... plain and simple... bigotry in action

libtards in a nutshell.

Title: Re: Is Donald Trump A Racist or a Bigot? (uncensored)
Post by: Spendulus on April 18, 2016, 11:07:14 PM
iii) I don't care how many times Trump backs away from the stupid shit he says, he still said it... he still meant it... the fact that his advisors told him he needs to write an apology and take it back is meaningless... it's the thought that counts

Oh, but that isn't true with the Great Bern?


Can you name something specific that Bernie has change his mind about?

Anything at all?


About winning.

To about, not winning.

Title: Re: Is Donald Trump A Racist or a Bigot? (uncensored)
Post by: bryant.coleman on April 19, 2016, 04:59:47 AM
If someone who's not white is a drug dealer or a killer, a rapist or anything like that, you cant say he's a bad guy because you'll be marked as aracist.

This is exactly what happened in Rotherham, where thousands of white kids were raped and brutalized by gangs of middle-aged Pakistanis. Rabid political correctness has resulted in the complete emasculation of the Europeans.

Fortunately, the situation in the United States is not as bad as it is in the European Union. I just hope that it will remain as it is now.

Title: Re: Is Donald Trump A Racist or a Bigot? (uncensored)
Post by: Moloch on April 19, 2016, 04:24:56 PM (

“Ariana Huffington is unattractive, both inside and out. I fully understand why her former husband left her for a man – he made a good decision.”

“You know, it really doesn’t matter what the media write as long as you’ve got a young, and beautiful, piece of ass.”

“When Mexico sends its people, they’re not sending the best. They’re not sending you, they’re sending people that have lots of problems and they’re bringing those problems with us. They’re bringing drugs. They’re bring crime. They’re rapists… And some, I assume, are good people.”

“All of the women on The Apprentice flirted with me – consciously or unconsciously. That’s to be expected.”

“One of they key problems today is that politics is such a disgrace. Good people don’t go into government.” (actually a true statement, though it applies to Trump as well)

“The beauty of me is that I’m very rich.”

“I’ve said if Ivanka weren’t my daughter, perhaps I’d be dating her.”

“My fingers are long and beautiful, as, it has been well documented, are various other parts of my body.”

“I have never seen a thin person drinking Diet Coke.”

“I think the only difference between me and the other candidates is that I’m more honest and my women are more beautiful.”

"The point is, you can never be too greedy."

"My IQ is one of the highest — and you all know it! Please don't feel so stupid or insecure; it's not your fault."

"Lyin' Ted Cruz just used a picture of Melania from a shoot in his ad. Be careful, Lyin' Ted, or I will spill the beans on your wife!"

Title: Re: Is Donald Trump A Racist or a Bigot? (uncensored)
Post by: iluvbitcoins on April 19, 2016, 07:59:49 PM
What the fuck happened to this forum

A while back, 95% of this forum was left-winged, I find a dozen of racist posts in every thread

Mostly from Orthodox countries lol
And they will say Islam teaches bad things  :D

Title: Re: Is Donald Trump A Racist or a Bigot? (uncensored)
Post by: The_prodigy on April 20, 2016, 04:08:21 AM
So many racist bastards are in forum.
This mentality will put world in fire.
You are right with that dude. But we cannot stop racism in this world. Maybe trump is their leader.
You're also right with that. But unfortunately i am afraid that when he comes he will be a new Hitler

I agree to you mate even Hillary clinton call him a racist, well thats the fact that this world is full of racist and racism is one of the problem in this world. New hitler that will cause wwIII sigh*

Title: Re: Is Donald Trump A Racist or a Bigot? (uncensored)
Post by: bryant.coleman on April 20, 2016, 04:39:47 AM
What the fuck happened to this forum

Yeah.... that's what I've been thinking.

A while back, 95% of this forum was left-winged, I find a dozen of racist posts in every thread

A while back, 95% of this forum was libertarian and free from left-wing nuts. There were no "racist (anti-white)" posts. During the past two years, we have seen an influx of retarded left wing nuts from third world countries such as Pakistan and Turkey. And the quality of the forum posts have gone down. (You joined in 2014. I had joined in 2012).

Mostly from Orthodox countries lol
And they will say Islam teaches bad things  :D

Islamists have issues not only with the Orthodox Christians. They have issues with every other religion, and even atheists.

Title: Re: Is Donald Trump A Racist or a Bigot? (uncensored)
Post by: iluvbitcoins on April 20, 2016, 09:47:58 PM
A while back, 95% of this forum was libertarian and free from left-wing nuts. There were no "racist (anti-white)" posts. During the past two years, we have seen an influx of retarded left wing nuts from third world countries such as Pakistan and Turkey. And the quality of the forum posts have gone down. (You joined in 2014. I had joined in 2012).

That's what I meant basically
I reckognize myself as libertarian, at least the closes to my personal opinions altough it differs
However, there has been many posts here that generalize too much

I joined in 2013 actually, this isn't my first account  :)
*owning multiple accounts on this forum is allowed*

Islamists have issues not only with the Orthodox Christians. They have issues with every other religion, and even atheists.

I said, Orthodox Christians tend to be more racist, at least on this forum, and you claim islam = evil

If anything ISIS hates muslims more then christians, the first thing they want to do is deal with muslims who don't share the same version of islam with them  :D
Then with other religions

Of course, we didn't care about this until Paris, Brussels etc.
Not until it spilled in our own yard