Bitcoin Forum

Alternate cryptocurrencies => Altcoin Discussion => Topic started by: TheDashGuy on July 04, 2016, 10:26:13 PM

Title: Time to end the XMR vs DASH battle: Confessions of a Dash Enthusiast
Post by: TheDashGuy on July 04, 2016, 10:26:13 PM
Time to end the XMR vs DASH battle: Confessions of a Dash supporter, troll and critic.

There has long been a feud between Monero & Dash, as well as among Monero and the rest of the crypto space.. but lets take a step back. I started researching Bitcoin back in 2010, and finally jumped in mid 2011, because I saw a way to become unbanked, I saw a way to help push the world forward, and most of all, I saw a way to give children (one day) a better life than I had, with more freedoms, less taxes and more life overall in general. I'm not here to make a quick buck, I'm here to help fix the world. Let's get that cleared up right away. (feel free to verify this inside the Dash community)

This was the beginning of my obsession with the crypto space, the blockchain and decentralization overall.. after a few years I realized what faults Bitcoin really had that didn't seem to be on anyones roadmap to getting fixed, so I started looking for Bitcoin 2.0, I spent quite a few months last year digging through BTCtalk, forums, social media and in IRC channels. I found quite a few wonderfully ingenious ideas that I wasn't sure would take off in the process, but at the end of it all I settled on adding Dash to my portfolio (yes I know all about the instamine, not here to discuss that, I'm here to discuss why I never found out about, nor care about Monero and why I believe that is the case). And I hope after reading this the Monero trolls will calm their asses down...because the only reason this story is being written is out of the pure hilarity of it. Otherwise I would have just kept it to myself and giggled all the way to the bank!

Anyways, I'm not the best writer as you can see, so I will just jump right in to the funnies and life lessons.

Trolling is bad, useless & waste of everyones time. (unless you are me)
We all know Monero loves to troll the rest of the communities out there in an effort to claw up some more exposure, and while I will give them props for thier ability to mobilize quickly, I would go as far to say these tactics are harming Monero overall in the long run. Having Monero supporters planted everywhere in an almost NSA like effort to infiltrate the crowd, is NOT what crypto is about, crypto is about pushing the world forward, whether that's with Bitcoin, Monero, Dash, or even Litecoin I couldn't care less. I just want us to succeed as a whole, I want to live in a (more) decentralized world where I'm not someone's corporate slave, and sadly Monerobros, you guys are helping ruin that entire idea with your tactless trolling and attacking of anyone/everyone in this space.

Most children only learn a lesson by experiencing it for themselves and extrapolating that lesson, let's apply this to Monero trolls.

The Monerobros as of late have taken notice of my scolding some Dash core team members (on the Dash forums) and thought it would be a good idea to quote me and create threads about how awesomely honest I am and how they would love me in their monerobro crew.. so me being the jokester I am thought it would be funny to drop by the "Dashnation civil war" war thread and joke around, little did I know MONERO HAS THE MOST GULLIBLE CROWD IN CRYPTO! After posting my funny post, people started suggesting I was a fake and to post proof on the Monero Subreddit on TheDashGuy reddit account, so I did. Then I proceeded to play this angle for a few hours walking a very fine line between having "quit" Dash to supposedly becoming a "Monero convert", within hours I had started receive some donations and at first it was merely just fun and games, then eventually hit 9 XMR, 30 XMR, 240 XMR.. then finally 300 XMR  I will be using your funds to fund DashNation content and I am super greatful some of you have such a good heart, regardless of this, I still have to make a point about how this type of attitude is being wasted in your community, you guys spend so much time arguing, shaming, bitching & trolling that you don't have anytime left over to actually grow your coin! It's craziness I tell you!

Toxicity is bad for everyone.  And bad for Crypto!
Noone listens to you or takes you seriously anyways, I should know. And let me be clear, I have nothing against Monero as a currency, but I do despise FUD, and the general being an ass without a cause. If you have to be rude to get your point across, maybe do more research on your point and come back with a better argument? Trolling will do nothing but further ruin Monero's reputation, so get it under control or face a backlash of enormous effects from the entire crypto world when everyone collectively gets sick of this.

Some screens for added effect:

This is some of the $120 given out in the Dash Slack

This is some of all the lovely tips I received for "defecting from Dash" (which never happened, they just cherry picked me blowing up on core team of disagreements and quitting the Dash forums to better spend my time supporting Dash than arguing with a stupid member there all the time)

This is some of the donations about to rain on all the online members of the Slack channel! They loved it!

You guys have a very nice community aside from the trolls from what I can tell, so do something about it before those trolls take you down with them. I for one don't see a point in all this infighting between coins, we are all here for the same reason, the reason I stated I am here, to change the world. And we cannot do that divided, so stop trolling and start hugging!

If any of you are tired of the unhealthy trolling behavior, maybe look into a coin like Dash that is advancing crypto, as you guys may notice we often keep our heads down and keep marching forward, something more cryptos should be doing, not this crap. And sidenote; Monero fellas are quite gullible: Noone quit Dash for Monero, Sorry! I may have issues with certain aspects of the currency, but I'm still here, working my ass off for it. I hope to improve and fix the issues I see, not cry and bitch until I get bored and move on. We should all try being a little nicer to one another around here and stop throwing shit around all day, it stinks!

A Crypto Evangelist since 2011

oh and here's some links for fun and historical purposes:

This thread is why I did this: ( I run DashNation LOL & there is no "civil war", just more trolling.)

These threads were funny:

Some people inspired to participate with my funnies:

 ;D ;) ::) :P ;D :D

Oh and go checkout DashNation the website everyone!

edit: Enjoy the 4th of July Fireworks everyone! Off to a BBQ I go!

Title: Re: Time to end the XMR vs DASH battle: Confessions of a Dash Enthusiast
Post by: rangedriver on July 04, 2016, 10:33:55 PM

Title: Re: Time to end the XMR vs DASH battle: Confessions of a Dash Enthusiast
Post by: phishead on July 04, 2016, 10:41:00 PM
I'm confused... If we are trolling, then what are you doing? Just being a dick?

Title: Re: Time to end the XMR vs DASH battle: Confessions of a Dash Enthusiast
Post by: TheDashGuy on July 04, 2016, 10:53:03 PM
I'm confused... If we are trolling, then what are you doing? Just being a dick?

Showcasing that trolling is going to cost and does nothing but hurt peoples feelings and hurt crypto as a whole.

And yes this was a dickmove, clearly.

morale of the story, stop trolling before it costs Monero a whole lot more than $600-$700 USD...

Title: Re: Time to end the XMR vs DASH battle: Confessions of a Dash Enthusiast
Post by: TaoOfSaatoshi on July 04, 2016, 10:59:41 PM
Time to end the XMR vs DASH battle: Confessions of a Dash supporter, troll and critic.

There has long been a feud between Monero & Dash, as well as among Monero and the rest of the crypto space.. but lets take a step back. I started researching Bitcoin back in 2010, and finally jumped in mid 2011, because I saw a way to become unbanked, I saw a way to help push the world forward, and most of all, I saw a way to give children (one day) a better life than I had, with more freedoms, less taxes and more life overall in general. I'm not here to make a quick buck, I'm here to help fix the world. Let's get that cleared up right away. (feel free to verify this inside the Dash community)

This was the beginning of my obsession with the crypto space, the blockchain and decentralization overall.. after a few years I realized what faults Bitcoin really had that didn't seem to be on anyones roadmap to getting fixed, so I started looking for Bitcoin 2.0, I spent quite a few months last year digging through BTCtalk, forums, social media and in IRC channels. I found quite a few wonderfully ingenious ideas that I wasn't sure would take off in the process, but at the end of it all I settled on adding Dash to my portfolio (yes I know all about the instamine, not here to discuss that, I'm here to discuss why I never found out about, nor care about Monero and why I believe that is the case). And I hope after reading this the Monero trolls will calm their asses down...because the only reason this story is being written is out of the pure hilarity of it. Otherwise I would have just kept it to myself and giggled all the way to the bank!

Anyways, I'm not the best writer as you can see, so I will just jump right in to the funnies and life lessons.

Trolling is bad, useless & waste of everyones time. (unless you are me)
We all know Monero loves to troll the rest of the communities out there in an effort to claw up some more exposure, and while I will give them props for thier ability to mobilize quickly, I would go as far to say these tactics are harming Monero overall in the long run. Having Monero supporters planted everywhere in an almost NSA like effort to infiltrate the crowd, is NOT what crypto is about, crypto is about pushing the world forward, whether that's with Bitcoin, Monero, Dash, or even Litecoin I couldn't care less. I just want us to succeed as a whole, I want to live in a (more) decentralized world where I'm not someone's corporate slave, and sadly Monerobros, you guys are helping ruin that entire idea with your tactless trolling and attacking of anyone/everyone in this space.

Most children only learn a lesson by experiencing it for themselves and extrapolating that lesson, let's apply this to Monero trolls.

The Monerobros as of late have taken notice of my scolding some Dash core team members (on the Dash forums) and thought it would be a good idea to quote me and create threads about how awesomely honest I am and how they would love me in their monerobro crew.. so me being the jokester I am thought it would be funny to drop by the "Dashnation civil war" war thread and joke around, little did I know MONERO HAS THE MOST GULLIBLE CROWD IN CRYPTO! After posting my funny post, people started suggesting I was a fake and to post proof on the Monero Subreddit on TheDashGuy reddit account, so I did. Then I proceeded to play this angle for a few hours walking a very fine line between having "quit" Dash to supposedly becoming a "Monero convert", within hours I had started receive some donations and at first it was merely just fun and games, then eventually hit 9 XMR, 30 XMR, 240 XMR.. then finally 300 XMR  I will be using your funds to fund DashNation content and I am super greatful some of you have such a good heart, regardless of this, I still have to make a point about how this type of attitude is being wasted in your community, you guys spend so much time arguing, shaming, bitching & trolling that you don't have anytime left over to actually grow your coin! It's craziness I tell you!

Toxicity is bad for everyone.  And bad for Crypto!
Noone listens to you or takes you seriously anyways, I should know. And let me be clear, I have nothing against Monero as a currency, but I do despise FUD, and the general being an ass without a cause. If you have to be rude to get your point across, maybe do more research on your point and come back with a better argument? Trolling will do nothing but further ruin Monero's reputation, so get it under control or face a backlash of enormous effects from the entire crypto world when everyone collectively gets sick of this.

Some screens for added effect:

This is some of the $120 given out in the Dash Slack

This is some of all the lovely tips I received for "defecting from Dash" (which never happened, they just cherry picked me blowing up on core team of disagreements and quitting the Dash forums to better spend my time supporting Dash than arguing with a stupid member there all the time)

This is some of the donations about to rain on all the online members of the Slack channel! They loved it!

You guys have a very nice community aside from the trolls from what I can tell, so do something about it before those trolls take you down with them. I for one don't see a point in all this infighting between coins, we are all here for the same reason, the reason I stated I am here, to change the world. And we cannot do that divided, so stop trolling and start hugging!

If any of you are tired of the unhealthy trolling behavior, maybe look into a coin like Dash that is advancing crypto, as you guys may notice we often keep our heads down and keep marching forward, something more cryptos should be doing, not this crap. And sidenote; Monero fellas are quite gullible: Noone quit Dash for Monero, Sorry! I may have issues with certain aspects of the currency, but I'm still here, working my ass off for it. I hope to improve and fix the issues I see, not cry and bitch until I get bored and move on. We should all try being a little nicer to one another around here and stop throwing shit around all day, it stinks!

A Crypto Evangelist since 2011

oh and here's some links for fun and historical purposes:

This thread is why I did this: ( I run DashNation LOL & there is no "civil war", just more trolling.)

These threads were funny:

Some people inspired to participate with my funnies:

 ;D ;) ::) :P ;D :D

Oh and go checkout DashNation the website everyone!

edit: Enjoy the 4th of July Fireworks everyone! Off to a BBQ I go!

The force is strong with this one.

Yes, Dash Nation is stronger than ever, many people interested in checking out all of the innovation Dash has to offer. The building of a strong community around Dash is my passion, and it's good to see more people contributing to the cause daily. Thanks for helping me build a nice site to cultivate my vision.

Title: Re: Time to end the XMR vs DASH battle: Confessions of a Dash Enthusiast
Post by: phishead on July 04, 2016, 11:07:09 PM
I'm confused... If we are trolling, then what are you doing? Just being a dick?

Showcasing that trolling is going to cost and does nothing but hurt peoples feelings and hurt crypto as a whole.

And yes this was a dickmove, clearly.

morale of the story, stop trolling before it costs Monero a whole lot more than $600-$700 USD...

So you are being a dick, AKA being a troll, in order to show us that trolling is going to cause us Monero supporters to lose money... ? Brilliant.

Title: Re: Time to end the XMR vs DASH battle: Confessions of a Dash Enthusiast
Post by: TaoOfSaatoshi on July 04, 2016, 11:13:50 PM
Can't believe they paid TheDashGuy 300XMR to try convert him haha.
I'll start the bidding on the puppy's services at 1,000 XMR. (Monero Nation?  ;D Nah, doesn't have the same ring to it...)

Title: Re: Time to end the XMR vs DASH battle: Confessions of a Dash Enthusiast
Post by: CoinHoarder on July 04, 2016, 11:15:23 PM
I think both are innovative and useful in their own ways. I agree that intra-cryptocurrency trolling is counterproductive to the ideal end game.

Title: Re: Time to end the XMR vs DASH battle: Confessions of a Dash Enthusiast
Post by: rangedriver on July 04, 2016, 11:16:01 PM
One of the fundamental properties of junk mail is to ensure that it is sufficiently riddled with poor spelling and grammar, thus making only the very stupid fall for the underlying scam.

Dash kinda functions in a similar manner. If you look at the Dash userbase - that is to say those Dash users that have not deserted - it is only really the very stupid that remain.

Thus, it functions as a kind of of Hornet's Nest operation - a "Dash trap" ensuring that only the very stupid users are waving the flag, bringing new stupid users in, and consequently allowing for an environment where the userbase are prisoners of their own stupidity. The effect of their stupidity ensures that they are unable to discern the qualifications of a good/bad project, thus keeping them all trapped together in perpetuity.

The plus side is though that it effectively quarantines all the unintelligent users together and keeps them from escaping into better projects where they might allow their dysfunctional idiocy to spread.

Title: Re: Time to end the XMR vs DASH battle: Confessions of a Dash Enthusiast
Post by: itscrazy on July 04, 2016, 11:18:00 PM
I think both are innovative and useful in their own ways. I agree that intra-cryptocurrency trolling is counterproductive to the ideal end game.
Agree with you, I have nothing against Monero, other than their trolls that constantly hang on other coins forums trolling other communities.

Title: Re: Time to end the XMR vs DASH battle: Confessions of a Dash Enthusiast
Post by: TaoOfSaatoshi on July 04, 2016, 11:20:38 PM
I think both are innovative and useful in their own ways. I agree that intra-cryptocurrency trolling is counterproductive to the ideal end game.
Amen, brother. There is plenty of world GDP for a lot of currencies simultaneously. Let's not waste our resources with infighting, when there is a bigger target to conquer.

One of the fundamental properties of junk mail is to ensure that it is sufficiently riddled with poor spelling and grammar, thus making only the very stupid fall for the underlying scam.

Dash kinda functions in a similar manner. If you look at the Dash userbase - that is to say those Dash users that have not deserted - it is only really the very stupid that remain.

Thus, it functions as a kind of of Hornet's Nest operation - a "Dash trap" ensuring that only the very stupid users are waving the flag, bringing new stupid users in, and consequently allowing for an environment where the userbase are prisoners of their own stupidity.

This means that the effect of their stupidity ensures that they are unable to discern the qualifications of a good/bad project, thus keeping them all trapped together in perpetuity. The plus side is though that it effectively quarantines all the unintelligent users together and keeps them from escaping into better projects where they might allow their dysfunctional idiocy to spread.

Exceptional hypothesis. Too bad I didn't understand a word of that unsubstantiated crap, as I am too stupid.  ::)

Title: Re: Time to end the XMR vs DASH battle: Confessions of a Dash Enthusiast
Post by: fluffypony on July 04, 2016, 11:22:18 PM
Anyways, I'm not the best writer as you can see, so I will just jump right in to the funnies and life lessons.

I don't get it. There was a predictable level of schadenfreude from some in the community, but you certainly were not glorified nor vilified. Perhaps you can explain the "life lessons" you were trying to teach?

Do you think if someone came to the Dash subreddit, and said they were quitting Monero, the reaction would be different?

If any of you are tired of the unhealthy trolling behavior, maybe look into a coin like Dash that is advancing crypto, as you guys may notice we often keep our heads down and keep marching forward, something more cryptos should be doing, not this crap.

By your own claim in this thread, the individual members of a cryptocurrency's community are inseparable from the cryptocurrency itself. Thus, I present to you the very basis for Dash "advancing crypto[graphy]" -

blockchains are not secured by math, they are secured by code which is not the same as "math". It is a particular coder's idea of math which can be anything they see fit to type out on a whim.

I look forward to Dash's peer-reviewed white papers that contain no mathematics.

Title: Re: Time to end the XMR vs DASH battle: Confessions of a Dash Enthusiast
Post by: TaoOfSaatoshi on July 04, 2016, 11:32:39 PM
I look forward to Dash's peer-reviewed white papers that contain no mathematics.
And I look forward to Monero's leaders standing up and publicly denouncing the wretched behaviour of their band of trolls that serve to make all of crypto look bad, not to mention hold Monero back. Alas, that will never happen either.

We need to end this. I'm definitely not the only one who feels this way. I hope you are in agreement on that point.

Title: Re: Time to end the XMR vs DASH battle: Confessions of a Dash Enthusiast
Post by: aleix on July 04, 2016, 11:37:44 PM

Dash kinda functions in a similar manner. If you look at the Dash userbase - that is to say those Dash users that have not deserted - it is only really the very stupid that remain.

Thus, it functions as a kind of of Hornet's Nest operation - a "Dash trap" ensuring that only the very stupid users are waving the flag, bringing new stupid users in, and consequently allowing for an environment where the userbase are prisoners of their own stupidity. The effect of their stupidity ensures that they are unable to discern the qualifications of a good/bad project, thus keeping them all trapped together in perpetuity.

This kind of sense of superiority and condescension towards (all) other alt communities.

This is what makes Monero as a community so despicable.

Title: Re: Time to end the XMR vs DASH battle: Confessions of a Dash Enthusiast
Post by: rangedriver on July 04, 2016, 11:41:54 PM

Dash kinda functions in a similar manner. If you look at the Dash userbase - that is to say those Dash users that have not deserted - it is only really the very stupid that remain.

Thus, it functions as a kind of of Hornet's Nest operation - a "Dash trap" ensuring that only the very stupid users are waving the flag, bringing new stupid users in, and consequently allowing for an environment where the userbase are prisoners of their own stupidity. The effect of their stupidity ensures that they are unable to discern the qualifications of a good/bad project, thus keeping them all trapped together in perpetuity.

This kind of sense superiority and condescension towards (all) other alt communities.

This is what makes Monero as a community so despicable.

Some people say Monero has an arrogant community. I can live with that.

Ultimately, if I'm pushing millions round markets, I just need to know that the system works and isn't founded on heaps of bullshit. I don't give a flying fuck how arrogant the community is, providing they have a modicum of objectivity and are demonstrably fair.

Title: Re: Time to end the XMR vs DASH battle: Confessions of a Dash Enthusiast
Post by: itscrazy on July 04, 2016, 11:43:52 PM
I look forward to Dash's peer-reviewed white papers that contain no mathematics.
And I look forward to Monero's leaders standing up and publicly denouncing the wretched behaviour of their band of trolls that serve to make all of crypto look bad, not to mention hold Monero back. Alas, that will never happen either.

We need to end this. I'm definitely not the only one who feels this way. I hope you are in agreement on that point.
Yup, Dash and Monero could be strong together rather than weak and apart. I for one would never look to invest in Monero purely because of their communities behaviour. It is not a good look when the leader of Monero doesn't try to stop the incredible amount of trolling committed by his community.
Call off the troops Fluffy and instead pay them to help push Monero forward. Attacking others just loses you all credibility and gets you no where.

Title: Re: Time to end the XMR vs DASH battle: Confessions of a Dash Enthusiast
Post by: rangedriver on July 04, 2016, 11:47:49 PM
Call off the troops Fluffy and instead pay them to help push Monero forward.

This sentence sums up exactly why Dash users will never understand the concept of decentralization.

Title: Re: Time to end the XMR vs DASH battle: Confessions of a Dash Enthusiast
Post by: fluffypony on July 04, 2016, 11:47:59 PM
I look forward to Dash's peer-reviewed white papers that contain no mathematics.
And I look forward to Monero's leaders standing up and publicly denouncing the wretched behaviour of their band of trolls that serve to make all of crypto look bad, not to mention hold Monero back. Alas, that will never happen either.

We need to end this. I'm definitely not the only one who feels this way. I hope you are in agreement on that point.

I will absolutely not denounce anyone. They are intelligent individuals who are welcome to say whatever they want. If I am to denounce them because they are critical of some other project, where does that end? What if some community members decide they don't like sushi, which I love - should I denounce them too? What if they have different moral beliefs, or religious beliefs, or they don't love dogs as much as I do?

Your call for "Monero's leaders" (such as they exist) to denounce members of the community for this is a disgusting attack on free speech.

Title: Re: Time to end the XMR vs DASH battle: Confessions of a Dash Enthusiast
Post by: itscrazy on July 04, 2016, 11:50:46 PM
I look forward to Dash's peer-reviewed white papers that contain no mathematics.
And I look forward to Monero's leaders standing up and publicly denouncing the wretched behaviour of their band of trolls that serve to make all of crypto look bad, not to mention hold Monero back. Alas, that will never happen either.

We need to end this. I'm definitely not the only one who feels this way. I hope you are in agreement on that point.

I will absolutely not denounce anyone. They are intelligent individuals who are welcome to say whatever they want. If I am to denounce them because they are critical of some other project, where does that end? What if some community members decide they don't like sushi, which I love - should I denounce them too? What if they have different moral beliefs, or religious beliefs, or they don't love dogs as much as I do?

Your call for "Monero's leaders" (such as they exist) to denounce members of the community for this is a disgusting attack on free speech.
It's kinda not free speech when you pay them to troll others.
Nice try though.

Title: Re: Time to end the XMR vs DASH battle: Confessions of a Dash Enthusiast
Post by: TaoOfSaatoshi on July 04, 2016, 11:53:40 PM
I look forward to Dash's peer-reviewed white papers that contain no mathematics.
And I look forward to Monero's leaders standing up and publicly denouncing the wretched behaviour of their band of trolls that serve to make all of crypto look bad, not to mention hold Monero back. Alas, that will never happen either.

We need to end this. I'm definitely not the only one who feels this way. I hope you are in agreement on that point.

I will absolutely not denounce anyone. They are intelligent individuals who are welcome to say whatever they want. If I am to denounce them because they are critical of some other project, where does that end? What if some community members decide they don't like sushi, which I love - should I denounce them too? What if they have different moral beliefs, or religious beliefs, or they don't love dogs as much as I do?

Your call for "Monero's leaders" (such as they exist) to denounce members of the community for this is a disgusting attack on free speech.
Ok, fair enough. Let me ask YOU this, then. Do you condone the behaviour of these individuals? Do you think that is the direction that Monero (and crypto as a whole) should be taking? I've got my Twitter account waiting for your answer, either way...

Title: Re: Time to end the XMR vs DASH battle: Confessions of a Dash Enthusiast
Post by: jwinterm on July 04, 2016, 11:56:04 PM
It's kinda not free speech when you pay them to troll others.
Nice try though.

Lol, not saying it is our isn't paid, but isn't paid political speech "free speech", at least in USA after citizen's united ruling.

Title: Re: Time to end the XMR vs DASH battle: Confessions of a Dash Enthusiast
Post by: fluffypony on July 05, 2016, 12:04:36 AM
It's kinda not free speech when you pay them to troll others.
Nice try though.

Nobody is getting paid, that's a ridiculous conspiracy theory.

Title: Re: Time to end the XMR vs DASH battle: Confessions of a Dash Enthusiast
Post by: fluffypony on July 05, 2016, 12:10:40 AM
Ok, fair enough. Let me ask YOU this, then. Do you condone the behaviour of these individuals? Do you think that is the direction that Monero (and crypto as a whole) should be taking? I've got my Twitter account waiting for your answer, either way...

I absolutely, 100% think that the claims of projects should be questioned. I devote a few minutes to that very topic in a talk I recently gave in Arnhem in the Netherlands: (YouTube link should take you straight to the right time in the talk, else fast-forward to 26:46).

Title: Re: Time to end the XMR vs DASH battle: Confessions of a Dash Enthusiast
Post by: illodin on July 05, 2016, 12:14:59 AM
I look forward to Dash's peer-reviewed white papers that contain no mathematics.
And I look forward to Monero's leaders standing up and publicly denouncing the wretched behaviour of their band of trolls that serve to make all of crypto look bad, not to mention hold Monero back. Alas, that will never happen either.

We need to end this. I'm definitely not the only one who feels this way. I hope you are in agreement on that point.

I will absolutely not denounce anyone. They are intelligent individuals who are welcome to say whatever they want. If I am to denounce them because they are critical of some other project, where does that end? What if some community members decide they don't like sushi, which I love - should I denounce them too? What if they have different moral beliefs, or religious beliefs, or they don't love dogs as much as I do?

Your call for "Monero's leaders" (such as they exist) to denounce members of the community for this is a disgusting attack on free speech.

Them disliking sushi doesn't harm your project.

Title: Re: Time to end the XMR vs DASH battle: Confessions of a Dash Enthusiast
Post by: TaoOfSaatoshi on July 05, 2016, 12:21:01 AM
Ok, fair enough. Let me ask YOU this, then. Do you condone the behaviour of these individuals? Do you think that is the direction that Monero (and crypto as a whole) should be taking? I've got my Twitter account waiting for your answer, either way...

I absolutely, 100% think that the claims of projects should be questioned.
Nice dance around the subject.
That's not what I asked you.
The tactics used by these individuals are arguably overshadowing the technology behind your coin.

Do you condone trolling of other coins by members of your community? Is that what you want Monero to be known for?
Take a stand, man!

Title: Re: Time to end the XMR vs DASH battle: Confessions of a Dash Enthusiast
Post by: DrkLvr_ on July 05, 2016, 12:23:46 AM
What a stupid thread. You worked so hard, and this is the best you could do? The poll options are so pointless and biased as well. All in all,  a big fail. Just like Dash

The best part.. Dash and XMR aren't in competition with each other. Dash isn't even anon since their instaminer Developer couldn't figure out how to implement masternode blinding. Such fail  :(

Title: Re: Time to end the XMR vs DASH battle: Confessions of a Dash Enthusiast
Post by: DrkLvr_ on July 05, 2016, 12:28:47 AM
Btw, most of the obnoxious Monerotards are actually Dash people posing as Monero supporters.. keep it up shitbags

Title: Re: Time to end the XMR vs DASH battle: Confessions of a Dash Enthusiast
Post by: rangedriver on July 05, 2016, 12:30:07 AM
What a stupid fucking thread. You worked so hard on this thread, and this is the best you could do? The poll options are so pointless and biased as well. All in all,  a big fail. Just like Dash and their coward developer Evan Duffield

I would hazard a guess that reverse-troll attacks against Monero are likely to become more prevalent as Dash's marketcap gets lower and Monero's marketcap gets higher.

The more Dash fails, the more it is likely to reverse troll.

That's the Bytecoin Strategy.

Title: Re: Time to end the XMR vs DASH battle: Confessions of a Dash Enthusiast
Post by: iCEBREAKER on July 05, 2016, 12:36:04 AM
I realized what faults Bitcoin really had that didn't seem to be on anyones roadmap to getting fixed, so I started looking for Bitcoin 2.0

[greedy low-information Gavinista buttcoining intensifies]

What a cunning stunt!  You sure fooled me!    ;)

I'm shocked a high profile member of #DashNation would intentionally make false statements about quitting, and then make more false statements about his intention to join XMR.   Begging for spare change under false/malicious pretenses was an extra-classy cherry on top!  :P

Were you being dishonest then, dishonest now, or both?

Or do you even know anymore?  You done smoked yourself schizo son.  And stupid (you couldn't understand Core's roadmap if you tried).

Remember when you wrote this?

Dash is broken, and has an identity crisis.

Dash has an identity crisis. The community is broken, spirits are beaten down and everyone is divided and clueless about the direction in which they should be heading, in the long run.

Everyone who lacks the capacity to see so far into the future that they accept cheap monetary gains instead of unleashing Dash onto the world with their efforts instead of their wallets. Up until 2 days ago, Dash was on board with( possibly still is) Transform PR, a Public Relations firm that has previously done business with other “altcoins” and had very little to show for it.

Some people even say they are just a bunch of great salesman who prey on these smaller altcoins promising the land of riches and fame while only supplying out dated marketing techniques and a bloated approach to PR.

This is not 2002, we have this thing called Dash which is essentially a fuckin skynet of crypto and we are doing what with it? We are hiring a goddamn PR company to fix our broken spirits. And satisfy the majority of people who are yearning for short terms profits.

Dash paid Transform PR $6000 to do nothing but sneak Duffield into the Satoshi Roundtable.

And that was a humiliating PR disaster, as Duffield hid behind his wife and then ran away to avoid the hardball questions of Bitcoin Uncensored.

Meanwhile, fluffypony got along with them splendidly, and Monero scored a serendipitous PR coup as a result of the interview.   :D

Keep it real bro, you are a sterling example of a typical millennial DashHole.  Have fun in the #DashNation, where @yidakee shits on you over and over.   ;D

Title: Re: Time to end the XMR vs DASH battle: Confessions of a Dash Enthusiast
Post by: _nur on July 05, 2016, 12:37:35 AM
"Anonymous" only accept Monero  ;D

Title: Re: Time to end the XMR vs DASH battle: Confessions of a Dash Enthusiast
Post by: stealth923 on July 05, 2016, 01:10:16 AM

Sucks to be the guy that gave TheDashGuy a few hundred $$$ for thinking he defected hahahahahahaha - how does it feel to get a taste of your own medicine!

Title: Re: Time to end the XMR vs DASH battle: Confessions of a Dash Enthusiast
Post by: elishagh1 on July 05, 2016, 01:17:53 AM
I think you might have outsmarted yourself in the long run m8.  Good troll and good luck with your shitcoin. ;D
Next time you will loose a billion dollar

Title: Re: Time to end the XMR vs DASH battle: Confessions of a Dash Enthusiast
Post by: TaoOfSaatoshi on July 05, 2016, 01:26:16 AM
I'm still waiting, Riccardo.

Ok, fair enough. Let me ask YOU this, then. Do you condone the behaviour of these individuals? Do you think that is the direction that Monero (and crypto as a whole) should be taking? I've got my Twitter account waiting for your answer, either way...
Do you condone trolling of other coins by members of your community? Is that what you want Monero to be known for?
Take a stand, man!

Is this the caliber of people you would like to invest in? If not, there's room for you in Dash Nation:

Title: Re: Time to end the XMR vs DASH battle: Confessions of a Dash Enthusiast
Post by: rangedriver on July 05, 2016, 01:32:45 AM
I'm still waiting, Riccardo.

Ok, fair enough. Let me ask YOU this, then. Do you condone the behaviour of these individuals? Do you think that is the direction that Monero (and crypto as a whole) should be taking? I've got my Twitter account waiting for your answer, either way...
Do you condone trolling of other coins by members of your community? Is that what you want Monero to be known for?
Take a stand, man!

Is this the caliber of people you would like to invest in? If not, there's room for you in Dash Nation:

How is anyone supposed to participate in Dash Nation if you suppress free speech?

TheDashGuy enjoyed the freedom to roam around the Monero subreddit to pull off his little prank.

That is not possible to do with Dash because of their policy on speech restrictions and banning dissent.

Title: Re: Time to end the XMR vs DASH battle: Confessions of a Dash Enthusiast
Post by: pandher on July 05, 2016, 02:07:23 AM
I am amazed, the Dash turned out to be an absolute gutter of a community.

Btw Technically sound individuals wont be impressed by soda selling machines

Title: Re: Time to end the XMR vs DASH battle: Confessions of a Dash Enthusiast
Post by: generalizethis on July 05, 2016, 02:17:33 AM
I look forward to Dash's peer-reviewed white papers that contain no mathematics.
And I look forward to Monero's leaders standing up and publicly denouncing the wretched behaviour of their band of trolls that serve to make all of crypto look bad, not to mention hold Monero back. Alas, that will never happen either.

We need to end this. I'm definitely not the only one who feels this way. I hope you are in agreement on that point.

I will absolutely not denounce anyone. They are intelligent individuals who are welcome to say whatever they want. If I am to denounce them because they are critical of some other project, where does that end? What if some community members decide they don't like sushi, which I love - should I denounce them too? What if they have different moral beliefs, or religious beliefs, or they don't love dogs as much as I do?

Your call for "Monero's leaders" (such as they exist) to denounce members of the community for this is a disgusting attack on free speech.
Ok, fair enough. Let me ask YOU this, then. Do you condone the behaviour of these individuals? Do you think that is the direction that Monero (and crypto as a whole) should be taking? I've got my Twitter account waiting for your answer, either way...

Have you denounced TheDashGuy? No, you celebrated his pretending to be someone else and taking people's money based on this false information. Once a house of scammers, always a house of scammers.

Title: Re: Time to end the XMR vs DASH battle: Confessions of a Dash Enthusiast
Post by: smoothie on July 05, 2016, 02:21:44 AM
I look forward to Dash's peer-reviewed white papers that contain no mathematics.
And I look forward to Monero's leaders standing up and publicly denouncing the wretched behaviour of their band of trolls that serve to make all of crypto look bad, not to mention hold Monero back. Alas, that will never happen either.

We need to end this. I'm definitely not the only one who feels this way. I hope you are in agreement on that point.

I will absolutely not denounce anyone. They are intelligent individuals who are welcome to say whatever they want. If I am to denounce them because they are critical of some other project, where does that end? What if some community members decide they don't like sushi, which I love - should I denounce them too? What if they have different moral beliefs, or religious beliefs, or they don't love dogs as much as I do?

Your call for "Monero's leaders" (such as they exist) to denounce members of the community for this is a disgusting attack on free speech.
It's kinda not free speech when you pay them to troll others.
Nice try though.

It's also not fact when you have no proof of your claims.

Wow the irony

Title: Re: Time to end the XMR vs DASH battle: Confessions of a Dash Enthusiast
Post by: smoothie on July 05, 2016, 02:27:01 AM

Sucks to be the guy that gave TheDashGuy a few hundred $$$ for thinking he defected hahahahahahaha - how does it feel to get a taste of your own medicine!

So you condone such behavior by one of your own supporters?


Title: Re: Time to end the XMR vs DASH battle: Confessions of a Dash Enthusiast
Post by: stealth923 on July 05, 2016, 02:28:05 AM

Sucks to be the guy that gave TheDashGuy a few hundred $$$ for thinking he defected hahahahahahaha - how does it feel to get a taste of your own medicine!

So you condone such behavior by one of your own supporters?

Not normally. Read the op and my post. A taste of your own medicine.

Title: Re: Time to end the XMR vs DASH battle: Confessions of a Dash Enthusiast
Post by: smoothie on July 05, 2016, 02:29:38 AM

Sucks to be the guy that gave TheDashGuy a few hundred $$$ for thinking he defected hahahahahahaha - how does it feel to get a taste of your own medicine!

So you condone such behavior by one of your own supporters?

Not normally. Read the op and my post. A taste of your own medicine.

A taste of my own medicine?

What are you talking about?

So are you going to answer the question directly or continue to deflect away from condoning such behavior?

Title: Re: Time to end the XMR vs DASH battle: Confessions of a Dash Enthusiast
Post by: Spoetnik on July 05, 2016, 02:31:45 AM
I'm confused... If we are trolling, then what are you doing? Just being a dick?

Showcasing that trolling is going to cost and does nothing but hurt peoples feelings and hurt crypto as a whole.

And yes this was a dickmove, clearly.

morale of the story, stop trolling before it costs Monero a whole lot more than $600-$700 USD...

Yup.. if it wasn't for all them Troll's FUD'ing we'd have mass adoption world wide by now  :'(

Title: Re: Time to end the XMR vs DASH battle: Confessions of a Dash Enthusiast
Post by: iCEBREAKER on July 05, 2016, 02:33:28 AM
Dash turned out to be an absolute gutter of a community.

Technically sound individuals wont be impressed by soda selling machines

Imagine looking forward to a nice cold soda on a hot day then finding out you have to buy Bitcoin AND convert it to Dash first.  

This is the thought process of Dash pumpers: It's like buying a soda...but with Dash!  Fucking enhanced baby!

Title: Re: Time to end the XMR vs DASH battle: Confessions of a Dash Enthusiast
Post by: stealth923 on July 05, 2016, 02:33:41 AM

Sucks to be the guy that gave TheDashGuy a few hundred $$$ for thinking he defected hahahahahahaha - how does it feel to get a taste of your own medicine!

So you condone such behavior by one of your own supporters?

Not normally. Read the op and my post. A taste of your own medicine.

A taste of my own medicine?

What are you talking about?

So are you going to answer the question directly or continue to deflect away from condoning such behavior?

Well do you condone the monero community toxic trolling strategies all day long look at ice breaker etc. Dash just gave the Xmr community a taste of what it feels like in reverse. I do not normally condone these activities but in this instance it's well warranted. Maybe the Xmr community will gain a sense on humility and understand that we are all in this together rather than the sick trolling campaigns that are ongoing.

Title: Re: Time to end the XMR vs DASH battle: Confessions of a Dash Enthusiast
Post by: smoothie on July 05, 2016, 02:40:52 AM

Sucks to be the guy that gave TheDashGuy a few hundred $$$ for thinking he defected hahahahahahaha - how does it feel to get a taste of your own medicine!

So you condone such behavior by one of your own supporters?

Not normally. Read the op and my post. A taste of your own medicine.

A taste of my own medicine?

What are you talking about?

So are you going to answer the question directly or continue to deflect away from condoning such behavior?

Well do you condone the monero community toxic trolling strategies all day long look at ice breaker etc. Dash just gave the Xmr community a taste of what it feels like in reverse. I do not normally condone these activities but in this instance it's well warranted. Maybe the Xmr community will gain a sense on humility and understand that we are all in this together rather than the sick trolling campaigns that are ongoing.

I guess by your own inability to answer that speaks to your intensions and mindset.


Your actions are just noise and will ultimately make no difference in the end.


Title: Re: Time to end the XMR vs DASH battle: Confessions of a Dash Enthusiast
Post by: TaoOfSaatoshi on July 05, 2016, 02:47:19 AM
I'm still waiting, Riccardo.

Ok, fair enough. Let me ask YOU this, then. Do you condone the behaviour of these individuals? Do you think that is the direction that Monero (and crypto as a whole) should be taking? I've got my Twitter account waiting for your answer, either way...
Do you condone trolling of other coins by members of your community? Is that what you want Monero to be known for?
Take a stand, man!

Is this the caliber of people you would like to invest in? If not, there's room for you in Dash Nation:

How is anyone supposed to participate in Dash Nation if you suppress free speech?

TheDashGuy enjoyed the freedom to roam around the Monero subreddit to pull off his little prank.

That is not possible to do with Dash because of their policy on speech restrictions and banning dissent.
Who's suppressing free speech? The Dash ANN is unmoderated, as is the Dash Nation thread. I got ambushed by 5 or 6 detractors over there all at once, and debated them all on Dash's merits and shortcomings. Debate and crtiticism is what leads to a stronger coin and we welcome it in Dash. Unlike the Dash Nation Civil War thread, which I have had my posts deleted from...

I am amazed, the Dash turned out to be an absolute gutter of a community.

Btw Technically sound individuals wont be impressed by soda selling machines
Respectfully disagree on that one. The InstantSend technology that goes into the machine's software prevents double spends, and can be used in situations where the object being purchased costs far more than a can of Mountain Dew. It's just the showcase. Merchants can adopt it, and not be in fear of double spends, while the customer can pay and go. Dash truly is digital cash.

I look forward to Dash's peer-reviewed white papers that contain no mathematics.
And I look forward to Monero's leaders standing up and publicly denouncing the wretched behaviour of their band of trolls that serve to make all of crypto look bad, not to mention hold Monero back. Alas, that will never happen either.

We need to end this. I'm definitely not the only one who feels this way. I hope you are in agreement on that point.

I will absolutely not denounce anyone. They are intelligent individuals who are welcome to say whatever they want. If I am to denounce them because they are critical of some other project, where does that end? What if some community members decide they don't like sushi, which I love - should I denounce them too? What if they have different moral beliefs, or religious beliefs, or they don't love dogs as much as I do?

Your call for "Monero's leaders" (such as they exist) to denounce members of the community for this is a disgusting attack on free speech.
Ok, fair enough. Let me ask YOU this, then. Do you condone the behaviour of these individuals? Do you think that is the direction that Monero (and crypto as a whole) should be taking? I've got my Twitter account waiting for your answer, either way...

Have you denounced TheDashGuy? No, you celebrated his pretending to be someone else and taking people's money based on this false information. Once a house of scammers, always a house of scammers.
I ask you to show me a post where I celebrated his endeavor. I merely said earlier that the force is strong with him as he saw an opportunity to make a point, and followed through with it. And there you go with your incessant "scam" mantra. I'm still waiting for facts in the Dash Nation thread, and am still hearing crickets, surprise, surprise. Don't make me post the Allen Iverson video again...

Title: Re: Time to end the XMR vs DASH battle: Confessions of a Dash Enthusiast
Post by: eizh on July 05, 2016, 02:50:39 AM

I guess by your own inability to answer that speaks to your intensions and mindset.


Your actions are just noise and will ultimately make no difference in the end.


That was my first and only thought. Some people have a very exaggerated view of their own renown or impact.

Title: Re: Time to end the XMR vs DASH battle: Confessions of a Dash Enthusiast
Post by: stealth923 on July 05, 2016, 02:51:41 AM

Sucks to be the guy that gave TheDashGuy a few hundred $$$ for thinking he defected hahahahahahaha - how does it feel to get a taste of your own medicine!

So you condone such behavior by one of your own supporters?

Not normally. Read the op and my post. A taste of your own medicine.

A taste of my own medicine?

What are you talking about?

So are you going to answer the question directly or continue to deflect away from condoning such behavior?

Well do you condone the monero community toxic trolling strategies all day long look at ice breaker etc. Dash just gave the Xmr community a taste of what it feels like in reverse. I do not normally condone these activities but in this instance it's well warranted. Maybe the Xmr community will gain a sense on humility and understand that we are all in this together rather than the sick trolling campaigns that are ongoing.

iCEBREAKER did nothing wrong.

Except probably donate 240xmr to the dash guy rofl rofl

Supporting the coin you are supposed to be trolling. Fail much???

Title: Re: Time to end the XMR vs DASH battle: Confessions of a Dash Enthusiast
Post by: rangedriver on July 05, 2016, 02:56:58 AM
Who's suppressing free speech? The Dash ANN is unmoderated, as is the Dash Nation thread. I got ambushed by 5 or 6 detractors over there all at once, and debated them all on Dash's merits and shortcomings. Debate and crtiticism is what leads to a stronger coin and we welcome it in Dash. Unlike the Dash Nation Civil War thread, which I have had my posts deleted from...

You know full well that /r/Dashpay bans anyone that the moderation team doesn't agree with, as well as censoring material it doesn't agree with.

You can't just turn around and distance yourself from the Dash subreddit just because you're not in charge.

If you're going to attack isolated trolls as being representative of the entire Monero community, then at the very least show some backbone and take responsibility for the actions of your fellow Dash administrators.


Title: Re: Time to end the XMR vs DASH battle: Confessions of a Dash Enthusiast
Post by: generalizethis on July 05, 2016, 03:00:06 AM
I ask you to show me a post where I celebrated his endeavor. I merely said earlier that the force is strong with him as he saw an opportunity to make a point, and followed through with it. And there you go with your incessant "scam" mantra. I'm still waiting for facts in the Dash Nation thread, and am still hearing crickets, surprise, surprise. Don't make me post the Allen Iverson video again...

So you are condoning it? And at the same time asking Fluffy to renounce critics (who mind you, never asked for a dime from the dash community). Do I need to spell out the H word for you?

Also, a scammer is someone who passes themselves, a product, or a business KNOWINGLY as something it is not--so, TAO, when I write that TheDashGuy is a scammer for pretending to be a Monero convert and asking for donations, I can assure you that the English language agrees with my usage. But thanks for illustrating again that you have no idea what a scam is or when you are actively condoning one.

Title: Re: Time to end the XMR vs DASH battle: Confessions of a Dash Enthusiast
Post by: aerbax on July 05, 2016, 03:09:57 AM
So my takeaway from this is that you manipulated the goodwill of several members of the Monero community to make a point about how we're infected with a troll problem?

Then you called us gullible.

I personally would have preferred to have the person you pretended to be in our community.  That guy was really nice and seemed to genuinely want to help us.

If you ever find that guy again, I'd love to have him on our team.  Call me gullible.

Title: Re: Time to end the XMR vs DASH battle: Confessions of a Dash Enthusiast
Post by: iCEBREAKER on July 05, 2016, 03:31:34 AM
So one of the first lessons you learn as a junky is how to wait. Not patience, it isn't that, more fidgety than stand-stillish; no one would ever mistake a junk man for a patient man...But you learn, try to find some weed to calm you down, that's what we did on Las Ramblas before Evan beat that hippie to near-death. Evan, I said. You have to confess to this thing you did.

Reading ^this in William S. Burroughs' voice....  :D

Title: Re: Time to end the XMR vs DASH battle: Confessions of a Dash Enthusiast
Post by: phishead on July 05, 2016, 03:52:55 AM
The stretch around the villa had a nightmare flatness, a peripatetic wasteland covered in overpriced tourist blow by Evan and that child, to this day I don't know who that kid was, but he took him everywhere, like a pederast in heat, that's how the waitress described him to the one with the hair-lip. It was just blow tho, I guess the kid brought it in with the tea.

dude, you must be confused... you're looking for

Title: Re: Time to end the XMR vs DASH battle: Confessions of a Dash Enthusiast
Post by: iCEBREAKER on July 05, 2016, 03:57:30 AM
^But he was on short time, that's just how he put it, short time. There was an electric rush running through him he hadn't felt since the stocks. The interview went great, spot on, liek a modern Leonardo describing masterpieces, splendid. Line after line, he rambed in half-lucid thoughts about his fintech surprise. I just got propositioned by a queer he said to me, as he ran past me to the streets..

The Evan's Gate graphic novel is going to be E.P.I.C.

Now we just need to put in a FFS request for an illustrator.

Can we get Dave McKean and Bill Sienkiewicz to team up?

Title: Re: Time to end the XMR vs DASH battle: Confessions of a Dash Enthusiast
Post by: generalizethis on July 05, 2016, 04:27:40 AM
The waitress said, "what about masternodes?" Coke machines! Coke machines! Lined white is the way to heaven! One long drag smoking white poles of Peruvian god dust. Those mountains soar like an eagle fidgety with living--what! Who was that! Fuck, fincen and the horse they rode in on. Damn bloggers just keep ranting 'bout the effects without knowing the effects--take another run up the mountain and fly! That's effect.

Title: Re: Typical Dashhole admits to using confidence game to scam 300 Monero
Post by: TechorMarketing on July 05, 2016, 04:56:23 AM
"With that being said, I am a 26 year old crypto enthusiast who's been into Bitcoin since mid 2011 if I can remember correctly.. it's been far to long honestly and I had hope of Bitcoin passing the moon by now....but here we are!

I have always been a guy who likes to push the envelope since I was a youngster, from running the woods with my hand-carved stave that said "faster than a cheetah", to my years spent skipping class in middle school to play Final Fantasy 7 (still my favorite game ever), my choice to dropout of highschool."

Instead of taking the time to learn from research papers written by PhDs (, this typical DASH user and high school dropout decided to scam those who were attempting to help him:

And I hope after reading this the Monero trolls will calm their asses down...because the only reason this story is being written is out of the pure hilarity of it. Otherwise I would have just kept it to myself and giggled all the way to the bank!

Anyways, I'm not the best writer as you can see, so I will just jump right in to the funnies and life lessons.


With all due respect you may have successfully gained 300 XMR in your confidence game, but it is you that missed an important lesson here:

Lao Tsu said "give a man a fish and you feed him for a day; teach a man to fish and you feed him for a lifetime"

You just stole a few fish in the middle of a fishing lesson. Eat well now because you are setting yourself up to be hungry for life.

Title: Re: Time to end the XMR vs DASH battle: Confessions of a Dash Enthusiast
Post by: TaoOfSaatoshi on July 05, 2016, 06:55:13 AM
Who's suppressing free speech? The Dash ANN is unmoderated, as is the Dash Nation thread. I got ambushed by 5 or 6 detractors over there all at once, and debated them all on Dash's merits and shortcomings. Debate and crtiticism is what leads to a stronger coin and we welcome it in Dash. Unlike the Dash Nation Civil War thread, which I have had my posts deleted from...

You know full well that /r/Dashpay bans anyone that the moderation team doesn't agree with, as well as censoring material it doesn't agree with.

You can't just turn around and distance yourself from the Dash subreddit just because you're not in charge.

If you're going to attack isolated trolls as being representative of the entire Monero community, then at the very least show some backbone and take responsibility for the actions of your fellow Dash administrators.

The actions of some individuals in one social media site does not equate to Dash suppressing free speech. I can't speak for the individual you speak of (I would need examples) but I can for myself and I am perfectly OK with criticism and debate., the Dash ANN, the Dash Nation thread are all either unmoderated or slightly moderated for BS like spam. Plenty of avenues to get valid opinions and criticism in.

I ask you to show me a post where I celebrated his endeavor. I merely said earlier that the force is strong with him as he saw an opportunity to make a point, and followed through with it. And there you go with your incessant "scam" mantra. I'm still waiting for facts in the Dash Nation thread, and am still hearing crickets, surprise, surprise. Don't make me post the Allen Iverson video again...

So you are condoning it? And at the same time asking Fluffy to renounce critics (who mind you, never asked for a dime from the dash community). Do I need to spell out the H word for you?

Also, a scammer is someone who passes themselves, a product, or a business KNOWINGLY as something it is not--so, TAO, when I write that TheDashGuy is a scammer for pretending to be a Monero convert and asking for donations, I can assure you that the English language agrees with my usage. But thanks for illustrating again that you have no idea what a scam is or when you are actively condoning one.

No, I'm not condoning it. The actions of The Dash Guy, while solely for the purpose of turning the tables on people who have been attacking Dash mercilessly for years, might not have been the best way to get his point across.

As far as the "scam" comments, just so we're clear, I'm talking about your "house of scammers" comment, which would certainly imply the whole Dash project. So I understand fine the meaning of your previous comment, and that is the one I took exception to.

Always nice to debate you, I always had a soft spot for you...

Title: Re: Time to end the XMR vs DASH battle: Confessions of a Dash Enthusiast
Post by: bolehvpn on July 05, 2016, 06:59:32 AM
I'm a Dash enthusiast and also hold XMR and respect both projects. I also accept Dash for my businesses.

Only reason I haven't started accepting XMR is there isn't a way for me to do the USD pricing conversion to XMR easily and the lack of an official GUI (which I understand will be completed by year end) so hopefully this will change soon.

As much as I have also experienced XMR trolls, I don't think there's any need for Dash supporters to mud fling back. Doesn't help the cause in anyway.

@DashGuy: If you want to represent Dash and mean well (or any coin for that matter), do it with respect and argue on the facts. XMR's anonymity is solid that is not in dispute and Dash has decided to go for a different approach. I know you mean well and are ardently fervent about Dash (but yet unhappy with Dash's core team at the same time) and think that Dash are stupid for not taking up your suggestions, but things like these serve no purpose other than to

a) Get attention (the bad sort)
b) Make people pissed off.

Tell me, how does this help Dash's cause in gloating over making a swindle? How does 'trolling' the trollers make you any better? I would even say this makes you even worse. This doesn't "teach them a lesson" in anyway but just further builds distrust and hate.

I hope the donations you gathered for DashNation are returned to the original donaters or at least given to Monero as a show of good faith.

To the Monero supporters, I apologize on behalf of DashGuy. He is not representative of a great many of us. I once made a similar comparison of Monero's community (after receiving some nasty messages when I accepted Dash) and was given the response that they are not representative of Monero's community either and hope the same benefit of the doubt can be given to the Dash community. I think even on the reddit post, many Dash enthusiasts are frankly embarrassed (as am I).

So my takeaway from this is that you manipulated the goodwill of several members of the Monero community to make a point about how we're infected with a troll problem?

Then you called us gullible.

I personally would have preferred to have the person you pretended to be in our community.  That guy was really nice and seemed to genuinely want to help us.

If you ever find that guy again, I'd love to have him on our team.  Call me gullible.

Please do take him.

Title: Re: Typical Dashhole admits to using confidence game to scam 300 Monero
Post by: iCEBREAKER on July 05, 2016, 07:08:01 AM

With all due respect you may have successfully gained 300 XMR in your confidence game, but it is you that missed an important lesson here:

Lao Tsu said "give a man a fish and you feed him for a day; teach a man to fish and you feed him for a lifetime"

You just stole a few fish in the middle of a fishing lesson. Eat well now because you are setting yourself up to be hungry for life.

Imagine being given 300 Bitcoins in 2011, when they were worth almost 2 dollars each.

Now imagine rage dumping them, Because [Something Offensive On Bitcointalk].

That's what TheDashGuy has done here.

Title: Re: Time to end the XMR vs DASH battle: Confessions of a Dash Enthusiast
Post by: generalizethis on July 05, 2016, 07:24:37 AM

No, I'm not condoning it. The actions of The Dash Guy, while solely for the purpose of turning the tables on people who have been attacking Dash mercilessly for years, might not have been the best way to get his point across.

As far as the "scam" comments, just so we're clear, I'm talking about your "house of scammers" comment, which would certainly imply the whole Dash project. So I understand fine the meaning of your previous comment, and that is the one I took exception to.

Always nice to debate you, I always had a soft spot for you...

Typical muffled indignation I expect out of politicians and used cars salesmen. You have your goons also, so the turning the tables while getting paid is hardly justified by a "I don't like his methods, but it's about time" attitude.

As for dash being a house of scam, go ahead and take exception. Dash's media claims it is decentralized, yet it is designed to be centralized, and the media claims dash was fairly launched and has no premine without stating that it has the equivalent of one through the process of an "accidental" instamine--you can play naïve on your own time, but I know when semantical distinctions that are attempting to misguide and circumvent reality are being put into full force and creating obscene arguments of "well it's the truth because you can't prove otherwise."  

This is my time and I'd appreciate if you didn't waste it with fluff and false claims of indignation--while I can't prove that you know better and aren't the slimiest of the bunch (hiding under a veneer of chimerical enthusiasm) if you slip-up once and lose your actor's notes....

Title: Re: Time to end the XMR vs DASH battle: Confessions of a Dash Scammer
Post by: fluffypony on July 05, 2016, 07:47:18 AM
The actions of some individuals in one social media site does not equate to Dash suppressing free speech. I can't speak for the individual you speak of (I would need examples) but I can for myself and I am perfectly OK with criticism and debate., the Dash ANN, the Dash Nation thread are all either unmoderated or slightly moderated for BS like spam. Plenty of avenues to get valid opinions and criticism in.

First up, the reason you had "crickets" from me was because I was asleep. I'm sorry I chose to sleep at 3am instead of continuing this discussion. I find it's always best to remember that people live all over the world, and long-form discussions don't need to occur when you happen to be online.

Now to the point: your quoted post is incredibly hypocritical. You're calling on me to speak for some individuals on one social media site, because apparently their actions equate to Monero's actions. Pot. Kettle. Black.

Title: Re: Time to end the XMR vs DASH battle: Confessions of a Dash Enthusiast
Post by: Shrikez on July 05, 2016, 07:49:56 AM
Can we just please let it go? if anything he has proven how nice the Monero community is. Trolls be trollin'....

In my opinion all has been said about dash, re iterating the same arguments for another few years will change nothing. It will collapse under its pretense of mass adoption (when there is no mass adoption of crypto in sight), the weak liquidity, the high concentration of funds in very few hands, the insolvable ambiguity of company antics run by amateurish managers versus open source development or the only currently existing use case which is to pay close to 4000 nodes for verifying a few transactions every 5 minutes, further adding to the concentration of funds. lol.

Yes, monero has even less transactions. It also doesn't require 27,x million USD tied up in nodes to do that. I can't even write that without shaking my head....

No need to harp on the instamine any longer.

I personally can live with signature whores, newbie accounts and scamcoin proponents calling the Monero community arrogant and obnoxious. Who gives a shit.

Title: Re: Time to end the XMR vs DASH battle: Confessions of a Dash Enthusiast
Post by: SmirkinPepe on July 05, 2016, 08:03:52 AM
This Monero - Dash rivalry is like a bad sitcom. And yes that is a pleonasm.

Title: Re: Time to end the XMR vs DASH battle: Confessions of a Dash Scammer
Post by: TaoOfSaatoshi on July 05, 2016, 08:13:55 AM
The actions of some individuals in one social media site does not equate to Dash suppressing free speech. I can't speak for the individual you speak of (I would need examples) but I can for myself and I am perfectly OK with criticism and debate., the Dash ANN, the Dash Nation thread are all either unmoderated or slightly moderated for BS like spam. Plenty of avenues to get valid opinions and criticism in.

First up, the reason you had "crickets" from me was because I was asleep. I'm sorry I chose to sleep at 3am instead of continuing this discussion. I find it's always best to remember that people live all over the world, and long-form discussions don't need to occur when you happen to be online.

Now to the point: your quoted post is incredibly hypocritical. You're calling on me to speak for some individuals on one social media site, because apparently their actions equate to Monero's actions. Pot. Kettle. Black.
Not really. I'm going on record as saying that I don't condone censorship, people getting banned because someone doesn't agree with a post on Reddit. My position on this is clear. Enough of the bullshit and let's get on with the business at hand of making the future currencies of the world.

I've asked you before, and I will ask you again, do you or do you not condone the actions of the Monero trolls? Do you think that trolling other coins is a good way to gain publicity? Are you happy that people think of this when they think about Monero?

I'm still waiting for an answer, Riccardo.

Title: Re: Time to end the XMR vs DASH battle: Confessions of a Dash Scammer
Post by: rangedriver on July 05, 2016, 08:31:45 AM
I've asked you before, and I will ask you again, do you or do you not condone the actions of the Monero trolls?

Can you name the Monero trolls that you're talking about?

Are you even cognizant of the fact that you're exploiting a piece of reverse-troll propaganda and thus in actuality yourself trolling? Do you condone Dash trolls, or are you in denial that such a thing exists?

You say you don't condone censorship from the Dash moderation team - that is BasilPop, evand82 (Evan Duffield), tungfa and others.

Are you going to condone these guys? Are you going to condone Evan Duffield?

Do you have any appreciation of the size of the hypocrisy you're currently peddling? And how is it that critical dissent is forbidden on the Dashpay reddit where blatant racism is tolerated. (Yes. That is actually a thing.)

Your hypocrisy is absolutely stunning.

Title: Re: Time to end the XMR vs DASH battle: Confessions of a Dash Enthusiast
Post by: bolehvpn on July 05, 2016, 08:34:26 AM
Guys, do take a look here:

Some of us (including those on the Dash core team and devs) are willing to make the refund if TheDashGuy refuses.

2WrongsNotRight 4 points an hour ago*

I am a developer with a number of commits in the DASH repository. I am posting from a new account because I do not want my identity to influence the evaluation of my comments.

Yes the Monero community has many trolls and likely more than DASH. However ignoring their baseless attacks and responding to occasional valid criticism is far more effective than this continued back and forth. I am not defending the Monero community, but I will not defend /u/TheDashGuy either.

I hope that /u/TheDashGuy returns the donations he received until false pretenses. Since we can only attempt to persuade him to do so, perhaps the DASH community will do so on his behalf should he refuse.

If no action is take in the next few days, I may consider refunding the XMR myself because that is the right thing to do. This PR move by /u/TheDashGuy is embarrassing.

I understand that some may accuse me of FUD or question my motivation. Please focus on my comments instead. If I need to reveal my identity I will do so but I will also simultaneously resign from all future DASH development efforts and write an open letter explaining my reasons along with an offer to personally refund the donated XMR. I have faith that the DASH community will take the high ground so that does not happen.

It is important to note that the people who made the XMR donations to /u/TheDashGuy until false pretenses were not the trolls being complained about.

EDIT: Whether you agree with me on not please upvote this topic for visibility. It deserves discussion. Ignoring the issue may cause some unintended consequences that can still be easily avoided.

Title: Re: Time to end the XMR vs DASH battle: Confessions of a Dash Enthusiast
Post by: ttookk on July 05, 2016, 08:38:21 AM
Holy fuck…

As someone, who isn't really involved in this feud, this thread looks quite impressive. Started today and 4 pages already.

Is there any other reason for Dash and Monero screaming at each other, apart from them having the same potential use cases and users?

Title: Re: Time to end the XMR vs DASH battle: Confessions of a Dash Enthusiast
Post by: Spoetnik on July 05, 2016, 09:08:51 AM
Hmm Trolling ? Donations ? Drama ?
..yawn i am bored  :'(

Wake me up when something interesting happens !

I just find it interesting seeing more than 1 guy Trolling then admitting it and then bragging about it.
Are we aware of the rules here ?

My side of the fight ?
Neither.. Anon coins are a bad idea.
Sorry guys  :D ;D

Title: Re: Time to end the XMR vs DASH battle: Confessions of a Dash Enthusiast
Post by: TaoOfSaatoshi on July 05, 2016, 10:13:04 AM
Are you even cognizant of the fact that you're exploiting a piece of reverse-troll propaganda and thus in actuality yourself trolling? Do you condone Dash trolls, or are you in denial that such a thing exists?
I wasn't talking to you here, I was asking a question to Riccardo. I have nothing to do with this OP caper, I just know that this whole thing is getting both sides nowhere fast. So I'm not trolling.

I do not condone trolling from either side. I also do not condone censorship over legitimate debate and criticism from anybody in Dash. While I can't control anyone and can't stop them from doing these things if they wish to, I've been abundantly clear where I stand on these issues. I'm simply asking a respected member of the Monero community where he stands on them, and I'm still waiting for an answer.

Silence speaks volumes...

Title: Re: Time to end the XMR vs DASH battle: Confessions of a Dash Enthusiast
Post by: smoothie on July 05, 2016, 10:20:21 AM
Are you even cognizant of the fact that you're exploiting a piece of reverse-troll propaganda and thus in actuality yourself trolling? Do you condone Dash trolls, or are you in denial that such a thing exists?
I wasn't talking to you here, I was asking a question to Riccardo. I have nothing to do with this OP caper, I just know that this whole thing is getting both sides nowhere fast. So I'm not trolling.

I do not condone trolling from either side. I also do not condone censorship over legitimate debate and criticism from anybody in Dash. While I can't control anyone and can't stop them from doing these things if they wish to, I've been abundantly clear where I stand on these issues. I'm simply asking a respected member of the Monero community where he stands on them, and I'm still waiting for an answer.

Silence speaks volumes...

Your first attempt to imply that "crickets" had anything to do with anything was you are at it again?

Speaks volumes?

Why not just be patient, not everyone responds instantly as you would appear to want.

Take a step back and perhaps go do something else and return later and maybe you'll get a response.  :-*

Title: Re: Time to end the XMR vs DASH battle: Confessions of a Dash Enthusiast
Post by: TaoOfSaatoshi on July 05, 2016, 10:24:10 AM
Are you even cognizant of the fact that you're exploiting a piece of reverse-troll propaganda and thus in actuality yourself trolling? Do you condone Dash trolls, or are you in denial that such a thing exists?
I wasn't talking to you here, I was asking a question to Riccardo. I have nothing to do with this OP caper, I just know that this whole thing is getting both sides nowhere fast. So I'm not trolling.

I do not condone trolling from either side. I also do not condone censorship over legitimate debate and criticism from anybody in Dash. While I can't control anyone and can't stop them from doing these things if they wish to, I've been abundantly clear where I stand on these issues. I'm simply asking a respected member of the Monero community where he stands on them, and I'm still waiting for an answer.

Silence speaks volumes...

Your first attempt to imply that "crickets" had anything to do with anything was you are at it again?

Speaks volumes?

Why not just be patient, not everyone responds instantly as you would appear to want.

Take a step back and perhaps go do something else and come back and maybe you'll get a response.  :-*
Good advice. I think I will go promote Dash a bit on Twitter and then go to bed. I'll catch up with you guys tomorrow. Cheers.

Title: Re: Time to end the XMR vs DASH battle: Confessions of a Dash Enthusiast
Post by: BlindMayorBitcorn on July 05, 2016, 11:35:16 AM
^But he was on short time, that's just how he put it, short time. There was an electric rush running through him he hadn't felt since the stocks. The interview went great, spot on, liek a modern Leonardo describing masterpieces, splendid. Line after line, he rambed in half-lucid thoughts about his fintech surprise. I just got propositioned by a queer he said to me, as he ran past me to the streets..

The Evan's Gate graphic novel is going to be E.P.I.C.

Now we just need to put in a FFS request for an illustrator.

Can we get Dave McKean and Bill Sienkiewicz to team up?

Someone scratched my novel and killed my sock. Moderators are always cramping my style. >:(

Title: Re: Time to end the XMR vs DASH battle: Confessions of a Dash Scammer
Post by: fluffypony on July 05, 2016, 11:44:45 AM
Not really. I'm going on record as saying that I don't condone censorship, people getting banned because someone doesn't agree with a post on Reddit. My position on this is clear. Enough of the bullshit and let's get on with the business at hand of making the future currencies of the world.

I've asked you before, and I will ask you again, do you or do you not condone the actions of the Monero trolls? Do you think that trolling other coins is a good way to gain publicity? Are you happy that people think of this when they think about Monero?

I'm still waiting for an answer, Riccardo.

You're not my friend. You don't get to use my first name.

I honestly don't see the trolling you claim exists. Sure, iCEBREAKER goes off on things, but he's no worse than Spoetnik. I think people need to stop being so sensitive and use the ignore button. I certainly have no control over what iCEBREAKER says or doesn't say, nor would I ever want to waste what little influence I have trying to force the community to follow my ideological beliefs.

That said, I definitely do not condone TheDashGuy's asking for donations and implying the donations would go towards him working on Monero:

That is borderline fraud.

Title: Re: Time to end the XMR vs DASH battle: Confessions of a Dash Enthusiast
Post by: btc_zero_sum on July 05, 2016, 01:08:04 PM
what if the "monero troll team" is damaging intentionally XMR and DASH as reverse trolling from some other coin?

for example:

coin x, y and z are competitors.
trolls from coin x dress themselves as troll from coin y to attack z.

coin y and z get both reputation damage, spam accusations and so on.

coin x wins.

assuming y is monero and z is dash. who might be coin x in this situation?

Title: Re: Time to end the XMR vs DASH battle: Confessions of a Dash Scammer
Post by: illodin on July 05, 2016, 01:42:41 PM
I've asked you before, and I will ask you again, do you or do you not condone the actions of the Monero trolls? Do you think that trolling other coins is a good way to gain publicity? Are you happy that people think of this when they think about Monero?

I'm still waiting for an answer, Riccardo.

Of course he does condone, but won't say anything on record.

Only this time there was a backlash and butts are hurt when the premier troll hero icebreaker is humiliated for his premature ejaculation.

iCEBREAKER did nothing wrong.

Except probably donate 240xmr to the dash guy rofl rofl

Supporting the coin you are supposed to be trolling. Fail much??? (

Title: Re: Time to end the XMR vs DASH battle: Confessions of a Dash Enthusiast
Post by: Febo on July 05, 2016, 01:53:50 PM
what if the "monero troll team" is damaging intentionally XMR and DASH as reverse trolling from some other coin?

for example:

coin x, y and z are competitors.
trolls from coin x dress themselves as troll from coin y to attack z.

coin y and z get both reputation damage, spam accusations and so on.

coin x wins.

assuming y is monero and z is dash. who might be coin x in this situation?

Those that FUD Monero and try to make bad public image are not only from DASH. Monero is dangerous to way more other coins then just one.  

As i said milion times everyone has right to tell the truth. Actually should be our duty. At least for those with strong nerves. No one should spread lies and modify history.  That will return to DASH and other coins as a boomerang. Also this action here.

.. of a crippled coin raped by botnets without wallet and practical use.

lol when i checked your post history i just found what i posted up.

no wallet

why need to post lies? all 3 words are untrue.

Title: Re: Time to end the XMR vs DASH battle: Confessions of a Dash Enthusiast
Post by: DrkLvr_ on July 05, 2016, 03:00:28 PM
Look at the instaminers like illodin defending their shitcoin. Defending while they dump their instamined dashcoins on the victims

Illodin and eduffield (aka "taylor05") should be in jail for this shit

Dash :(

Title: Re: Time to end the XMR vs DASH battle: Confessions of a Dash Enthusiast
Post by: wpalczynski on July 05, 2016, 03:03:15 PM
Time to end the XMR vs DASH battle: Confessions of a Dash supporter, troll and critic.

There has long been a feud between Monero & Dash, as well as among Monero and the rest of the crypto space.. but lets take a step back. I started researching Bitcoin back in 2010, and finally jumped in mid 2011, because I saw a way to become unbanked, I saw a way to help push the world forward, and most of all, I saw a way to give children (one day) a better life than I had, with more freedoms, less taxes and more life overall in general. I'm not here to make a quick buck, I'm here to help fix the world. Let's get that cleared up right away. (feel free to verify this inside the Dash community)

This was the beginning of my obsession with the crypto space, the blockchain and decentralization overall.. after a few years I realized what faults Bitcoin really had that didn't seem to be on anyones roadmap to getting fixed, so I started looking for Bitcoin 2.0, I spent quite a few months last year digging through BTCtalk, forums, social media and in IRC channels. I found quite a few wonderfully ingenious ideas that I wasn't sure would take off in the process, but at the end of it all I settled on adding Dash to my portfolio (yes I know all about the instamine, not here to discuss that, I'm here to discuss why I never found out about, nor care about Monero and why I believe that is the case). And I hope after reading this the Monero trolls will calm their asses down...because the only reason this story is being written is out of the pure hilarity of it. Otherwise I would have just kept it to myself and giggled all the way to the bank!

Anyways, I'm not the best writer as you can see, so I will just jump right in to the funnies and life lessons.

Trolling is bad, useless & waste of everyones time. (unless you are me)
We all know Monero loves to troll the rest of the communities out there in an effort to claw up some more exposure, and while I will give them props for thier ability to mobilize quickly, I would go as far to say these tactics are harming Monero overall in the long run. Having Monero supporters planted everywhere in an almost NSA like effort to infiltrate the crowd, is NOT what crypto is about, crypto is about pushing the world forward, whether that's with Bitcoin, Monero, Dash, or even Litecoin I couldn't care less. I just want us to succeed as a whole, I want to live in a (more) decentralized world where I'm not someone's corporate slave, and sadly Monerobros, you guys are helping ruin that entire idea with your tactless trolling and attacking of anyone/everyone in this space.

Most children only learn a lesson by experiencing it for themselves and extrapolating that lesson, let's apply this to Monero trolls.

The Monerobros as of late have taken notice of my scolding some Dash core team members (on the Dash forums) and thought it would be a good idea to quote me and create threads about how awesomely honest I am and how they would love me in their monerobro crew.. so me being the jokester I am thought it would be funny to drop by the "Dashnation civil war" war thread and joke around, little did I know MONERO HAS THE MOST GULLIBLE CROWD IN CRYPTO! After posting my funny post, people started suggesting I was a fake and to post proof on the Monero Subreddit on TheDashGuy reddit account, so I did. Then I proceeded to play this angle for a few hours walking a very fine line between having "quit" Dash to supposedly becoming a "Monero convert", within hours I had started receive some donations and at first it was merely just fun and games, then eventually hit 9 XMR, 30 XMR, 240 XMR.. then finally 300 XMR  I will be using your funds to fund DashNation content and I am super greatful some of you have such a good heart, regardless of this, I still have to make a point about how this type of attitude is being wasted in your community, you guys spend so much time arguing, shaming, bitching & trolling that you don't have anytime left over to actually grow your coin! It's craziness I tell you!

Toxicity is bad for everyone.  And bad for Crypto!
Noone listens to you or takes you seriously anyways, I should know. And let me be clear, I have nothing against Monero as a currency, but I do despise FUD, and the general being an ass without a cause. If you have to be rude to get your point across, maybe do more research on your point and come back with a better argument? Trolling will do nothing but further ruin Monero's reputation, so get it under control or face a backlash of enormous effects from the entire crypto world when everyone collectively gets sick of this.

Some screens for added effect:

This is some of the $120 given out in the Dash Slack

This is some of all the lovely tips I received for "defecting from Dash" (which never happened, they just cherry picked me blowing up on core team of disagreements and quitting the Dash forums to better spend my time supporting Dash than arguing with a stupid member there all the time)

This is some of the donations about to rain on all the online members of the Slack channel! They loved it!

You guys have a very nice community aside from the trolls from what I can tell, so do something about it before those trolls take you down with them. I for one don't see a point in all this infighting between coins, we are all here for the same reason, the reason I stated I am here, to change the world. And we cannot do that divided, so stop trolling and start hugging!

If any of you are tired of the unhealthy trolling behavior, maybe look into a coin like Dash that is advancing crypto, as you guys may notice we often keep our heads down and keep marching forward, something more cryptos should be doing, not this crap. And sidenote; Monero fellas are quite gullible: Noone quit Dash for Monero, Sorry! I may have issues with certain aspects of the currency, but I'm still here, working my ass off for it. I hope to improve and fix the issues I see, not cry and bitch until I get bored and move on. We should all try being a little nicer to one another around here and stop throwing shit around all day, it stinks!

A Crypto Evangelist since 2011

oh and here's some links for fun and historical purposes:

This thread is why I did this: ( I run DashNation LOL & there is no "civil war", just more trolling.)

These threads were funny:

Some people inspired to participate with my funnies:

 ;D ;) ::) :P ;D :D

Oh and go checkout DashNation the website everyone!

edit: Enjoy the 4th of July Fireworks everyone! Off to a BBQ I go!

LOL at the new DASH trolling techniques.

Title: Re: Time to end the XMR vs DASH battle: Confessions of a Dash Enthusiast
Post by: dnaleor on July 05, 2016, 03:25:31 PM
If any of you are tired of the unhealthy trolling behavior, maybe look into a coin like Dash that is advancing crypto, as you guys may notice we often keep our heads down and keep marching forward, something more cryptos should be doing, not this crap.

LOL at the new DASH trolling techniques.

A small DASH vocabulary:

"advancing crypto"Claiming all sorts of fantastic features that don't have any cryptographic proof and are flawed by design
"keep our heads down"Pay for marketing, promoting a HYIP MLM Ponzi scheme everywhere while avoiding critical journalism
"marching forward"Pumping roadmaps about "evolution" while nothing substantial is released almost one year after the anouncement
"this crap"Publish research papers which actually try to move forward the cryptocurrency space (

If any of you are tired of the unhealthy trolling behavior, maybe look into a coin like Dash that is claiming all sorts of fantastic features that don't have any cryptographic proof and are flawed by design, as you guys may notice we often pay for marketing, promoting a HYIP MLM Ponzi scheme everywhere while avoiding critical journalism and keep pumping roadmaps about "evolution" while nothing substantial is released almost one year after the anouncement, something more cryptos should be doing, not publish research papers which actually try to move forward the cryptocurrency space.

Title: Re: Time to end the XMR vs DASH battle: Confessions of a Dash Enthusiast
Post by: whap on July 05, 2016, 03:30:55 PM
Time to end the XMR vs DASH battle: Confessions of a Dash supporter, troll and critic.

Dumb idea.

LOL at the new DASH trolling techniques.

This has nothing to do with DASH, just a random guy seeking for attention:

Whoever send that guy XMR are themselves to blame, stupidity is beautifully punished.

The Dash community might think the same of Monero whenever iCEBREAKER appears on their boards, and although annoying, he shows a little bit more class than this dude at least.
I'm proMonero, but a quick glimpse at the DASH subreddit shows that they do not support that guys action neither.

If people could finally stop taking things personal and start ignoring obvious Trolls we could have plain Tech speak for itself. The thing is that a bunch of people wouldnt know what to do better with their (limited) lifetime and resources then.

Title: Re: Time to end the XMR vs DASH battle: Confessions of a Dash Enthusiast
Post by: phishead on July 05, 2016, 03:54:25 PM
Time to end the XMR vs DASH battle: Confessions of a Dash supporter, troll and critic.

Dumb idea.

LOL at the new DASH trolling techniques.

This has nothing to do with DASH, just a random guy seeking for attention:

Whoever send that guy XMR are themselves to blame, stupidity is beautifully punished.

The Dash community might think the same of Monero whenever iCEBREAKER appears on their boards, and although annoying, he shows a little bit more class than this dude at least.
I'm proMonero, but a quick glimpse at the DASH subreddit shows that they do not support that guys action neither.

If people could finally stop taking things personal and start ignoring obvious Trolls we could have plain Tech speak for itself. The thing is that a bunch of people wouldnt know what to do better with their (limited) lifetime and resources then.

I fully agree with that notion...

I mean, to each is there own as to what each person thinks makes the best privacy focused coin, whether that be with masternodes or ring CT, and etc... But each side of the spectrum can't continuously beat down the other side because of the few community members who are continuously out on the fringes of both sides who make the most noise than any of the other members of their respective communities.

I'm pretty certain if it weren't for these few "trolls" (I'm starting to get sick of seeing the use of this word so often), then the very large majority of both communities would be able to get along with each other and have intelligent conversations about what is best for a coin that can fix issues that bitcoin is being faced with right now.

Title: Re: Time to end the XMR vs DASH battle: Confessions of a Dash Enthusiast
Post by: Spoetnik on July 05, 2016, 05:50:20 PM
Ya OP really sounds like your ending it here with your topic.
Well done.. good job !

Want to admit to Trolling and tricking more people into giving you money ?
You can REALLY end it then..

Stinks like Mensa in here open a window.. i am choking on the genius here at 'The Talk  ::)

And by the way cuntcicles..
Why the fuck is this shit still here and *MY* topics are deleted for "Trolling" ?
OP said he was trolling here and obviously just created a shit load of drama then sucked coins from others.
And his topic is here and mine are gone ?

Just like Risto's forum game i posted proof of that was a paid advertisement (Spam)
I had reported it on day one and it's still here..


Doin' a wonderful job with the whole singling people out double standard bullshit here.

Title: Re: Time to end the XMR vs DASH battle: Confessions of a Dash Enthusiast
Post by: gadado on July 05, 2016, 05:50:51 PM
2WrongsNotRight why you post this on reddit?

many will miss it there I think.

Congratulation to TheDashGuy. You hurt Dash more than all the trolls in all this years could have ever done.
Nothing justifies a fraud, deception, scam.

It's what those trolls would like to label dash and you just proved them right.

The story Icy posted in the dash Ann thread... you should read it.
Not sure if it helps you personel in any way  but it is a good read and you will like it.

To 2WrongsNotRight count me in. Giving back what TheDashGuy has betrayed is the only sane thing to do.

Quite ironic that the so hard build in coin anonymity is makeing that attempt close to impossible  and we have to stick on trusting people.

Title: Re: Time to end the XMR vs DASH battle: Confessions of a Dash Enthusiast
Post by: DrkLvr_ on July 05, 2016, 08:15:27 PM
Is it possible that TheDashGuy is double reverse trolling?  Seems he's done a lot of damage to what little credibility Dash has left

Title: Re: Time to end the XMR vs DASH battle: Confessions of a Dash Enthusiast
Post by: aleix on July 05, 2016, 08:27:04 PM

Sure, iCEBREAKER goes off on things, but he's no worse than Spoetnik.

Sorry, but no.

Spoetnik is an institution, Icetroller is a no-life monero fascist.


Title: Re: Time to end the XMR vs DASH battle: Confessions of a Dash Enthusiast
Post by: qwizzie on July 05, 2016, 08:57:17 PM
Is it possible that TheDashGuy is double reverse trolling?  Seems he's done a lot of damage to what little credibility Dash has left

And that coming from the guy with zero credibility   ::)

To OP : i dont know why but i get the feeling that the XMR vs DASH tension will continue for awhile  
Oh well, life will continue .. fortunes will be made and lost .. etc etc
Just a little splash in the pool that is called the Altcoin Discussion forum  

In the mean time i would like all the Monero fanatics out there (you know who you are), to continue posting in your
moderated Dash Nation Civil War thread, the free publicity we are getting from it is priceless.

Title: Re: Time to end the XMR vs DASH battle: Confessions of a Dash Enthusiast
Post by: Hueristic on July 05, 2016, 09:31:34 PM
I'm a Dash enthusiast and also hold XMR and respect both projects. I also accept Dash for my businesses.

Only reason I haven't started accepting XMR is there isn't a way for me to do the USD pricing conversion to XMR easily and the lack of an official GUI (which I understand will be completed by year end) so hopefully this will change soon.

As much as I have also experienced XMR trolls, I don't think there's any need for Dash supporters to mud fling back. Doesn't help the cause in anyway.

@DashGuy: If you want to represent Dash and mean well (or any coin for that matter), do it with respect and argue on the facts. XMR's anonymity is solid that is not in dispute and Dash has decided to go for a different approach. I know you mean well and are ardently fervent about Dash (but yet unhappy with Dash's core team at the same time) and think that Dash are stupid for not taking up your suggestions, but things like these serve no purpose other than to

a) Get attention (the bad sort)
b) Make people pissed off.

Tell me, how does this help Dash's cause in gloating over making a swindle? How does 'trolling' the trollers make you any better? I would even say this makes you even worse. This doesn't "teach them a lesson" in anyway but just further builds distrust and hate.

I hope the donations you gathered for DashNation are returned to the original donaters or at least given to Monero as a show of good faith.

To the Monero supporters, I apologize on behalf of DashGuy. He is not representative of a great many of us. I once made a similar comparison of Monero's community (after receiving some nasty messages when I accepted Dash) and was given the response that they are not representative of Monero's community either and hope the same benefit of the doubt can be given to the Dash community. I think even on the reddit post, many Dash enthusiasts are frankly embarrassed (as am I).

So my takeaway from this is that you manipulated the goodwill of several members of the Monero community to make a point about how we're infected with a troll problem?

Then you called us gullible.

I personally would have preferred to have the person you pretended to be in our community.  That guy was really nice and seemed to genuinely want to help us.

If you ever find that guy again, I'd love to have him on our team.  Call me gullible.

Please do take him.

This is a great reply, You sir are an adult in a sea of children. :)

Funny I never heard of this DashDouche until his trolling. Children will be children in anything competitive and even though the 2 coins are no longer fulfilling the same goal it seems this crap is never going to end. But at least we in this space don't need TV. :)

BTW your not getting many votes, run out of sockpuppets?
Question: 	Are you sick of Monero trollers?
Yes! - 11 (25.6%)
Of course! - 8 (18.6%)
Who wouldn't be? - 4 (9.3%)
It really is harming their coins reputation... - 20 (46.5%)
Voting options
Total Voters: 29

Also why are total votes incorrect? Does it allow multiple votes?

Title: Re: Time to end the XMR vs DASH battle: Confessions of a Dash Enthusiast
Post by: DrkLvr_ on July 05, 2016, 09:32:17 PM
Is it possible that TheDashGuy is double reverse trolling?  Seems he's done a lot of damage to what little credibility Dash has left

And that coming from the guy with zero credibility   ::)

To OP : i dont know why but i get the feeling that the XMR vs DASH tension will continue for awhile  
Oh well, life will continue .. fortunes will be made and lost .. etc etc
Just a little splash in the pool that is called the Altcoin Discussion forum  

In the mean time i would like all the Monero fanatics out there (you know who you are), to continue posting in your
moderated Dash Nation Civil War thread, the free publicity we are getting from it is priceless.

Basically everyone hates Dash. Even Dash supporters hate dash. Even eduffield hates Dash and has to do a pile of drugs before being interviewed about it

Title: Re: Time to end the XMR vs DASH battle: Confessions of a Dash Enthusiast
Post by: qwizzie on July 05, 2016, 09:42:28 PM
Is it possible that TheDashGuy is double reverse trolling?  Seems he's done a lot of damage to what little credibility Dash has left

And that coming from the guy with zero credibility   ::)

To OP : i dont know why but i get the feeling that the XMR vs DASH tension will continue for awhile  
Oh well, life will continue .. fortunes will be made and lost .. etc etc
Just a little splash in the pool that is called the Altcoin Discussion forum  

In the mean time i would like all the Monero fanatics out there (you know who you are), to continue posting in your
moderated Dash Nation Civil War thread, the free publicity we are getting from it is priceless.

Basically everyone hates Dash. Even Dash supporters hate dash. Even eduffield hates Dash and has to do a pile of drugs before being interviewed about it

And there is that anger and hatred towards Dash again, it can not be healthy carrying all that inside of you all the time my son.
I know this cool guy that could maybe help you with that, he goes by the name of Buddha and he has some interesting teachings.  


Title: Re: Time to end the XMR vs DASH battle: Confessions of a Dash Enthusiast
Post by: Spoetnik on July 06, 2016, 06:22:15 AM

Sure, iCEBREAKER goes off on things, but he's no worse than Spoetnik.

Sorry, but no.

Spoetnik is an institution, Icetroller is a no-life monero fascist.


I only ever beg of you all to "Keep it interesting"
It's usually boring & predictable.

I am far less interested in who is right or wrong as just talking.
But when a guy makes ETH and pours a million in FIAT into it
my "talk" is all of a sudden a big problem..

In other words..

Most of what is going on here lies beneath the surface.
It's all pure manipulation and games.
All over money.

Except the one guy here who doesn't care about money but Idealism
Is of course the big bad troll.  ::)

There are a lot of us who are willing to discuss Crypto with some flexibility
and STILL bag hold their Monero or Gold Coin or Litecoin etc
And others who can not !

What is the spirit of alternative crypto coins from the start ?
Making an ICO for a scheme or something then demanding your either on board with it or a troll ?
Sorry guys you want to chant Free Market but flip out when criticism comes rolling in.
That *IS* what this is all about !
Experimentation !
Not centralized ideas pushed in a vacuum of self-moderated censorship.

You are all hypocrites & full of shit and REALLY only care about YOUR profits.
You will chant Free Market till your blue in the face but an exchange takes your money your on the phone to the cops.

You will all say you respect the right to having an open scene with users opinions respected
until they criticize the coin YOU ARE BAG HOLDING ..then the guy is a Troll of course ::)

There is Different classes of users here and you all forget that all the time..
There are monsters here among us people.. don't forget it.
Monsters ?
Yeah people who will stop at nothing to profit.
You may not be one of them but i bet you are sitting next to one and don't even know it.

A key issue is kids + gullibility.

Sorry Febo but i think you are a perfect example.
I posted our "private" chat on Monero from IRC and was stunned how you went on the defensive
to the point you started arguing & lying? to prop up Monero.. when you didn't even know what you were talking about !
Like stuff about Risto .. apparently you knew none of what i said and kept asking..
How did you hear that ?
Risto told me or us publicly.
So why was Febo bending over backwards denying it all ?
He's gullible and a starry eyes little dreamer with bags.

There is a massive amount of foolish young'ins here like that.
And based on some comments Febo said i could tell "they"
has put him in the basement and fed him bullshit like a mushroom.

He has been told what they want him to know.. nothing more.
And he of course WILL NEVER ask questions..

Many of you people online are searching for "a cause".
Like little SJW warriors looking for a flag to take up to go to battle with..
so they can pour on their fanboyism and cheerleading... it's disease across the web !
Same dumb shit here.

Febo told me he is a long term bag holder.. of Monero.
Smart ?
I told him i have never been a "Long Term" bag holder of any coin.

blah blah blah.. ..come join us and cry FUD for bucks $$$ !
..that really does sum it up.

if you all want to read the chat log in full here..

..All of what i said above is a central issue with this never ending Dash vs Monero drama.

Title: Re: Time to end the XMR vs DASH battle: Confessions of a Dash Enthusiast
Post by: balaks on July 06, 2016, 11:08:59 AM
Can I ask those who think it's OK for a person to essentially commit fraud and theft because of 'trolling' how they can justify it? This person lied and then took advantage of other people's generosity who made donations to him (he had asked for them so he could work on a website, etc to promote coin).

It reflects very poorly on this guy's character and it reflects equally poorly on those who think this behaviour is justified in some way.

Title: Re: Time to end the XMR vs DASH battle: Confessions of a Dash Enthusiast
Post by: bolehvpn on July 06, 2016, 11:10:14 AM
Hi all, just to put an end to this story.

A couple of us from the Dash Community have made the refund. If you have donated to theDashGuy, you can approach @fluffypony to arrange the money to be sent to you.

He has also posted on reddit on this.

Thank you.

Title: Re: Time to end the XMR vs DASH battle: Confessions of a Dash Enthusiast
Post by: balaks on July 06, 2016, 11:14:32 AM
That's great news. Glad to see that most people here are decent people. Guys like that thief do nothing to help promote crypto in general,nevermind whatever coin they happen to support.

Title: Re: Time to end the XMR vs DASH battle: Confessions of a Dash Enthusiast
Post by: Febo on July 06, 2016, 11:48:18 AM
lol Spoetnik i dont know why you cant act normally as you can on IRC. As i remember our little chit chat we agreed on mainly everything. Only thing we did not was that you are convinced governments will not allow anon crypto. I am convinced they will not be able to do anything about it even if they will not like the idea.  But that was discussed in this forum milion times in last 3 years.

Most infos i get are here from this forum. So yes this might be my basement where i am feed with bullshit like a mushroom.

I will always believe that  one day that that might stop. And people will start post truth here.  Not sure how will get to it. So as I believe that crypto will change the world as we know it. But who knows, maybe that believing come from mushrooms you are feeding me here.

Title: Re: Time to end the XMR vs DASH battle: Confessions of a Dash Enthusiast
Post by: gadado on July 06, 2016, 12:03:41 PM
lol Spoetnik i dont know why you cant act normally as you can on IRC.

I read it and was surprised to see he can talk halfway sane and coherent on irc in contrast to how he posts in this forum.
But a lot people post wired in this forum ... guess those just like to have their unique style!  ;D

Title: Re: Time to end the XMR vs DASH battle: Confessions of a Dash Enthusiast
Post by: Hueristic on July 07, 2016, 01:18:15 AM
Hi all, just to put an end to this story.

A couple of us from the Dash Community have made the refund. If you have donated to theDashGuy, you can approach @fluffypony to arrange the money to be sent to you.

He has also posted on reddit on this.

Thank you.

Respect, We know there are alot of decent Dash supporters. I would have been one if I hadn't been lied to about the relaunch.

Title: Re: Time to end the XMR vs DASH battle: Confessions of a Dash Enthusiast
Post by: iCEBREAKER on July 07, 2016, 04:18:49 AM
Hi all, just to put an end to this story.

A couple of us from the Dash Community have made the refund. If you have donated to theDashGuy, you can approach @fluffypony to arrange the money to be sent to you.

He has also posted on reddit on this.

Thank you.

Thanks for stepping up and making whole those victimized by TheDashGuy's aggressive dishonesty.

But that's not an "end to this story" (although I understand why you wish it was).

TheDashGuy isn't just some random Dash supporter, he's the creator/admin/webmaster of most (or all?) #DashNation sites.

That matters, and IMHO you and the rest of the DashHoles are just glossing over that salient+pertinent fact because it's inconvenient, awkward, and difficult to address without admitting your community leadership has had at least one known/proven/infamous scammer among them THE WHOLE TIME.

Now that you have undeniable proof TDG is an aggressively dishonest grifter, how comfortable do you feel letting him control the browsers of all #DashNation web site visitors?

Isn't it legitimate, given his recent fraud and theft, to assume TDG will use those sites to rip off visitors in any and every way possible?

Things would be different if TDG had refunded the XMR himself, or reimburse you guys for your out of pocket refund expenses, but he has not.

I think that matters, and this story doesn't end until some punitive repercussions are inflicted upon TDG.  He can't just continue blithely running your web sites like nothing ever happened to utterly impugn his motives and establish his malfeasance.

If you disagree, please explain why.



Title: Re: Time to end the XMR vs DASH battle: Confessions of a Dash Enthusiast
Post by: needmoney90 on July 07, 2016, 04:28:56 AM
Hi all, just to put an end to this story.

A couple of us from the Dash Community have made the refund. If you have donated to theDashGuy, you can approach @fluffypony to arrange the money to be sent to you.

He has also posted on reddit on this.

Thank you.

Thanks for stepping up and making whole those victimized by TheDashGuy's aggressive dishonesty.

But that's not an "end to this story" (although I understand why you wish it was).

TheDashGuy isn't just some random Dash supporter, he's the creator/admin/webmaster of most (or all?) #DashNation sites.

That matters, and IMHO you and the rest of the DashHoles are just glossing over that salient+pertinent fact because it's inconvenient, awkward, and difficult to address without admitting your community leadership has had at least one known/proven/infamous scammer among them THE WHOLE TIME.

Now that you have undeniable proof TDG is an aggressively dishonest grifter, how comfortable do you feel letting him control the browsers of all #DashNation web site visitors?

Isn't it legitimate, given his recent fraud and theft, to assume TDG will use those sites to rip off visitors in any and every way possible?

Things would be different if TDG had refunded the XMR himself, or reimburse you guys for your out of pocket refund expenses, but he has not.

I think that matters, and this story doesn't end until some punitive repercussions are inflicted upon TDG.  He can't just continue blithely running your web sites like nothing ever happened to utterly impugn his motives and establish his malfeasance.

If you disagree, please explain why.



iCEBREAKER, as a person from the Monero camp, I disagree. TDG may have acted rashly, and out of spite/malice, but to say that this implies more malfeasance on his part as the administrator of a number of Dash websites I think is putting him in the entirely wrong light. Regardless of anything else he's done, he's a web developer, and I believe was paid for some of them. Regardless of his personal feelings about Monero, I very highly doubt that he would damage his professional reputation to scam people, just based on this one event.

If you want your posts to be seen in a better light, try not attacking the reputation of others. That only causes more strife. Focus on the technical issues, devolving to character attacks is petty.

Title: Re: Time to end the XMR vs DASH battle: Confessions of a Dash Enthusiast
Post by: TheDashGuy on July 07, 2016, 04:43:18 AM
Hi all, just to put an end to this story.

A couple of us from the Dash Community have made the refund. If you have donated to theDashGuy, you can approach @fluffypony to arrange the money to be sent to you.

He has also posted on reddit on this.

Thank you.

Thanks for stepping up and making whole those victimized by TheDashGuy's aggressive dishonesty.

But that's not an "end to this story" (although I understand why you wish it was).

TheDashGuy isn't just some random Dash supporter, he's the creator/admin/webmaster of most (or all?) #DashNation sites.

That matters, and IMHO you and the rest of the DashHoles are just glossing over that salient+pertinent fact because it's inconvenient, awkward, and difficult to address without admitting your community leadership has had at least one known/proven/infamous scammer among them THE WHOLE TIME.

Now that you have undeniable proof TDG is an aggressively dishonest grifter, how comfortable do you feel letting him control the browsers of all #DashNation web site visitors?

Isn't it legitimate, given his recent fraud and theft, to assume TDG will use those sites to rip off visitors in any and every way possible?

Things would be different if TDG had refunded the XMR himself, or reimburse you guys for your out of pocket refund expenses, but he has not.

I think that matters, and this story doesn't end until some punitive repercussions are inflicted upon TDG.  He can't just continue blithely running your web sites like nothing ever happened to utterly impugn his motives and establish his malfeasance.

If you disagree, please explain why.



Suck a fat one.

You brought this on your little troll tribe. I don't give a shit what any one of you cunts thinks about me. All the Dash idiots who talked shit can shove it to. You started this shit way before I got here.

Besides, I'm still holding some XMR, nice prices rises ;]

And to think all I wanted was you cunts to just say uncle, LOL. God what was I thinking, should have just kept the whole stash from the get go and said nothing. Tried teaching you idiots a lesson in what your type of chatting does to people. i hope the entire crypto space shits on you and the whole coin falls apart. You deserve it.

iCEBREAKER, as a person from the Monero camp, I disagree. TDG may have acted rashly, and out of spite/malice, but to say that this implies more malfeasance on his part as the administrator of a number of Dash websites I think is putting him in the entirely wrong light. Regardless of anything else he's done, he's a web developer, and I believe was paid for some of them. Regardless of his personal feelings about Monero, I very highly doubt that he would damage his professional reputation to scam people, just based on this one event.

If you want your posts to be seen in a better light, try not attacking the reputation of others. That only causes more strife. Focus on the technical issues, devolving to character attacks is petty.

I do agree quite a few of you are much smart than this prick icebreaker. Sorry it had to come to this.

Anyone else wanna keep it up. Here's my response to everyone:

Title: Re: Time to end the XMR vs DASH battle: Confessions of a Dash Enthusiast
Post by: needmoney90 on July 07, 2016, 04:59:19 AM
Hi all, just to put an end to this story.

A couple of us from the Dash Community have made the refund. If you have donated to theDashGuy, you can approach @fluffypony to arrange the money to be sent to you.

He has also posted on reddit on this.

Thank you.

Thanks for stepping up and making whole those victimized by TheDashGuy's aggressive dishonesty.

But that's not an "end to this story" (although I understand why you wish it was).

TheDashGuy isn't just some random Dash supporter, he's the creator/admin/webmaster of most (or all?) #DashNation sites.

That matters, and IMHO you and the rest of the DashHoles are just glossing over that salient+pertinent fact because it's inconvenient, awkward, and difficult to address without admitting your community leadership has had at least one known/proven/infamous scammer among them THE WHOLE TIME.

Now that you have undeniable proof TDG is an aggressively dishonest grifter, how comfortable do you feel letting him control the browsers of all #DashNation web site visitors?

Isn't it legitimate, given his recent fraud and theft, to assume TDG will use those sites to rip off visitors in any and every way possible?

Things would be different if TDG had refunded the XMR himself, or reimburse you guys for your out of pocket refund expenses, but he has not.

I think that matters, and this story doesn't end until some punitive repercussions are inflicted upon TDG.  He can't just continue blithely running your web sites like nothing ever happened to utterly impugn his motives and establish his malfeasance.

If you disagree, please explain why.



Suck a fat one.

You brought this on your little troll tribe. I don't give a shit what any one of you cunts thinks about me. All the Dash idiots who talked shit can shove it to. You started this shit way before I got here.

Besides, I'm still holding some XMR, nice prices rises ;]

And to think all I wanted was you cunts to just say uncle, LOL. God what was I thinking, should have just kept the whole stash from the get go and said nothing. Tried teaching you idiots a lesson in what your type of chatting does to people. i hope the entire crypto space shits on you and the whole coin falls apart. You deserve it.

iCEBREAKER, as a person from the Monero camp, I disagree. TDG may have acted rashly, and out of spite/malice, but to say that this implies more malfeasance on his part as the administrator of a number of Dash websites I think is putting him in the entirely wrong light. Regardless of anything else he's done, he's a web developer, and I believe was paid for some of them. Regardless of his personal feelings about Monero, I very highly doubt that he would damage his professional reputation to scam people, just based on this one event.

If you want your posts to be seen in a better light, try not attacking the reputation of others. That only causes more strife. Focus on the technical issues, devolving to character attacks is petty.

I do agree quite a few of you are much smart than this prick icebreaker. Sorry it had to come to this.

Anyone else wanna keep it up. Here's my response to everyone:

Keep it classy after I defended you, TDG. I guess people really don't change. Grow up.

Title: Re: Time to end the XMR vs DASH battle: Confessions of a Dash Enthusiast
Post by: TheDashGuy on July 07, 2016, 05:01:09 AM
Hi all, just to put an end to this story.

A couple of us from the Dash Community have made the refund. If you have donated to theDashGuy, you can approach @fluffypony to arrange the money to be sent to you.

He has also posted on reddit on this.

Thank you.

Thanks for stepping up and making whole those victimized by TheDashGuy's aggressive dishonesty.

But that's not an "end to this story" (although I understand why you wish it was).

TheDashGuy isn't just some random Dash supporter, he's the creator/admin/webmaster of most (or all?) #DashNation sites.

That matters, and IMHO you and the rest of the DashHoles are just glossing over that salient+pertinent fact because it's inconvenient, awkward, and difficult to address without admitting your community leadership has had at least one known/proven/infamous scammer among them THE WHOLE TIME.

Now that you have undeniable proof TDG is an aggressively dishonest grifter, how comfortable do you feel letting him control the browsers of all #DashNation web site visitors?

Isn't it legitimate, given his recent fraud and theft, to assume TDG will use those sites to rip off visitors in any and every way possible?

Things would be different if TDG had refunded the XMR himself, or reimburse you guys for your out of pocket refund expenses, but he has not.

I think that matters, and this story doesn't end until some punitive repercussions are inflicted upon TDG.  He can't just continue blithely running your web sites like nothing ever happened to utterly impugn his motives and establish his malfeasance.

If you disagree, please explain why.



Suck a fat one.

You brought this on your little troll tribe. I don't give a shit what any one of you cunts thinks about me. All the Dash idiots who talked shit can shove it to. You started this shit way before I got here.

Besides, I'm still holding some XMR, nice prices rises ;]

And to think all I wanted was you cunts to just say uncle, LOL. God what was I thinking, should have just kept the whole stash from the get go and said nothing. Tried teaching you idiots a lesson in what your type of chatting does to people. i hope the entire crypto space shits on you and the whole coin falls apart. You deserve it.

iCEBREAKER, as a person from the Monero camp, I disagree. TDG may have acted rashly, and out of spite/malice, but to say that this implies more malfeasance on his part as the administrator of a number of Dash websites I think is putting him in the entirely wrong light. Regardless of anything else he's done, he's a web developer, and I believe was paid for some of them. Regardless of his personal feelings about Monero, I very highly doubt that he would damage his professional reputation to scam people, just based on this one event.

If you want your posts to be seen in a better light, try not attacking the reputation of others. That only causes more strife. Focus on the technical issues, devolving to character attacks is petty.

I do agree quite a few of you are much smart than this prick icebreaker. Sorry it had to come to this.

Anyone else wanna keep it up. Here's my response to everyone:

Keep it classy after I defended you, TDG. I guess people really don't change. :/

Wasn't aiming it at you.

Was aiming it all the rest of these trolling bastards.

I don't even care anymore, i've got half a mind to leave this shitshow of crypto behind and get back to real life, 40+ hours a week working on Dash and related shit for free has burnt me out.

The whole crypto space is full of scams, trolls, assholes & worse. I play my one fucking joke and the shit show comes to my feet.

Good fucking riddance.

Title: Re: Time to end the XMR vs DASH battle: Confessions of a Dash Enthusiast
Post by: generalizethis on July 07, 2016, 05:13:37 AM

The whole crypto space is full of scams, trolls, assholes & worse. I play my one fucking joke and the shit show comes to my feet.

Good fucking riddance.

What a fucking hypocrite--you're probably the type of guy who argues with his girlfriend, goes out and cheats on her, and then blames her for "making him" cheat on her.

Grow-up. No one forced you to fake being someone else and take money from the people who believed you.

And yeah, they should have been more careful with their money, but that doesn't reduce (let alone excuse you from) your part.

Title: Re: Time to end the XMR vs DASH battle: Confessions of a Dash Enthusiast
Post by: billotronic on July 07, 2016, 05:14:36 AM
if a tree fell in a forest... and it landed on dash and xmr, would anyone care?

regardless of whatever 'advances' either project has made for the greater good of crypto and us, the users, they are shadowed by the shit show bullshit that comes from both camps.

even with a hypothetical hit against our crypto goals, I often wonder if the 'scene' would be better off with both projects disappearing.

Title: Re: Time to end the XMR vs DASH battle: Confessions of a Dash Enthusiast
Post by: iCEBREAKER on July 07, 2016, 05:23:12 AM
I don't even care anymore, i've got half a mind to leave this shitshow of crypto behind and get back to real life, 40+ hours a week working on Dash and related shit for free has burnt me out.

The whole crypto space is full of scams, trolls, assholes & worse. I play my one fucking joke and the shit show comes to my feet.

Good fucking riddance.

I'll take that as confirmation you have zero intention of returning the XMR you scammed using fraud.

Oh you're "burnt" out, you poor dear?  I'm sure it's all Monero's fault that Daniel, kot, and yidakee take turns shitting on you.

Or perhaps the real problem is you smoke too much "for medical reasons" to finish high school, much less contribute in a meaningful way to crypto?

The only thing I've ever seen the Dash and Monero communities overwhelmingly agree upon is that you are a total scumbag.

But I understand why you are so mad.  I set you up and played you like a marionette.  Dance for us, you fucking fail puppet!   :D

Title: Re: Time to end the XMR vs DASH battle: Confessions of a Dash Enthusiast
Post by: TechorMarketing on July 07, 2016, 05:45:28 AM
Thank you to all the Dash users who helped us reach a fair resolution. I am quite impressed with how this entire situation was handled.

TheDashGuy you have plenty of great role models to choose from in the Dash community. Consider learning from (and reimbursing) bolehvpn:

Hi all, just to put an end to this story.

A couple of us from the Dash Community have made the refund. If you have donated to theDashGuy, you can approach @fluffypony to arrange the money to be sent to you.

He has also posted on reddit on this.

Thank you.

Title: Re: Time to end the XMR vs DASH battle: Confessions of a Dash Enthusiast
Post by: sell_acc_for_2BTC on July 07, 2016, 05:55:17 AM
DASH will never cross XMR! DASH will eventually crash... ;)

Title: Re: Time to end the XMR vs DASH battle: Confessions of a Dash Enthusiast
Post by: Spoetnik on July 07, 2016, 06:10:03 AM
That's great news. Glad to see that most people here are decent people. Guys like that thief do nothing to help promote crypto in general,nevermind whatever coin they happen to support.

Don't flatter yourselves..
The world does not care.
And it ain't because of a guy asking for donations here under a guise.

You are far beyond stubborn.. to the point of delusion.
All you have ever done since you got here was call me a liar and a troll.
And i have never said 1 single thing that can not be proven.
So what do you expect me to think ?

You are blind ..take your "Monero Goggles" off and realize you are working for peanuts
for "Smashing Pumpkins Coin"
If you wanna brown nose smoothie and be Risto's lap-dog then go for it.
Just don't expect us to sit quietly and not laugh about it.

FUD you have cried about me specifically endlessly FEBO
even when i say something and give the damn links 100 million times.
So WTF ?

Cry FUD malfeasance "Free Market" for bucks $$$ much lately ?

I agree but i have said many times..
It won't matter..
I said it's the guys who are behind Monero or other coins that is the BIG problem.
Not the coin.
Get rid of the coin and they will simply dive on another coin.
These older Monero guys for example or even Dash ;)
Were in on other coins before Monero & Dash..
This is just a another day in the scammy greedy profiteer saga we call the Altcoin scene.
Most of you were not around long enough to have the faintest clue what things used to be like.
Not many of these guys that are older here claim Monero or Dash was their first coin
..except Risto LOL
SO get it yet ?
Take away either and both camps will move to coin #6001 they both made & supported.

The reason they are all so militant is they are stuck and bag holders.
They knew long ago when i was fud'ing the cloning (and they were supporting it here publicly)
they had to stop and do a 180 and pull a long con.. then Monero etc was born
and then they put all their eggs in one basket.

Title: Re: Time to end the XMR vs DASH battle: Confessions of a Dash Enthusiast
Post by: DaveyJones on July 07, 2016, 08:56:45 AM
if a tree fell in a forest... and it landed on dash and xmr, would anyone care?

regardless of whatever 'advances' either project has made for the greater good of crypto and us, the users, they are shadowed by the shit show bullshit that comes from both camps.

even with a hypothetical hit against our crypto goals, I often wonder if the 'scene' would be better off with both projects disappearing.

The "Scene" wasn`t any better before... there were enough fights when it was solely Bitcoin too... if there are "camps" possible... there will be fights... welcome to the Internet.

Title: Re: Time to end the XMR vs DASH battle: Confessions of a Dash Enthusiast
Post by: Spoetnik on July 07, 2016, 10:12:08 AM
if a tree fell in a forest... and it landed on dash and xmr, would anyone care?

regardless of whatever 'advances' either project has made for the greater good of crypto and us, the users, they are shadowed by the shit show bullshit that comes from both camps.

even with a hypothetical hit against our crypto goals, I often wonder if the 'scene' would be better off with both projects disappearing.

The "Scene" wasn`t any better before... there were enough fights when it was solely Bitcoin too... if there are "camps" possible... there will be fights... welcome to the Internet.

There is now almost 1 million accounts here and 6,000+ ANN topics + others in Services etc.
So lets not sit here and pretend it is NOT 10,000x worse.. NOW.  :D

And yeah this Dash / Monero drama is no good but both sides fuel it endlessly then blame each other.
Will there ever be a winner ?
How do you define that ? suckering in idiot investards causing the Poloniex XMR markets to go up in price ?
World adoption of a CURRENCY ?

A currency not used NOT a currency  ::)

It's been YEARS and i doubt either one will make any head way with adoption.. ever.
Enjoy the never ending greedy shitcoin forum circle jerk.
Just remember the coins on centralized exchanges means nothing's token #4,002 ..#4,003
So take away this forum to spam on and you have NOTHING.
No audience to cry troll or FUD to.. and no digital token to ramble on about.

When the life of a "currency" hinges entirely on the chatter on a forum
i'd say we got a massive sack of fail in our "bags"  ::)
And the twisted fucked up part is you all think NOTHING else matters  :D

..time to grow up kids.

Title: Re: Time to end the XMR vs DASH battle: Confessions of a Dash Enthusiast
Post by: iCEBREAKER on February 17, 2017, 02:02:39 PM
Plot Twist!

 :D :D :D

[Warning] Why I don't trust the price of Dash, nor the community. Be careful folks. Invest wisely. Diversify.

1. Dash is centrally controlled. This is a fact.

Dash used to be one of my favorite parts of the internet, since discovering Bitcoin. I spent weeks upon weeks reading up on Dash, after years of learning about Bitcoin and it's faults, Dash (Drk) at the time seemed like a logical next step forward, so I dove head first into Dash for a little over a year and spent a majority of my time working alongside the community to dream up cool projects, spread the word about Dash and so on, once I started asking the hard questions about the core team being accountable, the slander slowly began to build. Before you knew it, I was known as the town troll for "asking too many questions" and was sidelined as much as possible, simply for being critical of the teams decisions and asking them to act in the best interests of Dash, they did not. They are making loads of cash while controlling the "governance system" with large amounts of Masternodes and upvoting their own backdoor deals with companies that are friends of friends and so on . Any sort of critical thinking is not welcome in the Dash ecosystem and you will be sidelined due to it. So be careful. They are acting in their own interests, not in the interest of cryptocurrency. Hence the echo chamber being so powerful.

2. Dash is under researched, overhyped. It's all marketing.

InstandSend is the ONLY good thing Dash has going for it (and its completely wasted), governance is completely and purposely flawed as to enable control for the core team of no only the funds, but the mechanisms that drive the governance system too. You'd be surprised to find out most of the important things sucks as forking and what not are handled by Evan and Evan only, there is no consensus mechanism to force anyone in core to do anything, thus they do as they please and remain largely unchecked in doing so.

Darksend is a gimmick, sure maybe it can't be cracked super easily, but the use of it is a complete joke, not to mention Dash recently teamed up with Coinfirm to track all Dash purchases in the network, sound a little backwards to you? It did to me to. They also have lawyered up using blockchain taxed funds, spent quite a pretty penny (hundreds of thousands) on their own little side projects such as Lamassu ATM integration which still has yet to come to fruition and so on. The point being, Dash is nothing but a big echo chamber, be careful believing anything that comes from that community, they lure you in with false hopes of a better world of crypto currency just to break your heart when you find out they really just want to start their own crypto bankster project for their own selfish needs, that is not what I signed up for.

The Dash I understood when I started reading the docs and listening to Evans videos was a new form of "digital cash" for the people, controlled by the people. The Dash I found was just another wanna be get rich quick scheme covered in all the right hopes and promises. Be weary folks, a REAL digital cash will arrive one day, it might be called Bitcoin, it might be #Monero, hell it might even be #Litecoin if they go privacy first, but one thing I do know is it will not be Dash, until the entire core team is gone and the community controls Dash.

3. The Dash community is disingenuous. The "governance system' is flawed. The Core team controls majority of Masternodes.

Everyone in the Dash community who is left minus a few brave and stubborn souls (achem Camosoul, GrandMaster & Solarminer) is part of the problem, they are all lazy crypto currency supporters who are just here to make a quick buck, the idea of changing the financial landscape forever has been lost to them. When I started with Bitcoin in 2011, the only thing I could ever think was how revolutionary Bitcoin really was and what good it could bring to our planet. Little did I know it was an unfinished product, Dash seemed to fill the gap temporarily, but after spending almost a year devoted to Dash, I quickly learned it was all a sham and some good marketing points. The governance system being the best part of Dash, until you realize Evan owns 400+ Masternodes, Daniel easily owns 200+, Otoh owns 400+, and so on... Well when you only have 3-4k nodes in the entire community and things only need 10% nodes to vote to pass, and the whales started out with Masternodes costing 1% of what they cost now, you can see how the community can quickly end up in the control of 'bad whales'.

Point being, the governance system is a joke, its as much of a governance system as a bankster scam aimed at making you feel like you are winning, while they are winning 1,000 more than you. How are those crumbs tasting fellas?

4. Darkcoin was a far superior coin to Dash, yet here we are. Why you ask?

Darkcoin was the basis for what Dash became, but Darkcoin was also MUCH more ahead of its time, back then Evan wasn't coding for revenue, he was coding to create an idea, that idea was a sort of 'digital cash' based on Bitcoin. Within a year or 2 his vision slowly changed into creating "Paypal 2.0" (and yes thats a quote rom him and multiple core team members, not my words). And that is where I call BS, they say anything they can to get some coverage and don't give a single damn about delivering the proper product. The Dash team will NEVER deliver a true digital cash, because that is not their end goal. Darkcoin was on the right track, but Dash is a completely different direction, hell Dash is actively running away from privacy as it is anyways... look at coinfirm...

5. Evan Duffield lacks a spine and a moral compass to do the right thing with Dash. Ryan "Babygiraffe" Taylor & Daniel Diaz are wanna-be failed banksters with a selfish end game that influence Evan heavily.

As I stated already Evan Duffield was on the right track with Darkcoin back in the day, but slowly over time he seemed to have morphed his vision of what digital cash should be from being an open sourced, community controlled, instant, private digital asset toooooo controlling your money, controlling the governance mechanism to ring as much money out of the project before it collapses on itself, getting their own office space paid for by the blockchain, paying themselves large sums of money and so on... doesn't seem right when there are villages all around the world dying for access to a worldwide economy now does it?

Ryan Taylor is an ex bankster with a selfish end game. This guy came around to Dash shortly after myself, was cool at first while he worked his way into the core team, but once things became a little more heated he quickly buckled down onto his knees and stopping trying to fight for the idea of a better Dash and became a leach himself. They hired him for help with finance, and ever since he's been the biggest figure in the Dash community besides Amanda in the public realm, you wonder why don't you? He's in it for himself, not for Dash, not for crypto currencies. He just wants his former bankster glory back.

Daniel Diaz is a complete half assed wanna sneaky snake like scammer. He's been around Evan since the beginning and he's the one that I attribute to ruining Evan's moral compass. He's the one who envisioned this crappy "paypal 2.0" idea and tried shoving it down the communities throat with deceit, lies and made up stories. He's the one who put his neck out there and said "WERE GETTING ON LAMASSU ATM'S!!" almost a year ago, and $100,000 later and countless excuses, there are still 0 Lamassu ATM's in the world... He's the reason the "governance" in Dahs is broken, because he has poisoned the well and turned Dash into a leeches paradise.

6. It's either 1 huge scheme or they really lack a higher purpose.

I could never really figure out which one it was, but after a few months of reflecting back on this I feel like it was a mix of both. People like Daniel and Ryan are scheming/leeching while people like Udjin (the best dev easily) and Evan are simply following the herd. I feel as if Dash was capable of being 1000x the product it is today if they would have embraced more decentralization, more worldwide change and more of a community focused mindset, then Dash could become the first truly decentralized economy, basically a skynet if you will. But the core team doesn't see it that way, they just see a big ol piggy bank when they see Dash, it's quite sad honestly. Hopefully someone clones the entire damn project and does it the right way, that'd be the best altcoin IMO. Either way, still not really sure whether it's one huge team scam or they just don't see the greater good they could be doing, or maybe they don't care? Who knows.  All I know is echo chambers never did a lick of good in the past and they damn sure won't start now.

7. The Dash core team is power hungry. The Dash community is blind.

As has been touched on earlier in this post, the Dash team has lost it's way. Dash could have been a world wide economy, the governance system could be used to employ ANYONE in the world, and yet they are sitting here hiring random companies that thier friends just happen to run to do stupid things like try and get ATM's set up everywhere, which is so backwards it makes no sense. Dash has InstandSend, people have smart phones. What the hell are they doing dropping $100,000+ dollars on ATM's you ask? Kickbacks I say, kickbacks. And the sad part of this is when you start pointing these types of things out to people in the community, the core team starts pinning you as a troll and what not just to run you off. This has happened countless times since the times of Darkcoin and I hope people will chime in and help people realize this isn't just a big old ranting post.

8. Dash COULD have been so much better, but greed killed it before it even got started.

Bitcoin was mean't to change the world, but has fallen short thus far. Dash came sooo close to filling the gap, but human greed seemed to have ruined any cryptopunk or libertarian ideology. People in charge of Dash think libertarians are stupid and childish (another quote), and that just never made sense to me.. Bitcoin was supposed to a libertarians dream come true, so when did this goal change? I'm still here waiting for the world to change, but in order to get there we'd have to have a fully decentralized or atleast distributed system that is fair for everyone, and provides everyone the same access to community funds in order to start creating a more economic model of crypto currency that can perform a proper digital asset with all the appropriate features such as speed, privacy, control and worldwide scalability. So far all the coins are falling short in one way or another and one day I think someone will hit the nail on the head and we'll either see that tech baked into Bitcoin, or some random coin take off overnight... not sure which yet. The main flaw of the Dash project seems to be greed, and lack of a moral compass.

9. Dash is basically a huge echo chamber supporting its own weight due to the Masternode system, it's nowhere close to being "digital cash' as it's marketed.

The biggest problem I found in this community and the same one that is true of most pyramid schemes is there is a massive echo chamber effect, everyone who sings the praises of Dash is a wonderful community member and is always talked to with respect and what not, but the second you start questioning things and making people feel as if they are being held to a standard, people will quickly turn around and happily tell you to leave because thinking is hard and people don't like things to be hard. I honestly think the people that are going to lose the most money when the core team decides to dump is going to be those exact users, which is sort of sad when you think about it. Sounds alot like a pyramid scheme to me, anyone? Lol oh and they even added a rating system which auto censors posts that get 4+ troll ratings, which they use VERYYYYY often to hide the complaints about them to the general public.

10. Dash is NOT Digital Cash, Dash is wanna be PayPal 2020, does any actually like PayPal? Thought so.

I've had repeated conversations with the core team in the past and various community members who blindly support them and I've asked them which they would prefer, digital cash or Paypal 2.0, and to my surprise the only ones who actually support the whole Paypal idea are the people in charge (core team) and their blind followers, because who wouldn't want to be the next billion dollar company? I mean I get it, but what happened to changing the world and doing it the right way?

Besides we all know PayPal is going to crush Dash in the long run, they are a billion dollar company getting put in a corner, I wouldn't be surprised if they already had eyes on Bitcoin & Dash and the recent acquisition of TIO which will give them access too hundreds of thousands of kiosks world wide, so much for that Lamassu Deal eh Daniel?

Good luck with your investments, always keep your eyes wide open, you never know when the floor is going to fall out from beneath you. And yes this is all true, and no I'm not trolling, just thought with all this Dash hype we could have a dose of reality.

Best wishes folks.


Well that certainly ends the TheDashGuy's battle against Monero.   ;D

Title: Re: Time to end the XMR vs DASH battle: Confessions of a Dash Enthusiast
Post by: qwizzie on February 17, 2017, 10:37:26 PM
Plot Twist!

 :D :D :D

[Warning] Why I don't trust the price of Dash, nor the community. Be careful folks. Invest wisely. Diversify.

Well that certainly ends the TheDashGuy's battle against Monero.   ;D

Friendly reminder that any not-thought-through Monero donations towards TheDashGuy this time around will not be compensated by the Dash community or the Dash dev team. The Dash community (Bolehvpn and some other community members) bailed you guys out once and i doubt they will want to do that again.
Be very carefull around this TheDashGuy / FeelTheBern.

Title: Re: Time to end the XMR vs DASH battle: Confessions of a Dash Enthusiast
Post by: pao_de_lo on February 18, 2017, 12:24:49 AM

Monero =  troll.
Monero = SCAM.

Brazil (

Title: Re: Time to end the XMR vs DASH battle: Confessions of a Dash Enthusiast
Post by: adhitthana on February 18, 2017, 03:23:31 AM
I, like 99% of people", don't care about the "battle".

Title: Re: Time to end the XMR vs DASH battle: Confessions of a Dash Enthusiast
Post by: iCEBREAKER on February 18, 2017, 03:32:39 AM
Monero =  troll.
Monero = SCAM.

...says the guy still pumping the hopeless LISK token.


Congratulations on achieving that recent All Time Low.

B. T. F. O.   :D

Title: Re: Time to end the XMR vs DASH battle: Confessions of a Dash Enthusiast
Post by: CyanFox on February 18, 2017, 03:54:20 AM
IMO the both coins are good coins, and the dev teams are very superior, you know they are all top market cap, do more troll and argue, they are all awesome and profitable projects.

Title: Re: Time to end the XMR vs DASH battle: Confessions of a Dash Enthusiast
Post by: 0xfff on February 19, 2017, 12:46:24 AM
Do you not want competition between coins? Competition will force the devs to innovate and improve their coins. Do you want cryptocurrencies to fail?  ???

This thread and it's full of adjective puke. Nothing good here.