Bitcoin Forum

Other => Politics & Society => Topic started by: Gasturcas on December 24, 2016, 07:12:19 PM

Title: Preparation for Death. Cremation or Burial?
Post by: Gasturcas on December 24, 2016, 07:12:19 PM
Which one do you prefer? Burying your body or through cremation? For me, I choose Cremation. It is very cost effective. They will just cremate your body into ashes and you can chose whether by placing your ash into a container or scatter it anywhere. Unlike Burial, you will need a casket and even a lot to where they will bury your body. :D Justify your answers please :)

Title: Re: Preparation for Death. Cremation or Burial?
Post by: Prohodimec on December 24, 2016, 07:20:31 PM
Which one do you prefer? Burying your body or through cremation? For me, I choose Cremation. It is very cost effective. They will just cremate your body into ashes and you can chose whether by placing your ash into a container or scatter it anywhere. Unlike Burial, you will need a casket and even a lot to where they will bury your body. :D Justify your answers please :)
To be honest, I do not care what happens to me after death. I don't believe in an afterlife. I'm more inclined to cremation. It is not so pollute the earth. See how much useless land for cemeteries.

Title: Re: Preparation for Death. Cremation or Burial?
Post by: asdin66fa on December 25, 2016, 02:44:51 AM
Dead, One finished, all is finished. The best direct cremation, burial also accounted for a large piece of land.

Title: Re: Preparation for Death. Cremation or Burial?
Post by: electronicash on December 25, 2016, 02:51:14 AM
 I want my body fed to piranhas, this should have been an option too. Or maybe to crocs, or let your body be ground and be fed to fishes on the ocean. This helps the fishes nourish to justify it.

Title: Re: Preparation for Death. Cremation or Burial?
Post by: saddampbuh on December 25, 2016, 02:57:08 AM
compost the thing after i'm gone for all i care, its not important

Title: Re: Preparation for Death. Cremation or Burial?
Post by: iamTom123 on December 25, 2016, 03:01:28 AM
Though cremation is really an attractive thing I still prefer the traditional burial. We also have to consider that cremation is not really cheap as it must be done by professionals and you can't just gather woods, light them and throw the dead into it. But then again, there is a point in the fact that for the dead it would not really matter at all.

Title: Re: Preparation for Death. Cremation or Burial?
Post by: foladgoad on December 25, 2016, 04:09:42 AM
People have a lost day, if that day comes, I do not want people to bury my ashes in the cold underground. I think they will spread in the valley, with the wind and let them run free, listen to the voice of nature, feel the natural hot and cold weather, so after the death of the world will not be too lonely.

Title: Re: Preparation for Death. Cremation or Burial?
Post by: mayxi865 on December 25, 2016, 05:49:29 AM
Which one do you prefer? Burying your body or through cremation? For me, I choose Cremation. It is very cost effective. They will just cremate your body into ashes and you can chose whether by placing your ash into a container or scatter it anywhere. Unlike Burial, you will need a casket and even a lot to where they will bury your body. :D Justify your answers please :)
Cremation costs of wood, oil, electricity, dust and carbon dioxide. Burial cost wood, into the fertile soil. How do you say it was buried?

Title: Re: Preparation for Death. Cremation or Burial?
Post by: anavuajna on December 25, 2016, 05:27:34 PM
I also will choose cremation. to me it's more like today. although I am sure that after I die I will be a matter of indifference what to do with my body

Title: Re: Preparation for Death. Cremation or Burial?
Post by: canah17 on December 27, 2016, 04:08:46 AM
Which one do you prefer? Burying your body or through cremation? For me, I choose Cremation. It is very cost effective. They will just cremate your body into ashes and you can chose whether by placing your ash into a container or scatter it anywhere. Unlike Burial, you will need a casket and even a lot to where they will bury your body. :D Justify your answers please :)

My very own choice is Burial :D i know cremation is cool and all but still its not the way people wanted i mean i hate being burn even in death its like hell man and i think that the brain is still alive at that time then you burned and you feel pain in your soul its not really the proper way of preparation of death but i didn't judge anything just for my understanding :D and Burial is much nice because if your soul roams around he still know that way of his body by through his heart :D i know its unlikely but i believe it :D its not a proper answer but i got some right? and i really like burial for that people will not even cry if i am buried in the ground but when its cremation my friends and families will even get depress because its burning the body its double kill mate ;) its bad for me so i choose burail :D

Title: Re: Preparation for Death. Cremation or Burial?
Post by: Hannu on December 27, 2016, 04:29:13 AM
Payment of course bitcoins or usa dollars. :D
Funeral car USA flag other side and Finland flag otherside. :D
Really i dont wanna die young  :)

Title: Re: Preparation for Death. Cremation or Burial?
Post by: Spoetnik on December 27, 2016, 04:31:12 AM
Burn it.. same reasons you said OP.
Although i am putting casket makers out of work right ? LOL
I am guilty of Lost Revenue / Theft i suppose  :'(

Title: Re: Preparation for Death. Cremation or Burial?
Post by: merchantofzeny on December 27, 2016, 06:22:59 AM
My mom already got me a memorial plan but I would have preferred cremation. I find it to be the most economical and environment-friendly. For example, you might not be able to get back the money used for the casket but you can donate it so you also end up helping.

And if you don't have qualms with having the urns at home, you can even just make a small niche for them. If all the family members agreed to be eventually cremated, you'd have a home shrine and don't have to travel (and use fuel) for ceremonies and holidays. And no need to shell out money for a columbarium slot. Of course, whether this is possible would depend on your city's regulations.

Title: Re: Preparation for Death. Cremation or Burial?
Post by: Sithara007 on December 27, 2016, 09:10:51 AM
Cremation is always better, especially in urban areas where we are rapidly running out of space. Burial requires a huge amount of space, and this space can't be used for any productive activity in the future.

Title: Re: Preparation for Death. Cremation or Burial?
Post by: zikel on December 27, 2016, 09:29:43 AM
it is believed that there are only two kinds of existence of matter - burning and rotting. I live as if I burn, and after my death, I also want to burn. I - for the cremation. But in my country is not welcome

Title: Re: Preparation for Death. Cremation or Burial?
Post by: valta4065 on December 27, 2016, 01:13:38 PM
Cremation is always better, especially in urban areas where we are rapidly running out of space. Burial requires a huge amount of space, and this space can't be used for any productive activity in the future.

Well in my country it's very similar because you don't have the right to release the ashes in Nature. I don't know why though, might be for security/medical reasons, but you must normally let the ashes in cemetery so it's not as big as a whole coffin (obviously) but it still takes place.
I'd just like to be able to be released in a river or something like that.

Or even better, burried without a coffin and plant a tree on me. That would be cool.

Title: Re: Preparation for Death. Cremation or Burial?
Post by: LTU_btc on December 27, 2016, 02:22:58 PM
I prefer cremation. It's cheaper than burial, because there are no need to buy expensive casket. And I don't want that my body after dead would rot underground and vould be eaten by vermins. But in my country tradition of burial is still very strong.

Title: Re: Preparation for Death. Cremation or Burial?
Post by: Daniel91 on December 27, 2016, 03:16:03 PM
It's difficult question.
I believe in life after death, eternal spiritual world.
Somebody told me that our spirit, after death, is still connected with our body and can't leave right away.
If we send body for cremation, it's shock for our spirit.
I don't know if this explanation is right but, I think, I will choose burial.

Title: Re: Preparation for Death. Cremation or Burial?
Post by: mr.bitcoinerf11 on December 27, 2016, 03:29:11 PM
its funny question tho
there will be live after death so no need to my body any more
so i will choose Burial XD

Title: Re: Preparation for Death. Cremation or Burial?
Post by: Tyrantt on December 28, 2016, 03:40:03 AM
The cheapest one, I don't want my kids to get into debts and spend money on me when I'm dead. I'd probably ask just to be burried in some casket that I've made cheap and also to tie my shoe laces in case of zombie apocalypse :D

So my answer is burried but in my hand made casket. :D

Title: Re: Preparation for Death. Cremation or Burial?
Post by: Tyrantt on December 28, 2016, 03:43:51 AM
compost the thing after i'm gone for all i care, its not important

well yeah, absolutely but when you're gone the costs of your burial or cremation would be payed by  your children, if you don't save money for that in advance. So that's why I chose the burial, can be cheaper, that also depends but yeah.

Title: Re: Preparation for Death. Cremation or Burial?
Post by: protokol on December 28, 2016, 03:50:55 AM
I wanna float out to sea on a raft and get set on fire with an burning arrow, Valhalla stylee.

Not because I believe in Thor or Odin or anything, I just think it looks cool as shit. Or if I have enough money, cryogenics.

Title: Re: Preparation for Death. Cremation or Burial?
Post by: Tyrantt on December 28, 2016, 04:02:43 AM
I wanna float out to sea on a raft and get set on fire with an burning arrow, Valhalla stylee.

Not because I believe in Thor or Odin or anything, I just think it looks cool as shit. Or if I have enough money, cryogenics.

why would you even consider cryogenics? :D tho the burning raft is cool tho, if I was to have loads of money, I'd pay workers to make a pyramid  and mummify me. :D

Title: Re: Preparation for Death. Cremation or Burial?
Post by: hayate on December 28, 2016, 04:22:10 AM
I want to be buried but not now because I have still a life to live.  ;D

Title: Re: Preparation for Death. Cremation or Burial?
Post by: Sithara007 on December 28, 2016, 01:18:52 PM
why would you even consider cryogenics? :D tho the burning raft is cool tho, if I was to have loads of money, I'd pay workers to make a pyramid  and mummify me. :D

Mummification is not as effective as cryogenics. 99.99% of the body tissue is preserved in cryogenics, even for a period of thousands of years. But in mummified bodies, there is a significant loss of body tissue.

Title: Re: Preparation for Death. Cremation or Burial?
Post by: Gyro on December 30, 2016, 07:04:05 PM
Which one do you prefer? Burying your body or through cremation? For me, I choose Cremation. It is very cost effective. They will just cremate your body into ashes and you can chose whether by placing your ash into a container or scatter it anywhere. Unlike Burial, you will need a casket and even a lot to where they will bury your body. :D Justify your answers please :)

Cremation because its usually a lot cheaper. Then spread my ashes around a forest away from the city. Because if there is an afterlife I certainly don't want to be in a crowded cemetery. I prefer to be alone.

Title: Re: Preparation for Death. Cremation or Burial?
Post by: LTU_btc on December 31, 2016, 12:27:01 AM
Which one do you prefer? Burying your body or through cremation? For me, I choose Cremation. It is very cost effective. They will just cremate your body into ashes and you can chose whether by placing your ash into a container or scatter it anywhere. Unlike Burial, you will need a casket and even a lot to where they will bury your body. :D Justify your answers please :)

Cremation because its usually a lot cheaper. Then spread my ashes around a forest away from the city. Because if there is an afterlife I certainly don't want to be in a crowded cemetery. I prefer to be alone.
I know that in mostly countries people are not allowed to spread ashes where they want. They only can keep ashes in columbarium or at home.

Title: Re: Preparation for Death. Cremation or Burial?
Post by: trollercoaster on December 31, 2016, 01:17:35 AM
I would like a sky burial, these are done in Tibet, great way to be sent off if you ask me  8)

Title: Re: Preparation for Death. Cremation or Burial?
Post by: Sithara007 on December 31, 2016, 03:28:55 AM
I would like a sky burial, these are done in Tibet, great way to be sent off if you ask me  8)

Similar open-air burial practices are common among the Zoroastrians in India as well. It is surprising, since in some cases, these burial grounds are located in the middle of dense urban centers.

Title: Re: Preparation for Death. Cremation or Burial?
Post by: umairsaleem011 on December 31, 2016, 03:30:15 AM
Cremation all the way for me. I dont want to be sitting in a casket rotting away with critters using me as their buffet.

Title: Re: Preparation for Death. Cremation or Burial?
Post by: btcmylove on December 31, 2016, 05:28:49 AM
Cremation. I like freedom, I will ask my children to scatter my ashes everywhere.

Title: Re: Preparation for Death. Cremation or Burial?
Post by: enhu on December 31, 2016, 05:35:51 AM
If i die by accident which my face would be terrible to look to, i guess cremation will be a better option.
Have you guys thought of what your going to do with your bitcoins when you die? is there any family member who is also into BTC to which you can hand it over??

Title: Re: Preparation for Death. Cremation or Burial?
Post by: umairsaleem011 on December 31, 2016, 05:39:15 AM
Cremation. I like freedom, I will ask my children to scatter my ashes everywhere.

Would you have a place in mind where they should scatter them. I do. Its my country house that we use to getaway too every weekend.

Title: Re: Preparation for Death. Cremation or Burial?
Post by: Sithara007 on December 31, 2016, 06:34:36 AM
Have you guys thought of what your going to do with your bitcoins when you die? is there any family member who is also into BTC to which you can hand it over??

This is a major issue. No one in my family, apart from me knows that I own Bitcoins. The private keys are with me. So if I die suddenly, then these coins will become unusable.

Title: Re: Preparation for Death. Cremation or Burial?
Post by: umairsaleem011 on December 31, 2016, 06:37:38 AM
Have you guys thought of what your going to do with your bitcoins when you die? is there any family member who is also into BTC to which you can hand it over??

This is a major issue. No one in my family, apart from me knows that I own Bitcoins. The private keys are with me. So if I die suddenly, then these coins will become unusable.

Why dont you make a will and put the instructions for them in the will?

Title: Re: Preparation for Death. Cremation or Burial?
Post by: Sithara007 on December 31, 2016, 06:42:07 AM
Have you guys thought of what your going to do with your bitcoins when you die? is there any family member who is also into BTC to which you can hand it over??

This is a major issue. No one in my family, apart from me knows that I own Bitcoins. The private keys are with me. So if I die suddenly, then these coins will become unusable.

Why dont you make a will and put the instructions for them in the will?

I am in my late 20s, and I don't think that I need to write down a will in the near to medium term. Writing a will is a bit expensive as well. My Bitcoin holdings will remain a secret, until I cash them out.

Title: Re: Preparation for Death. Cremation or Burial?
Post by: umairsaleem011 on December 31, 2016, 06:48:37 AM
Have you guys thought of what your going to do with your bitcoins when you die? is there any family member who is also into BTC to which you can hand it over??

This is a major issue. No one in my family, apart from me knows that I own Bitcoins. The private keys are with me. So if I die suddenly, then these coins will become unusable.

Why dont you make a will and put the instructions for them in the will?

I am in my late 20s, and I don't think that I need to write down a will in the near to medium term. Writing a will is a bit expensive as well. My Bitcoin holdings will remain a secret, until I cash them out.

You can make a will for cheap and your never to young. You can get into a car accident tomorrow god for bid and its lights out. Please for your loved ones. Consider it.

Title: Re: Preparation for Death. Cremation or Burial?
Post by: electronicash on December 31, 2016, 07:34:45 AM
Have you guys thought of what your going to do with your bitcoins when you die? is there any family member who is also into BTC to which you can hand it over??

This is a major issue. No one in my family, apart from me knows that I own Bitcoins. The private keys are with me. So if I die suddenly, then these coins will become unusable.

Why dont you make a will and put the instructions for them in the will?

I am in my late 20s, and I don't think that I need to write down a will in the near to medium term. Writing a will is a bit expensive as well. My Bitcoin holdings will remain a secret, until I cash them out.

You can make a will for cheap and your never to young. You can get into a car accident tomorrow god for bid and its lights out. Please for your loved ones. Consider it.

there is a feature on facebook which you can set to send a message to someone after few months or maybe years so maybe setting that up to send all the logins and btc wallets to your son/daughter would be cool. that at least you can give them your wealth when you accidentally die tomorrow.

Title: Re: Preparation for Death. Cremation or Burial?
Post by: umairsaleem011 on December 31, 2016, 07:38:25 AM
Have you guys thought of what your going to do with your bitcoins when you die? is there any family member who is also into BTC to which you can hand it over??

This is a major issue. No one in my family, apart from me knows that I own Bitcoins. The private keys are with me. So if I die suddenly, then these coins will become unusable.

Why dont you make a will and put the instructions for them in the will?

I am in my late 20s, and I don't think that I need to write down a will in the near to medium term. Writing a will is a bit expensive as well. My Bitcoin holdings will remain a secret, until I cash them out.

You can make a will for cheap and your never to young. You can get into a car accident tomorrow god for bid and its lights out. Please for your loved ones. Consider it.

there is a feature on facebook which you can set to send a message to someone after few months or maybe years so maybe setting that up to send all the logins and btc wallets to your son/daughter would be cool. that at least you can give them your wealth when you accidentally die tomorrow.

Can you really. Can you link me to that please?

Title: Re: Preparation for Death. Cremation or Burial?
Post by: electronicash on December 31, 2016, 08:23:40 AM
Have you guys thought of what your going to do with your bitcoins when you die? is there any family member who is also into BTC to which you can hand it over??

This is a major issue. No one in my family, apart from me knows that I own Bitcoins. The private keys are with me. So if I die suddenly, then these coins will become unusable.

Why dont you make a will and put the instructions for them in the will?

I am in my late 20s, and I don't think that I need to write down a will in the near to medium term. Writing a will is a bit expensive as well. My Bitcoin holdings will remain a secret, until I cash them out.

You can make a will for cheap and your never to young. You can get into a car accident tomorrow god for bid and its lights out. Please for your loved ones. Consider it.

there is a feature on facebook which you can set to send a message to someone after few months or maybe years so maybe setting that up to send all the logins and btc wallets to your son/daughter would be cool. that at least you can give them your wealth when you accidentally die tomorrow.

Can you really. Can you link me to that please?

i really don't know the link to it and i'm not a facebook expert as well. i just read it somewhere that facebook has this feature and i was thinking of actually setting up such message if indeed possible.

but i guess its not facebook but here is how to do it.

Title: Re: Preparation for Death. Cremation or Burial?
Post by: umairsaleem011 on December 31, 2016, 08:25:47 AM
Thats so cool. Im going to try playing with it and see if I can freak some people out. Like send them a messing as im driving and their sitting next to me. Cool stuff and fun times ahead im sure. Thanks dude.

Title: Re: Preparation for Death. Cremation or Burial?
Post by: deadsilent on December 31, 2016, 08:33:08 AM
I prefer burrying my dead body than burning it till it turns to ashes. I dont want to be in a jar and keep by my family in their drawer. Lol. I dont wanna be a decoration.
I think also cremation is more expensive than traditional burial. Burrying my body means a lot  to me. Thats my family tradition.

Title: Re: Preparation for Death. Cremation or Burial?
Post by: Slow death on December 31, 2016, 05:19:54 PM
Cremation is always better, especially in urban areas where we are rapidly running out of space. Burial requires a huge amount of space, and this space can't be used for any productive activity in the future.

You should come to my country and for a good sense in the heads of the people of my country.

Every year we have seen family fights. The reason for the fight? Land dispute to bury their relatives, the cemeteries are filled to the point that people are buried over others.

I prefer to be cremated and the ashes can spread wherever they want, that way no one will have to leave their important things to be taking care of my grave

Title: Re: Preparation for Death. Cremation or Burial?
Post by: BADecker on December 31, 2016, 07:30:33 PM
When nuclear war comes, there will be a lot of folks who will be cremated without being ready for it. Even many of the already dead ones, who are buried in above ground mausoleums will be cremated. Of course, they won't know it either.


Title: Re: Preparation for Death. Cremation or Burial?
Post by: Xester on January 01, 2017, 02:44:09 AM
I prefer burial since somebody told me that in the 2nd coming all will be risen up again but  if you are already cremated they say that resurrection is not possible.

The second coming and the resurrection of the dead will not occur like a magic that all will go back up again but possibly it will be done through technology. Our DNA will be taken from our bones and will be used for cell regeneration. So if I am cremated my substance will turn into soil thus my DNA signatures will become dust thus resurrection is no longer possible.

This is not an absolute truth, but what if it is true, it is better to play safe than to suffer in the end.

Title: Re: Preparation for Death. Cremation or Burial?
Post by: Sithara007 on January 01, 2017, 09:29:57 AM
When nuclear war comes, there will be a lot of folks who will be cremated without being ready for it. Even many of the already dead ones, who are buried in above ground mausoleums will be cremated. Of course, they won't know it either.


It is not a proper cremation. In a proper cremation, the flesh and the bones are reduced to ashes. But in case of a nuclear war, you will be left with half-burnt bodies (check the photographs taken after the nuclear attack in Hiroshima and Nagasaki).

Title: Re: Preparation for Death. Cremation or Burial?
Post by: coolcoinz on January 01, 2017, 01:59:53 PM
I'd choose cremation and here's why. A typical cemetery allows you to buy the spot only for a certain amount of years (like 50) and then someone has to come and pay again. If your family dies or nobody remembers about it, after a 100 years your grave might be removed and the spot sold to someone else. Cremation doesn't give you some false hope about your name being carved in stone for eternity. You know what's going to happen and it's much easier and cheaper to store ashes.

Title: Re: Preparation for Death. Cremation or Burial?
Post by: reginalkri on January 01, 2017, 02:14:11 PM
Cremation. Not because it's cheaper. Just hate the idea of rotting, feeding bugs.

Title: Re: Preparation for Death. Cremation or Burial?
Post by: electronicash on January 01, 2017, 02:21:27 PM
Cremation. Not because it's cheaper. Just hate the idea of rotting, feeding bugs.

"it is far better to nourish worms than to live without love." not sure where I've heard this but yeah having someone something make used of your mess is heroic at some point.  like i said I'd rather feed myself to crocs when i've dead. dead bodies by the way feel nothing.

Title: Re: Preparation for Death. Cremation or Burial?
Post by: Cactushrt on January 01, 2017, 03:28:25 PM
I would prefer cremation because your loved ones can save money and time also unlike the burrial they are still need to buy a lot and coffin for you and its very hassle to them if they want to visit you.

Title: Re: Preparation for Death. Cremation or Burial?
Post by: gabmen on January 01, 2017, 03:43:51 PM
I'd prefer being cremated and then my ashes given in small vials to my loved ones for remembrance. Let's face it, cremation is a lot cheaper than burial in any way. You don't need to have a lot in the cemetery, which is pretty expensive nowadays. And imagining my remains being eaten slowly by worms doesn't really sit well with me.

Title: Re: Preparation for Death. Cremation or Burial?
Post by: Tyrantt on January 01, 2017, 05:28:17 PM
Cremation. Not because it's cheaper. Just hate the idea of rotting, feeding bugs.

Just the idea of your corpse rotting, feeding bugs and helping the living creatures, returning your body to the earth should be enough to get you burried. :D

Title: Re: Preparation for Death. Cremation or Burial?
Post by: Gimpeline on January 01, 2017, 07:35:41 PM
Feed the corpse to the dogs or whatever you like. Its not like I will need it if I am dead.
Only request I have (and I have it in my testament) is that they play this song and that the priest joins in the singing

Title: Re: Preparation for Death. Cremation or Burial?
Post by: European Central Bank on January 01, 2017, 10:51:06 PM
cremation all day long. i got roped into making some space in a mausoleum the other day. there were bits of meat left after multiple decades. i don't fancy that happening to me. i want a nice neat erasure. there's food for the worms elsewhere.

Title: Re: Preparation for Death. Cremation or Burial?
Post by: Sithara007 on January 02, 2017, 04:20:50 AM
I'd prefer being cremated and then my ashes given in small vials to my loved ones for remembrance. Let's face it, cremation is a lot cheaper than burial in any way. You don't need to have a lot in the cemetery, which is pretty expensive nowadays. And imagining my remains being eaten slowly by worms doesn't really sit well with me.

Which one will be better for remembrance? A vial of your ash, or a marble plaque on the cemetery? Most of the people would chose the latter option, but I would go for the first one.

Title: Re: Preparation for Death. Cremation or Burial?
Post by: funcaty on January 02, 2017, 04:39:02 AM
I prefer cremation. It's cheaper than burial, because there are no need to buy expensive casket. And I don't want that my body after dead would rot underground and vould be eaten by vermins. But in my country tradition of burial is still very strong.
Yes, burial needs land, land is very expensive in my country. I don't want to spend a large sum of money to settle a body without a soul.

Title: Re: Preparation for Death. Cremation or Burial?
Post by: umairsaleem011 on January 02, 2017, 06:29:38 AM
When nuclear war comes, there will be a lot of folks who will be cremated without being ready for it. Even many of the already dead ones, who are buried in above ground mausoleums will be cremated. Of course, they won't know it either.


There will never be a nuclear war. Don't be crazy fella. None of the super powers with nukes would ever be so stupid as to start a nucular war.

Title: Re: Preparation for Death. Cremation or Burial?
Post by: Sithara007 on January 02, 2017, 06:40:48 AM
I prefer cremation. It's cheaper than burial, because there are no need to buy expensive casket. And I don't want that my body after dead would rot underground and vould be eaten by vermins. But in my country tradition of burial is still very strong.
Yes, burial needs land, land is very expensive in my country. I don't want to spend a large sum of money to settle a body without a soul.

On top of that, there is no guarantee that the burial grounds will remain intact in the long-term future. For various urban development projects, sometimes even the well established burial grounds are either relocated or destroyed.

Title: Re: Preparation for Death. Cremation or Burial?
Post by: MANNYKURSH on January 02, 2017, 07:23:04 PM
With the rising cost of funeral expenses today, many people are choosing cremation instead of buria

Title: Re: Preparation for Death. Cremation or Burial?
Post by: yoseph on January 02, 2017, 08:52:13 PM
It doesnt really matter am already gone. They can feed me to the sharks if they dont but if they dont treat my body with respect i will come back and haunt them.

Title: Re: Preparation for Death. Cremation or Burial?
Post by: Sithara007 on January 03, 2017, 05:04:15 AM
With the rising cost of funeral expenses today, many people are choosing cremation instead of buria

Land is running out and becoming scarce, and that is why the burials are getting more and more expensive. Cremations are also expensive, although not as much as the burials (unless there is a subsidy from the authorities).

Title: Re: Preparation for Death. Cremation or Burial?
Post by: Weatherby on January 03, 2017, 09:00:37 AM
I doesn't really matter to me cause you never know what is going to happen after death and its inevitable so if its cremated or buried it is up to my kin and their decision either way you are bound to become dust in a matter of years.

Title: Re: Preparation for Death. Cremation or Burial?
Post by: drakker on January 03, 2017, 02:44:07 PM
Any of them would be fine for me. But I think my families would prefer burial because it is in our culture to bury the dead. I am a Roman Catholic that is why my ancestors are their in cemetery. We beleive that it is a special place for them.

Title: Re: Preparation for Death. Cremation or Burial?
Post by: Boobies00 on January 03, 2017, 04:16:10 PM
I'm leaning towards cremation. I don't want my body to be buried and then eaten by bugs and bacteria over time. Yuck! Fire is clean and so are ashes.

Title: Re: Preparation for Death. Cremation or Burial?
Post by: Tyrantt on January 03, 2017, 08:59:53 PM
I'm leaning towards cremation. I don't want my body to be buried and then eaten by bugs and bacteria over time. Yuck! Fire is clean and so are ashes.

Burial without the coffin might be the most natural thing to do. You'd be returning to nature what you took from it over you lifetime.

People believe in god that they cannot see, but destroy the nature that is all around them.

Title: Re: Preparation for Death. Cremation or Burial?
Post by: dippididodaday on January 04, 2017, 07:40:33 AM

I prefer burial, but not in the traditional way. I want no casket, just my bare body buried deep in the ground. Also no religious ceremony at the site. Burial, this way is preferable precisely because it's as natural as nature would have it, apart from digging the hole for the body to be dumped into. The hole in the ground is, however, necessary because loved ones are present during burial to make the memory (of the burial) more bearable for them.

Title: Re: Preparation for Death. Cremation or Burial?
Post by: ElizabethBespalova on January 04, 2017, 09:32:40 AM
Ever since I turned 10 and realised I would die eventually, like everyone else, I chose cremation. Why? Because, first of all, cemeteries occupy way too much territory and I always thought it would be better to use these plots of land for more constructive and productive reasons e.g. for cultivating more cereals, fruit trees, vegetables etc. or/and for reforestation. Second of all, I believe in the circle of reincarnations and that is the main reason why I don't give a damn about my body (at least in such a fashion) and I'm not that attached to it to waste my time pondering how shall I preserve it and whether my ancestors will occasionally drop by my tombstone and leave posies of faded flowers. And I also conjecture that it's kind of more respectful to commit this precious vessel to the fire because the element fire is the purest element there is and I would rather see my body turned into a pile of ashes rather than rotting in a coffin and being devoured by these disgusting worms, bugs and other creepers. And besides I always wanted to be cremated either in a Viking fashion or under the pyre made by my closest and nearest friends.

Title: Re: Preparation for Death. Cremation or Burial?
Post by: freebutcaged on January 04, 2017, 09:50:33 AM
Which one do you prefer? Burying your body or through cremation? For me, I choose Cremation. It is very cost effective. They will just cremate your body into ashes and you can chose whether by placing your ash into a container or scatter it anywhere. Unlike Burial, you will need a casket and even a lot to where they will bury your body. :D Justify your answers please :)
To be honest, I do not care what happens to me after death. I don't believe in an afterlife. I'm more inclined to cremation. It is not so pollute the earth. See how much useless land for cemeteries.
I needed this for entertainment purposes :D :) :D pollute the earth lolz, our dna* is every where in nature so no matter you get nuked or go to space and die, before judgment day comes people's dna would mix with soil and water for us to be recreated once more, meaning there isn't really any escaping from what will happen.

the most logical and practical way of recreating billions of people is by using their dna.*

Also there are many cases seen hundreds years old buried bodies still fresh and clean untouched mostly among the best of the people of their time the truly good in hearts and elite believers in afterlife, the same people which never caused any harm or trouble and helped others anyway possible, that is the respect God shows to them.

Title: Re: Preparation for Death. Cremation or Burial?
Post by: SamMurphy on January 04, 2017, 12:59:54 PM
I really don't know :p I never had thought about it. I think when you die it doen't matter, if you will be buried in soil or you will be ashes :p

Title: Re: Preparation for Death. Cremation or Burial?
Post by: electronicash on January 04, 2017, 02:34:57 PM
I really don't know :p I never had thought about it. I think when you die it doen't matter, if you will be buried in soil or you will be ashes :p

that should be true. a dead one can't feel a thing. if it can we might not even have our dead bodies being embalmed. people who do embalming injects a huge tube sipping blood of the bloody body, sure it would hurt if the dead body can feel. so it doesn't matter. but would you agree to just feed your body to some crocs?  :D

Title: Re: Preparation for Death. Cremation or Burial?
Post by: kryptqnick on January 04, 2017, 03:26:42 PM
I vote for cremation, of course. Fire is a pure essense and it's beautiful. Expences on burial aren't worth it. And I don't really want my body to keep existing and being someone's food, you know. Yucky! Ash can be just thrown into the air, sort of, and it's fine. And people won't come to some place with buried people to mourn about my death. They just have to let it go.

Title: Re: Preparation for Death. Cremation or Burial?
Post by: Aikonio on January 04, 2017, 03:48:58 PM
I vote for cremation, of course. Fire is a pure essense and it's beautiful. Expences on burial aren't worth it. And I don't really want my body to keep existing and being someone's food, you know. Yucky! Ash can be just thrown into the air, sort of, and it's fine. And people won't come to some place with buried people to mourn about my death. They just have to let it go.
I also voted for cremation. With regard to the fact that the body of someone can eat, then very soon it will be broken down into organs. France has passed a law which obliges to take the deceased all organs suitable for transplantation.

Title: Re: Preparation for Death. Cremation or Burial?
Post by: dippididodaday on January 04, 2017, 07:08:43 PM
Ever since I turned 10 and realised I would die eventually, like everyone else, I chose cremation. Why? Because, first of all, cemeteries occupy way too much territory and I always thought it would be better to use these plots of land for more constructive and productive reasons e.g. for cultivating more cereals, fruit trees, vegetables etc. or/and for reforestation. Second of all, I believe in the circle of reincarnations and that is the main reason why I don't give a damn about my body (at least in such a fashion) and I'm not that attached to it to waste my time pondering how shall I preserve it and whether my ancestors will occasionally drop by my tombstone and leave posies of faded flowers. And I also conjecture that it's kind of more respectful to commit this precious vessel to the fire because the element fire is the purest element there is and I would rather see my body turned into a pile of ashes rather than rotting in a coffin and being devoured by these disgusting worms, bugs and other creepers. And besides I always wanted to be cremated either in a Viking fashion or under the pyre made by my closest and nearest friends.

Interesting how belief influence the way one wants to be disposed of. I enjoyed reading  your post.

As for my belief, when I am gone, it's not really that I am "gone" it will be a case of ceasing to exist what I believe. Therefore I would like natural processes of nature to take over my body. Also together with no casket, also nothing traditional in the sense of a gravestone or any of that. If the loved ones wants to, maybe just a little heap of ground to indicate the spot and maybe some marking to mark the spot, but definitely not a traditional permanent marble or granite gravestone. This way, the site will be re-usable within a few years, and the soil will be extensively richer in nutrients.

Title: Re: Preparation for Death. Cremation or Burial?
Post by: umairsaleem011 on January 04, 2017, 07:20:41 PM
I vote for cremation, of course. Fire is a pure essense and it's beautiful. Expences on burial aren't worth it. And I don't really want my body to keep existing and being someone's food, you know. Yucky! Ash can be just thrown into the air, sort of, and it's fine. And people won't come to some place with buried people to mourn about my death. They just have to let it go.
I also voted for cremation. With regard to the fact that the body of someone can eat, then very soon it will be broken down into organs. France has passed a law which obliges to take the deceased all organs suitable for transplantation.

Thats an amazing law. Can you link me to articles about that.

Title: Re: Preparation for Death. Cremation or Burial?
Post by: Prohodimec on January 04, 2017, 07:23:55 PM
Ever since I turned 10 and realised I would die eventually, like everyone else, I chose cremation. Why? Because, first of all, cemeteries occupy way too much territory and I always thought it would be better to use these plots of land for more constructive and productive reasons e.g. for cultivating more cereals, fruit trees, vegetables etc. or/and for reforestation. Second of all, I believe in the circle of reincarnations and that is the main reason why I don't give a damn about my body (at least in such a fashion) and I'm not that attached to it to waste my time pondering how shall I preserve it and whether my ancestors will occasionally drop by my tombstone and leave posies of faded flowers. And I also conjecture that it's kind of more respectful to commit this precious vessel to the fire because the element fire is the purest element there is and I would rather see my body turned into a pile of ashes rather than rotting in a coffin and being devoured by these disgusting worms, bugs and other creepers. And besides I always wanted to be cremated either in a Viking fashion or under the pyre made by my closest and nearest friends.

Interesting how belief influence the way one wants to be disposed of. I enjoyed reading  your post.

As for my belief, when I am gone, it's not really that I am "gone" it will be a case of ceasing to exist what I believe. Therefore I would like natural processes of nature to take over my body. Also together with no casket, also nothing traditional in the sense of a gravestone or any of that. If the loved ones wants to, maybe just a little heap of ground to indicate the spot and maybe some marking to mark the spot, but definitely not a traditional permanent marble or granite gravestone. This way, the site will be re-usable within a few years, and the soil will be extensively richer in nutrients.

But I heard that after the cremation of the ashes you can make a cubic Zirconia. I kind of like the idea. Firstly it is not necessary to go to the cemetery, and secondly does not spoil the earth in the third house can keep the whole family. Beautiful eco-friendly and takes up little space.

Title: Re: Preparation for Death. Cremation or Burial?
Post by: stormcrowe on January 04, 2017, 07:24:35 PM
Burial in a coffin and the coffin in a cement enclosure. I wanna keep myself looking good as possible for all the girl ghosts out there.

Title: Re: Preparation for Death. Cremation or Burial?
Post by: sergeyzol on January 04, 2017, 07:45:25 PM
Burial in a coffin and the coffin in a cement enclosure. I wanna keep myself looking good as possible for all the girl ghosts out there.
You've seen too many horror movies? What ghosts? They do not exist and after death you will not be saved even in cement. Your body will eat the bacteria that are already inside the human body. Deal with it! Death is the end!

Title: Re: Preparation for Death. Cremation or Burial?
Post by: Shady on January 04, 2017, 07:58:13 PM
Burials to me are more sincere to life, although my mom refused and rather be cremated like she is so I gave in. Death is an extremely sad subject matter and to the extent people take in preference to the after-life is never ignored.

I have family members both buried and cremated and prefer to let them decided on their own. I chose burial as a better alternative because equally wasn't there as well as the fact most relatives have been buried instead and chose it that way.

Title: Re: Preparation for Death. Cremation or Burial?
Post by: Tyrantt on January 05, 2017, 03:10:34 AM
Burial in a coffin and the coffin in a cement enclosure. I wanna keep myself looking good as possible for all the girl ghosts out there.
You've seen too many horror movies? What ghosts? They do not exist and after death you will not be saved even in cement. Your body will eat the bacteria that are already inside the human body. Deal with it! Death is the end!

Don't be so silly, sergeyzol. :p

Also, a cement coffin isn't such a bad idea, when the zombie apocalypse breaks out, that's one less zombie to deal with that's cemented underground. :D

Title: Re: Preparation for Death. Cremation or Burial?
Post by: bitcoinboy12 on January 05, 2017, 11:50:03 AM
Burial in a coffin and the coffin in a cement enclosure. I wanna keep myself looking good as possible for all the girl ghosts out there.
You've seen too many horror movies? What ghosts? They do not exist and after death you will not be saved even in cement. Your body will eat the bacteria that are already inside the human body. Deal with it! Death is the end!

Don't be so silly, sergeyzol. :p

Also, a cement coffin isn't such a bad idea, when the zombie apocalypse breaks out, that's one less zombie to deal with that's cemented underground. :D

Haha. Yep. In a zombie apocalypse scenario, this cement coffin might actually be one of the safest places there is. Come to think of it, zombie guys won't turn to you because they only smell those zombies around you. But you won't get eaten as 'your zombie' can't get past the cement.

Title: Re: Preparation for Death. Cremation or Burial?
Post by: DimidoffVany on January 05, 2017, 12:04:55 PM
Burials to me are more sincere to life, although my mom refused and rather be cremated like she is so I gave in. Death is an extremely sad subject matter and to the extent people take in preference to the after-life is never ignored.

I have family members both buried and cremated and prefer to let them decided on their own. I chose burial as a better alternative because equally wasn't there as well as the fact most relatives have been buried instead and chose it that way.
To death should be treated philosophically. Everyone has their own problems their troubles, and after death it will not. I'm not really afraid of death. I'm more afraid of the prospect of getting sick and to suffer to death.

Title: Re: Preparation for Death. Cremation or Burial?
Post by: Sithara007 on January 05, 2017, 12:13:58 PM
To death should be treated philosophically. Everyone has their own problems their troubles, and after death it will not. I'm not really afraid of death. I'm more afraid of the prospect of getting sick and to suffer to death.

Nothing is worse than death. Even if you suffer from horrible illnesses such as Ebola, cancer or tuberculosis, at least there is a glimmer of hope that it will get cured. But death is the end of all hope.

Title: Re: Preparation for Death. Cremation or Burial?
Post by: dippididodaday on January 05, 2017, 05:38:04 PM
To death should be treated philosophically. Everyone has their own problems their troubles, and after death it will not. I'm not really afraid of death. I'm more afraid of the prospect of getting sick and to suffer to death.

Nothing is worse than death. Even if you suffer from horrible illnesses such as Ebola, cancer or tuberculosis, at least there is a glimmer of hope that it will get cured. But death is the end of all hope.

Death is inevitable, but so is hope!

Title: Re: Preparation for Death. Cremation or Burial?
Post by: daiyuba1971 on January 05, 2017, 05:54:27 PM
To death should be treated philosophically. Everyone has their own problems their troubles, and after death it will not. I'm not really afraid of death. I'm more afraid of the prospect of getting sick and to suffer to death.

Nothing is worse than death. Even if you suffer from horrible illnesses such as Ebola, cancer or tuberculosis, at least there is a glimmer of hope that it will get cured. But death is the end of all hope.
I think that the opposite of death it is very easy. One moment and you have no problems. I can understand that death is afraid of some billionaire so he has no problems, why be afraid of you?

Title: Re: Preparation for Death. Cremation or Burial?
Post by: umairsaleem011 on January 06, 2017, 01:45:16 AM
Ever since I turned 10 and realised I would die eventually, like everyone else, I chose cremation. Why? Because, first of all, cemeteries occupy way too much territory and I always thought it would be better to use these plots of land for more constructive and productive reasons e.g. for cultivating more cereals, fruit trees, vegetables etc. or/and for reforestation. Second of all, I believe in the circle of reincarnations and that is the main reason why I don't give a damn about my body (at least in such a fashion) and I'm not that attached to it to waste my time pondering how shall I preserve it and whether my ancestors will occasionally drop by my tombstone and leave posies of faded flowers. And I also conjecture that it's kind of more respectful to commit this precious vessel to the fire because the element fire is the purest element there is and I would rather see my body turned into a pile of ashes rather than rotting in a coffin and being devoured by these disgusting worms, bugs and other creepers. And besides I always wanted to be cremated either in a Viking fashion or under the pyre made by my closest and nearest friends.

Interesting how belief influence the way one wants to be disposed of. I enjoyed reading  your post.

As for my belief, when I am gone, it's not really that I am "gone" it will be a case of ceasing to exist what I believe. Therefore I would like natural processes of nature to take over my body. Also together with no casket, also nothing traditional in the sense of a gravestone or any of that. If the loved ones wants to, maybe just a little heap of ground to indicate the spot and maybe some marking to mark the spot, but definitely not a traditional permanent marble or granite gravestone. This way, the site will be re-usable within a few years, and the soil will be extensively richer in nutrients.

But I heard that after the cremation of the ashes you can make a cubic Zirconia. I kind of like the idea. Firstly it is not necessary to go to the cemetery, and secondly does not spoil the earth in the third house can keep the whole family. Beautiful eco-friendly and takes up little space.

I read that too but they call it a diamond, made from human ashes. Costs about 27K us per carat which is more then a real nice 1ct diamond would cost. The avg 1ct diamond goes for around 10k for a good one. vs-defgh so at 27k its crazy expensive.

Title: Re: Preparation for Death. Cremation or Burial?
Post by: nobody911 on January 06, 2017, 05:14:19 AM
Which one do you prefer? Burying your body or through cremation? For me, I choose Cremation. It is very cost effective. They will just cremate your body into ashes and you can chose whether by placing your ash into a container or scatter it anywhere. Unlike Burial, you will need a casket and even a lot to where they will bury your body. :D Justify your answers please :)
The national policy can only choose cremation. In fact, it does not matter to me, people have nothing to die, but also how to manage after death

Title: Re: Preparation for Death. Cremation or Burial?
Post by: Sithara007 on January 06, 2017, 09:20:37 AM
To death should be treated philosophically. Everyone has their own problems their troubles, and after death it will not. I'm not really afraid of death. I'm more afraid of the prospect of getting sick and to suffer to death.

Nothing is worse than death. Even if you suffer from horrible illnesses such as Ebola, cancer or tuberculosis, at least there is a glimmer of hope that it will get cured. But death is the end of all hope.
I think that the opposite of death it is very easy. One moment and you have no problems.

Talking about suicide? Only cowards will prefer suicide. Those who lack the willpower to live, will end their lives in a second. But in my opinion, no one must commit suicide. Human life is more precious than anything else in this world.

Title: Re: Preparation for Death. Cremation or Burial?
Post by: umairsaleem011 on January 06, 2017, 09:27:37 AM
To death should be treated philosophically. Everyone has their own problems their troubles, and after death it will not. I'm not really afraid of death. I'm more afraid of the prospect of getting sick and to suffer to death.

Nothing is worse than death. Even if you suffer from horrible illnesses such as Ebola, cancer or tuberculosis, at least there is a glimmer of hope that it will get cured. But death is the end of all hope.
I think that the opposite of death it is very easy. One moment and you have no problems.

Talking about suicide? Only cowards will prefer suicide. Those who lack the willpower to live, will end their lives in a second. But in my opinion, no one must commit suicide. Human life is more precious than anything else in this world.

Bullshit. You have to have balls of steel to knock yourself off. That aint easy and no coward is killing themselves.

Title: Re: Preparation for Death. Cremation or Burial?
Post by: Sithara007 on January 06, 2017, 09:34:27 AM
Bullshit. You have to have balls of steel to knock yourself off. That aint easy and no coward is killing themselves.

No. Poison is readily available, and it only takes 5 seconds to kill yourself in a painless way. On the other hand, deciding to live takes a lot of courage. I have seen the determination to live from a lot of cancer patients, despite the extreme pain and suffering. They could end all that suffering in 5 seconds. But they are brave people and opt against it.

Title: Re: Preparation for Death. Cremation or Burial?
Post by: chachaa on January 06, 2017, 06:25:11 PM
Bullshit. You have to have balls of steel to knock yourself off. That aint easy and no coward is killing themselves.

No. Poison is readily available, and it only takes 5 seconds to kill yourself in a painless way. On the other hand, deciding to live takes a lot of courage. I have seen the determination to live from a lot of cancer patients, despite the extreme pain and suffering. They could end all that suffering in 5 seconds. But they are brave people and opt against it.
But what about euthanasia? There are also such people. I think that tormented not because they do not want to die, but because they are afraid of a nonexistent God. Suicide is not welcomed by the Church. I fear that Muslims in General soon as of euthanasia will use the attacks.

Title: Re: Preparation for Death. Cremation or Burial?
Post by: umairsaleem011 on January 06, 2017, 07:23:36 PM
Bullshit. You have to have balls of steel to knock yourself off. That aint easy and no coward is killing themselves.

No. Poison is readily available, and it only takes 5 seconds to kill yourself in a painless way. On the other hand, deciding to live takes a lot of courage. I have seen the determination to live from a lot of cancer patients, despite the extreme pain and suffering. They could end all that suffering in 5 seconds. But they are brave people and opt against it.

No man. even if the action happens quickly and painless you still need balls big ones to off yourself. Im sure of it.

Title: Re: Preparation for Death. Cremation or Burial?
Post by: Trading on January 06, 2017, 09:54:04 PM
Cremating yourself means that you are destroying important remains of you.

Yours bones will keep general information about you, including alimentary habits, health, but mostly your DNA.

Today, we can learn a lot about someone by studying his bones. In the future, people might even be cloned.

Cremating yourself means erasing the little that rests from you after death, if you didn't had children or didn't do anything relevant. It's like if you never existed.

Title: Re: Preparation for Death. Cremation or Burial?
Post by: BADecker on January 06, 2017, 11:49:06 PM
I'm practicing hymns of praise, so that I will be able to praise God better, right from the start in Heaven.


Title: Re: Preparation for Death. Cremation or Burial?
Post by: Sithara007 on January 07, 2017, 06:20:32 AM
But what about euthanasia? There are also such people. I think that tormented not because they do not want to die, but because they are afraid of a nonexistent God. Suicide is not welcomed by the Church. I fear that Muslims in General soon as of euthanasia will use the attacks.

More than a fear of death, these people are motivated by a will to live. They are fighters, and they want to fight and defeat the disease rather than surrender by committing suicide. God doesn't come to the picture very often, because I have seen this among atheists as well.

Title: Re: Preparation for Death. Cremation or Burial?
Post by: noel2123 on January 12, 2017, 12:45:17 PM
Before I want cremation, but I realize my body will be in the fire.. NO WAY. But thinking also that your body will be six feet underground it gives me goosebumps. So its up to my family but I have only 1 request I want a eulogy when I die, I want to hear my family what I did for them just to make them happy and my friends who I laugh with. Its life, whether we like it or not we will reach our finish line. 

Title: Re: Preparation for Death. Cremation or Burial?
Post by: dippididodaday on January 16, 2017, 02:20:38 AM
Cremating yourself means that you are destroying important remains of you.

Yours bones will keep general information about you, including alimentary habits, health, but mostly your DNA.

Today, we can learn a lot about someone by studying his bones. In the future, people might even be cloned.

Cremating yourself means erasing the little that rests from you after death, if you didn't had children or didn't do anything relevant. It's like if you never existed.

Yes, now that you mention it, I guess something of who you once were, whilst still alive, remains longer than the rest of you and rests in the ground if you are buried in not to acidic soil type which would dissolve your bones quickly.

Title: Re: Preparation for Death. Cremation or Burial?
Post by: bitcoinboy12 on January 16, 2017, 02:47:56 PM
Cremating yourself means that you are destroying important remains of you.

Yours bones will keep general information about you, including alimentary habits, health, but mostly your DNA.

Today, we can learn a lot about someone by studying his bones. In the future, people might even be cloned.

Cremating yourself means erasing the little that rests from you after death, if you didn't had children or didn't do anything relevant. It's like if you never existed.

Yes, now that you mention it, I guess something of who you once were, whilst still alive, remains longer than the rest of you and rests in the ground if you are buried in not to acidic soil type which would dissolve your bones quickly.

But I guess personal preferences can also be considered regarding this. Just what if it's exactly what he wants. To have no traces of him living on this planet.

Title: Re: Preparation for Death. Cremation or Burial?
Post by: thelson on January 17, 2017, 12:37:01 PM
For me i'll choose burial.. Becoz burial is one of the oldest form of proper disposal of dead body.. I want burial.. Because in burial.. Like nuff said. Your remain still intact  in the tomb where you buried.. At least there a proof that you'll exist in this world..


Title: Re: Preparation for Death. Cremation or Burial?
Post by: gabmen on January 17, 2017, 01:21:32 PM
For me i'll choose burial.. Becoz burial is one of the oldest form of proper disposal of dead body.. I want burial.. Because in burial.. Like nuff said. Your remain still intact  in the tomb where you buried.. At least there a proof that you'll exist in this world..


I kind of disagree with what you said there that your remains will remain intact dude, The proof you're looking for won't be found where you're buried but with how you lived your life. Your tomb would only be as good as the encryptions in stone. For me it's the same. Whether you're buried or cremated, your existence and remembrance will be judged by how you lived your life.

Title: Re: Preparation for Death. Cremation or Burial?
Post by: bitcoinboy12 on January 17, 2017, 04:32:00 PM
For me i'll choose burial.. Becoz burial is one of the oldest form of proper disposal of dead body.. I want burial.. Because in burial.. Like nuff said. Your remain still intact  in the tomb where you buried.. At least there a proof that you'll exist in this world..


I kind of disagree with what you said there that your remains will remain intact dude, The proof you're looking for won't be found where you're buried but with how you lived your life. Your tomb would only be as good as the encryptions in stone. For me it's the same. Whether you're buried or cremated, your existence and remembrance will be judged by how you lived your life.

Perhaps it's just a reference. Or maybe an opportunity to answer if you are as if the one who's about to be there. I've thought of this and now it's getting popular in the social media. But I have always thought of being planted as a tree. So for me cremation is more fun.

Title: Re: Preparation for Death. Cremation or Burial?
Post by: jonnybravo0411 on March 15, 2017, 10:22:24 AM
I do not care what happens to my body after death. The body is clothing for the soul, and the soul is immortal and it does not matter what happens to her old clothes (body).

Title: Re: Preparation for Death. Cremation or Burial?
Post by: Seccerius on March 15, 2017, 05:01:21 PM
Cremation existed at all times, it is clean, profitable, convenient and no problems with the choice of the coffin. Cemeteries - this is a gloomy place that in vain occupies the territory. Therefore, my choice is cremation.

Title: Re: Preparation for Death. Cremation or Burial?
Post by: creepyjas on March 15, 2017, 05:50:58 PM
We have the same answer OP. It is cost-effective vs. buying cemetery lots + the casket. After death, they could just wrap me in white cloth, put me in those boxes for cremation and cremate me. It would be up to the family if they're going to scatter my ashes OR have a house shrine created for me. I wouldn't be able to complain about their choices, though.

Title: Re: Preparation for Death. Cremation or Burial?
Post by: gabmen on March 16, 2017, 12:14:56 PM
Cremation existed at all times, it is clean, profitable, convenient and no problems with the choice of the coffin. Cemeteries - this is a gloomy place that in vain occupies the territory. Therefore, my choice is cremation.

Yep same here dude. For me, convenience for the ones that I leave behind is the major reason why I'd prefer cremation. The cost of having a lot in a cemetery, plus the burial expenses, and maintenance of the grave, I don't want to burden the people that i'll leave behind with all these things. Also, just imagining my dead flesh being eaten by worms and maggots in a dark hollow grave creeps me out a lot

Title: Re: Preparation for Death. Cremation or Burial?
Post by: jems on March 16, 2017, 01:34:13 PM
i choose burial because life after death has a new life I belive every people have souls and the souls come in a New world called heaven or hell thats why i choose to be good people and worship God

Title: Re: Preparation for Death. Cremation or Burial?
Post by: GooCust04 on March 16, 2017, 02:11:28 PM
I choose cremation. I hate to imagine how my body will be eaten by beetles and worms or cannibals. And even worse, if a necrophilus mocks my body ... no. Only cremation.

Title: Re: Preparation for Death. Cremation or Burial?
Post by: Forester618 on March 16, 2017, 04:11:01 PM
i choose burial because life after death has a new life I belive every people have souls and the souls come in a New world called heaven or hell thats why i choose to be good people and worship God
Even those who believe in God know that after death the soul leaves the body. What do you care what will happen to your body? I think you need to be sure to cremate the body not to turn our land into a burial ground. The dead should not interfere with the living.

Title: Re: Preparation for Death. Cremation or Burial?
Post by: ilovefeetsmell on March 16, 2017, 05:03:41 PM
Which one do you prefer? Burying your body or through cremation? For me, I choose Cremation. It is very cost effective. They will just cremate your body into ashes and you can chose whether by placing your ash into a container or scatter it anywhere. Unlike Burial, you will need a casket and even a lot to where they will bury your body. :D Justify your answers please :)
I will choose burial. Once they'll cremate your body, they will also fade you in their memories while in burial, they will still remember your memories. They will also feel that you will still exist because of your body are already there. It is also a family tradition to bury of death people. It depends to the person if she/he wants to cremate his/her body. I couldn't accept that my body will burn into ashes and scattered everywhere. I am afraid to fire. I am afraid to see my body into fire. I born in a good way so I must died in a good way too.

Title: Re: Preparation for Death. Cremation or Burial?
Post by: SmirnoffVany on March 16, 2017, 08:26:32 PM
Which one do you prefer? Burying your body or through cremation? For me, I choose Cremation. It is very cost effective. They will just cremate your body into ashes and you can chose whether by placing your ash into a container or scatter it anywhere. Unlike Burial, you will need a casket and even a lot to where they will bury your body. :D Justify your answers please :)
I will choose burial. Once they'll cremate your body, they will also fade you in their memories while in burial, they will still remember your memories. They will also feel that you will still exist because of your body are already there. It is also a family tradition to bury of death people. It depends to the person if she/he wants to cremate his/her body. I couldn't accept that my body will burn into ashes and scattered everywhere. I am afraid to fire. I am afraid to see my body into fire. I born in a good way so I must died in a good way too.
Guys, I'm still not ready for such a decision. I just read the topic and your comments and I was already scared of the thought of what will happen to my body after death.

Title: Re: Preparation for Death. Cremation or Burial?
Post by: thisappointed on March 17, 2017, 04:19:09 AM
Which one do you prefer? Burying your body or through cremation? For me, I choose Cremation. It is very cost effective. They will just cremate your body into ashes and you can chose whether by placing your ash into a container or scatter it anywhere. Unlike Burial, you will need a casket and even a lot to where they will bury your body. :D Justify your answers please :)
I will choose burial. Once they'll cremate your body, they will also fade you in their memories while in burial, they will still remember your memories. They will also feel that you will still exist because of your body are already there. It is also a family tradition to bury of death people. It depends to the person if she/he wants to cremate his/her body. I couldn't accept that my body will burn into ashes and scattered everywhere. I am afraid to fire. I am afraid to see my body into fire. I born in a good way so I must died in a good way too.

Burial and cremating our body is just the same, I mean memories will remain on our love ones because it can't be burn by anything, so we don't have to worry about this, and you won't even feel the cremation, if your dead body would be cremated for example because you are already a dead person, so, there is nothing to worry about it.

And we can't control our life, we don't know when we are going to die or when we want to die, because we are not the ones who are holding our lives, it is God who controls all creatures, plants, and so on in this planet.

Title: Re: Preparation for Death. Cremation or Burial?
Post by: darkseid1199 on March 18, 2017, 09:15:49 AM
i personally will choose cremation, the prices of coffins are sky rocketing and i dont want to place undue pressure on my family so i will choose the easy way out and i also dont want people to see me all stuffed up like a ballon. Hell No.

Title: Re: Preparation for Death. Cremation or Burial?
Post by: wutard on March 18, 2017, 11:37:09 AM
i personally will choose cremation, the prices of coffins are sky rocketing and i dont want to place undue pressure on my family so i will choose the easy way out and i also dont want people to see me all stuffed up like a ballon. Hell No.
And my old people always collected their own money for death. As far as I'm aware, so do many, so as not to burden the relatives. Therefore, all are ready at the appointed time for burial. But to burn my body, I think you need to be prepared psychologically to bequeath it.

Title: Re: Preparation for Death. Cremation or Burial?
Post by: btc_angela on March 18, 2017, 09:12:15 PM
i personally will choose cremation, the prices of coffins are sky rocketing and i dont want to place undue pressure on my family so i will choose the easy way out and i also dont want people to see me all stuffed up like a ballon. Hell No.

That is why some people are preparing about their death. They already bought a place already in a cemetery so that in case of emergency, the person has already a place to rest. I think coffin is already included. All you need is to create a will and give it to your wife or husband so in case you died, everything is taken care of.

Title: Re: Preparation for Death. Cremation or Burial?
Post by: yellow1 on March 19, 2017, 01:17:11 AM
burial of course if our body buried on the ground because our memories last forever and you could visit it everytime you want..., because we are created from the dust...and our bodies made of that it also returns into dust,,.and the judgement has coming our body will revive again.. a burial is you just like sleeping...

Title: Re: Preparation for Death. Cremation or Burial?
Post by: Warg on March 19, 2017, 10:10:25 AM
Better freezing. After several years people may find a way to immortality and unfreeze you

Title: Re: Preparation for Death. Cremation or Burial?
Post by: Warg on March 19, 2017, 10:13:17 AM
The reason for them to unfreeze you after 10 - 20 years is because you know where bitcoins is stashed and by that time they will cost the whole fortune

Title: Re: Preparation for Death. Cremation or Burial?
Post by: Mvaporis1961 on March 19, 2017, 10:28:30 AM
Well I would prefer burial rather than cremation,
I don't know I just want it to be the old fashion way.

Title: Re: Preparation for Death. Cremation or Burial?
Post by: IamMachine on March 19, 2017, 11:49:02 AM
Which one do you prefer? Burying your body or through cremation? For me, I choose Cremation. It is very cost effective. They will just cremate your body into ashes and you can chose whether by placing your ash into a container or scatter it anywhere. Unlike Burial, you will need a casket and even a lot to where they will bury your body. :D Justify your answers please :)
To be honest, I do not care what happens to me after death. I don't believe in an afterlife. I'm more inclined to cremation. It is not so pollute the earth. See how much useless land for cemeteries.

I, too, do not care what happens to my body after death, but cremation is still better. Do not worry about choosing a coffin and polluting the land.

Title: Re: Preparation for Death. Cremation or Burial?
Post by: Mihaylovic on March 19, 2017, 01:02:51 PM
I have been thinking about it for years. I dunno why but burial is even more scary than death for me. Stucking inside of ground and being there for ever. So scary. I prefer cremation. But unfortunately it is not possible in my country.

Title: Re: Preparation for Death. Cremation or Burial?
Post by: lovenhom on April 26, 2017, 02:03:19 PM
Which one do you prefer? Burying your body or through cremation? For me, I choose Cremation. It is very cost effective. They will just cremate your body into ashes and you can chose whether by placing your ash into a container or scatter it anywhere. Unlike Burial, you will need a casket and even a lot to where they will bury your body. :D Justify your answers please :)
I think I like buried more. Because that is the traditional way and I am the man of tradition.

Title: Re: Preparation for Death. Cremation or Burial?
Post by: Alexzap on April 26, 2017, 04:03:00 PM
I'm for cremation. It does not pollute the environment and the cemetery will be more compact. Imagine how on earth cities for the dead. This whole area is not suitable for living and farming. Why is that?

Title: Re: Preparation for Death. Cremation or Burial?
Post by: btvlGainer on April 26, 2017, 04:12:58 PM
I'm for cremation. It does not pollute the environment and the cemetery will be more compact. Imagine how on earth cities for the dead. This whole area is not suitable for living and farming. Why is that?

Over time, cemeteries are cleaned and houses are built in their place, but living there is very dangerous. Therefore, cremation is the best option.

Title: Re: Preparation for Death. Cremation or Burial?
Post by: canine2017 on April 26, 2017, 06:54:30 PM
I'm an atheist and I do not understand why bury people in the huge areas which is not always enough if you can solve the problem at the expense of the cremation. All big cities are constantly experiencing problems with places of burial.

Title: Re: Preparation for Death. Cremation or Burial?
Post by: Gilf on April 26, 2017, 06:58:14 PM
I'm an atheist and I do not understand why bury people in the huge areas which is not always enough if you can solve the problem at the expense of the cremation. All big cities are constantly experiencing problems with places of burial.

This is now a business. Imagine how many people will be ruined if you stop using the cemetery for burial.

Title: Re: Preparation for Death. Cremation or Burial?
Post by: Samuel21 on April 26, 2017, 07:12:22 PM
I'm an atheist and I do not understand why bury people in the huge areas which is not always enough if you can solve the problem at the expense of the cremation. All big cities are constantly experiencing problems with places of burial.

This is now a business. Imagine how many people will be ruined if you stop using the cemetery for burial.
In my country, the cemetery is a very lucrative criminal business. If people are cremated, they will still find a way to make money on human misery. I am sure that the method of burial, the cost of the procedure will only increase.

Title: Re: Preparation for Death. Cremation or Burial?
Post by: darkangel11 on April 26, 2017, 09:20:24 PM
I'm an atheist and I do not understand why bury people in the huge areas which is not always enough if you can solve the problem at the expense of the cremation. All big cities are constantly experiencing problems with places of burial.

This is now a business. Imagine how many people will be ruined if you stop using the cemetery for burial.
In my country, the cemetery is a very lucrative criminal business. If people are cremated, they will still find a way to make money on human misery. I am sure that the method of burial, the cost of the procedure will only increase.
Same here. You are supposed to buy a spot on the cemetery and it's valid for a certain time like 50 years. After that time if nobody comes to pay the rent your grave might get demolished and the spot is sold to someone else. If you get cremated at least you won't take much space and won't have to put a burden of rebuying the spot on your family.

Title: Re: Preparation for Death. Cremation or Burial?
Post by: Apened on April 27, 2017, 11:27:33 AM
I will much prefer of a being buried or burial , cremation for me is something like pain to see ,you're already dead and you will be burn in fire .i know we cant feel it but its not good for me .

Title: Re: Preparation for Death. Cremation or Burial?
Post by: SimmonenY on April 27, 2017, 11:49:22 AM
I'll save some bitcoins so my children and grandchildren have money to cremate me. I don't want to take space and my relatives' time to visit me, so I'll just have my ashes wherever they'll want (it won't matter to me anyway).

Title: Re: Preparation for Death. Cremation or Burial?
Post by: VTCutch on April 27, 2017, 12:17:57 PM
I'll save some bitcoins so my children and grandchildren have money to cremate me. I don't want to take space and my relatives' time to visit me, so I'll just have my ashes wherever they'll want (it won't matter to me anyway).

I also want to be cremated and my body did not occupy a place on earth after death. So it will be cleaner and much better.

Title: Re: Preparation for Death. Cremation or Burial?
Post by: Barrymore on April 27, 2017, 12:39:39 PM
I'll save some bitcoins so my children and grandchildren have money to cremate me. I don't want to take space and my relatives' time to visit me, so I'll just have my ashes wherever they'll want (it won't matter to me anyway).

I also want to be cremated and my body did not occupy a place on earth after death. So it will be cleaner and much better.
Interesting turns. The majority of people support cremation, but the bulk of the graves takes place in the usual way. Why? Maybe we're kidding ourselves, and really not ready for cremation?

Title: Re: Preparation for Death. Cremation or Burial?
Post by: ivanpoldark on April 27, 2017, 12:49:24 PM
As far as I know, burying in the soil is the Christian tradition. Ancient people burned their dead relatives on the bonfire. The same way is in practice nowadays in India. I`m respect all traditions and cultures. People must have the right to choose the way to say last goodbye.

Title: Re: Preparation for Death. Cremation or Burial?
Post by: Podgor on April 27, 2017, 01:10:15 PM
Organs donated and the rest burned?

Title: Re: Preparation for Death. Cremation or Burial?
Post by: coszy on April 27, 2017, 01:19:25 PM
Organs donated and the rest burned?

This option can be even much better. After death, you can give your healthy organs to the sick people who need it, and burn the rest.

Title: Re: Preparation for Death. Cremation or Burial?
Post by: Alexzap on April 27, 2017, 06:55:52 PM
Organs donated and the rest burned?

This option can be even much better. After death, you can give your healthy organs to the sick people who need it, and burn the rest.
And the remnants of the cremated body and make them cubic Zirconia. I heard that there is such a technology. It seems to me very convenient. No need for cemeteries. All generations can be stored in one vase.

Title: Re: Preparation for Death. Cremation or Burial?
Post by: merchantofzeny on April 27, 2017, 07:57:21 PM
I'd like my body to be cremated and my ashes turned into diamond, LOL.

No but seriously, burial is a waste of good land that could have been used for housing, since many cemeteries tend to be near urban areas anyway. Also, this need not end the cemetery business. They can just allow mausoleums to house urns rather than coffins.

They don't seem to like it though. In the cemetery where our family has bought plots, there's a limit to how many urns can be placed in a mausoleum. To be fair to them though, they allow an urn in the plot even if you already have a coffin down there.

If cities don't have restrictions though, I'd rather just have an altar or alcove in the house to display all the urns. Less hassle during ceremonies.

Organs donated and the rest burned?

This option can be even much better. After death, you can give your healthy organs to the sick people who need it, and burn the rest.
And the remnants of the cremated body and make them cubic Zirconia. I heard that there is such a technology. It seems to me very convenient. No need for cemeteries. All generations can be stored in one vase.

Um, was that zirconia? I thought those were actual diamonds. I know there are hair diamonds for keepsakes so it's probably possible to turn the whole body's ashes into one.

Such a shame we can't be turned to glass. At first I though that was possible but when I checked online I only saw someone incorporating a few pinch of ash into glass bead.

Title: Re: Preparation for Death. Cremation or Burial?
Post by: thunderbitz2717 on April 27, 2017, 08:15:54 PM
Which one do you prefer? Burying your body or through cremation? For me, I choose Cremation. It is very cost effective. They will just cremate your body into ashes and you can chose whether by placing your ash into a container or scatter it anywhere. Unlike Burial, you will need a casket and even a lot to where they will bury your body. :D Justify your answers please :)

Nowadays, when we are going to talk about the practicality cremation is the answer for that things. Now if we are going to talk about burial to others of course this one of the best, because at least while in the burial period they their loved ones anyhow and they are much more comfortable in that way and it was already an ancient belief too that we inherited to our ancestors.

Title: Re: Preparation for Death. Cremation or Burial?
Post by: Apened on April 28, 2017, 12:47:26 AM
Which one do you prefer? Burying your body or through cremation? For me, I choose Cremation. It is very cost effective. They will just cremate your body into ashes and you can chose whether by placing your ash into a container or scatter it anywhere. Unlike Burial, you will need a casket and even a lot to where they will bury your body. :D Justify your answers please :)

Nowadays, when we are going to talk about the practicality cremation is the answer for that things. Now if we are going to talk about burial to others of course this one of the best, because at least while in the burial period they their loved ones anyhow and they are much more comfortable in that way and it was already an ancient belief too that we inherited to our ancestors.
Thats it , it is naturally tradition that a person who is dead to be buried . Cremation is a newly born tradition only because of technology and as years go by .Theres nothing wrong with this to what people before to die wants their body to be buried or cremate.

Title: Re: Preparation for Death. Cremation or Burial?
Post by: cybersofts on April 28, 2017, 02:06:11 PM
It's difficult question.
I believe in life after death, eternal spiritual world.
Somebody told me that our spirit, after death, is still connected with our body and can't leave right away.
If we send body for cremation, it's shock for our spirit.
I don't know if this explanation is right but, I think, I will choose burial.

Great choice, I rather choose burial than cremation. I see no reason for cremating a someone's body after they're death. It's like a disrespect to a statue of someone :)

Title: Re: Preparation for Death. Cremation or Burial?
Post by: cybersofts on April 28, 2017, 02:10:45 PM
Organs donated and the rest burned?

This option can be even much better. After death, you can give your healthy organs to the sick people who need it, and burn the rest.
And the remnants of the cremated body and make them cubic Zirconia. I heard that there is such a technology. It seems to me very convenient. No need for cemeteries. All generations can be stored in one vase.

Wow, that's wonderful! Different people different thoughts and ideology. ;D

Title: Re: Preparation for Death. Cremation or Burial?
Post by: Marcus_2017 on April 28, 2017, 02:15:31 PM
Organs donated and the rest burned?

This option can be even much better. After death, you can give your healthy organs to the sick people who need it, and burn the rest.
And the remnants of the cremated body and make them cubic Zirconia. I heard that there is such a technology. It seems to me very convenient. No need for cemeteries. All generations can be stored in one vase.

Wow, that's wonderful! Different people different thoughts and ideology. ;D
Why do you think this is disrespectful? In India always burned the corpses, and the ashes poured into the Ganges. No it is not considered disrespectful. The human body in the decay poisons the land and the graves makes no sense. The memory of the man lives in the minds and not in the monuments.

Title: Re: Preparation for Death. Cremation or Burial?
Post by: wutard on April 28, 2017, 04:25:41 PM
Organs donated and the rest burned?

This option can be even much better. After death, you can give your healthy organs to the sick people who need it, and burn the rest.
And the remnants of the cremated body and make them cubic Zirconia. I heard that there is such a technology. It seems to me very convenient. No need for cemeteries. All generations can be stored in one vase.

Wow, that's wonderful! Different people different thoughts and ideology. ;D
Why do you think this is disrespectful? In India always burned the corpses, and the ashes poured into the Ganges. No it is not considered disrespectful. The human body in the decay poisons the land and the graves makes no sense. The memory of the man lives in the minds and not in the monuments.

Right. I would not want my body to poison the environment after death and harm my descendants.

Title: Re: Preparation for Death. Cremation or Burial?
Post by: Mometaskers on April 28, 2017, 05:49:33 PM
Organs donated and the rest burned?

This option can be even much better. After death, you can give your healthy organs to the sick people who need it, and burn the rest.
And the remnants of the cremated body and make them cubic Zirconia. I heard that there is such a technology. It seems to me very convenient. No need for cemeteries. All generations can be stored in one vase.

Wow, that's wonderful! Different people different thoughts and ideology. ;D
Why do you think this is disrespectful? In India always burned the corpses, and the ashes poured into the Ganges. No it is not considered disrespectful. The human body in the decay poisons the land and the graves makes no sense. The memory of the man lives in the minds and not in the monuments.

Right. I would not want my body to poison the environment after death and harm my descendants.

I would prefer cremation. You're dead anyway, unless you believe your bones will somehow become a full body again and be resurrected like the ancients believe, there's really no practical use to burial. A columbarium can house urns as much as half of a medium cemetery would accommodate.

Cremation would also allow the option to keep the ashes at home (varies with local regulations). Just in case it happens that your family is too poor to even buy a small niche in a columbarium.

Title: Re: Preparation for Death. Cremation or Burial?
Post by: Seccerius on April 29, 2017, 06:00:04 AM
Organs donated and the rest burned?

This option can be even much better. After death, you can give your healthy organs to the sick people who need it, and burn the rest.
And the remnants of the cremated body and make them cubic Zirconia. I heard that there is such a technology. It seems to me very convenient. No need for cemeteries. All generations can be stored in one vase.

Wow, that's wonderful! Different people different thoughts and ideology. ;D
Why do you think this is disrespectful? In India always burned the corpses, and the ashes poured into the Ganges. No it is not considered disrespectful. The human body in the decay poisons the land and the graves makes no sense. The memory of the man lives in the minds and not in the monuments.

Right. I would not want my body to poison the environment after death and harm my descendants.

I would prefer cremation. You're dead anyway, unless you believe your bones will somehow become a full body again and be resurrected like the ancients believe, there's really no practical use to burial. A columbarium can house urns as much as half of a medium cemetery would accommodate.

Cremation would also allow the option to keep the ashes at home (varies with local regulations). Just in case it happens that your family is too poor to even buy a small niche in a columbarium.
If you do not abuse the right to legally kill a seriously ill person, then this law or law would be very handy, since he solves very many problems of relatives and friends who suffer no less than the sick person himself. And with respect to cremation, I'm against it because I think That the person who died must be passed only to the earth.

Title: Re: Preparation for Death. Cremation or Burial?
Post by: BTC STRATEGIST on April 29, 2017, 06:59:23 PM
In general, experts will tell you that cremation is less expensive than burial because it does not involve tying up the limited resource of real estate space for an indefinite period of time. To remain financially viable, cemeteries that house bodies that have been buried must ask their customers to pay a sufficient amount to allow for interest to cover the cost of care for the land in perpetuity. This adds significantly to the overall price tag of memorializing a loved one. To that total, burial also typically requires the purchase of a casket and a grave marker, both of which are optional purchases for a burial – and the minimum cost for these is usually about $1,500 each. Meanwhile, no accessory purchases are required for a cremation. Even cremation urns – which are not required because, in most cases, crematories will return the ashes to a family in a “temporary container” for not additional charge – can be found quite readily for $100 or less. It is important for those considering this question of whether cremation or burial is best to understand this final note about cost: just because cremation expenses are usually less than those for burial does not mean that cremation will always be the less expensive choice. It is possible to spend a great deal of money on a cremation, with the purchase of elaborate urns, columbarium space, a grave plot in which the ashes will be buried, and even a memorial statue or grave stone.

Title: Re: Preparation for Death. Cremation or Burial?
Post by: merchantofzeny on April 29, 2017, 09:37:56 PM
Which one do you prefer? Burying your body or through cremation? For me, I choose Cremation. It is very cost effective. They will just cremate your body into ashes and you can chose whether by placing your ash into a container or scatter it anywhere. Unlike Burial, you will need a casket and even a lot to where they will bury your body. :D Justify your answers please :)

Nowadays, when we are going to talk about the practicality cremation is the answer for that things. Now if we are going to talk about burial to others of course this one of the best, because at least while in the burial period they their loved ones anyhow and they are much more comfortable in that way and it was already an ancient belief too that we inherited to our ancestors.
Thats it , it is naturally tradition that a person who is dead to be buried . Cremation is a newly born tradition only because of technology and as years go by .Theres nothing wrong with this to what people before to die wants their body to be buried or cremate.

No it's not new and many cultures have done it before. Hindus do and they can get quite elaborate, like the cremation ceremonies in Indonesia. The Romans also burn their dead to liberate the soul from the body. The ashes are then placed into small nitches which were we got the word columbarium (lit. dove cote).

Title: Re: Preparation for Death. Cremation or Burial?
Post by: joromz1226 on April 30, 2017, 04:43:48 AM
Dead, One finished, all is finished. The best direct cremation, burial also accounted for a large piece of land.

Actually, dead is dead they don't know what is happened to their body, they don't feel anything, they don't see anything as in everything to His/Her body was totally dead, meaning it doesn't matter whether cremation or burial. So if you are practical, cremation is a good one to choose than burial.

Title: Re: Preparation for Death. Cremation or Burial?
Post by: bikihabana on April 30, 2017, 07:24:51 AM
Organs donated and the rest burned?

This option can be even much better. After death, you can give your healthy organs to the sick people who need it, and burn the rest.
And the remnants of the cremated body and make them cubic Zirconia. I heard that there is such a technology. It seems to me very convenient. No need for cemeteries. All generations can be stored in one vase.

Wow, that's wonderful! Different people different thoughts and ideology. ;D
Why do you think this is disrespectful? In India always burned the corpses, and the ashes poured into the Ganges. No it is not considered disrespectful. The human body in the decay poisons the land and the graves makes no sense. The memory of the man lives in the minds and not in the monuments.

Right. I would not want my body to poison the environment after death and harm my descendants.

A lifeless body is very good for the soil. It should be situated at least at a distance of 6 feet down however, and covered with soil - this technique has proven to deliver the best results, but without caskets or even clothes, unless the clothing is specially made to be biodegradable and also made such to hasten the decomposition of the flesh, in other words conducive for bacterial growth.

Also, it astonishes me that people would attach any emotion whatsoever to raw elements (have a look at the periodic table) of the earth at all, as are found when ashes are formed after incineration of a lifeless human body.

Title: Re: Preparation for Death. Cremation or Burial?
Post by: btvlGainer on May 01, 2017, 01:29:13 PM
Organs donated and the rest burned?

This option can be even much better. After death, you can give your healthy organs to the sick people who need it, and burn the rest.
And the remnants of the cremated body and make them cubic Zirconia. I heard that there is such a technology. It seems to me very convenient. No need for cemeteries. All generations can be stored in one vase.

Wow, that's wonderful! Different people different thoughts and ideology. ;D
Why do you think this is disrespectful? In India always burned the corpses, and the ashes poured into the Ganges. No it is not considered disrespectful. The human body in the decay poisons the land and the graves makes no sense. The memory of the man lives in the minds and not in the monuments.

Right. I would not want my body to poison the environment after death and harm my descendants.

A lifeless body is very good for the soil. It should be situated at least at a distance of 6 feet down however, and covered with soil - this technique has proven to deliver the best results, but without caskets or even clothes, unless the clothing is specially made to be biodegradable and also made such to hasten the decomposition of the flesh, in other words conducive for bacterial growth.

Also, it astonishes me that people would attach any emotion whatsoever to raw elements (have a look at the periodic table) of the earth at all, as are found when ashes are formed after incineration of a lifeless human body.

Yes, if you bury a body without a coffin, then there will not be so much harm from it. Although if there were the proceeds of a complex disease, then the body is better to burn.

Title: Re: Preparation for Death. Cremation or Burial?
Post by: killgald on May 01, 2017, 01:52:08 PM
In my opinion cremation is the best way to rest in peace, is more cheap than a cemetery and you can make a ring or ornament with your ashes that can being carry by your beloveds beings.

Title: Re: Preparation for Death. Cremation or Burial?
Post by: pthnmj on May 01, 2017, 07:06:56 PM
With cremation your DNA will gone with you. With burial your DNA will remain intact. There is small possibility that your nerd descendants might clone you back. Because your having bitcoins.  Who knows the price of bitcoins 100-200 years from now. Placing 100 btc bounty to whomever clone you back would could up the possibility.

Title: Re: Preparation for Death. Cremation or Burial?
Post by: darkangel11 on May 01, 2017, 09:35:48 PM
With cremation your DNA will gone with you. With burial your DNA will remain intact. There is small possibility that your nerd descendants might clone you back. Because your having bitcoins.  Who knows the price of bitcoins 100-200 years from now. Placing 100 btc bounty to whomever clone you back would could up the possibility.
The possibility of them being able to crack your wallet in 100-200 years is far greater than them bringing you back to life. If the computing power keeps growing like it is we'll be able to crack sha256 in a day. They'd clone you, but what about your memories? They'd make someone that would look exactly like you but would be a completely different person and wouldn't know anything about your Bitcoins.

Title: Re: Preparation for Death. Cremation or Burial?
Post by: gabmen on May 04, 2017, 11:02:32 AM
In my opinion cremation is the best way to rest in peace, is more cheap than a cemetery and you can make a ring or ornament with your ashes that can being carry by your beloveds beings.

I agree. cremation is more conventional and being dead you won't even know what happens after you're cremated. and your family won't have to pay for where you'll be buried. they can put your ashes in a locket and keep you close wherever they are.

Title: Re: Preparation for Death. Cremation or Burial?
Post by: Forester618 on May 04, 2017, 11:16:30 AM
In my opinion cremation is the best way to rest in peace, is more cheap than a cemetery and you can make a ring or ornament with your ashes that can being carry by your beloveds beings.

I agree. cremation is more conventional and being dead you won't even know what happens after you're cremated. and your family won't have to pay for where you'll be buried. they can put your ashes in a locket and keep you close wherever they are.
I don't believe in an afterlife so I don't care what happens to my body. I heard about the production technology of the ashes after cremation of artificial diamonds. I like this idea. Become after the death of a diamond is what I want.