Bitcoin Forum

Bitcoin => Bitcoin Discussion => Topic started by: mmitech on May 06, 2013, 02:18:59 PM

Title: I just have the best idea to help people and make BTC even bigger
Post by: mmitech on May 06, 2013, 02:18:59 PM
As we all know that BTC is all around the media lately and most people doesn't know what exactly is BTC,  considering that it is hard to explain to them how it does work, most people will attempt to ask why is it so valuable, which will lead to the first answer  Silk Road and drugs and stuff....

-it was hard for me to explain to people around me what is BTC and even harder to convince them that the coins are not just used to purchase drugs and/or any illegal service or goods, and it is being used widely all around the world and each day it is gaining new users. in one word mainstream .

-We all know that there is allot of people who needs help all around the world mostly in Africa ( I have been there I know how it is)  and I am 100% sure that allot of us once saw a documentary or a post or picture or a film .....  and we all had that moment that you thought if I could help in some way .

- UNICEF is the biggest Organisation involved in Africa. they mainly operate with the money that people donate, not only in Africa but all around the world,  I am sure that allot of you out there once thought how can I help, and you really did want to help somehow, but between you lost the will because it just seemed allot of work or maybe you just didn’t have time or you didn’t know how to.

So if somehow we can convince UNICEF to take donations in BTC and make it viral, allot of people will donate money to help kids out there in Africa by just clicking one button,BTC will go so viral, and with this we will prove to the world once again that BTC is so big and the users of BTC are legitimate and this will just Add a big + to our community.

I do not  disclaim that BTC will be never used for illegal matters, but we all know that through all times people used all kind of currency’s to do this stuff, BTC is not changing that, BTC is changing the meaning of a currency.

   I would like to ask from moderators to stick this post on all forum sessions, just for the sake of people out there waiting for help and for the sake of new push for BTC

                                                                                            If this will work I am donating 2 BTC 

Title: Re: I just have the best idea to help people and make BTC even bigger
Post by: SAQ on May 06, 2013, 03:24:17 PM
Its only a matter of time before charities accept btc. They have nothing to loose and plenty to gain. I think some charities even already do accept them.

I really like your idea though.

Title: Re: I just have the best idea to help people and make BTC even bigger
Post by: naphto on May 06, 2013, 03:26:36 PM
Why would they bother do that?
If people wanna donate, they can give usd, euros or whatsoever.

Btc will never help to buy any supply / workers to be there / and so on. That will just be a pain in the ass for them.

Title: Re: I just have the best idea to help people and make BTC even bigger
Post by: mmitech on May 06, 2013, 03:32:13 PM
Why would they bother do that?
If people wanna donate, they can give usd, euros or whatsoever.

Btc will never help to buy any supply / workers to be there / and so on. That will just be a pain in the ass for them.

as long as it is free it wont be any problem for them, and yes people will massively donate coins even if it is 0.001 it is something for them , this will bring us widly to media=> more attention => more people will know about BTC => bring attentions to investors => new adopters => more value to BTC.

you just missed the point 

Title: Re: I just have the best idea to help people and make BTC even bigger
Post by: Birdy on May 06, 2013, 03:54:39 PM
Why would they bother do that?
If people wanna donate, they can give usd, euros or whatsoever.

Btc will never help to buy any supply / workers to be there / and so on. That will just be a pain in the ass for them.

Bitcoin is great for donations, there is no reason not to do it.

Title: Re: I just have the best idea to help people and make BTC even bigger
Post by: 2dogs on May 06, 2013, 03:56:02 PM
Sure, why not?

Great idea!

Title: Re: I just have the best idea to help people and make BTC even bigger
Post by: Ares on May 06, 2013, 05:37:50 PM
Why you made this thread and then did not provide any of Unicef's contact info is beyond me. But here you go:

Title: Re: I just have the best idea to help people and make BTC even bigger
Post by: mmitech on May 06, 2013, 05:50:02 PM
Why you made this thread and then did not provide any of Unicef's contact info is beyond me. But here you go:

thank you, we have to gather up here as many as as we can, it is not a one day project, if there is allot of us willing to seriously contribute than we will contact them. we cannot contact for 2 or 3 users, we have to bring the media attention .

Title: Re: I just have the best idea to help people and make BTC even bigger
Post by: wolverine.ks on May 06, 2013, 06:03:28 PM
people everywhere are more than willing to accept a cu
rrency if it will help their pocketbook or their cause. the real problem is not spending or accepting, it's getting it in the first place. people will only use bitcoin if its less than 3 clicks away. that's where things like bitcoin atm 's come into play.

Title: Re: I just have the best idea to help people and make BTC even bigger
Post by: dorift_it on May 06, 2013, 08:21:05 PM
Why would they bother do that?
If people wanna donate, they can give usd, euros or whatsoever.

Btc will never help to buy any supply / workers to be there / and so on. That will just be a pain in the ass for them.

as long as it is free it wont be any problem for them, and yes people will massively donate coins even if it is 0.001 it is something for them , this will bring us widly to media=> more attention => more people will know about BTC => bring attentions to investors => new adopters => more value to BTC.

you just missed the point 

great thinking :)

Title: Re: I just have the best idea to help people and make BTC even bigger
Post by: superduh on May 06, 2013, 08:28:28 PM
i suggested something similar (except going to higher education)
the responses are good for all these idea.. but, we need people to actually put their BTC on the line..

Title: Re: I just have the best idea to help people and make BTC even bigger
Post by: Coinseeker on May 06, 2013, 08:35:37 PM
It's projects like these that can help combat some of the negative press out there.  Not saying this is the exact way or not, but I agree something charitable, in a BIG way, needs to come out of the Bitcoin community.  

It's benefits are just limitless for Bitcoin and for humanity.  Its a win-win, thus it's a no brainer.

Title: Re: I just have the best idea to help people and make BTC even bigger
Post by: QuestionAuthority on May 06, 2013, 08:38:49 PM
A long time ago I contacted UNICEF on behalf of Bitcoin100 and they didn't want to accept btc even with no exchange fee or processing difficulties.

Title: Re: I just have the best idea to help people and make BTC even bigger
Post by: CompNsci on May 06, 2013, 08:40:49 PM
So what specifically do you want to do?

I would suggest contacting Unicef to see if they have an interest in this, offering to help them gather BTC donations and implement the required changes on their web-site.

Good idea, hope you can push forward with it.

Title: Re: I just have the best idea to help people and make BTC even bigger
Post by: superduh on May 06, 2013, 08:45:56 PM
people everywhere are more than willing to accept a currency if it will help their pocketbook or their cause. the real problem is not spending or accepting, it's getting it in the first place. people will only use bitcoin if its less than 3 clicks away. that's where things like bitcoin atm 's come into play.

Got me thinking: What if 1% of every Bitcoin purchased through an ATM would be automatically donated to UNICEF, and if this would be clearly stated on every Bitcoin ATM?

That would NOT increase the cost of Bitcoins by much
That would associate good cause with Bitcoin (which is needed to compensate for / decommission the association with drugs and illegal causes)
That would give the media more positive stories to write about
That would strengthen the public support for Bitcoins ATMs and therefore make them more difficult for regulators to ban
That would help a good cause ALLOT eventually


NO! it's not a donation if it's mandated - it's called a fee. then how would we get a consensus on where that fee would be going to?

Title: Re: I just have the best idea to help people and make BTC even bigger
Post by: QuestionAuthority on May 06, 2013, 08:46:00 PM
Op why don't you contact Bruno (Phinnaeus Gage) at Bitcoin100 and donate your 2 btc?

Title: Re: I just have the best idea to help people and make BTC even bigger
Post by: mmitech on May 06, 2013, 08:47:01 PM
I already contacted UNICEF on behalf of Bitcoin100 and they didn't want to accept btc even with no exchange fee or processing difficulties.

you maybe did as individual, but we will do it as a group of people, they will have to accept it, just think about it , if we go massively they wont be able to refuse, such a big organisation will lose trust if it gets a decent amount of donation and refuses.

I know that there is some individuals who did try before, but if we go all at once they will have to accept it, otherwise we will bring the media attention to that either ways.

I really have a good felling about this, and I know that allot of people out there would like to help, I am just asking you to give your word here and we will manage somehow to get to them.

Title: Re: I just have the best idea to help people and make BTC even bigger
Post by: bitchris on May 06, 2013, 08:48:54 PM
1BTC if you get Unicef to accept BTC on their website

Title: Re: I just have the best idea to help people and make BTC even bigger
Post by: mmitech on May 06, 2013, 08:49:00 PM
people everywhere are more than willing to accept a currency if it will help their pocketbook or their cause. the real problem is not spending or accepting, it's getting it in the first place. people will only use bitcoin if its less than 3 clicks away. that's where things like bitcoin atm 's come into play.

Got me thinking: What if 1% of every Bitcoin purchased through an ATM would be automatically donated to UNICEF, and if this would be clearly stated on every Bitcoin ATM?

That would NOT increase the cost of Bitcoins by much
That would associate good cause with Bitcoin (which is needed to compensate for / decommission the association with drugs and illegal causes)
That would give the media more positive stories to write about
That would strengthen the public support for Bitcoins ATMs and therefore make them more difficult for regulators to ban
That would help a good cause ALLOT eventually


there you go, we need people to think this way, this is another option as well

Title: Re: I just have the best idea to help people and make BTC even bigger
Post by: superduh on May 06, 2013, 08:49:35 PM
mmitech -
you should consider the approach i suggested last month.
make a POT of bitcoin donations and an organization that MEETS a certain criteria (doesn't have to be specifically UNISEF) who wants it will have access to it. that way when the pot grows BIG ENOUGH people will be all to eager to take it. (with stipulations like not being able to convert to fiat for 6 months or something)

Title: Re: I just have the best idea to help people and make BTC even bigger
Post by: mmitech on May 06, 2013, 08:51:48 PM
Op why don't you contact Bruno (Phinnaeus Gage) at Bitcoin100 and donate your 2 btc?

you are really missing the point here , I can donate my 2 BTC right now, but we want to do it massive for a good cause to bring the media attention. it is a win-win case, my 2 BTC wont change the silk road picture and money laundry and.... that people have about BTC

Title: Re: I just have the best idea to help people and make BTC even bigger
Post by: fwho on May 06, 2013, 08:52:25 PM
I couldnt focus on anything other than all the "allot" in OP...

Title: Re: I just have the best idea to help people and make BTC even bigger
Post by: bitchris on May 06, 2013, 08:57:49 PM
I couldnt focus on anything other than all the "allot" in OP...

Thanks for pointing it out. I'm not a native english speaker. Next time I'll get it right.

Hopefully you can resolve your focusing problem someday too :P

Title: Re: I just have the best idea to help people and make BTC even bigger
Post by: FlappySocks on May 06, 2013, 08:58:48 PM
How about setting up a KickStarter. Collect pledges. Offer the final amount to Unicef, providing they continue to accept donations with bitcoins.
How could they refuse?

Title: Re: I just have the best idea to help people and make BTC even bigger
Post by: mmitech on May 06, 2013, 09:00:59 PM
mmitech -
you should consider the approach i suggested last month.
make a POT of bitcoin donations and an organization that MEETS a certain criteria (doesn't have to be specifically UNISEF) who wants it will have access to it. that way when the pot grows BIG ENOUGH people will be all to eager to take it. (with stipulations like not being able to convert to fiat for 6 months or something)

making a charity will take a hell of a time to build a reputation, than you really need to have the knowledge where and how to help people, when I suggested UNICEF it wasn't a coincidence, UNICEF has been doing this for long time and they earned respect and legitimacy. this is why we need them and exactly them, or maybe an organisation as big as them.

think for the long term, this would be a great thing for people there in Africa, your 1 BTC could feed a family for 3 months at this price,r 0.01 BTC could feed a family for a day or two.

only the attempt to do that is something, and even if we wont succeed will  this bring us widely to media in a positive way, if they will accept it is even better.  

Title: Re: I just have the best idea to help people and make BTC even bigger
Post by: QuestionAuthority on May 06, 2013, 09:03:02 PM
Op why don't you contact Bruno (Phinnaeus Gage) at Bitcoin100 and donate your 2 btc?

you are really missing the point here , I can donate my 2 BTC right now, but we want to do it massive for a good cause to bring the media attention. it is a win-win case, my 2 BTC wont change the silk road picture and money laundry and.... that people have about BTC

I just realized that you don't know what Bitcoin100 is:

Title: Re: I just have the best idea to help people and make BTC even bigger
Post by: mmitech on May 06, 2013, 09:07:47 PM
Op why don't you contact Bruno (Phinnaeus Gage) at Bitcoin100 and donate your 2 btc?

you are really missing the point here , I can donate my 2 BTC right now, but we want to do it massive for a good cause to bring the media attention. it is a win-win case, my 2 BTC wont change the silk road picture and money laundry and.... that people have about BTC

I just realized that you don't know what Bitcoin100 is:

12-Mar-21 Group B Strep Inter.. - ฿127.35400000
12-Jul-20        - ฿100.00000000
12-Dec-14 BUND Berlin e.V.      - ฿100.54164468
13-Jan-02 My Refuge House       - ฿100.00000000

                         TOTAL  - ฿427.89564468
i do not know a single charity of those listed!! you get my point now ?

edit: but thank you, I did not know of that thread, I will consider donating there as well.

Title: Re: I just have the best idea to help people and make BTC even bigger
Post by: QuestionAuthority on May 06, 2013, 09:13:08 PM
We contacted most of the majors. They either said no or didn't respond. Good idea though; so good in fact its already been done!

Title: Re: I just have the best idea to help people and make BTC even bigger
Post by: superduh on May 06, 2013, 09:14:43 PM
mmitech -
you should consider the approach i suggested last month.
make a POT of bitcoin donations and an organization that MEETS a certain criteria (doesn't have to be specifically UNISEF) who wants it will have access to it. that way when the pot grows BIG ENOUGH people will be all to eager to take it. (with stipulations like not being able to convert to fiat for 6 months or something)

making a charity will take a hell of a time to build a reputation, than you really need to have the knowledge where and how to help people, when I suggested UNICEF it wasn't a coincidence, UNICEF has been doing this for long time and they earned respect and legitimacy. this is why we need them and exactly them, or maybe an organisation as big as them.

think for the long term, this would be a great thing for people there in Africa, your 1 BTC could feed a family for 3 months at this price,r 0.01 BTC could feed a family for a day or two.

only the attempt to do that is something, and even if we wont succeed will  this bring us widely to media in a positive way, if they will accept it is even better.  

you didn't understand what i was saying.
i meant that getting a large pot of coins (not starting a charity)
and then donating the whole pot to whichever organization (unicef or other) that meets certain criteria set up
so it could be set on certain parameters and whichever charity that meets the criteria requests the bitcoins would get a nice giant pot of coins

Title: Re: I just have the best idea to help people and make BTC even bigger
Post by: QuestionAuthority on May 06, 2013, 09:17:00 PM
That's exactly what Bitcoin100 does.

Title: Re: I just have the best idea to help people and make BTC even bigger
Post by: mmitech on May 06, 2013, 09:19:04 PM
mmitech -
you should consider the approach i suggested last month.
make a POT of bitcoin donations and an organization that MEETS a certain criteria (doesn't have to be specifically UNISEF) who wants it will have access to it. that way when the pot grows BIG ENOUGH people will be all to eager to take it. (with stipulations like not being able to convert to fiat for 6 months or something)

making a charity will take a hell of a time to build a reputation, than you really need to have the knowledge where and how to help people, when I suggested UNICEF it wasn't a coincidence, UNICEF has been doing this for long time and they earned respect and legitimacy. this is why we need them and exactly them, or maybe an organisation as big as them.

think for the long term, this would be a great thing for people there in Africa, your 1 BTC could feed a family for 3 months at this price,r 0.01 BTC could feed a family for a day or two.

only the attempt to do that is something, and even if we wont succeed will  this bring us widely to media in a positive way, if they will accept it is even better.  

you didn't understand what i was saying.
i meant that getting a large pot of coins (not starting a charity)
and then donating the whole pot to whichever organization (unicef or other) that meets certain criteria set up
so it could be set on certain parameters and whichever charity that meets the criteria requests the bitcoins would get a nice giant pot of coins

sorry, I understood it the other way, but this could work as well, as long as the charity is big, and have a worldwide reputation, because we have to think global.

Title: Re: I just have the best idea to help people and make BTC even bigger
Post by: bitchris on May 06, 2013, 09:21:06 PM
I say keep it simple and go with UNICEF for the reasons you pointed out before:

... when I suggested UNICEF it wasn't a coincidence, UNICEF has been doing this for long time and they earned respect and legitimacy. this is why we need them and exactly them, or maybe an organisation as big as them.

Title: Re: I just have the best idea to help people and make BTC even bigger
Post by: mmitech on May 06, 2013, 09:23:39 PM
That's exactly what Bitcoin100 does.

ok, I get you there you suggest that we can just donate to bitcoin100 ? and this will do it, you are even trolling or missing my point here, i did choose UNICEF for a reason, there you go guess why.

as long you are still thinking inside the box we are not going anywhere, so bitcoin inside bitcoin community wont help that much, maybe you are helping people but you are not doing much for bitcoin

Title: Re: I just have the best idea to help people and make BTC even bigger
Post by: QuestionAuthority on May 06, 2013, 09:25:19 PM
That's exactly what Bitcoin100 does.

ok, I get you there you suggest that we can just donate to bitcoin100 ? and this will do it, you are even trolling or missing my point here, i did choose UNICEF for a reason, there you go guess why.

as long you are still thinking inside the box we are not going anywhere, so bitcoin inside bitcoin community wont help that much, maybe you are helping people but you are not doing much for bitcoin

At least look at this list of charities they have already contacted so you don't duplicate effort.

Good Luck!

Title: Re: I just have the best idea to help people and make BTC even bigger
Post by: xmax on May 06, 2013, 10:36:38 PM
Great idea, I'm In!

Title: Re: I just have the best idea to help people and make BTC even bigger
Post by: Coinseeker on May 06, 2013, 10:54:18 PM
What if it wasn't UNICEF.  What if I told you there was a way to solve World Hunger and I mean like forever.  Would this be a sufficient cause?

+1 this post and with enough, I'll take the time to layout what led me to Bitcoin and what we've been working on for nearly a year.  

One piece of information I'll give you, is according to the UN, it will take about $30 billion/year to accomplish this.

@OP - if you deem this as a thread highjack, it's not my intention at all and I apologize. I could start another if the interest is there.  

Title: Re: I just have the best idea to help people and make BTC even bigger
Post by: wopwop on May 06, 2013, 10:58:45 PM
what a stupid idea

UNICEF doesn't make money if ppl can send money directly to people

that's what unicef would say, behind closed doors ofc

in public they'd probably either say that africans don't have computers or tell ppl to send money to unicef's private account

Title: Re: I just have the best idea to help people and make BTC even bigger
Post by: Coinseeker on May 06, 2013, 11:11:14 PM
what a ***** idea

UNICEF doesn't make money if ppl can send money directly to people

that's what unicef would say, behind closed doors ofc

in public they'd probably either say that africans don't have computers or tell ppl to send money to unicef's private account

Your point would have been better received without the unnecessary attack in your first sentence.  That's just rude, especially when someone is suggestion the good of both Bitcoin and humanity.  MIght I suggest you edit that.

Title: Re: I just have the best idea to help people and make BTC even bigger
Post by: DoomDumas on May 07, 2013, 12:05:05 AM
Why you made this thread and then did not provide any of Unicef's contact info is beyond me. But here you go:

thank you, we have to gather up here as many as as we can, it is not a one day project, if there is allot of us willing to seriously contribute than we will contact them. we cannot contact for 2 or 3 users, we have to bring the media attention .

I've written to ask if they accept btc.. Hope they will do, if so I'll donate some for sure !

Title: Re: I just have the best idea to help people and make BTC even bigger
Post by: DoomDumas on May 07, 2013, 12:09:47 AM
people everywhere are more than willing to accept a currency if it will help their pocketbook or their cause. the real problem is not spending or accepting, it's getting it in the first place. people will only use bitcoin if its less than 3 clicks away. that's where things like bitcoin atm 's come into play.

Got me thinking: What if 1% of every Bitcoin purchased through an ATM would be automatically donated to UNICEF, and if this would be clearly stated on every Bitcoin ATM?

That would NOT increase the cost of Bitcoins by much
That would associate good cause with Bitcoin (which is needed to compensate for / decommission the association with drugs and illegal causes)
That would give the media more positive stories to write about
That would strengthen the public support for Bitcoins ATMs and therefore make them more difficult for regulators to ban
That would help a good cause ALLOT eventually


I dont agree, it's like a restaurant offering me to buy a cookie for a dollar wich will go to charity.. The restaurant dont have to solicitate, they can donate from their own pocket..  Otherwise, they are just using customers money to boost their image as being charitable.. I dont like those pratice..

Title: Re: I just have the best idea to help people and make BTC even bigger
Post by: BitDreams on May 07, 2013, 12:27:06 AM
If bitcoin could dominate just one market it should be the charitable market as far as I can dream.

Title: Re: I just have the best idea to help people and make BTC even bigger
Post by: Phinnaeus Gage on May 07, 2013, 12:50:53 AM
That's exactly what Bitcoin100 does.

ok, I get you there you suggest that we can just donate to bitcoin100 ? and this will do it, you are even trolling or missing my point here, i did choose UNICEF for a reason, there you go guess why.

as long you are still thinking inside the box we are not going anywhere, so bitcoin inside bitcoin community wont help that much, maybe you are helping people but you are not doing much for bitcoin

Currently, Bitcoin 100 is donating $1,000 USD worth of BTC to most any NPO/NGO that simply embeds a Bitcoin donation option onto their website. That is it! No strings attach, though we prefer them to keep the link up for at least a few months.

That said, if you can get UNICEF to come on board and start accepting bitcoins within the next 30 days, Bitcoin 100 will donate twice the amount--$2,000 USD--to them, being that they're a renown NPO.

~Bruno K~

Title: Re: I just have the best idea to help people and make BTC even bigger
Post by: mmitech on May 07, 2013, 06:37:24 AM
That's exactly what Bitcoin100 does.

ok, I get you there you suggest that we can just donate to bitcoin100 ? and this will do it, you are even trolling or missing my point here, i did choose UNICEF for a reason, there you go guess why.

as long you are still thinking inside the box we are not going anywhere, so bitcoin inside bitcoin community wont help that much, maybe you are helping people but you are not doing much for bitcoin

Currently, Bitcoin 100 is donating $1,000 USD worth of BTC to most any NPO/NGO that simply embeds a Bitcoin donation option onto their website. That is it! No strings attach, though we prefer them to keep the link up for at least a few months.

That said, if you can get UNICEF to come on board and start accepting bitcoins within the next 30 days, Bitcoin 100 will donate twice the amount--$2,000 USD--to them, being that they're a renown NPO.

~Bruno K~

I really wish to add them to your list, I cant do it alone, this is why I need help and support from all members. I wont lead it as well,  I brought the idea and when allot of us are willing to help we will choose people who can present us in a good way.

Title: Re: I just have the best idea to help people and make BTC even bigger
Post by: niko on May 07, 2013, 07:01:10 AM
That's exactly what Bitcoin100 does.

ok, I get you there you suggest that we can just donate to bitcoin100 ? and this will do it, you are even trolling or missing my point here, i did choose UNICEF for a reason, there you go guess why.

as long you are still thinking inside the box we are not going anywhere, so bitcoin inside bitcoin community wont help that much, maybe you are helping people but you are not doing much for bitcoin

At least look at this list of charities they have already contacted so you don't duplicate effort.

Good Luck!

We need to duplicate the effort! If you think Bitcoin is a viable technology, and if there is a place you'd like to see accept them - please do contact them and suggest they do so.  Don't sound scammy, don't insist - simply make a suggestion.

As for pooling funds together for large donations, bitcoin100 works just fine.

Title: Re: I just have the best idea to help people and make BTC even bigger
Post by: wumpus on May 07, 2013, 02:36:12 PM
What average joe would donate in bitcoins?  You'd lose the tax benefit.   Unless your paid in BTC, taxed in BTC and can write it off, you'd be a mug to donate in BTC.  Better to exchange into your local currency for the tax benefits.  No?
BTC would allow donating from everywhere. Not all countries have tax benefits for donations in the first place.

Title: Re: I just have the best idea to help people and make BTC even bigger
Post by: benod on May 07, 2013, 09:22:29 PM
hi all,

i am already involved in something similar. I will try to convince a local animal shelter organization to accept bitcoins for donation. Whatever donations they get will be nice.

I will post the links and adress here if we go that way and you  guys will hopefully donate something for abandoned animals. :)


Title: Re: I just have the best idea to help people and make BTC even bigger
Post by: mmitech on May 08, 2013, 06:16:39 AM
I just got a PM from a member who said that he/she knows some one in hight position in UNICEF and that he would talk her out to accept BTC.

If that guy  succeeded to do it, and that we can see a prove on their official website with an announcement on media, than I would like to ask Phinnaeus Gage to create a Donation address that we can send donations for UNICEF there and I would like him to handle this thing (if he agrees) as he did it many times before and have more experience.

Title: Re: I just have the best idea to help people and make BTC even bigger
Post by: FeatherLite on May 08, 2013, 06:49:22 AM
Check it out I found a new forum  for currencies today, spread the word :D

Title: Re: I just have the best idea to help people and make BTC even bigger
Post by: capoeira on November 14, 2013, 01:11:42 PM
i wanna UP this soooo much....just had the same idea