Bitcoin Forum

Economy => Scam Accusations => Topic started by: isoneguy on July 22, 2017, 09:16:53 PM

Title: OGnasty has been compromised. |ID!0T|
Post by: isoneguy on July 22, 2017, 09:16:53 PM
I'm posting this now so you all know.

OGnasty ripped me off through escrow...and it was him because we used his normal bitcoin address. It's a lot of work typing and taking screenshots and such so be patient.

I'll update with proper details and proof here shortly.

I'm planning on taking this all the way so if you know OGnasty please talk to him and help him return my bitcoin and pm me the transaction ID(like he promised that asshole) so coinbase will return my funds.

If anyone knows how I can find OGnasty in person please let me know so I don't have to waste the time and money doing so on my own.

Also it's illegal to escrow in the United States without an escrow license so I'm going to take that route too.

wonder how much money the IRS would end up asking for...

and god knows what else.

Feel free to chime in and bring a pitchfork. Apparently he ripped a noob off for 3k as well.

I have a mental issue so bear with me...I'll write it out proper just give me time.

What happened::
OGnasty has not repaid the escrow funds on a failed escrow.
I provided irrefutable proof of my identity to OGnasty with information from previous trades we had made together so that he may refund me to my forum bitcoin address.
He refused because of "rules of escrow" and then told me he'd refund to the coinbase account...bunch of bullshit never happened now here we are.

I just wanted to help someone who was trying to sell a bunch of 1060's they accidentally bought.

Scammers Profile Link:;u=18321

Reference Link:
Link to thread I attempted to buy from:

Amount Scammed:
0.25076037BTC which was just under $680 at the time of sending.
this included the escrow fee of .01

heres negative trust on his account from someone else:

Payment Method:

Proof of Payment:
transaction url:

PM/Chat Logs:

all other messages are me yelling at him to give me the TX ID and him calling me a liar.

Still waiting for repayment.

Additional Notes:
Either he has decided to turn scammer or the account has been sold to a less reputable individual. There is negative trust recently from someone else he apparently scammed.

Why do I get screwed over when trying to help someone?

Title: Re: OGnasty has been compromised. |ID!0T|
Post by: OgNasty on July 22, 2017, 09:36:55 PM
This user is a liar and an attempted scammer.  I follow the rules of my escrow service to protect honest users.

Title: Re: OGnasty has been compromised. |ID!0T|
Post by: Hellot on July 22, 2017, 09:38:31 PM
This is the proper way to do this.  You should remove the negative trust you left for people defending him because you accused them of being alts without proof.  Many people have dealt with OG and will naturally defend him.  Some hold his coins and will have a bias.  But proof is what matters and most of us will be looking at it and deciding ourselves.

Title: Re: OGnasty has been compromised. |ID!0T|
Post by: The Sceptical Chymist on July 22, 2017, 09:39:37 PM
The community needs proof either way here, and especially since OP is leveling an accusation against a trusted member of bitcointalk.  OP really ought to have taken the time to put together all the screenshots and so forth before opening up a scam accusation, no?

Also, this is thread #2 about this issue, is it not?

Title: Re: OGnasty has been compromised. |ID!0T|
Post by: minifrij on July 22, 2017, 09:44:20 PM
How's about you stop having a mental breakdown for a few minutes, take a deep breath and post all of the proof of this before spamming both the forum and the trust system? That would be more helpful than throwing a paddy.

Also, this is thread #2 about this issue, is it not?
This is thread #1 (, #2 (, #3 (, #4 (, #5. He also posted on at least one of Og's topics with the same shit.

Title: Re: OGnasty has been compromised. |ID!0T|
Post by: isoneguy on July 22, 2017, 11:26:24 PM
The community needs proof either way here, and especially since OP is leveling an accusation against a trusted member of bitcointalk.  OP really ought to have taken the time to put together all the screenshots and so forth before opening up a scam accusation, no?

Also, this is thread #2 about this issue, is it not?

look, how about other people get ripped off while I'm trying to gather information amidst thousands of messages and such?

Title: Re: OGnasty has been compromised. |ID!0T|
Post by: TheNewAnon135246 on July 23, 2017, 12:11:30 AM
Sorry to hear that you have mental issues but there is no reason to randomly accuse people of being an alt-account.

Title: Re: OGnasty has been compromised. |ID!0T|
Post by: isoneguy on July 23, 2017, 12:13:52 AM
Sorry to hear that you have mental issues but there is no reason to randomly accuse people of being an alt-account.

Too bad. Prove you aren't him or help me get my money back and I'll remove the negative trust.

Also, OGnasty...can you prove that you're yourself by another means? It should be easy, just go outside and take a picture of your house again...we've all seen it.

Title: Re: OGnasty has been compromised. |ID!0T|
Post by: Reynaldo on July 23, 2017, 01:15:50 AM
First of all, having mental issues is not an excuse. I know people who suffer Bipolar Disorder and live a normal life while they take their medication, stop trying to exploit something that is trivial in this case.

Fore more information I believe the user isoneguy is referring to this transaction on

I was actually lurking on those post and wanted to buy a GPU my self, please OGNasty, would you care to elaborate on what happened here?
isoneguy you have to provide more proof of what exactly happened, Jesus Christ get your shit together.

Title: Re: OGnasty has been compromised. |ID!0T|
Post by: isoneguy on July 23, 2017, 01:17:21 AM
First of all, having mental issues is not an excuse. I know people who suffer Bipolar Disorder and live a normal life while they take their medication, stop trying to exploit something that is trivial in this case.

Fore more information I believe the user isoneguy is referring to this transaction on

I was actually lurking on those post and wanted to buy a GPU my self, please OGNasty, would you care to elaborate on what happened here?
isoneguy you have to provide more proof of what exactly happened, Jesus Christ get your shit together.

help me then...I have a scam accusation up what more do I need. It's not easy to be angry and have your shit together at the same time...try it before coming after me.

I'd rather do this the proper way but who knows...I might be willing to go to jail to prove a point.

And yeah fuck OGnasty...I supported the shit out of him and he betrays me over .25BTC

Honestly I think everyone should be a little more concerned about this.

Title: Re: OGnasty has been compromised. |ID!0T|
Post by: The Sceptical Chymist on July 23, 2017, 01:20:54 AM
Also, OGnasty...can you prove that you're yourself by another means? It should be easy, just go outside and take a picture of your house again...we've all seen it.
I LOL'ed so hard at that, I think my diaper is compromised, and you can quote me on that.

You're like that guy who wanted a picture of someone with a shoe on his head, holding out a sign with his name on it.  How about a signed message?  And even that is more than I suspect he'll think he needs to prove.  Also, the more threads you create, the worse you make yourself look, like all these people with the Lauda threads.  Just quit while you're ahead and let the community be the judge.

Title: Re: OGnasty has been compromised. |ID!0T|
Post by: adoalli on July 23, 2017, 01:37:09 AM
hell a lot of complaints are coming for the Escrow service provided by OgNasty. Dube what are you doing and why all these are happening so sudden?
I am very much disappointed to hear all this :(

Title: Re: OGnasty has been compromised. |ID!0T|
Post by: isoneguy on July 23, 2017, 01:37:34 AM
Also, OGnasty...can you prove that you're yourself by another means? It should be easy, just go outside and take a picture of your house again...we've all seen it.
I LOL'ed so hard at that, I think my diaper is compromised, and you can quote me on that.

You're like that guy who wanted a picture of someone with a shoe on his head, holding out a sign with his name on it.  How about a signed message?  And even that is more than I suspect he'll think he needs to prove.  Also, the more threads you create, the worse you make yourself look, like all these people with the Lauda threads.  Just quit while you're ahead and let the community be the judge.

you're like that guy that laughs at other people's misfortunes

it's funny how many smart people are so pathetic without honor or integrity

Title: Re: OGnasty has been compromised. |ID!0T|
Post by: Bitfort on July 23, 2017, 01:38:04 AM
I guess this is the escrowed transaction:

and I see no refund transactions to sending address tought OP stated:
He refused because of "rules of escrow" and then told me he'd refund to the coinbase account...bunch of bullshit never happened now here we are.

Have you send any refund? Can you share where you send it including proof of signed message from the original sending address?
Some reaction of yours would help a lot ( simple reply "This user is a liar and an attempted scammer" is not enough)
What you mean by:
...  I follow the rules of my escrow service to protect honest users.
I can see 3 rules in your ANN thread. And only 2nd one seems to be applicable for this case (which means you shopuld provide proof asked above).

Title: Re: OGnasty has been compromised. |ID!0T|
Post by: The Sceptical Chymist on July 23, 2017, 01:47:37 AM
Also, OGnasty...can you prove that you're yourself by another means? It should be easy, just go outside and take a picture of your house again...we've all seen it.
I LOL'ed so hard at that, I think my diaper is compromised, and you can quote me on that.

You're like that guy who wanted a picture of someone with a shoe on his head, holding out a sign with his name on it.  How about a signed message?  And even that is more than I suspect he'll think he needs to prove.  Also, the more threads you create, the worse you make yourself look, like all these people with the Lauda threads.  Just quit while you're ahead and let the community be the judge.

you're like that guy that laughs at other people's misfortunes

it's funny how many smart people are so pathetic without honor or integrity
I'm not laughing at you, but your expectations seem to be a little, eh, inflated.  I don't wish you ill by any means,  but the multiple threads and negs left for people who are just posting their opinion,  that's not working in your favor thus far.  Has OGnasty addressed your claims specifically?   I'm waiting for that to happen,  if it ever does.  I'm not smart, just a fed up, jaded, cynical human being.

Edit:  I don't know, it looks like OGnasty is doing just as he said he was doing, which is avoiding a scam scenario.  Meh, not my fight here.

How the hell am I supposed to support the community
Yeah, well, this whole community is pretty messed up at its core.

Title: Re: OGnasty has been compromised. |ID!0T|
Post by: isoneguy on July 23, 2017, 01:48:31 AM
I guess this is the escrowed transaction:

and I see no refund transactions to sending address tought OP stated:
He refused because of "rules of escrow" and then told me he'd refund to the coinbase account...bunch of bullshit never happened now here we are.

Have you send any refund? Can you share where you send it including proof of signed message from the original sending address?
Some reaction of yours would help a lot ( simple reply "This user is a liar and an attempted scammer" is not enough)
What you mean by:
...  I follow the rules of my escrow service to protect honest users.
I can see 3 rules in your ANN thread. And only 2nd one seems to be applicable for this case (which means you shopuld provide proof asked above).

Yes, that is the escrow transaction.

OG repeatedly said he was sending me the money and just decided to flake...what's the best way to set a bounty?

Title: Re: OGnasty has been compromised. |ID!0T|
Post by: Quickseller on July 23, 2017, 01:49:31 AM
What happened that resulted in the escrow failing? Is there any chance the trade will go through.

AFAICT, OgNasty has not yet refunded the transaction back to the coinbase sending address. This is good and means that you have some options. You can allow OgNasty access to your coinbase account so that he can personally view the transaction, and refund the BTC to a coinbase deposit address associated with that same coinbase account -- I am not sure he would be willing to do this. You may be able to contact coinbase support and ask them to sign a specific message instructing OgNasty to refund the BTC in escrow to a specific address -- I am unsure that coinbase support will be able to do this for you, and I am unsure that OgNasty would be willing to accept this. Lastly, you can contact coinbase support to let them know about the anticipated refund to 144iVv9TmbCNtPugsfWCfj9KWwqjfwyR29 and ask them to confirm that they will give you credit for this deposit, hopefully this is not a deposit address for someone else -- I don't know that coinbase would be willing to do this.

Otherwise you can try to negotiate a resolution with OgNasty. OgNasty does have a certain set of rules to protect himself and the integrity of the trades he facilitates. I would expect that any resolution that OgNasty agrees to would involve the expiration of a decent amount of time without anyone claiming ownership of the BTC being held by OgNasty if his rules are not going to be followed. 

Title: Re: OGnasty has been compromised. |ID!0T|
Post by: isoneguy on July 23, 2017, 01:50:55 AM
I'm not laughing at you, but your expectations seem to be a little, eh, inflated.  I don't wish you ill by any means,  but the multiple threads and negs left for people who are just posting their opinion,  that's not working in your favor thus far.  Has OGnasty addressed your claims specifically?   I'm waiting for that to happen,  if it ever does.  I'm not smart, just a fed up, jaded, cynical human being.

Oh believe me this is the best output for my anger...all the small animals in the neighborhood will sleep tonight.

And I'm fed up too...I just wanted to help some noob.

How the hell am I supposed to support the community if the escrow can't escrow properly.

Title: Re: OGnasty has been compromised. |ID!0T|
Post by: Bitfort on July 23, 2017, 01:57:32 AM
I guess this is the escrowed transaction:

and I see no refund transactions to sending address tought OP stated:
He refused because of "rules of escrow" and then told me he'd refund to the coinbase account...bunch of bullshit never happened now here we are.

Have you send any refund? Can you share where you send it including proof of signed message from the original sending address?
Some reaction of yours would help a lot ( simple reply "This user is a liar and an attempted scammer" is not enough)
What you mean by:
...  I follow the rules of my escrow service to protect honest users.
I can see 3 rules in your ANN thread. And only 2nd one seems to be applicable for this case (which means you shopuld provide proof asked above).

Yes, that is the escrow transaction.

OG repeatedly said he was sending me the money and just decided to flake...what's the best way to set a bounty?

OK, obviously BTCs was not returned to sending address but still would rather wait for OGs opinion (maybe he can prove you asked to return BTCs to other addy with signed message) before giving you any advice.

EDIT: Based on your post above it seems you have finaly calmed down. Which is good for you (anger kills) and all of us because now it's much better to communicate with you as I have seen some your reactions in other related threads (and there is bunch of them) and started feeling It's not worth any further discussion with you.
I'm sorry for you loss and can't guarantee you to get your money back. But I would love to help finding the wrong guy here and mark him to prevent further scam attempts.

Title: Re: OGnasty has been compromised. |ID!0T|
Post by: Hellot on July 23, 2017, 02:15:37 AM
I may have missed it but I don't see where OG made his escrow rules clear so if that didn't happen that's a knock on him.  It isn't in his sig.  I do see why he has those rules though and can't knock him for that.  Did the rules get exchanged beforehand?

Title: Re: OGnasty has been compromised. |ID!0T|
Post by: isoneguy on July 23, 2017, 02:18:17 AM
I may have missed it but I don't see where OG made his escrow rules clear so if that didn't happen that's a knock on him.  It isn't in his sig.  I do see why he has those rules though and can't knock him for that.  Did the rules get exchanged beforehand?

Nope, I've escrowed with him like 5 times and he's never given me the rules. Hell I even bought one of his bitpics because nobody was bidding on them...I was under the impression that we'd built enough rapport that he'd be able to figure out what was going on instead of robbing me and calling me a liar.

I mean...he's never really done anything special for me even though I've always made our escrow experiences and simple as possible.

Fuck I regret not escrowing through phil

Title: Re: OGnasty has been compromised. |ID!0T|
Post by: actmyname on July 23, 2017, 02:44:46 AM
Too bad. Prove you aren't him or help me get my money back and I'll remove the negative trust.

Prove you're not TradeFortress. /s
Asking for proof of not being someone is pretty hard.

2. I will not refund a Bitcoin address that is not the sending address without a signed message from the sending address.

Is screenshot evidence not sufficient enough to prove that isoneguy owns the coinbase account? If not then under what circumstances would you accept that the account has remained in the hands of the original user? (Other than contacting coinbase directly)

Nope, I've escrowed with him like 5 times and he's never given me the rules. Hell I even bought one of his bitpics because nobody was bidding on them...I was under the impression that we'd built enough rapport that he'd be able to figure out what was going on instead of robbing me and calling me a liar.

1) Shouldn't you have known the rules by now?
2) Given that you have had trade history, requesting for a refund to a non-sending address is suspicious.

Title: Re: OGnasty has been compromised. |ID!0T|
Post by: Hellot on July 23, 2017, 02:51:57 AM
I may have missed it but I don't see where OG made his escrow rules clear so if that didn't happen that's a knock on him.  It isn't in his sig.  I do see why he has those rules though and can't knock him for that.  Did the rules get exchanged beforehand?

Nope, I've escrowed with him like 5 times and he's never given me the rules. Hell I even bought one of his bitpics because nobody was bidding on them...I was under the impression that we'd built enough rapport that he'd be able to figure out what was going on instead of robbing me and calling me a liar.

I mean...he's never really done anything special for me even though I've always made our escrow experiences and simple as possible.

Fuck I regret not escrowing through phil


Title: Re: OGnasty has been compromised. |ID!0T|
Post by: isoneguy on July 23, 2017, 02:57:21 AM
well, I requested it to my forum address as I expected it would be a pain to do via coinbase. I figured proving who I was would be enough.

Look...same address.

But, I don't care where it gets refunded to as long as it get's refunded.

Title: Re: OGnasty has been compromised. |ID!0T|
Post by: actmyname on July 23, 2017, 03:04:05 AM
well, I requested it to my forum address as I expected it would be a pain to do via coinbase. I figured proving who I was would be enough.

Look...same address.

But, I don't care where it gets refunded to as long as it get's refunded.

OGnasty just ghosted now and didn't even return to the sending address like he promised. So far it's been a lot slower this way.

I'm not trying to scam anyone I just want my money returned.

(above quote was cross-posted from a Collectibles thread (

Look, isoneguy, I feel like OGNasty's hesitation to send back to the coinbase address is the possibility of it being sunk forever. To avoid that you would have to clear it with Coinbase first so that the situation would be resolved through either:

a) Coinbase stating that the sending address was linked to your account.
b) Coinbase directing future funds from the sending address to your account.

The best course of action right now would be to remain calm and be patient about it instead of freaking out tagging everybody, thinking they're an alt of OG out to get you. You have the linkage between your old address.

I had this problem today.

Miner wasn't was too cold.

if I saved you some hash blade repair cost satoshi's go here: 1J58WZ948mo3QCzhpZKWuVgaYvZQ6tjiTF

Title: Re: OGnasty has been compromised. |ID!0T|
Post by: isoneguy on July 23, 2017, 03:09:56 AM
he knows who I this point he's just being a dick.

how is me jumping to conclusions any different than everyone else...I'm the one who actually has a reason to be like this.

I've put a note to coinbase regarding the address but I don't really expect anything from them either.

I think the best course of action is OGnasty just refunding me to the address he's already paid out to previously.

The only reason OGnasty couldn't verify my identity would be if he was not the same person.

Title: Re: OGnasty has been compromised. |ID!0T|
Post by: TheNewAnon135246 on July 23, 2017, 03:14:00 AM
Sorry to hear that you have mental issues but there is no reason to randomly accuse people of being an alt-account.

Too bad. Prove you aren't him or help me get my money back and I'll remove the negative trust.

Also, OGnasty...can you prove that you're yourself by another means? It should be easy, just go outside and take a picture of your house again...we've all seen it.

I am not going to prove I'm not Og. You're the one accusing me so you should be the one with proof.

FYI I live on the other side of the planet and I'm sure you can find posts in the Local sections in my post history.

Title: Re: OGnasty has been compromised. |ID!0T|
Post by: Hellot on July 23, 2017, 03:19:39 AM
he knows who I this point he's just being a dick.

how is me jumping to conclusions any different than everyone else...I'm the one who actually has a reason to be like this.

I've put a note to coinbase regarding the address but I don't really expect anything from them either.

I think the best course of action is OGnasty just refunding me to the address he's already paid out to previously.

The only reason OGnasty couldn't verify my identity would be if he was not the same person.

If he hasn't refunded you in 24 hours or proven that he made you aware of his escrow terms he gets negative trust from me.  That is not how you run a service.  I'm not absolving you of any wrong doing, you have been very difficult from what I can see but you also have some cause to be.  It is unreasonable to hold you to terms he didn't state and ask you to potentially violate your privacy in the process.  Not cool.  You also need to fix your shit and undo the negative trust you gave people unjustly.

Title: Re: OGnasty has been compromised. |ID!0T|
Post by: isoneguy on July 23, 2017, 03:29:10 AM
If he hasn't refunded you in 24 hours or proven that he made you aware of his escrow terms he gets negative trust from me.  That is not how you run a service.  I'm not absolving you of any wrong doing, you have been very difficult from what I can see but you also have some cause to be.  It is unreasonable to hold you to terms he didn't state and ask you to potentially violate your privacy in the process.  Not cool.  You also need to fix your shit and undo the negative trust you gave people unjustly.

my shit getting fixed is waiting on OGnasty...

I am not going to prove I'm not Og. You're the one accusing me so you should be the one with proof.

FYI I live on the other side of the planet and I'm sure you can find posts in the Local sections in my post history.

that shit is so easy to fake

Title: Re: OGnasty has been compromised. |ID!0T|
Post by: philipma1957 on July 23, 2017, 03:43:58 AM
I have an idea.

OgNasty can send me the funds.  I will hold them until he can settle a fair deal with the op.

My profile address is there and has been there for years.

It is a blockchain info hot wallet .  1J.....

This way og will  have proven he offloaded the money.

I know isoneguy home address as I shipped to him.

He can simply show me a photo of a newspaper and a bill from his home address.

@ everyone escrow is really hard to do.

I escrow but frankly many do not follow rules I set and I need to explain why rules are needed.

I have a vested interest here as og does more escrow then me but frankly I don't want to take business from him. I rather this gets fixed not broken

Title: Re: OGnasty has been compromised. |ID!0T|
Post by: Hellot on July 23, 2017, 03:50:10 AM
If he hasn't refunded you in 24 hours or proven that he made you aware of his escrow terms he gets negative trust from me.  That is not how you run a service.  I'm not absolving you of any wrong doing, you have been very difficult from what I can see but you also have some cause to be.  It is unreasonable to hold you to terms he didn't state and ask you to potentially violate your privacy in the process.  Not cool.  You also need to fix your shit and undo the negative trust you gave people unjustly.

my shit getting fixed is waiting on OGnasty...

You gave people negative trust based on zero proof.  It is not right to hold innocent people hostage.

Title: Re: OGnasty has been compromised. |ID!0T|
Post by: isoneguy on July 23, 2017, 03:52:22 AM
If he hasn't refunded you in 24 hours or proven that he made you aware of his escrow terms he gets negative trust from me.  That is not how you run a service.  I'm not absolving you of any wrong doing, you have been very difficult from what I can see but you also have some cause to be.  It is unreasonable to hold you to terms he didn't state and ask you to potentially violate your privacy in the process.  Not cool.  You also need to fix your shit and undo the negative trust you gave people unjustly.

my shit getting fixed is waiting on OGnasty...

You gave people negative trust based on zero proof.  It is not right to hold innocent people hostage.

neither is it right to hold money hostage.

an escrow has to be a pillar of the community not some shady character. There are too many scam attempts resulting around OGnasty which is suspicious at least...I think it's time for him to retire.

Phil, thank you for stepping in. I appreciate your assistance.

Title: Re: OGnasty has been compromised. |ID!0T|
Post by: Bitfort on July 23, 2017, 03:55:15 AM
OK seems I have lost a track a bit. ( so far I was thinking ognasty already told you he sent the refund back but to uknown address )

Lets sum it.
- isoneguy sent BTC to ognasty ( from coinbase ).
- trade failed so isoneguy requested to return BTCs
- but isoneguy did not wanted to be refunded to sending address (coinbase)
- ognasty haven't send any refund yet as he has not received any signed message from sending address (which is impossible if it was coinbase)

My impresion is ognasty just strictly following his rule nr. 2 which I appreciate.

2. I will not refund a Bitcoin address that is not the sending address without a signed message from the sending address.

That means the mistake definitely happened on isoneguy side as he used third party walllet provider (without access to private key) not being aware of escow rules (again isoneguys mistake)  
Thus you can't blaim ognasty for strictly following his own  (public known) rules. If you did't read it it's your fault.

But this not mean there is no another way to proof isoneguy is the sender ( coinbase transaction printscreen seems pretty sufficient for this ).

So my opinion is:
@isoneguy - you should apologise to ognasty ( and all others you marked red being his alts ) as this all is mostly your fault (used address you have no private key from)
@ognasty - you should find other way (make exception) how isoneguy can proof those funds ownership without signing a message ( as it's obviously impossible for him)

refund the sending address (then it become fully isoneguy's problem how he deals with coinbase, but you will be clear)
... and maybe reconsider your rule nr.2 to be more user friendly ( to me it's valid and relevant rule but as you can see errors happens ) ... just to avoid similar issues in future (or you could ask signed message before receiving funds ... i know this makes things complicated but could safe you/customers lot of troubles)  

Title: Re: OGnasty has been compromised. |ID!0T|
Post by: Hellot on July 23, 2017, 04:03:00 AM
If he hasn't refunded you in 24 hours or proven that he made you aware of his escrow terms he gets negative trust from me.  That is not how you run a service.  I'm not absolving you of any wrong doing, you have been very difficult from what I can see but you also have some cause to be.  It is unreasonable to hold you to terms he didn't state and ask you to potentially violate your privacy in the process.  Not cool.  You also need to fix your shit and undo the negative trust you gave people unjustly.

my shit getting fixed is waiting on OGnasty...

You gave people negative trust based on zero proof.  It is not right to hold innocent people hostage.

neither is it right to hold money hostage.

an escrow has to be a pillar of the community not some shady character. There are too many scam attempts resulting around OGnasty which is suspicious at least...I think it's time for him to retire.

Phil, thank you for stepping in. I appreciate your assistance.

The people you hit are not holding your money.  I shouldn't have to point this out.

Title: Re: OGnasty has been compromised. |ID!0T|
Post by: isoneguy on July 23, 2017, 04:03:42 AM
The people you hit are not holding your money.  I shouldn't have to point this out.

Yup...they call that collateral damage...

If OG wanted to pass burden onto phil (who is more trustworthy) then I would be willing to work on a resolution.

Title: Re: OGnasty has been compromised. |ID!0T|
Post by: Reid on July 23, 2017, 04:05:38 AM
How could people here in the forum help you if you are having a mental breakdown everytime you get mad.
You need the support of other users but yet you are taking the route of a criminal.
A high profile trusted like OG wont be taken down by that. Plus it is not that high of a payment, those transactions are just small.
Do you really think someone with that high trust will let himself be taken down with mere 680 dollars?

Title: Re: OGnasty has been compromised. |ID!0T|
Post by: Hellot on July 23, 2017, 04:08:16 AM
The people you hit are not holding your money.  I shouldn't have to point this out.

Yup...they call that collateral damage...

If OG wanted to pass burden onto phil (who is more trustworthy) then I would be willing to work on a resolution.

That's your prerogative.  You have negative trust from me and I will never remove it.  

Title: Re: OGnasty has been compromised. |ID!0T|
Post by: isoneguy on July 23, 2017, 04:15:11 AM
The people you hit are not holding your money.  I shouldn't have to point this out.

Yup...they call that collateral damage...

If OG wanted to pass burden onto phil (who is more trustworthy) then I would be willing to work on a resolution.

That's your prerogative.  You have negative trust from me and I will never remove it.  

That's fine. I probably deserve it.

Do you really think someone with that high trust will let himself be taken down with mere 680 dollars?

apparently yes. so far he's calling my bluff and I don't like arizona because of the sand.

but I guess I can buy a plane ticket tomorrow and go hunting.

I hate this shit...I want to build not destroy but I'm perfectly capable of both.

Title: Re: OGnasty has been compromised. |ID!0T|
Post by: The Sceptical Chymist on July 23, 2017, 04:26:13 AM
The people you hit are not holding your money.  I shouldn't have to point this out.

Yup...they call that collateral damage...

If OG wanted to pass burden onto phil (who is more trustworthy) then I would be willing to work on a resolution.

That's your prerogative.  You have negative trust from me and I will never remove it.  
Collateral damage from an extremely immature person who's lashing out at the community for expressing dissenting views at worst.  And the feedback you left shows that you lack good judgment and common sense.   So too bad for you.  You just ruined your trust page because you acted like an infant.

Title: Re: OGnasty has been compromised. |ID!0T|
Post by: isoneguy on July 23, 2017, 04:27:57 AM
Okay so while I wait I've been reading up on escrow laws in Arizona (

See it's just a rabbit hole.

You act like trust is as important as reddit points.

Title: Re: OGnasty has been compromised. |ID!0T|
Post by: isoneguy on July 23, 2017, 04:30:54 AM
See this guy above me "trying" to help.

That's what it should be...but instead we get crap and spam and alt farmers everywhere...fake posts and crap.

whatever...I appreciate the proving thing but without OGnasty here it's just everyone breathing air. He already knows who I am though...he's just being a dick.

Title: Re: OGnasty has been compromised. |ID!0T|
Post by: mammabitcoin2u on July 23, 2017, 05:05:42 AM
I'm posting this now so you all know.

OGnasty ripped me off through escrow...and it was him because we used his normal bitcoin address. It's a lot of work typing and taking screenshots and such so be patient.

I'll update with proper details and proof here shortly.

I'm planning on taking this all the way so if you know OGnasty please talk to him and help him return my bitcoin and pm me the transaction ID(like he promised that asshole) so coinbase will return my funds.

If anyone knows how I can find OGnasty in person please let me know so I don't have to waste the time and money doing so on my own.

Also it's illegal to escrow in the United States without an escrow license so I'm going to take that route too.

wonder how much money the IRS would end up asking for...

and god knows what else.

Feel free to chime in and bring a pitchfork. Apparently he ripped a noob off for 3k as well.

I have a mental issue so bear with me...I'll write it out proper just give me time.

What happened::
OGnasty has not repaid the escrow funds on a failed escrow.
I provided irrefutable proof of my identity to OGnasty with information from previous trades we had made together so that he may refund me to my forum bitcoin address.
He refused because of "rules of escrow" and then told me he'd refund to the coinbase account...bunch of bullshit never happened now here we are.

I just wanted to help someone who was trying to sell a bunch of 1060's they accidentally bought.

Scammers Profile Link:;u=18321

Reference Link:
Link to thread I bought from:

Amount Scammed:
0.25076037BTC which was just under $680 at the time of sending.
this included the escrow fee of .01

heres negative trust on his account from someone else:

Payment Method:

Proof of Payment:
transaction url:

PM/Chat Logs:

all other messages are me yelling at him to give me the TX ID and him calling me a liar.

Still waiting for repayment.

Additional Notes:
Either he has decided to turn scammer or the account has been sold to a less reputable individual. There is negative trust recently from someone else he apparently scammed.

Why do I get screwed over when trying to help someone?

I don't mind FAKE feedback - you can add it to the rest of those who make an ass out of themselves by lying with FAKE feedback.  I just hope you give me something special and original, not just a copy and paste like the rest  ;D

You revert to the SCAMMER who tried to scam.  I can only say thank you for posting their FAKE feedback.  I have now TAGGED both of those accounts.

I've read your postings and it's not only pitiful, but, alarming. NO ONE SHOULD EVER DEAL WITH YOU after seeing/reading this thread.  
You have the audacity to THREATEN people. You claim, might be worth going to jail over... how the animals will safe.  IDK what your MALFUNCTION is but you not only should be banned from this forum for the above, you need to be institutionalized.  Please check yourself into the nearest hospital. Otherwise, provide me with some information about you - I will send authorities to assist you getting to the ER.  Alternatively, anyone who is reading this who has done "business" with you should make the call to help you.  I don't want to see you harm yourself or others.

With that said, let's deal with the FACTS:

YOU decided to send funds to Escrow using Coinbase 123456789
Then you want it returned to a different address.  That should never happen with an Escrow, unless a prior agreement was made and I don't see one.


The funds removed from Account Holder at Coinbase need to be returned to Account Holder at Coinbase

You need to contact Coinbase, if you are the AH, there shouldn't be any problem.  I'm confident OGNasty will refund the funds BACK TO THE COINBASE ACCOUNT HOLDER AND NO ONE ELSE.



Title: Re: OGnasty has been compromised. |ID!0T|
Post by: mammabitcoin2u on July 23, 2017, 05:25:38 AM
Okay so while I wait I've been reading up on escrow laws in Arizona (

See it's just a rabbit hole.

You act like trust is as important as reddit points.

an institution or enterprise -OG is neither  Since you like to play with the law:  All things being said here?  You would LOSE a LOT more than 700 JUST by defamation of character and the THREATS of bodily harm.  Watch what you say online will catch up to you in real life. 


Who is to say you didn't Hack it? Buy it? Use a "friends"?  Added BTC via carded? Why is "phil" even bothering with this  ::)

I'm sure I'm not the only one that's thinking............this shit isn't normal........something is just not right and its NOT OG

Title: Re: OGnasty has been compromised. |ID!0T|
Post by: isoneguy on July 23, 2017, 05:34:24 AM
I haven't defamed anyone nor threatened bodily harm.

even if you want to take it that way...maybe if you assumed you could misinterpret my words however you'd like. The only thing I've threatened is the bitpic.

I am the account holder that sent the funds. I don't know how to prove it without coin base's intervention.

sorry OG I guess I paid you $680 to lower the quality of your life. I just wanted to build a computer.

I guess I did say something crude about your wife and children and I apologize to them...

Title: Re: OGnasty has been compromised. |ID!0T|
Post by: OgNasty on July 23, 2017, 05:37:52 AM
I guess the goal was to try and get me to stop protecting users with my escrow service?

Anyway, I can't follow all these threads. I responded in the below post that all he has to do is agree to receive the funds back to the sending address. I'm not going to waste much more time on this. I think it's clear what is happening here.

Title: Re: OGnasty has been compromised. |ID!0T|
Post by: mammabitcoin2u on July 23, 2017, 05:50:50 AM
I haven't defamed anyone nor threatened bodily harm.

even if you want to take it that way...maybe if you assumed you could misinterpret my words however you'd like. The only thing I've threatened is the bitpic.

I am the account holder that sent the funds. I don't know how to prove it without coin base's intervention.

sorry OG I guess I paid you $680 to lower the quality of your life. I just wanted to build a computer.

To the points:

Yes, you have defamed someone, claiming "scam" when it's obvious there is NO scam.  Claiming account "compromised"-proven false, he did sign a message.

Yes, you have threatened, claiming you are going to catch a plane, show up, about animals, and all that (it's in your posts don't make me quote them).  In the law, since you want to play with it.  It is called Intent and although you do not specifically say, I'm going X you INFER it, that IS INTENT.

You claim you are AND since you allegedly used Coinbase you are going to have to contact them.

A to B to C  HAS to go C to B to A

I don't know you from Adam, except what's posted.   Screaming around because you want Escrow to be different for you is ridiculous!  Rules are rules.  This one is easy Contact Coinbase and get this settled.

I'm going to post about having you banned from this forum.  Disputes happen, yes people get angry, but - threats are really a different ball game. Your "threats" aren't just "im going to make your life miserable" They include a lot more, see your past posts.

You obviously can get a different name,  but seriously, the user name you are using is destroyed imo, I think you know that already.

LOL @ imma "dick" but at least I made ya laugh  :D

One more thing:  In the images of messages you posted........what is it you "lied" about?

Title: Re: OGnasty has been compromised. |ID!0T|
Post by: mammabitcoin2u on July 23, 2017, 05:55:32 AM
I guess the goal was to try and get me to stop protecting users with my escrow service?

Anyway, I can't follow all these threads. I responded in the below post that all he has to do is agree to receive the funds back to the sending address. I'm not going to waste much more time on this. I think it's clear what is happening here.

You do as you wish/what you both agree on. 

Pointing out: Refunding to Coinbase, goes to their HotWallet Coinbase and not to the user.  I can only imagine what will come from that.
The user may say, my funds are lost with Coinbase?  However, if the user agrees to that and understands? THEN

Whatever you 2 agree to is your business.

Title: Re: OGnasty has been compromised. |ID!0T|
Post by: OgNasty on July 23, 2017, 06:00:50 AM
I guess the goal was to try and get me to stop protecting users with my escrow service?

Anyway, I can't follow all these threads. I responded in the below post that all he has to do is agree to receive the funds back to the sending address. I'm not going to waste much more time on this. I think it's clear what is happening here.

You do as you wish/what you both agree on.  

Pointing out: Refunding to Coinbase, goes to their HotWallet Coinbase and not to the user.  I can only imagine what will come from that.
The user may say, my funds are lost with Coinbase?  However, if the user agrees to that and understands? THEN

Whatever you 2 agree to is your business.

I've encountered enough scam attempts using this method that I actually had to make a rule about it that I will only send back funds to the sending address.  Many users have had to go through the process of reclaiming from Coinbase as a result of a scam attempt that was averted due to my escrow service.  It is a fairly easy process from what I've heard.  Although I do repeatedly tell users to only send from wallets they control.  People would rather blame an honest person trying to keep their funds safe than claim any personal responsibility it seems.

Title: Re: OGnasty has been compromised. |ID!0T|
Post by: Hellot on July 23, 2017, 06:31:06 AM
I guess the goal was to try and get me to stop protecting users with my escrow service?

Anyway, I can't follow all these threads. I responded in the below post that all he has to do is agree to receive the funds back to the sending address. I'm not going to waste much more time on this. I think it's clear what is happening here.

You do as you wish/what you both agree on.  

Pointing out: Refunding to Coinbase, goes to their HotWallet Coinbase and not to the user.  I can only imagine what will come from that.
The user may say, my funds are lost with Coinbase?  However, if the user agrees to that and understands? THEN

Whatever you 2 agree to is your business.

I've encountered enough scam attempts using this method that I actually had to make a rule about it that I will only send back funds to the sending address.  Many users have had to go through the process of reclaiming from Coinbase as a result of a scam attempt that was averted due to my escrow service.  It is a fairly easy process from what I've heard.  Although I do repeatedly tell users to only send from wallets they control.  People would rather blame an honest person trying to keep their funds safe than claim any personal responsibility it seems.

You are also not taking responsibility as I have pointed out in in private messages.  You did not make it clear to this asshole what the rules were.  You told me he should have googled your name.  That is not a fucking excuse.  Like I said some of the responsibility is on him but you are totally dodging responsibility.  He may be an asshole but you are being one back.  Take the fucking high road.  I even offered to reimburse you if he was full of shit so I wouldn't have to leave you negative trust.  You're both total assholes.

Title: Re: OGnasty has been compromised. |ID!0T|
Post by: isoneguy on July 23, 2017, 06:33:35 AM
at least I'm willing to admit I'm an asshole

give me my money back

and I want it from OG not for you to cover for his BS that''s f'd up to have to do.

even if you're his clone.

Title: Re: OGnasty has been compromised. |ID!0T|
Post by: isoneguy on July 23, 2017, 06:47:07 AM
someone should have bought my hammer.

Title: Re: OGnasty has been compromised. |ID!0T|
Post by: isoneguy on July 23, 2017, 06:55:27 AM
And now I'm banned for warning people...where the fuck are the mods. oh to another escrow gone rogue.

Title: Re: OGnasty has been compromised. |ID!0T|
Post by: isoneguy on July 23, 2017, 07:03:00 AM
just do it...if it doesn't come through that's going to be on you.

if it doesn't come through and you're not willing to test it...i'd pay for the transaction fee or whatever.

then that's on you too.

Title: Re: OGnasty has been compromised. |ID!0T|
Post by: OgNasty on July 23, 2017, 07:05:38 AM
Do you want me to release escrow to the sending address?

YES or NO?

Title: Re: OGnasty has been compromised. |ID!0T|
Post by: isoneguy on July 23, 2017, 07:07:56 AM
how many ways do I have to say yes?

Title: Re: OGnasty has been compromised. |ID!0T|
Post by: OgNasty on July 23, 2017, 07:10:16 AM
Do you want me to release escrow to the sending address?

YES or NO?

how many ways do I have to say yes?

We waited all day for this...

TX incoming shortly.


Title: Re: OGnasty has been compromised. |ID!0T|
Post by: isoneguy on July 23, 2017, 07:29:13 AM
still waiting.

Title: Re: OGnasty has been compromised. |ID!0T|
Post by: adoalli on July 23, 2017, 07:44:56 AM
still waiting.
man , OG will release the money to the coinbase address from where it came, you will eventually lose it I guess.
I read the screenshots and i am sure that OG decision was good, and as a rule many scammers will get but hurt.Though i haven't done much trade here but i understand the scenario.

good luck!

Title: Re: OGnasty has been compromised. |ID!0T|
Post by: isoneguy on July 23, 2017, 07:47:12 AM
he's released it finally...

now I guess we wait on coinbase.

and I lost it when I trusted OG oh well...he doxes himself pretty hard around here.

Title: Re: OGnasty has been compromised. |ID!0T|
Post by: mammabitcoin2u on July 23, 2017, 08:24:08 AM
he's released it finally...

now I guess we wait on coinbase.

And then you added and I lost it when I trusted OG


Released when you finally agreed to sending back to ORIGINATING address.

now GTFOH already  ::)

Title: Re: OGnasty has been compromised. |ID!0T|
Post by: isoneguy on July 23, 2017, 08:39:14 AM

I'm still convinced he was attempting to scam me and I'm still out .25 BTC

and if you speak english you'll see I said to do so multiple times. This is still shady af

Lets leave all this shit here for everyone to know about how fun it is to deal with him...and me for that matter.

...I seriously don't think anyone should escrow with OG as he's breaking his local laws by doing so.

Title: Re: OGnasty has been compromised. |ID!0T|
Post by: adaseb on July 23, 2017, 09:24:35 AM
Why didn't you guys go the route where 'isoneguy' gives Ognasty his username,password,2FA to login to his Coinbase account, and look in his transaction history that it was actually him that sent that BTC and Ognasty would send the BTC back to his Coinbase deposit address. This way the BTC address would be different but the owner would be the same with the transaction history as proof.

Because that address looks like it can be some other Coinbase client's deposit address. That's how it usually is with exchanges. Someone's deposits are someone's withdraws. So that 0.25BTC most likely is credited to someone's account. Maybe they will find it odd to have "free btc" and contact coinbase to correct the issue.

However Coinbase support these days is not the greatest when they got like 1,000,000 new users every month and everything is backlogged.

Good luck to you and hope it gets resolved...

Title: Re: OGnasty has been compromised. |ID!0T|
Post by: isoneguy on July 23, 2017, 09:29:04 AM
Why didn't you guys go the route where 'isoneguy' gives Ognasty his username,password,2FA to login to his Coinbase account, and look in his transaction history that it was actually him that sent that BTC and Ognasty would send the BTC back to his Coinbase deposit address. This way the BTC address would be different but the owner would be the same with the transaction history as proof.

Because that address looks like it can be some other Coinbase client's deposit address. That's how it usually is with exchanges. Someone's deposits are someone's withdraws. So that 0.25BTC most likely is credited to someone's account. Maybe they will find it odd to have "free btc" and contact coinbase to correct the issue.

However Coinbase support these days is not the greatest when they got like 1,000,000 new users every month and everything is backlogged.

Good luck to you and hope it gets resolved...

Yeah, lets give control over my coinbase account to the person who screwed me out of .25 BTC

isn't it great how his fancy rules forced me to give away bitcoin to what a random person.

I guess that's my generosity allotment for the next fuck...basically until I can recoup that loss.

OGnasty you owe me .25 BTC

Title: Re: OGnasty has been compromised. |ID!0T|
Post by: adaseb on July 23, 2017, 09:40:46 AM
Why didn't you guys go the route where 'isoneguy' gives Ognasty his username,password,2FA to login to his Coinbase account, and look in his transaction history that it was actually him that sent that BTC and Ognasty would send the BTC back to his Coinbase deposit address. This way the BTC address would be different but the owner would be the same with the transaction history as proof.

Because that address looks like it can be some other Coinbase client's deposit address. That's how it usually is with exchanges. Someone's deposits are someone's withdraws. So that 0.25BTC most likely is credited to someone's account. Maybe they will find it odd to have "free btc" and contact coinbase to correct the issue.

However Coinbase support these days is not the greatest when they got like 1,000,000 new users every month and everything is backlogged.

Good luck to you and hope it gets resolved...

Yeah, lets give control over my coinbase account to the person who screwed me out of .25 BTC

isn't it great how his fancy rules forced me to give away bitcoin to what a random person.

I guess that's my generosity allotment for the next fuck...basically until I can recoup that loss.

OGnasty you owe me .25 BTC

How does this scam work exactly I am having trouble following it and the screenshots were cut a little.

Someone makes a fake ad on Bitcointalk like that General guy selling his GTX 1060.

Then he agrees for Escrow and tells you to send BTC to Ognasty's address without consulting with him. Then the scammer contacts Ognasty and says that he sent those BTC, by providing the TXid and to refund to another BTC address?

Title: Re: OGnasty has been compromised. |ID!0T|
Post by: snakey on July 23, 2017, 10:20:47 AM
Its dismal to see this topic for a member like OgNasty who has been here since ever.

Title: Re: OGnasty has been compromised. |ID!0T|
Post by: khufuking on July 23, 2017, 12:01:34 PM
While I feel sorry for OP and I really hope he gets his money back from coinbase I do understand why OGnasty took that route . Few days ago Ognasty got accused of a scam that have something to do with this tactics so all what he was trying to do was to protect users money .

So it is hard situation

- I understand why OP is angry and I hope he gets his money back .

- I understand why Ognasty make this decision .

-- Probably this is a one of this times that 2 honest people get bad understandings from each other . 

Title: Re: OGnasty has been compromised. |ID!0T|
Post by: TheNewAnon135246 on July 23, 2017, 12:12:02 PM
I guess the goal was to try and get me to stop protecting users with my escrow service?

Anyway, I can't follow all these threads. I responded in the below post that all he has to do is agree to receive the funds back to the sending address. I'm not going to waste much more time on this. I think it's clear what is happening here.

You do as you wish/what you both agree on.  

Pointing out: Refunding to Coinbase, goes to their HotWallet Coinbase and not to the user.  I can only imagine what will come from that.
The user may say, my funds are lost with Coinbase?  However, if the user agrees to that and understands? THEN

Whatever you 2 agree to is your business.

I've encountered enough scam attempts using this method that I actually had to make a rule about it that I will only send back funds to the sending address.  Many users have had to go through the process of reclaiming from Coinbase as a result of a scam attempt that was averted due to my escrow service.  It is a fairly easy process from what I've heard.  Although I do repeatedly tell users to only send from wallets they control.  People would rather blame an honest person trying to keep their funds safe than claim any personal responsibility it seems.

You are also not taking responsibility as I have pointed out in in private messages.  You did not make it clear to this asshole what the rules were.  You told me he should have googled your name.  That is not a fucking excuse.  Like I said some of the responsibility is on him but you are totally dodging responsibility.  He may be an asshole but you are being one back.  Take the fucking high road.  I even offered to reimburse you if he was full of shit so I wouldn't have to leave you negative trust.  You're both total assholes.

I have to agree with Hellot here. Even though Og is technically right here I expected more professional behaviour from an escrow. Og accused the OP of lying about sending from Coinbase, even though OP proved that he sent them from his CB account. Seems like OP provided enough evidence to prove that his account wasn't compromised. I don't see why providing an alternative address is such a big deal (in this situation).

Title: Re: OGnasty has been compromised. |ID!0T|
Post by: TMAN on July 23, 2017, 12:13:16 PM

I'm still convinced he was attempting to scam me and I'm still out .25 BTC

and if you speak english you'll see I said to do so multiple times. This is still shady af

Lets leave all this shit here for everyone to know about how fun it is to deal with him...and me for that matter.

...I seriously don't think anyone should escrow with OG as he's breaking his local laws by doing so.

Og Self escrow a bet with me. then decided he won even though he didn't meet the terms of the bet. I wouldn't trust this guy with forum funds, he cant even run a small mining op and make it profitable - I can see no reason for people to use him as escrow any more, he is a cancer in this community with his stubborn ways

Title: Re: OGnasty has been compromised. |ID!0T|
Post by: Hellot on July 23, 2017, 01:54:14 PM
So OG seriously refunded to an address he knew the customer did not control?  Damn, OG, that is super shitty.  You know Coinbase support is slow as fuck, everyone knows and it is a weekend too.  I know you told me it doesn't matter if I leave you neg trust and you are right because you have so much trust but I have to do it tonight if this guy isn't whole.  And I doubt he will be on a Sunday.  I should just do it based on how unprofessional you are.  It looks like you did it out of spite and used your rules as an excuse.  Rules you do not make clear before doing business and expect random people to go find on their own using google.  I would never do business with you based on what I have seen here and I will be selling my nastycoins as soon as I can.

Title: Re: OGnasty has been compromised. |ID!0T|
Post by: TMAN on July 23, 2017, 02:50:10 PM
glad to see people are starting to see through OG's facade. He is a greedy and self centered individual, I have even heard nasty club members moan about not being able to sell seats, as soon as they add the seats for sale they think OG is moving his sells lower to undercut them..

Title: Re: OGnasty has been compromised. |ID!0T|
Post by: mammabitcoin2u on July 23, 2017, 02:58:34 PM
Why didn't you guys go the route where 'isoneguy' gives Ognasty his username,password,2FA to login to his Coinbase account, and look in his transaction history that it was actually him that sent that BTC and Ognasty would send the BTC back to his Coinbase deposit address. This way the BTC address would be different but the owner would be the same with the transaction history as proof.

Because that address looks like it can be some other Coinbase client's deposit address. That's how it usually is with exchanges. Someone's deposits are someone's withdraws. So that 0.25BTC most likely is credited to someone's account. Maybe they will find it odd to have "free btc" and contact coinbase to correct the issue.

However Coinbase support these days is not the greatest when they got like 1,000,000 new users every month and everything is backlogged.

Good luck to you and hope it gets resolved...

Yeah, lets give control over my coinbase account to the person who screwed me out of .25 BTC

isn't it great how his fancy rules forced me to give away bitcoin to what a random person.

I guess that's my generosity allotment for the next fuck...basically until I can recoup that loss.

OGnasty you owe me .25 BTC

1-You/Originating Address have been REFUNDED no body owes you shit.
2-You did NOT use Coinbase and even admitted to it in your messages posted.
3-Coinbase refunds go to THEIR HOT WALLET, not to some random user  ::)
4-You attempted to SCAM and failed miserably
5-You have already moved the funds to Coinmal

@khufuking it's not hard to see at all.  There was only 1 honest person OGNasty, the other user just attempted to scam.

@TheNewAnon135246 you are mispeaking.......the OP DID NOT PROVE ANYTHING.  The funds didn't even come from Coinbase.  READ see where OP says, OK I lied.  [I let him continue his charade, because it's easier to close this with "send back to originating address"]



You will be leaving FAKE feedback careful if you care about your own reputation- DO NOT make FALSE claims.

Title: Re: OGnasty has been compromised. |ID!0T|
Post by: Hellot on July 23, 2017, 03:16:58 PM

Are saying his proof of the coinbase transaction is fake? 

Title: Re: OGnasty has been compromised. |ID!0T|
Post by: OgNasty on July 23, 2017, 04:23:21 PM
Og Self escrow a bet with me. then decided he won even though he didn't meet the terms of the bet.

The community decided you were a loser, not me.   ;)

Title: Re: OGnasty has been compromised. |ID!0T|
Post by: Here4Trades on July 23, 2017, 04:24:01 PM

Are saying his proof of the coinbase transaction is fake?  

Yes this guy momma must be ignored, sorry for the offtipic here but the guy leads me always to lies.

Title: Re: OGnasty has been compromised. |ID!0T|
Post by: Hellot on July 23, 2017, 04:37:21 PM



You will be leaving FAKE feedback careful if you care about your own reputation- DO NOT make FALSE claims.

I'm interested in other opinions about whether the OP faked his proof of the coinbase transaction.  I take this seriously and would never abuse the trust system here.  If you look at the OPs trust, I left him negative trust for abusing the trust system here that I will not be removing.
If anyone disagrees with my reasons below I'd like to hear them.
1) OG intentionally refunded an address the customer doesn't control.
2) OG was made aware both in private messages and in threads here that this could cause distress for the customer but he did it anyway.

3) OG claimed he was following his own rules but at no point did he make the customer aware of his rules and it is not linked when you correspond with him.  He told me in private message that the customer should have googled his name.  He refuses to take responsibility -AT ALL- for his part in this.  The OP claims he has dealt with OG on 5 separate occasions and not once did he make attempts to make the customer aware of his escrow terms.  I told OG that if he could show me that he made his escrow terms clear I would not leave negative trust at which point he indicated that ignorance is not an excuse.  I partly agree with that and I do not believe that excuses what OG did or his negligence in running a professional escrow service.  This is not a free service to the community, he is not doing us a favor.  He gets paid for this.

4) OG claimed he was just protecting his customer but is sending the customers money to an address they do not control protecting them?  The OP made it reasonably clear that he was in control of his account and he has dealt with OG on previous occasions.  I am of the opinion that it is not OG's job to police the forum and assume peoples account is compromised especially without evidence.  All evidence points to the OP being the OP.

5) The OP also said OG could refund the address in his profile on bitcointalk so it isn't like OG had no choice.  OG was in complete control.

From what I can tell.  Both the OP and OG deserve negative trust for different reasons.  I told OG yesterday that I will wait 24 hours and I think that is fair.  He shouldn't be holding peoples money hostage like that, he should be more flexible, do his due diligence and move on.  In this particular case the customer was very irate and I would call him an asshole for it.  But at the same time I can understand his frustration by having his feet held to the fire over rules he was not made aware of and again I am not saying this is all his fault or OG's fault, they are both adults and should act like adults.

To me it looks like OG was trying to make the customer suffer for the way the customer acted out.  I do not agree with that kind of behavior.  It is unprofessional and unproductive and it caused me to spend part of my Saturday night trying to figure out if someone was scamming the other.  I see no evidence of a scam.  If the customer doesn't get his money, I will leave negative trust based on the decisions OG made and the way he runs his escrow and not my assumptions about his intention.

Title: Re: OGnasty has been compromised. |ID!0T|
Post by: OgNasty on July 23, 2017, 04:57:56 PM
Hellot. With your thinking, if you were an escrow agent for a day you would have all your users' funds scammed. The community should be thankful that I do not think like you. You repeatedly tried to get me to release the funds to an address supplied by the user, which would have resulted in anyone being able to get funds out of escrow at any time. My rules are in place for a reason and I'm far more experienced dealing with escrows than you. The fact you keep repeating that I should've sent funds to any address the user provided without verifying they in fact sent it is wildly irresponsible. As is your opinion that it isn't the user's responsibility to know the rules of a service they're using. I don't know why you keep pretending like I did something wrong, but you are in fact mistaken in what you think I should have done.

I needed him to agree to the refund and when he did I immediately sent. This issue is done and it should be crystal clear not only why a competent escrow like me is necessary, but also why users like isoneguy should be ignored and avoided at all cost.

This is a great advertisement for my escrow service, as people see the lengths I will go through to keep funds safe, even in he face of personal threats, forum attacks, lies, and unrelenting harassment from multiple parties.

Title: Re: OGnasty has been compromised. |ID!0T|
Post by: Hellot on July 23, 2017, 05:10:42 PM
Hellot. With your thinking, if you were an escrow agent for a day you would have all your users' funds scammed. The community should be thankful that I do not think like you. You repeatedly tried to get me to release the funds to an address supplied by the user, which would have resulted in anyone being able to get funds out of escrow at any time. My rules are in place for a reason and I'm far more experienced dealing with escrows than you. The fact you keep repeating that I should've sent funds to any address the user provided without verifying they in fact sent it is wildly irresponsible. As is your opinion that it isn't the user's responsibility to know the rules of a service they're using. I don't know why you keep pretending like I did something wrong, but you are in fact mistaken in what you think I should have done.

I needed him to agree to the refund and when he did I immediately sent. This issue is done and it should be crystal clear not only why a competent escrow like me is necessary, but also why users like isoneguy should be ignored and avoided at all cost.

This is a great advertisement for my escrow service, as people see the lengths I will go through to keep funds safe, even in he face of personal threats, forum attacks, lies, and unrelenting harassment from multiple parties.

I just don't see the scam here.  Can you spell it out for us?  I'm not defending the OP and I didn't defend them last night.  I was trying to help you, you pompous ass.  I even offered to cover you in case the OP turned out to be a scammer because I really wanted to see you do the right thing at that point.  You chose the most difficult path forward and insisted on refunding an address the OP doesn't control knowing it would cause him pain.  You could have waited another day and been even more sure the OPs account wasn't hacked.  You could have made the OP publicly tell everyone here what address they wanted it sent to here to avoid that pain and it would have been on them, not you.  But you chose the painful path for your customer.  And the customer did give you another address to send to.  You still refuse to take responsibility for being lazy with your service.  How fucking hard is it to link customers to your rules or put it in your sig?  Not fucking hard.  I think you are a complete asshole but I am only judging you based on how you treated the customer and ran your escrow.  You made it clear last night that my trust doesn't matter because you have so much trust.  That is telling us that you feel you can treat customers like shit and be unprofessional with your service because you have enough trust to cover it.  WTF  You think this is a good advertisement of your service?  WTF

I'll be doing my due diligence to see if your customer got their money back and when I unload my collection I will not be using you as an escrow.

Title: Re: OGnasty has been compromised. |ID!0T|
Post by: TMAN on July 23, 2017, 05:11:52 PM
Og Self escrow a bet with me. then decided he won even though he didn't meet the terms of the bet.

The community decided you were a loser, not me.   ;)

You didn't agree to let the community decide on the bet you totally refused that as the solution. Once again here you are proving yourself a scumbag.. glad others in the community are beginning to see it

Title: Re: OGnasty has been compromised. |ID!0T|
Post by: isoneguy on July 23, 2017, 06:27:28 PM
Hellot. With your thinking, if you were an escrow agent for a day you would have all your users' funds scammed. The community should be thankful that I do not think like you. You repeatedly tried to get me to release the funds to an address supplied by the user, which would have resulted in anyone being able to get funds out of escrow at any time. My rules are in place for a reason and I'm far more experienced dealing with escrows than you. The fact you keep repeating that I should've sent funds to any address the user provided without verifying they in fact sent it is wildly irresponsible. As is your opinion that it isn't the user's responsibility to know the rules of a service they're using. I don't know why you keep pretending like I did something wrong, but you are in fact mistaken in what you think I should have done.

I needed him to agree to the refund and when he did I immediately sent. This issue is done and it should be crystal clear not only why a competent escrow like me is necessary, but also why users like isoneguy should be ignored and avoided at all cost.

This is a great advertisement for my escrow service, as people see the lengths I will go through to keep funds safe, even in he face of personal threats, forum attacks, lies, and unrelenting harassment from multiple parties.


If the refund you processed does not involve me receiving my money then you still owe it to me.

I told you to refund the money in a manner that resulted in it returning to my wallet, if you can't do that then you're a failure as an illegal escrow agent of arizona.

Do you know how bounties work? They don't ever really go away...

Title: Re: OGnasty has been compromised. |ID!0T|
Post by: mammabitcoin2u on July 23, 2017, 06:38:55 PM
3-Coinbase refunds go to THEIR HOT WALLET, not to some random user  ::)

That's not how hot wallets work.

Users send bitcoin to their deposit address, which the site sees and credits to the user. Then the site uses those funds to process withdrawals (and consolidate and what not). Very often if you "return to sender" to a site with custodial control like coinbase, you'll just be sending money into some random users deposit address in which a user will get an unexpected deposit. That's not always the case though; it could also be a change address or consolidation one, which they would be able to recover.


That said, the user asked OG to "return to sender", so I don't think OG did anything wrong here. The user now need to chase it up with coinbase, and should've pre-checked with coinbase to make sure the funds were recoverable if "return to sender" was used.

Taken from their help section:

When a Coinbase user sends digital currency from their wallet, the address it comes "from" is one of Coinbase's many hot wallet addresses. Any coins sent back to that address would be sent to Coinbase, not your own wallet.

There was a term "Hot Wallet" some where in help section.  I'm sure you can find it that too.

Title: Re: OGnasty has been compromised. |ID!0T|
Post by: mammabitcoin2u on July 23, 2017, 06:43:07 PM
Hellot. With your thinking, if you were an escrow agent for a day you would have all your users' funds scammed. The community should be thankful that I do not think like you. You repeatedly tried to get me to release the funds to an address supplied by the user, which would have resulted in anyone being able to get funds out of escrow at any time. My rules are in place for a reason and I'm far more experienced dealing with escrows than you. The fact you keep repeating that I should've sent funds to any address the user provided without verifying they in fact sent it is wildly irresponsible. As is your opinion that it isn't the user's responsibility to know the rules of a service they're using. I don't know why you keep pretending like I did something wrong, but you are in fact mistaken in what you think I should have done.

I needed him to agree to the refund and when he did I immediately sent. This issue is done and it should be crystal clear not only why a competent escrow like me is necessary, but also why users like isoneguy should be ignored and avoided at all cost.

This is a great advertisement for my escrow service, as people see the lengths I will go through to keep funds safe, even in he face of personal threats, forum attacks, lies, and unrelenting harassment from multiple parties.


If the refund you processed does not involve me receiving my money then you still owe it to me.

I told you to refund the money in a manner that resulted in it returning to my wallet, if you can't do that then you're a failure as an illegal escrow agent of arizona.

Do you know how bounties work? They don't ever really go away...

You have your money
.  Tried to scam and got SPANKED  :D :D :D :D :D :D

When I'm having a bad day~~I'll rem you, this thread, the FAILED scam and the cherry of a total melt down~~fukin PRICELESS  :D :D :D

Title: Re: OGnasty has been compromised. |ID!0T|
Post by: OgNasty on July 23, 2017, 07:37:28 PM
Taken from their help section:

When a Coinbase user sends digital currency from their wallet, the address it comes "from" is one of Coinbase's many hot wallet addresses. Any coins sent back to that address would be sent to Coinbase, not your own wallet.

There was a term "Hot Wallet" some where in help section.  I'm sure you can find it that too.

Yeah, it'll be sent back to an address that coinbase controls which may or may not be someones deposit address...

I actually run a hot wallet, and have to deal with this all the time.

This is why I asked him to put in a ticket with Coinbase but he didn't seem to want to go that route.  So I reached out to Coinbase, but he didn't want to wait for me to resolve it.  He wanted the funds sent immediately, so my only option was to send back to the address it came from.  He agreed this was what he wanted, so I did it.  

I've had this scenario come up a few times lately, where a scammer will gain control of an account after escrow is initiated and then try to redirect the funds.  As a response to that scenario, I've stuck with only refunding the sending address.  I've had several thankful users recover their funds quickly and easily through Coinbase as a result by putting in a ticket.  I'd be shocked if an operation the size of Coinbase is reusing deposit addresses as sending addresses.  I can assure you they are no stranger to having to process these refunds, as it is fairly standard practice for Bitcoin accepting entities to process refunds in this manner (Expedia refunded my sending address without even asking, can you imagine the horror?).  

Title: Re: OGnasty has been compromised. |ID!0T|
Post by: isoneguy on July 23, 2017, 07:37:44 PM
Do you want me to release escrow to the sending address?

YES or NO?

how many ways do I have to say yes?

We waited all day for this...

TX incoming shortly.


Your 15 minutes are up.  Sending address has been refunded.  I'm now clicking the ignore button.  

You refunded my money in a way that I didn't receive it though.

You know how karma works? Or if I know stumble across you in a bar somewhere.

You still owe me .25 BTC any refund that doesn't result in this doesn't change the debt.

There is a ticket in with coinbase. It's not my fault your buddies are too much of a failure to help you. Or maybe they're great and you're a piece of crap and they just realized it.

It's labeled with your name so someone there's got to know whats up.

Title: Re: OGnasty has been compromised. |ID!0T|
Post by: Hellot on July 23, 2017, 07:51:53 PM
Obviously I'm going to return the funds. It was clear to me there was no deal in place ever. This was about trying to make a scam accusation against me and nothing more. No action I could've taken would have not resulted in this. I'll send the funds tonight. I just wanted other people to see the craziness I was dealing with before moving on to the next step of what is certain to be a long drama this user has created as he begs for attention.
OG, you sent me this last night.  This shows that you didn't doubt the OP owned his account.  This shows that you thought it was something else as you indicated with "nothing more".  this shows you intentionally agitated your customer because you wanted us to see that he was crazy.  Well if you corner an animal or someone who thinks like one, of course they are going to lash out.  This also shows that you knew this would get dragged out yet you intentionally refunded to an address he didn't control which further insures that it will be dragged out.  We warned you this would happen.  I warned you both in PM and in this thread.  You did it anyway using your rules as an excuse.  Rules you do not make any attempt to educate the customer on, it isn't even linked in your profile or sig.
A very important question is did the escrow mishandle customer funds and I am seeing a pattern that lends to this possibility.  That you not only mishandled this guys funds, but that it was intentional on your part and with prejudice.  I think you should step back and re-evaluate your behavior here.  I am open to being wrong too, hell I would like nothing more.  But I will not ignore what I see.

Title: Re: OGnasty has been compromised. |ID!0T|
Post by: isoneguy on July 23, 2017, 07:54:28 PM
also yes, I'm bat shit crazy.

that doesn't change the facts

let's bring up the fact that the only reason he'd care about me being crazy is that I've been targetting alts. which means he's likely a source of all these damn alt/scams we've been having.

ad hominem is a logical fallacy.

I can use it as well if necessary.

Title: Re: OGnasty has been compromised. |ID!0T|
Post by: Wendigo on July 23, 2017, 09:05:31 PM
What a shit show! Can Coinbase staff recover the refunded coins though? It's not like they are completely lost right?

Title: Re: OGnasty has been compromised. |ID!0T|
Post by: isoneguy on July 23, 2017, 09:28:43 PM
I guess we find out.

Title: Re: OGnasty has been compromised. |ID!0T|
Post by: Spoetnik on July 23, 2017, 09:31:59 PM
He's behind altcoins?

Ognasty did 911 too :o
We know because the "crazy" guy didn't get his refund *yet.  :'(

Title: Re: OGnasty has been compromised. |ID!0T|
Post by: isoneguy on July 23, 2017, 10:19:18 PM
He's behind altcoins?

Ognasty did 911 too :o
We know because the "crazy" guy didn't get his refund *yet.  :'(

Says one bat shit crazy guy to the other.

Title: Re: OGnasty has been compromised. |ID!0T|
Post by: isoneguy on July 24, 2017, 06:22:43 AM
If you want to get all technical all I asked you OG...was "how many ways do I have to say yes"

I never agreed for you to release my funds in a way that they don't return to me.

Until that money re-enters my wallet your debt has not been paid.

If I have to extract the funds from your life I will.

Title: Re: OGnasty has been compromised. |ID!0T|
Post by: Timelord2067 on July 24, 2017, 07:28:50 AM
isoneguy has just falsified one of their posts in the [User Generated] - Known alts of anyone thread:

If they are so casual about falsifying a post in such a thread, what other information have they posted that is false?

I can't help if wonder if they are an alt of Wendigo?

Title: Re: OGnasty has been compromised. |ID!0T|
Post by: isoneguy on July 24, 2017, 08:35:58 AM
isoneguy has just falsified one of their posts in the [User Generated] - Known alts of anyone thread:

If they are so casual about falsifying a post in such a thread, what other information have they posted that is false?

I can't help if wonder if they are an alt of Wendigo?

Nope...I don't hide behind alts.

And you're resulting to more ad hominem.

This is my main.

Deal with it... 8)

Title: Re: OGnasty has been compromised. |ID!0T|
Post by: isoneguy on July 24, 2017, 12:07:21 PM
My bank account after using OGnasty escrow and being "refunded":

The bitcoin I received was from having to sell off some of my holdings...

Title: Re: OGnasty has been compromised. |ID!0T|
Post by: mammabitcoin2u on July 24, 2017, 01:00:55 PM

So, let's get this ball rollin ;)

@Here4Trades:  Dude, I called you out as a piss scammer.  I posted proof.  I offered you a ride when you said "was too far".  You just tried to slither.
 Slither away buddy. When I said I was DONE-I was and did NOT bother to go and see your last post.  (I'm sure the mods/anyone who runs the tech side can verify my account/ip has NOT touched that thread after I said I was DONE.) So coming here to get some of my love & attention sad to see   :D

@Hellot:  Do not think that I will ever infer I say things I type things, there shouldn't be any confusion as to my words.  (except that's if a loon wants to fake a quote? idk)

@everyone else including this FAILED scammer I am sooooooooooooooooooo happy you posted that image.  I'm sure you are wondering why?

I'm going to break it down in my own self moderated thread.  Why self moderated?  Because I'm going to DELETE your worthless posts  :D :D :D

Isoneguy you are even more pathetic than that Here4Trades guy and that's saying something-SCAMMERS think they can get away with shit or try to ruin peoples reputation............WHY?

Because yours is WORTHLESS just grab you another account  ::)

Let me get this junk sorted and I will post

Title: Re: OGnasty has been compromised. |ID!0T|
Post by: Wendigo on July 24, 2017, 07:04:39 PM
Why did you write on my trust wall that I am an alt of OGNasty? I need to disinfect my browser with chlorine every time I visit this wreck of a forum  ;D

Thanks for the laugh!

Title: Re: OGnasty has been compromised. |ID!0T|
Post by: Hellot on July 25, 2017, 01:41:36 AM
I left my feedback for OG based on what I have seen here and after reviewing the chain of events.  I believe he was unprofessional at best and malicious at worst.  I gave this another day to think hard on it and I believe I have been fair.  If you think I have not been fair I am open to discussion.  I fully acknowledge the customer is a Grade A Asshole.  But an escrow should never mishandle customer funds and always do what they can to make sure peoples money is not lost or left in limbo.

Title: Re: OGnasty has been compromised. |ID!0T|
Post by: isoneguy on July 25, 2017, 02:14:21 AM
It's funny that I'm an asshole for responding like any of you would in my situation.

A "reputable" member of the forum stole from me.


And very few of you are concerned.

All other facts are irrelevant. Are you intellectuals or ignorant fools?

By standing on the sidelines you're taking OGnasty's side.

By taking OGnasty's side you've chosen to be the target of my move.

Title: Re: OGnasty has been compromised. |ID!0T|
Post by: Quickseller on July 25, 2017, 02:31:20 AM
I left my feedback for OG based on what I have seen here and after reviewing the chain of events.  I believe he was unprofessional at best and malicious at worst.  I gave this another day to think hard on it and I believe I have been fair.  If you think I have not been fair I am open to discussion.  I fully acknowledge the customer is a Grade A Asshole.  But an escrow should never mishandle customer funds and always do what they can to make sure peoples money is not lost or left in limbo.
In regards to your comment in your negative rating stating that OgNasty not making escrow rules available to his customer prior to his customers using his service, how do you think anyone would know where to send BTC without first going to his escrow thread that clearly has the escrow rules posted?

In regards to the part about OgNasty "mishandl[ing]" customer funds by "knowingly refunding an address the customer does not control" I would point out that OgNasty not only followed instructions of the customer, but also delayed executing these instructions by 15 minutes to give the customer a chance to change his mind. I would say that it would be worse if OgNasty did not follow his customer's instructions.

Title: Re: OGnasty has been compromised. |ID!0T|
Post by: Hellot on July 25, 2017, 02:39:45 AM
I left my feedback for OG based on what I have seen here and after reviewing the chain of events.  I believe he was unprofessional at best and malicious at worst.  I gave this another day to think hard on it and I believe I have been fair.  If you think I have not been fair I am open to discussion.  I fully acknowledge the customer is a Grade A Asshole.  But an escrow should never mishandle customer funds and always do what they can to make sure peoples money is not lost or left in limbo.
In regards to your comment in your negative rating stating that OgNasty not making escrow rules available to his customer prior to his customers using his service, how do you think anyone would know where to send BTC without first going to his escrow thread that clearly has the escrow rules posted?

In regards to the part about OgNasty "mishandl[ing]" customer funds by "knowingly refunding an address the customer does not control" I would point out that OgNasty not only followed instructions of the customer, but also delayed executing these instructions by 15 minutes to give the customer a chance to change his mind. I would say that it would be worse if OgNasty did not follow his customer's instructions.

The customer also told OG that he could refund his forum address in his profile.  OG had options, even the option to be stubborn and not send "in the customers best interest" The customer was clearly not thinking clearly as he himself stated in multiple threads yet OG pressed him for a bad option.  Even being warned it would cause the customer more distress.  Cummon.  I will remove the negative trust in a heartbeat if he shows where he made the customer aware of the escrow terms.  Did he even ask if the customer knew?  I said multiple times I would not leave negative trust if he could show me he informed the customer of his terms.  They aren't even linked in his forum profile or his sig which he uses for advertising and making money.  I know how a good service works and OG just refuses to take any responsibility here for anything.  Blows me away.  Tell me how I am wrong.
Edited multiple typos because beer.

Title: Re: OGnasty has been compromised. |ID!0T|
Post by: isoneguy on July 25, 2017, 02:40:05 AM
In regards to the part about OgNasty "mishandl[ing]" customer funds by "knowingly refunding an address the customer does not control" I would point out that OgNasty not only followed instructions of the customer, but also delayed executing these instructions by 15 minutes to give the customer a chance to change his mind. I would say that it would be worse if OgNasty did not follow his customer's instructions.

He refused to follow any other instructions though. And took advantage of my psychological problem to what end?

The best part is he'd have received 50x the amount he robbed me of had he been less problematic.

I think this is a failed(pathetic) attempt at a grand finale.

Title: Re: OGnasty has been compromised. |ID!0T|
Post by: Timelord2067 on July 25, 2017, 02:42:34 AM
at least I'm willing to admit I'm an asshole

Archived for future reference:

Title: Re: OGnasty has been compromised. |ID!0T|
Post by: isoneguy on July 25, 2017, 02:44:11 AM
Archived for immediate reference.

And yeah...It takes a real man to show others the size of his balls.

Would you like to see mine?

Title: Re: OGnasty has been compromised. |ID!0T|
Post by: Quickseller on July 25, 2017, 02:53:56 AM
I left my feedback for OG based on what I have seen here and after reviewing the chain of events.  I believe he was unprofessional at best and malicious at worst.  I gave this another day to think hard on it and I believe I have been fair.  If you think I have not been fair I am open to discussion.  I fully acknowledge the customer is a Grade A Asshole.  But an escrow should never mishandle customer funds and always do what they can to make sure peoples money is not lost or left in limbo.
In regards to your comment in your negative rating stating that OgNasty not making escrow rules available to his customer prior to his customers using his service, how do you think anyone would know where to send BTC without first going to his escrow thread that clearly has the escrow rules posted?

In regards to the part about OgNasty "mishandl[ing]" customer funds by "knowingly refunding an address the customer does not control" I would point out that OgNasty not only followed instructions of the customer, but also delayed executing these instructions by 15 minutes to give the customer a chance to change his mind. I would say that it would be worse if OgNasty did not follow his customer's instructions.

The customer also told OG that he could refund his forum address in his profile.  OG had options, even the option to be stubborn and not send "in the customers best interest" The customer was clearly not thinking clearly as he himself stated in multiple threads yet OG pressed him for a bad option.  Even being warned it would cause the customer more distress.  Cummon.  I will remove the negative trust in a heartbeat if he shows where he made the customer aware of the escrow terms.  Did he even ask if the customer knew?  I said multiple times I would not leave negative trust if he could show me he informed the customer of his terms.  They aren't even linked in his forum profile or his sig which he uses for advertising and making money.  I know how a good service works and OG just refuses to take any responsibility here for anything.  Blows me away.
Edited multiple typos because beer.
Well I guess my question is, considering that OgNasty only uses one address for all of his (both escrow and personal) transactions, how does OgNasty know with certainty that it was really isoneguy that sent the BTC to escrow? I would again state that in order for isoneguy to know what address to send the BTC to, he would need to first visit OgNasty's escrow thread. I would also point out that if I were to send you money to one of your addresses, it would not be fair for me to dictate terms of a trade if you had not previously agreed to terms.

Title: Re: OGnasty has been compromised. |ID!0T|
Post by: Hellot on July 25, 2017, 02:57:28 AM
I left my feedback for OG based on what I have seen here and after reviewing the chain of events.  I believe he was unprofessional at best and malicious at worst.  I gave this another day to think hard on it and I believe I have been fair.  If you think I have not been fair I am open to discussion.  I fully acknowledge the customer is a Grade A Asshole.  But an escrow should never mishandle customer funds and always do what they can to make sure peoples money is not lost or left in limbo.
In regards to your comment in your negative rating stating that OgNasty not making escrow rules available to his customer prior to his customers using his service, how do you think anyone would know where to send BTC without first going to his escrow thread that clearly has the escrow rules posted?

In regards to the part about OgNasty "mishandl[ing]" customer funds by "knowingly refunding an address the customer does not control" I would point out that OgNasty not only followed instructions of the customer, but also delayed executing these instructions by 15 minutes to give the customer a chance to change his mind. I would say that it would be worse if OgNasty did not follow his customer's instructions.

The customer also told OG that he could refund his forum address in his profile.  OG had options, even the option to be stubborn and not send "in the customers best interest" The customer was clearly not thinking clearly as he himself stated in multiple threads yet OG pressed him for a bad option.  Even being warned it would cause the customer more distress.  Cummon.  I will remove the negative trust in a heartbeat if he shows where he made the customer aware of the escrow terms.  Did he even ask if the customer knew?  I said multiple times I would not leave negative trust if he could show me he informed the customer of his terms.  They aren't even linked in his forum profile or his sig which he uses for advertising and making money.  I know how a good service works and OG just refuses to take any responsibility here for anything.  Blows me away.
Edited multiple typos because beer.
Well I guess my question is, considering that OgNasty only uses one address for all of his (both escrow and personal) transactions, how does OgNasty know with certainty that it was really isoneguy that sent the BTC to escrow? I would again state that in order for isoneguy to know what address to send the BTC to, he would need to first visit OgNasty's escrow thread. I would also point out that if I were to send you money to one of your addresses, it would not be fair for me to dictate terms of a trade if you had not previously agreed to terms.

I don't think you looked at this case very well.  I'm not trying to be insulting if you look at the evidence the OP posted you can clearly see OG asking if he needs escrow and providing an address.  

Title: Re: OGnasty has been compromised. |ID!0T|
Post by: Quickseller on July 25, 2017, 03:28:30 AM
I left my feedback for OG based on what I have seen here and after reviewing the chain of events.  I believe he was unprofessional at best and malicious at worst.  I gave this another day to think hard on it and I believe I have been fair.  If you think I have not been fair I am open to discussion.  I fully acknowledge the customer is a Grade A Asshole.  But an escrow should never mishandle customer funds and always do what they can to make sure peoples money is not lost or left in limbo.
In regards to your comment in your negative rating stating that OgNasty not making escrow rules available to his customer prior to his customers using his service, how do you think anyone would know where to send BTC without first going to his escrow thread that clearly has the escrow rules posted?

In regards to the part about OgNasty "mishandl[ing]" customer funds by "knowingly refunding an address the customer does not control" I would point out that OgNasty not only followed instructions of the customer, but also delayed executing these instructions by 15 minutes to give the customer a chance to change his mind. I would say that it would be worse if OgNasty did not follow his customer's instructions.

The customer also told OG that he could refund his forum address in his profile.  OG had options, even the option to be stubborn and not send "in the customers best interest" The customer was clearly not thinking clearly as he himself stated in multiple threads yet OG pressed him for a bad option.  Even being warned it would cause the customer more distress.  Cummon.  I will remove the negative trust in a heartbeat if he shows where he made the customer aware of the escrow terms.  Did he even ask if the customer knew?  I said multiple times I would not leave negative trust if he could show me he informed the customer of his terms.  They aren't even linked in his forum profile or his sig which he uses for advertising and making money.  I know how a good service works and OG just refuses to take any responsibility here for anything.  Blows me away.
Edited multiple typos because beer.
Well I guess my question is, considering that OgNasty only uses one address for all of his (both escrow and personal) transactions, how does OgNasty know with certainty that it was really isoneguy that sent the BTC to escrow? I would again state that in order for isoneguy to know what address to send the BTC to, he would need to first visit OgNasty's escrow thread. I would also point out that if I were to send you money to one of your addresses, it would not be fair for me to dictate terms of a trade if you had not previously agreed to terms.

I don't think you looked at this case very well.  I'm not trying to be insulting if you look at the evidence the OP posted you can clearly see OG asking if he needs escrow and providing an address.  
Okay, fair point about isoneguy potentially not having to visit OgNasty's escrow thread. I would still stand by my point that terms were not previously agreed to by both parties. One could argue that the terms were ambiguous, and in general courts will interpret ambiguous terms of a contract to benefit the party who did not write the contract, and I would argue the initial PM to OgNasty would constitute writing the initial terms (although this is not explicitly clear). Also, OgNasty did not pull these terms out of his ass, they were previously documented, your issue seems to be that you don't know with certainty that isoneguy knew about the terms as of when he sent the BTC, and when he was solicited to send the BTC.

Title: Re: OGnasty has been compromised. |ID!0T|
Post by: Hellot on July 25, 2017, 03:45:31 AM
I left my feedback for OG based on what I have seen here and after reviewing the chain of events.  I believe he was unprofessional at best and malicious at worst.  I gave this another day to think hard on it and I believe I have been fair.  If you think I have not been fair I am open to discussion.  I fully acknowledge the customer is a Grade A Asshole.  But an escrow should never mishandle customer funds and always do what they can to make sure peoples money is not lost or left in limbo.
In regards to your comment in your negative rating stating that OgNasty not making escrow rules available to his customer prior to his customers using his service, how do you think anyone would know where to send BTC without first going to his escrow thread that clearly has the escrow rules posted?

In regards to the part about OgNasty "mishandl[ing]" customer funds by "knowingly refunding an address the customer does not control" I would point out that OgNasty not only followed instructions of the customer, but also delayed executing these instructions by 15 minutes to give the customer a chance to change his mind. I would say that it would be worse if OgNasty did not follow his customer's instructions.

The customer also told OG that he could refund his forum address in his profile.  OG had options, even the option to be stubborn and not send "in the customers best interest" The customer was clearly not thinking clearly as he himself stated in multiple threads yet OG pressed him for a bad option.  Even being warned it would cause the customer more distress.  Cummon.  I will remove the negative trust in a heartbeat if he shows where he made the customer aware of the escrow terms.  Did he even ask if the customer knew?  I said multiple times I would not leave negative trust if he could show me he informed the customer of his terms.  They aren't even linked in his forum profile or his sig which he uses for advertising and making money.  I know how a good service works and OG just refuses to take any responsibility here for anything.  Blows me away.
Edited multiple typos because beer.
Well I guess my question is, considering that OgNasty only uses one address for all of his (both escrow and personal) transactions, how does OgNasty know with certainty that it was really isoneguy that sent the BTC to escrow? I would again state that in order for isoneguy to know what address to send the BTC to, he would need to first visit OgNasty's escrow thread. I would also point out that if I were to send you money to one of your addresses, it would not be fair for me to dictate terms of a trade if you had not previously agreed to terms.

I don't think you looked at this case very well.  I'm not trying to be insulting if you look at the evidence the OP posted you can clearly see OG asking if he needs escrow and providing an address.  
Okay, fair point about isoneguy potentially not having to visit OgNasty's escrow thread. I would still stand by my point that terms were not previously agreed to by both parties. One could argue that the terms were ambiguous, and in general courts will interpret ambiguous terms of a contract to benefit the party who did not write the contract, and I would argue the initial PM to OgNasty would constitute writing the initial terms (although this is not explicitly clear). Also, OgNasty did not pull these terms out of his ass, they were previously documented, your issue seems to be that you don't know with certainty that isoneguy knew about the terms as of when he sent the BTC, and when he was solicited to send the BTC.

OP claims to have done business with OG 5 other times without it being stated.  OG is suggested for escrow all over the place and I see no evidence the customer knew the rules.  That isn't even the biggest issue for me.  For me he let this draw out and antagonized the customer, he made it worse so we would all see it.  He told me that in a private message and I quoted it in a previous post in this thread..  The customer doesn't have his money as best I am aware.  I think this is a fucked situation.  Neither side helped and they both have negative feedback from me.  

Title: Re: OGnasty has been compromised. |ID!0T|
Post by: mammabitcoin2u on July 25, 2017, 04:04:20 AM
I left my feedback for OG based on what I have seen here and after reviewing the chain of events.  I believe he was unprofessional at best and malicious at worst.  I gave this another day to think hard on it and I believe I have been fair.  If you think I have not been fair I am open to discussion.  I fully acknowledge the customer is a Grade A Asshole.  But an escrow should never mishandle customer funds and always do what they can to make sure peoples money is not lost or left in limbo.
In regards to your comment in your negative rating stating that OgNasty not making escrow rules available to his customer prior to his customers using his service, how do you think anyone would know where to send BTC without first going to his escrow thread that clearly has the escrow rules posted?

In regards to the part about OgNasty "mishandl[ing]" customer funds by "knowingly refunding an address the customer does not control" I would point out that OgNasty not only followed instructions of the customer, but also delayed executing these instructions by 15 minutes to give the customer a chance to change his mind. I would say that it would be worse if OgNasty did not follow his customer's instructions.

The customer also told OG that he could refund his forum address in his profile.  OG had options, even the option to be stubborn and not send "in the customers best interest" The customer was clearly not thinking clearly as he himself stated in multiple threads yet OG pressed him for a bad option.  Even being warned it would cause the customer more distress.  Cummon.  I will remove the negative trust in a heartbeat if he shows where he made the customer aware of the escrow terms.  Did he even ask if the customer knew?  I said multiple times I would not leave negative trust if he could show me he informed the customer of his terms.  They aren't even linked in his forum profile or his sig which he uses for advertising and making money.  I know how a good service works and OG just refuses to take any responsibility here for anything.  Blows me away.
Edited multiple typos because beer.
Well I guess my question is, considering that OgNasty only uses one address for all of his (both escrow and personal) transactions, how does OgNasty know with certainty that it was really isoneguy that sent the BTC to escrow? I would again state that in order for isoneguy to know what address to send the BTC to, he would need to first visit OgNasty's escrow thread. I would also point out that if I were to send you money to one of your addresses, it would not be fair for me to dictate terms of a trade if you had not previously agreed to terms.

I don't think you looked at this case very well.  I'm not trying to be insulting if you look at the evidence the OP posted you can clearly see OG asking if he needs escrow and providing an address.  
Okay, fair point about isoneguy potentially not having to visit OgNasty's escrow thread. I would still stand by my point that terms were not previously agreed to by both parties. One could argue that the terms were ambiguous, and in general courts will interpret ambiguous terms of a contract to benefit the party who did not write the contract, and I would argue the initial PM to OgNasty would constitute writing the initial terms (although this is not explicitly clear). Also, OgNasty did not pull these terms out of his ass, they were previously documented, your issue seems to be that you don't know with certainty that isoneguy knew about the terms as of when he sent the BTC, and when he was solicited to send the BTC.

OP claims to have done business with OG 5 other times without it being stated.  OG is suggested for escrow all over the place and I see no evidence the customer knew the rules.  That isn't even the biggest issue for me.  For me he let this draw out and antagonized the customer, he made it worse so we would all see it.  He told me that in a private message and I quoted it in a previous post in this thread..  The customer doesn't have his money as best I am aware.  I think this is a fucked situation.  Neither side helped and they both have negative feedback from me.  

Correction get the facts right not being a dick but seriously get the facts right.

1- Isoneguy talked about not wanting to use escrow with the other guy NOT OG
2-Isoneguy wanted OG to NOT return funds from the Originating Address but to his own.  So how about this for you Hellot, why didn't Isoneguy just use that address in the first place?
3-Your feedback is incorrect and false, please fix it and make it accurate
4-Do NOT assume.....they MAY of had a history......but since it hasn't been mentioned, I'll bet "this" didn't happen before, ie send to a different address
5-You aren't aware of a lot of things as it appears from this thread/postings.
6-Finally receiving an answer it's drawing anything out.....the MINUTE Isoneguy said OK refund the Originating address..OG got to work on sending it
7-Let Isoneguy deal with "Coinbase" they have his funds NOT OG.
8-I got some bus fare  ;) I just had to  :D it's too funny.

Edit:  IDK and UDK how many transactions took place. It's obvious OP is a liar, if you take what OP says as "gospel"  idk what to say to you on that. But for shits n giggles, let's pretend that was true. 5x? and you don't think OP knew the rules.  Lastly, it is a consumers responsibility to understand a businesses policy.  I buy a pair of shoes from Macy's.  I want to return them.  They want my receipt.  I say HEY JCPENNY doesn't need one you shouldn't either...........come on Macy's will say go to fuking JCP then   :-\

Your logic is very flawed.

Title: Re: OGnasty has been compromised. |ID!0T|
Post by: Hellot on July 25, 2017, 04:15:30 AM
Correction get the facts right not being a dick but seriously get the facts right.

1- Isoneguy talked about not wanting to use escrow with the other guy NOT OG
2-Isoneguy wanted OG to NOT return funds from the Originating Address but to his own.  So how about this for you Hellot, why didn't Isoneguy just use that address in the first place?
3-Your feedback is incorrect and false, please fix it and make it accurate
4-Do NOT assume.....they MAY of had a history......but since it hasn't been mentioned, I'll bet "this" didn't happen before, ie send to a different address
5-You aren't aware of a lot of things as it appears from this thread/postings.
6-Finally receiving an answer it's drawing anything out.....the MINUTE Isoneguy said OK refund the Originating address..OG got to work on sending it
7-Let Isoneguy deal with "Coinbase" they have his funds NOT OG.
8-I got some bus fare  ;) I just had to  :D it's too funny.

Thank you for organizing this.
1- Isoneguy talked about not wanting to use escrow with the other guy NOT OG

This has no relevance to my feedback.
2-Isoneguy wanted OG to NOT return funds from the Originating Address but to his own.  So how about this for you Hellot, why didn't Isoneguy just use that address in the first place?

He sent from Coinbase.  You do not have that type of control over the sending address with coinbase.  I have seen you say on two different times that he did not use coinbase yet the evidence is there.

3-Your feedback is incorrect and false, please fix it and make it accurate

Show me exactly how it is false and I will fix it.

4-Do NOT assume.....they MAY of had a history......but since it hasn't been mentioned, I'll bet "this" didn't happen before, ie send to a different address

Good policy, don't assume.

5-You aren't aware of a lot of things as it appears from this thread/postings.

Show me what I am missing.

6-Finally receiving an answer it's drawing anything out.....the MINUTE Isoneguy said OK refund the Originating address..OG got to work on sending it

OG pushed for a bad outcome.  He didn't take the best path for his customer.  He can try and claim the customers account might have been hacked but even then he didn't look out for the best interest of the customer.  And he has yet to provide any proof or doubt that the customer was at any time not in control of his account. 

Title: Re: OGnasty has been compromised. |ID!0T|
Post by: mammabitcoin2u on July 25, 2017, 04:37:44 AM
Correction get the facts right not being a dick but seriously get the facts right.

1- Isoneguy talked about not wanting to use escrow with the other guy NOT OG
2-Isoneguy wanted OG to NOT return funds from the Originating Address but to his own.  So how about this for you Hellot, why didn't Isoneguy just use that address in the first place?
3-Your feedback is incorrect and false, please fix it and make it accurate
4-Do NOT assume.....they MAY of had a history......but since it hasn't been mentioned, I'll bet "this" didn't happen before, ie send to a different address
5-You aren't aware of a lot of things as it appears from this thread/postings.
6-Finally receiving an answer it's drawing anything out.....the MINUTE Isoneguy said OK refund the Originating address..OG got to work on sending it
7-Let Isoneguy deal with "Coinbase" they have his funds NOT OG.
8-I got some bus fare  ;) I just had to  :D it's too funny.

Thank you for organizing this.
1- Isoneguy talked about not wanting to use escrow with the other guy NOT OG

This has no relevance to my feedback. I didn't say that was because of your feedback.  You said, I don't think you looked at this case very well.  I'm not trying to be insulting if you look at the evidence the OP posted you can clearly see OG asking if he needs escrow and providing an address.  Maybe we got lost in translation? My ears? eyes
2-Isoneguy wanted OG to NOT return funds from the Originating Address but to his own.  So how about this for you Hellot, why didn't Isoneguy just use that address in the first place?

He sent from Coinbase.  You do not have that type of control over the sending address with coinbase.  I have seen you say on two different times that he did not use coinbase yet the evidence is there.  Again, I am not sure what OP used. IF you see the messages you will see OP saying "I lied" and OG saying you lied about using coinbase, messages and threats (thats not verbatim except the "I lied")  AND I did say, if this was Coinbase, then OP got NO problem getting the funds back into that Coinbase account.........He said he filed a support ticket with Coinbase.  So not only should Coinbase credit the account.........but OP should receive funds from OG too?  That's not gonna fly w/me.  Sorry, he needs to finish up with Coinbase, they have the funds NOT OG.

3-Your feedback is incorrect and false, please fix it and make it accurate

Show me exactly how it is false and I will fix it. Your feedback: OGNasty mishandled customer funds by knowingly refunding an address the customer does not control. Mishandled means he didn't follow the rules of an escrow, released funds w/o authorization, released funds to someone elses wallet.  OG stuck to the rules and he is catching hell for sticking with it. OGNasty does not make his escrow rules available to the customer before doing business and expects you to find them on your own. How are the rules not available if you are seeking a service you search and read the post and then possibly proceed. Just because I know he does escrow, doesn't mean I'm going to blindly say, Hey OG here's some $ be an escrow for me. It is on the consumer to know the policy, I'm sure its (I haven't looked) but would be the 1st page.  Make sure you know his rules or he will fuck you with them if he doesn't like you. How can you claim that? Although OP is nutty, and I dislike a liar, I wouldn't screw him on something (but then again I wouldn't ever deal with em) This is unprofessional behavior from someone running a service. You have been warned!

4-Do NOT assume.....they MAY of had a history......but since it hasn't been mentioned, I'll bet "this" didn't happen before, ie send to a different address

Good policy, don't assume. Agree, and still, again I'll bet "this" refund me to a different address WITHOUT a prior agreement ever happened.  I could be wrong, I am assuming because it has NOT been mentioned.

5-You aren't aware of a lot of things as it appears from this thread/postings.

Show me what I am missing.  We are trying now

6-Finally receiving an answer it's drawing anything out.....the MINUTE Isoneguy said OK refund the Originating address..OG got to work on sending it

OG pushed for a bad outcome. He pushed to finally hear Refund My Originating Address, I'll deal with Coinbase is something OP said either there or thereafter.  He didn't take the best path for his customer.  He DID the best path for the customer which IS the Wallet Address where the fund Originated from.  THATS PROTECTION.  He can try and claim the customers account might have been hacked but even then he didn't look out for the best interest of the customer.  And he has yet to provide any proof or doubt that the customer was at any time not in control of his account.  It doesn't matter if he was hacked or not.  The funds CAME FROM supposedly Coinbase and have been RETURNED to Coinbase.  There cannot be a dispute about that.

Oh you don't want bus fare :'( I'm sorry again I just had too  :-*

I did edit my post.  This one you are quoting.  But I will address this as best as I can.  Again, I'm notta dick (well maybe a funny one ie my feedback from OP)

Nother Edit: sorry it's hard to read I should of used different color this is ridiculous but as long as there is misinformation, I'm going to set it right least I hope to

Title: Re: OGnasty has been compromised. |ID!0T|
Post by: mammabitcoin2u on July 25, 2017, 04:50:05 AM
And let me remind you Hellot

But, I don't care where it gets refunded to as long as it get's refunded.

So what's the problem now?

Title: Re: OGnasty has been compromised. |ID!0T|
Post by: Hellot on July 25, 2017, 04:52:23 AM

3-Your feedback is incorrect and false, please fix it and make it accurate

Show me exactly how it is false and I will fix it. Your feedback: OGNasty mishandled customer funds by knowingly refunding an address the customer does not control. Mishandled means he didn't follow the rules of an escrow, released funds w/o authorization, released funds to someone elses wallet.  OG stuck to the rules and he is catching hell for sticking with it. OGNasty does not make his escrow rules available to the customer before doing business and expects you to find them on your own. How are the rules not available if you are seeking a service you search and read the post and then possibly proceed. Just because I know he does escrow, doesn't mean I'm going to blindly say, Hey OG here's some $ be an escrow for me. It is on the consumer to know the policy, I'm sure its (I haven't looked) but would be the 1st page.  Make sure you know his rules or he will fuck you with them if he doesn't like you. How can you claim that? Although OP is nutty, and I dislike a liar, I wouldn't screw him on something (but then again I wouldn't ever deal with em) This is unprofessional behavior from someone running a service. You have been warned!

I'll address what is actually relevant here.  You also take the position that the responsibility lies with the customer.  I do not agree that 100% of the responsibility is on the customer.  The service provider has a responsibility to state the rules or try and make sure they are known.  No where is that apparent here.  The OP has stated it didn't happen and I'm tired of repeating it.  This is completely ignoring the real problem here.  The escrow pushed for a solution they knew was bad or not ideal at best.  OP appears to still not have their money.  Why would you do that if you are looking out for your customer?  I'll also remind you he has provided no proof that he had cause to believe the OPs account was compromised.

Title: Re: OGnasty has been compromised. |ID!0T|
Post by: mammabitcoin2u on July 25, 2017, 05:06:06 AM

3-Your feedback is incorrect and false, please fix it and make it accurate

Show me exactly how it is false and I will fix it. Your feedback: OGNasty mishandled customer funds by knowingly refunding an address the customer does not control. Mishandled means he didn't follow the rules of an escrow, released funds w/o authorization, released funds to someone elses wallet.  OG stuck to the rules and he is catching hell for sticking with it. OGNasty does not make his escrow rules available to the customer before doing business and expects you to find them on your own. How are the rules not available if you are seeking a service you search and read the post and then possibly proceed. Just because I know he does escrow, doesn't mean I'm going to blindly say, Hey OG here's some $ be an escrow for me. It is on the consumer to know the policy, I'm sure its (I haven't looked) but would be the 1st page.  Make sure you know his rules or he will fuck you with them if he doesn't like you. How can you claim that? Although OP is nutty, and I dislike a liar, I wouldn't screw him on something (but then again I wouldn't ever deal with em) This is unprofessional behavior from someone running a service. You have been warned!

I'll address what is actually relevant here.  You also take the position that the responsibility lies with the customer.  I do not agree that 100% of the responsibility is on the customer.  The service provider has a responsibility to state the rules or try and make sure they are known.  No where is that apparent here.  The OP has stated it didn't happen and I'm tired of repeating it.  This is completely ignoring the real problem here.  The escrow pushed for a solution they knew was bad or not ideal at best.  OP appears to still not have their money.  Why would you do that if you are looking out for your customer?  I'll also remind you he has provided no proof that he had cause to believe the OPs account was compromised.

1st you probably missed the quote from OP while responding.

2nd I'm in USA and that's how it works here.  Ex.  I hurry and jump on a bus and pay the fare.  THEN I realize I'm on the wrong bus.  The bus driver should give me a refund? Absolutely not.  But we aren't talking about that.  We are talking about something that HAS been REFUNDED & tx provided.

Based on what's been said here by OP, 5x, it is reasonable to infer OP knows the rules.

The escrow had to pin him down to finally say........send it back to where it came from.  The OP went off on a tangent all over the board instead.  YET finally OP clearly and without a doubt says send it back and it was done. 

OP "appears" to still not have their funds:  1-so OP claims again, OP cannot be believed, if you want to believe that that's on you. 2-That's Coinbase responsibility and OP states he sent in a ticket.

Who cares if his account WAS/WAS NOT hacked.  The POINT IS funds came from XXXXXX and returned to XXXXX.

Title: Re: OGnasty has been compromised. |ID!0T|
Post by: Hellot on July 25, 2017, 05:09:38 AM

3-Your feedback is incorrect and false, please fix it and make it accurate

Show me exactly how it is false and I will fix it. Your feedback: OGNasty mishandled customer funds by knowingly refunding an address the customer does not control. Mishandled means he didn't follow the rules of an escrow, released funds w/o authorization, released funds to someone elses wallet.  OG stuck to the rules and he is catching hell for sticking with it. OGNasty does not make his escrow rules available to the customer before doing business and expects you to find them on your own. How are the rules not available if you are seeking a service you search and read the post and then possibly proceed. Just because I know he does escrow, doesn't mean I'm going to blindly say, Hey OG here's some $ be an escrow for me. It is on the consumer to know the policy, I'm sure its (I haven't looked) but would be the 1st page.  Make sure you know his rules or he will fuck you with them if he doesn't like you. How can you claim that? Although OP is nutty, and I dislike a liar, I wouldn't screw him on something (but then again I wouldn't ever deal with em) This is unprofessional behavior from someone running a service. You have been warned!

I'll address what is actually relevant here.  You also take the position that the responsibility lies with the customer.  I do not agree that 100% of the responsibility is on the customer.  The service provider has a responsibility to state the rules or try and make sure they are known.  No where is that apparent here.  The OP has stated it didn't happen and I'm tired of repeating it.  This is completely ignoring the real problem here.  The escrow pushed for a solution they knew was bad or not ideal at best.  OP appears to still not have their money.  Why would you do that if you are looking out for your customer?  I'll also remind you he has provided no proof that he had cause to believe the OPs account was compromised.

1st you probably missed the quote from OP while responding.

2nd I'm in USA and that's how it works here.  Ex.  I hurry and jump on a bus and pay the fare.  THEN I realize I'm on the wrong bus.  The bus driver should give me a refund? Absolutely not.  But we aren't talking about that.  We are talking about something that HAS been REFUNDED & tx provided.

Based on what's been said here by OP, 5x, it is reasonable to infer OP knows the rules.

The escrow had to pin him down to finally say........send it back to where it came from.  The OP went off on a tangent all over the board instead.  YET finally OP clearly and without a doubt says send it back and it was done. 

OP "appears" to still not have their funds:  1-so OP claims again, OP cannot be believed, if you want to believe that that's on you. 2-That's Coinbase responsibility and OP states he sent in a ticket.

Who cares if his account WAS/WAS NOT hacked.  The POINT IS funds came from XXXXXX and returned to XXXXX.

Please don't take offense.  Your reply doesn't in any way show that my assessment is contrary to the facts and in fact your reply relies on a lot of assumption.  Unless you can disprove what I have said in my negative trust I will not remove it.

Title: Re: OGnasty has been compromised. |ID!0T|
Post by: Spoetnik on July 25, 2017, 05:16:34 AM
at least I'm willing to admit I'm an asshole

Archived for future reference:

I would have archived the veiled death threat LOL
Bob beat me to it.

I see a grey area a bit *maybe.
Like QuickSeller was pointing out..
I think this guy has made his problem far worse by having such a horrendous attitude.
Had he been "nice" he may have gotten a better result.

I never used an escrow ever once.
I have no dog in this race but i side with Nasty.

At the end of the day this guy got his refund but may have to bug Coinbase about it.
So what is the problem ?
Did Coinbase say they won't give it back ?

What is with all the drama ?

Title: Re: OGnasty has been compromised. |ID!0T|
Post by: mammabitcoin2u on July 25, 2017, 05:21:45 AM
Please don't take offense.  Your reply doesn't in any way show that my assessment is contrary to the facts and in fact your reply relies on a lot of assumption.  Unless you can disprove what I have said in my negative trust I will not remove it.

Nothing offends me, just stones, these are just words.  I'm not asking you to remove it.  I asked to fix it.  Your assessment is not on the facts. They are here, everyone can see them. Yet you are ignoring them and relying on your "feelings".  Maybe you are in a different country and do things differently there? idk

X came from A  and X was returned to A...............that's just the facts you don't want to see.

Title: Re: OGnasty has been compromised. |ID!0T|
Post by: Hellot on July 25, 2017, 05:24:56 AM
Please don't take offense.  Your reply doesn't in any way show that my assessment is contrary to the facts and in fact your reply relies on a lot of assumption.  Unless you can disprove what I have said in my negative trust I will not remove it.

Nothing offends me, just stones, these are just words.  I'm not asking you to remove it.  I asked to fix it.  Your assessment is not on the facts. They are here, everyone can see them. Yet you are ignoring them and relying on your "feelings".  Maybe you are in a different country and do things differently there? idk

X came from A  and X was returned to A...............that's just the facts you don't want to see.

You can try and dumb this down to x money went to x address but that ignores the reality of two people doing business.  It completely abstracts the human interaction which I think you would only do if you wanted for some reason to ignore it.  I haven't been ignoring it and you haven't been either but now you want to, why?

Just to re-iterate the facts here. 

OGNasty mishandled customer funds by knowingly refunding an address the customer does not control. OGNasty does not make his escrow rules available to the customer before doing business and expects you to find them on your own. Make sure you know his rules or he will fuck you with them if he doesn't like you. This is unprofessional behavior from someone running a service. You have been warned!

Title: Re: OGnasty has been compromised. |ID!0T|
Post by: Spoetnik on July 25, 2017, 05:41:16 AM
Just want to point out the topic title here is retarded bullshit.

Title: Re: OGnasty has been compromised. |ID!0T|
Post by: mammabitcoin2u on July 25, 2017, 05:48:05 AM
at least I'm willing to admit I'm an asshole

Archived for future reference:

I would have archived the veiled death threat LOL
Bob beat me to it.

I see a grey area a bit *maybe.
Like QuickSeller was pointing out..
I think this guy has made his problem far worse by having such a horrendous attitude.
Had he been "nice" he may have gotten a better result.

I never used an escrow ever once.
I have no dog in this race but i side with Nasty.

At the end of the day this guy got his refund but may have to bug Coinbase about it.
So what is the problem ?
Did Coinbase say they won't give it back ?

What is with all the drama ?

I been archiving this.  His attitude got nothing to do with having funds returned back.  His attitude is what dragged it out and still continues.  But according to OP he's gotta ticket with Coinbase.  Not my problem Coinbase got OP's $ not OG  :D  Better watch out or else OP gonna say you owe him now  :D

This's just some way of scamming funds with a cherry of discrediting OG and the kicker - other's wanting his spot.  That's all I'm getting.

I never really trusted anyone on this board, not even OG.  I think early on, I've even posted that. But after this I can honestly say, I do trust him.  Which leads me to looking at what he's got going on.........nastyfans seats n what not.  Super cool Green Project.  I just need some time/research if it's for me.

@Hellot, The "human interaction" has nothing to do with this.  This is about OP being refunded and it was done.  You think? Macy's is gonna use some "human interaction" and forget the rules of a receipt?

OK how about this:  Why do you believe the funds should go elsewhere, NOT the originating address?   Because you said so and AFTER it happened?  Because of Coinbase?  Why because Coinbase won't return funds?

Title: Re: OGnasty has been compromised. |ID!0T|
Post by: Hellot on July 25, 2017, 05:55:30 AM
at least I'm willing to admit I'm an asshole

Archived for future reference:

I would have archived the veiled death threat LOL
Bob beat me to it.

I see a grey area a bit *maybe.
Like QuickSeller was pointing out..
I think this guy has made his problem far worse by having such a horrendous attitude.
Had he been "nice" he may have gotten a better result.

I never used an escrow ever once.
I have no dog in this race but i side with Nasty.

At the end of the day this guy got his refund but may have to bug Coinbase about it.
So what is the problem ?
Did Coinbase say they won't give it back ?

What is with all the drama ?

I been archiving this.  His attitude got nothing to do with having funds returned back.  His attitude is what dragged it out and still continues.  But according to OP he's gotta ticket with Coinbase.  Not my problem Coinbase got OP's $ not OG  :D  Better watch out or else OP gonna say you owe him now  :D

This's just some way of scamming funds with a cherry of discrediting OG and the kicker - other's wanting his spot.  That's all I'm getting.

I never really trusted anyone on this board, not even OG.  I think early on, I've even posted that. But after this I can honestly say, I do trust him.  Which leads me to looking at what he's got going on.........nastyfans seats n what not.  Super cool Green Project.  I just need some time/research if it's for me.

@Hellot, The "human interaction" has nothing to do with this.  This is about OP being refunded and it was done.  You think? Macy's is gonna use some "human interaction" and forget the rules of a receipt?

OK how about this:  Why do you believe the funds should go elsewhere, NOT the originating address?   Because you said so and AFTER it happened?  Because of Coinbase?  Why because Coinbase won't return funds?

Is OG out any funds?  The OP appears to be.  I don't even like the OP!  Wake me if you can contradict my feedback.

Title: Re: OGnasty has been compromised. |ID!0T|
Post by: Wendigo on July 25, 2017, 05:58:01 AM
mammabitcoin2u wants some green trust obviously. Or has a lot of free time to bicker around for nothing.

Title: Re: OGnasty has been compromised. |ID!0T|
Post by: mammabitcoin2u on July 25, 2017, 06:15:06 AM

Is OG out any funds?  The OP appears to be.  I don't even like the OP!  Wake me if you can contradict my feedback.

Now you got 1 FACT and 1 ASSUMPTION appears

You know for a FACT OG sent the funds.

Can you tell me for a FACT you know OP did not get the funds? You can't you don't know you are just assuming, appearing whatever words you don't know except for what you are told.

This is cutting in to my Big Brother After Dark  >:( 

Title: Re: OGnasty has been compromised. |ID!0T|
Post by: mammabitcoin2u on July 25, 2017, 06:23:27 AM
mammabitcoin2u wants some green trust obviously. Or has a lot of free time to bicker around for nothing.

I have the next 30 days to piss off. I can afford it like that  ;) I'm watching Big Brother on my Big Screen in my Big Comfy Chair and pissing on the internet, including here.  Figuring out whether to piss $ at the casino tomorrow or maybe buy some things.  IDK have any ideas?  It may rain here though.

I don't want need or have use for "trust".  I think that "trust" stuff is bullshit, I've said it since I've been here.  Go back over my history (im sure you did  ;))

Dayum right I'll stick up for anyone against a scam.  Thanks for noticing though..........not  ::)

Title: Re: OGnasty has been compromised. |ID!0T|
Post by: TheNewAnon135246 on July 25, 2017, 07:04:13 AM
I still don't see how you think OP is trying to scam, he just wants his money back. This topic is filled with bullshit and false accusations. I'm sure Coinbase will answer the ticket and resolve this. If not, we can continue all the mud slinging.

Title: Re: OGnasty has been compromised. |ID!0T|
Post by: jonsi on July 25, 2017, 10:58:45 AM
Do you want me to release escrow to the sending address?

YES or NO?

Highly unprofessional way of resolving this..
Seems almoust like a bot with a total lack of human judgement and willigness to help.

Title: Re: OGnasty has been compromised. |ID!0T|
Post by: jonsi on July 25, 2017, 11:13:32 AM
To be an escrow is a big responsability, just like it's to be a judge or a referee. Our curent technology can't replace the human judgement, this is why we still need them (regardless if it's a tenis match or judging a crime).
The act of judging can't be replaced with technology because it's not just about following a fixed set of rules (this is what computers do best, follow a fixed set of rulles) but in real life we must always account for the circumstances.

It's very sad that a user (regardless of his caracther) had payed for a service so in case anything go wrong with the transaction, his funds will be protected, but in the end he lost his funds. Isn't this the real purpose of using an escrow, to protect the parties involved in the transaction in case something goes wrong?

In my opinion, this could have been managed in a more profesional way.

Title: Re: OGnasty has been compromised. |ID!0T|
Post by: isoneguy on July 25, 2017, 04:01:21 PM
Is OG out any funds?  The OP appears to be.  I don't even like the OP!  Wake me if you can contradict my feedback.

Unless I misunderstood things, I thought OG was out ~0.25 BTC.

Apparently he gave away .25 of his BTC...yes.

I'm still waiting for him to return .25BTC of mine.

Title: Re: OGnasty has been compromised. |ID!0T|
Post by: Reynaldo on July 25, 2017, 04:43:36 PM
I've to say, after reading all of this and just 1 day watching how you go through the sell section, ofc you are bat crazy bro.

OGnasty should have made you use a GPG to proove your identity, he has a point on the security stand point, that he did not give you the rules beforehand (maybe he did im not sure) its a mistake, that you did not look for them, its also a mistake, that you do NOT understand to send the funds to the address which was sent from.. its just irrational, try using GPG and understand someone's rule, I'm sorry you have to go through all this trouble, but going bat shit crazy to get your money is not the way to go. I'm still waiting for a 2.5 ETHER deposit on YUNBI exchange and I've not killed my self lol

Title: Re: OGnasty has been compromised. |ID!0T|
Post by: Wendigo on July 25, 2017, 05:54:47 PM
Apparently he gave away .25 of his BTC...yes.
I'm still waiting for him to return .25BTC of mine.

He returned to the sending address. How did you not receive your funds back ?

Because the sending address was allegedly a Coinbase wallet address and OG sent the coins back to that address. OP's coins apparently got sent to some random address and got lost. Probably sent in a ticket and waiting for assistance from Coinbase in order to recover the funds.

Title: Re: OGnasty has been compromised. |ID!0T|
Post by: Pearls Before Swine on July 26, 2017, 12:26:24 AM
mammabitcoin2u wants some green trust obviously. Or has a lot of free time to bicker around for nothing.
Or maybe he's my alt.  Or maybe I'm an alt of wendigo.  Lol
You blow a lot of smoke, guy, even though your command of the English language is formidable. 
Glad this whole issue is dying down a bit.  Hope OP solves his issue, which is now a coinbase problem
and not an ognasty problem.

Title: Re: OGnasty has been compromised. |ID!0T|
Post by: isoneguy on July 26, 2017, 02:36:46 AM
mammabitcoin2u wants some green trust obviously. Or has a lot of free time to bicker around for nothing.
Or maybe he's my alt.  Or maybe I'm an alt of wendigo.  Lol
You blow a lot of smoke, guy, even though your command of the English language is formidable.  
Glad this whole issue is dying down a bit.  Hope OP solves his issue, which is now a coinbase problem
and not an ognasty problem.

It's an OGnasty problem until it's resolved.

And then ripples you know? My 680$ is worth less now :/

Title: Re: OGnasty has been compromised. |ID!0T|
Post by: Wendigo on July 26, 2017, 06:54:53 AM
mammabitcoin2u wants some green trust obviously. Or has a lot of free time to bicker around for nothing.
Or maybe he's my alt.  Or maybe I'm an alt of wendigo.  Lol
You blow a lot of smoke, guy, even though your command of the English language is formidable. 
Glad this whole issue is dying down a bit.  Hope OP solves his issue, which is now a coinbase problem
and not an ognasty problem.

Title: Re: OGnasty has been compromised. |ID!0T|
Post by: TMAN on July 26, 2017, 02:39:09 PM
OG has in no way been compromised - say what you want about him, but he has proven his opsec game is strong..

OG is a prized dick head though, he has gone out of his way to stop the client receiving his funds in a timely manner, there are multiple ways OG could of helped his escrow client out here, there are plenty of people who have dealt with OP and could assist - another escrow even offered to take the burden of the escrow from OG, Hellot offered to cover OG against any scam attempt.

but.. the stubborn always right attitude of OG... the same bloke who went all in on BFL and cost his nasty fans hundreds and hundreds of BTC losses - the OG who has 0 customer service skills..

Title: Re: OGnasty has been compromised. |ID!0T|
Post by: isoneguy on July 26, 2017, 05:07:23 PM
OG has in no way been compromised - say what you want about him, but he has proven his opsec game is strong..

OG is a prized dick head though, he has gone out of his way to stop the client receiving his funds in a timely manner, there are multiple ways OG could of helped his escrow client out here, there are plenty of people who have dealt with OP and could assist - another escrow even offered to take the burden of the escrow from OG, Hellot offered to cover OG against any scam attempt.

but.. the stubborn always right attitude of OG... the same bloke who went all in on BFL and cost his nasty fans hundreds and hundreds of BTC losses - the OG who has 0 customer service skills..

I still don't have my $680

wait...that's $630 now due to OG's mishandling of my funds.

It's good to know that OG will make your money worth less.

Title: Re: OGnasty has been compromised. |ID!0T|
Post by: isoneguy on July 26, 2017, 08:28:28 PM
I still don't have my $680

wait...that's $630 now due to OG's mishandling of my funds.

It's good to know that OG will make your money worth less. quite literally told him to do it

Do you want me to release escrow to the sending address?

YES or NO?

how many ways do I have to say yes?

If you hadn't explicitly told him to do it, then I would agree with you that OGNasty needs to be more flexible and accept alternate proof (such as the tlsnotary from your coinbase account showing the send) or what ever.  However that's not what happened here, you gave instructions for him to release the funds to the sending address and he did so. It's pretty clear cut.

Imagine the opposite happened:  You told him to return-to-sender and he refused. Then you'd be crying scam, and would have a right to do so.

I told him to do other things first. Which he didn't do.

I also didn't tell him specifically which is odd as he refused non specific replies before.

I understand that he wanted to make an example of someone but if an escrow intentionally chooses a path that makes his client less wealthy then people should really re-consider letting him handle their funds.

I have still not received the BTC I entrusted to OGnasty back.

Title: Re: OGnasty has been compromised. |ID!0T|
Post by: Spoetnik on July 27, 2017, 12:33:38 AM
You agreed.
So your topic title is pure retardation.
Further more you talk little of how it's been going with Coinbase.
For all we know you got your money long ago.

Title: Re: OGnasty has been compromised. |ID!0T|
Post by: isoneguy on July 27, 2017, 12:47:57 AM
You agreed.
So your topic title is pure retardation.
Further more you talk little of how it's been going with Coinbase.
For all we know you got your money long ago.

coinbase is silent...

and you can twist my words however you'd like. I still haven't received any money back.

Title: Re: OGnasty has been compromised. |ID!0T|
Post by: Xinarae* on July 27, 2017, 01:11:55 AM
coinbase is silent...
and you can twist my words however you'd like. I still haven't received any money back.

Must really suck to be you, huh ? Not having control of your own keys ?

Lesson learned, buttercup.

Coinbase has no business to take care of you problem, There is still have another some important to do than you  ::)

Title: Re: OGnasty has been compromised. |ID!0T|
Post by: Zepher on July 27, 2017, 02:44:37 AM
Coinbase has no business to take care of you problem, There is still have another some important to do than you  ::)

Please don't shitpost just so you can be paid in your signature campaign.

If you are going to shitpost, at least make some sense when you do it..


Title: Re: OGnasty has been compromised. |ID!0T|
Post by: isoneguy on August 02, 2017, 09:55:26 AM

Title: Re: OGnasty has been compromised. |ID!0T|
Post by: Hellot on August 03, 2017, 05:18:07 PM
Looks like OGNasty decided to give me negative feedback for honestly evaluating this scam accusation.  I'm not going to argue it beyond this post and this is just for the record.  If you looked through this on your own you will see OG has been childish and petty.  He has put his emotions above professionalism.  He risked a customers funds out of spite and refuses to take any responsibility for how he handled his customers money.  Really that is all this boils down to and all that matters.  All of the other bullshit aside, OGNasty mishandled a customers money and as an escrow, you do not do that.
Here is my negative feedback from OG.
Hellot sent me repeated PMs trying to get me to release funds to an address provided by a suspected compromised account until I was forced to block him. He continues to claim I acted incorrectly when I followed my publicly stated rules, refunding the sending address of my escrow service within 24 hours per the user's and Hellot's public request to ensure the funds were returned back to their rightful owner. I showed my escrow rules were publicly stated prior to entering the agreement but that was still not enough for Hellot. I can only conclude this user is irrational and I would not trust him with my funds.

I'll again point out that I offered to cover OG in case the OP was a scammer and he did not take me up on it.  I was trying to help OG because I looked at it and saw he was being irrational as well as the customer.  OG has at no point offered any evidence that he had reason to believe the OPs account was compromised.  Again he is using his rules as an excuse to act unprofessional and he is using his standing in the community to bully.  At no point does this negative trust show that I am a scammer or unreliable in any way.  Maybe someone else in the community cares enough to say something.  I'll end it here.

Title: Re: OGnasty has been compromised. |ID!0T|
Post by: Lauda on August 04, 2017, 07:40:12 AM
Whilst I have no plan on commenting this mess, I do have to step in here:

Looks like OGNasty decided to give me negative feedback for honestly evaluating this scam accusation.  
This is not appropriate use of the trust system, and I strongly disagree with ruining your trust score based on your opinion on this accusation. I have left a counter rating, which is the appropriate use of the trust system1:

Counter-Ratings like yours (even though you didnt word it as such) are part of how the system works. If someone thinks my rating was given unjustified they can leave an additional rating to reflect this.

This is exactly the kind of abuse that I was briefly discussing in another thread (, where people try to make their rating valid/warranted by masking it with the wording "I don't trust this user" (and similar modifications).
1: I can't find the original quote from theymos.
Disclaimer: Before someone accuses Hellot of being in some sort of "group", or me of having bias towards them, I don't think I have ever talked to Hellot privately in the past.

Title: Re: OGnasty has been compromised. |ID!0T|
Post by: OgNasty on August 04, 2017, 08:08:53 AM
I have left a counter rating, which is the appropriate use of the trust system

Hellot, who was in no way involved in the escrow threatened to leave me negative trust unless I broke my publicly stated escrow rules and sent funds to an unsafe address, which if I had done so we all know would have resulted in me being accused of aiding a scam and told that I owe the funds.  So I got the escrow user's approval to refund the sending address, which I did.  If anyone's negative deserves to be countered, it is his.  That is clear to anyone.  This is yet another example of attempted bullying via extortion (send BTC to this address or else...) and considering you, Lauda, were already fired as a staff member of this forum for extorting users, it is no surprise you stand up for others who engage in the same behavior.  This is just another example of why I don't trust your ratings, and feel that your personal vendettas are absolutely ruining any shred of credibility you may have once had.  

Title: Re: OGnasty has been compromised. |ID!0T|
Post by: Lauda on August 04, 2017, 08:25:55 AM
Hellot, who was in no way involved in the escrow
It is not relevant whether he was involved or not.

threatened to leave me negative trust
Source, evidence for this claim? Your rating does not even explicitly mention any threats, which makes no sense whatsoever. If someone is threatening you directly and you leave them a negative rating, then it needs to be properly written to reflect on that.

If anyone's negative deserves to be countered, it is his.  
Hellot's negative rating does not affect your trust score. This can not be said for your rating on him.

That is clear to anyone.

This is yet another example of attempted bullying via extortion (send BTC to this address or else...) and considering you, Lauda, were already fired as a staff member of this forum for extorting users, it is no surprise you stand up for others who engage in the same behavior.  
Ad hominem? False equivalency? Nice argument.

This is just another example of why I don't trust your ratings, and feel that your personal vendettas are absolutely ruining any shred of credibility you may have once had.  
Personal vendettas? Maybe you need to take a better look in the mirror. You are using this as an excuse for the invalid exclusion of several people (surprise, surprise?). You have countered several of my ratings whilst attempting to make them look like valid ratings (in that form, they are not). Let's not play the pretend game when your play is quite obvious. ::)

Title: Re: OGnasty has been compromised. |ID!0T|
Post by: OgNasty on August 04, 2017, 08:44:34 AM
threatened to leave me negative trust
Source, evidence for this claim?

You countered a trust rating without even reading the reference link?  Another example of why I don't trust your ratings...

Hellot's negative rating does not affect your trust score. This can not be said for your rating on him.


This is yet another example of attempted bullying via extortion (send BTC to this address or else...) and considering you, Lauda, were already fired as a staff member of this forum for extorting users, it is no surprise you stand up for others who engage in the same behavior.  
Ad hominem? False equivalency? Nice argument.

No, this is called explanation of a hypothesis using facts.

Personal vendettas? Maybe you need to take a better look in the mirror. You are using this as an excuse for the invalid exclusion of several people (surprise, surprise?). You have countered several of my ratings whilst attempting to make them look like valid ratings (in that form, they are not). Let's not play the pretend game when your play is quite obvious. ::)

Sounds like you're paranoid and making false allegations.  You are the one who has stated you counter my ratings (, not the other way around.

There's really no reason for this petty bickering.  I did nothing wrong.  That is clear for everyone to see.  Refunding a sending address with a user's consent is perfectly reasonable and the fact that it turned into this public display should be enough for any reasonable person to determine what is really going on here.  I'd like for that to be my last comment on this subject.

Title: Re: OGnasty has been compromised. |ID!0T|
Post by: Hellot on August 04, 2017, 08:56:34 AM
I have left a counter rating, which is the appropriate use of the trust system

Hellot, who was in no way involved in the escrow threatened to leave me negative trust unless I broke my publicly stated escrow rules and sent funds to an unsafe address, which if I had done so we all know would have resulted in me being accused of aiding a scam and told that I owe the funds.  So I got the escrow user's approval to refund the sending address, which I did.  If anyone's negative deserves to be countered, it is his.  That is clear to anyone.  This is yet another example of attempted bullying via extortion (send BTC to this address or else...) and considering you, Lauda, were already fired as a staff member of this forum for extorting users, it is no surprise you stand up for others who engage in the same behavior.  This is just another example of why I don't trust your ratings, and feel that your personal vendettas are absolutely ruining any shred of credibility you may have once had.  

I stated in this very thread I would leave negative trust if you didn't make the OP whole and sent you a PM to let you know I was serious.  People reading this need to remember I got involved here when this was blowing up and at the time OG had told the OP he would refund but not refunded and OP was flipping out.  There was a thread on the collectibles section about this that brought me here.  I reviewed what was happening and saw both partied being irrational.  I saw OGNasty being unprofessional and I wanted to help a long standing member of the community because I thought he was letting his emotions get the best of him.  So I offered him a way out, a way to make the right choice without risk to himself or his customer.  I offered to cover him in case the OPs account(his customer) was compromised.  I don't think you took me up on it because I don't believe you wanted to do the right thing.  

And I made the right call.  Your customers account wasn't compromised.  You were antagonizing him to get him to lash out so we would all see it.  You said you wanted us to see it.  You were in complete control of the situation, you had his money and nobody could make you do anything.  To say that I am untrustworthy for trying to help and telling the truth just shows what type of person you are.  You are truly a piece of shit.

Title: Re: OGnasty has been compromised. |ID!0T|
Post by: Lauda on August 04, 2017, 09:09:53 AM
You countered a trust rating without even reading the reference link?
There are no threats in the reference link.

Another example of why I don't trust your ratings...
Another example of you trying to find excuses for invalid exclusions.

No, this is called explanation of a hypothesis using facts.
These are not facts, but your interpretation of other people's doings. Just because you think Hellot is "extorting you" that doesn't mean that he is, and most surely that doesn't make it a fact.

Sounds like you're paranoid and making false allegations.  You are the one who has stated you counter my ratings (, not the other way around.
Neither is the case. At least I do not attempt to hide counter ratings by disguising them as valid ratings which conveniently get posted after mine. Then again, you trust extortionists/blackmailers such as defcon23 ( Why are you complaining about Hellot's alleged "extortion" then? ::)

There's really no reason for this petty bickering.  I did nothing wrong.  That is clear for everyone to see.  Refunding a sending address with a user's consent is perfectly reasonable and the fact that it turned into this public display should be enough for any reasonable person to determine what is really going on here.  I'd like for that to be my last comment on this subject.
I don't care about this particular situation as it has generate too much noise. The rating on Hellot is what I disagree with, and couldn't find any remote basis for it.

Title: Re: OGnasty has been compromised. |ID!0T|
Post by: OgNasty on August 04, 2017, 09:56:12 AM
Sounds like you're paranoid and making false allegations.  You are the one who has stated you counter my ratings (, not the other way around.

Neither is the case. At least I do not attempt to hide counter ratings by disguising them as valid ratings which conveniently get posted after mine.

I only see another example of you countering an honest rating of mine.

Title: Re: OGnasty has been compromised. |ID!0T|
Post by: Lauda on August 04, 2017, 09:58:39 AM
I only see another example of you countering an honest rating of mine.
Which is a perfectly valid use of the trust system, and does not answer the question that I've asked:

Then again, you trust extortionists/blackmailers such as defcon23 ( Why are you complaining about Hellot's alleged "extortion" then? ::)

Title: Re: OGnasty has been compromised. |ID!0T|
Post by: OgNasty on August 04, 2017, 10:09:57 AM
Then again, you trust extortionists/blackmailers such as defcon23 ( Why are you complaining about Hellot's alleged "extortion" then? ::)

I've only had positive interactions with defcon23 involving multiple sales, adverting agreements, and escrows.  The only person I've seen verifiable evidence they are an extortionist is you.  You do make a good point that proven extortionists shouldn't be trusted though...  I would pose your same question to anyone who has left you positive trust.

Blazed who is a DT member has left defcon23 positive trust twice.  Why single me out?  Even Mitchell who is a staff member here has left him positive trust.

Title: Re: OGnasty has been compromised. |ID!0T|
Post by: Lauda on August 04, 2017, 10:13:58 AM
I've only had positive interactions with defcon23 involving multiple sales, adverting agreements, and escrows.
In other words: You only care about yourself and people who benefit you. Got it.

The only person I've seen verifiable evidence they are an extortionist is you.  
Which is absolute nonsense. It has been proven over and over again that defcon23 is an unstable blackmailer/extortionist, and this is confirmed by a huge variety of negative trust ratings that he has received. There is absolutely no evidence that Hellot has threatened you nor extorted you in any way. ::)

You do make a good point that proven extortionists shouldn't be trusted though...  I would pose your same question to anyone who has left you positive trust.
The person increasing the trust score of proven blackmailers should definitely be trusted. ::)

Title: Re: OGnasty has been compromised. |ID!0T|
Post by: The Sceptical Chymist on August 04, 2017, 10:18:37 AM
Then again, you trust extortionists/blackmailers such as defcon23 ( Why are you complaining about Hellot's alleged "extortion" then? ::)

I've only had positive interactions with defcon23 involving multiple sales, adverting agreements, and escrows.  The only person I've seen verifiable evidence they are an extortionist is you.  You do make a good point that proven extortionists shouldn't be trusted though...  I would pose your same question to anyone who has left you positive trust.
To me, both of you are trustworthy despite your mudslinging.   I'd have no problem using either of you for escrow or to manage a sig campaign or whatever.  Nobody here is perfect, lest we forget.

*trying to inject some love*

Title: Re: OGnasty has been compromised. |ID!0T|
Post by: Lauda on August 04, 2017, 10:23:11 AM
Blazed who is a DT member has left defcon23 positive trust twice.  Why single me out?  Even Mitchell who is a staff member here has left him positive trust.
Do you truly think that I have not complained about this? ::) Their ratings were left before defcon23 was fully exposed as the blackmailer/extortionists that he is and they have a tendency not to revoke past ratings (which is also something that I tend to complain about).

*trying to inject some love*
Rather than injecting love, how about you comment on the trust rating left on Hellot?

Title: Re: OGnasty has been compromised. |ID!0T|
Post by: The Sceptical Chymist on August 04, 2017, 10:29:52 AM
Blazed who is a DT member has left defcon23 positive trust twice.  Why single me out?  Even Mitchell who is a staff member here has left him positive trust.
Do you truly think that I have not complained about this? ::) Their ratings were left before defcon23 was fully exposed as the blackmailer/extortionists that he is and they have a tendency not to revoke past ratings (which is also something that I tend to complain about).

*trying to inject some love*
Rather than injecting love, how about you comment on the trust rating left on Hellot?
It's a little harsh, given that OGNasty is on DT, but I've also seen you be harsh as well.  I don't usually comment on DT peeps leaving such feedback out of respect.  DT members, in my opinion, should have a fairly thick skin when it comes to name calling, having scam accusations leveled at them, etc., and I do think OG's feedback here is probably unwarranted.  But you've said it repeatedly in other threads--if you don't trust someone,  you're justified in leaving a neg.  That's how our broken-ass trust system works.

Title: Re: OGnasty has been compromised. |ID!0T|
Post by: Lauda on August 04, 2017, 10:35:15 AM
It's a little harsh, given that OGNasty is on DT, but I've also seen you be harsh as well.  
That's true.

DT members, in my opinion, should have a fairly thick skin when it comes to name calling, having scam accusations leveled at them, etc., and I do think OG's feedback here is probably unwarranted.  
This thread went completely sideways, which is one of the reasons for which I did not get involved in the accusation itself.

But you've said it repeatedly in other threads--if you don't trust someone,  you're justified in leaving a neg.  That's how our broken-ass trust system works.

This is exactly the kind of abuse that I was briefly discussing in another thread (, where people try to make their rating valid/warranted by masking it with the wording "I don't trust this user" (and similar modifications).
Disclaimer: I may or may not be guilty of this myself. There are too many negative trust ratings to check. :D

Title: Re: OGnasty has been compromised. |ID!0T|
Post by: Quickseller on August 04, 2017, 11:10:57 AM
Then again, you trust extortionists/blackmailers such as defcon23 (
I find you complaining about extortion ironic considering that you are an extortionist yourself.

Title: Re: OGnasty has been compromised. |ID!0T|
Post by: TMAN on August 04, 2017, 11:16:20 AM
Then again, you trust extortionists/blackmailers such as defcon23 ( Why are you complaining about Hellot's alleged "extortion" then? ::)

I've only had positive interactions with defcon23 involving multiple sales, adverting agreements, and escrows.  The only person I've seen verifiable evidence they are an extortionist is you.  You do make a good point that proven extortionists shouldn't be trusted though...  I would pose your same question to anyone who has left you positive trust.

Blazed who is a DT member has left defcon23 positive trust twice.  Why single me out?  Even Mitchell who is a staff member here has left him positive trust.

ohhh Blazed did it so its ok?? you have used that line before OG.. man up and admit you are a prick.

Title: Re: OGnasty has been compromised. |ID!0T|
Post by: Lauda on August 04, 2017, 11:30:15 AM
I find you complaining about extortion ironic considering that you are an extortionist yourself.
You are not in any position to be judging anyone else's behavior. Unlike yourself, others tend to learn from the mistakes that they make whilst treading on the path against criminals. :-*

Title: Re: OGnasty has been compromised. |ID!0T|
Post by: minifrij on August 04, 2017, 11:39:27 AM
This is going too be a long one.

Hellot, who was in no way involved in the escrow threatened to leave me negative trust unless I broke my publicly stated escrow rules and sent funds to an unsafe address, which if I had done so we all know would have resulted in me being accused of aiding a scam and told that I owe the funds.
And? If you do this and he doesn't trust you for it, do you think that he should hold is tongue and not say so? If you can't handle people saying that they don't trust you, and showing such on a platform built for doing just that, log off the forum and turn off the computer.

So I got the escrow user's approval to refund the sending address, which I did.
You gave him the option of sending the BTC back to the sending address, or not sending the BTC anywhere. It's not like he had much of a choice.
Before you go off on one, I'm not saying you did anything wrong through doing this.

If anyone's negative deserves to be countered, it is his.
You don't seem to understand why someone would counter a negative rating. I should explain why later on in this post.

That is clear to anyone.

This is yet another example of attempted bullying via extortion (send BTC to this address or else...)
What a hard life you must lead, being constantly 'extorted' and 'attacked'.

Hellot's negative rating does not affect your trust score. This can not be said for your rating on him.
It's absolutely relevant. The whole point of countering a trust rating is that if it affects a user's trust score unjustly to the majority of users it can be undone somewhat. If for 99-100% of the forum, your trust score is untouched, there is no reason for a rating to be countered.

Ad hominem? False equivalency? Nice argument.
No, this is called explanation of a hypothesis using facts.
And it is irrelevant to the point you are trying to make. You're just looking for things to try and make your argument look better and Lauda's look worse.

Sounds like you're paranoid and making false allegations.  You are the one who has stated you counter my ratings (, not the other way around.
cough ( cough ( cough ( cough (

The only person I've seen verifiable evidence they are an extortionist is you.
And me (, and Hhampuz (, and Zepher ( Whether or not this is extortion is semantics, you have to be either lying or stupid to think that this user is trustworthy (especially in regards to the other things that he has done in the past).
If you truly care about the community like you always big yourself up to, whatever trade deals you have had with him are irrelevant.

Blazed who is a DT member has left defcon23 positive trust twice.  Why single me out?  Even Mitchell who is a staff member here has left him positive trust.
I've seen Lauda talk to people that aren't on DT (and never have been) about their trust ratings on people like defcon. Don't think that you're being singled out.

That was shorter than I was expecting.

Title: Re: OGnasty has been compromised. |ID!0T|
Post by: isoneguy on August 04, 2017, 02:04:23 PM
Hey OG

Does your last name start with an L, a C or an S?

I've got your identity narrowed down to a small group of people and I want to make sure I get the right one.

Apparently I have hyperthymesia so it's really only a matter of time.

Can I get in on the extortion payout already?  ::) I'd rather it all stayed in the shadows but that's your decision...

sigh...really I could use .25BTC though.

Title: Re: OGnasty has been compromised. |ID!0T|
Post by: Quickseller on August 04, 2017, 11:18:49 PM
Hey OG

Does your last name start with an L, a C or an S?

Has anyone else received a PM like this from isoneguy:
How does he know names?

Title: Re: OGnasty has been compromised. |ID!0T|
Post by: isoneguy on August 04, 2017, 11:37:39 PM
Hey OG

Does your last name start with an L, a C or an S?

Has anyone else received a PM like this from isoneguy:
How does he know names?

probably because 250 of those BTC are mine...better make it all 500 ;)

you know what to do: 1J58WZ948mo3QCzhpZKWuVgaYvZQ6tjiTF

also, I think I settled for one of these guys...

Title: Re: OGnasty has been compromised. |ID!0T|
Post by: The Sceptical Chymist on August 04, 2017, 11:54:21 PM
Hey OG

Does your last name start with an L, a C or an S?

I've got your identity narrowed down to a small group of people and I want to make sure I get the right one.

Apparently I have hyperthymesia so it's really only a matter of time.

Can I get in on the extortion payout already?  ::) I'd rather it all stayed in the shadows but that's your decision...

sigh...really I could use .25BTC though.
What is this, Wheel of Fortune?   I don't think OGNasty cares if you know who he is. Didn't he invite you over to his vacation home or something earlier in the thread? 

Don't know about hyperthymesia, but you've got some sort of brain affliction that there probably aren't medications for.   Personality disorders are notoriously difficult to treat.  Give this up--piss or get your ass off the bowl.  Youve already discredited yourself by accusing everyone who disagrees with you of being alts of OGNasty.  Nobody gives a shit anymore what your problems are, and if you continue to escalate your aggressive posts, you'll be banned.  Hope that happens.

Title: Re: OGnasty has been compromised. |ID!0T|
Post by: isoneguy on August 05, 2017, 12:39:20 AM

You's hard to keep all the little details correct sometimes due to the concussion :D

Title: Re: OGnasty has been compromised. |ID!0T|
Post by: actmyname on August 05, 2017, 12:55:43 AM

You's hard to keep all the little details correct sometimes due to the concussion :D
Please stop throwing a fit. Certainly, you can be more mature than half-doxing people, right? [as in, stopping it, not propelling it further]
I can understand having some frustration for the first week but it's been nearly a fortnight now. You already know what OG is going to do about the amount you want to be compensated: nothing.
I'm not affiliated with either of you and want to stay impartial but you're just being overzealous with this harassment.

Title: Re: OGnasty has been compromised. |ID!0T|
Post by: isoneguy on August 05, 2017, 01:07:57 AM

Harrassment would be me waiting under your bed until you're asleep to crawl up and stick my tongue in your nose...And maybe peel your eyelid back and lick the under of that as well.

That's harrassment.

By speaking up and not assisting me recover my funds you are acting against me.

Now that you've chosen a side...what's your name?

Also I'm torn between these two broad-heads...the one on the left looks like it would be really fun...but the one on the right is cuter.

Oh and I stopped throwing a fit days ago...this is something else.

What if what this a craaaazy chick with an air-powered crossbow.

Did you know they wouldn't let me carry it on the plane?

I had to mail it to Utah.

Damnit...I really just want to build computers. And now you've got me researching all sorts of strange things.

You can thank OG for what happens next.

Title: Re: OGnasty has been compromised. |ID!0T|
Post by: actmyname on August 05, 2017, 01:32:45 AM

Harrassment would be me waiting under your bed until you're asleep to crawl up and stick my tongue in your nose...And maybe peel your eyelid back and lick the under of that as well.

That's harrassment.
Bit extreme. I guess the word is a bit subjective between you and I.

By speaking up and not assisting me recover my funds you are acting against me.


Is screenshot evidence not sufficient enough to prove that isoneguy owns the coinbase account? If not then under what circumstances would you accept that the account has remained in the hands of the original user? (Other than contacting coinbase directly)

Now that you've chosen a side...what's your name?
You can call me Pete.

Also I'm torn between these two broad-heads...the one on the left looks like it would be really fun...but the one on the right is cuter.
They both look like pens without ink. Especially the one on the right.

Oh and I stopped throwing a fit days ago...this is something else.

What if what this a craaaazy person with an air-powered crossbow.

Did you know they wouldn't let me carry it on the plane?

I had to mail it to Utah.

Damnit...I really just want to build computers. And now you've got me researching all sorts of strange things.
Not me. You of your own volition.

Title: Re: OGnasty has been compromised. |ID!0T|
Post by: isoneguy on August 05, 2017, 01:44:39 AM
I like you Pete.

Maybe I'll let you be for now.

Title: Re: OGnasty has been compromised. |ID!0T|
Post by: TheNewAnon135246 on August 05, 2017, 05:50:00 AM
What happened to the Bitpic?

Title: Re: OGnasty has been compromised. |ID!0T|
Post by: isoneguy on August 05, 2017, 09:01:57 AM
What happened to the Bitpic?

I'm the wrong person to ask.

Title: Re: OGnasty has been compromised. |ID!0T|
Post by: isoneguy on August 06, 2017, 07:50:57 AM
What's my name ?

If you were any less gay I wouldn't think your name was Scott.

But you're the gayest black cowboy on bitcointalk...

ah hell...that even rhymes.

I'd invite you over to my friend's house but the sushi here isn't top notch.

Title: Re: OGnasty has been compromised. |ID!0T|
Post by: adamantasaurus on August 06, 2017, 08:46:39 PM
This is the proper way to do this.  You should remove the negative trust you left for people defending him because you accused them of being alts without proof.  Many people have dealt with OG and will naturally defend him.  Some hold his coins and will have a bias.  But proof is what matters and most of us will be looking at it and deciding ourselves.

YEa this same IDIOT left me negative trust for no reason I found this thread because it is in his signature... I think he is slow or has something wrong with him. How can I report this to a mod this is absurd. I looked at the negative trust he left and looks like recently he just sent a bunch of negative trust to random users...

When I asked him why he left negative feedback he replied maybe you should ask ognasty because it is his fault.... after reading just 2 posts in this thread I know hes outta his mind...

Title: Re: OGnasty has been compromised. |ID!0T|
Post by: isoneguy on August 07, 2017, 12:52:37 AM
This is the proper way to do this.  You should remove the negative trust you left for people defending him because you accused them of being alts without proof.  Many people have dealt with OG and will naturally defend him.  Some hold his coins and will have a bias.  But proof is what matters and most of us will be looking at it and deciding ourselves.

YEa this same IDIOT left me negative trust for no reason I found this thread because it is in his signature... I think he is slow or has something wrong with him. How can I report this to a mod this is absurd. I looked at the negative trust he left and looks like recently he just sent a bunch of negative trust to random users...

When I asked him why he left negative feedback he replied maybe you should ask ognasty because it is his fault.... after reading just 2 posts in this thread I know hes outta his mind...

all those users were most likely your noob alt accounts that you were trying to account farm with...good luck with that. aand please take it from the computer hardware area because there's too much trash here as it is

Title: Re: OGnasty has been compromised. |ID!0T|
Post by: adamantasaurus on August 07, 2017, 02:42:04 AM
This is the proper way to do this.  You should remove the negative trust you left for people defending him because you accused them of being alts without proof.  Many people have dealt with OG and will naturally defend him.  Some hold his coins and will have a bias.  But proof is what matters and most of us will be looking at it and deciding ourselves.

YEa this same IDIOT left me negative trust for no reason I found this thread because it is in his signature... I think he is slow or has something wrong with him. How can I report this to a mod this is absurd. I looked at the negative trust he left and looks like recently he just sent a bunch of negative trust to random users...

When I asked him why he left negative feedback he replied maybe you should ask ognasty because it is his fault.... after reading just 2 posts in this thread I know hes outta his mind...

all those users were most likely your noob alt accounts that you were trying to account farm with...good luck with that. aand please take it from the computer hardware area because there's too much trash here as it is

WTF ARE YOU TALKING ABOUT NOOB ALT ACCOUNTS I'M FARMING WITH???? WHAT IN THE ACTUAL FUCK YOUR OUT OF YOUR MIND! I have no idea what your talking about I don't even know what account farming is and I was not doing it. I joined this site in may and have had the same username ever since.... idk if your just trolling or actually believe the crap coming out of your mouth?!

Title: Re: OGnasty has been compromised. |ID!0T|
Post by: isoneguy on August 07, 2017, 03:24:30 AM

They mailed my crossbow to the wrong location in Utah.

Now I'm just waiting around in Providence...entertaining myself.

I thought about OGnasty again and punched this raccoon ( to death out of anger.

What a wonderful world we live in.

Title: Re: OGnasty has been compromised. |ID!0T|
Post by: actmyname on August 07, 2017, 03:29:11 AM

They mailed my crossbow to the wrong location in Utah.

Now I'm just waiting around in Providence...entertaining myself.

I thought about OGnasty again and punched this raccoon ( to death out of anger.

What a wonderful world we live in.

Have you considered a hobby? Maybe making wooden sculptures would be up your alley.

- Pete.

Title: Re: OGnasty has been compromised. |ID!0T|
Post by: isoneguy on August 07, 2017, 04:45:29 AM
Hey Pete hope you are well.

I had a hobby...I was building computers.

I was considering selling them here for parts but one of the trusted escrows fucked me over.

You can read all about it somewhere on the forums.

Now I have a new hobby. Ask the raccoon what he thinks of my hobby.


I could craft a wooden effigy and light it on fire, put it in someone's lawn. Maybe hang it on a cross or something.

We should hang out have good ideas.

Title: Re: OGnasty has been compromised. |ID!0T|
Post by: isoneguy on August 07, 2017, 10:17:37 AM
is that a challenge?

bet I can kill you before you can kill me type of situation?

i love a challenge

did you uh...have an address in montana? or are you all talk?

Title: Re: OGnasty has been compromised. |ID!0T|
Post by: isoneguy on August 07, 2017, 05:41:08 PM
is that a challenge?
bet I can kill you before you can kill me type of situation?
i love a challenge
did you uh...have an address in montana? or are you all talk?

If you are suggesting that you have better stealth and agility than Montana wolves and coyotes at night, then I really don't know how to respond to that.

Do you have any idea what some of us like to do "for fun", at 3am, on horseback in the middle a field, looking through night vision scopes, with your partner using thermal goggles, while protecting our herds ?

Let us say that we do not have much of a problem with predation in our area.

I'm suggesting that I can afford better military equipment than montana wolves and coyotes.

Do you have any idea what I do for fun? I used to build computers for fun but yesterday I smashed a raccoon's brains into a puddle. I always thought raccoons were clever, but it turns out they're really easy to catch.

And if we're going to be playing chess with FLIR technology...I'll make sure to go "bump" in the night.

How well do your subsonic coyote(lol) rounds pierce military plate?

Hmm, which multicam is better suited for Montana?

Also...shagging a sheep doesn't make you a cowboy.

Title: Re: OGnasty has been compromised. |ID!0T|
Post by: isoneguy on August 07, 2017, 06:50:24 PM
Also...shagging a sheep doesn't make you a cowboy.

 Get your sick mind out of the gutter.

 And they say homosexuals are degenerate...

A sheep's ass isn't much different than your brother/cousin' they don't fight much.

The weird thing is...when you penetrate a sheep they don't pull away.

They push back...or so I hear  ::)

Homoseexuality is the mildest "sin" as it occurs naturally among animals. Less frequent than rape tbh.

If you were actually trying to push boundaries instead of just drawing attention to yourself you'd have already snuck up behind a sheep with your dick out, eyes closed and thinking about your cousin.

Title: Re: OGnasty has been compromised. |ID!0T|
Post by: isoneguy on August 07, 2017, 07:13:47 PM
I'll take your word for it, weirdo.

I'm the weird one? And since when do you take anyone's word for anything?

Look down unto yourself, how are you dressed?

Would you say those colors make for a great target?

Title: Re: OGnasty has been compromised. |ID!0T|
Post by: isoneguy on August 07, 2017, 08:16:38 PM
Look down unto yourself, how are you dressed?
Would you say those colors make for a great target?

Not sure how you think I'm dressed, but no. Have you ever seen how the average cattle rancher dresses ? The only thing not average about me here in Montana is the color of my skin, but that doesn't matter to my community.

Does your community know that you're attracted to a relative?

A regular Jaime Lannister...

Just take the sheep and get it over with, your itch just needs a settlin' long has it been? Unless you're too afraid to get your "rocks" off...

And you really shouldn't be judging people without walking in their shoes...after victimizing yourself so much.

Title: Re: OGnasty has been compromised. |ID!0T|
Post by: isoneguy on August 07, 2017, 08:43:26 PM

Alright cupcake. This earns you a block, along side the Flat Earth crowd. No reasoning with you it seems.

Have a nice life, buttercup.'re not my dread pirate roberts.

please deliver the block to my bitcointalk address: 1J58WZ948mo3QCzhpZKWuVgaYvZQ6tjiTF

and thank you for your the game over? I thought we were still playing.

Alright cupcake. This earns you an ignore, and some negative rep, along side the Flat Earth crowd. No reasoning with you it seems.

Have a nice life, buttercup.

ah you're an "indian giver" now? That's worse than stealing...

Title: Re: OGnasty has been compromised. |ID!0T|
Post by: isoneguy on August 09, 2017, 08:36:32 PM
Oh good, the edge-lord is still with us.

And the problem isn't being detached from reality...on the contrast, I'm a little too attached to it. I think later on in life when we meet you'll understand why.

Look...I know what it's like to be something different on the inside than the out and at this time I wish you no ill will(irregardless to whatever social stigma you've attached yourself to), but I wonder whatever happened to that block you told me I'd won.

Does boblawblaw pay his debts...or do you renege on them?

Are you a Lannister or not...

Sticking feathers up your butt doesn't make you a chicken.

And who cares about bestiality really? I'm not one to judge...screwing a snake would be like sticking your dick in another dick that's juicy! A sort of penile enlargement if you will.

If you're in pure denial of god or whatever makes you "the gayest cowboy"...what it comes down to is do the sheep care? They push back...

In other news:

Who's missing?

Title: Re: OGnasty has been compromised. |ID!0T|
Post by: Spoetnik on August 11, 2017, 05:17:16 AM
What are you going on about?
And can you explain what it has in detail with the topic title?
So what is the deal here?
Create an inflammatory topic on a known user then use it as a spring board for attention?
Because that is all I see going on here.

But let's recap.
Nasty asked you if you wanted the money refunded to where it was sent from.. Coinbase.
You are on the record saying.. YES.
So.. What is the problem?
Didn't get your money back?
Then why didn't you create a topic on Coinbase instead then?
And what indication here we have that Nasty's account was compromised?
Reality is none.
Because you are a fucking idiot.
You have a problem because your a moron.

Instead of owning up to your stupidity you claim his account was compromised and he scammed you.

Now.. After a month you are attacking anyone on this topic dragging it on.
Is this helping your little cause against nasty?
Or.. Helping you get your money back?

I think you got your refund a long looooong time ago and have since just been acting like a little asshole on this topic just to be a vindictive little fucking pick.

You wonder why no one has any sympathy for you after reading the 12 pages on this topic?
I'll tell you.. You are an idiot  :D

Title: Re: OGnasty has been compromised. |ID!0T|
Post by: isoneguy on August 11, 2017, 05:41:31 AM
What are you going on about?
And can you explain what it has in detail with the topic title?
So what is the deal here?
Create an inflammatory topic on a known user then use it as a spring board for attention?
Because that is all I see going on here.

But let's recap.
Nasty asked you if you wanted the money refunded to where it was sent from.. Coinbase.
You are on the record saying.. YES.
So.. What is the problem?
Didn't get your money back?
Then why didn't you create a topic on Coinbase instead then?
And what indication here we have that Nasty's account was compromised?
Reality is none.
Because you are a fucking idiot.
You have a problem because your a moron.

Instead of owning up to your stupidity you claim his account was compromised and he scammed you.

Now.. After a month you are attacking anyone on this topic dragging it on.
Is this helping your little cause against nasty?
Or.. Helping you get your money back?

I think you got your refund a long looooong time ago and have since just been acting like a little asshole on this topic just to be a vindictive little fucking pick.

You wonder why no one has any sympathy for you after reading the 12 pages on this topic?
I'll tell you.. You are an idiot  :D

I'm honored by your presents.

Are you here to pay OGnasty's or BobLawBlaw's debt to me?

Oh man...I could go back to building computers. And maybe even help a person or two to get richer...who knows.

Title: Re: OGnasty has been compromised. |ID!0T|
Post by: isoneguy on August 17, 2017, 01:00:48 AM
Still waiting on coinbase.

I told him where to go, has he found anyone yet?

Title: Re: OGnasty has been compromised. |ID!0T|
Post by: isoneguy on August 17, 2017, 05:06:14 AM
What are you going on about?

I think he's in too deep planning his revenge fantasy.

The dude seems a full bubble off-level.

planning indicates premeditation.

nah, when I do things they just kind-of happen.

I mean, if for some odd reason I was standing behind you with a garrote I might use that I've thought about it I have to use a syringe or something el....damnit.

But I wouldn't obsess over the moment at all.

How does that long neck feel right now?

Title: Re: OGnasty has been compromised. |ID!0T|
Post by: isoneguy on August 21, 2017, 06:41:04 AM
Let's keep this in the eye of the public where it belongs.

Title: Re: OGnasty has been compromised. |ID!0T|
Post by: isoneguy on August 22, 2017, 02:29:18 AM

Take responsibility for your mistake and move on.

You fucked up.

Get over it.

Also, improve your attitude while you are at it, and quit being such a whiny little cunt.

I fucked up?

You wonder why no one has any sympathy for you after reading the 12 pages on this topic?
I'll tell you.. You are an idiot  :D

Kyler...why give away your position?  ;)

Fuck's my trump card:

Also, who's shirt smells like watermelons?

Title: Re: OGnasty has been compromised. |ID!0T|
Post by: Wendigo on August 22, 2017, 06:44:41 AM
Why did you send me a single emoji via a PM? I am having trouble deciphering your intentions.

Title: Re: OGnasty has been compromised. |ID!0T|
Post by: isoneguy on August 24, 2017, 01:13:30 AM
Sorry it's going to be a little while. And I think about 100gb is duplicates. I'll clean it up after awhile.

Also I need recent stuff. Don't have anything after 2013.

Title: Re: OGnasty has been compromised. |ID!0T|
Post by: Spoetnik on August 24, 2017, 07:17:54 AM
Why did you send me a single emoji via a PM? I am having trouble deciphering your intentions.

He pm'd me the name Skylar.
Not my name.

Title: Re: OGnasty has been compromised. |ID!0T|
Post by: isoneguy on August 24, 2017, 07:27:48 AM
Why did you send me a single emoji via a PM? I am having trouble deciphering your intentions.

He pm'd me the name Skylar.
Not my name.

what happened to trent did he take a pass?

Title: Re: OGnasty has been compromised. |ID!0T|
Post by: isoneguy on August 24, 2017, 03:27:50 PM
I reckon' the fella ain't right.

He's one guy, with many voices in his head, and myriad delusions of grandeur.

My delusions of grandeur are no more than yours.

I could have been a support now I'm just...yawn.

Title: Re: OGnasty has been compromised. |ID!0T|
Post by: Wendigo on August 24, 2017, 03:39:00 PM
Why did you send me a single emoji via a PM? I am having trouble deciphering your intentions.

He pm'd me the name Skylar.
Not my name.

I don't have the slightest idea what is going on here any more to be honest. He wrote to me something about my mom in a bathing suit. Go figure.

Title: Re: OGnasty has been compromised. |ID!0T|
Post by: Spoetnik on December 15, 2017, 07:53:36 AM
his brand of trolling is sub-par and does not engage my intellect.
I can't be bothered with this character.. i am not amused.
I came back here because i seen him cross posting this as the scam topic proof for OGnasty.
I have no dog in the race and do not know either party at all.
All i can see reading this is the OP is a petulant brat.

What i think happened is there was a minor oversight as to what would happen if a refund was needed.
Which obviously this sort of thing should be anticipated and plans be made.
Problem is if the OP here had tried to work with OGnasty i bet the outcome would have been more favorable.

The summary here is..
The guy here asked for a refund.
OGnasty sent it back to Coinbase.
He asked the guy if that was ok first.. he said yes.

He creates this topic titled "OGnasty has been compromised. |ID!0T|"
Now i ask anyone out there.. does that make any sense ?
Is this proof of his scam ?
Or as he called it "compromised" ?

Then he rails on relentlessly to veteran users weighing in on the issue lashing out at anyone that does not side with him or his continued verbal abuse of OGnasty (which i might add, he has kept out of it)
This topic is a summary of a weirdo that made a mistake.
It's his fault.
And instead of asking for help he chose to be a complete asshole about it.. and blame anyone but himself.
Peppered briskly with a wide variety of creative threats of physical violence.

What i vaguely find amusing is when the guy here is cornered with intelligent replies he starts PM'ing people weird seemingly random bullshit.
Like he gets bested in an argument and his response is to pull his pants down and scream and yell or something.
A pattern here is developing.. he gets his ass owned and then points the finger at others and threatens them.
A foolish habit to get into in crypto.

Let me tell this kid a story..
A guy thought it would be funny to say he killed his wife and kids on a chat room on an exchange.
The police were at his door within minutes.
True Story.. i still have the chat logs.

So feel free to shoot your mouth off all you want.
Just realize this place is not a wall to hide behind.

Title: Re: OGnasty has been compromised. |ID!0T|
Post by: 3x2 on December 15, 2017, 08:27:45 AM
Looking at the title I thought it was a new thread but when clicked upon I realised it's the same butthurt guy.
Felling bad now that this thread is still here.

Title: Re: OGnasty has been compromised. |ID!0T|
Post by: isoneguy on December 16, 2017, 03:33:53 AM
Looking at the title I thought it was a new thread but when clicked upon I realised it's the same butthurt guy.
Felling bad now that this thread is still here.

hey it's me that 'butthurt' guy, thanks for reminding me that I paid almost $5000 (and rising) to get fucked over by a bunch of people(or maybe just one loser with multiple accounts).

do you remember that guy that paid $170,000,000 for a pizza? at least he got the pizza...

lemon bars...mmmm

lemon bars...mmmm

Title: Re: OGnasty has been compromised. |ID!0T|
Post by: eoakland on December 22, 2017, 07:55:29 PM
I have no opinion on this matter, i only wanted to interject that bitch nasty is a lame and a ho fo'sho.   

Title: Re: OGnasty has been compromised. |ID!0T|
Post by: game-protect on March 19, 2018, 04:10:13 PM

should Og Be Removed from DT1 [POLL] and OG arrest record (