Bitcoin Forum

Bitcoin => Bitcoin Discussion => Topic started by: ipanks on August 21, 2017, 12:13:48 PM

Title: What opinion from people out there or people in your city about bitcoin?
Post by: ipanks on August 21, 2017, 12:13:48 PM
i am really curious about what opinion from people out there when they know from january 2017 until august 2017, bitcoin price start rising to almost $44xx if i am not wrong (maybe the highest price i know). because i see in my city, people don't care about this and they don't interesting but once i read on local newspaper, there are article that giving info about bitcoin price which is increase so high.

but in the last two days ago, i meet new person. he asked me what my activity when i am online. i tell him that i work as writer, trader, and i made money from bitcoin. first he don't believe when i say bitcoin price in the year 2015 (which i knew bitcoin for first time) is $2xx-$300 but suddenly this year, the price is jump too high and now we see the price is some around in $4xxx.

i give suggestion to him to invest his money in bitcoin but don't buy the whole bitcoin but do it like $100 for every month for 6 month and only hold it without learning anything about bitcoin, just save it. i think he is interesting but he said he need to learn to make sure about this. well actually i don't take too serious about this, if he really wants to do it, then he is a lucky guy that i've meet but if its not, then he got his choice.

so, what is happen in your places related with bitcoin? did people still don't care about bitcoin? and how about if you meet someone new and then you make conversation and you telling him that you are trying to make money from bitcoin? what he's respond?

Title: Re: What opinion from people out there or people in your city about bitcoin?
Post by: Red-Apple on August 21, 2017, 12:26:31 PM
things are the same for me to.
i can say there were a good number of people who knew about bitcoin back in 2013ish when the mining with your PC was a thing and it was very profitable but things changed and nobody knew about bitcoin anymore.

but in 2017 ever since bitcoin price crossed the $1000 threshold and because of what Japan did, many are starting to find out about it. i even see topics on other forums dedicated to discussion about bitcoin and speculation separately.

Title: Re: What opinion from people out there or people in your city about bitcoin?
Post by: dimastegar on August 21, 2017, 12:36:09 PM
In my place, maybe just some people know about bitcoin. When bitcoin prices go up because nowadays, many of my friends regret not investing at the time of BTC $ 300. And now, they start from scratch with me. Learning to seek knowledge and opportunities in the world of cryptocurrency

Title: Re: What opinion from people out there or people in your city about bitcoin?
Post by: iram3130 on August 21, 2017, 12:44:49 PM
It's definitely better than yesterday, I must say that. Bitcoin and other top cryptocurrencies are on the news frequently and people are buying more and more recently. What we need right now is merchants start accepting crypto, that'll boost the popularity.

Title: Re: What opinion from people out there or people in your city about bitcoin?
Post by: Immakillya on August 21, 2017, 12:51:38 PM
They've got nothing to say because here in my country, bitcoin is not that popular. Actually if im going to ask people in my village about bitcoin. I bet their answer is "huh? What's that?". The population here in my village is 1500. And i think only 3-5 people knows bitcoin here. Because people here are not that tech people. Real talk, only 5% of my country (Philippines) knows bitcoin.

But the grow of bitcoin is so amazing. When i joined here in this forum, the price back then was $500-$600 a piece. Now it's on $4000 a piece. For just short period of time. Who thought that bitcoin will go this far?

Title: Re: What opinion from people out there or people in your city about bitcoin?
Post by: FlightyPouch on August 21, 2017, 01:09:37 PM
With that increase, I did see many people getting triggered by these pump. Most of them bought some coins and some of them regretted that they didn't bought earlier whe  they're seeing it at $1K. Right now many are investing and some are still undecided and I don't know why.

Title: Re: What opinion from people out there or people in your city about bitcoin?
Post by: RomanPetrush on August 21, 2017, 01:11:56 PM
People started to speak about bitcoin more and more. Some webshops accepted bitcoin as payment currency. There is a lot of news on different portals about cryptocurrencies. The world is changing.

Title: Re: What opinion from people out there or people in your city about bitcoin?
Post by: Seansky on August 21, 2017, 01:17:41 PM
what is happen in your places related with bitcoin? did people still don't care about bitcoin? and how about if you meet someone new and then you make conversation and you telling him that you are trying to make money from bitcoin? what he's respond?
No one really cares about bitcoin here where I live, at least that is what one can say at first but when you look around, you can see a lot of transactions here happening everyday related to bitcoin. Many people are converting bitcoin into fiat and vice versa. No one can just see it clearly because of wallet service who offers to send you the money when you sell your bitcoin to them via many money sending outlets and banks. The same applies when one wants to buy so it. I can only tell that there is a lot because got an option to cash in to buy bitcoin via 7-11 convenience store and there is a lot of people using that service daily.

Title: Re: What opinion from people out there or people in your city about bitcoin?
Post by: okissabam on August 21, 2017, 01:36:55 PM
Aside from my family which was hesitant at first, it still is kind of the same. Not a lot of people are still into bitcoin in my area, or not that I know of. But lately my family had told me they saw on their facebook accounts posting or sharing about bitcoin so probably it is much better than a few months ago wherein people don't really believe in it at first but maybe now that a lot of people shared about it then I think they have a little knowledge of it which is great news.

Title: Re: What opinion from people out there or people in your city about bitcoin?
Post by: TIDOVEE on August 21, 2017, 01:46:35 PM
As far as I'm concerned, I don't have a worry over anyone who needs to be convinced that bitcoin is cool, as long as I know the pros and cons of it is cool enough to make life with. maybe the will catch up sooner than later.

Title: Re: What opinion from people out there or people in your city about bitcoin?
Post by: BrewMaster on August 21, 2017, 02:10:25 PM
surprisingly well actually!
i have been seeing a lot of localbitcoins activity, and also i keep seeing a lot of websites being created to act as exchanges for local currency where people can register and buy and sell their bitcoin. but the prices are not good yet, there isn't enough competition yet.
in any case the adoption is widespread.

Title: Re: What opinion from people out there or people in your city about bitcoin?
Post by: ipanks on August 21, 2017, 02:46:40 PM
what is happen in your places related with bitcoin? did people still don't care about bitcoin? and how about if you meet someone new and then you make conversation and you telling him that you are trying to make money from bitcoin? what he's respond?
No one really cares about bitcoin here where I live, at least that is what one can say at first but when you look around, you can see a lot of transactions here happening everyday related to bitcoin. Many people are converting bitcoin into fiat and vice versa. No one can just see it clearly because of wallet service who offers to send you the money when you sell your bitcoin to them via many money sending outlets and banks. The same applies when one wants to buy so it. I can only tell that there is a lot because got an option to cash in to buy bitcoin via 7-11 convenience store and there is a lot of people using that service daily.

this is what happen to me too sir. in here its only few people which know bitcoin especially if they often to online with their gadget or their computer, at least they know a little about bitcoin but they never wants to know more about bitcoin.

i am thinking that maybe they will regret when they know, i mean they know the truth, that bitcoin price is more than $10,000 and i wonder, will they need to be convinced again like before? i guess they will find me and asked me to explain to them but hey i think its a little bit too late because the price is really expensive to them. but who knows?

Title: Re: What opinion from people out there or people in your city about bitcoin?
Post by: Anfisman on August 21, 2017, 11:22:10 PM
Honestly in my place still a few people who know or care about bitcoin, I do not know why they are not interested in bitcoin, but maybe they already have their own jobs and focus to their work. However,  if they know the truth, bitcoin can make more money than what they get in their work place. And I think bitcoin is very promising at this time because its always continue to rise. I've tried to explain to them about bitcoin, some of them are interested, but most of them do not care about it.

Title: Re: What opinion from people out there or people in your city about bitcoin?
Post by: PacePay on August 21, 2017, 11:52:39 PM
As far as I'm concerned, I don't have a worry over anyone who needs to be convinced that bitcoin is cool, as long as I know the pros and cons of it is cool enough to make life with. maybe the will catch up sooner than later.
Well that was a kind of rude. Bro if you don’t care about the people to be convinced it means that you don’t care about bitcoin being popular and to get more value. Boy you must start telling people about it and try to make then ready to start using this. It not only help you but a lot of people who are using bitcoin. And there is no guarantee that they will catch it up or not. So stop being idiot and start advertising.

Title: Re: What opinion from people out there or people in your city about bitcoin?
Post by: craZyLovE0916 on August 22, 2017, 12:07:45 AM
I live in a big city where surely many people, tens of thousands are familiar with Bitcoin. There is no need to tell anyone because they will find out soon enough. Small towns, however, often lack the amount of technology big cities have and thus find out about things far later than us.

Title: Re: What opinion from people out there or people in your city about bitcoin?
Post by: ramsdaj28 on August 22, 2017, 12:17:43 AM
i am really curious about what opinion from people out there when they know from january 2017 until august 2017, bitcoin price start rising to almost $44xx if i am not wrong (maybe the highest price i know). because i see in my city, people don't care about this and they don't interesting but once i read on local newspaper, there are article that giving info about bitcoin price which is increase so high.

but in the last two days ago, i meet new person. he asked me what my activity when i am online. i tell him that i work as writer, trader, and i made money from bitcoin. first he don't believe when i say bitcoin price in the year 2015 (which i knew bitcoin for first time) is $2xx-$300 but suddenly this year, the price is jump too high and now we see the price is some around in $4xxx.

i give suggestion to him to invest his money in bitcoin but don't buy the whole bitcoin but do it like $100 for every month for 6 month and only hold it without learning anything about bitcoin, just save it. i think he is interesting but he said he need to learn to make sure about this. well actually i don't take too serious about this, if he really wants to do it, then he is a lucky guy that i've meet but if its not, then he got his choice.

so, what is happen in your places related with bitcoin? did people still don't care about bitcoin? and how about if you meet someone new and then you make conversation and you telling him that you are trying to make money from bitcoin? what he's respond?
Honestly, people in my place don't have really any idea about the truth about bitcoin. When they hear the word "BITCOIN", the first thing that they'll say is "SCAM". They are not familiar with the uses of bitcoins, instead, they only know bitcoins as scam (like ponzi and pyramiding which is spreading mostly online). They are not well informed about bitcoin's background, its benefits and uses.

Title: Re: What opinion from people out there or people in your city about bitcoin?
Post by: maku on August 22, 2017, 12:33:52 AM
so, what is happen in your places related with bitcoin? did people still don't care about bitcoin?
First of all most of people don't know what bitcoin is, never heard the word before in their lives.
I've met IT guys who work in some pretty renowned corporation and they have no idea what bitcoin is.
The problem here is that bitcoin is decentralized and not backed by any centralized company.
If bitcoin was the creation of Microsoft, Apple or Samsung we would have global marketing campaigns so huge that everyone would know exactly what BTC is after a year.

Title: Re: What opinion from people out there or people in your city about bitcoin?
Post by: Sir Cross on August 22, 2017, 12:39:56 AM
Not many people know about bitcoin from where I'm from and just like your experience, they get skeptical at first when I tell them my experience with bitcoin. I would have to show them actual proof of my earning to convince them that bitcoin is real and that it truly exists. Bitcoin is not popular in my city and some are doubtful about it.

Title: Re: What opinion from people out there or people in your city about bitcoin?
Post by: KnightElite on August 22, 2017, 12:41:17 AM
i am really curious about what opinion from people out there when they know from january 2017 until august 2017, bitcoin price start rising to almost $44xx if i am not wrong (maybe the highest price i know). because i see in my city, people don't care about this and they don't interesting but once i read on local newspaper, there are article that giving info about bitcoin price which is increase so high.

but in the last two days ago, i meet new person. he asked me what my activity when i am online. i tell him that i work as writer, trader, and i made money from bitcoin. first he don't believe when i say bitcoin price in the year 2015 (which i knew bitcoin for first time) is $2xx-$300 but suddenly this year, the price is jump too high and now we see the price is some around in $4xxx.

i give suggestion to him to invest his money in bitcoin but don't buy the whole bitcoin but do it like $100 for every month for 6 month and only hold it without learning anything about bitcoin, just save it. i think he is interesting but he said he need to learn to make sure about this. well actually i don't take too serious about this, if he really wants to do it, then he is a lucky guy that i've meet but if its not, then he got his choice.

so, what is happen in your places related with bitcoin? did people still don't care about bitcoin? and how about if you meet someone new and then you make conversation and you telling him that you are trying to make money from bitcoin? what he's respond?
Most of the people in my country are still not yet aware to what is the bitcoin. Last year I start a proposal that has a connect to the bitcoin. When I start taking survey I observed that most of the people who answer my survey questionnaires wrote the bitcoin is not true and scam.

Title: Re: What opinion from people out there or people in your city about bitcoin?
Post by: ajmapalo22 on August 22, 2017, 12:54:32 AM
When I introduce bitcoin to some of my friends their first impression was it is a scam they don’t believe that from $200 it jump to $3500 and now almost $4500 but when I show them what I earn from bitcoin in just almost 2 months they got interested and start asking me how to do it. Bitcoin will attracts more people because of the price that it has today.

Title: Re: What opinion from people out there or people in your city about bitcoin?
Post by: ipanks on August 22, 2017, 01:05:53 AM

so, what is happen in your places related with bitcoin? did people still don't care about bitcoin? and how about if you meet someone new and then you make conversation and you telling him that you are trying to make money from bitcoin? what he's respond?
Honestly, people in my place don't have really any idea about the truth about bitcoin. When they hear the word "BITCOIN", the first thing that they'll say is "SCAM". They are not familiar with the uses of bitcoins, instead, they only know bitcoins as scam (like ponzi and pyramiding which is spreading mostly online). They are not well informed about bitcoin's background, its benefits and uses.

this is happen in here too because last time i have heard about MLM with bitcoin deposit and withdraw using in their system and its only work 6 month but after that, this system is gone aka restart and until now, i never hear again. i think this will bring bad name for bitcoin itself because bitcoin is not related with anything but unfortunately, people is thinking with the wrong side.

so, what is happen in your places related with bitcoin? did people still don't care about bitcoin?
First of all most of people don't know what bitcoin is, never heard the word before in their lives.
I've met IT guys who work in some pretty renowned corporation and they have no idea what bitcoin is.
The problem here is that bitcoin is decentralized and not backed by any centralized company.
If bitcoin was the creation of Microsoft, Apple or Samsung we would have global marketing campaigns so huge that everyone would know exactly what BTC is after a year.

even for IT worker, that guy don't know about bitcoin even though he work in good corporation, i can not imagine that guy face when he know about bitcoin price. i think it needs a time before people out there know about bitcoin even for just hear and know that bitcoin giving opportunity to them to make money.

so, what is happen in your places related with bitcoin? did people still don't care about bitcoin? and how about if you meet someone new and then you make conversation and you telling him that you are trying to make money from bitcoin? what he's respond?
Most of the people in my country are still not yet aware to what is the bitcoin. Last year I start a proposal that has a connect to the bitcoin. When I start taking survey I observed that most of the people who answer my survey questionnaires wrote the bitcoin is not true and scam.

i think you can start the survey again because we can see how famous bitcoin in each our places so we can have any data to know the percentage of people which know bitcoin and don't know bitcoin.

Title: Re: What opinion from people out there or people in your city about bitcoin?
Post by: ASHLIUSZ on August 22, 2017, 01:10:05 AM
As an user stated in his quote, it's far better and growing bigger than yesterday. As the price increase keeps counting along with large retailers and several service renders into bitcoin usage the circulation of bitcoin keeps on increasing. This will create  perfect platform for usage in a simple manner same as the fiat. Around my locality there are very few who are aware about bitcoin.

Title: Re: What opinion from people out there or people in your city about bitcoin?
Post by: retnoanjani on August 22, 2017, 01:32:22 AM
I live in the village. Not many know about bitcoin here. I know bitcoin from the news portal, even in local news suggest to be careful in using bitcoin, well indicated scam he said.

Title: Re: What opinion from people out there or people in your city about bitcoin?
Post by: GeniusAko on August 22, 2017, 01:35:21 AM
When I introduce bitcoin to some of my friends their first impression was it is a scam they don’t believe that from $200 it jump to $3500 and now almost $4500 but when I show them what I earn from bitcoin in just almost 2 months they got interested and start asking me how to do it. Bitcoin will attracts more people because of the price that it has today.

we have same experienced. When I introduce bitcoin to my friend they laugh me because they say it is not true. I prove to them that the bitcoin is true and not scam. I showed to them that I earning money form the bitcoin and now they got interested to the bitcoin

Title: Re: What opinion from people out there or people in your city about bitcoin?
Post by: janedt on August 22, 2017, 01:45:21 AM

so, what is happen in your places related with bitcoin? did people still don't care about bitcoin? and how about if you meet someone new and then you make conversation and you telling him that you are trying to make money from bitcoin? what he's respond?

It's really rare here to find people that know how to use and what is bitcoin in my area here, no one care about bitcoin. Actually i ever experienced that, talk about making money from bitcoin with someone and his respond is how to do that ? how to earn that ? i do my best to explain him about bitcoin, but he still don't know and in the end he quit.

Title: Re: What opinion from people out there or people in your city about bitcoin?
Post by: budiartha on August 22, 2017, 01:56:15 AM
I know bitcoin from 2014 through some games but when the price drops I'm inactive and just re-active i in 2017, some responses of my friends around me who see me online don't believe if bitcoins can be collected and have a good investment value, some of them even Sneering didn't work and just wasted time, and in my heart I was determined to someday prove that bitcoin is something that could be an additional income.

Title: Re: What opinion from people out there or people in your city about bitcoin?
Post by: Strongkored on August 22, 2017, 02:31:13 AM
Bitcoin price increases make people very interested in Bitcoin, but some people just think of Bitcoin as an Online Business which is a ponzi scheme, and it's hard for me to convince that's Bitcoin isn't an Online Businesses, now many ponzi schemes website using Bitcoin as their payment. I'm happy some of my family members are now getting interested in Bitcoin

Title: Re: What opinion from people out there or people in your city about bitcoin?
Post by: 0t3p0t on August 22, 2017, 03:00:25 AM
i am really curious about what opinion from people out there when they know from january 2017 until august 2017, bitcoin price start rising to almost $44xx if i am not wrong (maybe the highest price i know). because i see in my city, people don't care about this and they don't interesting but once i read on local newspaper, there are article that giving info about bitcoin price which is increase so high.

but in the last two days ago, i meet new person. he asked me what my activity when i am online. i tell him that i work as writer, trader, and i made money from bitcoin. first he don't believe when i say bitcoin price in the year 2015 (which i knew bitcoin for first time) is $2xx-$300 but suddenly this year, the price is jump too high and now we see the price is some around in $4xxx.

i give suggestion to him to invest his money in bitcoin but don't buy the whole bitcoin but do it like $100 for every month for 6 month and only hold it without learning anything about bitcoin, just save it. i think he is interesting but he said he need to learn to make sure about this. well actually i don't take too serious about this, if he really wants to do it, then he is a lucky guy that i've meet but if its not, then he got his choice.

so, what is happen in your places related with bitcoin? did people still don't care about bitcoin? and how about if you meet someone new and then you make conversation and you telling him that you are trying to make money from bitcoin? what he's respond?
Here in my location I think 1% would be the Bitcoin enthusiasts and 99% are those who don't care about BTC. But as time will come I know that they will soon regret for like ignoring it since they might have seen it on social media or even streaming sites before and don't even read or try it. I did the same thing I regret for not grabbing the opportunity to invest or hold BTC on 2014 the time I've met BTC but then just ignore and just realized last May 2017 that BTC is worth holdin' and saving. If only I could turn back time. I've met my friends and told them that way but are not interested so I just told them to maybe they got interested in BTC soon.

Title: Re: What opinion from people out there or people in your city about bitcoin?
Post by: bvg96634 on August 22, 2017, 03:06:04 AM
From near to me  almost people's don't no about Bitcoin. but some one is earning Bitcoin he says that Bitcoin is one external or secondary source of earning money. It's very good source and it increases in it's value so he like the Bitcoins. This is what opinion about Bitcoin for a nearest person to me.

Title: Re: What opinion from people out there or people in your city about bitcoin?
Post by: Singbatak on August 22, 2017, 03:09:35 AM
Other people do not believe that others are interested but naughty.

I also have a lot to teach and I have an extra income that I enjoy because they are earning money now and are teaching others.
What I'm really looking forward to believing people to enter the bitcoin is to buy a home I'll see what the ability of bitcoins can afford to give us

Title: Re: What opinion from people out there or people in your city about bitcoin?
Post by: Brigalabdis on August 22, 2017, 03:14:02 AM
We have our own wallet in my country so it possible that my country agree to bitcoin.

Title: Re: What opinion from people out there or people in your city about bitcoin?
Post by: Nawaytes on August 22, 2017, 03:29:49 AM
Too much people in my city don't care about Bitcoin and cryptocurrency, they just believe in what they want to believe. In their heads bitcoin doesn't exist and it is a money game. So i don't care with them like they don't care about bitcoin, because it's like wasted a lot of my time to explain to those who are pigheaded ;)

Title: Re: What opinion from people out there or people in your city about bitcoin?
Post by: DoublerHunter on August 22, 2017, 03:32:00 AM
The people in my city are now believing in bitcoin also and they all know that bitcoin is the best opportunity as of now but before the price spikes very high they just think that bitcoin is scam but bitcoin prove them wrong and now it is turning those haters into believers and soon we are going to see a more educated people about bitcoin.

Title: Re: What opinion from people out there or people in your city about bitcoin?
Post by: rockyboy on August 22, 2017, 03:32:14 AM
My family doesn't know about it but i am expecting that someday it will be become the talk of the town in our family and even in the society. Bitcoin now is very open in the social media like in facebook, youtube and even Twitter.

Title: Re: What opinion from people out there or people in your city about bitcoin?
Post by: lombok on August 22, 2017, 03:52:03 AM
There are two opinions about bitcoin in my place. The development of bitcoin that signals make bitcoin a controversy. Some of the people say they can and some say they should not be done.

Title: Re: What opinion from people out there or people in your city about bitcoin?
Post by: ipanks on August 22, 2017, 03:59:07 AM

so, what is happen in your places related with bitcoin? did people still don't care about bitcoin? and how about if you meet someone new and then you make conversation and you telling him that you are trying to make money from bitcoin? what he's respond?

It's really rare here to find people that know how to use and what is bitcoin in my area here, no one care about bitcoin. Actually i ever experienced that, talk about making money from bitcoin with someone and his respond is how to do that ? how to earn that ? i do my best to explain him about bitcoin, but he still don't know and in the end he quit.

yeah maybe he don't understand about new technology and he only know that working in office is the right thing that he can do to make money. but he don't know that there are many thing that he can do to just earn money in online. no matter we explain to them, as they don't have passion to learn then its useless because i have the experience and he just debate me with all of his offense that this is impossible and well in that point i just say, ok then, maybe its not for you and maybe this is my way to make money and i hope we can reach what we want and reach our goals in the top.

so, what is happen in your places related with bitcoin? did people still don't care about bitcoin? and how about if you meet someone new and then you make conversation and you telling him that you are trying to make money from bitcoin? what he's respond?
Here in my location I think 1% would be the Bitcoin enthusiasts and 99% are those who don't care about BTC. But as time will come I know that they will soon regret for like ignoring it since they might have seen it on social media or even streaming sites before and don't even read or try it. I did the same thing I regret for not grabbing the opportunity to invest or hold BTC on 2014 the time I've met BTC but then just ignore and just realized last May 2017 that BTC is worth holdin' and saving. If only I could turn back time. I've met my friends and told them that way but are not interested so I just told them to maybe they got interested in BTC soon.

this is what i wish too but let the time will answer and we only do what we believe. there are many people in out there that wants and need our explain about bitcoin so they want to join with bitcoin. nothing else that i want but i only want to open their mind that to earn money, to make money or whatever it say, we can do it from offline and online.

Title: Re: What opinion from people out there or people in your city about bitcoin?
Post by: Noilee on August 22, 2017, 05:41:00 AM
I heard the opinion from the people in my city was good and positive , because they heard about bitcoin they was so interested to know about bitcoin, because people in my city needs an extra income and they want to know the idea in bitcoin. They excite when they heard bitcoin and the advantages and benefits also. Because they know bitcoin gives to them extra income and opportunity to invest. They already research and learn about bitcoin.

Title: Re: What opinion from people out there or people in your city about bitcoin?
Post by: Jaya912 on August 22, 2017, 05:59:47 AM
your experience is the same with me,, its only some people now it,, maybe not more than 10 peoples. even if i tell my friend about btc they seem not interesting.

Title: Re: What opinion from people out there or people in your city about bitcoin?
Post by: Emworks on August 22, 2017, 06:02:05 AM
I live in a place where majority of people still doubtful about the usefulness of bitcoin because of does people or community who runs a scam platform earnings thats why lot of people see it as a kind of currency that use as a meduim for ponzi scheme resulting a negative opinion over bitcoin.

Title: Re: What opinion from people out there or people in your city about bitcoin?
Post by: justdimin on August 22, 2017, 06:14:09 AM
When I introduce bitcoin to some of my friends their first impression was it is a scam they don’t believe that from $200 it jump to $3500 and now almost $4500 but when I show them what I earn from bitcoin in just almost 2 months they got interested and start asking me how to do it. Bitcoin will attracts more people because of the price that it has today.
In my country, most of them believes that Bitcoin is a powerful tech stock that will be far much better than any they’ve used.
They also believe is the best part of investment as of now. Though not much is interested in Bitcoin in my country, and I think that is causing some limits. But when many starts to use it, we will be breaking boundaries.

Title: Re: What opinion from people out there or people in your city about bitcoin?
Post by: PhucS on August 22, 2017, 06:39:17 AM
In the past, people in my place did not care too much about the world economic situation as well as the development of electronic money because most of them are farmers. Only a few have stable jobs but they are not interested in Bitcoin. I know Bitcoin for a while, I decided to tell them but it did not work. And at a time when Bitcoin prices have risen to a record high, our country media reported a lot, at which point they started curious and wanted to learn about Bitcoin. There are some people who come to me and ask about it. I feel pretty happy, Bitcoin may be even more popular thanks to its great value

Title: Re: What opinion from people out there or people in your city about bitcoin?
Post by: Simss on August 22, 2017, 06:56:34 AM
i am really curious about what opinion from people out there when they know from january 2017 until august 2017, bitcoin price start rising to almost $44xx if i am not wrong (maybe the highest price i know). because i see in my city, people don't care about this and they don't interesting but once i read on local newspaper, there are article that giving info about bitcoin price which is increase so high.

but in the last two days ago, i meet new person. he asked me what my activity when i am online. i tell him that i work as writer, trader, and i made money from bitcoin. first he don't believe when i say bitcoin price in the year 2015 (which i knew bitcoin for first time) is $2xx-$300 but suddenly this year, the price is jump too high and now we see the price is some around in $4xxx.

i give suggestion to him to invest his money in bitcoin but don't buy the whole bitcoin but do it like $100 for every month for 6 month and only hold it without learning anything about bitcoin, just save it. i think he is interesting but he said he need to learn to make sure about this. well actually i don't take too serious about this, if he really wants to do it, then he is a lucky guy that i've meet but if its not, then he got his choice.

so, what is happen in your places related with bitcoin? did people still don't care about bitcoin? and how about if you meet someone new and then you make conversation and you telling him that you are trying to make money from bitcoin? what he's respond?
They are around me many who think bitcoin is fast way to get rich, but I always tell those who think like that. Because I think in bitcoin world also we need effort and hard work.

Title: Re: What opinion from people out there or people in your city about bitcoin?
Post by: bitllionaire on August 22, 2017, 06:59:48 AM
i am really curious about what opinion from people out there when they know from january 2017 until august 2017, bitcoin price start rising to almost $44xx if i am not wrong (maybe the highest price i know). because i see in my city, people don't care about this and they don't interesting but once i read on local newspaper, there are article that giving info about bitcoin price which is increase so high.

but in the last two days ago, i meet new person. he asked me what my activity when i am online. i tell him that i work as writer, trader, and i made money from bitcoin. first he don't believe when i say bitcoin price in the year 2015 (which i knew bitcoin for first time) is $2xx-$300 but suddenly this year, the price is jump too high and now we see the price is some around in $4xxx.

i give suggestion to him to invest his money in bitcoin but don't buy the whole bitcoin but do it like $100 for every month for 6 month and only hold it without learning anything about bitcoin, just save it. i think he is interesting but he said he need to learn to make sure about this. well actually i don't take too serious about this, if he really wants to do it, then he is a lucky guy that i've meet but if its not, then he got his choice.

so, what is happen in your places related with bitcoin? did people still don't care about bitcoin? and how about if you meet someone new and then you make conversation and you telling him that you are trying to make money from bitcoin? what he's respond?
They are around me many who think bitcoin is fast way to get rich, but I always tell those who think like that. Because I think in bitcoin world also we need effort and hard work.
in my area for most of the people bitcoin is still very new and most of the people still do not know about it. although i have introduce bitcoin to most of my friends and also to my family members but still i think most of the people are unaware about bitcoin and still they need more introduction about bitcoin.

Title: Re: What opinion from people out there or people in your city about bitcoin?
Post by: ipanks on August 22, 2017, 08:03:52 AM
i am really curious about what opinion from people out there when they know from january 2017 until august 2017, bitcoin price start rising to almost $44xx if i am not wrong (maybe the highest price i know). because i see in my city, people don't care about this and they don't interesting but once i read on local newspaper, there are article that giving info about bitcoin price which is increase so high.

but in the last two days ago, i meet new person. he asked me what my activity when i am online. i tell him that i work as writer, trader, and i made money from bitcoin. first he don't believe when i say bitcoin price in the year 2015 (which i knew bitcoin for first time) is $2xx-$300 but suddenly this year, the price is jump too high and now we see the price is some around in $4xxx.

i give suggestion to him to invest his money in bitcoin but don't buy the whole bitcoin but do it like $100 for every month for 6 month and only hold it without learning anything about bitcoin, just save it. i think he is interesting but he said he need to learn to make sure about this. well actually i don't take too serious about this, if he really wants to do it, then he is a lucky guy that i've meet but if its not, then he got his choice.

so, what is happen in your places related with bitcoin? did people still don't care about bitcoin? and how about if you meet someone new and then you make conversation and you telling him that you are trying to make money from bitcoin? what he's respond?
They are around me many who think bitcoin is fast way to get rich, but I always tell those who think like that. Because I think in bitcoin world also we need effort and hard work.

many people said like this in my city especially if they are join in the MLM programs i told earlier but to be honest, i will said to them, there are no fast way to get rich except you have big money. but even if you have big money, you still need to waiting for one time period to take your profit and no one will know when the right time.

Title: Re: What opinion from people out there or people in your city about bitcoin?
Post by: gabbie2010 on August 22, 2017, 08:22:24 AM
The awareness about bitcoin in my city is nothing to write home about, it is obvious that the level of literacy is a major factor limitation, people attitudes is how to make ends meet, although I have been trying my best to educate and inform my neighborhood about bitcoin and I am convinced if other people follow suit then we will conquered our aims.

Title: Re: What opinion from people out there or people in your city about bitcoin?
Post by: emberbekas on August 22, 2017, 08:53:19 AM
People who know about the existence of bitcoin in my city are still very few. They have not given a positive response when I try to introduce them to the advantages of bitcoin compared to other types of investments.

Title: Re: What opinion from people out there or people in your city about bitcoin?
Post by: pinkpanther03 on August 23, 2017, 06:27:19 AM
People started to speak about bitcoin more and more. Some webshops accepted bitcoin as payment currency. There is a lot of news on different portals about cryptocurrencies. The world is changing.
Yes you are right mate, but even bitcoin spreading out in different places still most people had a doubt on bitcoin. Though, they heard and saw that many of their became prosper because of bitcoin they are still stagnant and no action about it. Meaning, They still don't believe into bitcoin.

Title: Re: What opinion from people out there or people in your city about bitcoin?
Post by: supandi wiharja on August 23, 2017, 08:31:37 AM
Now many people know about bitcoin because the price is exorbitant.
In place i've been a lot of people learn the knowledge about bitcoin and they think that bitcoin is very promising like gold. .
Maybe in my area, already have a lot of successful people from bitcoin so people want to follow in their footsteps, even people want to invest in bitcoin field as a future grip.

Title: Re: What opinion from people out there or people in your city about bitcoin?
Post by: Yuuto on August 23, 2017, 08:34:35 AM
i am really curious about what opinion from people out there when they know from january 2017 until august 2017, bitcoin price start rising to almost $44xx if i am not wrong (maybe the highest price i know). because i see in my city, people don't care about this and they don't interesting but once i read on local newspaper, there are article that giving info about bitcoin price which is increase so high.

but in the last two days ago, i meet new person. he asked me what my activity when i am online. i tell him that i work as writer, trader, and i made money from bitcoin. first he don't believe when i say bitcoin price in the year 2015 (which i knew bitcoin for first time) is $2xx-$300 but suddenly this year, the price is jump too high and now we see the price is some around in $4xxx.

i give suggestion to him to invest his money in bitcoin but don't buy the whole bitcoin but do it like $100 for every month for 6 month and only hold it without learning anything about bitcoin, just save it. i think he is interesting but he said he need to learn to make sure about this. well actually i don't take too serious about this, if he really wants to do it, then he is a lucky guy that i've meet but if its not, then he got his choice.

so, what is happen in your places related with bitcoin? did people still don't care about bitcoin? and how about if you meet someone new and then you make conversation and you telling him that you are trying to make money from bitcoin? what he's respond?

Well i think most of the people out there in my city are still extremely skeptical of bitcoin.

Many people, including my friends have questioned me whether bitcoin can buy anything at all. Their main concern seems to be the thing being hacked, or the owner suddenly pulling a scam, leaving bitcoin valueless.

This can't be further from the truth, really.

If you know about bitcoin, you're already extremely lucky. Good on you for aat least attempting to convince that guy to get some of his income into btc, it's going to pay off for him in the long run.

Title: Re: What opinion from people out there or people in your city about bitcoin?
Post by: nexus99 on August 23, 2017, 01:10:29 PM
People in my city are pretty much aware of Bitcoin's existence. That is probably because of the overwhelming coverage btc has been receiving in the media and overall hype

Title: Re: What opinion from people out there or people in your city about bitcoin?
Post by: richkellj on August 23, 2017, 09:12:32 PM

so, what is happen in your places related with bitcoin? did people still don't care about bitcoin? and how about if you meet someone new and then you make conversation and you telling him that you are trying to make money from bitcoin? what he's respond?
Here in my location I think 1% would be the Bitcoin enthusiasts and 99% are those who don't care about BTC. But as time will come I know that they will soon regret for like ignoring it since they might have seen it on social media or even streaming sites before and don't even read or try it. I did the same thing I regret for not grabbing the opportunity to invest or hold BTC on 2014 the time I've met BTC but then just ignore and just realized last May 2017 that BTC is worth holdin' and saving. If only I could turn back time. I've met my friends and told them that way but are not interested so I just told them to maybe they got interested in BTC soon.

this is what i wish too but let the time will answer and we only do what we believe. there are many people in out there that wants and need our explain about bitcoin so they want to join with bitcoin. nothing else that i want but i only want to open their mind that to earn money, to make money or whatever it say, we can do it from offline and online.
If people are ignorant of bitcoins even after all your efforts, then like you have already said, let the time teach them because it’s the greatest master. People around me also rarely heed my conversation but now I have changed my way a little bit and the result is improved. Actions speak louder than words.

Title: Re: What opinion from people out there or people in your city about bitcoin?
Post by: Remainder on August 24, 2017, 01:15:01 AM

so, what is happen in your places related with bitcoin? did people still don't care about bitcoin? and how about if you meet someone new and then you make conversation and you telling him that you are trying to make money from bitcoin? what he's respond?
Here in my location I think 1% would be the Bitcoin enthusiasts and 99% are those who don't care about BTC. But as time will come I know that they will soon regret for like ignoring it since they might have seen it on social media or even streaming sites before and don't even read or try it. I did the same thing I regret for not grabbing the opportunity to invest or hold BTC on 2014 the time I've met BTC but then just ignore and just realized last May 2017 that BTC is worth holdin' and saving. If only I could turn back time. I've met my friends and told them that way but are not interested so I just told them to maybe they got interested in BTC soon.

this is what i wish too but let the time will answer and we only do what we believe. there are many people in out there that wants and need our explain about bitcoin so they want to join with bitcoin. nothing else that i want but i only want to open their mind that to earn money, to make money or whatever it say, we can do it from offline and online.
If people are ignorant of bitcoins even after all your efforts, then like you have already said, let the time teach them because it’s the greatest master. People around me also rarely heed my conversation but now I have changed my way a little bit and the result is improved. Actions speak louder than words.

Yeah i'm also tired to introduce bitcoin to other people and they just don't lessen to my words! I't is really difficult when thus people is a non techie or a victim of a scam before. But I already have few friends specially my batch because they are I.T. too and they are here too earning bitcoin.

Title: Re: What opinion from people out there or people in your city about bitcoin?
Post by: kuryadi on August 24, 2017, 01:27:36 AM
In my city they ignore bitcoin .. it seems bitcoin is not so well known by all circles in my city. To the news on television about virum ramsome ware that attacks computers all over the world. They charge a bitcoin fee if they want to fix their computer. From there began to appear news about bitcoin .. to many who ask about bitcoin. And start investing bitcoin .. now in my city already many people people invest bitcoin .. they just save and do nothing.

Title: Re: What opinion from people out there or people in your city about bitcoin?
Post by: s0beit on August 24, 2017, 01:32:18 AM
Only my family believe on me but neighbors don't believe in me. Some of them want me to provide a proof of bitcoin is real or legit. But i told them that i will not force them to believe in me.

Title: Re: What opinion from people out there or people in your city about bitcoin?
Post by: ivrynx on August 24, 2017, 02:00:50 AM
Only a handful of people in my company knows about bitcoin and all of us are investors in the local stock market, our opinion with bitcoin is, it is a great investment time is just waiting for the price of bitcoin to go up, then there's also a few people outside our company their opinion is the same, they know they have made the right investment, however most of the people's opinipn here about bitcoin is that it is a scam, and where would they find an investment that gives them a huge capital gain in due time. I, sometimes get tired of people telling me that bitcoin is a scam, i just answer them back, working 8 hours 5 days a week, doing routinary activities, is more likely a scam too, be cause what you do do everyday , the same time, the same thing, the same result will alqays come out. If they realize what i just told them and what i meant i just simply stop the discussion. I always keep in mind we are entitle to our opinions, but remember opinions should have been based on facts, in order to support it.

Title: Re: What opinion from people out there or people in your city about bitcoin?
Post by: yndye on August 24, 2017, 03:50:23 AM
Only my family believe on me but neighbors don't believe in me. Some of them want me to provide a proof of bitcoin is real or legit. But i told them that i will not force them to believe in me.

Bitcoin's price sound like a scam for me as well before because who would imagine that an investment last year would become 10x value this year. One year would pass and the value of your investment jump to that amount. A person who would not research more about it would definitely say it is a scam because no other investment is like that. The normal investments as what they say would have a return of at least 10% in a year and anything that would have a return of more than 2x or more in such a short amount of time is a scam for sure. This is inculcated in their minds so I would not force someone to believe me because they miss an opportunity of a lifetime.

Title: Re: What opinion from people out there or people in your city about bitcoin?
Post by: erickkyut on August 24, 2017, 04:10:23 AM
There are only few people here in my country knew about Bitcoin but I'm happy that the number of people who knew is accumulating. Some people are now being aware of it. There are some that I know are asking me and telling me to teach them about Bitcoin. I know that someday, it will be fully accepted here in our country.

Title: Re: What opinion from people out there or people in your city about bitcoin?
Post by: ipanks on August 24, 2017, 06:31:44 AM

so, what is happen in your places related with bitcoin? did people still don't care about bitcoin? and how about if you meet someone new and then you make conversation and you telling him that you are trying to make money from bitcoin? what he's respond?
Here in my location I think 1% would be the Bitcoin enthusiasts and 99% are those who don't care about BTC. But as time will come I know that they will soon regret for like ignoring it since they might have seen it on social media or even streaming sites before and don't even read or try it. I did the same thing I regret for not grabbing the opportunity to invest or hold BTC on 2014 the time I've met BTC but then just ignore and just realized last May 2017 that BTC is worth holdin' and saving. If only I could turn back time. I've met my friends and told them that way but are not interested so I just told them to maybe they got interested in BTC soon.

this is what i wish too but let the time will answer and we only do what we believe. there are many people in out there that wants and need our explain about bitcoin so they want to join with bitcoin. nothing else that i want but i only want to open their mind that to earn money, to make money or whatever it say, we can do it from offline and online.
If people are ignorant of bitcoins even after all your efforts, then like you have already said, let the time teach them because it’s the greatest master. People around me also rarely heed my conversation but now I have changed my way a little bit and the result is improved. Actions speak louder than words.

that's right, now i don't give any explain to them again and i let them to decide, to join with bitcoin or not is their decision and i don't want to push them because it will not work and its no use. its better for us to stay focus with bitcoin and if they need something about bitcoin, if we can, then we can help them and if its not, let they search by their own.

but i am not stop to spread about bitcoin but with action of course like you said and now i think i have a group of friend which have one purpose for spreading bitcoin in our city and if any people need help about bitcoin, we can help them.

Title: Re: What opinion from people out there or people in your city about bitcoin?
Post by: kelseydustin on August 24, 2017, 06:47:50 AM
I live in a small country which is still underdeveloped and I do not think that most of them care about bitcoin. The people are still not very rich and they are always stolen money by many kinds of people - cops, scammers, government, etc. Therefore, they lose hope to life and most of the them do not trust bitcoin. Only people who love technology know about bitcoin

Title: Re: What opinion from people out there or people in your city about bitcoin?
Post by: timerland on August 24, 2017, 10:43:18 AM
i am really curious about what opinion from people out there when they know from january 2017 until august 2017, bitcoin price start rising to almost $44xx if i am not wrong (maybe the highest price i know). because i see in my city, people don't care about this and they don't interesting but once i read on local newspaper, there are article that giving info about bitcoin price which is increase so high.

but in the last two days ago, i meet new person. he asked me what my activity when i am online. i tell him that i work as writer, trader, and i made money from bitcoin. first he don't believe when i say bitcoin price in the year 2015 (which i knew bitcoin for first time) is $2xx-$300 but suddenly this year, the price is jump too high and now we see the price is some around in $4xxx.

i give suggestion to him to invest his money in bitcoin but don't buy the whole bitcoin but do it like $100 for every month for 6 month and only hold it without learning anything about bitcoin, just save it. i think he is interesting but he said he need to learn to make sure about this. well actually i don't take too serious about this, if he really wants to do it, then he is a lucky guy that i've meet but if its not, then he got his choice.

so, what is happen in your places related with bitcoin? did people still don't care about bitcoin? and how about if you meet someone new and then you make conversation and you telling him that you are trying to make money from bitcoin? what he's respond?

It seems to me that a lot of people are still relatively ignorant when it comes to bitcoin.

They either think that it is a ponzi scheme of some sort, or a bubble(which they are correct to some degree but they think that bitcoin price is inflated no matter what, even if it was at $100 apiece).

But the recurring theme seems to be ignorance, and/or just "i dunno anything about bitcoin".

Don't try to force feed the idea to them, it's their loss for not listening to you. In the end, these are the same people that will invest in bitcoin to hedge against inflation and use it as a currency, and people who held their bitcoins before them will benefit from the surge in demand.

Title: Re: What opinion from people out there or people in your city about bitcoin?
Post by: cantstopthebeat on August 24, 2017, 10:55:49 AM
The large percentage of people still believe it is a scam mostly because they dont see the benefits and wont take the time to actually look into it.

Title: Re: What opinion from people out there or people in your city about bitcoin?
Post by: LodisMcguire on August 24, 2017, 11:02:02 AM
There is a few people who care about bitcoin in my city,and those who doesn't care about bitcoin is only believe to earn money from "real" work like serving government or a worker in some company.But that's their problem by being such a hard headed and i just leave them alone

Title: Re: What opinion from people out there or people in your city about bitcoin?
Post by: A1exander on August 24, 2017, 11:22:08 AM
Most of the people in the city where I live never heard about bitcoins. I'm a software developer and have heard a conversation about bitcoins among my colleagues, but almost anyone outside the IT is completely ignorant about it.

Title: Re: What opinion from people out there or people in your city about bitcoin?
Post by: ipanks on August 24, 2017, 11:49:15 PM
i am really curious about what opinion from people out there when they know from january 2017 until august 2017, bitcoin price start rising to almost $44xx if i am not wrong (maybe the highest price i know). because i see in my city, people don't care about this and they don't interesting but once i read on local newspaper, there are article that giving info about bitcoin price which is increase so high.

but in the last two days ago, i meet new person. he asked me what my activity when i am online. i tell him that i work as writer, trader, and i made money from bitcoin. first he don't believe when i say bitcoin price in the year 2015 (which i knew bitcoin for first time) is $2xx-$300 but suddenly this year, the price is jump too high and now we see the price is some around in $4xxx.

i give suggestion to him to invest his money in bitcoin but don't buy the whole bitcoin but do it like $100 for every month for 6 month and only hold it without learning anything about bitcoin, just save it. i think he is interesting but he said he need to learn to make sure about this. well actually i don't take too serious about this, if he really wants to do it, then he is a lucky guy that i've meet but if its not, then he got his choice.

so, what is happen in your places related with bitcoin? did people still don't care about bitcoin? and how about if you meet someone new and then you make conversation and you telling him that you are trying to make money from bitcoin? what he's respond?

It seems to me that a lot of people are still relatively ignorant when it comes to bitcoin.

They either think that it is a ponzi scheme of some sort, or a bubble(which they are correct to some degree but they think that bitcoin price is inflated no matter what, even if it was at $100 apiece).

But the recurring theme seems to be ignorance, and/or just "i dunno anything about bitcoin".

Don't try to force feed the idea to them, it's their loss for not listening to you. In the end, these are the same people that will invest in bitcoin to hedge against inflation and use it as a currency, and people who held their bitcoins before them will benefit from the surge in demand.

yeah i will not force them to follow my way, its their decision but i bet that if somehow bitcoin price is jump to the moon and reach the highest price in this year and they know by their own, they will regret and they can not buy even for small part of bitcoin.

i think its because the bad news from people which is not responsible in bitcoin, for example, like you said, they made ponzi scheme programs, after they got money from their members, they run away and their member is thinking that the owner and bitcoin is related but actually it is not.

if this is continue happen then i think the government will not allow bitcoin to be use for payment and they will forbid people to use bitcoin and maybe they will banned bitcoin from their country. i wish that in future, there will be enlightenment for people so they know about the truth of bitcoin and maybe it is like courses which giving a lesson about bitcoin.

Title: Re: What opinion from people out there or people in your city about bitcoin?
Post by: calandra78 on August 25, 2017, 03:59:47 AM
I live in the village. Not many know about bitcoin here. I know bitcoin from the news portal, even in local news suggest to be careful in using bitcoin, well indicated scam he said.
I think too much is yet unknown bitcoin by people even though it was in a village or in a city. because I just heard from the mouth of my brother. According to him it is very useful for him bitcoin and can help their economy and can overcome all their monthly payment. and also very profitable bitcoin for them because they get extra income simply by filling in their spare time to participate in the bitcoin.

Title: Re: What opinion from people out there or people in your city about bitcoin?
Post by: streazight on August 27, 2017, 08:32:47 PM
There are only few people here in my country knew about Bitcoin but I'm happy that the number of people who knew is accumulating. Some people are now being aware of it. There are some that I know are asking me and telling me to teach them about Bitcoin. I know that someday, it will be fully accepted here in our country.
I live in a developing country. I do not know whether many people know about crypto currencies or not, but in my social circle, majority is aware of bitcoins and they also earn them. One thing that I am sure about is the number of its user is increasing gradually even, if the pace is slow. However, government and banks are still silent on this topic.

Title: Re: What opinion from people out there or people in your city about bitcoin?
Post by: klarki on August 27, 2017, 08:50:40 PM
Is it so important?
In my city, 90% of people do not know about bitcoins.

Title: Re: What opinion from people out there or people in your city about bitcoin?
Post by: sj2199 on August 27, 2017, 08:52:32 PM
I am not sure whether in my city anyone knows about bitcoins or not as none of them spoke anything about it yet and nor anyone asked me about bitcoins and when I told people about bitcoins they said they don't anything about it and are hearing this word for the first time so I think in my city or in my area I am the only one who knows about bitcoins.

Title: Re: What opinion from people out there or people in your city about bitcoin?
Post by: Valentina N on August 27, 2017, 08:57:24 PM
i am really curious about what opinion from people out there when they know from january 2017 until august 2017, bitcoin price start rising to almost $44xx if i am not wrong (maybe the highest price i know). because i see in my city, people don't care about this and they don't interesting but once i read on local newspaper, there are article that giving info about bitcoin price which is increase so high.

but in the last two days ago, i meet new person. he asked me what my activity when i am online. i tell him that i work as writer, trader, and i made money from bitcoin. first he don't believe when i say bitcoin price in the year 2015 (which i knew bitcoin for first time) is $2xx-$300 but suddenly this year, the price is jump too high and now we see the price is some around in $4xxx.

i give suggestion to him to invest his money in bitcoin but don't buy the whole bitcoin but do it like $100 for every month for 6 month and only hold it without learning anything about bitcoin, just save it. i think he is interesting but he said he need to learn to make sure about this. well actually i don't take too serious about this, if he really wants to do it, then he is a lucky guy that i've meet but if its not, then he got his choice.

so, what is happen in your places related with bitcoin? did people still don't care about bitcoin? and how about if you meet someone new and then you make conversation and you telling him that you are trying to make money from bitcoin? what he's respond?
Nobody in my country have no idea about cryptocurrency, fork, bitcoin talk or bounty. Ok, better to say 99% don't know about. So I think  it is  good market for development and let all people know about this. People in my country will think that I am crazy and reaction wili be reaction will be unpredictable.

Title: Re: What opinion from people out there or people in your city about bitcoin?
Post by: Drnice on August 27, 2017, 09:09:04 PM
I can't boost of five to ten people whom has given me any positive response to the information I gave to them, they always think and say it is not a way of getting what they want at the time they want it. So, due to their negative thoughts and ideas they bring it makes me borther myself on talking to people who are not interested.

Title: Re: What opinion from people out there or people in your city about bitcoin?
Post by: buharikx31 on August 27, 2017, 09:19:26 PM
I think in my city people only understand that bitcoin have a high value right now and it's even hard to find a person who knows what is bitcoin. People are scared about new techonolgies and investment to cryptocurrencies, that barrier should be crossed by giving a people better payment and there will think about investing in token

Title: Re: What opinion from people out there or people in your city about bitcoin?
Post by: futile-resistance on August 28, 2017, 10:24:22 AM
i am really curious about what opinion from people out there when they know from january 2017 until august 2017, bitcoin price start rising to almost $44xx if i am not wrong (maybe the highest price i know). because i see in my city, people don't care about this and they don't interesting but once i read on local newspaper, there are article that giving info about bitcoin price which is increase so high.

but in the last two days ago, i meet new person. he asked me what my activity when i am online. i tell him that i work as writer, trader, and i made money from bitcoin. first he don't believe when i say bitcoin price in the year 2015 (which i knew bitcoin for first time) is $2xx-$300 but suddenly this year, the price is jump too high and now we see the price is some around in $4xxx.

i give suggestion to him to invest his money in bitcoin but don't buy the whole bitcoin but do it like $100 for every month for 6 month and only hold it without learning anything about bitcoin, just save it. i think he is interesting but he said he need to learn to make sure about this. well actually i don't take too serious about this, if he really wants to do it, then he is a lucky guy that i've meet but if its not, then he got his choice.

so, what is happen in your places related with bitcoin? did people still don't care about bitcoin? and how about if you meet someone new and then you make conversation and you telling him that you are trying to make money from bitcoin? what he's respond?

Well i think most of the people out there in my city are still extremely skeptical of bitcoin.

Many people, including my friends have questioned me whether bitcoin can buy anything at all. Their main concern seems to be the thing being hacked, or the owner suddenly pulling a scam, leaving bitcoin valueless.

This can't be further from the truth, really.

If you know about bitcoin, you're already extremely lucky. Good on you for aat least attempting to convince that guy to get some of his income into btc, it's going to pay off for him in the long run.
Yes, skeptical, that’s how they feel. Most of the people I meet always feel like Bitcoin is a very risky investment, therefore they shouldn’t get into it and other similar stocks. Not everyone thinks the same, there are also people who thinks it’s the best stock, and are rushing into it as long as they have the opportunity.

Title: Re: What opinion from people out there or people in your city about bitcoin?
Post by: Hexah on August 28, 2017, 11:13:05 AM
i am really curious about what opinion from people out there when they know from january 2017 until august 2017, bitcoin price start rising to almost $44xx if i am not wrong (maybe the highest price i know). because i see in my city, people don't care about this and they don't interesting but once i read on local newspaper, there are article that giving info about bitcoin price which is increase so high.

but in the last two days ago, i meet new person. he asked me what my activity when i am online. i tell him that i work as writer, trader, and i made money from bitcoin. first he don't believe when i say bitcoin price in the year 2015 (which i knew bitcoin for first time) is $2xx-$300 but suddenly this year, the price is jump too high and now we see the price is some around in $4xxx.

i give suggestion to him to invest his money in bitcoin but don't buy the whole bitcoin but do it like $100 for every month for 6 month and only hold it without learning anything about bitcoin, just save it. i think he is interesting but he said he need to learn to make sure about this. well actually i don't take too serious about this, if he really wants to do it, then he is a lucky guy that i've meet but if its not, then he got his choice.

so, what is happen in your places related with bitcoin? did people still don't care about bitcoin? and how about if you meet someone new and then you make conversation and you telling him that you are trying to make money from bitcoin? what he's respond?
 It just like in my city but I don't think they're interested about it. A few people only ask me about it even if they know that I have bitcoin and I work for bitcoin. Maybe next year if the value of bitcoin will go higher and higher and it will be really popular in my country I would expect that they would ask me about it.

Title: Re: What opinion from people out there or people in your city about bitcoin?
Post by: mobilezz on August 28, 2017, 12:11:57 PM
In my city very few people know about bitcoin and many are just still afraid to use it. Bitcoin still does not inspire confidence in many people and they are not in a hurry to study information about it.

Title: Re: What opinion from people out there or people in your city about bitcoin?
Post by: yadi cihuy on August 28, 2017, 12:20:46 PM
mostly in my area they know bitcoin and some of them are investing bitcoin .. some others they are doubting bitcoin because they think just throw money away. For those who invest bitcoin .. they know from the internet world .. because many on local television that preach about the advantages of investing bitcoin. now they benefit from bitcoin results .. they realize that bitcoin is a good investment. And very profitable

Title: Re: What opinion from people out there or people in your city about bitcoin?
Post by: BingoDog on August 28, 2017, 12:21:27 PM
I live in a small city where many people are still traditional and many of them have never heard of bitcoin. Those who have heard often think that bitcoin is something illegal and made for criminal activities. Unfortunately, this is not the story only in my town but probably in many of them all around the world. I think that bitcoin is still not promoted enough and in many cases is limited to highly educated people in large cities.

Title: Re: What opinion from people out there or people in your city about bitcoin?
Post by: TheBTCAlex on August 28, 2017, 12:25:13 PM
Lol, in my city or even to be fair, in most of my state, people either really are ignorant about BTC, don't know about it or think that BTC itself is some fraud/ponzi scheme and are afraid to even touch it. I think the illegal activities associated with BTC in the past have made them think that BTC is illegal. They are too traditional to even think to adopt the concept.

Title: Re: What opinion from people out there or people in your city about bitcoin?
Post by: Glorypaasa on August 28, 2017, 12:31:16 PM
i am really curious about what opinion from people out there when they know from january 2017 until august 2017, bitcoin price start rising to almost $44xx if i am not wrong (maybe the highest price i know). because i see in my city, people don't care about this and they don't interesting but once i read on local newspaper, there are article that giving info about bitcoin price which is increase so high.

but in the last two days ago, i meet new person. he asked me what my activity when i am online. i tell him that i work as writer, trader, and i made money from bitcoin. first he don't believe when i say bitcoin price in the year 2015 (which i knew bitcoin for first time) is $2xx-$300 but suddenly this year, the price is jump too high and now we see the price is some around in $4xxx.

i give suggestion to him to invest his money in bitcoin but don't buy the whole bitcoin but do it like $100 for every month for 6 month and only hold it without learning anything about bitcoin, just save it. i think he is interesting but he said he need to learn to make sure about this. well actually i don't take too serious about this, if he really wants to do it, then he is a lucky guy that i've meet but if its not, then he got his choice.

so, what is happen in your places related with bitcoin? did people still don't care about bitcoin? and how about if you meet someone new and then you make conversation and you telling him that you are trying to make money from bitcoin? what he's respond?

It seems to me that a lot of people are still relatively ignorant when it comes to bitcoin.

They either think that it is a ponzi scheme of some sort, or a bubble(which they are correct to some degree but they think that bitcoin price is inflated no matter what, even if it was at $100 apiece).

But the recurring theme seems to be ignorance, and/or just "i dunno anything about bitcoin".

Don't try to force feed the idea to them, it's their loss for not listening to you. In the end, these are the same people that will invest in bitcoin to hedge against inflation and use it as a currency, and people who held their bitcoins before them will benefit from the surge in demand.
In our city many people dont know about bitcoin becuase bitcoin not popular to our city. But many of my friends dont believe to me that bitcoin is the answeer to people poorness not totally answer to poorness  but it will give us a extra income to buy anything and to pay any bills . But its okay if they didnt believe to me someday they will realize that they are wrong.

Title: Re: What opinion from people out there or people in your city about bitcoin?
Post by: Cobalt9317 on August 28, 2017, 12:35:39 PM
They think that BTC is just a scam, no one understand bitcoin with my friends only me understand the benefits of BTC with my life I can pay my bills in an instant, alternatively I can load any account with my BTC the company exchange I am using was accepting BTC as a payments.
but with don't know the future holds they maybe understand the simplicity of it in the future.

Title: Re: What opinion from people out there or people in your city about bitcoin?
Post by: hachiman13 on August 28, 2017, 12:50:23 PM
My friends and I practically went nuts when we heard the price of bitcoin increased so much from the past year that we regularly talk about bitcoins when were hanging out. Although that's just from my circle of friends in my community however, they don't give a damn.  Probably because of bitcoin's bad reputation for being used for illegal transactions that's hindering them from learning it.

Title: Re: What opinion from people out there or people in your city about bitcoin?
Post by: ocid on August 28, 2017, 12:54:08 PM
Yes, most people around me do not care about the existence of bitcoin, even though they know the bitcoin price from january 2017 until now but they still do not believe in bitcoin. Most people think that bitcoin is like gambling, that's what makes so many people around me ignore bitcoin.

Title: Re: What opinion from people out there or people in your city about bitcoin?
Post by: machinek20 on August 28, 2017, 12:54:46 PM
Bitcoin is not too popular in my city, after the ransomware there are some of my friends asking about bitcoin, but once the news past, nothing much had change, some of my friends regret not to invest in bitcoin, but when I asked them to invest now, they said it is too expensive and they said the price will hard to go up again

Title: Re: What opinion from people out there or people in your city about bitcoin?
Post by: grumpygit on August 28, 2017, 01:06:08 PM
i am really curious about what opinion from people out there when they know from january 2017 until august 2017, bitcoin price start rising to almost $44xx if i am not wrong (maybe the highest price i know). because i see in my city, people don't care about this and they don't interesting but once i read on local newspaper, there are article that giving info about bitcoin price which is increase so high.

but in the last two days ago, i meet new person. he asked me what my activity when i am online. i tell him that i work as writer, trader, and i made money from bitcoin. first he don't believe when i say bitcoin price in the year 2015 (which i knew bitcoin for first time) is $2xx-$300 but suddenly this year, the price is jump too high and now we see the price is some around in $4xxx.

i give suggestion to him to invest his money in bitcoin but don't buy the whole bitcoin but do it like $100 for every month for 6 month and only hold it without learning anything about bitcoin, just save it. i think he is interesting but he said he need to learn to make sure about this. well actually i don't take too serious about this, if he really wants to do it, then he is a lucky guy that i've meet but if its not, then he got his choice.

so, what is happen in your places related with bitcoin? did people still don't care about bitcoin? and how about if you meet someone new and then you make conversation and you telling him that you are trying to make money from bitcoin? what he's respond?

This is a great question..

prior to buying my bitcoin I asked as many people as I could about what they knew about it. The vast majority have heard nothing about it and a small minority have heard a little and of those who have heard of it and without any logical reasoned argument "just don't like or trust it" based on nothing, I used to be one of those people I might add  :)

So on the basis of that one bit of research I have invested in bitcoin, the mainstream will jumo in if this starts to go £10,000 upwards and when people find out the good this currency can do. Also there are so many anti banking people out there, I am sure they would buy just to bring the banks down :)

Title: Re: What opinion from people out there or people in your city about bitcoin?
Post by: stepwilli on August 28, 2017, 03:09:38 PM
I live in the village. Not many know about bitcoin here. I know bitcoin from the news portal, even in local news suggest to be careful in using bitcoin, well indicated scam he said.
I think too much is yet unknown bitcoin by people even though it was in a village or in a city. because I just heard from the mouth of my brother. According to him it is very useful for him bitcoin and can help their economy and can overcome all their monthly payment. and also very profitable bitcoin for them because they get extra income simply by filling in their spare time to participate in the bitcoin.
Bitcoin itself is not a scam but there are scammers who will try to dodge people and snatch digital gold under their noses. Your brother is right about bitcoins. It seems to me he has a good grip over this technology or at least its benefits and miracles. Bitcoins is a savior.

Title: Re: What opinion from people out there or people in your city about bitcoin?
Post by: bearexin on September 11, 2017, 08:34:50 AM
i am really curious about what opinion from people out there when they know from january 2017 until august 2017, bitcoin price start rising to almost $44xx if i am not wrong (maybe the highest price i know). because i see in my city, people don't care about this and they don't interesting but once i read on local newspaper, there are article that giving info about bitcoin price which is increase so high.

but in the last two days ago, i meet new person. he asked me what my activity when i am online. i tell him that i work as writer, trader, and i made money from bitcoin. first he don't believe when i say bitcoin price in the year 2015 (which i knew bitcoin for first time) is $2xx-$300 but suddenly this year, the price is jump too high and now we see the price is some around in $4xxx.

i give suggestion to him to invest his money in bitcoin but don't buy the whole bitcoin but do it like $100 for every month for 6 month and only hold it without learning anything about bitcoin, just save it. i think he is interesting but he said he need to learn to make sure about this. well actually i don't take too serious about this, if he really wants to do it, then he is a lucky guy that i've meet but if its not, then he got his choice.

so, what is happen in your places related with bitcoin? did people still don't care about bitcoin? and how about if you meet someone new and then you make conversation and you telling him that you are trying to make money from bitcoin? what he's respond?
The people in my city I would say mostly prefer face to face transactions, even the idea of using Cashless terminals like POS, Credit Card payments does not seem to be a welcome idea here, if sensitization is done it might change.

Title: Re: What opinion from people out there or people in your city about bitcoin?
Post by: babarian on September 11, 2017, 09:00:01 AM
the opinions of the people outside there must be different, those who first recognize bitcoin must ask, is it true bitcoin can be profitable? or even few who assume that bitcoin is not true even considered fraud, but once they know more deeply and benefit from bitcoin they just realized that bitcoin is indeed beneficial

Title: Re: What opinion from people out there or people in your city about bitcoin?
Post by: Hasbro27 on September 11, 2017, 09:26:07 AM
most people in my city still do not know what bitcoin is right? most of them beer think that bitcoin is coin in the form of gold. because of limited information so they do not know what bitcoin is

Title: Re: What opinion from people out there or people in your city about bitcoin?
Post by: Gerharde on October 08, 2017, 11:45:04 AM
What I can tell right now is currently the opinion of people about bitcoin is divided into three groups, one is the group of people who don’t know anything about bitcoins, the group of people who knows bitcoins but don’t trust bitcoin and the group of people who supports bitcoin. As of now there is are still quite a lot of people who don’t know or even heard about bitcoins but what I can see right now is its gaining more support and popularity to the people.

Title: Re: What opinion from people out there or people in your city about bitcoin?
Post by: loremz on October 31, 2017, 05:10:42 AM
but the grow of bitcoin is so amazing. When i joined here in this forum, the price back then was $500-$600 a piece.

Title: Re: What opinion from people out there or people in your city about bitcoin?
Post by: Swenna on October 31, 2017, 05:49:15 AM
In my city/country, there are limited people who even know bitcoin exists. Sadly, even some of those people, view and accused bitcoin as some sort of scam. There are times that my friends in social media about the posts I've sharing a lot (social media campaign) I will gladly answer their question but in the end, most of them won't believe me. Some of them even say that bitcoin is illegal and they worry that there will be a time that I'll be caught and tracked by the police. Funny as it may sound but in my city and in my family, they view bitcoin as some sort of dirty money related to the black market. 

Title: Re: What opinion from people out there or people in your city about bitcoin?
Post by: siti25 on October 31, 2017, 05:54:12 AM
There are many bitcoin users here but still more people who do not know the bitcoin. My friend knew about bitcoin but they were not interested in bitcoin. They see bitcoin as a matter of course, nothing special. They say it's better to do something fun than to go to bitcoin. But there are also who have an interest with bitcoin but not yet try,

Title: Re: What opinion from people out there or people in your city about bitcoin?
Post by: Pinoccio11 on October 31, 2017, 05:54:35 AM
In my city, only young people do this and only less than half, the other is either not interested in this way of income or simply does not have enough time. But as I look with the fact that the government and not rush to legitimize all this, respectively, and the interest disappears more quickly.

Title: Re: What opinion from people out there or people in your city about bitcoin?
Post by: eann014 on October 31, 2017, 06:00:43 AM
Still a lot of people doesn't believe in a potential of bitcoin, they are not interested in it because in my opinion, they don't really know what exactly bitcoin is, they are thinking that bitcoin is just a scam of anything. They think it is just like networking like pyramiding which is not. If they don't open their doors into bitcoin they are just missing a lot of opportunities for them.

Title: Re: What opinion from people out there or people in your city about bitcoin?
Post by: Burks on October 31, 2017, 06:17:07 AM
Still a lot of people doesn't believe in a potential of bitcoin, they are not interested in it because in my opinion, they don't really know what exactly bitcoin is, they are thinking that bitcoin is just a scam of anything. They think it is just like networking like pyramiding which is not. If they don't open their doors into bitcoin they are just missing a lot of opportunities for them.

The same situation happening in my city too still many of them don't know what is bitcoin and some people tell it is a scam so don't lose your money.But i understand the potential of bitcoin from the forum and bitcoin changed my life a lot better it gives me high earnings which i can't be earned in other ways.

Title: Re: What opinion from people out there or people in your city about bitcoin?
Post by: thesmallgod on October 31, 2017, 06:32:15 AM
In my place alot of people find it difficult to believe how money can grow very fast like that. many of them doesnt even want to hear anything that have to do with internet money. many believe it is scam so convincing them to invest in BTC is hard. I have had series of funny questions like "what if I invest my money and cannot logging to my wallet again after some weeks", " what is making the BTC to grow like that" etc. only few understand well what BTC is all about. especially those one that are familiar with other digital currencies

Title: Re: What opinion from people out there or people in your city about bitcoin?
Post by: Latviand on October 31, 2017, 06:37:39 AM
i am really curious about what opinion from people out there when they know from january 2017 until august 2017, bitcoin price start rising to almost $44xx if i am not wrong (maybe the highest price i know). because i see in my city, people don't care about this and they don't interesting but once i read on local newspaper, there are article that giving info about bitcoin price which is increase so high.

but in the last two days ago, i meet new person. he asked me what my activity when i am online. i tell him that i work as writer, trader, and i made money from bitcoin. first he don't believe when i say bitcoin price in the year 2015 (which i knew bitcoin for first time) is $2xx-$300 but suddenly this year, the price is jump too high and now we see the price is some around in $4xxx.

i give suggestion to him to invest his money in bitcoin but don't buy the whole bitcoin but do it like $100 for every month for 6 month and only hold it without learning anything about bitcoin, just save it. i think he is interesting but he said he need to learn to make sure about this. well actually i don't take too serious about this, if he really wants to do it, then he is a lucky guy that i've meet but if its not, then he got his choice.

so, what is happen in your places related with bitcoin? did people still don't care about bitcoin? and how about if you meet someone new and then you make conversation and you telling him that you are trying to make money from bitcoin? what he's respond?
Its quite difficult in the topic like that. Because we know that's there's some country who cant accept bitcoin.but in my country. Everytime i do my work in the bitcointalk and when i say about the bitcoin they really care because they see inghe advertisemet in other site but in the end they don't get interested because they think its only a scam and not a true.

Title: Re: What opinion from people out there or people in your city about bitcoin?
Post by: Geemy on October 31, 2017, 07:16:29 AM
This is very different, some believe, others are didn't believe
But when bitcoin go up,  wants to learn more :D

Title: Re: What opinion from people out there or people in your city about bitcoin?
Post by: ghost07 on October 31, 2017, 07:22:34 AM
Here in the philippines bitcoin is a scam thing now because of the fake news. Some people go invest then when they scam by tge other or the developer they report it. Thats why bitcoin has negative eyesight in our country.

Title: Re: What opinion from people out there or people in your city about bitcoin?
Post by: joanshu on October 31, 2017, 07:28:01 AM
There are some users from my location but there are a lot of in my region who has no idea on what bitcoins are even  if a discussion come up they will think as online fraud.

Title: Re: What opinion from people out there or people in your city about bitcoin?
Post by: ICOGuide on October 31, 2017, 07:28:20 AM
Tons of speculation

Title: Re: What opinion from people out there or people in your city about bitcoin?
Post by: bitsnkes on October 31, 2017, 07:29:03 AM
I live in kolkata ,here 99% people donot know about bitcoin.
And among who know bitcoin donot trust on this.
People are biased here cause the technical aspect of bitcoin is very hard to understand and max have no brains.

Title: Re: What opinion from people out there or people in your city about bitcoin?
Post by: Aizhen05 on October 31, 2017, 07:36:24 AM
Still a lot of people doesn't believe in a potential of bitcoin, they are not interested in it because in my opinion, they don't really know what exactly bitcoin is, they are thinking that bitcoin is just a scam of anything. They think it is just like networking like pyramiding which is not. If they don't open their doors into bitcoin they are just missing a lot of opportunities for them.

The same situation happening in my city too still many of them don't know what is bitcoin and some people tell it is a scam so don't lose your money.But i understand the potential of bitcoin from the forum and bitcoin changed my life a lot better it gives me high earnings which i can't be earned in other ways.

We cant get off with them the possibility that they might think that this currency is a scam because just like what happen to us believe it or not we think at first that this is a scam but when we already knkw the truth that this is not totally scam that you can loose a lot of money but it is depends on you but the truth is we can change our life here and get more profit if we have the patience.

Title: Re: What opinion from people out there or people in your city about bitcoin?
Post by: danggoron on October 31, 2017, 07:45:39 AM
Still a lot of people doesn't believe in a potential of bitcoin, they are not interested in it because in my opinion, they don't really know what exactly bitcoin is, they are thinking that bitcoin is just a scam of anything. They think it is just like networking like pyramiding which is not. If they don't open their doors into bitcoin they are just missing a lot of opportunities for them.

The same situation happening in my city too still many of them don't know what is bitcoin and some people tell it is a scam so don't lose your money.But i understand the potential of bitcoin from the forum and bitcoin changed my life a lot better it gives me high earnings which i can't be earned in other ways.

We cant get off with them the possibility that they might think that this currency is a scam because just like what happen to us believe it or not we think at first that this is a scam but when we already knkw the truth that this is not totally scam that you can loose a lot of money but it is depends on you but the truth is we can change our life here and get more profit if we have the patience.

thats true, we can not just form a public opinion about bitcoin. people have their own views, let alone news about the negative side of bitcoin already spread to the community. even in my city, many consider bitcoin a kind of gambling. when the reality is not like that.

Title: Re: What opinion from people out there or people in your city about bitcoin?
Post by: pearlmen on October 31, 2017, 07:52:45 AM
In my place of work, the opinion is kind of mixed because while some people are open to it, others didn't want to just go near it because they have the believe that its going to be against the work policy even though there is nothing like that on the policy. Outside work, a lot of friends still believes anything that have to do with online point of earning is illegal and time consuming and coming with bitcoin, they are not even ready to change that misconception.

Title: Re: What opinion from people out there or people in your city about bitcoin?
Post by: Yankeestyle on October 31, 2017, 07:58:45 AM
There are some users from my location but there are a lot of in my region who has no idea on what bitcoins are even  if a discussion come up they will think as online fraud.
There are a few clients from my area however there are a great deal of in my locale who has no clue on what bitcoins are regardless of the possibility that a talk come up they will think as online extortion

Title: Re: What opinion from people out there or people in your city about bitcoin?
Post by: thesmallgod on October 31, 2017, 08:00:34 AM
Here in the philippines bitcoin is a scam thing now because of the fake news. Some people go invest then when they scam by tge other or the developer they report it. Thats why bitcoin has negative eyesight in our country.
that is the reason why some countries are banning BTC. they believe it has negative impact on the people and economy of the nation but because BTC is decentralized, It make total banning even more difficult. majority of ICO doesnt allow US Citizen due to their Law but US citizens are still participating Illegally in ICO that doesnt require KYC verification. however bitcoin is not Scam but people participate in scam project like HYIP and Ponzi Scheme using Digital Currencies Like BTC.

Title: Re: What opinion from people out there or people in your city about bitcoin?
Post by: Vannie12 on October 31, 2017, 08:09:21 AM
Yesterday, I meet my classmate and she told me what I do now while staying in the house and then i said i spend my time doing in bitcoin and she said what is bitcoin and suddenly she said Is that what they said that you only need to do is to post and you well earn money? I said yes it is but it is not just a simple post but a valueable post that can be use. You need to work hard for it and invest your time to earn enough amout to satisfy our daily needs, i answered too.
Many of them are curious about bitcoin, many of them did not believe that you will earn that kind of amout in bitcoin but many of them believe too and now are trying to invest their time in reading and doing bitcoin. There are good and bad opinion but if bitcoin will continue to grow and help others, it is not impossible that everybody will have good impressions and good opinion about it and they will surely support this.

Title: Re: What opinion from people out there or people in your city about bitcoin?
Post by: greeklogos on October 31, 2017, 08:13:07 AM
More and more people know and hear about bitcoin her, in my place, mostly for me. But unfortunately they think bitcoin is easy money, but in fact it is not like that. I have couple of friends who also joined the forum with the idea that they will start to earn a lot at the moment, but they both are banned already due to too active commenting of low quality posts.

Title: Re: What opinion from people out there or people in your city about bitcoin?
Post by: Xising on October 31, 2017, 08:18:02 AM
i am really curious about what opinion from people out there when they know from january 2017 until august 2017, bitcoin price start rising to almost $44xx if i am not wrong (maybe the highest price i know). because i see in my city, people don't care about this and they don't interesting but once i read on local newspaper, there are article that giving info about bitcoin price which is increase so high.

but in the last two days ago, i meet new person. he asked me what my activity when i am online. i tell him that i work as writer, trader, and i made money from bitcoin. first he don't believe when i say bitcoin price in the year 2015 (which i knew bitcoin for first time) is $2xx-$300 but suddenly this year, the price is jump too high and now we see the price is some around in $4xxx.

i give suggestion to him to invest his money in bitcoin but don't buy the whole bitcoin but do it like $100 for every month for 6 month and only hold it without learning anything about bitcoin, just save it. i think he is interesting but he said he need to learn to make sure about this. well actually i don't take too serious about this, if he really wants to do it, then he is a lucky guy that i've meet but if its not, then he got his choice.

so, what is happen in your places related with bitcoin? did people still don't care about bitcoin? and how about if you meet someone new and then you make conversation and you telling him that you are trying to make money from bitcoin? what he's respond?

Not many people from my country know about bitcoin. I think engaging in bitcoin takes a lot of time and patience. Even though most people here know how to use the computer, only a few embrace the world of cryptocurrency. They are simply too afraid to try something new and deviate from the things they are used to. I don’t usually talk about it with other people only with my family and relatives, and still not even have of them bought the idea of bitcoin.

Title: Re: What opinion from people out there or people in your city about bitcoin?
Post by: niisarearning on October 31, 2017, 08:54:06 AM
I have introduces some of my friends Bitcoin local exchange wallet where they can able to track bitcoin in terms of local currency while iw as introducing price is around 1200$ now its price 6000$+ . Most of the people going crazy and coming to me and asking about bitcoin .Even local exchanges grown rapidly in my country more than 1000% in a year . 

Title: Re: What opinion from people out there or people in your city about bitcoin?
Post by: King Sastro on October 31, 2017, 09:06:06 AM
If there is a survey in my town, then I'm sure that knows bitcoin is not more than 0.001%, so far I've never heard anyone talking about bitcoin, everybody prefers social media or celebrity news than bitcoin.

Title: Re: What opinion from people out there or people in your city about bitcoin?
Post by: pjwaffle on October 31, 2017, 02:35:17 PM
In my country, most of people don't care Bitcoin. They don't believe digital money. Well, That's ok, I don't care. I just do my work. Few next years, they will regret.

Title: Re: What opinion from people out there or people in your city about bitcoin?
Post by: wellsontheja on October 31, 2017, 02:58:03 PM
Well some people still don't understand abput what is bitcoin and i thought they're not take about bitcoin seriously because they don't understand that's my condition about bitcoin in my city.

Title: Re: What opinion from people out there or people in your city about bitcoin?
Post by: J Gambler on October 31, 2017, 03:09:52 PM
i am really curious about what opinion from people out there when they know from january 2017 until august 2017, bitcoin price start rising to almost $44xx if i am not wrong (maybe the highest price i know). because i see in my city, people don't care about this and they don't interesting but once i read on local newspaper, there are article that giving info about bitcoin price which is increase so high.

but in the last two days ago, i meet new person. he asked me what my activity when i am online. i tell him that i work as writer, trader, and i made money from bitcoin. first he don't believe when i say bitcoin price in the year 2015 (which i knew bitcoin for first time) is $2xx-$300 but suddenly this year, the price is jump too high and now we see the price is some around in $4xxx.

i give suggestion to him to invest his money in bitcoin but don't buy the whole bitcoin but do it like $100 for every month for 6 month and only hold it without learning anything about bitcoin, just save it. i think he is interesting but he said he need to learn to make sure about this. well actually i don't take too serious about this, if he really wants to do it, then he is a lucky guy that i've meet but if its not, then he got his choice.

so, what is happen in your places related with bitcoin? did people still don't care about bitcoin? and how about if you meet someone new and then you make conversation and you telling him that you are trying to make money from bitcoin? what he's respond?

In my place or in my country as a whole, bitcoin has been accepted with open arms as it gives the opportunity to have money and earn it while also saving it in terms that it can be physically stolen. Younger people are the one to delve on it and they care a lot about crypto

Title: Re: What opinion from people out there or people in your city about bitcoin?
Post by: Bitcoinsislife on October 31, 2017, 03:15:32 PM
i am really curious about what opinion from people out there when they know from january 2017 until august 2017, bitcoin price start rising to almost $44xx if i am not wrong (maybe the highest price i know). because i see in my city, people don't care about this and they don't interesting but once i read on local newspaper, there are article that giving info about bitcoin price which is increase so high.

but in the last two days ago, i meet new person. he asked me what my activity when i am online. i tell him that i work as writer, trader, and i made money from bitcoin. first he don't believe when i say bitcoin price in the year 2015 (which i knew bitcoin for first time) is $2xx-$300 but suddenly this year, the price is jump too high and now we see the price is some around in $4xxx.

i give suggestion to him to invest his money in bitcoin but don't buy the whole bitcoin but do it like $100 for every month for 6 month and only hold it without learning anything about bitcoin, just save it. i think he is interesting but he said he need to learn to make sure about this. well actually i don't take too serious about this, if he really wants to do it, then he is a lucky guy that i've meet but if its not, then he got his choice.

so, what is happen in your places related with bitcoin? did people still don't care about bitcoin? and how about if you meet someone new and then you make conversation and you telling him that you are trying to make money from bitcoin? what he's respond?

Here in my country most people think it's a scam. Bitcoins use in terms of investment. That's why it's a name because most of the investment is the real purpose to just steal a lot of my countrymen who have lost their sense of security because they're new to the crypto world just because they're investing and do not know how it happens. Additionally, the media announces that there is no reliable search of what bitcoins really are.

Title: Re: What opinion from people out there or people in your city about bitcoin?
Post by: tushin4 on November 07, 2017, 05:59:02 PM
In our city people are no more known to any crypto currency or bitcoin. But now some people get to know about bitcoin and its popularity. They appreciated it . even they are trying to earn bitcoin as they know about is precious value . they  thinks it can improve a country’s economy system .

Title: Re: What opinion from people out there or people in your city about bitcoin?
Post by: learner 7 on November 07, 2017, 06:14:06 PM
In my city very few people know bitcoin, now when the price went to the moon, they started talking in the news. But people are still ignorant about bitcoin and carry all kinds of nonsense.

Title: Re: What opinion from people out there or people in your city about bitcoin?
Post by: Kamote_1102 on November 07, 2017, 09:27:57 PM
There are a lot of Opinions that I heard from different people when it comes to Bitcoin. they're telling that Bitcoin is a scam and investing in bitcoin is not a good idea.But most of the new generation Youths today accepted bitcoin with arms wide open. they saw it as life saver. because through this bitcoin, most of the students in our country earn a lot of money.they're having the best time of their lives because they don't worry about their financial status.they're helping their families and some of them were able to continue their studies because of bitcoin.

Title: Re: What opinion from people out there or people in your city about bitcoin?
Post by: fattyforhire on November 08, 2017, 07:34:35 PM
I live in a small resort town where most people earn thanks to tourists. And most of this for certain knows does not know about the existence of bitcoin. Maximum - heard the word on TV or met on the Internet. I know quite a few people who would be interested in bitcoin. And I myself told these people about the crypto currency. Therefore, my city will not soon come to all this)

Title: Re: What opinion from people out there or people in your city about bitcoin?
Post by: Mike Mayor on November 08, 2017, 07:48:28 PM
In my city people at interested in bitcoin but fear cbtrols them and they didn't not even try it out or want to look further into it. Then they complain they work tomorrow hard or don't make enough money so I don't bother with them. Some people get more interested and I have met miners online but never traders. I also haven't met any be who is into bitcoin like I am. Oh well these people will be left behind and have to work very hard when all they could have done was invented in bitcoins.

Title: Re: What opinion from people out there or people in your city about bitcoin?
Post by: Noilee on November 10, 2017, 06:22:20 PM
In my country most of people will interested in bitcoin, they don't think negative about bitcoin, because they see that bitcoin is a good opportunity that came into the life of people especially to my country. So they grab this opportunity and they begun to invest and accept bitcoin. Few only do not believe in bitcoin but almost of them are already invested. In my country bitcoin is already accepted. Because of the people they continue to support bitcoin and more of them are convinced.