Bitcoin Forum

Economy => Micro Earnings => Topic started by: ceferov on August 29, 2017, 10:02:25 AM

Title: Google ReCaptcha problem
Post by: ceferov on August 29, 2017, 10:02:25 AM
Hello everyone.

Last 2-3 days I'm having problems with Google ReCaptcha. After Choosing asked pictures on screen carefully most of the time I get error "wrong solution". After 2-3 try its OK. Before it was Okay. This problem accured last 2-3 days. Most of the sites which asking Recaptcha for login or claim gives error even if after you completed the captcha it says captcha not correct. Having big problems with mellowads that after hardly comleting captcha and clicking claim it says captcha not verified. Most of the time you should close it and open 2-3 times.

Do you have same problem too? Or this is only me facing with this problems nowadays ???

Title: Re: Google ReCaptcha problem
Post by: Bond_Jamesbond on August 29, 2017, 10:29:55 AM
Try a different browser and try it after clearing cache and logging out from google account if you have logged in.  I was having problem in firefox browser, but captcha is working fine in Chrome for me.

Title: Re: Google ReCaptcha problem
Post by: ceferov on August 29, 2017, 11:52:48 AM
Dont think the problem is cache. Same problem is at my phone either. Mellow ads killing me. when you fill captcha its green thick and then you click claim an error occures saying vronng verify

Title: Re: Google ReCaptcha problem
Post by: nosmis on August 29, 2017, 04:04:20 PM
try INCOGNITO windows mode for chrome  (ctrl+shift+N) or PRIVATE windows for firefox

Title: Re: Google ReCaptcha problem
Post by: jackchun on August 30, 2017, 09:36:56 AM
I also have more than half chance failed to verify recaptcha or invalid captcha in mellowads,  and still can't be solved

Title: Re: Google ReCaptcha problem
Post by: Rinaze on August 30, 2017, 03:22:41 PM
Try using your phone. The default browser on my iPhone always work without fail!

Title: Re: Google ReCaptcha problem
Post by: Adam556 on August 30, 2017, 04:04:34 PM
I'm also having problems. Sometimes I'm having to re-do three or four times despite knowing that my answers are correct. I've tried refreshing page, re-loading browser etc but nothing helps.
I'll try clearing the cache and seeing if that works.

Title: Re: Google ReCaptcha problem
Post by: jackchun on August 30, 2017, 04:29:49 PM
I have tried clear cache,  using phone,  and logout and login Google account,  still can't help

Title: Re: Google ReCaptcha problem
Post by: Lucius on August 30, 2017, 04:48:00 PM
I have tried clear cache,  using phone,  and logout and login Google account,  still can't help

This is problem most faucet users have for months and there is no 100% solution for fix that,but there is good thread some time ago with many good tips&tricks which may help you-so try to use search option on forum for reCaptcha.

I also have same problem,reCaptcha is very hard to solve in Firefox and much easier in Opera for me but still not easy like before.Like some other users say Google think we are bots because we solve so many captcha so they make captcha so hard for solve.

Many faucet owners replace reCaptcha with SolveMedia or that new slide to validate captcha,so if you have chance ask any faucet owner to do the same thing.I doubt Google will fix that,it may be even harder in future.

Title: Re: Google ReCaptcha problem
Post by: Adam556 on August 30, 2017, 05:19:09 PM
I'm even having problem with slide to validate this evening. On a couple of sites I use I get 'network error' message on the slider and it won't function.

Title: Re: Google ReCaptcha problem
Post by: Bitcoin Dragon on August 30, 2017, 06:07:07 PM
I'm also having that problem as are probably 99.99% of people out there.
I don't know why a few dumb faucets haven't gotten into the 21st century and moved to solve media yet.

Title: Re: Google ReCaptcha problem
Post by: Adam556 on August 30, 2017, 07:01:10 PM
I don't understand why sometimes it works fine and goes through first time and other times it doesn't. I've just been on the moon faucet sites and had to do the Captcha four or five times on each to get the payout. Puts me off visiting often.
This must hurt the faucet owners' profits.

Title: Re: Google ReCaptcha problem
Post by: hlourenco on August 31, 2017, 10:24:45 AM
I use chrome and when i sign off from gmail, the captcha works fine.

Title: Re: Google ReCaptcha problem
Post by: ceferov on August 31, 2017, 10:51:32 AM
I have tried clear cache,  using phone,  and logout and login Google account,  still can't help

This is problem most faucet users have for months and there is no 100% solution for fix that,but there is good thread some time ago with many good tips&tricks which may help you-so try to use search option on forum for reCaptcha.

I also have same problem,reCaptcha is very hard to solve in Firefox and much easier in Opera for me but still not easy like before.Like some other users say Google think we are bots because we solve so many captcha so they make captcha so hard for solve.

Many faucet owners replace reCaptcha with SolveMedia or that new slide to validate captcha,so if you have chance ask any faucet owner to do the same thing.I doubt Google will fix that,it may be even harder in future.

The main problem is most of time not matter how carefully you solving google recaptcha it gives an error that answer is wrong whether Im sure Im doing right. Even if you succes solving captcha and it shows green ok that you succeed but sites are seeing that you filled captcha wrong(Not only in mellowads, most of sites). FOr example in mellowads you successfully solve captcha then click claim it says captcha not verified. Also in bittrex you want to log in. Complete captcha correctly and then waiting to lig site but site says  input captcha correctly when captcha shows you already filled correctly.

In captchas which asks you to click center of car, street sign and etc. in those captchas I'm sure I'm clicking correctly but it never succeeds. it always says wrong solution

I didnt have such a problem before. Only last 3-4 days started this problem

Title: Re: Google ReCaptcha problem
Post by: Aleya on August 31, 2017, 11:29:02 AM
Its google problem i suggestion for you will be: clear history and cookies of your browser and try again.also every time try to use update version internet browser.sometimes i also faced this kind of problem.but when i cleaned and updated my browser its tuned was just my suggestion. you can try it.

Title: Re: Google ReCaptcha problem
Post by: ceferov on August 31, 2017, 05:35:22 PM
Its google problem i suggestion for you will be: clear history and cookies of your browser and try again.also every time try to use update version internet browser.sometimes i also faced this kind of problem.but when i cleaned and updated my browser its tuned was just my suggestion. you can try it.

Tried before. It's being helpful for 1-2 hours. After that everything again being worse and worse. I think no other way than clearing cache every hour

Title: Re: Google ReCaptcha problem
Post by: Adam556 on August 31, 2017, 07:08:31 PM
I use chrome and when i sign off from gmail, the captcha works fine.

Tried this this evening and strangely it seems to have worked. Either that or a remarkable coincidence but everything is running smoothly and Captchas are completing first time, every time.
Great suggestion!

Title: Re: Google ReCaptcha problem
Post by: Bond_Jamesbond on August 31, 2017, 07:10:10 PM
I use chrome and when i sign off from gmail, the captcha works fine.
Yes recaptcha is working fine in chrome for me after logging out from gmail or any google account on that browser.  I am having recaptcha problem in firefox, but chrome is working for me.

Title: Re: Google ReCaptcha problem
Post by: Kema on August 31, 2017, 09:56:46 PM
I'm having such issues with reCAPTCHA that I just stopped visiting faucets with recaptcha. Both Chrome and Edge are hopeless.

Title: Re: Google ReCaptcha problem
Post by: xavierh18 on September 01, 2017, 01:39:05 AM
to me it happens the same very slow and there are times that it does not connect with the page and does not load

Title: Re: Google ReCaptcha problem
Post by: Carbonspined on September 01, 2017, 01:45:33 AM
Googles ReCaptcha is getting worse and worse the more captchas you solve. The only way to remedy this is to either find faucets that don't rely on this flawed thing, or you have to regularly clear cache and cookies, rotate between Google accounts, and just use your browsers private window function. Annoying to say the least...

Title: Re: Google ReCaptcha problem
Post by: ceferov on September 01, 2017, 10:16:28 AM
Then I will try to use incognito tab after now. Let's see if this is helpful or not

Title: Re: Google ReCaptcha problem
Post by: Adam556 on September 01, 2017, 05:33:17 PM
Make sure you log out of your google account as per hlourenco's suggestion and clear your cache then try again. Worked for me.

Title: Re: Google ReCaptcha problem
Post by: ceferov on September 02, 2017, 02:07:39 PM
Clearing cache solves problem for some hours. I tried  with incognito tab and its working fine.

Thank you for your helps

Title: Re: Google ReCaptcha problem
Post by: yasher on September 02, 2017, 02:30:46 PM
Always happens to me, especially when logging in or claiming faucets. I am using google chrome. The solution I can give is clear cache and cookies. Usually works but after sometimes the problem returns. If you are annoyed by this you should use chrome incognito or other browsers likes mozilla firefox and IE.

Title: Re: Google ReCaptcha problem
Post by: Adam556 on September 02, 2017, 07:30:35 PM
And make sure you sign out of whatever google product you're using - gmail, analytics whatever. I've been experimenting with this over the past few days and it definitely seems to be the culprit.
Everything works fine when signed out.

Title: Re: Google ReCaptcha problem
Post by: Dog2puppy on September 02, 2017, 07:58:13 PM
Seems like the issue is, is that Google thinks we're bots since we solve so many captchas. Clearing cookies or signing out of Google makes it rest and the captchas are easy agian. We really need faucets to move to more captcha solutions made for faucets such as BitCaptcha.

Title: Re: Google ReCaptcha problem
Post by: Lintel on September 02, 2017, 08:01:51 PM
Hello everyone.

Last 2-3 days I'm having problems with Google ReCaptcha. After Choosing asked pictures on screen carefully most of the time I get error "wrong solution". After 2-3 try its OK. Before it was Okay. This problem accured last 2-3 days. Most of the sites which asking Recaptcha for login or claim gives error even if after you completed the captcha it says captcha not correct. Having big problems with mellowads that after hardly comleting captcha and clicking claim it says captcha not verified. Most of the time you should close it and open 2-3 times.

Do you have same problem too? Or this is only me facing with this problems nowadays ???

I just encountered that today, It's like I tried 20 times to log in but to no luck. after like 30 minutes its back to normal. I didnt do anything.maybe my conmection or what.

Title: Re: Google ReCaptcha problem
Post by: Adam556 on September 03, 2017, 09:20:11 AM
Hello everyone.

Last 2-3 days I'm having problems with Google ReCaptcha. After Choosing asked pictures on screen carefully most of the time I get error "wrong solution". After 2-3 try its OK. Before it was Okay. This problem accured last 2-3 days. Most of the sites which asking Recaptcha for login or claim gives error even if after you completed the captcha it says captcha not correct. Having big problems with mellowads that after hardly comleting captcha and clicking claim it says captcha not verified. Most of the time you should close it and open 2-3 times.

Do you have same problem too? Or this is only me facing with this problems nowadays ???

I just encountered that today, It's like I tried 20 times to log in but to no luck. after like 30 minutes its back to normal. I didnt do anything.maybe my conmection or what.

Did it just reset or did you clear your cache or anything? You'll see from this thread that clearing the cache and signing out of Google seems to work for some people.

Title: Re: Google ReCaptcha problem
Post by: N3znicitelny on September 14, 2017, 06:51:04 PM
I have the same problem, but it doesnt matter if clear your cache or logout from google account, only try stop for two days using captcha, this help me. an try clear with (

Title: Re: Google ReCaptcha problem
Post by: Adam556 on September 14, 2017, 07:19:29 PM
I've been having more problems today, even when signed out of google. Shame because that seemed to work for a long time.

It would be great of there was a definitive solution to this.

Title: Re: Google ReCaptcha problem
Post by: nosmis on September 15, 2017, 02:59:48 PM
I've been having more problems today, even when signed out of google. Shame because that seemed to work for a long time.

It would be great of there was a definitive solution to this.

you can try incognito mode in chrome or private mode in mozzila

Title: Re: Google ReCaptcha problem
Post by: Adam556 on September 15, 2017, 08:48:03 PM
I've been having more problems today, even when signed out of google. Shame because that seemed to work for a long time.

It would be great of there was a definitive solution to this.

you can try incognito mode in chrome or private mode in mozzila

Cheers for the suggestion - I'll give it a go.

Title: Re: Google ReCaptcha problem
Post by: N3znicitelny on October 01, 2017, 07:34:23 PM
Now im run online eset scaner and captcha work normaly, not understand this problem with captcha ???

Just log into google an problem is back

Title: Re: Google ReCaptcha problem
Post by: jackchun on October 03, 2017, 09:11:01 AM
Seems like the issue is, is that Google thinks we're bots since we solve so many captchas. Clearing cookies or signing out of Google makes it rest and the captchas are easy agian. We really need faucets to move to more captcha solutions made for faucets such as BitCaptcha.

No ,I signed out 1 month ago, it's fine then.
But now, problem appears again even I am not login my Google account for a month....☇

Title: Re: Google ReCaptcha problem
Post by: ceferov on October 03, 2017, 09:54:23 AM
Seems like the issue is, is that Google thinks we're bots since we solve so many captchas. Clearing cookies or signing out of Google makes it rest and the captchas are easy agian. We really need faucets to move to more captcha solutions made for faucets such as BitCaptcha.

No ,I signed out 1 month ago, it's fine then.
But now, problem appears again even I am not login my Google account for a month....☇

Loggin in and log out not helped me. I'm using only incognito tab. Sometimes it also shows same problem but most of the time work good

Title: Re: Google ReCaptcha problem
Post by: Adam556 on October 03, 2017, 03:34:25 PM
I've switched browsers altogether and so far it seems to be working. Not sure what's up with Chrome but it had reached a point where I was filling in the Captcha 5-6 times - knowing it was right - and it was still coming up with an error.

Title: Re: Google ReCaptcha problem
Post by: Kema on November 29, 2017, 10:52:57 AM
Start with actively logging out from any gmail accounts, especially gmail.
It might not bet the ultimate fix but it helps a lot.

Title: Re: Google ReCaptcha problem
Post by: Adam556 on November 29, 2017, 02:17:33 PM
Start with actively logging out from any gmail accounts, especially gmail.
It might not bet the ultimate fix but it helps a lot.

This certainly helped me for a while, but unfortunately I started having problems again.

Then, through nothing I'd consciously done, it cleared up. Someone suggested it might be because I'd rebooted my wireless router and been given a different IP address.

Could this be right?

Title: Re: Google ReCaptcha problem
Post by: Kema on November 29, 2017, 04:06:45 PM
Start with actively logging out from any gmail accounts, especially gmail.
It might not bet the ultimate fix but it helps a lot.

This certainly helped me for a while, but unfortunately I started having problems again.

Then, through nothing I'd consciously done, it cleared up. Someone suggested it might be because I'd rebooted my wireless router and been given a different IP address.

Could this be right?

I'm sure that refreshing the ip can make a big difference.

Title: Re: Google ReCaptcha problem
Post by: Adam556 on November 30, 2017, 06:39:32 PM
Start with actively logging out from any gmail accounts, especially gmail.
It might not bet the ultimate fix but it helps a lot.

This certainly helped me for a while, but unfortunately I started having problems again.

Then, through nothing I'd consciously done, it cleared up. Someone suggested it might be because I'd rebooted my wireless router and been given a different IP address.

Could this be right?

I'm sure that refreshing the ip can make a big difference.

That's interesting. If I have problems again I'll do another reboot to see if that is the solution.

Title: Re: Google ReCaptcha problem
Post by: Kema on November 30, 2017, 06:49:15 PM
I noticed when playing around with the Tor browser that reCaptcha often blocked you.
Therefore I suspect that google use ip as id for reCaptcha use, at least to some degree.

Title: Re: Google ReCaptcha problem
Post by: stevrev on December 01, 2017, 05:31:58 AM
I just started having problems with captcha as well. if I'm signed into gmail, captchas are slow to load and usually take a few tries, no matter how careful I am. when I get the green checkmark and click submit, I get an error message that says "captcha check failed.." but if I sign out of gmail, everything seems to work fine. this is really starting to irritate the shit out of me. I've tried multiple browsers, too.. wtf is going on?

Title: Re: Google ReCaptcha problem
Post by: Kema on December 01, 2017, 10:14:28 AM
I just started having problems with captcha as well. if I'm signed into gmail, captchas are slow to load and usually take a few tries, no matter how careful I am. when I get the green checkmark and click submit, I get an error message that says "captcha check failed.." but if I sign out of gmail, everything seems to work fine. this is really starting to irritate the shit out of me. I've tried multiple browsers, too.. wtf is going on?

I haven't really looked into the code for reCaptcha, but I suspect that reCaptcha has a local approve after after solving the "retry". Then it needs to check it against the central server, and that's when everything goes wrong.
If the connection is bad for whatever reason, it'll reject you even if the captcha is solved correctly.
Like I said, this is just me guessing...

Title: Re: Google ReCaptcha problem
Post by: stevrev on December 01, 2017, 07:58:45 PM
I just started having problems with captcha as well. if I'm signed into gmail, captchas are slow to load and usually take a few tries, no matter how careful I am. when I get the green checkmark and click submit, I get an error message that says "captcha check failed.." but if I sign out of gmail, everything seems to work fine. this is really starting to irritate the shit out of me. I've tried multiple browsers, too.. wtf is going on?

I haven't really looked into the code for reCaptcha, but I suspect that reCaptcha has a local approve after after solving the "retry". Then it needs to check it against the central server, and that's when everything goes wrong.
If the connection is bad for whatever reason, it'll reject you even if the captcha is solved correctly.
Like I said, this is just me guessing...

I don't think this is right. if I am logged into gmail, reCaptcha does not work right. the tiles take considerably longer to load, sometimes up to 10 seconds, and in spite of the green checkmark, I am told I've failed after clicking submit--every single time. I can do it 20 times in a row, and I'll get the same result. but as soon as I logout of gmail, the tiles load normally, and upon receiving the green checkmark, I can click submit with no issue. this seems to indicate the problem is tied to my account with google in some way, as opposed to connectivity issues.

Title: Re: Google ReCaptcha problem
Post by: nosmis on December 01, 2017, 08:56:44 PM
I just started having problems with captcha as well. if I'm signed into gmail, captchas are slow to load and usually take a few tries, no matter how careful I am. when I get the green checkmark and click submit, I get an error message that says "captcha check failed.." but if I sign out of gmail, everything seems to work fine. this is really starting to irritate the shit out of me. I've tried multiple browsers, too.. wtf is going on?

I haven't really looked into the code for reCaptcha, but I suspect that reCaptcha has a local approve after after solving the "retry". Then it needs to check it against the central server, and that's when everything goes wrong.
If the connection is bad for whatever reason, it'll reject you even if the captcha is solved correctly.
Like I said, this is just me guessing...

sometimes it work fine in one site but in another site so slow

Title: Re: Google ReCaptcha problem
Post by: Kema on December 01, 2017, 09:55:20 PM
I have no clue myself, I'm just guessing. System load and something causing an interruption of the verification process?
It's just plain weird that being logged into gmail should affect in any shape or form.

Title: Re: Google ReCaptcha problem
Post by: svirby on December 01, 2017, 09:57:45 PM
I also had a problem with recaptcha the last 2 days. Now i switched browser to see if it makes any difference and it actually does!

With google chrome browser i had a lot of problems and after switching to internet explorer it worked fine again.

Title: Re: Google ReCaptcha problem
Post by: Racey on December 01, 2017, 10:28:26 PM
I also had a problem with recaptcha the last 2 days. Now i switched browser to see if it makes any difference and it actually does!

With google chrome browser i had a lot of problems and after switching to internet explorer it worked fine again.

Me also, switched over to Firefox new 52.50 and now works a lot better, previously had to try and solve at ten attempts or more.
Even though i was getting them correct, it really was getting me down.
I know have to import all my bookmarks, and then try update my passwords for some sites, but however switching over worked. 

Title: Re: Google ReCaptcha problem
Post by: Kema on December 01, 2017, 10:48:24 PM
Something just occurred to me. Google's new thing is the "no captcha captcha" and that is probably based on fingerprinting.
Anything that disrupts the fingerprinting will probably "reset" reCaptcha. And faucet users probably solve more captchas than anyone else which is why they sometimes get flagged as bots.
Increasing problems solving reCaptcha is probably a sign of the google system learning how to identify you and your browser.
Being logged into gmail gives google a direct way to identify you...

Title: Re: Google ReCaptcha problem
Post by: Crystal11 on December 02, 2017, 02:14:13 AM
mellow ads is a retarded website run by retarded admins which is still using that retarded and annoying recaptcha.
They don't even know that there are many other captcha options. We are living in 21st century.

Title: Re: Google ReCaptcha problem
Post by: Kema on December 02, 2017, 09:08:08 AM
IMHO, BitCaptcha is very nice looking.

Title: Re: Google ReCaptcha problem
Post by: taiem1407 on December 03, 2017, 12:52:33 PM
Most of all I have found solved but it is not all. Register 1 new gmail not use 2 gmail at the same time, if at the same time google think you spam, robot v see youtobe v .. interact with google.

Title: Re: Google ReCaptcha problem
Post by: Korlcek on December 04, 2017, 08:44:48 PM
Just got to this reCaptcha problem in the last two days. Logging out of google account solved it for now.

Title: Re: Google ReCaptcha problem
Post by: Ni-in on December 05, 2017, 01:53:05 PM
Having the same problem, really annoying, tiresome,
looked all over internet, lot's of people having this problem, tried many solutions, none actually worked.
Glad to see there is a topic on Bitcointalk.
I had to give up faucets, my Moonfaucets and daily login, airdrops with recaptcha's and tradingssites with recaptcha's have to try 100 times.  Not workable.

Title: Re: Google ReCaptcha problem
Post by: Adam556 on December 05, 2017, 04:10:59 PM
These actions have helped me in the past:

- clear your cache/cookies
- sign out of Chrome/Gmail
- reboot your wireless router (for new IP)
- try chrome incognito mode
- switch browser (ie firefox)

This isn't an exhaustive list, but usually one of these methods works for a while.

Title: Re: Google ReCaptcha problem
Post by: ceferov on December 05, 2017, 11:26:19 PM
Before I was using Chrome without any problem. Whe problems started switched to incognto and used a long time without problems. And when problems started in incognito swithced to firefox. And today firefox also started to give same error. Clearing cache and signing out not helping any more.

Title: Re: Google ReCaptcha problem
Post by: Bitcoin Dragon on December 05, 2017, 11:53:37 PM
Recaptcha has been a scam for months and months now. I don't know why dumbasses still cling to it.
So many other better safer alternatives for faucet owners now.

Title: Re: Google ReCaptcha problem
Post by: Adam556 on December 06, 2017, 07:18:10 AM
Before I was using Chrome without any problem. Whe problems started switched to incognto and used a long time without problems. And when problems started in incognito swithced to firefox. And today firefox also started to give same error. Clearing cache and signing out not helping any more.

Try rebooting your wireless router. This can work for a while but if problems creep back reboot again.

Title: Re: Google ReCaptcha problem
Post by: viperclaw on December 06, 2017, 08:31:00 AM
logged out in google account seems work fine for me about this recaptcha problem.... :)

Title: Re: Google ReCaptcha problem
Post by: N3znicitelny on December 14, 2017, 11:23:22 AM
I found only one solution for now, complete logout from google accout or block cookies to and,but you can not fill google forms etc. ???

Title: Re: Google ReCaptcha problem
Post by: Kema on December 14, 2017, 03:00:57 PM
After I set up my email client to sync with gmail, life is much easier. No more  forgetting to log out...

Title: Re: Google ReCaptcha problem
Post by: heartboss on June 28, 2018, 08:06:05 PM


Title: Re: Google ReCaptcha problem
Post by: Adam556 on June 28, 2018, 08:32:33 PM


I can second this. Works every time for me - annoying but true.

Title: Re: Google ReCaptcha problem
Post by: felicita on June 29, 2018, 02:50:54 PM
for me this problem comes only on pages wher i often have to solve chaptcha !
So when i have to click on pictures on many faucets the cpatch is automatic solved on othger pages non bitcin  relatet.


Title: Re: Google ReCaptcha problem
Post by: plpatel on July 07, 2018, 12:14:24 PM
I too have been facing Google ReCaptcha problem from months and had been searching for better solution to it, but still haven't found any.
Sometimes it so irritating to solve ReCaptcha, that i think of tearing my hair off.
In one such incident, that even after trying for almost 20 minutes it said wrong captcha, finally I closed my browser and shut down my computer muttering "F$%@!@#$hole Google ReCaptcha creator".

Title: Re: Google ReCaptcha problem
Post by: smiledove221 on July 08, 2018, 04:31:27 PM
We all know the feeling when have to try again and again with the sh*tty Recaptcha from sh*tty Gcompany. Just because we are the faucet earner, have to click many recaptcha and so they think we bot and blocked us?? Not even care anything, just a small money earner but they wouldn't let us giving anything. That sucks.
Dear all, my current problem for me now is sigh out google account as all you have said but i have to say more that after sign out if you solve captcha so much then they will make hard with you again.
Each time for that, to let Google know we are human really then you should try some products from their Company. Like make search on google, access sites from after search. Make search from youtube, watch video. Also you shouldn't doing very fast, its might not work (not sure i think). Just do as you do everyday when you look up and watch youtube. With google search, remember that you make search in google by open not typing anything on the address bar, that is wrong.
That is some small solution for now. I hope everyone can get pass this sh*tty captcha.
Also you should look up for some videos about this suck captcha. Would helpful if anyone make some parody killer this captcha. This sh*t make me feel illness

Title: Re: Google ReCaptcha problem
Post by: rezwalker on July 24, 2018, 07:44:28 PM
love you guys
after a month with daily headaches
bitcointalk gives me the solution
no need to do anything else just log out from gfmail lol

Title: Re: Google ReCaptcha problem
Post by: hASHmETAL on August 03, 2018, 05:11:41 PM
What Problem with reCaptcha? It's killing all faucet's!!!

No one is able to solve it ... error after error!!!

Title: Re: Google ReCaptcha problem
Post by: hASHmETAL on August 04, 2018, 03:43:47 AM
I'm wondering the problem of not able to pass recaptcha is problem with me only or everyone facing it!!!

As I don't see any one complaining about it since yesterday!!!

Title: Re: Google ReCaptcha problem
Post by: giahuy123 on August 04, 2018, 04:43:13 AM
Before I also have problems with recaptcha, if you have not solved the contact I will help you overcome the simplest that I still do.

Title: Re: Google ReCaptcha problem
Post by: hASHmETAL on August 04, 2018, 04:57:33 AM
Please help, I'm unable to solve to solve recaptcha..

Title: Re: Google ReCaptcha problem
Post by: vangocash on September 24, 2018, 12:15:20 AM
I found a solution..
The problem is with gmail acounts, i dont know exactly what is, but the log out from the gmail acount or the private window it doesnt help any more.
The best solution i have find until now is to login in your gmail with another or a new gmail.
google is shit company ithink , doesnt care about the community only for money..
Fuck Google