Bitcoin Forum

Economy => Service Discussion => Topic started by: fratosrope on November 11, 2017, 12:29:51 PM

Title: Tomorrow is my last day on this Earth
Post by: fratosrope on November 11, 2017, 12:29:51 PM

I can't anymore fight against the site 1XBIT.COM.

They stole me about $ 15,000.

Here the original discussion:

With other debts I have I can not live, these $ 15,000 could have revived me in life but 1XBIT broke me completely.

Tomorrow I'm going to kill myself, and everyone does not care.

Do not make the same mistakes as me please.

Try to enjoy your life


Title: Re: Tomorrow is my last day on this Earth
Post by: fusepay on November 11, 2017, 12:32:19 PM
OP, really. You are gonna waste you life over this?

Anyway, please update us in time how you got on.

Title: Re: Tomorrow is my last day on this Earth
Post by: teamjk on November 11, 2017, 12:35:37 PM
it seems you got back the initial 14 ETH

you just lost the ones you won as it seems.

not a reason to kill your self . think it over again

Title: Re: Tomorrow is my last day on this Earth
Post by: seekoin on November 11, 2017, 12:44:10 PM
Tomorrow I'm going to kill myself, and everyone does not care.

You know this is not true, there is always someone who do care for you.
Just think about him/her/them ...

Take care, mate.

Title: Re: Tomorrow is my last day on this Earth
Post by: sammrheza on November 11, 2017, 01:03:01 PM
why you surrender mate ? don't give up and find another job for earn some money  :-\ ...

Title: Re: Tomorrow is my last day on this Earth
Post by: tharindukw96 on November 11, 2017, 01:05:46 PM
To run away from trouble is a form of cowardice and, while it is true that the suicide braves death, he does it not for some noble object but to escape some ill.

Don't give up mate .

Title: Re: Tomorrow is my last day on this Earth
Post by: nightxglow on November 11, 2017, 01:07:12 PM
No, please, don't. I know life is hard, especially after that thing happened to you.
Oh, screw the scammers! How can they do that to someone :(
I'm sad for you, but please keep living and do your best, i believe there will always be a way for you. Goodluck and fighting!

Title: Re: Tomorrow is my last day on this Earth
Post by: pat4cryptoreal on November 11, 2017, 04:50:38 PM
I know it is very painful to see this amount of money walk away from you. But if you stay alive I know you will make what is more than that money. Do not attempt succide.

Title: Re: Tomorrow is my last day on this Earth
Post by: uncleduckerr on November 11, 2017, 04:57:45 PM
Dude gonna sound corny but life is beautiful and precious we cant let these tangible things get us down. Please re consider I think the world is a better place with you in it :)

Title: Re: Tomorrow is my last day on this Earth
Post by: Lodipetmalu on November 11, 2017, 04:58:04 PM
Never lose hope, all of us encounter problems/ mistakes.
We must learn from it. In order to avoid it in the future. By that experience, we will be carefull next time.

Title: Re: Tomorrow is my last day on this Earth
Post by: Bitcoexplorer on November 11, 2017, 05:07:44 PM

There's so many beautiful things in life...I would really double think it if I were you.

Title: Re: Tomorrow is my last day on this Earth
Post by: AGD on November 11, 2017, 05:12:16 PM

I can't anymore fight against the site 1XBIT.COM.

They stole me about $ 15,000.

Here the original discussion:

With other debts I have I can not live, these $ 15,000 could have revived me in life but 1XBIT broke me completely.

Tomorrow I'm going to kill myself, and everyone does not care.

Do not make the same mistakes as me please.

Try to enjoy your life


Additional Notes: I WILL NEVER GIVE UP !


Title: Re: Tomorrow is my last day on this Earth
Post by: albert11 on November 11, 2017, 05:14:00 PM

I can't anymore fight against the site 1XBIT.COM.

They stole me about $ 15,000.

Here the original discussion:

With other debts I have I can not live, these $ 15,000 could have revived me in life but 1XBIT broke me completely.

Tomorrow I'm going to kill myself, and everyone does not care.

Do not make the same mistakes as me please.

Try to enjoy your life


Comeon, your life is more than $15,000.  Those debts can be paid.  I am sure that people whom you asked favor with will understand your situation.  Do not solve a temporary problem with a permanent solution.  There is always a solution.  Life is too valuable and cannot be priced because this is the best gift that God gave us.  Many who are inside the hospital on their deathbed wishing to love longer.  Just be brave and be positive.  Pray.

Title: Re: Tomorrow is my last day on this Earth
Post by: phpdev3 on November 11, 2017, 05:24:09 PM
This is really a shocked news that I heard from you. Don't break your heart. Try another one and recover from it.

Title: Re: Tomorrow is my last day on this Earth
Post by: Paranuatu on November 11, 2017, 05:29:10 PM
Ask them specifically why they cancelled your account (not just listing 5. options to you). Threaten legal reprecussions.

Title: Re: Tomorrow is my last day on this Earth
Post by: thegogetter on November 11, 2017, 05:34:38 PM
Hey dude, do not kill yourself over this. You can still make a lot more when you're alive. Don't give up!

Title: Re: Tomorrow is my last day on this Earth
Post by: Anarc Senior on November 11, 2017, 05:40:13 PM

I can't anymore fight against the site 1XBIT.COM.

They stole me about $ 15,000.

Here the original discussion:

With other debts I have I can not live, these $ 15,000 could have revived me in life but 1XBIT broke me completely.

Tomorrow I'm going to kill myself, and everyone does not care.

Do not make the same mistakes as me please.

Try to enjoy your life


You are lucky you only lost money.  Consider its a blessing in disguise-   you can always make more money (assuming your are still alive 😊) .  So DON'T sweat it !!!

Title: Re: Tomorrow is my last day on this Earth
Post by: fiulpro on November 11, 2017, 05:44:53 PM
15,000 dollars over these 15000 $ you are thinking of killing yourself.
Listen man ! Your life isn't worth these 15,000 at all !!!!
Money can't buy lives, there are billionaires in the hospitals dying begging for one last chance to live, there are people who are fighting every single day and trust me everyone of us that is on this planet is going through a struggle that no one else knows about.
Man ! Due to a short period of depression please don't kill yourself, what kind of condition your family will be in after all this you can imagine.
If you are tired and broke then chill out man ! Join a signature campaign or something if you can't look for a job.. but please don't kill yourself.

Title: Re: Tomorrow is my last day on this Earth
Post by: jekjekman on November 11, 2017, 05:46:45 PM

I can't anymore fight against the site 1XBIT.COM.

They stole me about $ 15,000.

Here the original discussion:

With other debts I have I can not live, these $ 15,000 could have revived me in life but 1XBIT broke me completely.

Tomorrow I'm going to kill myself, and everyone does not care.

Do not make the same mistakes as me please.

Try to enjoy your life


I know that you feel devastated and depress with this scenario that happened to your though but it is not worth a reason to kill your very own life, there are people there that is not eating a whole day, people who are no home that is sleeping in the streets, people who have no legs that can't walk anymore until they die but you, you are complete with only stolen money. Think a positive way to over come this and stop thinking to kill yourself, stop thinking negative thoughts!.

Convert this event in your life to a positive one even though it is hard, I know you can do this because you will come back stronger with this things that happened to you, you can serve as an inspiration to others.

Title: Re: Tomorrow is my last day on this Earth
Post by: siti25 on November 11, 2017, 05:47:36 PM
Is your life cheaper than $ 15,000? Your life is much more expensive than that, man. Your life is more expensive than that because your life is priceless. There will be another solution besides killing yourself, even that is not a solution because with that you do not solve the problem, you just run away from the problem.

Title: Re: Tomorrow is my last day on this Earth
Post by: Fatemablabla on November 11, 2017, 05:51:03 PM
Too much shocked.are you insane? Just for 15k you are giving up your life which cant be pointed with money.sigh.go and die

Title: Re: Tomorrow is my last day on this Earth
Post by: chocomartin on November 11, 2017, 05:52:21 PM
Think about it for a bit, let it marinate. Is killing yourself really the only option you can think of? While yes your debt is PRETTY big, suicide isn't the answer. Surely you have friends or family that might help you out? And think about it, you're letting them win if you go in with this whole killing yourself thing. Something just from the top of my head and I know how stupid these ideas sound but just gonna put it out there as an alternative to suicide. You can try to go off grid you know Bear Grylls style, live in the woods and shit or you could get yourself arrested at least there you would have a place to sleep and have regular meals everyday.

Title: Re: Tomorrow is my last day on this Earth
Post by: retampan on November 11, 2017, 06:09:55 PM
Additional Notes: I WILL NEVER GIVE UP !
Did you forget your passion? Just go outside and search for a job, man! Don't go for gambling, though. I will help you find a job, you can be a freelancer who predicts match as sports gambling expert. If you wanna go die, it is really useless. Jesus will punish you in the hell and no people care about your death.
Btw, is this guy died right now?

Title: Re: Tomorrow is my last day on this Earth
Post by: lady Royal on November 11, 2017, 06:12:22 PM
Life is everything if you have life you can have anything you want but you have to work hard and get it. This is not a reason to kill yourself no matter what the situation is never try to kill yourself bro stand up and fight with it and don’t waste your life who knows that in coming year will get 30k$ or maybe even more so don’t waste your precious life.

Title: Re: Tomorrow is my last day on this Earth
Post by: xaviervilla on November 11, 2017, 06:13:47 PM
Stupid, dumb, idiot, foolish, gay, coward... Damn. I don't know what else i should call you.
But now that I'm done with that,
Listen. I have been through so much more than what you are going through right now. Amd i am pretty sure that a whole bunch of people out there are gong through things that are so much more worse than what i have went through and most specially than yours. But despite all of their problems, they still laugh and smile. So don't you freakin say that you are gonna kill yourself just because of that amount of money. A lot of people are dreaming to have at least 1 meal a day and have a roof to shelter them from rain. You are lucky to be alive and well others are dying because of sicknesses, others are disabled. You are a lucky bastard. Do not waste what you have because lots of people would give a lot just to be in your place so they can live normal or longer.

Instead of killing yourself, get up and don't let this put you down. Life is hard. You just can't expect life to be always favorable to you. If it isn't, then make a way to survive. And he better from who you were yesterday.
Hope you open your eyes.

Title: Re: Tomorrow is my last day on this Earth
Post by: squallw on November 11, 2017, 06:33:57 PM
Are you serious? You are kidding, right?
If you are serious, think again man, you can make much more $ in your life. The life worth more than anything, more than all criptos.
Life has bad and good moment, just leave the bads and  move on.

Title: Re: Tomorrow is my last day on this Earth
Post by: TheGodson on November 11, 2017, 06:41:00 PM
$15,000 is a lot of money to lose. Killing yourself won't make it come back though. Sometimes suicide feels like the only option, but there is always another way out. I would strongly consider other options. Everyday try and make it through one more day. Think of each day as a step that you have to get through. Eventually you'll be walking like there is nothing to worry about.

Title: Re: Tomorrow is my last day on this Earth
Post by: ninche on November 11, 2017, 06:42:46 PM
sounds very fake story

Title: Re: Tomorrow is my last day on this Earth
Post by: bitctrimor1 on November 11, 2017, 06:45:35 PM

I can't anymore fight against the site 1XBIT.COM.

They stole me about $ 15,000.

Here the original discussion:

With other debts I have I can not live, these $ 15,000 could have revived me in life but 1XBIT broke me completely.

Tomorrow I'm going to kill myself, and everyone does not care.

Do not make the same mistakes as me please.

Try to enjoy your life


Well I don't know if you're serious, but if you are, don't do it. There so many more measures you can do to take it back. You said it yourself that before you had nothing, and you were able to get back on your feet. Now, it's the same thing; just claw your way back again. Fight!

Title: Re: Tomorrow is my last day on this Earth
Post by: darkangel11 on November 11, 2017, 06:51:16 PM
sounds very fake story
He won't kill himself. People who are really in deep shit drown their sorrows in a bottle and are too drunk to even write shit like this on a public forum. Only attention seekers run around telling everyone they're about to kill themselves so they can feed off people who actually feel sorry for them.
Stop acting like some emo kid. Your life is worth much more than 15k. People earn that in less than a year and you got many years ahead of you.

Title: Re: Tomorrow is my last day on this Earth
Post by: amishmanish on November 11, 2017, 06:53:42 PM
I wish I knew something perfect to say that would jolt you out of this stupor.

You need to stop thinking about the 15000. Its just money and you are comparing a precious human life with it. Your life that is a miracle of nature.
Your life to which probably a lot of other lives (your family) are connected.

When you have your life and health, you have everything man.
Go to a forest, swim in a river, catch some fish, make a small fire and cook yourself some nice meal, pick some berries and just spend some time out in the sun among nature, WITHOUT THINKING ABOUT THE MONEY..!!
Its just money dude. You can always earn it back. It'll come and go, then come and go again. Don't let it affect you so much

Quote simply, your life is the only thing that matters in this whole episode. Not the money, Not the bloody ETH, Not the fucking Bitcoins and definitely not those fucking scamsters.

All that matters is your life and your peace of mind.

Title: Re: Tomorrow is my last day on this Earth
Post by: mrcash02 on November 11, 2017, 06:59:45 PM
I wish I knew something perfect to say that would jolt you out of this stupor.

You need to stop thinking about the 15000. Its just money and you are comparing a precious human life with it. Your life that is a miracle of nature.
Your life to which probably a lot of other lives (your family) are connected.

When you have your life and health, you have everything man.
Go to a forest, swim in a river, catch some fish, make a small fire and cook yourself some nice meal, pick some berries and just spend some time out in the sun among nature, WITHOUT THINKING ABOUT THE MONEY..!!
Its just money dude. You can always earn it back. It'll come and go, then come and go again. Don't let it affect you so much

Quote simply, your life is the only thing that matters in this whole episode. Not the money, Not the bloody ETH, Not the fucking Bitcoins and definitely not those fucking scamsters.

All that matters is your life and your peace of mind.

Very well said. Material losses are part of our lifes, we just need to be careful to don't have losses on our spiritual lifes. Today you can lose $15.000, but who knows tomorrow a new opportunity can appear and you earn even more? It's a terrible mistake to commit suicide, especially because so ridiculous reason.

And don't worry if no one cares, some people are alone on their lifes, but someone can appear someday and bring a new age of happiness and prosperity again. Hold on during the storm and be sure it will end someday bringing a new sunny beautiful day.

Title: Re: Tomorrow is my last day on this Earth
Post by: jackfruit on November 11, 2017, 07:00:31 PM
sounds very fake story
He won't kill himself. People who are really in deep shit drown their sorrows in a bottle and are too drunk to even write shit like this on a public forum. Only attention seekers run around telling everyone they're about to kill themselves so they can feed off people who actually feel sorry for them.
Stop acting like some emo kid. Your life is worth much more than 15k. People earn that in less than a year and you got many years ahead of you.

Please don't do that again! Although i totall agree with your statement, and professionals approve that in most cases, it happens sometimes where people actually post such a statement on internet and do what they say.

Back to the subject: I understand you feel so depressed now. This is big amount of money and you must have worked hard to earn it. But if you stick around, you will learn a lot on this platform and make 15k again in a surprisingly short time. If you want to talk, we are here to listen.

Title: Re: Tomorrow is my last day on this Earth
Post by: Barbarian on November 11, 2017, 07:03:34 PM

I can't anymore fight against the site 1XBIT.COM.

They stole me about $ 15,000.

Here the original discussion:

With other debts I have I can not live, these $ 15,000 could have revived me in life but 1XBIT broke me completely.

Tomorrow I'm going to kill myself, and everyone does not care.

Do not make the same mistakes as me please.

Try to enjoy your life

Do not give up! That is a lot of money but your life is a lot more valuable than that, I know that at some point life may give you the impression that you are powerless but the only thing you can do is to keep fighting, if you keep on living you could eventually get out of your debts, so once again do not give up.

Title: Re: Tomorrow is my last day on this Earth
Post by: wizmo on November 11, 2017, 07:11:00 PM

I can't anymore fight against the site 1XBIT.COM.

They stole me about $ 15,000.

Here the original discussion:

With other debts I have I can not live, these $ 15,000 could have revived me in life but 1XBIT broke me completely.

Tomorrow I'm going to kill myself, and everyone does not care.

Do not make the same mistakes as me please.

Try to enjoy your life


You should fight against them rather than quitting and quitting isn't the solution of the problem but it will create more problems for your family and friends. If I were you I would expose them by taking help of forum members.

Don't kill yourself for money as money comes and go and you can also earn more than that amount in your life if you try.

Title: Re: Tomorrow is my last day on this Earth
Post by: fratosrope on November 11, 2017, 08:39:55 PM
Thank you very much to everyone for your help.

It's not just only this problem right now in my life.

I don't want to give up but I am weakened by all of that.

The life is really not funny for me, I really don't know what to do now.

Title: Re: Tomorrow is my last day on this Earth
Post by: dimonstration on November 11, 2017, 08:45:55 PM
Too much shocked.are you insane? Just for 15k you are giving up your life which cant be pointed with money.sigh.go and die
he is in a deep depression but this is cheap killing yourself just because of that there is a lot here that take that scenario that we dont even know i have a friend he lost more than that but he continue his life then know the money lost from him getting back because he continue to fight and not think that loosing that amount of money is the end of his life.

Title: Re: Tomorrow is my last day on this Earth
Post by: turkmachiavelli on November 11, 2017, 08:48:25 PM
I can understand your pain but a proverb of TURKISH sayes:non-killing pain strengthen you. If you work more, you will win more. You believe that bro. Everything will be okay

Title: Re: Tomorrow is my last day on this Earth
Post by: EtihadBitcoin on November 11, 2017, 08:49:52 PM
Dude just go start a gofund me website and put the link here.

I think you will get some donations from the ones who really want to help you get out of this rut.
But you just got to say you won't just use the money you get from people's generosity back to this devil's site who made you lose this much and your reason to life to live.
Maybe have the btc address pointed to someone in escrow so everyone knows you have not touched it and sent to your bank account instead of bitcoin where it is not in your control to waste it gambling thus ending your life.

Title: Re: Tomorrow is my last day on this Earth
Post by: Lonsdayl on November 11, 2017, 08:56:15 PM
OP, you should.t do this. Think BIG, if you lost $ 15 k, so you have made it once. You can earn much bigger, you just need a goal and some motivation. Shit happens with all of us, you mustn't give up.

Title: Re: Tomorrow is my last day on this Earth
Post by: gentlemand on November 11, 2017, 08:56:52 PM
They refunded you your original money. The only bit you're missing is a fictional number displayed to you on a website controlled by someone else. I've heard worse sob stories.

Title: Re: Tomorrow is my last day on this Earth
Post by: eaLiTy on November 11, 2017, 08:59:12 PM
There is nothing you can do about it,you got your initial deposit and a simple google search would have given you the solution as to whether to play in that site or not as they have more accusation against them,voiding bets if they win big and so on,if you take your life,you are the sole looser and that too for something you cannot retrieve it is just insane,better consult a physiologist rather than being silly. :P
PS: i am not even sure whether these kind of topics are entertained here. ::)

Title: Re: Tomorrow is my last day on this Earth
Post by: fratosrope on November 11, 2017, 08:59:44 PM
Dude just go start a gofund me website and put the link here.

I think you will get some donations from the ones who really want to help you get out of this rut.
But you just got to say you won't just use the money you get from people's generosity back to this devil's site who made you lose this much and your reason to life to live.
Maybe have the btc address pointed to someone in escrow so everyone knows you have not touched it and sent to your bank account instead of bitcoin where it is not in your control to waste it gambling thus ending your life.

Yes but I respect the honest people this is not to you to help me, recently i lost my house because i tried to create a business compagny French Crepes, and everything is bad since that. I tried the last september to play betting for win money and I won 15 000 dollars (59 eTH) I was so happy and few hours later my account was closed. Since that i lost my parents in one car accident. So my life is really not funny i lost everything in my life

Title: Re: Tomorrow is my last day on this Earth
Post by: ridhobagus2308 on November 11, 2017, 09:07:58 PM
What happen? Why you lost $15,000 ? What stole you mean? Is it because your trading or they stole your money?? Please don't even try to kill yourself just because of money, its not solving anything. just bealive it, you can get back that money. Try anything you can to get your money back, We will support you. But don't even try to kill yourself!

Title: Re: Tomorrow is my last day on this Earth
Post by: Lionidas on November 11, 2017, 09:12:21 PM
Dude just go start a gofund me website and put the link here.

I think you will get some donations from the ones who really want to help you get out of this rut.
But you just got to say you won't just use the money you get from people's generosity back to this devil's site who made you lose this much and your reason to life to live.
Maybe have the btc address pointed to someone in escrow so everyone knows you have not touched it and sent to your bank account instead of bitcoin where it is not in your control to waste it gambling thus ending your life.

Yes but I respect the honest people this is not to you to help me, recently i lost my house because i tried to create a business compagny French Crepes, and everything is bad since that. I tried the last september to play betting for win money and I won 15 000 dollars (59 eTH) I was so happy and few hours later my account was closed. Since that i lost my parents in one car accident. So my life is really not funny i lost everything in my life

As someone already told you. Money is not everything.
If that money is the reason you are going to do it and not the fact your parents were killed. Then that is a mental issue.
If it is money being the reason then try one site that offers help for people
By giving donations they get rewarded for doing it as well so it is not seen as charity for you since it looks that way from the way you are writing about it.

Just a consideration for a soul in desperate need from the sounds of it.

Title: Re: Tomorrow is my last day on this Earth
Post by: etsonarrantes on November 11, 2017, 09:20:12 PM
Come on! How could you think about killing yourself for something?? And specially for the money?? I think you don't like life too much.. You can make money if you work but there is just one life you gotta live it..

Title: Re: Tomorrow is my last day on this Earth
Post by: Anarc Senior on November 11, 2017, 09:29:11 PM
Thank you very much to everyone for your help.

It's not just only this problem right now in my life.

I don't want to give up but I am weakened by all of that.

The life is really not funny for me, I really don't know what to do now.

Buddy:  from the way you described about yourself- we could tell you are quite young and stupid.  Most of people (including myself), have been through what you are going through now - it's not a big deal.  As you live longer and experience more of life and look back a few years from now, you will think it is SO fucking silly for you to even sweat over the $15 grants - it's nothing !!! Listen to what everyone here have told you - tough it out and move may hurt a little when the mob come to break your leg because you craped away the $15K you had borrowed from them and couldn't afford to pay them back 😊 ...I'm just kidding you know that 😜

Title: Re: Tomorrow is my last day on this Earth
Post by: crazyjack on November 11, 2017, 09:34:20 PM
Quit gambling and confess yourself as an addict. This is nonsense, taking risk with everything you have. This is not going to end nicely with you if you are going to continue this way. Maybe this is a wakeup call for you.

Title: Re: Tomorrow is my last day on this Earth
Post by: fratosrope on November 11, 2017, 09:37:37 PM
It was not only because of money, I lost my parents recently too, my house, and other things I don't want to say here.

My brother stoled me lot of money, my only family now

I'm alone with all my problems

Sorry for my english

Title: Re: Tomorrow is my last day on this Earth
Post by: Anarc Senior on November 11, 2017, 09:41:19 PM
Thank you for your message i'm feeling better I have no one to talk

I didn't know about these website to helping people, thank you very much

I have one adress bitcoin :


But please help me only if you can and have enough money for you

You know, IXBIT didn't answer me, never, they really don't care about people

Now you are getting really silly !! Trying to scam people !  If you are truly genuine - you have dug yourself in the hole, now is time to dig yourself out.  I loose respect for people when they start begging...

Title: Re: Tomorrow is my last day on this Earth
Post by: PotatoBlood on November 11, 2017, 09:46:07 PM
Additional Notes: I WILL NEVER GIVE UP !

stick to that

I once lost 20k in gambling too, i was broke, had debt, few years later here i am, I didn't give up, now i'm +100k!

Title: Re: Tomorrow is my last day on this Earth
Post by: fratosrope on November 11, 2017, 10:06:45 PM
Thank you for your message i'm feeling better I have no one to talk

I didn't know about these website to helping people, thank you very much

I have one adress bitcoin :


But please help me only if you can and have enough money for you

You know, IXBIT didn't answer me, never, they really don't care about people

Now you are getting really silly !! Trying to scam people !  If you are truly genuine - you have dug yourself in the hole, now is time to dig yourself out.  I loose respect for people when they start begging...

This is really not fair your reaction if you think that

I work every day of week for my debt

I asked only from people with enough money

I'm tired

Title: Re: Tomorrow is my last day on this Earth
Post by: yaking on November 11, 2017, 10:10:41 PM
CmonBruh  :-\

Title: Re: Tomorrow is my last day on this Earth
Post by: yoseph on November 11, 2017, 10:26:58 PM

I can't anymore fight against the site 1XBIT.COM.

They stole me about $ 15,000.

Here the original discussion:

With other debts I have I can not live, these $ 15,000 could have revived me in life but 1XBIT broke me completely.

Tomorrow I'm going to kill myself, and everyone does not care.

Do not make the same mistakes as me please.

Try to enjoy your life

Though it's a huge amount of money, I don't think the appropriate thing to do is to kill yourself over such an amount of money. I think you should not give up and continue to seek ways and means to get your money back because it can still be done.

Title: Re: Tomorrow is my last day on this Earth
Post by: jhonnydeep87 on November 11, 2017, 10:58:28 PM
The meaning of life is too deep to be known and understood, man will never feel life if he continues to seek the meaning of life. The meaning of life is no longer searching for the meaning of life. In the end man does not need to ask the meaning of his life, but acknowledges that he is the question that means every human being is questioned by life and he can only answer to life by answering for his own life, he can only answer to life by becoming a responsible self. You must have the desire to work hard and get something that is worthwhile, so long as you are still breathing do not waste your life during this earth.

Title: Re: Tomorrow is my last day on this Earth
Post by: dimastegar on November 11, 2017, 11:19:55 PM
At least use your brain to think clearly. How do you invest in such less obvious places? You can not just end your life just for 15000 dollars. I am sure you can earn more than 15000 dollars with the rest of your life. And most importantly after you die, what money can come back? No friends, use your time well. Life is more valuable than money.

Title: Re: Tomorrow is my last day on this Earth
Post by: TTITA on November 11, 2017, 11:26:20 PM
I can't anymore fight against the site 1XBIT.COM.
They stole me about $ 15,000.
Here the original discussion:
With other debts I have I can not live, these $ 15,000 could have revived me in life but 1XBIT broke me completely.
Tomorrow I'm going to kill myself, and everyone does not care.
Do not make the same mistakes as me please.
Try to enjoy your life
I know this is very difficult for you and depressed.
You've spent your time and effort and try to win that games on Xbit.
Unfortunately, they cheat you, you didn't get the money you have earned.
But do not give up brother, get up and looking forward, you life is more important.

Title: Re: Tomorrow is my last day on this Earth
Post by: The Sceptical Chymist on November 11, 2017, 11:28:53 PM
You know, I've seen drug addicts overdose on opiates, and it seems like an excellent way to go.  Combine that with some inert gas asphyxia and you're golden.

But I don't believe you're serious anyway, nor do I even think this is a cry for help.  I think this is just trolling.  And if you are serious, suck it up and try to make your fortune again.  I'm not going to give you the line that life is precious, blah blah blah, but losing some bitcoin is a friggin' horrible reason to wax yourself.

Title: Re: Tomorrow is my last day on this Earth
Post by: Aikidoka on November 11, 2017, 11:30:44 PM
Is this a joke? because if you are joking, that is not funny. Why waste your life over a problem you just faced? Why give up so easily? People in here are trying to help you out. Your family and friends are there for you to back you up. You are not fighting this alone!

Come on! Do not lose yourself! We really care about you even though we do not know you. You will figure it out and survive, trust me!

Title: Re: Tomorrow is my last day on this Earth
Post by: ninabobo on November 11, 2017, 11:32:29 PM

I can't anymore fight against the site 1XBIT.COM.

They stole me about $ 15,000.

Here the original discussion:

With other debts I have I can not live, these $ 15,000 could have revived me in life but 1XBIT broke me completely.

Tomorrow I'm going to kill myself, and everyone does not care.

Do not make the same mistakes as me please.

Try to enjoy your life


I have opened the web you say. I do not know it is an investment or gambling. but I think at a glance, you play gambling. I thought you would not be rich with gambling.

Title: Re: Tomorrow is my last day on this Earth
Post by: sanbashiyi on November 11, 2017, 11:32:51 PM
please do not give up on yourself, there is only $15000 and you still have a long life to make it back again in the future

Living there is hope,It is foolish to suicide, gambling is not a good habit you should get rid of this

Title: Re: Tomorrow is my last day on this Earth
Post by: b_parin on November 11, 2017, 11:55:10 PM
Tomorrow I'm going to kill myself, and everyone does not care.

Hey, don't do that. You know that many people who engage in gambling lost more than what you lose. But they think positive about it and in time they gained the loss and eventually stop gambling.
There are many great things that can happen in your life, so don't lose hope.

Title: Re: Tomorrow is my last day on this Earth
Post by: Jinz02 on November 11, 2017, 11:59:05 PM
dude dont waste your life because of money. Money is only a thing you can get that anytime but life? you only live ones so dont kill yourself lets begin from the start and earn more money.

Title: Re: Tomorrow is my last day on this Earth
Post by: meisha on November 12, 2017, 01:34:53 AM
money comes, money goes. I lost a lot more than you but i will NEVER kill myself. I will rise again and make more money. You can make a lot of crypto and get it all back. There are so many opportunities in the crypto sphere of things. Learn from your losses and than turn $500 into your $15,000 trading cryptos!

Title: Re: Tomorrow is my last day on this Earth
Post by: NightWatchHKG on November 12, 2017, 01:42:50 AM
Life is worth a lot more then $15000

Title: Re: Tomorrow is my last day on this Earth
Post by: heraldlazaro25 on November 12, 2017, 01:48:42 AM

I can't anymore fight against the site 1XBIT.COM.

They stole me about $ 15,000.

Here the original discussion:

With other debts I have I can not live, these $ 15,000 could have revived me in life but 1XBIT broke me completely.

Tomorrow I'm going to kill myself, and everyone does not care.

Do not make the same mistakes as me please.

Try to enjoy your life

Killing yourself is not a good idea because of that lose. You can start all over again and try to bring back all the money that lost to you. Just like you said, enjoy life. There are times that you are not lucky and there are times that you're lucky that you can gain a lot of money. That is only a challenge for you in your bitcoin experience. You have so much time to earn and bring back all of your money.

Title: Re: Tomorrow is my last day on this Earth
Post by: Golftech on November 12, 2017, 01:56:25 AM

I can't anymore fight against the site 1XBIT.COM.

They stole me about $ 15,000.

Here the original discussion:

With other debts I have I can not live, these $ 15,000 could have revived me in life but 1XBIT broke me completely.

Tomorrow I'm going to kill myself, and everyone does not care.

Do not make the same mistakes as me please.

Try to enjoy your life

Killing yourself is not a good idea because of that lose. You can start all over again and try to bring back all the money that lost to you. Just like you said, enjoy life. There are times that you are not lucky and there are times that you're lucky that you can gain a lot of money. That is only a challenge for you in your bitcoin experience. You have so much time to earn and bring back all of your money.
and its not enough reason to kill yourself and give up just because they do it to you mate, better to start realizing your mistakes and stop gambling, we do understand that those type of problem always have an answer just think carefully with your actions, money can be earned just to find proper job and move on with your life.

Title: Re: Tomorrow is my last day on this Earth
Post by: TomUyamot on November 12, 2017, 02:14:34 AM
Dude, I have an advice for you. I just want to note beforehand that even if this seems like a joke, this is very serious. I think you need to get away from crypto if you cannot get away from your suicidal tendencies. You might be in tantrums every now and then if you continue here. This is a world where emotional people have either gone mad or killed themselves. You wanted to kill yourself because of $15,000. What if you succeeded and made $50,000? You might want to jump from an airplane out of overjoy.  ;D What if your $50,000 will turn to $2,000 because of sudden dip in your investments? You might really chop your head off.  ;D  

Title: Re: Tomorrow is my last day on this Earth
Post by: bling-bling on November 12, 2017, 02:21:01 AM

I can't anymore fight against the site 1XBIT.COM.

They stole me about $ 15,000.

Here the original discussion:

With other debts I have I can not live, these $ 15,000 could have revived me in life but 1XBIT broke me completely.

Tomorrow I'm going to kill myself, and everyone does not care.

Do not make the same mistakes as me please.

Try to enjoy your life

Dude, don't be stupid! Nothing is worth killing yourself. If you think you're going through hell right now because of your debts, that's nothing compared to what will happen to you when you go to hell if you kill yourself! You won't be able to fathom the hardships that will be inflicted upon you. Your worries in this life are temporary. But in hell everything is permanent and there's no going back. So be wise and love life! God bless...

Title: Re: Tomorrow is my last day on this Earth
Post by: PatyZante on November 12, 2017, 03:00:02 AM
Based on your story you still got your betting money back so that's a good thing. I know it's hard to think about all those you lost but losing is a part of life and some have lost more than you. Focus on what's important and that is living.

Title: Re: Tomorrow is my last day on this Earth
Post by: Medimiguel on November 12, 2017, 03:38:50 AM
I was about kill myself few months ago, was so sad, i got no house, no job, no money, sleeping in home friends sometimes and in street others  :-[, I'm Electrical Engineer, Polyglot also, so I lost the will to life  :'( Now my life changed completly, suddenly. Let me say you that life is a game, try to enjoy the good and the bad. The only thing that really matters is to be in good health, nothing more. Live! Fuck the money. Humanity is changing, stay and be part of it  :)

Title: Re: Tomorrow is my last day on this Earth
Post by: ethereumhunter on November 12, 2017, 03:57:39 AM
i hope that he don't kill his self and i wish that he can pay his debt so he can continue his life. this is important message to us to not playing gambling in everyday and risk our money. he shows to us that no matter how much amount of money we used, finally we can not win every single penny at all and we can have big debt like him. i hope that he is not give up and not surrender and find another way so he don't think that killing his self will solve the problem.

Title: Re: Tomorrow is my last day on this Earth
Post by: slayyous on November 12, 2017, 04:10:26 AM
Bro! People have suffered things much worse than this. I believe that suicide is a coward way out. Think about it, if you kill yoursef you will have no benefit cause you have nothing. Take a day for yourself just to think, watch your favorite movie, read a book, enjoy the small things in life... Hopefully this will make you feel better. Call your country´s suicide prevention hotline and talk to an expert before taking this decision.

I have a current debt of $25,000 and a company that is not doing well... I am feeling just fine and working my way out.

Title: Re: Tomorrow is my last day on this Earth
Post by: rzluetlhch on November 12, 2017, 04:17:59 AM
The optimistic attitude of life is the first, friend, we are with you.
I hope he doesn't do stupid things because he has parents and friends.While gambling is not a good thing, it can be a ruin.
I think bitcoin and all kinds of altcoin are very good investments, and I used to have liabilities, and that's because gambling was lost.But I have paid off all my debts by buying BTC on a regular basis every month.
Friends, life is good, don't give up hope.

Title: Re: Tomorrow is my last day on this Earth
Post by: Clixus on November 12, 2017, 04:24:04 AM
A lot of people writing for you see it.. We love you man ! Because you are our Bitcoin's brother.. Life is good.. Figth for it..

Title: Re: Tomorrow is my last day on this Earth
Post by: Gyfts on November 12, 2017, 04:27:05 AM
Going to mirror most the other comments but this is absurd. Why would you kill yourself over 15,000 bucks? I don't care how poor you are, that isn't worth your life. Not sure if you're being hyperbolic or what the deal is, but that's moronic. Cut your losses and get back on your feet. It's not like you're in debt 15 grand regardless.

Title: Re: Tomorrow is my last day on this Earth
Post by: dogz12 on November 12, 2017, 05:20:48 AM

I can't anymore fight against the site 1XBIT.COM.

They stole me about $ 15,000.

Here the original discussion:

With other debts I have I can not live, these $ 15,000 could have revived me in life but 1XBIT broke me completely.

Tomorrow I'm going to kill myself, and everyone does not care.

Do not make the same mistakes as me please.

Try to enjoy your life

Half of my remaining hours I will spent with my loving wife. Part of my remaining hours i will spent approaching, if not all, persons that i had grudge with and try to make peace with them. The remeining hours i will spent talking to god and ask for forgiveness so that i may die in peace.

Title: Re: Tomorrow is my last day on this Earth
Post by: Crypto1992 on November 12, 2017, 05:33:19 AM
Dear OP.
Stop being foolish. 15000$ are nothing. You can earn it being here just in one year. Apply for signature campaigns and bounty campaigns.You can earn the amount.Don't waste your life OP.
I dont care if this is true or not but I just say my words.Dont do such foolish things just for 15000$.Life is more than money.

Title: Re: Tomorrow is my last day on this Earth
Post by: RawDog on November 12, 2017, 05:36:25 AM
Life is worth a lot more then $15000

Not his. 

Title: Re: Tomorrow is my last day on this Earth
Post by: The Sceptical Chymist on November 12, 2017, 05:37:01 AM

I can't anymore fight against the site 1XBIT.COM.

They stole me about $ 15,000.

Here the original discussion:

With other debts I have I can not live, these $ 15,000 could have revived me in life but 1XBIT broke me completely.

Tomorrow I'm going to kill myself, and everyone does not care.

Do not make the same mistakes as me please.

Try to enjoy your life

Half of my remaining hours I will spent with my loving wife. Part of my remaining hours i will spent approaching, if not all, persons that i had grudge with and try to make peace with them. The remeining hours i will spent talking to god and ask for forgiveness so that i may die in peace.
You'd better stop wasting time on bitcointalk then.  Sounds like you have a lot of prep work to do.  Bon voyage, bro.

Title: Re: Tomorrow is my last day on this Earth
Post by: Klestar on November 12, 2017, 05:38:22 AM
why you surrender mate ? don't give up and find another job for earn some money  :-\ ...
Yes don't give up ! There a lot of opportunity to get money so dont die just live and do it again.

Title: Re: Tomorrow is my last day on this Earth
Post by: RawDog on November 12, 2017, 05:39:01 AM
Half of my remaining hours I will spent with my loving wife. Part of my remaining hours i will spent approaching, if not all, persons that i had grudge with and try to make peace with them. The remeining hours i will spent talking to god and ask for forgiveness so that i may die in peace.

Dude.  Don't listen to the people here.  They didn't live your pain.  They don't know what you are feeling.  Sure, their lives are fine and they feel good.  No wonder they don't want to quit.  But if they had the loss you had, maybe they would feel differently. Only the person can decide what is right for them.  The others opinion is just rubbish.  

Do what is best for you man.  Don't listen to fools.  

Title: Re: Tomorrow is my last day on this Earth
Post by: kimpena on November 12, 2017, 05:39:14 AM
Do not waste your life for this material thing. It is just money. you can still earn it, unlike life, when you ie you cannot live again. It is God's gift,  no one must get it except for Him, who give this life we have now. The one who stole your money, God will be the one to punish Him for whatever he did ro you. Just pray for a better days, don't overthink over it. There are lot of people who has deeper problem than yours and yet they still fight for their life. Becuase they still wanted to live even if their lives here on earth is not that good. So go live your life, do not let other things take away your happiness in living in this world.

Title: Re: Tomorrow is my last day on this Earth
Post by: bitcoinorcash on November 12, 2017, 05:42:54 AM
What the hell dude?That's just some amount of money that you can gain everytime.Everyone has only one single life and many are really fighting for it.And you're just gonna waste it with the money that you have lost?Dont be such a fool dude atleast you still have your family that loves you.Its just a material man.

Title: Re: Tomorrow is my last day on this Earth
Post by: phelbaby on November 12, 2017, 06:07:02 AM
Your die will not change  stealing or anything, neither you need not to be told sorry because that is what makes you a man and if you do not loss money in business your not and investor so in business you loss and also make profit so the two goes together.

Title: Re: Tomorrow is my last day on this Earth
Post by: Cryptolive on November 12, 2017, 06:16:51 AM
Dont do that mate.In the link you mentioned, you posted that you will never give up.Why you have decided like this again?

Title: Re: Tomorrow is my last day on this Earth
Post by: LogitechMouse on November 12, 2017, 07:17:25 AM
$15000 can be earned again by finding a job but to do a suicide will not make a second chance for you. If you value your life at this moment, then don't do what you want to do. If you want to have a happy life then, start from scratch. Everybody deserves a second chance brother. Stand up and plan for your life. We don't know how do you feel now at this moment but we know the value of life so don't do suicide. STAND UP BROTHER!!!!!!!!!!

Title: Re: Tomorrow is my last day on this Earth
Post by: darkywis on November 12, 2017, 08:17:44 AM
Killing yourself is not the answer buddy. You have your family that cares and will help with your problem. Never give up in life.

Title: Re: Tomorrow is my last day on this Earth
Post by: fratosrope on November 12, 2017, 12:18:36 PM
Thank you so much i'm feeling better, you are all nice people

Title: Re: Tomorrow is my last day on this Earth
Post by: nurulbd on November 12, 2017, 12:32:37 PM
Life is not full of sucess only.Failure are there and failure there will be in future.Ofcourse you will sucess tomorrow.

Title: Re: Tomorrow is my last day on this Earth
Post by: Swopon on November 12, 2017, 05:03:18 PM
I you killed yourself i think that will be the worst and useless decision.No need to kill yourself for some $.Remember life is priceless.If you killed yourself that means you are a coward.Fight like a hero man.And remember failure is the pillar of success

Title: Re: Tomorrow is my last day on this Earth
Post by: Adrazan on November 12, 2017, 05:07:23 PM
This isn't the time to give up since you have started it so you have to finish it, keep hope alive

Title: Re: Tomorrow is my last day on this Earth
Post by: BHSMC on November 12, 2017, 05:09:43 PM
Thank you so much i'm feeling better, you are all nice people

good job buddy. we all go through the hell sometimes. never lose your focus and keep up with everything.

Title: Re: Tomorrow is my last day on this Earth
Post by: Anarc Senior on November 12, 2017, 05:29:23 PM
Half of my remaining hours I will spent with my loving wife. Part of my remaining hours i will spent approaching, if not all, persons that i had grudge with and try to make peace with them. The remeining hours i will spent talking to god and ask for forgiveness so that i may die in peace.

Dude.  Don't listen to the people here.  They didn't live your pain.  They don't know what you are feeling.  Sure, their lives are fine and they feel good.  No wonder they don't want to quit.  But if they had the loss you had, maybe they would feel differently. Only the person can decide what is right for them.  The others opinion is just rubbish.  

Do what is best for you man.  Don't listen to fools.  

I see you have been roaming on this forum trolling:  what's a matter with you to be such a dick head ?

Have Harvey Weinstein and Kevin Spacey been raping you on the regular bases, which had turn you into such a miserable creature ?!

Please stop spreading your negativity and wasting your time and everyone else...

By the way, where do you live ? I may like to come to buy you a drink and have a chat and give you some extra BCC...

I'm sorry I don't normally wasting time online  about personality issue.  But I feel like you are a "special case", you may proof that my time and effort may be worth spending to help humanity.

Title: Re: Tomorrow is my last day on this Earth
Post by: iamaruf on November 12, 2017, 05:58:57 PM
Don't waste your life for that money? Your money is important or you? If you live then you need money.You can again start another work for live and for your work.Don't give up.Try again and again.One day you will be success.But Don't waste your life dude

Title: Re: Tomorrow is my last day on this Earth
Post by: rudox on November 12, 2017, 06:12:16 PM
It is not worth your  life. $15000 may be big but your life is more bigger and valuable than the money. Learn from the mistake use it as stepping stone to greater height. Be a bit patient things will turn around.

Title: Re: Tomorrow is my last day on this Earth
Post by: Avity on November 12, 2017, 06:21:14 PM
I care for you and any other human being/living creature on the face of this planet.  If money is truly your only problem there are many solutions to this.  I live in a place where it is extremely inexpensive to live.  In Mexico.  Here it is sunny, cheap and beautiful.  Money is not the solution and cause of everything.  You are.  If you want to talk, I am here.  I felt horrible reading your post... your life affects everyone around you, including the people on this forum. 

Title: Re: Tomorrow is my last day on this Earth
Post by: A.Chanaka Bandara on November 12, 2017, 06:27:34 PM
It's very painful news. but don't giveup your hopes.Because Life is not a bet of rose.So this is the time you should be strong.
Defeneedly Success come to meet you.

Title: Re: Tomorrow is my last day on this Earth
Post by: najmul33 on November 13, 2017, 05:32:56 PM
Dood job buddy. If you attempt to succide is best soliotion, so do it. >:( >:( >:( >:( >:(

But remember yout life inmorten than money. I know it is very painful when loss big amount of money. If u alive u can earn more that morey in your next life.

Never Give up

Title: Re: Tomorrow is my last day on this Earth
Post by: katinko on November 13, 2017, 06:04:02 PM
Dood job buddy. If you attempt to succide is best soliotion, so do it. >:( >:( >:( >:( >:(

But remember yout life inmorten than money. I know it is very painful when loss big amount of money. If u alive u can earn more that morey in your next life.

Never Give up

Correct, until you have breath do not give up, dont waste your life because youve loose some money because money is always there you can find a job can gives you much better income. We know hows the feeling loosing that huge amount of money but we suggest to continue your life and enjoy it mate.

Title: Re: Tomorrow is my last day on this Earth
Post by: Qorio on November 13, 2017, 08:02:00 PM
Saw this topic and had to check up on this dude. Are you ok? Things back to normal? Stay strong buddy!!

Title: Re: Tomorrow is my last day on this Earth
Post by: kemonojim on November 14, 2017, 02:32:52 PM
What the hell dude?That's just some amount of money that you can gain everytime.Everyone has only one single life and many are really fighting for it.And you're just gonna waste it with the money that you have lost?Dont be such a fool dude atleast you still have your family that loves you.Its just a material man.

Hahaha, actually someone who says that life is just a place for pleasure then it is ascertained they are a crazy person who will be treasure or can be said to be greedy. Because indeed their mindset is fixated on the desire to get a lot of treasure and when they think or get the treasure then the main thing they do is have negative fun. So be someone who is wise and never do anything wrong or do not think to greedy.

Title: Re: Tomorrow is my last day on this Earth
Post by: lablab03 on November 14, 2017, 03:29:02 PM

I can't anymore fight against the site 1XBIT.COM.

They stole me about $ 15,000.

Here the original discussion:

With other debts I have I can not live, these $ 15,000 could have revived me in life but 1XBIT broke me completely.

Tomorrow I'm going to kill myself, and everyone does not care.

Do not make the same mistakes as me please.

Try to enjoy your life

sorry for your lost bro .  I suggest dont give up bro that amount can afford your life . Mistakes always happened every time without knowing. And also on that issue .we all know that we cannot trust anyone to handle an important things on our life . So next time make a things clear that there are no legit site like that its always turn tl scam after a weeks or month . I suggest to keep away on it so that you can avoid lose.  Best regards .

Title: Re: Tomorrow is my last day on this Earth
Post by: Parodium on November 14, 2017, 03:32:57 PM
Last Active: Today at 12:23:08 PM

Seems like he's still going. You want to kill yourself because you lost money? Money.... Really? You do realise people usually earn double that in a year by working a regular job?

Man up.

Title: Re: Tomorrow is my last day on this Earth
Post by: mostcrack on November 14, 2017, 03:39:55 PM
You make the wrong decision, think first the decision you take. I understand you have lost your money but you should not despair by committing suicide. Because suicide will not be able to return your money. Money can be searched but life is only given once, so think again.

Title: Re: Tomorrow is my last day on this Earth
Post by: squallw on November 14, 2017, 08:00:28 PM
Sorry man, but it is hard to believe in your loss history just from a noobie account asking for a donation, it looks like a scam really.
But if what you are saying is true, if you can prove that or give something that people can trust you, so i am sure that you can receive a lot of donations and help.

Maybe you can introduce yourself, giving your name, facebook, your city?

Title: Re: Tomorrow is my last day on this Earth
Post by: Osarman on November 16, 2017, 08:42:26 AM
Dont do that mate.In the link you mentioned, you posted that you will never give up.Why you have decided like this again?
You must not take the whole thing much seriously at all. It is obvious that you are not going to die at least not after tomorrow or so this is nothing but a method to make you panic and also a negative impact on the moral values does occur by thing about such scenarios.

So keep calm and be brave. A person should not decide his life matters in accordance with what others want but to the satisfaction of his inner voice. And it’s obvious that your heart never wants you to claim your death.

Title: Re: Tomorrow is my last day on this Earth
Post by: Choii on November 16, 2017, 10:01:51 AM
Stay positive mate, don't kill yourself, that's not a solution for your problem face your problem and learn frome your mistake and be better, don't give up. And there's anyone can care for what your situation, surround yourself to people that left you up and grow.

Title: Re: Tomorrow is my last day on this Earth
Post by: Laurayaki on November 16, 2017, 06:18:32 PM
I hope the op does not act, even if it hurts, it's just money after all.

Title: Re: Tomorrow is my last day on this Earth
Post by: Zocadas on November 16, 2017, 07:50:53 PM
Hmm, just wanted to ask him, how much he already did collect, but he wasn't online for two days. Hope, that he wasn't so foolish to do, what he stated instead of bashing those scammers.
If we could difer between trolls and really bad situated members, we could easily put together here with a small amount each, but from many members. Crowddonating.

Title: Re: Tomorrow is my last day on this Earth
Post by: Hamphser on November 16, 2017, 09:47:22 PM
Stay positive mate, don't kill yourself, that's not a solution for your problem face your problem and learn frome your mistake and be better, don't give up. And there's anyone can care for what your situation, surround yourself to people that left you up and grow.
This is true which suicide isnt really a worth solution on breaking away with your own problem which 59 eth wont really be the worth of your 1 precious life. Shit do really happens anytime and on this situation the best possible thing to do is contact them as you have posted they do have 50+ email which is really very shady in able for them to get reached or contact. 59 ETH is too damn big for me on such amount which would really be worth for to bring the fight against them and dont just let them easily stole up those coins or money you did deposit.

Title: Re: Tomorrow is my last day on this Earth
Post by: LTU_btc on November 16, 2017, 11:45:01 PM
I hope that OP didn't killed himself. I understand how he can feel, but suicide isn't solution. Money is materiable and I'm sure that you will earn more money that scammers stolen from you. But if you kill yourself - that's end and you will not have 2nd chance to live. People lost much bigger amounts of money from scamner and they continue to live. What doesn't kills you makes you stronger.

Title: Re: Tomorrow is my last day on this Earth
Post by: kuroman on November 16, 2017, 11:58:35 PM
Come on man, it's just 15k, it's not worth your life, no matter what amount of money it is because as long as you are alive and in good health you can always make money as long as you are willing to work for it. Seriously life is about the ups and downs, if we were all having the perfect life, it would be really boring and not worth living because things like success or achieving something won't have any meaning

Title: Re: Tomorrow is my last day on this Earth
Post by: otandelapaz on November 17, 2017, 08:20:40 PM

I can't anymore fight against the site 1XBIT.COM.

They stole me about $ 15,000.

Here the original discussion:

With other debts I have I can not live, these $ 15,000 could have revived me in life but 1XBIT broke me completely.

Tomorrow I'm going to kill myself, and everyone does not care.

Do not make the same mistakes as me please.

Try to enjoy your life


Whoa! I don't know if I'm gonna feel sad because you lose 15K or I'm gonna feel sad because you think your life's worth is only's pathetic really, get a hold of yourself and just slapped your face really hard. Maybe then you'll get some sense.  Come on man!

Title: Re: Tomorrow is my last day on this Earth
Post by: fratosrope on November 17, 2017, 10:49:38 PM
Hello everyone,

The last Sunday, someone tried to stole me money, again..

I think they are lot of bad people on this earth, but they are more good people.

I need to be careful now, I know.

Some people have talking with me on Skype, thank you so much

For my problems with my debts, someone has helping me to create one blog/website for donation :

I think without this forum I will be not here today I met very good people

Thank you I want to rebuilt my life, i'm stronger now

Title: Re: Tomorrow is my last day on this Earth
Post by: trecore4 on November 18, 2017, 09:03:06 AM


I would earn more $15K USD and then hire biggest lawyer in the state and file a complaint against the 1XBIT. I will do this promptly so that lawyers will prove they are stealers for which I will get the state reward, my 15K back and medal form he police station.  Lolz. I just made 30$ USD in no time.

There are so many things you can do when you are alive dude! When you are dead you can do only one thing and thats, lying in the graveyard and see the world develop around you, people making billions of dollars. Just think about it before doing shit thing before your timeline is gone.

Title: Re: Tomorrow is my last day on this Earth
Post by: crazyivan on November 18, 2017, 10:24:49 AM
Hello everyone,

The last Sunday, someone tried to stole me money, again..

I think they are lot of bad people on this earth, but they are more good people.

I need to be careful now, I know.

Some people have talking with me on Skype, thank you so much

For my problems with my debts, someone has helping me to create one blog/website for donation :

I think without this forum I will be not here today I met very good people

Thank you I want to rebuilt my life, i'm stronger now

OP is alive! Yay!

With so many strange people in crypto, I was really hoping you d win over that problem. Welcome back my friend, I hope you find a way to get these coins back or make more money.

Title: Re: Tomorrow is my last day on this Earth
Post by: fratosrope on November 18, 2017, 10:36:51 AM
Hello everyone,

The last Sunday, someone tried to stole me money, again..

I think they are lot of bad people on this earth, but they are more good people.

I need to be careful now, I know.

Some people have talking with me on Skype, thank you so much

For my problems with my debts, someone has helping me to create one blog/website for donation :

I think without this forum I will be not here today I met very good people

Thank you I want to rebuilt my life, i'm stronger now

OP is alive! Yay!

With so many strange people in crypto, I was really hoping you d win over that problem. Welcome back my friend, I hope you find a way to get these coins back or make more money.

Thank you crazyivan, yes this is new beggining for me, I have hope again now

Title: Re: Tomorrow is my last day on this Earth
Post by: Rahar02 on November 18, 2017, 12:29:54 PM
I've decided not to say anything about your plan to suicide.
But, I'm glad you didn't make it, still alive and keep your spirit to fight for your life.
I assume gambling isn't a good way to get instant money, if you decide to do so, there are some legit gambling sites which better than 1xbit always has same reasons to cancel customers winnings, as your case isn't the first one. Fortunately you still get your initial capital 14 eth. About your debts, hopefully people will intrigue to donate if you provide more information about the reason why you got into this problem in the first place.

Title: Re: Tomorrow is my last day on this Earth
Post by: fratosrope on November 18, 2017, 01:22:50 PM
I've decided not to say anything about your plan to suicide.
But, I'm glad you didn't make it, still alive and keep your spirit to fight for your life.
I assume gambling isn't a good way to get instant money, if you decide to do so, there are some legit gambling sites which better than 1xbit always has same reasons to cancel customers winnings, as your case isn't the first one. Fortunately you still get your initial capital 14 eth. About your debts, hopefully people will intrigue to donate if provide more information about the reason you've trapped in the first place..

I don't know if people will give me money for my debts

The debts first was because of my compagny business (french crepes food), I lost everything (around 55 000 euros)

Then, I tried to bet online with the bitcoin and ethereum I won because I bought 2 years ago around 1000 euros (20 000 euros today with the price), but I lost everything with online betting

1xbit was my last try with my last 14 eTH, I won 73 eTH, but only 14 eTH they gave me back

I have withdrawal my last 14 eTH and I payed one part of my debts with that

Now I have still 73 000 euros of debts, I don't know how to pay all of that

Tha last month my parents died in one accident

My brother stoled me money

Its the cause I was thinking about suicide

Title: Re: Tomorrow is my last day on this Earth
Post by: bL4nkcode on November 18, 2017, 01:59:53 PM
I've decided not to say anything about your plan to suicide.
But, I'm glad you didn't make it, still alive and keep your spirit to fight for your life.
I assume gambling isn't a good way to get instant money, if you decide to do so, there are some legit gambling sites which better than 1xbit always has same reasons to cancel customers winnings, as your case isn't the first one. Fortunately you still get your initial capital 14 eth. About your debts, hopefully people will intrigue to donate if provide more information about the reason you've trapped in the first place..

I don't know if people will give me money for my debts

The debts first was because of my compagny business (french crepes food), I lost everything (around 55 000 euros)

Then, I tried to bet online with the bitcoin and ethereum I won because I bought 2 years ago around 1000 euros (20 000 euros today with the price), but I lost everything with online betting

1xbit was my last try with my last 14 eTH, I won 73 eTH, but only 14 eTH they gave me back

I have withdrawal my last 14 eTH and I payed one part of my debts with that

Now I have still 73 000 euros of debts, I don't know how to pay all of that

Tha last month my parents died in one accident

My brother stoled me money

Its the cause I was thinking about suicide

You should start over again and if you dont have enough funds dont use it to gamble it will make things worst. Instead of gambling make or find a decent job on your place and once you earned enough then invest it on any crypto that has potential, just make sure you have the knowledge when investing And just dont use ICO to invest with just my opinion.

Title: Re: Tomorrow is my last day on this Earth
Post by: Rggadi on November 18, 2017, 06:43:25 PM
I have experience of situation like yours , lost all my money on some hazardous business

Title: Re: Tomorrow is my last day on this Earth
Post by: jonatuzc on November 19, 2017, 06:01:39 AM
Going to mirror most the other comments but this is absurd. Why would you kill yourself over 15,000 bucks? I don't care how poor you are, that isn't worth your life. Not sure if you're being hyperbolic or what the deal is, but that's moronic. Cut your losses and get back on your feet. It's not like you're in debt 15 grand regardless.
Yes a good point to be highlighted, life is more worthy than bitcoin, if you are alive there will be a lot of bitcoins for you but if you end up your life then you won't be able to get even a single of bitcoin, neither bitcoin will be affected to any extent if you end your life, so be wise and be keen about your plans, take a new start and work hard because failure is the first step to success and when you start a journey then every mountain is reachable if you can climb

Title: Re: Tomorrow is my last day on this Earth
Post by: fratosrope on November 19, 2017, 12:00:31 PM
I don't have any donation, even not 1 cent :(

I don't know how to do with people to ask donation

Title: Re: Tomorrow is my last day on this Earth
Post by: jossiel on November 20, 2017, 12:19:41 PM
I don't have any donation, even not 1 cent :(

I don't know how to do with people to ask donation

Cheer up, you don't have to ask people for donation. How old are you? There's a lot of things that you can do and I believe it. We have our own skills that we can use for making great value for our time.

We know life sucks but we have to deal with it and to those that will give up are the real losers. I know it's a big pain to your mind and heart about that lost and it's hard to accept it up until this moment.

What you need to do is focus on your goals but first you have to move on mate, next pay those debts and lastly don't gamble again. Make your life beautiful, I'm sure you'll overcome this.

Just don't think about ending up your life.

Title: Re: Tomorrow is my last day on this Earth
Post by: Victorycoin on November 20, 2017, 12:24:57 PM
I don't have any donation, even not 1 cent :(

I don't know how to do with people to ask donation
I am glad you didn't have to follow up that devilish urge! Now what you really need is not even the donations, but a fundamental change in values and outlook. You should be able to tell yourself that even $1M is still a small amount of money compared to your life, because there are humans making billions and you're a human. You have made money before and so more is possible even without resorting to gambling, because that is not a right place to go for money making. Whatever happens to us in life is inconsequential, because the last chapter of our lives are not written yet and can only be written by ourselves.

Title: Re: Tomorrow is my last day on this Earth
Post by: wdnj on November 20, 2017, 01:41:40 PM
OP, really. You are gonna waste you life over this?

Anyway, please update us in time how you got on.
Its not the way to end the life after facing a failure, failure is the first step to success and to every autumn there is a spring and you will succeed, just be patient and be committed to your decisions and do not lose hope. Bitcoin is a currency similar to regular currencies and rise and fall are part of it. Be hopeful and keep faith in your investment and wait for the profit patiently

Title: Re: Tomorrow is my last day on this Earth
Post by: BlackPanda on November 20, 2017, 03:19:33 PM
OP, really. You are gonna waste you life over this?

Anyway, please update us in time how you got on.
Its not the way to end the life after facing a failure, failure is the first step to success and to every autumn there is a spring and you will succeed, just be patient and be committed to your decisions and do not lose hope. Bitcoin is a currency similar to regular currencies and rise and fall are part of it. Be hopeful and keep faith in your investment and wait for the profit patiently
Sometimes failure happens not only in the real world. many people are frustrated because they make mistakes. Perhaps this is one of the bad effects of the uncertain circumstances and the rigors of life in this increasingly technological world. I am very concerned because when all this can be overcome when we have confidence, with high confidence we should be able to control the mindset that we have. I really hope no one else will experience something like this.

A life is not worth the life in this world, in fact we can still live without any money. humans are created to survive and also this is the nature of man, they create life from the beginning and we are all born without having anything, that is what my parents taught since childhood.

I am very condescending if this is true.

Title: Re: Tomorrow is my last day on this Earth
Post by: blockman on November 20, 2017, 08:18:52 PM
I have experience of situation like yours , lost all my money on some hazardous business
You might want to share on how did you dealt with that struggle. As I read the posts of OP, I can feel the pain of his struggle for losing that big money to a casino in an unfair way. But this is not the end of the world for having a lost of $15,000. There are people who overcome their difference for having only one hand to work on or one foot to walk on. You still have a long way to recover, if you are complete with two hands and two feet to work on for the recovery from this way don't give up!

Title: Re: Tomorrow is my last day on this Earth
Post by: Mister1k on November 20, 2017, 08:29:57 PM
I have experience of situation like yours , lost all my money on some hazardous business
You might want to share on how did you dealt with that struggle. As I read the posts of OP, I can feel the pain of his struggle for losing that big money to a casino in an unfair way. But this is not the end of the world for having a lost of $15,000. There are people who overcome their difference for having only one hand to work on or one foot to walk on. You still have a long way to recover, if you are complete with two hands and two feet to work on for the recovery from this way don't give up!

Simply stupid thread this is about. Who will die for loosing the money and all. If he looses money casino he should connect with the different platform to working on it to recover from that. If that person still works on it there is nothing wrong to see he is dying and let him do that.
I expect the moderators to lock this thread to find the more shit posts in the thread saying these kind of replies more in the thread.

Title: Re: Tomorrow is my last day on this Earth
Post by: bitcoinguy140 on November 22, 2017, 01:53:39 AM
Sounds like a Nigerian scam for you to send money. A lot of scams going around.

Title: Re: Tomorrow is my last day on this Earth
Post by: yojodojo21 on November 22, 2017, 04:37:21 AM
Actually, I was Thinking How OP get That 15K USD, And Tell us About That He Is Going to Commit Suicide and Then After pages of This Thread He's back. Sir, Things Inside This World is so very Deceitful, and harmful, "IF" you Don't Decide Well It is Really your Lose. You Earn 15k, And You Can Earn it Again and Again. Thanks For Sharing The Information, Even thou your Weird. You Can Count The Money by Cent But You can only count Your Life Once. So Again Think Before Clicking. :D

Title: Re: Tomorrow is my last day on this Earth
Post by: madwica on November 22, 2017, 05:48:29 AM
I don't have any donation, even not 1 cent :(

I don't know how to do with people to ask donation
Mate where did you get your 15000$ in donation? this is not a good idea mate asking donation for other users! just move on and find a job to earn more money and i think you have enough strength to work. Money is always there we should need to work for it and do not beg to have donation.

And also i just want to say that before you enter in one investment you should invest the amount that you can afford to lose what ever happens you will not feel too down and also having multiple investment makes your money in low risk because you will have an option if one coin will not increase its value and most of the time it will happens.

Mate do not waste your life because of money, your family needs you and your life is much valuable than money. Your life is only 1 and never find another one if you are already dead. Just think about that mate

Title: Re: Tomorrow is my last day on this Earth
Post by: carlfebz2 on November 22, 2017, 06:22:04 AM
I don't have any donation, even not 1 cent :(

I don't know how to do with people to ask donation
Don't force people to donate this is just my advice if you are really sincere on what you are talking here which isn't a pure lie then possible you can get some aids for those who have kind-hearted persons on this forum.I can say chances might be slim but still possible because nowadays people are doing anything as long they can accumulate money or bitcoins.Im not saying you are liar but be sensible and be true to your self. Killing yourself for debts isn't justifiable at all.

Title: Re: Tomorrow is my last day on this Earth
Post by: gabbie2010 on November 23, 2017, 04:39:42 AM
Mate it is absolutely a bad idea to contemplate of committing suicide because of losing $15,000, you just have to sit down and device ways atvwhich you can settle this debt, if you have properties try and sell the tangible ones and if you have a job try and start savings toward repayment of the debt by setting aside a proportion of your monthly salary probably with time your debt will be settled.

Title: Re: Tomorrow is my last day on this Earth
Post by: bozo333 on November 23, 2017, 06:10:29 PM
Mate it is absolutely a bad idea to contemplate of committing suicide because of losing $15,000, you just have to sit down and device ways atvwhich you can settle this debt, if you have properties try and sell the tangible ones and if you have a job try and start savings toward repayment of the debt by setting aside a proportion of your monthly salary probably with time your debt will be settled.

Bitcoin is time to change any time. So you will check the bitcoin prices information every time. Any one say to the tomorrow what will done. So any one can 't say any ting. Life is not stable so bitcoin is helpful to improve your life. So you will gather and learn more information for the bitcoin. So will get the future invest and business proces.   

Title: Re: Tomorrow is my last day on this Earth
Post by: youtubepva on November 23, 2017, 06:37:11 PM
Waiting for next news.

Title: Re: Tomorrow is my last day on this Earth
Post by: eagleman on November 23, 2017, 09:38:43 PM
I don't have any donation, even not 1 cent :(

I don't know how to do with people to ask donation

Are you living now through donations? If there's no way to get back that amount, don't forget that you still have family to love and friends to be with. I wonder on who are the people that are close to you that symphatize you on this short coming?

This is not the end of the world and you don't have to say that tomorrow is your last day on Earth, get your life serious there are things that you had do to do not only this.

Title: Re: Tomorrow is my last day on this Earth
Post by: fratosrope on November 23, 2017, 11:54:49 PM
I don't have any donation, even not 1 cent :(

I don't know how to do with people to ask donation

Are you living now through donations? If there's no way to get back that amount, don't forget that you still have family to love and friends to be with. I wonder on who are the people that are close to you that symphatize you on this short coming?

This is not the end of the world and you don't have to say that tomorrow is your last day on Earth, get your life serious there are things that you had do to do not only this.

I don't have anymore family, my parents are died the last month and my brother stole me money and disappear

I will not be here if my family was still with me

I'm working all the week but its not enough for my debts

I have 73,000 euros of debts and every month I can only pay 300 euros because I have to pay my appartment and food

I win around 1000 euros per month (appartment cost 550 euros and 150 euros for food)

If I want to pay all my debts, I need 240 months or 20 years like this with nolife because I can't go out, I can't buy a car, I can't do anything

This is the reason why i'm asking for help I'm really desperate I want to rebuilt my life but I can't

Title: Re: Tomorrow is my last day on this Earth
Post by: Nahl on November 24, 2017, 09:19:32 AM
suicide will not solved your problem even will add more trouble to your family and indeed $15000 is huge amount and i understand if you feel frustrated but i believe with working more hard you can pay your debts and it will more better than regretting yourself because this is already happened and from now on stop deposit or invest at the particular sites or gambling and focus to paying your debts only and continue your life is the most important

Title: Re: Tomorrow is my last day on this Earth
Post by: dharnamonitor on November 24, 2017, 10:34:13 AM
Too bad, one life is being wasted by just $15,000, there are many people who wanted that life and now you wanted to end it? Even if you've suffered a lot it doesn't mean that you have the right to end it, no one has the right and now you are asking for donations, I can give you if I have but too bad :-\ I don't have any spare coins left too (Lol)

Title: Re: Tomorrow is my last day on this Earth
Post by: CryptoLex on November 24, 2017, 10:37:57 AM
Dude its just money, although its quite a bit, you will make 10X back! dont worry

Title: Re: Tomorrow is my last day on this Earth
Post by: eagleman on November 24, 2017, 01:05:43 PM
I don't have any donation, even not 1 cent :(

I don't know how to do with people to ask donation

Are you living now through donations? If there's no way to get back that amount, don't forget that you still have family to love and friends to be with. I wonder on who are the people that are close to you that symphatize you on this short coming?

This is not the end of the world and you don't have to say that tomorrow is your last day on Earth, get your life serious there are things that you had do to do not only this.

I don't have anymore family, my parents are died the last month and my brother stole me money and disappear

I will not be here if my family was still with me

I'm working all the week but its not enough for my debts

I have 73,000 euros of debts and every month I can only pay 300 euros because I have to pay my appartment and food

I win around 1000 euros per month (appartment cost 550 euros and 150 euros for food)

If I want to pay all my debts, I need 240 months or 20 years like this with nolife because I can't go out, I can't buy a car, I can't do anything

This is the reason why i'm asking for help I'm really desperate I want to rebuilt my life but I can't
I feel sorry for your misfortune fratosrope. Don't you have some other relatives that you can ask for a help with desperation? What you need to do is to face this problem, there's no shortcut on it.

I know that you'll be fine soon after this misery. What do you do for living? You can pay those debts a little by little and that must be your goal for now. I know that you are too desperate on this but the first thing that you had to do is to help yourself. Be positive, focus that everything will be settled.

Title: Re: Tomorrow is my last day on this Earth
Post by: Kurokyy on November 25, 2017, 05:41:16 AM

I can't anymore fight against the site 1XBIT.COM.

They stole me about $ 15,000.

Here the original discussion:

With other debts I have I can not live, these $ 15,000 could have revived me in life but 1XBIT broke me completely.

Tomorrow I'm going to kill myself, and everyone does not care.

Do not make the same mistakes as me please.

Try to enjoy your life


Suicide attempt is not an answer for your problem. Always think that there are also people who have bigger problem than you are facing now. If you can make 15000$ , i know you can still do it again on your own. I hope you will recover as soon as possible. Dont lose hope sir! Goodluck

Title: Re: Tomorrow is my last day on this Earth
Post by: sicparvismagna on November 25, 2017, 06:17:21 AM
I mean mate do you really think that 10,000 or 1,000,000 bitcoin or any money is worth a person living now I am not saying this is a huge blow for us getting our money stolen especially that a large amount of money. I mean come on men live your life if you got stolen and got failed on something get back up you won't lose if you try your best at everything because every mistakes we make is a life lesson for all of us.

Title: Re: Tomorrow is my last day on this Earth
Post by: abanansah on November 25, 2017, 09:00:32 PM
I don't believe this your story. Is it way to seek donations?

Title: Re: Tomorrow is my last day on this Earth
Post by: tabas on November 25, 2017, 09:47:43 PM
I don't believe this your story. Is it way to seek donations?
It might be a way to seek donations but I guess his story about is a real thing. Check out and read what happened to him at

Title: Re: Tomorrow is my last day on this Earth
Post by: cydrix on November 26, 2017, 06:15:23 AM

I can't anymore fight against the site 1XBIT.COM.

They stole me about $ 15,000.

Here the original discussion:

With other debts I have I can not live, these $ 15,000 could have revived me in life but 1XBIT broke me completely.

Tomorrow I'm going to kill myself, and everyone does not care.

Do not make the same mistakes as me please.

Try to enjoy your life

I feel you mate and very hard from that life gives us shit sometimes so it is our job to get over that we need to move on and get on life i have encountered so many circumstances in life though i give myself a chance to live for another day and look at my family with smiles after that. Money cant change everything. I know it is not that easy to overcome that stress all over your concience but look at up above and god give me hope and give me a reason to well then look at your family ad smile your family's enough to put and worth effort giving and living good luck mate.

Title: Re: Tomorrow is my last day on this Earth
Post by: genesis53 on November 27, 2017, 04:42:45 AM
First of all, killing ourselves is a mortal sin and it against the law of God, we don't own our lives and you must have fear of the Creator of our lives. Be calm and think of all possible bad consequences that might happen to our actions.Think of what will happen to your family, your son, daughter, or anything.You know that money is not everything in life. Be positive bro.

Title: Re: Tomorrow is my last day on this Earth
Post by: sunsilk on November 27, 2017, 11:09:37 AM
Let's be real here, he just lost $15,000 from 1xbet and now he doesn't know what to do. And don't tell us your problems on how much you owe from other people? Who cares about that?

You're the one who borrowed that money with no one cares about the purpose of getting that debt but there's one sure thing that I can sure off.

You enjoyed that amount, so you're return of it you had to pay it off. You can't just shout on the internet and tell people that you have that big debt.

Pay it and you'll be fine, that's the main cause of why wanted to die?

Title: Re: Tomorrow is my last day on this Earth
Post by: nosdi26 on November 27, 2017, 11:20:27 AM
are you trying to gain something? you were last active yesterday, please you people, dont make internet full of shit,,like we dont have garbage in our house, dont put our garbage on the net

Title: Re: Tomorrow is my last day on this Earth
Post by: vhiancs on November 28, 2017, 07:14:58 AM
I was shock when i read your thread you lost your 15,000 USD because you will trust a website you never know all about this site. but you have nothing to do because its happened already. i will pray that your money is getting back. don't lose hope brother. good luck and don't waste your life.

Title: Re: Tomorrow is my last day on this Earth
Post by: MidKnight on November 28, 2017, 07:21:17 AM
$15k is really a big money but taking your life will just make it worst for every people that cares for you. Move forward and you could help others not to make the same mistake as you did.

Title: Re: Tomorrow is my last day on this Earth
Post by: MarioLuck990 on November 28, 2017, 09:06:32 AM

I can't anymore fight against the site 1XBIT.COM.

They stole me about $ 15,000.

Here the original discussion:

With other debts I have I can not live, these $ 15,000 could have revived me in life but 1XBIT broke me completely.

Tomorrow I'm going to kill myself, and everyone does not care.

Do not make the same mistakes as me please.

Try to enjoy your life


You made a mistake, trust 1XBIT, don't make worse mistake than this...and a mistake you can't correct!

Title: Re: Tomorrow is my last day on this Earth
Post by: jak3 on November 28, 2017, 06:56:31 PM
Good luck mate, live in the next life you will not gamble. Earning money is hard and going it from a little investment is very frustrating and time consuming but always remember the more you invest and wait the more you are going to get. Just see this casinos for example they have invested some amount in the casinos as a bank roll and now they are just waiting for players to come and to lose money, only a few amount of players do win some money but still casino are the one who are always getting the profit no matter what ever You do.

Title: Re: Tomorrow is my last day on this Earth
Post by: Ailmand on November 28, 2017, 08:57:18 PM
Tomorrow I'm going to kill myself, and everyone does not care.

You know this is not true, there is always someone who do care for you.
Just think about him/her/them ...

Take care, mate.

I agree, I may not know you, but I am pretty sure that there is somebody out there that looks out for you or looks up to you. Don't waste that. Also, even if you have lost a massive amount due to your deals, it would be better if you would consider that as a learning experience that would give you valuable lessons that can help you actually not commit the same mistake with your deals next time. Just fight!

Title: Re: Tomorrow is my last day on this Earth
Post by: Getcoinsite on November 29, 2017, 12:36:47 PM

I can't anymore fight against the site 1XBIT.COM.

They stole me about $ 15,000.

Here the original discussion:

With other debts I have I can not live, these $ 15,000 could have revived me in life but 1XBIT broke me completely.

Tomorrow I'm going to kill myself, and everyone does not care.

Do not make the same mistakes as me please.

Try to enjoy your life

dont yah worry,I'll pray for

But back into the issue all of us has the rights for our own mistakes because
were only human and deserve to commit failure,whats important is we will
never let this thing happen for the second time,this may serve as lesson to
be learned and always make necessary action to prevent from happening

What you do is move along let this failure to be your guide for the better future
I will look forward for your success

Title: Re: Tomorrow is my last day on this Earth
Post by: fratosrope on November 29, 2017, 06:18:36 PM
I just received one more scam to my pm here want to stole me documents (member : onemd (;u=639573))

I have been around this forum for a long-long time, and in the early days seen a massive amount of accounts created in the lending situation, basically bad people posing as desperate ruining it for the rest of those that actually need help.

Do me a favor here, and do the following steps: (If you follow all of these steps truly, and if it was true, I may consider helping you, no promises or anything, don't expect anything large, could be a simple $500, or $1000 to get you by a few months more. And to get a stable job, try to do two jobs at once, I have seen people have two jobs, or full time + part time, Monday - Friday, and working weekends.)

#1) Find a newspaper, confirmation of date of death, funeral service, pictures of if you were there, and a matching picture of your face
next to this. - As much proof as possible to show this.
#2) Pictures of documents, statements that prove your debt amount and total
#3) Picture of you holding a piece of paper with your forum username, next to #1,#2 steps.
#4) Picture of your apartment, rooms, and items you have
#5) Any proof of your brother stealing your funds, (Not sure how you can do this step)
#6) Other things that is awry in your life, and proof of this
#7) Other stuff on the forum you said, and proof provided.

And just before from yaking (;u=1303368)

Hey Fratos,

I might be able to help with your issue, i'm a former worker of you might've played there before.

Contact me back, if you have skype or any like those please send them so we can talk!


Boris / yaking

Title: Re: Tomorrow is my last day on this Earth
Post by: carlisle1 on November 30, 2017, 06:31:36 AM

I can't anymore fight against the site 1XBIT.COM.

They stole me about $ 15,000.

Here the original discussion:

With other debts I have I can not live, these $ 15,000 could have revived me in life but 1XBIT broke me completely.

Tomorrow I'm going to kill myself, and everyone does not care.

Do not make the same mistakes as me please.

Try to enjoy your life

cryptoworld has a lot to offer you,it wasnt you failed on that said site
you need to cut your life just let it be a lesson and never to happen again.for
me that would serve me a better experience in trading so when ever gl on
anything i will think a lot and make a research

Title: Re: Tomorrow is my last day on this Earth
Post by: fratosrope on July 30, 2018, 07:13:33 PM
Hello !

I'm here to send you some news.

The last 10 months was very difficult, but i'm still here because of you guys and thank you so much !!

I still need a lot of money, but i'm stronger now.

Actually i need urgently for the bank around 1400 euros (1650 dollars)

I hope some of you can help me (even 1 dollars)

I hope so, thank you for the community

My bitcoin adress is in my signature

(One another forum has helping me around 200 euros actually - btc forum)

Title: Re: Tomorrow is my last day on this Earth
Post by: D1jay on July 31, 2018, 07:25:47 AM
Hello !

I'm here to send you some news.

The last 10 months was very difficult, but i'm still here because of you guys and thank you so much !!

I still need a lot of money, but i'm stronger now.

Actually i need urgently for the bank around 1400 euros (1650 dollars)

I hope some of you can help me (even 1 dollars)

I hope so, thank you for the community

My bitcoin adress is in my signature

(One another forum has helping me around 200 euros actually - btc forum)

well am glade to see that you have not gone through with the suicide attempt which would have been very bad idea, you see people actually care even if you think that they don't, they say a problem shared is a problem half solved, whatever it is we face in life, there is always a way out if you look very carefully,  life will bring you down most times but how you pick yourself up matters a lot.
i know you will over come this ugly situation and move on and also inspire others that have the same thinking to look on the bright side, hopefully you will get donations from sympathizers. Think Positive!

Title: Re: Tomorrow is my last day on this Earth
Post by: Ridwan Fauzi on July 31, 2018, 04:44:05 PM
Hello !

I'm here to send you some news.

The last 10 months was very difficult, but i'm still here because of you guys and thank you so much !!

I still need a lot of money, but i'm stronger now.

Actually i need urgently for the bank around 1400 euros (1650 dollars)

I hope some of you can help me (even 1 dollars)

I hope so, thank you for the community

My bitcoin adress is in my signature

(One another forum has helping me around 200 euros actually - btc forum)
PM sent
$1650 is my salary one week in bustadice signature campaign  ::)

Title: Re: Tomorrow is my last day on this Earth
Post by: sunnybeacher on July 31, 2018, 05:50:14 PM
Hello !

I'm here to send you some news.

The last 10 months was very difficult, but i'm still here because of you guys and thank you so much !!

I still need a lot of money, but i'm stronger now.

Actually i need urgently for the bank around 1400 euros (1650 dollars)

I hope some of you can help me (even 1 dollars)

I hope so, thank you for the community

My bitcoin adress is in my signature

(One another forum has helping me around 200 euros actually - btc forum)
PM sent
$1650 is my salary one week in bustadice signature campaign  ::)

How many accounts do you use lol :D

Title: Re: Tomorrow is my last day on this Earth
Post by: BitcoinSupremo on July 31, 2018, 09:06:44 PM
While I never do this, I sent you 5 USD in form of a moral support and I am glad that you are still here, I thought for a moment that you may have done something tragic. I am a gambler myself and I know there are moments when you lose a lot of money and suicide is the only thing that comes to your mind. Those are scary moments and I don't wish them to anyone.

Here is tx id (

Title: Re: Tomorrow is my last day on this Earth
Post by: fratosrope on July 31, 2018, 09:15:32 PM
While I never do this, I sent you 5 USD in form of a moral support and I am glad that you are still here, I thought for a moment that you may have done something tragic. I am a gambler myself and I know there are moments when you lose a lot of money and suicide is the only thing that comes to your mind. Those are scary moments and I don't wish them to anyone.

Here is tx id /btc/tx/04a5355dafabb6156a97acc305fe467f25282253d6b145d054a733acdb349028]https://www.[Suspicious link removed]/btc/tx/04a5355dafabb6156a97acc305fe467f25282253d6b145d054a733acdb349028 (https://www.[Suspicious link removed)

Thank you so much !

Yes i'm here and i'm fighting with gamble, I didn't play since the last year, and i'm much better now.

Thanks again for your help

Title: Re: Tomorrow is my last day on this Earth
Post by: shield132 on July 31, 2018, 10:16:26 PM

I can't anymore fight against the site 1XBIT.COM.
You mentioned in thread against 1xbit that you never give up!

The last 10 months was very difficult, but i'm still here because of you guys and thank you so much !!
We have to learn on mistakes and you aren't first. If you haven't played since then, congrats.

(One another forum has helping me around 200 euros actually - btc forum)
Please can you tell me which forum helped you (proofs)? 200 euro isn't that small and people usually look such topics as scam.
Sorry but you can't collect 1400 euro from this forum. Do you know how much people is like you? A lot of people sold house for this. Some of them asks for help, some of them not but do you know what society thinks about them? They never help such people because they look them differently, hope you know what I mean.
I don't judge you or give you lessons, just stated my opinions. On another hand hope one day you'll be rich in a kind way.

Title: Re: Tomorrow is my last day on this Earth
Post by: Maricel2017 on August 01, 2018, 09:09:42 AM
Stop playing gambling to make your life away in stress because if you experience losses that is what you feel and do not even waste your time if you lose money. Money is always there but your life is only one that is why enjoy it make more better things just choose the things will helps you grow and makes you happy. Dont engage again in gambling.

Title: Re: Tomorrow is my last day on this Earth
Post by: tot-o on August 02, 2018, 01:34:05 PM
I thought your Goin to look for successor for your your altcoin and you'll be leaving your wallet private key, I thought wrong... Hahaha

Life is not that simple.... If you lose today with that big amount it's not worth to die for, yes it's a big amount but it not a whole company, all you have to do is start over.