Bitcoin Forum

Bitcoin => Hardware => Topic started by: labsbitforum on October 26, 2013, 09:02:22 PM

Title: Did BFL mine with my unit for 3 weeks before shipping it to me?
Post by: labsbitforum on October 26, 2013, 09:02:22 PM
Got my BFL 60GH/s single on Monday.  Was disappointed to find that it only does 56GH/s.  Tried better power supply, bfgminer, cgminer, windows, ubuntu, etc no luck.  Looking at the per chip stats in bfgminer I can see all cores are functional just not very good hashers.  The second group of 8 cores 0i-0p was a lot worse.  I saw a few others said theirs had a loose heatsink so I decided to open the thing up to verify both were tight.

First thing I noticed is it had a fair amount of dust for only running for a couple days.  Then on the bottom of the PCB I found a sticker that said:
Rec Date Sep 27
Build Date 9/28

My unit shipped out from BFL on 10/19

So did they mine with it for 3 weeks or do you think they sent me a used one?  Anyone else know their dates?

Title: Re: Did BFL mine with my unit for 3 weeks before shipping it to me?
Post by: jayeeyee on October 26, 2013, 09:14:05 PM
Most likely answer: YES.  It's well known BFL mined using customer hardware as a "burn-in/testing" process.

Title: Re: Did BFL mine with my unit for 3 weeks before shipping it to me?
Post by: philips on October 26, 2013, 09:32:31 PM
It is a well known accusation. Could be that the PCB was build earlier and nothing more.

Title: Re: Did BFL mine with my unit for 3 weeks before shipping it to me?
Post by: Inaba on October 26, 2013, 10:34:54 PM
Most likely answer: YES.  It's well known BFL mined using customer hardware as a "burn-in/testing" process.

Of course this is an outright lie, so as long as you understand that jayeeyee is lying, you can believe whatever you want. :)

Title: Re: Did BFL mine with my unit for 3 weeks before shipping it to me?
Post by: Xian01 on October 26, 2013, 10:46:36 PM
Most likely answer: YES.  It's well known BFL mined using customer hardware as a "burn-in/testing" process.
Of course this is an outright lie, so as long as you understand that jayeeyee is lying, you can believe whatever you want. :)

 So long as you understand that Inaba is lying consistently mistaking, you can believe whatever you want.


Title: Re: Did BFL mine with my unit for 3 weeks before shipping it to me?
Post by: labsbitforum on October 26, 2013, 11:02:38 PM
Really didn’t intend to call Josh out and start a back and forth mudslinging event.  The forum is full of those and they only add noise at this point.  I honestly was wondering why the 3 week difference between build date and ship.  Did others have the same gap between build date and ship date?

Josh, as long as you have joined the conversation I have to ask.  Does BFL mine or do you just make mining equipment?  Why would my unit have a 3 week gap between build and ship?

Thank you,

Title: Re: Did BFL mine with my unit for 3 weeks before shipping it to me?
Post by: Inaba on October 26, 2013, 11:17:15 PM
We just build equipment and ship it out as fast as it's built.  For your specific question, I have no idea... the most likely scenario is the unit has a different MOSFET and was shelved until we got a new firmware rev that addressed a heat issue with those specific MOSFETs, at which point it was pulled off the shelf, reflashed, retested and sent out. 

It could be any number of other scenarios, but what is definitely isn't is BFL holding equipment back and mining with it.  Every unit we manufacture is shipped within ~24 hours of it being assembled, sometimes a bit longer, depending on when it goes onto the burn-in rack, but no more than 48 hours.

Title: Re: Did BFL mine with my unit for 3 weeks before shipping it to me?
Post by: labsbitforum on October 26, 2013, 11:18:14 PM
Thanks Josh

Title: Re: Did BFL mine with my unit for 3 weeks before shipping it to me?
Post by: jelin1984 on October 26, 2013, 11:20:59 PM
Buy a chili board

Title: Re: Did BFL mine with my unit for 3 weeks before shipping it to me?
Post by: mruiter on October 27, 2013, 12:57:53 AM
Most likely answer: YES.  It's well known BFL mined using customer hardware as a "burn-in/testing" process.

Of course this is an outright lie, so as long as you understand that jayeeyee is lying, you can believe whatever you want. :)

Most of us don't think so. BFL is doing mining with our stuf, ore else they would be lying again.
They called in burn-in , most people call it mining. Maybee the unit was just a refubished rma one.
But whatever.

Mining with BFL stuff isn't make any profit for more then a month now. There just air heaters
So why , o why please tell me would they mine with them there ROI is already made when they got youre money some long time ago....

BFL is lying in one constant stream of messages. So don't shoot the people , we don't ever gone trust scammy lying and money stealing BFL anymore

Hope they die a painfull death.

Title: Re: Did BFL mine with my unit for 3 weeks before shipping it to me?
Post by: ScaryHash on October 27, 2013, 02:09:10 AM
BFL always tells the truth, come on, everybody knows that.

It just takes 2 weeks (TM) to come out.

/sarc off

By the way, where are my fucking Jalepenos that I ordered 6 months ago?

Title: Re: Did BFL mine with my unit for 3 weeks before shipping it to me?
Post by: southerngentuk on October 27, 2013, 04:20:17 AM
So did they mine with it for 3 weeks or do you think they sent me a used one?  Anyone else know their dates?

I don't think so.  Too much hassle for what is worth.  I think they are too busy pushing the current gen products out of the door before they become completely worthless.  Nobody is ordering BFL products (with exception of Monarch), they are worth much less than their sticker price.

I'd worry about order cancellations.  I'd definitely not mine with customer products, I'd want to get rid of them asap before customers cancel them and ask for refunds.

 ::) We are, and there not accepting.

Title: Re: Did BFL mine with my unit for 3 weeks before shipping it to me?
Post by: Bicknellski on October 27, 2013, 12:06:14 PM
We just build equipment and ship it out as fast as it's built. 


Title: Re: Did BFL mine with my unit for 3 weeks before shipping it to me?
Post by: reactor on October 27, 2013, 12:45:52 PM
We just build equipment and ship it out as fast as it's built. 


Do you want a webcam on the production floor showing every piece of hardware from unboxing from manu to production and shipping? 

Shit, people gotta stop whining about BFL.  Love or hate them, love or hate Josh, they have shipped tons of orders and people are hashing on their hardware.  Can't say the same for many vendors.  Or you could, look at all the AM hardware that was always overpriced, every step of the way.  Or look at the KNC thread that is almost at 1000 posts where everyone is talking about negative ROI, making your miner actually work, varied results on different firmware, or units crapping out from the get-go because they rushed to the gate without doing their due diligence first. 

If you don't support BFL then don't purchase from them, instead you could buy from HashFast (oh wait), bAsic (oops), put in a new order from KNC that will never pay for itself (or go self-hosted and be totally in the dark), overpay for AM stuff over in group buys, join the list of people who want Yifu's head, support Labcoin (oops again), or drop some cash at CoinTerra or some of the other clone/custom units that, again, you will never make your money back on.

BFL wasn't the best with customer service, but unlike many they delivered and continue to do so.  And I speak as someone who has an order from 3/27 that has been sitting on Fulfilled for four days while the blog shipping dates creep closer to my pay date, and I never asked for a refund because I knew the risk going in and therefore didn't bitch out when things got rocky, I just adjusted my expectations.

Title: Re: Did BFL mine with my unit for 3 weeks before shipping it to me?
Post by: ScaryHash on October 27, 2013, 12:57:49 PM

There is no ROI with a BFL single, little single, jalepeno, or anything else as of right now, if it's not in your hands hashing as of 3 months ago.

That's just a basic fact.

So, the fact that the OP is even asking that question, and is finding a lot of dust in his machine, indicates that BFL screwed him out of real money. Period. End of story.

The OP's post, and many threads regarding BFL, is not indicative of customers going nuts, or having unreasonable demands.

It is indicative of a company that treats its customers like crap and does not ship on time. Just because they actually are shipping stuff, does not mean that we should give them any kind of credit. They are simply behaving a little big better than before.

It's kind of like having a child molester in your neighborhood on parole, after the judge said he was free to go because of good behavior. That does not mean that you're gonna let him play with your kids at the park, or that he is guaranteed to be fully reformed.

BFL is fucking pathetic.

Title: Re: Did BFL mine with my unit for 3 weeks before shipping it to me?
Post by: reactor on October 27, 2013, 01:09:43 PM
There is no ROI with a BFL single, little single, jalepeno, or anything else as of right now, if it's not in your hands hashing as of 3 months ago.

That's just a basic fact.

So, the fact that the OP is even asking that question, and is finding a lot of dust in his machine, indicates that BFL screwed him out of real money. Period. End of story.

The OP's post, and many threads regarding BFL, is not indicative of customers going nuts, or having unreasonable demands.

It is indicative of a company that treats its customers like crap and does not ship on time. Just because they actually are shipping stuff, does not mean that we should give them any kind of credit. They are simply behaving a little big better than before.

It's kind of like having a child molester in your neighborhood on parole, after the judge said he was free to go because of good behavior. That does not mean that you're gonna let him play with your kids at the park, or that he is guaranteed to be fully reformed.

BFL is fucking pathetic.

This is why the mining side of Bitcoin needs to settle and die down to a happy, boring, marginal increase every two weeks when the market is saturated with ASICS running at just about what power costs will allow vs. BTC price.  You're comparing child molesters to people who produce and ship mining/money printing machines.  Get a grip.

I've worked in hardware, while I can't vouch for what Josh said I know damn well we have had to sit on hardware before for 2-3 months (months!) waiting for a firmware update from some component vendor who couldn't get their crap together.  So yes, it sits on a shelf, it collects dust, customers bitched at us left and right, but we weren't about to A) ship out non-working hardware or B) throw our vendor under the bus.  You all would be the same people bitching if they went the KNC route and flooded out tons of half-working hardware that didn't perform to spec and requires a part-time job worth of effort to get and keep running.  But waiting to ship hardware they are sure will work?  That's absurd, we want our miners and we want them now!  Even with a 20% HW error rate!

Title: Re: Did BFL mine with my unit for 3 weeks before shipping it to me?
Post by: reactor on October 27, 2013, 01:23:46 PM
There is no ROI with a BFL single, little single, jalepeno, or anything else as of right now, if it's not in your hands hashing as of 3 months ago.

That's just a basic fact.

It's also a fact for just about any other vendor you inject into this statement.  Except this is for stuff people are taking money for today.

Title: Re: Did BFL mine with my unit for 3 weeks before shipping it to me?
Post by: Bicknellski on October 27, 2013, 02:39:56 PM
We just build equipment and ship it out as fast as it's built.


Do you want a webcam on the production floor showing every piece of hardware from unboxing from manu to production and shipping?  

Do you want to take Inaba's word for it?

Many do not. Nor should they, given the delays and the excuses for the delays. He is the one making the statement where is the EVIDENCE to support that claim. He makes a lot of claims then walks away and never responds to them again. Anyhow if you believe anything he says at face value then I suspect you have a larger order pending for Monarch's right? You accepted his company was going to tapeout in August some 2 full  month ago right? Sorry given his history it is up to him to prove claims because at this point no one believes anything he is saying.

At this point nothing would be satisfactory given the scope of the delays. They should be providing REFUNDS not ignoring FTC regulations. People simply need to report them to the FTC.... here is how...

It is a little more than disingenuous to put this back on people who have legitimate complaints about the unethical and some believe criminal behaviour of this company.

Title: Re: Did BFL mine with my unit for 3 weeks before shipping it to me?
Post by: xhomerx10 on October 27, 2013, 03:56:52 PM
There is no ROI with a BFL single, little single, jalepeno, or anything else as of right now, if it's not in your hands hashing as of 3 months ago.

That's just a basic fact.

It's also a fact for just about any other vendor you inject into this statement.  Except this is for stuff people are taking money for today.

While I detest the business practices of BFL, neither of these statements are factual without some qualification.  They are merely statements.  Perhaps you will never be able to mine as many coins as you paid to purchase the equipment and this is what you intended to state.  In this case it would have been better to buy the coins and hold them until a later date but we can only make statements of fact about that as far as the PAST is concerned.  We hope that the coins are going to increase in value and if that increase is large enough, you may still make an ROI with your dusty old BFL piece of shit which you have been waiting for over 6 months now because they took more orders than they could comfortably fill and are still up to the same tactics today but I digress.  Maybe we can even dust off the old video cards and blow the dust off or our old CPUs... but wait, we are responsible people and would have kept our equipment covered and free from dust so it would work properly lest we need it in the future...

Take care

Title: Re: Did BFL mine with my unit for 3 weeks before shipping it to me?
Post by: labsbitforum on October 27, 2013, 04:02:35 PM
I’m inclined to believe Josh’s categorical denial that BFL mines.  If this was something they always did with all customer equipment I would guess other hard evidence would have surfaced by now.  Not sure how long they have been attaching these stickers on the bottom of the PCBs but its pretty easy for people to check their units and see how these dates compare to their ship date.

I agree with many in these forums that after 30 some missed “two more weeks” estimated ship dates you have to call that intentionally deceptive.  Intentionally deceptive in the context of selling a product is fraud.  Josh is doing what he thinks is necessary to keep his company viable.  As others have pointed out, in this thread and others, most attempts to bring a viable product to market have ended in complete failure with people losing their investment and getting nothing.  The decision to no longer give refunds in this situation is also likely going to be a problem for BFL.  The FTC will take action on them and people living in the US do stand a pretty good chance litigating this if they decide to spend the time and money to do so.

I’m not defending Josh’s actions.  Just pointing out I can see why he has done what he did.  If he had not BFL likely would have collapsed and people like me would have lost our investment and got nothing.  I won’t get my money back as things stand.  I will recoup some of my investment and I have an interesting black box memento and story to tell friends…

Title: Re: Did BFL mine with my unit for 3 weeks before shipping it to me?
Post by: reactor on October 27, 2013, 04:11:51 PM
Alright, should I run through all the diff estimate vs. roi calculators that exist which show that basically no vendor is selling hardware that will pay for itself before it costs more to run than it is earning?  Or can you handle that on your own, then come back? 

Honestly, mining = race to the bottom.  People jumped on the BFL ship en masse then freaked out when they got delayed.  OMFG, a delay with experimental hardware, who would have guessed?  But that bandwagon left a long time ago.  Get a tissue, cry in the corner, then come back to add something valid.  Saying "These guys were late" once a week, every week, in a brand new thread does nothing, adds nothing, and only points out that people just can't get over it.  

If you're that hard off on finding a cause, look for companies basically dumping cancer water into public water sources, pharmas who sell drugs that can kill people with zero legal recourse, or technology companies who basically use slave labor for obtaining their rare earth minerals and turn a blind eye to it.  BFL makes Bitcoin mining hardware and was late on every estimate.  Josh is one employee out of a company who has delivered several generations of mining hardware, more than almost anyone on this forum can say.  

And for disclosure, no I don't have any monarchs on order, but if BFL catches up to the point where it is reasonable to order > ship within a week and their hardware is priced right I would purchase from them again because everything from my purchase to change of address to interactions with employees has been pleasant.  Not the same story for everyone, but otherwise they've lived up to their end of the bargain, albeit delivering late.

Title: Re: Did BFL mine with my unit for 3 weeks before shipping it to me?
Post by: donch on October 27, 2013, 04:32:07 PM
And for disclosure, no I don't have any monarchs on order, but if BFL catches up to the point where it is reasonable to order > ship within a week and their hardware is priced right I would purchase from them again because everything from my purchase to change of address to interactions with employees has been pleasant.  Not the same story for everyone, but otherwise they've lived up to their end of the bargain, albeit delivering late.

That's a forgiving, balanced and commendable attitude. The main factor fuelling all these threads is the recurring theme of Josh being a deceptive, unhelpful, nasty individual. The whole story would have been totally different with a public figure who knew how to interact with people and isn't cynical in his use of language, manipulation of dates and shows a willingness to be frank with information regarding delays and the size of the company's order book.

The lesson learnt for me is only give money to people who are honest. I ordered a Jupiter in early August from KNC and by October 15th it was clear that the unit wasn't going to be delivered by the promised date. I asked for a refund and had the money back within 24 hours. That kind of honesty and integrity is such a sharp contrast to Josh's behaviour regarding Paypal refunds. I don't detest BFL, merely Josh. He didn't make the devices, just typed crap into forums and misled people.

Title: Re: Did BFL mine with my unit for 3 weeks before shipping it to me?
Post by: xhomerx10 on October 27, 2013, 05:05:28 PM
Alright, should I run through all the diff estimate vs. roi calculators that exist which show that basically no vendor is selling hardware that will pay for itself before it costs more to run than it is earning?  Or can you handle that on your own, then come back? 

Honestly, mining = race to the bottom.  People jumped on the BFL ship en masse then freaked out when they got delayed.  OMFG, a delay with experimental hardware, who would have guessed?  But that bandwagon left a long time ago.  Get a tissue, cry in the corner, then come back to add something valid.  Saying "These guys were late" once a week, every week, in a brand new thread does nothing, adds nothing, and only points out that people just can't get over it.  

If you're that hard off on finding a cause, look for companies basically dumping cancer water into public water sources, pharmas who sell drugs that can kill people with zero legal recourse, or technology companies who basically use slave labor for obtaining their rare earth minerals and turn a blind eye to it.  BFL makes Bitcoin mining hardware and was late on every estimate.  Josh is one employee out of a company who has delivered several generations of mining hardware, more than almost anyone on this forum can say.  

And for disclosure, no I don't have any monarchs on order, but if BFL catches up to the point where it is reasonable to order > ship within a week and their hardware is priced right I would purchase from them again because everything from my purchase to change of address to interactions with employees has been pleasant.  Not the same story for everyone, but otherwise they've lived up to their end of the bargain, albeit delivering late.

 People didn't jump on an "experimental hardware" ship.  BFL showed they had products for sale and even shipped those products to "reviewers" (  for example) so we could "see their awesomeness".   It's hard to understand were you are coming from to think that the constant complaining does nothing as it actually serves as a tool to preserve the reputation of BFL in the public memory.  It serves to keep other unsuspecting individuals from hopping onto the "experimental hardware" band wagon that purports to have actual products for sale (viable or not)! 
 We aren't in need of a cause - as you can plainly see, we have one!  Just because it doesn't meet up with your lofty expectations doesn't mean we should be quiet about it.  BFL may have shipped lots of miners but the fact that they took more orders than they could comfortably fill has to resonate in this forum until such time as they re-think their business model.
 What part of the bargain they lived up to are you referring to?  The 1 watt per gigahash bargain?  The USB powered bargain?  The backlog filled by the end of August bargain? The end of September bargain? (oh wait there was no end of September bargain!) The ramped up production to 400 units per day?   You are just tahnking your lucky stars you got yours when you did and that's all it took to keep your mouth shut.  Try to imagine you are still waiting and your 2500 bucks has evaporated.  Anyway, why would you enter a thread with this title and not expect to see this type of talk?  Telling people to find a "higher" cause is utterly ridiculous here. 

 And for disclosure, I HAVE ordered a BFL device and I AM STILL waiting for it after more than 6 months and I AM pissed off and I WONT ever do business with BFL in the future.  I have also donated to the Red Cross, Movember Canada, Run for the Cure, the Heart and Stroke foundation, The Salvation Army, The Canadian Legion, Wikileaks and others... but I realize that is meaningless in this forum and I apologize for the spam.

Take care

Title: Re: Did BFL mine with my unit for 3 weeks before shipping it to me?
Post by: Xian01 on October 27, 2013, 05:19:32 PM
The main factor fuelling all these threads is the recurring theme of Josh being a deceptive, unhelpful, nasty individual. The whole story would have been totally different with a public figure who knew how to interact with people and isn't cynical in his use of language, manipulation of dates and shows a willingness to be frank with information regarding delays and the size of the company's order book.
The lesson learnt for me is only give money to people who are honest.

 Very well said.

 The sad part is that Josh displays all those negative traits as a gleaming, proud badge-of-honor, and people keep throwing money at them and defending them like some ignorant, weak-minded Stockholm-Syndrome sufferers.

 Josh displays all the classic symptoms psychopathy. Don't take my word for it...

 Absolutely unforgivable and despicable behavior; a damning indictment of the entire company that they allow and support their public figurehead to act in such an unprofessional and off-putting manner.

 Quite possibly one of the most conniving people I have ever had the displeasure of doing business with.

 Caveat emptor.

Title: Re: Did BFL mine with my unit for 3 weeks before shipping it to me?
Post by: reactor on October 27, 2013, 05:36:12 PM
The main factor fuelling all these threads is the recurring theme of Josh being a deceptive, unhelpful, nasty individual. The whole story would have been totally different with a public figure who knew how to interact with people and isn't cynical in his use of language, manipulation of dates and shows a willingness to be frank with information regarding delays and the size of the company's order book.
The lesson learnt for me is only give money to people who are honest.

 Very well said.

 The sad part is that Josh displays all those negative traits as a gleaming, proud badge-of-honor, and people keep throwing money at them and defending them like some ignorant, weak-minded Stockholm-Syndrome sufferers.

 Josh displays all the classic symptoms psychopathy. Don't take my word for it...

 Absolutely unforgivable and despicable behavior; a damning indictment of the entire company that they allow and support their public figurehead to act in such an unprofessional and off-putting manner.

 Quite possibly one of the most conniving people I have ever had the displeasure of doing business with.

 Caveat emptor.

In that case, can we just start an "I hate Josh" thread so that the forum isn't littered with thread after thread of BFL rage? All anyone is doing is beating a dead horse, makes the community look like a bunch of whiners.  Avalon folks have a lot more to be pissed at.  Believe you-me, I'm not defending them as I would much rather have gotten my hardware when it would still earn back what I paid, but at what point is enough... enough? 

I say this with all sincerity.  I work with a group and when trying to bring another friend into the fold his main dispute with BTC is that, with the largest portion of the community you can find in one place being the mining/hardware group, it looked like the entire community is full of petulant babies who can't accept losses and move on to other more meaningful things.  If people spent half the time trying to do something good for BTC that they spent kicking the same dead horse we might actually see more mainstream Bitcoin adoption, but instead everyone has to play the game of "What will the anti-BFL post be this week?". 

Or better yet, if you hate BFL that much, let the public record stand.  Stop giving them publicity.  Talk about other hardware vendors and how they screwed up.  It seems like people feel validated to have an Inaba post show up just so they can say "SEE?!  SEE?!  THERE IS THE DEVIL HIMSELF!". 

Title: Re: Did BFL mine with my unit for 3 weeks before shipping it to me?
Post by: donch on October 27, 2013, 05:42:50 PM
Or better yet, if you hate BFL that much, let the public record stand.  Stop giving them publicity.  Talk about other hardware vendors and how they screwed up.  It seems like people feel validated to have an Inaba post show up just so they can say "SEE?!  SEE?!  THERE IS THE DEVIL HIMSELF!". 

Or even better, petition Theymos to suspend his account. That would put an end to him publicising his ego and retelling history on these pages, and the recurring outcry from the whiners/customers who can't stand the bullshit. We all know why that won't happen. This forum is funded by mining and the silly money we've all spent on it. It's all very ironic.

Satoshi messed up making the mining reward so high. Life was better and more democratic when everyone was CPU mining.

Title: Re: Did BFL mine with my unit for 3 weeks before shipping it to me?
Post by: darkmule on October 27, 2013, 05:55:40 PM
I’m inclined to believe Josh’s categorical denial that BFL mines.  If this was something they always did with all customer equipment I would guess other hard evidence would have surfaced by now.  Not sure how long they have been attaching these stickers on the bottom of the PCBs but its pretty easy for people to check their units and see how these dates compare to their ship date.

Why would you trust the dates they put on labels any more than you trust anything else BFL says?  They could write anything they wanted on that.  Maybe it was hashing for three months instead of three weeks.  You don't know.  You do know, though, that "new" electronics don't arrive with dust inside them.

Title: Re: Did BFL mine with my unit for 3 weeks before shipping it to me?
Post by: bassclef on October 27, 2013, 06:00:10 PM
If part of his job is customer service, managing customer relationships, and speaking on behalf of BFL, he's not very good at it. That's the reason everyone "dislikes" him.

How hard is it to ignore the trolls, mudslinging and namecalling? Simply present the information in a professional manner and be done with it. Post #8 was a perfect example. Just do that, all the time.

It's not rocket science, Josh.

Title: Re: Did BFL mine with my unit for 3 weeks before shipping it to me?
Post by: Inaba on October 27, 2013, 08:33:51 PM
The main factor fuelling all these threads is the recurring theme of Josh being a deceptive, unhelpful, nasty individual. The whole story would have been totally different with a public figure who knew how to interact with people and isn't cynical in his use of language, manipulation of dates and shows a willingness to be frank with information regarding delays and the size of the company's order book.
The lesson learnt for me is only give money to people who are honest.

 Very well said.

 The sad part is that Josh displays all those negative traits as a gleaming, proud badge-of-honor, and people keep throwing money at them and defending them like some ignorant, weak-minded Stockholm-Syndrome sufferers.

 Josh displays all the classic symptoms psychopathy. Don't take my word for it...

 Absolutely unforgivable and despicable behavior; a damning indictment of the entire company that they allow and support their public figurehead to act in such an unprofessional and off-putting manner.

 Quite possibly one of the most conniving people I have ever had the displeasure of doing business with.

 Caveat emptor.

In that case, can we just start an "I hate Josh" thread so that the forum isn't littered with thread after thread of BFL rage? All anyone is doing is beating a dead horse, makes the community look like a bunch of whiners.  Avalon folks have a lot more to be pissed at.  Believe you-me, I'm not defending them as I would much rather have gotten my hardware when it would still earn back what I paid, but at what point is enough... enough?  

I say this with all sincerity.  I work with a group and when trying to bring another friend into the fold his main dispute with BTC is that, with the largest portion of the community you can find in one place being the mining/hardware group, it looked like the entire community is full of petulant babies who can't accept losses and move on to other more meaningful things.  If people spent half the time trying to do something good for BTC that they spent kicking the same dead horse we might actually see more mainstream Bitcoin adoption, but instead everyone has to play the game of "What will the anti-BFL post be this week?".  

Or better yet, if you hate BFL that much, let the public record stand.  Stop giving them publicity.  Talk about other hardware vendors and how they screwed up.  It seems like people feel validated to have an Inaba post show up just so they can say "SEE?!  SEE?!  THERE IS THE DEVIL HIMSELF!".  

Well, at least someone on this forum can use their brains.  Thanks Reactor, well said.

Anyway, as far as Xian calling me a psychopath, lets take a look at Xian nee Christian Antkow, shall we?

This is pure Christopher Antkow at his finest. All of these quotes are unedited quotes directly from the horses mouth, so to speak.

This is a blatant and outright conflict of interest.

In a professional organization, Josh would be instantly fired for doing something like this.

Given that BFL is run by a convicted felon, should it really surprise anyone that one of his underlings is operating with questionable ethics as well ?
Bullshit Fabrication continues.

"The ASIC team has promised me pictures of the wafer tomorrow, Tuesday the 26th. As soon as I get those, I will be posting them."

26th has come and gone with no update.
Respectfully, how about you get off these forums, stop with your piss war, and update the official BFL forums thread on what is going on with our orders.

You are making your company look like a bunch of insecure, bumbling and posturing buffoons.

Christ dude, be thankful you are working for a private company, because your ass would be fucking fired for how you are conducting yourself as a representative of your
company were it a public entity.

For fucks sake.

Can't you act professionally ?




Thank FSM your boss allows you such a long leash. You'd be fucking destroyed in any real professional corporate environment held to any base standards of accountability.

Shame on you.
Holy shit dude. Be careful throwing stones from your glass house !!!

The only thing more pathetic than PL around here is your management of this whole BFL ASIC fiasco.
Josh claiming on BFL chat last night that they shipped just seemed really disingenuous and slimy. Par for the course as far as Josh goes I suppose.
If I can get a guarantee that Theymos and the bitcointalk admins will allow negative ads towards BFL, I'll donate a full BTC in protest.
Nevermind about anti-BFL PSA's.

I have half a mind to investigate the pros/cons of a class action lawsuit against them at the moment.

Starting to get really pissed off. Have never seen a company I have given so much money to, act so unprofessionally before.
He won't tell us anything. He's too busy silencing dissent on the BFL shout-box and refusing to answer difficult, pointed questions.

Dude just plain does not give a fuck about this place, his behavior, his customers, or his companies public image.

I say this with sincerity.

Get help.

You can rest assured that once BFL ships my back-orders, you will never see another penny from me ever again.
Not sure about any BFL Wafers breaking, but judging from Josh's behavior on the forums lately, I think his mind may be breaking.

Can anyone over there at BFL try to slip some lithium or anti-psychotics in his drinks, please ?

It is just absolutely mind-boggling how his leash-holders allow him to continue like he does in public. Has developed this split-personality complex that

Inaba/BFL_Josh-Zerlan are two different personalities !

I mean name calling ? Is he still in grade school ? This is the public face of Butterfly Labs ?

For shame !

EDIT: Speak of waffles, perhaps we should send Josh a Blue Waffle ?
Kinda like your October or November 2012 shipping dates were wrong and "misrepresentation" ?
So, Mr. Zerlan. Care to explain further about "so many lies and deceit perpetrated by people with agendas, unbalanced sense of reality or just plain crazy"

It would seem clear to me that YOUR agenda is to shirk all responsibility or honor for your prior commitments.
You have absolutely no license or credibility to speak about having a firm grasp of reality.
Way to evade again, Josh. So when are you going to do the honorable thing and honor the bet ?

Clearly, you have not met your power targets despite all your previous hubris.
IANAL. However. There are mountains of documentation across various forums, that up until very very recently, they never had a working physical prototype, and originally
made the claim to be shipping in October of 2012.

If that is not deceptive / fraudulent, I don't know what is.

I would imagine they are completely in a position to have a Judge approve a class-action suit brought against them, and the plaintiffs stand a very good chance at compensation
due to the well documented development circus and constant delays.

And lets not forget that the Minirig SC is no longer available, and they've reorganized their entire product lineup from what they originally offered for sale because their
processes up until now have been such a farce.

EDIT: And I just wanted to add that given Josh's public taunting and ill-behavior, the Judge would have a cause to award additional punitive damages against Butterfly Labs.
I would tread very carefully bro. Lets not bring the FCC into this.

Also, are you not both COO and CTO ? Sincere apologies if I have not gotten those facts straight.

I may be a "troll asshole customer" in your eyes, but I'll happily eat crow if I'm in error.
So what you are inferring is if one were to get on Josh's bad-side, their order might be delayed or lost as well ?

Interesting how both BitSyncom and Josh are so seemingly alike.

Josh threatened to adjust my orders in the queue just yesterday before he silenced me on the Butterfly Labs shoutbox.
Not only is Josh Zerlan / Inaba their CTO, he's also their COO !!!

Dude is going to have a really tough time finding another job after Butterfly Labs, due the mountains of impropriety and unprofessionalism that has been so thoroughly
documented here.

Could not happen to a nicer guy.

... and dude has the fucking gall to call people who ask harsh/pointed questions "trolls"

The man has a complete lack of meta-cognition or modicum of self-awareness.
I confirmed my orders as well. It's unfortunate to see people supporting and applauding Josh's unprofessionalism on these forums.
Josh Zerlan is not aware of things enough to know this. In fact, he fancies himself the fattest sow in the mudhole.
This sums up Josh Zerlan's delusional professional outlook quite succinctly. "Conditional Customer Service".

And you know what the saddest part about all of that, is that in Josh's mind, he probably feels 100% unwaveringly justified in having that attitude due to a complete and
utter lack of self-awareness and a firm mental rooting in his own virtual reality.

I mean, if he's going to have his megalomaniacal temper tantrums and silence customers on their forums / shoutbox with thousands of dollars in preorders, then there is just
no dealing with the man. Professionally or otherwise.

Dude has "loose-cannon" written all over him. It's people like him that sink companies unless management gets things in check pronto.

... and remember folks. Josh himself recently admitted that these forums are not relevant to their business at all, which begs the question "Why does he continue posting
here if he does not consider this place important ? Why does he continue advertising here ?"

Calling Josh Zerlan a "scummy fuck" is a pretty accurate salvo.
... but, you post lies, bullshit, and are arguably one of the biggest dicks on these forums, so, it's quite the viscous circle you have created, huh ?

Just thought I would take the liberty of showing you a mirror.
... and you are the competent and experienced CTO and COO of a company that acts in a professional manner or knows what they are doing ? Sure, we believe you... no really.
Quote from: Inaba on May 05, 2013, 05:48:23 PM
Let me know your order numbers, I will be happy to get your refund taken care of right away.

Josh, throw me a bone here... Do you at least recognize how completely unprofessional and anti-customer this sort of attitude is ?

Do you even care ?

I mean, I'm not telling you how to run your business, but you are playing an extremely dangerous game with this sort of brazen attitude.

You are essentially telling everyone here on these forums "We have you, our customers, bent over, and you just need to keep taking it with this Kong Dong of Penetration +2. Fuck you. I don't care about your orders or your business. We'll happily refund your money because we have more masochistic suckers lined up to fill the vacuum of your refund."

And you are the COO of Butterfly Labs ?

Am I far off ?
I'd rather he stop making excuses, show some humility, and stop taunting us with such pompous braggadocio whilst having thousands of our dollars in his coffers worth of preorders.
I'll just leave this here...

Fuck you asshole. Where the fuck do you think your first customers came from ?

Eat a bag of dicks.
Xian (Edit · Delete) 05-01-2013 03:56 PM
So Josh, when are you going to pay the 1000 BTC bet for not meeting 1W/Ghash ? Or are you waiting until you guys get down to 1W/Ghash until you tell everyone to go fuck themselves and say "I TOLD YOU SO!!!" ?

BFL_Josh - 05-01-2013 03:58 PM
Xian: Your trolling pisses me off, but to answer your question, as soon as we get time to take care of it, we will. It's not like we aren't already overworked and it's not exactly a high priority at the moment... however, if you have an order, let me know what it is and I will be sure to put yours on hold when we get to it and work dilligently on the donation thing before we get back to yours.

Xian (Edit · Delete) 05-01-2013 03:58 PM
BFL_Josh: Hey, thanks for threatening your customers ! I appreciate it !

Xian silenced successfully.
BFL_Josh - 05-01-2013 03:59 PM
No problem, thanks for being an annoying troll.

BFL_Josh - Shout 05-01-2013 03:59 PM
Xian silenced successfully.
Is it just me, or is anyone else laughing that Josh Zerlan refers to himself as "The Josh" ?

He's gone straight from Douche to Ultra-Mega-Douche, bypassing Douche-Bag, Super-Douche, and Giant-Douche altogether !
Two days and no responses from any staff ?

And Josh wonders why he gets trolled so viciously ?
Quote from: erk on May 12, 2013, 10:54:56 AM
Don't you think Wired magazine or the author of cgminer are credible?

It would be more credible if cklovias got the Jally; Kano just comes across as a bragging douche-nozzle and, tangentially, probably does more harm to BFL's image than good out of the Jally deal.

Giving one to Wired / Media was a transparent attempt at trying to regain a semblance of legitimacy in the public eye; Josh Zerlan has admitted these forums and patrons are not important to their business so it's pretty evident they are in full-on damage control/survival mode now.
I need to respectfully disagree. I would take it a step further and argue there are not enough variations of photos of Josh with a clown-nose.

The man did it entirely to himself.
I'm surprised Josh has not nuked that entire thread from orbit in a fit of rage.

I'm pretty much willing to bet that I'll received my 20 Erupter USB sticks before my day one BFL Single SC 60 GH/s unit pre-order ships.

Quote from: hardpick on May 14, 2013, 01:00:24 AM
Bashing Josh is not going to get us anywhere and IMO makes thing worst –he has to spend time defending himself instead of focusing on geting products out the door.

Perhaps Josh should have thought of the consequences of his chest-puffing, posturing, hubris, ignorance, myopia, inexperience, and a trail of broken promises spanning the globe over the last 8 months.

Schadenfreude, in this case, is completely justified.

Especially if you are a multiple pre-order customer waiting to take delivery of a product we have ordered almost a year ago.
And Josh Zerlan is a paragon of accuracy and truth ?

Respectfully, there is probably more accuracy in my conjectures that Josh's prior attempts at stating fact.
TL;DR: Josh "Inaba" Zerlan, COO of Butterfly Labs, taunts Bitcointalk forum members. I call him out on his behavior in an incendiary fashion. He tells Jody to cancel my orders (#s 2030, 2158 & 100033486). Check posting history. Is this the kind of company you want to be doing business with in America ?


I've never felt this abused as a customer before. Filed a complaint with the Missouri AG Customer Complaints dept and the FTC Complaints Dept. Provided a Paypal address to office@bfl to get refunded for $4,698 (edit: refund processed)

Sorry for getting all fired up like that, forum-denizens. I hit a frustration limit I've never experienced before when purchasing products, and way overreacted.

Lessons learned, if I'm going to be critical of a company I plan to do business with, I should probably choose a moniker that they can't trace back to their customer database.

If you are a former, or current customer of Butterfly Labs, and are disgruntled and fed up with how they have conducted themselves over the last year, I would urge you to contact the following agencies and filing formal complaints.

The more light we shed on Butterfly Labs' business practices, the more chance we have to effect positive change and hold them to anything resembling responsible accountability to their customers. - Missouri Attorney General Customer Complaints Deptartment - Federal Trade Commission Customer Complaint form - "Butterfly Labs CEO 25 Million USD Mail Fraud — A Concise Summary of Evidence" is a good thread highlighting historical issues with Butterfly Labs' officers that should document concerns and facts.

I would urge you to not openly complain on these forums if there is any way Butterfly Labs can trace it back to your orders with them. They have demonstrated a will to punitively cancel and refund orders.

Finally, I would be lying if I didn't have a slight concern of someone affiliated with BFL showing up on my doorstep and confronting me for creating this thread, seeing as how they know where I live, given their checkered history. But lets just hope that's my paranoia kicking in.


Inaba @ April 20, 2013, 05:06:30 PM: "BFL has given up on Bitcointalk, so don't expect any official communication from BFL here."


Inaba @ May.21.2013 @ 05:49:33 PM : "4 @ 5.75"

Spending ~$2,881.90 to advertise on a forum that they have "given up on" is the textbook definition of cognitive dissonance.


An unpaid bet of 1,000 BTC still remains over BFL missing their power consumption by at least a factor of 5, with no movement being made to honor the charity donation. The unpaid bet has resulted in calls for Inaba to be branded with a Scammer tag.


Similar experience - "I was just banned from BFL forums" -

Is Sonny Chris Vleisides not a felon ? Again, if I am in error with those facts, I'll be the first to stick my foot in my mouth and apologize. Am I an asshole for raising that point ? Probably. Slow-burn frustration has a way of making one exceptionally bitter on a long enough timeline when money has been put up in good-faith.

Please point out the post where I state they still need to prove they are not a scam. That does not sound like something I would say, considering I don't believe they are a scam and already own one of their products. Shady ? Sure. A scam ? Verifiably not, so far.
Correction: Using bureaucratic agencies to shed light on a company that openly has contempt for it's customers, fires those customers after they've endured one delay after another, one broken promise after another, more taunting and unprofessionalism from an officer of the company - after calling them out on it in a public forum. This is not normal behavior to see from a product developer. I don't know what country you live in, or what other companies you have dealt with that treated you similarly, and think it's OK.

In retrospect, I should indeed have taken a refund sooner rather than having one forced on me. Captain Hindsight and so on and so forth.

Who's the psychotic one, again?

Title: Re: Did BFL mine with my unit for 3 weeks before shipping it to me?
Post by: Unacceptable on October 27, 2013, 08:53:28 PM
WTF Inaba ???  Why are you giving out personal information ???  IE:useing a persons REAL name ???

Very mature dude  ::)

Title: Re: Did BFL mine with my unit for 3 weeks before shipping it to me?
Post by: Xian01 on October 27, 2013, 09:06:19 PM

Guess they don't even adhere to their own privacy policies now.

Title: Re: Did BFL mine with my unit for 3 weeks before shipping it to me?
Post by: darkmule on October 27, 2013, 09:08:55 PM
WTF Inaba ???  Why are you giving out personal information ???  IE:useing a persons REAL name ???

Very mature dude  ::)

It's as a warning to any other victims of the BFL scam, that if they dare to criticize the shit-flinging Inaba monkey, they too will be outed.

Title: Re: Did BFL mine with my unit for 3 weeks before shipping it to me?
Post by: notlist3d on October 27, 2013, 09:48:32 PM
WTF Inaba ???  Why are you giving out personal information ???  IE:useing a persons REAL name ???

Very mature dude  ::)

I don't think for the past month they would mess with a 60, I would think it would be mini-rigs they would be using if doing that.  But you never know.

It is sad to see someone connected with a company using someones info, i sure hope it was not a BFL customer. 

Title: Re: Did BFL mine with my unit for 3 weeks before shipping it to me?
Post by: donch on October 27, 2013, 10:03:58 PM
Wow, great one-sided attack. Classic, pick a fight with one person and focus on them. Typical bully boy tactics.

Read your own posts for insights into madness.

I need to vent for a minute, because I'm so fucking sick and tired of this when I have to modify someone elses code, or even look upon it.

If you code in 1TBS style, I fucking hate you.  I hate you with every fiber of my being.  I want to know what is wrong in your brain that makes you think that 1TBS is the "proper" or more "acceptable" way to style your code.  Why are you so fucking dense and incapable of simple human comprehension of visual coding styles that you want to subject others to your shitbag, fucked up, illegible coding style?  I fucking hate you.  I FUCKING HATE YOU AND I AM NOT THE ONLY ONE.  If I could reach through the internet and punch you in the face, I would.  I would spend my days punching every single asshole who writes code in 1TBS style in the face... that would be my purpose in life and I would attack that purpose like a manic-depressive fat girl on a giant ham after her internet boyfriend left her for another lithe woodelf in a different guild.  

I would sit, at my chair and spend 23 hours a day, taking only a single hour to sleep and eat and shit throughout a 24 hour day, punching you in the face.  On Christmas and other holidays, I would treat myself and fly around around the world, with a satellite phone hooked up to my laptop on a chartered jet, punching each of you in the face over the internet, just so I could spend more than 24 hours in a single day punching you.  I would have this jet fly with the setting sun, so I am always punching you just when you're sitting down to dinner, I would do this for nearly 48 hours straight, hopped up on Mt. Dew and Red Bull. This is how much I hate you.

On New Years, I would fly to Australia and spend the entire day punching the most egregious offenders of this fucked up indent style, then I would fly to back to the US and DO IT ALL OVER AGAIN ON THE SAME DAY.

Tell me, you 1TBS motherfuckers, tell me why you think your indent style is something even marginally approaching reasonable?  It's fucked up.  It is idiotic.  IT IS COMPLETELY UNREADABLE. Why do you do it?  Do you hate other people?  Are you so antisocial that you can't get it through your head that it makes your code look like complete shit?  Do you not understand that it makes debugging or following your code all but impossible?  Do you think you are in 1970 where every single byte counts?  What is it?  What makes you think it's ok to indent like this?

        // most of the protocols are followed by ://, but mailto: and sometimes news: not, check for it
        if ( in_array( $bits['scheme'] . '://', $wgUrlProtocols ) ) {
                $bits['delimiter'] = '://';
        } elseif ( in_array( $bits['scheme'] . ':', $wgUrlProtocols ) ) {
                $bits['delimiter'] = ':';
                // parse_url detects for news: and mailto: the host part of an url as path
                // We have to correct this wrong detection
                if ( isset( $bits['path'] ) ) {
                        $bits['host'] = $bits['path'];
                        $bits['path'] = '';
        } else {
                return false;

That is fucking goddamned unreadable.

Pick a readable indent style. Allman makes the most sense:


        // most of the protocols are followed by ://, but mailto: and sometimes news: not, check for it
        if ( in_array( $bits['scheme'] . '://', $wgUrlProtocols ) )
$bits['delimiter'] = '://';
        elseif ( in_array( $bits['scheme'] . ':', $wgUrlProtocols ) )
                $bits['delimiter'] = ':';
                // parse_url detects for news: and mailto: the host part of an url as path
                // We have to correct this wrong detection
                if ( isset( $bits['path'] ) )
$bits['host'] = $bits['path'];
$bits['path'] = '';
return false;

Look.  Gaze upon it. It's easy to follow.  It's easy on the eyes.  You can quickly see what bits of code belong to what controlling statment.  You can see what opening brace matches with what closing brace.  You can see what else matches with what if.  You can see how many else statements there are.  Seriously.  Look at it.  Now look back at your shitbag 1TBS code and tell me the same thing is true.  You can't, because if you do you are a fucking liar.  You're already an idiot for using 1TBS, don't make yourself a liar, too.

Now, go cry me a fucking river about how Allman takes up more room or some other line of complete bullshit.  It's not about visually compacting your code, it's about MAKING IT FUCKING READABLE.  Your shitbag style may be more compact, but guess what?  WHO THE FUCK CARES?  Nobody.  Not a single fucking person on the planet will ever care how compact your code is.  They care about whether it works.  Then there's the poor fucking bastards that have to maintain it after you've gone off to spread your disease to other projects, and let me tell you, they do NOT FUCKING GIVE A SHIT how compact your code is.  They care about it being readable and sensible.  Your shitty style is neither.  STOP.  JUST STOP.  Take your 1TBS style and stick it so far up your ass that it pops out the top of your head, hopefully taking the part of your brain with it that makes you think 1TBS is an acceptable indentation style.

Fuck you.

Title: Re: Did BFL mine with my unit for 3 weeks before shipping it to me?
Post by: Inaba on October 27, 2013, 10:21:59 PM
WTF Inaba ???  Why are you giving out personal information ???  IE:useing a persons REAL name ???

Very mature dude  ::)

His name is already public knowledge, I didn't reveal anything he hasn't already revealed himself.  Try to keep up, man.  I know it's hard, what with the reading and all, but try to read above a 2nd grade level.

Title: Re: Did BFL mine with my unit for 3 weeks before shipping it to me?
Post by: Xian01 on October 27, 2013, 10:24:12 PM
WTF Inaba ???  Why are you giving out personal information ???  IE:useing a persons REAL name ???
Very mature dude  ::)
His name is already public knowledge, I didn't reveal anything he hasn't already revealed himself.  Try to keep up, man.  I know it's hard, what with the reading and all, but try to read above a 2nd grade level.

 Please provide proof of how the information you are posting is publicly available.

 I suspect you are mistaken. Again.

Title: Re: Did BFL mine with my unit for 3 weeks before shipping it to me?
Post by: Inaba on October 27, 2013, 10:28:13 PM
WTF Inaba ???  Why are you giving out personal information ???  IE:useing a persons REAL name ???
Very mature dude  ::)
His name is already public knowledge, I didn't reveal anything he hasn't already revealed himself.  Try to keep up, man.  I know it's hard, what with the reading and all, but try to read above a 2nd grade level.

 Please provide proof of how your information is publicly available.

Sure thing, hotpants:'Xian'+Antkow

Should I go on?  There's a veritable cornucopia of links associated with Xian and Christian Antkow.

As usual, you are the one that is mistaken.  That seems to be a habit with you.  BTW, how's that lawsuit coming?  I haven't heard much after your sternly worded letter of ridiculous demands.  Or is this another case of Brian "Fuck you machine" Micon, talking a bunch of crap but being completely unable to actually follow through?

Title: Re: Did BFL mine with my unit for 3 weeks before shipping it to me?
Post by: Xian01 on October 27, 2013, 10:36:02 PM
Please provide proof of how your information is publicly available.
Sure thing, hotpants:

 I'm really not sure it's possible for you to stoop any lower, or become even more reviled in this community by posting extrapolations like that. I would expect no less from you. Bravo.
 I suppose it's really easy to make those connections in reverse when you have my billing info from being a prior customer, huh ?

 Shameful behavior from a company figurehead, to be sure.

Title: Re: Did BFL mine with my unit for 3 weeks before shipping it to me?
Post by: Inaba on October 27, 2013, 10:44:32 PM
Yeah, if I posted the kind of crap you do, I'd want to remain anonymous, too!

Sorry man, if you want to act like a monkey flinging poo online, you aren't going to do it anonymously.  Own it, Christian Antkow. Let the world know what a complete raving nutcase you are.

There's no working backwards.  Here is you, associated with your account as you discuss your desire for pedophillia (No, I'm not kidding, Christian Antkow is seriously talking about pedophiles):

Here, you post your own name:

Which you've since deleted, but luckily some happy people quoted you before you went back and edited out your raving nutbaggery:

9 );all

Orders 2030, 2158, 1000033476 - Paid for via BTC - 4 x Single SC 60GH/s units


On May 16, 2013, at 12:46 PM, Butterfly Labs Inc wrote:

Dear Christian,

It has been relayed to me that you are unhappy with our company and I was asked to cancel your orders. If you would send me a PayPal address I will send your money back to you ASAP.

BF Labs, Inc.


My response;


I am sorry, but that is erroneous.

I have never asked for, nor do I wish to receive a refund.

I have been patiently waiting for over 11 months now, and still have faith Butterfly Labs will deliver product.


So you see, you complete nutcase, you posted your own name on Bitcointalk.  I revealed nothing that you haven't revealed publicly before.  Don't blame me for your inability to comprehend how the internet works.

Title: Re: Did BFL mine with my unit for 3 weeks before shipping it to me?
Post by: emanymton on October 27, 2013, 10:51:06 PM
Who's the psychotic one, again?
The link was for psychopathic not psychotic but either way it's still you.
I know it's hard, what with the reading and all, but try to read above a 2nd grade level.  :-*

Title: Re: Did BFL mine with my unit for 3 weeks before shipping it to me?
Post by: Xian01 on October 27, 2013, 10:58:30 PM
Yeah, if I posted the kind of crap you do, I'd want to remain anonymous, too!

 Ok, so lets recap again;

1 ) You abuse this community in a well documented fashion
2 ) I call you on it. In a most incendiary fashion after having been led on for months of broken promises at being an early adopter of your products.
3 ) You get upset and fire me as a customer. Force a refund on my orders.
4 ) I continue calling you on your poor behavior on these forums
5 ) You have since moved to deny refunds in violation of Federal Trade Comission rules.
6 ) Paypal has fired you.
7 ) Continue missing your shipping estimates.
8 ) You try to silence me, again, through intimidation, for continuing to shine the light on your unwavering contempt of this community and your own customers

 And you have the audacity to sling an accusation of raving lunatic because I'm exposing you and holding you to account and making sure this community is aware of your history ?  I need to most strenuously disagree with your personality assessment knowing full well the abuse you have doled out to your customers over the last year. If you repeatedly treat people badly, they are going to defend themselves and lash out eventually.

 You cause people to lose significant amounts of money, you can bet they will inform the larger community of the anecdotes and experiences they have had with your enterprise, on basic principle.

 You have only made yourself and Butterfly Labs look worse with this latest stunt of yours. I fear you lack the self-awareness to recognize this :(

 Finally, thank you for admitting that you broke your own privacy policy.

Title: Re: Did BFL mine with my unit for 3 weeks before shipping it to me?
Post by: YipYip on October 27, 2013, 11:02:31 PM
Please provide proof of how your information is publicly available.
Sure thing, hotpants:

 I'm really not sure it's possible for you to stoop any lower, or become more even reviled in this community by posting extrapolations like that. I would expect no less from you. Bravo.
 I suppose it's really easy to make those connections in reverse when you have my billing info from being a prior customer, huh ?

 Shameful behavior from a company figurehead, to be sure.

I think their bullshit is comming to an quietly confident that Josh Zerlan's name is smeared all over the internet in the same manner as a dog wipes it arse on the carpet after a bad case of diarrhea..

He may have breached so many laws that its beyond the scope of what is supposed to

a) be morally correct
b) is the law

I just hope he has mined the living shit out btc with their personal mining operation as the prospect of him getting a job ANY where else is practically zero.

Being famous is nice but INFAMY lives on forever

Title: Re: Did BFL mine with my unit for 3 weeks before shipping it to me?
Post by: Unacceptable on October 28, 2013, 12:19:41 AM
WTF Inaba ???  Why are you giving out personal information ???  IE:useing a persons REAL name ???

Very mature dude  ::)

His name is already public knowledge, I didn't reveal anything he hasn't already revealed himself.  Try to keep up, man.  I know it's hard, what with the reading and all, but try to read above a 2nd grade level.

As I said,very mature  ::)  Just because that info was made public sometime ago,its not ok to repost it  ::)   Your day will come,trust me  8)

BTW,I have to stoop to a 2nd grade level when reading your dribble  :D

Go Fuck yourself,I can say that now that I have no orders with BFL  8)

Title: Re: Did BFL mine with my unit for 3 weeks before shipping it to me?
Post by: roy7 on October 28, 2013, 03:56:51 AM
By the way, where are my Jalepenos that I ordered 6 months ago?

The one I ordered in April arrived this week. So you should be very close if you ordered in late April.

Title: Re: Did BFL mine with my unit for 3 weeks before shipping it to me?
Post by: Phinnaeus Gage on October 28, 2013, 06:53:15 AM
Madness!  ;D

Title: Re: Did BFL mine with my unit for 3 weeks before shipping it to me?
Post by: dogie on October 28, 2013, 08:02:02 AM
He's going to jail, be it tomorrow or in 5 years. Hope you sleep well at night waiting for your door being kicked in at 5am.


Title: Re: Did BFL mine with my unit for 3 weeks before shipping it to me?
Post by: shapemaker on October 28, 2013, 12:32:52 PM
Yeah, if I posted the kind of crap you do, I'd want to remain anonymous, too!
<more insults and the like>

You're way over the line. Do you even understand your behaviour is even way outside of what is considered rude by most standards?

This forum can't be rid of you too soon. You've poisoned the atmosphere with your trolling and still continue to do so with your personal attacks, lying, defrauding and stirring unrest. Seems the only reason you're still allowed to post is because you buy adspace here. Too bad the admin likes money more than integrity.

Title: Re: Did BFL mine with my unit for 3 weeks before shipping it to me?
Post by: bassclef on October 28, 2013, 04:24:29 PM
I believe it's time to collectively ignore this guy, folks. Life's too short.

Title: Re: Did BFL mine with my unit for 3 weeks before shipping it to me?
Post by: xzempt on October 28, 2013, 05:24:39 PM
all the in hand BFL equipment on ebay speaks for itself.....  just because it took a little longer than expected to deliver.....   they are shipping tons of units!  either that or people are selling the save 500 units back and forth on ebay constantly....

Title: Re: Did BFL mine with my unit for 3 weeks before shipping it to me?
Post by: Threader on October 28, 2013, 05:36:08 PM
I believe it's time to collectively ignore this guy, folks. Life's too short.
Like a nasty car wreck on the road I just can't help but look to see the carnage that Incubus lays to waste every time he types

Title: Re: Did BFL mine with my unit for 3 weeks before shipping it to me?
Post by: Blazed on October 28, 2013, 06:44:13 PM
Amazing these forums are this greedy and allow this guy to scam still.

Title: Re: Did BFL mine with my unit for 3 weeks before shipping it to me?
Post by: Noogsy on October 28, 2013, 08:05:48 PM
I guess they even did worse things to your unit before shipping it!

Title: Re: Did BFL mine with my unit for 3 weeks before shipping it to me?
Post by: k9quaint on October 28, 2013, 08:51:33 PM
all the in hand BFL equipment on ebay speaks for itself.....  just because it took a little longer than expected to deliver.....   they are shipping tons of units!  either that or people are selling the save 500 units back and forth on ebay constantly....

I found 20 "in hand" units for sale on ebay. People are still bidding for them. Silly.

Title: Re: Did BFL mine with my unit for 3 weeks before shipping it to me?
Post by: YipYip on October 28, 2013, 10:28:26 PM

....lolz   :D

Title: Re: Did BFL mine with my unit for 3 weeks before shipping it to me?
Post by: YipYip on October 28, 2013, 10:37:02 PM
I believe it's time to collectively ignore this guy, folks. Life's too short.

I have its the same deflection from the real question ...attack and abuse all

Title: Re: Did BFL mine with my unit for 3 weeks before shipping it to me?
Post by: YipYip on October 28, 2013, 10:38:22 PM
all the in hand BFL equipment on ebay speaks for itself.....  just because it took a little longer than expected to deliver.....   they are shipping tons of units!  either that or people are selling the save 500 units back and forth on ebay constantly....

I think u are not seeing that every BFL owner knows that his unit is a space heater thats all

Title: Re: Did BFL mine with my unit for 3 weeks before shipping it to me?
Post by: Ytterbium on October 29, 2013, 11:38:10 AM
Avalon folks have a lot more to be pissed at.  Believe you-me, I'm not defending them as I would much rather have gotten my hardware when it would still earn back what I paid, but at what point is enough... enough?  

Are you smoking crack?  People who ordered Avalon chips got refunds.  Most of the Avalon OEMs gave refunds as well.

Claiming that Avalon customers are worse off then BFL customers is totally delusional.

WTF Inaba ???  Why are you giving out personal information ???  IE:useing a persons REAL name ???

Very mature dude  ::)

It's as a warning to any other victims of the BFL scam, that if they dare to criticize the shit-flinging Inaba monkey, they too will be outed.

It's ironic, Josh seems to take a lot of pleasure in the fact that he's already screwed over his haters. But I never purchased anything from him, in fact his total failure at life has meant I've made a lot of extra money with my B2 Avalon.

Also I keep seeing this claim that "most people who tried to make ASICs failed".  That's not true at all. Everyone who's tried has succeeded, except for bASIC. Name one other ASIC maker who's failed?  As far as I can tell, there are none.

Title: Re: Did BFL mine with my unit for 3 weeks before shipping it to me?
Post by: Xelpherpolis on October 29, 2013, 10:01:54 PM
I am quite interested to see what happens after that personal information was made public. That's a real no go displaying private emails to the public.

Title: Re: Did BFL mine with my unit for 3 weeks before shipping it to me?
Post by: Ytterbium on October 29, 2013, 10:07:10 PM
Oh, btw - Josh's excuse makes zero fucking sense:

We just build equipment and ship it out as fast as it's built.  For your specific question, I have no idea... the most likely scenario is the unit has a different MOSFET and was shelved until we got a new firmware rev that addressed a heat issue with those specific MOSFETs, at which point it was pulled off the shelf, reflashed, retested and sent out. 

It could be any number of other scenarios, but what is definitely isn't is BFL holding equipment back and mining with it.  Every unit we manufacture is shipped within ~24 hours of it being assembled, sometimes a bit longer, depending on when it goes onto the burn-in rack, but no more than 48 hours.

How exactly did they manage to BUY THE WRONG MOSFETS six months into production?

Title: Re: Did BFL mine with my unit for 3 weeks before shipping it to me?
Post by: Xian01 on October 29, 2013, 10:30:16 PM
I am quite interested to see what happens after that personal information was made public. That's a real no go displaying private emails to the public.

 Who is going to hold him to account or punish him ? Certainly not the forum owners and moderators here. Think Jody or Sonny are going to say anything that he violated their privacy policy to attempt intimidation of a critic and former customer ?

 It's should be criminal what Butterfly Labs and Josh are getting away with.

 Hell, I bet Theymos and the mods are pointing-and-laughing at all this.

EDIT: Heck, it's arguable Theymos is aiding and abetting at this point.

Title: Re: Did BFL mine with my unit for 3 weeks before shipping it to me?
Post by: Xelpherpolis on October 29, 2013, 10:36:33 PM
I agree with you Xian01, and I am sure something will happen to them.

Title: Re: Did BFL mine with my unit for 3 weeks before shipping it to me?
Post by: darkmule on October 30, 2013, 02:59:14 AM
I am quite interested to see what happens after that personal information was made public. That's a real no go displaying private emails to the public.

Josh the shitmonkey has routinely done shit like this with no consequences whatsoever.  The scumbags who run this site take money from his company to advertise the scam to this day, because money is worth a lot more to them than integrity, since they have none of the latter.

Title: Re: Did BFL mine with my unit for 3 weeks before shipping it to me?
Post by: Bicknellski on October 30, 2013, 06:51:15 AM
I really have never said this about anyone, but i hope Inaba (Josh Zerlan) get's severely physically hurt or worse..

I don't and really we shouldn't hope for harm to come to anyone even if they are scumbags.

I hope that justice is properly applied through a court system and BFL as well as Josh repay their customers what they are owed and that BFL is seriously hindered from inflicting more injury on people.

Title: Re: Did BFL mine with my unit for 3 weeks before shipping it to me?
Post by: TomKeddie on November 12, 2013, 05:21:48 PM
The link was for psychopathic not psychotic but either way it's still you.
I know it's hard, what with the reading and all, but try to read above a 2nd grade level.  :-*

Please don't trust this person. Seems to have burnt this account for $70 they took from me.  No escrow, didn't think someone would go to so much trouble for $70.

Retracted, other issues caused no communication.