Bitcoin Forum

Economy => Economics => Topic started by: Abiky on April 23, 2018, 05:10:55 PM

Title: Blockchain and AI will improve the world economy
Post by: Abiky on April 23, 2018, 05:10:55 PM
Since the inception of the blockchain with Bitcoin in 2009, there has been a huge interest from governments, and central banks alike to design their own centralized digital fiat currency for their benefit. Given the security benefits and efficiencies that the blockchain provides, it would be used well in conjunction with AI technology, to transform the global economy in ways we've never thought possible.

As such, there could be a future where everything is managed by AI and the blockchain would serve as the security and settlement layer for any kind of transaction. A one world currency might become a reality where it is backed by all the banks and governments alike. If this happens, then true autonomy would become established enabling everyday devices to operate on their own and "monetize" themselves via the use of a single unified global currency which operates on a blockchain.

Therefore, both the blockchain and AI will have a huge impact in our world economy, and every aspect of our lives as we know it. Of course, this might take quite a few years to happen, but the benefits provided by such technologies would be too hard to ignore.

What are your thoughts about this? Will both Blockchain and AI improve the world's economy?  ???

Title: Re: Blockchain and AI will improve the world economy
Post by: Kate Beckett on April 23, 2018, 06:09:54 PM
I fully agree with the fact that Blockchain can change and improve the world economic system. It is already doing it. Using Blockchain, the nodes in the network don`t need to know each other or trust each other, because they have the ability to control and confirm the links of the data on their own. This is an innovative way of conducting financial transactions.

Blockchain technology will allow you to fully automate the services by sending an economic model of the "distributed economy" to retirement. Money transfers in the crypto currency are already showing us how far they are ahead of classical financial technologies. And we will see similar things in insurance, in energy, and in other infrastructure industries.

Title: Re: Blockchain and AI will improve the world economy
Post by: FrueGreads on April 23, 2018, 06:11:34 PM
A one world currency might become a reality where it is backed by all the banks and governments alike.

How would this work? If this currency is backed by banks and countries, then it looks like a centralized coin, and it would just inherit all the problems that we already have with multiple currencies, in every single country or union. I mean, this would be like dollar or euro, but in a world scale. I don't think this would solve anything, and I don't even think this will ever be possible.

I don't see how a coin could be shared by the US and Russia, or Iran, or China, etc. These countries simply wouldn't work well together. They can tolerate each other, but working together is a complete different thing.

I do think that a decentralized currency could exist worldwide, and I'm of course talking about bitcoin here. But it needs to be decentralized and not backed by anyone. Just a currency that gets it's value on a free market, ruled by supply and demand.

Title: Re: Blockchain and AI will improve the world economy
Post by: Hydrogen on April 23, 2018, 11:47:55 PM
I still think AI is vastly overrated. There haven't been many software based breakthroughs or advancements in the past 50 years. The gains we've witnessed from the AI industry are primarily produced by advances in hardware(faster clock cycles, greater processor parallelism, improved branch prediction, being able to fit more transistors on a die). Many successes falsely attributed to AI are brute force mechanisms which calculate every possible move on a chess board. It is arguable that these types of brute force programs are not intelligent. They have no more brain power than an app which tries every possible combination of alphanumeric characters to brute force a password.

What makes things complicated is we still don't understand how specifics regarding how human consciousness functions. There are still many unknowns and so we can't model AI software after true human consciousness although there are many AI applications which benefit from advances made in biomimicry and other fields which attempt to emulate organic processes in silicon.

Title: Re: Blockchain and AI will improve the world economy
Post by: on April 24, 2018, 11:53:34 AM
Block chain and AI are the two most popular technology trends today!

Blockchain and AI combine to create a lot of new things!

Intelligent life and credit life redefine people's lifestyle!

Title: Re: Blockchain and AI will improve the world economy
Post by: shadyrifles on April 24, 2018, 01:19:17 PM
Since the inception of the blockchain with Bitcoin in 2009, there has been a huge interest from governments, and central banks alike to design their own centralized digital fiat currency for their benefit. Given the security benefits and efficiencies that the blockchain provides, it would be used well in conjunction with AI technology, to transform the global economy in ways we've never thought possible.

As such, there could be a future where everything is managed by AI and the blockchain would serve as the security and settlement layer for any kind of transaction. A one world currency might become a reality where it is backed by all the banks and governments alike. If this happens, then true autonomy would become established enabling everyday devices to operate on their own and "monetize" themselves via the use of a single unified global currency which operates on a blockchain.

Therefore, both the blockchain and AI will have a huge impact in our world economy, and every aspect of our lives as we know it. Of course, this might take quite a few years to happen, but the benefits provided by such technologies would be too hard to ignore.

What are your thoughts about this? Will both Blockchain and AI improve the world's economy?  ???

By convergence of Blockchain and Artificial Intelligence (AI), the Blockchain will make AI smarter by feeding it better data. There are multiple reasons to say Blockchain and AI are made for each other.

As We know that the data stored in Blockchain are highly secured by nature, what it means blockchain is ideal for storing highly sensitive data and information which will be smartly processed so a user can easily access and unlock so much value and convenience in lives.

Title: Re: Blockchain and AI will improve the world economy
Post by: Suslived on April 24, 2018, 01:32:42 PM
Yes. Both Blockchain and AI improve the world's economy. That is what bitcoin was built for in the first place right? It is meant to decentralize financial transactions and with that decentralization comes more efficient markets and less economic silos. I imagine it will foster trade and communication across different countries.

Title: Re: Blockchain and AI will improve the world economy
Post by: taiwww on April 24, 2018, 03:43:47 PM
There are many countries who are already working on this scenario. I mean country like India is things to adapt some of the feature of blockchain and use it to transmit huge documents to the end user via it. India is country where the documents is mess when it comes to the storage of it and looking at the population of the same I am sure its far better logical to implement that system. I mea this kind of digitalisation and gradual use of the blockchain and based AI would do great in the future. I also think that time is not far when companies like google will adapt these techs to implement in the automated cars and stuff like that.

Title: Re: Blockchain and AI will improve the world economy
Post by: fernandoaleixo on April 24, 2018, 03:55:30 PM
There are many countries who are already working on this scenario. I mean country like India is things to adapt some of the feature of blockchain and use it to transmit huge documents to the end user via it. India is country where the documents is mess when it comes to the storage of it and looking at the population of the same I am sure it's far better logical to implement that system. I mea this kind of digitalisation and gradual use of the blockchain and based AI would do great in the future. I also think that time is not far when companies like google will adapt these techs to implement in the automated cars and stuff like that.

I believe countries like India are focusing on tech rather than actively changing the stock market with blockchains and AI, countries like Israel and Philippines are reportedly doing the same thing...
Rather than revolutionizing the world market, I believe blockchain will establish a new and strong market and so affect others, but I believe AI has way more room to change things than blockchain, and it will always be.

Title: Re: Blockchain and AI will improve the world economy
Post by: omonuyak on April 24, 2018, 04:04:33 PM
Blockchain technology is the future of our economy and our leaders need to study it very well and find out the advantages and the disadvantages before adopting it into our financial system. many people including governments of some nations seeing Blockchain technology as enemycal but I think Blockchain technology can be supportive to the financial system of any economy.

Title: Re: Blockchain and AI will improve the world economy
Post by: kryptqnick on April 24, 2018, 04:54:27 PM
Since the inception of the blockchain with Bitcoin in 2009, there has been a huge interest from governments, and central banks alike to design their own centralized digital fiat currency for their benefit. Given the security benefits and efficiencies that the blockchain provides, it would be used well in conjunction with AI technology, to transform the global economy in ways we've never thought possible.

As such, there could be a future where everything is managed by AI and the blockchain would serve as the security and settlement layer for any kind of transaction. A one world currency might become a reality where it is backed by all the banks and governments alike. If this happens, then true autonomy would become established enabling everyday devices to operate on their own and "monetize" themselves via the use of a single unified global currency which operates on a blockchain.

Therefore, both the blockchain and AI will have a huge impact in our world economy, and every aspect of our lives as we know it. Of course, this might take quite a few years to happen, but the benefits provided by such technologies would be too hard to ignore.

What are your thoughts about this? Will both Blockchain and AI improve the world's economy?  ???
There are already such blockchain projects which are related to AI development. One of them I ran into yesterday was deedcoin, which hires both bots and people in real estate business. Surely among the projects like that we can name the one with your signature, IOS, as well as IOTA. Both deal with Internet of Things and that's basically blockchain helping various AI to communicate with one another.
As for improving the economy - that's tricky. While blockchain gives people the free market and a right to generate money instead of only using it, AI automatizes the processes people are now making happen. Thus, AI can take away a lot of jobs from people and while it is potentially beneficial to the companies which do that as well as humanity in general, since people are encouraged to do more intellectual work, this can lead to mass unemployment which is not a good thing for economy. People have to be prepared for the changes which are about to come.

Title: Re: Blockchain and AI will improve the world economy
Post by: EdenHazard on April 24, 2018, 05:16:13 PM
Sooner or later will happen.

Blockchain technology has grown rapidly since its creation in 2009. This technology offers many high-security systems, forming trust and transparency. Therefore, many world companies are already exploiting and developing blockchain technology that can be used to assist their operations. By using blockchain technology the company can prune intermediaries to send administrative processes.

AI (Artificial Intelligence) is a system to optimize computer system in assisting human role. At this time Artificial Intelligence has been widely developed as in the field of economy, education, security, court, transportation, military. I'm sure in the future this system will be believed to be in all areas of work. So for me, in the future blockchain and AI just not improve the world economy, but the human mind to the technology world will not be separated.

Title: Re: Blockchain and AI will improve the world economy
Post by: Roukawa on April 24, 2018, 11:08:44 PM
Since 2009 up to now, we can see how bitcoin revolutionized the economy. Our century is filled of innovation. Almost everytime, we will notice every changes that create using technology. One of this changes are blockchain and AI, both of these changes are really amazing. There are unstoppable growth of commercial and industry projects because of blockchain and AI is already integrated in work, leisure or everything. Technology becomes part of our life, as time goes by, human unlocks the darkness of life.

Title: Re: Blockchain and AI will improve the world economy
Post by: creeps on April 24, 2018, 11:21:33 PM
Block chain and AI are the two most popular technology trends today!

Blockchain and AI combine to create a lot of new things!

Intelligent life and credit life redefine people's lifestyle!

I believe on this two great technology of this generation and I know this can be a big thing in the future. Government should realize the importance of this great innovation with blockchain and AI technology. If you look at the history price and technology of bitcoin, you see a great improvements and a big impact in a world economy.

Title: Re: Blockchain and AI will improve the world economy
Post by: Zenixin on April 24, 2018, 11:39:39 PM
Block chain and AI are the two most popular technology trends today!

Blockchain and AI combine to create a lot of new things!

Intelligent life and credit life redefine people's lifestyle!

I believe on this two great technology of this generation and I know this can be a big thing in the future. Government should realize the importance of this great innovation with blockchain and AI technology. If you look at the history price and technology of bitcoin, you see a great improvements and a big impact in a world economy.
If only government will try it, they will see how it can give transparency and reliability in transactions that can help their nation achieve its goal on being trusted.

Title: Re: Blockchain and AI will improve the world economy
Post by: Hydrogen on April 24, 2018, 11:53:24 PM
Here's an interesting thought for the AI discussion.

If someday artificial intelligence is smart enough to replace doctors, lawyers, engineers, scientists--virtually every form of employment and every job on the planet. What happens to job markets? Does society and civilization experience some massive shift where people no longer work? If we no longer work, how do we support ourselves?

Already we see pushes for self driving buses, robotic submarines armed with nuclear missiles, drone aircraft. Perhaps the prime motive for developing better AI comes not from benefits to humanity but rather a desire to eliminate human workers and replace them with robots? Wouldn't that be an interesting twist?

Of course, given Elon Musk and Tesla's recent struggles with attempting to replace human workers with automation in car factories, which appears to be resulting in failure. Factor in recent failures with self driving car technology. Perhaps that goal is further away than it is to being fully realized.

Title: Re: Blockchain and AI will improve the world economy
Post by: Indrawan77 on April 25, 2018, 12:21:37 AM
I think blockchain will help to build a better economic for its country, it makes the transaction become easier and there are so many other usage, and with AI the combination will be absolutely stunning, more and more creative innovation will come out and we will get the advantage, in the future I can imagine it will be very easy to do transaction globally for all people in the world

Title: Re: Blockchain and AI will improve the world economy
Post by: sreecanvas on April 25, 2018, 06:07:17 AM
Block chain and AI are the two most popular technology trends today!By convergence of Blockchain and Artificial Intelligence (AI), the Blockchain will make AI smarter by feeding it better data.  I mea this kind of digitalisation and gradual use of the blockchain and based AI would do great in the future.

Title: Re: Blockchain and AI will improve the world economy
Post by: Tynovten_ on April 25, 2018, 11:51:09 AM
This will be a really great thing, blockchain will be a very important thing because the system that transparency.  And also Al just like how the development right now entering handphone technology although right now still nonexpert but for all the technology experts are vouch Al will be the technology needed that always be developed. Of course it will be

Title: Re: Blockchain and AI will improve the world economy
Post by: matuson on April 25, 2018, 12:16:56 PM
Any technology always has a dual purpose. They can always be used for good deeds and for bad. I don't really hope for artificial intelligence. Any hacker can change the robot and he can do a lot of harm. It seems to me that man is much more reliable.

Title: Re: Blockchain and AI will improve the world economy
Post by: TYPEcoin on April 25, 2018, 12:39:39 PM
I'm truly believe in the blockchain technology, that can change financial world in future with better profit making systems

Title: Re: Blockchain and AI will improve the world economy
Post by: pat4cryptoreal on April 25, 2018, 12:47:37 PM
I already visualized that blockchain technology will bring  positive economic  revolution. I am not move by any form of FUD. It is just a matter of time blockchain will be embedded in almost all the sector and government will soon buy into blockchain technology.

Title: Re: Blockchain and AI will improve the world economy
Post by: aoihs00 on April 25, 2018, 01:50:33 PM
Off course the world is surrounded with most advance techs that we can ever imagine! The pace at which the growth is taking place is also tremendous and some say that we are already ahead of the time and already created something more or less futuristic.

To take this shit up in the future to come I am sure we will need huge back up of blockchain technology and government or other private institutes will surely need that to overcome the problems of connectivity and smart contacting like the way they do for small project like ICO's. AI is an option that cant be ignored anymore, as we move through the time we will need more of it to work the world around us.

Title: Re: Blockchain and AI will improve the world economy
Post by: ene1980 on April 25, 2018, 06:36:45 PM
What are your thoughts about this? Will both Blockchain and AI improve the world's economy?  ???
This is the early stages and we cannot predict how they could impact the entire economy now but you can very well tell that there will be changes in the economic structure and we will see more of those changes in the coming future. It might take years to have any major changes but we are moving in the right direction.

Title: Re: Blockchain and AI will improve the world economy
Post by: KennyR on April 25, 2018, 07:13:57 PM
From my understanding blockchain and AI were far beyond the growth of each and every traditional system. Because, when you're planning to do something unique you would look for the efficient functioning platform. For us bitcoin is serving as an innovation from the blockchain technology which is has got the potential to provide with the efficient output.

Title: Re: Blockchain and AI will improve the world economy
Post by: audaciousbeing on April 25, 2018, 09:10:53 PM
The worst thing I can think of that can happen to mankind is war yet it has its own contribution to the improvement of a particular country which in turn contributes to the world economy. For instance a country whose economic dominance and relevance is dependent on the continued supply of resources and for this supply to be constant, there is no room for peace. If this can contribute to economic development, how much more can AI and Blockchain that were specifically built for that do.

For blockchain, the impact might not be felt now, but its already making waves by trying to put an estimate to the amount of lives that have been impacted positively for having something to do with blockchain which gave backing to bitcoin. AI on the other hand is where I am skeptical on the robot part while other parts that relates to technological development and making life easy remained something to be commendable about.

Title: Re: Blockchain and AI will improve the world economy
Post by: andrei56 on April 25, 2018, 10:14:21 PM
Since the inception of the blockchain with Bitcoin in 2009, there has been a huge interest from governments, and central banks alike to design their own centralized digital fiat currency for their benefit. Given the security benefits and efficiencies that the blockchain provides, it would be used well in conjunction with AI technology, to transform the global economy in ways we've never thought possible.

As such, there could be a future where everything is managed by AI and the blockchain would serve as the security and settlement layer for any kind of transaction. A one world currency might become a reality where it is backed by all the banks and governments alike. If this happens, then true autonomy would become established enabling everyday devices to operate on their own and "monetize" themselves via the use of a single unified global currency which operates on a blockchain.

Therefore, both the blockchain and AI will have a huge impact in our world economy, and every aspect of our lives as we know it. Of course, this might take quite a few years to happen, but the benefits provided by such technologies would be too hard to ignore.

What are your thoughts about this? Will both Blockchain and AI improve the world's economy?  ???
The blockchain is going to improve the world economy I have no doubt about it but when it comes to artificial intelligence I am not so sure, yes it is going to improve the manufacturing of products and services but it is also going to leave a lot of people without their jobs, and without jobs it is going to be impossible for the manufacturers of those products to sell their merchandise.

Title: Re: Blockchain and AI will improve the world economy
Post by: Abiky on April 25, 2018, 10:54:46 PM
How would this work? If this currency is backed by banks and countries, then it looks like a centralized coin, and it would just inherit all the problems that we already have with multiple currencies, in every single country or union. I mean, this would be like dollar or euro, but in a world scale. I don't think this would solve anything, and I don't even think this will ever be possible.

I don't see how a coin could be shared by the US and Russia, or Iran, or China, etc. These countries simply wouldn't work well together. They can tolerate each other, but working together is a complete different thing.

I do think that a decentralized currency could exist worldwide, and I'm of course talking about bitcoin here. But it needs to be decentralized and not backed by anyone. Just a currency that gets it's value on a free market, ruled by supply and demand.

While Bitcoin will continue to exist as a decentralized currency, I believe that in the future, there will be a single centralized currency which will be backed by any country in the world. Having a single ledger which is shared among countries is a huge plus towards preventing criminal activity at a global level. Also, it gives governments the advantage of tracking every people in the world in the way they buy/sell stuff, transfer funds, and even their personal identifiable information.

A centralized system which has blockchain technology as its backbone, and AI, will allow a robust system that will handle the likes of every government worldwide. While it sounds creepy, it could possibly happen in the future, eliminating the need to create a separate digital fiat currency for every region. By having a single digital currency, it could be strong and unstoppable as any country in the world supports its chain.

On the other hand, Bitcoin and other decentralized cryptocurrencies will co-exist with the centralized currency, they will be used at a minimum unlike the latter. At least, that's how I see it. Just my thoughts ;D

Title: Re: Blockchain and AI will improve the world economy
Post by: suhoy on April 25, 2018, 10:56:35 PM
That's more than reasonable statement. They are already changing the world and people's minds.

Title: Re: Blockchain and AI will improve the world economy
Post by: mimienamphine on April 25, 2018, 11:53:57 PM
Artificial intelligence is scaring people because many believe that robots will take over our jobs and the issue of unemployment will be great around the world.But I think with artificial intelligence,there will be efficiency in terms of workoutput.Blockchain on the other hand will provide many jobs as bounty hunters are emerging,those who have money are also investing and getting a lot of profits as well as miners and coin staking are also helping many.I think the blockchain is the best technology that can happen to mankind in the 21st century.

Title: Re: Blockchain and AI will improve the world economy
Post by: yugyug on April 26, 2018, 12:23:05 AM
Relatively speaking for the past decade that internet would improve the world economy but in the current situation the world economy is still not yet improving with the help of internet the th gap between the weathy and poverty ration has still no significant change. So speaking wiht the blockchain technology i rather say that it will not improve the world economy but it will improve people's lives as comparable to the internet blockchain makes the life more convenient but does not improve the economy as a whole. Only the top and riches still have the more benefit of this technology.

Title: Re: Blockchain and AI will improve the world economy
Post by: entrepmind23 on April 26, 2018, 02:21:51 AM
With our fast paced economy today, blockchain and AI would be a big help because it can provide the security and transparency that we needed to have smooth transaction. Most people nowadays want something that is instant like in foods, messaging and almost in every aspect of our lives. Some of this things cannot be done by human alone so the help of blockchain and AI would be able to fulfill what some people need.

Having cryptocurrency is just the first step of having blockchain technology but then we can see that some of the companies are already studying how they can incorporate blockchain to their systems so that they can provide the same quality to their customers with a lesser cost. Some of the biggest companies are already using blockchain and later on other small companies would follow which would result in mass adoption.

Here is the link for some of the companies

Title: Re: Blockchain and AI will improve the world economy
Post by: Andre# on April 26, 2018, 06:48:13 AM
Block chain and AI are the two most popular technology trends today!

Blockchain and AI combine to create a lot of new things!

Intelligent life and credit life redefine people's lifestyle!

I believe on this two great technology of this generation and I know this can be a big thing in the future. Government should realize the importance of this great innovation with blockchain and AI technology. If you look at the history price and technology of bitcoin, you see a great improvements and a big impact in a world economy.
The history price of Bitcoin is not related to the future of the world.
Blockchain truly the technology need to apply more in the world.
More system uses the blockchain, and we can create a network against the hacker more comfortable than the current method to depend on the security of anti-software, company.
Besides that, the government should apply blockchain to the country's system, because blockchain can save all data, include any data related to corruption ::)

Title: Re: Blockchain and AI will improve the world economy
Post by: andika2018 on April 26, 2018, 08:45:41 AM
I am believe is blockchain is powerfull ledger if we want make transparant transaction. Blockchain is usefull and we can use it in any sector like election or distribution goods data.
If Blockchain technology and AI combine, that will be great potential in the future because that will help people doing many task

Title: Re: Blockchain and AI will improve the world economy
Post by: bitcoinvestor on April 26, 2018, 08:47:44 AM
Cutting middleman is the point of blockchain and AI. Many banks will face hard time if they don't embrace blockchain developers. Some banks bread will be taken away by blockchain tasks. Investing, lending, saving, and remitance will be replaced by blockchain. Banks will loose their income from that field. That's why banks are fear about cryptocurrency. Actually , they shouldn't be afraid of cryptocurrency if they are welcome to this new innovation.

Title: Re: Blockchain and AI will improve the world economy
Post by: sserge009 on April 26, 2018, 09:44:30 AM
I think it can go not only about the economy. The potentialities of AI and blockade literally have no limits. The main thing now is to overcome the resistance of conservative forces, which are trying to slow the development of the crypto market.

Title: Re: Blockchain and AI will improve the world economy
Post by: Harlot on April 26, 2018, 10:49:34 AM
Isn't that what technology do? Aside from improving lives they also improve the development of a country overall. So I would have to say yes that they can definitely move us forward but I would have to disagree with your idea towards one world currency, there is absolutely no benefit and use to it. There is even no problem that can be solve if we invent a one world currency it will only create problems instead of solutions. One of the big problems here is of course the control of the supply of that currency, we all know how power hungry this big countries are and controlling most of the supply will mean a control in the overall economy which is really bad.

Title: Re: Blockchain and AI will improve the world economy
Post by: evdoksi on April 26, 2018, 11:08:02 AM
We have been hearing about AI for quite long time, but it had yet not touched the life of common man. But crypto has gained more popularity in just last 8 years which shows its potential.

Title: Re: Blockchain and AI will improve the world economy
Post by: Naman1111 on April 26, 2018, 11:27:21 AM
Yes, fourth industrial revolution is gonna be triggered by blockchain and AI. Like all tech can be used for good and bad both, AI and blockchain will bring a lot of efficiency in day to day lifes of humans and  thus countries. And just like all changes, beginning is the toughest, blockchain and AI will bring the social revolution which may topple some governments and world powers and unsettle things. But evetually everything will be fine.

Title: Re: Blockchain and AI will improve the world economy
Post by: TheClownSong on April 26, 2018, 01:42:29 PM
Yes, fourth industrial revolution is gonna be triggered by blockchain and AI. Like all tech can be used for good and bad both, AI and blockchain will bring a lot of efficiency in day to day lifes of humans and  thus countries. And just like all changes, beginning is the toughest, blockchain and AI will bring the social revolution which may topple some governments and world powers and unsettle things. But evetually everything will be fine.

Indeed, technology always improve and if we adapting on technology, that will increasing our productivity and help our economy. Blockchain and AI if combine can be very powerfull as long for good purpose.
If Blockchain technology use on banking bussiness, customer data will more safe

Title: Re: Blockchain and AI will improve the world economy
Post by: adamlillian on April 26, 2018, 01:50:37 PM
Since the inception of the blockchain with Bitcoin in 2009, there has been a huge interest from governments, and central banks alike to design their own centralized digital fiat currency for their benefit. Given the security benefits and efficiencies that the blockchain provides, it would be used well in conjunction with AI technology, to transform the global economy in ways we've never thought possible.

As such, there could be a future where everything is managed by AI and the blockchain would serve as the security and settlement layer for any kind of transaction. A one world currency might become a reality where it is backed by all the banks and governments alike. If this happens, then true autonomy would become established enabling everyday devices to operate on their own and "monetize" themselves via the use of a single unified global currency which operates on a blockchain.

Therefore, both the blockchain and AI will have a huge impact in our world economy, and every aspect of our lives as we know it. Of course, this might take quite a few years to happen, but the benefits provided by such technologies would be too hard to ignore.

What are your thoughts about this? Will both Blockchain and AI improve the world's economy?  ???
I think Blockchain and AI will need a very long time to be able to influence the world economy. Because hackers are getting better and finding holes in the system easier.
In my country there are frequent bank robberies by hackers. So in order to influence the world economy, they need to improve more security.

Title: Re: Blockchain and AI will improve the world economy
Post by: Abiky on April 26, 2018, 11:57:06 PM
Yes, fourth industrial revolution is gonna be triggered by blockchain and AI. Like all tech can be used for good and bad both, AI and blockchain will bring a lot of efficiency in day to day lifes of humans and  thus countries. And just like all changes, beginning is the toughest, blockchain and AI will bring the social revolution which may topple some governments and world powers and unsettle things. But evetually everything will be fine.

Agree. Eventually, we will live in a self-autonomous world where everything would be paid for in digital currencies. AI will act as the mainframe of everything digital, where decisions would be taken without any human intervention. Before we know it, everything would be placed as a transaction on the blockchain (properties, identities, assets, currencies, etc) while AI will be the one responsible for autonomous decisions in the mainstream world.

While every technology is a double-edged sword, I think that there's a huge potential for both technologies (Blockchain and AI) to change our world for the better every step of the way. Only time will tell if people will adopt them at a fast pace in the mainstream world or not.

In the end, we might be able to interact with such trend sooner than we could think of. Right now, we're experiencing the blockchain, but then it will be both the Blockchain and AI ecosystem. Just my opinion. :)

Title: Re: Blockchain and AI will improve the world economy
Post by: wuvdoll on April 27, 2018, 05:56:23 AM
I believe countries like India are focusing on tech rather than actively changing the stock market with blockchains and AI, countries like Israel and Philippines are reportedly doing the same thing...
Rather than revolutionizing the world market, I believe blockchain will establish a new and strong market and so affect others, but I believe AI has way more room to change things than blockchain, and it will always be.
Right moreover, India has never been very friendly anyway when it comes to the idea of decentralized cryptocurrencies. Establishing a new and strong market is one thing and also establishing responsibility and lucidity is another thing I believe blockchain is going to bring which I am sure would affect the economy positively.

Even though we are still far from seeing how AI is going to be changing things, but I believe with the little going on and if more work and improvement keeps coming on, this would actually be the tech that would turn around a whole lot of things in the future, but one way or the other would be fused with the blockchain technology.

Title: Re: Blockchain and AI will improve the world economy
Post by: EnricoGomez on April 27, 2018, 07:21:59 AM
I do not think that AI would be developed to be something further the human have the ability to actually do. If we are to create AI that would discover and learn about things in the world, bots will outsmart us and quite possibly enslave us - we'll always lose to bots.
So no, it is still up to the people to save their own problems including the economy.

Title: Re: Blockchain and AI will improve the world economy
Post by: 1Referee on April 27, 2018, 08:56:39 AM
I do not think that AI would be developed to be something further the human have the ability to actually do. If we are to create AI that would discover and learn about things in the world, bots will outsmart us and quite possibly enslave us - we'll always lose to bots.
AI only needs to be steered to the level it can improve itself without human input, and once that becomes reality, and I strongly believe that it's just a matter of time, then consider the human from that point to slowly but surely become the slave. It's not that they have something to say about it; it will be a matter of accepting the superior authority above you.

So no, it is still up to the people to save their own problems including the economy.
Not for long. People aren't capable of solving their own problems; we have had decades and decades to see for ourselves how the human only makes things worse. Can you see anything of fundamental nature in the world economy or world poverty that changed for the better? Humans are poison to this world, and more importantly, to humanity itself. We reached a stage where we aren't all that far from a massive collapse of economies due to all the debt they have been stimulating for decades. It's a ticking time bomb. Bitcoin is the most convenient and best option to store wealth in before it's too late.

Title: Re: Blockchain and AI will improve the world economy
Post by: Ilegendph on April 27, 2018, 01:05:07 PM
I do not think that AI would be developed to be something further the human have the ability to actually do. If we are to create AI that would discover and learn about things in the world, bots will outsmart us and quite possibly enslave us - we'll always lose to bots.
So no, it is still up to the people to save their own problems including the economy.

You have a point but its all about how the technology will use, why not entrust to AI something that is boring task like observing things and make a conclusion out of it. It will depend on the programmer on how the data collected by AI will use it. As the saying goes "Wise people hires wiser than them.

Title: Re: Blockchain and AI will improve the world economy
Post by: ylnar123 on April 27, 2018, 01:11:13 PM
Since the inception of the blockchain with Bitcoin in 2009, there has been a huge interest from governments, and central banks alike to design their own centralized digital fiat currency for their benefit. Given the security benefits and efficiencies that the blockchain provides, it would be used well in conjunction with AI technology, to transform the global economy in ways we've never thought possible.

As such, there could be a future where everything is managed by AI and the blockchain would serve as the security and settlement layer for any kind of transaction. A one world currency might become a reality where it is backed by all the banks and governments alike. If this happens, then true autonomy would become established enabling everyday devices to operate on their own and "monetize" themselves via the use of a single unified global currency which operates on a blockchain.

Therefore, both the blockchain and AI will have a huge impact in our world economy, and every aspect of our lives as we know it. Of course, this might take quite a few years to happen, but the benefits provided by such technologies would be too hard to ignore.

What are your thoughts about this? Will both Blockchain and AI improve the world's economy?  ???

I thought it will because the technology now is fast evolving and so as the monetary system of our economy. Blockchain and ai serves as the next generation of technology, be it in economy or in the currency.

Title: Re: Blockchain and AI will improve the world economy
Post by: Whosdaddy on April 27, 2018, 06:33:13 PM
A one world currency might become a reality where it is backed by all the banks and governments alike.

How would this work? If this currency is backed by banks and countries, then it looks like a centralized coin, and it would just inherit all the problems that we already have with multiple currencies, in every single country or union. I mean, this would be like dollar or euro, but in a world scale. I don't think this would solve anything, and I don't even think this will ever be possible.

I don't see how a coin could be shared by the US and Russia, or Iran, or China, etc. These countries simply wouldn't work well together. They can tolerate each other, but working together is a complete different thing.

I do think that a decentralized currency could exist worldwide, and I'm of course talking about bitcoin here. But it needs to be decentralized and not backed by anyone. Just a currency that gets it's value on a free market, ruled by supply and demand.
Actually you have a solid point there since we are obviously going to still end up having everything centralized. However, we all know how the blockchain offers some form of transparency and accountability which even with the centralization, it would really still have some impact somehow on the economy if everything does not end up fumbled anyway.

However, centralization has really been the major issue in the banking system and still not being able to solve this irrespective of the blockchain technology, it is still a case no one can really assume the outcome for now.

Title: Re: Blockchain and AI will improve the world economy
Post by: weav on April 27, 2018, 07:06:03 PM
Ai will only improve the world economy if it is used in the right way , else it will only benefit the rich. If it is used to give ''poor'' people a higher income and less work it will benefit the world. If it will be used to just fire everyone doing these jobs and replace them with AI and none of that money is invested in the people then it will become a bad thing.

Title: Re: Blockchain and AI will improve the world economy
Post by: satecream on April 27, 2018, 07:19:39 PM
Yeah agree with it. AI right now are very improved to used in ecomonic matters because right now money handling can be much efecient if ai who control it and it can minimize any human error

Title: Re: Blockchain and AI will improve the world economy
Post by: MCVXYZ on April 27, 2018, 07:36:16 PM
Since the inception of the blockchain with Bitcoin in 2009, there has been a huge interest from governments, and central banks alike to design their own centralized digital fiat currency for their benefit. Given the security benefits and efficiencies that the blockchain provides, it would be used well in conjunction with AI technology, to transform the global economy in ways we've never thought possible.

As such, there could be a future where everything is managed by AI and the blockchain would serve as the security and settlement layer for any kind of transaction. A one world currency might become a reality where it is backed by all the banks and governments alike. If this happens, then true autonomy would become established enabling everyday devices to operate on their own and "monetize" themselves via the use of a single unified global currency which operates on a blockchain.

Therefore, both the blockchain and AI will have a huge impact in our world economy, and every aspect of our lives as we know it. Of course, this might take quite a few years to happen, but the benefits provided by such technologies would be too hard to ignore.

What are your thoughts about this? Will both Blockchain and AI improve the world's economy?  ???

From a theoritical point of view its possible but needs more distinctive approach..What about blockchain,this is a powerful tool to prove what’s has already proven remarkably successful organizing economic activities,anyway blockchain is successful in many spheres,In infrastructure,education and  other forms of human capital,even for institutional purposes.So,I personally think both of them have already improved the world's economy,there are already AI even in cell phones,and blockchain is also widely used for governments institutional purposes,for example in my country,blockchain is used  to verify property transactions...

Title: Re: Blockchain and AI will improve the world economy
Post by: ahmad21 on April 28, 2018, 06:23:09 PM
Yes blockchain truly has the potential of changing the way of working of many things. Think of a place where you can store all your personal information and you can decide as to what part of the information you want to share and what not. You have the authority to decide who can see that information and can also revoke that access. The concept of blockchain and AI can be used in financial sectors, as database, and smart contracts. Since blockchain technology can guarantee the accuracy of data, it can be useful in many Artificial Intelligence (AI) applications, for entering the data into the AI systems and for recording the results from them.

Title: Re: Blockchain and AI will improve the world economy
Post by: supine on April 28, 2018, 06:42:18 PM
I think that blockchain and AI changed the way how everyone secure their funds and do transactions. It really brought a lot of convenience to businesses and people. With block chain technology, people can transfer funds and secure their money without even giving away their information publicly, which I think is a secured way for doing transactions especially to those people who are holding or transacting a huge amount of money.

Title: Re: Blockchain and AI will improve the world economy
Post by: BitcoinNational on April 28, 2018, 07:02:16 PM
Artificial inteligence is only in its infancy. I really believe that this will revolutionize the economy but also our daily life in many applications. If we combine this technology with the blockchain, it will revolutionnize the world economy

Title: Re: Blockchain and AI will improve the world economy
Post by: Notcalculator on April 28, 2018, 07:31:45 PM
Im not sure how both could be combined. I mean individually they already make a huge impact. Blockchain stores the information securely and AI reads through the information. With the explosion of data both just became so important. And both will be used in different ways. I do agree though. The trend show that both will play a huge part in the future and will pretty much define the economy.

Title: Re: Blockchain and AI will improve the world economy
Post by: Obeng ketok on April 28, 2018, 07:47:55 PM
Since the inception of the blockchain with Bitcoin in 2009, there has been a huge interest from governments, and central banks alike to design their own centralized digital fiat currency for their benefit. Given the security benefits and efficiencies that the blockchain provides, it would be used well in conjunction with AI technology, to transform the global economy in ways we've never thought possible.

As such, there could be a future where everything is managed by AI and the blockchain would serve as the security and settlement layer for any kind of transaction. A one world currency might become a reality where it is backed by all the banks and governments alike. If this happens, then true autonomy would become established enabling everyday devices to operate on their own and "monetize" themselves via the use of a single unified global currency which operates on a blockchain.

Therefore, both the blockchain and AI will have a huge impact in our world economy, and every aspect of our lives as we know it. Of course, this might take quite a few years to happen, but the benefits provided by such technologies would be too hard to ignore.

What are your thoughts about this? Will both Blockchain and AI improve the world's economy?  ???
this is good news for us. for the development of blockchain there needs to be development of things like this.

Title: Re: Blockchain and AI will improve the world economy
Post by: Abiky on April 30, 2018, 06:45:47 PM
Actually you have a solid point there since we are obviously going to still end up having everything centralized. However, we all know how the blockchain offers some form of transparency and accountability which even with the centralization, it would really still have some impact somehow on the economy if everything does not end up fumbled anyway.

However, centralization has really been the major issue in the banking system and still not being able to solve this irrespective of the blockchain technology, it is still a case no one can really assume the outcome for now.

Yes. Given that blockchain provides the ability for governments to trace transactions (due to its transparency), it'll be the perfect tool for their centralized fiat currency. AI would play an important role in the decision making of every aspect of our lives and would complement the blockchain in ways we've never thought possible. Perhaps, when a global centralized currency comes into effect, AI would take care of tracing every possible outcome of criminal activity within the blockchain, while the blockchain itself takes care of security and double spending within the centralized digital fiat currency.

At some point, banks could become obsolete as blockchain and AI takes the lead. However, it's very unlikely it will happen since banks would join these trending technologies in the future. As such, blockchain and AI will radically transform our economy, by preventing criminal activity and ensuring greater efficiency at lower costs. Just my opinion :)

Title: Re: Blockchain and AI will improve the world economy
Post by: Chikitita2004 on April 30, 2018, 07:11:46 PM

What are your thoughts about this? Will both Blockchain and AI improve the world's economy?  ???
I too do believe that blockchain will be a gateway to a more advanced economy. With AI I’m not sure if it is really what we need for a better life since until now natural intelligence or human mind has still no match in whatever.

Title: Re: Blockchain and AI will improve the world economy
Post by: coinplus on May 01, 2018, 07:21:51 PM
There is really no doubt as we are already beginning to see and feel the impact gradually. In this case, I believe the economy would be affected in a very positive way except that some jobs will be lost in the process since everything would apparently get automated.

It is still too early to say if it is going to be improving the world economy as that would be based on adoption on the global level anyway, but I believe like I said already that if this ends up taking shape as imagined, it would definitely have a positive effect on the economy of each country at large that adopts this.

Title: Re: Blockchain and AI will improve the world economy
Post by: cheeseandcrackers on May 01, 2018, 07:24:51 PM
AI will improve the world economy naturally, we just need to be careful with where all the profits go.  Currently in the US the top 1% owns something near 50% of all the wealth in the country, and the bottom 50% of people don't even own 10% of the wealth.  Something needs to be done about that disparity eventually, as people wont stand for it forever.  AI will expedite the issue as there will be fewer and fewer jobs that pay well enough.  Once the profits from such technologies are spread throughout society we'll truly enter a golden age.  What average people will do when we finally get there is anyone's guess, though.

Title: Re: Blockchain and AI will improve the world economy
Post by: Abiky on May 02, 2018, 06:42:38 PM
There is really no doubt as we are already beginning to see and feel the impact gradually. In this case, I believe the economy would be affected in a very positive way except that some jobs will be lost in the process since everything would apparently get automated.

It is still too early to say if it is going to be improving the world economy as that would be based on adoption on the global level anyway, but I believe like I said already that if this ends up taking shape as imagined, it would definitely have a positive effect on the economy of each country at large that adopts this.

Yes. The movement is slow, but we'll be able to experience a cashless world powered by Blockchain and AI within a few years from now. These technologies will make our world more efficient, as everything would operate in an autonomous way. However, as well as you do, I believe that many jobs will cease to exist as automated machines will start to replace humans in the future. AI will bring complete autonomy over machine's decisions while Blockchain would be responsible of the security and reliability of the global economy.

Of course, we're still in the early days for a complete transformation of our economy to occur, but as said technologies improve every step of the way, we'll experience an economy in a whole new level. The key for accelerating this would be to spread out the internet in areas where it's inaccessible. That way, a movement with Blockchain and AI could happen at a large scale as even third world countries would be able to adopt it.

Nevertheless, we'll see the outcome of this in the future. Just my thoughts ;D

Title: Re: Blockchain and AI will improve the world economy
Post by: GoldenLad on May 02, 2018, 08:11:27 PM
It's really a good thing that the blockchain technology was really discovered. And I agree with you, the arrival and use of this new technology can really change the world. This is because that, there is more to this technology than we are seeing. It's doesn't really ends with the digital currency. The is what most people don't understand,  they believe that when they talk about blockchain; it's all about cryptocurrency.

Title: Re: Blockchain and AI will improve the world economy
Post by: jak3 on May 02, 2018, 08:31:37 PM
This is a hard Core topic right now. Both blockchain and AI Technology is new to the world, and all the industries private sectors working for this technology right now you can Google and Microsoft the biggest Tech Giants who are trying to did it under the control so they can grab most of the market shares so I think around 50 years from now we will have a complete AI based blockchain fully functional in the market.

Title: Re: Blockchain and AI will improve the world economy
Post by: Paul karet on May 02, 2018, 09:29:08 PM
many central banks adopt blockchain and AI technology. I think this will simplify and improve the transaction system in the bank. which is planned to improve the world economy.

Title: Re: Blockchain and AI will improve the world economy
Post by: Xising on May 02, 2018, 09:42:00 PM
Since the inception of the blockchain with Bitcoin in 2009, there has been a huge interest from governments, and central banks alike to design their own centralized digital fiat currency for their benefit. Given the security benefits and efficiencies that the blockchain provides, it would be used well in conjunction with AI technology, to transform the global economy in ways we've never thought possible.

As such, there could be a future where everything is managed by AI and the blockchain would serve as the security and settlement layer for any kind of transaction. A one world currency might become a reality where it is backed by all the banks and governments alike. If this happens, then true autonomy would become established enabling everyday devices to operate on their own and "monetize" themselves via the use of a single unified global currency which operates on a blockchain.

Therefore, both the blockchain and AI will have a huge impact in our world economy, and every aspect of our lives as we know it. Of course, this might take quite a few years to happen, but the benefits provided by such technologies would be too hard to ignore.

What are your thoughts about this? Will both Blockchain and AI improve the world's economy?  ???

It can do that, but you have to, I think, qualify how the technology will be used. If it will be used to support the economy and improve the local markets of the country, then it can have that capacity to revive or even revitalize one country's economy. However, if it will not be used effectively, anything, no matter how helpful and potent it can be to induce change, it would mean nothing since its ineffective use would limit the good changes it can do.

Title: Re: Blockchain and AI will improve the world economy
Post by: ballerin and giroud on May 02, 2018, 10:04:19 PM
There is no doubt that blockchain is a security in transactions in the present that ensures transaction bookkeeping that can not be changed by any party. Technology like this that is needed by the world to solve economic problems. I am sure all people agree that this technology is capable to change the world economy.

Title: Re: Blockchain and AI will improve the world economy
Post by: chaoscoinz on May 02, 2018, 10:42:01 PM
We're living within the digital age! Everything you can think of will eventually go through a virtualization process, so why not money too? It makes things a little more convenient, but as with any innovation, it will always create new problems for us to face.

Title: Re: Blockchain and AI will improve the world economy
Post by: justdimin on May 04, 2018, 06:56:11 PM
Block chain and AI are the two most popular technology trends today!

Blockchain and AI combine to create a lot of new things!

Intelligent life and credit life redefine people's lifestyle!
I like the last words you have used. The thing though is that sure blockchain is here to stay and we are already beginning to see the real life cases of it which I believe is going to affect the economy in a very good way once adopted by each country not without leaving the idea that it would still remain centralized though.

Regarding AI, I cannot say much for the future, but presently, I have not really seen much to really talk about and even though we have heard some few cases of AI in action, I still feel we have not really gotten there yet.

Title: Re: Blockchain and AI will improve the world economy
Post by: andrei56 on May 08, 2018, 05:00:41 AM
AI will improve the world economy naturally, we just need to be careful with where all the profits go.  Currently in the US the top 1% owns something near 50% of all the wealth in the country, and the bottom 50% of people don't even own 10% of the wealth.  Something needs to be done about that disparity eventually, as people wont stand for it forever.  AI will expedite the issue as there will be fewer and fewer jobs that pay well enough.  Once the profits from such technologies are spread throughout society we'll truly enter a golden age.  What average people will do when we finally get there is anyone's guess, though.
Artificial intelligence is only going to make the difference even greater, we are seeing that there are many jobs are being replaced by my chains, and when you take into account that you cannot work as hard or as fast as a computer then you lose your job and for a person is very difficult to learn new skills and to become marketable again and that creates an even bigger difference in the wealth.

Title: Re: Blockchain and AI will improve the world economy
Post by: Gyugita on May 08, 2018, 05:06:50 AM
I agree with you sir.
Now everyone know of blockchain used of many industries ini the word.
Nothing compares to blockchain technology.
The benefits of blockchain make the industry glance at it, so many are using its technology.
The large amount of income from btc, cryptocurrency and altcoint makes the economy better.

Title: Re: Blockchain and AI will improve the world economy
Post by: Nerman on May 08, 2018, 05:13:50 AM
Yes as of now we are seeing more and more companies /institution who are adopting the block chain technology.

To be honest I live in a third world country and I hope that our country "Philippines" also adopt the blockchain technology, why I want it. Our country is a corrupt country and with the block chain technology I think there will be integrity with it.  I think some sectors in India are already using block chain and I hope Philippines follow it.

Title: Re: Blockchain and AI will improve the world economy
Post by: setialovers on May 08, 2018, 07:42:23 AM
Since the inception of the blockchain with Bitcoin in 2009, there has been a huge interest from governments, and central banks alike to design their own centralized digital fiat currency for their benefit. Given the security benefits and efficiencies that the blockchain provides, it would be used well in conjunction with AI technology, to transform the global economy in ways we've never thought possible.

As such, there could be a future where everything is managed by AI and the blockchain would serve as the security and settlement layer for any kind of transaction. A one world currency might become a reality where it is backed by all the banks and governments alike. If this happens, then true autonomy would become established enabling everyday devices to operate on their own and "monetize" themselves via the use of a single unified global currency which operates on a blockchain.

Therefore, both the blockchain and AI will have a huge impact in our world economy, and every aspect of our lives as we know it. Of course, this might take quite a few years to happen, but the benefits provided by such technologies would be too hard to ignore.

What are your thoughts about this? Will both Blockchain and AI improve the world's economy?  ???

I do believe that blockchain or AI will have big part on our future life. Blockchain can use for many purpose and its really helpfull to safe data from hacking. AI will improve our life standart and can create technology that will bring our life more easily.

Title: Re: Blockchain and AI will improve the world economy
Post by: knightmairesaint on May 08, 2018, 09:09:56 AM
Yes as of now we are seeing more and more companies /institution who are adopting the block chain technology.

To be honest I live in a third world country and I hope that our country "Philippines" also adopt the blockchain technology, why I want it. Our country is a corrupt country and with the block chain technology I think there will be integrity with it.  I think some sectors in India are already using block chain and I hope Philippines follow it.

I am also from the Philippines and just like you, I also want our country to improve. Now that some countries have high economic improvement due to the innovation, it is just and right that our country should think about doing it also but I am afraid that there are many factors affecting and preventing our country to accommodate such improvement especially political factors.

Honestly, many people are leaving our country to work abroad because of money and the increasing rate should be our government's concern. If ever our country starts embracing such change, I will be glad but I am also worried that the innovation will also need higher requirements or standardization like in education. AI in machinery will mean that some works will need less human labor but higher education to be able to understand how such AI could do their previous works.

Title: Re: Blockchain and AI will improve the world economy
Post by: Abiky on May 22, 2018, 11:16:59 PM
I do believe that blockchain or AI will have big part on our future life. Blockchain can use for many purpose and its really helpfull to safe data from hacking. AI will improve our life standart and can create technology that will bring our life more easily.

Yes. Blockchain provides unparalleled security against fraud, and double spending in ways that were never thought possible before. Now that Blockchain has become a reality ever since 2009, it could make a great addition to AI. By combining these two technologies, we would be able to experience a fully autonomous and secure economy where outside forces cannot have any impact into. The worldwide economy would be greatly improved as nearly any device will operate across borders via frictionless payments around the world. This would improve the lives of everyday people where they don't need to rely on paper money, or even trust a bank or government to transact in a free world.

Right now, all of this is happening slowly within our eyes, making it possible for a single unified worldwide currency to become practical in the future. Imagine if this happens, then everybody would be using only one currency for their daily payments across the globe. The possibilities are endless here, and this is only the beginning. Just my opinion :)

Title: Re: Blockchain and AI will improve the world economy
Post by: Oceat on May 22, 2018, 11:55:30 PM
This is a hard Core topic right now. Both blockchain and AI Technology is new to the world, and all the industries private sectors working for this technology right now you can Google and Microsoft the biggest Tech Giants who are trying to did it under the control so they can grab most of the market shares so I think around 50 years from now we will have a complete AI based blockchain fully functional in the market.
It is inevitable, AI is already a part of our technology already before blockchain came in but the effect of both blockchain and AI technology in the world is astonishingly great. I know that someone will build something that would change the world and those people are awesome just like Satoshi and the other crypto currencies enthusiasts. Imagine a world that only an AI is working for any establishments either coffee shops, restaurant, or even banks but i know there is a huge disadvantage to it to us human, but who knows? There might be something great that might happen to us in the future if we allow changes within ourselves.

Title: Re: Blockchain and AI will improve the world economy
Post by: Sled on May 23, 2018, 04:45:38 AM
Indeed. Blockchain and the AI will improve the world economy and the world itself because it can help the world to become more productive and more disciplined in making moves or actions. Blockchain can help to organized and set some orders and the AI will just follow the orders and there will be lesser amount of mistakes than before which can boost the performance of the world's economy.

Title: Re: Blockchain and AI will improve the world economy
Post by: Abiky on May 23, 2018, 11:55:40 PM
It is inevitable, AI is already a part of our technology already before blockchain came in but the effect of both blockchain and AI technology in the world is astonishingly great. I know that someone will build something that would change the world and those people are awesome just like Satoshi and the other crypto currencies enthusiasts. Imagine a world that only an AI is working for any establishments either coffee shops, restaurant, or even banks but i know there is a huge disadvantage to it to us human, but who knows? There might be something great that might happen to us in the future if we allow changes within ourselves.

Completely agree with you, mate. The level of impact that AI and Blockchain would have in our society would be such that there would be no need for human intervention in the future for nearly any task we do today. Restaurants, banks, stores, and other places would be operated by AI-controlled machines while we as consumers would make a transaction within the blockchain. The AI then confirms that the transaction has been confirmed by the blockchain, and would then perform the desired task (similar to a smart contract).

This in effect is good as it would allow our economy to progress further, but it would take off many jobs that humans do today. Therefore, maybe sometime in the future as blockchain and AI improves, people won't need to do anything except to make a payment in the blockchain to get the service they want. From medical attention, to vending machines, the changes made by blockchains and AI would be completely revolutionary. Just my opinion :)

Title: Re: Blockchain and AI will improve the world economy
Post by: uray on May 24, 2018, 04:50:34 AM
blockchain and AI will have a huge impact in our world economy, and every aspect of our lives as we know it. Of course, this might take quite a few years to happen, but the benefits provided by such technologies would be too hard to ignore.
There will be a huge economical impact with the implementation of blockchain because it will be transparent and AI is the future but it will have some implications on the job market without a doubt as the jobs we see now will be taken over by AI and i am not sure how it will impact the job market but it will have some implications moving forward.

Title: Re: Blockchain and AI will improve the world economy
Post by: rickadone on May 25, 2018, 06:56:17 PM
many central banks adopt blockchain and AI technology. I think this will simplify and improve the transaction system in the bank. which is planned to improve the world economy.
Not just banks but every other sector we can ever think of. Health, legal, Engineering, name them all will be affected with the blockchain technology and Artificial intelligence. So many developed countries would obviously want to do research to quickly bring about the innovation to life the more and that would really give them an edge in this space over time. Let's see how the world is going to be evolving pretty soon with these two but it sure indeed will bring a lot of improvement to the economy.

Title: Re: Blockchain and AI will improve the world economy
Post by: BitcoinMarketer39 on May 25, 2018, 07:54:36 PM
I fully agree with the fact that Blockchain can change and improve the world economic system. It is already doing it. Using Blockchain, the nodes in the network don`t need to know each other or trust each other, because they have the ability to control and confirm the links of the data on their own. This is an innovative way of conducting financial transactions.

Blockchain technology will allow you to fully automate the services by sending an economic model of the "distributed economy" to retirement. Money transfers in the crypto currency are already showing us how far they are ahead of classical financial technologies. And we will see similar things in insurance, in energy, and in other infrastructure industries.

I think that Ai is a huge threat to the community because if Ai can surpass the knowledge of human then there is a huge chance for Ai to change the prices of cryptocurrency in the internet immediately.

Title: Re: Blockchain and AI will improve the world economy
Post by: Ahiaba on May 25, 2018, 08:43:46 PM
No doubt about that fact, Bitcoin and blockchian will continue to improve the world economy as we are already witnessing the impacts on the world economy. 

Title: Re: Blockchain and AI will improve the world economy
Post by: smarcio on May 25, 2018, 08:59:37 PM
Blockchain and AI it's most important technologies of future. And I am sure that Blockchain and AI will improve the world economy and impact to all spheres of our life.

Title: Re: Blockchain and AI will improve the world economy
Post by: el kaka22 on May 27, 2018, 04:54:58 AM
This is a hard Core topic right now. Both blockchain and AI Technology is new to the world, and all the industries private sectors working for this technology right now you can Google and Microsoft the biggest Tech Giants who are trying to did it under the control so they can grab most of the market shares so I think around 50 years from now we will have a complete AI based blockchain fully functional in the market.
Definitely a pretty hard core one. It is more like the topic that is on the lips of everyone all over the tech space. A time will come when everything will become digital and blockchain as well as AI would have entered each and every sector all over the world that it would bring about a very appealing market in the long run. Over the world right now, there is a lot of research going on utilizing blockchain and AI in the real world and with all these things coming into fruition, it would be an amazing one.

Title: Re: Blockchain and AI will improve the world economy
Post by: Menawi12 on May 27, 2018, 07:33:48 AM
I think blockchain and AI can improve the world economy. Blockchain can make our bussiness more eficient and cost not expensive any more and AI can improve production on manufacture.
I am believe that technology development can improve our quality life

Title: Re: Blockchain and AI will improve the world economy
Post by: BitcoinLoan on May 27, 2018, 10:05:15 AM
I think blockchain and AI can improve the world economy. Blockchain can make our bussiness more eficient and cost not expensive any more and AI can improve production on manufacture.
I am believe that technology development can improve our quality life
Artificial intelligence and blockchain are the two major technologies that lead the innovation and change almost every industry from automotive to healthcare.

Title: Re: Blockchain and AI will improve the world economy
Post by: frowsiter on May 27, 2018, 11:34:42 AM
Yes I guess. The current age is of the technology and Information Technology is blooming at the faster rates than the previous period. Each year passed away we step forward in the future and thus we need more Intelligent working. The AI is everywhere now, starting from the Siri on you apple product until the NASA space station we have it everywhere.

More investment goes into it than the food is grown around the world. Thus it tells us the criticality of the AI.

However to push it further in the future we do need the Blockchain technology so that we can support the advances that are out of the hands of Internet. Surely it will help us a lot to improve the economy in ultimate way.

Title: Re: Blockchain and AI will improve the world economy
Post by: Abiky on May 28, 2018, 12:42:47 AM
There will be a huge economical impact with the implementation of blockchain because it will be transparent and AI is the future but it will have some implications on the job market without a doubt as the jobs we see now will be taken over by AI and i am not sure how it will impact the job market but it will have some implications moving forward.

Yes. Blockchain provides unparalleled security and transparency, making it the perfect tool to track financial transactions, and even supply chains. On the other hand, AI could replace existing jobs easily as it would be able to perform any task without the need for human intervention. This would allow automated cashiers which confirm payment over the blockchain, automated gas refueling, automated bank tellers, and more.

Imagine never having to interact with a human being but just with machines instead? Since AI provides autonomy over decisions and the blockchain is the immutable source of truth, a truly efficient economy and autonomous society would be seen in the future. Therefore, I believe that the future is both Blockchain and AI as it transforms our world in ways we never thought possible. If blockchain didn't came into existence lately, it wouldn’t allowed assets to be digitized and transacted across the internet. Now that it's a reality, there's nothing stopping it from being combined with AI to become a full-fledged system that will change everything in our lives. Just my opinion :)

Title: Re: Blockchain and AI will improve the world economy
Post by: Domicbora on May 29, 2018, 12:05:29 PM
many central banks adopt blockchain and AI technology. I think this will simplify and improve the transaction system in the bank. which is planned to improve the world economy.
Not just banks but every other sector we can ever think of. Health, legal, Engineering, name them all will be affected with the blockchain technology and Artificial intelligence. So many developed countries would obviously want to do research to quickly bring about the innovation to life the more and that would really give them an edge in this space over time. Let's see how the world is going to be evolving pretty soon with these two but it sure indeed will bring a lot of improvement to the economy.
If we look the role of blockchain in crypt we will understand the importance of this technology. The future is changing and all other technologies will overcome by blockchain in the near future. Very little people know about these technologies but it is also like computer and cellphone technologies. It will prevail in the world very soon and people will use it.

Title: Re: Blockchain and AI will improve the world economy
Post by: Persiville on May 29, 2018, 12:42:04 PM
There will be a huge economical impact with the implementation of blockchain because it will be transparent and AI is the future but it will have some implications on the job market without a doubt as the jobs we see now will be taken over by AI and i am not sure how it will impact the job market but it will have some implications moving forward.

Yes. Blockchain provides unparalleled security and transparency, making it the perfect tool to track financial transactions, and even supply chains. On the other hand, AI could replace existing jobs easily as it would be able to perform any task without the need for human intervention. This would allow automated cashiers which confirm payment over the blockchain, automated gas refueling, automated bank tellers, and more.

Imagine never having to interact with a human being but just with machines instead? Since AI provides autonomy over decisions and the blockchain is the immutable source of truth, a truly efficient economy and autonomous society would be seen in the future. Therefore, I believe that the future is both Blockchain and AI as it transforms our world in ways we never thought possible. If blockchain didn't came into existence lately, it wouldn’t allowed assets to be digitized and transacted across the internet. Now that it's a reality, there's nothing stopping it from being combined with AI to become a full-fledged system that will change everything in our lives. Just my opinion :)

Personally i am not that really particular on AI system, but eventually we cannot argue that the world of technology is coming forward to AI as a future, and since we are talking abouy blockchain system also, i am watching what will be its co-existence and the implementation of AI in the world of blockchain.

Title: Re: Blockchain and AI will improve the world economy
Post by: sepeda karat on May 29, 2018, 01:15:11 PM
I think that decentralized currency can exist all over the world, and I certainly talk about bitcoin here. But it needs to be decentralized and not supported by anyone. Only the currency that gets that value in the free market, is governed by supply and demand.

Title: Re: Blockchain and AI will improve the world economy
Post by: SlickMoTwoToe on May 29, 2018, 03:39:15 PM
Blockchain and AI is the way to the future,  It will improve world economy for sure,  By its system and by its function to the society, and in the first place it is made for the sake of the improvement and revolutionization of the world economy,  technology helps a lot in this matter,  it will make transactions,  security and services more satisfying around the globe.

Title: Re: Blockchain and AI will improve the world economy
Post by: Naficopa on May 30, 2018, 09:08:48 AM
Blockchain and AI is the way to the future,  It will improve world economy for sure,  By its system and by its function to the society, and in the first place it is made for the sake of the improvement and revolutionization of the world economy,  technology helps a lot in this matter,  it will make transactions,  security and services more satisfying around the globe.

Blockchain technology is interested in more and more companies around the world from various industries. This is a breakthrough technology that, combined with AI, gives unlimited possibilities for the development of all areas of economics.

Title: Re: Blockchain and AI will improve the world economy
Post by: on May 30, 2018, 09:17:53 AM
Not many see the connection, but it IS there. Blockchain enables us to deploy truly "serverless" and decentralized apps, and that's a perfect medium for AI to be deployed on.

As to crypto, I think it's a perfect value transfer layer for both biological and AI agents. In fact, it's the first form of "money" fully accessible to non-human entities.

Title: Re: Blockchain and AI will improve the world economy
Post by: Ranly123 on May 30, 2018, 09:26:59 AM
Since the inception of the blockchain with Bitcoin in 2009, there has been a huge interest from governments, and central banks alike to design their own centralized digital fiat currency for their benefit. Given the security benefits and efficiencies that the blockchain provides, it would be used well in conjunction with AI technology, to transform the global economy in ways we've never thought possible.

As such, there could be a future where everything is managed by AI and the blockchain would serve as the security and settlement layer for any kind of transaction. A one world currency might become a reality where it is backed by all the banks and governments alike. If this happens, then true autonomy would become established enabling everyday devices to operate on their own and "monetize" themselves via the use of a single unified global currency which operates on a blockchain.

Therefore, both the blockchain and AI will have a huge impact in our world economy, and every aspect of our lives as we know it. Of course, this might take quite a few years to happen, but the benefits provided by such technologies would be too hard to ignore.

What are your thoughts about this? Will both Blockchain and AI improve the world's economy?  ???

Not only improve but also change the economy in a good way. Blockchain nowadays is a trend which is now being revolutionized by people using it and AI is the evolution of technology which would make hard work easier.

Title: Re: Blockchain and AI will improve the world economy
Post by: trickyriky on May 30, 2018, 01:39:35 PM
Blockchain will do it. I have heard that Porche company has already started using these technologies. I believe soon it will be used everywhere, in all spheres of life.

Title: Re: Blockchain and AI will improve the world economy
Post by: PsylockReborn on May 30, 2018, 01:53:38 PM
Since the inception of the blockchain with Bitcoin in 2009, there has been a huge interest from governments, and central banks alike to design their own centralized digital fiat currency for their benefit. Given the security benefits and efficiencies that the blockchain provides, it would be used well in conjunction with AI technology, to transform the global economy in ways we've never thought possible.

As such, there could be a future where everything is managed by AI and the blockchain would serve as the security and settlement layer for any kind of transaction. A one world currency might become a reality where it is backed by all the banks and governments alike. If this happens, then true autonomy would become established enabling everyday devices to operate on their own and "monetize" themselves via the use of a single unified global currency which operates on a blockchain.

Therefore, both the blockchain and AI will have a huge impact in our world economy, and every aspect of our lives as we know it. Of course, this might take quite a few years to happen, but the benefits provided by such technologies would be too hard to ignore.

What are your thoughts about this? Will both Blockchain and AI improve the world's economy?  ???

It will definitely improve our economy worldwide since we are dealing with the technology that never commits mistakes. When we talk about centralization with the use of human being as what we always do just like in banks in making decisions and whatsoever, it's where the blunders and fraud takes place that could damage our economy and a possible hyperinflation will happen due to human error and flaws.

Title: Re: Blockchain and AI will improve the world economy
Post by: amih on May 30, 2018, 01:54:13 PM
Since the inception of the blockchain with Bitcoin in 2009, there has been a huge interest from governments, and central banks alike to design their own centralized digital fiat currency for their benefit. Given the security benefits and efficiencies that the blockchain provides, it would be used well in conjunction with AI technology, to transform the global economy in ways we've never thought possible.

As such, there could be a future where everything is managed by AI and the blockchain would serve as the security and settlement layer for any kind of transaction. A one world currency might become a reality where it is backed by all the banks and governments alike. If this happens, then true autonomy would become established enabling everyday devices to operate on their own and "monetize" themselves via the use of a single unified global currency which operates on a blockchain.

Therefore, both the blockchain and AI will have a huge impact in our world economy, and every aspect of our lives as we know it. Of course, this might take quite a few years to happen, but the benefits provided by such technologies would be too hard to ignore.

What are your thoughts about this? Will both Blockchain and AI improve the world's economy?  ???
I agree with you if every bank in the world creates blockhaind technology in financial terms. because if viewed from the point of efficiency of blockhaind technology will greatly facilitate each user in terms of transactions or transfer financial problems for a global scale. this will certainly be very easy and fast unlike the case with fiat currency in general. I hope this can be realized and accepted by all levels of government around the world to use blockhaind technology.

Title: Re: Blockchain and AI will improve the world economy
Post by: sana54210 on June 01, 2018, 08:14:20 AM
AI will improve the world economy naturally, we just need to be careful with where all the profits go.  Currently in the US the top 1% owns something near 50% of all the wealth in the country, and the bottom 50% of people don't even own 10% of the wealth.  Something needs to be done about that disparity eventually, as people wont stand for it forever.  AI will expedite the issue as there will be fewer and fewer jobs that pay well enough.  Once the profits from such technologies are spread throughout society we'll truly enter a golden age.  What average people will do when we finally get there is anyone's guess, though.
Well, that is more like some of the things that makes the developed countries what they are till date; Innovation! As long as some will get innovative in this area in using the AI to improve the way we do things, the profit of their innovation will always go to such places.

However, the good thing is that Blockchain and AI is obviously going to be changing a lot of things positively and like you said, it will end up being more of a golden digital age.

Title: Re: Blockchain and AI will improve the world economy
Post by: sarjilcse on June 01, 2018, 08:35:21 AM
Since the inception of the blockchain with Bitcoin in 2009, there has been a huge interest from governments, and central banks alike to design their own centralized digital fiat currency for their benefit. Given the security benefits and efficiencies that the blockchain provides, it would be used well in conjunction with AI technology, to transform the global economy in ways we've never thought possible.

As such, there could be a future where everything is managed by AI and the blockchain would serve as the security and settlement layer for any kind of transaction. A one world currency might become a reality where it is backed by all the banks and governments alike. If this happens, then true autonomy would become established enabling everyday devices to operate on their own and "monetize" themselves via the use of a single unified global currency which operates on a blockchain.

Therefore, both the blockchain and AI will have a huge impact in our world economy, and every aspect of our lives as we know it. Of course, this might take quite a few years to happen, but the benefits provided by such technologies would be too hard to ignore.

What are your thoughts about this? Will both Blockchain and AI improve the world's economy?  ???

i think artificial intelligence can improve World's Economy also Blockchain can.But while technology has created these new challenges, it may also hold out some potential solutions. In a recent paper, we explore how new tools in machine learning, text analysis, and artificial intelligence can improve how the government interacts with the public. These new technological advances can help ensure that people’s voice is actually heard in policymaking.

Title: Re: Blockchain and AI will improve the world economy
Post by: aencarnaci on June 01, 2018, 10:52:50 AM
It's really a good thing that the blockchain technology was really discovered. And I agree with you, the arrival and use of this new technology can really change the world. This is because that, there is more to this technology than we are seeing. It's doesn't really ends with the digital currency. The is what most people don't understand,  they believe that when they talk about blockchain; it's all about cryptocurrency.
The arrival is already changing the world gradually and I believe it will even change it the more for the better as we move on in this space. One thing I have always known with new innovations is that it will keep evolving and from the little things we have seen so far with blockchain and AI, we are definitely not where we used to be few years ago and this disruption is really going to be a huge one in the long run, I believe!

Title: Re: Blockchain and AI will improve the world economy
Post by: Cult on June 01, 2018, 02:16:33 PM
I truly believe that Blockchain will inevitably replace the foul fiat money system and this way impove everyone's prosperity part of which is currently being destroyed by greedy politicians tinkering with the economy.

Title: Re: Blockchain and AI will improve the world economy
Post by: Abiky on June 04, 2018, 06:37:32 PM
I truly believe that Blockchain will inevitably replace the foul fiat money system and this way impove everyone's prosperity part of which is currently being destroyed by greedy politicians tinkering with the economy.

Yes. There's no doubt that this will happen in a couple of years from now. Since blockchain is in its very beginnings and its limitations are being discovered, it will take some time before it becomes mature enough for the mainstream world. On the other hand, AI has been around before blockchain emerged, giving it a greater level of maturity than the latter. One of the things that many people admire about blockchains is that it eliminates fraud, and corruption, allowing a system to verify any transaction performed in the real world (assets, money, identities, ownership, etc) without the need for human intervention.

Now, AI can simply fulfill many of the tasks humans do today. This technology in combination with the blockchain, can automatically verify an immutable source of truth and take decisions based on what has been confirmed on the ledger. I believe that in the future, not only our economy will improve with these technologies, but nearly anything we know about in this world. Whenever it is healthcare, internet of things, governance, identity issuance, real estate, notary, and more, everything will be completely transformed by both the blockchain and AI.

Therefore, even if people nowadays are unable to adapt to these new trends, they will be able to do so over time, once these technologies change our world every step of the way. And we should be prepared for this new generation of technological evolution like never before. Just my thoughts ;D

Title: Re: Blockchain and AI will improve the world economy
Post by: bitwoithzie on June 04, 2018, 06:39:03 PM
Blockchain and AI conbination is going to be very interesting..

Also, I was reading about NOIZCHAIN ICO recently and found the same.. It seemed a good idea to me

Title: Re: Blockchain and AI will improve the world economy
Post by: ivanst776 on June 05, 2018, 11:31:18 AM
Blockchain and AI conbination is going to be very interesting..

Also, I was reading about NOIZCHAIN ICO recently and found the same.. It seemed a good idea to me

From barter to FIAT and the transaction gets faster and faster. W e also get into digital currency which we have credit and debit cards.
Now that the technology is going even faster. with such great power and opportunity of this cirtual currency that so called cryptos
We are engaging to if a full speed economy. which is better.

Title: Re: Blockchain and AI will improve the world economy
Post by: Abiky on June 06, 2018, 05:30:44 PM
From barter to FIAT and the transaction gets faster and faster. W e also get into digital currency which we have credit and debit cards.
Now that the technology is going even faster. with such great power and opportunity of this cirtual currency that so called cryptos
We are engaging to if a full speed economy. which is better.

Yes. Technology is advancing faster than we could ever imagine. Sooner or later, everything would be automated, and there might be no need for central banks, as people would have control over their finances as well as their data and personal information. It'll be a sovereign society where everyone would have the power to do whatever they wish with their money without fear of a third party (like a government or a bank) freezing their assets or even limiting the number of transactions they can make per day.

With the advent of blockchain technology, the internet and our economy can experience a greater level of freedom like never in history. And when combined with AI, the possibilities are endless, as machines would be able to interact with one another, and execute payments without the need for human intervention. While both technologies have their good and bad things, it's important to embrace them to help transform our world for the better. Speaking of AI and blockchain, this reminds me of Skynet from the Terminator movie. There could exist a possibility for AI to become virtually unstoppable as it spreads around every computer in the world using blockchain technology.

Nevertheless, I hope that these latest trends in technology would benefit our society instead of harming it for years to come. Just my opinion :)

Title: Re: Blockchain and AI will improve the world economy
Post by: Digital_Lord on June 07, 2018, 06:57:04 AM
blockchain and AI will have a huge impact in our world economy, and every aspect of our lives as we know it. Of course, this might take quite a few years to happen, but the benefits provided by such technologies would be too hard to ignore.
There will be a huge economical impact with the implementation of blockchain because it will be transparent and AI is the future but it will have some implications on the job market without a doubt as the jobs we see now will be taken over by AI and i am not sure how it will impact the job market but it will have some implications moving forward.
With the passage of time world is improving in technology and blockchain and A1 are new technologies and definitely change the world in the future. Understanding these technologies is not easy but we will the use of these technologies in the streets in the near future especially blockchain. Now people get their PhD in blockchain technology.

Title: Re: Blockchain and AI will improve the world economy
Post by: Abiky on June 08, 2018, 07:06:09 PM
With the passage of time world is improving in technology and blockchain and A1 are new technologies and definitely change the world in the future. Understanding these technologies is not easy but we will the use of these technologies in the streets in the near future especially blockchain. Now people get their PhD in blockchain technology.

Agree. These technologies are extremely complex, and would take a considerable amount of time, for people to fully understand them. As such, I believe that it would take a couple of years before people can adapt to these technologies in their everyday life. Day by day, they improve to become stronger and acceptable by the mainstream world. Now that the blockchain has become a new standard in technology, I believe that many professionals and experts in the subject will emerge in the future.

AI existed way before blockchain, but it was missing a key piece that would allow it to expand its full potential. Once the blockchain came into reality with Bitcoin, that missing key piece of the puzzle is now found to exploit the power of AI and other technologies in our society. This will not only have an impact in our economy, but into nearly every area we know of. The internet will become decentralized once more, devices will become autonomous in their decisions, healthcare will use blockchain to make medical records immutable, smart contracts will power applications of the decentralized web, and more.

The revolution is nearly beginning, and it would be surprising to see how these uptrends in technology will impact our very lives in the future. Just my opinion :)

Title: Re: Blockchain and AI will improve the world economy
Post by: nancybeee on June 08, 2018, 11:25:30 PM
Welcome to the world of Artificial Intelligence and the most secured blockchain technology. The world economy is now improving and will continue to improve if we can utilize and maximize the power of the Internet. It may take a couple of years before we fully adopt this big change, but it is ok. This will be worth it.

Title: Re: Blockchain and AI will improve the world economy
Post by: dupee419 on June 09, 2018, 12:19:37 AM
Blockchain would definitely be the future's technology, Blockchain is gettinf quite better in the period of time, I'm sure that blockchain can improve the world economy, as for A.I. I still think that it has a lot of advantages and disadvantages but I am eager to see A.I. in the future at its most potential.

Title: Re: Blockchain and AI will improve the world economy
Post by: Ewox on June 09, 2018, 01:48:07 AM
Definitely blockchain will improve the world economy and with the use of AI, I think it would even add more advantages for as long as it is put into good use. And if there are advantages, then there will also be disadvantages of using AI together with the blockchain technology.

Title: Re: Blockchain and AI will improve the world economy
Post by: onemoretime8520 on June 09, 2018, 03:14:34 AM
Personally I think that AI will worsen the economy of the world as so many people will become jobless and the circulation of money will be very slow by going to some part of the society but blockchain is different and it can make a revolution by opening new job opportunities with the projects like Usechain.

Title: Re: Blockchain and AI will improve the world economy
Post by: Abiky on June 11, 2018, 06:31:18 PM
Personally I think that AI will worsen the economy of the world as so many people will become jobless and the circulation of money will be very slow by going to some part of the society but blockchain is different and it can make a revolution by opening new job opportunities with the projects like Usechain.

Unfortunately, while AI has its good stuff, it also has many bad things for our society. It could threaten the jobs of many people in the world, since such technology would be able to automate decisions on many areas of our society without the need for human intervention. As such, this technology could either boom or cease to exist in the future, depending whenever everyday people adopt it or not. On the other hand, Blockchain opens many job opportunities for people, as it is not self-autonomous like AI. It's capable of providing unparalleled security to any transaction (whenever it is money, proof of ownership, etc.) without the fear of fraud or censorship.

In this sense, Blockchain could experience a greater level of adoption than AI itself in the future. However, despite this, I still think that both technologies would be used in the long term for a globally centralized currency. Even if AI has its negative side (like the one mentioned earlier), the efficiency provided by such technology to our world would be too hard to ignore from governments. Therefore, Blockchain and AI would make the perfect combination for a global economy free from corruption, and external attacks. Just my thoughts ;D

Title: Re: Blockchain and AI will improve the world economy
Post by: BigDig on June 11, 2018, 08:31:29 PM
Perhaps it is with the help of these two instruments that mankind will be able to overcome the economic crisis that has lasted for ten years. Now, the build-up of the volume of the secondary securities market and the unmanaged money issue are leading the world to financial ruin.

Title: Re: Blockchain and AI will improve the world economy
Post by: Abiky on June 13, 2018, 09:48:17 PM
Perhaps it is with the help of these two instruments that mankind will be able to overcome the economic crisis that has lasted for ten years. Now, the build-up of the volume of the secondary securities market and the unmanaged money issue are leading the world to financial ruin.

Yes. Maybe our economy would perform much better than what it is right now, once it adopts both Blockchain and AI at a full scale. While AI may be able to take a lot of human jobs, it's somewhat beneficial to the global economy as it provides efficiency with automated decisions. On the other hand, Blockchain eliminates fraud, and provides an immutable source of truth, allowing transparency in our economy, with unparalleled security and speed.

Therefore, both technologies have the power to radically transform our economy in the future, where financial crisis or collapses will be a thing of the past. AI will control every market available worldwide to always maintain a sustainable economy, combined with blockchain to provide security, transparency, and quick settlement speeds. This is bound to happen soon, and we should be prepared for it. Just my thoughts ;D

Title: Re: Blockchain and AI will improve the world economy
Post by: cryptobluemoon on June 13, 2018, 10:04:06 PM
both the technology blockchain and AI are disrupting the technologies in the world economy at large they will boost the economy by creating jobs and the new set of entrepreneurs will emerge

Title: Re: Blockchain and AI will improve the world economy
Post by: Abiky on June 18, 2018, 09:02:11 PM
both the technology blockchain and AI are disrupting the technologies in the world economy at large they will boost the economy by creating jobs and the new set of entrepreneurs will emerge

There's no doubt in that, mate. With emerging technologies such as Blockchain and AI, new job opportunities will become available in the mainstream world. There will be a new era where everything will become autonomous, and individuals would have control over their personal information, or data in ways that where never thought possible. Perhaps, in the future, centralized companies and institutions will cease to exist, since everything would become completely decentralized giving the power back to the people.

Imagine never being able to trust a bank with your funds, or even trust a company with your sensitive personal information. With Blockchain and AI, that's about to come true, since every machine will operate in an autonomous way with AI, while Blockchain eliminates the trust factor, allowing people to control anything they desire without fear of a centralized entity taking over. And once this becomes a reality, then not only our economy will perform better, but also our society like never before. Just my opinion :)

Title: Re: Blockchain and AI will improve the world economy
Post by: sultanali on July 15, 2018, 08:19:59 AM
The world economy is set to be affected by the international trade, and when it comes to the economy not only blockchain but cryptocurrency is concerned and this will not happen until the decision to adapt cryptocurrency for the sake of global transactions is permitted unanimously


Title: Re: Blockchain and AI will improve the world economy
Post by: Abiky on July 19, 2018, 06:21:03 PM
The world economy is set to be affected by the international trade, and when it comes to the economy not only blockchain but cryptocurrency is concerned and this will not happen until the decision to adapt cryptocurrency for the sake of global transactions is permitted unanimously

Yeah. Blockchain is still in its infancy, and it might take a couple of years before it matures as a rock-solid technology for nearly every industry in the world. Regulations within diverse areas of the world, would take place to determine the legality of Blockchain-based applications (such as cryptocurrencies, smart contracts, etc) in the mainstream world. On the other hand, AI came way before the Blockchain, and it's quite robust (although it's still being improved).

Perhaps, a few years within the future, we might see Blockchain take over every industry in the world. AI would play a key role for taking decisions and verifying the authenticity of transactions on a global scale via the use of Blockchain technology. Nearly everything we deal with in the physical world (real estate, stocks, currencies, precious metals, etc), would become digital and tracked via the Blockchain. Once all of that takes place, then Blockchain and AI would've improved the economy and our lives for the better. Just my opinion :)

Title: Re: Blockchain and AI will improve the world economy
Post by: Nnedaddy1 on July 19, 2018, 06:43:43 PM
I agree that  Blockchain and artificifial intelligence will positively impact on the world economy.
Blockchain can be used by industries to improve supply chains .
Artificial intelligence can be used to proffer  many innovative solutions in finance, shipping industry, transportation industry etc.

Title: Re: Blockchain and AI will improve the world economy
Post by: phillippw6 on July 27, 2018, 03:36:03 PM
Both blockchain and  AI are essential components for the future of the world, the AI is built to increase efficiency in human tasks whereas the blockchain is set to secure the world's data as the big data period arises in the world, the combination of these powers might be the ultimate weapon

Title: Re: Blockchain and AI will improve the world economy
Post by: Abiky on August 10, 2018, 12:20:43 AM
Both blockchain and  AI are essential components for the future of the world, the AI is built to increase efficiency in human tasks whereas the blockchain is set to secure the world's data as the big data period arises in the world, the combination of these powers might be the ultimate weapon

Completely agree with you, mate. Every day, both technologies are improving at a fast pace. It should only be a matter of time before the public adopts them for mainstream use. Blockchain will transform not only our economy, but also supply chains, the IoT sector, healthcare, and more. With the help of AI, decisions can become automated without the need for human intervention. AI could simply make use of the blockchain as an immutable source of truth, were it could track any kind of asset, properties, currencies, and more.

With all this coming in the future, I believe that governments and corporations will cease to exist, as everything would operate in a decentralized manner. The future holds DAOs (Decentralized Autonomous Organizations) and DACs (Decentralized Autonomous Corporations), without the need for human arbitration or any kind of intervention at all. People would gain control of their own lives, as a Sovereign and Cashless Society is enabled in a couple of years from now. Just my thoughts ;D

Title: Re: Blockchain and AI will improve the world economy
Post by: dupee419 on August 10, 2018, 03:27:57 AM
With the help of Blockchain's fascinating technology, there is not a single doubt that the economy will progress, and I think that A.I. is another different story, in terms of AI, I think that the economy would be much more better when AI will be fully introduced and  gain its full potential.

Title: Re: Blockchain and AI will improve the world economy
Post by: DeluxeJR on August 10, 2018, 04:02:29 AM
Of course they will improve the world economy as things will happen faster and easier than before.

Title: Re: Blockchain and AI will improve the world economy
Post by: manfredmann on August 10, 2018, 06:46:55 AM
Since the inception of the blockchain with Bitcoin in 2009, there has been a huge interest from governments, and central banks alike to design their own centralized digital fiat currency for their benefit. Given the security benefits and efficiencies that the blockchain provides, it would be used well in conjunction with AI technology, to transform the global economy in ways we've never thought possible.

As such, there could be a future where everything is managed by AI and the blockchain would serve as the security and settlement layer for any kind of transaction. A one world currency might become a reality where it is backed by all the banks and governments alike. If this happens, then true autonomy would become established enabling everyday devices to operate on their own and "monetize" themselves via the use of a single unified global currency which operates on a blockchain.

Therefore, both the blockchain and AI will have a huge impact in our world economy, and every aspect of our lives as we know it. Of course, this might take quite a few years to happen, but the benefits provided by such technologies would be too hard to ignore.

What are your thoughts about this? Will both Blockchain and AI improve the world's economy?  ???
AI obviously could help a lot on systematic approach of an establishment for easier and comfort way on transactions with the help of AI. These will minimize the use of manpower since it will be systematize. Well it will depend also on how good the AI being program and its efficiency also in the process.

Title: Re: Blockchain and AI will improve the world economy
Post by: andika2018 on August 10, 2018, 07:38:13 AM
Yes, fourth industrial revolution is gonna be triggered by blockchain and AI. Like all tech can be used for good and bad both, AI and blockchain will bring a lot of efficiency in day to day lifes of humans and  thus countries. And just like all changes, beginning is the toughest, blockchain and AI will bring the social revolution which may topple some governments and world powers and unsettle things. But evetually everything will be fine.

Fourth industry revolution will depend on Artificial Inteligent. Blockchain will make fourth industry revolution move more faster. If Industry combine with AI and blockchain, I am believe company able to cut a lot cost and company can expand their bussiness. Blockchain is revolutionary and transparant ledger and it will make company more eficient

Title: Re: Blockchain and AI will improve the world economy
Post by: Marierobinson16 on August 10, 2018, 09:01:40 AM
I think any technology always has a dual purpose. They can always be used for good deeds and for bad. I don't really hope for artificial intelligence. Any hacker can change the robot and he can do a lot of harm.

Title: Re: Blockchain and AI will improve the world economy
Post by: inding on August 10, 2018, 10:31:05 AM
Yes, this is a very big trend. It may take ten years to change, and this process may be very painful, but every new era will make human civilization progress rapidly.

Title: Re: Blockchain and AI will improve the world economy
Post by: Caitsith on August 10, 2018, 11:02:32 AM
yes, AI right now is very improved to used in economic matters because right now money handling can be much efficient if ai who control it and it can minimize any human error.

Title: Re: Blockchain and AI will improve the world economy
Post by: popolite11 on August 11, 2018, 02:13:22 PM
Of course they will improve the world economy as things will happen faster and easier than before.

Blockchain technologies have been already used in many spheres of our life. Even actors pick them very often. I am sure, blockchain will change the economy, and we will live better.

Title: Re: Blockchain and AI will improve the world economy
Post by: carlisle1 on August 11, 2018, 02:36:10 PM
Any technology always has a dual purpose. They can always be used for good deeds and for bad. I don't really hope for artificial intelligence. Any hacker can change the robot and he can do a lot of harm. It seems to me that man is much more reliable.
But man also needs technology to perform all of this right?so the cycle will comes back to technology and artificial intelligence.i guess the better answer here is artificial intelligence and technology with the ability of man,can improve the world economy

Title: Re: Blockchain and AI will improve the world economy
Post by: Mikado_ on August 12, 2018, 06:57:39 PM
With Blockchain and AI, new services will be developed, which is good for the economy.

Cryptocurrencies will enable communication between networks of AI, secured by blockchain.

Title: Re: Blockchain and AI will improve the world economy
Post by: Ayoofe on August 13, 2018, 06:55:49 AM
AI machine learning is already improving the economy and I believe as well that adoption of blockchain will do more good than harm to the economy as well. The harm in the sense that cryptocurrency on blockchain can cause inflation to a country economy but the harm is negligible compare to the main importance of crypto.

Title: Re: Blockchain and AI will improve the world economy
Post by: spongegar on August 13, 2018, 07:25:35 AM
I also agree. Since blockchains are a new way of paying for your good and services, people are surprisingly acceptant and are using it. I just hope that developers beef up the security and make it more accessible for everyone, that means infrastructures for people who don't have a phone or an internet access. I also hope more and more people use it.

Title: Re: Blockchain and AI will improve the world economy
Post by: Aikidoka on August 13, 2018, 08:30:15 AM
Blockchain technology and Artificial Intelligence surely will improve the world economy. However, I really fear the AI because it also has drawbacks. Plus, it will be developed and the economy will only rely on it. Therefore, many people will go unemployed because the AI will do the work. Stephen Hawkins feared the AI and said that it will destroy the humanity one day. Sometimes, technology can be a curse rather than a bless. That is why people should always stay alert.

Title: Re: Blockchain and AI will improve the world economy
Post by: Oasisman on August 13, 2018, 09:01:02 AM
Blockchain technology and Artificial Intelligence surely will improve the world economy. However, I really fear the AI because it also has drawbacks. Plus, it will be developed and the economy will only rely on it. Therefore, many people will go unemployed because the AI will do the work. Stephen Hawkins feared the AI and said that it will destroy the humanity one day. Sometimes, technology can be a curse rather than a bless. That is why people should always stay alert.

Well, we live in a world where progress destroys the earth's  nature and I agree with what you said, it will soon destroy humanity. AI isnt bad after all, as we can see it is very benificial for us, but what lies ahead of these technology and innovations is I think doesnt bring any good for humanity anymore.
While on the other hand blockchain technology is still young and developing technology, and drew a lot of attention, somehow made an impact to the economic growth in some countries. Blockchain will continue improve the world economy after mass adoption.

Title: Re: Blockchain and AI will improve the world economy
Post by: Dimon8 on August 13, 2018, 09:07:03 AM
One world currency can become a reality, where it is supported by all banks and governments. The technology blockchain for this and invented. Now this technology is considered as advanced and the most promising with its help will simplify all globalization processes.

Title: Re: Blockchain and AI will improve the world economy
Post by: chrisculanag on August 13, 2018, 09:27:28 AM
Blockchain technology and Artificial Intelligence surely will improve the world economy. However, I really fear the AI because it also has drawbacks. Plus, it will be developed and the economy will only rely on it. Therefore, many people will go unemployed because the AI will do the work. Stephen Hawkins feared the AI and said that it will destroy the humanity one day. Sometimes, technology can be a curse rather than a bless. That is why people should always stay alert.

Well, sir, blockchain and Ai can greatly help in the country but that's a bad effect when Ai continues to grow in the world as you say it can have bad effects. But if the blockchain spreads and has a good effect on the world, it is definitely a bit of a transaction that will be a huge boost to the economy.

Title: Re: Blockchain and AI will improve the world economy
Post by: MelissaPhillips733 on August 13, 2018, 09:29:41 AM
Yes, agree with it. Al right now is very improved to used in economic matters because right now money handling can be much efficient if ai who control it and it can minimize any human error.

Title: Re: Blockchain and AI will improve the world economy
Post by: inspirone1 on August 13, 2018, 03:51:16 PM
I'm persuaded that people can use almost everything to improve the economy situation, you need just to look on Japan. They have used the existing economic laws in order to make the thing which is called the "Japanese economy wonder".

Title: Re: Blockchain and AI will improve the world economy
Post by: Ladysmith on August 13, 2018, 03:57:11 PM
Technology in general makes the world economy much more stable. Since products and services are more efficiently produced, prices go down and everything becomes more affordable by offering cheap abundance. Now the issue revolves around the tempers of unpredictable politicians and also using technology to save the environment, which definitely needs saving.

Title: Re: Blockchain and AI will improve the world economy
Post by: Abiky on August 13, 2018, 10:57:01 PM
With the help of Blockchain's fascinating technology, there is not a single doubt that the economy will progress, and I think that A.I. is another different story, in terms of AI, I think that the economy would be much more better when AI will be fully introduced and  gain its full potential.

Exactly. Both Blockchain and AI make the perfect combination for an efficient worldwide economy that's fair, secure, and transparent, most of all. AI would be responsible for the decision making of our daily lives, while Blockchain makes sure that everything is correct and free from fraud. Nearly everything we know and love today, would live within the Blockchain, from properties & assets, to personal and medical information. When put together with AI, new possibilities are opened like never, enabling a trustless society in the future.

Human intervention or arbitration would not be necessary, as everything will operate on its own. Machines would rely on micropayments to function and operate as intended. People would have control of their own money and lives, as central control would be reduced to a minimum. Everything would be governed by smart contracts living under the Blockchain, in par with AI, making the world free from corruption like it is right now. Such scenario would be similar to Terminator's Skynet, where AI takes control of the world in an unstoppable way (since it relies on millions of computers and devices worldwide). However, this process might take a couple of years from now before it becomes a reality. Just my thoughts ;D

Title: Re: Blockchain and AI will improve the world economy
Post by: cahbagus555 on August 14, 2018, 01:09:48 AM
I fully agree with the fact that Blockchain can change and improve the world economic system. It is already doing it. Using Blockchain, the nodes in the network don`t need to know each other or trust each other, because they have the ability to control and confirm the links of the data on their own. This is an innovative way of conducting financial transactions.

Blockchain technology will allow you to fully automate the services by sending an economic model of the "distributed economy" to retirement. Money transfers in the crypto currency are already showing us how far they are ahead of classical financial technologies. And we will see similar things in insurance, in energy, and in other infrastructure industries.

With blockchain or bitcoin we dont need third party for our transaction with low transaction fee. I am believe blockchain will change our economy face and if blockchain combine with AI, i am believe it will good for our economy because it will create big eficientcy

Title: Re: Blockchain and AI will improve the world economy
Post by: Kokakolla on August 15, 2018, 01:37:36 PM
talk about blockchain and AI technology, I think both are new inventions in technology that  always has a dual purpose. They can always be used for good deeds and for bad. I don't really hope for artificial intelligence. Any hacker can change the robot and he can do a lot of harm. Any thoughts?

Title: Re: Blockchain and AI will improve the world economy
Post by: nguyenthanhvien on August 15, 2018, 01:57:21 PM
I agree with your opinion that Blockchain and AI will change the world a lot. But I'm very worried when technology is growing. Many people may lose their current job. This will increase the gap between rich and poor.

Title: Re: Blockchain and AI will improve the world economy
Post by: anti76 on August 15, 2018, 02:28:42 PM
Since I am a crypto-enthusiast myself, I am sure that blockchain and artificial intelligence will change everyone's life for the better.There will be no unemployment,no wars, no famine.

Title: Re: Blockchain and AI will improve the world economy
Post by: Abiky on August 17, 2018, 06:10:06 PM
Since I am a crypto-enthusiast myself, I am sure that blockchain and artificial intelligence will change everyone's life for the better.There will be no unemployment,no wars, no famine.

Yes. There's no doubt in that, mate. The benefits of both Blockchain and AI would be too hard to ignore for governments across the world. Perhaps, with their success, there will be no reason for Banks to exist, as well as, governments, as everything will be governed by AI. The rate of employment will be increased, and criminal activity would be reduced to a minimum. With worldwide surveillance via the use of Cameras, GPS, and more, AI can keep track of criminals at a fast pace. In the case of Blockchain technology, everything from money to real estate, will be tracked in it, adding greater security and transparency to the mainstream world, while at the same time removing corruption and fraud.

However, as with any technology, it will all depend on how well people will adopt it in the mainstream world. Just my thoughts ;D

Title: Re: Blockchain and AI will improve the world economy
Post by: gheawari431 on October 29, 2018, 12:23:23 PM
I'm persuaded that people can use almost everything to improve the economy situation, you need just to look on Japan. They have used the existing economic laws in order to make the thing which is called the "Japanese economy wonder".
Blockchain is one of the future technologies that is present today to change behavior in the world of economics, finance and trade. Because blockchans are decentralized so the data is very valid and cannot be changed, spread on many servers and are interrelated so that they cannot be corrupted.

Title: Re: Blockchain and AI will improve the world economy
Post by: redsap on October 29, 2018, 12:41:23 PM
well indeed, thats can make some big improvment. an advance A.I can make some really a good impact for efficiency in the economic system, math are complicated and sometimes need an extra help for that, thats why and A.I and blockchain can make a change by fast transaction and for macro economic bussiness

Title: Re: Blockchain and AI will improve the world economy
Post by: The_Tick on October 29, 2018, 04:04:07 PM
Blockchain and AI will streamline everything and lead to superior efficiency in all aspects of trade and life in general. There will no longer be as many disputes or corruption because every single transaction will be recorded.

The problem is it will create a lot of abundance and everyone will have a chance to live a decent life, but the world isn't sustainable given everyone is living like an American.  This is why advancements in immersive reality is just as important. We need to conduct certain parts of our lives in simulations for increased global abundance to not be detrimental.

Title: Re: Blockchain and AI will improve the world economy
Post by: Luke_Turner on October 29, 2018, 04:40:30 PM
I still think AI is vastly overrated. There haven't been many software based breakthroughs or advancements in the past 50 years. The gains we've witnessed from the AI industry are primarily produced by advances in hardware(faster clock cycles, greater processor parallelism, improved branch prediction, being able to fit more transistors on a die). Many successes falsely attributed to AI are brute force mechanisms which calculate every possible move on a chess board. It is arguable that these types of brute force programs are not intelligent. They have no more brain power than an app which tries every possible combination of alphanumeric characters to brute force a password.

What makes things complicated is we still don't understand how specifics regarding how human consciousness functions. There are still many unknowns and so we can't model AI software after true human consciousness although there are many AI applications which benefit from advances made in biomimicry and other fields which attempt to emulate organic processes in silicon.

Although I think you might be right in saying that conscious AI may not happen in a decade or two or probably not at all, I think that we might still see AGI in the future, and that it can help not only blockchain but all of us as well. Everything that we have now is narrow AI, but I think there are a lot of room for improvement.

Title: Re: Blockchain and AI will improve the world economy
Post by: Rustamm on October 29, 2018, 05:20:59 PM
Yes, the blockchaine technology will directly influence the world economy and improve it, since for the first time humanity has the opportunity to organize and streamline trade and other economic processes on a global scale. Due to the fact that the blockchaine technology makes it possible to store and use large databases at a high level of security in the open access mode, for the first time it is possible to efficiently organize everything. The economic effect of this will be colossal.

Title: Re: Blockchain and AI will improve the world economy
Post by: airdrophunter on October 30, 2018, 12:08:36 AM
Blockchain is one of the breakthrough information technology inventions in this era and AI is already done that too before blockchain's existence. Having both of them working together is really a good combination that can make a company transform into a higher level.

Title: Re: Blockchain and AI will improve the world economy
Post by: squog on October 30, 2018, 01:27:48 AM
We tried to handle the market by ourselves and we could definitely see that we lost big time and collapsed the market more than we want it to be. Maybe an AI handling our market isn't a bad idea. But the biggest factor in this is still human intervention. So long as there is human intervention then the market is doomed.

Title: Re: Blockchain and AI will improve the world economy
Post by: DisWhale on October 30, 2018, 01:42:50 AM
Obviously, these two technologies are have a significant impact on the economy of the world in general. Blockchain and Artificial Intelligence are the two revolutionary technologies with indispensable benefits. These technologies provide job opportunities and also enhance payment system and work productivity - boosting the economy of the world.

Title: Re: Blockchain and AI will improve the world economy
Post by: ethereumhunter on October 30, 2018, 05:40:35 AM
Yes, I am sure that blockchain and AI will improve the world's economy because our jobs will become simple and we don't have to do many things to complete the jobs. Our life will become better because we can do other things especially if we can get a new source that will help us to gain a better life. And if we see with the blockchain impact for our life, we can get a new source to make money, and when the AI comes, we can give the jobs to that AI so the AI will completed the jobs.

Title: Re: Blockchain and AI will improve the world economy
Post by: Genamant on October 30, 2018, 06:35:46 AM
I truly agree that AI technology makes life very sufficient and easy
And on the other side lazy ... I miss the old days already but we cannot deny the fact that it is the future.

Title: Re: Blockchain and AI will improve the world economy
Post by: Pumapipa on October 30, 2018, 11:22:15 AM
I strongly believe that blockchain is the thing of today and that it will not be easy for some to take it out of the system since this kind of technology helps a lot of people. blockchain made online transactions and had helped the economy in a larger scale. Yes it may not eliminate current fiat but in the crypto world it is very essential. It is just a matter of information dessimination --this will serve as an effective way for people to truly understand the current technology and not be misled to other information.

Title: Re: Blockchain and AI will improve the world economy
Post by: Abiky on October 30, 2018, 03:49:05 PM
Blockchain is one of the breakthrough information technology inventions in this era and AI is already done that too before blockchain's existence. Having both of them working together is really a good combination that can make a company transform into a higher level.

Agree. While AI came long before Blockchain, there's no doubt that both technologies could transform our world for the better. Blockchain would enable new job opportunities that were previously not available before. Due to its transparency and high-level security, it could enable frictionless global payments without fear of double spending or fraud. This would allow our economy to operate autonomously without the need for a third party (if decentralized) giving people back control of their money. On the other hand, AI enables autonomous decisions over anything in life without human intervention.

Such technology could be used to control traffic lights, perform surveillance, and even manage drones for various purposes. In conjunction with Blockchain technology, you would get a robust system that could live on its own without the need for corrupt governments or banks. It's only a matter of time before this happens, since Blockchain is nearly beginning to emerge in this world. AI is also in its infancy, which means that these technologies would need a couple of years from now before they become mature for the mainstream world.

Nevertheless, it'll be exciting to see what lies ahead in the future of the world's economy as governments and banks worldwide make use of both Blockchain and AI for their own benefit. Just my opinion :)

Title: Re: Blockchain and AI will improve the world economy
Post by: petermike on October 31, 2018, 12:37:06 PM
This is certainly going to happen to the life of our world. Blockchain and AI applications are being widely applied in economics and business management and financial education is very popular. is the world of Blockchain technology.

Title: Re: Blockchain and AI will improve the world economy
Post by: horrifiedx1 on October 31, 2018, 03:56:50 PM
This is certainly going to happen to the life of our world. Blockchain and AI applications are being widely applied in economics and business management and financial education is very popular. is the world of Blockchain technology.
i think for those who can take advantage of opportunity, they will get a profit, so that their economy will be lifted and will make country prosper. for that, of course, for a country that first introduces BTC, it will certainly prosper later

Title: Re: Blockchain and AI will improve the world economy
Post by: yatogami on October 31, 2018, 04:49:09 PM
Since the inception of the blockchain with Bitcoin in 2009, there has been a huge interest from governments, and central banks alike to design their own centralized digital fiat currency for their benefit. Given the security benefits and efficiencies that the blockchain provides, it would be used well in conjunction with AI technology, to transform the global economy in ways we've never thought possible.

As such, there could be a future where everything is managed by AI and the blockchain would serve as the security and settlement layer for any kind of transaction. A one world currency might become a reality where it is backed by all the banks and governments alike. If this happens, then true autonomy would become established enabling everyday devices to operate on their own and "monetize" themselves via the use of a single unified global currency which operates on a blockchain.

Therefore, both the blockchain and AI will have a huge impact in our world economy, and every aspect of our lives as we know it. Of course, this might take quite a few years to happen, but the benefits provided by such technologies would be too hard to ignore.

What are your thoughts about this? Will both Blockchain and AI improve the world's economy?  ???
The main benefits from the conjunction of AI and blockchain are bigger automation, less mistakes due to "human factor", increased level of security and faster processing of data. All these vulnerable nodes of economy are currently backed up by people.
Imagine what would happen if millions of specialists lose their jobs and are just left on the streets? It would be a world-wide crisis resulting in riots and revolutions. What I mean is that automation of economic processes should be done gradually and smoothly.

Title: Re: Blockchain and AI will improve the world economy
Post by: prtty2gal2 on November 01, 2018, 08:10:59 AM
Blockchain is one of the breakthrough information technology inventions in this era and AI is already done that too before blockchain's existence. Having both of them working together is really a good combination that can make a company transform into a higher level.
It is indeed a huge breakthrough right now and it shows practically that there is a lot of great improvement to come in the long run with blockchain technology in most sectors of the world. We should not even start talking about how AI and blockchain technology will really be changing a whole lot of things.

The world is evolving, we are seeing more innovations popping up as a result of these two and I so much believe that as we move on, we will get to even see more playing out in the long run. This is one of the reasons why people need to have more focus on the future and how they will be benefitting greatly from it.

Title: Re: Blockchain and AI will improve the world economy
Post by: andriw on November 01, 2018, 09:34:15 AM
Of course the Blockchain and AI will improve the world economy, but what I think about is how the transition process will take, whether it takes time sooner or later, while economic activity continues. Then what is the impact on the world economy at the time of the transition?

Title: Re: Blockchain and AI will improve the world economy
Post by: princeyeboah on November 01, 2018, 10:03:02 AM
Blockchain and Artificial intelligence have the capabilities of enhancing the economy of a country and the world at large. This will go to the advantage of countries which invest in these technologies now and utilize them especially when Artificial intelligence becomes fully functional. These two technologies generate job opportunities for the people in a country. With this, the economy will eventually boost.

Title: Re: Blockchain and AI will improve the world economy
Post by: MarchToke on November 01, 2018, 11:58:24 AM
I really agree that the blockchain technology has shaped the payment system and has brought companies to a higher degree of level of capabilities. Integrate AI on it, and i am sure a very breakthrough combination of info tech innovation.

Title: Re: Blockchain and AI will improve the world economy
Post by: muddy waters on November 01, 2018, 05:21:06 PM
Since the inception of the blockchain with Bitcoin in 2009, there has been a huge interest from governments, and central banks alike to design their own centralized digital fiat currency for their benefit. Given the security benefits and efficiencies that the blockchain provides, it would be used well in conjunction with AI technology, to transform the global economy in ways we've never thought possible.

As such, there could be a future where everything is managed by AI and the blockchain would serve as the security and settlement layer for any kind of transaction. A one world currency might become a reality where it is backed by all the banks and governments alike. If this happens, then true autonomy would become established enabling everyday devices to operate on their own and "monetize" themselves via the use of a single unified global currency which operates on a blockchain.

Therefore, both the blockchain and AI will have a huge impact in our world economy, and every aspect of our lives as we know it. Of course, this might take quite a few years to happen, but the benefits provided by such technologies would be too hard to ignore.

What are your thoughts about this? Will both Blockchain and AI improve the world's economy?  ???
Artificial intelligence based on blockchain could be extremely beneficial for the global economy. AI would provide a faster structuring and processing of transactions of any kind (both financial and data-related), and blockchain could be a safe and reliable base for that.
By the way, I was quite surprised at a small number of ICOs related to artificial intelligence (in fact, I've seen only one with the core product being an intelligent assistant providing info about cryptocurrencies and their current prices). I think combining AI and blockchain could be a breakthrough idea, and teams should consider this when developing their project concepts.

Title: Re: Blockchain and AI will improve the world economy
Post by: jcarlo on November 02, 2018, 12:04:34 AM
I believe blockchain and AI will improve world economy. Combination between blockchain and AI will creating eficient bussiness model and it will make every bussiness saving a lot cost.

Title: Re: Blockchain and AI will improve the world economy
Post by: BlueStackz on November 02, 2018, 07:01:35 AM
Obviously, these two technologies are have a significant impact on the economy of the world in general. Blockchain and Artificial Intelligence are the two revolutionary technologies with indispensable benefits. These technologies provide job opportunities and also enhance payment system and work productivity - boosting the economy of the world.
Significant impact indeed, I must say! These are two technological innovations that will be disrupting a lot of things, making some huge changes to every single sector in the world at large, from logistics, to health, to payment system, to engineering, just name them all.

It is a good thing to be a part of it this early stage and for the good part of it, it is really going to be a lovely time to behold when we start seeing those changes being implemented as time goes on. These technologies are really revolutionary and I am sure if utilized well most especially for most developing countries, it will really help them in a great way.

Title: Re: Blockchain and AI will improve the world economy
Post by: jatin729 on November 02, 2018, 08:57:49 AM
Yes it is obvious that these technology will lead the world in near future as we have seen now a days new projects coming and big giants companies are talking about implementing these tech in the system even few have already working on it. One of the major application of blockchain in banking sector and we know banks are the back of any country economy so revolution is near.

Title: Re: Blockchain and AI will improve the world economy
Post by: Abiky on November 02, 2018, 07:16:17 PM
Artificial intelligence based on blockchain could be extremely beneficial for the global economy. AI would provide a faster structuring and processing of transactions of any kind (both financial and data-related), and blockchain could be a safe and reliable base for that.
By the way, I was quite surprised at a small number of ICOs related to artificial intelligence (in fact, I've seen only one with the core product being an intelligent assistant providing info about cryptocurrencies and their current prices). I think combining AI and blockchain could be a breakthrough idea, and teams should consider this when developing their project concepts.

Yes. There's has been a small number of ICOs related to Artificial Intelligence lately. Their vision is to use such technology in conjunction with Blockchain, to help transform our world for the better. A good example of this, is SingularityNET which has its own ERC-20 token. This project is very interesting since it aims to make use of both AI and Blockchain technology for things that were never thought possible. Last time I've checked, they had a robot which made use of AI technology along with Blockchain. This means that, the world is recognizing the benefits of Blockchain and AI, as these technologies provide autonomous decisions and a greater level of security and transparency.

If they become successful enough for mainstream use, then they could probably replace Banks, Governments, and even Police as we know it. The future lies where everything is autonomous operated by drones, robots, digital currencies, and the Internet. Imagine a world where the Police would no longer be human, but instead robots operated by an AI. At the same time, imagine never interacting with a Bank, but having the same security and reliability by using Blockchain technology. Due to this, I believe that AI and Blockchain will transform our economy for the better. This is just the beginning as these technologies are carefully being tested to handle interactions at a large scale.

Nevertheless, this could either take a few years from now before it becomes a reality, or decades. Just my opinion :)

Title: Re: Blockchain and AI will improve the world economy
Post by: DanieIssac on November 03, 2018, 12:06:53 AM
Blockchain and AI are great human inventions, because they contribute a lot to the economy, helping people to improve, creating jobs for people.

Title: Re: Blockchain and AI will improve the world economy
Post by: gentlemand on November 03, 2018, 12:19:12 AM
The question is - who will it improve it for?

Even before it's up and running it's clear that wealth is becoming ever more concentrated in a tiny number of hands. The full implementation of this would crank it up to another level, one that might have huge repercussions for normal people.

Compared to a few decades back everything is more precarious for the average person these days. Stuff like this is only going to make it more so. There's no point moaning about it because it's going to happen anyway but if I was one of the gods I'd be wondering if I was going down a path leading to some unpleasantness when all those peons out there have had enough.

Title: Re: Blockchain and AI will improve the world economy
Post by: clololck on November 03, 2018, 05:00:57 AM
It is not just a simple improvement of the economy, it is necessary to know that human civilization is moving towards digitalization. Artificial intelligence will become a good helper for mankind in the future, and the world will be liberated.

Title: Re: Blockchain and AI will improve the world economy
Post by: BigTeeths on November 03, 2018, 06:26:46 AM
I believe blockchain will but I'm afraid with AI. Blockchain will help improve the customs in every government because that is where rampant smuggling and corruption happens. This will make it very strict for them to do when every details is listed on the blockchain. But AI, I see it very dangerous. They could be hacked and do things to ruin the system.

Title: Re: Blockchain and AI will improve the world economy
Post by: 0t3p0t on November 03, 2018, 06:53:30 AM
A one world currency might become a reality where it is backed by all the banks and governments alike.

How would this work? If this currency is backed by banks and countries, then it looks like a centralized coin, and it would just inherit all the problems that we already have with multiple currencies, in every single country or union. I mean, this would be like dollar or euro, but in a world scale. I don't think this would solve anything, and I don't even think this will ever be possible.

I don't see how a coin could be shared by the US and Russia, or Iran, or China, etc. These countries simply wouldn't work well together. They can tolerate each other, but working together is a complete different thing.

I do think that a decentralized currency could exist worldwide, and I'm of course talking about bitcoin here. But it needs to be decentralized and not backed by anyone. Just a currency that gets it's value on a free market, ruled by supply and demand.
I agree with your opinion mate and this for me is a more accurate answer to the question regarding the topic. I actually like the idea of blockchain but not with the AI technology. For me AI technology is a centralized system that it won't perfectly work like humans regarding decission making, emotions and other behaviour that are only found in humans. So for me AI technology is risky while blockchain is perfect in almost all applications. Regarding one world centralized currency, I don't think if all the people and countries all over the world will support it.

Title: Re: Blockchain and AI will improve the world economy
Post by: bce on November 03, 2018, 07:39:07 AM
I think it was all created by following the times and technology and the blockchain was created to meet the needs of an increasingly advanced and developing economic system

Title: Re: Blockchain and AI will improve the world economy
Post by: Abiky on November 08, 2018, 01:39:27 AM
I believe blockchain will but I'm afraid with AI. Blockchain will help improve the customs in every government because that is where rampant smuggling and corruption happens. This will make it very strict for them to do when every details is listed on the blockchain. But AI, I see it very dangerous. They could be hacked and do things to ruin the system.

I'm sure there's a place for AI to transform our world economy. It may not be directly, as Blockchain technology handles transaction management. AI could take part on the decision making of the world's economy, such as restricting or granting access to the digital economy by using facial recognition, voice recognition, and more. On the other hand, Blockchain will be responsible to make sure transactions are not double spent, and are as secure, transparent, and reliable as possible.

Given how Bitcoin and Blockchain technology have grown over the past years, it's no doubt that the world's economy is shifting towards being digitally distributed across many computers and devices worldwide. As for AI, its growth rate is slower than the Blockchain. It will get there once it becomes mature enough for the mainstream world (which could take a couple of years from now). In the case of hacks, I doubt if it'll be possible to hack and game the system, as Blockchain technology has proven to be secure and resilient against attacks (like in the case of Bitcoin). AI could gain the strength of Blockchain's computing power, to protect itself from hackers.

Nevertheless, either Blockchain or AI (or perhaps both) would greatly contribute to our world's economy one way or the other. ::)

Title: Re: Blockchain and AI will improve the world economy
Post by: bayu7adi on November 08, 2018, 02:05:10 AM
centralized but still blockchain based, an agency is free to regulate a system, but transparency becomes the main requirement to be accepted by society
when the moment occurs, it will still potentially occur fraud because we also do not know what is done by a group of people behind the system that is running, even though using blockchain technology
if we are analogous to the cryptocurrency exchanger, currently centralized cryptocurrency is indeed very popular, when compared to the decentralized exchange
although there are still exchangers who report that the wallet was hacked, the community still uses centralized exchange

so the existence of AI and blockchain in my opinion is very good for the future, as long as there is still a group of trusted people who participate in regulating and controlling a related system

Title: Re: Blockchain and AI will improve the world economy
Post by: Harlod Benjamin on November 08, 2018, 02:37:44 AM
Sure, blockchain and AI have been become new trendy and I strongly believe that blockchain and AI will help improve the world economy. Besides, it also help to upgrade human civilization. I am waiting for a new world with the development of blockchain and AI

Title: Re: Blockchain and AI will improve the world economy
Post by: Bustart on November 08, 2018, 03:13:09 AM
I believe blockchain will but I'm afraid with AI. Blockchain will help improve the customs in every government because that is where rampant smuggling and corruption happens. This will make it very strict for them to do when every details is listed on the blockchain. But AI, I see it very dangerous. They could be hacked and do things to ruin the system.

I'm sure there's a place for AI to transform our world economy. It may not be directly, as Blockchain technology handles transaction management. AI could take part on the decision making of the world's economy, such as restricting or granting access to the digital economy by using facial recognition, voice recognition, and more. On the other hand, Blockchain will be responsible to make sure transactions are not double spent, and are as secure, transparent, and reliable as possible.

Given how Bitcoin and Blockchain technology have grown over the past years, it's no doubt that the world's economy is shifting towards being digitally distributed across many computers and devices worldwide. As for AI, its growth rate is slower than the Blockchain. It will get there once it becomes mature enough for the mainstream world (which could take a couple of years from now). In the case of hacks, I doubt if it'll be possible to hack and game the system, as Blockchain technology has proven to be secure and resilient against attacks (like in the case of Bitcoin). AI could gain the strength of Blockchain's computing power, to protect itself from hackers.

Nevertheless, either Blockchain or AI (or perhaps both) would greatly contribute to our world's economy one way or the other. ::)
This will really help to improve the blockchain technology to much advanced system that will eliminate possible network traffic in the future. AI will always provide secured protection, particular on the biggest holders around the world who remained anonymous. Digital currency will be widely popular as this AI will renounce the importance of blockchain to the lives of everyone who been part of crypto

Title: Re: Blockchain and AI will improve the world economy
Post by: btc78 on November 08, 2018, 03:28:07 AM
This will never happen if the people don’t get involved from this,and if the governments wont let it from happening,remember that technology is in need of people to use this for improvement but all of the effort will be nothing if countries banned the usage of this,just like what they are doing in the currencies that represented by these technologies

Title: Re: Blockchain and AI will improve the world economy
Post by: vixcious on November 08, 2018, 03:40:15 AM
Since the inception of the blockchain with Bitcoin in 2009, there has been a huge interest from governments, and central banks alike to design their own centralized digital fiat currency for their benefit. Given the security benefits and efficiencies that the blockchain provides, it would be used well in conjunction with AI technology, to transform the global economy in ways we've never thought possible.

As such, there could be a future where everything is managed by AI and the blockchain would serve as the security and settlement layer for any kind of transaction. A one world currency might become a reality where it is backed by all the banks and governments alike. If this happens, then true autonomy would become established enabling everyday devices to operate on their own and "monetize" themselves via the use of a single unified global currency which operates on a blockchain.

Therefore, both the blockchain and AI will have a huge impact in our world economy, and every aspect of our lives as we know it. Of course, this might take quite a few years to happen, but the benefits provided by such technologies would be too hard to ignore.

What are your thoughts about this? Will both Blockchain and AI improve the world's economy?  ???
AI is still a question. There are quite a few films that talk about AIs too smart and it can be against our world. But I think, we should not let AI help people work too much. Because our people are smarter than us, we create so many wonderful things. I think only Blockchain technology and human beings will help the world become more prosperous.

Title: Re: Blockchain and AI will improve the world economy
Post by: Silberman on November 08, 2018, 10:05:56 PM
I still think AI is vastly overrated. There haven't been many software based breakthroughs or advancements in the past 50 years. The gains we've witnessed from the AI industry are primarily produced by advances in hardware(faster clock cycles, greater processor parallelism, improved branch prediction, being able to fit more transistors on a die). Many successes falsely attributed to AI are brute force mechanisms which calculate every possible move on a chess board. It is arguable that these types of brute force programs are not intelligent. They have no more brain power than an app which tries every possible combination of alphanumeric characters to brute force a password.

What makes things complicated is we still don't understand how specifics regarding how human consciousness functions. There are still many unknowns and so we can't model AI software after true human consciousness although there are many AI applications which benefit from advances made in biomimicry and other fields which attempt to emulate organic processes in silicon.
I hold a similar opinion, artificial intelligence like the one that you see in movies is decades if not centuries away, those that are developing artificial intelligence have been giving predictions that they are just one decade away to reach their goal for decades now and even if they did, something that I doubt, artificial intelligence is something that should be heavily regulated in case it becomes dangerous to us.

Title: Re: Blockchain and AI will improve the world economy
Post by: Sherwood_Archer on November 08, 2018, 10:35:25 PM
Blockchain and AI are revolutionary technologies. It can be applied and ARE already being applied in different industries not only in technology or computing - healthcare, education, manufacturing, businesses, etc. However, a lot of hype over it gave it a bad reputation. A lot of people, from what I have observed on the internet, automatically smirks at news when blockchain is mentioned. They think it is all just hype although they really do not understand even a bit of it.

Title: Re: Blockchain and AI will improve the world economy
Post by: Abiky on November 09, 2018, 11:46:09 PM
This will never happen if the people don’t get involved from this,and if the governments wont let it from happening,remember that technology is in need of people to use this for improvement but all of the effort will be nothing if countries banned the usage of this,just like what they are doing in the currencies that represented by these technologies

That's certainly true, mate. If governments start to ban cryptocurrencies and Blockchain at a large scale, then their growth will be stalled. While it's impossible that all the world's governments would come to an agreement to stop Blockchain technology for good, in certain areas, Blockchain won't be able to achieve its full potential. As such, Blockchain's growth will largely depend on how many governments and people accept it for daily use. Otherwise, it would not get that far.

On the other hand, AI has a greater chance of becoming accepted by the world's governments since it was released at an earlier rate than Blockchain. Not to mention, AI doesn't pose a threat to governments current economic model (unlike Blockchain). However, if both AI and Blockchain become largely accepted in the mainstream world, then I believe that our economy will change for the better. Just my thoughts ;D

Title: Re: Blockchain and AI will improve the world economy
Post by: Menawi12 on November 10, 2018, 01:01:55 AM
I think blockchain and AI can improve the world economy. Blockchain can make our bussiness more eficient and cost not expensive any more and AI can improve production on manufacture.
I am believe that technology development can improve our quality life
Artificial intelligence and blockchain are the two major technologies that lead the innovation and change almost every industry from automotive to healthcare.

Indeed, if both technology implemented in industry, i am believe more eficiency created and more cost can be saving. And i am believe more innovation will created

Title: Re: Blockchain and AI will improve the world economy
Post by: MoreMoneyHunt on November 10, 2018, 01:08:56 AM
Improving the world's economy is one of the benefits of both Blockchain and Artificial intelligence. AI increases productivity with less efforts and much speed whereas Blockchain improves payment systems and grants job opportunities and financial freedom to the people.

Title: Re: Blockchain and AI will improve the world economy
Post by: RadjorBlade on November 10, 2018, 01:46:11 AM
Blockchain and AI are revolutionary technologies. It can be applied and ARE already being applied in different industries not only in technology or computing - healthcare, education, manufacturing, businesses, etc. However, a lot of hype over it gave it a bad reputation. A lot of people, from what I have observed on the internet, automatically smirks at news when blockchain is mentioned. They think it is all just hype although they really do not understand even a bit of it.
Technological progress cannot be stopped, blockchain and artificial intelligence have revolutionized human civilization far ahead. Both use computer technology that is applied to the internet so that they can do the work that should be done by humans. The impact is efficiency in all fields which in the end the economy will increase.

Title: Re: Blockchain and AI will improve the world economy
Post by: Dasha88fed on November 10, 2018, 03:16:57 PM
AI and Blockchain is really the right combination of two revolutionary technologies that must evolve in parallel and complement each other. Blockchain is gradually being introduced into various sectors of the economy, just as AI is gradually replacing people. And this process will only continue and revolutionize. Our future will no longer be the same.

Title: Re: Blockchain and AI will improve the world economy
Post by: Umkar on November 10, 2018, 03:20:57 PM
Today, there are quite a lot of people who believe that AI and Blockchain are our future and today it is only developing. There is resistance, criticism, manipulation against the adoption of blockchain technology, but this is a natural process of the development of any revolutionary technology that changes people's habitual way of life.

Title: Re: Blockchain and AI will improve the world economy
Post by: Abiky on November 13, 2018, 04:11:13 PM
AI and Blockchain is really the right combination of two revolutionary technologies that must evolve in parallel and complement each other. Blockchain is gradually being introduced into various sectors of the economy, just as AI is gradually replacing people. And this process will only continue and revolutionize. Our future will no longer be the same.

Speaking of AI, there's a project that seeks to integrate AI and Blockchain technology for various purposes. It's called SingularyNET, and one of their developments has been a robot named Sophia which makes use of AI. Given that AI automates decision making, and Blockchain serves as the backbone of the Internet for authenticity of transactions, the world is bound to change for the better.

As you've said earlier, AI could easily replace people, while Blockchain could replace, many institutions we know of today. Banks could operate autonomously without Bank tellers or any other employee, by using AI and Blockchain technology. Also, cashiers would be replaced by AI and Blockchain tech, as AI takes care of facial recognition for purchases, while Blockchain confirms transactions made on store. As such, both technologies are revolutionary, and they could improve not only the world's economy, but also, healthcare, transportation, and more.

Nevertheless, while these technologies are totally revolutionary, their success will depend on how many people and governments worldwide would adopt them. Because, if they lack adoption, then we could remain with obsolete technologies for quite some time. Just my opinion :)

Title: Re: Blockchain and AI will improve the world economy
Post by: eroejoe on November 13, 2018, 04:18:04 PM
I think that implementation of Blockchain and Artificial Intelligence will improve the world economy, but in other hand, we will see more and more people which losing their jobs due to that improvement.

Title: Re: Blockchain and AI will improve the world economy
Post by: FunGate on November 13, 2018, 05:50:46 PM
Technological development always improves the world's living standards despite the naysayers and pessimists.

I think blockchain and AI will not just improve the world economy, but it will be restructured. Power will be more evenly spread out instead of being mainly held by single entities thanks to decentralization and democratized opportunity.

Title: Re: Blockchain and AI will improve the world economy
Post by: alex_gr_cc on November 13, 2018, 06:27:40 PM
Since the inception of the blockchain with Bitcoin in 2009, there has been a huge interest from governments, and central banks alike to design their own centralized digital fiat currency for their benefit. Given the security benefits and efficiencies that the blockchain provides, it would be used well in conjunction with AI technology, to transform the global economy in ways we've never thought possible.

As such, there could be a future where everything is managed by AI and the blockchain would serve as the security and settlement layer for any kind of transaction. A one world currency might become a reality where it is backed by all the banks and governments alike. If this happens, then true autonomy would become established enabling everyday devices to operate on their own and "monetize" themselves via the use of a single unified global currency which operates on a blockchain.

Therefore, both the blockchain and AI will have a huge impact in our world economy, and every aspect of our lives as we know it. Of course, this might take quite a few years to happen, but the benefits provided by such technologies would be too hard to ignore.

What are your thoughts about this? Will both Blockchain and AI improve the world's economy?  ???

I participate in one project on the side of the team and I can confidently say that artificial intelligence helps us to detect malicious comments in the chat. And the monetization of the project itself is arranged thanks to an internal token.

Title: Re: Blockchain and AI will improve the world economy
Post by: GunsLair on November 13, 2018, 06:49:37 PM
Yes, I'm sure that they will improve and positively affect the global economy, as these two technologies will develop, various services will be created on their basis which will simplify and improve the work of companies and people's lives.

Title: Re: Blockchain and AI will improve the world economy
Post by: Pab on November 13, 2018, 09:29:18 PM
Yes  blockchain and AI can improve the world economy
Already blockchain is used by China for food tracking
I saw movie about AI groceries in Uk
I know it is in use in groceries in more countries of the world

But maybe best example can be project what i advertise  in my signature
Virtual blockchain chip what can be integrated with any blockchain and instilled in millions billions of devices even in our smartphones and laptops   

Title: Re: Blockchain and AI will improve the world economy
Post by: patarfweefwee on November 14, 2018, 02:57:57 AM
Blockchain in itself is actually a very versatile and pretty much useful system. It could be used on different fields not just distribution. What's unique is that it also has a very transparent system built in it. This flexibility plus accuracy and adaptability of an AI couod be very big and helpful not just in economics.

Title: Re: Blockchain and AI will improve the world economy
Post by: awik p on November 14, 2018, 04:48:36 AM
Blockchain in itself is actually a very versatile and pretty much useful system. It could be used on different fields not just distribution. What's unique is that it also has a very transparent system built in it. This flexibility plus accuracy and adaptability of an AI couod be very big and helpful not just in economics.
besides that other advantages are security issues, which are hard to hack. so many blocks must be solved, so hackers will have difficulty because of that, so users benefit because their work runs smoothly

Title: Re: Blockchain and AI will improve the world economy
Post by: KesoNie on November 14, 2018, 05:50:44 AM
Blockchain in itself is actually a very versatile and pretty much useful system. It could be used on different fields not just distribution. What's unique is that it also has a very transparent system built in it. This flexibility plus accuracy and adaptability of an AI couod be very big and helpful not just in economics.
besides that other advantages are security issues, which are hard to hack. so many blocks must be solved, so hackers will have difficulty because of that, so users benefit because their work runs smoothly
Blockchain is very helpful to eliminate those have security issues especially to those government system. While Altcoin can help people to get earned especially when most of them are jobless. So if they allow Blockchain and Altcoin or cryptocurrency then surely their economy will be improve or possible it will have a rising economy. Beside they can give their people to have living especially those who really needed.

Title: Re: Blockchain and AI will improve the world economy
Post by: wxa7115 on November 14, 2018, 09:18:40 PM
Maybe I am too paranoid but I have always been distrustful of artificial intelligence, I say this because you only need to make one mistake once and artificial intelligence could take control of everything, maybe I have watched too many movies about the topic but I do not like that idea, I love the blockchain and I love bitcoin and I think we're going to see a huge benefit for society as a whole if we adopt them as fast as possible.

But when it comes artificial intelligence I am not so sure, after all even if some of the apocalyptic scenarios do not become true a majority of the jobs around the world are going to be displaced and are going to be performed by that artificial intelligence and while that sounds good, my question is what it is going to happen to all of those people without jobs?

Title: Re: Blockchain and AI will improve the world economy
Post by: Abiky on November 20, 2018, 05:40:14 PM
Maybe I am too paranoid but I have always been distrustful of artificial intelligence, I say this because you only need to make one mistake once and artificial intelligence could take control of everything, maybe I have watched too many movies about the topic but I do not like that idea, I love the blockchain and I love bitcoin and I think we're going to see a huge benefit for society as a whole if we adopt them as fast as possible.

But when it comes artificial intelligence I am not so sure, after all even if some of the apocalyptic scenarios do not become true a majority of the jobs around the world are going to be displaced and are going to be performed by that artificial intelligence and while that sounds good, my question is what it is going to happen to all of those people without jobs?

You do have a point there, mate. AI could become extremely dangerous if it expands in knowledge over time. We've seen movies such as The Terminator where Skynet takes controls of the world until it establishes a war between humans and robots. While we're still in the early days of AI, anything could happen in the future as this technology advances into becoming mature for the mainstream world. On the other hand, Blockchain technology doesn't pose such a risk to humanity, since it's only a system where transactions could become verified by anyone at the safest way possible.

With the successful implementation of the Blockchain's first application (known as Bitcoin), the world would gradually shift towards a digital economy soon. However, with the combination of AI technology, I believe that Blockchain's use cases could be expanded to ways that were never thought possible before. Perhaps, as both technologies mature, centralized institutions could become replaced in the future. By then, there would be no banks at all (as people would be their own bank), no human governments (only AI would govern us all), no cashiers in store (there will be self-checkouts powered by AI), and AI-controlled medical robots (eliminating the need for human doctors and nurses).

Therefore, the transformation would be radical that will not only benefit our economy in the future, but also healthcare, transportation, and more. Just my opinion :)

Title: Re: Blockchain and AI will improve the world economy
Post by: Altf4 on November 20, 2018, 09:00:17 PM
Blockchain and AI are advanced technology as now , these technology if it will be used in a goodly and order manner in the the business and economics will results in a successful future, but if there are people who will use them in an evil ways then that is another story , but focusing the use of this Blockchain and AI tech ,I think it will really improve the world economy.

Title: Re: Blockchain and AI will improve the world economy
Post by: Abiky on November 21, 2018, 05:12:25 PM
Blockchain and AI are advanced technology as now , these technology if it will be used in a goodly and order manner in the the business and economics will results in a successful future, but if there are people who will use them in an evil ways then that is another story , but focusing the use of this Blockchain and AI tech ,I think it will really improve the world economy.

AI has emerged with many uses nowadays. In combination with Blockchain technology, I've seen many projects that are promising such as SingularityNET, and AITrading Platform. Imagine a world where robots would make use of AI for decision making, as well as, Blockchain to confirm transactions for certain services. Or simply a world where trading decisions are automated by AI, while Blockchain takes care of order settlements and the security of decentralized exchanges.

Both technologies belong to the Fourth Industrial Revolution. Sooner or later, our world would adapt to these new technologies which aim to change not only finance, but as I've mentioned before, healthcare, transportation, and more. If they become successful enough for the mainstream world, they could virtually replace every task made by human today. This is bad in some way, since it would reduce job opportunities for people, as both AI and Blockchain would be able to fulfil most (if not all) tasks that are done by humans.

The only jobs that might well survive in the future would be Computer Technicians and Computer Scientists. Other than that, most jobs will be fulfilled by AI and Blockchain eliminating the need for middleman to reduce corruption at its minimum. Just my opinion :)

Title: Re: Blockchain and AI will improve the world economy
Post by: nazaididuan1 on November 22, 2018, 09:57:26 AM
AI and blockchain are the future trends! The combination of AI and blockchain is the collision and running-in between technologies.
On the future Internet of blockchain blessing, everyone spontaneously contributes their own strength while enjoying the incentive benefits of blockchain technology.

Title: Re: Blockchain and AI will improve the world economy
Post by: bummm on November 24, 2018, 07:05:47 AM
AI and blockchain are the future trends! The combination of AI and blockchain is the collision and running-in between technologies.
On the future Internet of blockchain blessing, everyone spontaneously contributes their own strength while enjoying the incentive benefits of blockchain technology.

Like the Internet has changed our lives and made it completely different, the blockchain technologies will bring progress. Of course, it will affect the economy making it better.

Title: Re: Blockchain and AI will improve the world economy
Post by: Abiky on November 27, 2018, 03:06:41 AM
Like the Internet has changed our lives and made it completely different, the blockchain technologies will bring progress. Of course, it will affect the economy making it better.

Yes. Blockchain technology is often compared to the "next Internet" of the world. By bringing decentralization with the removal of middlemen, Blockchain could not only help improve our economy in the future but also our very lives. The Internet could become decentralized once more with the inception of dApps, while crowdfunding and IPOs could gain better control via the use of highly secure Blockchain tokens.

On the other hand, AI could replace humans in every way, as it automates decision making in many well-known careers such as Cashiers, Bank Tellers, Mail Delivery, and more. When combined with Blockchain tech, you get a fully robust system that's able to control everything we do on our lives without the need for third-party intervention. We may not see it that way now, but as both technologies progress over time, businesses, governments, and individuals will be using them at a large scale.

Therefore, AI and Blockchain would greatly impact our world in a highly positive way sometime in the future. Just my opinion :)

Title: Re: Blockchain and AI will improve the world economy
Post by: jatin729 on November 27, 2018, 07:42:00 AM
Since the inception of the blockchain with Bitcoin in 2009, there has been a huge interest from governments, and central banks alike to design their own centralized digital fiat currency for their benefit. Given the security benefits and efficiencies that the blockchain provides, it would be used well in conjunction with AI technology, to transform the global economy in ways we've never thought possible.

As such, there could be a future where everything is managed by AI and the blockchain would serve as the security and settlement layer for any kind of transaction. A one world currency might become a reality where it is backed by all the banks and governments alike. If this happens, then true autonomy would become established enabling everyday devices to operate on their own and "monetize" themselves via the use of a single unified global currency which operates on a blockchain.

Therefore, both the blockchain and AI will have a huge impact in our world economy, and every aspect of our lives as we know it. Of course, this might take quite a few years to happen, but the benefits provided by such technologies would be too hard to ignore.

What are your thoughts about this? Will both Blockchain and AI improve the world's economy?  ???

Well Both are very new technology in the world but do you know for implementation of both technologies we need strong regulations. That's why most of the nations govt. are firstly focusing on the rules and regulation before consider blockchain into the system.
NO doubt Both technologies have potential to help into the growth of economy but we have not seen any single example of any country that shows any economy growth because of Blockchain technology.

Title: Re: Blockchain and AI will improve the world economy
Post by: biskitop on November 27, 2018, 07:46:28 AM
no, it will only make the world look more sophisticated. but what about the fate of poor countries where there are so many unemployed people there, they certainly cannot adopt anything from technological sophistication in the future, such as the example of AI and this blockchain.

Title: Re: Blockchain and AI will improve the world economy
Post by: Dhoe on November 27, 2018, 08:21:05 AM
no, it will only make the world look more sophisticated. but what about the fate of poor countries where there are so many unemployed people there, they certainly cannot adopt anything from technological sophistication in the future, such as the example of AI and this blockchain.
Blockchain technology certainly will be a good system for sake of the progress in a country, and I am sure in the future most countries will adopt this Blockchain system into their life. So, prepare ourselves to receive this advanced technology.

Title: Re: Blockchain and AI will improve the world economy
Post by: trauchot on November 27, 2018, 08:38:33 AM
I completely agree with this, blockchain and AI technologies are now at the very first stage and we can study them for a long time to fully understand all their capabilities and how we can improve the global economy and achieve the goals about which we had previously just dreaming. Blockchain and AI technologies are already being introduced into many areas and thus they show very good results and excellent abilities, and this suggests that the world economy will begin to improve over time.

Title: Re: Blockchain and AI will improve the world economy
Post by: Ahimoth on November 27, 2018, 09:01:57 AM
I completely agree with this, blockchain and AI technologies are now at the very first stage and we can study them for a long time to fully understand all their capabilities and how we can improve the global economy and achieve the goals about which we had previously just dreaming. Blockchain and AI technologies are already being introduced into many areas and thus they show very good results and excellent abilities, and this suggests that the world economy will begin to improve over time.
There huge possibility Blockchain and Altcoin can improve the world economy by means of using it of many people to their country. Also if the system of the country have the same as blockchain then surely it will lessen the not good system of many country and if many people used altcoin then they can get opportunity to get earn even those jobless.

Title: Re: Blockchain and AI will improve the world economy
Post by: Abiky on November 29, 2018, 12:40:55 AM
no, it will only make the world look more sophisticated. but what about the fate of poor countries where there are so many unemployed people there, they certainly cannot adopt anything from technological sophistication in the future, such as the example of AI and this blockchain.

You do have a point there, mate. However, it's believed that many third-world countries would gain access to the Internet and other advanced technologies for their own benefit. As Internet costs reduce over time, people from those countries could gain access to the Internet in a much easier way. This would allow them to harness the power of blockchain technology within the future. It's been heard that several projects have been working to help make the Internet accessible to the whole world.

The Internet would be transmitted across several satellites, enabling people at any region to effectively gain access to it. Some projects have even said that they'll distribute Internet access for free. This means that sometime in the future, the Internet would expand its reach to areas that were never thought possible. When this happens, everyone would be using both Blockchain and AI for nearly everything you would imagine. Of course, there needs to exist a proper regulatory framework for these technologies to succeed. If countries could effectively regulate both Blockchain and AI, then our economy and society would improve in many ways. Just my thoughts ;D

Title: Re: Blockchain and AI will improve the world economy
Post by: reality18 on November 29, 2018, 12:48:24 AM
There is no doubts about the incredible contributions the Blockchain and AI technologies offer the the world's economy. These two technologies have got the tendency of improving work efficiency and productivity by limiting man-powered jobs and offering speed in production and service delivery. The Blockchain can be harnessed by all firms and institutions especially the ones that use use big data record keeping.

Title: Re: Blockchain and AI will improve the world economy
Post by: DevilSlayer on November 29, 2018, 01:15:41 AM
Since the inception of the blockchain with Bitcoin in 2009, there has been a huge interest from governments, and central banks alike to design their own centralized digital fiat currency for their benefit. Given the security benefits and efficiencies that the blockchain provides, it would be used well in conjunction with AI technology, to transform the global economy in ways we've never thought possible.

As such, there could be a future where everything is managed by AI and the blockchain would serve as the security and settlement layer for any kind of transaction. A one world currency might become a reality where it is backed by all the banks and governments alike. If this happens, then true autonomy would become established enabling everyday devices to operate on their own and "monetize" themselves via the use of a single unified global currency which operates on a blockchain.

Therefore, both the blockchain and AI will have a huge impact in our world economy, and every aspect of our lives as we know it. Of course, this might take quite a few years to happen, but the benefits provided by such technologies would be too hard to ignore.

What are your thoughts about this? Will both Blockchain and AI improve the world's economy?  ???
The world is becoming more high tech than before, the Blockchain technology is now getting more popular in our society. There are now many financial institutions who are now using blockchain technology.

Title: Re: Blockchain and AI will improve the world economy
Post by: Dr.Osh on November 29, 2018, 04:52:26 AM
no, it will only make the world look more sophisticated. but what about the fate of poor countries where there are so many unemployed people there, they certainly cannot adopt anything from technological sophistication in the future, such as the example of AI and this blockchain.
Blockchain technology certainly will be a good system for sake of the progress in a country, and I am sure in the future most countries will adopt this Blockchain system into their life. So, prepare ourselves to receive this advanced technology.
currently there are so many developments with blockchain and AI. even some countries develop it for their benefit. well, this is good enough for the development of cryptocurrency in the future.

Title: Re: Blockchain and AI will improve the world economy
Post by: Michael_Cox on November 29, 2018, 07:03:56 AM
I doubt the government will agree backing up something like blockchain, which is prominent for its anonymity. For the government to back it up, they need to have access with it. Do you think they will agree with blockchain's current terms? I don't think so. That said, blockchain and AI does have a potential to improve a particular country's economy. But just how vastly, we can never tell until we get there.

Title: Re: Blockchain and AI will improve the world economy
Post by: gegewojinnian18 on November 29, 2018, 07:19:39 AM
This is inevitable, and this will come soon. We only need to wait patiently for ten years. 5G, blockchain, artificial intelligence, and intelligent driving are all inevitable development directions in the future. Bitcoin will be worth hundreds of thousands of dollars in a decade.

Title: Re: Blockchain and AI will improve the world economy
Post by: jerome.345 on November 29, 2018, 03:17:19 PM
I think blockchain and AI can improve world economy. With so many developments due to the tech and many solutions to problems being provided,  the economy of the world will improve.  Even now in China,  for example, where they have a population problem, with seniors comprising a large number of the population and this number stated to grow in coming years.  Companies like HiNounou seek to provide better healthcare options with blockchain tech and better the lives of these ones.  This is just one number among numerous others.

Title: Re: Blockchain and AI will improve the world economy
Post by: Abiky on November 30, 2018, 08:39:35 PM
The world is becoming more high tech than before, the Blockchain technology is now getting more popular in our society. There are now many financial institutions who are now using blockchain technology.

That's certainly true, mate. Several financial institutions have been testing the blockchain for their own benefit. On the other hand, many countries have considered launching their own digital currency on a blockchain of their own. This means that cash will cease to exist, as blockchain would enable a whole new world of finance like never before. Considering how Ripple made partnerships with several banks worldwide, it could become the backbone of our economy in the future. By then, the blockchain will be in nearly every aspect of our lives.

This means that transactions will become quicker, transparent, and much more secure in the future. Banks will be able to quickly and cheaply send money between them with ease. On the other hand, AI could play a key role in managing many decisions made by humans today. Perhaps with the advancement of AI, Bank tellers would cease to exist, as the customer would interact with a machine to deposit/withdraw money. Also, drones operated by AI would help us deliver packages (no need for a delivery guy), kill a target (for the military), and even provide internet access.

Nonetheless, technology is advancing faster than we've ever imagined. Which could only be a matter of time, before Blockchain and AI gains full steam ahead in transforming the economy, politics, health, transportation, military, and more. The revolution has already begun ever since AI and Blockchain were born. Just my thoughts ;D

Title: Re: Blockchain and AI will improve the world economy
Post by: 2chase on December 01, 2018, 02:18:37 AM
I think that the author of this topic thinks in the right direction. I believe that artificial intelligence has long occupied one of the leading places in the management of world finances - all major markets and trading on them has long been carried out using programs based on artificial intelligence.

Title: Re: Blockchain and AI will improve the world economy
Post by: alani123 on December 01, 2018, 02:21:48 AM
AI was utilized long before blockchains. Frankly, it's not new but I don't think it'd be that of a great fit with blockchain technologies. In terms of being the most robust crypto, bitcoin makes the cut but bockchains outside of it don't have many practical applications proven so far.

Title: Re: Blockchain and AI will improve the world economy
Post by: Legolass on December 01, 2018, 02:43:20 AM
Bockchain and AI are the solid foundations for human development, and they make a significant contribution to the accomplishment of human comfort and comfort.

Title: Re: Blockchain and AI will improve the world economy
Post by: KnightElite on December 01, 2018, 05:42:39 AM
Since the inception of the blockchain with Bitcoin in 2009, there has been a huge interest from governments, and central banks alike to design their own centralized digital fiat currency for their benefit. Given the security benefits and efficiencies that the blockchain provides, it would be used well in conjunction with AI technology, to transform the global economy in ways we've never thought possible.

As such, there could be a future where everything is managed by AI and the blockchain would serve as the security and settlement layer for any kind of transaction. A one world currency might become a reality where it is backed by all the banks and governments alike. If this happens, then true autonomy would become established enabling everyday devices to operate on their own and "monetize" themselves via the use of a single unified global currency which operates on a blockchain.

Therefore, both the blockchain and AI will have a huge impact in our world economy, and every aspect of our lives as we know it. Of course, this might take quite a few years to happen, but the benefits provided by such technologies would be too hard to ignore.

What are your thoughts about this? Will both Blockchain and AI improve the world's economy?  ???
It is simply because there are cryptocurrencies who can solve different problems in our economy. It can improve the country's economy because of its vital role in our society. Cryptocurrencies can now considered as medium of exchange because the there are now companies and businesses who accepts cryptocurrencies as payment. 

Title: Re: Blockchain and AI will improve the world economy
Post by: andriarto on December 01, 2018, 05:55:30 AM
Since the inception of the blockchain with Bitcoin in 2009, there has been a huge interest from governments, and central banks alike to design their own centralized digital fiat currency for their benefit. Given the security benefits and efficiencies that the blockchain provides, it would be used well in conjunction with AI technology, to transform the global economy in ways we've never thought possible.

As such, there could be a future where everything is managed by AI and the blockchain would serve as the security and settlement layer for any kind of transaction. A one world currency might become a reality where it is backed by all the banks and governments alike. If this happens, then true autonomy would become established enabling everyday devices to operate on their own and "monetize" themselves via the use of a single unified global currency which operates on a blockchain.

Therefore, both the blockchain and AI will have a huge impact in our world economy, and every aspect of our lives as we know it. Of course, this might take quite a few years to happen, but the benefits provided by such technologies would be too hard to ignore.

What are your thoughts about this? Will both Blockchain and AI improve the world's economy?  ???
It is simply because there are cryptocurrencies who can solve different problems in our economy. It can improve the country's economy because of its vital role in our society. Cryptocurrencies can now considered as medium of exchange because the there are now companies and businesses who accepts cryptocurrencies as payment. 
to be a means of exchange may still be long in my country, because government's closest goal is to want crypto as a regulated investment tool, but with blockchain, bringing our lives one step further

Title: Re: Blockchain and AI will improve the world economy
Post by: LickKing on December 02, 2018, 09:07:15 AM
Yes, plus 5G network. The birth of new technologies is usually owned by supporters and opponents. In fact, the opponent does not understand the blockchain at all. They think this is a bubble full of scams. They just don't see the future, only a few people can see the future.

Title: Re: Blockchain and AI will improve the world economy
Post by: Abiky on December 05, 2018, 02:19:01 AM
to be a means of exchange may still be long in my country, because government's closest goal is to want crypto as a regulated investment tool, but with blockchain, bringing our lives one step further

Time will come my friend, until all the world's governments realize Bitcoin's true potential. As the pioneer cryptocurrency grows in user adoption and popularity, governments would have no choice but to accept Bitcoin as a legal medium of exchange. Only then, Blockchain can flourish into our society in many ways that were never thought possible. This is largely because, a regulatory-friendly environment for crypto and Blockchain tech would help contribute towards their growth in the mainstream world. On the other hand, AI existed way before Blockchain tech, and has the power to take many decisions that are well-known to mankind today.

If AI becomes successful, then it would easily replace many human jobs worldwide. Then, combined with Blockchain, you'd get a powerful workhorse where nothing could stand in its way. The same way "SkyNet" was virtually unstoppable (in the Terminator movies), the same way would be Blockchain tech combined with AI. And this is only the beginning. ::)

Title: Re: Blockchain and AI will improve the world economy
Post by: ufaiz50 on December 05, 2018, 02:47:04 AM
Since the inception of the blockchain with Bitcoin in 2009, there has been a huge interest from governments, and central banks alike to design their own centralized digital fiat currency for their benefit. Given the security benefits and efficiencies that the blockchain provides, it would be used well in conjunction with AI technology, to transform the global economy in ways we've never thought possible.

As such, there could be a future where everything is managed by AI and the blockchain would serve as the security and settlement layer for any kind of transaction. A one world currency might become a reality where it is backed by all the banks and governments alike. If this happens, then true autonomy would become established enabling everyday devices to operate on their own and "monetize" themselves via the use of a single unified global currency which operates on a blockchain.

Therefore, both the blockchain and AI will have a huge impact in our world economy, and every aspect of our lives as we know it. Of course, this might take quite a few years to happen, but the benefits provided by such technologies would be too hard to ignore.

What are your thoughts about this? Will both Blockchain and AI improve the world's economy?  ???
Then where will the bank benefit? because as we know blockchain and AI technology where all transactions are recorded in the ledger, then what benefits will the bank get? while those who hold cryptocurrency are us and there are no other intermediaries, even many people say cryptocurrncy cannot be taxed and we have no proof of ownership of the crypto that we have if it is lost we cannot report.

Title: Re: Blockchain and AI will improve the world economy
Post by: Sadlife on December 05, 2018, 03:14:44 AM
Yes the blockchain technology has actually become a trend now for institutional and banking investors because they've realize that crypto currency technology is much more secured and fast compared to the old fiat technology. If this continues the world will be in a digital age also the SEC is showing interest in crypto. 2019 might be a good year.

Title: Re: Blockchain and AI will improve the world economy
Post by: jobukegoya on December 05, 2018, 06:32:38 AM
I think that the author of this topic thinks in the right direction. I believe that artificial intelligence has long occupied one of the leading places in the management of world finances - all major markets and trading on them has long been carried out using programs based on artificial intelligence.
Blockchain and artificial intelligence are advanced technologies that are able to solve complex tasks more efficiently, cheaply and safely. In the world of commerce, the use of these technologies will improve the economy of a country so that overall it will improve people's welfare.

Title: Re: Blockchain and AI will improve the world economy
Post by: ict on December 05, 2018, 06:46:01 AM
it would be very good if cooperation between them could be realized. the development of the world economy will be very rapid. and all economic actors will be greatly helped if this currency becomes a global currency. and investors will be very happy if the whole world has used this currency.

Title: Re: Blockchain and AI will improve the world economy
Post by: Levious on December 06, 2018, 07:06:34 AM
The birth of the blockchain will be better able to distribute wealth and targeted help in the future. Now the world economy has entered a period of severe stagflation, and new technologies are needed to change the structure of human society. Otherwise, the realization of the poor will destroy the rules of the game.

Title: Re: Blockchain and AI will improve the world economy
Post by: katerinaliisa on December 06, 2018, 08:22:26 AM
He certainly can. Moreover, blockchain technology can have a positive impact not only on the economy, but also on the political sphere, the sphere of taxation, the legislative part, logistics and many other spheres of human life. That's brilliant. It changes all idea of doing business, tax revenue, sales and purchases etc. When used properly it can bring many benefits to people and the state.

Title: Re: Blockchain and AI will improve the world economy
Post by: Abiky on December 08, 2018, 03:51:09 AM
Yes the blockchain technology has actually become a trend now for institutional and banking investors because they've realize that crypto currency technology is much more secured and fast compared to the old fiat technology. If this continues the world will be in a digital age also the SEC is showing interest in crypto. 2019 might be a good year.

That's certainly true, mate. Blockchain tech has captured the attention of banks and governments worldwide due to the benefits it provides to our society. It not only helps transform our economy, but also healthcare, and many other areas that are important to our society. Both Blockchain tech and AI (especially Blockchain) need a proper regulatory framework to ensure their legitimacy. Once that's done, then governments around the world could start adopting these technologies to bring our world to the modern age. As we all know, technology is advancing quickly, which means that sooner or later, Blockchain and AI will become the trend of the modern world.

While AI is much riskier than Blockchain (if fully developed), it could somehow improve our lives for the better by taking many of the well-known positions from humans today. Then, we would work less, while AI does important decisions for us. On the other hand, Blockchain tech would simply replace the existing banking system, where people would gain sovereignty over their money (but still protected by the government).

Therefore, these technologies are the way of the future, despite what it is said across mainstream media by "fudsters". Just my opinion :)

Title: Re: Blockchain and AI will improve the world economy
Post by: lihongjing on December 16, 2018, 08:12:47 AM
Yes, this new technological revolution, but because the technology has not yet been applied on a large scale, the current global economy is very bad, and it needs to wait for 10 years of blockchain and artificial intelligence to get people to use it.

Title: Re: Blockchain and AI will improve the world economy
Post by: Abiky on December 19, 2018, 02:40:09 AM
Yes, this new technological revolution, but because the technology has not yet been applied on a large scale, the current global economy is very bad, and it needs to wait for 10 years of blockchain and artificial intelligence to get people to use it.

Exactly. We're still years ahead from seeing this becoming a reality in our world. While Blockchain and AI has taken off massively, they still have a lot to improve upon. The newest technology is Blockchain, while AI has been around at an earlier time. Perhaps, AI would become implemented in our society at a faster rate than Blockchain (although Blockchain is advancing quite fast). What matters most, is that both technologies will be able to play a key part on the future direction of our economy.

Not only that, but they aim to transform many areas of our world, effectively eliminating the middleman and human intervention. If this really takes off, and people adapt to the newest technologies, then we might see more human-to-machine interactions within the future. By then, nearly everything would be done by a machine, while we as humans would do absolutely nothing. Nonetheless, it'll be interesting to see what the future holds for both technologies as they shift the way we handle our daily lives. Just my thoughts ;D

Title: Re: Blockchain and AI will improve the world economy
Post by: UchihaRukawa on December 19, 2018, 02:50:52 AM
Since the inception of the blockchain with Bitcoin in 2009, there has been a huge interest from governments, and central banks alike to design their own centralized digital fiat currency for their benefit. Given the security benefits and efficiencies that the blockchain provides, it would be used well in conjunction with AI technology, to transform the global economy in ways we've never thought possible.

As such, there could be a future where everything is managed by AI and the blockchain would serve as the security and settlement layer for any kind of transaction. A one world currency might become a reality where it is backed by all the banks and governments alike. If this happens, then true autonomy would become established enabling everyday devices to operate on their own and "monetize" themselves via the use of a single unified global currency which operates on a blockchain.

Therefore, both the blockchain and AI will have a huge impact in our world economy, and every aspect of our lives as we know it. Of course, this might take quite a few years to happen, but the benefits provided by such technologies would be too hard to ignore.

What are your thoughts about this? Will both Blockchain and AI improve the world's economy?  ???

I think, if we are to look at both blockchain and AI then I think the future will be better, Im not pro AI and blockchain, but I am with whatever would bring our world a better living experience, if these two could be of great help then I dont see why we cant use them, I think there are gonna be major changes in our currenct world, issues are gonna come flying, but if we insist on a greater and a better world then I think it is worth trying.

Title: Re: Blockchain and AI will improve the world economy
Post by: princeyeboah on December 19, 2018, 02:55:55 AM
These two technologies are revolutionary even though they are still more developments to enter their ecosystem. AI and Blockchain have already achieved a lot although they are still young technologies and has got the capabilities to enhance productivity, payment systems, keep records on immutable digital ledger which breeds transparency etc. All these significance of AI and Blockchain enhance the economy at large.

Title: Re: Blockchain and AI will improve the world economy
Post by: munareal on December 19, 2018, 07:23:37 AM
The blockchain technology and artificial Intelligent will, not only improve the world economy but every aspect of our lives. Transparency, accuracy and efficiency will be obtained

Title: Re: Blockchain and AI will improve the world economy
Post by: calya on December 19, 2018, 07:44:35 AM
The blockchain technology and artificial Intelligent will, not only improve the world economy but every aspect of our lives. Transparency, accuracy and efficiency will be obtained
this technology could be the fourth revolution in the will bring massive changes and provide effectiveness in every job that we did.transparancy, and also accuracy.

Title: Re: Blockchain and AI will improve the world economy
Post by: Abiky on December 19, 2018, 11:38:51 PM
I think, if we are to look at both blockchain and AI then I think the future will be better, Im not pro AI and blockchain, but I am with whatever would bring our world a better living experience, if these two could be of great help then I dont see why we cant use them, I think there are gonna be major changes in our currenct world, issues are gonna come flying, but if we insist on a greater and a better world then I think it is worth trying.

Indeed, Blockchain and AI would bring our world a better living experience. Ever since they've emerged, there has been a huge enthusiasm towards helping develop such technologies for the real world. If put together, they would become a massive workhorse which can live on their own without human intervention. Blockchain tech was the missing piece of the puzzle, and now that it's been proven to decentralize everything, it could work perfectly with AI.

Our economy, healthcare, politics, and more would be driven by these technologies in the future. As I've said before, AI could very well take many decisions that are made by humans today. On the other hand, Blockchain could provide transparency and auditability to transactions made around the world (transactions can be anything from real estate, transfer of ownership, proving authenticity of documents, and more). It's also possible to provide true governance within the Blockchain, as stakeholders could vote for specific proposals on-chain.

Nonetheless, time will tell us whenever these technologies would really take off if people start adopting them for their own needs. Just my thoughts ;D