Bitcoin Forum

Economy => Games and rounds => Topic started by: Phinnaeus Gage on November 21, 2013, 11:35:38 AM

Title: The Great Bitfie Giveaway: 1 lucky winner WILL win entire wallet. Seeded w/$100.
Post by: Phinnaeus Gage on November 21, 2013, 11:35:38 AM
<Mods, feel free to move this to the appropriate section if I erred in its placement. TY.>

<Moved by mods, originally in the Bitcoin Discussion section. Ironically, I don't believe I've ever set eyes on this section before, not knowing that it existed, albeit I probably viewed threads on the Gambling section a couple time prior.>


EDIT: View the prize pool here:[/size]

Temporary wallet address until I have Rassah hash a new one and have all the bitcoins transferred to it, using him as escrow of which I will pay the escrow fee: 1B2pGNTiES3V27cGBm6vu1rA15z5APxumu. Once accomplished, the new wallet address will replace the above address, and if by chance any funds find their way into the original address they, too, will be moved to the official address of which Rassah will have control of.

EDIT: The official address is now 1B1TF1E6ohQkkbPmRLwnuHUhtxb8Up6Fde

I have seeded the prize pool as shown with the following:

What's currently in the prize pool can be viewed here (will be changed after a vanity address is hashed): (now official as of 11/27/13)

1B2pGNTiES3V27cGBm6vu1rA15z5APxumu      $100.00

Note: Do not use the above old address. If any funds do happen to hit that address, they will be moved to the official address.

This giveaway was inspired by and has nothing to do with any future website, acting as a standalone endeavor, but inadvertently bringing awareness to if such happens to be developed.

Quoted from the post linked above:

So, what is a Bitfie? A Bitfie is a minute Bitcoin transaction, usually under a US cent (penny) in BTC, but can be upwards to $.99 USD at the exchange rate at the time of the transaction, thus proving that one truly is a Bitcoiner. If the lowest Bitfie (under a US cent/penny) is sent, one is considered a Shrimpie, whereas one sending the highest allowable Bitfie (within 10% of the max) is considered a Whalie. All those sending a Bitfie in between the two extremes are dubbed a Guppie (no "s").


  • Transfer your Bitfie, up to $.99 USD, to 1B2pGNTiES3V27cGBm6vu1rA15z5APxumu (obsolete, hence the strikethrough) 1B1TF1E6ohQkkbPmRLwnuHUhtxb8Up6Fde (this is now the official address).
  • Only one Bitfie per user account may be submitted. Include the word Bitfie in your post so that a quick search on this forum after the drawing can be conducted to make sure there's no duplicate entries by the same user.
  • Besides including Bitfie to your post, you'll only need to include the "block chain" tx showing your Bitfie to win. Feel free to state whether you're a Shrimpie, Guppie or Whalie, if desire, neither of which will help nor hinder your chances of winning.
  • Include a bitcoin wallet address in your post if different than the one used to send your Bitfie.
  • One CAN later add a Bitfie to a generic post at a later date prior to the closing of this contest, provided they haven't already submitted a Bitfie.
  • The winner will be chosen by some yet to be determined random number generator process, choosing a number between 3 and 10,000, inclusive, of which will represent the post number of this thread, thus the winner, provided the post consists of proof of a Bitfie. If the resulting post doesn't include a Bitfie transaction, i.e. some generic post, or the word Bitfie, then an immediate redraw will commence.
  • A yet to be determined trusted user will conduct the drawing via a live broadcast with witness viewers on hand, and hopefully recorded and uploaded to YouTube. Such an individual will disclose beforehand if s/he is entered in the drawing and provide the post number if such is the case.
  • I will not be partaking in this contest via using a known or unknown user account. Also, there will be a redraw if one of my generic posts is chosen as the winner.
  • An attempt will be made to contact the winner via PM prior to transferring the funds, mainly to make sure their correct Bitcoin wallet address is in place.
  • Deadline for submitting a Bitfie is when 10,000 posts to this thread is reached, of which the majority will probably be only Bitfie transaction submissions, or exactly one year from the date (to the second) of the creation of this thread, whichever occurs first.
  • The entire Bitfie wallet will be paid out in full, regardless of its worth, shortly after the deadline for submissions is reached--10,000 posts or in one year, as stated above.

I've proven myself to be fair and honest in all past bounties and contests I've conducted, and this will not be an exception. Each entrant has nothing to lose but bitcents, and could win over a thousand dollars if the exchange rate rises enough. I'll have nothing to gain from this since I seeded the contest with $100 USD, and the monies will be outta my control once transferred to the newly hashed wallet address controlled by Rassah, a very trustworthy Bitcoiner.

I want to pay Rassah $20 USD for the hashing service and acting as escrow beforehand (ASAP), and dearly hope he doesn't refuse payment, i.e. opting to do it for free. Albeit, a trifle amount probably in both our eyes, it's still a token of appreciation for all the work he's done for me, among others, in the past.

I reserve the right to amend this contest, probably mainly on the grammar aspect but, moreover, adding further clarity to the rules, yet not taking away, hopefully, the overall guidelines of the contest as it stands now.

Feel free to quote this OP, and any grammar edits will be in italics, with any other changes expressed as an edit below my name.

Who, here, wants to conduct the very first Bitfie transaction? If you make it exactly $.1337 USD (13.37 cents), you'll be forever known as the first person to send an Eletie (eat your heart out, Matthew  ;D). I've already dubbed a $.69 USD Bitfie as a Sextie-ninie, therefore feel free to try your hand at coining new words for other Bitfie amounts, i.e. $.42 is a ___________. The rules our simple: Add ie to the end of word that best describes the number represented in US cents. Added points awarded if the resulting coinage has a humorous connotation, along with being added to the Bitfie master list, yet to be penned.

Bruno Kucinskas

EDIT: To be clear, format your post similar to as follows, of which MUST include the word Bitfie and the tx ID.



The following is optional info that can be included in your post (plural, if using multiple user accounts to gain an edge):

I sent X cents (USD) or X BTC. (or similar verbiage)

I'm coining it as a/an ______ie. (If I like the coinage, I'll include it in some future master list on some future Bitfie site, i.e., if developed. Until then, I'll track and list any newly coined Bitfie below.

I'm now a Shrimpie (or Guppie or Whalie). (word it however you desire) (A Shrimpie is one that submits less than or equal to 1 US cent, a Whalie is one who submits between 89 and 99 US cents, inclusive, and a Guppie is one that submits any amount over 1 US cent up to less than exactly 89 US cents.

Coined words and its representative amounts, along with who made its first Bitfie transaction, to date:

  • Eletie (1.337 cents)
  • Pi-ie (3.14 cents) (BenTuras)
  • Sexie-giftie (6.9 cents) (jambola2)
  • Luckie (7 cents) jambola2)
  • Bobbie (7-8 cents--exact amount pending) (railzand)
  • Un-luckie (pending) (13 cents) (jambola2)
  • Sextie-ninie (69 cents)

Moving the above to Post #2, since I'll be adding to it periodically.

After one submits, then claims the first Eletie transaction, there's still the option of someone coining, then claiming mEletie, provided the terminology fits the transaction amount.

EDIT: Once this post is quoted, all major grammatical corrections will be in italics.

EDIT: Adding the following to the overall rules:

Go to and post the following:


I'm not paying less than a penny to enter this stupid giveaway thingie because I'm a Bit-pinchie.

You don't have to use the code wrap format, but it would be nice if you did.

Only one entry per user account, thus all your socks can participate.

If a Bit-pinchie is drawn first, they WILL NOT be entitled to the whole prize pool, unlike those that paid-to-play, of which will win the entire pool if chosen first, whereupon the contest will be declared over. But, if a Bit-pinchie is drawn first, then they will win only 10% of the pool, then a re-draw will commence until a person who submitted a Bitfie is declared a winner.

Given the above, it's possible to now have 10 winners, all receiving 10% of the prize pool each. Hell, if one has enough sockpuppet accounts, mathematically they could win it all without doling out one satoshi, of which is the bear minimum to enter, then be dubbed a Shrimpie or, in this case, a Satoshie, if the pay-to-play amount is exactly .0000001 BTC.

So, you wanna be a Bit-pinchie, Satoshie or Shrimpie? You're call. The only other two current options are Guppie or Whalie, but I somehow doubt that'll be the case since you're here reading on how to enter a giveaway contest for free.


PS: All entries must be posted in the linked thread above to qualify, and NOT this one. Feel free to ask questions in this thread, troll, or post links to view naked goats. I don't give a damn.

EDIT: The transfer to the official wallet, under Rassah's control, of which I have already paid him for acting as escrow, is now complete:

Again, the official vanity Bitcoin wallet address for the Bitfie giveaway is 1B1TF1E6ohQkkbPmRLwnuHUhtxb8Up6Fde

Title: Re: The Great Bitfie Giveaway: One lucky winner will win the entire wallet.
Post by: Phinnaeus Gage on November 21, 2013, 11:37:54 AM

Coined words and its representative amounts, along with who made its first Bitfie transaction, to date:

  • Stiffie (0.00010000 BTC) (buyandhold)
  • Paradiddlie (0.0001011 BTC) (cAPSLOCK)
  • Eletie (1.337 cents) (Light)
  • Duckie (2 cents) (jeffreylin_)
  • Pi-ie (3.14 cents) (BenTuras)
  • Nicklie (5 cents) (ajax3592)
  • Sexie-giftie (6.9 cents) (jambola2)
  • Luckie (7 cents) jambola2)
  • Bobbie (7.43 cents) (railzand)
  • Un-luckie (13 cents) (jambola2)
  • Meaning-of-Lifie (42 cents) (Kith)
  • Sextie-ninie (69 cents) (TheNewAnon135)

Pending (will be added to the above once the first transaction is made so that proper credit is given):

  • Tree-fiddie (3.50 cents)
  • Dankie (4.20 cents)
  • Eight-ballie (8 cents)
  • Dimie (10 cents)
  • Bo-Diddlie (12.30 cents)
  • Alienie (51 cents)
  • Spoonie (66 cents)
  • Get-Smartie (99 cents)

Title: Re: The Great Bitfie Giveaway: One lucky winner will win the entire wallet.
Post by: BenTuras on November 21, 2013, 12:16:51 PM
I am pi-ing myself into this...

0.00470544 BTC x $667,65 ~ 3.14159

Title: Re: The Great Bitfie Giveaway: One lucky winner will win the entire wallet.
Post by: Phinnaeus Gage on November 21, 2013, 04:40:54 PM
I am pi-ing myself into this...

0.00470544 BTC x $667,65 ~ 3.14159

BenTuras will now always be recognized as the first person to ever send a Bitfie and a Pi-ie. When asked how he felt about such recognition, along with being the first Guppie, he replied, "I like turtles!"  ::)

This giveaway is now closed due to lack of interest, and all monies will be diverted to BrunoDF.  ;D

Seriously, thanks kindly, Ben, for playing, but the only thing you had correct according to the rules outlined was the inclusion of the tx in your post. A Bitfie is a dollar amount $.99 USD or LESS, whereas you contributed $3.14159. I believe you figured the BTC decimal amount incorrectly, adding one more zero to the right of the decimal point would have resulted close to your chosen transaction amount.

Also, it seems like you're opting to call it a Pi-ing, albeit you used it as an adjective (or is it a verb?).

But, never fear, TMIBTCITW is here--to save the day. Don't want Gavin Superman to receive all the credit here in Bitcoinland.  ;D

Here's how I'm going to remedy the situation:

  • I'm going to keep what you sent as part the prize pool.
  • I'm going to transfer back to you $3 USD only via a different Bitcoin wallet address, thus you added 14+ cents to the pool.
  • You will receive credit, and will always be known as the guy who sent the first Bitfie and first Pi-ie (31.415658 cents).

You're also the first Guppie (pronounced guppy, as in the fish--luckily, I Google that, for I had it mis-spelled--u instead of an o).

No need to edit your post, Ben. Please PM me as to what address you desire the $3 USD rebate sent to. I'm going to PM you now and reference this post.

See, all, how fair and honest I am, albeit possibly all bets are off on the latter if the the pool amount exceeds a million dollars. Fuck me! I can't even do that, for I won't have access to the wallet. Perhaps Rassah could be bribed with a new coffee table.  ;D


The current prize pool is $110.91.

Title: Re: The Great Bitfie Giveaway: One lucky winner will win the entire wallet.
Post by: BenTuras on November 21, 2013, 08:46:39 PM
.... I believe you figured the BTC decimal amount incorrectly
Nope, I broke the rules intentially :P
Just for the fun of it and to add some to the pool prize.
No need to send back the us$3, if you really want it out of the pool prize, donate it to the Red Cross.

Title: Re: The Great Bitfie Giveaway: One lucky winner will win the entire wallet.
Post by: Phinnaeus Gage on November 21, 2013, 10:47:52 PM
.... I believe you figured the BTC decimal amount incorrectly
Nope, I broke the rules intentially :P
Just for the fun of it and to add some to the pool prize.
No need to send back the us$3, if you really want it out of the pool prize, donate it to the Red Cross.

I'll assume you won't mind then if I donate it to Sean's Outpost (not the Thansgiving fund). I'll add to it, thus it'll act as a bump to keep the thread close to the first page.

Thank you so kindly, Ben, for not only playing, but allowing me to donate to SO in your name.

Thanks to a third Bitfie by an unknown party, and the rise to the exchange rate, the prize pool is as follows:

Total Received   $114.59

Title: Re: The Great Bitfie Giveaway: One lucky winner will win the entire wallet.
Post by: BenTuras on November 22, 2013, 07:33:38 AM
I'll assume you won't mind then if I donate it to Sean's Outpost (not the Thansgiving fund). I'll add to it, thus it'll act as a bump to keep the thread close to the first page.
Yeah, that's fine.

Title: Re: The Great Bitfie Giveaway: One lucky winner will win the entire wallet.
Post by: Phinnaeus Gage on November 22, 2013, 04:13:57 PM
The current prize pool is $125.36 (

You only have to be a Shrimpie to enter.


Title: Re: The Great Bitfie Giveaway: One lucky winner will win the entire wallet.
Post by: Phinnaeus Gage on November 23, 2013, 05:55:59 AM
The current prize pool is $130.18 (

I'm not sure what it'll take for you guys to play, but I have a hunch, hence 'bout to pen another thread to get you cheap asses enrolled in The Great Bitfie Giveaway.


Title: Re: The Great Bitfie Giveaway: 1 lucky winner WILL win entire wallet. Seeded w/$100.
Post by: Phinnaeus Gage on November 23, 2013, 07:03:04 AM
I'm adding the following to the OP:

Go to and post the following:


I'm not paying less than a penny to enter this stupid giveaway thingie because I'm a Bit-pinchie.

You don't have to use the code wrap format, but it would be nice if you did.

Only one entry per user account, thus all your socks can participate.

If a Bit-pinchie is drawn first, they WILL NOT be entitled to the whole prize pool, unlike those that paid-to-play, of which will win the entire pool if chosen first, whereupon the contest will be declared over. But, if a Bit-pinchie is drawn first, then they will win only 10% of the pool, then a re-draw will commence until a person who submitted a Bitfie is declared a winner.

Given the above, it's possible to now have 10 winners, all receiving 10% of the prize pool each. Hell, if one has enough sockpuppet accounts, mathematically they could win it all without doling out one satoshi, of which is the bear minimum to enter, then be dubbed a Shrimpie or, in this case, a Satoshie, if the pay-to-play amount is exactly .0000001 BTC.

So, you wanna be a Bit-pinchie, Satoshie or Shrimpie? You're call. The only other two current options are Guppie or Whalie, but I somehow doubt that'll be the case since you're here reading on how to enter a giveaway contest for free.


PS: All entries must be posted in the linked thread above to qualify, and NOT this one. Feel free to ask questions in this thread, troll, or post links to view naked goats. I don't give a damn.

Title: Re: The Great Bitfie Giveaway: 1 lucky winner WILL win entire wallet. Seeded w/$100.
Post by: Malongo on November 23, 2013, 07:04:38 AM

I'm not paying less than a penny to enter this stupid giveaway thingie because I'm a Bit-pinchie.

Title: Re: The Great Bitfie Giveaway: 1 lucky winner WILL win entire wallet. Seeded w/$100.
Post by: Phinnaeus Gage on November 23, 2013, 07:06:05 AM

I'm not paying less than a penny to enter this stupid giveaway thingie because I'm a Bit-pinchie.

I learnt something today! (not a diss toward the entrant, but about human nature in general)

Title: Re: The Great Bitfie Giveaway: 1 lucky winner WILL win entire wallet. Seeded w/$100.
Post by: jparsley on November 23, 2013, 08:53:01 AM

I'm not paying less than a penny to enter this stupid giveaway thingie because I'm a Bit-pinchie.

Title: Re: The Great Bitfie Giveaway: 1 lucky winner WILL win entire wallet. Seeded w/$100.
Post by: railzand on November 23, 2013, 09:02:24 AM
My dear good Bitfie old chap, what a splendid lark, or wheeze.

I have sent a Bobbie.

A Bobbie is one shilling sterling.

Said bob:

Best of British,


"Shilling for whom?" one might ask. Check my sig....

Title: Re: The Great Bitfie Giveaway: 1 lucky winner WILL win entire wallet. Seeded w/$100.
Post by: Overdaix on November 23, 2013, 11:42:51 AM

I'm not paying less than a penny to enter this stupid giveaway thingie because I'm a Bit-pinchie.

Title: Re: The Great Bitfie Giveaway: 1 lucky winner WILL win entire wallet. Seeded w/$100.
Post by: jambola2 on November 23, 2013, 12:08:38 PM
Hello Bitfie community !
I am a Triskaidekaphile. While most people consider thirteen unlucky , the holy lord of 13s says other wise.
I have sent a "unluck-but-actually-luckfie" ( 13c )

The prophet of the thirteens,

(P.S : I may have a bit of bias , being born on the thirteenth of a month )

EDIT : What do I do with the huge transaction fees -.-
You should request between 1$ and 10$

Title: Re: The Great Bitfie Giveaway: 1 lucky winner WILL win entire wallet. Seeded w/$100.
Post by: affan on November 23, 2013, 02:21:13 PM

I'm not paying less than a penny to enter this stupid giveaway thingie because I'm a Bit-pinchie.


Title: Re: The Great Bitfie Giveaway: 1 lucky winner WILL win entire wallet. Seeded w/$100.
Post by: Boelens on November 23, 2013, 04:52:18 PM
Wait, what? Am I the only one who doesn't understand this? I don't quite understand the entire concept of a bitfie and how to enter this.

Title: Re: The Great Bitfie Giveaway: 1 lucky winner WILL win entire wallet. Seeded w/$100.
Post by: Stinky_Pete on November 23, 2013, 05:03:08 PM
Am I the only one who doesn't understand this?

Title: Re: The Great Bitfie Giveaway: 1 lucky winner WILL win entire wallet. Seeded w/$100.
Post by: Phinnaeus Gage on November 23, 2013, 05:24:20 PM
My dear good Biftie old chap, what a splendid lark, or wheeze.

I have sent a Bobbie.

A Bobbie is one shilling sterling.

Said bob:

Best of British,


"Shilling for whom?" one might ask. Check my sig....

I say, that's jolly good, my dear fellow.

Bobbie it is! I like it! But, would you, or some other be so kind as to attach an exact US cent amount to a Bobbie? It looks like it's in the 7-8 cents range.

Thanks for playing, railzand, and it looks like you're officially entered since your post does include the word Bitfie and a link to the "block chain" tx.

Title: Re: The Great Bitfie Giveaway: 1 lucky winner WILL win entire wallet. Seeded w/$100.
Post by: Phinnaeus Gage on November 23, 2013, 05:52:46 PM
Am I the only one who doesn't understand this?

Simply send between one satoshi (0.00000001 BTC) and $0.99 (99 US cents/penny), inclusive to 1B2pGNTiES3V27cGBm6vu1rA15z5APxumu to enter, along with posting the "block chain" tx and the word "Bitfie" somewhere in your post.

Or enter free by posting the following:


I'm not paying less than a penny to enter this stupid giveaway thingie because I'm a Bit-pinchie.

One entry per user account, but feel free to enter again using another account you may have on this forum. No need to declare that you have done such.

Those wanting a chance to win the entire pool if your post number of this thread is drawn, must have paid to entered. Those wanting to enter free for a chance to win 10% of the pool are able to via the way shown above via the code wrap text.

You'll be able to change from a free entry to a paid entry anytime up to 24 hours prior to the drawing date by simply editing your post and giving a "block chain" tx link.

Please accept my apologies if I somehow made this giveaway too complicated, for that truly wasn't my intent.

Bruno Kucinskas

Title: Re: The Great Bitfie Giveaway: 1 lucky winner WILL win entire wallet. Seeded w/$100.
Post by: Phinnaeus Gage on November 23, 2013, 06:03:24 PM
Hello Bitfie community !
I am a Triskaidekaphile. While most people consider thirteen unlucky , the holy lord of 13s says other wise.
I have sent a "unluck-but-actually-luckfie" ( 13c )

The prophet of the thirteens,

(P.S : I may have a bit of bias , being born on the thirteenth of a month )

EDIT : What do I do with the huge transaction fees -.-
You should request between 1$ and 10$

Addressing your EDIT first, apologies for the tx fees. By the nature of Bitfie, any amount over 99 US cents wouldn't be considered a Bitfie, thus requesting an entry fee between one and ten dollars wouldn't work.

I do like your Luckfie suggestion, albeit it'll have to coined Luckie, sans the "f", for it to be dubbed correctly. The only reason selfie has an "f" in it's term is because the root word was "self" with an "ie" added. The term "Bitfie" was coined to be similar to "selfie", hence the use of the letter "f" in its naming. Apologies for any confusion.

Lucky you, you coined the Bitfie "Luckie".

Title: Re: The Great Bitfie Giveaway: 1 lucky winner WILL win entire wallet. Seeded w/$100.
Post by: jambola2 on November 23, 2013, 06:18:26 PM
Hello Bitfie community !
I am a Triskaidekaphile. While most people consider thirteen unlucky , the holy lord of 13s says other wise.
I have sent a "unluck-but-actually-luckfie" ( 13c )

The prophet of the thirteens,

(P.S : I may have a bit of bias , being born on the thirteenth of a month )

EDIT : What do I do with the huge transaction fees -.-
You should request between 1$ and 10$

Addressing your EDIT first, apologies for the tx fees. By the nature of Bitfie, any amount over 99 US cents wouldn't be considered a Bitfie, thus requesting an entry fee between one and ten dollars wouldn't work.

I do like your Luckfie suggestion, albeit it'll have to coined Luckie, sans the "f", for it to be dubbed correctly. The only reason selfie has an "f" in it's term is because the root word was "self" with an "ie" added. The term "Bitfie" was coined to be similar to "selfie", hence the use of the letter "f" in its naming. Apologies for any confusion.

Lucky you, you coined the Bitfie "Luckie".

I have sent 7c , the almost as luckie :P (

I have also sent you a contribution , that is not a Bitfie , but claims to be a bitfie , meet the Sexy Giftie ! ( 6.9 $ ) (

Note : As multiple entries is not allowed , the 6.9$ is not a entry but a contribution and the 7c is made to finance the next person with over 100 posts and who is too cheap to pay 1 c :P

EDIT: *jambola2 hides in the corner hoping his claiming of multiple names will not annoy Phin* ( *he wonders if he can call Phinnaeus , Phin* )

Title: Re: The Great Bitfie Giveaway: 1 lucky winner WILL win entire wallet. Seeded w/$100.
Post by: Boelens on November 23, 2013, 06:22:51 PM
Am I the only one who doesn't understand this?

Simply send between one satoshi (0.00000001 BTC) and $0.99 (99 US cents/penny), inclusive to 1B2pGNTiES3V27cGBm6vu1rA15z5APxumu to enter, along with posting the "block chain" tx and the word "Bitfie" somewhere in your post.

Or enter free by posting the following:


I'm not paying less than a penny to enter this stupid giveaway thingie because I'm a Bit-pinchie.

One entry per user account, but feel free to enter again using another account you may have on this forum. No need to declare that you have done such.

Those wanting a chance to win the entire pool if your post number of this thread is drawn, must have paid to entered. Those wanting to enter free for a chance to win 10% of the pool are able to via the way shown above via the code wrap text.

You'll be able to change from a free entry to a paid entry anytime up to 24 hours prior to the drawing date by simply editing your post and giving a "block chain" tx link.

Please accept my apologies if I somehow made this giveaway too complicated, for that truly wasn't my intent.

Bruno Kucinskas

Oh, it's not too complicated at all, I'm just not the brightest with these things untill they get explained to me =P. Also, is the $0.99 according to Mtgox price,Bitstamp, or?

Title: Re: The Great Bitfie Giveaway: 1 lucky winner WILL win entire wallet. Seeded w/$100.
Post by: Phinnaeus Gage on November 24, 2013, 04:08:53 AM
Am I the only one who doesn't understand this?

Simply send between one satoshi (0.00000001 BTC) and $0.99 (99 US cents/penny), inclusive to 1B2pGNTiES3V27cGBm6vu1rA15z5APxumu to enter, along with posting the "block chain" tx and the word "Bitfie" somewhere in your post.

Or enter free by posting the following:


I'm not paying less than a penny to enter this stupid giveaway thingie because I'm a Bit-pinchie.

One entry per user account, but feel free to enter again using another account you may have on this forum. No need to declare that you have done such.

Those wanting a chance to win the entire pool if your post number of this thread is drawn, must have paid to entered. Those wanting to enter free for a chance to win 10% of the pool are able to via the way shown above via the code wrap text.

You'll be able to change from a free entry to a paid entry anytime up to 24 hours prior to the drawing date by simply editing your post and giving a "block chain" tx link.

Please accept my apologies if I somehow made this giveaway too complicated, for that truly wasn't my intent.

Bruno Kucinskas

Oh, it's not too complicated at all, I'm just not the brightest with these things untill they get explained to me =P. Also, is the $0.99 according to Mtgox price,Bitstamp, or?

Good question! But, there's a simple and fair answer: It doesn't matter! I simply look at the "block chain" tx submitted and if looks close enough, the entry's golden. Just declare what you send and it should be fine.

The only time I may look closer at a transaction is if a new Bitfie word is coined coinciding with some exact amount, but given the exchange rate fluctuating by the hour, it still may be off, hence resorting back to taking one word.

The bottom line, this is the fairest, cheapest, seeded "lottery" (for lack of a better word) I know of currently running.

The current prize pool is $135.67.

Title: Re: The Great Bitfie Giveaway: 1 lucky winner WILL win entire wallet. Seeded w/$100.
Post by: Phinnaeus Gage on November 24, 2013, 04:19:44 AM
Hello Bitfie community !
I am a Triskaidekaphile. While most people consider thirteen unlucky , the holy lord of 13s says other wise.
I have sent a "unluck-but-actually-luckfie" ( 13c )

The prophet of the thirteens,

(P.S : I may have a bit of bias , being born on the thirteenth of a month )

EDIT : What do I do with the huge transaction fees -.-
You should request between 1$ and 10$

Addressing your EDIT first, apologies for the tx fees. By the nature of Bitfie, any amount over 99 US cents wouldn't be considered a Bitfie, thus requesting an entry fee between one and ten dollars wouldn't work.

I do like your Luckfie suggestion, albeit it'll have to coined Luckie, sans the "f", for it to be dubbed correctly. The only reason selfie has an "f" in it's term is because the root word was "self" with an "ie" added. The term "Bitfie" was coined to be similar to "selfie", hence the use of the letter "f" in its naming. Apologies for any confusion.

Lucky you, you coined the Bitfie "Luckie".

I have sent 7c , the almost as luckie :P (

I have also sent you a contribution , that is not a Bitfie , but claims to be a bitfie , meet the Sexy Giftie ! ( 6.9 $ ) (

Note : As multiple entries is not allowed , the 6.9$ is not a entry but a contribution and the 7c is made to finance the next person with over 100 posts and who is too cheap to pay 1 c :P

EDIT: *jambola2 hides in the corner hoping his claiming of multiple names will not annoy Phin* ( *he wonders if he can call Phinnaeus , Phin* )

Firstly, thanks for all your kind suggestions and contributions to date, and I'll address the Luckie aspect first.

Now, you have me confused. I tagges 13 cents as a Luckie based on your experience of the the number 13. Then you want to tagge 7 cents as a Luckie. Ideally, 13 cents should be an Un-luckie, whereas 7 cents is a Luckie. Again, the only reason I opted the first tagging was to honor your birth on the 13th.

Perhaps if I gave you credit for the 7 cents Luckie coinage, then wait to see what you suggest for the 13 cents newly coin term, of which I'm leaning toward Un-luckie.

I'll give you credit for the 6.9 cents term--Sexie-giftie (modified).

You can call me Phinnaeus, Phinn, Phin, Bruno, whatever, as long as you refer to me as TMIBTCITW.

Title: Re: The Great Bitfie Giveaway: 1 lucky winner WILL win entire wallet. Seeded w/$100.
Post by: Phinnaeus Gage on November 24, 2013, 05:11:52 PM

The current prize pool is $141.52.

Besides having the ability to enter free to win 10% of this giveaway, one could win the entire amount via paying a Satoshie (same as satoshi) Bitfie entry fee.


PS: A little history about Bitfie. Bitfie was coined shortly after Oxford, in its infinite wisdom, opted to make "selfie" their word of the year, knocking Bitcoin, which was one of the final three up for consideration, from gaining that title.

"Bitfie" (with quotes) is now number one and two, among a couple others, on the first page of Google search results, thanks chiefly to this thread and the four domains I registered.

Title: Re: The Great Bitfie Giveaway: 1 lucky winner WILL win entire wallet. Seeded w/$100.
Post by: Rassah on November 25, 2013, 03:01:42 AM
Yikes! What is going on here? I was away for the weekend, visiting my in-laws, ad just got home to where I may be able to hash a vanity address or something, but I have no idea what I'm getting myself involved in. Just a lottery with a random number picker?

Title: Re: The Great Bitfie Giveaway: 1 lucky winner WILL win entire wallet. Seeded w/$100.
Post by: Phinnaeus Gage on November 25, 2013, 04:58:03 PM
Yikes! What is going on here? I was away for the weekend, visiting my in-laws, ad just got home to where I may be able to hash a vanity address or something, but I have no idea what I'm getting myself involved in. Just a lottery with a random number picker?

Quit licking your fur! It's not just a lottery. It's bringing awareness to Bitfie via a lottery. See the difference?  ::) Besides, I seeded it with $100 USD. So far the monies are in my control until I transfer them to you as acting escrow via the vanity address I requested and will be paying for said services.

Now, if you excuse me, I need to get the fuck on the road to Satoshi Forest.


Title: Re: The Great Bitfie Giveaway: 1 lucky winner WILL win entire wallet. Seeded w/$100.
Post by: ajax3592 on November 26, 2013, 12:28:41 PM

Let's try my luck. I'm a Guppie.

Title: Re: The Great Bitfie Giveaway: 1 lucky winner WILL win entire wallet. Seeded w/$100.
Post by: ajax3592 on November 26, 2013, 12:37:48 PM
Not sure why blockchaint tx is showing -0.2 when I sent only .00006BTC.
Even the final balance is -0.2BTC lesser   :'(   It's looking fine in Multibit though.
Just tell me, everything's fine and there's nothing to freak out.

Edit - It sent the 0.2BTC to my other address, not sure why

Title: Re: The Great Bitfie Giveaway: 1 lucky winner WILL win entire wallet. Seeded w/$100.
Post by: Phinnaeus Gage on November 27, 2013, 01:21:40 AM
Not sure why blockchaint tx is showing -0.2 when I sent only .00006BTC.
Even the final balance is -0.2BTC lesser   :'(   It's looking fine in Multibit though.
Just tell me, everything's fine and there's nothing to freak out.

Edit - It sent the 0.2BTC to my other address, not sure why

You're in, so all is fine. Mind if I give you credit for sending a Nicklie? Who wants credit for the first Dimie?


Hello there fellow coinaholics!

I decided to enter this awesome Bitfie giveaway!

I saw no one had chosen my favorite position.... THE SEXTIE-NINIE

Yet another great, but very weird idea Phinnaeus :P

Can't give you credit for coining the word, but will give you credit for sending the first Sextie-ninie.

Would a $.66 or a $.99 be considered a Spoonie Bitfie? Guess won't know till somebody enters such and claims it.

Thanks for playing, all, and to reiterate, none of posts in thins thread, is drawn, will allowing me claim the prize. I have no known or unknown entries in this giveaway, nor will I. Glad you all are enjoying it.


Current prize pool is $151.08.

Title: Re: The Great Bitfie Giveaway: 1 lucky winner WILL win entire wallet. Seeded w/$100.
Post by: Phinnaeus Gage on November 27, 2013, 02:29:10 PM

Current prize pool is $160.80.

Title: Re: The Great Bitfie Giveaway: 1 lucky winner WILL win entire wallet. Seeded w/$100.
Post by: HollowIP on November 27, 2013, 02:34:13 PM

I'm not paying less than a penny to enter this stupid giveaway thingie because I'm a Bit-pinchie.

Worth a shot for a bit-pinchie :P

Title: Re: The Great Bitfie Giveaway: 1 lucky winner WILL win entire wallet. Seeded w/$100.
Post by: Phinnaeus Gage on November 27, 2013, 03:02:48 PM

I'm not paying less than a penny to enter this stupid giveaway thingie because I'm a Bit-pinchie.

Worth a shot for a bit-pinchie :P

No problem, bud. Just add the following to post.


I'm not paying less than a penny to enter this stupid giveaway thingie because I'm a Bit-pinchie.

On second thought, you don't really have to, for the above format was just a suggestion and you entered correctly.


Title: Re: The Great Bitfie Giveaway: 1 lucky winner WILL win entire wallet. Seeded w/$100.
Post by: Phinnaeus Gage on November 28, 2013, 03:59:56 AM
Not sure why blockchaint tx is showing -0.2 when I sent only .00006BTC.
Even the final balance is -0.2BTC lesser   :'(   It's looking fine in Multibit though.
Just tell me, everything's fine and there's nothing to freak out.

Edit - It sent the 0.2BTC to my other address, not sure why

You're in, so all is fine. Mind if I give you credit for sending a Nicklie? Who wants credit for the first Dimie?


Hello there fellow coinaholics!

I decided to enter this awesome Bitfie giveaway!

I saw no one had chosen my favorite position.... THE SEXTIE-NINIE

Yet another great, but very weird idea Phinnaeus :P

Can't give you credit for coining the word, but will give you credit for sending the first Sextie-ninie.

Would a $.66 or a $.99 be considered a Spoonie Bitfie? Guess won't know till somebody enters such and claims it.

Thanks for playing, all, and to reiterate, none of posts in thins thread, is drawn, will allowing me claim the prize. I have no known or unknown entries in this giveaway, nor will I. Glad you all are enjoying it.


Current prize pool is $151.08.

I didn't know I had to coin the word. Can I still make an addition to my post? :(

You don't have to coin a word. That's optional for those wanting to think outside the box. You can coin a word at anytime as long as there's a transaction considering with it to get credit for first use. Remember, though, only one entry per using name, thus consider using another user account, whereupon you can declare the account if you wish depending in what name you desire the coined word to be under.

Apologies if I made the above to complicated sounding, for I'm press for time needing to get back to Satoshi Forest and call it a night via sleeping on the ground during the below freezing night.

I'm changing the official address to 1B1TF1E6ohQkkbPmRLwnuHUhtxb8Up6Fde of which ONLY Rassah has the private key. I will no longer have access to the funds once I transfer them momentarily.

Will be updating the OP reflecting the above, as well.


Title: Re: The Great Bitfie Giveaway: 1 lucky winner WILL win entire wallet. Seeded w/$100.
Post by: Phinnaeus Gage on November 28, 2013, 04:22:10 AM
The transfer is now complete, and currently prize pool can be seen here:

The currently prize pool is $165.21.

Title: Re: The Great Bitfie Giveaway: 1 lucky winner WILL win entire wallet. Seeded w/$100.
Post by: ajax3592 on November 28, 2013, 06:00:55 AM
You're in, so all is fine. Mind if I give you credit for sending a Nicklie? Who wants credit for the first Dimie?

Yep, go ahead, feel free to credit me  :)

Title: Re: The Great Bitfie Giveaway: 1 lucky winner WILL win entire wallet. Seeded w/$100.
Post by: Phinnaeus Gage on November 28, 2013, 01:51:58 PM
You're in, so all is fine. Mind if I give you credit for sending a Nicklie? Who wants credit for the first Dimie?

Yep, go ahead, feel free to credit me  :)

Already did, bud!

The current prize pool is $176.96.

Title: Re: The Great Bitfie Giveaway: 1 lucky winner WILL win entire wallet. Seeded w/$100.
Post by: Rassah on November 29, 2013, 03:28:39 AM
FYI, since I am a tresurie, I will not be a bettie to avoid conflictie of interestie.

-- Rassie

Title: Re: The Great Bitfie Giveaway: 1 lucky winner WILL win entire wallet. Seeded w/$100.
Post by: Phinnaeus Gage on November 29, 2013, 07:44:43 PM
FYI, since I am a tresurie, I will not be a bettie to avoid conflictie of interestie.

-- Rassie

You're such a playful kittie.

When will this awesome giveaway end Phinnaeus?

10,000 posts (not entries) to this thread or exactly 1 year from the start of this thread (to the second), whichever one comes first.

The current prize pool is $185.38.

Title: Re: The Great Bitfie Giveaway: 1 lucky winner WILL win entire wallet. Seeded w/$100.
Post by: Phinnaeus Gage on November 29, 2013, 07:56:20 PM
November 21, 2014, 11:35:38 AM it is! I wonder how much the prize will be worth by that time.

I am loving this thread ;D

I'm hopin' it'll exceed $1K USD by then. Thanks for lovin' it, TNA. FYI: TMI is probably available.  8)


Title: Re: The Great Bitfie Giveaway: 1 lucky winner WILL win entire wallet. Seeded w/$100.
Post by: Phinnaeus Gage on November 30, 2013, 01:51:31 AM

The current prize pool is $194.11.


Title: Re: The Great Bitfie Giveaway: 1 lucky winner WILL win entire wallet. Seeded w/$100.
Post by: Phinnaeus Gage on December 01, 2013, 02:00:33 AM
The new and official Bitcoin wallet address (of which I have no access to) has yet to receive its first entry, sans the transfer tx:

To be entered into the Bitfie giveaway, simply forward between one satoshi and $.99 USD (99 US cents), inclusive. Come this time next year, one lucky winner could have one helluva Christmas spending power.


Title: Re: The Great Bitfie Giveaway: 1 lucky winner WILL win entire wallet. Seeded w/$100.
Post by: Phinnaeus Gage on December 02, 2013, 11:51:51 PM

Sent a bitfie of two cents!

Entered! Too bad you ain't clever enough to come up with some coined word to describe your Bitfie,  ;) thus I'll do it for you--Duckie (

Title: Re: The Great Bitfie Giveaway: 1 lucky winner WILL win entire wallet. Seeded w/$100.
Post by: Light on December 03, 2013, 07:51:37 AM
I've sent 1.337 cents.

0.00001308219*102200c = 1.337
Gibe me mah place the first Eletie pls.

Title: Re: The Great Bitfie Giveaway: 1 lucky winner WILL win entire wallet. Seeded w/$100.
Post by: Phinnaeus Gage on December 05, 2013, 05:41:28 AM
I've sent 1.337 cents.

0.00001308219*102200c = 1.337
Gibe me mah place the first Eletie pls.

Credited! Thanks, bud.

Title: Re: The Great Bitfie Giveaway: 1 lucky winner WILL win entire wallet. Seeded w/$100.
Post by: Light on December 06, 2013, 10:36:28 AM
Credited! Thanks, bud.

No problemo. Just wishing this would attract a bit more attention/contribution, it's a fun project that doesn't cost much (aside from like 10c in tx fees) but yeah. Guess it's probably going to end with the whole year finishing rather than reaching 10K posts seeing as there is basically no activity.

Title: Re: The Great Bitfie Giveaway: 1 lucky winner WILL win entire wallet. Seeded w/$100.
Post by: Phinnaeus Gage on December 06, 2013, 04:34:31 PM
Credited! Thanks, bud.

No problemo. Just wishing this would attract a bit more attention/contribution, it's a fun project that doesn't cost much (aside from like 10c in tx fees) but yeah. Guess it's probably going to end with the whole year finishing rather than reaching 10K posts seeing as there is basically no activity.

I guess I should've have followed the rule of thumb: In the OP pen "This is not a scam!" whereupon they'll come outta the woodwork to enroll.

Title: Re: The Great Bitfie Giveaway: 1 lucky winner WILL win entire wallet. Seeded w/$100.
Post by: Phinnaeus Gage on December 07, 2013, 01:49:43 AM
Bitfie is not a scam! Cost only pennies or less to enter, or enter free mimicking the format provided to do such.


Title: Re: The Great Bitfie Giveaway: 1 lucky winner WILL win entire wallet. Seeded w/$100.
Post by: cAPSLOCK on December 08, 2013, 05:02:11 PM
Bitfie !

I am a "paradiddlie".

Thanks for the fun!

Title: Re: The Great Bitfie Giveaway: 1 lucky winner WILL win entire wallet. Seeded w/$100.
Post by: railzand on December 08, 2013, 05:36:03 PM
Bitfie !

I am a "paradiddlie".

Thanks for the fun!

nice! we are beginning to rock

Title: Re: The Great Bitfie Giveaway: 1 lucky winner WILL win entire wallet. Seeded w/$100.
Post by: Phinnaeus Gage on December 09, 2013, 06:33:10 AM
Bitfie !

I am a "paradiddlie".

Thanks for the fun!

Help me make the connection between...

A paradiddle consists of two single strokes followed by a double stroke, i.e., RLRR or LRLL.[2] When multiple paradiddles are played in succession, the first note always alternates between right and left. Paradiddles are often used to switch hands

...and 0.0001011 BTC (or maybe it's the US cents conterpart, but I doubt it, given...). If you submitted 0.0100100, it may make sense to me, but seriously I'm at a lost.

Love the coinage, though, and desire to attach the proper BTC/US cents to a Paradiddlie.


PS: Bo-diddlie is available, but would need a corresponding Bitfie.

Title: Re: The Great Bitfie Giveaway: 1 lucky winner WILL win entire wallet. Seeded w/$100.
Post by: cAPSLOCK on December 09, 2013, 05:17:19 PM
Well, a paradiddle is RLRR.  Or LRLL. With drumsticks.  If you do them in sucsession you alternate.  But the basic pattern is Right, left, right, right,  or...  On, off, on, on.

Or represented binarily 1011.   Which is how many satoshi(s?) I sent.  :-)

Now had a sent a payment the represented two hands it would have been

10110100 or 01001011 satoshis, either of which would be more of a 'toomuchie' than a paradiddlie. :-)

Title: Re: The Great Bitfie Giveaway: 1 lucky winner WILL win entire wallet. Seeded w/$100.
Post by: cAPSLOCK on December 09, 2013, 05:20:06 PM
PS.  I kinda hope someone figures out how to do a Bo Diddlie. 

Title: Re: The Great Bitfie Giveaway: 1 lucky winner WILL win entire wallet. Seeded w/$100.
Post by: Kith on December 12, 2013, 10:55:22 PM


I sent .42 cents (USD)

I'm coining it as a MeaningofLifie.

I'm now a Guppie.

the wallet it should go to is different than where it came from:   1GHbh52DmFZacTT72QwzZZYZPnrEmkRhrt

A Bo-Diddlie should 12.30 cents (.1230)  that was his birthday!

Title: Re: The Great Bitfie Giveaway: 1 lucky winner WILL win entire wallet. Seeded w/$100.
Post by: Phinnaeus Gage on December 13, 2013, 09:34:15 AM
Well, a paradiddle is RLRR.  Or LRLL. With drumsticks.  If you do them in sucsession you alternate.  But the basic pattern is Right, left, right, right,  or...  On, off, on, on.

Or represented binarily 1011.   Which is how many satoshi(s?) I sent.  :-)

Now had a sent a payment the represented two hands it would have been

10110100 or 01001011 satoshis, either of which would be more of a 'toomuchie' than a paradiddlie. :-)

I knew it was there somewhere, so thanks kindly for the explanation. Looks like we officially have a Paradiddlie.  ;D

PS.  I kinda hope someone figures out how to do a Bo Diddlie.  

Me, too! Oh boy, lookie here!


I sent .42 cents (USD)

I'm coining it as a MeaningofLifie.

I'm now a Guppie.

the wallet it should go to is different than where it came from:   1GHbh52DmFZacTT72QwzZZYZPnrEmkRhrt

A Bo-Diddlie should 12.30 cents (.1230)  that was his birthday!

Fine job on defining a Bo-Diddlie, Kith. Let's see who'll be the first to send it as a Bitfie.

And what a fine Guppie you are, Kith, for coinin' the Meaning-of-Lifie Bitfie and conductin' it's first transaction. Headin' over to the second post of this thread to update the new Bitfies.


Title: Re: The Great Bitfie Giveaway: 1 lucky winner WILL win entire wallet. Seeded w/$100.
Post by: railzand on December 13, 2013, 09:45:00 AM
Exact amt of a bobbie's 7.43centies

Title: Re: The Great Bitfie Giveaway: 1 lucky winner WILL win entire wallet. Seeded w/$100.
Post by: Phinnaeus Gage on December 13, 2013, 04:24:12 PM
Exact amt of a bobbie's 7.43centies

Thanks, bud. Will adjust the amount now.

Title: Re: The Great Bitfie Giveaway: 1 lucky winner WILL win entire wallet. Seeded w/$100.
Post by: buyandhold on December 19, 2013, 07:17:26 AM
Bitfie, here's my Stiffie (  0.00010000  )

It's worth a towering 5.91 cents, and rising. As you can see, I'm no shrimpie

Thanks for all the fun

Title: Re: The Great Bitfie Giveaway: 1 lucky winner WILL win entire wallet. Seeded w/$100.
Post by: railzand on December 19, 2013, 07:40:34 AM
Bitfie, here's my Stiffie (  0.00010000  )

It's worth a towering 5.91 cents, and rising. As you can see, I'm no shrimpie

Thanks for all the fun

You just had to be rude, didn't you, young man. Bet you reverse engineered this Think of a naughty word then think of a way of sending a frankly tiny little sum well it's not fuuny it's not clever and it's disrespectful. think if you win the pot you should donate entirity to bfl victims. who wants to see that in the morning ffs. bitcoin going through convulsive growing pains and all you can do is snigger at the back. spend some of your coin you tight oh i give up

Title: Re: The Great Bitfie Giveaway: 1 lucky winner WILL win entire wallet. Seeded w/$100.
Post by: buyandhold on December 19, 2013, 07:54:18 AM
Bitfie, here's my Stiffie (  0.00010000  )

It's worth a towering 5.91 cents, and rising. As you can see, I'm no shrimpie

Thanks for all the fun

You just had to be rude, didn't you, young man. Bet you reverse engineered this Think of a naughty word then think of a way of sending a frankly tiny little sum well it's not fuuny it's not clever and it's disrespectful. think if you win the pot you should donate entirity to bfl victims. who wants to see that in the morning ffs. bitcoin going through convulsive growing pains and all you can do is snigger at the back. spend some of your coin you tight oh i give up

Morning grandpa. Sorry to cause such offense. I agree, it is not fuuny, not fuuny at all. Please don't give up. I know you're reaching the end now and all those mistakes, errors and lapses have hit you hard, but they're no reason to surrender. Remember, it'll only take another five years or so for that video to come right, and you might even see that day. Especially if you rant a little less.

Title: Re: The Great Bitfie Giveaway: 1 lucky winner WILL win entire wallet. Seeded w/$100.
Post by: railzand on December 19, 2013, 08:09:04 AM
triumphant epiphany of piffle

Title: Re: The Great Bitfie Giveaway: 1 lucky winner WILL win entire wallet. Seeded w/$100.
Post by: Rassah on December 19, 2013, 04:14:21 PM
Bitfie, here's my Stiffie (  0.00010000  )

It's worth a towering 5.91 cents, and rising. As you can see, I'm no shrimpie

You've got a lot of balls donating that amount...

Title: Re: The Great Bitfie Giveaway: 1 lucky winner WILL win entire wallet. Seeded w/$100.
Post by: Phinnaeus Gage on December 20, 2013, 12:03:58 AM
Bitfie, here's my Stiffie (  0.00010000  )

It's worth a towering 5.91 cents, and rising. As you can see, I'm no shrimpie

You've got a lot of balls donating that amount...

, said the furball.

Commenting on the other posts later tonight.


Title: Re: The Great Bitfie Giveaway: 1 lucky winner WILL win entire wallet. Seeded w/$100.
Post by: Phinnaeus Gage on December 22, 2013, 03:17:21 AM
Bitfie, here's my Stiffie (  0.00010000  )

It's worth a towering 5.91 cents, and rising. As you can see, I'm no shrimpie

Thanks for all the fun

Thanks for playin', buyandhold. I've included your Bitfie in the second post of this thread, givin' the bold Stiffie blue balls.  ;D Take a look.


Title: Re: The Great Bitfie Giveaway: 1 lucky winner WILL win entire wallet. Seeded w/$100.
Post by: Phinnaeus Gage on December 23, 2013, 05:00:41 AM
Looking for the first Alienie (51 Cents).

Title: Re: The Great Bitfie Giveaway: 1 lucky winner WILL win entire wallet. Seeded w/$100.
Post by: Phinnaeus Gage on December 26, 2013, 02:25:13 AM
Looking for the first use of a Roomie Bitfie. A Roomie could be any variant of 222, i.e. 2.22 cents, named after the old TV show 'Room 222'.

Come to think of it, Carie comes to mind. Think Car 54. (54 cents)

Title: Re: The Great Bitfie Giveaway: 1 lucky winner WILL win entire wallet. Seeded w/$100.
Post by: bitpop on December 27, 2013, 01:53:50 PM

I'm not paying less than a penny to enter this stupid giveaway thingie because I'm a Bit-pinchie.


Title: Re: The Great Bitfie Giveaway: 1 lucky winner WILL win entire wallet. Seeded w/$100.
Post by: Phinnaeus Gage on December 29, 2013, 04:11:24 AM

I'm not paying less than a penny to enter this stupid giveaway thingie because I'm a Bit-pinchie.


You're officially entered, bitpop.

TMIBTCITW = The Most Interesting Bitcoiner in the World.

Didn't you get the memo? Or heard the interview? Or see the video?

Or see the pics?

Title: Re: The Great Bitfie Giveaway: 1 lucky winner WILL win entire wallet. Seeded w/$100.
Post by: bitpop on December 29, 2013, 04:49:05 AM

I'm not paying less than a penny to enter this stupid giveaway thingie because I'm a Bit-pinchie.


You're officially entered, bitpop.

TMIBTCITW = The Most Interesting Bitcoiner in the World.

Didn't you get the memo? Or heard the interview? Or see the video?

Or see the pics?

Oh wow. I saw it, I just got distracted here

Title: Re: The Great Bitfie Giveaway: 1 lucky winner WILL win entire wallet. Seeded w/$100.
Post by: buyandhold on December 30, 2013, 12:20:01 PM
Bitfie, here's my Stiffie (  0.00010000  )

It's worth a towering 5.91 cents, and rising. As you can see, I'm no shrimpie

Thanks for all the fun

Thanks for playin', buyandhold. I've included your Bitfie in the second post of this thread, givin' the bold Stiffie blue balls.  ;D Take a look.


bin a while

Title: Re: The Great Bitfie Giveaway: 1 lucky winner WILL win entire wallet. Seeded w/$100.
Post by: thomas_s on January 01, 2014, 05:08:17 AM
three-fiddie (3.50 cents)

Title: Re: The Great Bitfie Giveaway: 1 lucky winner WILL win entire wallet. Seeded w/$100.
Post by: Phinnaeus Gage on January 02, 2014, 04:07:29 AM
three-fiddie (3.50 cents)

Although the quoted post won't qualify for the contest, thomas kindly suggested Tree-fiddie via above and PM to be a Bitfie amount representing 3.50 cents, of which I've done such in the second post of this thread.


Title: Re: The Great Bitfie Giveaway: 1 lucky winner WILL win entire wallet. Seeded w/$100.
Post by: Phinnaeus Gage on January 02, 2014, 04:10:23 AM
In honor of bitcoiner's favorite son, I've added the Dankie (4.20 cents).

Title: Re: The Great Bitfie Giveaway: 1 lucky winner WILL win entire wallet. Seeded w/$100.
Post by: cAPSLOCK on January 02, 2014, 02:00:25 PM
In honor of bitcoiner's favorite son, I've added the Dankie (4.20 cents).

Oh my. Now "they" are likely to come kill us all. ;)

Title: Re: The Great Bitfie Giveaway: 1 lucky winner WILL win entire wallet. Seeded w/$100.
Post by: b!z on January 05, 2014, 01:03:30 PM
In honor of bitcoiner's favorite son, I've added the Dankie (4.20 cents).

Oh my. Now "they" are likely to come kill us all. ;)

Don't worry, danke will come to save us with his positive energy and karma.

Title: Re: The Great Bitfie Giveaway: 1 lucky winner WILL win entire wallet. Seeded w/$100.
Post by: Rassah on January 06, 2014, 12:53:32 AM
Someone needs to figure out how to send a Phinnie

Title: Re: The Great Bitfie Giveaway: 1 lucky winner WILL win entire wallet. Seeded w/$100.
Post by: Phinnaeus Gage on January 06, 2014, 07:04:02 AM
Someone needs to figure out how to send a Phinnie

First, it needs to be determined the cents value of a Phinnie, a number associated with yours truly.

Title: Re: The Great Bitfie Giveaway: 1 lucky winner WILL win entire wallet. Seeded w/$100.
Post by: Rassah on January 24, 2014, 05:13:02 AM
Hope to see this thing continue after I come back from my trip to the bitcoin conference in Miamie

Title: Re: The Great Bitfie Giveaway: 1 lucky winner WILL win entire wallet. Seeded w/$100.
Post by: Phinnaeus Gage on January 24, 2014, 05:38:46 AM
Hope to see this thing continue after I come back from my trip to the bitcoin conference in Miamie

Never been stalked by a furball before. This is fun!  ;D

Just coined Eight-ballie (8 cents) and added to the pending list in Post #2. Anybody want to be the first Bitfie to transact an Eight-ballie?


Title: Re: The Great Bitfie Giveaway: 1 lucky winner WILL win entire wallet. Seeded w/$100.
Post by: bitpop on January 24, 2014, 05:41:44 AM
When is winner announced?

Title: Re: The Great Bitfie Giveaway: 1 lucky winner WILL win entire wallet. Seeded w/$100.
Post by: Phinnaeus Gage on January 24, 2014, 05:45:03 AM
When is winner announced?

A day, two max, after an entire year has passed, to the second, of the creation of this thread.

To enter, transact a Bitfie and post the tx here.

Visit the following to see what's in the Bitfie pool to date:


Title: Re: The Great Bitfie Giveaway: 1 lucky winner WILL win entire wallet. Seeded w/$100.
Post by: Phinnaeus Gage on January 29, 2014, 06:30:50 PM
Seeking a cent amount to represent a Shremie, named after Charlie Shrem.

Title: Re: The Great Bitfie Giveaway: 1 lucky winner WILL win entire wallet. Seeded w/$100.
Post by: Phinnaeus Gage on January 31, 2014, 04:00:52 PM
Reserving the Shermanie (25 cents), named after Richard Sherman if Seattle wins and hopefully his playing contributes to said hopeful win.

Title: Re: The Great Bitfie Giveaway: 1 lucky winner WILL win entire wallet. Seeded w/$100.
Post by: stonerdyke on February 04, 2014, 04:26:46 AM
Bitfie sent by me, 0.26 cent i think, can it be a cheesie?

Title: Re: The Great Bitfie Giveaway: 1 lucky winner WILL win entire wallet. Seeded w/$100.
Post by: Rassah on February 05, 2014, 08:45:10 PM
Seeking a cent amount to represent a Shremie, named after Charlie Shrem.

Suggest we wait until arrest booking photos come out, and use his serial number. Like this one

Incidentally, do we have the birdie or the flippie yet?

Title: Re: The Great Bitfie Giveaway: 1 lucky winner WILL win entire wallet. Seeded w/$100.
Post by: stonerdyke on February 11, 2014, 03:12:22 AM
Bitfie sent by me, 0.26 cent i think, can it be a cheesie?

Is this still going? Or has it just not been updated yet?

Title: Re: The Great Bitfie Giveaway: 1 lucky winner WILL win entire wallet. Seeded w/$100.
Post by: guiltmanager on March 17, 2014, 10:42:42 AM
well here goes, have just entered the bitfie giveaway!

all feel free to add me on skype and facebook, username is guiltmanager

Title: Re: The Great Bitfie Giveaway: 1 lucky winner WILL win entire wallet. Seeded w/$100.
Post by: crnadupka on March 23, 2014, 08:13:32 PM


I sent 007 usd bondie  ;D

Title: Re: The Great Bitfie Giveaway: 1 lucky winner WILL win entire wallet. Seeded w/$100.
Post by: carb0nf1b3r on May 25, 2014, 09:06:38 AM

I'm not paying less than a penny to enter this stupid giveaway thingie because I'm a Bit-pinchie.

Title: Re: The Great Bitfie Giveaway: 1 lucky winner WILL win entire wallet. Seeded w/$100.
Post by: railzand on May 30, 2014, 08:58:25 AM
Six months to go and this wallet is now worth ~$100. Again.

Yes, it's still very much going, with Rassah acting as escrow. Mr Gage is just busy bringing down the establishment.

Title: Re: The Great Bitfie Giveaway: 1 lucky winner WILL win entire wallet. Seeded w/$100.
Post by: buyandhold on August 19, 2014, 08:16:56 AM
This is such a fucking scammie.

That wallet's only worth like $83.50.

Title: Re: The Great Bitfie Giveaway: 1 lucky winner WILL win entire wallet. Seeded w/$100.
Post by: railzand on November 02, 2014, 09:18:08 AM
This is such a fucking scammie.

That wallet's only worth like $83.50.

considerable, young Padawan's input is

anyhoo, 3 weeks to go

any more takers?

Title: Re: The Great Bitfie Giveaway: 1 lucky winner WILL win entire wallet. Seeded w/$100.
Post by: Rassah on November 09, 2014, 07:51:09 AM
Wow. A year is almost up... Is Phinn even still around?

Title: Re: The Great Bitfie Giveaway: 1 lucky winner WILL win entire wallet. Seeded w/$100.
Post by: buyandhold on November 09, 2014, 12:22:16 PM
Wow. A year is almost up... Is Phinn even still around?

Yes. He was reincarnated as a billy-goat.

Title: Re: The Great Bitfie Giveaway: 1 lucky winner WILL win entire wallet. Seeded w/$100.
Post by: Gleb Gamow on November 21, 2014, 02:59:24 AM
Wow. A year is almost up... Is Phinn even still around?

Yes. He was reincarnated as a billy-goat.

Looks like I need to figure out how to fairly determine a winner.

Title: Re: The Great Bitfie Giveaway: 1 lucky winner WILL win entire wallet. Seeded w/$100.
Post by: TheNewAnon135246 on November 21, 2014, 07:14:06 PM
Wow. A year is almost up... Is Phinn even still around?

Yes. He was reincarnated as a billy-goat.

Looks like I need to figure out how to fairly determine a winner.

Yay, glad you remembered! I've been looking forward to this moment for.......a whole year!

Title: Re: The Great Bitfie Giveaway: 1 lucky winner WILL win entire wallet. Seeded w/$100.
Post by: TheNewAnon135246 on November 24, 2014, 05:30:58 PM
Any update on this?

Title: Re: The Great Bitfie Giveaway: 1 lucky winner WILL win entire wallet. Seeded w/$100.
Post by: railzand on November 28, 2014, 11:59:08 AM
Dude, where's my car?

Title: Re: The Great Bitfie Giveaway: 1 lucky winner WILL win entire wallet. Seeded w/$100.
Post by: Rassah on December 10, 2014, 11:09:23 AM
Oh, hey, crap, the year is up. Is anything going to happen with this? I'm tired of having to subtract that 0.1715415 BTC amount from my holdings total whenever I'm trying to reconcile my wallet. Where should I send it?

Title: Re: The Great Bitfie Giveaway: 1 lucky winner WILL win entire wallet. Seeded w/$100.
Post by: Gleb Gamow on December 10, 2014, 05:43:01 PM
Oh, hey, crap, the year is up. Is anything going to happen with this? I'm tired of having to subtract that 0.1715415 BTC amount from my holdings total whenever I'm trying to reconcile my wallet. Where should I send it?

Gonna make a fresh pot of coffee, then sort this out before Rassah opts to purchase a new coffee table with the monies.  :o

Title: Re: The Great Bitfie Giveaway: 1 lucky winner WILL win entire wallet. Seeded w/$100.
Post by: Gleb Gamow on December 10, 2014, 06:11:07 PM
November 21, 2014, 11:35:38 AM it is! I wonder how much the prize will be worth by that time.

I am loving this thread ;D


Only ~1/3 at its peak, and ~60% of the $100 I seeded it with:

Title: Re: The Great Bitfie Giveaway: 1 lucky winner WILL win entire wallet. Seeded w/$100.
Post by: Gleb Gamow on December 10, 2014, 06:52:29 PM
Looks like there's 18 entrants (in order of entering the contest):


The following are the same 18 entrants in alphabetical order:


I will now let 24 hours past so that the list could be scrutinized, making sure nobody's been left off. I already have a plan as to how to fairly randomly pick a winner, that revealed tomorrow.

~Bruno Kucinskas

Title: Re: The Great Bitfie Giveaway: 1 lucky winner WILL win entire wallet. Seeded w/$100.
Post by: Rassah on December 11, 2014, 02:49:51 AM
I already have a plan as to how to fairly randomly pick a winner, that revealed tomorrow.

I hope it involves barn wood and goats!  ;D

Title: Re: The Great Bitfie Giveaway: 1 lucky winner WILL win entire wallet. Seeded w/$100.
Post by: railzand on December 11, 2014, 09:16:43 AM

I'm not paying less than a penny to enter this stupid giveaway thingie because I'm a Bit-pinchie.

Worth a shot for a bit-pinchie :P


I sent 007 usd bondie  ;D

couple more that i could see

Title: Re: The Great Bitfie Giveaway: 1 lucky winner WILL win entire wallet. Seeded w/$100.
Post by: Gleb Gamow on December 12, 2014, 12:20:43 AM

I'm not paying less than a penny to enter this stupid giveaway thingie because I'm a Bit-pinchie.

Worth a shot for a bit-pinchie :P


I sent 007 usd bondie  ;D

couple more that i could see

I already included crnadupka, but purposely left off HollowIP, but guess I can include him, making the list 19 entrants.

Going to pen how I'm going to fairly determine a winner in a couple minutes.


Looks like there's 18 19 entrants (in order of entering the contest):


The following are the same 18 19 entrants in alphabetical order:


Title: Re: The Great Bitfie Giveaway: 1 lucky winner WILL win entire wallet. Seeded w/$100.
Post by: Gleb Gamow on December 12, 2014, 12:54:21 AM
The winner will be determined by the hash function of Block #333933 and #333394, unless the desired resulting number gleaned is higher than 19 (fuck me, now I have Bruce Peterson on the brain  ::)).

The Hash for Block #333922 is 00000000000000000b2dde107d49f8b98eb9e1947cf87d3bb66af9fd2d7c82c0 as depicted here:

I will disregard all the letters up to the first letter, in this case the letter "b", thus: b2dde107d49f8b98eb9e1947cf87d3bb66af9fd2d7c82c0

Then, I will isolate the numbers from the letters, thus:

b 2 dde 107 d 49 f 8 b 98 eb 9 e 1947 cf 87 d 3 bb 66 af 9 fd 2 d 7 c 82 c 0

I will glean the fifth [element], in this case the number 98, as highlighted above.

98 is larger than 19, thus I head on over to the next Block/hash to see if the resulting number can be had.

<guess I really thought this through, for now I have to wait for it to further illustrate this part, but I'll detail the second stage of the determination process while waiting>

Once a number between 1 and 19, inclusive, is realized, I'll head on over to both ordered lists and count down, i.e., if the number is 12, then Light and jparsley will be the two ready for the next round. I will put the resulting names in alphabetical order, in this case jparsley (first) and Light (second). jparsley will be consider odd (think number 1) and Light will be considered even (think number 2). I will then look at the very next Block's hash function and see what the very first digit of the third number is. If it's odd, Light would've won, and if it's even, then jparsley would've won, example purposes only.

Using the same hash function as above, I'll illustrate how that odd/even number will be obtained:

b 2 dde 107 d 49 f 8 b 98 eb 9 e 1947 cf 87 d 3 bb 66 af 9 fd 2 d 7 c 82 c 0

2 is the first digit of the first number 2
1 is the first digit of the second number 107
4 is the first digit of the third number 49
4 is even (thus Light would've won this round and the overall contest)

I believe that what I've devised is fair. What I can't believe is that we're still on Block #333922, thus the results may be a while in the making, but I see no problem there.

Let me know if I failed somewhere in my reasoning/fairness, for there's no way I can game the results at this point, even in essence giving entrants two chances to win.

~Bruno Kucinskas

Title: Re: The Great Bitfie Giveaway: 1 lucky winner WILL win entire wallet. Seeded w/$100.
Post by: Gleb Gamow on December 12, 2014, 01:37:35 AM
Still in illustration mode now that a couple more blocks have finally been found...

Block #333923 hash is 00000000000000000af8684af9b5b96f1d34328d77afe3783cc55ccd895e4157


af 8684 af 9 b 5 b 96 f 1 d 34328 d 77 afe 3783 cc 55 ccd 895 e 4157

The fifth [element] is the number 1, thus if would apply.

Going to the lists, we have BenTuras and affan. Put in alphabetical order, we now have affan and BenTuras: affan is odd and BenTuras is even.

We look at the very next block hash which is: 0000000000000000176edd85cf5309fb2cfec99473c3e65c6e01eade00340c03


edd 85 cf 5309 fb 2 cfec 99473 c 3 e 65 c 6 e 01 eade 00340 c 03

The first digit of the third number 2 is 2, and it is even, thus BenTuras would have been the winner in this example.

I just thought of something. If the resulting digit is a 0, then I'll go to the VERY NEXT digit that is not a 0 (in the above case that would have been a 9) to determined the odd/even portion of determining a winner.

Now, we wait for Block #333933. Good luck!

~Bruno Kucinskas

Title: Re: The Great Bitfie Giveaway: 1 lucky winner WILL win entire wallet. Seeded w/$100.
Post by: Gleb Gamow on December 12, 2014, 03:07:01 AM
Okay, lets see if we have a winner:

a 459 d 620 aefa 15 c 326 e 8666 eab 16880 bb 077

Nope! 8666 is larger than 19, so on to Block #33394.

a 344 ffc 2 e 69 fef 779 cd 8 dc 82 ae 50 cec 8 e 9 ebb 59 c 73 baac 5

Looks like we're going to have a winner, for 8 is in between 1 and 19 inclusive. I can't wait to see which two are in the running for the next and final round.

Looks like the two runner-ups are TheNewAnon135246 and guiltmanager.

Put in alphabetical order, we have guiltmanager (as odd) and TheNewAnon135246 (as even).

We now visit Block #333935... (right after the commercial break, where perhaps Block #333935 will be already found - hopefully)

Title: Re: The Great Bitfie Giveaway: 1 lucky winner WILL win entire wallet. Seeded w/$100.
Post by: Gleb Gamow on December 12, 2014, 03:34:07 AM
Okay, lets see if we have a winner:

a 459 d 620 aefa 15 c 326 e 8666 eab 16880 bb 077

Nope! 8666 is larger than 19, so on to Block #33394.

a 344 ffc 2 e 69 fef 779 cd 8 dc 82 ae 50 cec 8 e 9 ebb 59 c 73 baac 5

Looks like we're going to have a winner, for 8 is in between 1 and 19 inclusive. I can't wait to see which two are in the running for the next and final round.

Looks like the two runner-ups are TheNewAnon135246 and guiltmanager.

Put in alphabetical order, we have guiltmanager (as odd) and TheNewAnon135246 (as even).

We now visit Block #333935... (right after the commercial break, where perhaps Block #333935 will be already found - hopefully)

And, we're back, ladies and gentlemen. Looks like Block #333935 has been found:

This is soooooooooo exciting, can't wait to see who the winner is: guiltmanager (as odd) or TheNewAnon135246 (as even).

d 07 eb 4 c 0 d 1 ace 69 e 778910358 b 049283 ec 507 fb 52 b 627

Ohhhhhhhh! It's a 0. You know what that means. We visit the very next number of which it's a 1, thus odd. Gotta love the word "ace" and the number 69 that follows, neither contrived.

Thus, the winner is guiltmanager:;u=171520

Looks like guiltmanager has been active lately, so time to blast him a PM.

Thanks for playing, everybody.

~Bruno Kucinskas

EDIT: PM send, and I took the liberty and fucked with him.  ;D

Title: Re: The Great Bitfie Giveaway: 1 lucky winner WILL win entire wallet. Seeded w/$100.
Post by: Gleb Gamow on December 12, 2014, 07:11:17 AM
Can somebody chime in and state whether or not I was fair in determining a winner? Hopefully, as everybody can see, there was no way for me to game the results. Thanks, in advance.

~Bruno Kucinskas

Title: Re: The Great Bitfie Giveaway: 1 lucky winner WILL win entire wallet. Seeded w/$100.
Post by: TheNewAnon135246 on December 12, 2014, 10:26:18 AM
I was so close :(. I feel sad now :(

Title: Re: The Great Bitfie Giveaway: 1 lucky winner WILL win entire wallet. Seeded w/$100.
Post by: guiltmanager on December 12, 2014, 10:58:18 AM
oh my god!! I can't believe I won this thing! I even forgot I'd entered and just wow!! how do I claim my prize?!

Title: Re: The Great Bitfie Giveaway: 1 lucky winner WILL win entire wallet. Seeded w/$100.
Post by: guiltmanager on December 12, 2014, 03:34:35 PM
OK, looking back through the thread, I believe I know how to claim my prize now!! Please can the prize be sent to
my old blockchain wallet where I sent the bitcoins from is no longer in use, and can't access it as it seems to be locked to my old IP address!

Title: Re: The Great Bitfie Giveaway: 1 lucky winner WILL win entire wallet. Seeded w/$100.
Post by: Gleb Gamow on December 12, 2014, 04:06:25 PM
oh my god!! I can't believe I won this thing! I even forgot I'd entered and just wow!! how do I claim my prize?!

Dude, curb your enthusiasm! Can't you see that the dude who came in second is heartbroken?  ;D

PM sent, bud, and Rassah will be handling the remittance. Thanks for playing.

~Bruno Kucinskas

Title: Re: The Great Bitfie Giveaway: 1 lucky winner WILL win entire wallet. Seeded w/$100.
Post by: Rassah on December 12, 2014, 09:46:40 PM
OK, looking back through the thread, I believe I know how to claim my prize now!! Please can the prize be sent to
my old blockchain wallet where I sent the bitcoins from is no longer in use, and can't access it as it seems to be locked to my old IP address!

Boom! Transaction sent!

Now everybody be impressed with me that I held a WHOLE $60 for a year and didn't run off to Mexico with it  ;D

Title: Re: The Great Bitfie Giveaway: 1 lucky winner WILL win entire wallet. Seeded w/$100.
Post by: guiltmanager on December 12, 2014, 11:07:52 PM
wow!! thank you. all received!!

Title: Re: The Great Bitfie Giveaway: 1 lucky winner WILL win entire wallet. Seeded w/$100.
Post by: Gleb Gamow on December 13, 2014, 10:58:34 AM
OK, looking back through the thread, I believe I know how to claim my prize now!! Please can the prize be sent to
my old blockchain wallet where I sent the bitcoins from is no longer in use, and can't access it as it seems to be locked to my old IP address!

Boom! Transaction sent!

Now everybody be impressed with me that I held a WHOLE $60 for a year and didn't run off to Mexico with it  ;D

Thank you once again, Rassah, for acting as escrow for this crazy endeavor.

wow!! thank you. all received!!

Now that BFL is back in business and no longer allowed to sell pre-ordered wares, you can invest that sixty bucks for an off-the-shelf Jalapeno, and still have BTC left over. Sadly, though, the left-over amount would be worth more than what the Jalapeno would ever produce, hence it being your call.

Thanks again, guiltmanager, for participating.

~Bruno Kucinskas

Title: Re: The Great Bitfie Giveaway: 1 lucky winner WILL win entire wallet. Seeded w/$100.
Post by: guiltmanager on December 13, 2014, 11:11:22 AM
no point investing it then is there haha! have invested it in actually

Title: Re: The Great Bitfie Giveaway: 1 lucky winner WILL win entire wallet. Seeded w/$100.
Post by: TheNewAnon135246 on December 26, 2014, 08:42:09 PM
OK, looking back through the thread, I believe I know how to claim my prize now!! Please can the prize be sent to
my old blockchain wallet where I sent the bitcoins from is no longer in use, and can't access it as it seems to be locked to my old IP address!

Boom! Transaction sent!

Now everybody be impressed with me that I held a WHOLE $60 for a year and didn't run off to Mexico with it  ;D

Think of all the things you could've done with it!

Title: Re: The Great Bitfie Giveaway: 1 lucky winner WILL win entire wallet. Seeded w/$100.
Post by: Rassah on December 28, 2014, 02:47:43 AM
OK, looking back through the thread, I believe I know how to claim my prize now!! Please can the prize be sent to
my old blockchain wallet where I sent the bitcoins from is no longer in use, and can't access it as it seems to be locked to my old IP address!

Boom! Transaction sent!

Now everybody be impressed with me that I held a WHOLE $60 for a year and didn't run off to Mexico with it  ;D

Think of all the things you could've done with it!

Hmm. $60, gas is $2.50 a gallon, my Prius gets 55mpg on average, 60 ÷ 2.5 * 55 = 1,320 miles. I can drive half way from Washington DC to Mexico.

Title: Re: The Great Bitfie Giveaway: 1 lucky winner WILL win entire wallet. Seeded w/$100.
Post by: Gleb Gamow on January 02, 2015, 04:21:39 AM
OK, looking back through the thread, I believe I know how to claim my prize now!! Please can the prize be sent to
my old blockchain wallet where I sent the bitcoins from is no longer in use, and can't access it as it seems to be locked to my old IP address!

Boom! Transaction sent!

Now everybody be impressed with me that I held a WHOLE $60 for a year and didn't run off to Mexico with it  ;D

Think of all the things you could've done with it!

Hmm. $60, gas is $2.50 a gallon, my Prius gets 55mpg on average, 60 ÷ 2.5 * 55 = 1,320 miles. I can drive half way from Washington DC to Mexico.

Today, I saw gas here in Sandwich, IL, at $1.95. At that price, you can now get across Texas.