Bitcoin Forum

Bitcoin => Bitcoin Discussion => Topic started by: westkybitcoins on January 03, 2014, 12:51:11 AM

Title: Contest to name the 0.0001 BTC unit (0.1 BTC prize!)
Post by: westkybitcoins on January 03, 2014, 12:51:11 AM
As the title suggests, I think it would be better for the Bitcoin community that we skip the milliBitcoin step, and not use microBitcoins, but instead choose to use 0.0001 BTC as the next common denomination.

I believe this is a superior choice because:

1) It gives us more time before making another change than mBTC would

2) It removes the possibility of using common decimal prefixes (milli- and micro-) which, as bad as it may sound, would face resistance in the U.S.

3) It's compatible with a minimum transaction fee of 0.0001 BTC

4) New users would likely be happier with it than mBTC, as they'd get "more" for their money with a smaller denomination (ah, human psychology)

5) The values wouldn't be as large as with uBTC

6) It leaves us with a very manageable 4 decimal places

7) It reduces the transition to satoshis down to two equally-spaced steps, leaving only one familiar future change

To this end, I'm putting up a 1000-digibit (0.1 BTC) prize for whoever comes up with the "best" name for the 0.0001 BTC unit!

The Specifics (please read carefully:)

I.) I am seeking names in this thread, and comments on the submitted names. Submit as many as you like, but only your first 10 names will be eligible for the prize. Don't edit your posts containing your names until after I (or any mod who wants to) quote it, otherwise your names in that post are no longer eligible for the prize, even if one wins. First person to post a name in this thread gets credit for that name. Please stay on topic, etc. Modifications to these naming specifics will only be made if necessary in the obvious interest of fair play (controversy over two submissions, etc.) And, I'm claiming the name digibit primarily as an example, since I neither expect nor really want it to win.

Submissions made past January 11 January 4, 23:59:59 CST (UTC-6) will not earn the submitter the prize, and except due to some extraordinary circumstance will not be considered for the remainder of the contest.

EDIT: Yes, one person can have multiple names chosen for the polls.

II.) Shortly after the deadline, a new thread will be started; it will host a poll of the top twelve names. Comments and suggested modifications on the names will be sought in the thread, along with votes. The top twelve names will be selected for the poll from this thread, based on: apparent popularity in this thread, terseness (fewer syllables is generally better,) lack of obvious faults (a name that's offensive in German probably isn't going to make it,) reflection of related technical or liberty-oriented themes, ease of pronunciation, general marketability, and my own personal bias (I'll try to eliminate it, but let's be upfront: some bias will probably still slip through.) Until the next thread is posted, this contest may be cancelled due to lack of interest or other relevant circumstance. But once that next thread is posted, you can presume I'm 100% committed to giving someone the 0.1 BTC.

Voting and comments for the poll will be open until January 18 January 8, 23:59:59 CST.

III.) After the first poll, a poll of the final four will be posted. The final four will be names from the original list of twelve that are the most popular vote-wise, seemed to garner the most enthusiasm, and were not found to have any obvious faults. Note that any or all of the names may be modified slightly based on feedback from the community in the first poll. The final winner will be determined by voting, although if there is less than a (non-scientific) 3% difference between the top two names, and if there's strong, obvious rationale for the second over the first (for example, if by some miracle the second had already taken hold in mainstream publications,) then the second place vote-wise will be deemed the winning name.

Voting for the final poll will be open until January 25 January 11, 23:59:59 CST.

IV.) I have moved the 1000 digibits to the following address: 1NpTFdJg1kWUpvWaUBZBU3sfxKfXXZifDe

They will remain there until sent to the address specified by the winner. (The extra 1 digibit at the address is because I use Mycelium, and it's needed for the transaction fee.) The winner will be contacted and the prize sent ASAP after the end of the contest.

Final Comments

Obviously, there is (thankfully) no way to force acceptance of the 0.0001 BTC unit denomination, even with a marketable name. But my hope is that this contest will generate enough buzz and discussion around the idea (along with an adequate name!) that it will get bitcoin users to consider it, and to maybe persuade the community to head in that direction.

Good luck!

Title: Re: Contest to name the 0.0001 BTC unit (0.1 BTC prize!)
Post by: IamNotSure on January 03, 2014, 12:55:57 AM
one cthulhu

Title: Re: Contest to name the 0.0001 BTC unit (0.1 BTC prize!)
Post by: lacrymist on January 03, 2014, 12:58:07 AM

Title: Re: Contest to name the 0.0001 BTC unit (0.1 BTC prize!)
Post by: Scyntech on January 03, 2014, 01:04:48 AM

Title: Re: Contest to name the 0.0001 BTC unit (0.1 BTC prize!)
Post by: stuartrgreene on January 03, 2014, 01:08:15 AM

Title: Re: Contest to name the 0.0001 BTC unit (0.1 BTC prize!)
Post by: hmmmm on January 03, 2014, 01:16:46 AM
Nibbles and bits and bits and bits ...

Title: Re: Contest to name the 0.0001 BTC unit (0.1 BTC prize!)
Post by: cp1 on January 03, 2014, 01:18:12 AM
The dollar.

Title: Re: Contest to name the 0.0001 BTC unit (0.1 BTC prize!)
Post by: bitbrasil on January 03, 2014, 01:34:37 AM
1 SNBit

homage to satoshi naka whoever they are

Title: Re: Contest to name the 0.0001 BTC unit (0.1 BTC prize!)
Post by: Spjuth on January 03, 2014, 01:37:41 AM
It should be called a Decimill of course!

Pronounced Dessi Mill, if you didn't figure that out.

Title: Re: Contest to name the 0.0001 BTC unit (0.1 BTC prize!)
Post by: jackioflap on January 03, 2014, 01:46:37 AM
Cbit pronounced seebit
Chobit my gfs manga homage
Mbit pronounced embit

Not the most creative but simple is hard to come by.

Title: Re: Contest to name the 0.0001 BTC unit (0.1 BTC prize!)
Post by: westkybitcoins on January 03, 2014, 01:51:25 AM



Cbit pronounced seebit
Chobit my gfs manga homage
Mbit pronounced embit

Title: Re: Contest to name the 0.0001 BTC unit (0.1 BTC prize!)
Post by: IamNotSure on January 03, 2014, 01:51:50 AM
The dollar.

Already taken by the FED ;)

Title: Re: Contest to name the 0.0001 BTC unit (0.1 BTC prize!)
Post by: BlueNote on January 03, 2014, 01:52:34 AM
I've been advocating that the 4th decimal place be referred to simply as bits. It's perfect for Bitcoin.

The symbol for bits will be BIT.

Simplicity itself.

Title: Re: Contest to name the 0.0001 BTC unit (0.1 BTC prize!)
Post by: Duane Vick on January 03, 2014, 01:55:39 AM
The bitty.

Title: Re: Contest to name the 0.0001 BTC unit (0.1 BTC prize!)
Post by: Aido on January 03, 2014, 01:57:37 AM
0.0001 BTC = 100mics (pron. hundredmikes)

Title: Re: Contest to name the 0.0001 BTC unit (0.1 BTC prize!)
Post by: westkybitcoins on January 03, 2014, 01:58:35 AM
The bitty.

0.0001 BTC = 100 mics (pron. mikes)

EDIT: "mics" as a name for the 0.0001 BTC unit is taken

Title: Re: Contest to name the 0.0001 BTC unit (0.1 BTC prize!)
Post by: Aido on January 03, 2014, 02:03:51 AM

EDIT: "mics" as a name for the 0.0001 BTC unit is taken

Taken by what?

Title: Re: Contest to name the 0.0001 BTC unit (0.1 BTC prize!)
Post by: HairyMaclairy on January 03, 2014, 02:25:54 AM
The bitdollar.

(We need to plan ahead).

Title: Re: Contest to name the 0.0001 BTC unit (0.1 BTC prize!)
Post by: AT101ET on January 03, 2014, 02:26:25 AM
1 Ninjabit
1 Bing
1 Bitten
1 Tibble
1 Nioctib
1 Crunch
1 Flake
1 Crespo
1 Bitsip
1 Hibbit

There, my 10 entries :)

Title: Re: Contest to name the 0.0001 BTC unit (0.1 BTC prize!)
Post by: nazgul104 on January 03, 2014, 02:29:47 AM
Bitoshi   ;)

Title: Re: Contest to name the 0.0001 BTC unit (0.1 BTC prize!)
Post by: bassclef on January 03, 2014, 02:34:23 AM
The Finney

Title: Re: Contest to name the 0.0001 BTC unit (0.1 BTC prize!)
Post by: Bobsurplus on January 03, 2014, 02:41:26 AM
The Finney


Title: Re: Contest to name the 0.0001 BTC unit (0.1 BTC prize!)
Post by: amincd on January 03, 2014, 02:43:49 AM
bittycoin (first coined by Kashmir Hill)

Title: Re: Contest to name the 0.0001 BTC unit (0.1 BTC prize!)
Post by: Bobsurplus on January 03, 2014, 02:45:19 AM
bitski :)
bitjr (bit junior)

Title: Re: Contest to name the 0.0001 BTC unit (0.1 BTC prize!)
Post by: Bobsurplus on January 03, 2014, 02:49:11 AM
bitski :)
bitjr (bit junior)

BTW If I win I want the 0.1BTC to be donated to seansoutpost!

Title: Re: Contest to name the 0.0001 BTC unit (0.1 BTC prize!)
Post by: djbooth007 on January 03, 2014, 03:06:59 AM
Why 0.0001 BTC should be called "a bitmar".

Firstly, some currencies use the -ar suffix, such as the dollar and dinar.

Secondly, to distinguish Bitcoins from other digital or fiat currencies, the term "bit" should be used in the unit name.

0.00000001 is one satoshi
0.001 is a millibit
0.00001 is a megasatoshi

In between milli and mega we have our 0.0001 value, so I'll use the 'm' to form -mar


*Excuse me, how many bitmars for a coffee?
Point 3 bitmars

*I pay 300 bitmars per month for web hosting.

*I'll give you 50,000 bitmars for your car.

Title: Re: Contest to name the 0.0001 BTC unit (0.1 BTC prize!)
Post by: westkybitcoins on January 03, 2014, 03:09:10 AM
1 Ninjabit
1 Bing
1 Bitten
1 Tibble
1 Nioctib
1 Crunch
1 Flake
1 Crespo
1 Bitsip
1 Hibbit

Bitoshi   ;)

The Finney

This one was surprising.

bitski :)
bitjr (bit junior)

BTW If I win I want the 0.1BTC to be donated to seansoutpost!

Sounds good to me. :)

bittycoin (first coined by Kashmir Hill)

Hmm. Got a link to that?

Title: Re: Contest to name the 0.0001 BTC unit (0.1 BTC prize!)
Post by: westkybitcoins on January 03, 2014, 03:10:38 AM
Why 0.0001 BTC should be called "a bitmar".

Title: Re: Contest to name the 0.0001 BTC unit (0.1 BTC prize!)
Post by: marcus_of_augustus on January 03, 2014, 03:13:31 AM

100 satoshis in a moto

1 kilomoto = 100,000 satoshis

Title: Re: Contest to name the 0.0001 BTC unit (0.1 BTC prize!)
Post by: westkybitcoins on January 03, 2014, 03:17:41 AM
For those who missed the edit in the OP: I cranked up the timescale to get this done by the end of next week. I honestly wasn't sure what kind of response I'd get, but it seems worth finishing this sooner rather than letting it drag out!

Name submissions must be in by midnight, CST, January 4.

EDIT: "mics" as a name for the 0.0001 BTC unit is taken

Taken by what?

You'd get credit for it.


100 satoshis in a moto

1 kilomoto = 100,000 satoshis

It'd have to be 10 satoshis in a moto, but the name is yours.

Title: Re: Contest to name the 0.0001 BTC unit (0.1 BTC prize!)
Post by: freedomno1 on January 03, 2014, 03:20:18 AM
One Genesis or One Sinai

Title: Re: Contest to name the 0.0001 BTC unit (0.1 BTC prize!)
Post by: westkybitcoins on January 03, 2014, 03:26:06 AM
One Genesis or One Sinai

Title: Re: Contest to name the 0.0001 BTC unit (0.1 BTC prize!)
Post by: dperfect on January 03, 2014, 03:40:21 AM
You call it "XB4", pronounced "bee-four". In common usage among people familiar with Bitcoin, you would just say the number (representing the decimal place), as in:

"Hey, someone's offering a prize of a thousand 'fours' to come up with a good name for this unit."

Similar to how we (in the United States) say "Can you change this ten for a five and five ones?"

Title: Re: Contest to name the 0.0001 BTC unit (0.1 BTC prize!)
Post by: westkybitcoins on January 03, 2014, 03:50:59 AM
You call it "XB4", pronounced "bee-four". In common usage among people familiar with Bitcoin, you would just say the number (representing the decimal place), as in:

"Hey, someone's offering a prize of a thousand 'fours' to come up with a good name for this unit."

Similar to how we (in the United States) say "Can you change this ten for a five and five ones?"

Title: Re: Contest to name the 0.0001 BTC unit (0.1 BTC prize!)
Post by: Lorem_Ipsum on January 03, 2014, 04:02:51 AM
Decemillibit which would abbreviate as: dmBtc


xmBtc (X=10, M=1000)

Title: Re: Contest to name the 0.0001 BTC unit (0.1 BTC prize!)
Post by: Kungfucheez on January 03, 2014, 04:05:21 AM

Simple, sexy, sleek, no fuss

Title: Re: Contest to name the 0.0001 BTC unit (0.1 BTC prize!)
Post by: Chris180Z on January 03, 2014, 04:06:37 AM
First and second decimal place being micro-bitcoins/micro-bits (or all numbers after the decimal?)? So BTC1.43 would be one bitcoin, forty three micro-bitcoins. Perhaps then, BTC1.4325 would be one bitcoin, four thousand, three hundred and twenty five micro-bitcoins.

Title: Re: Contest to name the 0.0001 BTC unit (0.1 BTC prize!)
Post by: johnyj on January 03, 2014, 04:09:58 AM
caratbit = 1 carat bitcoin = 0.0001 bitcoin

The projection is that 1 carat bitcoin will reach parity with 1 carat diamond  ;)

Title: Re: Contest to name the 0.0001 BTC unit (0.1 BTC prize!)
Post by: westkybitcoins on January 03, 2014, 04:23:07 AM
Decemillibit which would abbreviate as: dmBtc


xmBtc (X=10, M=1000)


Simple, sexy, sleek, no fuss

caratbit = 1 carat bitcoin = 0.0001 bitcoin

The projection is that 1 carat bitcoin will reach parity with 1 carat diamond  ;)

First and second decimal place being micro-bitcoins/micro-bits (or all numbers after the decimal?)? So BTC1.43 would be one bitcoin, forty three micro-bitcoins. Perhaps then, BTC1.4325 would be one bitcoin, four thousand, three hundred and twenty five micro-bitcoins.

Micro- is already well established as being 1 millionth, so I couldn't really give you credit for micro-bitcoin, sorry.

Also, might as well throw these in here...

one cthulhu

1 SNBit

homage to satoshi naka whoever they are

It should be called a Decimill of course!

Pronounced Dessi Mill, if you didn't figure that out.

I'll let this one stand apart from Lorem's name, above.

Title: Re: Contest to name the 0.0001 BTC unit (0.1 BTC prize!)
Post by: Andaloons on January 03, 2014, 04:25:48 AM
BTC 0.0001 =

1 royalbit

Title: Re: Contest to name the 0.0001 BTC unit (0.1 BTC prize!)
Post by: wustenkatze on January 03, 2014, 04:29:52 AM
I'd call it a speck. Like a speck of dust.  ;)

Title: Re: Contest to name the 0.0001 BTC unit (0.1 BTC prize!)
Post by: westkybitcoins on January 03, 2014, 04:30:25 AM
BTC 0.0001 =

1 royalbit

I'd call it a speck. Like a speck of dust.  ;)

Title: Re: Contest to name the 0.0001 BTC unit (0.1 BTC prize!)
Post by: wjmilne on January 03, 2014, 04:30:45 AM
- Man-satoshi (Rhymes with Flan 10,000 in Japanese is Man. So literally this would mean 10,000 satoshis
- Maan-satoshi (maybe putting it in Cantonese would make the Chinese government more Bitcoin Friendly? Also, it might get pronounced properly)

Or just
- Maan (Cantonese for 10,000 -- maybe leaving off the satoshi makes it easier to read?)

If we flip it (to increase the chances people would say it right --but less accurate in Japanese-- but has a cool ring to it.)
- Satoshi-Ban

Title: Re: Contest to name the 0.0001 BTC unit (0.1 BTC prize!)
Post by: hahahafr on January 03, 2014, 05:11:44 AM
1.00000000 = 1 bitcoin
0.00010000 = 1 finney
0.00000001 = 1 satoshi

Title: Re: Contest to name the 0.0001 BTC unit (0.1 BTC prize!)
Post by: Bitcoinpro on January 03, 2014, 05:14:59 AM
0.0001 equals 1 Anderson

Title: Re: Contest to name the 0.0001 BTC unit (0.1 BTC prize!)
Post by: Fizzgig on January 03, 2014, 05:16:00 AM
I think we should name it after the greatest musician of all time, Demi Lovato:

Introducing the DemiBit!

Title: Re: Contest to name the 0.0001 BTC unit (0.1 BTC prize!)
Post by: bitbrasil on January 03, 2014, 05:27:22 AM
Another suggestion:


YOu wanna freedombits with that?

Title: Re: Contest to name the 0.0001 BTC unit (0.1 BTC prize!)
Post by: hahahafr on January 03, 2014, 05:44:03 AM
What about

00.00000001 = 1 satoshi (1 s or 1 sat)
00.00000010 = 10 satoshi (10 s or 10 sat)
00.00000100 = 100 satoshi (100 s or 100 sat)
00.00001000 = 1 kilo-satoshi (1 ks or 1 ksat)
00.00010000 = 10 kilo-satoshi (10 ks or 10 ksat)
00.00100000 = 100 kilo-satoshi (100 ks or 100 ksat)
00.01000000 = 1 mega-satoshi (1 Ms or Msat)
00.10000000 = 10 mega-satoshi (10 Ms or 10 Msat)
01.00000000 = 100 mega-satoshi (100 Ms or 100 Msat)
10.00000000 = 1 giga-satoshi (1 Gs or 1 Gsat)

Title: Re: Contest to name the 0.0001 BTC unit (0.1 BTC prize!)
Post by: beetcoin on January 03, 2014, 05:46:23 AM
tBTC, t for ten thousandth.

Title: Re: Contest to name the 0.0001 BTC unit (0.1 BTC prize!)
Post by: HairyMaclairy on January 03, 2014, 05:48:14 AM
1 Bernanke.

Title: Re: Contest to name the 0.0001 BTC unit (0.1 BTC prize!)
Post by: bithernet on January 03, 2014, 05:50:25 AM
sBit - Satoshi Bitcoin

Title: Re: Contest to name the 0.0001 BTC unit (0.1 BTC prize!)
Post by: HairyMaclairy on January 03, 2014, 05:51:46 AM
1 Nakamoto

Title: Re: Contest to name the 0.0001 BTC unit (0.1 BTC prize!)
Post by: arcke on January 03, 2014, 05:52:14 AM
1 sbit
1 sub
1 snipe
1 snip
1 zit
1 bip
1 jif
1 lup
1 izzy

Title: Re: Contest to name the 0.0001 BTC unit (0.1 BTC prize!)
Post by: Voodah on January 03, 2014, 05:53:58 AM
1 dbit

Short use would be:

"Hey I just bought a pizza for 7 db's"

Title: Re: Contest to name the 0.0001 BTC unit (0.1 BTC prize!)
Post by: dannyjr89 on January 03, 2014, 06:53:54 AM

Title: Re: Contest to name the 0.0001 BTC unit (0.1 BTC prize!)
Post by: selavy59 on January 03, 2014, 07:05:18 AM
How about:


Trips off the tongue, does it not?

Title: Re: Contest to name the 0.0001 BTC unit (0.1 BTC prize!)
Post by: amincd on January 03, 2014, 07:29:28 AM
bittycoin (first coined by Kashmir Hill)

Hmm. Got a link to that?

Yep, right here:

Anderson drops me off at my sister and brother-in-law’s house. I’ve brought .76 Bitcoin worth of cupcakes and wine. Because my brother in law is turning 34, I give him .34 Bitcoins, or as I’ve taken to calling them, 34 Bittycoins. It seems like the best present I can give this week.

Title: Re: Contest to name the 0.0001 BTC unit (0.1 BTC prize!)
Post by: bbulker on January 03, 2014, 07:49:08 AM
1.0 bitcoin
0.01 bittycoin (from above)
0.0001 ittycoin
0.000001 ittybittycoin
0.00000001 satoshi

Title: Re: Contest to name the 0.0001 BTC unit (0.1 BTC prize!)
Post by: Steef on January 03, 2014, 07:54:04 AM
Well, since 0,0001 is just a little bit of a bitcoin...

The littlebit (lBTC)

Title: Re: Contest to name the 0.0001 BTC unit (0.1 BTC prize!)
Post by: proton on January 03, 2014, 08:11:50 AM

Title: Re: Contest to name the 0.0001 BTC unit (0.1 BTC prize!)
Post by: Aido on January 03, 2014, 08:19:08 AM
There's a poll on it over here:

A combination of the following proved popular:

"centi-bit" (cBTC) / "milli-bit" (mBTC) / "micro-bit" (µBTC) / "satoshi" (sBTC)
"cents" (cBTC) / "mills" (mBTC) / "mics" (µBTC) / "sats (satoshis)" (sBTC)

The first being formal terms. The latter being informal or slang.

Title: Re: Contest to name the 0.0001 BTC unit (0.1 BTC prize!)
Post by: zeetubes on January 03, 2014, 08:27:46 AM
The dollar.

Already taken by the FED.[/color]

>> not necessarily. Around 15 countries already use the dollar.

some currencies use the -ar suffix, such as the dollar and dinar.

>> how about the "Bonar?"

Title: Re: Contest to name the 0.0001 BTC unit (0.1 BTC prize!)
Post by: W2014 on January 03, 2014, 08:33:09 AM
1 Nakamoto, 2 Nakamotos, etc.

Title: Re: Contest to name the 0.0001 BTC unit (0.1 BTC prize!)
Post by: Qim on January 03, 2014, 08:43:19 AM

Title: Re: Contest to name the 0.0001 BTC unit (0.1 BTC prize!)
Post by: Bitcoinpro on January 03, 2014, 08:50:56 AM

Title: Re: Contest to name the 0.0001 BTC unit (0.1 BTC prize!)
Post by: ak84 on January 03, 2014, 09:23:35 AM
Tri-bitcoin, to help people remember the three zeroes in front (1 tBTC = .0001)

tri-bit for short


It is way too hard to remember what all the nominal denominations are. People need easy reference. With this name, the number of zeroes is built in, tri-bit. Everyone knows tri=3, and can make the further logical conclusion that there a tri-bit has 3 zeroes in front.


tre-bit (tre short for 'tres')

qubit, qBTC

qubits have three states (0, 1, or both)
can be used to refer to the three zeroes in front (1 qBTC = 0.0001)


Title: Re: Contest to name the 0.0001 BTC unit (0.1 BTC prize!)
Post by: Elwar on January 03, 2014, 09:32:04 AM
I would not denominate in some non-Bitcoin term any denomination for Bitcoin other than the Satoshi (since by the time we get to pricing things in Satoshis people should know that is the denomination by then).

Bitcoin is a brand, part of its value is that the word Bitcoin is so well known and associated with crypto-currency.

To come up with another word for talking about bitcoins would be the equivalent to starting another alt currency with your new name.

mBTC or milli-Bitcoin is easily known as .001 bitcoins because enough people can recognize what milli stands for (even Americans know what a millimeter is).

I will be using mBTC on my website as it makes sense.

Title: Re: Contest to name the 0.0001 BTC unit (0.1 BTC prize!)
Post by: bluemyst on January 03, 2014, 10:18:07 AM
Satoko ( female version of Satoshi )
That's A typical Japanese female name whereas Satoshi is a male name.,

Title: Re: Contest to name the 0.0001 BTC unit (0.1 BTC prize!)
Post by: gbianchi on January 03, 2014, 10:26:19 AM


Title: Re: Contest to name the 0.0001 BTC unit (0.1 BTC prize!)
Post by: freedomno1 on January 03, 2014, 10:29:03 AM
Actually I just noticed an interesting one on the five year anniversary of the Genesis Block ^^

I nominate
Bitcoin-bong as my third Choice

Because I think a Bong sounds like a great unit of measurement XD

Title: Re: Contest to name the 0.0001 BTC unit (0.1 BTC prize!)
Post by: marketGuy on January 03, 2014, 10:37:34 AM
Since we have a crypto currency i think the most obvious would be:

One Crypto

I also like:


The Finney

The littlebit (lBTC)

Title: Re: Contest to name the 0.0001 BTC unit (0.1 BTC prize!)
Post by: bryant.coleman on January 03, 2014, 10:52:35 AM
BTC 0.0001 = Gox

We need a easy, simple and short name. And Gox suits it. Also, we need to remember that Mt Gox was the first major BTC exchange.

Title: Re: Contest to name the 0.0001 BTC unit (0.1 BTC prize!)
Post by: empoweoqwj on January 03, 2014, 10:52:44 AM
Here's an idea:

0.0001 BTC

Guess I won't win with that, but I do believe its the most sensible naming convention

Title: Re: Contest to name the 0.0001 BTC unit (0.1 BTC prize!)
Post by: gubi66 on January 03, 2014, 11:12:33 AM
Naka (from Nakamoto)
magnabit (from latin magna=big)

Title: Re: Contest to name the 0.0001 BTC unit (0.1 BTC prize!)
Post by: Qim on January 03, 2014, 12:00:20 PM

Title: Re: Contest to name the 0.0001 BTC unit (0.1 BTC prize!)
Post by: Misesian on January 03, 2014, 12:03:04 PM

Title: Re: Contest to name the 0.0001 BTC unit (0.1 BTC prize!)
Post by: gbianchi on January 03, 2014, 12:18:52 PM
1 cheap

1 beetle

1 beatle

Title: Re: Contest to name the 0.0001 BTC unit (0.1 BTC prize!)
Post by: bitbrasil on January 03, 2014, 01:45:11 PM
A variant of my other submission (


Title: Re: Contest to name the 0.0001 BTC unit (0.1 BTC prize!)
Post by: Sir Lagsalot on January 03, 2014, 02:14:28 PM
The Finney

"The Finney" or just "Finney."

Title: Re: Contest to name the 0.0001 BTC unit (0.1 BTC prize!)
Post by: ratchet1848 on January 03, 2014, 02:23:28 PM

Nakabit sounds good

Motobit?  not so much

Title: Re: Contest to name the 0.0001 BTC unit (0.1 BTC prize!)
Post by: Ricke on January 03, 2014, 02:39:39 PM
1 Myriati (derived myself from the Greek term μυριάς - myrias, "Myriad" in English, is the number 10000)

Title: Re: Contest to name the 0.0001 BTC unit (0.1 BTC prize!)
Post by: gh2k on January 03, 2014, 04:30:11 PM
How about 1 stamp? (As in, "blow stamps" ;))

Title: Re: Contest to name the 0.0001 BTC unit (0.1 BTC prize!)
Post by: Henark on January 03, 2014, 04:33:10 PM
1 Dot
1 Octat
1 At (@)

Title: Re: Contest to name the 0.0001 BTC unit (0.1 BTC prize!)
Post by: PrintCoins on January 03, 2014, 04:38:06 PM
If 0.001 is millibits would 0.0001 be ten millibit-cents (0.1 mBTC) or "point 1 millibits".

0.0001 = 10000 Satoshis, so we could just skip right to the chase and say ten-thousand satoshi. I think there has been quite a few currencies in the world that worked with such large numbers for buying things like a cup of coffee.

100,000,000 Satoshis is one bitcoin, so even if bitcoin drops back to dollar parity, we will still be able to talk about them as 100 million satoshis.

Really, this whole decimal point thing is a pain in the arse, and is totally unnecessary. Bitcoins are stored as ints anyway, and the decimal point 8 digits in was just a convenient display thing early on when bitcoins weren't worth much.

What about

00.00000001 = 1 satoshi (1 s or 1 sat)
00.00001000 = 1 thousandkilo-satoshi (1 ks or 1 ksat)
00.01000000 = 1 millionmega-satoshi (1 Ms or Msat)

Title: Re: Contest to name the 0.0001 BTC unit (0.1 BTC prize!)
Post by: Joohansson on January 03, 2014, 04:57:53 PM
SI for 0.0001 BTC:
1 dmBTC (deciMilliBitcoin = a 10th of a mBTC or 0.1 mBTC)
1 hµBTC (hectoMicroBitcoin = 100 µBTC)

Fraction, a part of a unit:
1 fBTC (fractBitcoin or fractBTC)
1 Fract

1 tBTC (tinyBitcoin or tinyBTC)
1 tmBTC (tinyMilliBitcoin or tinymBTC)

Title: Re: Contest to name the 0.0001 BTC unit (0.1 BTC prize!)
Post by: tbc on January 03, 2014, 05:14:32 PM
barterbit bBTC

Title: Re: Contest to name the 0.0001 BTC unit (0.1 BTC prize!)
Post by: Valerian77 on January 03, 2014, 05:45:56 PM
After reading all the suggestions it will maybe the best to stay in the already started scheme:

    0.00100000 BTC = 1 mBTC
    0.00010000 BTC = 1 <?>           
    0.00000100 BTC = 1 µBTC
    0.00000001 BTC = 1 Satoshi  (three letter notation STI or SAT or STS ?? )

If there shall be another specialized unit name for 0.0001 my preferences would be:

Greek:   1 Myriade = 10000

    0.00010000 BTC = 1 Myriasatoshi Coin = 1 MSC


    1 Myriasatoshi = 1 MSI

My BTC address:      1METhkrvz2r9d3zkFPQrHnpFC1BjCs64Zf

Title: Re: Contest to name the 0.0001 BTC unit (0.1 BTC prize!)
Post by: arnuschky on January 03, 2014, 06:27:19 PM
This is imho completely bonkers.

1) It gives us more time before making another change than mBTC would

What do you mean by this? I don't even understand your sentence.

2) It removes the possibility of using common decimal prefixes (milli- and micro-) which, as bad as it may sound, would face resistance in the U.S.

Yes, why not use "cookiejars" for every .0023 of bitcoins? The metric system MAKES A LOT OF SENSE and everybody uses it for a reason. The US has to suck it up at some point.

Maybe we can rename bitcoin to sickles, with 23 knuts in a sickle? Then at least Harry Potter would be happy. ;)

3) It's compatible with a minimum transaction fee of 0.0001 BTC

Which is most likely to change at some point, see the various discussions on the dev list (cf floating fees)

4) New users would likely be happier with it than mBTC, as they'd get "more" for their money with a smaller denomination (ah, human psychology)

Following this argument we should go straight for satoshis.

5) The values wouldn't be as large as with uBTC
6) It leaves us with a very manageable 4 decimal places

Both true, but I don't see the advantage over mBTC which has similar properties.

7) It reduces the transition to satoshis down to two equally-spaced steps, leaving only one familiar future change

That's about the only positive point to say of your proposal...

Title: Re: Contest to name the 0.0001 BTC unit (0.1 BTC prize!)
Post by: matriculator on January 03, 2014, 06:32:20 PM
1) Unibit
2) LowDen < Acronym of: Lowest Denominator>
3) 1150(1/(1 and 5 zeros, lol idk about this one))
4) Standbit <Standard bitcoin>

Title: Re: Contest to name the 0.0001 BTC unit (0.1 BTC prize!)
Post by: matriculator on January 03, 2014, 06:37:27 PM
5) Newbit <Especially for new users "newb" and "bit".>

Title: Re: Contest to name the 0.0001 BTC unit (0.1 BTC prize!)
Post by: coinage on January 03, 2014, 06:43:49 PM

Future history books agree the common name for .0001 bitcoin is:

    one blit
so let's go with that.

It contains "bit" but is also distinctive, simple, short, and catchy.

A common phrase in the upcoming vernacular is "Blitz me a few and I'll get it done for you."  Requesting 1000 blits...

Bonus: In computer graphics, blit is backronymed to "BLock Image Transfer".  In the bitcoin world, block-based transfers can certainly boost your image, so to speak.

Thanks for this contest!

Title: Re: Contest to name the 0.0001 BTC unit (0.1 BTC prize!)
Post by: coinage on January 03, 2014, 06:48:13 PM

(Naturally some users will specify a transaction with the alternate spelling "20 blitz" instead of "20 blits", since the plural form is almost always used.)

Title: Re: Contest to name the 0.0001 BTC unit (0.1 BTC prize!)
Post by: westkybitcoins on January 03, 2014, 08:07:34 PM
- Man-satoshi (Rhymes with Flan 10,000 in Japanese is Man. So literally this would mean 10,000 satoshis
- Maan-satoshi (maybe putting it in Cantonese would make the Chinese government more Bitcoin Friendly? Also, it might get pronounced properly)

Or just
- Maan (Cantonese for 10,000 -- maybe leaving off the satoshi makes it easier to read?)

If we flip it (to increase the chances people would say it right --but less accurate in Japanese-- but has a cool ring to it.)
- Satoshi-Ban

0.0001 equals 1 Anderson

Introducing the DemiBit!

Another suggestion:


YOu wanna freedombits with that?

1 Bernanke.

1 Nakamoto

1 sbit
1 sub
1 snipe
1 snip
1 zit
1 bip
1 jif
1 lup
1 izzy

1 dbit


0.0001 ittycoin

The littlebit (lBTC)




Tri-bitcoin, to help people remember the three zeroes in front (1 tBTC = .0001)

tri-bit for short



tre-bit (tre short for 'tres')



Satoko ( female version of Satoshi )

1. Bitishi
2. Ichibit
3. Abit
4. Senti
5. Bitsen

I nominate
Bitcoin-bong as my third Choice

One Crypto

BTC 0.0001 = Gox

Naka (from Nakamoto)
magnabit (from latin magna=big)

1 cheap

1 beetle

1 beatle


1 Myriati (derived myself from the Greek term μυριάς - myrias, "Myriad" in English, is the number 10000)

How about 1 stamp?

1 Dot
1 Octat
1 At (@)

barterbit bBTC

    0.00010000 BTC = 1 Myriasatoshi Coin = 1 MSC

1) Unibit
2) LowDen < Acronym of: Lowest Denominator>
4) Standbit <Standard bitcoin>

5) Newbit <Especially for new users "newb" and "bit".>

   one blit

Title: Re: Contest to name the 0.0001 BTC unit (0.1 BTC prize!)
Post by: westkybitcoins on January 03, 2014, 08:09:14 PM
I'm aware there are duplicates. Credit will go to the first poster when I dig through the names for the poll.

Title: Re: Contest to name the 0.0001 BTC unit (0.1 BTC prize!)
Post by: shawshankinmate37927 on January 03, 2014, 08:11:35 PM
The Finney



Title: Re: Contest to name the 0.0001 BTC unit (0.1 BTC prize!)
Post by: cad_cdn on January 03, 2014, 08:17:30 PM

Title: Re: Contest to name the 0.0001 BTC unit (0.1 BTC prize!)
Post by: bythesea on January 03, 2014, 09:24:57 PM
1 mcBTC

Title: Re: Contest to name the 0.0001 BTC unit (0.1 BTC prize!)
Post by: cp1 on January 03, 2014, 09:50:18 PM
The Crypto

Title: Re: Contest to name the 0.0001 BTC unit (0.1 BTC prize!)
Post by: bledgesquelch on January 03, 2014, 09:56:12 PM

Title: Re: Contest to name the 0.0001 BTC unit (0.1 BTC prize!)
Post by: agath on January 03, 2014, 10:31:10 PM
I'd take some letters from "Satoshi" and some from "bit", so I propose SHIT.

Title: Re: Contest to name the 0.0001 BTC unit (0.1 BTC prize!)
Post by: tokona on January 03, 2014, 10:38:39 PM

Title: Re: Contest to name the 0.0001 BTC unit (0.1 BTC prize!)
Post by: Engineer2B on January 03, 2014, 10:40:56 PM
Aladeen - we need to get Arab money on the bitcoin bandwagon.

Title: Re: Contest to name the 0.0001 BTC unit (0.1 BTC prize!)
Post by: desertfox470 on January 03, 2014, 10:43:39 PM

Title: Re: Contest to name the 0.0001 BTC unit (0.1 BTC prize!)
Post by: westkybitcoins on January 03, 2014, 10:56:17 PM




Title: Re: Contest to name the 0.0001 BTC unit (0.1 BTC prize!)
Post by: mises on January 03, 2014, 10:59:22 PM
Call it a Bittlet

Title: Re: Contest to name the 0.0001 BTC unit (0.1 BTC prize!)
Post by: Krellan on January 03, 2014, 11:01:18 PM
I rather like the idea of grouping Bitcoin units by 10,000 as others have said.

It fits in well with Bitcoin's design of 8 decimal places in total.

Grouping by 4 decimal places makes sense here, because 8 decimal places fits cleanly into two groups of 4.

Japanese culture already uses grouping by 4 decimal places: man, oku, chou, kei.  (Maybe this is why Satoshi chose to divide Bitcoin into 8 decimal places, and not 6 or 9, as a Western designer might have done?)

Chinese culture also groups by 4, and we all know how important China is to Bitcoin.

And, we already have a unit for 10,000 BTC, the Pizza (named after the first successful real-world transaction), so this is a smooth progression of units.

10,000 Satoshi = 1 ?

10,000 ? = 1 BTC

10,000 BTC = 1 Pizza

OK, enough rambling, here are my nominations for the "?" unit:

Nakamoto (goes with Satoshi)

Finney (memorable, and a tribute)

Others have already mentioned these, but I agree with them.


Title: Re: Contest to name the 0.0001 BTC unit (0.1 BTC prize!)
Post by: hahahafr on January 03, 2014, 11:11:00 PM
Someone should really put up a page or a wiki somewhere with all the denominations known for each digit place:

10,000.00000000 = 1 pizza
1.00000000 = 1 bitcoin
0.01000000 = 1 bitcent/centibit (cBTC?)
0.00100000 = 1 millibitcoin (mBTC)
0.00010000 = 1 finney
0.00000100 = 1 microbitcoin (uBTC)
0.00000001 = 1 satoshi

Title: Re: Contest to name the 0.0001 BTC unit (0.1 BTC prize!)
Post by: chalkyuk on January 03, 2014, 11:16:40 PM

Title: Re: Contest to name the 0.0001 BTC unit (0.1 BTC prize!)
Post by: hahahafr on January 03, 2014, 11:16:45 PM
I rather like the idea of grouping Bitcoin units by 10,000 as others have said.

It fits in well with Bitcoin's design of 8 decimal places in total.

Grouping by 4 decimal places makes sense here, because 8 decimal places fits cleanly into two groups of 4.

Japanese culture already uses grouping by 4 decimal places: man, oku, chou, kei.  (Maybe this is why Satoshi chose to divide Bitcoin into 8 decimal places, and not 6 or 9, as a Western designer might have done?)

Chinese culture also groups by 4, and we all know how important China is to Bitcoin.

And, we already have a unit for 10,000 BTC, the Pizza (named after the first successful real-world transaction), so this is a smooth progression of units.

10,000 Satoshi = 1 ?

10,000 ? = 1 BTC

10,000 BTC = 1 Pizza

OK, enough rambling, here are my nominations for the "?" unit:

Nakamoto (goes with Satoshi)

Finney (memorable, and a tribute)

Others have already mentioned these, but I agree with them.


This is the most insightful answer I've read here.
So if I'm understanding this correctly:

1.00000000 = oku
0.00010000 = man


1.00000000 = 1 oku satoshi
0.00010000 = 1 man satoshi (1 man)
0.00000001 = 1 satoshi (1 sat)

Title: Re: Contest to name the 0.0001 BTC unit (0.1 BTC prize!)
Post by: Engineer2B on January 03, 2014, 11:27:39 PM
iBTC - the bitcoin becomes personal  ;).

Title: Re: Contest to name the 0.0001 BTC unit (0.1 BTC prize!)
Post by: medUSA on January 04, 2014, 12:20:43 AM
I would keep the japanese theme, japanese for 10000 is "man"


If worried about getting mixed up with "milli" or "micro", could use:

Yorozu (ybtc)

From the denominated bitcoin perspective:

Elebit (ebtc)
Element of Bitcoin

Rather comical as in "wee bit":

wibit (wbtc)

Title: Re: Contest to name the 0.0001 BTC unit (0.1 BTC prize!)
Post by: Glynn on January 04, 2014, 12:28:18 AM
pip bit = 1/100 of 1% of 1 bitcoin = 1 pbit = 1 pb

Title: Re: Contest to name the 0.0001 BTC unit (0.1 BTC prize!)
Post by: westkybitcoins on January 04, 2014, 12:35:38 AM
Call it a Bittlet

Yorozu (ybtc)
Elebit (ebtc)
wibit (wbtc)

pip bit = 1/100 of 1% of 1 bitcoin = 1 pbit = 1 pb

Title: Re: Contest to name the 0.0001 BTC unit (0.1 BTC prize!)
Post by: CoinThinker on January 04, 2014, 12:53:38 AM
threezerobitcoin, trizebitcoin, triobitcoin, trinbitcoin, trinubitcoin, trizibitcoin, trezebitcoin - or some other variation of the same theme; the idea is that 0.0001 is composed of THREE ZEROS (000) followed by one bit (1); of course variations are written as they are pronounced, not gramatically p

My personal favorite is triobitcoin or threeObitcoin (toBTC). I think that it would be very important to add the word bitcoin into this, instead of calling it satoshi, jimmyes, etc... because it will help promote the currency and make more people familiar with it. Let's not forget that the more people are going to use, the more places it is going to be used the less chances are that govs will be able to stop it.
The other reason why I really like this version is that many people have problems remembering the number of zeros following the decimal point. This way the denomination would actually contain it, so there would be no missunderstanding.

bitpence (altough pence should refer to 1/100 part of it)

biteight/eightbit - because if we reverse the decimal part of 0.0001, we get 1000 and that's the binary equivalent of 8 (I think nothing represents more a digital coin that including in its name some binary stuff). This I think it's to advanced and many people will not understand it easily.

Title: Re: Contest to name the 0.0001 BTC unit (0.1 BTC prize!)
Post by: hahahafr on January 04, 2014, 12:54:08 AM
Call it a Bittlet

Yorozu (ybtc)
Elebit (ebtc)
wibit (wbtc)

pip bit = 1/100 of 1% of 1 bitcoin = 1 pbit = 1 pb


Title: Re: Contest to name the 0.0001 BTC unit (0.1 BTC prize!)
Post by: Qim on January 04, 2014, 12:59:03 AM
… ...

II.) Shortly after the deadline, a new thread will be started; it will host a poll of the top twelve names. Comments and suggested modifications on the names will be sought in the thread, along with votes. The top twelve names will be selected for the poll from this thread, based on: apparent popularity in this thread, terseness (fewer syllables is generally better,) lack of obvious faults (a name that's offensive in German probably isn't going to make it,) reflection of related technical or liberty-oriented themes, ease of pronunciation, general marketability, and my own personal bias (I'll try to eliminate it, but let's be upfront: some bias will probably still slip through.) Until the next thread is posted, this contest may be cancelled due to lack of interest or other relevant circumstance. But once that next thread is posted, you can presume I'm 100% committed to giving someone the 0.1 BTC.

Voting and comments for the poll will be open until January 18 January 8, 23:59:59 CST.

… ...

Well, who have the right to decide the top 12 names ? To make it really fair, how about to put all the names to the poll ?

Title: Re: Contest to name the 0.0001 BTC unit (0.1 BTC prize!)
Post by: marcus_of_augustus on January 04, 2014, 01:42:07 AM
I'd take some letters from "Satoshi" and some from "bit", so I propose SHIT.

that sounds like it could be a bit-shit

Title: Re: Contest to name the 0.0001 BTC unit (0.1 BTC prize!)
Post by: jongameson on January 04, 2014, 01:46:06 AM

Title: Re: Contest to name the 0.0001 BTC unit (0.1 BTC prize!)
Post by: Glynn on January 04, 2014, 02:57:25 AM
A consensus for the .0001 bitcoin, could evolve from the terminology around basis points.  Without adding any new nomenclature, a bitcoin moving one basis point moves 0.0001 bitcoin = 1 btc bp.  One basis point is a pip.  So, 1 bitcoin pip = 0.0001 btc = 1 btc pip = 1 btc basis point = 1 btc bps.  

One could consider names:

.0001 bitcoins = bitcoin pip
.0001 bitcoins = btc pip
.0001 bitcoins = bit pip

"Bitcoin pip" is not a new identifier since a pip is already defined as 1/100 of 1%, and "Bitcoin pip" describes a pip, not a type of bitcoin.  Besides, if "Bit pip" were to work as new nomenclature, then bp would be the abbreviation which already means basis point.  

That is the context for proposing that a 1 basis point move, a bitcoin pip, be called a pip bit = 1/100 of 1% of 1 bitcoin = 1 pbit = 1 pb .  

PS - How do I modify the site's spell checker to accept the word "bitcoin" as a correct spelling? (by modifying my browser's dictionary)

Title: Re: Contest to name the 0.0001 BTC unit (0.1 BTC prize!)
Post by: R2D221 on January 04, 2014, 03:27:28 AM
threezerobitcoin, trizebitcoin, triobitcoin, trinbitcoin, trinubitcoin, trizibitcoin, trezebitcoin - or some other variation of the same theme; the idea is that 0.0001 is composed of THREE ZEROS (000) followed by one bit (1); of course variations are written as they are pronounced, not gramatically p

I would like to give some feedback on this. Using “three” as the name of 0.0001 is misleading, because mathematically it's 10-4, so it should use “four” or some variation of it as part of its name.

Title: Re: Contest to name the 0.0001 BTC unit (0.1 BTC prize!)
Post by: empoweoqwj on January 04, 2014, 03:28:51 AM
Someone should really put up a page or a wiki somewhere with all the denominations known for each digit place:

10,000.00000000 = 1 pizza
1.00000000 = 1 bitcoin
0.01000000 = 1 bitcent/centibit (cBTC?)
0.00100000 = 1 millibitcoin (mBTC)
0.00010000 = 1 finney
0.00000100 = 1 microbitcoin (uBTC)
0.00000001 = 1 satoshi

But there are no accepted denominations, except for bitcoin and satoshi. Any wiki page put up would be edited 10 times a day ;)

Title: Re: Contest to name the 0.0001 BTC unit (0.1 BTC prize!)
Post by: son_of_a_bit on January 04, 2014, 03:43:38 AM

Son of a bit



Title: Re: Contest to name the 0.0001 BTC unit (0.1 BTC prize!)
Post by: HadToLookTwice on January 04, 2014, 04:06:21 AM
I've wanted to call it minicoin too. Or maybe a centcoin.

Title: Re: Contest to name the 0.0001 BTC unit (0.1 BTC prize!)
Post by: BitTrade on January 04, 2014, 04:15:36 AM
This has probably been mentioned earlier, but I've been pushing for "bits" for about a year now

Title: Re: Contest to name the 0.0001 BTC unit (0.1 BTC prize!)
Post by: HadToLookTwice on January 04, 2014, 05:16:13 AM
This has probably been mentioned earlier, but I've been pushing for "bits" for about a year now

Mhmm I wonder why.

Title: Re: Contest to name the 0.0001 BTC unit (0.1 BTC prize!)
Post by: coinage on January 04, 2014, 09:55:19 AM

Since Hal 'Finney' has drawn attention it's reasonable to look at variations.  In actual usage a shorter 1-syllable name would often be substituted:

1 hal
1 fin
1 finn

There's also a combination:

1 halfin  (or halfinn)

Title: Re: Contest to name the 0.0001 BTC unit (0.1 BTC prize!)
Post by: jonanon on January 04, 2014, 12:13:39 PM
How about 'semibit', 'fracbit' as in fraction of, 'grambit' or 'fairbit'


Title: Re: Contest to name the 0.0001 BTC unit (0.1 BTC prize!)
Post by: CoinThinker on January 04, 2014, 12:40:39 PM
Really, not because it was my idea, but so far I think the best and most marketable way to denominate bitcoin is to use the threeObitcoin, fourObitcoin, ... whatever number of zeros are after the decimal point before the first bit.

Bitcoin is used by regular people too (at least hopefully it will be used), not only by you guys, who are staying on these forums all day, and are experts in mining, programmers, mathematicians, etc. Common people understand easiest something which is DESCRIPTIVE. On the other hand if we start to give names like satoshi to each fraction on bitcoins I bet that even we are going to be messed up about all the denomination (remember, we are talking about a very unusual currency with a lot of decimals).

Also, I'd like the emphasize again the importance of having the wording BITCOIN in the denomination. Crypto currencies are still not safe from banks and governments, basically they'll always be against their interest. So I think is crucial to make them MORE AND MORE popular for the common people also (not only some experts, miners, traders), in order to make it un-stopable. It has to be a social thing, people should understand it easy, etc.

Title: Re: Contest to name the 0.0001 BTC unit (0.1 BTC prize!)
Post by: jonanon on January 04, 2014, 01:17:30 PM
Also 'nanobit', 'splitbit', 'fragbit'.


Title: Re: Contest to name the 0.0001 BTC unit (0.1 BTC prize!)
Post by: BitCoinDream on January 04, 2014, 01:28:08 PM
1. DreamBit
2. Nakamoto
3. Finney (

Title: Re: Contest to name the 0.0001 BTC unit (0.1 BTC prize!)
Post by: OneBTCJay on January 04, 2014, 01:57:54 PM

Title: Re: Contest to name the 0.0001 BTC unit (0.1 BTC prize!)
Post by: Borbolon on January 04, 2014, 02:07:56 PM
What are the proposed names until now?

Title: Re: Contest to name the 0.0001 BTC unit (0.1 BTC prize!)
Post by: DobZombie on January 04, 2014, 02:15:52 PM
0.0001 BTC

1.00000000 BTC = 10 MegaSats
0.10000000 BTC = MegaSat
0.00010000 BTC = KiloSat
0.00000001 BTC = Sat

Title: Re: Contest to name the 0.0001 BTC unit (0.1 BTC prize!)
Post by: bitbrasil on January 04, 2014, 02:39:32 PM

This is the most insightful answer I've read here.
So if I'm understanding this correctly:

1.00000000 = oku
0.00010000 = man


1.00000000 = 1 oku satoshi
0.00010000 = 1 man satoshi (1 man)
0.00000001 = 1 satoshi (1 sat)

That's interesting, I also like the idea of using "1 man satoshi" or "1 man" for short.

SO 1 BTC would be equivalent to 1 oku satoshi

Title: Re: Contest to name the 0.0001 BTC unit (0.1 BTC prize!)
Post by: waxaddict on January 04, 2014, 03:44:19 PM
A BabyBit.

Simple, catchy, rolls off the tongue, appeals to the casual user.

Bitcoin needs ease of use and simplicity if its to become widespread. Naming bits japanese words or computer jargon, while nifty, doesn't really help.

Title: Re: Contest to name the 0.0001 BTC unit (0.1 BTC prize!)
Post by: tlo on January 04, 2014, 04:05:59 PM
1 Nioc (reverse "coin")
1 Billy
1 Biccy
1 Bikky
1 Bissy
1 Biddy
1 Birry
1 Biffy
1 Bixxy

Title: Re: Contest to name the 0.0001 BTC unit (0.1 BTC prize!)
Post by: CooterCoin on January 04, 2014, 04:27:14 PM
Try to follow this now....

(Roman numeral one)=> I
(ten-thousandth)=> tt
(incremented)=> i

0.0001 BTC = Ittibit or IttiBit

One ten-thousandth incremented = Itti

Thank you for your consideration.... :o


Title: Re: Contest to name the 0.0001 BTC unit (0.1 BTC prize!)
Post by: Phinnaeus Gage on January 04, 2014, 04:32:43 PM
The Finney


+1 for Finn.  ;D

I also like Turing.

Title: Re: Contest to name the 0.0001 BTC unit (0.1 BTC prize!)
Post by: Kluge on January 04, 2014, 04:43:17 PM
What about

00.00000001 = 1 satoshi (1 s or 1 sat)
00.00000010 = 10 satoshi (10 s or 10 sat)
00.00000100 = 100 satoshi (100 s or 100 sat)
00.00001000 = 1 kilo-satoshi (1 ks or 1 ksat)
00.00010000 = 10 kilo-satoshi (10 ks or 10 ksat)
00.00100000 = 100 kilo-satoshi (100 ks or 100 ksat)
00.01000000 = 1 mega-satoshi (1 Ms or Msat)
00.10000000 = 10 mega-satoshi (10 Ms or 10 Msat)
01.00000000 = 100 mega-satoshi (100 Ms or 100 Msat)
10.00000000 = 1 giga-satoshi (1 Gs or 1 Gsat)
Chosen here or not, this will be the naming scheme in the future, and gambling establishments which regularly deal in small amounts of BTC already use an identical or similar system. There's no longer any reason to keep the radix point in Bitcoin. Most people aren't dealing with 10BTC+ transactions every day.

Title: Re: Contest to name the 0.0001 BTC unit (0.1 BTC prize!)
Post by: westkybitcoins on January 04, 2014, 09:47:32 PM

I've wanted to call it minicoin too. Or maybe a centcoin.

1 hal
1 fin
1 finn
1 halfin  (or halfinn)

How about 'semibit', 'fracbit' as in fraction of, 'grambit' or 'fairbit'

Also 'nanobit', 'splitbit', 'fragbit'.

We already have nano-bitcoins (0.1 satoshi), sorry

A BabyBit.

1 Nioc (reverse "coin")
1 Billy
1 Biccy
1 Bikky
1 Bissy
1 Biddy
1 Birry
1 Biffy
1 Bixxy

I also like Turing.

Title: Re: Contest to name the 0.0001 BTC unit (0.1 BTC prize!)
Post by: westkybitcoins on January 04, 2014, 09:50:24 PM
What are the proposed names until now?

You'd have to look back at the ones I quoted. Obviously, some of the suggestions were less serious than others.

If you don't feel like going back, just list your suggestions; if any are duplicates they'll just be tossed out before the poll choices are chosen.

Title: Re: Contest to name the 0.0001 BTC unit (0.1 BTC prize!)
Post by: westkybitcoins on January 04, 2014, 09:51:30 PM
Roughly 8 hours, 8 minutes left.

Title: Re: Contest to name the 0.0001 BTC unit (0.1 BTC prize!)
Post by: gortonc on January 04, 2014, 10:43:35 PM
Given the historical precedent of naming currency denominations in honor of historically significant persons, and the fact that bitcoin has continued this precedent with the Satoshi, I humbly submit the...


Some would argue his contribution to freedom may one day be seen to rival Franklin's; and it would be nice to see the value of a Snowden equivalent to a Franklin.  ;D

Also for your consideration:  the Assange, Babbage, and Hayek.

Title: Re: Contest to name the 0.0001 BTC unit (0.1 BTC prize!)
Post by: westkybitcoins on January 04, 2014, 10:57:13 PM
I humbly submit the...



Also for your consideration:  the Assange, Babbage, and Hayek.

Title: Re: Contest to name the 0.0001 BTC unit (0.1 BTC prize!)
Post by: gortonc on January 04, 2014, 11:10:07 PM
On further consideration, as much as I like the Snowden (and I'm not withdrawing it) it might be a bit  ;) too much "in your face" for the good of Bitcoin in general.   It may be that the Hayek would be more appropriate from a marketing perspective.

Title: Re: Contest to name the 0.0001 BTC unit (0.1 BTC prize!)
Post by: MadMoneyMachine on January 04, 2014, 11:29:10 PM
1 BTC / 1,000 =  Millibit or Milly or Millies
1 BTC / 1,000,000 =  Microbit or Mikey or Mikeys

So, 0.0001 BTC = 0.1 millies or 100 mikeys

Title: Re: Contest to name the 0.0001 BTC unit (0.1 BTC prize!)
Post by: tanzislam on January 04, 2014, 11:48:14 PM
Anything that is similar but differs by one vowel, e.g.:
1 botcoin
1 betcoin
1 batcoin

Title: Re: Contest to name the 0.0001 BTC unit (0.1 BTC prize!)
Post by: homm88 on January 05, 2014, 12:01:01 AM
Minicoin would sound pretty good imo, though the problem with many of these suggestions with -coin in the name is that people might think that it's another cryptocurrency. (because honestly, there's hundreds of different cryptocoins out there now)

Title: Re: Contest to name the 0.0001 BTC unit (0.1 BTC prize!)
Post by: Qim on January 05, 2014, 01:01:12 AM

You'd have to look back at the ones I quoted. Obviously, some of the suggestions were less serious than others.

If you don't feel like going back, just list your suggestions; if any are duplicates they'll just be tossed out before the poll choices are chosen.

Obviously ? Really ? Who's opinion ?

How do you judge less or more serious ?

All the judgements should be made by voting, not by one individual.

OK, you set the 0.1 BTC prize and you can send it to anyone you like, but if this is not a fair game or some of us don't think it's a fair game, then it may end up less people would use the name you decided for 0.0001 btc.

So, to make less complains as possible, to make more people willing to use the name in the future, I strongly suggest that :
Don't be obvious. Put all the names in the poll, if it is obvious then let the voting say so.

Title: Re: Contest to name the 0.0001 BTC unit (0.1 BTC prize!)
Post by: medUSA on January 05, 2014, 01:44:30 AM
Don't be so serious about this contest, this is just for fun.
Even if 1000 forum members unanimously vote for a serous name, it may still not be adopted by the masses.
This a hardly an official referendum  :D

Title: Re: Contest to name the 0.0001 BTC unit (0.1 BTC prize!)
Post by: Voodah on January 05, 2014, 02:08:41 AM

You'd have to look back at the ones I quoted. Obviously, some of the suggestions were less serious than others.

If you don't feel like going back, just list your suggestions; if any are duplicates they'll just be tossed out before the poll choices are chosen.

Obviously ? Really ? Who's opinion ?

How do you judge less or more serious ?

All the judgements should be made by voting, not by one individual.

OK, you set the 0.1 BTC prize and you can send it to anyone you like, but if this is not a fair game or some of us don't think it's a fair game, then it may end up less people would use the name you decided for 0.0001 btc.

So, to make less complains as possible, to make more people willing to use the name in the future, I strongly suggest that :
Don't be obvious. Put all the names in the poll, if it is obvious then let the voting say so.

Who do you think you are?

His money. His post. His rules.

Amazing how people complain about the stupidest things.

Title: Re: Contest to name the 0.0001 BTC unit (0.1 BTC prize!)
Post by: johnnyblack80 on January 05, 2014, 02:31:40 AM
Dollar Bit

Title: Re: Contest to name the 0.0001 BTC unit (0.1 BTC prize!)
Post by: bitbrasil on January 05, 2014, 02:46:22 AM
Not sure if there's still time

I want to submit one more name


Title: Re: Contest to name the 0.0001 BTC unit (0.1 BTC prize!)
Post by: Phinnaeus Gage on January 05, 2014, 02:56:22 AM
Not sure if there's still time

I want to submit one more name


I suggest a different letter.

Title: Re: Contest to name the 0.0001 BTC unit (0.1 BTC prize!)
Post by: 9ypsytrader on January 05, 2014, 03:25:02 AM

Title: Re: Contest to name the 0.0001 BTC unit (0.1 BTC prize!)
Post by: Qim on January 05, 2014, 03:41:40 AM
Don't be so serious about this contest, this is just for fun.
Even if 1000 forum members unanimously vote for a serous name, it may still not be adopted by the masses.
This a hardly an official referendum  :D

Yeah... you are right, maybe I'm too serious.

1 BTC = 100,000,000 Satoshi
It may never have anything between, needed or not needed.

But if we have to name something between, I would prefer just one name for 0.0001BTC or 10000 Satoshi instead of mBTC or/and kSatoshi.

Shit, actually you are right, it will not be adopted by the masses. even a real outstanding name comes out here...

Title: Re: Contest to name the 0.0001 BTC unit (0.1 BTC prize!)
Post by: erono on January 05, 2014, 03:45:58 AM
coinWonder ;D ;D ;D


Title: Re: Contest to name the 0.0001 BTC unit (0.1 BTC prize!)
Post by: Qim on January 05, 2014, 03:48:58 AM

Who do you think you are?

His money. His post. His rules.

Amazing how people complain about the stupidest things.

I think I'm nobody.
I was trying to help him, to make this game more serious. But I speak like complaining or you read it so, shit, my fucking poor English.
Well, I don't think the voting thing is stupid.

Title: Re: Contest to name the 0.0001 BTC unit (0.1 BTC prize!)
Post by: coinage on January 05, 2014, 04:16:33 AM

Given the historical precedent of naming currency denominations in honor of historically significant persons ...

Ah, then it's time to chime in with the chaum:

1 chaum

for David Chaum, who by essentially creating the original concept of secure digital cash based on cryptography, and his successes and failures with DigiCash, gave at least some of us an expectation, example, and hunger for practical electronic cash, and surely must have been a factor leading to the creation of bitcoin, zerocoin, etc.

Title: Re: Contest to name the 0.0001 BTC unit (0.1 BTC prize!)
Post by: Glynn on January 05, 2014, 04:29:00 AM
0.0001 bitcoins is a pip.

Title: Re: Contest to name the 0.0001 BTC unit (0.1 BTC prize!)
Post by: coinage on January 05, 2014, 05:27:50 AM

0.0001 bitcoins is a pip.

Make that

1 bip

and I'll buy it.

(Pip is familiar to currency traders, but bip is a pleasant enhancement which fits bitcoin ideally.)

Title: Re: Contest to name the 0.0001 BTC unit (0.1 BTC prize!)
Post by: HairyMaclairy on January 05, 2014, 05:28:11 AM
Following on from my prior suggestion of 1 Nakamoto :

1 Satoshi can be shortened to 1 Sat, then
1 Nakamoto can be shortened to 1 Nak.

So I also put forward "Nak"

Title: Re: Contest to name the 0.0001 BTC unit (0.1 BTC prize!)
Post by: coinage on January 05, 2014, 05:32:56 AM

(credit for 'bip' goes to arcke at post #53; i'm just highlighting a rationale for it above.)

Title: Re: Contest to name the 0.0001 BTC unit (0.1 BTC prize!)
Post by: westkybitcoins on January 05, 2014, 05:52:06 AM
1 botcoin
1 betcoin
1 batcoin

Provided I haven't missed a prior claim, these three can be yours.



1 chaum

So I also put forward "Nak"

Title: Re: Contest to name the 0.0001 BTC unit (0.1 BTC prize!)
Post by: westkybitcoins on January 05, 2014, 05:54:36 AM
Put all the names in the poll, if it is obvious then let the voting say so.

I'm sorry, but that's just not going to happen. :(

If a different name becomes commonplace, I can't stop that, and I have no intention to try.

And of course, others can host their own contest.

But I have criteria that I'll be applying to the initial selection process, and I've provided said criteria... plus there are a few names that I'm just not going to give money for. The forewarned bias rears it's ugly head!

Title: Re: Contest to name the 0.0001 BTC unit (0.1 BTC prize!)
Post by: westkybitcoins on January 05, 2014, 05:57:02 AM
Just a few minutes, if anyone is contemplating last-minute suggestions.

I'll lock the thread shortly after time is up.

Title: Re: Contest to name the 0.0001 BTC unit (0.1 BTC prize!)
Post by: jonanon on January 05, 2014, 05:59:52 AM
Scrambit is my last offering  ;D

Title: Re: Contest to name the 0.0001 BTC unit (0.1 BTC prize!)
Post by: westkybitcoins on January 05, 2014, 06:06:56 AM

And... that's it! I should have the poll up within 24 hours. Thanks to all who participated!

Title: Re: Contest to name the 0.0001 BTC unit (0.1 BTC prize!)
Post by: westkybitcoins on January 05, 2014, 06:46:46 AM
0.0001 BTC = Ittibit or IttiBit

Forgot to confirm this one, which seems valid enough.