Bitcoin Forum

Other => Beginners & Help => Topic started by: esse83 on August 31, 2011, 10:45:51 PM

Title: mtgox and bruce wagner
Post by: esse83 on August 31, 2011, 10:45:51 PM
My first post yes. Been reading the forums for ages. But I feel it neccessary to state one simple demand to mtgox and the current situation about bruce wagner. Please stop sponsoring this proven con man (and most likely affiliated with - tod williams tom williams). I desire an official statement from mtgox that they are in no way associated with this asshole. If that is not possible to produce then one question is left, why? The reason for this post is Bruce Wagners latest bitcoin show where he states that he is in tokyo to visit mtgox. Make it official that this guy is in no way on the good side with bitcoins biggest trading site.

And please no posts that this is a newbs forum, first post so no choice on my part. I had to make this post to relieve my worries about the continuation of being affiliated with this scammer.

Title: Re: mtgox and bruce wagner
Post by: BitcoinPorn on August 31, 2011, 10:54:27 PM
You are saying what is on a lot of peoples minds I'm sure.

I just hope everyone is checking facts themselves is all.

Title: Re: mtgox and bruce wagner
Post by: castlegoat on August 31, 2011, 11:11:18 PM
I just hope everyone just takes enough time to carefully examine the facts on hand and comes to a rational decision-sometimes it can be too easy to arrive at a conclusion, act on it, and then be unable to change course.

Title: Re: mtgox and bruce wagner
Post by: esse83 on August 31, 2011, 11:18:33 PM
Interpretation is not really on a factually consistent case possible. Sorry.

Title: Re: mtgox and bruce wagner
Post by: castlegoat on August 31, 2011, 11:29:21 PM
Interpretation is not really on a factually consistent case possible. Sorry.

I understand that he has a questionable business history with respect to Bold Funding.  But isn't it possible that his commitment to bitcoin is sincere? I'd like to think what we're here for is largely about making money, but doing it in a way that is sustainable. I'm not sure if a guy who made $300,000 in the mortgage debacle would be so stupid as to turn this into another pump and dump scheme.

So while the jury is still out on his connection to mybitcoin, and whether or not he's cheating users out of their money, he shouldn't be prematurely castigated.

Title: Re: mtgox and bruce wagner
Post by: Stalin-chan on August 31, 2011, 11:43:35 PM
Interpretation is not really on a factually consistent case possible. Sorry.

I understand that he has a questionable business history with respect to Bold Funding.  But isn't it possible that his commitment to bitcoin is sincere? I'd like to think what we're here for is largely about making money, but doing it in a way that is sustainable. I'm not sure if a guy who made $300,000 in the mortgage debacle would be so stupid as to turn this into another pump and dump scheme.

So while the jury is still out on his connection to mybitcoin, and whether or not he's cheating users out of their money, he shouldn't be prematurely castigated.

I don't think it's a good idea to trust a convicted scammer when he is acting so suspicious.

Title: Re: mtgox and bruce wagner
Post by: esse83 on August 31, 2011, 11:47:29 PM
Please read - lots more out there. But it should be sufficient for you to not give this shady character another chance at representing bitcoin in any way.

"But isn't it possible that his commitment to bitcoin is sincere?" No. He is here only to scam because that is what scammers do. They scam. How hard can that be to comprehend? That is all he know. He is a weak greedy and pathetic individual. End of story. Yes we are here to make money because we believe in the protocol of bitcoin. Not in abusing it due to individuals bad judgement.

Title: Re: mtgox and bruce wagner
Post by: helloworld on September 01, 2011, 01:52:39 AM
It would probably take me hours to read all the Bruce Wagner threads on this forum but I will make one point

ex-conman != conman

I don't know all the facts, but calling an ex-conman a conman may not be really fair.

Title: Re: mtgox and bruce wagner
Post by: castlegoat on September 01, 2011, 01:58:52 AM
It would probably take me hours to read all the Bruce Wagner threads on this forum but I will make one point

ex-conman != conman

I don't know all the facts, but calling an ex-conman a conman may not be really fair.

Exactly, but I'm glad this forum and some users have made sure that anyone still doing business with him does it with eyes wide open.  I would hate to go into business with shady without any knowledge of his past.  At least this drama has helped clear the air about his past.

Title: Re: mtgox and bruce wagner
Post by: esse83 on September 01, 2011, 02:03:56 AM
It would probably take me hours to read all the Bruce Wagner threads on this forum but I will make one point

ex-conman != conman

I don't know all the facts, but calling an ex-conman a conman may not be really fair.

Took me a few minutes. Please make an effort before replying.

Title: Re: mtgox and bruce wagner
Post by: Surawit on September 01, 2011, 02:10:09 AM
I've talked to Bruce and watched his show several times, and he is a really nice guy.... From my personal experience, it seems unlikely that he is the conman everyone is claiming him to be. He has a very open and honest character... Not at all 'shady' IMO.

Title: Re: mtgox and bruce wagner
Post by: helloworld on September 01, 2011, 02:18:56 AM
It would probably take me hours to read all the Bruce Wagner threads on this forum but I will make one point

ex-conman != conman

I don't know all the facts, but calling an ex-conman a conman may not be really fair.

Took me a few minutes. Please make an effort before replying.

Are you for real? There are at least 10 threads with 6+ pages = 1200 posts of Bruce Wagner drama.

I'm not a speed reader like you, sorry.

Title: Re: mtgox and bruce wagner
Post by: esse83 on September 01, 2011, 02:24:05 AM
yes Im for real. Try to let go of your ideas and read the data that is out and availalble.

Title: Re: mtgox and bruce wagner
Post by: castlegoat on September 01, 2011, 02:25:02 AM
I've talked to Bruce and watched his show several times, and he is a really nice guy.... From my personal experience, it seems unlikely that he is the conman everyone is claiming him to be. He has a very open and honest character... Not at all 'shady' IMO.

The guy gets a $300k judgement on him from the state of Illinois, authors a treatise on picking up "boys" in global sex tourism hotspot, and you don't even raise ONE eyebrow? Like, not even a little? Come on, that's just a little shady.

Not enough to burn the guy at the stake, but I would definitely need a little more than a handshake before signing any deals.

Title: Re: mtgox and bruce wagner
Post by: helloworld on September 01, 2011, 02:40:02 AM
yes Im for real. Try to let go of your ideas and read the data that is out and availalble.

Lol okay I will try to let go of my ideas and read the data (1200 posts) that is out and available in 'a few minutes'.

Neat trick.

Title: Re: mtgox and bruce wagner
Post by: sukiho on September 01, 2011, 03:05:23 AM
a decentralized currency thats going to be brought down by one man? I think I go talk to my mama about this

Title: Re: mtgox and bruce wagner
Post by: castlegoat on September 01, 2011, 03:07:04 AM
a decentralized currency thats going to be brought down by one man? I think I go talk to my mamasan about this


Title: Re: mtgox and bruce wagner
Post by: sukiho on September 01, 2011, 05:07:46 AM

Title: Re: mtgox and bruce wagner
Post by: critmass on September 01, 2011, 06:22:04 AM
I've talked to Bruce and watched his show several times, and he is a really nice guy.... From my personal experience, it seems unlikely that he is the conman everyone is claiming him to be. He has a very open and honest character... Not at all 'shady' IMO.
I can honestly say that I know very little about this guy, but what I can say is this; con-men make their living by getting people to trust them, then violating that trust.  If you do something for a living, you tend to be good at it, or you are a very thin, malnourished sort that lives under a bridge.  I am certainly not tossing him under the bus just yet, but on the other hand, if he IS a con-man, he will probably seem very trust-worthy right up, until he walks away with all your money.

Title: Re: mtgox and bruce wagner
Post by: da2ce7 on September 01, 2011, 07:19:41 AM
This thread also ignores the fact that Bruce has been nothing but honest in his business dealings with the bitcoin community so far.

When you get down to it, everyone has a past; some people have cleaner pasts than others.   Also people grow and learn from life experiences.

For myself, I'm happy to give him the benefit of the doubt.  If Bruce continues to be honest with his bitcoin dealings I see no why things that happened many years ago should stop valid honest business now.

It seems like that many people on this forum have been on a witch hunt and once they have found any dirt (if it is really dirt), have claimed that this must be the end of a good reputation.  When in-fact these 'revelations' have no direct importance to the good dealing that have happened over the last 10 months.

Title: Re: mtgox and bruce wagner
Post by: MagicalTux on September 01, 2011, 07:37:55 AM
My first post yes. Been reading the forums for ages. But I feel it neccessary to state one simple demand to mtgox and the current situation about bruce wagner. Please stop sponsoring this proven con man (and most likely affiliated with - tod williams tom williams). I desire an official statement from mtgox that they are in no way associated with this asshole. If that is not possible to produce then one question is left, why? The reason for this post is Bruce Wagners latest bitcoin show where he states that he is in tokyo to visit mtgox. Make it official that this guy is in no way on the good side with bitcoins biggest trading site.

And please no posts that this is a newbs forum, first post so no choice on my part. I had to make this post to relieve my worries about the continuation of being affiliated with this scammer.

This is not an official statement, there is not enough information at this point for such a thing. I'll try to expose our views at this point.

For information we are not "sponsoring" Bruce Wagner, we are buying advertising on the Bitcoin Show as many others have been doing or are doing, which was (until now) the only show about bitcoins to have enough viewers to start to be interesting.

Many new things have appeared during on the forum during the past 2 or 3 days, so I'll list - quickly - those here:

  • About thailand "boys", the evidence produced so far is far from being anything to worry about. We know Bruce is homosexual, as he's open about this, but this has nothing to do with bitcoins. It seems from what I saw that Thailand is more "gay-friendly" than USA and it could explain Bruce's presence there and why he likes that country. Anyway without more evidence there is nothing we can decide there.
  • Bruce ran Bold Funding, which was unable to do what it claims to do. He was caught and judged for this, and I believe the justice does its thing. I know Bruce have been handling a lot of funds for bitcoin users while promoting it, and I never heard of him running with someone's cash (would have been easy enough). I didn't know what he did, but I know he did a great job in promoting bitcoins, allowing people to buy coins with cash without ever defrauding anyone.
  • About the case in NY and some guy asking $500k in 2008, that case seems to be closed, open again, ... anyway it's not settled yet, and I'm wondering a bit about the guy on the other side. As long as the case is not settled there's no way to know who's wrong, and considering how long this have been running I wouldn't think it's anything serious.
  • Finally about Bruce's affiliation with MyBitcoin, this is quite amusing. Not only this is highly unlikely considering technical details on the way MyBitcoin was run, but the "link" (TodWilliams?) is the most ridiculous thing I ever saw.
We are however aware of the image problem this represents, both for us and the bitcoin community as a whole, and are considering which steps should be taken in the future.

I do think that everyone around here are slightly too busy reading about Bruce (I don't know about you but I'm already bored of this) and ignoring some more important things happening on Bitcoin. We are about to start service for Bitomat users and open multi currency support, among other things, and various things are moving within the bitcoin community.

Title: Re: mtgox and bruce wagner
Post by: JonHind on September 01, 2011, 09:11:25 AM
I've been thinking about switching exchanges for a while. I no longer trust your company or judgements any more after this thread. Thanks for the 9 months worth of business. I'll trust my money elsewhere.

[Edit] You said: "I never heard of him running with someone's cash"

I think that was the sentence that killed it for me. He ran away with desperate people's cash after offering them a mortgage service that he had no intention of keeping. He was tried in absentia, and he has not paid the money that he was ordered to by the courts nor did he pay a penny in compensation to his victims.

They must love watching Bruce with all his toys and his posh NY apartment and TV studio and his jet-setting lifestyle.

If you can't see that Bruce is a confidence trickster, then it is your loss. I'm out.

Title: Re: mtgox and bruce wagner
Post by: Revalin on September 01, 2011, 09:32:28 AM
Thank you MagicalTux for being sensible and level-headed amidst a mob with pitchforks and torches.  I'm not currently a customer, but I'm now considering it.

Title: Re: mtgox and bruce wagner
Post by: Raoul Duke on September 01, 2011, 09:46:49 AM
I've been thinking about switching exchanges for a while. I no longer trust your company or judgements any more after this thread. Thanks for the 9 months worth of business. I'll trust my money elsewhere.

Prove it you fool, that you ever made business with MtGox, and how much money you moved! For now, your statement is nothing more than white noise...

Or are you threatning them that you'll take your BTC 0.01 to another exchange?  :D

Title: Re: mtgox and bruce wagner
Post by: Stalin-chan on September 01, 2011, 10:30:42 AM
  • Bruce ran Bold Funding, which was unable to do what it claims to do. He was caught and judged for this, and I believe the justice does its thing. I know Bruce have been handling a lot of funds for bitcoin users while promoting it, and I never heard of him running with someone's cash (would have been easy enough). I didn't know what he did, but I know he did a great job in promoting bitcoins, allowing people to buy coins with cash without ever defrauding anyone.
Bruce didn't run anything other than a mortgage scam that left dozens of people out in the cold.
Honestly this doesn't address any concerns, I don't think mtgox can be trusted with the business of the bitcoin community if they choose to associate with people who would make this community look bad like Bruce.

Title: Re: mtgox and bruce wagner
Post by: Stalin-chan on September 01, 2011, 10:35:11 AM
Honestly its scammers and shady business dealers like Bruce who make bitcoin a total niche currency that will never be useful at this rate.
How are we to convince people to use this currency when high up members of the community associate with these people.

If Bruce was the right fit for bitcoins he wouldn't have a forum filled with angry and confused people asking for answers that will never come.

Title: Re: mtgox and bruce wagner
Post by: MagicalTux on September 01, 2011, 10:35:24 AM
[Edit] You said: "I never heard of him running with someone's cash"

I think that was the sentence that killed it for me. He ran away with desperate people's cash after offering them a mortgage service that he had no intention of keeping. He was tried in absentia, and he has not paid the money that he was ordered to by the courts nor did he pay a penny in compensation to his victims.

What I know of Bruce is what he did for the past months in Bitcoin, and I never had any report of Bruce stealing anything from anyone during that time frame.

As I said, we do not have enough information at this point to make any decision, especially when it comes to Bold Funding. We are still investigating this on our own and will provide updates once we reach a conclusion.

Title: Re: mtgox and bruce wagner
Post by: Stalin-chan on September 01, 2011, 10:42:43 AM
[Edit] You said: "I never heard of him running with someone's cash"

I think that was the sentence that killed it for me. He ran away with desperate people's cash after offering them a mortgage service that he had no intention of keeping. He was tried in absentia, and he has not paid the money that he was ordered to by the courts nor did he pay a penny in compensation to his victims.

What I know of Bruce is what he did for the past months in Bitcoin, and I never had any report of Bruce stealing anything from anyone during that time frame.

As I said, we do not have enough information at this point to make any decision, especially when it comes to Bold Funding. We are still investigating this on our own and will provide updates once we reach a conclusion.

Once a scammer always a scammer, stop being so gullible. If you have such a good working relationship with Bruce please tell him to come to these forums and answer our questions. The truth is we DO have enough information you are just closing your eyes and hoping it goes away.

That information isn't going away until Bruce shows up here and actually ANSWERS questions.

Title: Re: mtgox and bruce wagner
Post by: Stalin-chan on September 01, 2011, 10:46:18 AM
First question is why did Bruce want to hold a bitcoin expo in Thailands number one scammer and child prostitution city??
He was so adamant in wanting to go to ONE specific town.
This town Pattaya is run by scammers, the local government and police are paid off by scammers and child pimps.
Do you want us to actually go into that city and patronise them??

Title: Re: mtgox and bruce wagner
Post by: Stalin-chan on September 01, 2011, 10:48:52 AM
Second question, if Bruce did not scam any innocent people (which would make him an awful human being and in the EXACT same class as the bankers and politicians bitcoin was designed to get away from), why did all the money dissapear?? How did Bruce magically get all this money and this huge stockpile of bitcoins??

How much do you actually even give Bruce for "sponsorship" for his show?? Do you pay for Bruces travel and his apartment?? What is Bruces job??

Title: Re: mtgox and bruce wagner
Post by: Anonymous on September 01, 2011, 11:26:02 AM
Are there any reliable exchanges that don't associate with known confidence scammers? I'm done with MTGox, especially if they're going to turn a blind eye to this. Bruce has become a giant blight on the face of Bitcoin, an example embodied of all the problems that we have yet to overcome with Bitcoin.

Title: Re: mtgox and bruce wagner
Post by: MagicalTux on September 01, 2011, 11:32:47 AM
Are there any reliable exchanges that don't associate with known confidence scammers? I'm done with MTGox, especially if they're going to turn a blind eye to this. Bruce has become a giant blight on the face of Bitcoin, an example embodied of all the problems that we have yet to overcome with Bitcoin.

We are not turning a blind eye. I am just saying that at this point we have no idea of the whole situation.

While it is likely we will stop advertising on OnlyOneTv following this incident, we cannot take this decision without having a better overview of the situation, which seems impossible at this point since everyone is more busy fighting.

Taking decision too quickly based solely on accusations amplified by a group of professional (veteran) trolls is probably the last thing any business should do.

Title: Re: mtgox and bruce wagner
Post by: Stalin-chan on September 01, 2011, 11:36:15 AM
Are there any reliable exchanges that don't associate with known confidence scammers? I'm done with MTGox, especially if they're going to turn a blind eye to this. Bruce has become a giant blight on the face of Bitcoin, an example embodied of all the problems that we have yet to overcome with Bitcoin.

We are not turning a blind eye. I am just saying that at this point we have no idea of the whole situation.

While it is likely we will stop advertising on OnlyOneTv following this incident, we cannot take this decision without having a better overview of the situation, which seems impossible at this point since everyone is more busy fighting.

Taking decision too quickly based solely on accusations amplified by a group of professional (veteran) trolls is probably the last thing any business should do.

I highly disagree, the information is scattered but it is there and we do have it. I'm not trying to be insulting but any claim that we don't have enough information is just willing ignorance at this point.

Here's what we do know, Bruce is a liar; he has lied to his past clients and has told a few lies even to us (you seriously cant give us your real age? you aren't 29.) Now we don't know if Bruce actually acted maliciously but hear this, bitcoin will need intelligent programmers and economists to survive. Bruce is neither of these he doesn't understand a single basic programming concept (Can you define a pointer Bruce?) and he has no idea how bitcoins even work, on top of this he is carrying a 300,000 dollar debt so he's clearly no economist.

This is not a man we want at the forefront of the community representing us receiving the money that we invested into bitcoins to sponsor his show.

In a true free market this man would be left in the cold wondering what happened not receiving sponsorships.

Hopefully free market justice will prevail and we will find an exchange that satisfies our needs, if you decide not to associate with untrustworthy individuals then we will be waiting.

I rest my case, if anyone wants to join me i'll be over here enjoying a latè with the invisible hand.

Title: Re: mtgox and bruce wagner
Post by: JonHind on September 01, 2011, 11:51:49 AM

As I said, we do not have enough information at this point to make any decision, especially when it comes to Bold Funding. We are still investigating this on our own and will provide updates once we reach a conclusion.

Did you read the official court judgement for the case?

It lists the people he scammed. It lists the lies he told them. It states that he was operating without a license. At the trial, their lawyer couldn't provide a SINGLE NAME of a person who was helped by the company, stating that none of these people could be traced. Considering that his company was meant to be helping people stay in their homes, it shows that this was a scam from the offset. He didn't even turn up for the this case, and he fled the state without paying a penny to anyone.

Now tell me if this is truly someone who can be trusted?

As for the other Bruce denialist who asked me to prove that I have large(ish) dealing with MtGox, I'm not the one who is a convicted fraudster who is wanting to set up a charity escrow account. I'm not the one who was promoting a company which ripped off 51%+ of people's savings. I'm not the one under this spotlight.

So I give up. There will always be people who will fight for Bruce, as bruce is a very good conman. I hope that none of you get burned. You can't say you haven't been warned.

Title: Re: mtgox and bruce wagner
Post by: Stalin-chan on September 01, 2011, 11:55:42 AM
So for now lets look at alternatives to Mtgox so users can start taking their coins off that exchange. So far the biggest contender is

What do you guys think?

Title: Re: mtgox and bruce wagner
Post by: JonHind on September 01, 2011, 12:01:59 PM
So for now lets look at alternatives to Mtgox so users can start taking their coins off that exchange. So far the biggest contender is

What do you guys think?

I'm going to transfer any cash funds to my account and my remaining BTC reserves to an offline usb stick.

Until this whole situation is resolved, I don't know who to trust.

One thing for certain is that I will be staying well away from people who, after the evidence that has been discovered, still rally around to protect Bruce.

[Edited to add] I'm not a troll either. I'm a professional IT specialist in my 40's.

Title: Re: mtgox and bruce wagner
Post by: Stalin-chan on September 01, 2011, 12:03:43 PM
That's probably the best course of action at the moment.

Taking decision too quickly based solely on accusations amplified by a group of professional (veteran) trolls is probably the last thing any business should do.

I would like to add that I am not a "professional troll" or whatever you want to label me as, I am a professional computer science student who cares too much. I take offence to being labelled a troll when I have done nothing to warrant it, thank you very much.

Title: Re: mtgox and bruce wagner
Post by: Gerken on September 01, 2011, 12:32:25 PM
I've talked to Bruce and watched his show several times, and he is a really nice guy.... From my personal experience, it seems unlikely that he is the conman everyone is claiming him to be. He has a very open and honest character... Not at all 'shady' IMO.

Are you serious?  You can't think of any reason why a con man(who makes a living on getting people to trust him with their money and well-being) seems like a really nice guy?  A con man who seems shady isn't a very good one.  And he was a good one, no idea how much he got but he was ordered to pay back over 350k so it was a lot. 

Title: Re: mtgox and bruce wagner
Post by: Raoul Duke on September 01, 2011, 12:39:45 PM
I would like to add that I am not a "professional troll"

Yes you are:
Name: 	Stalin-chan
Posts: 49 (24.500 per day)
Respect: 0
Position: Jr. Member
Date Registered: August 30, 2011, 05:01:22 am

And people just need to look at your post history to see where you made all those posts and what did you troll about...

For example this one here:

It exposes you as a SA troll. You are a TROLL, and a bad one lol

Title: Re: mtgox and bruce wagner
Post by: Stalin-chan on September 01, 2011, 12:44:29 PM
I would like to add that I am not a "professional troll"

Yes you are:
Name: 	Stalin-chan
Posts: 49 (24.500 per day)
Respect: 0
Position: Jr. Member
Date Registered: August 30, 2011, 05:01:22 am

And people just need to look at your post history to see where you made all those posts and what did you troll about...

For example this one here:

It exposes you as a SA troll. You are a TROLL, and a bad one lol

Yeah i'm a troll because I don't think Bruce is trustworthy, and I don't think anyone in the Bitcoin community should associate with him.  ::)
Also yeah, I know a little javascript. Throw me in the brig!

Is knowledge illegal now? Should I not have learned how to use a computer??  ::)

Title: Re: mtgox and bruce wagner
Post by: MagicalTux on September 01, 2011, 12:54:04 PM
Yeah i'm a troll because I don't think Bruce is trustworthy, and I don't think anyone in the Bitcoin community should associate with him.  ::)
Also yeah, I know a little javascript. Throw me in the brig!

You are a troll because you are trying to force others to follow your game. While I don't like following people in their game, especially when they act as a dumb mob acting on someone's agenda, you have a point by bringing to light some bad things.

I will act for the best of my employees, the company and bitcoin.

Title: Re: mtgox and bruce wagner
Post by: Stalin-chan on September 01, 2011, 12:59:06 PM
If we don't act against those who seek to destroy bitcoins how will bitcoins ever succeed? If you read my longer post a page back I make perfectly valid points.

I am simply encouraging those who do not support mr. Wagner to not support his affiliates who send him money. It is nothing personal against you.

Also you say you want to do what's best for your employees and bitcoins, but what about your costumers who do not agree with you supporting a man who has ruined many peoples lives.

And that really isn't what a troll is not to mention the fact that I have no agenda other than helping Bitcoin and the consumers who use it...

Title: Re: mtgox and bruce wagner
Post by: Raoul Duke on September 01, 2011, 01:29:28 PM
If we don't act against those who seek to destroy bitcoins how will bitcoins ever succeed? If you read my longer post a page back I make perfectly valid points.

I am simply encouraging those who do not support mr. Wagner to not support his affiliates who send him money. It is nothing personal against you.

Also you say you want to do what's best for your employees and bitcoins, but what about your costumers who do not agree with you supporting a man who has ruined many peoples lives.

And that really isn't what a troll is not to mention the fact that I have no agenda other than helping Bitcoin and the consumers who use it...

No dude, the one's that feel Bruce was in the wrong will stop supporting it on their own and not because YOU THINK it's the best to the community.

Have you ever been wrong before about something you thought was certain, yet, it turned out to be the complete opposite?

If that was your only purpose you would just post your OPINION and leave the discussion to others, here and there saying what you think, not try to convince others by force to accept your ideas, because you are surely not accepting others ideas.

Hell, I'm trollish sometimes and you'll see that by looking at my post history. So maybe i should start trolling you instead and make you change your mind by force, and if it doesn't happen so, I'll just bug you non-stop about it, exactly using your method, even after you explained me your position clearly.

Would you want that?

PS: I'm fuc*** sorry that my reply will only put this thread upper on the unread thread list, because that's just what you want by now.

Title: Re: mtgox and bruce wagner
Post by: BlockHash on September 01, 2011, 01:31:18 PM
Yeah i'm a troll because I don't think Bruce is trustworthy, and I don't think anyone in the Bitcoin community should associate with him.  ::)
Also yeah, I know a little javascript. Throw me in the brig!

You are a troll because you are trying to force others to follow your game. While I don't like following people in their game, especially when they act as a dumb mob acting on someone's agenda, you have a point by bringing to light some bad things.

I will act for the best of my employees, the company and bitcoin.

I can respect that.

However, I will not be doing business with projects or companies that support or endorse Mr. Wagner. The incidence of major mortgage fraud and other shady activities is too much for me to accept. I wouldn't do business with or support someone like Ken Lay (not that I could, he's dead), Michael Milliken, Richard Scrushy, or anyone from Bear-Stearns no matter how sincere they may seem. Further, the fact that court documents are being denied is just mind-blowing.

While my dealings in BitCoin are still relatively small at the moment, I still feel that it is crucial for us to take a stand against scams and con artists because this currency is still in its infancy. If this kind of thing continues, I doubt the long-term viability of the currency because of the stigmas that will have been attached to it.

Good luck to you, sir.

Title: Re: mtgox and bruce wagner
Post by: Stalin-chan on September 01, 2011, 01:33:20 PM

 No, wrong. The point of a debate is to convince the other party to change their opinion. Frankly we have won this debate and now you are just being stubborn.
 If you have a good reason we should give Bruce our money (which is what happens when you give service to Mtgox) then by all means lets hear it.

I can respect that.

However, I will not be doing business with projects or companies that support or endorse Mr. Wagner. The incidence of major mortgage fraud and other shady activities is too much for me to accept. I wouldn't do business with or support someone like Ken Lay (not that I could, he's dead), Michael Milliken, Richard Scrushy, or anyone from Bear-Stearns no matter how sincere they may seem. Further, the fact that court documents are being denied is just mind-blowing.

While my dealings in BitCoin are still relatively small at the moment, I still feel that it is crucial for us to take a stand against scams and con artists because this currency is still in its infancy. If this kind of thing continues, I doubt the long-term viability of the currency because of the stigmas that will have been attached to it.

Good luck to you, sir.

This sums up how I feel quite nicely.

Title: Re: mtgox and bruce wagner
Post by: someotherguy on September 01, 2011, 01:39:46 PM
My first post yes. Been reading the forums for ages. But I feel it neccessary to state one simple demand to mtgox and the current situation about bruce wagner. Please stop sponsoring this proven con man (and most likely affiliated with - tod williams tom williams). I desire an official statement from mtgox that they are in no way associated with this asshole. If that is not possible to produce then one question is left, why? The reason for this post is Bruce Wagners latest bitcoin show where he states that he is in tokyo to visit mtgox. Make it official that this guy is in no way on the good side with bitcoins biggest trading site.

And please no posts that this is a newbs forum, first post so no choice on my part. I had to make this post to relieve my worries about the continuation of being affiliated with this scammer.

This is not an official statement, there is not enough information at this point for such a thing. I'll try to expose our views at this point.

For information we are not "sponsoring" Bruce Wagner, we are buying advertising on the Bitcoin Show as many others have been doing or are doing, which was (until now) the only show about bitcoins to have enough viewers to start to be interesting.

Many new things have appeared during on the forum during the past 2 or 3 days, so I'll list - quickly - those here:

  • About thailand "boys", the evidence produced so far is far from being anything to worry about. We know Bruce is homosexual, as he's open about this, but this has nothing to do with bitcoins. It seems from what I saw that Thailand is more "gay-friendly" than USA and it could explain Bruce's presence there and why he likes that country. Anyway without more evidence there is nothing we can decide there.
  • Bruce ran Bold Funding, which was unable to do what it claims to do. He was caught and judged for this, and I believe the justice does its thing. I know Bruce have been handling a lot of funds for bitcoin users while promoting it, and I never heard of him running with someone's cash (would have been easy enough). I didn't know what he did, but I know he did a great job in promoting bitcoins, allowing people to buy coins with cash without ever defrauding anyone.
  • About the case in NY and some guy asking $500k in 2008, that case seems to be closed, open again, ... anyway it's not settled yet, and I'm wondering a bit about the guy on the other side. As long as the case is not settled there's no way to know who's wrong, and considering how long this have been running I wouldn't think it's anything serious.
  • Finally about Bruce's affiliation with MyBitcoin, this is quite amusing. Not only this is highly unlikely considering technical details on the way MyBitcoin was run, but the "link" (TodWilliams?) is the most ridiculous thing I ever saw.
We are however aware of the image problem this represents, both for us and the bitcoin community as a whole, and are considering which steps should be taken in the future.

I do think that everyone around here are slightly too busy reading about Bruce (I don't know about you but I'm already bored of this) and ignoring some more important things happening on Bitcoin. We are about to start service for Bitomat users and open multi currency support, among other things, and various things are moving within the bitcoin community.

The evidence is overwhelming.  I find your judgment questionable at best at this point. Moreover, if you can't make a reasoned and thought-out judgment about this issue, than how am I to trust you with my moneys and assets?   The simple answer is I can't, if you can make this kind of mistake, than you can make other mistakes in judgment just as bad. 

Therefore I am closing my MtGox accounts, and taking my business to another firm.  I will also be directing my partners, friends and associates to do the same.

Title: Re: mtgox and bruce wagner
Post by: castlegoat on September 01, 2011, 01:42:38 PM
Lollin' at psy.

Sure, he might have a few incrimating posts about picking up boys in child sex-trafficking hot spots, may have an unpaid $300,000 dollar judgement for scamming people out of their homes without a single customer helped and pending litigation for another $500,000, but that's only par for the course when you're a bitcoin high roller!

Is that what you aspire to? What kind of business are you doing here?

Title: Re: mtgox and bruce wagner
Post by: Surawit on September 01, 2011, 01:46:48 PM
I see what this is about, it is obvious. Some of you are very jealous of Mr. Wagner because he had the FORESIGHT to jump into Bitcoin when the price was very low. I may not be an early adopter either but at least I'm not bitter about it! If you are patient you can also make some good money from Bitcoin, this is inevitable fact (Bitcoin is DEFLATIONARY)

Title: Re: mtgox and bruce wagner
Post by: Raoul Duke on September 01, 2011, 01:51:15 PM
Lollin' at psy.

Sure, he might have a few incrimating posts about picking up boys in child sex-trafficking hot spots, may have an unpaid $300,000 dollar judgement for scamming people out of their homes without a single customer helped and pending litigation for another $500,000, but that's only par for the course when you're a bitcoin high roller!

Is that what you aspire to? What kind of business are you doing here?

Dude, listen very carefully: I'm not defending Bruce, in fact i can't stand the man(boy, whatever).
But for someone that wants so badly that Bruce stops being the face of Bitcoin, you guys are giving Bruce the most exposition off them all. If you think it's that bad, stop it, because now that everybody knows you are just making the matters worse for Bitcoin by keeping talking about this.

Hell, evem MagicalTux already answered that he's investigating it and will act accordingly. What you want more?

AGITPROP! That's what all this shit is, at it's worstest. The Internet way!

Title: Re: mtgox and bruce wagner
Post by: Stalin-chan on September 01, 2011, 02:00:56 PM
Yeah like i'm going to trust one person to investigate and make the final call.  ::)
Why don't you just call the FBI in?  ::)

Title: Re: mtgox and bruce wagner
Post by: BlockHash on September 01, 2011, 02:01:50 PM
I see what this is about, it is obvious. Some of you are very jealous of Mr. Wagner because he had the FORESIGHT to jump into Bitcoin when the price was very low. I may not be an early adopter either but at least I'm not bitter about it! If you are patient you can also make some good money from Bitcoin, this is inevitable fact (Bitcoin is DEFLATIONARY)

Are you serious? I'm quite happy for people that legitimately have gotten rewarded for being an early adopter and hope that one day I can replicate their success.

What I'm having an issue with is that people seem to be just fine having a well-known scammer as the face of the currency and quite frankly, I don't trust the guy as far as I can throw him after everything that has come to light with regards to his past business dealings. I was certainly worked up about his decision making and reasoning for Pattaya while ignoring the communities concerns, but that's all small potatoes to me now, we simply can't afford to have this stigma associated with Bitcoin.  You do know that his name is mentioned a lot in the media and once that his past is revealed to them, they are going to run it into the ground every time Bitcoin is mentioned? This is inevitable and it will only serve to hurt the currency even more and open it up to more government scrutiny.

Title: Re: mtgox and bruce wagner
Post by: Surawit on September 01, 2011, 02:17:17 PM
What I'm having an issue with is that people seem to be just fine having a well-known scammer as the face of the currency and quite frankly, I don't trust the guy as far as I can throw him after everything that has come to light with regards to his past business dealings. I was certainly worked up about his decision making and reasoning for Pattaya while ignoring the communities concerns, but that's all small potatoes to me now, we simply can't afford to have this stigma associated with Bitcoin.  You do know that his name is mentioned a lot in the media and once that his past is revealed to them, they are going to run it into the ground every time Bitcoin is mentioned? This is inevitable and it will only serve to hurt the currency even more and open it up to more government scrutiny.
As far as I can tell there have been three allegations
1. That Bruce had something to do with mortgage fraud. He has explained that this was a misunderstanding.
2. That Bruce is involved with sex tourism. He has also said that this is not true.
3. That Bruce is involved with the hacking. He has also explained this, they were his SPONSORS and he lost money too.

I am a very good judge of character. Listening to Bruce it is clear he is honest, INNOCENT and pure of heart. These allegations are despicable, and it all seems very co-ordinated. I bet all you are secretly swapping advice on the best way to continue this horrible, unethical three-edged assault on a poor innocent man of undefiled character.

Title: Re: mtgox and bruce wagner
Post by: Jalum on September 01, 2011, 02:22:05 PM
As far as I can tell there have been three allegations
1. That Bruce had something to do with mortgage fraud. He has explained that this was a misunderstanding.
2. That Bruce is involved with sex tourism. He has also said that this is not true.
3. That Bruce is involved with the hacking. He has also explained this, they were his SPONSORS and he lost money too.

I am a very good judge of character. Listening to Bruce it is clear he is honest, INNOCENT and pure of heart. These allegations are despicable, and it all seems very co-ordinated. I bet all you are secretly swapping advice on the best way to continue this horrible, unethical three-edged assault on a poor innocent man of undefiled character.

Is this Ed or Manny?

Title: Re: mtgox and bruce wagner
Post by: TwistedPair on September 01, 2011, 02:28:28 PM
[Edit] You said: "I never heard of him running with someone's cash"

I think that was the sentence that killed it for me. He ran away with desperate people's cash after offering them a mortgage service that he had no intention of keeping. He was tried in absentia, and he has not paid the money that he was ordered to by the courts nor did he pay a penny in compensation to his victims.

What I know of Bruce is what he did for the past months in Bitcoin, and I never had any report of Bruce stealing anything from anyone during that time frame.

As I said, we do not have enough information at this point to make any decision, especially when it comes to Bold Funding. We are still investigating this on our own and will provide updates once we reach a conclusion.


Title: Re: mtgox and bruce wagner
Post by: Stalin-chan on September 01, 2011, 02:31:21 PM
As far as I can tell there have been three allegations
1. That Bruce had something to do with mortgage fraud. He has explained that this was a misunderstanding.
2. That Bruce is involved with sex tourism. He has also said that this is not true.
3. That Bruce is involved with the hacking. He has also explained this, they were his SPONSORS and he lost money too.

I am a very good judge of character. Listening to Bruce it is clear he is honest, INNOCENT and pure of heart. These allegations are despicable, and it all seems very co-ordinated. I bet all you are secretly swapping advice on the best way to continue this horrible, unethical three-edged assault on a poor innocent man of undefiled character.

Is this Ed or Manny?


Mortgage fraud is not a misunderstanding, did Bruce ever apologise for the lives he ruined in his "mortgage misunderstanding"?

Title: Re: mtgox and bruce wagner
Post by: Raize on September 01, 2011, 02:39:17 PM
That Bruce is involved with the hacking. He has also explained this, they were his SPONSORS and he lost money too.

There are two very damning bits of evidence against that:
1. Arvixe is a very small host and both Bruce and mybitcoin were registered there.
2. The statistical-significance of tod williams and tom williams out of any thousands of scammer names that could have been used.

Additionally, we know he's wanted in two US states and it looks like the NY thing is still ongoing. I don't even care about his fondness for little boys, the dude has fraudulently handled other people's money.

There's two things Bruce could do to clear things up:
1. Explain who Tom Williams is
2. Explain who Tod Williams is

They couldn't identify in court a SINGLE individual that was benefited by Bold Funding, so who the hell was Tod? If he was sponsored by MyBitcoin, then who the hell is Tom?

Title: Re: mtgox and bruce wagner
Post by: FlipPro on September 01, 2011, 03:00:02 PM
I've talked to Bruce and watched his show several times, and he is a really nice guy.... From my personal experience, it seems unlikely that he is the conman everyone is claiming him to be. He has a very open and honest character... Not at all 'shady' IMO.

Are you serious?  You can't think of any reason why a con man(who makes a living on getting people to trust him with their money and well-being) seems like a really nice guy?  A con man who seems shady isn't a very good one.  And he was a good one, no idea how much he got but he was ordered to pay back over 350k so it was a lot. 
Then why the hell did he get caught?

I bring this point up because if Bruce was hiding ANYTHING, he wouldn't be using all his REAL INFORMATION in the first place.

You guys are absolutely INSANE, and you wonder why people won't take you seriously?

Title: Re: mtgox and bruce wagner
Post by: BCEmporium on September 01, 2011, 03:02:29 PM
Gosh! Glad my first (and last) entanglement with Bruce was a "crash" and insults exchange upon Baron's issue.

Nevertheless, these lately attempts of character burning I don't know... it started with odd allegations of sexual behavior, which makes it look more like a campaign against other than proper accusations.
Still, that mortgage scheme went down... he claims good intentions, but was a scheme, was he to naive to think "win for all situations" really exists?! Here we've a popular expression, translates more or less to: «Of people with good intentions is Hell filled up».
Still don't quite know what to think.

Title: Re: mtgox and bruce wagner
Post by: castlegoat on September 01, 2011, 03:35:40 PM
I've talked to Bruce and watched his show several times, and he is a really nice guy.... From my personal experience, it seems unlikely that he is the conman everyone is claiming him to be. He has a very open and honest character... Not at all 'shady' IMO.

Are you serious?  You can't think of any reason why a con man(who makes a living on getting people to trust him with their money and well-being) seems like a really nice guy?  A con man who seems shady isn't a very good one.  And he was a good one, no idea how much he got but he was ordered to pay back over 350k so it was a lot. 
Then why the hell did he get caught?

I bring this point up because if Bruce was hiding ANYTHING, he wouldn't be using all his REAL INFORMATION in the first place.

You guys are absolutely INSANE, and you wonder why people won't take you seriously?

I agree, I think that if this guy really was a pedophile sex-trafficking mortgage scammer he would be WAY TOO SMART to just use his name like this. IDIOTS. I mean, sure he's admitted to it being true, but that's because you trolls put his back against the wall.  BACK OFF, AND LET THE TRUTH COME OUT.

Title: Re: mtgox and bruce wagner
Post by: Stalin-chan on September 01, 2011, 03:56:48 PM
I prefer my wall backing approach.

Title: Re: mtgox and bruce wagner
Post by: BitCoinMagic on September 01, 2011, 04:26:37 PM

1. That Bruce had something to do with mortgage fraud. He has explained that this was a misunderstanding.

Whether you are the biggest advocate for bitcoins, mtgox, whatever or the biggest troll in the universe the *facts* are this:  There was no misunderstanding with this Bold Funding company.  A *court* reviewed the *facts* and came to a judgment based on those facts.  The judgement they came to is that there was no "misunderstanding", Bold Funding was an completely unlicensed business (to broker mortgages) that lied to and defrauded its customers and questioned if they ever actually helped a single person secure "private funding" for their loans (a complete bullshit premise in the first place).

You don't need to ponder the sex stuff or the mybitcoin evidence.  A US court has told you he is a fucking conman who took advantage of desperate (poor) people in their time of need.  It wasn't some company gone bust because they could keep the books straight.  They took money and put it in their pockets and called it a day, then scurried off to the next scam.

If you are ok with that then fine, sleep with the pigs.  Regurgitating his pitiful "ohh poor me it was all a mistake" bullshit makes you look just as bad.

Title: Re: mtgox and bruce wagner
Post by: bbit on September 01, 2011, 04:31:16 PM
I've talked to Bruce and watched his show several times, and he is a really nice guy.... From my personal experience, it seems unlikely that he is the conman everyone is claiming him to be. He has a very open and honest character... Not at all 'shady' IMO.

Are you serious?  You can't think of any reason why a con man(who makes a living on getting people to trust him with their money and well-being) seems like a really nice guy?  A con man who seems shady isn't a very good one.  And he was a good one, no idea how much he got but he was ordered to pay back over 350k so it was a lot. 
Then why the hell did he get caught?

I bring this point up because if Bruce was hiding ANYTHING, he wouldn't be using all his REAL INFORMATION in the first place.

You guys are absolutely INSANE, and you wonder why people won't take you seriously?

I agree, I think that if this guy really was a pedophile sex-trafficking mortgage scammer he would be WAY TOO SMART to just use his name like this. IDIOTS. I mean, sure he's admitted to it being true, but that's because you trolls put his back against the wall.  BACK OFF, AND LET THE TRUTH COME OUT.


Title: Re: mtgox and bruce wagner
Post by: BitCoinMagic on September 01, 2011, 04:39:00 PM
So everyone who has done anything bad prior to having an interest in bitcoin should come clean and resign from having anything to do with bitcoin. I would have to say safely you wouldn't have forum to post to if this was the case.

Did I say anything even closely resembling that?  Do you understand what a "false dichotomy" is?

Bruce can be a completely untrustworthy scumbag and bitcoin can continue to thrive. 

I am just tired of people defending him like "well that was then".  Would you let a sex offender be the spokesperson for your daycare you are trying to open?   Bruce married himself to bitcoin but I think the forums and community at large should be filing for a divorce.

Title: Re: mtgox and bruce wagner
Post by: Grouver (BtcBalance) on September 01, 2011, 04:49:11 PM
I agree, I think that if this guy really was a pedophile sex-trafficking mortgage scammer he would be WAY TOO SMART to just use his name like this. IDIOTS. I mean, sure he's admitted to it being true, but that's because you trolls put his back against the wall.  BACK OFF, AND LET THE TRUTH COME OUT.
Your right.
But don't forget the people who accuse Bruce, are not doing all of this to let the truth come out.
There doing this cause there bored and desperately need attention and they will never stop.
Unless Bruce admits it or a new ban policy  is introduced into this forum this "trolling" will continue.
It's that simple.

Title: Re: mtgox and bruce wagner
Post by: monoko on September 01, 2011, 08:59:52 PM
Would you let a sex offender be the spokesperson for your daycare you are trying to open? 

Lurker breaking my silence. I'm not sure if you noticed it, but running that analogy and comparing the community and interests of Bitcoin to a daycare would have been less accurate just a few days ago before Wagner became a trending topic.

Title: Re: mtgox and bruce wagner
Post by: BitCoinMagic on September 01, 2011, 09:14:04 PM
What are you trying to say?  I wasn't comparing bitcoin to a daycare, I was saying that embracing Bruce as a spokesperson for a financial instrument after being shown to be dishonest and fraudulent is analogous to that scenario.

Title: Re: mtgox and bruce wagner
Post by: esse83 on September 01, 2011, 09:53:15 PM
Im starting to see how easy it is to be a con man just by observing the fools that are his defenders.I sincerely believe there is no way to communicate truth to people who are wired to conform reality to their own perception of illusion. The trolls in this thread is not we who take an objective look at the available information. The level of dishonesty and self-deception is truly amazing and shows itself most clearly when information does not fit with old and outdated convictions.

It is time to get rid of this murky stuff so that bitcoin can breathe fresh air and grow. Bitcoin is nothing more than technology meeting human characters. If the latter part has personas that are dishonest the principles of bitcoin does not matter. We give it meaning and application. And please no replies that are without substance (meaning unbiased reflection).  

Title: Re: mtgox and bruce wagner
Post by: Raoul Duke on September 01, 2011, 10:14:59 PM
Maybe you goons can go complaint to the FED/ECB that there are a lot of scammers trying to be the face of the dollar/euro... and while you're at it, please expose them all!

Title: Re: mtgox and bruce wagner
Post by: esse83 on September 01, 2011, 10:27:03 PM
Not sure what you mean, but here is my interpretation. 

1) Swindlers are out there in the international money currency
2) So we should just accept it
c) Do nothing

Im quite confused by your statement.

Title: Re: mtgox and bruce wagner
Post by: Raoul Duke on September 01, 2011, 10:31:48 PM
I'm serious... Just go and expose all those scammers trying to run the FED and the ECB and all the major banks in the world.

Do the world a favour, please. You already solved all of Bitcoins problems, so, now, you can start solving the problems with the dollar and maybe the euro, who knows, if you still have the time for it, 'cause oh boy, just all the scammers in the FED and the american banks will take you a long time...

Title: Re: mtgox and bruce wagner
Post by: esse83 on September 01, 2011, 10:41:01 PM
"You already solved all of Bitcoins problems" - what? No idea what you are talking about again. You seem just to be focused on you being right. But that is what is great about facts. Opinions loose their meaning.

Title: Re: mtgox and bruce wagner
Post by: greyhawk on September 01, 2011, 10:43:33 PM
"You already solved all of Bitcoins problems" - what? No idea what you are talking about again. You seem just to be focused on you being right. But that is what is great about facts. Opinions loose their meaning.

He's asking SA to turn their attention elsewhere so that BTC users can be scammed in peace and quiet again.

Title: Re: mtgox and bruce wagner
Post by: esse83 on September 01, 2011, 11:02:39 PM
Probably not his intention, but truly the consequences of his nosense.

Title: Re: mtgox and bruce wagner
Post by: d'aniel on September 01, 2011, 11:16:36 PM
As far as I can tell there have been three allegations
1. That Bruce had something to do with mortgage fraud. He has explained that this was a misunderstanding.
2. That Bruce is involved with sex tourism. He has also said that this is not true.
3. That Bruce is involved with the hacking. He has also explained this, they were his SPONSORS and he lost money too.

I am a very good judge of character. Listening to Bruce it is clear he is honest, INNOCENT and pure of heart. These allegations are despicable, and it all seems very co-ordinated. I bet all you are secretly swapping advice on the best way to continue this horrible, unethical three-edged assault on a poor innocent man of undefiled character.

Is this Ed or Manny?


Heh, am I the only one who noticed the striking resemblance to the infamous three-pronged attack?  Thanks for the troll clue, I chuckled :)

Title: Re: mtgox and bruce wagner
Post by: Raoul Duke on September 01, 2011, 11:26:37 PM
He's asking SA to turn their attention elsewhere so that BTC users can be scammed in peace and quiet again.

but... but... what about those poor dollar users that are getting scammed? aren't you guys going to defend them? Are the scammers allowed to scam them quietly because all you care about is the well-being of bitcoin users?

I think that's extremely unfair! There are far more innocent dollar users being scammed than bitcoin users!


Title: Re: mtgox and bruce wagner
Post by: johnj on September 01, 2011, 11:31:40 PM
Even though I'm new around here, I'm not doing any business with anyone who associates with Wagner.

Gay?  Who gives a shit.

Thailand boys?  Oh well erm...

COURT DOCUMENTS PROVING WAGNER HAS SCAMMED BEFORE?  That's when I take my business elsewhere.

Title: Re: mtgox and bruce wagner
Post by: verbotenforen on September 01, 2011, 11:38:19 PM
He's asking SA to turn their attention elsewhere so that BTC users can be scammed in peace and quiet again.

but... but... what about those poor dollar users that are getting scammed? aren't you guys going to defend them? Are the scammers allowed to scam them quietly because all you care about is the well-being of bitcoin users?

I think that's extremely unfair! There are far more innocent dollar users being scammed than bitcoin users!


Did Bold Funding accept Bitcoins?

(PS Where do I get my Jewstar Goonstar?)

Title: Re: mtgox and bruce wagner
Post by: Raoul Duke on September 01, 2011, 11:49:10 PM
(PS Where do I get my Jewstar Goonstar?)

You are special, so you get it right up your ass!

Title: Re: mtgox and bruce wagner
Post by: verbotenforen on September 01, 2011, 11:59:50 PM
(PS Where do I get my Jewstar Goonstar?)

You are special, so you get it right up your ass!

Oh OK, I guess I'm fine with that as long as it's you doing it.   ;)

Also the whole "Defend Bruce Wagner because the people attacking him hate our community and aren't doing it out of their love for us!" thing is really dumb.  It's like you're in a dark alley and there's this shady-lookin' guy in a trenchcoat edging towards you and then suddenly we pop out of nowhere and say "Hey!  There's that mugger who mugged all those guy awhile ago and here's the wanted poster to prove it!  Let's get him!"  Are you supposed to completely ignore the possibility that he's a bad person just because we happen to think you're a complete and total tool?

Bitcoin's just a sideshow by this point.  We just really don't like Bruce.  And if I had to guess why, I'd say it's probably because we liked him back when we thought he was a lovable, gullible yet harmless moron and we really, really don't like finding out we liked scumbags.

Also, he's a scumbag.

Title: Re: mtgox and bruce wagner
Post by: monoko on September 02, 2011, 12:03:25 AM
He's asking SA to turn their attention elsewhere so that BTC users can be scammed in peace and quiet again.

but... but... what about those poor dollar users that are getting scammed? aren't you guys going to defend them? Are the scammers allowed to scam them quietly because all you care about is the well-being of bitcoin users?

I think that's extremely unfair! There are far more innocent dollar users being scammed than bitcoin users!


Did Bold Funding accept Bitcoins?

Bold Funding began in 2004 as a startup between Wagner and a co-founder. By his own admission, it didn't last to anywhere near the time of the first Bitcoin release. That's due to either his incompetence, actual criminal practices committed under the Bold Funding banner, or both.

Title: Re: mtgox and bruce wagner
Post by: Raoul Duke on September 02, 2011, 12:06:38 AM
(PS Where do I get my Jewstar Goonstar?)

You are special, so you get it right up your ass!

Oh OK, I guess I'm fine with that as long as it's you doing it.   ;)

Also the whole "Defend Bruce Wagner because the people attacking him hate our community and aren't doing it out of their love for us!" thing is really dumb.  It's like you're in a dark alley and there's this shady-lookin' guy in a trenchcoat edging towards you and then suddenly we pop out of nowhere and say "Hey!  There's that mugger who mugged all those guy awhile ago and here's the wanted poster to prove it!  Let's get him!"  Are you supposed to completely ignore the possibility that he's a bad person just because we happen to think you're a complete and total tool?

Bitcoin's just a sideshow by this point.  We just really don't like Bruce.  And if I had to guess why, I'd say it's probably because we liked him back when we thought he was a lovable, gullible yet harmless moron and we really, really don't like finding out we liked scumbags.

Also, he's a scumbag.

So, you are all feeling dumb because Bruce fooled you into thinking he was a lovable gullible yet harmless moron? I guess the joke is on you then...

PS: I'm not defending Bruce, I hate him almost as much as I hate goons.

About the goonstar thing, ask Bruce, i read on SA that his hourly rates are acceptale!

Title: Re: mtgox and bruce wagner
Post by: nrd525 on September 02, 2011, 02:05:30 AM
I've spent several hours reviewing some of the evidence and have concluded that Bruce Wagner is a convicted scammer who has shown no tendency to reform.  He continues to systematically exaggerate (see his list of media outlets that he claimed were going to the NYC conference) and fails to deliver. 

If I was running a business, I wouldn't want anything to do with him.

Title: Re: mtgox and bruce wagner
Post by: castlegoat on September 02, 2011, 03:33:15 AM
Psy's just settin 'em up and knocking them down. Think you done a good job of keeping it even-tempered out here, with some witticisms (except for anything involving stuff in somebody's butt, that's just unhygienic).

Title: Re: mtgox and bruce wagner
Post by: Incomer on September 02, 2011, 10:13:14 AM
I joined this forum ages ago, not to post but so I could read and maybe contribute if I felt the need to. My skills in English are a little lackluster, I actually only just passed it in school but I have been using it more since then, so please bear with me if my grammar is a bit off or I don't make complete sense.

I have been watching this whole affair develop and am wondering why people continue to defend these obviously malign individuals. If something bad happens once you could quite easily put it down as a mistake, but their is a fairly obvious trail of criminality and criminal mindedness in these cases. To either continue to defend these selfish professional scam artists, or to claim that some band of people who seem to find recreation in tracking people down on the internet are just digging up dirt seems, to me, to be purely self deluding.

Anyone with even a modicum of sense should be quite easily able to see that the persons in question should be reviled and cast out of the Bitcoin community. They are a poison that could quite easily spread if left free to roam unfettered. Don't delude yourself and even try to find the good in these people, there is none. Wake up and realize that they are complete scum.

Title: Re: mtgox and bruce wagner
Post by: verbotenforen on September 02, 2011, 07:17:40 PM
(PS Where do I get my Jewstar Goonstar?)

You are special, so you get it right up your ass!

Oh OK, I guess I'm fine with that as long as it's you doing it.   ;)

Also the whole "Defend Bruce Wagner because the people attacking him hate our community and aren't doing it out of their love for us!" thing is really dumb.  It's like you're in a dark alley and there's this shady-lookin' guy in a trenchcoat edging towards you and then suddenly we pop out of nowhere and say "Hey!  There's that mugger who mugged all those guy awhile ago and here's the wanted poster to prove it!  Let's get him!"  Are you supposed to completely ignore the possibility that he's a bad person just because we happen to think you're a complete and total tool?

Bitcoin's just a sideshow by this point.  We just really don't like Bruce.  And if I had to guess why, I'd say it's probably because we liked him back when we thought he was a lovable, gullible yet harmless moron and we really, really don't like finding out we liked scumbags.

Also, he's a scumbag.

So, you are all feeling dumb because Bruce fooled you into thinking he was a lovable gullible yet harmless moron? I guess the joke is on you then...

PS: I'm not defending Bruce, I hate him almost as much as I hate goons.

About the goonstar thing, ask Bruce, i read on SA that his hourly rates are acceptale!

Mmmkay, so you think Bruce is worth a bit of crucifying as well.  So, then, why would you dislike us poor innocent goons?

Is it because we tell you that Bitcoin makes no economic sense?  (Which it doesn't.)

It is because we tell you your Bitcoin business plans make no sense?  (Which they don't.)

Is it because we tell you that a lot of you don't make sense, period?  (Which you don't.)

Is it because we tell you that Bitcoin is packed wall-to-wall with scammers?  (Which it is.)

Is it because we're Iluminati-government-funded-Freemason government goons out to destroy Bitcoins?  (Which we [REDACTED.])

Or is it because we won't respond to people saying mean things about us by flipping out over how everyone who disagrees with me personally is a horrible evil monster dedicated to the destruction of our gentle, peaceful community?

Feel free to test that last one out!  It only costs ten of your worthless fiat dollars to sign up to SomethingAwful, and we would LOVE to see you trolling us harder than an underage Thai ladyboy.

Title: Re: mtgox and bruce wagner
Post by: esse83 on September 03, 2011, 11:21:37 PM
How long will take for mtgox to gather up the facts that are out there and make an OFFCIAL statement? Seems absurd with the overwhelming evidence. If you want to build a reputation that is based on facts then do it allready. Unless you feel the court system is somehow a hoax.

Title: Re: mtgox and bruce wagner
Post by: DiaperedDynamo on September 03, 2011, 11:28:21 PM
(PS Where do I get my Jewstar Goonstar?)

You are special, so you get it right up your ass!

Oh OK, I guess I'm fine with that as long as it's you doing it.   ;)

Also the whole "Defend Bruce Wagner because the people attacking him hate our community and aren't doing it out of their love for us!" thing is really dumb.  It's like you're in a dark alley and there's this shady-lookin' guy in a trenchcoat edging towards you and then suddenly we pop out of nowhere and say "Hey!  There's that mugger who mugged all those guy awhile ago and here's the wanted poster to prove it!  Let's get him!"  Are you supposed to completely ignore the possibility that he's a bad person just because we happen to think you're a complete and total tool?

Bitcoin's just a sideshow by this point.  We just really don't like Bruce.  And if I had to guess why, I'd say it's probably because we liked him back when we thought he was a lovable, gullible yet harmless moron and we really, really don't like finding out we liked scumbags.

Also, he's a scumbag.

So, you are all feeling dumb because Bruce fooled you into thinking he was a lovable gullible yet harmless moron? I guess the joke is on you then...

PS: I'm not defending Bruce, I hate him almost as much as I hate goons.

About the goonstar thing, ask Bruce, i read on SA that his hourly rates are acceptale!

Mmmkay, so you think Bruce is worth a bit of crucifying as well.  So, then, why would you dislike us poor innocent goons?

Is it because we tell you that Bitcoin makes no economic sense?  (Which it doesn't.)

It is because we tell you your Bitcoin business plans make no sense?  (Which they don't.)

Is it because we tell you that a lot of you don't make sense, period?  (Which you don't.)

Is it because we tell you that Bitcoin is packed wall-to-wall with scammers?  (Which it is.)

Is it because we're Iluminati-government-funded-Freemason government goons out to destroy Bitcoins?  (Which we [REDACTED.])

Or is it because we won't respond to people saying mean things about us by flipping out over how everyone who disagrees with me personally is a horrible evil monster dedicated to the destruction of our gentle, peaceful community?

Feel free to test that last one out!  It only costs ten of your worthless fiat dollars to sign up to SomethingAwful, and we would LOVE to see you trolling us harder than an underage Thai ladyboy.
But if they spend money on an account, they'll be able to buy one less bitcoin than they could've before. Maybe if Richard accepted Bitcoins...

Title: Re: mtgox and bruce wagner
Post by: repentance on September 03, 2011, 11:46:11 PM
As far as I can tell there have been three allegations
1. That Bruce had something to do with mortgage fraud. He has explained that this was a misunderstanding.
2. That Bruce is involved with sex tourism. He has also said that this is not true.
3. That Bruce is involved with the hacking. He has also explained this, they were his SPONSORS and he lost money too.

I am a very good judge of character. Listening to Bruce it is clear he is honest, INNOCENT and pure of heart. These allegations are despicable, and it all seems very co-ordinated. I bet all you are secretly swapping advice on the best way to continue this horrible, unethical three-edged assault on a poor innocent man of undefiled character.

Is this Ed or Manny?


Title: Re: mtgox and bruce wagner
Post by: DiaperedDynamo on September 04, 2011, 03:50:23 AM
As far as I can tell there have been three allegations
1. That Bruce had something to do with mortgage fraud. He has explained that this was a misunderstanding.
2. That Bruce is involved with sex tourism. He has also said that this is not true.
3. That Bruce is involved with the hacking. He has also explained this, they were his SPONSORS and he lost money too.

I am a very good judge of character. Listening to Bruce it is clear he is honest, INNOCENT and pure of heart. These allegations are despicable, and it all seems very co-ordinated. I bet all you are secretly swapping advice on the best way to continue this horrible, unethical three-edged assault on a poor innocent man of undefiled character.

Is this Ed or Manny?

There are court records of the mortgage case, if he'd known he wouldn't be able to handle all those extra clients, he shouldn't have taken their money in the first place. The point is he's scummy and... oh wait, it was a troll post. I get it. ::)

Title: Re: mtgox and bruce wagner
Post by: wee baby seamus on September 04, 2011, 03:58:44 AM
Im wondering how long it will take for mtgox to gather up the facts that are out there and make an OFFCIAL statement? Seems absurd with the overwhelming evidence. If you want to build a reputation that is based on facts then do it allready. Unless you feel the court system is somehow a hoax. This wont just fade away.

because they're all in it together

this is how scams work

Title: Re: mtgox and bruce wagner
Post by: PinkiePie on September 04, 2011, 04:41:28 AM
Im wondering how long it will take for mtgox to gather up the facts that are out there and make an OFFCIAL statement? Seems absurd with the overwhelming evidence. If you want to build a reputation that is based on facts then do it allready. Unless you feel the court system is somehow a hoax. This wont just fade away.

because they're all in it together

this is how scams work

Do you have any proof that Mt.Gox has ever orchestrated a scam?  That is quite a serious charge.

Title: Re: mtgox and bruce wagner
Post by: modlecar on February 25, 2013, 10:05:54 AM
Please read - lots more out there. But it should be sufficient for you to not give this shady character another chance at representing bitcoin in any way.

"But isn't it possible that his commitment to bitcoin is sincere?" No. He is here only to scam because that is what scammers do. They scam. How hard can that be to comprehend? That is all he know. He is a weak greedy and pathetic individual. End of story. Yes we are here to make money because we believe in the protocol of bitcoin. Not in abusing it due to individuals bad judgement.

You are absolutely right! He scammed me on for $310 dollars. He is the worst person in Bitcoins. A dishonest asshole who will do anything to feed his greed. I'm sure my money bought him some little boys for the night, what a sick pedophile. Never buy from buybitcoin or bitcoinme. It is all his work.. Don't learn the hard way, I did!