Bitcoin Forum

Other => Off-topic => Topic started by: bitrebel on September 06, 2011, 09:11:45 AM

Title: Freedom of Speech - Bitrebel's plea to the Community
Post by: bitrebel on September 06, 2011, 09:11:45 AM
I just want to say a few words to the bitcoin community.

I know that some of you are not happy with me. Some people here think im causing trouble. Some, but likely, very few, think i'm actually contributing to the forums in a positive way. That's a shame, I think.

I don't try to troll here. I don't try to stir up trouble, either. I'm just an average bitcoin enthusiast who discovered this and felt very strongly that bitcoins could help humanity in many ways. I strongly and truthfully feel that bitcoins can help fix many of humanity's woes.

But, people do not understand me, completely. Some people here think i'm extreme. Some think i'm crazy. Some call me paranoid and delusional and some revert to calling me a troll and nothing more.

I just want to say to everyone here, that I care. i care about the forum, I care about the people here who care about bitcoin, and most of all, I care about bitcoin, itself.

I am an activist at heart. I have been all my life since high school.

I know in my heart of hearts that the world is in deep trouble. I know about the history of the world. I have done the research, myself. I am not trying to lead anyone on or pull any hood over anyone's eyes.

I deeply and truly care for people. I cry many nights, that people do not realize, the evils that haunt them. I actually cry sometimes, thinking of how much people suffer in this world, unnecessarily. I grew up with politics in my life at an early age. I have tried to help change the world for the better. I have spent the majority of my life caring and working for the people, and not the power structure that seeks to control the people.

My learning and studies have led me in certain directions. I have uncovered truths I wish I never had. I have learned about horrible evils you would have nightmares knowing. I have been in places and seen things that average people should never know exists. I have seen and been near evil, and I have even dabbled in it, myself. I know the dark side, and I do not care to take part in it, at all, anymore!

In essence, I know evil, personally, and I would recommend everyone to stay far away from it, as possible.

I work hard, very hard, in my life to bring positive awareness to people. I seek to raise consciousness as much as possible. I believe in a greater world and I work diligently to help create it. I do my best (although I am not perfect), to be the best I can be. I work hard to raise my energy level and raise the vibration all around myself.

I want all of you to know something very special. I am a friend to bitcoin. I am an enemy to those to seek to destroy bitcoin. i am not impartial!

Not long ago, I dreamed, myself, of this solution, as a real shaman. I have visions sometimes. my friend and I talked about this concept long before it became real. We discussed P2P currency ideas as sovereign minded people sitting and chatting. When I discovered this, I realized right away, it's benefits and advantages. I hope and will this to succeed.

Many people visit the forums that feel and express sentiments that are near and dear to my heart. I realize, this cannot be coincidence. These people are truly my soul brothers and sisters on so many levels.
These people all share something near and dear to my heart, I realize, and that is something we all value a lot, if we are drawn to bitcoin. That is FREEDOM! Freedom rings in bitcoin, and those who are truly drawn to bitcoin, both friend an foe, are drawn in fact, to the spirit of bitcoin, the true spirit of freedom.

All i can ask from people, is to read what I put together, and to try your best to see, that I do not do this for attention, for status, or for ego. My only motive is to raise consciousness about history and corruption and manipulation of politics and truth and facts.

Please read this, and ask yourself, afterwards, "What is this person's motive"? Am I here to help or to hurt?

I am here to help people if I can. 

Don't hate me because I speak the truth. If you disagree, then prove me wrong.

Title: Re: Freedom of Speech - Bitrebel's plea to the Community
Post by: rainingbitcoins on September 06, 2011, 09:25:31 AM
Quote from: bitrebel
I know about the history of the world. I have done the research, myself. the back of a placemat. While waiting for my Grand Slam Breakfast.

Title: Re: Freedom of Speech - Bitrebel's plea to the Community
Post by: davout on September 06, 2011, 09:29:04 AM
change yourself, the universe will follow

Title: Re: Freedom of Speech - Bitrebel's plea to the Community
Post by: The_Duke on September 06, 2011, 09:32:07 AM
aaaand again. Requested move to off-topic.

Please rebel, post your silly topics in the correct part of the forum and give the mods a break.

Title: Re: Freedom of Speech - Bitrebel's plea to the Community
Post by: Gabi on September 06, 2011, 09:37:36 AM
I don't try to troll here. I don't try to stir up trouble, either.


SETI is a COMPLETE waste of money and I wouldn't donate 2 bitcents to your cause.

Go get some Military Grade Night Vision Infrared goggles and go out on a dark night and you'll find all the intelligent life you want to.

Send me bitcoins instead.
SETI is a COMPLETE waste of money and I wouldn't donate 2 bitcents to your cause.

Go get some Military Grade Night Vision Infrared goggles and go out on a dark night and you'll find all the intelligent life you want to.

Send me bitcoins instead.

It's investment in pure science and ideas that have no immediate commercial return that often eventually produces the discoveries that give you the toys you so like.

How ironic that infrared radiation was discovered by an amateur astronomer and you choose this example when decrying SETI as a waste?! 

You are a prize goose indeed bitrebel.

And somehow you equate SETI with discovering Infrared radiation?

You are the Goose, and a fool no less.
and may I add, someone who talks a bunch of shit out of their mouth and uses their brains for farting.

Julz I think you are of a more similar mindset to myself than bitrebel but I can appreciate his opinion:  finding aliens is not his thing ;D
We set up youtipit to reward people who do interesting and worthwhile things in all areas online.
SETI is a relatively large project but I like what they do and maybe others in the bitcoin community do also. Also this might raise bitcoins profile and show it in a positive light.

Finding aliens is not my thing?

There are 1000 god damn videos on youtube of alien ships all over the earth and space, live network news shots, over the dome in Israel, over Washington DC, on the 4th of July, videos by children, by grandparents, from, the US, Russia, Turkey, Yugoslavia, germany, france, and every country in the world.....

 and you want to send bitcoins to SETI?

This is the reason bitcoin will never succeed, if it dies. Too many bitbrains, or not enough people with half a bit for a brain, like the OP.

My conclusion is that yes, you are a troll.

Title: Re: Freedom of Speech - Bitrebel's plea to the Community
Post by: Gabi on September 06, 2011, 09:45:39 AM
what is with this pming spam? you try to convince other people that we send you private messages?  :-\

Title: Re: Freedom of Speech - Bitrebel's plea to the Community
Post by: bitrebel on September 06, 2011, 09:46:29 AM
what is with this pming spam? you try to convince other people that we send you private messages?  :-\

'Xcuse me?

Title: Re: Freedom of Speech - Bitrebel's plea to the Community
Post by: wolftaur on September 06, 2011, 09:57:16 AM
bitrebel, I'll be really blunt.

I hate you because I made a legitimate post and you suddenly concluded I'm a Mason. Which I'm not. I'm a computer geek who wants to see Bruce Wagner get the shit kicked out of him for what he did to Bitcoin almost as much as I wanna see Bruce Wagner get the shit kicked out of him for what he did to a bunch of desperate homeowners in 2004.

The closest I actually come to "being a Mason" is that I repaired a computer belonging to a neighbor who used to be one.

And y'know, saying "hate" is maybe even too strong. You just struck me as a complete idiot and loser. I mean, holy fuck, I was agreeing with you in three threads and *boom* I'm a Mason and you act like I'm some horrible guy. Do you have any idea how hard it is to not want to respond in kind?

You say you're a friend to bitcoin. You're sitting there attacking me, and I'm sure I'm not the only one you've attacked who's been trying to help bitcoin. I've gotten several friends into it, I'm in the middle of trying to convince a couple small businesses to take it, I'm even trying to talk my roommate into letting me accept bitcoin payments for his home business.

You're an activist? Great. I take care of a mentally disabled person despite being disabled myself, and when I was younger, I was part of making whole new case law for disabled students where I grew up. I've been educating disabled people in the neighborhoods I've lived in about their legal rights and the programs available for years.

You ask me to look at something you wrote and answer a question about your motives. I didn't get that courtesy from you, though. You couldn't judge me by the totality of what I posted. The many, many times you and I were on the same side in the same topic, you jump all over me the first time I actually said one thing you didn't like. And not only that but you go on like I'm part of some conspiracy.

Well, I ain't ever gonna be part of a conspiracy. My opinions are my own, and I don't care what anyone else thinks of my opinions. I'll support anyone and anything I think is good, and I'll slam anyone and anything I think is pathetic. Hell, I'll do them both at the same time to the same person! Earlier tonight I was bashing the hell out of someone over their website and its problems, until they indicated they would actually be willing to listen if I gave them some concrete information and advice. And y'know what? Well, I'm this computer geek. "Woohoo! I get to help someone understand an obscure computer science thing!" Walked them through all of it. Didn't care I'd been fighting with 'em 20 minutes earlier, I respected them being willing to admit they could use help. Why? Because someone acknowledging they have a problem and being willing to fix it, even if it means asking help of someone who was just humiliating them? Well, that's worth respect.

And that's my decision. I decide who I'm going to respect and why. Nobody else tells me what to support, what to ignore, what to laugh at. Anyone tries, I'll make my own conclusions. Anyone isn't OK with that, they're on the what I laugh at list.

I find it utterly hilarious and simultaneously offensive that you accuse me of being part of some big evil secret society. I can't even agree with my roommate about where we're going for dinner. I got expelled from high school for repeatedly proving teachers were wrong when they made mistakes teaching the class. I'm completely incompatible with "being in a secret society", I can't even handle when politics comes up at Thanksgiving dinner and my uncle tries to convince me of something I know is bullshit.

Title: Re: Freedom of Speech - Bitrebel's plea to the Community
Post by: herzmeister on September 06, 2011, 10:09:21 AM
@bitrebel I hear you but I suggest you to learn temperance, discernment and getting a sense for communities.

A left-brain, technological community like this is interested in hard facts rather than anecdotes and outbursts of passionate outcries.

Point them to concrete sources. I know they are hard to find, but they do exist ( Point them to logical fallacies and contradictions in the lies and fabrications released by official media.

Title: Re: Freedom of Speech - Bitrebel's plea to the Community
Post by: Gabi on September 06, 2011, 10:12:01 AM
bitrebel deleted a reply in this thread.

Title: Re: Freedom of Speech - Bitrebel's plea to the Community
Post by: bitrebel on September 06, 2011, 10:13:41 AM
bitrebel, I'll be really blunt.

I hate you because I made a legitimate post and you suddenly concluded I'm a Mason. Which I'm not. I'm a computer geek who wants to see Bruce Wagner get the shit kicked out of him for what he did to Bitcoin almost as much as I wanna see Bruce Wagner get the shit kicked out of him for what he did to a bunch of desperate homeowners in 2004.

The closest I actually come to "being a Mason" is that I repaired a computer belonging to a neighbor who used to be one.

And y'know, saying "hate" is maybe even too strong. You just struck me as a complete idiot and loser. I mean, holy fuck, I was agreeing with you in three threads and *boom* I'm a Mason and you act like I'm some horrible guy. Do you have any idea how hard it is to not want to respond in kind?

You say you're a friend to bitcoin. You're sitting there attacking me, and I'm sure I'm not the only one you've attacked who's been trying to help bitcoin. I've gotten several friends into it, I'm in the middle of trying to convince a couple small businesses to take it, I'm even trying to talk my roommate into letting me accept bitcoin payments for his home business.

You're an activist? Great. I take care of a mentally disabled person despite being disabled myself, and when I was younger, I was part of making whole new case law for disabled students where I grew up. I've been educating disabled people in the neighborhoods I've lived in about their legal rights and the programs available for years.

You ask me to look at something you wrote and answer a question about your motives. I didn't get that courtesy from you, though. You couldn't judge me by the totality of what I posted. The many, many times you and I were on the same side in the same topic, you jump all over me the first time I actually said one thing you didn't like. And not only that but you go on like I'm part of some conspiracy.

Well, I ain't ever gonna be part of a conspiracy. My opinions are my own, and I don't care what anyone else thinks of my opinions. I'll support anyone and anything I think is good, and I'll slam anyone and anything I think is pathetic. Hell, I'll do them both at the same time to the same person! Earlier tonight I was bashing the hell out of someone over their website and its problems, until they indicated they would actually be willing to listen if I gave them some concrete information and advice. And y'know what? Well, I'm this computer geek. "Woohoo! I get to help someone understand an obscure computer science thing!" Walked them through all of it. Didn't care I'd been fighting with 'em 20 minutes earlier, I respected them being willing to admit they could use help. Why? Because someone acknowledging they have a problem and being willing to fix it, even if it means asking help of someone who was just humiliating them? Well, that's worth respect.

And that's my decision. I decide who I'm going to respect and why. Nobody else tells me what to support, what to ignore, what to laugh at. Anyone tries, I'll make my own conclusions. Anyone isn't OK with that, they're on the what I laugh at list.

I find it utterly hilarious and simultaneously offensive that you accuse me of being part of some big evil secret society. I can't even agree with my roommate about where we're going for dinner. I got expelled from high school for repeatedly proving teachers were wrong when they made mistakes teaching the class. I'm completely incompatible with "being in a secret society", I can't even handle when politics comes up at Thanksgiving dinner and my uncle tries to convince me of something I know is bullshit.

Well fine then, you and I have no apparent issue. I never meant to attack you personally, but you seem to troll with the lot of them. Maybe we can see our differences then. I never added you to the list, because I was not sure. I gave you the benefit of the doubt, believe it or not. I care not, to attack you, wolftaur, it's just that you seem to be sticking up for the somethingawful crowd, and it all get's mixed up. I doubted that you were a Mason, though, or my enemy, at that. FYI

Title: Re: Freedom of Speech - Bitrebel's plea to the Community
Post by: Oldminer on September 06, 2011, 10:15:18 AM
Paging Judge Judy to this thread

Title: Re: Freedom of Speech - Bitrebel's plea to the Community
Post by: bitrebel on September 06, 2011, 10:16:37 AM
@bitrebel I hear you but I suggest you to learn temperance, discernment and getting a sense for communities.

A left-brain, technological community like this is interested in hard facts rather than anecdotes and outbursts of passionate outcries.

Point them to concrete sources. I know they are hard to find, but they do exist ( Point them to logical fallacies and contradictions in the lies and fabrications released by official media.

I know, I know, herzmeister, I love you for that comment, thank you!

I try and try but i'm just human, in the end. I have failures and faults.

I will try harder. That's all i can do.

Thank you!

Title: Re: Freedom of Speech - Bitrebel's plea to the Community
Post by: sadpandatech on September 06, 2011, 03:00:39 PM
change yourself, the universe will follow

Yes, "Do not try to bend the spoon, for that would be impossible. Instead realize the spoon is not real therefor it is yourself that must bend."
    -- modified for clearity --

Title: Re: Freedom of Speech - Bitrebel's plea to the Community
Post by: hightax on September 06, 2011, 03:12:47 PM
My conclusion is that yes, you are a troll.

That's a pretty short sighted conclusion if you'd actually bother to read back through his post history.  I'm amazed that any of you are surprised when Bitrebel's been posting his conspiracy theory bullshit for several months now.

Bitcoins are a collaborative effort on the part of Jesse Ventura, Ron Paul, Alex Jones, Gerald Celente, Bob Chapman, and Terry Anderson to break the back of the Federal Reserve.  This money is used to fund the revolution against the Illuminati.

Bitcoin Exchanges are created by the Illuminati to attempt to profit off the use of bitcoins by revolutionaries and use that money to fund propaganda campaigns against bitcoins.

Both parties finance the DDos attacks, in order to try to take control over the propaganda.
Both parties spread stories to sensationalize bitcoins.

The Masons and Vatican were both large consumers of bitcoins in the early days. Both factions attempted to liquidate at the same time, causing a price deflation overnight.

A right wing christian militia group bought the bitcoins as they went down in value and then sold them as they increased in value and are now poised to break away from the US and start their own country with guns, bombs and bitcoins.

I was not supposed to say anything.

Title: Re: Freedom of Speech - Bitrebel's plea to the Community
Post by: Serge on September 06, 2011, 03:19:17 PM
The greatest conspiracy of all time is when the whole world conspires against one.

Title: Re: Freedom of Speech - Bitrebel's plea to the Community
Post by: herzmeister on September 06, 2011, 03:29:12 PM
wow those are really bold claims and strong meat  :D

Title: Re: Freedom of Speech - Bitrebel's plea to the Community
Post by: NghtRppr on September 06, 2011, 03:35:43 PM
I agree with you com.... (presses finger into ear) DISREGARD THAT, YOU ARE WRONG!

Title: Re: Freedom of Speech - Bitrebel's plea to the Community
Post by: Phinnaeus Gage on September 06, 2011, 05:03:56 PM
I just want to say a few words to the bitcoin community.

I know that some of you are not happy with me. Some people here think im causing trouble. Some, but likely, very few, think i'm actually contributing to the forums in a positive way. That's a shame, I think.

I don't try to troll here. I don't try to stir up trouble, either. I'm just an average bitcoin enthusiast who discovered this and felt very strongly that bitcoins could help humanity in many ways. I strongly and truthfully feel that bitcoins can help fix many of humanity's woes.

But, people do not understand me, completely. Some people here think i'm extreme. Some think i'm crazy. Some call me paranoid and delusional and some revert to calling me a troll and nothing more.

I have to save this, because one day I may need it to defend my position for what some may call craziness of what I post.

Title: Re: Freedom of Speech - Bitrebel's plea to the Community
Post by: bitconformist on September 06, 2011, 05:41:45 PM
bitrebel, I am in the minority I suppose. I do not think you are a troll. I agree with everything you've posted; all your theories, every word.

I just wish you would stop your feckless rebellion and conform. Can't you see, brother, how little you've achieved here? They're too strong for us!

Title: Re: Freedom of Speech - Bitrebel's plea to the Community
Post by: bitrebel on September 06, 2011, 06:53:03 PM
My conclusion is that yes, you are a troll.

That's a pretty short sighted conclusion if you'd actually bother to read back through his post history.  I'm amazed that any of you are surprised when Bitrebel's been posting his conspiracy theory bullshit for several months now.

Bitcoins are a collaborative effort on the part of Jesse Ventura, Ron Paul, Alex Jones, Gerald Celente, Bob Chapman, and Terry Anderson to break the back of the Federal Reserve.  This money is used to fund the revolution against the Illuminati.

Bitcoin Exchanges are created by the Illuminati to attempt to profit off the use of bitcoins by revolutionaries and use that money to fund propaganda campaigns against bitcoins.

Both parties finance the DDos attacks, in order to try to take control over the propaganda.
Both parties spread stories to sensationalize bitcoins.

The Masons and Vatican were both large consumers of bitcoins in the early days. Both factions attempted to liquidate at the same time, causing a price deflation overnight.

A right wing christian militia group bought the bitcoins as they went down in value and then sold them as they increased in value and are now poised to break away from the US and start their own country with guns, bombs and bitcoins.

I was not supposed to say anything.

So you take well composed joke, and use that to try to make me look ultra paranoid or something? What's the motive or point?

Title: Re: Freedom of Speech - Bitrebel's plea to the Community
Post by: Gerken on September 06, 2011, 07:42:27 PM
My conclusion is that yes, you are a troll.

That's a pretty short sighted conclusion if you'd actually bother to read back through his post history.  I'm amazed that any of you are surprised when Bitrebel's been posting his conspiracy theory bullshit for several months now.

Bitcoins are a collaborative effort on the part of Jesse Ventura, Ron Paul, Alex Jones, Gerald Celente, Bob Chapman, and Terry Anderson to break the back of the Federal Reserve.  This money is used to fund the revolution against the Illuminati.

Bitcoin Exchanges are created by the Illuminati to attempt to profit off the use of bitcoins by revolutionaries and use that money to fund propaganda campaigns against bitcoins.

Both parties finance the DDos attacks, in order to try to take control over the propaganda.
Both parties spread stories to sensationalize bitcoins.

The Masons and Vatican were both large consumers of bitcoins in the early days. Both factions attempted to liquidate at the same time, causing a price deflation overnight.

A right wing christian militia group bought the bitcoins as they went down in value and then sold them as they increased in value and are now poised to break away from the US and start their own country with guns, bombs and bitcoins.

I was not supposed to say anything.

So you take well composed joke, and use that to try to make me look ultra paranoid or something? What's the motive or point?

Point is, based on the other things you have posted, nobody thought you could actually be joking.  There's a reason for that. 

Title: Re: Freedom of Speech - Bitrebel's plea to the Community
Post by: bitrebel on September 06, 2011, 08:24:50 PM
My conclusion is that yes, you are a troll.

That's a pretty short sighted conclusion if you'd actually bother to read back through his post history.  I'm amazed that any of you are surprised when Bitrebel's been posting his conspiracy theory bullshit for several months now.

Bitcoins are a collaborative effort on the part of Jesse Ventura, Ron Paul, Alex Jones, Gerald Celente, Bob Chapman, and Terry Anderson to break the back of the Federal Reserve.  This money is used to fund the revolution against the Illuminati.

Bitcoin Exchanges are created by the Illuminati to attempt to profit off the use of bitcoins by revolutionaries and use that money to fund propaganda campaigns against bitcoins.

Both parties finance the DDos attacks, in order to try to take control over the propaganda.
Both parties spread stories to sensationalize bitcoins.

The Masons and Vatican were both large consumers of bitcoins in the early days. Both factions attempted to liquidate at the same time, causing a price deflation overnight.

A right wing christian militia group bought the bitcoins as they went down in value and then sold them as they increased in value and are now poised to break away from the US and start their own country with guns, bombs and bitcoins.

I was not supposed to say anything.

So you take well composed joke, and use that to try to make me look ultra paranoid or something? What's the motive or point?

Point is, based on the other things you have posted, nobody thought you could actually be joking.  There's a reason for that. 

I'm always serious and i'm always joking.

Title: Re: Freedom of Speech - Bitrebel's plea to the Community
Post by: hightax on September 06, 2011, 09:50:05 PM
I'm always serious and i'm always joking.

Nobody's disputing that you're a joke of a human being.  They're wondering if you're a troll, and considering that you probably do believe what you're posting, then you're not a troll.

Title: Re: Freedom of Speech - Bitrebel's plea to the Community
Post by: the joint on September 06, 2011, 09:55:29 PM
change yourself, the universe will follow

Best reply in thread.

The implications of this run deep.

Title: Re: Freedom of Speech - Bitrebel's plea to the Community
Post by: buttcoin1 on September 06, 2011, 10:08:59 PM
I just want to say a few words to the bitcoin community.




Man you just don't let up. Someone take away this guys keyboard. You keep adding to the problem of no good content or discussions here anymore.