Bitcoin Forum

Alternate cryptocurrencies => Altcoin Discussion => Topic started by: strunberg on January 30, 2014, 07:03:48 AM

Title: You guys are really fucking up here.
Post by: strunberg on January 30, 2014, 07:03:48 AM
It has gotten so cancerous here that there are talks about deleting the alt coin selection,using legal means,and banning people. (
It's Time For Theymos To Kill The Alt Section (
The Legal Fiction Perpetuated by BitcoinTalk

Title: Re: You guys are really fucking up here.
Post by: strunberg on January 30, 2014, 07:10:09 AM

It is indeed time to shut down this section.

It adds nothing of value.


I like alt coins as much as the next guy,but we need rules.

For instance, you can't post a new coin unless

1. You been on this forum for a year.
2.You display that your coin has ACTUAL innovation. Sorry, reducing the numbers of your coin,and changing nothing, else does not count as innovation.
Look at prime coin. I would love to see a folding at home equivalent

Title: Re: You guys are really fucking up here.
Post by: STT on January 30, 2014, 07:13:00 AM

There is historical precedent for alt coins, hard to believe.  At the start of the industrial revolution, the general population could manufacture make their own coins.   Not legally but it was circulated and used in the economy for lesser items, or so Ive read :p

Title: Re: You guys are really fucking up here.
Post by: strunberg on January 30, 2014, 07:24:14 AM
91 views,and no input from other than 3 people besides myself?

I hope you guys do realize that this would be the end of the new alt coins,including the good alt coins.

Title: Re: You guys are really fucking up here.
Post by: kalus on January 30, 2014, 07:28:42 AM
91 views,and no input from other than 3 people besides myself?

I hope you guys do realize that this would be the end of the new alt coins,including the good alt coins.
lets test that hypothesis.  shut it down already.  fuck.  stop the barking and actually bite.  

if altcoins are such money makers, let altcoins put their money where their mouth is and set out on their own.  

Title: Re: You guys are really fucking up here.
Post by: algore on January 30, 2014, 07:29:36 AM
Shut it down!

Title: Re: You guys are really fucking up here.
Post by: tk808 on January 30, 2014, 07:30:51 AM
91 views,and no input from other than 3 people besides myself?

I hope you guys do realize that this would be the end of the new alt coins,including the good alt coins.

1) It's not the people who view Alternate coins sections daily. It's the senior/hero members, ones who are die-hard bitcoin supporters, those are the ones spreading FUD to cause such an incident.

2) I love these alt-forums, but if the owners and whoevers ideology is going to cause a shut down, then there will always be another forum to take its place and traffic revenue.

3) There is no reason to shut down these forums. The problems can be solved in 2 minutes, if so the owner chooses.

I think (not really me) what people wanted was a giveaway section to promote alt-coins. Just create another child forum here and the problem will be solved.

Lastly, The alt-forum has increased in quality of posts, so the intention of the owner has been fulfilled.

Title: Re: You guys are really fucking up here.
Post by: RenegadeMind on January 30, 2014, 07:50:20 AM
The recent changes have made the forums a lot easier to use. They're cleaner, more organised, and there's less crud.

So I don't see why the alt section should be shut down. I'd like to see it stay. It's a pain to have multiple forums open.

Sure there are quite a few crapcoins, but there's also a lot of fun coins. Dogecoin has become very popular and is introducing a lot of people to crypto currencies and Bitcoin. That wouldn't have happened without the alt section here being so popular.

Compare the attitudes of people in /r/bitcoin and /r/dogecoin. Night & day. Some of the light-heartedness and gentle kindness you see in /r/dogecoin isn't a bad thing. And you can see a good amount of that here as well. That's likely a crowd that's good to keep.

But while there might not be a huge amount of innovation, it's not like we're torturing puppies here in the alt forum.

Meh... Whoever's in charge can do whatever they like. But they'll end up driving a lot of people away. Those that hate alts simply don't have to read the alt forum. Is that so hard?

Title: Re: You guys are really fucking up here.
Post by: KeyserSozeMC on January 30, 2014, 07:51:48 AM
Not a big deal.

Use my forum. I'm hosting giveaways there. There's a section for people's giveaways.

Title: Re: You guys are really fucking up here.
Post by: miner002013 on January 30, 2014, 09:44:52 AM
I don't think alt coins section will be killed...
All that is needed is a good policy, to minimise spams and advertisements.

Title: Re: You guys are really fucking up here.
Post by: farazvfx on January 30, 2014, 09:59:14 AM

It is indeed time to shut down this section.

It adds nothing of value.


I like alt coins as much as the next guy,but we need rules.

For instance, you can't post a new coin unless

1. You been on this forum for a year.
2.You display that your coin has ACTUAL innovation. Sorry, reducing the numbers of your coin,and changing nothing, else does not count as innovation.
Look at prime coin. I would love to see a folding at home equivalent

Come on you guys. Would you like it if all governments came along and legislated Bitcoin/Altcoin and stipulated rules on how altcoins should work? NO.

In the same way we don't want bit/alt coins to be managed by the elite, a lot of us would like the economy decide - i.e. let the forum evolve the way it would naturally. If you don't like it you can always log off and read up comments on Justin Beiber facebook page or something. But let the market decide. Crap coins or innovative coins - let us decide.

Being on a forum for atleast a year! Come on. That's like saying "you can only be old, and grey before you can join our club". You might as well say men only.

Title: Re: You guys are really fucking up here.
Post by: Wolf Rainer on January 30, 2014, 10:16:10 AM
The bitcoin holders are dicks. Bitcoin need altcoins the same way than altcoins needs bitcoin, one has no value without the other. Look at how much the bitcoin world grows from the altcoins users, all the communities, media, publicity, money in the coins, etc, a lot o people meet with the altcoins first and then get to know bitcoin, like the Megacoin publicity in China or New Zeland.

Title: Re: You guys are really fucking up here.
Post by: Jonesd on January 30, 2014, 10:19:00 AM

It is indeed time to shut down this section.

It adds nothing of value.


I like alt coins as much as the next guy,but we need rules.

For instance, you can't post a new coin unless

1. You been on this forum for a year.
2.You display that your coin has ACTUAL innovation. Sorry, reducing the numbers of your coin,and changing nothing, else does not count as innovation.
Look at prime coin. I would love to see a folding at home equivalent

Come on you guys. Would you like it if all governments came along and legislated Bitcoin/Altcoin and stipulated rules on how altcoins should work? NO.

In the same way we don't want bit/alt coins to be managed by the elite, a lot of us would like the economy decide - i.e. let the forum evolve the way it would naturally. If you don't like it you can always log off and read up comments on Justin Beiber facebook page or something. But let the market decide. Crap coins or innovative coins - let us decide.

Being on a forum for atleast a year! Come on. That's like saying "you can only be old, and grey before you can join our club". You might as well say men only.


Title: Re: You guys are really fucking up here.
Post by: sgk on January 30, 2014, 10:25:21 AM
For me, Alt-coins are as valuable as Bitcoins. If someone doesn't like alt-coins forum, how hard is it to go to your forum settings and ignore those sub-forums?

Title: Re: You guys are really fucking up here.
Post by: elgeo on January 30, 2014, 10:29:46 AM
It has gotten so cancerous here that there are talks about deleting the alt coin selection,using legal means,and banning people. (
It's Time For Theymos To Kill The Alt Section (
The Legal Fiction Perpetuated by BitcoinTalk

many like alt coins... that means more traffic here also... who doesnt like , has the freedom not to read the alt coin section lol

Title: Re: You guys are really fucking up here.
Post by: maardein on January 30, 2014, 10:55:17 AM
Maybe we should start moving to cryptocointalk ( Not affiliated in any way btw.

Title: Re: You guys are really fucking up here.
Post by: Anubite on January 30, 2014, 11:06:24 AM
I am glad the giveaways were nuked. I can actually navigate the forum now, and new topics are not sent to page 5 in 10 minutes.

What I think is cancerous is how people deem any criticism as "trolling" and then start a wave of "ignore" followed by "+1s." Is this really how we get better? Living in dreams?

Title: Re: You guys are really fucking up here.
Post by: Bansheroom on January 30, 2014, 11:12:46 AM

It is indeed time to shut down this section.

It adds nothing of value.


I feel more that its time to suspend your account, if you dont like the altcoin section stay out and dont read it.
Its you that adds no value to anything, because a zero cant add value at all.

Title: Re: You guys are really fucking up here.
Post by: Honeypot on January 30, 2014, 11:13:34 AM
If early bitcoin holders and people 'dedicated' (note: elitist) to bitcoin can't even reign in on their own forums within reason, without throwing tantrums like this, no wonder the 'original' bitcoin fanatics are losing ground to new waves of commercial and profit seeking average joes (such label by itself implies elitism - funny how those idealists are quickly corrupted by their own ignorance and unpreparedness to face the results of their actions).

Reign in on it within reason. Don't bury it in sub-sub forum. You are in charge. Throwing in the towel now and essentially throwing a tantrum by banning such sections is out of question if you want this whole crypto to be taken seriously.

Idea is to take control, or otherwise create venues in such a way as to bring it in line, not go crying to your almighty delete button  whenever you can't handle the task.

Harsh as it maybe, it's the truth. This is a test of your abilities as administrators, and to do otherwise would be a gross negligence and show of incompetence that you can't even keep your own internet forum going, never mind a 'world-changing-movement-of-cryptocurrency'.

I believe level heads will prevail.

Title: Re: You guys are really fucking up here.
Post by: elixir on January 30, 2014, 11:25:46 AM
a lot of people have moved here and its taking off quite nicely.

Title: Re: You guys are really fucking up here.
Post by: Trafficlearn on January 30, 2014, 12:13:54 PM
The bitcoin ELITE have become the very entity they thought they were rallying against....i think its sort of amusing to watch.  You can TASTE the hypocrisy.....but that normal....fight the MAN until I GET MINE...then fuck everybody else.

What if someone would have shut down this forum not so long ago cause they believe bitcoin to be a danger?

Title: Re: You guys are really fucking up here.
Post by: Slingshot on January 30, 2014, 12:14:18 PM
 I was thinking about heading here:

 This place isn't welcoming.

 Post a sticky, give 30 days, then close the alt coin section.

 Force the issue. Can't say I will miss much else here since
there isn't much else I desire to bother with except for the
alt. coin section.

 Just remember: there really is a paddle for every ass.

Caveat emptor - let the buyer beware!

Title: Re: You guys are really fucking up here.
Post by: maardein on January 30, 2014, 12:18:15 PM
Have you guys ever moved into a brand new apartment building? Or maybe even a brand new neighborhood? Actually there are a lot of similarities. It often goes like this:

You are one of the first to get your keys, you barely ever see someone when you leave your house or come home. You never have to wait for the elevator. You never hear any of your neighbors, since there are none.

Then suddenly you start noticing it is getting busier. You have to wait before the elevator arrives. It is not by default at your floor anymore. You start meeting people in the hallway.

This is fun at first. You knew it was going to happen, but you are glad you are finally not alone anymore in the building.

After some more time your new neighbors are starting to annoy you. You actually liked the building being quiet. The elevator is always on the top floor, when you are at the ground level, or the other way around. You start hearing noises from neighbors, someone dropped something, someone slammed that door shut a little to hard. That b*tch from the 2nd floor is constantly taking your favorite parking spot.

Some people do not move further from this point on. But hey, maybe you shouldn't have moved to an apartment building in the first place if you want to be all on you own? Most people luckily realize that it's all in the game, and that they knew on forehand this would happen. The quiet period was nice, but actually it was that period that was out of the ordinary. Most people then start to get along with their neighbors, start to realize that you can't blame the guy from the top floor to take the elevator. You actually dropped a plate yourself last night. And that b*tch from the 2nd floor? She actually is an elderly lady, who can't walk that far anymore, so you leave the spot next to the door for her next time.

Let's hope that the people who moved into bitcointalk first belong to the second category of people, not the first.

Title: Re: You guys are really fucking up here.
Post by: Slingshot on January 30, 2014, 12:22:35 PM
 Some of us have been members of for quite some time.

 It just needs a little event like this to make a ground swell movement.

 After all we're treated like red headed step children here, and worse!

 It's enough to make me quit supporting bitcoin, if it didn't have such a giant lead.

 They owe some of us. see below:

RE: = that https , yea, your welcome. But don't bother saying
thank you for mentioning it, again and again, so we could get our act just a little
more together.

 This will turn into a REVOLT. In fact I just started to REVOLT.

Caveat emptor - let the buyer beware!

Title: Re: You guys are really fucking up here.
Post by: BadBear on January 30, 2014, 12:25:31 PM
A revolt, lol. Some of you guys are blowing this a tad out of proportion.

Title: Re: You guys are really fucking up here.
Post by: Slingshot on January 30, 2014, 12:25:56 PM
a lot of people have moved here and its taking off quite nicely.

 For the newbie's that sounds fine. Great. But this isn't about giveaways.

 Over, and Out-a-here.

 Good Night, and Good Luck.

 So..., you know where I am headed.

Caveat emptor - let the buyer beware!

Title: Re: You guys are really fucking up here.
Post by: --Encrypted-- on January 30, 2014, 01:48:56 PM
sure, ban it if you want to decrease this site's traffic..  :P

Title: Re: You guys are really fucking up here.
Post by: Bansheroom on January 30, 2014, 03:39:11 PM
If you close the whole forum, not only the altcoin section, you haven even less work, think about it.

Lazy Admins...want to close most active section.... ???

Title: Re: You guys are really fucking up here.
Post by: KeyserSozeMC on January 30, 2014, 03:46:29 PM
Here's a section with altcoins, giveaways, promos, bounties:

Everyone can post, everyone can receive :)

Title: Re: You guys are really fucking up here.
Post by: atp1916 on January 30, 2014, 04:01:24 PM
A revolt, lol. Some of you guys are blowing this a tad out of proportion.

People love to go straight to politics, drama, and/or outright criminal subterfuge like the poster above me.  It's a damn shame.

I and many others are quite appreciate of the latitude bitcointalk has given to the altcoins and would hope for continued patience in that light.  

To those who support altcoins but are not appreciative of that latitude: take a hike, go build your own forum, or whatever.  

Title: Re: You guys are really fucking up here.
Post by: iGotSpots on January 30, 2014, 04:02:19 PM
I hope they do close it. Fuckin crybabies can take their ball and go home

Title: Re: You guys are really fucking up here.
Post by: sitefive on January 30, 2014, 04:04:22 PM

It is indeed time to shut down this section.

It adds nothing of value.


Dont listen to this retarded troll.

Title: Re: You guys are really fucking up here.
Post by: atp1916 on January 30, 2014, 04:06:52 PM

It is indeed time to shut down this section.

It adds nothing of value.


Dont listen to this retarded troll.

He is not only a troll, but a criminal.

If i went out in the real world and maliciously destroyed common law property, i would be in jail on misdeamor or felony destruction of property charges.  So would that clown also.  He is lucky i don't have more free time on my hands at the moment to query a law enforcement detective and ask a few questions.   I did get screencaps of his posts regarding Gamecoin (, though.  Watch yourself, "BitcoinEXpress".

Title: Re: You guys are really fucking up here.
Post by: cryptoknightt on January 30, 2014, 04:10:13 PM
A revolt, lol. Some of you guys are blowing this a tad out of proportion.

After this I use Litecoin and even Dogecoin while trading when I have the chance. I started doing it when I heard others talking about it.

This will catch on. If people didn't respond to this type of treatment there wouldn't be a bitcoin in the first place.

WHY? Why would you do anything to push people away from bitcoin? You think the Altcoin people don't matter?

It seems that many of these hero members were just in the right place at the right time. That is all.

They cant even see how they are harming themselves and this forum.

Even if I didn't like the weird kid in high school, and didn't know the kid harassing/bullying him, I would step in. Afterwards, I would now hate the kid doing the bullying. The fact that you have no idea what I'm talking about right now will be your demise guys.LOL. Dense, completely dense. ::)

Title: Re: You guys are really fucking up here.
Post by: Ferris419 on January 30, 2014, 04:14:09 PM
I'm new to the whole bitcoin/altcoin scene and the only reason I came to this forum was for the altcoins section and I'm sure I'm not the only one. I keep reading of all these "senior members" complaining about the altcoins but without the altcoins would bitcoin be where it is today? No one knows but I can tell you this without altcoins there wouldnt be as many new people joining the crypto world. From my experience when I first looked into the crypto world I looked into bitcoins and mining and said wow I joined in way to late because to mine bitcoins it's very expensive to get any real amount. Then I read more into it and found altcoins. That's just my opinion.

Title: Re: You guys are really fucking up here.
Post by: sitefive on January 30, 2014, 04:23:39 PM

It is indeed time to shut down this section.

It adds nothing of value.


Dont listen to this retarded troll.

He is not only a troll, but a criminal.

If i went out in the real world and maliciously destroyed common law property, i would be in jail on misdeamor or felony destruction of property charges.  So would that clown also.  He is lucky i don't have more free time on my hands at the moment to query a law enforcement detective and ask a few questions.   I did get screencaps of his posts regarding Gamecoin (

Why would you call me a criminal?

You must have me confused with some one.


GTFO out of here BCX
No one cares about you

Title: Re: You guys are really fucking up here.
Post by: sitefive on January 30, 2014, 04:29:04 PM

It is indeed time to shut down this section.

It adds nothing of value.


Dont listen to this retarded troll.

He is not only a troll, but a criminal.

If i went out in the real world and maliciously destroyed common law property, i would be in jail on misdeamor or felony destruction of property charges.  So would that clown also.  He is lucky i don't have more free time on my hands at the moment to query a law enforcement detective and ask a few questions.   I did get screencaps of his posts regarding Gamecoin (

Why would you call me a criminal?

You must have me confused with some one.


Be scared.  Your anonymity over the internet is less guaranteeable than you think.

Provide some proof I am a criminal and exact details on how I have stolen coins from you.

You can't because I am not a criminal.


no but you are a troll dipshit

Title: Re: You guys are really fucking up here.
Post by: jballs on January 30, 2014, 04:36:15 PM
If you hate alt coins you should encourage the growth and popularity if the alt coin boom.

Jballs math: as the number of altcoins approaches infinity, their value will approach zero

The exceptional/innovative coins will find a value. The rest will die.

Has anyone penciled the total coinage projected 12 months out on all altcoins up to say a week ago?

All that said I missed bitcoin aside from maybe being able to work in the related business somewhere. I would not have bought any except for altcoins (vtc only so far because it is innovative), and have probably turned 100 people into bitcoin buyers for the same reason. I tried to buy alts for cash and had to go to btc first.

Gateway drug. Or legit payment processor. Whatever it is in your best interest, stupid as they mostly are, stupid is what mostly is. Let them flourish like the orgy of mayflies they are and they will be nothing but a wiki footnote by fall.

Remember the flooz....

Title: Re: You guys are really fucking up here.
Post by: WutriCoin on January 30, 2014, 04:55:56 PM
You can see the "spirit" of Bitcoin users in threads like this... It makes me sick.

It was easier for mod/admin to delete and ban all giveaways, then to open a subforum for giveaways and drive more users to forum. Really intelligent move! Good work!

Title: Re: You guys are really fucking up here.
Post by: MisO69 on January 30, 2014, 05:11:29 PM
A revolt, lol. Some of you guys are blowing this a tad out of proportion.

A Tad? more like WAAAY out of proportion.

We already have solutions here, there is no point for these posts.

1) No giveaway posts allowed, you are however allowed to post the location of the giveaway. This should be done in your main ANN post. Probably best to put it on the first post along with all the other coin info.

2) I dont see any other problems other than scams, and those are called out by us normally.

3) What else? Oh, hurt feelings.. oh my.

Title: Re: You guys are really fucking up here.
Post by: bob131313 on January 30, 2014, 09:50:16 PM
Three quick points.
1. Having alts under the official banner of adds to the appearance of support/trust/endorsement of bitcoin.  This does add some burden on the mods/admins to have due diligence to protect new comers to the btc scene from their own greed and others scams. Perhaps it is time to yell at the children to 'Get off my lawn!'.

2. I have personally enjoyed the alt scene in the last year. Alts allow folks to get knee deep in the processes that make bitcoin work. This is a learning ground for trying out settings, new ideas that could not be done to the bitcoin network without affecting the network. We have learned what may happen to bitcoin when block subsidy is removed ( zet, ifc, etc).  We have learned how to recover from massive forks. We know what to do with Proof of stake and when it gets out of control how it adds to blockchain and network bloat( cent).  All of these things help Bitcoin in the long run. It allows new devs to take the reigns when Gavin and the others get tired of dealing with the code. This training ground is important to keeping bitcoin from becoming the beast it is destroying with the entrenched dogmas that have pulled the cover over wage slaves lives.

3. Alts that are legit, have merit and a strong following will move on and develop their own community. ( Ripple, Nxt, Emunie, ltc, peercoin etc)  The scamcoins have and will die and serial coindev's will have to be nurtured/lectured until they realize the gain is not worth the damage to themselves and the community.

"America isn't easy. America is advanced citizenship. You gotta want it bad, 'cause it's gonna put up a fight. It's gonna say "You want free speech? Let's see you acknowledge a man whose words make your blood boil, who's standing center stage and advocating at the top of his lungs that which you would spend a lifetime opposing at the top of yours. You want to claim this land as the land of the free? Then the symbol of your country can't just be a flag; the symbol also has to be one of its citizens exercising his right to burn that flag in protest. Show me that, defend that, celebrate that in your classrooms. Then, you can stand up and sing about the "land of the free". "

Title: Re: You guys are really fucking up here.
Post by: Slingshot on January 30, 2014, 10:35:40 PM
You can see the "spirit" of Bitcoin users in threads like this... It makes me sick.

 It was easier for mod/admin to delete and ban all giveaways, then to open a subforum for giveaways and drive more users to forum. Really intelligent move! Good work!

 People WAKE UP. They don't care about anything but Bitcoin.

 They don't care about the Decentralized Crypto Revolution either.

 They only care about making a huge score with bitshit.

 They will do everything in their power to assure Alt. coins are relentlessly diluted, bashed, trashed endlessly, and hamstrung. Right here at!!!

 Their acting every bit as terribly as Banksters. has full Control, total Control, and Power, over  the Alternate cryptocurrencies sub-forum here. And just like those banksters they do it with deceit and cunning actions from the shadows. All they while acting like their doing us all some kind of giant favor. Bullshit. Quite the opposite.

 Why do you think so many clones suddenly appeared out of the blue since last Spring? It sure wasn't us late bloomers whom also finally strolled in last spring to bitcointalk. Nope, it's hard core developers doing what Banksters do; ie Pump & Dump. And there by diluting the pool of alt. currencies into hundreds, and soon thousands of types of Alt. Currencies.

 These same one's even captured and turned the lame-coin founder too. (Litecoin), and got him busy at Coinbase. But we are certain to see no Litecoin traded there either. Just like Mt. Gox. Same story everywhere. Bitcoin freezes out everyone else. And who can really blame them for that. And other stuff. But some of this is absolutely outrageous. And way over the top.

 Now maybe the founder of Litecoin has very good intentions. All I know is that the enemy of Litecoin captured him. And now litecoin, well, the best it has going for it is their https SSL .org site. After all if these are supposed to be secure it's way past time to get them ALL that way. And except for that lamecoin is dead in the water, with nothing happening. And it's the exact same for almost every Alt. Coin.

 In fact I can count only about 6 Alt. coins that truly have their act together. And maybe another 6 that are barely treading water. The rest are dead in the deep end of a cold ocean. With in full command and control.

 Funniest of all two of those that have their acts fully together came from out of the blue, and one isn't even on many's radar screens yet.

Back on topic:

 They obstruct, they restrict, they inject FUD, they segregate into the slum called  Alternate cryptocurrencies section which is still a total wreak of disorganization. And it's on purpose people. And they don't want anyone leaving. Not at all. They absolutely want us here, to keep all their competition under their control and command.

 Sure they keep bitch slapping too. But watch them now fast back off. And maybe even let this post stand too. Doesn't matter. It will be posted elsewhere too.


 The worst thing for Alt. Currencies is to allow them to Control and Dominate us here.

 This is terrible for both bitshit and Alt. Currencies.

 And no, I really don't think of bitcoin as bitshit, except at these times. Then I absolutely do, while currently holding a nice stash of them myself I should add since I am not one to deceive anyone!

 I could go on and on and on, but if one just sits back and thinks about it things will quickly fit together. All the way down to the endless FUD, the half truths, the lies, the spin, and the hypocrisy of this untenable situation. Not to mention them 'doing us all a favor here. NOT.


 Yea, well somehow, once again, my Ice Dragon (Firefox based browser) just got reloaded. But not by myself. And there went the rest of this post. I can only wonder how they pull that crap off, and this makes at least a dozen times in the last several months. All with Noscript fully disabling all scripting it still occurs. Forgetaboutthisplacepeople.



 Do yourselves and the entire Decentralized Crypto-Currency Revolution a huge favor.

 Otherwise you all might as well surrender to bitshit. I had to sell a ton of Alt. Currencies over the last few months because of this crap. Finally the last pieces of why I had to do just that all fell into order. And I spelled it all out right here and now. So even the most innocent types can see the clear daylight of this untenable situation at hand.

 O boy, they gave in and put up three whole subsections. Hurray. It's still a giant mess, and on purpose. Get real. Get the fuck out of here people. I never use the F word, and I am offended anytime I see it in a title to any thread. That's simply not acceptable. Except here at bitshit central. It's an endless list of no class bs.

 Bitshit, bitshit, bitshit, bitshit...

And I only call it that in the face of ten's of thousands of insults directed from them to Alt. currencies in general.

 They merely have a Model T, with limited range and functions.

 All that they do have is a huge head-start.

 And it wont be 'slow and steady' winning this Crypto-Race, much to the amazement of more than one clueless fool I reviewed recently, both here and elsewhere.

 There was much more, but I am tired of this nonsense. And I wont keep adding on to yet another soon to be whacked post by these filthy jerks here, all while I am still typing this out. Yea, it's not the first time. And yea, they know who has a clue.

 Remember People: They don't care about you. They don't care about alt-currencies. They don't care about Decentralization, nor the Crypto Revolution. All they care about at this point is seemingly themselves.

 Who exactly is who? I don't care. I wont go on any hunts. This dog doesn't care. He has already left the building. And only came back after reading more disinformation, misinformation, and raw sewage.

 So in one day, here is where I will be from here out: Time to give this other forum a real shot in this Crypto-Revolution. And yes, I can only imagine everyone is more than welcome, as long as they behave a bit better there. With the pun in bit fully intentional!


Caveat emptor - let the buyer beware!

Title: Re: You guys are really fucking up here.
Post by: botcoinExpress on January 30, 2014, 10:44:05 PM

Title: Re: You guys are really fucking up here.
Post by: flound1129 on January 30, 2014, 10:48:58 PM
Let them shut it down, Theymos is Bitcoin Rich enough that he doesn't need the extra hits.  I'd love to just move all the alt coin talk over to Cryptocoin Talk, the guy Jim who runs it is very accommodating.

Title: Re: You guys are really fucking up here.
Post by: drmosh on January 30, 2014, 10:51:36 PM
May the best coin win...  SHA-256 and Scrypt in the long run will be supplanted by the next better algorithm anyways... this is just the tip of the iceberg... all these alts may not even be here in 24 months...

Title: Re: You guys are really fucking up here.
Post by: galbros on January 30, 2014, 10:55:19 PM
Three quick points.
1. Having alts under the official banner of adds to the appearance of support/trust/endorsement of bitcoin.  This does add some burden on the mods/admins to have due diligence to protect new comers to the btc scene from their own greed and others scams. Perhaps it is time to yell at the children to 'Get off my lawn!'.

2. I have personally enjoyed the alt scene in the last year. Alts allow folks to get knee deep in the processes that make bitcoin work. This is a learning ground for trying out settings, new ideas that could not be done to the bitcoin network without affecting the network. We have learned what may happen to bitcoin when block subsidy is removed ( zet, ifc, etc).  We have learned how to recover from massive forks. We know what to do with Proof of stake and when it gets out of control how it adds to blockchain and network bloat( cent).  All of these things help Bitcoin in the long run. It allows new devs to take the reigns when Gavin and the others get tired of dealing with the code. This training ground is important to keeping bitcoin from becoming the beast it is destroying with the entrenched dogmas that have pulled the cover over wage slaves lives.

3. Alts that are legit, have merit and a strong following will move on and develop their own community. ( Ripple, Nxt, Emunie, ltc, peercoin etc)  The scamcoins have and will die and serial coindev's will have to be nurtured/lectured until they realize the gain is not worth the damage to themselves and the community.

I thought this was a thoughtful post.  I'd just add that having altcoins on this forum also helps those coins and users because experienced hands here can call bullshit on bogus coins.  I think the crypto community is stronger if we hang together, I don't really understand the altcoin hate.

Following multiple forums is a pain and it is nice having bitcointalk as a nice umbrella forum.  However, it is theymos' forum so it's his rules.  I'm glad that some potential alternate forums are getting attention.

Title: Re: You guys are really fucking up here.
Post by: jonanon on January 30, 2014, 11:09:53 PM
Alt coins are not needed - they deflate Bitcoin.

The main problem with decentralisation is the amount of knob rots creating idiotic coins and there is no one to stop/punish them for they're disregard of Bitcoin.  >:(

Title: Re: You guys are really fucking up here.
Post by: sakkosekk on January 31, 2014, 12:03:09 AM
Let them shut it down, Theymos is Bitcoin Rich enough that he doesn't need the extra hits.  I'd love to just move all the alt coin talk over to Cryptocoin Talk, the guy Jim who runs it is very accommodating.

I agree on Cryptocointalk. It could use more traffic (as long as we keep the goof etiquette and atmosphere).

Title: Re: You guys are really fucking up here.
Post by: qiwoman on January 31, 2014, 12:09:07 AM
I am glad the alt coin section has not been closed. The variety and creativity is actually healthy. If the fiat currency was only u.s and no other currencies were allowed there would be no trading, nothing happening. We need these alternatives and it leads also to more technical innovation for the Future. I do suggest an alt currency giveaway section on it's own as it w :)ould drive traffic for that site but I would say peeps can only post there if they make at least  number of posts in other sections..Just my 2 bit.

Title: Re: You guys are really fucking up here.
Post by: sakkosekk on January 31, 2014, 12:11:10 AM
I am glad the alt coin section has not been closed. The variety and creativity is actually healthy. If the fiat currency was only u.s and no other currencies were allowed there would be no trading, nothing happening. We need these alternatives and it leads also to more technical innovation for the Future. I do suggest an alt currency giveaway section on it's own as it w :)ould drive traffic for that site but I would say peeps can only post there if they make at least  number of posts in other sections..Just my 2 bit.

And the altcoins does incredibly much for the overall popularity of cryptos.

Title: Re: You guys are really fucking up here.
Post by: Phishin_ca on January 31, 2014, 12:18:28 AM
Alt coins are not needed - they deflate Bitcoin.

The main problem with decentralisation is the amount of knob rots creating idiotic coins and there is no one to stop/punish them for they're disregard of Bitcoin.  >:(
Is it possible that altcoins will define the next step for bitcoin? I think they already have. Look at the number of people that mine things like doge, or EAC. They are increasing the usage of bitcoin in the process. They are providing reach to bitcoin that would otherwise be impossible to people that can't afford ASICs.

If it were not for the altcoins, BTC might not have gotten overstock, tiger direct, etc.

I do think that these forums are ridiculous though. Dedicated moderation and the creation of some sub forums would help a lot.

Title: Re: You guys are really fucking up here.
Post by: wontonforevuh on January 31, 2014, 12:52:56 AM
Alt coins are not needed - they deflate Bitcoin.

The main problem with decentralisation is the amount of knob rots creating idiotic coins

Such arrogance...

Dogecoin has increased visibility for all cryptocurrencies by a huge amount. The great community around dogecoin serves as a great starting point for newbies who are too intimidated by the bitcoin community. Many dogecoin users then go on to own bitcoins as well. It's a mutually beneficial relationship.

there is no one to stop/punish them for they're disregard of Bitcoin.  >:(

disregard of Bitcoin? Is this some stupid joke? No one owes bitcoin or its community anything. Stop acting like a fucking primadonna and maybe people will respect you. People disregard bitcoin because there's nothing to regard. The sense of entitlement and arrogance of bitcoin and litecoin owners is what turns people off in the first place.

Title: Re: You guys are really fucking up here.
Post by: jballs on January 31, 2014, 12:59:37 AM
Alt coins are not needed - they deflate Bitcoin.

The main problem with decentralisation is the amount of knob rots creating idiotic coins and there is no one to stop/punish them for they're disregard of Bitcoin.  >:(
Is it possible that altcoins will define the next step for bitcoin? I think they already have. Look at the number of people that mine things like doge, or EAC. They are increasing the usage of bitcoin in the process. They are providing reach to bitcoin that would otherwise be impossible to people that can't afford ASICs.

If it were not for the altcoins, BTC might not have gotten overstock, tiger direct, etc.

I do think that these forums are ridiculous though. Dedicated moderation and the creation of some sub forums would help a lot.

No disagreement here but would point out two additional things. When i cash out if my altcoin (assuming they are worth anything in the future) i will have to buy bitcoin to get cash. Or I may just keep bitcoin if it is standard currency by then. But i am not alone, it may turn out the huge wave higher in btc is liquidation of dumb altcoins as they collapse into their own shadow. Panics are like that and all altcoins are basically only fungible with bitcoin now. So it is in fact stabilizing demand albeit in a perverse fashion.

Second, nobody who is not really into bitcoins or altcoins knows this site exists or will ever come across it. So the idea that it is giving bitcoin a bad name, not really. Random weirdness like doge crawls into the mainstream but this is still a small universe and tittiecoin 2.0 will not be dinner table conversation anywhere outside of your geekdom here.  

Think that was all.

Title: Re: You guys are really fucking up here.
Post by: BrewCrewFan on January 31, 2014, 02:32:35 AM

disregard of Bitcoin? Is this some stupid joke? No one owes bitcoin or its community anything. Stop acting like a fucking primadonna and maybe people will respect you. People disregard bitcoin because there's nothing to regard. The sense of entitlement and arrogance of bitcoin and litecoin owners is what turns people off in the first place.

When I first started mining getting help setting up or other questions answered was hell. Mostly because those 2 communities were just total jerkoffs then.

YOu want to know who stepped up and helped me? At that time it was the devs/ supporters of gamecoin and BBQ. Yeah 2 coins that were not even thought to be listed at that time.

Title: Re: You guys are really fucking up here.
Post by: rix5 on January 31, 2014, 03:39:38 AM
yeah, bitcoin-fascism.
Lol. Probably an op to crash alts a bit and buy cheap before the big rally.
Stop the freakin talks already. Kill this section and let's go somewhere else. This bitcointalk is a honeypot anyways.  

Centralization is only a good thing for those in power. Applies to all areas.

Title: Re: You guys are really fucking up here.
Post by: r0ach on January 31, 2014, 04:10:44 AM
Anyone that supports bit-fascism/authoritarianism, meaning Bitcoin as the only dominant, official currency, can't be trusted as far as you can throw them.  Centralization of power created in that manner is no different than the system we already have now.  What happens if Bitcoin is the only currency and the govt takes it over?  They can appoint Ben Bernanke to lead it, force new fork updates to inflate the number to Dogecoin levels, redirect transaction fees to be sent straight to the IRS wallet, etc.

Bitcoin as the only currency has the potential to be a more Orwellian nightmare than the economic system we have now.  There has to be lots of competitors to have a free market, to prevent government from monopolizing it.

Beware of the current Bitcoin devs/Satoshi wannabes.  Their outward hostility to any coin besides Bitcoin truly shows they are either completely corrupt, or oblivious to the point I make in the paragraph above.  They cannot be trusted for this reason.

Title: Re: You guys are really fucking up here.
Post by: Distortion1919 on January 31, 2014, 04:18:15 AM
^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ;) :D ;D

Title: Re: You guys are really fucking up here.
Post by: neuroMode on January 31, 2014, 05:30:22 AM
The recent changes have made the forums a lot easier to use. They're cleaner, more organised, and there's less crud.

So I don't see why the alt section should be shut down. I'd like to see it stay. It's a pain to have multiple forums open.

Sure there are quite a few crapcoins, but there's also a lot of fun coins. Dogecoin has become very popular and is introducing a lot of people to crypto currencies and Bitcoin. That wouldn't have happened without the alt section here being so popular.

Compare the attitudes of people in /r/bitcoin and /r/dogecoin. Night & day. Some of the light-heartedness and gentle kindness you see in /r/dogecoin isn't a bad thing. And you can see a good amount of that here as well. That's likely a crowd that's good to keep.

But while there might not be a huge amount of innovation, it's not like we're torturing puppies here in the alt forum.

Meh... Whoever's in charge can do whatever they like. But they'll end up driving a lot of people away. Those that hate alts simply don't have to read the alt forum. Is that so hard?

Couldn't have said it better.

Title: Re: You guys are really fucking up here.
Post by: Kestrel71 on January 31, 2014, 05:51:18 AM
The Alternate cryptocurrencies section is the only one worth reading.  Take it away and what have you got left really?  Some people on this forum have heads so swollen now they cant even stick it their own posterior any more.

Title: Re: You guys are really fucking up here.
Post by: drmosh on January 31, 2014, 06:07:50 AM
The Alternate cryptocurrencies section is the only one worth reading.  Take it away and what have you got left really?  Some people on this forum have heads so swollen now they cant even stick it their own posterior any more.

A bunch of old bitcoin heads sipping tea and saying "yup"... LOL

Title: Re: You guys are really fucking up here.
Post by: cryptoknightt on January 31, 2014, 06:50:33 AM
Anyone that supports bit-fascism/authoritarianism, meaning Bitcoin as the only dominant, official currency, can't be trusted as far as you can throw them.  Centralization of power created in that manner is no different than the system we already have now.  What happens if Bitcoin is the only currency and the govt takes it over?  They can appoint Ben Bernanke to lead it, force new, fork updates to inflate the number to Dogecoin levels, redirect transaction fees to be sent straight to the IRS wallet, etc.

Bitcoin as the only currency has the potential to be a more Orwellian nightmare than the economic system we have now.  There has to be lots of competitors to have a free market, to prevent government from monopolizing it.

Beware of the current Bitcoin devs/Satoshi wannabes.  Their outward hostility to any coin besides Bitcoin truly shows they are either completely corrupt, or oblivious to the point I make in the paragraph above.  They cannot be trusted for this reason.

This describes them perfectly. Because how they are acting is why you actually hear people talking about staying away from bitcoin alittle. They truly represent a lot of them, and this would indicate that they will affect the price overall. Because it is actually too centralized in a way, and as usual when a too few people have too much power history repeats itself.

The reason bitcoin made it is the reason it may fail, if we don't expose these tyrants for who they are.

Title: Re: You guys are really fucking up here.
Post by: KeyserSozeMC on January 31, 2014, 06:59:14 AM
Just let it go guys. Many people made forums for altcoins. You can join other forums.

I'm sharing my forum for your giveaways, altcoins and anything else you need.

Title: Re: You guys are really fucking up here.
Post by: orco#2 on February 12, 2014, 05:55:06 AM
Read this thread.  You are all self evolved dilusional morons.  Get a life.  Who tyhe fucks cares about any of it. 

Title: Re: You guys are really fucking up here.
Post by: Lauda on February 12, 2014, 06:04:26 AM
This section is ugly, filled with copycat coins which are either scam or premined.
The section has to die, or implement approved only threads for new alts. No new or innovative features = can't release it on this forum.

Title: Re: You guys are really fucking up here.
Post by: brooklynite on February 12, 2014, 07:01:33 AM
I think some altcoins are becoming so successful that are threatening the existance of bitcoin in long term. Look at DOGE, many exchanges are trading all altcoins with DOGE now.

I never understood why LITECOIN has a big name. Its not worth mining. Not worth keeping. Not worth trading. I understand it was the first Scrypt based open source and base for 99% of the alts but still it should be treated as a standard, or a base not a coin itself.

So with LTC out of the way we only have BTC and DOGE that are valid. The rest are come and go stuff.

Title: Re: You guys are really fucking up here.
Post by: brooklynite on February 12, 2014, 07:18:29 AM
This section is ugly, filled with copycat coins which are either scam or premined.
The section has to die, or implement approved only threads for new alts. No new or innovative features = can't release it on this forum.

I agree with part of what you said. If the coin is premined or instamined it has no place in this forum.

Coins without innovation are fine. It gives the developers the chance to promote and whoever promotes better wins like DOGE did with Olympics.