Bitcoin Forum

Bitcoin => Hardware => Topic started by: cedivad on March 01, 2014, 11:46:36 AM

Title: HashFast announces specs for new ASIC: up to 800GH/s [Non Self Moderated]
Post by: cedivad on March 01, 2014, 11:46:36 AM
To read the full thread with no censorship: (

Quote from: HashFast_CL
Yoli Evo Mining Board running at 975 MHz getting 733 GH/s

[MEDIA=youtube]PjDF0tq5r28[/MEDIA] (

Check out a screenshot of a Yoli Evo Mining Board hashing at 975 MHz and getting 733 GH/s with only a single HashFast Golden Nonce ASIC as verified in both CGMiner and as reported in the mining pool statistics:

Click here to learn more and Pre-Order a Yoli Evo Mining Board (

Click here to learn more and Pre-Order a Sierra Evo Mining Kit (

Posted from - #vzAgezzgatHF9Mvb

Title: Re: HashFast announces specs for new ASIC: up to 800GH/s [Non Self Moderated]
Post by: RHA on March 01, 2014, 02:17:18 PM
Ridiculous. Have they finished the delivery of October Baby Jets?

Title: Re: HashFast announces specs for new ASIC: up to 800GH/s [Non Self Moderated]
Post by: jjiimm_64 on March 01, 2014, 02:28:25 PM

I am Happy for them... I hope they sell a bunch of them....

So they can pay me back my bitcoins.........

Title: Re: HashFast announces specs for new ASIC: up to 800GH/s [Non Self Moderated]
Post by: SolarSilver on March 02, 2014, 11:40:31 AM
Quote from: Bitcoin Forum
A reply of yours, quoted below, was deleted by the starter of a self-moderated topic. There are no rules of self-moderation, so this deletion cannot be appealed.

The chip is running at 750GH/s.  That's a world record!  Having a chip that runs 50% faster than the nearest competitor is a big deal, especially given the rapidly rising rate of mining difficulty.

Who cares about your stupid world record. Are you 7 years old or what?

The only important thing for a customer who wants to buy mining equipment is by what date you can deliver the equipment, at what cost and at what power consumption

For example the HashFast BabyJet was very competitive IF it would have been delivered on time early November 2013. But by shipping your  flagship Golden Nonce 3 months late, (

it means it's completely obsolete, even compared to near competitors who did ship inferior equipment, slower, higher power consumption but ON TIME.

If you don't understand any of these facts, why are you trolling for HashFast because even you make them look worse than they are.

Shouldn't you be in the back office trying to fix or printer or so?

As a Batch #1 HashFast customer (product delivered 3 months late, 1/4 defective), an Upgrade customer (not delivered at all, now 4 months late), a Batch #2 Sierra customer (not delivered at all, now 4 months late), a Batch #1 MPP customer (not delivered at all, now useless), I can only point out to anybody even considering t order future equipment from HashFast: Don't. Past performance has proven HashFast sells overpriced products that don't reach their promised performance and in general, the equipment is delivered so late (or not at all) that it's impossible to make any money of your initial investment back.

Please don't order from HashFast, you'll regret it

Just read the stupid drivel of their Community Liaison...

Spend your money on a company that has an actual working product, where customers don't need to prefund its development and debug/co-develop  broken firmware. And that has product on stock, not a 3 months lead time which will go over deadline, rendering the product useless.

Title: Re: HashFast announces specs for new ASIC: up to 800GH/s [Non Self Moderated]
Post by: Flying Hellfish on March 02, 2014, 11:55:29 AM
expensive for may shipping  :-\

Wait till you see how expensive it is for when they actually ship it, cause it's unlikely to actually ship when they estimate it will!

Title: Re: HashFast announces specs for new ASIC: up to 800GH/s [Non Self Moderated]
Post by: smoothie on March 03, 2014, 02:10:36 PM
1. Take customer BTC for preorder to deliver in October.

2. Not deliver by October nor Dec 31st.

3. When questioned about orders just ignore them.

4. Create new product and attempt to sell it.

5. Fail miserably.


Title: Re: HashFast announces specs for new ASIC: up to 800GH/s [Non Self Moderated]
Post by: AussieHash on March 03, 2014, 02:27:44 PM
Quote from: Bitcoin Forum
A reply of yours, quoted below, was deleted by the starter of a self-moderated topic. There are no rules of self-moderation, so this deletion cannot be appealed. Do not continue posting in this topic if the topic-starter has requested that you leave.

You can create a new topic if you are unsatisfied with this one. If the topic-starter is scamming, post about it in Scam Accusations.

I have also been scammed & mistreated by HashFast. Do not send this "company" your money under any circumstances.

Title: Re: HashFast announces specs for new ASIC: up to 800GH/s [Non Self Moderated]
Post by: AussieHash on March 04, 2014, 10:03:51 AM
I hope that I have answered your questions, if not please restate them in the same concise way.

We thank you for your continued patience and understanding.

I finally got a round to viewing this, and I must ask:  WHAT IS THIS GARBAGE?  Did you hack this up in 4 minutes on your phone while taking a shit?  If you're going to make up a bunch of bullshit to try and feed us at least make it plausible.  In what fucking world does a "snapshot of economy"  (whatever the eff' that is) contain solely whole numbers?

$2,000,000.00 ON THE DOT for HF hardware?  BULLSHIT.   What are the real numbers?  Further, if you're going to insist that these are them then I want some transparency.  I want a copy of the sales order posted to prove that this isn't a bunch of shit you pulled out of your ass, which I'm quite sure it is.  Feel free to redact any personal information. 
The bitcoin transactions for the units have been posted here before they amount to 20 000 BTC which was locked at 100 USD per BTC, giving us 2 mill USD for the 235 Thash worth of equipment.
The full trail and math will be in the audit so you can look at them yourself :)
We also have the receipts from HF if you don't believe me.


Title: Re: HashFast announces specs for new ASIC: up to 800GH/s [Non Self Moderated]
Post by: cedivad on March 04, 2014, 11:15:14 PM
Quote from: Bitcoin Forum
A reply of yours, quoted below, was deleted by the starter of a self-moderated topic. There are no rules of self-moderation, so this deletion cannot be appealed. Do not continue posting in this topic if the topic-starter has requested that you leave.

You can create a new topic if you are unsatisfied with this one. If the topic-starter is scamming, post about it in Scam Accusations.

HashFast sent gmaxwell a refund check in early January; it was returned.
gmaxwell, if you want another refund check, please let me know.
How is it that i never received a refund check?


Title: Re: HashFast announces specs for new ASIC: up to 800GH/s [Non Self Moderated]
Post by: perezoso on March 04, 2014, 11:30:54 PM
1. Take customer BTC for preorder to deliver in October.

2. Not deliver by October nor Dec 31st.

3. When questioned about orders just ignore them.

4. Create new product and attempt to sell it.

5. Fail miserably.


You forgot:

6. Get sued.

7. Lose reputation.

8. Worry about criminal indictments.

Title: Re: HashFast announces specs for new ASIC: up to 800GH/s [Non Self Moderated]
Post by: Easy2Mine on March 05, 2014, 02:06:48 AM
Just got this message deleted from the self-moderated  topic.

Your behaviour looks like those at Gay Pride.
Look at us at HashLast, our dicks are smaller than those at Cuntterra.

Title: Re: HashFast announces specs for new ASIC: up to 800GH/s [Non Self Moderated]
Post by: midnightmagic on March 06, 2014, 01:06:56 AM
How amusing. They deleted my question as to whether they were going to refund in Bitcoin as their original B1 contracts required. Also, when exactly does the MPP kick in for the earlier pre-order people anyway?

Title: Re: HashFast announces specs for new ASIC: up to 800GH/s [Non Self Moderated]
Post by: Easy2Mine on March 06, 2014, 01:24:08 AM
Long Dong Johnson and Skropenis will delete your posts in the other thread if you ask about your refunds or MPP.

Title: Re: HashFast announces specs for new ASIC: up to 800GH/s [Non Self Moderated]
Post by: SolarSilver on March 06, 2014, 07:21:50 AM
todays deletions FYI

Quote from: Bitcoin Forum
A reply of yours, quoted below, was deleted by the starter of a self-moderated topic.

HashFast sent gmaxwell a refund check in early January; it was returned.

gmaxwell, if you want another refund check, please let me know.

How about contacting your current Sierra customers and offering them a refund? You'll never be able to delivery any of the equipment they ordered. Same thing for the upgrade orders.

Admit your failure and refund customers

Quote from: Bitcoin Forum
A reply of yours, quoted below, was deleted by the starter of a self-moderated topic.
A point of order: Conduct in this subforum

How about proper conduct for an ASIC vendor: Stop screwing over your initial loyal customers who pay your wages and funded all your development!

Without us, you would not be having a job. You'd be sitting in your moms basement trying to get your printer to work

How about getting thing fixed, by shipping out the Upgrade kits people paid for a December 2013 delivery. You are now 3 months late.
How about shipping out the Sierras people paid for a December 2013 delivery. You are now 3 months late.
How about shipping out the MPP for the BBJets people paid in Batch #1. The MPP calculation started on the 1st of November 2013 so by the 1st of Feb 2014, the MPP should have shipped. You are now 1 month late, at least. You could have shipped out the MPP together with the BBJets Bach #1 that were shipped out about 3 months late

Why are you taking preorders for another vaporware product you'll never be able to deliver to customers on time?

How about some real business conduct?

Quote from: Bitcoin Forum
A reply of yours, quoted below, was deleted by the starter of a self-moderated topic.
Now let's go back on topic and discuss how awesome it is for HashFast to get 750GH/s from a single ASIC.

Let's discuss how awesome it would be for customers who paid in September in 2013 to get their equipment. Which we didn't.

How about that?

People: Don't buy from HashFast. You'll never get your equipment on time. It will not perform at 800 GH/s. The current firmware is version 0.4, it does not address any of the fundamental problems the early adopters are suffering from

Don't buy this crap product from this useless company

Title: Re: HashFast announces specs for new ASIC: up to 800GH/s [Non Self Moderated]
Post by: SolarSilver on March 06, 2014, 09:59:37 PM
two more deletions:

Quote from: Bitcoin Forum
A reply of yours, quoted below, was deleted by the starter of a self-moderated topic.
The bad feedback is from people who are upset that I am enforcing gmaxwell's Rules of Conduct for this subforum and keeping this thread on-topic.

They want to break the rules by posting repetitive scam accusations and off-topic personal attacks, but letting this thread turn into another unmoderated troll-fest like the first one is not in the interests of HashFast's customers.  They want to discuss Custom Hardware, not listen the same old stories from the 400GH/s thread retold ad nauseam.

Using negative feedback to express dissatisfaction with a self-moderated thread is silly.  If you don't like self-moderated threads, simply don't read or post in them.


The bad feedback is from customers like me who invested loads of BTC (BTC 430 in my case) and never received the equipment (Sierra, upgrade boards, MPP) you were supposed to ship last year. We are now 3 months into 2014 and there is not even a hint on when (or if) you  are going to deliver on your promises.

In the mean time, you are free to delete my posts but I'll keep posting them again and again in this thread and other threads

Quote from: Bitcoin Forum
A reply of yours, quoted below, was deleted by the starter of a self-moderated topic.
A point of order: Conduct in this subforum

How about proper conduct for an ASIC vendor: Stop screwing over your initial loyal customers who pay your wages and funded all your development!

Without us, you would not be having a job. You'd be sitting in your moms basement trying to get your printer to work

How about getting thing fixed, by shipping out the Upgrade kits people paid for a December 2013 delivery. You are now 3 months late.
How about shipping out the Sierras people paid for a December 2013 delivery. You are now 3 months late.
How about shipping out the MPP for the BBJets people paid in Batch #1. The MPP calculation started on the 1st of November 2013 so by the 1st of Feb 2014, the MPP should have shipped. You are now 1 month late, at least. You could have shipped out the MPP together with the BBJets Bach #1 that were shipped out about 3 months late

Why are you taking preorders for another vaporware product you'll never be able to deliver to customers on time?

How about some real business conduct?

Quote from: Bitcoin Forum
A reply of yours, quoted below, was deleted by the starter of a self-moderated topic.

What a depressing existence it must be for HashTard_CL. 

Every day he comes in here to tout his bullshit, only to encounter another wave of seriously disgruntled customers, whose posts he deletes.  At what point does he acknowledge to himself that he's got a problem?  Who knows.

He is having a laugh at our expense: he gets paid with OUR preorder money. He is probably very aware of the disgruntled customer base but he prefers to laugh in our face by just taunting us just like BFL Josh shows up at conferences and keeps recruiting new punters.

Title: Re: HashFast announces specs for new ASIC: up to 800GH/s [Non Self Moderated]
Post by: gmaxwell on March 07, 2014, 01:44:00 AM
It's really quite annoying that HashFast posted on their thread making it sound like they're doing the write thing wrt me, and when I responded to point out that they weren't infact... they deleted it:

Quote from: Bitcoin Forum
A reply of yours, quoted below, was deleted by the starter of a self-moderated topic. There are no rules of self-moderation, so this deletion cannot be appealed. Do not continue posting in this topic if the topic-starter has requested that you leave.

You can create a new topic if you are unsatisfied with this one. If the topic-starter is scamming, post about it in Scam Accusations.

Hello Hashfast, You're saying you've won the race to a 4U 2TH box in the lab, but why should I care about that when you've taken 97.95849881 and failed to live up to your contract to deliver goods by your self-specified deadline or return the funds.  Everyone here can verify for themselves that you have not refunded me:

Why should anyone purchase more hardware on the basis of your lab-boasting when you haven't made good on your prior commitments?  What reason do people have to believe that you'll actually deliver these 2TH 4U devices when you have simply walked off with people's funds in the past?

What is the relevance of this product offering to the members of the forum? I'm struggling to see it.

Hi gmaxwell,

The relevance of HashFast's EVO product is obvious; it's the highest performance Custom Hardware ever demonstrated.

We sent you a refund check; it was returned.  Maybe you need to visit your Mailbox, Etc more often?

Please let me know if you want another refund check and note that per US law, mail order refunds must be in US dollars.

According to Wikipedia (

Federal Reserve Notes are legal tender, with the words "this note is legal tender for all debts, public and private" printed on each note.

^^That means if you refuse to accept payment in dollars, your claim is invalidated and the debt extinguished.^^

I'll send you some BTC out of my own wallet if you start doing your Moderator job and banning trolls who won't stop harassing a self-moderated thread, as was done for ActiveMining, BFL, and others.

Hi, My attorney sent the check back— via a certified letter, so I don't know what you're talking about checking a mailbox— because:

(1) The check came with a letter requiring me to agree to additional contractual terms— an NDA, a "disparagement agreement", and consent that accepting the funds satisfied HashFast's obligations— which were not part of our agreement. I do not accept these terms. We have an existing contract in place. You do not get to make additional demands, especially after you are already in default.

(2) Our contract was for a full refund of funds paid if you failed to deliver by your deadline, a fact that I— and others— clarified with your executive staff in excruciating detail— though it was clear in the contract and your communications— specifically because other mining vendors have ripped off other people by collecting funds and then selectively "refunding" in USD if the value of BTC goes up instead of delivering product or refunding the amount paid.  Instead the check for something like $6200 (I don't have it anymore so I don't recall the exact value) which is not even remotely adequate compensation. What you offered was a very small partial payment under onerous additional terms and an agreement that it settled the obligation.  I am not required to accept that and my failure to accept it does not relieve you of any obligation what so ever.

This isn't calvin ball. You cannot insist your customer forfeits their assets because they didn't hop on one leg when you demanded it totally out of the blue after failing to meet your commitments. That you would suggest any such thing is offensive. When people order the EVO mining boards in this thread and the price of BTC goes up will you then forcefully cancel their orders and send them checks that cover only a tiny fraction of the coins they spent and try to argue that they get nothing at all if they don't agree with your "settlement"?  I suppose you will since you are no longer promising full refunds, ... though since your promises are apparently worthless I guess it doesn't matter what you've promised in any case. Maybe it tripply doesn't matter: I can't believe that many people are foolish enough to purchase from you now, I certainly never would have without promises of a full refund making me believe that I was protected from precisely the kind of spectacular failure to deliver which your company has exhibited.

These matters have been pointed out to HashFast in my numerous emails and certified letters. Even in this point you appear to be feigning complete ignorance my numerous attempts to settle the matter in a mutually agreeable manner in accordance with the original contract that I purchased under.

Title: Re: HashFast announces specs for new ASIC: up to 800GH/s [Non Self Moderated]
Post by: cedivad on March 07, 2014, 06:30:37 PM
Quote from: Bitcoin Forum
A reply of yours, quoted below, was deleted by the starter of a self-moderated topic. There are no rules of self-moderation, so this deletion cannot be appealed. Do not continue posting in this topic if the topic-starter has requested that you leave.

You can create a new topic if you are unsatisfied with this one. If the topic-starter is scamming, post about it in Scam Accusations.

It's interesting that ettinger didn't signed that document.
He probably wants to run as far away from the word "hashfast" as possible, given how it would mark his career.
Posted from asd, ref#Ic4WEV81Au6p9dXx

Quote from: Bitcoin Forum
A reply of yours, quoted below, was deleted by the starter of a self-moderated topic. There are no rules of self-moderation, so this deletion cannot be appealed. Do not continue posting in this topic if the topic-starter has requested that you leave.

You can create a new topic if you are unsatisfied with this one. If the topic-starter is scamming, post about it in Scam Accusations.

Quote from: HashFast_CL link=topic=493435.msg5559017#msg5559017
Yes, it is unbelievable that HashFast beat Cointerra to demonstrating a 2TH/s miner, especially since Cointerra advertised "500GH/s" chips and was supposedly the ASIC Dream Team.
Yes, it's unbelievable that you are here giving legal advice to the same customers that you screwed.
Posted from asd, ref#k93x1bn3BpDBNFdm

Title: Re: HashFast announces specs for new ASIC: up to 800GH/s [Non Self Moderated]
Post by: solarion on March 08, 2014, 08:06:49 AM
Quote from: Bitcoin Forum
A reply of yours, quoted below, was deleted by the starter of a self-moderated topic. There are no rules of self-moderation, so this deletion cannot be appealed. Do not continue posting in this topic if the topic-starter has requested that you leave.

You can create a new topic if you are unsatisfied with this one. If the topic-starter is scamming, post about it in Scam Accusations.

Page after page of alleged cointerra fail...yet cointerra customers have SOMETHING, even if it is rough around the edges. Cointerra's doing pretty good...for an  amerikan company by my estimation. My batch 2 sierra for delivery in November of 2013 on the other hand currently hashes at 0Gh/s in March of 2014. I don't even have a confirmed shipping date and it's FOUR months late.

...any help with that mr. CL or are you far too busy channeling bfl spirit animals?

Seems the Customer Liason didn't like this customer victim's query.

I think hashfail_CL's trust rating is still too high. I trust bankers more.

Title: Re: HashFast announces specs for new ASIC: up to 800GH/s [Non Self Moderated]
Post by: cedivad on March 08, 2014, 10:03:10 AM
I think hashfail_CL's trust rating is still too high. I trust bankers more.


Title: Re: HashFast announces specs for new ASIC: up to 800GH/s [Non Self Moderated]
Post by: SolarSilver on March 08, 2014, 11:25:33 AM
Quote from: Bitcoin Forum
A reply of yours, quoted below, was deleted by the starter of a self-moderated topic.

I'll just leave this here:

Nice. Hashfast is lying in a court brief. Does anybody with the email from Simon want to print it out with headers and send it as a amicus curiae to the address in here? You don't need standing in this case to file it.

Title: Re: HashFast announces specs for new ASIC: up to 800GH/s [Non Self Moderated]
Post by: cedivad on March 08, 2014, 08:38:12 PM
Look, post #153. No, wait, it's #275.

153/275 = 0.5563

"Bitter to Better"?

^^ :D
Posted from asd, ref#9wqV8am3P0x2dKGT

Title: Re: HashFast announces specs for new ASIC: up to 800GH/s [Non Self Moderated]
Post by: cedivad on March 08, 2014, 08:39:11 PM
Jesus guys, almost one post removed out of two.

It must be some kind of record.
Posted from asd, ref#N5uDggitLFlsfIXM

Title: Re: HashFast announces specs for new ASIC: up to 800GH/s [Non Self Moderated]
Post by: Flashman on March 08, 2014, 09:23:12 PM
This one must have been a sore point...

Thanks for calling out the windfall seekers who wanted to be in a can't lose/free lunch situation at HashFast's expense.  "Silly" is one of the right words for their ridiculous expectations, but some other ones come to mind given the actions they've taken...

You mean the people who knew BTC was bound to rise and sought repeated assurances from you that you would hold the BTC and they would not be worse off in BTC terms if you failed to deliver on time?

Title: Re: HashFast announces specs for new ASIC: up to 800GH/s [Non Self Moderated]
Post by: smoothie on March 09, 2014, 08:36:00 AM
This one must have been a sore point...

Thanks for calling out the windfall seekers who wanted to be in a can't lose/free lunch situation at HashFast's expense.  "Silly" is one of the right words for their ridiculous expectations, but some other ones come to mind given the actions they've taken...

You mean the people who knew BTC was bound to rise and sought repeated assurances from you that you would hold the BTC and they would not be worse off in BTC terms if you failed to deliver on time?

The epic silence now days in comparison from their early days of marketing "hey come preorder our new hashcrap asic miner!". They made a bunch of promises and noise to get your money and now that they have it and can't deliver on their promises they are silent and pathetic.

Alarming and entertaining. These guys are clowns just like MTGOX was.


Title: Re: HashFast announces specs for new ASIC: up to 800GH/s [Non Self Moderated]
Post by: Easy2Mine on March 10, 2014, 03:00:43 AM
Batch One EVOs sold out almost instantly, so exhibiting your grudge in public hasn't had any noticeable effect.  Better get a Batch Two before they're gone!

If Batch One sold out almost instantly, why are you still stuck at Batch Two?
I suspect you skip Batch One to make it look how succesfull you are scamming people.
Once a thief, always a thief !!!

Title: Re: HashFast announces specs for new ASIC: up to 800GH/s [Non Self Moderated]
Post by: bkminer on March 10, 2014, 11:06:31 PM
I feel special, 100% of my posts on the thread were deleted.  If anyone wants I do have copies....


Title: Re: HashFast announces specs for new ASIC: up to 800GH/s [Non Self Moderated]
Post by: SolarSilver on March 11, 2014, 12:45:07 AM
Keep deleting, I'll keep reposting

Quote from: Bitcoin Forum
A reply of yours, quoted below, was deleted by the starter of a self-moderated topic.
HashFast has a working assembly line at CIARA, an ISO9000 certified leader in assembling/testing/shipping high tech hardware.

From the 4 machines I received (3 months late), all of them had loose screws rattling around in the enclosures. Some of the BBJet boards were only attached with one screw, and hanging from the wiring harness

Quality assembly my ass

Loose screws is one thing, but one of the cases had one long black bolt in surplus, a clear mistake during the mounting of the water cooling

If Ciara is such a great leader in gettings quick out of the door, why have I not seen the Batch #1 MPP ship? Or the upgrade kits? Or the Sierras from Batch #2?

Surely Ciara can keep up with the parts you ship them?

Having a demo unit to show off at conference is not the same as having a mass produced product. So you sold out your EVO Batch #1, why is holding you back from shipping it to your eagerly awaiting customers? You have the parts....

Title: Re: HashFast announces specs for new ASIC: up to 800GH/s [Non Self Moderated]
Post by: SolarSilver on March 11, 2014, 12:45:43 AM
Quote from: Bitcoin Forum
A reply of yours, quoted below, was deleted by the starter of a self-moderated topic.

Why come in here and pollute a thread created for the benefit of those who disagree with your opinion?  Ego boosting or what?

To make sure other people don't make the same mistake I've made in the past: if you spend any money on Hashfast equipment, you are sure to get it too late (if it even ships), it will not perform as promised and their customer support is horrible

Title: Re: HashFast announces specs for new ASIC: up to 800GH/s [Non Self Moderated]
Post by: SolarSilver on March 11, 2014, 01:23:30 AM
Quote from: Bitcoin Forum
A reply of yours, quoted below, was deleted by the starter of a self-moderated topic.

If HashFast's spec-smashing 2TH is pathetic, then what are CT's 20% power and performance misses? 

Yes you nailed it, HashFast's track record of delivering equipment on time to customers is pathetic, there is no better word for it

Title: Re: HashFast announces specs for new ASIC: up to 800GH/s [Non Self Moderated]
Post by: bkminer on March 11, 2014, 01:44:31 AM
HashFast's new world record holding 750+ GH/s ASIC.

This isn't the ASIC Olympics.

To HashFast that's all it is... (wow and my single post about my deleted mosts was deleted... thanks Chris!  8) )

(this is a repost before CL deletes this one too, I'm at 100% deletes now)

Title: Re: HashFast announces specs for new ASIC: up to 800GH/s [Non Self Moderated]
Post by: joshv06 on March 11, 2014, 02:01:54 AM
HashFast's new world record holding 750+ GH/s ASIC.

This isn't the ASIC Olympics.

To HashFast that's all it is... (wow and my single post about my deleted mosts was deleted... thanks Chris!  8) )

(this is a repost before CL deletes this one too, I'm at 100% deletes now)

Title: Re: HashFast announces specs for new ASIC: up to 800GH/s [Non Self Moderated]
Post by: Easy2Mine on March 11, 2014, 12:31:36 PM
Quote from: Bitcoin Forum
A reply of yours, quoted below, was deleted by the starter of a self-moderated topic. There are no rules of self-moderation, so this deletion cannot be appealed. Do not continue posting in this topic if the topic-starter has requested that you leave.

You can create a new topic if you are unsatisfied with this one. If the topic-starter is scamming, post about it in Scam Accusations.

Batch One EVOs sold out almost instantly, so exhibiting your grudge in public hasn't had any noticeable effect.  Better get a Batch Two before they're gone!

If Batch One sold out almost instantly, why are you still stuck at Batch Two?
I suspect you skip Batch One to make it look how succesfull you are scamming people.
Once a thief, always a thief !!!

Asshole keep deleting my posts, no worries, I will reposting the truth.

He asshole, when are you sending out the MPP?
And why so many people don't have their BJ yet?

Keep this thread alive, so that people who are not aware that Hashlast are just a bunch of thieves will know about the truth.

Title: Re: HashFast announces specs for new ASIC: up to 800GH/s [Non Self Moderated]
Post by: RoadStress on March 11, 2014, 12:45:41 PM
Quote from: Bitcoin Forum
A reply of yours, quoted below, was deleted by the starter of a self-moderated topic. There are no rules of self-moderation, so this deletion cannot be appealed. Do not continue posting in this topic if the topic-starter has requested that you leave.

You can create a new topic if you are unsatisfied with this one. If the topic-starter is scamming, post about it in Scam Accusations.

Batch One EVOs sold out almost instantly, so exhibiting your grudge in public hasn't had any noticeable effect.  Better get a Batch Two before they're gone!

If Batch One sold out almost instantly, why are you still stuck at Batch Two?
I suspect you skip Batch One to make it look how succesfull you are scamming people.
Once a thief, always a thief !!!

Asshole keep deleting my posts, no worries, I will reposting the truth.

He asshole, when are you sending out the MPP?
And why so many people don't have their BJ yet?

Keep this thread alive, so that people who are not aware that Hashlast are just a bunch of thieves will know about the truth.

Keep this alive, but don't forget to post in their main non self moderated thread too so that more people are aware of HashFail.

Title: Re: HashFast announces specs for new ASIC: up to 800GH/s [Non Self Moderated]
Post by: BTCInvestorPro on March 11, 2014, 01:55:11 PM
Batch One EVOs sold out almost instantly, so exhibiting your grudge in public hasn't had any noticeable effect.  Better get a Batch Two before they're gone!

It's hard to believe that their Evo batch one sold out instantly when the Hashfast website wasn't even usable for a good chunk of time after the announcement and beginning of sales.  It's also perplexing why Hashfast_CL or anyone from that company would continue to try and market and sell their "products" through bitcointalk given the staggeringly horrible reputation they've managed to build for themselves here.  Their continued aggravation of forum members has spilled over onto reddit to the extent that a "Hashfast is a scam" thread has been stickied to the top of /r/bitcoinmining.  Their continued belligerence only serves to motivate people to spread the word that Hashfast is a scam company as there is near zero evidence that they intend to make mends with the large number of customers who they defrauded through their trickery and lies and more and more of their customers are realizing just how badly they have been screwed by these clowns.

Title: Re: HashFast announces specs for new ASIC: up to 800GH/s [Non Self Moderated]
Post by: SolarSilver on March 11, 2014, 03:13:18 PM
Batch One EVOs sold out almost instantly, so exhibiting your grudge in public hasn't had any noticeable effect.  Better get a Batch Two before they're gone!

It's hard to believe that their Evo batch one sold out instantly when the Hashfast website wasn't even usable for a good chunk of time after the announcement and beginning of sales. 

It's probably one of those mining collectives that placed a large order, perhaps Icedrill (again? :-)

And the rest are uninformed newbies that did not bother to google around to find feedback like here

Title: Re: HashFast announces specs for new ASIC: up to 800GH/s [Non Self Moderated]
Post by: bkminer on March 11, 2014, 03:46:26 PM
Do you actually own CT hardware or are you only presuming to speak for those who do?

Why don't you stop worrying about Cointerra and worry about HashFast shipping product?

(preserving, I'm still at 100% deletes by HashScam)

Title: Re: HashFast announces specs for new ASIC: up to 800GH/s [Non Self Moderated]
Post by: gmaxwell on March 11, 2014, 05:04:29 PM
Batch One EVOs sold out almost instantly, so exhibiting your grudge in public hasn't had any noticeable effect.  Better get a Batch Two before they're gone!
If Batch One sold out almost instantly, why are you still stuck at Batch Two?
I suspect you skip Batch One to make it look how succesfull you are scamming people.
Once a thief, always a thief !!!
I boggle that they'd even sell a single unit.

Title: Re: HashFast announces specs for new ASIC: up to 800GH/s [Non Self Moderated]
Post by: bkminer on March 12, 2014, 02:53:25 AM
Previous post quote:

a temporary exchange medium provided as a convenience

As I remember in the beginning HashCrap would ONLY accept bitcion because they had a sorry excuse that they didn't have the payment systems up.  So stop BULLSHITTING about convenience...the only convenience was to put BTC into HashFast's pockets.

(saving post that will be deleted)

Title: Re: HashFast announces specs for new ASIC: up to 800GH/s [Non Self Moderated]
Post by: SolarSilver on March 12, 2014, 09:22:39 AM
Obvious he can't answer why none of the old orders are shipped...

Quote from: Bitcoin Forum
A reply of yours, quoted below, was deleted by the starter of a self-moderated topic.

stop comparing to cointerra. They have done much better at assembling and shipping devices so far

Not according to their own customers:

It's been a week and I can't even get an RMA for my defective [Cointerra] unit.  >:(

I think by far the complaints about Hashfast dwarf those about Cointerra

Like... why have you not shipped the MPP for Batch #1? Why have you not shipped the upgrade kits? Why have you not shipped the Sierras?

Care to give an answer to that?

Title: Re: HashFast announces specs for new ASIC: up to 800GH/s [Non Self Moderated]
Post by: cedivad on March 12, 2014, 09:46:48 AM
Obvious he can't answer why none of the old orders are shipped...

They have 15m$ of customers sales invest in lawyers...

Title: Re: HashFast announces specs for new ASIC: up to 800GH/s [Non Self Moderated]
Post by: Bargraphics on March 13, 2014, 01:09:46 PM
If cedivad mentions his lawyer *and* boasts about his overweening absolute confidence in a court victory, you take two shots.

Court? You are such an ignorant. The contract you forced us into says arbitration. It's Morici that will bring you in court and win.

Don't worry -  i will be there with kilograms of popcorns. Yeah, kilograms, you know what a kilogram is, right? It's one thousand grams.
Posted from - #cghOwf2wXMlON4tQ

"Forced?"  Who "forced" you into the ToS?  AFAIK they were entirely voluntary and you were free to agree or disagree to comply with them.

"...court and win..."

OK!  Everybody drink!


When do you plan to pay the bet you lost?

How is your job as "Tech Support" for hashfast?


Since you like to bet, how about accepting mine?

I have 5 BTC that says HashFast will not ship a working miner containing Golden Nonce chips to even one customer in 2013.  (It has to be physical delivery.  Hosting doesn't count.)

Care to put up 5 BTC of your own against that?

I think I love you bogart.

I accepted Bogart's bet, on his conditions (ckolivas doesn't count) and even offered to double the stakes.

He has yet to respond.  I wonder why?

Your acceptance is acknowledged.  I didn't see your response at first since it came some days later and I don't frequent this thread.

No thanks on the doubled stakes.  I'd rather not tie up that much BTC.

Title: Re: HashFast announces specs for new ASIC: up to 800GH/s [Non Self Moderated]
Post by: SolarSilver on March 13, 2014, 01:10:02 PM
Quote from: Bitcoin Forum
A reply of yours, quoted below, was deleted by the starter of a self-moderated topic.

Received: by with SMTP id qs7csp90853wjb;
        Fri, 16 Aug 2013 16:38:36 -0700 (PDT)
X-Received: by with SMTP id o66mr196684yhb.13.1376696316262;
        Fri, 16 Aug 2013 16:38:36 -0700 (PDT)
Return-Path: <>

Hi Jim,
Thank you so much for your patience while I got the answer for you, I greatly appreciate it.

The answer is if you buy Baby Jet for 51 BitCoins today and it does not ship, you will be refunded the 51 BitCoins you paid.

I hope that helps and hope you have a good weekend!


Note the date on that is Aug 16 2013.  Since then, BTC/USD has fluctuated by ~800%.  HashFast does not owe you an 800% windfall, and no judge or arbitrator is going to award you one.

Caras answer is very deceptive, if the USD/BTC exchange rate is taken in account, why did she state the equal amount of BTC will be refunded?

Just admit it, the equal BTC refund was just another one of your marketing ploys you back peddled on, deceiving your earliest customers.

Build a bridge and get over it.

How about Hashfast starts shipping the MPP they owe on Batch #1 BBJet orders? Or the Upgrade kits? Or the Sierras? Or the MPP on the Sierras?

Title: Re: HashFast announces specs for new ASIC: up to 800GH/s [Non Self Moderated]
Post by: cedivad on March 13, 2014, 01:13:40 PM
To read the full thread with no censorship: (
Posted from - #MwQMqtQXzig4jSDn

Title: Re: HashFast announces specs for new ASIC: up to 800GH/s [Non Self Moderated]
Post by: bkminer on March 14, 2014, 12:44:49 AM
... evo - evolution from what? ZERO?

Actually I think it's evolution TO Zero!

(soon to be deleted...)

Title: Re: HashFast announces specs for new ASIC: up to 800GH/s [Non Self Moderated]
Post by: Syke on March 14, 2014, 05:51:04 AM
The censorship continues:

A reply of yours, quoted below, was deleted by the starter of a self-moderated topic. There are no rules of self-moderation, so this deletion cannot be appealed. Do not continue posting in this topic if the topic-starter has requested that you leave.
It's very clear right there. Are you claming Cara was lying? The promise there has nothing to do with any sort of exchange rate.

Clearly HashFast knows they screwed up getting caught with the lies.

Title: Re: HashFast announces specs for new ASIC: up to 800GH/s [Non Self Moderated]
Post by: Easy2Mine on March 14, 2014, 06:18:31 AM
Quote from: Bitcoin Forum
A reply of yours, quoted below, was deleted by the starter of a self-moderated topic. There are no rules of self-moderation, so this deletion cannot be appealed. Do not continue posting in this topic if the topic-starter has requested that you leave.

You can create a new topic if you are unsatisfied with this one. If the topic-starter is scamming, post about it in Scam Accusations.

HashShit_CL are you playing the GAY wife or the Gay man.
To FUCK or to be FUCKED

This message will be deleted in T-minus seconds by GAY PRIDE CL

Title: Re: HashFast announces specs for new ASIC: up to 800GH/s [Non Self Moderated]
Post by: ninjarobot on March 14, 2014, 07:27:44 AM
A reply of yours, quoted below, was deleted by the starter of a self-moderated topic. There are no rules of self-moderation, so this deletion cannot be appealed. Do not continue posting in this topic if the topic-starter has requested that you leave.

You can create a new topic if you are unsatisfied with this one. If the topic-starter is scamming, post about it in Scam Accusations.

Quote from: HashFast_CL on Today at 01:41:44 PM
Sorry to all those feverently wishing for Santa HashFast to bring them a pony named Windfall.   :'(

You really are a piece of work.

* If HF would have delivered on time the machines would have produced roughly the amount of bitcoins they were sold for in the first place. This is why you have batch 1 customers.

* To guard against delays and difficulty rises there was the MPP. However HF has not delivered on this promise. Even if they do at some point in the future it is now a case of too little to late.

* As a last resort there was the promise to refund the original payment. Made here on the forum, in support emails, in person and in the ToS+order confirmation. HF has defaulted on all their earlier promises and shifted the risks and losses to their customers.

To even suggest that customers asking for a refund of the original payment in BTC are opportunists looking for a windfall is an insult.

Title: Re: HashFast announces specs for new ASIC: up to 800GH/s [Non Self Moderated]
Post by: cedivad on March 14, 2014, 09:59:30 AM
7 messages removed overnight... Gonna repost them all...
Posted from - #03hzihGGQExAcvep

Title: Re: HashFast announces specs for new ASIC: up to 800GH/s [Non Self Moderated]
Post by: SolarSilver on March 14, 2014, 09:39:47 PM
7 messages removed overnight... Gonna repost them all...
Posted from - #03hzihGGQExAcvep

Let me help you out:

Quote from: Bitcoin Forum
A reply of yours, quoted below, was deleted by the starter of a self-moderated topic.

If HF_CL fails at calming down the community newly created accounts of people knowing the law better than our lawyers arrive to the rescue.
Posted from asd, ref#NN3YE2pVR8l1X4iz

I'd like to propose a new drinking game for the forum.

Everytime cedivad comes on here and mentions his lawyer, you take a shot.

If cedivad mentions his lawyer *and* boasts about his overweening absolute confidence in a court victory, you take two shots.

If cedivad says something on-topic (IE about HashFast's 750GH/s EVO) take three shots, but don't worry because that *never* happens!   :D

I'd like to propose a new drinking game for the forum.

When Hashfast ships out the MPP they owe Batch #1 BBJet orders, you take a shot
When Hashfast ships out the Upgrade kits they sold with a December delivery date, you take another shot
When Hashfast ships out the Sierras that are now 4 months late, you take two more shots
When Hashfast ships out the MPP they owe Batch #2 Sierras orders, you take 3 shots
When Hashfast ships out their new vapourware 750 GH/s EVO boards on time and on spec, you get to drink all night

But don't worry, March will be a month where we'll stay very sober... none of the above is going to happen

Prove us wrong, Hashfast... I'd like to get a few shots. With the open issues above, you owe me 4 + 4 + 4 + 6 shots. I hope nobody is so naive to have bet anything on the EVOs after they read the relevant Hashfast threads 

Title: Re: HashFast announces specs for new ASIC: up to 800GH/s [Non Self Moderated]
Post by: Easy2Mine on March 15, 2014, 03:56:16 AM
Quote from: Bitcoin Forum
A reply of yours, quoted below, was deleted by the starter of a self-moderated topic. There are no rules of self-moderation, so this deletion cannot be appealed. Do not continue posting in this topic if the topic-starter has requested that you leave.

You can create a new topic if you are unsatisfied with this one. If the topic-starter is scamming, post about it in Scam Accusations.

Look at your trust rating.
You are just another pedophile who happens also to be GAY scamming the young and old.

I wonder how fast you will delete this post.
If you are that fast with shipping the MPP, I think a lot people will be happy inclusive me.
We will never mine the BTC back that we have lost because of your incompetence, but we can limit the damage a bit.

Title: Re: HashFast announces specs for new ASIC: up to 800GH/s [Non Self Moderated]
Post by: Syke on March 15, 2014, 04:15:18 AM
Quote from: Bitcoin Forum
A reply of yours, quoted below, was deleted by the starter of a self-moderated topic. There are no rules of self-moderation, so this deletion cannot be appealed. Do not continue posting in this topic if the topic-starter has requested that you leave.

You can create a new topic if you are unsatisfied with this one. If the topic-starter is scamming, post about it in Scam Accusations.

That's nice, but the principles are the same.  Your coins were changed to fiat in order to build your machine, which was priced in USD.  If Bitcoin went to $1.00 you would demand USD and scoff at BTC parity.  If Bitcoin went to $1,000,000 it would be even more obvious you expect a pony named windfall to soothe your buyer's remorse.

Please explain HashFast's promise here:

Received: by with SMTP id qs7csp90853wjb;
        Fri, 16 Aug 2013 16:38:36 -0700 (PDT)
X-Received: by with SMTP id o66mr196684yhb.13.1376696316262;
        Fri, 16 Aug 2013 16:38:36 -0700 (PDT)
Return-Path: <>

Hi Jim,
Thank you so much for your patience while I got the answer for you, I greatly appreciate it.

The answer is if you buy Baby Jet for 51 BitCoins today and it does not ship, you will be refunded the 51 BitCoins you paid.

I hope that helps and hope you have a good weekend!


Title: Re: HashFast announces specs for new ASIC: up to 800GH/s [Non Self Moderated]
Post by: cedivad on March 15, 2014, 02:25:17 PM
Reposts #10: (thanks HF_CL, i don't even need to clear the clipboard, it's already there)
(BOT update: no, it's fast enought to just click a button when the handy email notifications pop-up).

No I won't because it won't go anywhere. The complaint triggered a letter to HF to see if the complaint could be resolved between company and HF. Because HF went the legal route that option is now off the table. The Department of Justice in the State of California is prohibited by law from representing individual citizen's legal interests in civil matters.

They will retain my customer complaint and the response on behalf of HF by Zuber Lawler &amp; Del Duca in case legal action is taken against HF by their office in the future. In that case the complaint can be used as evidentiary material and provide vital documentation for use on behalf of California consumer's interests.

You were supposed to deliver devices IN TIME. Devices which were supposed to mine back the BTC invested in them to the least.
Actually, given the risks someone takes with investing in ASICs, your devices should have a HIGH chance of mining back the BTC invested in the devices PLUS some extra for the risks taken.

There is no doubt that the BTC price shooting up while you were producing your ASICs would tempt a lot of manufacturers to pretend there being difficulties postponing the delivery while they are mining on the devices produced themselves while manufacturing the next batch for their customers which they again will use to mine themselves if it is too profitable still and postpone the delivery again.

Not saying you did that... or am I?

Are you seriously telling people to be happy to get a 10k USD refund for their 100 btc investment, when if they did not invest in your fucked up company they would have 65k USD worth now in BTC?

F U seriously

If cedivad mentions his lawyer *and* boasts about his overweening absolute confidence in a court victory, you take two shots.

Court? You are such an ignorant. The contract you forced us into says arbitration. It's Morici that will bring you in court and win.

Don't worry -  i will be there with kilograms of popcorns. Yeah, kilograms, you know what a kilogram is, right? It's one thousand grams.

So you confirm this email exchange is legitimate?
I will take it as so.

"Forced?"  Who "forced" you into the ToS?  AFAIK they were entirely voluntary and you were free to agree or disagree to comply with them.

Yes, forced. It's a forced arbitration clause.

Do you want to talk about the fact that you are denying the very existence of the early versions of your contract (
Or do you prefer to talk about the 3 days or so where your Terms of Sales were offline when you opened sales again for your new fantastic EVO?

And since that you keep removing the link (what a poor tactic); you can read this full thread by replacing "" with "" on this URL.

4) Are terms of sale binding at the time of sale?  Or can you guys retroactively change them?
They recently added a new term to the ToS, if i understood it correctly they can change them retroactively now.

Dear HashFast_CL,

Do you really believe that you are gonna get yourself out of your LIES with such a poor misunderstanding of what the Bitcoin community believes in?
Here is a screenshoot of my Skype conversation with your marketing director and executive John S.
Please read "we only care about our losses, that are not measured in USD".
It was first posted in this board back in October, when no-on would have expected the price to rise as it did.
Moreover, you promised BTC refunds. If you didn't intended to, you shouldn't have LIED to us.

Conversation: (

Also quoting this post as another reference to prove the relation between HashFast (the company) and HashFast_CL:

You already admitted to receiving and returning a check for 105% of the purchase price.
If you really think a court is actually going to give you a $60,000 pony named Windfall, get a lawyer.
But you know that's absurd, which is why you've not done so.

(don't worry HF_CL, this is not the first time that you fall for things like this, and i've already saved all of the others).
Posted from - #Ya5WqGbjXgkbYciD

Title: Re: HashFast announces specs for new ASIC: up to 800GH/s [Non Self Moderated]
Post by: SolarSilver on March 15, 2014, 02:57:19 PM
Quote from: HashFast_CL
Re: HashFast announces specs for new ASIC: up to 800GH/s
Today at 16:26:15
Once again, the only reason this thread is locked is because cedavid and others are spamming it.

This is a clear violation of the message they get ever time I delete their hate/rage/troll posts.

If the mods would simply enforce the rules for this subforum, it wouldn't be a problem.  But they don't, so it is.

Sorry to all who wish to post here!

If Hashfast would simple run their business according to the rules of eh good business, we would all have received our equipment in December 2013 and January 2014 and none of us would be complaining right now

Until we get the equipment we pre-paid and the matching MPP, people will keep complaints about the fact that Hashfast ripped them off.

Not hard to understand, right?

Title: Re: HashFast announces specs for new ASIC: up to 800GH/s [Non Self Moderated]
Post by: bkminer on March 16, 2014, 12:41:31 AM
We built the machines we were paid for;


(saving one more)

Title: Re: HashFast announces specs for new ASIC: up to 800GH/s [Non Self Moderated]
Post by: Syke on March 16, 2014, 03:30:25 AM
Ah, yes, HashFast_CL can't handle debate. Reply and lock the thread. Good thing that won't shut people up.

Quote from: HashFast_CL

Sorry, but that's just a post on an internet forum, not a contract.  The ToS are binding, not statements made during an extended period of relative BTC/USD stability (just prior to an unpredictable and unprecedented explosion in BTC value).

No, it wasn't a post on a forum. It was an email sent by an official HashFast account to a customer asking for clarification of the Terms of Service. It will be very valid in a court.

Title: Re: HashFast announces specs for new ASIC: up to 800GH/s [Non Self Moderated]
Post by: midnightmagic on March 16, 2014, 04:06:57 AM
So, now since they've specifically stated that they would denominate refunds in USD and have specifically stated that a refund in the event of a shrunk BTC value would result in *MORE* bitcoins, that means that a refund could be initiated now by people who pre-ordered back at the $1200 or $1000 mark, for a *positive bitcoin* "windfall," which would guarantee them a positive bitcoin INCREASE in a way which is guaranteed to give a better BTC ROI than mining with any HashFast equipment ever will.

Seriously, people who pre-ordered at the higher value should be asking for a refund now that they're not delivering basically at all.

Title: Re: HashFast announces specs for new ASIC: up to 800GH/s [Non Self Moderated]
Post by: smoothie on March 16, 2014, 07:33:58 AM
What it sounds like is HF got all giddy when they ran the numbers on how much DOUGH they could make if they took in customer BTCs and made promises to refund full BTCs if they did not meet their deadline.

After going through the process they realized they over promised and could not deliver realistically in any meaningful way hence the change in their ToS.

Now they have to redefine what "FULL BTC REFUNDS" means to be "FULL BTC REFUNDS DENOMINATED IN USD".

Two totally different meanings.

HashFast_CL is only posting defending HF because he hopes to sucker in more pre-order money for their UNICORN ASICs that have pots of gold at the end of the rainbow.

HashFail  :D

Title: Re: HashFast announces specs for new ASIC: up to 800GH/s [Non Self Moderated]
Post by: cedivad on March 16, 2014, 10:46:58 AM
So, now since they've specifically stated that they would denominate refunds in USD and have specifically stated that a refund in the event of a shrunk BTC value would result in *MORE* bitcoins, that means that a refund could be initiated now by people who pre-ordered back at the $1200 or $1000 mark, for a *positive bitcoin* "windfall," which would guarantee them a positive bitcoin INCREASE in a way which is guaranteed to give a better BTC ROI than mining with any HashFast equipment ever will.

Seriously, people who pre-ordered at the higher value should be asking for a refund now that they're not delivering basically at all.
Too bad that people who ordered in late november/december are locked in in a "we own your soul and we can unitarily change the terms" kind of tos.
(i can't find a reference in the tos to backup the claim that they can now unitarily change the terms, but i remember to have found it once)
Posted from - #pypmofcJ6UA4t0MG

Title: Re: HashFast announces specs for new ASIC: up to 800GH/s [Non Self Moderated]
Post by: Biffa on March 16, 2014, 11:28:13 AM
So, now since they've specifically stated that they would denominate refunds in USD and have specifically stated that a refund in the event of a shrunk BTC value would result in *MORE* bitcoins, that means that a refund could be initiated now by people who pre-ordered back at the $1200 or $1000 mark, for a *positive bitcoin* "windfall," which would guarantee them a positive bitcoin INCREASE in a way which is guaranteed to give a better BTC ROI than mining with any HashFast equipment ever will.

Seriously, people who pre-ordered at the higher value should be asking for a refund now that they're not delivering basically at all.
Too bad that people who ordered in late november/december are locked in in a "we own your soul and we can unitarily change the terms" kind of tos.
(i can't find a reference in the tos to backup the claim that they can now unitarily change the terms, but i remember to have found it once)
Posted from - #pypmofcJ6UA4t0MG

Really what all these miner manufacturers should put in their TOS is "if we do give out a refund it will be in whatever denomination is worth less at the time of refund"

Title: Re: HashFast announces specs for new ASIC: up to 800GH/s [Non Self Moderated]
Post by: gmaxwell on March 16, 2014, 11:43:03 AM
FWIW, it looks to me like they're selectively locking the other thread when they're not at the computer and can't be vigilantly deleting messages. Kinda crazy.

Title: Re: HashFast announces specs for new ASIC: up to 800GH/s [Non Self Moderated]
Post by: RoadStress on March 16, 2014, 01:01:28 PM
FWIW, it looks to me like they're selectively locking the other thread when they're not at the computer and can't be vigilantly deleting messages. Kinda crazy.

You have to admit that this is a newest low after BFL's crap and the fact that they need to lock the thread when they are offline shows how nobody cares about their ultra praised chip of 750GH/s. So much fail in just one company.

Title: Re: HashFast announces specs for new ASIC: up to 800GH/s [Non Self Moderated]
Post by: BTCInvestorPro on March 16, 2014, 01:08:16 PM
FWIW, it looks to me like they're selectively locking the other thread when they're not at the computer and can't be vigilantly deleting messages. Kinda crazy.

While it makes for good fun watching them try and rationalize their fraud why are you guys wasting your time arguing with them.  You should start a collection to hire a private investigator to get to the bottom of what is really going on.  I mean they had to think the price of BTC would either be stable or increase over time otherwise their whole business would have been sunk.  I'd be willing to bet this whole charade is just them trying to keep what is now $100 Million+ in BTC they collected.

Title: Re: HashFast announces specs for new ASIC: up to 800GH/s [Non Self Moderated]
Post by: bkminer on March 17, 2014, 11:35:49 PM
Since HFUCK_CF locked his thread:

From HFCF...
HashFast is working as hard as possible to build and deliver upgrade kits and MPP as fast as possible.

Our engineers and production staff work around the clock.  The idea we're resting on our laurels, or mining with customer equipment, or whatever the latest baseless FUD rumor (tropical island/hammock/mai tai) the forum dreams up, is ridiculous.

The HashFast Derangement Syndrome, where the haters spew endless negativity no matter what we do, is getting old.

Who's delusional ?  The only person working around the clock is the guy spouting all this crap...

Title: Re: HashFast announces specs for new ASIC: up to 800GH/s [Non Self Moderated]
Post by: cedivad on March 17, 2014, 11:45:56 PM
Repost #5:

Hi cedivad,
The windfall-seekers are the very few people demanding a ~600% return on ~$100 BTC they spent a long time ago, to buy risky ASIC pre-orders.
The vast majority of HashFast customers are far more reasonable, and have every right to be antsy and impatient w/r/t shipment of their equipment.
Because there are so many moving parts in our supply chain, making a firm promise for a delivery date isn't going to happen (we've starred in that movie before, and it got terrible reviews).
All I can do at this point is assure everyone we are not a fly-by-night operation and are doing our very best to deliver ASAP.
That's not good enough for the haters suffering from HashFast Derangement Syndrome, but nothing ever is.   :-\

It's interesting that you can't make a "firm promise for a delivery date" for MPP/upgrades or current customers but you can when trying to gather new orders for your may delivery.

Availability:  Evo Batch 2 will start shipping in May 2014, completing by month-end

Quoting me removing the message quoted? That's something new. I will repost it again, just because i don't understand your move.

Not many customers took advantage of the full refund provision, but some did, and they have been paid (except for those windfall-seekers who returned the check and now tell lies about how HashFast sent them nothing).
I received nothing, good luck with proving the opposite.

Anyway... The question is still why the hell your customers didn't received their machines if you claim to have build them? Are they "windfall-seekers" customers that are lying about not having received the hardware, since that you sent it? The same way you didn't send me a refund check?
Posted from - #0JPx2lvhBgnH2hkQ

Title: Re: HashFast announces specs for new ASIC: up to 800GH/s [Non Self Moderated]
Post by: -ck on March 20, 2014, 05:57:30 AM
You might want to lend support to this idea:

Self moderated topics have the warning at the top:

This is a self-moderated topic. If you do not want to be moderated by the person who started this topic, create a new topic.

One thing that may be of interest to someone reading such a topic would be to know some objective marker of how many posts were deleted that they can then make their own judgements about how reliable the content in it is. A simple change like this would be helpful:

This is a self-moderated topic with 230 of 400 posts deleted. If you do not want to be moderated by the person who started this topic, create a new topic.

Title: Re: HashFast announces specs for new ASIC: up to 800GH/s [Non Self Moderated]
Post by: Bicknellski on March 20, 2014, 06:06:15 AM
FWIW, it looks to me like they're selectively locking the other thread when they're not at the computer and can't be vigilantly deleting messages. Kinda crazy.

While it makes for good fun watching them try and rationalize their fraud why are you guys wasting your time arguing with them.  You should start a collection to hire a private investigator to get to the bottom of what is really going on.  I mean they had to think the price of BTC would either be stable or increase over time otherwise their whole business would have been sunk.  I'd be willing to bet this whole charade is just them trying to keep what is now $100 Million+ in BTC they collected.

+1 follow the BTC. It don't lie.

Title: Re: HashFast announces specs for new ASIC: up to 800GH/s [Non Self Moderated]
Post by: counter on March 27, 2014, 07:28:03 AM
pretty disgusting to see mining companies with peoples funds and the censorship is so not classy and fishy to say the least. 

Title: Re: HashFast announces specs for new ASIC: up to 800GH/s [Non Self Moderated]
Post by: solarion on March 27, 2014, 08:01:45 AM
This company is way way beyond "fishy". "Not classy" would be a significant upgrade.

Title: Re: HashFast announces specs for new ASIC: up to 800GH/s [Non Self Moderated]
Post by: SolarSilver on March 27, 2014, 08:14:09 AM
This company is way way beyond "fishy". "Not classy" would be a significant upgrade.

But but they just got a new sales droid who is going to make everything better!

why don't we all contact here and bring her up to speed with the current state of things?

Title: Re: HashFast announces specs for new ASIC: up to 800GH/s [Non Self Moderated]
Post by: perezoso on March 27, 2014, 12:18:51 PM
This company is way way beyond "fishy". "Not classy" would be a significant upgrade.

But but they just got a new sales droid who is going to make everything better!

why don't we all contact here and bring her up to speed with the current state of things?

I'd say that she's realizing now that she's gotten into bed with a bunch of crooks and liars.  There will be a few weeks of denial and rationalizations, then a few of shock and indecision, followed by a couple of planning.  So, anticipated departure date:  Mid-May.

Title: Re: HashFast announces specs for new ASIC: up to 800GH/s [Non Self Moderated]
Post by: TheRealSteve on August 19, 2015, 10:58:51 AM
A US District Judge has approved claims against bankrupt bitcoin mining company HashFast and two of its officers.

Judge Edward Davila, responding to a motion to dismiss filed by the defendants, sided with plaintiff Pete Morici by approving the claim that HashFast violated the Unfair Competition Law (UCL) – which prohibits "acts or practices which are unlawful, or unfair or fraudulent" – and additional allegations of fraud.

Morici alleges that he purchased two Baby Jets  – bitcoin mining hardware devices – worth $11,200 of bitcoin from HashFast but failed to receive his order as promised and was not offered a satisfactory refund.
