Bitcoin Forum

Bitcoin => Bitcoin Discussion => Topic started by: got2bereal on March 05, 2014, 04:36:16 PM

Title: First Meta CEO found dead suspected of suicide
Post by: got2bereal on March 05, 2014, 04:36:16 PM

It appears bitcoin’s recent turmoil has claimed its first life.

Autumn Ratke a 28-year-old American CEO of bitcoin exchange firm First Meta was found dead in her Singapore apartment on Feb. 28.

Local media are calling it a suicide, but Singapore officials are waiting for toxicology test results.
Ratke formerly worked with Apple and other Silicon Valley tech firms on developing digital payment systems.

Ratke’s death brings the number of questionable financial sector deaths this year to eight.
On Feb. 18 a 33-year-old JPMorgan finance pro leaped to his death the roof of the JPMorgan’s 30-story Hong Kong office tower.
Modal Trigger

Photo: Facebook

Li Junjie’s suicide marked the third mysterious death of a JPMorgan banker. So far, there is no other known link between any of the deaths.

Gabriel Magee, 39, a vice president with the JPMorgan’s corporate and investment bank technology arm in the UK, also jumped to his death from the roof of the bank’s 33-story Canary Wharf tower in London on Jan. 28.

On Feb. 3, Ryan Henry Crane, 37, a JPM executive director who worked in New York, was found dead inside his Stamford, Conn., home.

A cause of death in Crane’s case has not be determined until a toxicology report is complete, according to a spokesperson for the Stamford detectives division.

The report is expected within two weeks.

Two other bankers have also taken their lives outside of JPMorgan.

On Jan. 31, Mike Dueker — the chief economist at Russell Investments and former Federal Reserve bank economist — was found dead at the side of a road that leads to the Tacoma Narrows Bridge in Washington state, according to the Pierce County Sheriff’s Department. He was 50.

On Jan. 26, William Broeksmit, 58, a former senior risk manager at Deutsche Bank, was found hanging in a house in South Kensington, according to London police.

Title: Re: First Meta CEO found dead suspected of suicide
Post by: Magic8Ball on March 05, 2014, 05:13:38 PM
What happened to that exchange? Big losses?

Title: Re: First Meta CEO found dead suspected of suicide
Post by: V4Vendettas on March 05, 2014, 06:04:19 PM (

Sad news.

I will be the first to admit I have not kept up to date on First Meta so have no idea about its situation but I have a horrible feeling we will be seeing more suicide related deaths as a result of Hacking.

It seems like companies are getting hit really fast and hard right now.

Edit: Not saying First Meta was hacked.

Title: Re: First Meta CEO found dead suspected of suicide
Post by: Definit on March 05, 2014, 06:54:31 PM
If she was found dead on Feb. 28th, then whats the deal with people on her facebook page writing comments as if they knew she was dead as of Feb. 26th within the shared post on Feb 10th about The Psychological Price of Entrepreneurship.


Title: Re: First Meta CEO found dead suspected of suicide
Post by: Definit on March 05, 2014, 07:03:36 PM

Krystal Choo
Today I attended the memorial of a truly beautiful woman. She was amazing. I cannot say that we were the closest of friends. What I can say is that she had a huge heart, and in the few interactions we've had, it was clear that she was a brilliant mind and a humble, giving person.

She thanked me for being open about my struggles just recently - and for the past couple of days I have been asking myself if I simply and massively failed in recognising what could have been a call for help, or an invitation to connect with her pain and in some way, provide the comfort that knowing one is not alone provides. These aren't questions we can ever answer, yet have to live with for the rest of our lives.

Depression is a very real illness. I was depressed and on various drugs and therapy for 8 years. I didn't even know it at the time. I just knew something wasn't right anymore, and went to get help. It was the worst time of my life - not because I was feeling bad, but because I couldn't get out. Being depressed isn't just crying all day. It's an endless pit in the stomach. It is the loss of any kind of hope. It's the shadow that follows you everywhere, everyday. It's a voice that whispers the most seductive, fatal things. And then, it is so much more, and worse, than that.

I was very very blessed to have gotten out of it. Many don't. If you feel something is wrong, tell as many friends as possible, reach out, go to a polyclinic and get a referral to IMH - or go there straight away. It's why I'm open that I still go to therapy once in awhile. I don't want being vulnerable or in pain to be something that is taboo. We don't need to worship heroes and put down others. The mind - and life - is so very fragile. We need to rally together to make seeking help a normal, healthy thing. But sometimes, we don't know what we need. And sometimes, you don't know what someone else needs. The best we can do is create a safe space for everyone to be open, to make it okay to BE helped.

Some illnesses can be seen. Others can't. They are all real. It's okay to not be perfect. Your life is fragile, and precious, and you never know how much impact you have. You can feel like you have nothing anymore, but I assure you that you do, and you're right here, and it won't be like that forever, and I love you, and many others love you, and you - you will be okay. Ask for help. There is absolutely nothing wrong with being human.

RIP and may God bless your soul with the peace it seeks.
February 27 at 9:13am

Krystal Choo
Today, I attended the memorial of a truly beautiful woman. She was amazing. I cannot say that we were the closest of friends. What I can say is that she had a huge heart, and in the few interactions we've had, it was clear that she was a brilliant mind and a humble, giving person.

She thanked me for being open about my struggles just recently - and for the past couple of days I have been asking myself if I simply and massively failed in recognising what could have been a call for help, or an invitation to connect with her pain and in some way, provide the comfort that knowing one is not alone provides. These aren't questions we can ever answer, yet have to live with for the rest of our lives.

Depression is a very real illness. I was depressed and on various drugs and therapy for 8 years. I didn't even know it at the time. I just knew something wasn't right anymore, and went to get help. It was the worst time of my life - not because I was feeling bad, but that I couldn't get out. Because being depressed isn't just crying all day.

It's an endless pit in the stomach. It is the loss of any kind of hope. It's the shadow that follows you everywhere, everyday. It's a voice that whispers the most seductive, fatal things. And then, it is so much more, and worse, than that.

I was very very blessed to have gotten out of it. Many don't. If you feel something is wrong, tell as many friends as possible, reach out, go to a polyclinic and get a referral to IMH - or go there straight away. It's why I'm open that I still go to therapy once in awhile. I don't want being vulnerable or in pain to be something that is taboo. We don't need to worship heroes and put down others. The mind - and life - is so very fragile. We need to rally together to make seeking help a normal, healthy thing. But sometimes, we don't know what we need. And sometimes, you don't know what someone else needs. The best we can do is create a safe space for everyone to be open, to make it okay to BE helped.

Some illnesses can be seen. Others can't. They are all real. It's okay to not be perfect. Your life is fragile, and precious, and you never know how much impact you have. You can feel like you have nothing anymore,

but I assure you that you do,
and you're right here,
it won't be like that forever, and

I love you.
Many love you.
And you?

You will be okay.

Ask for help. There is absolutely nothing wrong with being human.

RIP Autumn, and may God bless your soul with the peace it seeks.
March 2 at 10:02am

also, Krystal Choo (a friend of Autumns) who has the last comment on her post... Posted this above... one dated for Feb. 27th (with a comment as early as Feb. 27th) and then later edited to show March 2nd.

Title: Re: First Meta CEO found dead suspected of suicide
Post by: TheFootMan on March 05, 2014, 07:22:18 PM
Never heard of First Meta until now. Did they suffer any losses of bitcoins?

Many people who work with IT take too little care of themselves in general and work too much. Being able to reach out to people in need is not always that easy, most of us are far too busy with our own lives to care of the need of others. Of course, if those in need would explicitly say: "If you don't help me now, I will kill myself, seriously". Then people would probably reach out. But the cries for help are often subtle, and many people appear to be totally fine on the surface, but yet it crumbles beneath the surface.

I know of another woman that were found dead, she had mixed prescription pills and alcohol, and while none of what she took was deadly in itself, the combination was.

I find it hard to understand that somebody at 28 will kill themselves with half or their life remaining, esp. for a person smart and intelligent enough to be a CEO, so it might be just an unfortunate mix of prescription medicine and alcohol for instance, or it could be just that she really struggled and saw no place for here anymore on this earth. In that case the suicide may not be particularly connected to bitcoin, but might've happened no matter what kind of business she would be involved in.

But just to make it perfectly clear:

I think it's an absolute disaster, and my condolences goes out to her family, close ones and friends.

And for anyone else being depressed, just try to do something of the constructive things that makes you happy: Go for a walk, be among friends, play with your pet, do some yoga or lift weights. Things looking bad now, will not always be bad. And life have a lot of good things to offer.

Title: Re: First Meta CEO found dead suspected of suicide
Post by: TheFootMan on March 05, 2014, 07:25:22 PM
If she was found dead on Feb. 28th, then whats the deal with people on her facebook page writing comments as if they knew she was dead as of Feb. 26th within the shared post on Feb 10th about The Psychological Price of Entrepreneurship.


Inaccurate information in news media articles is nothing new. Could be a simple matter of getting the date wrong. For instance if a journalist gets an e-mail the 28th about a suicide that just happened, he might not even get the date right. You see, even CNN talks to the CEO of bitcoin these days...

Title: Re: First Meta CEO found dead suspected of suicide
Post by: Lauda on March 05, 2014, 07:34:51 PM
Sad to see someone die at a young age.
Did she have reason for suicide?

Title: Re: First Meta CEO found dead suspected of suicide
Post by: LostDutchman on March 05, 2014, 07:38:05 PM
How sad.


Title: Re: First Meta CEO found dead suspected of suicide
Post by: riekinho on March 05, 2014, 07:52:29 PM
I fail to see how this relates to Bitcoin!

We don't know when it occured, if it has anything to do with her Bitcoin business, if it's a suicide!

The title could have linked the cause of death to any number of things that briefly passed through her life.

Also fascinating that JP Morgan bankers top the list! What could be the possible reason?

Title: Re: First Meta CEO found dead suspected of suicide
Post by: TheFootMan on March 05, 2014, 08:30:29 PM
Also fascinating that JP Morgan bankers top the list! What could be the possible reason?

How many work for JP Morgan?

How many police officers took their own life in the same time frame ?
How many plumbers took their own life in the same time frame?

While it might look sensational, people take their own lives every day, and the vast majority of them are not bankers.

Title: Re: First Meta CEO found dead suspected of suicide
Post by: CryptoPanda on March 05, 2014, 08:38:53 PM
The question is why Mark isn't doing anything?

Title: Re: First Meta CEO found dead suspected of suicide
Post by: baller1 on March 05, 2014, 08:40:04 PM
I'm genuinely disturbed how many mainstream newspapers are reporting this as "Bitcoin's turmoil claims life".  Op-ed or not, they have no proof this is why this woman sadly killed herself.  Irregardless what turns out to be the reason, this is above and beyond inappropriate and irresponsible.  Editor "Lets see, we got Asia, we got Bitcoin, we got Gox in Asia, she musta committed suicide because of Bitcoin. Print it!"

This is how badly newspaper's (who are no better than TMZ and the National Enquirer these days) backed by banks want to spread FUD? wow.  RIP.

Title: Re: First Meta CEO found dead suspected of suicide
Post by: Bit_Happy on March 05, 2014, 08:41:58 PM
Never heard of First Meta until now. Did they suffer any losses of bitcoins?

Many people who work with IT take too little care of themselves in general and work too much. Being able to reach out to people in need is not always that easy, most of us are far too busy with our own lives to care of the need of others. Of course, if those in need would explicitly say: "If you don't help me now, I will kill myself, seriously". Then people would probably reach out. But the cries for help are often subtle, and many people appear to be totally fine on the surface, but yet it crumbles beneath the surface.

I know of another woman that were found dead, she had mixed prescription pills and alcohol, and while none of what she took was deadly in itself, the combination was.

I find it hard to understand that somebody at 28 will kill themselves with half or their life remaining, esp. for a person smart and intelligent enough to be a CEO, so it might be just an unfortunate mix of prescription medicine and alcohol for instance, or it could be just that she really struggled and saw no place for here anymore on this earth. In that case the suicide may not be particularly connected to bitcoin, but might've happened no matter what kind of business she would be involved in.

But just to make it perfectly clear:

I think it's an absolute disaster, and my condolences goes out to her family, close ones and friends.

And for anyone else being depressed, just try to do something of the constructive things that makes you happy: Go for a walk, be among friends, play with your pet, do some yoga or lift weights. Things looking bad now, will not always be bad. And life have a lot of good things to offer.

Exercise is great advice, and your whole post is just what people need sometimes.

Title: Re: First Meta CEO found dead suspected of suicide
Post by: Definit on March 05, 2014, 08:44:46 PM
I'm genuinely disturbed how many mainstream newspapers are reporting this as "Bitcoin's turmoil claims life". Op-ed or not, they have no proof this is why this woman sadly killed herself.  Irregardless what turns out to be the reason.  Really this is above and beyond inappropriate and irresponsible.  Editor "Lets see, we got Asia, we got Bitcoin, we got Gox in Asia, she musta committed suicide because of Bitcoin. Print it!"

This is how badly newspaper's (who are no better than TMZ and the National Enquirer these days) backed by banks want to spread FUD? wow.  RIP.

she was a ceo for a bitcoin company and highly involved with bitcoin.

hence the reason why mainstream newspapers associated her death with bitcoins.

if you read her last post it was obvious she had depression problems due to certain bitcoin events in her life.

has it claimed her life. Yes, weather depression lead to her suicide or not... It has a connection.

Title: Re: First Meta CEO found dead suspected of suicide
Post by: RodeoX on March 05, 2014, 08:45:51 PM
Also fascinating that JP Morgan bankers top the list! What could be the possible reason?

How many work for JP Morgan?

How many police officers took their own life in the same time frame ?
How many plumbers took their own life in the same time frame?

While it might look sensational, people take their own lives every day, and the vast majority of them are not bankers.
I think your right. Having said that, if I worked for JPM, I'd kill myself also.

Title: Re: First Meta CEO found dead suspected of suicide
Post by: Mowcore on March 05, 2014, 08:51:48 PM
The reporter is a dick.

It's sick how the media are using her name to try and damage bitcoin.

Insensitive pricks.

Title: Re: First Meta CEO found dead suspected of suicide
Post by: TheFootMan on March 05, 2014, 09:05:06 PM
I'm genuinely disturbed how many mainstream newspapers are reporting this as "Bitcoin's turmoil claims life". Op-ed or not, they have no proof this is why this woman sadly killed herself.  Irregardless what turns out to be the reason.  Really this is above and beyond inappropriate and irresponsible.  Editor "Lets see, we got Asia, we got Bitcoin, we got Gox in Asia, she musta committed suicide because of Bitcoin. Print it!"

This is how badly newspaper's (who are no better than TMZ and the National Enquirer these days) backed by banks want to spread FUD? wow.  RIP.

she was a ceo for a bitcoin company and highly involved with bitcoin.

hence the reason why mainstream newspapers associated her death with bitcoins.

if you read her last post it was obvious she had depression problems due to certain bitcoin events in her life.

has it claimed her life. Yes, weather depression lead to her suicide or not... It has a connection.

If I went to Walmart several times a week, and then I committed suicide, the newsmedia could've spun it as:

"Walmart customer commits suicide"

Then if a Walmart partner commits fraud, they could write: "Walmart associate caught in scam operation".

Or if they do a study, they could conclude that in a certain areas 95% of those committing suicide are Walmart customers, and could've served a headline like: "Walmart makes you committ suicide"

The conclusion is that news media in itself is for a large part of the time a big joke. They push certain agendas, often after instruction from their masters - and often they spin a case so it can become as spectacular as possible.

When people die, the media should have some fucking respect. But no, they uses it to any advantage they see fit, and spin headlines anywhich way they think will sell most newspapers.

So "Overworked CEO with depression committs suicide" vs. "Bitcoin CEO self-slaughter", what do you think the tabloid media will spin?

I think the actions of the media is deplorable, and to a large extent it exists only as a state propaganda machine, and for the enrichment of media moguls owning large media conglomerates. As long as what's served is not truthful and neutral, I frankly see no use of it. That's why I've cut down seriously on news media consumption.

Imagine how much errors the media make about anything when they make lots of errors about things you know something about.

And even stupider than stupid content in the media is the fact that a lot of people become swayed by what they read in the media, even intelligent people who should know a lot better. Wants to stop any bitcoin association because we read something negative about it in the press. God grief. What about stopping being involved with the banks who launder money for narcotics cartels and break all kind of regulations on a regular basis and only get a slap on the wrist?

No - it's like the media always need to run after something, the next big thing to badmouth, the next blabberfest, and once that is finished, the entire cycle repeats itself again. Bread and circus to the people.

Personally I see the media as highly irrelevant (in terms of learning the truth), and if I read something I take it with a grain of salt, as it might not be true at all. It's a good thing that we have internet and that small outfits can chime in, and that not everything is dominated by the big media houses.

People need to think for themselves, but I would think many gladly swallow anything the media serves them. And remember negative and controversial news is what sells.

Title: Re: First Meta CEO found dead suspected of suicide
Post by: Definit on March 05, 2014, 09:19:10 PM
I'm genuinely disturbed how many mainstream newspapers are reporting this as "Bitcoin's turmoil claims life". Op-ed or not, they have no proof this is why this woman sadly killed herself.  Irregardless what turns out to be the reason.  Really this is above and beyond inappropriate and irresponsible.  Editor "Lets see, we got Asia, we got Bitcoin, we got Gox in Asia, she musta committed suicide because of Bitcoin. Print it!"

This is how badly newspaper's (who are no better than TMZ and the National Enquirer these days) backed by banks want to spread FUD? wow.  RIP.

she was a ceo for a bitcoin company and highly involved with bitcoin.

hence the reason why mainstream newspapers associated her death with bitcoins.

if you read her last post it was obvious she had depression problems due to certain bitcoin events in her life.

has it claimed her life. Yes, weather depression lead to her suicide or not... It has a connection.

If I went to Walmart several times a week, and then I committed suicide, the newsmedia could've spun it as:

"Walmart customer commits suicide"

Then if a Walmart partner commits fraud, they could write: "Walmart associate caught in scam operation".

Or if they do a study, they could conclude that in a certain areas 95% of those committing suicide are Walmart customers, and could've served a headline like: "Walmart makes you committ suicide"

The conclusion is that news media in itself is for a large part of the time a big joke. They push certain agendas, often after instruction from their masters - and often they spin a case so it can become as spectacular as possible.

When people die, the media should have some fucking respect. But no, they uses it to any advantage they see fit, and spin headlines anywhich way they think will sell most newspapers.

So "Overworked CEO with depression committs suicide" vs. "Bitcoin CEO self-slaughter", what do you think the tabloid media will spin?

I think the actions of the media is deplorable, and to a large extent it exists only as a state propaganda machine, and for the enrichment of media moguls owning large media conglomerates. As long as what's served is not truthful and neutral, I frankly see no use of it. That's why I've cut down seriously on news media consumption.

Imagine how much errors the media make about anything when they make lots of errors about things you know something about.

And even stupider than stupid content in the media is the fact that a lot of people become swayed by what they read in the media, even intelligent people who should know a lot better. Wants to stop any bitcoin association because we read something negative about it in the press. God grief. What about stopping being involved with the banks who launder money for narcotics cartels and break all kind of regulations on a regular basis and only get a slap on the wrist?

No - it's like the media always need to run after something, the next big thing to badmouth, the next blabberfest, and once that is finished, the entire cycle repeats itself again. Bread and circus to the people.

Personally I see the media as highly irrelevant (in terms of learning the truth), and if I read something I take it with a grain of salt, as it might not be true at all. It's a good thing that we have internet and that small outfits can chime in, and that not everything is dominated by the big media houses.

People need to think for themselves, but I would think many gladly swallow anything the media serves them. And remember negative and controversial news is what sells.

dude calm down, it say's in headline's "First Meta CEO found dead in suspected suicide"

1. First Meta CEO (she was)
2. Found Dead (she was)
3. In suspected suicide (possibly-pending)

or "American Bitcoin exchange CEO found dead in her Singapore home after suspected suicide at age 28"

1. American (she was)
2. Bitcoin Exchange CEO (she was)
3. Found Dead (she was)
4. In Her Singapore home (she was)
5. After suspected suicide (possibly-pending)
6. At Age 28 (she was)

I dont see anything outlandish about those headlines tbh. Far more truthful then either of your selected headlines
"Overworked CEO with depression committs suicide"
1. Overworked (possible)
2. CEO (She was)
3. Depression (possible)
4. Commits Suicide (possible)

vs. "Bitcoin CEO self-slaughter"
1. Bitcoin CEO (She Was)
2. Self-Slaughter (possible)

As for your walmart analogy... terrible. a walmart customer is different then.... hmm.. say... comparing it to Walmart CEO maybe? And if that happened guess what the news would read out like? You GUESSED IT!

Just because there's negativity such as death in the same sentence as bitcoins does not mean they are trying to sway votes away from bitcoins. Sometimes, it means exactly what they are saying. How uninformative would the news be in this case if it mentioned nothing about her being a ceo for a bitcoin company and mentioned nothing bitcoins? I would say that would look more suspicious then to have mentioned it.

Grow some balls and deal with it. 

Title: Re: First Meta CEO found dead suspected of suicide
Post by: awesomeami on March 05, 2014, 11:25:07 PM

Not so fast ...
And it belonds to Press - IMHO.

Title: Re: First Meta CEO found dead suspected of suicide
Post by: baller1 on March 05, 2014, 11:27:22 PM
I'm genuinely disturbed how many mainstream newspapers are reporting this as "Bitcoin's turmoil claims life". Op-ed or not, they have no proof this is why this woman sadly killed herself.  Irregardless what turns out to be the reason.  Really this is above and beyond inappropriate and irresponsible.  Editor "Lets see, we got Asia, we got Bitcoin, we got Gox in Asia, she musta committed suicide because of Bitcoin. Print it!"

This is how badly newspaper's (who are no better than TMZ and the National Enquirer these days) backed by banks want to spread FUD? wow.  RIP.

she was a ceo for a bitcoin company and highly involved with bitcoin.

hence the reason why mainstream newspapers associated her death with bitcoins.

if you read her last post it was obvious she had depression problems due to certain bitcoin events in her life.

has it claimed her life. Yes, weather depression lead to her suicide or not... It has a connection.

Your use of the word hence presumes as much as the NY post.
I thought my use of quotes from the actual piece would suffice in saying this isn't an "association".. this is their exact quote.
"Bitcoin's turmoil has claimed it's first life"
I actually shortened the quote the first time, not realizing it's even more sensational than her parents could have ever wanted..
Is Bitcoin claiming lives now? Only on its first??.  Is this a newspaper's way of claiming "first" on a topic.

No one can say for sure she committed suicide because of Bitcoin's "turmoil", Which you've ascertained about 10 times in your two posts.

....isn't Bitcoin still up about 30% since.. like beginning of Nov.?  
I know of a few traders who wish they had that kind of Quarter.. Hasn't it already "recovered" from Gox?

Perhaps it will come out as that, (we're not even sure she committed suicide yet) perhaps she had ties to Gox that were crushing..Perhaps. Perhaps.
but to conclude such when someone has just taken their life is presumptuous and sensationalism as best, and feeding an agenda and a troth of sheep at worse,
we should all demand.. better from news journalists.
The Daily Mail (shockingly) even wrote "we don't know why yet."

..oh and you're a luddite to follow those sheep who follow that mindset. (he is)

Title: Re: First Meta CEO found dead suspected of suicide
Post by: Phinnaeus Gage on March 06, 2014, 02:18:22 AM
Just now saw the headline via Google News. You'll never guess which person went through my mind upon reading just the title--the Magic: the Gathering of Bitcoins golden boy. I was shocked to read that it was a woman. I've never heard of First Meta until a few minutes a go. Hope that doesn't mean that I'm outta the loop.

Title: Re: First Meta CEO found dead suspected of suicide
Post by: seriouscoin on March 06, 2014, 02:27:56 AM
Just now saw the headline via Google News. You'll never guess which person went through my mind upon reading just the title--the Magic: the Gathering of Bitcoins golden boy. I was shocked to read that it was a woman. I've never heard of First Meta until a few minutes a go. Hope that doesn't mean that I'm outta the loop.

I bet 95% of members here havent heard of First Meta. So you're ok....

Now can you tell us where Mark is? That fat fuck should die instead of this beautiful woman

Title: Re: First Meta CEO found dead suspected of suicide
Post by: Phinnaeus Gage on March 06, 2014, 02:30:30 AM
If she was found dead on Feb. 28th, then whats the deal with people on her facebook page writing comments as if they knew she was dead as of Feb. 26th within the shared post on Feb 10th about The Psychological Price of Entrepreneurship.



I may not have known of Autumn, but I sure the hell knew of Johann Gevers: He showed up here after I penned about 3 suicides related to Laissez Faire City, Sonny Vleisides' old entity. He was the one that did the audit after its demise. In the long ass audit, he never once mentions Sonny's name, only always referring to him as The Silver King, et al.'s son.

Johann Gevers

Thanks for sharing, Autumn—I've certainly experienced my share of what the article talks about!
February 10 at 7:14am

Title: Re: First Meta CEO found dead suspected of suicide
Post by: Phinnaeus Gage on March 06, 2014, 02:49:10 AM
The first thing that Autumn ever did on her FB page was 'like'

Scroll down a tad and you find...

Surely, she was wasn't the waitress in Hawaii that paid for a certain $100K ticket with bitcoins. Or is she?

Title: Re: First Meta CEO found dead suspected of suicide
Post by: LostDutchman on March 06, 2014, 02:54:34 AM


Title: Re: First Meta CEO found dead suspected of suicide
Post by: repentance on March 06, 2014, 03:23:39 AM
Just now saw the headline via Google News. You'll never guess which person went through my mind upon reading just the title--the Magic: the Gathering of Bitcoins golden boy. I was shocked to read that it was a woman. I've never heard of First Meta until a few minutes a go. Hope that doesn't mean that I'm outta the loop.

Definitely out of the loop Phinn.

WSJ reported the story last week when it happened.

reddit noticed it at the time.

What's kind of interesting is that so many Bitcoiners only seem to be hearing about this now that it's been picked up by the mainstream media which they claim to avoid like the plague.

Her death was reported on 27 February Asian time, the day before MtGox filed court papers - the early reports suggest that she may have died the previous night (26 February).

Title: Re: First Meta CEO found dead suspected of suicide
Post by: Phinnaeus Gage on March 06, 2014, 03:42:29 AM
Just now saw the headline via Google News. You'll never guess which person went through my mind upon reading just the title--the Magic: the Gathering of Bitcoins golden boy. I was shocked to read that it was a woman. I've never heard of First Meta until a few minutes a go. Hope that doesn't mean that I'm outta the loop.

Definitely out of the loop Phinn.

WSJ reported the story last week when it happened.

reddit noticed it at the time.

What's kind of interesting is that so many Bitcoiners only seem to be hearing about this now that it's been picked up by the mainstream media which they claim to avoid like the plague.

Her death was reported on 27 February Asian time, the day before MtGox filed court papers - the early reports suggest that she may have died the previous night (26 February).

Thanks, bud. Just got up to speed, myself.

Autumn sure did do a lot of traveling.

Title: Re: First Meta CEO found dead suspected of suicide
Post by: cbeast on March 06, 2014, 04:00:12 AM
I really doubt the death had anything to do with Bitcoin directly. There are many weak hands that don't bother to learn what Bitcoin is and only trade it, but never secure it in a wallet. Incompetent investors invest (gamble) what they cannot afford, only to lose on what they do not fully understand. I doubt she was either of these. Nothing personal, but my participation in Bitcoin is tainted by cowards even more than scammers. I would rather be tortured and beaten to death by a Bitcoin hating dictator while I laughed in his face, than give my detractors in Bitcoin the satisfaction of making me a statistic.

Title: Re: First Meta CEO found dead suspected of suicide
Post by: SGExodus on March 06, 2014, 04:58:30 AM
Except that First Meta isn't a bitcoin exchange.   

First Meta has been around a long time dealing with Linden Dollar, and some IMVU credits stuff, but nothing on Bitcoin.

Retarded journalism and retarded news cross-posting without fact check.

Title: Re: First Meta CEO found dead suspected of suicide
Post by: Phinnaeus Gage on March 06, 2014, 06:10:37 AM
Except that First Meta isn't a bitcoin exchange.   

First Meta has been around a long time dealing with Linden Dollar, and some IMVU credits stuff, but nothing on Bitcoin.

Retarded journalism and retarded news cross-posting without fact check.

I'm not sure what definition of exchange you're using, but...

Hey guys,

Ever wanted to sell your Bitcoins for US$ easily and quickly? Now you can do it at First Meta in just 3 simple steps and get your funds in your PayPal account within 24 hours! Simply…

visit our Bitcoin converter
enter the amount of Bitcoin to convert and your PayPal e-mail address, and..
wait for the money to appear in your PayPal account!
Now you can go shopping on any PayPal-enabled merchant with your Bitcoins! Alternatively, how about buying some game currencies with your Bitcoins?

Title: Re: First Meta CEO found dead suspected of suicide
Post by: SGExodus on March 06, 2014, 07:52:27 AM
Except that First Meta isn't a bitcoin exchange.   

First Meta has been around a long time dealing with Linden Dollar, and some IMVU credits stuff, but nothing on Bitcoin.

Retarded journalism and retarded news cross-posting without fact check.

I'm not sure what definition of exchange you're using, but...

Hey guys,

Ever wanted to sell your Bitcoins for US$ easily and quickly? Now you can do it at First Meta in just 3 simple steps and get your funds in your PayPal account within 24 hours! Simply…

visit our Bitcoin converter
enter the amount of Bitcoin to convert and your PayPal e-mail address, and..
wait for the money to appear in your PayPal account!
Now you can go shopping on any PayPal-enabled merchant with your Bitcoins! Alternatively, how about buying some game currencies with your Bitcoins?

How hard for you to click on the link and see the actual Firstmeta website yourself? 

Title: Re: First Meta CEO found dead suspected of suicide
Post by: cimine on March 06, 2014, 08:29:54 AM
If she was found dead on Feb. 28th, then whats the deal with people on her facebook page writing comments as if they knew she was dead as of Feb. 26th within the shared post on Feb 10th about The Psychological Price of Entrepreneurship.


Could be just time differences?

See more on this here:

Title: Re: First Meta CEO found dead suspected of suicide
Post by: cimine on March 06, 2014, 08:32:48 AM
We don't know when it occured, if it has anything to do with her Bitcoin business, if it's a suicide!

Is it even appropriate to call this a "bitcoin business"?  And it wasn't hers, investors hired her to run it.

Title: Re: First Meta CEO found dead suspected of suicide
Post by: cimine on March 06, 2014, 08:37:54 AM

I bet 95% of members here havent heard of First Meta. So you're ok....

Probably because the company she headed didn't have hardly anything to do with bitcoin and as of now is not engaged in trading it at all.

Title: Re: First Meta CEO found dead suspected of suicide
Post by: cimine on March 06, 2014, 08:50:52 AM
Except that First Meta isn't a bitcoin exchange.   

First Meta has been around a long time dealing with Linden Dollar, and some IMVU credits stuff, but nothing on Bitcoin.

Retarded journalism and retarded news cross-posting without fact check.

I'm not sure what definition of exchange you're using, but...

Hey guys,

Ever wanted to sell your Bitcoins for US$ easily and quickly? Now you can do it at First Meta in just 3 simple steps and get your funds in your PayPal account within 24 hours! Simply…

visit our Bitcoin converter
enter the amount of Bitcoin to convert and your PayPal e-mail address, and..
wait for the money to appear in your PayPal account!
Now you can go shopping on any PayPal-enabled merchant with your Bitcoins! Alternatively, how about buying some game currencies with your Bitcoins?

How hard for you to click on the link and see the actual Firstmeta website yourself? 

Yes do click on the link and check their "Bitcoin Converter" for yourself:  htttp://    ??? ??? ??? ???

Title: Re: First Meta CEO found dead suspected of suicide
Post by: cimine on March 06, 2014, 08:54:36 AM
Going a little off topic but what the hell.  It's not  unknown for obvious murders to be labeled suicide in Singapore either through gross incompetence - whether the incompetence is in finding the true cause of death or putting together a believable coverup is left up to the reader to decide.

Title: Re: First Meta CEO found dead suspected of suicide
Post by: Phinnaeus Gage on March 12, 2014, 09:29:56 PM
Did she, or didn't she jump from an high-rise building?

Title: Re: First Meta CEO found dead suspected of suicide
Post by: Phinnaeus Gage on May 10, 2014, 08:44:49 PM

It appears bitcoin’s recent turmoil has claimed its first life.

Autumn Ratke a 28-year-old American CEO of bitcoin exchange firm First Meta was found dead in her Singapore apartment on Feb. 28.

Local media are calling it a suicide, but Singapore officials are waiting for toxicology test results.
Ratke formerly worked with Apple and other Silicon Valley tech firms on developing digital payment systems.

Ratke’s death brings the number of questionable financial sector deaths this year to eight.
On Feb. 18 a 33-year-old JPMorgan finance pro leaped to his death the roof of the JPMorgan’s 30-story Hong Kong office tower.
Modal Trigger

Photo: Facebook

Li Junjie’s suicide marked the third mysterious death of a JPMorgan banker. So far, there is no other known link between any of the deaths.

Gabriel Magee, 39, a vice president with the JPMorgan’s corporate and investment bank technology arm in the UK, also jumped to his death from the roof of the bank’s 33-story Canary Wharf tower in London on Jan. 28.

On Feb. 3, Ryan Henry Crane, 37, a JPM executive director who worked in New York, was found dead inside his Stamford, Conn., home.

A cause of death in Crane’s case has not be determined until a toxicology report is complete, according to a spokesperson for the Stamford detectives division.

The report is expected within two weeks.

Two other bankers have also taken their lives outside of JPMorgan.

On Jan. 31, Mike Dueker — the chief economist at Russell Investments and former Federal Reserve bank economist — was found dead at the side of a road that leads to the Tacoma Narrows Bridge in Washington state, according to the Pierce County Sheriff’s Department. He was 50.

On Jan. 26, William Broeksmit, 58, a former senior risk manager at Deutsche Bank, was found hanging in a house in South Kensington, according to London police.

Amazing how this only got noticed on BitcoinTalk a week later, in spite of GoCoin sharing the same office as First Meta. I still say Mark Karpeles' cat knows something.

Title: Re: First Meta CEO found dead suspected of suicide
Post by: JamesSchofield on May 11, 2014, 12:33:20 AM

It appears bitcoin’s recent turmoil has claimed its first life.

Autumn Ratke a 28-year-old American CEO of bitcoin exchange firm First Meta was found dead in her Singapore apartment on Feb. 28.

Local media are calling it a suicide, but Singapore officials are waiting for toxicology test results.
Ratke formerly worked with Apple and other Silicon Valley tech firms on developing digital payment systems.

Ratke’s death brings the number of questionable financial sector deaths this year to eight.
On Feb. 18 a 33-year-old JPMorgan finance pro leaped to his death the roof of the JPMorgan’s 30-story Hong Kong office tower.
Modal Trigger

Photo: Facebook

Li Junjie’s suicide marked the third mysterious death of a JPMorgan banker. So far, there is no other known link between any of the deaths.

Gabriel Magee, 39, a vice president with the JPMorgan’s corporate and investment bank technology arm in the UK, also jumped to his death from the roof of the bank’s 33-story Canary Wharf tower in London on Jan. 28.

On Feb. 3, Ryan Henry Crane, 37, a JPM executive director who worked in New York, was found dead inside his Stamford, Conn., home.

A cause of death in Crane’s case has not be determined until a toxicology report is complete, according to a spokesperson for the Stamford detectives division.

The report is expected within two weeks.

Two other bankers have also taken their lives outside of JPMorgan.

On Jan. 31, Mike Dueker — the chief economist at Russell Investments and former Federal Reserve bank economist — was found dead at the side of a road that leads to the Tacoma Narrows Bridge in Washington state, according to the Pierce County Sheriff’s Department. He was 50.

On Jan. 26, William Broeksmit, 58, a former senior risk manager at Deutsche Bank, was found hanging in a house in South Kensington, according to London police.

Say... 'Theres Been a Murdah' in a Scottish accent and you will know the truth.

Title: Re: First Meta CEO found dead suspected of suicide
Post by: freedombit on May 11, 2014, 05:33:36 AM

It appears bitcoin’s recent turmoil has claimed its first life.

Autumn Ratke a 28-year-old American CEO of bitcoin exchange firm First Meta was found dead in her Singapore apartment on Feb. 28.

Local media are calling it a suicide, but Singapore officials are waiting for toxicology test results.
Ratke formerly worked with Apple and other Silicon Valley tech firms on developing digital payment systems.

Ratke’s death brings the number of questionable financial sector deaths this year to eight.
On Feb. 18 a 33-year-old JPMorgan finance pro leaped to his death the roof of the JPMorgan’s 30-story Hong Kong office tower.
Modal Trigger

Photo: Facebook

Li Junjie’s suicide marked the third mysterious death of a JPMorgan banker. So far, there is no other known link between any of the deaths.

Gabriel Magee, 39, a vice president with the JPMorgan’s corporate and investment bank technology arm in the UK, also jumped to his death from the roof of the bank’s 33-story Canary Wharf tower in London on Jan. 28.

On Feb. 3, Ryan Henry Crane, 37, a JPM executive director who worked in New York, was found dead inside his Stamford, Conn., home.

A cause of death in Crane’s case has not be determined until a toxicology report is complete, according to a spokesperson for the Stamford detectives division.

The report is expected within two weeks.

Two other bankers have also taken their lives outside of JPMorgan.

On Jan. 31, Mike Dueker — the chief economist at Russell Investments and former Federal Reserve bank economist — was found dead at the side of a road that leads to the Tacoma Narrows Bridge in Washington state, according to the Pierce County Sheriff’s Department. He was 50.

On Jan. 26, William Broeksmit, 58, a former senior risk manager at Deutsche Bank, was found hanging in a house in South Kensington, according to London police.

Amazing how this only got noticed on BitcoinTalk a week later, in spite of GoCoin sharing the same office as First Meta. I still say Mark Karpeles' cat knows something.

To see the stories from the Cat's Eye...

Title: Re: First Meta CEO found dead suspected of suicide
Post by: Phinnaeus Gage on May 11, 2014, 08:53:27 AM
Apologies for the cross-post.


I have to say that I enjoy your posts and threads. You certainly do comprehensive work in finding out information. While I agree on the concept of "innocent until proven guilty", there are numerous signs in this whole scandal that can sway someone to think they did something wrong, such as the court settlements and fleeing to Spain. And for the masses that state they dont care, they should. Because it is now a situation of guilty by association.

I reposted this on Litecointalk. While I am very excited to see Bobby on the board, I was personally disappointed to see Brock on there.

Also as a side note I am disappointed in the BTC foundation as a whole. I do quite a bit of work for the Litecoin Association between education and charities and such (more of grassroots activities), but I honestly don't see the level of effort from the Bitcoin foundation. The sad part is that these are the folks that represent not only Bitcoin, but the crypto-currencies ecosystem as a whole.

Good luck to you, and know that you have my personal support in this. We need to weed out the scammers, cheaters, and criminals from our communities, and this is (allegedly  ::)) one of those situations.

Thanks, bud.

To be clear, I have no problem with BP's sexual preference, whether he is or is not... Furthermore, I had no issues with him having his hands in a myriad of Bitcoin-based ventures, small or large, especially with his gift of gab to further the cause. He could have done well financially, et al. but opted to go über-big too fast, thus putting himself, along with his concerns under the microscope. Sadly, for him, because in change of events, it'll get harder and harder for him to garner VC in the future due to the baggage he carries unless he discovers some creative way to rid it, for true VCs don't want to be connected with a pædo- since they have to answer to their investor base.

Brock was given an opportunity to pull from the race at TBF, but opted to stay in, only thinking about himself even though his past became forefront, not considering how his decision would effect Bitcoin. Since that relevancy wasn't taken into consideration of the further awareness of Bitcoin, it's damn safe to say that his other actions, of which we may or may not be privileged to, could be just as damning, if not worst, hence the pulling out the microscopes (plural, for trust me, I'm not the only one conducting a colonoscopy here).

We're already seeing the backlash of his decision to stay in the race, then win a TBF board seat - people are resigning from The Bitcoin Foundation. If you listen closely, you may hear $ & BTC being shuffled away from TBF and BP due to his inaction. But, if the sound isn't loud enough, perhaps zooming in with my colonoscope will better the din as I present info on one of DEN's principals' darling Bitcoin concerns.

Correct me if I'm wrong, but aren't three of those names part or Save Gox Now At All Cost Otherwise Nobody Is Going To Get Shit . cOm?

Interview with Steve Beauregard CEO of GoCoin, on Bitcoin and Starting Up in Singapore:

Comments of the video above, below:

The interview between Steve Beauregard of GoCoin and David Moskowitz of Coin Republic took place in front of a restaurant. The restaurant is located on Everton Road in Singapore, shown here via Google Maps:

The same building is seen here in the following news article:*415/b99219682z.1_20140306205528_000_gl055kr5.1-1.jpg

During the interview, Steven apologizes to David for not being able to order and pay for lunch via Bitcoin because the owner, the only person able to conduct the transaction with his smartphone, was outta pocket.

One would think that Steven, being a pretty smart guy and all. would have made prior arrangements with the restaurant owner so that such wouldn't have been the case. How could he have done that, you ask? Well, normally, that would be a fair question, but when you take into consideration that Steven lives directly above the restaurant since he first arrived in Singapore, I say the task would have been fairly simple, especially since it's all a dog-and-pony show to begin with. Steven knew that. David knew that. I knew it when I first viewed the video. Most others did as well. And, if you didn't, you know now.

But, no real harm, for that's how the game is played, so let's move on, but not too far, for we're not quite done with this Eventon Road address that has a nice restaurant, a nice pad on the second floor, and an office or two. In fact, it has two, for both First Meta and GoCoin share the same office. He had to live there, for GoCoin was still on a tight budget, just then obtaining its first round of VC funding as mentioned in the video.

If you're wondering who owns that First Meta entity, wonder no more, for I'm about to inform you - again: Autum Radtke (RIP).

Ms Autumn Radtke shared her work troubles during lunch with a business partner on Feb 25.

Early the next day, the 28-year-old chief executive of Singapore virtual currency exchange First Meta was found dead on the roof of a ground-floor rubbish collection point at a Cantonment Close Housing Board block.

"She was clearly stressed," said Mr Steve Beauregard, who had lunch with her. "She talked about... challenges with the business and I was trying to help her address some of her issues."

He had rented a room in her office-home at nearby Everton Road.

News of her death was reported in The Wall Street Journal on February 27 but went global on Wednesday after several overseas publications suggested that her death, which they called an apparent suicide, was linked to troubles with the digital currency bitcoin.

Last November, its value first crossed the US$1,000 (S$1,270) mark. But one of the world's largest bitcoin exchanges, Mt.Gox, collapsed late last month, causing bitcoin values to fall by 20 per cent.

But Mr Beauregard and friends told The Straits Times they did not think this was linked to Ms Radtke's death. Police have classified it as an unnatural death.

Ms Radtke, an American, had told The Straits Times in January that First Meta was not a bitcoin exchange, although it accepted bitcoins as payment for virtual currencies like those used in some games.

Mr Beauregard founded Singapore bitcoin payment platform GoCoin, which helps First Meta.

Mr Wayne Soh, business development manager at Plug and Play Singapore, a technology incubator that invested $500,000 with the National Research Foundation in First Meta in 2012, said Ms Radtke seemed increasingly stressed about the firm's business.

"We've always told her business is business and she shouldn't take it personally," he said. First Meta's revenue grew 20 to 30 per cent from 2012 to last year, he added. "She was saying she missed home. She's been in Singapore for the past two years."

He said she returned to the United States at least two to three times a year.

Ms Radtke joined First Meta in January 2012 as chief executive. Friends said she was a helpful and smart woman who had a positive impact on them.

Police said on Thursday that initial investigations suggested no suspected foul play. Toxicology tests are being carried out to determine her cause of death. (

So, where was her body found, you ask?

Radtke was found lying motionless outside an apartment tower, the spokesman said. The building is not far from her home and office in a historic district of Singapore.

Friends and colleagues said Radtke was wrestling with professional and personal pressures, including running a start-up that was struggling to gain traction.

"She had a phenomenal network of highly successful people around her, and here she is running this little exchange and it just isn't taking off in the way anybody had hoped," Steve Beauregard, CEO and founder of GoCoin, a start-up that provided bitcoin-related services to First Meta, told Reuters.

Beauregard rented a room in Radtke's large Singapore home/office and was among the last people to see her alive.

Steven and Autumn lived together. Come morning of Feb. 26, 2014, Autumn woke up, walked two blocks, went up to the 25th floor of a high-rise building, looked down and said to herself, "Landing on that garbage dump is a great idea!" Then she jumped, with her body discovered around 7 AM local time. It was a Wednesday.

Douglas Abrams, director of First Meta, denied the company was struggling or up for sale, and said Radtke "did a great job as CEO." But he said selling the company always remained an option and there had been plans to save money by moving out of its current office space.

That last quote is extremely odd, considering how much cheaper rent would be saved when it was housing two people and two entities, both and both flush with VC capital of various degrees.

Last month she linked to an article on entrepreneurs suffering depression, commenting above the link: "everything has its price."

That's a good segue to touch upon the VC GoCoin received in January, 2014.

GoCoin received $500,000 USD, and what did they get and do with the money? First, they got 1,000+ views on one YouTube video uploaded last September, along with its 5 comments shown above. I suggest you review those comments to see what they consist of, along with the sources. BTW, that's the highest view count of any GoCoin video on YouTube.

Second, $25,000 USD was doled out to...wait for it...The Bitcoin Foundation for its Gold Membership account. (for those jacking-off, apologies for having it now go limp)

Third, they get 1,551 followers on their Twitter account:

Fourth, they get 419 Likes on their Facebook page:

Fifth, they get 7 followers and 2,188 views on their Google+ account:

<I see you're getting nice and hard, or wet, if such is the case, but sadly if you don't bust a nut soon, you're about to lose it again.>

If you viewed the video GoCoin interview I linked above, you may recall Steven mentioning about a dozen customers they had during Beta with their first round of VC. The following are eight of those customers:

Since Brock Pierce help founded KnC Miner, I'm curious as to how much of GoCoin's VC they got to pay the $100,000 USD for...

In five short years, Bitcoin mining has inspired cutting edge innovation and breathed new life into the silicon industry. Leading the pack is our newest Platinum member, KnCMiner.

Currently, it's TBF's only Platinum Member

I believe it's safe to say that Brock Pierce got at least two votes, one from KnC, above, and GoCoin, below.

It is without hesitation that the entire GoCoin team gives 100% of our support in endorsing Brock Pierce for a Bitcoin Foundation Industry Board Seat.

Playsino hasn't been active since March of last year, so I don't see who the hell is using their services today:

GetThis hasn't been active on their Facebook page since February: It only has 1,610 followers on their semi-active Twitter account.

LuxeYard also dead since the end of last year.

Skytours  has 1 Like on their Facebook page:

EO Products (now I can't get that EI EI O song outta my head)

This is a community-generated profile · If you would like to claim it, please log in

Damn, I want to claim it so badly, but it may be outta my budget. Anybody interested in a group-buy?

Boys and Girls Clubs of Santa Monica (you gotta me fuckin' kiddin' me!)

Santa Monica, Calif. — Dec. 3, 2013 — GoCoin, a leading payment platform for the Bitcoin economy, today announced it is participating in Giving Tuesday by asking the Bitcoin community to contribute to its #GO4Good campaign and raise money for the Boys & Girls Clubs of Santa Monica (BGCSM).

Let me know if you can find out how one can contribute to BGCSM via Bitcoin today:

First Meta

12 Likes in the course of a week is what you, too, can get with a $500,000 USD VC. My bad! I just noticed that they'll earn that back and then some with their 18-24 year old customer base, being that they're probably mostly white males living in their parent's...

KnC Miner, saving GoCoin's money maker for last. They're setting pretty mining away with their 7,000+ bitcoin mining rig pharm in some helicopter hanger next door to Facebook's data center in northern Sweden. If only they had an exchange to unload all them bitcoins they mine. Any suggestions?

Such a pretty girl that's no longer with us.

But, at least she had the pleasure of enjoying Brock Pierce's company back in 2009.