Bitcoin Forum

Bitcoin => Bitcoin Discussion => Topic started by: r32godzilla on September 11, 2018, 11:57:10 AM

Title: Fight between BTC and BCH communities drive away people from cryptos itself.
Post by: r32godzilla on September 11, 2018, 11:57:10 AM
We could see the fights between BTC and BCH community members accusing each other's coin and spreading negative thoughts about the crypto market itself as a whole.Each coin dev as well as its supporters wants to show the other coin down.It makes people who wish to enter crypto loose their faith in cryptos and stay back.

Come on guys,even if we wish or not we all are sailing in the same crypto environment boat.Don't accuse each other or else we all have to sink one day or another.

Title: Re: Fight between BTC and BCH communities drive away people from cryptos itself.
Post by: dothebeats on September 11, 2018, 12:14:54 PM
I don't think that's the main driver as to why there aren't any new people hopping in on the crypto train: the feud has been going on since forever though I know for a fact that newcomers are not exposed to that certain drama. They are all aware of the volatility of the coin and that's what's keeping them from investing and committing wholeheartedly to either of the crypto. If anything, this drama between BCH and BTC supporters are raising sensible questions aside from all the junk and mud that has been thrown, so there's still some good out of it if you look on the brighter side.

Title: Re: Fight between BTC and BCH communities drive away people from cryptos itself.
Post by: seoincorporation on September 11, 2018, 12:55:17 PM
We could see the fights between BTC and BCH community members accusing each other's coin and spreading negative thoughts about the crypto market itself as a whole.Each coin dev as well as its supporters wants to show the other coin down.It makes people who wish to enter crypto loose their faith in cryptos and stay back.

Come on guys,even if we wish or not we all are sailing in the same crypto environment boat.Don't accuse each other or else we all have to sink one day or another.

You must remember how bitcoin cash born... There was a group of guys who say 'We have solutions for bitcoin, we can make bigger blocks and we can have a more efficient mining engine...' So bitcoin devs say, Your ideas are a wast of time, leave the big guy work and you go back to play with your kids toys. Next step was the fork, BCH devs say, if you don't wan't to make those changes, no problem we will fork bitcoin and have a version of it running with our changes, that will prof to the world our version was better. And that was were the real fight start. They have reasons to hate each other and that will not change, is like Pepsi vs Coca cola, don't wait them to be friends.

Title: Re: Fight between BTC and BCH communities drive away people from cryptos itself.
Post by: hatshepsut93 on September 11, 2018, 01:09:48 PM
This is a middle-ground fallacy, a false argument that both sides are equal and must compromise. In reality on side is right and the other is wrong. Bcash is an attack on Bitcoin, the coin is centralized and the powers behind it want to completely control Bitcoin. Exposing them is a good thing for crypto community as a whole, it shows that decentralization is the main value of any cryptocurrency, and that it can be attacked from the inside of community. If you are painting Bitcoin and Bcash as equals, you are not only eroding the core principles of cryptocurrency, but also making people risk their money if they'll consider using Bcash, as this coin has no future.

Title: Re: Fight between BTC and BCH communities drive away people from cryptos itself.
Post by: r32godzilla on September 11, 2018, 01:54:47 PM
This is a middle-ground fallacy, a false argument that both sides are equal and must compromise. In reality on side is right and the other is wrong. Bcash is an attack on Bitcoin, the coin is centralized and the powers behind it want to completely control Bitcoin. Exposing them is a good thing for crypto community as a whole, it shows that decentralization is the main value of any cryptocurrency, and that it can be attacked from the inside of community. If you are painting Bitcoin and Bcash as equals, you are not only eroding the core principles of cryptocurrency, but also making people risk their money if they'll consider using Bcash, as this coin has no future.
Actually i wished to mention all the cryptocoins altogether and not specifically BTC and BCH as I too know what roger ver the bitcoin antichrist has tried to do in the past.

Title: Re: Fight between BTC and BCH communities drive away people from cryptos itself.
Post by: dinoloverpete on September 11, 2018, 02:23:03 PM
BCH were foolish in the past when they attacked Bitcoin's vulnerability to try and steal market share. What Ver neglected to realise is that in harming bitcoin they also harm bitcoin cash because bitcoin leads the direction of the whole cryptocurrency market.

Title: Re: Fight between BTC and BCH communities drive away people from cryptos itself.
Post by: Dudeperfect on September 11, 2018, 02:59:30 PM
To be honest, I don't believe that such fight could affect the growth of crypto industry in the long run. Yes, it might create turbulence in the short term but there is no reason for the crypto industry to shrink just because of it. There is a lack of awareness among the users but the situation will improve down the road resulting in a matured decisions from them.

Title: Re: Fight between BTC and BCH communities drive away people from cryptos itself.
Post by: vv181 on September 11, 2018, 03:14:49 PM
Is it a still a thing? I mean those fight. I can't believe communities still fighting over saying which is the best while there is a fact that shown BCH does not solve the core issue.

The mainstream will not be getting away from communities because of it, instead, they will if the UX design problem isn't improved. And also the BCH shill that scamming newcomers about self-proclaimed BCH is the real Bitcoin.

Title: Re: Fight between BTC and BCH communities drive away people from cryptos itself.
Post by: vy99 on September 11, 2018, 03:19:32 PM
The fighting isn't affecting public perception of cryptocurrency at all because no one knows about it. Unless you're heavily involved in the crypto world you probably don't even know that there is a fight at all. I'm sure there are plenty of people who own Bitcoin that have no idea about the fight itself. You're overestimating the impact of the rivalry on the perception of cryptocurrency.

Title: Re: Fight between BTC and BCH communities drive away people from cryptos itself.
Post by: mk4 on September 11, 2018, 03:22:27 PM
Nah. Let them be. Competition is very good in this ecosystem for both sides(and other coins/tokens) to step up their game. Though I really don't like the name calling and the misinformation on both sides(Roger Ver FU meme and listing BTC as bitcoin core which is not factual regardless if you're for big blocks or small blocks). May the best coin(s) win.

BCH were foolish in the past when they attacked Bitcoin's vulnerability to try and steal market share. What Ver neglected to realise is that in harming bitcoin they also harm bitcoin cash because bitcoin leads the direction of the whole cryptocurrency market.
Can you be specific on what "vulnerability" you're talking about that BCH "attacked"?

Title: Re: Fight between BTC and BCH communities drive away people from cryptos itself.
Post by: AXELNetwork on September 11, 2018, 03:34:14 PM
We could see the fights between BTC and BCH community members accusing each other's coin and spreading negative thoughts about the crypto market itself as a whole.Each coin dev as well as its supporters wants to show the other coin down.It makes people who wish to enter crypto loose their faith in cryptos and stay back.

Come on guys,even if we wish or not we all are sailing in the same crypto environment boat.Don't accuse each other or else we all have to sink one day or another.

Isn't this a bit like saying that people won't use computers because of the rivalry between Apple and Microsoft?

Title: Re: Fight between BTC and BCH communities drive away people from cryptos itself.
Post by: mk4 on September 11, 2018, 03:45:12 PM
We could see the fights between BTC and BCH community members accusing each other's coin and spreading negative thoughts about the crypto market itself as a whole.Each coin dev as well as its supporters wants to show the other coin down.It makes people who wish to enter crypto loose their faith in cryptos and stay back.

Come on guys,even if we wish or not we all are sailing in the same crypto environment boat.Don't accuse each other or else we all have to sink one day or another.

Isn't this a bit like saying that people won't use computers because of the rivalry between Apple and Microsoft?

Pretty much, minus the trashtalking from both sides' communities. Just like with Apple and Microsoft, I assume people are just going to use which coins(even outside of BTC and BCH) they want and which they think works better.

Title: Re: Fight between BTC and BCH communities drive away people from cryptos itself.
Post by: BALIK on September 11, 2018, 04:15:59 PM
I don't think that there is much of a fight, Bitcoin Cash is pretty much a dead horse that is somehow still running. I don't think that this fight has any effect whatsoever on the global market as a whole, this is just a small localized thing that only a select few people are involved in, probably less than 500 people in total in fact. BCH will die soon, just like the other forks.

Title: Re: Fight between BTC and BCH communities drive away people from cryptos itself.
Post by: walemil on September 11, 2018, 04:23:08 PM
This is a clear case of an unhealthy rivalry among people in the same cryptocurrency space. It is not out of place to promote your product to the extent of mentioning the advantages it has over other similar product but when you now have to mention your competitors in this case, you will be doing more damage than good.

Title: Re: Fight between BTC and BCH communities drive away people from cryptos itself.
Post by: AXELNetwork on September 11, 2018, 06:00:27 PM
We could see the fights between BTC and BCH community members accusing each other's coin and spreading negative thoughts about the crypto market itself as a whole.Each coin dev as well as its supporters wants to show the other coin down.It makes people who wish to enter crypto loose their faith in cryptos and stay back.

Come on guys,even if we wish or not we all are sailing in the same crypto environment boat.Don't accuse each other or else we all have to sink one day or another.

Isn't this a bit like saying that people won't use computers because of the rivalry between Apple and Microsoft?

Pretty much, minus the trashtalking from both sides' communities.

There was a lot of trash talking in the communities in the 80s and 90s but things weren't as public as they are now because of the internet/social media...but if those things existed back then you'd see a lot of trash talking between Apple and Microsoft fans.

Title: Re: Fight between BTC and BCH communities drive away people from cryptos itself.
Post by: vy99 on September 11, 2018, 06:10:24 PM
We could see the fights between BTC and BCH community members accusing each other's coin and spreading negative thoughts about the crypto market itself as a whole.Each coin dev as well as its supporters wants to show the other coin down.It makes people who wish to enter crypto loose their faith in cryptos and stay back.

Come on guys,even if we wish or not we all are sailing in the same crypto environment boat.Don't accuse each other or else we all have to sink one day or another.

Isn't this a bit like saying that people won't use computers because of the rivalry between Apple and Microsoft?

Pretty much, minus the trashtalking from both sides' communities.

There was a lot of trash talking in the communities in the 80s and 90s but things weren't as public as they are now because of the internet/social media...but if those things existed back then you'd see a lot of trash talking between Apple and Microsoft fans.

This makes me uneasy because I used to be a Microsoft guy and now I'm an Apple I hope I never become a BCH guy...

Title: Re: Fight between BTC and BCH communities drive away people from cryptos itself.
Post by: TravelMug on September 11, 2018, 06:33:35 PM
We could see the fights between BTC and BCH community members accusing each other's coin and spreading negative thoughts about the crypto market itself as a whole.Each coin dev as well as its supporters wants to show the other coin down.It makes people who wish to enter crypto loose their faith in cryptos and stay back.

I agree with you that this so called fights doesn't bring good impressions to potential investors. But I don't see its the main reason for driving them away. Both side has its strong strengths and disadvantages, but we all know who got the traction and support of the community.

Come on guys,even if we wish or not we all are sailing in the same crypto environment boat.Don't accuse each other or else we all have to sink one day or another.

When big money is involved, everyone will fight to get the big slice of the pie. At the end, its still up for us who will going to get our support. I think the obvious answer is the real Bitcoin and not the fork or altcoin.

Title: Re: Fight between BTC and BCH communities drive away people from cryptos itself.
Post by: figmentofmyass on September 11, 2018, 09:15:42 PM
We could see the fights between BTC and BCH community members accusing each other's coin and spreading negative thoughts about the crypto market itself as a whole.Each coin dev as well as its supporters wants to show the other coin down.It makes people who wish to enter crypto loose their faith in cryptos and stay back.

Come on guys,even if we wish or not we all are sailing in the same crypto environment boat.Don't accuse each other or else we all have to sink one day or another.

it's inevitable. there's a lot of greed involved in investment, and particularly in crypto because huge gains and losses can happen so fast, and because people mistakenly think bitcoin/altcoin markets are zero sum---not true. altcoin markets are a boon for BTC because they suck up lots of bitcoin supply.

lots of people try to act like their shit talking is out of altruism ("it's for the newbs! they're gonna get scammed!") but it's mostly just sour grapes and greed. i've experienced it myself too many times to believe otherwise. when you get down to it, people be like "if they weren't putting that money into shitcoins instead of bitcoin, bitcoin would be so much higher!" hahaha. it's all about greed. i got into it for a while in 2016 when ETH was starting to make waves. "who are these idiots buying this non-scaling scam coin?! ETH is total shit for x, y and z reasons! look at the fundamentals you stupid newb shitcoiners!"

now, i have no interest in that bullshit. what a waste of time and energy. it's too obvious to me now that altcoins aren't going anywhere, and that the next altcoin pump season is just a matter of time. that includes bcash. even if you believe you're helping newbs by constantly talking shit about altcoins, it's totally futile. the human propensity for greed is far greater than anything you could ever say. IMO, just let the markets be. no point getting angry over altcoins. when it comes to bcash, just take the high road.......

Title: Re: Fight between BTC and BCH communities drive away people from cryptos itself.
Post by: doolittle on September 11, 2018, 09:45:29 PM
We could see the fights between BTC and BCH community members accusing each other's coin and spreading negative thoughts about the crypto market itself as a whole.Each coin dev as well as its supporters wants to show the other coin down.It makes people who wish to enter crypto loose their faith in cryptos and stay back.

Come on guys,even if we wish or not we all are sailing in the same crypto environment boat.Don't accuse each other or else we all have to sink one day or another.

You must remember how bitcoin cash born... There was a group of guys who say 'We have solutions for bitcoin, we can make bigger blocks and we can have a more efficient mining engine...' So bitcoin devs say, Your ideas are a wast of time, leave the big guy work and you go back to play with your kids toys. Next step was the fork, BCH devs say, if you don't wan't to make those changes, no problem we will fork bitcoin and have a version of it running with our changes, that will prof to the world our version was better. And that was were the real fight start. They have reasons to hate each other and that will not change, is like Pepsi vs Coca cola, don't wait them to be friends.
Pepsi vs Coca You -  a good comparison. In fact, arguing about which coin is better is a big waste of time and effort. Both coins are good and I think they are different.
Bitcoin as it seems to me is no longer a coin, but a speculative asset, which has become something that can benefit from storage. Asset or currency, it doesn't matter. Bitcoin is bad for regular payments. It was all very long with him.
Bitcoin cash is a coin that can really be used as a means of regular payment. But all coins in the entire history price up have not seen. This is the difference from bitcoin. But paying online with this coin is the best way.
So friends be patient and do not swear.

Title: Re: Fight between BTC and BCH communities drive away people from cryptos itself.
Post by: franky1 on September 11, 2018, 11:11:57 PM
the drama is drama

its all a distraction to take peoples view away from the development struggles on the core network.
craig wright is a scammer
roger ver is not a code
both are not coding in the bitcoin core team..

so in reality.. they can dance around in twinkling ballet outfits with glitter makeup on.. it wont affect bitcoin.. so why even fear/scream/mention/dramatise them...

if you actually follow the money. they are actually deep inside the pockets of the team that envisioned and created the core road map...2015

anyway lets go into a coder that is inside the core team that has more questionable thoughts.

we have cores Luke JR attacking bitcoin cores network by saying it cant scale.
translation.. the blockchain invention is broke and wont innovate

we have him also helping with the UASF to show that consensus technology is also broke
first by saying that consensus broken because something can be slid in without a hard fork.
translation if segwit didnt need consensus or a hard fork. it would have got its place by december 2016

and then by mid spring 2017 that a hard fork doesnt need community consensus
translation his buddies managed to threat and fear the community to adopt a 35% voted segwit codebase. which without the mandatory threats and gameplay would not have got accepted by the deadline
yep he proved consensus can be bypassed.. although needed a hard fork to do it. but tried calling it a soft fork to sway the sheep to sleep about his hypocrisy

luke also helps attack bitcoin core by moderating proposals to stop random people from proposing code changes.
translation. proving its not open, proving its not random users able to add their part
thus keeping bitcoin core on the roadmap that the barry silbert portfolio really want.

yea barry silbert faked a segwit x2. but thats just another way to push the roadmap to commercialisation

but while actual changes are happening to the protocol to change it into something for commercial benefit.. all you will hear is drama about a hand full of guys not even coding core. thus not affecting core.. but hey.. look look ver craig don this. look at them ignore core devs actions look at ver. please sheep look at ver (note sarcasm)

now for the serious message. stop looking at the drama distraction and concentrate vet, review and hold those that can change core to account.

Title: Re: Fight between BTC and BCH communities drive away people from cryptos itself.
Post by: Coin-1 on September 12, 2018, 12:11:26 AM
Come on guys,even if we wish or not we all are sailing in the same crypto environment boat.Don't accuse each other or else we all have to sink one day or another.

You must remember how bitcoin cash born... There was a group of guys who say 'We have solutions for bitcoin, we can make bigger blocks and we can have a more efficient mining engine...' So bitcoin devs say, Your ideas are a wast of time, leave the big guy work and you go back to play with your kids toys. Next step was the fork, BCH devs say, if you don't wan't to make those changes, no problem we will fork bitcoin and have a version of it running with our changes, that will prof to the world our version was better. And that was were the real fight start. They have reasons to hate each other and that will not change, is like Pepsi vs Coca cola, don't wait them to be friends.

Of course, these crypto currencies won't be friends, but I think that the OP urges communities not to smear each other. It should be noted that Bitcoin Cash has been forked, because its developers didn't want to introduce the SegWit technology into the blockchain. That's why they call BCH as "Bitcoin" and BTC as "Bitcoin Core". I'm sure that both these crypto currencies will not disappear and their communities will continue to wage a financial "war".

Title: Re: Fight between BTC and BCH communities drive away people from cryptos itself.
Post by: mk4 on September 12, 2018, 01:39:24 AM
now for the serious message. stop looking at the drama distraction and concentrate vet, review and hold those that can change core to account.

Yeah this, I wish the community of both sides(not only BCH) would just stop throwing tantrums at each other and actually focus all their attention on development and doing something that could benefit the ecosystem instead. Some of the people on Reddit r/bitcoin and r/btc and Twitter are just something else.

Title: Re: Fight between BTC and BCH communities drive away people from cryptos itself.
Post by: pooya87 on September 12, 2018, 02:32:47 AM
people who aren't already in the community are rarely going to see the drama and the FUD spread by BCH guys about bitcoin. they have to stumble upon these things by accident because it is definitely not the first thing you see when searching about bitcoin. it might have been the case about 13 months ago when Ver wanted to take control of bitcoin but ended up making BCH but it is not so much these days.

Title: Re: Fight between BTC and BCH communities drive away people from cryptos itself.
Post by: Wayan_Pedjeng on September 12, 2018, 03:20:00 AM
We could see the fights between BTC and BCH community members accusing each other's coin and spreading negative thoughts about the crypto market itself as a whole.Each coin dev as well as its supporters wants to show the other coin down.It makes people who wish to enter crypto loose their faith in cryptos and stay back.

Come on guys,even if we wish or not we all are sailing in the same crypto environment boat.Don't accuse each other or else we all have to sink one day or another.

If someone is pointing out the demerits and deficiencies of any of the crypto-currency, then what is the need to take it negatively? None of the crypto-coins are 100% perfect. We need to learn from the critics and then take care of any shortcomings.

Title: Re: Fight between BTC and BCH communities drive away people from cryptos itself.
Post by: xbossJ on September 12, 2018, 03:33:04 AM
The fight between BTC and BCH communities, isn't driving away anyone from crypto itself! A fork regardless of how perfect is still perceived by many as an inferior and its the reason BCH community isn't happy! Most people who hold BCH now are those who bought cheap during its days at $100 and want to see it at $10000 overnight! BCH is only surving on the successes of $Bitcoin and regardless of what its community thinks, if you take the $Bitcoin off the "Cash" then its dead. $Bitcoin is being rewarded with popularity because of its fight over the years, getting up after every major fall is why people trust it! I love BCH too, but people need to understand that a 10 year journey gives you room for more experience than a one year journey! That's why BCH has to slow things down a bit, because its an altcoin that is only 9 months old. with all the features it has got, we might one day  make it top; but that would be when BTC retires.

Title: Re: Fight between BTC and BCH communities drive away people from cryptos itself.
Post by: franky1 on September 12, 2018, 03:42:38 AM
people who aren't already in the community are rarely going to see the drama and the FUD spread by BCH guys about bitcoin. they have to stumble upon these things by accident because it is definitely not the first thing you see when searching about bitcoin. it might have been the case about 13 months ago when Ver wanted to take control of bitcoin but ended up making BCH but it is not so much these days.

the core people and cash people are both the same family..
its all drama
even those defending core devs are guilty of causing drama
look at your own words "ver wanting to take control of bitcoin".. thats you causing drama
wheres your unbiased side of core taking control. you do know that it has ONLY BEEN CORE side that has demanded and performed a mandatory 'upgrade to our code or else' event

but i also find it funny whenever i mention cores flaws people think i must be in ver camp.
sorry i dont play that game.

i called out craig wright on his scams, fraud and other bad practices.
i called out on vers issues too.

but dare i call out cores flaws... OMG thats sacrilegious
CORE actually code the core network. we need to hold them to account. other teams on other networks dont impact cores network. ver and craig dont even hands on code BCH. so they have less actual impact on the cash economy.. and by that standard as the networks are separate, even less impact on the core network

to me they are just ballerina's used for distraction and target practice to deflect people from seeing who is changing bitcoin core network for the worse

Title: Re: Fight between BTC and BCH communities drive away people from cryptos itself.
Post by: pooya87 on September 12, 2018, 04:06:08 AM
ver and craig dont even hands on code BCH. so they have less actual impact on the cash economy.. and by that standard as the networks are separate, even less impact on the core network

CSW is creating his very own coin and he is actually involved in the process as we speak and he has been involved with BCH too and had actual impact. as for Ver, since you love example so much, for example if you pay an assassin to assassinate someone you can't say your hands are clean because you never touched a gun. Ver funded creation of BCH and not to mention the 24/7 propaganda machine that he runs.
oh and by the way it DOES have effect on bitcoin network. or have you forgotten the way EDA worked by creating a huge incentive for miners to switch (1000+ block/day or 12,500 BCH per day) and caused delays in block generating in bitcoin and made a bigger backlog?

as for Core dudes i never said they are perfect. in fact i'd say some of them should not even be involved in the decision making process. for instance i have not yet forgotten the UASF shenanigans of 2017 with Luke convincing people that it is fine to split bitcoin into two with only an extremely low hashrate.

Title: Re: Fight between BTC and BCH communities drive away people from cryptos itself.
Post by: franky1 on September 12, 2018, 05:36:28 AM
ver and craig dont even hands on code BCH. so they have less actual impact on the cash economy.. and by that standard as the networks are separate, even less impact on the core network

CSW is creating his very own coin and he is actually involved in the process as we speak and he has been involved with BCH too and had actual impact. as for Ver, since you love example so much, for example if you pay an assassin to assassinate someone you can't say your hands are clean because you never touched a gun. Ver funded creation of BCH and not to mention the 24/7 propaganda machine that he runs.
oh and by the way it DOES have effect on bitcoin network. or have you forgotten the way EDA worked by creating a huge incentive for miners to switch (1000+ block/day or 12,500 BCH per day) and caused delays in block generating in bitcoin and made a bigger backlog?

as for Core dudes i never said they are perfect. in fact i'd say some of them should not even be involved in the decision making process. for instance i have not yet forgotten the UASF shenanigans of 2017 with Luke convincing people that it is fine to split bitcoin into two with only an extremely low hashrate.

as you said craig is creating a coin...... and.... nothing
coins are created every day.
the point is while everyone finger points at another coin. they are not looking at the core devs.
let him make 500 coins.. let him wear a dress and put a flower in his hair.. its just drama

ver drama, is just drama.
there was no gun.. to use your example. his "unlimited" was never a mandatory thing. so it was all word and fear over nothing. even classic even XT. none of them had mandatory chain split code.
it was all distractions to create a fan base to put core devs onto a throne and declare bitcoin core the monarchy

the ver owns bitcoin.. again drama. persuade the sheep to put core on a throne with empty distractions of someone

craig wright and ver didnt manually code unlimited themselves. plus unlimited is on BCH. BCH does not affect btc

even hashrate does not effect things.
last week i seen the hashrate go from between 57exa to 42exa a 26% variance..
i seen the highest mempool sizes due to people trying to get in and out of exchanges
neither case was due to anything Bch had caused anything close to

miners pool skip daily.
its all just drama of distraction.

even things like wanting to fill a block header to prevent asic boost. is actually a distraction to fill a blockheader so that people cant just make easy sidechains and circumvent cores roadmap of wanting LN to be the only side option to onchain

but anyway if you follow the money. ver is paid by the same people that pay core devs and pay gavin. and also pay hearne. its all bribery to make them the face of distraction.

what i really loved.. november 2017. while the sheep were distracted by the ver middle finger. they did not see the "segwit1x lock segwit 2x blocked" event that the institutional investors paid the devs/contracted them to develop and activate. which when locked institutional money came flying into the markets and as you can see by the price mountain of november onwards.. .. well maybe most didnt see as they were too busy with social distractions of some non-coder sticking his finger up to a webcam

oh and the round tables of 2016. where developers plotted the roadmap options.. oh wait. too busy distracted by craig wright is satoshi and has some proof coming out soon.

all just distractions

Title: Re: Fight between BTC and BCH communities drive away people from cryptos itself.
Post by: Kakmakr on September 12, 2018, 06:13:36 AM
Healthy Competition is good, but when Roger Ver entered the scene, it turned from healthy competition to something toxic. He is using some filthy tactics to attack Bitcoin <BTC> and this evoke some negative actions from a large group of people, who are not going to allow him to spread fallacies and to attack Bitcoin in such a way.

Expect people to push back, when they are being pushed and stop crying if people gets hurt, if they initiated the hostile actions. BCash should never have used these dirty tactics, because it is already biting them in the ass.

If people shy away from a scenario where Bitcoin <BTC> supporters are fighting against a hostile takeover, then let them go. We will continue to fight for Bitcoin <BTC> no matter if they are on-board or not.  ;)

Title: Re: Fight between BTC and BCH communities drive away people from cryptos itself.
Post by: semes on September 12, 2018, 06:18:42 AM
Some inconsistencies people went out and left the team to compete with Bitcoin with all their inconsistencies, creating Bitcoin Cash, Bitcoin Gold and many more useless money. Bitcoin has a big impact on them in this bad situation. They do not know that if Bitcoin disappears, neither can Cash survive nor Gold! They've got their names even Bitcoin! They can only be a good copy.

Title: Re: Fight between BTC and BCH communities drive away people from cryptos itself.
Post by: Wind_FURY on September 12, 2018, 06:24:40 AM
ver and craig dont even hands on code BCH. so they have less actual impact on the cash economy.. and by that standard as the networks are separate, even less impact on the core network

CSW is creating his very own coin and he is actually involved in the process as we speak and he has been involved with BCH too and had actual impact. as for Ver, since you love example so much, for example if you pay an assassin to assassinate someone you can't say your hands are clean because you never touched a gun. Ver funded creation of BCH and not to mention the 24/7 propaganda machine that he runs.
oh and by the way it DOES have effect on bitcoin network. or have you forgotten the way EDA worked by creating a huge incentive for miners to switch (1000+ block/day or 12,500 BCH per day) and caused delays in block generating in bitcoin and made a bigger backlog?

as for Core dudes i never said they are perfect. in fact i'd say some of them should not even be involved in the decision making process. for instance i have not yet forgotten the UASF shenanigans of 2017 with Luke convincing people that it is fine to split bitcoin into two with only an extremely low hashrate.

as you said craig is creating a coin...... and.... nothing
coins are created every day.
the point is while everyone finger points at another coin. they are not looking at the core devs.
let him make 500 coins.. let him wear a dress and put a flower in his hair.. its just drama

ver drama, is just drama.
there was no gun.. to use your example. his "unlimited" was never a mandatory thing. so it was all word and fear over nothing. even classic even XT. none of them had mandatory chain split code.
it was all distractions to create a fan base to put core devs onto a throne and declare bitcoin core the monarchy

the ver owns bitcoin.. again drama. persuade the sheep to put core on a throne with empty distractions of someone

craig wright and ver didnt manually code unlimited themselves. plus unlimited is on BCH. BCH does not affect btc

even hashrate does not effect things.
last week i seen the hashrate go from between 57exa to 42exa a 26% variance..
i seen the highest mempool sizes due to people trying to get in and out of exchanges
neither case was due to anything Bch had caused anything close to

miners pool skip daily.
its all just drama of distraction.

even things like wanting to fill a block header to prevent asic boost. is actually a distraction to fill a blockheader so that people cant just make easy sidechains and circumvent cores roadmap of wanting LN to be the only side option to onchain

but anyway if you follow the money. ver is paid by the same people that pay core devs and pay gavin. and also pay hearne. its all bribery to make them the face of distraction.

what i really loved.. november 2017. while the sheep were distracted by the ver middle finger. they did not see the "segwit1x lock segwit 2x blocked" event that the institutional investors paid the devs/contracted them to develop and activate. which when locked institutional money came flying into the markets and as you can see by the price mountain of november onwards.. .. well maybe most didnt see as they were too busy with social distractions of some non-coder sticking his finger up to a webcam

oh and the round tables of 2016. where developers plotted the roadmap options.. oh wait. too busy distracted by craig wright is satoshi and has some proof coming out soon.

all just distractions

You keep repeating that "someone evil" paid someone else to distract the community, make drama, to activate, to develop something. Do you have proof of this, or is this another conspiracy theory?

Title: Re: Fight between BTC and BCH communities drive away people from cryptos itself.
Post by: sotoshihero on September 12, 2018, 06:26:16 AM
We could see the fights between BTC and BCH community members accusing each other's coin and spreading negative thoughts about the crypto market itself as a whole.Each coin dev as well as its supporters wants to show the other coin down.It makes people who wish to enter crypto loose their faith in cryptos and stay back.

Come on guys,even if we wish or not we all are sailing in the same crypto environment boat.Don't accuse each other or else we all have to sink one day or another.

If someone is pointing out the demerits and deficiencies of any of the crypto-currency, then what is the need to take it negatively? None of the crypto-coins are 100% perfect. We need to learn from the critics and then take care of any shortcomings.

There is always rivalry especially on bitcoin which is the p[rimary cryptocurrency. Whatever the failures, it should be corrected and help provide the solution. Each cryptocurrency has its unique features and we should respect that.

Title: Re: Fight between BTC and BCH communities drive away people from cryptos itself.
Post by: coinwizard_ on September 12, 2018, 06:32:34 AM
In the pepsi vs coca cola battle they play a game one upmanship where they simple promote how good their own product is. What doesn't happen due to trading laws is how they trash talk their competitors. Bitcoin and cash should do the same and just focus on their own

Title: Re: Fight between BTC and BCH communities drive away people from cryptos itself.
Post by: o_e_l_e_o on September 12, 2018, 08:19:43 AM
people who aren't already in the community are rarely going to see the drama and the FUD spread by BCH guys about bitcoin. they have to stumble upon these things by accident because it is definitely not the first thing you see when searching about bitcoin. it might have been the case about 13 months ago when Ver wanted to take control of bitcoin but ended up making BCH but it is not so much these days.

I disagree, partly. Yes, you don't see much drama anymore as long as you stay away from the cesspool that is /r/btc. However,, which is in the first couple of results for "bitcoin" on most search engines, is a scam site entirely designed to trick newbies in to buying BCH.

When one side of an argument is literally trying to scam people, then there is no "meet in middle compromise" as OP suggests. One side is right, the other is wrong.

Title: Re: Fight between BTC and BCH communities drive away people from cryptos itself.
Post by: Wind_FURY on September 13, 2018, 07:38:55 AM
Would it be fraud if newbies were manipulated to believe that Bitcoin Cash is Bitcoin, and they bought something that they thought was worth $6200, but what it's truthfully worth is only $450? Hahaha.

Is the website doing that kind of manipulation?

Title: Re: Fight between BTC and BCH communities drive away people from cryptos itself.
Post by: o_e_l_e_o on September 13, 2018, 08:27:40 AM
Is the website doing that kind of manipulation?

That's exactly what they are doing. They call "Bitcoin Cash" "Bitcoin", and they call "Bitcoin" "Bitcoin Core". Bitcoin Core is software, not a coin, as everyone knows. They deliberately obfuscate the matter to trick newbies in to buying Bitcoin Cash.

Title: Re: Fight between BTC and BCH communities drive away people from cryptos itself.
Post by: Red-Apple on September 13, 2018, 10:06:10 AM
We could see the fights between BTC and BCH community members accusing each other's coin and spreading negative thoughts about the crypto market itself as a whole.Each coin dev as well as its supporters wants to show the other coin down.It makes people who wish to enter crypto loose their faith in cryptos and stay back.

Come on guys,even if we wish or not we all are sailing in the same crypto environment boat.Don't accuse each other or else we all have to sink one day or another.

If someone is pointing out the demerits and deficiencies of any of the crypto-currency, then what is the need to take it negatively? None of the crypto-coins are 100% perfect. We need to learn from the critics and then take care of any shortcomings.

There is always rivalry especially on bitcoin which is the p[rimary cryptocurrency. Whatever the failures, it should be corrected and help provide the solution. Each cryptocurrency has its unique features and we should respect that.

"rivalry" is when you create a new altcoin from 0 and try to create it in a way that it does things better than bitcoin and then compete with it to reach the same goal: a decentralized currency.
what BCH does is far from "rivalry", it was attempts of hostile take over of bitcoin which failed. which is why they created an altcoin from bitcoin and are now calling it "bitcoin".

Title: Re: Fight between BTC and BCH communities drive away people from cryptos itself.
Post by: Wind_FURY on September 14, 2018, 06:26:33 AM
Is the website doing that kind of manipulation?

That's exactly what they are doing. They call "Bitcoin Cash" "Bitcoin", and they call "Bitcoin" "Bitcoin Core". Bitcoin Core is software, not a coin, as everyone knows. They deliberately obfuscate the matter to trick newbies in to buying Bitcoin Cash.

But this is their debate, which I sometimes see myself agreeing with. "No one owns the name Bitcoin, everyone is free to use it". This is very true, BUT it will not matter because what the "real Bitcoin" is is a social construct. "Bitcoin" is the people.

But they have the right to call it "also" Bitcoin, but it would not be right for them to call it the "real" Bitcoin.

Title: Re: Fight between BTC and BCH communities drive away people from cryptos itself.
Post by: o_e_l_e_o on September 14, 2018, 07:22:37 AM
But this is their debate, which I sometimes see myself agreeing with. "No one owns the name Bitcoin, everyone is free to use it".

Sure, they can call their coin anything they want. But the fact that they have to steal the name of a more successful coin, that they have to trick people in to buying it because no one wants to buy it based on its own merits, should be alarm bells and red flags to anyone with half a brain.

Title: Re: Fight between BTC and BCH communities drive away people from cryptos itself.
Post by: Eatund79 on September 14, 2018, 05:10:40 PM
For me BCH is doing some foolish activities. BCH promote their product through BTC media. So I can not compare bch with btc. Btc is huge and its not creat anything bad in this crypto world.

Title: Re: Fight between BTC and BCH communities drive away people from cryptos itself.
Post by: cellard on September 14, 2018, 05:19:49 PM
I don't think that's the main driver as to why there aren't any new people hopping in on the crypto train: the feud has been going on since forever though I know for a fact that newcomers are not exposed to that certain drama. They are all aware of the volatility of the coin and that's what's keeping them from investing and committing wholeheartedly to either of the crypto. If anything, this drama between BCH and BTC supporters are raising sensible questions aside from all the junk and mud that has been thrown, so there's still some good out of it if you look on the brighter side.

While it is true that discrepancies and infighting have been going on for ages within the development of bitcoin, this was never a problem and something to be expected in a decentralized project without a clear leader dictating how things should be.

However the BTC and BCH situation made it palpable to even the average newbie. Before this, the average Joe just had no idea there were controversies, but now they look at two tokens and go like, "what, there's two Bitcoins now?" so you have two tokens competing to be Bitcoin, with very vocal people with their big twitter megaphones confusing the newbies, because anyone that is not a newbie obviously know BCH is as much Bitcoin as Dogecoin is, or any other altcoin that claims to be Bitcoin. But for the inexperienced it's a way to lose money, specially the ones that go into bitcoin dot com.

Title: Re: Fight between BTC and BCH communities drive away people from cryptos itself.
Post by: 1Referee on September 14, 2018, 05:33:24 PM
Bitcoin Core is software, not a coin, as everyone knows. They deliberately obfuscate the matter to trick newbies in to buying Bitcoin Cash.

In the same childish way the coin they call Bitcoin Cash, can be called Bitcoin ABC or Bitcoin Unlimited since these full node clients are by far dominating the distribution.

1202 Bitcoin ABC nodes.
739 Bitcoin Unlimited nodes.
24 Bitcoin XT nodes.

In the end, BCash isn't worth much without Bitmain's deep pockets artificially offering buy support to sustain the price and thus the value of their own +1 million BCash holdings. If they end up splitting in November, it's already clear that the chain having Bitmain on its side will be the real winner. The other chain will turn into the next BTG after a while.

Title: Re: Fight between BTC and BCH communities drive away people from cryptos itself.
Post by: m.awanda on September 14, 2018, 05:59:33 PM
I agree with you that these fights can not bring a good feeling to potential investors. Both sides have strong power and difficulty, but we all know  the attraction and support of the community its normal.

Title: Re: Fight between BTC and BCH communities drive away people from cryptos itself.
Post by: cellard on September 14, 2018, 06:44:50 PM
Bitcoin Core is software, not a coin, as everyone knows. They deliberately obfuscate the matter to trick newbies in to buying Bitcoin Cash.

In the same childish way the coin they call Bitcoin Cash, can be called Bitcoin ABC or Bitcoin Unlimited since these full node clients are by far dominating the distribution.

1202 Bitcoin ABC nodes.
739 Bitcoin Unlimited nodes.
24 Bitcoin XT nodes.

In the end, BCash isn't worth much without Bitmain's deep pockets artificially offering buy support to sustain the price and thus the value of their own +1 million BCash holdings. If they end up splitting in November, it's already clear that the chain having Bitmain on its side will be the real winner. The other chain will turn into the next BTG after a while.

And you have to add now Bitcoin SV (Satoshi Vision) which will be the client developed by Craig Wright's group. I think he will also provide mining, how much hashrate are they willing to bet on it? that I don't know, but apparently Craig Wright has some "some computer miners".

It doesn't look to good for BCash camp, now that they will have a split within the split and not only in terms of the reference client, but for the hashrate itself, since they will actually fork for Bitcoin SV into a new token...

Title: Re: Fight between BTC and BCH communities drive away people from cryptos itself.
Post by: o_e_l_e_o on September 14, 2018, 07:04:59 PM
Bitcoin Cash, Bitcoin ABC, Bitcoin SV... However will we decide which one is the "Real Bitcoin" when they can't even decide themselves?

Maybe, just maybe, the real bitcoin is... bitcoin?

Title: Re: Fight between BTC and BCH communities drive away people from cryptos itself.
Post by: 1Referee on September 14, 2018, 08:08:16 PM
Bitcoin Cash, Bitcoin ABC, Bitcoin SV... However will we decide which one is the "Real Bitcoin" when they can't even decide themselves?

Maybe, just maybe, the real bitcoin is... bitcoin?
The longest running chain + the network with the most POW running is Bitcoin. If people (aside from the BCash camp) thought that BCash was it, they would switch to that coin. In other words, BTC is the only Bitcoin.

And you have to add now Bitcoin SV (Satoshi Vision) which will be the client developed by Craig Wright's group. I think he will also provide mining, how much hashrate are they willing to bet on it? that I don't know, but apparently Craig Wright has some "some computer miners".

It doesn't look to good for BCash camp, now that they will have a split within the split and not only in terms of the reference client, but for the hashrate itself, since they will actually fork for Bitcoin SV into a new token...
Initially nChain might have some ground to stand on IF Coingeek is willing to side with them. Coingeek minted over 33% of the blocks in the last 24 hours, so they are quite a significant player. I however don't believe that Coingeek is willing to support something that has no economical viability to it.

They are barking right now, but it's a money matter at the end of the day, and I'm pretty sure that they are willing to shut up as long as they can be a major player on the dominant chain. If you go with nChain, you can be sure of the fact that another split will occur within 12 months, because these idiots won't rest before they can claim 100% of development and have everyone bend over for them.

Jihan even labelled Craig as a Blockstream spy. Some others even say that Craig's side is worse than what the Core developers stand for. :D

Title: Re: Fight between BTC and BCH communities drive away people from cryptos itself.
Post by: wxa7115 on September 14, 2018, 09:39:18 PM
We could see the fights between BTC and BCH community members accusing each other's coin and spreading negative thoughts about the crypto market itself as a whole.Each coin dev as well as its supporters wants to show the other coin down.It makes people who wish to enter crypto loose their faith in cryptos and stay back.

Come on guys,even if we wish or not we all are sailing in the same crypto environment boat.Don't accuse each other or else we all have to sink one day or another.
To me that is not a problem, new people that want to enter in this market are not really that informed about all of what is happening so for them that is not a factor that they consider when they think about investing in bitcoin or other cryptocurrencies, and for the people that are really informed about this such a small disagreement is not going to keep them away from this market, so as you can see I do not see either of those groups been affected too much by such a fight.

The investment in the market of cryptocurrencies has gone down because people are afraid, people are afraid that they're going to lose their money if the market of cryptocurrencies crashes again, but as soon as the market begins to show a recovery you will see all of those people coming back.

Title: Re: Fight between BTC and BCH communities drive away people from cryptos itself.
Post by: Diced90 on September 14, 2018, 09:42:33 PM
Anything that spurs conflicts between any community relating to crypto will inevitably confuse people so it makes sense that any conflicts between BTC and BCH will play a negative role for crypto.

Title: Re: Fight between BTC and BCH communities drive away people from cryptos itself.
Post by: darkangel11 on September 14, 2018, 09:58:27 PM
What fight? BCH is not like one of the fleas riding a dog (BTC) that thinks it's bigger and stronger than the rest because it's on a dog's head. Imagine a tiny flea with Ver's face  jumping and screaming: "Look, I'm on top of the world, I'm even higher than the dog!" ;D
Speaking of dogs, I've seen the number of transactions on a couple coins and dogecoin had more of them than BCH. Something around 25k vs 14k of BCH. What a joke.

Title: Re: Fight between BTC and BCH communities drive away people from cryptos itself.
Post by: sublime5447 on September 15, 2018, 07:40:41 PM
Fanaticism will only make us become stupid and easily offended, which usually leads to fight, they’re not aware or don’t even care of the impact may occur. Actually without even having to interfere each other there will be no problem between BTC and BCH because they already have their own markets and let this competition runs sportive and peacefully, because we are civilized and knowledgeable people.

Title: Re: Fight between BTC and BCH communities drive away people from cryptos itself.
Post by: squatter on September 15, 2018, 08:23:57 PM
Is the website doing that kind of manipulation?

That's exactly what they are doing. They call "Bitcoin Cash" "Bitcoin", and they call "Bitcoin" "Bitcoin Core". Bitcoin Core is software, not a coin, as everyone knows. They deliberately obfuscate the matter to trick newbies in to buying Bitcoin Cash.

But this is their debate, which I sometimes see myself agreeing with. "No one owns the name Bitcoin, everyone is free to use it". This is very true, BUT it will not matter because what the "real Bitcoin" is is a social construct. "Bitcoin" is the people.

But they have the right to call it "also" Bitcoin, but it would not be right for them to call it the "real" Bitcoin.

I think it's a complex issue. To me, it boils down to ethical considerations, particularly around hard forks.

On one hand, you can take the position that no hard forks are legitimate. Since a hard fork removes rules and is therefore incompatible, consensus requires every node operator to agree to the changes -- they need to change software to affirmatively agree. That's completely impossible to accomplish prior to a fork, and harder yet everyday as Bitcoin's network grows. As a result, hard forks depend on the economic majority coercing the minority into accepting incompatible changes. If you take the position that hard forks are altcoins, then I think you can legitimately say that "BCH can't be called Bitcoin."

On the other hand, you can accept that hard forks are legitimate. That is, you believe the Bitcoin software can be hard forked and still be called "Bitcoin." If that's the case, things can get a lot more complicated. Can't you imagine a situation where two groups might disagree on a proposed consensus change? If incompatible changes are on the table, why should any one group have the authority to say, "only we, the chosen disciples, get to decide how to interpret the holy whitepaper?" What if the economic majority is on the side of the more radical change from the original protocol?

It's a lot easier when we can stick to questions of validity when deciding what Bitcoin is.

Title: Re: Fight between BTC and BCH communities drive away people from cryptos itself.
Post by: betty12 on September 15, 2018, 08:24:58 PM
Any smart investor coming to Crypto will first and foremost knock at the door of BTC before any other coin. Well the fight for supremacy between BTC and BCH shouldn't be a factor to repel any investors. The battle will always be there.

Title: Re: Fight between BTC and BCH communities drive away people from cryptos itself.
Post by: BitHodler on September 15, 2018, 08:45:29 PM
Speaking of dogs, I've seen the number of transactions on a couple coins and dogecoin had more of them than BCH. Something around 25k vs 14k of BCH. What a joke.
Roger once addressed that by simply saying that the total fiat value of the transactions themselves and the trading volumes of Bcash were higher in both aspects, which is true but there are more ways of looking at this.

Roger also believes small transactions are important, which is what most people use dogecoin for, but he completely ignored it which just shows how he's cherry picking just to 'validate' his own points.

There are more than a dozen of coins with more on-chain transaction activity than Bcash, and he keeps ignoring all of them. He must be so high on his own supply that he really believes Bcash is the best on-chain money.

Title: Re: Fight between BTC and BCH communities drive away people from cryptos itself.
Post by: hirngespenst on September 15, 2018, 08:47:58 PM
Though I haven't seen any fight between BCH and BTC community, maybe only BCH owner claimed BCH is better than Bitcoin. A true bitcoin supporter won't fight with any other coins, because at the end of the day, we all know, we need bitcoin more than anything in the crypto field.

Title: Re: Fight between BTC and BCH communities drive away people from cryptos itself.
Post by: pooya87 on September 16, 2018, 03:38:26 AM
Bitcoin Core is software, not a coin, as everyone knows. They deliberately obfuscate the matter to trick newbies in to buying Bitcoin Cash.

In the same childish way the coin they call Bitcoin Cash, can be called Bitcoin ABC or Bitcoin Unlimited since these full node clients are by far dominating the distribution.

1202 Bitcoin ABC nodes.
739 Bitcoin Unlimited nodes.
24 Bitcoin XT nodes.

In the end, BCash isn't worth much without Bitmain's deep pockets artificially offering buy support to sustain the price and thus the value of their own +1 million BCash holdings. If they end up splitting in November, it's already clear that the chain having Bitmain on its side will be the real winner. The other chain will turn into the next BTG after a while.

And you have to add now Bitcoin SV (Satoshi Vision) which will be the client developed by Craig Wright's group. I think he will also provide mining, how much hashrate are they willing to bet on it? that I don't know, but apparently Craig Wright has some "some computer miners".

It doesn't look to good for BCash camp, now that they will have a split within the split and not only in terms of the reference client, but for the hashrate itself, since they will actually fork for Bitcoin SV into a new token...

it is about getting people to come in and never about providing the hashrate yourself! otherwise there wouldn't be any profit in it. i suppose they are going to do the same trick BCH did by manipulating the difficulty to create that incentive for miners to start mining it.
and all the advertisement going into SV by calling CW real Satoshi,... is the build up to that. and all these forks are only serving one purpose and that is to make millions of dollars profit in a very short time.

Title: Re: Fight between BTC and BCH communities drive away people from cryptos itself.
Post by: gabmen on September 16, 2018, 05:52:14 AM
Though I haven't seen any fight between BCH and BTC community, maybe only BCH owner claimed BCH is better than Bitcoin. A true bitcoin supporter won't fight with any other coins, because at the end of the day, we all know, we need bitcoin more than anything in the crypto field.

This fight is over a long time ago. Bch did have a good run last year when it was hyped up by statements from roger ver, that posed a challenge to btc but that didn't actually last very long. And when bitcoin made the late year rally, people forgot about bch.

Title: Re: Fight between BTC and BCH communities drive away people from cryptos itself.
Post by: joseyphil82 on September 16, 2018, 07:35:41 AM
Fighting over which one is better? This is so ridiculous fighting won't change the fact that in crypto space the higher the demands the better, they don't have to fight it out ,time will tell if bch can win over bitcoin and I doubt its ever going to happen.

Title: Re: Fight between BTC and BCH communities drive away people from cryptos itself.
Post by: Wind_FURY on September 16, 2018, 07:55:04 AM
Bitcoin Core is software, not a coin, as everyone knows. They deliberately obfuscate the matter to trick newbies in to buying Bitcoin Cash.

In the same childish way the coin they call Bitcoin Cash, can be called Bitcoin ABC or Bitcoin Unlimited since these full node clients are by far dominating the distribution.

1202 Bitcoin ABC nodes.
739 Bitcoin Unlimited nodes.
24 Bitcoin XT nodes.

In the end, BCash isn't worth much without Bitmain's deep pockets artificially offering buy support to sustain the price and thus the value of their own +1 million BCash holdings. If they end up splitting in November, it's already clear that the chain having Bitmain on its side will be the real winner. The other chain will turn into the next BTG after a while.

But now they are either very low on Bitcoins or out of Bitcoins, because rumors has it that their IPO is a "scam" to replenish their empty coffers to continue on in supporting Bitcoin Cash.

They might also be holding a large inventory of obsolete mining hardware, which franky1 refuted in this topic,

But let's wait for Bitmain's Q2 and Q3 numbers.

Title: Re: Fight between BTC and BCH communities drive away people from cryptos itself.
Post by: pixie85 on September 16, 2018, 10:51:32 AM
Though I haven't seen any fight between BCH and BTC community, maybe only BCH owner claimed BCH is better than Bitcoin. A true bitcoin supporter won't fight with any other coins, because at the end of the day, we all know, we need bitcoin more than anything in the crypto field.

Because there is no fight. Roger ver is using some strange tactics to promote BCH. Remember when BCH was coming out and somebody was spamming Bitcoin network with microtransactions to make it slower? If you add that Ver worked together with Bitmain it's all starting to make sense. Bitmain got what it deserved and lost money on BCH. The world is back in balance.

Title: Re: Fight between BTC and BCH communities drive away people from cryptos itself.
Post by: KingScorpio on September 16, 2018, 11:15:20 AM
We could see the fights between BTC and BCH community members accusing each other's coin and spreading negative thoughts about the crypto market itself as a whole.Each coin dev as well as its supporters wants to show the other coin down.It makes people who wish to enter crypto loose their faith in cryptos and stay back.

Come on guys,even if we wish or not we all are sailing in the same crypto environment boat.Don't accuse each other or else we all have to sink one day or another.

you cant avoid token being ina conflict against each other, the problem lies in the zero sum games, for market attention, market acceptance.

the war will never end especially since they try to gain as much value as possible.

but its true in general the fights between major leading cryptos is destroying them, altogether.

Title: Re: Fight between BTC and BCH communities drive away people from cryptos itself.
Post by: CASTIEL05 on September 16, 2018, 11:24:06 AM
We could see the fights between BTC and BCH community members accusing each other's coin and spreading negative thoughts about the crypto market itself as a whole.Each coin dev as well as its supporters wants to show the other coin down.It makes people who wish to enter crypto loose their faith in cryptos and stay back.

Come on guys,even if we wish or not we all are sailing in the same crypto environment boat.Don't accuse each other or else we all have to sink one day or another.
I am not aware of this kind of matter happening in this industry. Many people are always look for the negative side of a certain coin well in fact, both BCH and BTC are good coins. These coins are good in their own ways and they are helping the crypto community to go stronger.

Title: Re: Fight between BTC and BCH communities drive away people from cryptos itself.
Post by: LeGaulois on September 16, 2018, 11:24:50 AM
BCH community is a lier, spreading fake news, misinforming people,

From Roger Ver posting fake pictures on Twitter to make people confusing the real Bitcoin $BTC via
It's an arrogant community, considering all the forks BCH is the most hostile

Title: Re: Fight between BTC and BCH communities drive away people from cryptos itself.
Post by: [ProTrader] on September 16, 2018, 12:39:13 PM
We could see the fights between BTC and BCH community members accusing each other's coin and spreading negative thoughts about the crypto market itself as a whole.Each coin dev as well as its supporters wants to show the other coin down.It makes people who wish to enter crypto loose their faith in cryptos and stay back.

Come on guys,even if we wish or not we all are sailing in the same crypto environment boat.Don't accuse each other or else we all have to sink one day or another.
Communities will not drive away to crypto because of BCASH and Bitcoin Core quarrel. Once you are involved in cryptocurrency and learn what is capable of, you won't leave it like addiction. BCASH hype is over and it will never replace Bitcoin.

Title: Re: Fight between BTC and BCH communities drive away people from cryptos itself.
Post by: gowobonyok on September 16, 2018, 12:48:13 PM
We could see the fights between BTC and BCH community members accusing each other's coin and spreading negative thoughts about the crypto market itself as a whole.Each coin dev as well as its supporters wants to show the other coin down.It makes people who wish to enter crypto loose their faith in cryptos and stay back.

Come on guys,even if we wish or not we all are sailing in the same crypto environment boat.Don't accuse each other or else we all have to sink one day or another.

You must remember how bitcoin cash born... There was a group of guys who say 'We have solutions for bitcoin, we can make bigger blocks and we can have a more efficient mining engine...' So bitcoin devs say, Your ideas are a wast of time, leave the big guy work and you go back to play with your kids toys. Next step was the fork, BCH devs say, if you don't wan't to make those changes, no problem we will fork bitcoin and have a version of it running with our changes, that will prof to the world our version was better. And that was were the real fight start. They have reasons to hate each other and that will not change, is like Pepsi vs Coca cola, don't wait them to be friends.
I am not too concerned about that, because competition will definitely occur, including in the crypto market. can't this be an opportunity for the altcoin to take over both of them, when they both compete alone? when they both want to beat each other, the altcoin with new developments can take over the top position of the crypto market.

Title: Re: Fight between BTC and BCH communities drive away people from cryptos itself.
Post by: Wind_FURY on September 17, 2018, 06:19:43 AM
BCH community is a lier, spreading fake news, misinforming people,

I believe not everyone. There are others who are sincere, and believe that everything and every idea in on-chain transactions should be first explored before going to other scaling solutions like the Lightning Network.

The problem is those ideas would require exclusive hard forks.

From Roger Ver posting fake pictures on Twitter to make people confusing the real Bitcoin $BTC via
It's an arrogant community, considering all the forks BCH is the most hostile

I don't hate Roger Ver, but he should be exposed as a person who uses "gaslighting" to trick the newbies.

Title: Re: Fight between BTC and BCH communities drive away people from cryptos itself.
Post by: aizen10 on September 17, 2018, 06:38:46 AM
We could see the fights between BTC and BCH community members accusing each other's coin and spreading negative thoughts about the crypto market itself as a whole.Each coin dev as well as its supporters wants to show the other coin down.It makes people who wish to enter crypto loose their faith in cryptos and stay back.

Come on guys,even if we wish or not we all are sailing in the same crypto environment boat.Don't accuse each other or else we all have to sink one day or another.

Yeah, each community had to create a negative feeds for each other so none of them will get a good result and has a possibilities to sink them both, so dont spread negative feeds about each other and just let people decide where they want to Invest.

Title: Re: Fight between BTC and BCH communities drive away people from cryptos itself.
Post by: cryptodadach on September 17, 2018, 07:07:18 AM
BCH community is mostly a joke, as is their leader. Their reddit is too funny. They should try to build their own system, not trying to steal the original BITCOIN idea.

Sadly, all of them are not interested in anything, except trying to scam people so they can profit from this BCH altcoin. I hope they fail miserably...

Title: Re: Fight between BTC and BCH communities drive away people from cryptos itself.
Post by: ubay on September 17, 2018, 07:08:53 AM
That can be said to be a drama in cryptocurrency, but that's fine. Actually, their goal is to introduce their coin, but in a way to argue which is better. Hopefully this will not have bad consequences in the future, and can capture new people in the cryptocurrency world even more.

Title: Re: Fight between BTC and BCH communities drive away people from cryptos itself.
Post by: cryptodadach on September 17, 2018, 08:11:11 AM
That can be said to be a drama in cryptocurrency, but that's fine. Actually, their goal is to introduce their coin, but in a way to argue which is better. Hopefully this will not have bad consequences in the future, and can capture new people in the cryptocurrency world even more.

what they want is for their altcoin to be worth 6500 USD, and that will never happen...

Title: Re: Fight between BTC and BCH communities drive away people from cryptos itself.
Post by: TheClownSong on September 17, 2018, 09:10:00 AM
People have their own choice with their own reason. I think BCH and BTC communities just want to pump their coin price. But at the end, market will drive who the best between two coin and i am prefer choosing BTC

Title: Re: Fight between BTC and BCH communities drive away people from cryptos itself.
Post by: Wind_FURY on September 18, 2018, 07:18:05 AM
People have their own choice with their own reason. I think BCH and BTC communities just want to pump their coin price. But at the end, market will drive who the best between two coin and i am prefer choosing BTC

I believe in the freedom of choice, but if Roger Ver, who supports an altcoin that was forked and caused a split from the main chain because its developers changed the consensus rules, calls that altcoin "the real Bitcoin because Satoshi's vision" then we have a problem.

I would accept that he would have a point in his debate if he claims that Bitcoin Cash "can be also Bitcoin" but without the gaslighting.

Title: Re: Fight between BTC and BCH communities drive away people from cryptos itself.
Post by: BlackFly on September 22, 2018, 08:01:07 PM
In recent market one bitcoin equal 14.94 bch. So bch is standing below with bitcoin in the factor of market value. Bch just wants to stands up to bitcoin.

Title: Re: Fight between BTC and BCH communities drive away people from cryptos itself.
Post by: Nightingale2 on September 23, 2018, 08:11:27 PM
That's really felt bad effects on bitcoin and some other cryptocurrency.It's will make people demotivated about crypto to invest on it . So they shouldn't be do this.

Title: Re: Fight between BTC and BCH communities drive away people from cryptos itself.
Post by: Herbert2020 on September 24, 2018, 06:55:23 AM
People have their own choice with their own reason. I think BCH and BTC communities just want to pump their coin price. But at the end, market will drive who the best between two coin and i am prefer choosing BTC

I believe in the freedom of choice, but if Roger Ver, who supports an altcoin that was forked and caused a split from the main chain because its developers changed the consensus rules, calls that altcoin "the real Bitcoin because Satoshi's vision" then we have a problem.

I would accept that he would have a point in his debate if he claims that Bitcoin Cash "can be also Bitcoin" but without the gaslighting.

even if every BCH player called it an altcoin and admitted it is not bitcoin that still wouldn't change much in my opinion because BCH can still cause many problems for bitcoin including the hashrate stealing they have done and will probably do in the future. in short they have created something for miners that they can switch to whenever it is becoming more profitable to do so like during pumps or like previously during the manual difficulty changes. that means longer delays in finding bitcoin blocks and a bigger back log.

Title: Re: Fight between BTC and BCH communities drive away people from cryptos itself.
Post by: yugyug on September 24, 2018, 09:43:28 AM
BTC has a future and BCH has a future too, but they in a different world of development hardfork has seems more room for improvement but bitcoin still on the top no matter how many forking occurs. BCH communities are more aggressive when bashing about bitcoins innovation but it doesn't stop the bitcoin die hard fans to keep patronising it. only the newbie investors is more confuse in which of them has a good benefit.

Title: Re: Fight between BTC and BCH communities drive away people from cryptos itself.
Post by: Bezobraznike on September 24, 2018, 10:07:59 AM
People have their own choice with their own reason. I think BCH and BTC communities just want to pump their coin price. But at the end, market will drive who the best between two coin and i am prefer choosing BTC

I believe in the freedom of choice, but if Roger Ver, who supports an altcoin that was forked and caused a split from the main chain because its developers changed the consensus rules, calls that altcoin "the real Bitcoin because Satoshi's vision" then we have a problem.

I would accept that he would have a point in his debate if he claims that Bitcoin Cash "can be also Bitcoin" but without the gaslighting.

even if every BCH player called it an altcoin and admitted it is not bitcoin that still wouldn't change much in my opinion because BCH can still cause many problems for bitcoin including the hashrate stealing they have done and will probably do in the future. in short they have created something for miners that they can switch to whenever it is becoming more profitable to do so like during pumps or like previously during the manual difficulty changes. that means longer delays in finding bitcoin blocks and a bigger back log.

   They argue a lot on Twitter, there I follow them. I believe they argue on other social networks too. What I see in those argues is that Roger Ver doesn`t have arguments for his
statements. Many people confront him, but he still tweeting.
   I don`t like Bitcoin Cash cause of him. He looks like a punk, he talks like a punk, and all Bitcoin Cash idea is not something I would like to support. I chose Bitcoin and I don`t have
any forked coins after I witnessed how Bitcoin Cash was pumped in few months and how price dropped after that. I would like to know who earned from that and who lost for that.

Title: Re: Fight between BTC and BCH communities drive away people from cryptos itself.
Post by: Juggy777 on September 24, 2018, 11:31:49 AM
We could see the fights between BTC and BCH community members accusing each other's coin and spreading negative thoughts about the crypto market itself as a whole.Each coin dev as well as its supporters wants to show the other coin down.It makes people who wish to enter crypto loose their faith in cryptos and stay back.

Come on guys,even if we wish or not we all are sailing in the same crypto environment boat.Don't accuse each other or else we all have to sink one day or another.

While it's true the fight between the developers has been going on since ages, it's in recent days that it's spiraled out on the path of newbies. It's pertinent to note, these are people who are just taking baby steps into the crypto world and are already bemused by the fact which is actually the coin they should invest in. There's so much confusion and fud spread at times you have to feel if these guys take a wrong investment decision. Hence it's true this in fighting has definitely dented new people sentiments of investing.

Title: Re: Fight between BTC and BCH communities drive away people from cryptos itself.
Post by: ramboxxx on September 24, 2018, 11:33:16 AM
fine ;D

Title: Re: Fight between BTC and BCH communities drive away people from cryptos itself.
Post by: denzkilim on September 24, 2018, 11:54:21 AM
We could see the fights between BTC and BCH community members accusing each other's coin and spreading negative thoughts about the crypto market itself as a whole.Each coin dev as well as its supporters wants to show the other coin down.It makes people who wish to enter crypto loose their faith in cryptos and stay back.

Come on guys,even if we wish or not we all are sailing in the same crypto environment boat.Don't accuse each other or else we all have to sink one day or another.
Just let them do what they want and there's nothing we can do about those people fighting each other in this digital world.
I just hope that they will be more competitive in their developments with the fights that they are doing LOL. :D

you cant avoid token being ina conflict against each other, the problem lies in the zero sum games, for market attention, market acceptance.

the war will never end especially since they try to gain as much value as possible.

but its true in general the fights between major leading cryptos is destroying them, altogether.
Yeah, both sides are spreading FUD's to each other and this thing will not stop and we will just get used with it. But I don't think their fights against each other drive away people from crypto currencies it just seems that people nowadays are wiser than before and they learned their lessons last year on what happened to the market after the skyrocketing scenarios that occur.

Title: Re: Fight between BTC and BCH communities drive away people from cryptos itself.
Post by: Bittalk12 on September 24, 2018, 12:24:38 PM
We could see the fights between BTC and BCH community members accusing each other's coin and spreading negative thoughts about the crypto market itself as a whole.Each coin dev as well as its supporters wants to show the other coin down.

By the end of the day, BTC will always win and BCH will always look a pretender and a claimer that they are stronger and better than BTC where in fact, they are just a copycat.

It makes people who wish to enter crypto loose their faith in cryptos and stay back.

You might have a point but those people who easily loosing their faith to cryptocurrency are those who lacks knowledge and gets affected with FUD. They don't even bother do some research first with their own eyes and believe only on what they hear.

Come on guys,even if we wish or not we all are sailing in the same crypto environment boat.Don't accuse each other or else we all have to sink one day or another.

This is inevitable. Business is business. They definitely will not agree to each other because it is a fight of original and fake bitcoin. We can also call it a marketing strategy. Destroying the reputation of one another is a good opportunity to make their platform better than the other.

Title: Re: Fight between BTC and BCH communities drive away people from cryptos itself.
Post by: HeartDesire888 on October 04, 2018, 07:51:12 PM
Its not a good thing happened in the crypto world its very unexpected. It’s a give negative feed back to the market. It will be lower the rate of interest among the people and the investor. But we doesn’t need to concentrate on them we need to find the better side above all of this.

Title: Re: Fight between BTC and BCH communities drive away people from cryptos itself.
Post by: Omela44 on October 04, 2018, 07:58:04 PM
The fight between btc and bch communities does not scare me off, but other people may see it differently. It is really not good for Crypto in general and i hope it is over with the public dirt campaign sometime.

Title: Re: Fight between BTC and BCH communities drive away people from cryptos itself.
Post by: BlackandRed654 on October 04, 2018, 08:04:12 PM
It is not possible that their clash drive people away from crypto .I don't know what clash is going on with BTH. Bitcoin cash is nothing but a dead horse which is somehow running in dead mood. Bitcoin is the boss in crypto market. People are choosing it as their investment project.

Title: Re: Fight between BTC and BCH communities drive away people from cryptos itself.
Post by: SummerHamster on October 04, 2018, 08:28:07 PM
Bitcoin cash don't have any ability to fight with bitcoin. Bitcoin cash in present day is nothing but a dead cow. is is still remaining id dead condition.very low numbers of people using it. On the other hand Bitcoin is the boss of crypto market. No probability that their class keep people away from investment.

Title: Re: Fight between BTC and BCH communities drive away people from cryptos itself.
Post by: kingofhell9008 on October 04, 2018, 08:54:56 PM
No possibility at all. People yet don't know what class is going on with them where bitcoin is most popular in profitable coins on the other hand most of the people don't know Bitcoin cash what it is!SO i think, this types of activity wont make people away from bitcoin.

Title: Re: Fight between BTC and BCH communities drive away people from cryptos itself.
Post by: green547 on October 04, 2018, 09:05:10 PM
There is nothing wrong with competition.  It will make both coins stronger in the end as they try to one up each other and provide better features.  I do think Roger Ver can be very rude and obnoxious at times.

Title: Re: Fight between BTC and BCH communities drive away people from cryptos itself.
Post by: Oniko on October 04, 2018, 09:16:24 PM
Many people speak negatively about BCH because of Roger Keith Ver.

However, Roger does not say anything bad. He is advised to use BCH, since technically it is superior to the original Bitcoin

Title: Re: Fight between BTC and BCH communities drive away people from cryptos itself.
Post by: listoncrypto on October 04, 2018, 09:18:30 PM
Bitcoin market price showing different in iran. I heard this in several article. But still can get how it's happening iran. But if it happen may people can be sell their bitcoin in iran and then they can be benefitted. Is it possible?

Title: Re: Fight between BTC and BCH communities drive away people from cryptos itself.
Post by: TheBitcoinBadger10 on October 04, 2018, 09:29:35 PM
This really lame job. It's make crypto a confusing currency so they need to avoid these otherwise people make their concept abou crypto negatively.

Title: Re: Fight between BTC and BCH communities drive away people from cryptos itself.
Post by: junglist.massive on November 03, 2018, 07:16:19 PM
That’s not what newcomers will see in crypto, they will focus on studying the market, volatility and the crypto mechanism itself, whether in terms of technology or economics. But that doesn’t mea ( it can justify that war, we should be able to be more mature in attitude.

Title: Re: Fight between BTC and BCH communities drive away people from cryptos itself.
Post by: ict on November 03, 2018, 07:21:02 PM
In my opinion. this is very reasonable. each member of the coin community will highlight and promote every coin that is supported, but not to disfigure other coins, causing fear for users of crypto currencies. we have competed in a healthy way. by highlighting the good side of the coins that we support without having to cause crypto market turmoil.

Title: Re: Fight between BTC and BCH communities drive away people from cryptos itself.
Post by: qwerty1337 on November 03, 2018, 07:23:59 PM
The fight between btc and bch communities does not scare me off, but other people may see it differently. It is really not good for Crypto in general and i hope it is over with the public dirt campaign sometime.
Anyone who has studied both coins a little will be able to say that bch will lose to bitcoin, so it's silly to believe that it is better when the facts say the opposite.

Title: Re: Fight between BTC and BCH communities drive away people from cryptos itself.
Post by: ICOTechSupport on November 03, 2018, 11:57:21 PM
Healthy Competition is good, but when Roger Ver entered the scene, it turned from healthy competition to something toxic. He is using some filthy tactics to attack Bitcoin <BTC> and this evoke some negative actions from a large group of people, who are not going to allow him to spread fallacies and to attack Bitcoin in such a way.

Title: Re: Fight between BTC and BCH communities drive away people from cryptos itself.
Post by: bigdude on November 04, 2018, 03:35:13 AM
I liked the idea of segwit2x but bch was launched without community consensus...  It's fine but it needed better to be 'the real bitcoin'.