Bitcoin Forum

Bitcoin => Mining speculation => Topic started by: offordscott on September 13, 2018, 03:27:19 PM

Title: TRIPLE-1, Inc. 株式会社 松島 KAMIKAZE 7nm SHA-256 ASIC
Post by: offordscott on September 13, 2018, 03:27:19 PM
Here's some info I've put together about a new mining manufacturer, Triple-1, and their upcoming 7nm bitcoin miner called the "Kamikaze".

Company: TRIPLE-1, Inc. or TRIPLE-1 Co., Ltd.

Official Website:

Headquarters: Fukuoka, Japan

Youtube Debut Video:

Youtube Channel:

A Press Release:

Related News Article:

CEO: Takuya Yamaguchi
CTO: Kenichi Ozaki
Public Relations: Gaku Matsushima

Title: Re: TRIPLE-1, Inc. 株式会社 松島 KAMIKAZE 7nm SHA-256 ASIC
Post by: NotFuzzyWarm on September 13, 2018, 03:33:13 PM
Well wadda ya know: A hardware announcement from a new company that is actually posted in the correct area! On top if it, the information seems entirely legit regarding development timelines, chip status, and corporate information.

Note that is NOT any sort of an endorsement by me however, definitely worth watching to see how this develops.

Title: Re: TRIPLE-1, Inc. 株式会社 松島 KAMIKAZE 7nm SHA-256 ASIC
Post by: offordscott on September 13, 2018, 05:45:40 PM
I learned from the best ;)

Title: Re: TRIPLE-1, Inc. 株式会社 松島 KAMIKAZE 7nm SHA-256 ASIC
Post by: HagssFIN on September 13, 2018, 06:31:26 PM
A great opening post,
it will be interesting to follow this, how it developes.

I'm particularly interested in the eco version.

Title: Re: TRIPLE-1, Inc. 株式会社 松島 KAMIKAZE 7nm SHA-256 ASIC
Post by: mgoz on September 13, 2018, 08:03:04 PM
More efficient than anything else announced. Video is like a clone of what GMO put out with all the 3D renderings. Hopefully these are priced better if legit.

Title: Re: TRIPLE-1, Inc. 株式会社 松島 KAMIKAZE 7nm SHA-256 ASIC
Post by: philipma1957 on September 13, 2018, 08:22:48 PM
yeah the small unit looks really nice.

Eco Spec Machine

Hashrate : normal

14.5 TH/s
Power Consumption.  edit I was asked to put + or - 5%

750 W
Power Efficiency. Edit I was asked to put + or - 5% (

I sent them contact info

Title: Re: TRIPLE-1, Inc. 株式会社 松島 KAMIKAZE 7nm SHA-256 ASIC
Post by: minefarmbuy on September 13, 2018, 09:35:31 PM
Looks promising. Nice find.

Title: Re: TRIPLE-1, Inc. 株式会社 松島 KAMIKAZE 7nm SHA-256 ASIC
Post by: philipma1957 on September 14, 2018, 02:46:41 PM
I was politely  refused a model.

So I will not be recommending ordering it.

Note I am American and only speak English.

They are Japanese the email was in pretty good English,but I am not sure if they realize I offered to pay for the demo.

They asked me to alter my post above on the specs which I will do.

I will try to get a model to demo via a different source.

As always don’t buy or order until someone demos it.  So at least you know it is real.

For instance I am still waiting on Acorn 215s as are quite a few others.

We have entered a new stage of mining asics there are a lot of new builders be careful guys and girls.

Title: Re: TRIPLE-1, Inc. 株式会社 松島 KAMIKAZE 7nm SHA-256 ASIC
Post by: minefarmbuy on September 14, 2018, 06:32:15 PM
They sent us a polite questionnaire to reply to. Looks like their first batch isn't slated till Nov anyway. 

Title: Re: TRIPLE-1, Inc. KAMIKAZE 7nm SHA-256 ASIC
Post by: philipma1957 on September 14, 2018, 06:52:41 PM
They sent us a polite questionnaire to reply to. Looks like their first batch isn't slated till Nov anyway.  

Yeah try to stay on it from your side.

I will attempt a few other ways.

On the brighter side I did get a unit to test today from another company and  many many models are coming out  I have at least five new ones listed.

I did want to list this info that they requested me to list.


Eco Spec Machine
Hashrate : normal
14.5 TH/s
Power Consumption
750 W
Power Efficiency

(Please modify as following)

Eco Spec Machine
Hashrate : 14.5 TH / s ± 5% (* at the normal state)
Power Consumption : 750 W ± 5%
Power Efficiency : 0.052 W / GH ± 5%

 TRIPLE-1, Inc. 株式会社 松島 KAMIKAZE 7nm SHA-256 ASIC

(Please modify as following)


I have been told they may provide one closer to November when they have more samples.

Google translate says:

株式会社 松島 is Matsushima Co., Ltd.

So I guess they prefer  

Triple-1, Inc.  

But someone should be able to figure out the linkage of the two corporations.

Title: Re: TRIPLE-1, Inc. 株式会社 松島 KAMIKAZE 7nm SHA-256 ASIC
Post by: Thetaj on September 16, 2018, 02:59:20 AM
always be skeptical and you will never be disappointed I'd say

Title: Re: TRIPLE-1, Inc. KAMIKAZE 7nm SHA-256 ASIC
Post by: philipma1957 on September 16, 2018, 03:19:37 AM
always be skeptical and you will never be disappointed I'd say

Yeah I try to get demos as much as possible to confirm gear is real.

I am willing to pay for the demos.

And my one condition is I am established  you are new so send it to me upfront.  I demo it  test it make some videos  and either buy it or return it.

I must done 20 to 25 pieces for builders with zero issues.

They did tell me they May get back to me with a demo.

In the future.

So far they are not taking preorders.

But I will keep looking at them.

Title: Re: TRIPLE-1, Inc. 株式会社 松島 KAMIKAZE 7nm SHA-256 ASIC
Post by: offordscott on September 16, 2018, 09:51:55 AM
It is not for sale yet. They are not taking pre-orders at this time.

Title: Re: TRIPLE-1, Inc. 株式会社 松島 KAMIKAZE 7nm SHA-256 ASIC
Post by: HagssFIN on September 16, 2018, 12:22:33 PM
I sent them an email as well, let's see what is their reply.

Title: Re: TRIPLE-1, Inc. KAMIKAZE 7nm SHA-256 ASIC
Post by: Ma907xB on September 17, 2018, 12:01:04 AM
[...] I have at least five new ones listed.


What are you five new ones you've posted?

Title: Re: TRIPLE-1, Inc. KAMIKAZE 7nm SHA-256 ASIC
Post by: philipma1957 on September 17, 2018, 12:50:09 AM
What are you five new ones you've posted?

Avalon 851 --------------- Not too good
Innosilicon T2turbo ------ Was the king until Friday the 14th Of sept
WhatsMiner M10 --------- New king  34.5 th at 2350 watts

Was promised  to get the  bittech one mini >>>  but no news since last thursday

and the triple-1  >>> which is wait for a while
and the avalon A921 >  also wait for  a while

I also have been working on the

innosilicon t2turbo 34th  which is really high cost due to new 25% tarriff I simply  can not pay 2500 for it.

If the 25+2.6 = 27.6% tarriff stays in effect

this company triple-1  will really make out since they are Japanese.

Title: Re: TRIPLE-1, Inc. 株式会社 松島 KAMIKAZE 7nm SHA-256 ASIC
Post by: minefarmbuy on September 17, 2018, 06:21:52 AM
Still depends on pricing. GMO even with the incoming tariffs is still a loss compared to the M10 or T2T 32T.

Title: Re: TRIPLE-1, Inc. 株式会社 松島 KAMIKAZE 7nm SHA-256 ASIC
Post by: philipma1957 on September 17, 2018, 02:33:25 PM
Still depends on pricing. GMO even with the incoming tariffs is still a loss compared to the M10 or T2T 32T.

true  but the GMO has poor efficiency 80 watts a th or worse

the M10 is doing 67-69 watts a th

This triple-1 claims  52 watts. a th
the smaller version should be easy to run in house.

750 watts is easy to power.

So it could command a premium price maybe  900-1000 for the small version

Title: Re: TRIPLE-1, Inc. 株式会社 松島 KAMIKAZE 7nm SHA-256 ASIC
Post by: minefarmbuy on September 17, 2018, 03:03:13 PM
Exactly, if you you're pushing a Nov release you better hyper competitive to market now. Triple 1 looks really good if in fact real.

Title: Re: TRIPLE-1, Inc. 株式会社 松島 KAMIKAZE 7nm SHA-256 ASIC
Post by: Steamtyme on September 17, 2018, 03:56:52 PM
This triple-1 claims  52 watts. a th
the smaller version should be easy to run in house.

750 watts is easy to power.

So it could command a premium price maybe  900-1000 for the small version

Depending on the pricing that mini would be the new "go to" miner IMO. For home and Data centers. The ~15% gain in efficiency would be worth the doubled physical footprint.

Then on the home miner front, you could comfortably throw 6 of these on each 30 amp circuit(220V), with more than enough wiggle room to keep it safe.

Definitely going to be keeping my eye on these.

Title: Re: TRIPLE-1, Inc. 株式会社 松島 KAMIKAZE 7nm SHA-256 ASIC
Post by: offordscott on September 20, 2018, 02:11:00 AM
Last night I had an hour-long call with Gaku. His team of executives speak mostly Japanese, so he does the interpreting. The company appears to be legit, but of course the only thing we can trust completely is if they actually ship working miners that meet the promised specifications. I’ll share more details soon. I’m hoping to get more info, like a bio, about the stakeholders in the company.

Title: Re: TRIPLE-1, Inc. 株式会社 松島 KAMIKAZE 7nm SHA-256 ASIC
Post by: minefarmbuy on September 20, 2018, 06:14:17 AM
They seem very respectful. It's our hope their product is legit. Unfortunately a skype chat won't fill the void of product meeting spec. Hopefully they don't take our decline as an insult but there is no sense in wasting anyone's time. Nov is close, but still far off. Best to navigate well into a market that is seemingly up for grabs. Our buyers will always dictate our positions anyway. 

Title: Re: TRIPLE-1, Inc. 株式会社 松島 KAMIKAZE 7nm SHA-256 ASIC
Post by: HagssFIN on September 20, 2018, 08:23:45 AM
They were really polite and said that they are unfortunately out of demo units.

So most likely I won't be able to a review before it is available in the open market.

Title: Re: TRIPLE-1, Inc. 株式会社 松島 KAMIKAZE 7nm SHA-256 ASIC
Post by: mgoz on September 20, 2018, 01:50:18 PM
This is the response I received from them:

For about the detail information(Specification, Sales schedule, Pricing etc) of our product "KAMIKAZE",
at this moment, we're considering them carefully.

We'd like to appreciate it if you could understand our current situation.

We would keep to make an announcement about our products and project
on our official website and Presses.

 == TRIPLE-1 Official Website ==

So, we hope you keep the attention to our updates.

Again, we appreciate your patience and understanding.

Title: Re: TRIPLE-1, Inc. 株式会社 松島 KAMIKAZE 7nm SHA-256 ASIC
Post by: philipma1957 on September 20, 2018, 03:12:07 PM
here is what I have to say I would have liked to use the gear but so much gear is coming out it just means they will have to wait.

I did videos on the m10  it is great 34.50th at 2340 watts.

Now the m10s will do 55th at 3500 watts not for a home miner but 55th in a small foot print

There are about a dozen unit new this year.

So this promising one will have to wait.  too bad. it could be the best of all.

Title: Re: TRIPLE-1, Inc. 株式会社 松島 KAMIKAZE 7nm SHA-256 ASIC
Post by: minefarmbuy on September 20, 2018, 05:49:13 PM
Agreed, looks like great concepts from Triple 1, hopefully we can put our hands on one a little early and build some hype for a new company pending a great physical product.

Title: Re: TRIPLE-1, Inc. 株式会社 松島 KAMIKAZE 7nm SHA-256 ASIC
Post by: fccs on September 25, 2018, 06:00:23 AM
So does anyone have actual info on this?  Release date time frame (I assume November by the information I had read) or more importantly price?  These look fantastic and I would always prefer Japanese work over Chinese manufacturing but if the price is something ridiculous it won't help us much.  I hope we hear some information soon, these is very good news for USA customers as well..

Title: Re: TRIPLE-1, Inc. 株式会社 松島 KAMIKAZE 7nm SHA-256 ASIC
Post by: Foofighter on September 25, 2018, 10:12:32 AM
We will have also a call with them tomorrow. Lets see of they are legit.

Title: Re: TRIPLE-1, Inc. 株式会社 松島 KAMIKAZE 7nm SHA-256 ASIC
Post by: HagssFIN on September 25, 2018, 01:13:01 PM
Cool. :)

Title: Re: TRIPLE-1, Inc. 株式会社 松島 KAMIKAZE 7nm SHA-256 ASIC
Post by: fccs on September 25, 2018, 09:41:08 PM
We will have also a call with them tomorrow. Lets see of they are legit.

Let us know, I have been emailing them back and forth for past 2 days.  Seem very nice and answering questions

Title: Re: TRIPLE-1, Inc. 株式会社 松島 KAMIKAZE 7nm SHA-256 ASIC
Post by: fccs on September 26, 2018, 03:32:01 AM
I just hope this isn't empty promises and actually they put a asic out doing 2000watts at 33th.  That's pretty damn impressive and coming from a japanese company you know it will be made well.

Title: Re: TRIPLE-1, Inc. 株式会社 松島 KAMIKAZE 7nm SHA-256 ASIC
Post by: Foofighter on September 26, 2018, 07:00:08 PM
We had about 45min call with them, guys seems very nice and serious. It seems like currently they are focusing on Japan market and need some more time for sample for international market.
We will update as we know more, maybe we will talk to a japanese friend of ours to reach also out to them and check company in person.

Title: Re: TRIPLE-1, Inc. 株式会社 松島 KAMIKAZE 7nm SHA-256 ASIC
Post by: MoparMiningLLC on October 03, 2018, 02:17:00 PM
I have a call with Gaku next week - I will see if I can get any additional information to add here.

Title: Re: TRIPLE-1, Inc. 株式会社 松島 KAMIKAZE 7nm SHA-256 ASIC
Post by: VRobb on October 03, 2018, 08:47:08 PM
This is very interesting and I look forward to any additional information you might be able to get and post here.  I do question the name 'Kamikaze' a bit considering how a Kamikaze's job is supposed to end, but in any event hopeful!  ;)

Title: Re: TRIPLE-1, Inc. 株式会社 松島 KAMIKAZE 7nm SHA-256 ASIC
Post by: Steamtyme on October 03, 2018, 10:06:47 PM
Maybe they mean they will give it their everything, go further than the competition expects before inevitably.... well you know; taking out your whole farm.

Either way I'm guessing it's more a supply issue for them sourcing enough chips, rather than a choice tk limit themselves to a smaller market

Title: Re: TRIPLE-1, Inc. 株式会社 松島 KAMIKAZE 7nm SHA-256 ASIC
Post by: Rahar02 on October 04, 2018, 12:08:11 PM
We had about 45min call with them, guys seems very nice and serious. It seems like currently they are focusing on Japan market and need some more time for sample for international market.
We will update as we know more, maybe we will talk to a japanese friend of ours to reach also out to them and check company in person.

It's been a while since I abandoned mining information and stop aiming this field as the difficulty increase significantly but the price goes down which barely give profits according to the electricity costs, but reading this topic makes me interested.
Honestly, not sure whether mining profitable or not these days, check this (
Eco spec machine: 14.5 TH/s, 750 W power consumption, $0.8 KWh, and 1% pool fee > the results is - $336 (minus), far away from profit.
I check coinwarz calculator but the result doesn't make sense.
However, some members really helping to look for more details, so this thread worth to watch over periodically.

Title: Re: TRIPLE-1, Inc. 株式会社 松島 KAMIKAZE 7nm SHA-256 ASIC
Post by: MoparMiningLLC on October 04, 2018, 12:12:28 PM
It's been a while since I abandoned mining information and stop aiming this field as the difficulty increase significantly but the price goes down which barely give profits according to the electricity costs, but reading this topic makes me interested.
Honestly, not sure whether mining profitable or not these days, check this (
Eco spec machine: 14.5 TH/s, 750 W power consumption, $0.8 KWh, and 1% pool fee > the results is - $336 (minus), far away from profit.
I check coinwarz calculator but the result doesn't make sense.
However, some members really helping to look for more details, so this thread worth to watch over periodically.

who pays $.8 per kw/h?? mine is $.056 with fuel surcharge it is $.086 - still no where near what you stated.  That might be why your results are all negative.

Title: Re: TRIPLE-1, Inc. 株式会社 松島 KAMIKAZE 7nm SHA-256 ASIC
Post by: sarcheer on October 04, 2018, 12:21:52 PM
who pays $.8 per kw/h?? mine is $.056 with fuel surcharge it is $.086 - still no where near what you stated.  That might be why your results are all negative.

Looks like Rahar misplaced the decimal! At that rate its probably cheaper to run a gasoline generator haha.

My calculation for 1 year revenue with the eco spec machine:
$0.05 per KW/h
7% difficulty increase per month
3% BTC/USD exchange rate increase per month

Hopefully Triple-1's pricing will be reasonable...


Title: Re: TRIPLE-1, Inc. 株式会社 松島 KAMIKAZE 7nm SHA-256 ASIC
Post by: MoparMiningLLC on October 04, 2018, 12:32:41 PM
Hopefully Triple-1's pricing will be reasonable...

that is my hope as well - lately the ASIC's prices almost ensure that ROI is never met unless you have almost zero electric cost.

Title: Re: TRIPLE-1, Inc. 株式会社 松島 KAMIKAZE 7nm SHA-256 ASIC
Post by: philipma1957 on October 04, 2018, 01:05:54 PM
that is my hope as well - lately the ASIC's prices almost ensure that ROI is never met unless you have almost zero electric cost.

well this was always the concern  once enough big money with 2-4 cent power gets into the game.

Then killing off all the gpu profits on other coins  with more asics and here we are  you need dirt cheap power to survive.

an s9j  will earn 225 usd in 331 days and it costs 355

an m10 will earn 938 usd in 484 days and it costs 1800

this is done with 3% jumps  5 cent power

but 3% jumps and 4 cent power

s9j       342 in 422 days
m10  1232  in 574 days

going under 4 cent is not easy  .  so based on this  I believe  we will soon see much lower growth  back in 2014 we witness  close to 2% growth in network over a 13 month time period.  not 2% jumps  in a difficulty but 2% in a year.

here is the ltc set of jumps  from may 17 to  oct 1  we are down a lot

hashrate of 261885 gh vs 304,527 gh    over 40 jumps

Difficulty History

Date.................Difficulty....Change,,,,Hash Rate
Oct 01 2018 9,146,222 2.65% 261,885 GH/s
Sep 28 2018 8,910,079 -3.47% 255,123 GH/s
Sep 24 2018 9,230,764 5.36% 264,306 GH/s
Sep 21 2018 8,760,775 0.74% 250,848 GH/s
Sep 18 2018 8,696,471 -1.17% 249,007 GH/s
Sep 14 2018 8,799,549 0.16% 251,959 GH/s
Sep 11 2018 8,785,275 1.00% 251,550 GH/s
Sep 07 2018 8,697,984 -1.38% 249,050 GH/s
Sep 04 2018 8,819,878 1.53% 252,541 GH/s
Aug 31 2018 8,686,646 -1.40% 248,726 GH/s
Aug 28 2018 8,809,843 0.66% 252,253 GH/s
Aug 24 2018 8,752,406 -0.85% 250,609 GH/s
Aug 21 2018 8,827,455 4.10% 252,758 GH/s
Aug 17 2018 8,479,765 -4.43% 242,802 GH/s
Aug 14 2018 8,873,191 -9.87% 254,067 GH/s
Aug 10 2018 9,845,135 6.81% 281,897 GH/s
Aug 06 2018 9,217,686 1.86% 263,931 GH/s
Aug 03 2018 9,049,638 -10.13% 259,119 GH/s
Jul 30 2018 10,070,201 -3.63% 288,341 GH/s
Jul 26 2018 10,449,981 9.88% 299,216 GH/s
Jul 23 2018 9,510,707 -5.10% 272,321 GH/s
Jul 20 2018 10,021,646 3.39% 286,951 GH/s
Jul 16 2018 9,693,242 4.13% 277,548 GH/s
Jul 13 2018 9,308,365 -3.88% 266,527 GH/s
Jul 09 2018 9,683,851 4.89% 277,279 GH/s
Jul 06 2018 9,232,469 -6.46% 264,354 GH/s
Jul 02 2018 9,869,969 0.99% 282,608 GH/s
Jun 29 2018 9,773,635 -6.54% 279,850 GH/s
Jun 25 2018 10,457,237 -0.93% 299,423 GH/s
Jun 21 2018 10,554,914 -1.22% 302,220 GH/s
Jun 18 2018 10,684,873 -2.90% 305,941 GH/s
Jun 14 2018 11,003,971 0.35% 315,078 GH/s
Jun 11 2018 10,965,232 0.08% 313,969 GH/s
Jun 07 2018 10,956,272 8.26% 313,712 GH/s
Jun 04 2018 10,120,348 -3.16% 289,777 GH/s
May 31 2018 10,450,677 -4.33% 299,235 GH/s
May 28 2018 10,923,291 -3.40% 312,768 GH/s
May 24 2018 11,307,952 6.08% 323,782 GH/s
May 21 2018 10,659,804 0.23% 305,223 GH/s
May 17 2018 10,635,469 2.06% 304,527 GH/s ---- from bitcoinwisdom

I need to find the charts for btc  to show what I mean

Oct 29 2014  we had  309,000 th hash
June 6 2015   we had 301,000 th hash  from blockchain charts

Title: Re: TRIPLE-1, Inc. 株式会社 松島 KAMIKAZE 7nm SHA-256 ASIC
Post by: Rahar02 on October 04, 2018, 02:50:31 PM
Looks like Rahar misplaced the decimal! At that rate its probably cheaper to run a gasoline generator haha.

My calculation for 1 year revenue with the eco spec machine:
$0.05 per KW/h
7% difficulty increase per month
3% BTC/USD exchange rate increase per month

Hopefully Triple-1's pricing will be reasonable...

Used (

Ah yes, pardon me, misplaced the decimal, been a long time since the last time calculated this stuff ;D.
with $0.08 per kWh, the initial result ( should be BTC0.01467 or $52.27 profit/month.
Thanks for the link.
Yeah, waiting for the price, if it cost around $1300-$1500, we may break even in 2 years🤔, but hopefully btc price goes up to counterbalance rising of the difficulty over time.

Title: Re: TRIPLE-1, Inc. 株式会社 松島 KAMIKAZE 7nm SHA-256 ASIC
Post by: MoparMiningLLC on October 11, 2018, 12:28:34 PM
well due to the storm that hit Florida, I was delayed in getting in touch with them, our talk was more around 1030pm rather than 800pm.

They did say much, they more or less wanted to know how many miners I currently have - whether I was a large farm or a small farm, whether I do both GPU and ASIC mining, how many of their miners I plan on getting etc.

I did ask about pricing and about independent testing of their miners - they stated they have someone doing testing/reviews but are not sharing that information at this time but hopefully will be sharing it soon.

They did not have an estimate on pricing at this time.

Title: Re: TRIPLE-1, Inc. 株式会社 松島 KAMIKAZE 7nm SHA-256 ASIC
Post by: fccs on October 11, 2018, 05:29:53 PM
well due to the storm that hit Florida, I was delayed in getting in touch with them, our talk was more around 1030pm rather than 800pm.

They did say much, they more or less wanted to know how many miners I currently have - whether I was a large farm or a small farm, whether I do both GPU and ASIC mining, how many of their miners I plan on getting etc.

I did ask about pricing and about independent testing of their miners - they stated they have someone doing testing/reviews but are not sharing that information at this time but hopefully will be sharing it soon.

They did not have an estimate on pricing at this time.

This will only be a solid miner is pricing is fair.  If they think they are going to charge like $2000 for a miner then it's fucking useless lol.  I'm sick of these mining companies charging price based off a ROI of like.. 1.5 years at current difficulty and price.  Meanwhile bitmain comes in, charges half the price, and kills them.  Hate bitmain but it's like they are the only ones with a brain in marketing lately.  I don't want to buy a product based off HOPE that a coin will rise in price drastically, this isn't Star Wars here.

Title: Re: TRIPLE-1, Inc. 株式会社 松島 KAMIKAZE 7nm SHA-256 ASIC
Post by: MoparMiningLLC on October 12, 2018, 02:48:27 AM
This will only be a solid miner is pricing is fair.  If they think they are going to charge like $2000 for a miner then it's fucking useless lol.  I'm sick of these mining companies charging price based off a ROI of like.. 1.5 years at current difficulty and price.  Meanwhile bitmain comes in, charges half the price, and kills them.  Hate bitmain but it's like they are the only ones with a brain in marketing lately.  I don't want to buy a product based off HOPE that a coin will rise in price drastically, this isn't Star Wars here.

I agree.

Title: Re: TRIPLE-1, Inc. 株式会社 松島 KAMIKAZE 7nm SHA-256 ASIC
Post by: fccs on October 18, 2018, 02:59:52 PM
Any update on release of price of this miner yet?

Title: Re: TRIPLE-1, Inc. 株式会社 松島 KAMIKAZE 7nm SHA-256 ASIC
Post by: MoparMiningLLC on October 18, 2018, 03:30:31 PM
Any update on release of price of this miner yet?

I would like to know as well - I did ask and they skipped answering that question.

Title: Re: TRIPLE-1, Inc. 株式会社 松島 KAMIKAZE 7nm SHA-256 ASIC
Post by: Steamtyme on October 31, 2018, 01:59:15 AM
I had reached out to them to get any more information about the miners regarding ship date, cost, and reviews.

Their reply was that they have or will have only a small number of Demo units, and have many inquiries/offers for this. This doesn't meant one way or another whether there will be any independent reviews done prior to launch.

As far as any other information, they plan to only use their website and other "official presses" to update people which is the same generic response others have received previously. So this looks like the website alone, as I couldn't find a Twitter or Facebook page advertised anywhere on the site.

Without them advertising if they've hit their benchmarks along the way with chip/demo unit delivery it's hard to say how long we are waiting. They still have the same information that their 1st mass production units are due by the end of November based on the road map.

The pro here is that they aren't taking any money up front at the moment. I'm just hoping we get some updates or a product launch soon

Title: Re: TRIPLE-1, Inc. 株式会社 松島 KAMIKAZE 7nm SHA-256 ASIC
Post by: MoparMiningLLC on October 31, 2018, 02:33:16 AM
I had reached out to them to get any more information about the miners regarding ship date, cost, and reviews.

Their reply was that they have or will have only a small number of Demo units, and have many inquiries/offers for this. This doesn't meant one way or another whether there will be any independent reviews done prior to launch.

As far as any other information, they plan to only use their website and other "official presses" to update people which is the same generic response others have received previously. So this looks like the website alone, as I couldn't find a Twitter or Facebook page advertised anywhere on the site.

Without them advertising if they've hit their benchmarks along the way with chip/demo unit delivery it's hard to say how long we are waiting. They still have the same information that their 1st mass production units are due by the end of November based on the road map.

The pro here is that they aren't taking any money up front at the moment. I'm just hoping we get some updates or a product launch soon

pretty much the same responses I got - with the stats they claim to have, I would expect a lot more advertising and some independent reviews.

Title: Re: TRIPLE-1, Inc. 株式会社 松島 KAMIKAZE 7nm SHA-256 ASIC
Post by: Steamtyme on October 31, 2018, 07:11:04 AM
Yeah for all of the promoting of their project after milestones have passed on their roadmap, you could say were still in early September.

I don't know what the gameplan is here, maybe it's a cultural difference in how business is done. It could be that they really don't care about the global market and strictly want to deal within Japan alone for now.

Either way I can't wrap my head around the lack of anything like photos of chips and components or prototypes being unboxed. I won't count them out yet, as I've seen worse marketing still deliver the product.

Title: Re: TRIPLE-1, Inc. 株式会社 松島 KAMIKAZE 7nm SHA-256 ASIC
Post by: vincl on October 31, 2018, 01:04:27 PM
Yeah for all their are promoting their project after milestones have passed on their roadmap, you could say were still in early September.

I don't know what the gameplan is here, maybe it's a cultural difference in how business is done. It could be that they really don't care about the global market and strictly want to deal within Japan alone for now.

Either way I can't wrap my head around the lack of anything like photos of chips and components or prototypes being unboxed. I won't count them out yet, as I've seen worse marketing still deliver the product.

yeah, just think what halong did. lets see what the future brings

Title: Re: TRIPLE-1, Inc. 株式会社 松島 KAMIKAZE 7nm SHA-256 ASIC
Post by: MoparMiningLLC on October 31, 2018, 02:58:00 PM
yeah, just think what halong did. lets see what the future brings

I wish Halong had worked out but it sank like a rock - really hope Triple-1 succeeds

Title: Re: TRIPLE-1, Inc. 株式会社 松島 KAMIKAZE 7nm SHA-256 ASIC
Post by: minefarmbuy on November 01, 2018, 07:00:59 AM
pretty much the same responses I got - with the stats they claim to have, I would expect a lot more advertising and some independent reviews.

Heard somewhere factories are back logged with all the manufacturers now.

Title: Re: TRIPLE-1, Inc. 株式会社 松島 KAMIKAZE 7nm SHA-256 ASIC
Post by: fccs on November 10, 2018, 04:25:59 AM
Still no word?  We have less than 2 months left in this year.  If they intend to release this next year it better be a damn good price otherwise they will fall to the side like the others that try.

Title: Re: TRIPLE-1, Inc. 株式会社 松島 KAMIKAZE 7nm SHA-256 ASIC
Post by: MoparMiningLLC on November 12, 2018, 04:48:57 PM
Still no word?  We have less than 2 months left in this year.  If they intend to release this next year it better be a damn good price otherwise they will fall to the side like the others that try.

the last time I spoke with them I got the following:

"Regarding to 1st mass-production of 'KAMIKAZE,' we’re preparing to ship from Dec. 2018 as original schedule."

Title: Re: TRIPLE-1, Inc. 株式会社 松島 KAMIKAZE 7nm SHA-256 ASIC
Post by: fccs on November 13, 2018, 03:45:48 AM
the last time I spoke with them I got the following:

"Regarding to 1st mass-production of 'KAMIKAZE,' we’re preparing to ship from Dec. 2018 as original schedule."

I hope so, we are a month away now and not even a demo out or price information.  With inno and bitmain new miners out to order (even though not shipping till 2019 basically) I hope they price these things well.  I want reliability and a good price over the shit inno and bitmain are pushing out.

Title: Re: TRIPLE-1, Inc. 株式会社 松島 KAMIKAZE 7nm SHA-256 ASIC
Post by: MoparMiningLLC on November 13, 2018, 01:08:27 PM
I hope so, we are a month away now and not even a demo out or price information.  With inno and bitmain new miners out to order (even though not shipping till 2019 basically) I hope they price these things well.  I want reliability and a good price over the shit inno and bitmain are pushing out.

I agree... the specs are good on the new ones coming out but the prices push the roi out way too far - and we have already learned that if roi isnt within 6-9 months you most likely will not make it to roi as difficulty increases - and we all know it will as soon as the first few batches of these new miners hit the network. so if its looking like 6-9 months now, it i so going to be 12-15 months most likely. at least that is my opinion.

Title: Re: TRIPLE-1, Inc. 株式会社 松島 KAMIKAZE 7nm SHA-256 ASIC
Post by: fccs on November 13, 2018, 03:01:27 PM
I agree... the specs are good on the new ones coming out but the prices push the roi out way too far - and we have already learned that if roi isnt within 6-9 months you most likely will not make it to roi as difficulty increases - and we all know it will as soon as the first few batches of these new miners hit the network. so if its looking like 6-9 months now, it i so going to be 12-15 months most likely. at least that is my opinion.

Exactly, and then you are left praying for a bullrun just to ROI.  Greed kills these companies

Title: Re: TRIPLE-1, Inc. 株式会社 松島 KAMIKAZE 7nm SHA-256 ASIC
Post by: minefarmbuy on November 13, 2018, 03:11:15 PM
Well at least it's a Japanese company so tariffs won't apply just the standard duty but still need to see where the pirce and release lands. I imagine Bitmain has bogart TSMC for the remained of Q4 hurting other manufacturers releases.

Title: Re: TRIPLE-1, Inc. 株式会社 松島 KAMIKAZE 7nm SHA-256 ASIC
Post by: philipma1957 on November 13, 2018, 03:32:07 PM
Well at least it's a Japanese company so tariffs won't apply just the standard duty but still need to see where the pirce and release lands. I imagine Bitmain has bogart TSMC for the remained of Q4 hurting other manufacturers releases.

“Don’t bogart that joint my friend pass it over here”

Greatful Dead. I think

Title: Re: TRIPLE-1, Inc. 株式会社 松島 KAMIKAZE 7nm SHA-256 ASIC
Post by: offordscott on December 11, 2018, 03:35:15 PM
Gaku, my contact at Triple-1, says: "1st version is for our limited customers and price for general customers is still considering carefully now."

Title: Re: TRIPLE-1, Inc. 株式会社 松島 KAMIKAZE 7nm SHA-256 ASIC
Post by: MoparMiningLLC on December 11, 2018, 04:09:37 PM
Gaku, my contact at Triple-1, says: "1st version is for our limited customers and price for general customers is still considering carefully now."

sounds par for course, they have been telling me this for almost 2 months now.

Title: Re: TRIPLE-1, Inc. 株式会社 松島 KAMIKAZE 7nm SHA-256 ASIC
Post by: Steamtyme on December 11, 2018, 04:31:23 PM
Gaku, my contact at Triple-1, says: "1st version is for our limited customers and price for general customers is still considering carefully now."

If you know what's Gaku's role there?  There has been 0 new/useful communication to come from them for months now, pretty much since they announced themselves.

If they do have a product they have blown their big shot to get them sold and emerge as a leading competitor. I'm not just saying that due to the advertised efficiencies, but they had the opportunity to swoop in as a hell of a deal considering they could dodge the tariffs. Now the market is significantly less favorable, but they still have that advantage for the time being if they get their shit together; assuming they can.

It all just sounds ridiculous, that their only issue is figuring out a price, considering these should have already been shipped out based on the original roadmap. Excuses like that really taint their credibility. I could understand them making a release that says we ran behind on production or provided some real information.

Title: Re: TRIPLE-1, Inc. 株式会社 松島 KAMIKAZE 7nm SHA-256 ASIC
Post by: offordscott on December 11, 2018, 04:41:30 PM
Gaku Matsushima is the Public Relations guy.

Title: Re: TRIPLE-1, Inc. 株式会社 松島 KAMIKAZE 7nm SHA-256 ASIC
Post by: fccs on December 17, 2018, 07:04:19 PM
More than half way through month and nothing for sale still... not looking great

Title: Re: TRIPLE-1, Inc. 株式会社 松島 KAMIKAZE 7nm SHA-256 ASIC
Post by: MoparMiningLLC on December 18, 2018, 05:31:21 PM
More than half way through month and nothing for sale still... not looking great

agreed - and all I get from them thru Skype is that they are working on it.

Title: Re: TRIPLE-1, Inc. 株式会社 松島 KAMIKAZE 7nm SHA-256 ASIC
Post by: fccs on December 25, 2018, 09:50:55 PM
agreed - and all I get from them thru Skype is that they are working on it.

Same when I have emailed them.  There isn't even a price yet.

Emailed a couple days ago, no reply.  Not sure if this company is going to deliver as of lately..  We are now looking at a 2019 miner which I doubt will be a low price.

Title: Re: TRIPLE-1, Inc. 株式会社 松島 KAMIKAZE 7nm SHA-256 ASIC
Post by: MoparMiningLLC on December 26, 2018, 07:48:37 AM
Emailed a couple days ago, no reply.  Not sure if this company is going to deliver as of lately..  We are now looking at a 2019 miner which I doubt will be a low price.

will be very hard for them to be competitive at this point.

Title: Re: TRIPLE-1, Inc. 株式会社 松島 KAMIKAZE 7nm SHA-256 ASIC
Post by: Steamtyme on December 26, 2018, 08:19:04 AM
will be very hard for them to be competitive at this point.

Not really their target specs that were released would still be one of the most efficient pieces of hardware out there if it ships within the next couple months. It would just have to be priced accordingly.

I'm guessing they ran out of funds or lost funding part way through the project. The other option being they chose to mine for themselves. Those are the only explanations I could think of for allowing your product to lose all the momentum it had early on.

Either way I don't think this is ever going to hit the market. I'm just glad there was no pre-sale involved.

Title: Re: TRIPLE-1, Inc. 株式会社 松島 KAMIKAZE 7nm SHA-256 ASIC
Post by: MoparMiningLLC on December 26, 2018, 02:10:27 PM
Not really their target specs that were released would still be one of the most efficient pieces of hardware out there if it ships within the next couple months. It would just have to be priced accordingly.

I'm guessing they ran out of funds or lost funding part way through the project. The other option being they chose to mine for themselves. Those are the only explanations I could think of for allowing your product to lose all the momentum it had early on.

Either way I don't think this is ever going to hit the market. I'm just glad there was no pre-sale involved.

price is what I was referring to. with it being their first release,  I doubt they will want or even try to be price competitive.

Title: Re: TRIPLE-1, Inc. 株式会社 松島 KAMIKAZE 7nm SHA-256 ASIC
Post by: faheshang on January 09, 2019, 06:03:41 AM
Just got this email from them:

Quote from: TRIPLE-1
This is Support Team from TRIPLE-1.

Thank you for your inquiry from our official website.

Regarding 1st mass-production of “KAMIKAZE”,
they've been already sold-out, and we’re conducting final shipment phase.

For about the details about next sales plan (Price/Schedule/Distribution program etc),
right now we’re considering and arranging it carefully with seeing current market trends (Difficulty) and swing of Crypto prices.

Also, depending on the quantity of your order, we might be able to arrange the some stocks of 1st mass-production,
In any case, we’re sorry we couldn't answer and guarantee for your request (included DEMO model machines) in this moment.

We would keep to make an announcement about our sales activity
on our official website and Presses.
So, we hope you keep the attention to our updates.

= TRIPLE-1 Official Website =

We appreciate your patience and understanding.

Best Regards,

TRIPLE-1 , Inc.

Support Team

Title: Re: TRIPLE-1, Inc. 株式会社 松島 KAMIKAZE 7nm SHA-256 ASIC
Post by: vincl on January 09, 2019, 02:15:59 PM
Just got this email from them...

sold out but it it hasnt been on sale.. seems legit.

Title: Re: TRIPLE-1, Inc. 株式会社 松島 KAMIKAZE 7nm SHA-256 ASIC
Post by: faheshang on January 09, 2019, 04:10:05 PM
sold out but it it hasnt been on sale.. seems legit.

I very much wanted this project to be legit. They are very polite with their correspondences,
but they always say to watch their official website for announcements. Then with no announcement
whatsoever on their website, they tell me their first "mass" production is sold out. No amount of
politeness can put lipstick on this.

Title: Re: TRIPLE-1, Inc. 株式会社 松島 KAMIKAZE 7nm SHA-256 ASIC
Post by: Steamtyme on January 09, 2019, 04:20:53 PM
This is the same info they have been responding with for months.

The fact now is that the s15 has been delivered to the public and is on spec. So they would now be up against hardware that is available and in the market, if they launch now they need to be priced below the s15, and prove their specs.

That or hold the equipment and hope for another large run up and a hardware shortage.

Either way I've given up on this company.

Title: Re: TRIPLE-1, Inc. 株式会社 松島 KAMIKAZE 7nm SHA-256 ASIC
Post by: faheshang on January 09, 2019, 06:00:04 PM
I agree about "prove their specs". I have not seen a video showing a demo of this miner from a real person hooking
it up to a watt meter,etc, etc. The only images and videos of the miner is from a highly computer-generated promo
video that shows an animated fan spinning on the miner. I can't believe that the first "mass" production is finished
and sold when there is absolutely zero proof that this miner exists outside of their computer-generated promo.
I am not saying it is a scam because no one has lost money over this that I know of. But they probably don't want
to "lose face" over their failure to produce a real product from their hype.

Title: Re: TRIPLE-1, Inc. 株式会社 松島 KAMIKAZE 7nm SHA-256 ASIC
Post by: MoparMiningLLC on January 10, 2019, 01:50:26 AM
yea, I had high hopes for this one as well - especially with the tariffs on buying from China. But yea sold out? when did they ever start selling?

Title: Re: TRIPLE-1, Inc. 株式会社 松島 KAMIKAZE 7nm SHA-256 ASIC
Post by: vincl on January 10, 2019, 02:37:46 PM
yea, I had high hopes for this one as well - especially with the tariffs on buying from China. But yea sold out? when did they ever start selling?


Title: Re: TRIPLE-1, Inc. 株式会社 松島 KAMIKAZE 7nm SHA-256 ASIC
Post by: HagssFIN on January 10, 2019, 03:40:03 PM
I haven't seen any of their hardware out there in the field.

Title: Re: TRIPLE-1, Inc. 株式会社 松島 KAMIKAZE 7nm SHA-256 ASIC
Post by: minefarmbuy on January 10, 2019, 03:42:27 PM
That and not even a video demo or a picture that isn't rendered.

Title: Re: TRIPLE-1, Inc. 株式会社 松島 KAMIKAZE 7nm SHA-256 ASIC
Post by: fccs on January 13, 2019, 05:40:34 AM
It's funny because whenever I would say anything about this lately my post is deleted.  I emailed them and got same reply.  Like.. right.. sold out my ass.

Title: Re: TRIPLE-1, Inc. 株式会社 松島 KAMIKAZE 7nm SHA-256 ASIC
Post by: rifleman74 on January 15, 2019, 04:03:02 AM
They sold out their 3 production copies to themselves.

Title: Re: TRIPLE-1, Inc. 株式会社 松島 KAMIKAZE 7nm SHA-256 ASIC
Post by: minefarmbuy on January 16, 2019, 08:11:28 AM
Fanatic I was hoping this thread would die. ;)