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Other => Politics & Society => Topic started by: bluefirecorp_ on October 11, 2018, 03:29:49 AM

Title: 2020 Democratic Nominee.
Post by: bluefirecorp_ on October 11, 2018, 03:29:49 AM
Who stands against Trump?

Hillary's lost once and that was her only shot.

Sanders is another old white man with a dream.

Elizabeth Warren's a whip.

It's a couple years away, which a lot can change in that time, but might as well start talking about it now.

Edit: Try to keep the conservation on topic and don't mention conservative / libertarians as running for the democratic party.

I might need to start keeping a list of shame. ._.

Title: Re: 2020 Democratic Nominee.
Post by: OgNasty on October 11, 2018, 04:54:28 AM
Nikki Haley’s name is being thrown around after her mysterious departure announcement.

Title: Re: 2020 Democratic Nominee.
Post by: coins4commies on October 11, 2018, 05:02:19 AM
Haley is a republican so count her out although there will probably be a primary challenge for the GOP nomination.  There will be a ton of democrats at first like the GOP had last time.  There will most likely be two strings of debates to begin the process.

Pretty interesting to look at oods.

Lady gaga (100:1) odds
Chelsea Clinton
George Cloony
The rock
Michelle Obama
Michael Avenatti

are the dark horses amongst basically every major democrat politician.  

As an independent, I think Sanders (3rd best odds) and Gabbard (12th best odds) are the only ones I would vote for but who knows what the celebraties might say.  Oprah could come out as an actual leftist, steal the nation's heart, and rise to the top pretty quickly.

Title: Re: 2020 Democratic Nominee.
Post by: Flying Hellfish on October 11, 2018, 05:34:25 AM
Nikki Haley’s name is being thrown around after her mysterious departure announcement.

Not sure if serious or trying to be funny, but I laughed either way, thanks!

Title: Re: 2020 Democratic Nominee.
Post by: bluefirecorp_ on October 11, 2018, 05:43:34 AM
Haley is a republican so count her out although there will probably be a primary challenge for the GOP nomination.  There will be a ton of democrats at first like the GOP had last time.  There will most likely be two strings of debates to begin the process.

Pretty interesting to look at oods.

Lady gaga (100:1) odds
Chelsea Clinton
George Cloony
The rock
Michelle Obama
Michael Avenatti

are the dark horses amongst basically every major democrat politician.  

As an independent, I think Sanders (3rd best odds) and Gabbard (12th best odds) are the only ones I would vote for but who knows what the celebraties might say.  Oprah could come out as an actual leftist, steal the nation's heart, and rise to the top pretty quickly.

Pretty far odds on most of those people.

Kamala Harris has good odds. Might be a bit early for prediction.


Nikki Haley’s name is being thrown around after her mysterious departure announcement.

Don't troll man. Might as well just say Clinton's running as GOP nominee in 2020.

Title: Re: 2020 Democratic Nominee.
Post by: OgNasty on October 11, 2018, 07:14:45 AM
Nikki Haley’s name is being thrown around after her mysterious departure announcement.

Not sure if serious or trying to be funny, but I laughed either way, thanks!

The mystery though!  :D

I honestly didn’t think anyone would notice.

Title: Re: 2020 Democratic Nominee.
Post by: Nickydog19 on October 11, 2018, 10:51:30 AM
Kamala Harris. There is a fun website PredictIt, where you can bet for which candidates you think would be nominated. She's now the top among the candidates -- with 22% of vote thinking that she's gonna to bethe Nominee.

Title: Re: 2020 Democratic Nominee.
Post by: casperBGD on October 11, 2018, 12:00:09 PM
Kamala and Oprah have the best chances, or precisely said if Oprah does not start the race, Kamala will win it, but it is time for first women president

they could win Trump, Sanders would hardly make a difference standing in front of him, and these women will make it
however, outside of booking sites, democrats votes for nomination are for now closer to Biden, Clinton, Sanders and Warren, Kamala is low (2%), but when she assign herself to the race, things will change for sure

Title: Re: 2020 Democratic Nominee.
Post by: squatz1 on October 11, 2018, 12:52:30 PM
Nikki Haley’s name is being thrown around after her mysterious departure announcement.

Yeah, though she's not going to be someone on the Democratic ticket (unless something crazy happens, as she is a pretty deep conservative from the state of NC I think) Though I do really think that the Democrats are going to win unless they put someone up that isn't part of the establishment, because they learned what doing that actually does to their chances of winning the presidency that they really should've won.

I'm seeing a Booker or Harris run. That's just me though.

Title: Re: 2020 Democratic Nominee.
Post by: bluefirecorp_ on October 11, 2018, 05:37:08 PM
Nikki Haley’s name is being thrown around after her mysterious departure announcement.

Not sure if serious or trying to be funny, but I laughed either way, thanks!

The mystery though!  :D

I honestly didn’t think anyone would notice.


Come on now, just because half this forum is retarded and can't use google, don't assume your sly tricks will just get past everyone.

Nikki Haley’s name is being thrown around after her mysterious departure announcement.

Yeah, though she's not going to be someone on the Democratic ticket (unless something crazy happens, as she is a pretty deep conservative from the state of NC I think) Though I do really think that the Democrats are going to win unless they put someone up that isn't part of the establishment, because they learned what doing that actually does to their chances of winning the presidency that they really should've won.

I'm seeing a Booker or Harris run. That's just me though.

Hmm, valid point. While Trump wasn't an establishment candidate and blew the traditional establishment out of the water, I'm not sure how much of the "deep state" projection can be pushed. Like the fumes for that must be getting pretty low with conservatives controlling all three branches of government.

Who knows, if China keeps the pressure on Trump's supporters, Clinton could feasibly stand a chance, rofl.


Edit: To the retarded troll, maybe if you contribute rather than whining about libtards, your shit posts wouldn't get deleted. ;)

Buck up snowflake.

Title: Re: 2020 Democratic Nominee.
Post by: squatz1 on October 11, 2018, 08:11:36 PM
Who knows, if China keeps the pressure on Trump's supporters, Clinton could feasibly stand a chance, rofl.

I mean, I don't even think China is going to be able to do this sort of thing without shocking their own people and causing an uproar at home. As while the US does need China in trade, China needs the United States a good amount more then we need them (If you understand my logic on that)

As the US imports 400b from China, while the US only exports around 230b to China.

It's going to hurt them a lot more, if this gets drawn out -- though I doubt it will. Before a midterm Trump and the GOP need to clean up the image and get the Market back to booming so they can sell it to the voters. It's much easier that way, at least.

Title: Re: 2020 Democratic Nominee.
Post by: Flying Hellfish on October 12, 2018, 01:29:33 AM
I watched a couple of the Beto O'Rourke rallies and he seems likes the kind of guy that could win in the centre of the US.  If he could manage to overcome the odds and win his race then he could start to make a reputation outside his state and that might be something to watch in 2024 if the Dems don't have an incumbent in the WH.

Title: Re: 2020 Democratic Nominee.
Post by: theymos on October 12, 2018, 01:37:57 AM
Cory Booker is obviously going for it, though he doesn't seem too popular. Kamala Harris is about the same. The media recently developed a crush on Beto O’Rourke, so he's a new possibility. The Democratic establishment is clearly setting up Joe Kennedy to run at some point, but analysts seem to think that he won't run in 2020.

If the election happened ~now, I don't think that Booker, Harris, any Clinton, Cloony, Avenatti, or Zuckerburg could win against Trump. Oprah would stand a chance, but boy would that be sad. Michelle Obama would win. Don't know about O’Rourke.

Title: Re: 2020 Democratic Nominee.
Post by: bluefirecorp_ on October 12, 2018, 01:38:06 AM
I watched a couple of the Beto O'Rourke rallies and he seems likes the kind of guy that could win in the centre of the US.  If he could manage to overcome the odds and win his race then he could start to make a reputation outside his state and that might be something to watch in 2024 if the Dems don't have an incumbent in the WH.

I watched him debate Cruz. He seemed to make Cruz look like an idiot, but I'm not sure how hard that actually is.

I saw that he has a past view of legalization of all drugs. His current stance is just legalize pot.This seems fairly supported here. (

I didn't even consider him for the running for president... good call on that one.

Title: Re: 2020 Democratic Nominee.
Post by: Indamuck on October 12, 2018, 11:41:44 AM
I believe Oprah would win if she attempted to run for president.  Her fan base is huge from the years she spent on T.V.  She is also a billionaire with lots of wealthy friends so the fundraising will be no problem with her.  Also a lot of women and minorities will vote for her regardless of political views because she is a black woman.

Title: Re: 2020 Democratic Nominee.
Post by: allahabadi on October 12, 2018, 06:04:42 PM
I think it'll be

Kamala Harris vs Nikki Haley

Title: Re: 2020 Democratic Nominee.
Post by: allahabadi on October 12, 2018, 06:05:17 PM
I believe Oprah would win if she attempted to run for president.  Her fan base is huge from the years she spent on T.V.  She is also a billionaire with lots of wealthy friends so the fundraising will be no problem with her.  Also a lot of women and minorities will vote for her regardless of political views because she is a black woman.

Easier said than done.

Many had thought Hillary would have had a home run.

Title: Re: 2020 Democratic Nominee.
Post by: xvdazza on October 13, 2018, 03:22:03 AM
Bloomberg returned to the democrats. I am not strong in American elitology. It would be interesting to hear an opinion about him. He is old, but if we exclude it from reasoning, then it seems to me that he fits into one of two possible types for the role of Democratic candidate for nowdays. First is Obama 2.0, and the second is financier with political experience.

Title: Re: 2020 Democratic Nominee.
Post by: Spendulus on October 13, 2018, 03:34:57 PM
Who stands against Trump?


Sanders is another old white man with a dream.

Elizabeth Warren's a whip.


I predict....

Sanders will run, and get screwed again.

Warren will be questioned by a Senate investigating committee as to the correct methods of tying a captive down on the ground over a live anthill, to establish if she is actually Indian. She'll take the Fifth rather than demonstrate her skill using Hillary.

Booker will run, and all his groping of females will be overlooked.

Beto will run as a Fake Hispanic, and his past buried.

At the end of a primary calculated for high entertainment value, the chosen candidate by the fat old white men in the back room will be heralded as the Chosen one.

Title: Re: 2020 Democratic Nominee.
Post by: squatz1 on October 13, 2018, 05:04:17 PM
Cory Booker is obviously going for it, though he doesn't seem too popular. Kamala Harris is about the same. The media recently developed a crush on Beto O’Rourke, so he's a new possibility. The Democratic establishment is clearly setting up Joe Kennedy to run at some point, but analysts seem to think that he won't run in 2020.

If the election happened ~now, I don't think that Booker, Harris, any Clinton, Cloony, Avenatti, or Zuckerburg could win against Trump. Oprah would stand a chance, but boy would that be sad. Michelle Obama would win. Don't know about O’Rourke.

I don't understand the crush on Beto, he seems like someone who has a past that may seem a little too hard for some to look over (the whole car accident thing)

I think Michelle Obama just came out and said politics isn't for her (though yet again, she may change her mind in 2 years)

I without a doubt can see Harris, and Booker. But I can't see anyone beating Trump as of right now, some may point to his poll numbers but these have been what his numbers have been since becoming the President (and beating Clinton)

Title: Re: 2020 Democratic Nominee.
Post by: Quickseller on October 15, 2018, 05:13:31 AM
CNN released a poll a few days ago that has Joe Biden favored to win the nomination at 33%, followed by Bernie Sanders at 13% and Warren at 9%.

I can see someone like Creepy Porn Lawyer doing something stupid like running as a third party and effectively removing any chance of Trump not getting reelected.

Title: Re: 2020 Democratic Nominee.
Post by: theymos on October 15, 2018, 12:59:03 PM
CNN released a poll a few days ago that has Joe Biden favored to win the nomination at 33%, followed by Bernie Sanders at 13% and Warren at 9%.

Biden would do very well against Trump if he still has enough energy at his age. (He's only 3 years older than Trump, but he looks/acts far older.) Biden isn't stained quite as much by the insane parts of the Democratic party, and he knows how to punch back without looking as crazy as Trump sometimes does. IMO Biden could win a decent chunk of the Republican base from Trump.

I don't think that the Democratic establishment will ever let Sanders win the primary, and I suspect that he couldn't win against Trump, though maybe he'd have a better chance than Cory Booker or Kamala Harris. Warren couldn't win.

I can see someone like Creepy Porn Lawyer doing something stupid like running as a third party and effectively removing any chance of Trump not getting reelected.

That'd be pretty funny, but it could also happen on the other side. Several Republicans are already calling for a primary challenge, and when they lose, they might take it as far as going independent. Jeff Flake even said that he'd prefer a Democrat over Trump in 2020. It's a huge ordeal to get on the ballot in even one state, but they could target just a few swing states with the specific goal of derailing Trump. I wonder if they're already setting up for it (maybe indicated by public records).

It'd be interesting if we had a third party win electoral votes. I've always wanted to see congress pick the president.

Title: Re: 2020 Democratic Nominee.
Post by: dogtana on October 16, 2018, 02:09:20 PM
I am just glad it won't be Hillary. She tried playing the feminist card, but her personal choices showed she does not mind if she is disrespected by men (meaning her own husband). Her actions didn't seem to match her words.

Title: Re: 2020 Democratic Nominee.
Post by: Flying Hellfish on October 16, 2018, 03:53:00 PM
I am just glad it won't be Hillary. She tried playing the feminist card, but her personal choices showed she does not mind if she is disrespected by men (meaning her own husband). Her actions didn't seem to match her words.

Hilary is a hypocritical twat and the interview with her and her sexual predator husband last night made me want to puke.  How she can defend her husband by saying Lewenski was an adult is stupid.  Bill used his power to prey on the women her age is fucking irrelevant unless she was a minor which no one ever claimed.  Not to mention Lewinski wasn't the only victim of her husband.

I can't respect a women that stands by her predator husband and then condemns all the other powerful predators and saying women should be heard etc etc.

In terms of morals when it comes to sexual misconduct I personally can't see a whole lot of difference between Bill and Donald but Hilary can justify a difference.

TBH I can see why centre leftist were be turned off by Hilary (even though she won the PV)

Hilary would IMO be the worst possible candidate for the dems in 2020.  The dems need a younger (say early 50's) charismatic candidate that can win in the centre of the fucking country.

I think Beto just might put his name in the ring, but I just don't know if he has enough popularity outside Texas to make a real run.

God I hope Warren doesn't win the nom, she seems like a fucking train wreck.

Title: Re: 2020 Democratic Nominee.
Post by: Quickseller on October 16, 2018, 10:33:55 PM
CNN released a poll a few days ago that has Joe Biden favored to win the nomination at 33%, followed by Bernie Sanders at 13% and Warren at 9%.

Biden would do very well against Trump if he still has enough energy at his age. (He's only 3 years older than Trump, but he looks/acts far older.) Biden isn't stained quite as much by the insane parts of the Democratic party, and he knows how to punch back without looking as crazy as Trump sometimes does. IMO Biden could win a decent chunk of the Republican base from Trump.
Some political pundits have said that Biden is the only democrat who could potentially defeat Trump in 2020. He is probably moderate enough to win the general election, although post 2016, the Democratic Party has moved fairly sharply to the left and might not be able to win the nomination. The fact that he was Obama’s VP in 2016 may raise questions about his involvement in the spying on the Trump campaign in 2016, and even if he was not involved, it may bring up unflattering things about the Obama administration.

I would hope that Democrats have learned their lesson regarding essentially rigging who wins the nomination.

Quote from: theymos
I can see someone like Creepy Porn Lawyer doing something stupid like running as a third party and effectively removing any chance of Trump not getting reelected.

That'd be pretty funny, but it could also happen on the other side. Several Republicans are already calling for a primary challenge, and when they lose, they might take it as far as going independent. Jeff Flake even said that he'd prefer a Democrat over Trump in 2020. It's a huge ordeal to get on the ballot in even one state, but they could target just a few swing states with the specific goal of derailing Trump. I wonder if they're already setting up for it (maybe indicated by public records).
I would be surprised to see a republican run as a third party absent some major scandal regarding Trump that has actual substance. Flake isn’t running for reelection in part because his stance against Trump makes him unable to win an election in Arizona. I would also be surprised to see him run in a situation that would effectively guarantee someone with some kind of a socialist platform becoming president, which is virtually guaranteed based on the current Democratic Party.

If Flake, or another republican had already set up a formal campaign (or a PAC), it would be a matter of public record, and would make the news, which I haven’t seen.

If the Democrats have another what some believe to be an unfair primary process, we may see a third party democrat run. Some have also said that the Creepy porn lawyer is a republican plant, and if this is true, he will run as a third party (he may also otherwise run).

Quote from: theymos
It'd be interesting if we had a third party win electoral votes. I've always wanted to see congress pick the president.
Trump could have won with some third party winning a few small states in 2016, and the same is true in both of Obama elections and Bushs 2004 election (and others). I suspect that a political party (and voters) will generally rally around a single candidate, even if not their nominee. If voters believe the president will be chosen by congress they may vote in smaller numbers if they would otherwise vote for that party, so the party that only has one nominee may win states the other party would otherwise win.

Title: Re: 2020 Democratic Nominee.
Post by: Flying Hellfish on November 05, 2018, 01:20:00 PM
Oprah/Beto 2020

I'm not entirely sure that is the best thing for the US but shit it could be a really strong counter to Trump.

Oprah has repeatedly said she's not running but I wonder if she will hit her breaking point in the next couple of years and say fuck it no more Trump.

I wish Bernie was a little more charismatic cause I kinda like his policies.

Title: Re: 2020 Democratic Nominee.
Post by: JSRAW on November 05, 2018, 01:52:24 PM
I am outsider so don't know much about US politics but it seems like you guys can add one more name in that list or in your discussion just for fun? John Macfee, he recently gave an interview and said that he may be bid for US presidency with one intention promoting crypto.

@bluefirecorp_ don't forget to tag him on twitter if you find one. "Don't vote for John McAfee" his campaign slogan :D

Title: Re: 2020 Democratic Nominee.
Post by: bluefirecorp_ on November 05, 2018, 10:44:27 PM
I am outsider so don't know much about US politics but it seems like you guys can add one more name in that list or in your discussion just for fun? John Macfee, he recently gave an interview and said that he may be bid for US presidency with one intention promoting crypto.

I'd normally consider John McAfee a libertarian. I'm pretty sure he's anti-trump and anti-fascist. It'd be nice to be shifted a bit more libertarian for a couple years.

To be honest, I'd have to have a chat with the guy to vote for the guy in this case.

Oh, he's onto something;

While pondering this, I remembered that Trump, in 2013, almost proudly stated that he rarely writes emails.

My initial impression on hearing this proclamation was that Trump was in the vanguard of those "super technologists" who are slowly abandoning emails as too slow and cumbersome and whose text messages and tweets are masterful creations of compacted characters.

But I fear I was wrong.

Our military, industrial, social and cultural worlds would not exist today were it not for the billions of computing devices that monitor and control everything from food production and distribution to our buying of socks, shoes and televisions. The electricity that powers our homes is produced and distributed entirely under automated control. Our emergency services could not function without these computing devices, neither our police forces or even our automobiles. We are fully submersed in the digital age.

In addition, most cyber security experts agree that there is an imminent cyber war on the horizon.

Given this reality, technological illiteracy should be viewed in the same light as an inability to read and write in the world of 50 years ago.

I am running for the Libertarian Party's nomination for president in 2016. If I were to tell you that I could neither read nor write, but that I would hire advisors who would explain words to me, would you vote for me?

Title: Re: 2020 Democratic Nominee.
Post by: Flying Hellfish on November 05, 2018, 11:32:35 PM
Oprah/Obama 2020

Now that would drive the republican voters over the edge hehe!

Title: Re: 2020 Democratic Nominee.
Post by: bluefirecorp_ on November 06, 2018, 11:22:53 AM
Oprah/Obama 2020

Now that would drive the republican voters over the edge hehe!

I'm not sure that a two-term president can be chosen as vice president. Assuming the president has issues, that'd violate the two term clause.

So, I highly doubt Obama will run as a VP, but I could be wrong here.

Title: Re: 2020 Democratic Nominee.
Post by: Flying Hellfish on November 06, 2018, 12:24:09 PM
Oprah/Obama 2020

Now that would drive the republican voters over the edge hehe!

I'm not sure that a two-term president can be chosen as vice president. Assuming the president has issues, that'd violate the two term clause.

So, I highly doubt Obama will run as a VP, but I could be wrong here.

Michelle, not Barack!

Title: Re: 2020 Democratic Nominee.
Post by: bluefirecorp_ on November 08, 2018, 01:49:45 PM
Oprah/Obama 2020

Now that would drive the republican voters over the edge hehe!

I'm not sure that a two-term president can be chosen as vice president. Assuming the president has issues, that'd violate the two term clause.

So, I highly doubt Obama will run as a VP, but I could be wrong here.

Michelle, not Barack!

Ah. I didn't think that Michelle was into politics. I thought she was more of a societal figure.

Valid point though, would be interesting to see two ladies running for the position.

Title: Re: 2020 Democratic Nominee.
Post by: Flying Hellfish on November 08, 2018, 02:37:47 PM
Oprah/Obama 2020

Now that would drive the republican voters over the edge hehe!

I'm not sure that a two-term president can be chosen as vice president. Assuming the president has issues, that'd violate the two term clause.

So, I highly doubt Obama will run as a VP, but I could be wrong here.

Michelle, not Barack!

Ah. I didn't think that Michelle was into politics. I thought she was more of a societal figure.

Valid point though, would be interesting to see two ladies running for the position.

I don't really think she is, I would be surprised to hell if those 2 ended up on any ticket hehe.  It was more for a laugh!

Title: Re: 2020 Democratic Nominee.
Post by: bluefirecorp_ on November 10, 2018, 12:39:11 AM
Sanders still isn't dead. He might have a running chance.  ::)

Title: Re: 2020 Democratic Nominee.
Post by: bones261 on November 10, 2018, 12:46:23 AM
Sanders still isn't dead. He might have a running chance.  ::)

I don't want him to run. He isn't really a democrat. I really don't want to help pay for everyone's free college education.  >:( He's way too far to the left for me.

Title: Re: 2020 Democratic Nominee.
Post by: bluefirecorp_ on November 10, 2018, 01:11:06 AM
Sanders still isn't dead. He might have a running chance.  ::)

I don't want him to run. He isn't really a democrat. I really don't want to help pay for everyone's free college education.  >:( He's way too far to the left for me.

Where do you stand as a democrat? Universal health care is pretty awesome, subsidizing education isn't a bad thing either.

There's some studies on economic growth, which is a good thing in my opinion; but I'd like to see the actual costs. I don't think handing schools more money really helps, I think there's programs to help young adults, but I'm curious to see more older adults go back to school for actual studying, not just societally bullshit. Like more hard science middle-age adults means more innovation in the aging workplace.

Tradition needs to change, and middle age adults are that link between "how things were" and "how things probably should be".

I do think that we're absolutely disproportionate "ruled" in a political system by old people. It sucks that the majority of people there are over the age of 60... do you really think 60+ year olds should be setting the rules?

Title: Re: 2020 Democratic Nominee.
Post by: bones261 on November 10, 2018, 01:43:57 AM
Where do you stand as a democrat? Universal health care is pretty awesome, subsidizing education isn't a bad thing either.

There's some studies on economic growth, which is a good thing in my opinion; but I'd like to see the actual costs. I don't think handing schools more money really helps, I think there's programs to help young adults, but I'm curious to see more older adults go back to school for actual studying, not just societally bullshit. Like more hard science middle-age adults means more innovation in the aging workplace.

Tradition needs to change, and middle age adults are that link between "how things were" and "how things probably should be".

I do think that we're absolutely disproportionate "ruled" in a political system by old people. It sucks that the majority of people there are over the age of 60... do you really think 60+ year olds should be setting the rules?

     I think if the government can run a program similar to Medicare, that would be good. This will include the option for people to enroll in an "advantage" program. (Medicare part C.) They can opt to have a private insurance company handle it for them and give them different benefits if they so desire.  The reason that I believe in some form of socialized medicine is because it will probably be a necessary cost for practically everyone. Furthermore, when the major consumers are the sick and the dying, it's hard to make a free market that is trying to eke out a profit. In the past, the churches used to run the hospitals as charity.  
     I think part of the problem with higher education is that the government is in the business of backing student loans. I'm not certain that I want the government to offer free higher education either. Not everyone wants or needs a higher education. I don't think we need to socialize that cost.
    I really would like to see even more younger people involved in the Government. As long as they are qualified.

Title: Re: 2020 Democratic Nominee.
Post by: Quickseller on November 10, 2018, 06:05:37 AM
Oprah/[...] 2020

I don’t think Oprah could get elected. She is widey popular, however she has made mistakes in the past in terms of what she pushed in her show. There is more than enough dirt on her that can be found on the archives of her show and it would be easy to get many people to see these clips.

She probably also wouldn’t be able to run as a candidate who can energize her base enough to have a real shot of winning.

Also, identity politics is diminishing with the advent of Trump as his approval from blacks and other minorities is much higher than any other Republican in recent history.

Title: Re: 2020 Democratic Nominee.
Post by: bluefirecorp_ on November 10, 2018, 05:22:56 PM
    I think part of the problem with higher education is that the government is in the business of backing student loans. I'm not certain that I want the government to offer free higher education either. Not everyone wants or needs a higher education. I don't think we need to socialize that cost.
    I really would like to see even more younger people involved in the Government. As long as they are qualified.

I think as we see more menial labor automated, there's going to be less of a demand for uneducated citizens. A few decades from now will look entirely different than now.

Oprah/[...] 2020

I don’t think Oprah could get elected. She is widey popular, however she has made mistakes in the past in terms of what she pushed in her show. There is more than enough dirt on her that can be found on the archives of her show and it would be easy to get many people to see these clips.

She probably also wouldn’t be able to run as a candidate who can energize her base enough to have a real shot of winning.

Also, identity politics is diminishing with the advent of Trump as his approval from blacks and other minorities is much higher than any other Republican in recent history.

You'd think the same thing about Trump, but obviously he won the nomination. I don't think people really care how shitty politicians are "because they all are liars and cheats" and it's way more about name recognition for the presidency.

The average citizen isn't really educated in political science.

It's crazy to see so many people vote against their individual interests because specific rhetoric that seems to apply to them.

Title: Re: 2020 Democratic Nominee.
Post by: dogtana on November 11, 2018, 12:43:19 PM
Oprah. Please. Politics is not showbusiness. Just because US people fell for a reality show lunatic once, it doesn't mean a talk show star should run for president now.

What US should do is get serious and elect a freaking stable, credible and intelligent president that will be taken seriously and deserves respect.

Title: Re: 2020 Democratic Nominee.
Post by: Flying Hellfish on November 11, 2018, 01:15:12 PM
Oprah. Please. Politics is not showbusiness. Just because US people fell for a reality show lunatic once, it doesn't mean a talk show star should run for president now.

What US should do is get serious and elect a freaking stable, credible and intelligent president that will be taken seriously and deserves respect.

The democratic party needs a candidate that can unite the party (not saying that's Oprah LOL) if they want to beat Trump in 2020.  Trump's base is probably not abandoning him and if the dem facing him can't pull out all the dem voters than Trump has a much better chance in 2020.

Unfortunately a lot of liberals won't like a corporate democrat while others won't like a more populous candidate bridging that gap would give them the best shot against Trump and his loyal base.

At this point I'm not actually sure who that candidate is.

Title: Re: 2020 Democratic Nominee.
Post by: bluefirecorp_ on November 11, 2018, 08:55:58 PM
At this point I'm not actually sure who that candidate is.

I'd prefer someone under 45 years old :)

Title: Re: 2020 Democratic Nominee.
Post by: bluefirecorp_ on November 14, 2018, 04:34:54 PM,_2020#Candidates

Ohhh boy, already got candidates;

John Delaney

Richard Ojeda

Michael E. Arth

Ken Nwadike Jr.

Robby Wells

Andrew Yang

Title: Re: 2020 Democratic Nominee.
Post by: JSRAW on November 15, 2018, 08:25:38 AM
@bluefirecorp_ Just out of curiosity. do you think that Americans are ready for Asian background candidate to lead their country as a President? Andrew Yang is American but culturally only. and it applies to another Asian politician as well, to name a few Bobby Jindal, Nikki Haley etc.

Title: Re: 2020 Democratic Nominee.
Post by: bluefirecorp_ on November 15, 2018, 03:24:18 PM
@bluefirecorp_ Just out of curiosity. do you think that Americans are ready for Asian background candidate to lead their country as a President? Andrew Yang is American but culturally only. and it applies to another Asian politician as well, to name a few Bobby Jindal, Nikki Haley etc.

I mean, an orange man was elected president. I don't see why yellow people can't be elected.

I don't think origin of ancestry really matters when it comes to leadership to be honest. We all immigrated to America at one point in time, rather it be a hundred years ago or ten thousand years ago.

I haven't looked at any of these candidate's political views quite yet, so I haven't judged them. Just listed the people who are candidates. I saw a semi-republican running, so that'll be interesting.

Title: Re: 2020 Democratic Nominee.
Post by: JSRAW on November 16, 2018, 06:03:05 AM
Yeah in ideal world ancestry doesn't matter when it comes to leadership but we are not living in one. In the current political system all around the world, I don't think its true. it's good for discussion or taking high moral ground but again not going to happen in ground level IMHO.


How about Tulsi Gabbard?

Title: Re: 2020 Democratic Nominee.
Post by: Flying Hellfish on December 04, 2018, 06:24:40 AM

Title: Re: 2020 Democratic Nominee.
Post by: coins4commies on December 04, 2018, 08:38:14 AM
That can never happen.  AOC is barely old enough to become a senator in 2020. She will still only be 34 in 2024.  Bernie will be too old in 2028.

Title: Re: 2020 Democratic Nominee.
Post by: glenntalbot on December 06, 2018, 02:15:48 AM
Why not nominee Al Green or Al Gore? those guys are good possible candidates. Also, Joe Biden or Bill Clinton can win against Trump or other Republican candidates.

I believe that Bernie Sanders could have won against Trump but he was threatened and he backed off

Title: Re: 2020 Democratic Nominee.
Post by: bluefirecorp_ on December 06, 2018, 06:23:12 PM
Why not nominee Al Green or Al Gore? those guys are good possible candidates. Also, Joe Biden or Bill Clinton can win against Trump or other Republican candidates.

I believe that Bernie Sanders could have won against Trump but he was threatened and he backed off

Bill Clinton is term'ed out.

Al Gore left politics as far as I know. Never heard of Al Green. Sanders would have won in 2016 easily.

Title: Re: 2020 Democratic Nominee.
Post by: Sithara007 on December 07, 2018, 04:32:37 AM
Elizabeth Warren is too much attached with the establishment like Hillary Clinton and Bernie Sanders is too old. I'd go for Tulsi Gabbard, if her religion is not an issue.

Title: Re: 2020 Democratic Nominee.
Post by: bluefirecorp_ on December 07, 2018, 01:17:16 PM
Elizabeth Warren is too much attached with the establishment like Hillary Clinton and Bernie Sanders is too old. I'd go for Tulsi Gabbard, if her religion is not an issue.

To be fair, any theist is a bad choice. I'm not sure how we can appoint these irrational people to office, but it seems it's been done over and over.

Title: Re: 2020 Democratic Nominee.
Post by: Flying Hellfish on December 07, 2018, 03:47:51 PM
Elizabeth Warren is too much attached with the establishment like Hillary Clinton and Bernie Sanders is too old. I'd go for Tulsi Gabbard, if her religion is not an issue.

To be fair, any theist is a bad choice. I'm not sure how we can appoint these irrational people to office, but it seems it's been done over and over.

There has never been an openly atheist POTUS.  Being openly atheist is an instant death blow federally.  The best you can hope for at this point is someone who's faking it, like Trump LOL!

Title: Re: 2020 Democratic Nominee.
Post by: Wananavu99 on December 10, 2018, 01:27:25 AM
I'm a former Democrat, but unless they nominate someone like Jim Webb, you can forget people like me (classical liberals) ever coming back.  The Democrats and Republicans are now the party of Open borders, large government spending including huge deficits, corporate welfare and the list goes on but you get my drift. 

Title: Re: 2020 Democratic Nominee.
Post by: SCheek on December 10, 2018, 12:37:43 PM
I don't think she'll win but I reckon Ocasia-Cortez will stage a run, most likely for purely publicity reasons.

Title: Re: 2020 Democratic Nominee.
Post by: Flying Hellfish on December 16, 2018, 12:51:14 PM
There was a couple of polls out of Iowa this weekend.
Biden ~30%
Sanders ~20%
O'Rourke ~10%
Warren, Harris and Booker all come in behind them with single digits (Booker polled the worst at ~4)%

Title: Re: 2020 Democratic Nominee.
Post by: SCheek on December 17, 2018, 12:34:25 PM
Avenatti lol. Will definitely get the women vote!

Title: Re: 2020 Democratic Nominee.
Post by: coins4commies on December 17, 2018, 05:41:40 PM
I'd crossover and vote democrat if its the right candidate.  So far I'm only really interested in voting for  these:


If Booker adepts the green new deal I'd be on board and maybe I could warm up to Warren. but I'd never vote for this list of neoliberals


Title: Re: 2020 Democratic Nominee.
Post by: Quickseller on December 18, 2018, 04:38:09 AM
There was a couple of polls out of Iowa this weekend.
Iowa only matters because its primary is very early in the election season, and the results of their primary influence if donors will support candidates.

Interestingly, CA is moving up their primary ( to March, on "Super Tuesday". This could actually backfire for Democrats and force Democrat presidential hopefuls to move left to get support of CA voters, but being so far left that centrists will be turned off.

Title: Re: 2020 Democratic Nominee.
Post by: coins4commies on December 18, 2018, 05:07:44 AM
California is quite centrist.   Home of the Reagan democrats and just elected Feinstein over a progressive.  The place that gave you Kamala Harris.