Bitcoin Forum

Bitcoin => Bitcoin Discussion => Topic started by: doublespend timestamp on December 12, 2018, 02:25:54 AM

Title: Re: The release of Satoshi's personal data
Post by: doublespend timestamp on December 12, 2018, 02:25:54 AM
For Satoshi Nakamoto's real and true identity and home city, see this post of a couple of minutes ago:

Title: Re: Re: The release of Satoshi's personal data
Post by: doublespend timestamp on December 12, 2018, 03:09:56 AM
And the people who exchanged private messages with him. Did any of them ever decide to reveal these messages? Several emails and conversations have been published, and many of those help us to better understand why certain functions or decisions regarding Bitcoin.

Maybe some of the people who exchanged messages with Satoshi using the forum could post those messages.

I have decided to reveal:

I am willing to take polygraphs that James Bowery sent me these ten bitcoins on January 12th, 2009.  It is the sole Bitcoin send he ever made to me.  Please note Satoshi's send address from Block 9:

Screenshot of Nick Szabo following James Bowery on twitter:

Stylometric "Satoshi-isms":
Posted by James Bowery on Thursday, 17 January 2008 17:35.  

Well, here it is in a nutshell:

Posted by James Bowery on Sun, 20 Jan 2008 15:31 | #

Matt, the issue of unbiased vs biased learning is central to a lot of machine learning theory.  Here’s the idea in a nutshell:

 by James Bowery on Sunday, 01 July 2007 15:42.

It should also be noted that not only is the doubling time fast, but the percentage of solar energy converted to food calories can’t be beat.

In last paragraph at link:


Last two lines here:

Posted by James Bowery on Tuesday, 05 June 2007 14:09.

PS: It should be noted that Dershowitz hangs his moral-high-ground hat on his support for the freedom of speech of his opponents.


Known oft-used Satoshi Nakamoto-ism third to last sentence, first paragraph:

Posted by James Bowery on Friday, 06 January 2006 13:42.

It should be noted that decreased virulence does not equate to symbiosis.

Title: Re: Re: The release of Satoshi's personal data
Post by: theymos on December 12, 2018, 03:25:21 AM
I am willing to take polygraphs that James Bowery sent me these ten bitcoins on January 12th, 2009.
I am hoping to find my wallet password as well as the number which I think starts with a "5" and is the wallet's registered number.  I do know the Bitcoin address which starts with "1DUD" and ends with "VW" is mine.  It is here on the blockchain,
from January 12th, 2009. (2009-01-12 06:02:13)

Title: Re: Re: The release of Satoshi's personal data
Post by: doublespend timestamp on December 12, 2018, 03:31:32 AM
theymos, did you ever talk voice chat with Satoshi?  For hours and hours from 2008 till 2014?  Often on BTC, peer-to-peer and Bit-gold-- as well as on economics and world politics?  Did he ever do programming tech work for you for over $3,000? Have you been in his old, white frame farmhouse home in Shenandoah, Iowa?  You can see it on the front of his Facebook page.  That is it in the distance, down the road.  Have you ever seen him quaff a sweet drink from a Mason jar while he observes that the U.S. government would like to send a missile into his humble country house? Has he ever voice interviewed you and put it online? Did you ever wonder why Satoshi keyed this vbulletin to look exactly like SF?

Title: Re: Re: The release of Satoshi's personal data
Post by: FFrankie on December 12, 2018, 04:18:13 AM
Who says satoshi even has any bitcoins. I like to think he doesn't have any

Title: Re: Re: The release of Satoshi's personal data
Post by: InvoKing on December 12, 2018, 09:10:15 AM
theymos, did you ever talk voice chat with Satoshi?  For hours and hours from 2008 till 2014?  Often on BTC, peer-to-peer and Bit-gold-- as well as on economics and world politics?  Did he ever do programming tech work for you for over $3,000? Have you been in his old, white frame farmhouse home in Shenandoah, Iowa?  You can see it on the front of his Facebook page.  That is it in the distance, down the road.  Have you ever seen him quaff a sweet drink from a Mason jar while he observes that the U.S. government would like to send a missile into his humble country house? Has he ever voice interviewed you and put it online? Did you ever wonder why Satoshi keyed this vbulletin to look exactly like SF?
Mueller has spoken.

Who says satoshi even has any bitcoins. I like to think he doesn't have any
No one said, just his bitcoin wallet speaks loudly, but he may also haven't a penny if he lost the access to it because there is no Internet in the heaven, well generally.

Title: Re: Re: The release of Satoshi's personal data
Post by: doublespend timestamp on December 13, 2018, 01:30:29 AM
Probably theymos didn't know who Satoshi is till I told him.

I do believe Martti Malmi and maybe Soren Renner (maybe Renner) might know or at least have very strong intuition.

In my case, I know my wallet address and what was happening with me in Tallinn when I received them from James.

By the way, the mining button wouldn't go on.  That startled Satoshi, but I said-- I can see the blocks are being mined by various

people-- really, almost overwhelmingly his mask wallets by the dozens at the time I believe.  It had taken some time to get the

wallet up, and I also expressed consideration for all that time he'd given me, so I just said "I've taken up enough of your time.  We

can do it another time, or I can just buy them someday soon."

I think I read Hal had some trouble with his computer over-heating or had to reload the wallet-- something like that.

I just mentioned I'd buy later when they were on the open market for pennies.  Had I known then it was my friend's coding, I

certainly wouldn't have been so seemingly cavalierly dismissive.  Later, in the fall of 2012 when he did some work for me, he

mentioned they had hit around $10 or $13, and I was quite ecstatic-- just knowing the horizontal evening out for humans was

working.  I remember well he was pleased and tickled I was thrilled with the success of Bitcoin.  I knew the political implications.
Even then I didn't know for sure it was his academic work-- but I'd had a few suspicions, especially with his missile comment.

I have read two dates when Nick Szabo openly requested someone to "code up" some of his technical ideas.  I believe James

answered the call.  So Szabo likely knows too.  These are wealthy guys.  I don't expect Martti to back me up.  Why would he?

It's all quite historic.

theymos, there are well over 90,000 words of James' writings via which you could fairly prove to yourself he is precisely who I say.

Search him at , and under "Jim" with his surname.  I am not being disrespectful to you guys or trolling or trying

to pull your chains.  At least give it a try, sir.  I am quite sincere and honest by nature.

One last thing for now-- a commenter on a Captain Altcoins Satoshi piece, I think dated Dec. 1st about 8 days after I began all this,

claimed to be Satoshi.  Just give me a sec and I will explain the coincidental connections.  It sound preposterous, except for

two items.  The story was, he'd kept his pvt. keys with the 1,000,000 Bitcoins (unencrypted I guess, yeah right!) in a file (I suppose was that address) and someone hacked it via a dark web auction-- maybe Silk Road,

whatever.  This guy specifically blamed Indian programmers at GMX for the dark web auction.  This was in 2010.  Then, in 2014, the

guy who bought it on the dark web auction got hacked and lost everything.  But here came clue or coincidence #2:  "Satoshi"

claims to now be living in Bali.  Uh, yeah, right.  It happens that in June or so of 2014 (shortly after I got out of jail) James said he

was thinking of taking a job in Bali.  I encouraged him to do so.  Even though I have been around the world three times (to India

and southeast Asia tropics many more times)...and I know people don't go to Bali for tech work, ha.

Lastly, I was reading the Hungarian Lazlo Hanyecz, the C++ coder who mined a lot and did "volunteer" work for Satoshi.

He sold his coins before he hit it big.  Anyway, Lazlo had some semi-snarky, nasty things to say about Satoshi's demandingness.

Well, what would one expect from a man (James) who once had 400 skilled American coders working directly under him at a

major U.S. computer company?

theymos, I'd be willing to converse voice with you and some others who have exchanged PM's and emails with Satoshi.  This would

be hard for you all, as you have a natural protectiveness.  After all, you run the lineal Satoshi Nakamoto org in the form of this

forum.  I am not lying to you.  It's stunning to me, to see that wallet address from so long ago.  You know how I was able to recall

the fore and aft word game?  "VW" at the end, that part is obvious for a car guy like me.  My father was a cultish 33rd degree

Mason.  A potentate organ grinder's monkey in his fez.  I was the first born. Anyway, from a very young age-- about 5 to a month

after turning 17 when I left for the military-- he would not

infrequently call me two names with his hectoring, moral-lecturing dinner table Masonic madness: "a bump on a log" and, as in the

three letters after the digit 1 in my Jan. 12th, 2009 Bitcoin address to which James sent me 10 Bitcoins, a "DUD".  

Thanks for understanding or at least listening.

Title: Re: The release of Satoshi's personal data
Post by: franky1 on December 13, 2018, 02:50:03 AM
OP is a troll formally known as bitcoinpro. a mega drug taker and pops up now and again to cause drama.

foolish thing is the transaction of the 10 coins.. that was between satoshi and hal finney.
seems the OP cant even get the basics correct.

funny part.
i think OP is james and is trying to self promote himself as being satoshi
im guessing next OP will probably think he can full circle the subterfuge by posting a tweet using his(james) twitter to say "i am satoshi"

Title: Re: The release of Satoshi's personal data
Post by: doublespend timestamp on December 13, 2018, 03:53:00 AM
OP is a troll formally known as bitcoinpro. a mega drug taker and pops up now and again to cause drama.

foolish thing is the transaction of the 10 coins.. that was between satoshi and hal finney.
seems the OP cant even get the basics correct.

funny part.
i think OP is james and is trying to self promote himself as being satoshi
im guessing next OP will probably think he can full circle the subterfuge by posting a tweet using his(james) twitter to say "i am satoshi"

franky1, at least refresh your familiarity with the two (I believe out of 5) from Satoshi himself mined from Block 9.

Hal Finney's 10 were a few minutes over 2 1/2 hours from mine, through James Bowery (who 100% indeed without a doubt

is Satoshi Nakamoto-- unless one wants to suggest the REAL Satoshi allowed or put James up to masquerading as himself.  That is super far-fetched!)

  We both received exactly 10 tokens from Satoshi!.  Geesh!  Here it is, the record: The two 10 BTC spends by Satoshi (the bottom two red rectangles on the page, are Hal's and mine, Hal's being the first, or bottom-most red).

 I didn't even know who Hal Finney was till about Nov. 21st, 2018, a little over two weeks ago when I read the first 32 and then 39 pages of Nathaniel Popper's book, digital gold.  I DID know
who Martti Malmi was/is cause I communicated with him on Skype at least two times in Finland.  That's why his name leaped at me from the page.  (And I subsequently just looked at the blockchain a few days ago...I am not a BTC expert).  I never met him face to face.  He liked my politics, as did James and I was a risk taker who paid a heavy price over years.

So Satoshi picked two people for I guess different reasons-- a coder with an intense interest and a political guy who could understand the implications of it all, as it was told to me in segments in the fall and winter of 2008 in Skype voice conversations.
Maybe he just wanted someone to listen.  I also believe "James A. Donald", from what I can tell the first to respond to Satoshi was/is "James A. Bowery".  In other words, Satoshi was having a teaching conversation with himself, a little bit playing devil's advocate.  Donald's domain "" was registered in Feb., if I remember rightly, 1995-- two years before the mass American inception.
His site "" re-directs to "".

Honestly, I think some of you find it difficult to believe someone came to the party before you.  Take solace in the fact huge numbers of you have accrued considerable assets from your good fortune and good sense.  I know I have not.  That's the way the cookie crumbles.  

Try to be interested in what this means for the future if James can be persuaded to teach publicly.  Well, Faketoshi recedes on day #1.  That's just for starters.

Really, franky1, as you demonstrated with your statement Hal was the one who got ten without your even reviewing the blockchain, there is little hope those with your mindset will even glance at James' extensive writings on science, coding, politics, and economics to stylometrically explore if what I am saying is true.  It is true, and unless I am banned and all this is erased, I am-- to the best of my knowledge-- the first man to convincingly demonstrate who Satoshi Nakamoto is.

Ridiculous you suggest I am James self-promoting.  JAB is so much more able than myself it's ludicrous to compare.

One last mention in this post.  I finally dredged up from my memory the "mailinator" address I probably used ten years ago as my address of record.  BTC wasn't worth a darned thing except hope and new science for a new money at the time, so go ahead and laugh at "mailinator".  Anyway, when I got in a couple of days ago, there are ads from BTC sites in China, Russia and for Estonian girls etc.  Fact is, there were obviously no BTC sites then.  Somehow my address as one of the very first signups got around.  Consider that, until 2010, Satoshi, my friend, had total access to this site.  Now when I try to request my wallet ID etc,zilch comes in-- just BTC mail.  Somebody must think maybe I have a few hundred million which is really a riot.  So my address started with "zio" and I won't yet tell the rest, as anybody can access mailinator with no password, in case you are unfamiliar.  So much for your security.  My thought is, Satoshi realized too late (got to seriously thinking about it too frequently later on) I could prove who he is, and got rid of my email address. So I could never get my tiny wallet back. Isn't it possible?  Paranoid?

If the senior personages on this board are willing to help me get into my early wallet, then I guess the two scenarios many of you might posit are:

1. helped him steal 10 BTC from some unknown early associate of Satoshi.
or 2. Yeah, so Satoshi sent him (me) ten BTC for some weird reason and now the loon is pretending he knows Satoshi is JAB.  As if the two events have no correlation.  Correlation can suggest causation.

Title: Re: The release of Satoshi's personal data
Post by: mk4 on December 13, 2018, 04:08:34 AM
Why some of you people are so obsessed with Satoshi Nakamoto's real identity is beyond me. Just thank him/her/them for the creation of bitcoin, and let Satoshi enjoy his/her/their life in some extremely luxurious beach resort or something.

Title: Re: The release of Satoshi's personal data
Post by: doublespend timestamp on December 13, 2018, 04:22:05 AM
Why some of you people are so obsessed with Satoshi Nakamoto's real identity is beyond me. Just thank him/her/them for the creation of bitcoin, and let Satoshi enjoy his/her/their life in some extremely luxurious beach resort or something.

LOL, look up his FB to see his luxury.  Possession (or at least heavy usage of money) doesn't move him, even though maybe a few hundred thousand dollars is seemingly spent.  He probably needed my IT-tech postal money order xeroxes to show penury if the IRS came a calling.

What's he gonna do?  Have assiduous runners in Iowa hawking $6 billion of BTC on localbitcoins for 10%?  NEX isn't full blown and stable coins have to be somehow liquidated too, correct?  Maybe a bit like Lord of the Rings?  It's the having and that silent power over this corrupt system from which he derives pleasure?

In post #7 of this thread I cite the sending, stating I knew what I was doing and so on in Tallinn at that time.  Satoshi-- you know who I mean-- was online with me, on voice chat Skype when he clicked the button to send and until I got it.  In other words, we chatted before, during and for some long while after the demonstration of how it worked.  To the best of my memory, I simply said something like "it's there" (on the screen) or "it's here' when it manifested.  It was exciting.  If I hadn't been beset by so many gang-stalkings and houndings and driven by the desire to defeat and do battle with these antifa, I think I would/could have focused more on acquiring at least a few thousand Bitcoins.  Right now I have about 38 cents worth in one wallet and maybe $40 to buy NEO.  It's a real joke.  DUD was right.

Title: Re: Re: The release of Satoshi's personal data
Post by: doublespend timestamp on December 13, 2018, 05:01:16 AM
No offense dt, but I have a few problems with what you are saying:

1. The two instances of "Satoshi speak" you give are fairly common colloquialisms. People mutter those exact phrases thousands of times a day. I'm not one for digging through white nationalist ramblings to perform my own stylometric analysis, but I wonder if you have any other examples you'd like to share with us that are perhaps a bit more specific.

2. Why would Satoshi choose to reveal his identity to you and nobody else? He did a very good job of maintaining anonymity so its hard to believe he would reveal himself to one or two specific individuals and nobody else.

3. Can you sign a message from any of these address to at least prove that you are possession in it, or any other associated address that dates back to 2010? That would be helpful in at least beginning to verify your claims.



Technically, actually, apart from the sig from his known address, he didn't "reveal".  I'd had some mostly minor suspicions over the years.  Like why was James so brilliantly fluid in the concepts and explanations, yet-- I found out years later, no where to be found on cypherpunks in the era under his real name?  Remind me again, as huge numbers of you here (not all) know way more about blockchain than I do ... how many humans on earth were sending BTC on the date January 12th, 2009?  That is when I received my ten from my friend James.  At first he told me "you can't buy them on an exchange.  Later he said, I'll be right back.  That's when he sent ten.  When I offered to pay, he said "never mind, they just cost 2 cents, 3 cents, and 4 cents each", clearly a little white lie.  The double talk was unlike him.  I didn't know what that was about at the time.  Thought maybe there was a tiny secret exchange somewhere with a lot of super-IT science types and I wouldn't fit in.  I recall one time his telling me he wanted to see how people not drenched in peer to peer conceptuals would deal with it and he seemed pleased I groked it well, though the double spend stuff was beyond my theoretical ken.  He talked about this for many weeks and months before the send came.  He was coding and thinking, sure.  Had to have been.

I had no contact with those addresses you list.  The first looks likes Hal's and as I have truly stated, I first read that just a few days ago.

Without looking up the others, I think they received amounts from Satoshi on Jan 12 or 14, 2009...I tried googleing them...just tried.  One got 11 BTC and the others just fractionals I think

My Russian-Estonian friend/neighbor Pavel asked for my Sony VAIO and I gave it to him.  BTC had no vlaue then.  I was deported from Eesti.  I couldn't even see Pavel face to face, as I was administratively incarcerated for 3 months. He wrote me a note. Three Estonian plainclothes agents flew me on Lufthansa via Stockholm and Frankfort to Vancouver, Canada.  I am a dual and easily identifiable from all I have truly told you all, gentlemen.

I wouldn't be too quick to run down WN, no matter what your TV and the sensitive fellows on CNN and Uranium Delivery Boy Lurch Mueller tell you about them.  Your patron Satoshi is one, as was/is tech #2, Martti Malmi, lulz!

I respectfully beseech the Tallinn, Estonia press to help me locate Pavel.  My older neighbors would know him.  He lived in the building next to mine and had an extremely beautiful blonde live-in gf.  My landlady was Riima A.  She would be in her early to mid 80's now.  Pavel would be about 33.  Thank You.

Title: Re: Re: The release of Satoshi's personal data
Post by: doublespend timestamp on December 13, 2018, 05:16:04 AM
I had no contact with those addresses you list.  The first looks likes Hal's and as I have truly stated, I first read that just a few days ago.

Right, I noticed my mistake and quickly edited my post but it wasn't quick enough.

That is when I received my ten from my friend James.  At first he told me "you can't buy them on an exchange.  Later he said, I'll be right back.  That's when he sent ten.  

One last question -- so he was a personal acquaintance? As in, this conversation happened in person?

I'm not one to dig into peoples' private lives, I'll leave that to the next detective.

Yes Sir.  I know him.  I have been in in home in Iowa in late 2012.  He interviewed me voice and the interview is still up on Majority Rights.  I am a known activist.  In Wiki.  Not trying to deliver propaganda shocks to you fellows.  That's not the point.  It is what it is.  I really do appreciate at least a few of you might be starting to suspect and sense I am telling complete truth.  I appreciate that ginger confidence, as I am telling truth; I'm not deluded.  These things happened. JAB is a great, great man.  I think he should get the Nobel prize, even though Obama got it.

Title: Re: The release of Satoshi's personal data
Post by: Vlad2Vlad on December 13, 2018, 06:04:32 AM

Another Satoshi?

So are we gonna get a new Satoshi for every fork?  A new one weekly?   ::)

Title: Re: The release of Satoshi's personal data
Post by: Kakmakr on December 13, 2018, 06:21:57 AM
Well the truth is in the pudding and the pudding will be the signing of these addresses that are mentioned here. This is where CW claims of being Satoshi also failed, because he could not sign those addresses.

What would the goal be to reveal Satoshi's identity? <Fame?> You know the person who reveals the true identity of Satoshi would be ridiculed by this community, right? Dorian Nakamoto's life was made a living hell, when that reporter made false claims that he was Satoshi and people nearly crucified that reporter for doing that.

Do you want to be that reporter?  ???

Title: Re: The release of Satoshi's personal data
Post by: Phinnaeus Gage on December 13, 2018, 06:57:08 AM
Satoshi's other Twitter account followed by his brother:

Title: Re: The release of Satoshi's personal data
Post by: kelz1 on December 13, 2018, 07:42:04 AM
There are going to be a lot of people claiming to be the real deal satoshi but unless he can move a bitcoin from one of his wallets those claims are going to be rubbished.

Title: Re: The release of Satoshi's personal data
Post by: muslol67 on December 13, 2018, 07:43:40 AM
For Satoshi Nakamoto's real and true identity and home city, see this post of a couple of minutes ago:

Nobody really knows who Satoshi is. If anybody already knew it, it would definitely be revealed in today's internet environment.

I think we should just let this go. He has given us a good thing. Let's see what will we do...

Title: Re: Re: The release of Satoshi's personal data
Post by: AGD on December 13, 2018, 07:53:01 AM
I am a dual and easily identifiable from all I have truly told you all, gentlemen.

You should reveal your identity to avoid beeing doxed by others and also it would be showing respect to the person you are putting in the spotlight.

Title: Re: The release of Satoshi's personal data
Post by: doublespend timestamp on December 13, 2018, 03:50:39 PM
Satoshi's other Twitter account followed by his brother:

That's the best you have?

Title: Re: Re: The release of Satoshi's personal data
Post by: doublespend timestamp on December 13, 2018, 03:52:09 PM
I am a dual and easily identifiable from all I have truly told you all, gentlemen.

You should reveal your identity to avoid beeing doxed by others and also it would be showing respect to the person you are putting in the spotlight.

In that I am the sole person, or first, anyway, to have been deported from modern Estonia...

Satoshi knows who I am, almost from my first post here.  Too many direct and true statements I made.  It is entirely obvious to him.

Title: Re: The release of Satoshi's personal data
Post by: Phinnaeus Gage on December 13, 2018, 04:05:04 PM
Satoshi's other Twitter account followed by his brother:

That's the best you have?

I'm pacing myself.


Title: Re: The release of Satoshi's personal data
Post by: doublespend timestamp on December 13, 2018, 04:25:22 PM
You are putting yourself down for history after you are massively proven wrong.  I appreciate that.


Computer Science:


Being, now, aware that users of Bitcoin Core (v0.12.1.0-g9779e1e) are no longer to use a torrent download of a bootstrap.dat and, instead, are admonished to simply launch Bitcoin Core and permit "Synchronizing with network...", I nevertheless have a situation that may require a more nuanced decision:

I'm recovering from a backup and it says "50 weeks behind..."

Title: Re: The release of Satoshi's personal data
Post by: nutildah on December 13, 2018, 04:48:40 PM
You have to understand that, as a community, we are pretty skeptical of people who claim to know or be Satoshi Nakamoto without definitive proof. Using the blockchain there are ways to prove this, or at least provide substantial evidence to back such claims. We have people left and right claiming to be Satoshi... some are even making their own forks of altcoins as we speak, throwing their weight around to back said coins under the pretense that they are Satoshi.

No doubt Bowery is a fine programmer and has an extensive knowledge about bitcoin, but unless you can provide some better evidence we're going to remain pretty unconvinced in general. Worst case scenario, you help make another Dorian Nakamoto out of Bowery, which as I understand, was pretty bad for Dorian.

Title: Re: Re: The release of Satoshi's personal data
Post by: jabowery on December 13, 2018, 05:27:02 PM
And the people who exchanged private messages with him. Did any of them ever decide to reveal these messages? Several emails and conversations have been published, and many of those help us to better understand why certain functions or decisions regarding Bitcoin.

Maybe some of the people who exchanged messages with Satoshi using the forum could post those messages.

I have decided to reveal:

I am willing to take polygraphs that James Bowery sent me these ten bitcoins on January 12th, 2009.  It is the sole Bitcoin send he ever made to me.  Please note Satoshi's send address from Block 9:

It wasn't me, Craig.  Briefly, if I were Satoshi, I would cash out some of my BTC to save Jan's life ( by getting RG6042 synthesized and treating her in an appropriate jurisdiction.  Although not decisive, there is the fact that two years after Bitcoin was released I asked a naive question here at (

Screenshot of Nick Szabo following James Bowery on twitter:

Nick follows thousands of people on twitter and I'm on that long list simply because back in 1990 or so he was a prominent supporter of my efforts to privatize orbital launch services (  

 I am rarely in contact with him as he's now "out of my league", so to speak.  It's similar to my relationship to a number of other prominent people:

As your following links to Majority Rights demonstrate, I am a social pariah due to my views and anyone prominent can only be associated with me in a plausibly deniable manner, at most.  I can assure you that I am still impoverished and struggling.

Title: Re: The release of Satoshi's personal data
Post by: doublespend timestamp on December 13, 2018, 05:31:39 PM
You have to understand that, as a community, we are pretty skeptical of people who claim to know or be Satoshi Nakamoto without definitive proof. Using the blockchain there are ways to prove this, or at provide substantial evidence to back such claims. We have people left and right claiming to be Satoshi... some are even making their own forks of altcoins as we speak, throwing their weight around to back said coins under the pretense that they are Satoshi.

No doubt Bowery is a fine programmer and has an extensive knowledge about bitcoin, but unless you can provide some better evidence we're going to remain pretty unconvinced in general. Worst case scenario, you help make another Dorian Nakamoto out of Bowery, which as I understand, was pretty bad for Dorian.

That's considered.  I appreciate.  

Let's say one doubts the address (pretty much widely accepted as Satoshi's own) which sent it to me.  In other words, lets say I did in fact receive it (I did) on or about that time.  Well, I suppose it couldn't be on that date, as, given my limited understanding of the total sequential history-- just that Satoshi was mining and shooting it to various wallets...well, let's say, for the sake of argument, it was a month later, i.e. February 12th, 2009...and my memory were right about a relatively early send to myself, but just wrong about Satoshi's wallet (the same one which sent to Hal Finney on January 12th).  

So, for one thing, under that scenario, is my wallet with 10 BTC's still around?  I am asking-- can someone check when the first wallet other than the "DUD...VW" wallet I claim is still lying around with 10 unspent to this day, December 13th, 2018?  You guys can read and parse these transaction faster than I.  So I feel as if that is a fair request.

Secondly, has anyone other than myself heretofore ever publicly and vociferously claimed the "DUD...VW" wallet as being his own?  That doesn't ipso facto prove anything, but you get my point.

I do understand the public spotlight.  Been on Drudge, WaPo, Rachel Maddow, The Economist (at least, my website), the front page of the NYT, etc.  It can be unpleasant, as is poverty.  As is jail.  Living in a hole in the ground might be worse.

Faketoshi is a problem.  It's hard for a man to understand how one can be that bright, with two PhD's and that bereft of character.

I do feel as if, for true curious investigators, I have made a more than reasonable circumstantial case.  Except I personally know it is all 100% true.

Title: Re: Re: The release of Satoshi's personal data
Post by: doublespend timestamp on December 13, 2018, 05:36:04 PM
And the people who exchanged private messages with him. Did any of them ever decide to reveal these messages? Several emails and conversations have been published, and many of those help us to better understand why certain functions or decisions regarding Bitcoin.

Maybe some of the people who exchanged messages with Satoshi using the forum could post those messages.

I have decided to reveal:

I am willing to take polygraphs that James Bowery sent me these ten bitcoins on January 12th, 2009.  It is the sole Bitcoin send he ever made to me.  Please note Satoshi's send address from Block 9:

It wasn't me, Craig.  Briefly, if I were Satoshi, I would cash out some of my BTC to save Jan's life ( by getting RG6042 synthesized and treating her in an appropriate jurisdiction.  Although not decisive, there is the fact that two years after Bitcoin was released I asked a naive question here at (

James, will you tell me my actual and true address on the blockchain to which you sent me the ten Bitcoins?  Just so I and all know?

We were talking voice on Skype when it was sent by you.  I was ecstatic when it worked.

Naturally, the blockchain has the record.

Thank You a lot for replying.

Screenshot of Nick Szabo following James Bowery on twitter:

Nick follows thousands of people on twitter and I'm on that long list simply because back in 1990 or so he was a prominent supporter of my efforts to privatize orbital launch services (  

 I am rarely in contact with him as he's now o"ut of my league", so to speak.  It's similar to my relationship to a number of other prominent people:

As your following links to Majority Rights demonstrate, I am a social pariah due to my views and anyone prominent can only be associated with me in a plausibly deniable manner, at most.  I can assure you that I am still impoverished and struggling.

Satoshi seems to have felt Szabo was out of his league too, as he didn't list Szabo's considerable peer-to-peer work in the Bitcoin paper bibliography, though he assiduously did many others' works.

Nick did make his well-chronicled public plea for a coder to "code it up" though, albeit without the ledger aspect, or at least the efficaciousness-making doublespend prevention provisions, if I understand it rightly.


Szabo's ONLY reference to Bitcoin in all of 2009 is this post: which contains the underwhelming declaration "Satoshi Nakamoto has implemented BitCoin which very similarly uses a dense Byzantine fault tolerant peer-to-peer network and and cryptographic hash chains to ensure the integrity of a currency."

The gentleman doth protest too little, me thinks. :)

Nick says nothing in his blog about Bitcoin in 2010. How is that even possible when 2010 is the year when Bitcoin broke the one cent barrier and climbed over 20 cents per Bitcoin.

Nick's first real discussion of Bitcoin is later in 2011:

Different subject, but Walter Isaacson, in his bio of Jobs said Jobs mapped his genome and commented something like he'd be either the first person to be saved by the technology or the last person not to be.

Good you are here to help.  Till now, though a prolific late 2008/early 2009 early Bitcoin adapter with vast C++ skills, you've never even openly posted here as yourself.

That social pariah stuff doesn't work on me, lol, as you know, James.  It might push most other people's buttons-- not mine or yours.  None of these libertarians want to believe Satoshi is a right winger.  Their TVs have taught them much better than that.

Title: Re: Re: The release of Satoshi's personal data
Post by: jabowery on December 13, 2018, 06:05:03 PM
James, will you tell me my actual and true address on the blockchain to which you sent me the ten Bitcoins?  Just so I and all know?

We were talking voice on Skype when it was sent by you.  I was ecstatic when it worked.

I honestly don't recall that Skype exchange.  If it was circa 2009, then it must have been someone else.  I can believe Satoshi, whoever he is, sent you some BTC due to the fact that you had been breaking ground in social media with video and, were it not for the political attacks that sent you on jurisdictional arbitrage searches, could have captured the network effect that subsequently went to YouTube.  You were "on the radar" for anyone seriously interested in disintermediating the powers that be. 

There is also the possibility that your memory is conflating something I was working on back then called "Electrum", which was a kind of electronic currency based on Dan Brumleve's DBarter (distributed barter) software that won him some sort of award at the Hacker's Conference circa 2000.  But that wasn't a blockchain system and ultimately went nowhere.

Title: Re: Re: The release of Satoshi's personal data
Post by: doublespend timestamp on December 13, 2018, 06:59:11 PM
James, will you tell me my actual and true address on the blockchain to which you sent me the ten Bitcoins?  Just so I and all know?

We were talking voice on Skype when it was sent by you.  I was ecstatic when it worked.

I honestly don't recall that Skype exchange.  If it was circa 2009, then it must have been someone else.  I can believe Satoshi, whoever he is, sent you some BTC due to the fact that you had been breaking ground in social media with video and, were it not for the political attacks that sent you on jurisdictional arbitrage searches, could have captured the network effect that subsequently went to YouTube.  You were "on the radar" for anyone seriously interested in disintermediating the powers that be.  

There is also the possibility that your memory is conflating something I was working on back then called "Electrum", which was a kind of electronic currency based on Dan Brumleve's DBarter (distributed barter) software that won him some sort of award at the Hacker's Conference circa 2000.  But that wasn't a blockchain system and ultimately went nowhere.

James, I am grateful, at least between you and I, you thereby (above) fully admitted you are in fact Satoshi Nakamoto.  

There is not a scintilla of doubt in my being that you and I were on Skype on January 12th, 2009, the whole time from start to finish, when I received those ten Bitcoins, and that you instructed me priorly where to download and configure the wallet etc.

You absolutely know this is true, too, James.

As you also full-well know, you schooled me in excruciating detail on blockchain theory-- on precisely what it was and how it worked.
Now you yourself say Electrum was not blockchain.  So we weren't talking about Electrum.

Further, I find Electrum wallet mentions.  There may be some other minor things about the net, I don't know.

Bitcoin gui applet - Alpinschnuller
I use Electrum as Bitcoin Wallet, and I want to update it. ... the "Bitcoin Core - Wallet" aka "bitcoin-qt" program that installs with James Bowery Vertcoin-cli getinfo ...

What is the preferred bitcoin gui for 17.10?
I notice that the "Bitcoin Core - Wallet" (aka "bitcoin-qt") program that installs with 17.10 has a GUI which may have been "OK" for the days before the BTC market cap was in the hundreds of billions, ...
17.10 gui qt bitcoin
asked Dec 19 '17 at 16:21

James Bowery

Electrum is broad obfuscation, just as 70%+ of considerers are instantly "TKO knocked out" by a whiff of "hate".

The barter references broadly allude to, or tacitly cross-cite, some aspects of Thomaz Winnicki's project.  I introduced you to Canadian-Pole Tomasz Winnicki.  You worked on his software.  I see he has a BTC address on his twitter.
January 19th, 2013   #8
Tomasz Winnicki
White - European - Aryan
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Location: London, Ontario, Dominion of Canada
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Tomasz Winnicki
Originally Posted by James Bowery  View Post
I only wish I could offer them as much help as you have.
Then release that monetary/barter exchange system you were working on before. Even the way it worked back then was highly useful, I think.

You often used the phrase "plausible deniability" as to wallet ownership.  It extends to coding authorship I think. I get that.  

I appreciate there is almost certainly nowhere else on the blockchain in 2009 wherein 10 coins were transmitted and yet remain unspent, as "mine" lie there, as so much space junk.

I know this is a rock and a hard place for you.  I hope you didn't deep six or file 13 the million Bitcoins for your own eccentric, "rationally paranoid" or individualistic reasons.  A least, I hope you have sufficient funds to be comfortable and even locally-mobile in evading researchers or pests.  

A man of your means has surely had the RG6042 synthesized.  Good on you.

As you know, and I have said here, we had Skype voice and telephone conversation in the fall of 2012 about BTC hitting roughly $10 and $13 dollar levels.  How the concept was now proven and a great success.

Title: Re: The release of Satoshi's personal data
Post by: ibminer on December 13, 2018, 07:52:23 PM
I'm recovering from a backup and it says "50 weeks behind..."

Will you be signing a message from the 1DUD address? 
I don't believe this would require you to wait for any synchronization.

Title: Re: The release of Satoshi's personal data
Post by: squatter on December 13, 2018, 08:00:29 PM
So, what's going on here? No proof of anything, I assume?

Something gives me the distinct feeling that jabowery and doublespend timestamp are the same person, engaging in a dialogue to affect perception.

I do feel as if, for true curious investigators, I have made a more than reasonable circumstantial case.  Except I personally know it is all 100% true.

Can you sum it up for us? I seem to have missed the convincing part. :)

Title: Re: The release of Satoshi's personal data
Post by: rodskee on December 13, 2018, 08:23:19 PM
I don't beleive that news propaganda released and easy to make fake personal data edited
It's been a long time some popular personally claim the identity of the founder creator of bitcoin

Title: Re: The release of Satoshi's personal data
Post by: doublespend timestamp on December 13, 2018, 08:27:46 PM
I'm recovering from a backup and it says "50 weeks behind..."

Will you be signing a message from the 1DUD address?  
I don't believe this would require you to wait for any synchronization.

I have a ledger and do sign or click transmissions for GAS/NEO and Nep5's.  Not the greatest expert on here, but I surely can't sign, right?, as Pavel has/at least "had" my Sony VAIO tower.  I don't have the full wallet address.  I remember my address-- even the "sfc" part, as I lived in SF in 1976 in the Da Free John cult and hung out with Elizabeth Holmes-- met her paramour whom she was the muse for.  So as I stared at it 12 years ago, figuring how to memorize it, I also saw the "sfc" center-body part as "San Francisco City" though that seemed weak.  The first and last caps were not hard to remember.  

Some of the mods and senior staff here seem to have generally advanced skills in elements of that.  If I can acquire the wallet key, I have ideas for both my 12 word code and my pass.  Especially the 12 words, as it is the first 12 words of a book.

Oh, ibminer, you addressed that to James.  Don't know enough about it to know if he can sign or confirm my receipt with some time or confirmation ping or if you suggesting we are the same person, which we are not.  I believe that is James.  Stylistically, it's him.  Just as he has used the expression "in a nutshell" with me on voice.  It happens he resides about a 100 or 120 miles from where I grew up.  That expression is/was common in our gen in that thoroughly midwestern part of the country.  The expression has fallen into disuse.

Correction about my saying James was making his first post here today under his real name:

Not being an IT scientist, it is not readily apparent to me here how JAB is "o'ut' " of his friend Nick Szabo's league on May 22, 2011
in his "very first post" on   
Why doesn't the CAP theorem kill BitCoin?
May 22, 2011, 08:58:46 PM

I personally like and understand a quite a bit better "Satoshi Unplugged", his post of March 3rd, 2014.  Hope you will too.  Come on, James.  Trump is president and this country needs heavy-duty inspiring blockchain tutelage Daily Mail level scientific scoop before NEO, ELASTOS, and AI vaporware-- whatever it all is, finally stomps us.  I have never even heard Trump mention the word blockchain.  A little inspiration, pls., as when you testified before Congress on the dire need for stepped up scientific education
 in the Kwa. :

ANNIE-ROSE STRASSER et al could get rid of white privilege at the drop of a hat if they really wanted to: Just find some stinking desert (to use a Firesign Theaterism) somewhere and set up a reservation for these privileged whites who don't think they're privileged at all -- who would rather go to a stinking desert with _nothing_* and risk dying of starvation and thirst than spend another microsecond in the society where they are privileged. You'd get rid of millions if not tens of millions of these privileged white males virtually over night. Problem solved.

*You would, of course, have DHS X-Ray them to make sure they hadn't swallowed any diamonds before they crossed into the stinking desert never to return to the land of white privilege.


  Summary - jabowery   Picture/Text
Name:   jabowery
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Date Registered:   May 22, 2011, 08:53:57 PM
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Title: Re: The release of Satoshi's personal data
Post by: ibminer on December 13, 2018, 09:50:33 PM
Oh, ibminer, you addressed that to James.
It was addressed to you.

Secondly, has anyone other than myself heretofore ever publicly and vociferously claimed the "DUD...VW" wallet as being his own?  That doesn't ipso facto prove anything, but you get my point.
You (doublespend timestamp) are claiming to be the owner of the 1DUDsfc23Dv9sPMEk5RsrtfzCw5ofi5sVW

You were asked to sign a message and stated:

Being, now, aware that users of Bitcoin Core (v0.12.1.0-g9779e1e) are no longer to use a torrent download of a bootstrap.dat and, instead, are admonished to simply launch Bitcoin Core and permit "Synchronizing with network...", I nevertheless have a situation that may require a more nuanced decision:

I'm recovering from a backup and it says "50 weeks behind..."

Which implies to me that you were attempting to load your wallet and sign a message and were stuck waiting... but synchronization is not related to signing messages. Signing could theoretically be done offline.

If I can acquire the wallet key, I have ideas for both my 12 word code and my pass.  Especially the 12 words, as it is the first 12 words of a book.
... I thought only newer wallets have a 12 word seed phrase?...... I'm being trolled, aren't I? :/

Title: Re: The release of Satoshi's personal data
Post by: doublespend timestamp on December 13, 2018, 10:38:18 PM
ibminer, the 50 weeks thing is James being quoted, not me.  I guess he is not likely to sign any known Satoshi wallet.  Maybe he'll hold forth around here a lot more on technical issues, and that's something.  Seems the libertarian thing is, he is not telling any wallet address of his to anybody, why should/would he?

No. Excepting the Electrum obfuscation nonsense.

I am consternated about proving my 1DUD...VW address.  As I said, I fully recognize the crossed-hammers mining glyph and James was startled when I hit the mining button "start mining" or something like that, and it simply didn't work in that moment on the Sony VAIO.

If the word code thing was more recently introduced, I am either not remembering that correctly or maybe the early version presented to me had it, but it was then dropped for a while.  I understand I will likely never get any of it back, even from Pavel.

It's not very much the $33 or $35K.  That's pretty close to zilch in terms of what I could have made mining.  

There is the solving; there is the historical import.  

I was thinking this org, this board, has access to the earliest email signups.  If they do, they could at least confirm or deny.  I'd appreciate that.

I do wish to emphasize and truly assert, contrary to what James has seemingly suggested, that we have had, in 2008/2009-- (ref. Satoshi's Oct. 31st, 2008 theoretical release prior to Jan. 3rd, 2009 software release) including 2012, and 2014, multiple conversations specifically about Bitcoin.  I remember his citing the mysterious Satoshi and even teaching me the
value of a Satoshi.  Remember, I lived in Hawaii just under 25 years and have extreme familiarity with Japanese names, pronunciations, culture-- both Tokyo and HI Japanese-American cultures.  Those things stick in my mind with ease.

My personal belief is that the coincidence of the scientist Dorian Satoshi Nakamoto living two blocks from Hal Finney, or whatever distance it was-- the discovery via Spokeo type researches or something similar led to the name being selected.

Additionally, in a post the mods chose to delete a few days ago, I  cited talking at long length multiple times with James about a high-stakes game called "Tanomoshi" which I learned about from Japanese-Americans and Korean bar girls financing HI real-estate deals via.  I knew many people playing the Tanomoshi.  James liked the horizontal aspects of that and we envisioned many permissions/rule for participants in a digital version, as well as discussing his coding it. Please google "Tanomoshi", the historical Samurai link.

Title: Re: The release of Satoshi's personal data
Post by: Jackolantern on December 14, 2018, 12:20:07 AM
I think that Satoshi is a great person and what matters is not his information and details but his creation - btc itself. we will use it for years. He has given us a chance to change the system of currency

Title: Re: Re: The release of Satoshi's personal data
Post by: karates on December 14, 2018, 09:07:12 AM
James, will you tell me my actual and true address on the blockchain to which you sent me the ten Bitcoins?  Just so I and all know?

We were talking voice on Skype when it was sent by you.  I was ecstatic when it worked.

I honestly don't recall that Skype exchange.  If it was circa 2009, then it must have been someone else.  I can believe Satoshi, whoever he is, sent you some BTC due to the fact that you had been breaking ground in social media with video and, were it not for the political attacks that sent you on jurisdictional arbitrage searches, could have captured the network effect that subsequently went to YouTube.  You were "on the radar" for anyone seriously interested in disintermediating the powers that be.  

There is also the possibility that your memory is conflating something I was working on back then called "Electrum", which was a kind of electronic currency based on Dan Brumleve's DBarter (distributed barter) software that won him some sort of award at the Hacker's Conference circa 2000.  But that wasn't a blockchain system and ultimately went nowhere.

James, I am grateful, at least between you and I, you thereby (above) fully admitted you are in fact Satoshi Nakamoto.  

There is not a scintilla of doubt in my being that you and I were on Skype on January 12th, 2009, the whole time from start to finish, when I received those ten Bitcoins, and that you instructed me priorly where to download and configure the wallet etc.

You absolutely know this is true, too, James.

As you also full-well know, you schooled me in excruciating detail on blockchain theory-- on precisely what it was and how it worked.
Now you yourself say Electrum was not blockchain.  So we weren't talking about Electrum.

Further, I find Electrum wallet mentions.  There may be some other minor things about the net, I don't know.

Bitcoin gui applet - Alpinschnuller
I use Electrum as Bitcoin Wallet, and I want to update it. ... the "Bitcoin Core - Wallet" aka "bitcoin-qt" program that installs with James Bowery Vertcoin-cli getinfo ...

What is the preferred bitcoin gui for 17.10?
I notice that the "Bitcoin Core - Wallet" (aka "bitcoin-qt") program that installs with 17.10 has a GUI which may have been "OK" for the days before the BTC market cap was in the hundreds of billions, ...
17.10 gui qt bitcoin
asked Dec 19 '17 at 16:21

James Bowery

Electrum is broad obfuscation, just as 70%+ of considerers are instantly "TKO knocked out" by a whiff of "hate".

The barter references broadly allude to, or tacitly cross-cite, some aspects of Thomaz Winnicki's project.  I introduced you to Canadian-Pole Tomasz Winnicki.  You worked on his software.  I see he has a BTC address on his twitter.
January 19th, 2013   #8
Tomasz Winnicki
White - European - Aryan
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Location: London, Ontario, Dominion of Canada
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Tomasz Winnicki
Originally Posted by James Bowery  View Post
I only wish I could offer them as much help as you have.
Then release that monetary/barter exchange system you were working on before. Even the way it worked back then was highly useful, I think.

You often used the phrase "plausible deniability" as to wallet ownership.  It extends to coding authorship I think. I get that.  

I appreciate there is almost certainly nowhere else on the blockchain in 2009 wherein 10 coins were transmitted and yet remain unspent, as "mine" lie there, as so much space junk.

I know this is a rock and a hard place for you.  I hope you didn't deep six or file 13 the million Bitcoins for your own eccentric, "rationally paranoid" or individualistic reasons.  A least, I hope you have sufficient funds to be comfortable and even locally-mobile in evading researchers or pests.  

A man of your means has surely had the RG6042 synthesized.  Good on you.

As you know, and I have said here, we had Skype voice and telephone conversation in the fall of 2012 about BTC hitting roughly $10 and $13 dollar levels.  How the concept was now proven and a great success.

less then an hour time spent to prepare such an elaborate reponse. lol.

I too think that these jabowery and doublespend accounts are controlled by same person(s)...

Title: Re: The release of Satoshi's personal data
Post by: jademaxsuy on December 14, 2018, 09:11:26 AM
I think it is a fake news because owner should conceal himself for there will be a possibilities that he will be block-mailed especially if everyone knows how rich he might be this time because of bitcoin. However, if he can explain and made a publicity regarding with his creation then we can say that he is truly the founder of bitcoin.

Title: Re: The release of Satoshi's personal data
Post by: AGD on December 14, 2018, 09:43:46 AM
Craig Cobb? As in Craig Cobb the 14% black dude?  ;D

Title: Re: The release of Satoshi's personal data
Post by: nutildah on December 14, 2018, 10:00:22 AM
Craig Cobb? As in Craig Cobb the 14% black dude?  ;D

Holy cow, this story just gets weirder and weirder. You can't make this stuff up:

Well DT let us know if you get that wallet up and running, you might need some of that BTC for yet another DNA test.

Title: Re: The release of Satoshi's personal data
Post by: franky1 on December 14, 2018, 11:15:42 AM
blah blah blah

all i see is doublespend talk about a possible social life of estonia, san fransisco and canada.
and then using the jabowery account where he talks to himself(doublespend) by promoting how double spend is on some radar and popular and important and may have been satoshis second recipient.


seems double spend aka jabowery is trying to play a fame game. talking about all the fame and social life stuff
but providing no bitcoin proof

we dont care about possible social life drama of incarcerations, deportations and alcohol fuelled parties in san fran..
or pretend unprovable skype calls to yourself at unprovable dates.

you can scream "i know who he is, hes my friend" for years. proves nothing. your just trying to play the fame game. self promoting yourself as 2 characters hoping atleast one of the characters gets famous

Title: Re: The release of Satoshi's personal data
Post by: ibminer on December 14, 2018, 03:25:05 PM
ibminer, the 50 weeks thing is James being quoted, not me.  I guess he is not likely to sign any known Satoshi wallet.  
Ok, so if the 50 weeks thing is supposed to be James (whom, in your mind, is Satoshi)...

You are telling me Satoshi is asking a question in 2016 relating to the speed of downloading the blockchain and whether or not to use a bootstrap torrent?? In 2016, he is facing a decision on what to do about being "50 weeks behind", and he needs help deciding what to do?? ::)

Satoshi in 2010:
It's not the download so much as verifying all the signatures in all the blocks as it downloads that takes a long time.

How long is the initial block download typically taking?  Does it slow down half way through or is about the same speed the whole way?

I've thought about ways to do a more cursory check of most of the chain up to the last few thousand blocks.  It is possible, but it's a lot of work, and there are a lot of other higher priority things to work on.

Simplified Payment Verification is for lightweight client-only users who only do transactions and don't generate and don't participate in the node network.  They wouldn't need to download blocks, just the hash chain, which is currently about 2MB and very quick to verify (less than a second to verify the whole chain).  If the network becomes very large, like over 100,000 nodes, this is what we'll use to allow common users to do transactions without being full blown nodes.  At that stage, most users should start running client-only software and only the specialist server farms keep running full network nodes, kind of like how the usenet network has consolidated.

Satoshi would have already known the answer to the question and what options he had... and, really, I can't see Satoshi misspelling bootstrap twice.
2. By the time I discovered boostrap.dat was no longer faster I had already torrent downloaded most of boostrat.dat.

I guess he is not likely to sign any known Satoshi wallet.  
That's a safe bet.

Title: Re: Re: The release of Satoshi's personal data
Post by: doublespend timestamp on December 14, 2018, 04:06:13 PM
James, will you tell me my actual and true address on the blockchain to which you sent me the ten Bitcoins?  Just so I and all know?

We were talking voice on Skype when it was sent by you.  I was ecstatic when it worked.

I honestly don't recall that Skype exchange.  If it was circa 2009, then it must have been someone else.  I can believe Satoshi, whoever he is, sent you some BTC due to the fact that you had been breaking ground in social media with video and, were it not for the political attacks that sent you on jurisdictional arbitrage searches, could have captured the network effect that subsequently went to YouTube.  You were "on the radar" for anyone seriously interested in disintermediating the powers that be.  

There is also the possibility that your memory is conflating something I was working on back then called "Electrum", which was a kind of electronic currency based on Dan Brumleve's DBarter (distributed barter) software that won him some sort of award at the Hacker's Conference circa 2000.  But that wasn't a blockchain system and ultimately went nowhere.

James, I will answer, though I expect you have said your piece on all this.

I do now recall Electrum.  In our first two partial years of conversations, roughly a month or two before Oct. 31st, 2008 (Satoshi's theoretical release) and Jan. 3rd, 2009 (Satoshi's Bit Core release), the entire blockchain theory was patiently verbally explained to me in great detail.  I think you are right-- it was yours...then called "Electrum" (I believe we discussed Szabo's BitGold too, as you
were a great gold bug-- likely many posts on Majority Rights and you at least read GoldIsMoney board, i believe it was).  In any case, Bitgold references or no, Electrum was your baby.  And it sounded precisely as Bitcoin.  Then, of a sudden, like 3 card Monte on 42nd, or a fuzzball under three cups, you announced that this guy Satoshi was working the same direction as you and he beat you to the punch (not your words, mine).  I emotionally recall being pretty crestfallen.  "Are you sure?  His system is better?"  

"Yes", you assured me, inscrutable Satoshi Nakamoto had perfected it, but it didn't matter, because you two had had the basic same idea, it's just that he had gotten a little further along faster--like Edison, to your Tesla, as it were,  as I saw it, being a fan of yours. Your tude was, if not "let the better man win", closer to "it doesn't matter, the important thing is that the data process gets out there and works worldwide as a horizontal leveler." No matter.  We were off to the races with Satoshi.  Thank You for jogging my old memory.

Then in 2011, and Electrum wallet was created.  OK fine.  Except it did have the 12 word pass phrase, or however many numbers in the phrase there were.  Electrum a common name, sure, admixture of silver and gold-- many beautiful Russian nuggets online.
Point is, I believe you had mentioned that a pass phrase could-- would eventually be built in and also that the block sizes could be expanded from 4mb or so to a full gig!  Maybe that's how I had begun early to think of phrases.

I should mention here that I never bought, owned or was gifted any other crypto, including any BTC (than "1DUD...VW"), or again trained myself to move it until April of 2018-- over ten years later.  As I have truthfully said, you and I had voice conversations on BTC, politics, Leith etc. in 2012 and 2014-- particularly lengthy in 2012.  

Readers should know that I came upon the blockchain record transaction of January 12th, 2009 over two weeks after I began posting here, and after I had truly asserted here that you sent me a gift of ten Bitcoins way back when.  And there it was, jutting out at me unspent (natch, I knew it was lost forever) ... my distinctive wallet address "1DUD...VW" (the people's, "volks" car of Hitler!)  James, did you do that as more fun gamery?  VW, really?  What are the odds?

So to avoid the timeout in posts, I will come back, edit this and include more as I write.  brb

OK, here I'd like to ask people to tweet to Martti Malmi.  I imagine he would protect Satoshi-- even if he does or does not know Satoshi's identity.  Why wouldn't he?  Martti is almost a hermit by proclivity; probably a well-to-do man as well.  As with James,
who would not fawn guilelessness with perhaps a hundred million plus (Martti's wealth?) or Satoshi's $6 bil?  Then there is The Lord of the Rings power...more on that next as well as Jame's post about a half year before "watching" before the Mt. Gox hack.  You can pre-read it here in his own words.  For a guy "not in Szabo's class", he surely is skilled in watching the baby.  And why does a poor
man need Armory off Ubuntu, for SegWit and hundreds of wallets' cold storage?  For sheer fun of academic play?  brb

James has picked up about 6 twitter followers, from 88 to 94.  Some are correct to believe me or judge it warrants worthiness of exploration.  ...If only for source of possible fluctuations in bitcoin price.

Re James' saying Szabo follows thousands of twitter accounts-- the number is about 2,000.  Forgot to look when Szabo joined.  I was in Tallinn when it came out.  2008 wasn't it, or late 2007?  I think 08.  Got banned within a few days for linking to my site's vids; my partner Agis lasted a few months by only linking every 7th or so tweet to our vids. Then banned again under another account at end of 2016 election for purple county buying (almost exclusively to men) "I've changed my mind!  I'm voting for Trump!" So anyway, it's indeed plausible Szabo and James don't know one another.  Just another exculpatory pre-engineered ruse.

As we all know, peer-to-peer and torrent downloads (as well as TOR) were huge news in 2008-- on everyone's minds-- even though Napster was old news and an earlier rendition.  emule was big in Europe.  "Peer-to-peer" was the phrase James most frequently used, though "timestamp", "blockchain" and "double-spend" were in there super-frequently.  I distinctly recall reading the Oct. 31 doc and seeing and generally understanding the concept with schematics.

jabowery    Economy / Exchanges / MtGox BTC Price Excursion Starting 2013-06-21T07:05:49 UTC?   on: June 22, 2013, 05:35:37 AM
I've got a program monitoring MtGox and it picked up a price excursion that was way out of the ordinary from 2013-06-21T07:01:32 until 2013-06-21T07:06:04 UTC.  I mean like an order of magnitude excursion.

I have to presume I have a bug in my program but if so it is so intermittent that it happens only once in a few weeks because that's how long I've been monitoring the streaming data out of MtGox and nothing like this has happened before.

PS:  I sure wish they'd include basic stuff like checksums and sequence numbers on their streaming interface.

In posting this, I want to emphasize, I am not in any way suggesting James had anything whatsoever to do with the Mt. Gox hack heist-- rather, I think he was keeping an eye on his baby, bitcoin, and the interests of millions of BTC holders.  How many tech guys were monitoring Mt. Gox in June of 2013?  Some.  Probably.  Why? They had a stake in security?

The Mt. Gox hack
On 7 February 2014, Mt. Gox stopped all bitcoin withdrawals...

Title: Re: Re: The release of Satoshi's personal data
Post by: jabowery on December 14, 2018, 05:17:45 PM

There is also the possibility that your memory is conflating something I was working on back then called "Electrum", which was a kind of electronic currency based on Dan Brumleve's DBarter (distributed barter) software that won him some sort of award at the Hacker's Conference circa 2000.  But that wasn't a blockchain system and ultimately went nowhere.

I do now recall Electrum.  In our first two partial years of conversations, roughly a month or two before Oct. 31st, 2008 (Satoshi's theoretical release) and Jan. 3rd, 2009 (Satoshi's Bit Core release), the entire blockchain theory was patiently verbally explained to me in great detail.  I think you are right-- it was yours...then called "Electrum" (I believe we discussed Szabo's BitGold too, as you
were a great gold bug-- likely many posts on Majority Rights and you at least read GoldIsMoney board, i believe it was)...

Here's the Majority Rights post about dbarter where I described my idea that later became a web interface to dbarter I called "electrum" (  The "funny" thing about it is that, IIRC, my motivation for implementing the Electrum system was that some guy was bugging me to get into Bitcoin in the _very_ early days.  Since I didn't understand blockchain tech, I thought I'd resurrect some old circa 2000 code Dan Brumleve had written while we were apartment mates working for HP's "Internet Chapter 2" project.  So even though folks were trying to get me into Bitcoin (and IIRC Nick had responded to me recommending I look into BitGold when I pinged him about the general ideas behind my "Electrum" shortly after the Lehman Bros bankruptcy), rather than take their advice I pursued what apparently became a dead end with Dan's code.  Hence I missed the chance to become wealthy. 

No my "Electrum" had nothing to do with the "Electrum" Bitcoin wallet that came later.  "Electrum" is simply a name that elicits electronic money, in whatever form, as well as having a history in precious metal currency -- which is why the name got reused independently.

PS:  For others who are interested in why I say Craig was in a position to capture the network effect that became YouTube, and may have caught the attention of anarcho-capitalists into jurisdictional arbitrage (such as Satoshi), in 2005 he inherited enough money to pay programmers to set up a video sharing site that included live video and channels for individuals -- and he most decidedly did not politically censor the content.  YouTube got started around the same time and I don't recall what features YouTube offered at around the same time, but I don't think it included live streaming for individual channels and I suspect it was politically censoring content even at that early stage. 

Title: Re: Re: The release of Satoshi's personal data
Post by: doublespend timestamp on December 14, 2018, 05:36:36 PM

There is also the possibility that your memory is conflating something I was working on back then called "Electrum", which was a kind of electronic currency based on Dan Brumleve's DBarter (distributed barter) software that won him some sort of award at the Hacker's Conference circa 2000.  But that wasn't a blockchain system and ultimately went nowhere.

I do now recall Electrum.  In our first two partial years of conversations, roughly a month or two before Oct. 31st, 2008 (Satoshi's theoretical release) and Jan. 3rd, 2009 (Satoshi's Bit Core release), the entire blockchain theory was patiently verbally explained to me in great detail.  I think you are right-- it was yours...then called "Electrum" (I believe we discussed Szabo's BitGold too, as you
were a great gold bug-- likely many posts on Majority Rights and you at least read GoldIsMoney board, i believe it was)...

Here's the Majority Rights post about dbarter where I described my idea that later became a web interface to dbarter I called "electrum" (  The "funny" thing about it is that, IIRC, my motivation for implementing the Electrum system was that some guy was bugging me to get into Bitcoin in the _very_ early days.  Since I didn't understand blockchain tech, I thought I'd resurrect some old circa 2000 code Dan Brumleve had written while we were apartment mates working for HP's "Internet Chapter 2" project.  So even though folks were trying to get me into Bitcoin (and IIRC Nick had responded to me recommending I look into BitGold when I pinged him about the general ideas behind my "Electrum" shortly after the Lehman Bros bankruptcy), rather than take their advice I pursued what apparently became a dead end with Dan's code.  Hence I missed the chance to become wealthy.  

No my "Electrum" had nothing to do with the "Electrum" Bitcoin wallet that came later.  "Electrum" is simply a name that elicits electronic money, in whatever form, as well as having a history in precious metal currency -- which is why the name got reused independently.

PS:  For others who are interested in why I say Craig was in a position to capture the network effect that became YouTube, and may have caught the attention of anarcho-capitalists into jurisdictional arbitrage (such as Satoshi), in 2005 he inherited enough money to pay programmers to set up a video sharing site that included live video and channels for individuals -- and he most decidedly did not politically censor the content.  YouTube got started around the same time and I don't recall what features YouTube offered at around the same time, but I don't think it included live streaming for individual channels and I suspect it was politically censoring content even at that early stage.  

Morning, James.  More by and by.  I'd been about to lay in this when you posted:

Then there is this part of Satoshi's known address:
 "HoMeFtp" ... to me, as "Home [of bitcoin core] file transfer protocol".

Will try and respond to more of what you've posted.  It is nice you explain to the men why Satoshi appreciated what I was doing.  Was just a 1950 TV's gen guy.  Of course, as I've said already, Satoshi himself told me, in part, he wanted to see if a guy like me--
a little bright, but not super-extraordinary, could grok and work with it all.  You said that in polite terms.  Also, that I had.  A little slow to "come to" after the knockout, ha.  Jails, the hole in the ground, walking over the Columbia range of the Rockies into Montana to escape Canada, and mostly the driving need to video them as they did us, it all took a toll.  Till I got to thinking, around Christmas of last year. of $19,000 BTC, staring at the walls in Mustamae and at my wallet address, and imagining convincing my two brothers to mine and be patient and let's see what happens.

If you don't mind, it seems to me you could explain the events at Hewlett-Packard best-- when they fired you because you flat out refused to fire the 400 programmers who worked under you and hire HIB East Indian programmers.  (Been to Bangalore its burb Whitefield; saw old Savitri Devi there in April of 1973 from about 30 feet away at Satya Sai Baba's, the pedophile's ashram.  I'd read her for a couple of years then, but was too shy to walk up to her).  

   Anyway, point is, it influenced you a lot, as you yourself have said.  Then was online in Feb. 1995.  The Congressional testimony you read, your You Tube vid you linked to the other day-- wasn't that a year or so before the end at HP?  I am really glad you have evened the score many times over with corrupt, evil Silicon Valley and the banksters.  Can't remember if we talked about Iceland taking action.  I think we may have.  Exciting times.  Now Trump.  Now bitcoin.  Alt coins. It has all changed.

EDIT:  I used my inherited money to get the 5 year financial visa with Eesti lawyers' help, and emigrate to Estonia, James.  The tech who set up the live-streaming in 2008 is known to Agis and myself.  He is skilled.  He did it as a volunteer effort.  We gave Tom Metzger the keys and Tom would come on anytime he liked.  I talked twice a day.  No, You Tube didn't have live streaming then.  UStream, I think it was, had relatively shortly before us begun it.  Censored, of course.

I also like NMC, name coin, the very first fork of bitcoin.  I think it was 2011 when it was coded to allow .bit website DNS to obviate censorship.  That coin is even today 48 to 50 cents, avail. on that Thai exchange.  When the insane Pol Potters get back in power, it should surge.  Thx for that too, sir.  Can't recall if you foretold that to me as you did so many things, such as the vast exchanges, the numerous coins, $1,000, $10K or $1 million BTC, and blockchain carrying whole complex contracts data sets which would perform even more complex functions than bitcoin.

Title: Re: The release of Satoshi's personal data
Post by: sarcheer on December 14, 2018, 05:38:43 PM
Seems to me this is (clearly) the same person behind both accounts and this is all just an attempt to get people to visit their fringe website.

Title: Re: The release of Satoshi's personal data
Post by: doublespend timestamp on December 14, 2018, 05:51:18 PM
Seems to me this is (clearly) the same person behind both accounts and this is all just an attempt to get people to visit their fringe website.

No, that's incorrect, sarcheer.  The people who thought this in the thread are wrong.  I am CC; he is JAB.  Linder used to say something like almost no one can change his writing style and large numbers of people can't even recognize simple characteristics of writing styles.  It's actually embarrassing to me you suggest I can write or think remotely like James.  

Different subject:  Remember when Gavin Andresen (I've read his real surname is "Bell" but don't know) told Satoshi he was going to give a speech to the CIA?  That was the last he ever heard from Satoshi.

Title: Re: The release of Satoshi's personal data
Post by: fenican on December 14, 2018, 05:58:33 PM
Until you sign a message from an address belonging to Satoshi, you are just pissing in the wind and not even as well as Craig Wright.

Title: Re: The release of Satoshi's personal data
Post by: doublespend timestamp on December 14, 2018, 06:09:28 PM
Until you sign a message from an address belonging to Satoshi, you are just pissing in the wind and not even as well as Craig Wright.

I see.  Yes, I more or less understand that, and I'm clearly not as intelligent or lettered at Faketoshi.  If you've seen how I think, I am not too afraid of telling truth or even going to jail or living under extreme duress in cold.

But I do know what happened over months, who sent me the ten bitcoin, and when.  It's important to me to tell it accurately.

I am pretty sure you are not suggesting JAB was working under Craig Wright or at his direct behest in James' sending me the ten bitcoin that incredibly early when he did.

James said:

Here's the Majority Rights post about dbarter where I described my idea that later became a web interface to dbarter I called "electrum".  The "funny" thing about it is that, IIRC, my motivation for implementing the Electrum system was that some guy was bugging me to get into Bitcoin in the _very_ early days.  Since I didn't understand blockchain tech, I thought I'd resurrect some old circa 2000 code Dan Brumleve had written while we were apartment mates working for HP's "Internet Chapter 2" project.  So even though folks were trying to get me into Bitcoin (and IIRC Nick had responded to me recommending I look into BitGold when I pinged him about the general ideas behind my "Electrum" shortly after the Lehman Bros bankruptcy), rather than take their advice I pursued what apparently became a dead end with Dan's code.  Hence I missed the chance to become wealthy.  

No my "Electrum" had nothing to do with the "Electrum" Bitcoin wallet that came later.  "Electrum" is simply a name that elicits electronic money, in whatever form, as well as having a history in precious metal currency -- which is why the name got reused independently.

Yes, yes, I know re the Electrum wallet.  Didn't put this in earlier:

Thx for your chronology with Nick Szabos.

I want to tell readers I know your voice well-- I wasn't ever talking on Skype from Mustamae, Tallinn, Estonia with Nick Szabos, Faketoshi Craig Wright or anyone else but you.

Different subject, but I have read a couple of things lately I wonder about.  One is that all the Chinese dropping mining because they can't make money at $3,400 will cause the ledger to falter.  Don't know enough about that; some here other than you surely do.

Secondly, some say if Satoshi were to proffer a great portion of his BTC, the market would plunge.  Others say the market would just scoop up all of it in a flash.

Then there is BTCSV, I guess maybe now BTHSV.  Don't know if you'll venture an opinion on that, but I am asking.

Lastly, your mention of your naïvety re CAP when you first posted here at  Then read this about CAP from Mr. Kernfeld:

Sep 21

View Source

Interesting, and rather frustrating, that just as the perfect energy source is looming on the horizon, the perfect energy sink is growing exponentially, that’s bitcoin. Leave it to people to invent a completely useless ‘crypto currency’ mining process that wastes massive amounts of real energy. Imagine a future filled with SunCell powered server farm bitcoin mining operations. Nightmare. Perhaps Dr. Mills can do us a favor and refuse to lease SunCells for bitcoin mining. Please!
James Bowery

Sep 22

View Source

I was not really serious about banning bitcoin mining. Of course you should sell power to anyone who wants to buy it. But the SunCell would really open up the whole solar system to exploration and colonization especially the outer solar system since solar energy is too weak there yet hydrogen is abundant.
James Bowery

Sep 22


Davincij15 who some astute mind-wanged Redditers have sized up to be Satoshi:

Title: Re: The release of Satoshi's personal data
Post by: franky1 on December 14, 2018, 08:21:12 PM
blah blah blah..

more social drama...
no one cares about your love life or some youtube fame or fame on another website.

no bitcoin proof=no proof
no matter how much you yammer on about your social life from the 1950's->2008 .. its all meaningless

stop with the social dramatics of trying to get famous.

Title: Re: The release of Satoshi's personal data
Post by: loveinberlin on December 14, 2018, 09:55:15 PM
I think that it is better to be interested not in Satoshi but in btc because he has already done what he could for us by producing the idea of btc and now we use it to become rich

Title: Re: The release of Satoshi's personal data
Post by: doublespend timestamp on December 14, 2018, 10:19:23 PM
blah blah blah..

more social drama...
no one cares about your love life or some youtube fame or fame on another website.

no bitcoin proof=no proof
no matter how much you yammer on about your social life from the 1950's->2008 .. its all meaningless

stop with the social dramatics of trying to get famous.

Main thing is, I've revealed to the world who Satoshi Nakamoto is.

As James himself says, Nick Szabos is out of his league.

On the Steemit blockchain:

Review of "The Supermen: The Story of Seymour Cray and the Technical Wizards behind the Supercomputer"
jabowery (26) in history •  10 months ago

PLATO was a $1 billion (1970s) 'bet the company' investment by Bill Norris, the farmer/CEO of CDC who put a windmill pump from his Nebraska farm in front of CDC's corporate towers to remind people where they came from. That is the story of epic proportions only grazed on by this book. PLATO was ready to go to mass market, but Wall Street combined with classic middle mismanagement killed the mass market version of PLATO before it could even be test marketed -- for which it was ready.

 ... I personally worked with the PLATO project and tested a version of it ...

 ... There are a lot of anecdotes this book doesn't tell that will probably die with the people who lived the tale. Just one, to capture a bit of what will be lost to history:

People looking for Cray Research's facility in the fields of Wisconsin could drive up to a farm house and ask where 'Cray Research' was located and a friendly neighbor would say, 'Oh, you mean Seymour's place...' and then give directions to an area surrounded by an almost invisible network of intelligence agency surveillance equipment -- protecting what was seen as a national treasure from potential espionage. In a speech to one of these agencies, Seymour told them they could come out and protect his folks but only if they never got in the way, and that meant not even letting anyone know they were around. Well, you could tell they were around, but at least they didn't get in the way!

Title: Re: The release of Satoshi's personal data
Post by: franky1 on December 14, 2018, 11:06:04 PM
Main thing is, I've revealed to the world who Satoshi Nakamoto is.

 ... I personally worked with the PLATO project and tested a version of it ...

People looking for Cray Research's facility in the fields of Wisconsin could drive up to a farm house and ask where 'Cray Research' was located and a friendly neighbor would say, 'Oh, you mean Seymour's place...' and then give directions to an area surrounded by an almost invisible network of intelligence agency surveillance equipment

you are not proving anything
you are yammering on about your personal life trying to make yourself famous by mentioning random events like being in a PLATO project and giving directions to crays

stop trying to make yourself famous by pretending to have got 10btc..
if you cant prove you got 10btc. then stop yammering on about your social life

your social life of the 1970's onwards is no proof
all your doing by highlighting your social life is trying to beat ur chest like a gorilla as if your significant

Title: Re: The release of Satoshi's personal data
Post by: doublespend timestamp on December 14, 2018, 11:55:28 PM
But franky1, you are the one who sagely taught us in #44 James Bowery and I are a single man posting to himself.

Tough to accept a self-proclaimed social pariah rightist really made bitcoin, Trump is president, Hungary kicked out Soros' Open Society, France's sweetheart is getting belly-butted around by generals as the country burns, and Italy has a right-led coalition?

franky1 said:

all i see is doublespend talk about a possible social life of estonia, san fransisco and canada.
and then using the jabowery account where he talks to himself(doublespend) by promoting how double spend is on some radar and popular and important and may have been satoshis second recipient.


seems double spend aka jabowery is trying to play a fame game. talking about all the fame and social life stuff
but providing no bitcoin proof

It's been a great honor and fun to get Satoshi back posting on his very own Stormfront-clone, personally-built vbulletin board during this historic turbulent market growing-pains period.

Title: Re: The release of Satoshi's personal data
Post by: doublespend timestamp on December 15, 2018, 01:11:58 AM
Craig Cobb? As in Craig Cobb the 14% black dude?  ;D

Fake news sucker.

Title: Re: The release of Satoshi's personal data
Post by: franky1 on December 15, 2018, 01:27:26 AM
But franky1, you are the one who sagely taught us in #44 James Bowery and I are a single man posting to himself.

Tough to accept a self-proclaimed social pariah rightist really made bitcoin, Trump is president, Hungary kicked out Soros' Open Society, France's sweetheart is getting belly-butted around by generals as the country burns, and Italy has a right-led coalition?

franky1 said:

all i see is doublespend talk about a possible social life of estonia, san fransisco and canada.
and then using the jabowery account where he talks to himself(doublespend) by promoting how double spend is on some radar and popular and important and may have been satoshis second recipient.


seems double spend aka jabowery is trying to play a fame game. talking about all the fame and social life stuff
but providing no bitcoin proof

It's been a great honor and fun to get Satoshi back posting on his very own Stormfront-clone, personally-built vbulletin board during this historic turbulent market growing-pains period.

i in #8 also said i predict you would then use a social media account in the name of james.. and it happened. the james account is trying to promote doublespend account and the double spend account is trying to highlight james. account.but neither is proving who received 10btc
your just social drama about a personal life from 1970+
trying to gleam some fame.

now what if i said that the 1dud address was mine. and i asked you to prove its not..
go on try..
if you dont have the private key, the funds are not yours.
thats like rule one of bitcoin.

the reason i believe you are james and james is you is that both accounts lack detailed knowledge of bitcoin. and if both of you were highly involved and doings stuff and part of the inner circle of 2008-2009 that were there to receive bitcoin in the first week. then you would know much more then the basics of bitcoin.

all your 2 accounts are doing is telling each other how YOU have been involved is X or Y projects or know people.
kinda worse than craig wright failed attempts.

Title: Re: The release of Satoshi's personal data
Post by: doublespend timestamp on December 15, 2018, 01:55:06 AM
Satoshi Nakamoto's last post on, Dec. 11, 2010, re Wikileaks' hornet's nest was also the general time frame James suffered a family tragedy.  Bitcoin was worth very little at the time.
post #25:

Posted by James Bowery on Wed, 15 Jul 2009 11:18 | #

First I want to say that I have clarified my own thinking here, in real time, about “the problem” and it has to do with the monopoly aspect of controlling the currency standard,

Long story short:  If the Knight-Ridder management hadn’t been so anal about retaining a strangle hold on editorial control of content, they could have been the launching point for the internet 15 years earlier and they might have been able to develop new business models—such as those I outlined in the 1982 essay I wrote when I was in charge of their network architecture. I rather predicted their unenlightened self-interest in the essay and the eventual emergence of “pioneer” stock like “Bezos”.


During this period, I was viciously attacked by people who weren't all that careful to hide their identities. These messages, typified by "Die Bowery DIE!" are no longer in the Usenet archives that Google has apparent sole control over.

I was also audited by the IRS and my bank account frozen when, after learning how the Swamp works (which one must do to pass any law at the Federal level) I started questioning the ratification of the 16th Amendment, among other heretical questions.

It would be interesting if anyone could find the "Die Bowery DIE!" message in Google's Usenet "search engine" -- a uniquely incapable search engine among all search engines including not only Google's own search engine, but Alta Vista. He who controls the past...


r/Bitcoin•Posted byu/lefonty
5 years ago
What are trading APIs missing that you want to see on our platform(Crypto Street)?
The development team at Crypto Street is within a few weeks of finishing our API. Prior to launch I'd like to know what some of you feel other platform APIs are lacking. Whether you plan to use it as a trader or maybe even as a platform for your own business, we want to make that easier.

1 point
5 years ago
edited 5 years ago
For the non-trading API, don't bother with anything but websocket streaming. Its really annoying to have exchanges get pissy about high rates of polling their data when those sorts of interfaces don't provide timely data anyway. Sheesh. Also, if you do the right thing and provide streaming realtime data, please provide a sequence number with the events.

Also, when are the exchanges going to come up with a two-phase commit trading standard so if one exchange fails the atomic action doesn't happen?


franky1, I was really hoping you could explain this cryptography question's answer to James and me-- especially to me.  Thx a whole bunch!

asked May 14 '16 at 3:27

James Bowery

Are the Confabulation Theories of Thaler and Hecht-Nielsen Isomorphic?

Both S. L. Thaler and R. Hecht-Nielsen have set forth neural-based theories of "confabulation" applicable to machine learning.

The essential mathematics of Hecht-Nielsen is set forth in his paper "Cogent Confabulation". Briefly it is an inversion of Bayesian inference. Bayesian inference is P(x|a&b&c&d...) where one is estimating the probability of x assuming a, b, c, d, etc. Its inversion is P(a&b&c&d...|x), which RHN calls the "cogency" of x given the assumptions.

I haven't seen a similarly succinct description of Thaler's mathematics that would permit comparison to see if the theories are isomorphic. Are they?


Satoshi Nakamoto's "cursory check" vs. James "Satoshi" Bowery's "cursory review" in comment #28.  Essentially, within context, "cursory review" and "cursory check" are the same process or thing.

 Posted by James Bowery on Thu, 07 Sep 2006 22:58 | #

Even a cursory review of the strategies of various parasites reveals that a common strategy is to neuter the host and redirect reproductive resources to the parasite.  These are the activities that are of least value to most parasites.

franky1, with a Sept. 12, 2012 signup date, looks as if you came to bitcoin almost 4 years after my fall of 2008 start (ref. Nakamoto's Oct. 31, 2008 paper).

Title: Re: The release of Satoshi's personal data
Post by: AGD on December 15, 2018, 09:22:37 AM
Craig Cobb? As in Craig Cobb the 14% black dude?  ;D

Fake news sucker.

OK. If you are claiming to be Craig Cobb, it would be easy to verify your RL identity by making a video where you mention your 'doublespend timestamp' nick. To verify that Bitcoin address in question, you will need your wallet file and your password (if encrypted). It is very easy and fast.
You can sign a message with your nick and/or your claims without needing to download the entire bockchain btw.

This would definitely support some of your allegations, but it doesn't necessarily mean that JB is proven to be Satoshi Nakamoto.

Just my simple view: If Satoshi was a right wing, he wouldn't be wasting time with a decentralized currency. It just dosn't match.

Title: Re: The release of Satoshi's personal data
Post by: nutildah on December 15, 2018, 09:46:58 AM

Just my simple view: If Satoshi was a right wing, he wouldn't be wasting time with a decentralized currency. It just dosn't match.

Also I don't understand why he would use that particular pseudonym. Sounds very un-white power. (If I were him) I would have gone with Karl Wagner or something.

@DT sorry buddy but without actual proof as has been described above et al we just can't go with you on this one.

Just think of how frustrated Faketoshi must have been when it was revealed that the keys he used to "prove" he was Satoshi to Gavin Andresen were found to have previously been embedded in the coinbase of the blockchain.

Unlike with CSW, I'm not saying you're a liar, but the evidence presented thus far just isn't very conclusive of anything.

Title: Re: The release of Satoshi's personal data
Post by: franky1 on December 15, 2018, 10:36:34 AM
Craig Cobb? As in Craig Cobb the 14% black dude?  ;D

Fake news sucker.

OK. If you are claiming to be Craig Cobb, it would be easy to verify your RL identity by making a video where you mention your 'doublespend timestamp' nick.

:D AGD or he could go full old school with the old 'shoe on head' ID proof.

Title: Re: The release of Satoshi's personal data
Post by: doublespend timestamp on December 15, 2018, 01:10:17 PM
Craig Cobb? As in Craig Cobb the 14% black dude?  ;D

Fake news sucker.

OK. If you are claiming to be Craig Cobb, it would be easy to verify your RL identity by making a video where you mention your 'doublespend timestamp' nick. To verify that Bitcoin address in question, you will need your wallet file and your password (if encrypted). It is very easy and fast.
You can sign a message with your nick and/or your claims without needing to download the entire bockchain btw.

This would definitely support some of your allegations, but it doesn't necessarily mean that JB is proven to be Satoshi Nakamoto.

Just my simple view: If Satoshi was a right wing, he wouldn't be wasting time with a decentralized currency. It just dosn't match.

It's pretty clear you and a number of others haven't really even read the thread too thoroughly.  This includes James' fairly comprehensive internet

writings, a fair reading of which would stun most reasonable people with its similarities to Satoshi Nakamoto.

James Bowery has called me Craig on this board, in this thread.  I am who he says.  James (Satoshi Nakamoto) knows it is me from my writing

style and other aspects of  our interactions I've cited, most especially the January 12th, 2009 bitcoin send to me, our many Skype voice conversations, our meeting in Shenandoah, Iowa at his home etc.   For example, in 2012, James suggested-- I liked the idea-- we White men of the world breed blue-eyed blondes, raise them to age 14 or 16 or 17, all the while acculturating them to the highest levels of civilizational manners, conversational skills, etc.   A bit like bitcoin commodity, as I think of it now.  The Chinese would surely want our blondes for reproduction and life-enhancement purposes-why wouldn't they?  Then we'd market them to the Chinese.  He represented it as a type of elaborate supply and demand issue, with the obvious side-benefit of creating, via their fecundity, a sub-race of mixed Chinese or East-Indian partial Whites (like the 700 years of Arab slavery of Whites portrayed in 19th century oils).  Who would care, so long as they are cultured, enhance the world and could be mass-reproduced.

I know this is shocking to people.  I personally still love the idea!  Might lay some more in here.  James also kidly advised me in Leith.  Yes, I will lay it in here in due time if Cobra and the others allow.  Also want to put in the libraries in Helsinki from which I spoke to Martti Malmi, Satoshi's friend reference when I was a political refugee.

You autist fellows totally miss the point re signing the blockchain, even though I have truly told you here, time after time, that the

key is gone.  As if there is no other way.  That is funny.  A true cultish response, finally-- though there are other members and lurkers here

who aren't saying anything but are taking all this with the historical and intellectual import it deserves.

================================= is a stylometrics firm with an active search on for the true identity of Satoshi.  As I absolutely already know...

On Jan. 12th, 2009, after several months of voice Skype conversation while

I resided in Tallinn, Estonia on a 5 year financial immigrant visa, James Allen

Bowery sent me 10 bitcoins as a gift.

The coins remain unspent to this day,  The "send" occurred 2 hrs and 32 minutes

after the well-documented Satoshi send of 10 bitcoins to Hal Finney.

Your firm will make history if you run James Allen Bowery's writings through

your stylometrics.  He resides in Shenandoah, Iowa.

The thread above contains my documentations of my years long friendship with James Bowery.  It also has sources for many of James' writings,

including the site

Thank You.

Paul Craig Cobb, age 67
Sherwood, ND

Title: Re: Re: The release of Satoshi's personal data
Post by: Bobby park on December 15, 2018, 01:27:22 PM
theymos, did you ever talk voice chat with Satoshi?  For hours and hours from 2008 till 2014?  Often on BTC, peer-to-peer and Bit-gold-- as well as on economics and world politics?  Did he ever do programming tech work for you for over $3,000? Have you been in his old, white frame farmhouse home in Shenandoah, Iowa?  You can see it on the front of his Facebook page.  That is it in the distance, down the road.  Have you ever seen him quaff a sweet drink from a Mason jar while he observes that the U.S. government would like to send a missile into his humble country house? Has he ever voice interviewed you and put it online? Did you ever wonder why Satoshi keyed this vbulletin to look exactly like SF?
Do you think theymos and satoshi are connected to each other? Well, I have also different conclusion to them. I think theymos, the founder of BTT and satoshi, the founder of BTC are only one guy. Why? Even there is named satoshi in this forum, I doubt that they are two guys. That is just my assumption and I do not have enough details to prove it. However, it is pretty good for them to have connection.

Title: Re: The release of Satoshi's personal data
Post by: AGD on December 15, 2018, 02:24:49 PM
Craig Cobb? As in Craig Cobb the 14% black dude?  ;D

Fake news sucker.

OK. If you are claiming to be Craig Cobb, it would be easy to verify your RL identity by making a video where you mention your 'doublespend timestamp' nick. To verify that Bitcoin address in question, you will need your wallet file and your password (if encrypted). It is very easy and fast.
You can sign a message with your nick and/or your claims without needing to download the entire bockchain btw.

This would definitely support some of your allegations, but it doesn't necessarily mean that JB is proven to be Satoshi Nakamoto.

Just my simple view: If Satoshi was a right wing, he wouldn't be wasting time with a decentralized currency. It just dosn't match.

It's pretty clear you and a number of others haven't really even read the thread too thoroughly.  This includes James' fairly comprehensive internet

writings, a fair reading of which would stun most reasonable people with its similarities to Satoshi Nakamoto.

James Bowery has called me Craig on this board, in this thread.  I am who he says.  James (Satoshi Nakamoto) knows it is me from my writing

style and other aspects of  our interactions I've cited, most especially the January 12th, 2009 bitcoin send to me, our many Skype voice conversations, our meeting in Shenandoah, Iowa at his home etc.   For example, in 2012, James suggested-- I liked the idea-- we White men of the world breed blue-eyed blondes, raise them to age 14 or 16 or 17, all the while acculturating them to the highest levels of civilizational manners, conversational skills, etc.   A bit like bitcoin commodity, as I think of it now.  The Chinese would surely want our blondes for reproduction and life-enhancement purposes-why wouldn't they?  Then we'd market them to the Chinese.  He represented it as a type of elaborate supply and demand issue, with the obvious side-benefit of creating, via their fecundity, a sub-race of mixed Chinese or East-Indian partial Whites (like the 700 years of Arab slavery of Whites portrayed in 19th century oils).  Who would care, so long as they are cultured, enhance the world and could be mass-reproduced.

I know this is shocking to people.  I personally still love the idea!  Might lay some more in here.  James also kidly advised me in Leith.  Yes, I will lay it in here in due time if Cobra and the others allow.  Also want to put in the libraries in Helsinki from which I spoke to Martti Malmi, Satoshi's friend reference when I was a political refugee.

You autist fellows totally miss the point re signing the blockchain, even though I have truly told you here, time after time, that the

key is gone.  As if there is no other way.  That is funny.  A true cultish response, finally-- though there are other members and lurkers here

who aren't saying anything but are taking all this with the historical and intellectual import it deserves.

================================= is a stylometrics firm with an active search on for the true identity of Satoshi.  As I absolutely already know...

On Jan. 12th, 2009, after several months of voice Skype conversation while

I resided in Tallinn, Estonia on a 5 year financial immigrant visa, James Allen

Bowery sent me 10 bitcoins as a gift.

The coins remain unspent to this day,  The "send" occurred 2 hrs and 32 minutes

after the well-documented Satoshi send of 10 bitcoins to Hal Finney.

Your firm will make history if you run James Allen Bowery's writings through

your stylometrics.  He resides in Shenandoah, Iowa.

The thread above contains my documentations of my years long friendship with James Bowery.  It also has sources for many of James' writings,

including the site

Thank You.

Paul Craig Cobb, age 67
Sherwood, ND

I'd say, that JB's writing style is completely different than Nakamotos, though I think, that SN has been trying to hide his identity and for that he used a simple and scientific expression, without much (or any) slang, which everybody incl. JB could have been doing. This is definitely not a proof.

Title: Re: Re: The release of Satoshi's personal data
Post by: doublespend timestamp on December 15, 2018, 04:54:05 PM
theymos, did you ever talk voice chat with Satoshi?  For hours and hours from 2008 till 2014?  Often on BTC, peer-to-peer and Bit-gold-- as well as on economics and world politics?  Did he ever do programming tech work for you for over $3,000? Have you been in his old, white frame farmhouse home in Shenandoah, Iowa?  You can see it on the front of his Facebook page.  That is it in the distance, down the road.  Have you ever seen him quaff a sweet drink from a Mason jar while he observes that the U.S. government would like to send a missile into his humble country house? Has he ever voice interviewed you and put it online? Did you ever wonder why Satoshi keyed this vbulletin to look exactly like SF?
Do you think theymos and satoshi are connected to each other? Well, I have also different conclusion to them. I think theymos, the founder of BTT and satoshi, the founder of BTC are only one guy. Why? Even there is named satoshi in this forum, I doubt that they are two guys. That is just my assumption and I do not have enough details to prove it. However, it is pretty good for them to have connection.

That's a fascinating consideration, Bobby park.  I hadn't really thought of it.  Figured he was an old timer, here since 2010, which I guess he is.

Satoshi obviously does like the sock puppetry thing, albeit there was a logical reason for it, in that he invented the system.  One would have to

compare the writings.

It seems the number of points of comparison are complex-- usages of articles, placement, infinitive phrases, complex sentences, compound

sentences, on and on.  All done by binary this not that; that not this.  The softwares have surely gotten much better since it was used to

consider whether Sir Francis Bacon was Shakespeare.  J.K. Rowling was supposedly IDed some year or so back as the true author of a work.

Anyway, I do know in this case.  My account here has commercial value for whoever owns this board.  My account may be proven within minutes,

days, months, years or never.  Something I should mention.  It was deleted in one of my earlier posts.  I survive on $457 per month social

security and the occasional snow shoveling job, the now-and-then farm labor job in spring, summer and fall and the like.  I am telling the truth,

and litigation is unpleasant for anyone, but what's a po' ole nappy-haired gro such as miceelf to do under the circumstance?  Telling the truth is

the best policy.  I will just tell the judge, "I am a po' old n__ro Nazi at Krimma$tyme in dese tryin' Trump-hate Chinese Cultural Revolution times".
(Ah do hopes u wypipo respek mah kulture an mah ansistahs!)

 And get court delays till I can find a ND or MN ND-licensed lawyer to stand up , cause no one will already represent me.

Again, I do appreciate extremely bright people read this and get it.  Though AGD Charlie Manson, fenican, ibminer, nutildah, Kalmakr, franky1 et. al. maybe can't read for detail so well, a whole lot of others can.

I doubt this will affect the price of bitcoin.  That is all even beyond Satoshi now.  No idea if other coins will ever surpass BTC.  I think about it and

wonder, as a mental exercise.  We all do, crypto enthusiasts, right?

I see James has his Fair Church glyph up on his Facebook (how does one join up with that Fair Church?)  with something about a son.  (It's not

jeeboo either, lol).  As I know he and I have had very extensive conversations about both eugenics and my possibly hiring surrogate mothers in

India-- there is quite a good clinic in Hyderabad, the fifth largest city in India, I wonder if maybe he and his wife haven't employed egg-harvesting.  

I hope so. That'd be neat.  The world desperately needs more James Bowerys.

But back to your supposition about theymos; I just don't know.  I have even had the thought-- "maybe James allowed the 10 bitcoin send to me to

'stand'  (i.e. without a followup contact to me years later to remember or memorialize it) as a backdoor to give me the honor to relay the story to

the planet."  Different but amusing subject: check out mocking "HoMe" in Satoshi's wallet, as in hip hop "Homey", ha, or "Homey the Clown".  I

guess maybe his tumbling crypto software could spit that out on demand.  There's a cap "E" after my "DUD".  lulz; maybe I am grasping for

meaning, but I was dealt a dramatic-sounding address.  Had it not been so easy and harkened to being called such by my Dad, who knows if I

would have remembered?  (Here come again the Aspergers posse--  "prove it, SIGN" trolls!  Hey fellas, like I say, I am a well-travelled Winston Smith international thought criminal and the code is long gone unless hot Estonian media wants to dig up Pavel and give it a go!).

Surely Satoshi is not just cravenly waiting for BTC to hit $1,000,000 or up per so he'd far outstrip Bezos' $155 billion.  He can't be a penny counter,though I'll tell you guys next about the time in 2012 when I bought two electronic copper penny harvesters (one for Satoshi and one for me-- I mailed him his) which identify the coveted copper ones by specific gravity and Satoshi kabuki-thetare dropped a sh__load through!  No
 kidding!!!).  We were gonna find a way for Obama-era young Whites to sit at home and make $8 an hour-- just buy pennies by the 80 lb bag delivered, which you can do.  This was at the same time I had a $5,000 reward for evidence leading to the arrest and conviction of Bernardine Ohrnstein Dohrn-- Obama's twice or thrice WH dinner guest, his surrogate local Mom at Columbia and Bill Ayers' wife) for the bombing murder of Sgt. Brian V. Mcdonnell
 in San Francisco (Feb. 16th, 1970) and when the hack of all the swamp's (Obama's, Hillary's, Biden's etc.) SS numbers and bank records went down, he he.  Had to call him back, however, 10 or 14 days later for the scientific verdict.  Kinda like that whole big mountain full of copper, silver and gold the Chinese bought in Peru and erected military barracks around and all over.  Iowa thrifty.

Please look out for and buy my new WAVES-platformed "EYEDONETOLLYA" coin n' ICO.  PM me if you wantz sum.  I have been Ble$$ed with abundance of coinage.  Like dat great dark-eyed Brew artist Kreayshawn and Lil' Debbie interrogative dey posed so well:

B_____, Don't Kill My Vibe

Title: Re: Re: The release of Satoshi's personal data
Post by: BitcoinMoses on December 15, 2018, 06:02:48 PM
I am willing to take polygraphs that James Bowery sent me these ten bitcoins on January 12th, 2009.
I am hoping to find my wallet password as well as the number which I think starts with a "5" and is the wallet's registered number.  I do know the Bitcoin address which starts with "1DUD" and ends with "VW" is mine.  It is here on the blockchain,
from January 12th, 2009. (2009-01-12 06:02:13)

Oh ! Yes ! Theymos has spoken to Satoshi Nakamoto. Indeed, Theymos himself, is Satoshi Nakamoto. This Bitcoin Address is also created by Satoshi Nakamoto 1NXYoJ5xU91Jp83XfVMHwwTUyZFK64BoAD. Who is this lady saying Oh ! Yes ! ???

Title: Re: The release of Satoshi's personal data
Post by: BitcoinMoses on December 15, 2018, 06:20:30 PM
Well the truth is in the pudding and the pudding will be the signing of these addresses that are mentioned here. This is where CW claims of being Satoshi also failed, because he could not sign those addresses.

What would the goal be to reveal Satoshi's identity? <Fame?> You know the person who reveals the true identity of Satoshi would be ridiculed by this community, right? Dorian Nakamoto's life was made a living hell, when that reporter made false claims that he was Satoshi and people nearly crucified that reporter for doing that.

Do you want to be that reporter?  ???

Hello Kakmakr, You are wrong. Satoshi Nakamoto's real identity supposed not to be published for other reason. If some one reveals the true identity of real Satoshi Nakamoto then how he will be ridiculed by this community ? It is the real Satoshi Nakamoto created the Bitcoin Talk Forum. If any one thinking to become the impostor of real Satoshi Nakamoto must be able to decipher Genesis Block Hash using SAH-256. This is the hash of the Genesis Block where the real identity of real Satoshi is encrypted, 000000000019d6689c085ae165831e934ff763ae46a2a6c172b3f1b60a8ce26f. Ask any one out there to decrypt the Genesis Block Hash. and you will find the real Satoshi Nakamoto.  Adinai Elhenu ! Adonai Satoshi !

- Moses, Bitcoin Moses

Title: Re: The release of Satoshi's personal data
Post by: Pab on December 15, 2018, 07:06:55 PM
How many time we will have information about Satoshi's personal data
the only one his real private id is Nakamoto  Satoshi
Nakamoto is very popular in Japain Satoshi as well
i really i don't know what is all about with re availing who is Satoshi
And  FBI hunting for him

Title: Re: The release of Satoshi's personal data
Post by: franky1 on December 15, 2018, 07:27:16 PM
blah blah blah
more pages of double time stamp saying proof is his alter ego promoting the time stamp username while the timestamp username promotes the JAB name.

and then drops in yet another alter ego name trying to now promote the old alter ego of 'sol adoni'
it all comes full circle to my first post that an old user who went by 'bitcoinpro' who just turns up to cause some social drama has returned.

funny part is even timestamp doesnt know who the real satoshi is because now timestamp is presuming theymos is satoshi
so with 72 posts in this topic of people discussing it and the topic creator just fell flat.

by now thinking satoshi is theymos

oh and ofcourse now trying to cash in on some weird belief that he has now became famous and made his timestamp username "commercially valued"

how predictable

Title: Re: The release of Satoshi's personal data
Post by: doublespend timestamp on December 15, 2018, 07:50:12 PM
franky1, are you a Christian, Sir?  You have a big imagination.

In answering Bobby Park again, I think Moses Bitcoin is right-- theymos is surely not Satoshi, as being a mod

on vbulletin is a boring and tedious job.  Did it in 2004 on VNNF-  Vanguard News Network's forum. 

Satoshi wouldn't put up with that, except as a brief, months-long teaching episode, whereas theymos is just pleased with his historic PMs.

As I have a couple of times, Satoshi absolutely did key this vbulletin to look like Stormfront as a little joke,

and I say that not even knowing if it used to be a different color and style.  As soon as the Pol Potter Democrats get back in for the

duration decades of the national chaos, members may be sent to rehab camps.

Title: Re: The release of Satoshi's personal data
Post by: doublespend timestamp on December 15, 2018, 08:07:33 PM

Hello Kakmakr, You are wrong. Satoshi Nakamoto's real identity supposed not to be published for other reason. If some one reveals the true identity of real Satoshi Nakamoto then how he will be ridiculed by this community ? It is the real Satoshi Nakamoto created the Bitcoin Talk Forum. If any one thinking to become the impostor of real Satoshi Nakamoto must be able to decipher Genesis Block Hash using SAH-256. This is the hash of the Genesis Block where the real identity of real Satoshi is encrypted, 000000000019d6689c085ae165831e934ff763ae46a2a6c172b3f1b60a8ce26f. Ask any one out there to decrypt the Genesis Block Hash. and you will find the real Satoshi Nakamoto.  Adinai Elhenu ! Adonai Satoshi !

- Moses, Bitcoin Moses

There are worldwide people here-- many people who are multilingual.

When you say "supposed not to be published for other reason", you mean there is some implantation of message in the code, but in English,

like the Chancellor message, which asserts a curse or something?  Well that is funny if true.  But I think you are suggesting someone must

crack the encryption code to know.  Ha.  That's what Satoshi might like.  I don't have to because I know with 100% certitude.  

So far as I know, I am the first to actually widely disseminate this truth.  I can't know if his brother, his wife,  Martti Malmi or someone else knows.

I guess I am not following what many of you seem to believe-- that the only irrevocable or valid proof is one's BTC blockchain address and the signings.  That's a bit rationally limiting.  

James Bowery Satoshi Nakamoto is a big believer in the infallibility of such strings of numbers and letters.  That's good and well.  It doesn't obviate other elements of personal experience.

It doesn't matter a great deal to me if this board or the world believes me.  Nice if some other proofs would come through-- James would admit or something.  For me, just telling the truth and putting it out there is fine.  May be like D.B. Cooper ... sooner or later, the truth will out.

franky1, you are the only one on here with James Bowery's intellect.  We're all very grateful for that.

Title: Re: The release of Satoshi's personal data
Post by: franky1 on December 15, 2018, 09:00:11 PM
franky1, you are the only one on here with James Bowery's intellect.  We're all very grateful for that.

nope, i just see passed BS and i see passed people sucking up. so please just stop.
nothings worse on this forum the those that just want to cause social drama and be a kiss ass.

oh and dont bother using another of your alt accounts to keep your social drama alive. just quit while your still behind

Title: Re: The release of Satoshi's personal data
Post by: jabowery on December 15, 2018, 10:11:06 PM
If people want to convince themselves that I'm neither Satoshi nor doublespend/Craig, they are free to peruse my twitter feed where I responded to someone who pointed me to this thread (

For example, in 2012, James suggested-- I liked the idea-- we White men of the world breed blue-eyed blondes, raise them to age 14 or 16 or 17, all the while acculturating them to the highest levels of civilizational manners, conversational skills, etc.   A bit like bitcoin commodity, as I think of it now.  The Chinese would surely want our blondes for reproduction and life-enhancement purposes-why wouldn't they?  Then we'd market them to the Chinese.  He represented it as a type of elaborate supply and demand issue, with the obvious side-benefit of creating, via their fecundity, a sub-race of mixed Chinese or East-Indian partial Whites (like the 700 years of Arab slavery of Whites portrayed in 19th century oils).  Who would care, so long as they are cultured, enhance the world and could be mass-reproduced.

I know this is shocking to people.  I personally still love the idea!  Might lay some more in here...

Careful, Craig.  While it is true that the pseudo-anti-bigots don't have their heads screwed on straight about me, your wording needs to be a bit more careful because too many people don't recognize "blonde" as female as opposed to "blond" as male.  This is a a hot button with east Asian men, and understandably so given all the white-man-asian-woman couples and the high M:F ratio in China.  In fact, the idea you and I discussed was the topic of a 2012 MR article of mine (, in which I had to post a comment pointing out this precise difficulty (

A perhaps even more incisive dispatch of the notion that I'm all about hating other races is this post to MR which caused a lot of folks to think of me as a race traitor or something (  And it, in fact, forms the basis of my religious beliefs ( -- one which is has made me a pariah among white nationalists as well as the mainstream.

So be it.

But be that as it may, my sympathetic posture toward east Asian men doesn't mean I'd use an east Asian male pseudonym.

...James also kidly advised me in Leith...

Well, there is one piece of advice I'd wish you'd executed on... the one about locating away from any zoning. 

Title: Re: The release of Satoshi's personal data
Post by: CoinClarity on December 16, 2018, 04:36:04 AM
If people want to convince themselves that I'm neither Satoshi nor doublespend/Craig, they are free to peruse my twitter feed where I responded to someone who pointed me to this thread (

I notice that you didn't start responding until after you responded to the tweet. That's me by the way. I'm a cryptocurrency writer who published a 3-piece series on Who Is Satoshi, hence my interest:

Ergo, safe to say, you are you and he is him, and without better evidence you're definitely not Satoshi.

Somebody's conviction that you are him doesn't constitute proof.

doublespend timestamp, even if you did locate the keys to your address, all it actually proves is that you received that transaction, which is newsworthy in itself but not actually proof that James is Satoshi.

Title: Re: The release of Satoshi's personal data
Post by: doublespend timestamp on December 16, 2018, 05:16:27 AM
If people want to convince themselves that I'm neither Satoshi nor doublespend/Craig, they are free to peruse my twitter feed where I responded to someone who pointed me to this thread (

I notice that you didn't start responding until after you responded to the tweet. That's me by the way. I'm a cryptocurrency writer who published a 3-piece series on Who Is Satoshi, hence my interest:

Ergo, safe to say, you are you and he is him, and without better evidence you're definitely not Satoshi.

Somebody's conviction that you are him doesn't constitute proof.

doublespend timestamp, even if you did locate the keys to your address, all it actually proves is that you received that transaction, which is newsworthy in itself but not actually proof that James is Satoshi.

Of course none of these claims have been 100% verified – the best (and only) possibly way to do this would be providing cryptographic proof, which comes in the form of providing a private key that could be used to digitally sign a transaction from a bitcoin address that assuredly belongs to Satoshi.

...Short of 3 known transactions which Satoshi made to prove that bitcoin indeed worked all of which took place on January 12, 2009 (2-3 days after the launch of bitcoin) – Satoshi’s giant stash of bitcoins (thought to be close to one million in size) remains untouched.

My address-- 1DUDsfc23Dv9sPMEk5RsrtfzCw5ofi5sVW --received one of those 3 transmissions, as I was online the entire period on voice Skype with James as he said he was sending it until it came in to my wallet and thereafter.

As I've mentioned somewhere else in this thread, James could have been put up to it by Satoshi (if one ridiculously posits he was not Satoshi) or have otherwise acquired "Satoshi's" private keys-- both of these hypotheticals would have transpired after extremely specific voice lectures by James to myself over voice Skype on the process, characteristics and invention of blockchain, and at a time when the whole thing was virtually unknown, save for Cypherpunks and a few others who chanced to download the software between Jan. 3, 2009, and Jan. 12, 2009, nine days later.  I downloaded it at James' complete directional behest.

How long have you known James, Cyrus?  You met sharing the common interest of bitcoin? My thought is you may have cold-tweeted to James after reading this thread.  I hope more journalists show your curiosity.  James even understands why Satoshi would have picked me to send one of the first few transmissions of bitcoin, and surprise-- just as most people's ideas of gawd are that he thinks a lot like them, James maybe would have sent me 10 coins too for my pioneering video site had the great Satoshi not beat him to it.  Good thing is, James had already explained the denomination "a Satoshi" to me, had explained "nobody knows who Satoshi is", and good-naturedly been a sporting loser by telling me how Satoshi had beat him to success in creating the same type of peer-to-peer coin which James himself had been working on.  Tough luck, eh?, but James bore anonymouse Satoshi no ill will; he was tickled.

See James' very recent Facebook post on pitiable ALS-- Lou Gehrig’s disease-- "casualty" (James' descriptor) Hal Finney (made days after I began these bitcointalk posts) to get an idea of what he might think of your having Hal on your list of Satoshi-maybes.

Title: Re: The release of Satoshi's personal data
Post by: CoinClarity on December 16, 2018, 06:02:15 AM
How long have you known James, Cyrus?  You met sharing the common interest of bitcoin? My thought is you may have cold-tweeted to James after reading this thread. 

Yeah I just cold-tweeted him as you said, no previous connection. I've been lurking in this thread for a while, thought I would deflate the theory of you and JAB being the same person.

See James' very recent Facebook post on pitiable ALS-- Lou Gehrig’s disease-- "casualty" (James' descriptor) Hal Finney (made days after I began these bitcointalk posts) to get an idea of what he might think of your having Hal on your list of Satoshi-maybes.

Just for the record I don't think Finney was a potential candidate -- he's just in the list of those frequently cited as possibly being Satoshi. My favorite theory is that the NSA had put together a group of individuals who all signed NDAs about their involvement with the project, two of which may or may not have been Nick Szabo and Hal Finney. But really I know just as much as anybody else, which isn't much.

Title: Re: The release of Satoshi's personal data
Post by: boty on December 16, 2018, 06:22:50 AM
at least the OP tries to do its best to provide information about satoshi nakamoto, I appreciate its ambition but it seems like the information you provide is only a joke.

Title: Re: The release of Satoshi's personal data
Post by: AGD on December 16, 2018, 10:20:50 AM
Let's sum it up:

1. OP is not able to provide any hard proof of his claim that JB is Satoshi Nakamoto and OP is not able to sign a message from that specific early Bitcoin address, because he has lost the wallet file and password.

2. JB has no reason to provide any hard proof of OP's claims, wether he is Satoshi Nakamoto or not.


Title: Re: The release of Satoshi's personal data
Post by: doublespend timestamp on December 16, 2018, 01:24:35 PM
Coin Clarity said:

Just for the record I don't think Finney was a potential candidate -- he's just in the list of those frequently cited as possibly being Satoshi. My favorite theory is that the NSA had put together a group of individuals who all signed NDAs about their involvement with the project, two of which may or may not have been Nick Szabo and Hal Finney. But really I know just as much as anybody else, which isn't much.

I see, Cyrus.  Thanks for ably demonstrating to AGD and others JAB and myself are two separate people.  It's very kind of you to help Charlie Manson AGD out.  It's important to be nice to people.

Maybe you'd tweet to #marttimalmi too, and ask if he'll admit we communicated via Skype in Finland long before he was known to the world.  Ask him how he came into Skype contact with Craig Cobb, the American from Tallinn, and was talking to me as I sat in Helsinki's Kallio library
 the day or day after Tom Metzger was raided.  Martti and I talked about it, a typed Skype chat.  I'd tweet to Martti, but was banned by Pol Potter Dorsey's squad. Cite this.  This would jog Martti's memory.  Tom told the ATF to put his house key under the front doormat when they were finished:
On June 2, 2009, agents of the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco and Firearms raided Metzger's home. No arrests were made and no information was released on what was found inside his house. Metzger was allowed to leave the premises during the search and stated that address books, compact discs, tapes and computers were seized in the raid.[33][34]

I sat up here in the mezzanine:

I've read variations on the NSA theme.  From James' many Majority Rights posts, and from knowing him myself, I don't believe he is an NSA operative.  His Dad was an IRS agent; one might surmise, also very good with numbers.  A bit familialy ironic, as shown by my earlier post with link to James' statement that he'd been audited years later.  Life's like that.  Sure.

James would remember his early liking of a dice game which sets the odds.  It was just an idea then. In this thread, James has already recalled our general talks about other matters.  Now I don't know if this is the very same proprietor-game explained to me, but "Satoshi's Dice" was sold for 126,315 BTC, or USD $12.4 million at the time of the announcement of the sale.

I researched it a bit a few weeks ago.  Plus, I recall James' citing at the time how the odds of one's winning could be adjusted by the player, as would (automatically) the payout slide.  If you pick easy odds, you win commensurately less; hard odds, more.  James really loved the conceptual idea of this game, and his enthusiasm made me feel upbeat about its chances too.

In any case, I could not find any open, easily seen participation by James or international persona Satoshi in the coding of the game, its sale or its hack.  But the game, as it exists, is precisely as described to me by James.  As with so many of our talks regarding bitcoin, James copiously explains all aspects, machinations, possibilities, number relationships etc.  It was fascinating.  
The new session based game may send back a balance from unrelated addresses that are not tainted to the deposit address...The service was announced on April 24, 2012[4]. Within weeks, the site became responsible for more Bitcoin transactions than all other uses of Bitcoin combined[5].

Step 2
The Ghost of Satoshi will roll the dice and pick a Lucky Number!

Safe Dice is the same James explained and you can play this one instantly.  In my mind's eye, this is the precise one I envisioned per James' description. I particularly like the layout of this one, but I don't play-- am a bit of a stoicist, and never have other than the test rolls which you can do here now:

Many versions abound:

Title: Re: The release of Satoshi's personal data
Post by: franky1 on December 16, 2018, 01:32:27 PM
satoshidice has nothing to do with bitcoins creator

so lets clear some crap up for the social drama queen
1. the smallest unit of account for bitcoin 0.00000001 is called a satoshi. this was not given to the unit of measure by the creator of bitcoin. it was given by the community in honour months AFTER the disappearance of bitcoins creator
2. satoshi dice game is not named after the creator. the satoshi dice game is about gambling using units of measure
3. satoshi dice game was not created by satoshi or by james.

seriously timestamp. your social crap of waffle of personal messages in skype are proving nothing. infact the more you mention the more you making yourself look foolish

give up while your behind

trying to kiss james ass by faming him up by suggesting he not only is satoshi but also created(under the satoshi name) the game satoshi dice. is laughable.. and you fell into a hole you just dug for yourself

also the james account trying to fame up the timestamp account continues to make me think timestamp and james are one and the same. especially went you went full on 'this account has commercial value'

your not gonna get famous, your not gonna get rich from your attempts. sorry but talking to yourself wont lead to riches. it will just lead to you talking to yourself and looking more and more like a nutcase.

so best to just give up while your behind.
i would poke more holes in your social drama attempts. but i think spending just a few minutes a day on this topic is a few minutes too many

Title: Re: The release of Satoshi's personal data
Post by: doublespend timestamp on December 16, 2018, 01:40:01 PM
1. the smallest unit of account for bitcoin 0.00000001 is called a satoshi. this was not given to the unit of measure by the creator of bitcoin. ..

James explained the value of a Satoshi to me long before you ever had your first bit of bitcoin.

franky1, you have already been majorly publicly wrong in this thread, not even being able to identify James' and my completely different styles of sentence structures, to cognize that on your own mental volition, or really-- until lately, even to look us up on the net, myself via my Wiki and James everywhere and then self-ruminate you may have been wrong.

Remember this too?

This is not Stormfront, even though Satoshi himself purposefully set it up to look just like Stormfront, so pipe down and listen, or pretty soon we might be off to the races with anti-reality, never-existing jesus the way things are going.  That anti-reality tends to leach over into all things mental.

EDIT.  You still can't see.  Patterns can be hard.

franky1 said above:

also the james account trying to fame up the timestamp account continues to make me think timestamp and james are one and the same. especially went you went full on 'this account has commercial value'

Title: Re: The release of Satoshi's personal data
Post by: franky1 on December 16, 2018, 02:01:14 PM
so when did james teach you all about bitcoin and the units of account

after all your trying to claim james conceptualised the game so he must have done so early on while you were still naive about bitcoin.

James would remember his early liking of a dice game which sets the odds.  It was just an idea then. In this thread, James has already recalled our general talks about other matters.  Now I don't know if this is the very same proprietor-game
James really loved the conceptual idea of this game, and his enthusiasm made me feel upbeat about its chances too.
In any case, I could not find any open, easily seen participation by James or international persona Satoshi in the coding of the game, its sale or its hack.  But the game, as it exists, is precisely as described to me by James.  As with so many of our talks regarding bitcoin, James copiously explains all aspects, machinations, possibilities, number relationships etc.  It was fascinating. 

^ seems you are trying to make it plausible that james might have created it due to him having an idea which he discussed with you..

going back to the units of account

now before you even bother to try to quickly google search a date and make up a story.. the units of account came to fruition after february 2011

and was done so by the community. not james and not satoshi...
and as i said the game came after and was about gambliing units of account. it was not named after the creator

have a nice day

Title: Re: The release of Satoshi's personal data
Post by: doublespend timestamp on December 16, 2018, 02:20:14 PM
We talked about Satoshi the man in January 2009 and in the fall of 2012.  Probably in 2008 after Satoshi's first Oct. 31 paper.  There was much peer-to-peer, stock market collapse (ref. Satoshi's Chancellor headline) political and Tanimoshi talk in 2008.  franky1, I respectfully urge you to read a few hours of James' Majority Rights posts, as well as his stackexchange posts and his own linkedin technical background.  (James is pretty assiduously careful not to get into bitcoin on Majority Rights, though he does many other places and of course, in-person or in voice convos.
You will see, franky1, this gentlemen is not some rube.  And I am telling you with all truthfulness and accuracy of what he and I talked of in great detail during the weeks and months surrounding the birth of bitcoin.  

James Bowery does not have a single post on Cypherpunks as James Bowery that I have ever seen.  He was late to catch on or first hear about it?  Surely you don't assert that at this point.  Or he was secretive?  Canny?  

This is no big hat trick.  As Satoshi is James, who actually made this fun Stormfront blue vbuelletin clone site known at, he was privy to all the talk and cultural evolutions here.  What was it, 11 or 14 months Satoshi openly hung around here and posted as Satoshi? I could look it up, but you get the drift.  Is there something not making chronological forensic sense to you? Why wouldn't he be pleased or even  proud the community had cleverly honored Satoshi with the unit, if indeed your account is the correct provenance of the term?

Title: Re: The release of Satoshi's personal data
Post by: franky1 on December 16, 2018, 02:26:40 PM
ok so now your going with that james didnt conceptualise satoshi dice because your talks about satoshi dice and units of account were done so AFTER both units of account and the game were operational.(late 2012)

atleast that defeats your claims that james conceptualised had an idea of a dice game..

atleast you can say you climbed your way out of that hole early before you dug yourself too deep trying to fake fame james up as the guy that concepted the units of account and the game.

Title: Re: The release of Satoshi's personal data
Post by: doublespend timestamp on December 16, 2018, 02:40:08 PM
ok so now your going with that james didnt conceptualise satoshi dice because your talks about satoshi dice and units of account were done so AFTER both units of account and the game were operational.(late 2012)

atleast that defeats your claims that james conceptualised both.

atleast you can say you climbed your way out of that hole early before you dug yourself too deep trying to fake fame james up as the guy that concepted the units of account and the game.

franky1, as your new internet acquaintance, I tell you in all good fellowhood, you are looking extremely foolish to wildly claim James and I are the same person playing sock puppet here.  I even linked his Majority Rights audio interview of me.  Tens of thousands of White Nationalists know who we both are. They will really get a belly laugh to read you, bud.

  You can see me in the movie Welcome to Leith
which was at Sundance, was attended by Jeremy Irons during the Paris opening, won 1st place in Boston and another city, was on Netflix, nominated for an Academy Award in the documentary category,
and was produced by a blonde Jewish woman whose mother lives with a Zimbabwean man in Zimbabwe (formerly Rhodesia) where they run a resort.  I think it has been translated into Japanese and Swedish.

James talked about a dice game with adjustable odds and payouts using bitcoin.  I am not saying he built that or called it after himself, i.e. "Satoshi Dice".  Someone else could have easily done that.  James may or may not have assisted with coding, encouragement, friendliness to the creator(s) and so forth.  He may have been reading about it on his board, this very board,, when he was in total control here as Satoshi.

I am just saying he liked the project and posited it to me, to the best of my memory, as his idea.  Maybe he was talking it up behind the scenes with the coders who made it?  I remember he liked it as a use-case for bitcoin.  He also, at some juncture, cited or read the paper towels (Bounty)
and plastic tableware, paper plates buy use-case.  That seemed amusing and worthwhile, whenever it was he cited or read that to me.

Title: Re: The release of Satoshi's personal data
Post by: franky1 on December 16, 2018, 02:44:54 PM

many pages on. and again just seeing you trying to fame up the person known as james...
yet no proof of satoshi ties

again because your trying too hard to fame up the james person by saying how he may have made a game worth billions.. and trying to fame yourself up by mention movies a guy named craig cobb was in. and trying to make ur timestamp username "commercially valued

your just wasting your time..
you not actually proving bitcoin creators identity.

again social drama of the 70's or secret skype chats in 2012 are meaningless. and just trying to say james or cobb are well known for this and that have nothing to do with bitcoins creator.

your still not actually proving bitcoins creator claim your topic opens with. your just trying to create fame from mentioning many random un associated things that happened from 1970's onwards. purely from what i can see to try getting "commercial value". even hoping the BBC will pick up on your 'story'

yet i see no proof, but see alot of text about social drama.
in short. your just as bad as faketoshi

Title: Re: The release of Satoshi's personal data
Post by: doublespend timestamp on December 16, 2018, 03:03:31 PM
I revile the lying BBC.  You can show me where I said that.  At least the lying Daily Mail gives us pics of the cranky princess.

What are, briefly bulleted or encapsulated, the supposedly "unknown Satoshi's" economic and political beliefs as evinced by his own genuinely proven writings?

Who is the custodian of approx. one million BTC, upon whose caretaker's judgement millions entrust significant portions of their life savings?

What if Satoshi Nakamoto, in a bid to accelerate worldwide usage of cryptos (e.g. Monero, XHV, PIVX, LTC, DASH et. al.) by reducing BTC's 52% or 54% market share were to short the market?  Wouldn't a true believer like Satoshi-- see his writings, especially if he were totally unaffected by the materialist appurtenances of his own extreme wealth, fervently desire to horizontally level the planet, to stop worldwide globalists' social controls?

People would be able to scoop up the best crypto projects for a relative song.  BTC $3,320.50 now.

Title: Re: The release of Satoshi's personal data
Post by: fenican on December 16, 2018, 03:48:52 PM
Have this James sign a message with one of Satoshi's addresses or just stop posting this crap and lock the thread. Waste of time and space.

Title: Re: The release of Satoshi's personal data
Post by: doublespend timestamp on December 16, 2018, 03:57:00 PM
If people want to convince themselves that I'm neither Satoshi nor doublespend/Craig, they are free to peruse my twitter feed where I responded to someone who pointed me to this thread (

For example, in 2012, James suggested-- I liked the idea-- we White men of the world breed blue-eyed blondes, raise them to age 14 or 16 or 17, all the while acculturating them to the highest levels of civilizational manners, conversational skills, etc.   A bit like bitcoin commodity, as I think of it now.  The Chinese would surely want our blondes for reproduction and life-enhancement purposes-why wouldn't they?  Then we'd market them to the Chinese.  He represented it as a type of elaborate supply and demand issue, with the obvious side-benefit of creating, via their fecundity, a sub-race of mixed Chinese or East-Indian partial Whites (like the 700 years of Arab slavery of Whites portrayed in 19th century oils).  Who would care, so long as they are cultured, enhance the world and could be mass-reproduced.

I know this is shocking to people.  I personally still love the idea!  Might lay some more in here...

Careful, Craig.  While it is true that the pseudo-anti-bigots don't have their heads screwed on straight about me, your wording needs to be a bit more careful because too many people don't recognize "blonde" as female as opposed to "blond" as male.  This is a a hot button with east Asian men, and understandably so given all the white-man-asian-woman couples and the high M:F ratio in China.  In fact, the idea you and I discussed was the topic of a 2012 MR article of mine (, in which I had to post a comment pointing out this precise difficulty (

A perhaps even more incisive dispatch of the notion that I'm all about hating other races is this post to MR which caused a lot of folks to think of me as a race traitor or something (  And it, in fact, forms the basis of my religious beliefs ( -- one which is has made me a pariah among white nationalists as well as the mainstream.

So be it.

But be that as it may, my sympathetic posture toward east Asian men doesn't mean I'd use an east Asian male pseudonym.

...James also kidly advised me in Leith...

Well, there is one piece of advice I'd wish you'd executed on... the one about locating away from any zoning.  

I particularly like your "it is supremacist of the government to test their social theories on unwilling human subjects."  Sorry CNN didn't use teaching zinger that on their screen ticker as they said they would when they called me up.  It was beyond my control.

Also, one of your current tweets: "If any of you White males try to escape to a refuge anywhere in the world, you'll be chased down for the rest of your lives like the Nazi war criminals you are."

Your Breaking Bad "yah got me" vid referencing Satoshi Nakamoto's true identity on your twitter:

Regarding the Leith zoning, it's a bit like my ten "1DUD ... VW" bitcoins.  It was what I had to work with.  I agreed with you re zoning then.

Satoshi wily as you say.  That's the fun.

July 20, 2010: Bitcoin is an implementation of Wei Dai‘s b-money proposal on Cypherpunks in 1998 and Nick Szabo’s Bitgold proposal.

Title: Re: The release of Satoshi's personal data
Post by: tranquangvinh on December 16, 2018, 04:11:17 PM
Bitcoin is anonymous and satoshi is like bitcoin. I think he is not easy to disclose his information to the media because he owns a lot of bitcoin, if hackers or bad guys know his address, I think his life will be in danger.

Title: Re: The release of Satoshi's personal data
Post by: DaCryptoRaccoon on December 16, 2018, 04:25:00 PM
Have this James sign a message with one of Satoshi's addresses or just stop posting this crap and lock the thread. Waste of time and space.

Agreed.  No Sig = No Satoshi.

Talk is cheap,
Actions speak louder than words.

Title: Re: The release of Satoshi's personal data
Post by: doublespend timestamp on December 21, 2018, 02:30:44 AM
Mods, please allow this message.  It is a bit of an emergency.

James, Jimmy Marr has been severely beaten by 5 communist Pol Potters in Oregon for driving around in his truck with a sign.   Emily, my gf, says he is unconscious.  I guess it's on the newswires, but maybe you haven't heard. I hope he didn't get brain damage or a stroke or heart attack, as he has heart probs.  We're all about the same age.

(I am in Williston working, and may start pitching cryptos in seminars to oil companies here as relatively inexpensive ancillary "appreciation" bonus future plans for their millennial employees.)

There is a gofund for Jimmy Emily started,  or he and Judy could use some bitcoin.

Thanks, Satoshi Bowery!

I'd put your Declaration of War essay in here, but mods might draw the line.

(For context, Jimmy Marr gave James a computer, maybe after the 2009 mining conked and tuckered James'  out.)


The Oregonian/OregonLive reports Corvallis police on Tuesday said 65-year-old Jimmy Marr of Springfield suffered from a “medical event” during the Monday incident.

Title: Re: The release of Satoshi's personal data
Post by: franky1 on December 21, 2018, 03:36:16 AM
Mods, please allow this message.  It is a bit of an emergency.

James, Jimmy Marr has been severely beaten by 5 antifa Pol Potters in Oregon for driving around in his truck with a sign.   Emily, my gf, says he is unconscious.  I guess it's on the newswires, but maybe you haven't heard. I hope he didn't get brain damage or a stroke or heart attack, as he has heart probs.  We're all about the same age.

(I am in Williston working, and may start pitching cryptos in seminars to oil companies here as relatively inexpensive ancillary "appreciation" bonus future plans for their millennial employees.)

There is a gofund for Jimmy Emily started,  or he and Judy could use some bitcoin.

Thanks, Satoshi Bowery!

I'd put your Declaration of War essay in here, but mods might draw the line.

(For context, Jimmy Marr gave James a computer, maybe after the 2009 mining conked and tuckered James'  out.)


The Oregonian/OregonLive reports Corvallis police on Tuesday said 65-year-old Jimmy Marr of Springfield suffered from a “medical event” during the Monday incident.

so your advertising that a nazi got hit.
then your advertising that your girlfriend is using that news to get donations
then your advertising that your going to pitch some ICO's to oil barons..

ok i got that. you wanted to be famous so you can cash in.. yep knew that was gonna happen ages ago as soon as you started trying to mention lots of 1970's social life stuff and trying to make a rep for yourself to then say your account has commercial value
how about sell the nazi's truck.. then sell your user account for the commercial value you think it has.. that should keep your gf in luxury for a while

if the guy cant afford the bills and doesnt have insurance. then hospitals usually do have a provision to discount or even write off the medical expenses if his income is below a threshold

"In an interview with The Oregonian/OregonLive last year, Marr advocated for the extermination of Jewish people"

he was taken to good samaritans hospital.. which .. oh look medicaid, medicare, charity
so im pretty sure he wont be out of pocket
hospitals mission statement
"As a not-for-profit health care organization, Samaritan Health Services is committed to contributing to the health and prosperity of our communities. Our Community Benefit program  encompasses our efforts to build healthier communities through volunteerism, direct and in-kind support of community health programs, and opportunities for those who could not otherwise afford medical care."

Title: Re: The release of Satoshi's personal data
Post by: doublespend timestamp on December 21, 2018, 10:49:33 AM
franky1 said:

so your advertising that a nazi got hit.

Jimmy Marr is a good friend of Satoshi Nakamoto's.  You are certainly not, franky1.  Like Charlie Shrem I've been reading about in Popper's book.

When I visited James in his home in November 2012, I asked him if that was the computer Jimmy had given him that computer and he said yes.

All Dims should get a clue; Satoshi's politics, thankfully, are precisely the same as Jimmy Marr's.

Maybe you should righteously sell all your bitcoin and crypto alt in protest, franky1?

Title: Re: The release of Satoshi's personal data
Post by: franky1 on December 21, 2018, 11:04:29 AM
i was actually going to pick up on this point about james being friends with a nazi, as a poke at how james cant be satoshi

All Dims should get a clue; Satoshi's james politics, thankfully, are precisely the same as Jimmy Marr's.

but lets imagine i didnt fix it, you actually think:
the real satoshi, who used a japanese based name.....
the real satoshi, who created a currency that was open and borderless so that even the un supported developing countries had a way to transact and trade internationally
was a border loving racist......?

you just dug yourself the biggest hole in your argument, tripped over your own foot and fell in head first

your whole argument over the last 5 pages of this topics.. just fell flat

2 holes you just dug:
1. proved satoshi is not james. james is not satoshi
2. you have after many pages of trying to fame up james about his pre-2009 life and work experience... just destroyed his rep by outing james as a racist nazi

well played, game over, you lost. sorry no retries, you just lost 2 out of 3 games you were playing

Title: Re: The release of Satoshi's personal data
Post by: virendarnagpal on December 21, 2018, 11:20:42 AM
I am Donald Trump the President of USA  ;).  Believe me

Title: Re: The release of Satoshi's personal data
Post by: doublespend timestamp on December 21, 2018, 06:11:17 PM
James on the non-supporting (or at least, non-interfering) "uber-rich" , myself, and his penchant for the absolute necessity of "stringent secrecy".
Looks like BTC was about $1,000 - $1,100 or so (graph reading) on Sept. 2, 2013; one million bitcoins were then worth a paltry two billion dollars.

 Posted by James Bowery on Mon, 02 Sep 2013 16:40 | #

It is easy to criticize what Craig Cobb has done unless you recognize that there isn’t a lot of information out there on how to go about finding a refuge from the supremacist government testing its social theories on unwilling human subjects.  Indeed, there cannot be much information out there about how to secretly find such refuges as the sharing of that information would be a security risk.  One might consider such information to be defense classification of the highest order.

As for openly pursuing such refuges, my recommendations to Cobb and others forming refuges without the most stringent secrecy:

1) Don’t go for property in incorporated areas.
2) Don’t go for property in which the county government has building codes.
3) Promise to contribute 25% of the dollar amount spent on land acquisition to acquisition of land in Mexico for Mexicans that want to exclude all but Mexicans from that land, for the Nation of Islam’s purchase of land for exclusive occupation by blacks, etc., ONLY IF THE FOLLOWING CONDITIONS ARE MET:
A) That his form of community be recognized as legitimate, AND
B) That there be no interference from the uber-rich.
Actual Satoshi Nakamoto "central bank" quote, 2009:

"The central bank must be trusted not to debase the currency, but the history of fiat currencies is full of breaches of that trust."

Under bullet point 2 here:
and here:

5 usages of "central bank" in late 2008 and 2009 by James Bowery:

Satoshi Nakamoto usages of "zombie":
>But they don't. Bad guys routinely control zombie farms of 100,000
>machines or more. People I know who run a blacklist of spam sending
>zombies tell me they often see a million new zombies a day.

...There would be many smaller zombie farms that are not big enough to overpower the network, and they could still make money by generating bitcoins. The smaller farms are then the "honest nodes". (I need a better term than "honest") The more smaller farms resort to generating bitcoins, the higher the bar gets to overpower the network, making larger farms also too small to overpower it so that they may as well generate bitcoins too. According to the "long tail" theory, the small, medium and merely large farms put together should add up to a lot more than the biggest zombie farm.

James Bowery usages of "zombie":

satoshi bowery on zombies june 9 2018

In comment 3
 Posted by James Bowery on Wed, 28 Aug 2013 14:11 | #

Reductio ad absurdum:

If “legitimacy” is defined by a government’s power, then is it not the case that the “Enlightenment fiction” as you call it, is quite “legitimate” in that it has been used to fool vast armies of zombies into paying for their own enslavement and is, indeed, expanding that power globally?

 Posted by James Bowery on Mon, 22 Jan 2007 19:26 | #


The beauty of such an interview is I could turn it on as an alternative for NPR and many NPR listeners would continue to listen rather than simply freaking out as well lobotomized zombies are supposed to do.

Many more James Bowery usages of Satoshi's quirky colloquial "zombies" are here, including two in 2013, the same year of the Satoshi Nakamoto "zombies" quotation:

Satoshi Nakamoto, 2009, using "pseudonymous" twice on this Stormfront- visual clone blue forum which he himself did in fact build:

4th paragraph down after bullet points

The possibility to be anonymous or pseudonymous relies on you not revealing any identifying information about yourself in connection with the bitcoin addresses you use.  If you post your bitcoin address on the web, then you're associating that address and any transactions with it with the name you posted under.  If you posted under a handle that you haven't associated with your real identity, then you're still pseudonymous.

11 examples of James Bowery using "pseudonymous", about half between 2008 and 2012:

Satoshi has a personal thing about VISA?

Satoshi Nakamoto to Mike Hearn regarding VISA about 3 months after his Jan. 12th, 2009 Block 9 sends of bitcoin:

"The existing Visa credit card network processes about 15 million Internet purchases per day worldwide," Nakamoto wrote to Hearn in April of 2009. "Bitcoin can already scale much larger than that with existing hardware for a fraction of the cost."

James Bowery on VISA' impact on global environment vs. bitcoin's:

James Bowery

Follow Follow @jabowery
15000employee/visa;1household/employee;7.9365079E3 W/household?W/visa
= 1.1904762E8 W/visa


= 34092 J/transaction

OK, so now we're getting somewhere:

For the low, low energy investment of 35kJ/transaction we get censorship.


I read just a few days ago, in a typed conversational exchange between Gavin Andresen and Satoshi Nakamoto, Satoshi exclaimed to Gavin:

"That means a lot, coming from someone like you", or "That means a lot, coming from you." (I can't find the link in a 10 min. search today-- maybe someone is familiar.  I can find it later).

In any case, James said that to me once, as I recall, and I think it was during Leith, before my arrest, though it may have been when I was in Eesti.  I look up to James.  One remembers it-- the sounds and import-- when hearing a heartfelt compliment from a being of James' abilities and insights.  I feel 100% sure Gavin Andresen feels the same way.

I remember his saying that for something which comes easily to me-- simply being contrarian and speaking truth in the face of banishment from society.

When men are in their 60's, even more than their 50's, though less than in their 70's or 80's, it is the decade of sudden death.  James seems like a loner to me.  I know I am.  Maybe Freddy Mercury is an example of a loner.  

In any case, because of James' strong familial ties, I would think he may have or might eventually entrust his secret to an older male relative--
a man who has lived a lot of life.  I don't know that.  It just seems to me so.  

If senior members of this board-- senior in the sense of having had typed conversations with Satoshi-- would vastly read James on Majority Rights, they'd likely get it.  Especially Gavin Andresen.

I read a few days ago in Nathaniel Popper's Digital Gold Erik Voorhees used to carry around a printed card which said "I am a friend of Satoshi Nakamoto's".  This jibes with my memory of James being much taken with a dice game using variable odds.  It's possible James was the coder of the original game.  I have gotten past the signup page of Satoshi Dice, but it seems to me I was shown an operating program which looked like almost exactly so.

I know it is shocking and mind-arresting Satoshi is who he is.  Sure, there are some differences between Jimmy Marr's and James' politics.  For one thing, I believe James' has more or less concluded Hitler was 25% Jewish after his grandmother conceived after being raped by her Jewish employer.  

It is rather interesting, the implications of all this info.  Maybe it will, in some way, at some time briefly affect bitcoin's prices.


No worries re the Jimmy Marr fund, franky1.  Your communist allies there have cancelled it as they regularly do against free thinkers' interests.

Cultivate your ability to think in shades of gray, franky1:

franky1 said:
but lets imagine i didnt fix it, you actually think:
the real satoshi, who used a japanese based name.....
the real satoshi, who created a currency that was open and borderless so that even the un supported developing countries had a way to transact and trade internationally
was a border loving racist......?

I appreciate James is up 11 followers on twitter.  There are bright people who can see.

Declaration of War for The Culture of Individual Integrity
RESOLUTION Declaring That a State of War Exists Between The Culture of Individual Integrity and The Culture of Group Integrity and Making Provisions To Prosecute The Same

WHEREAS waging war in the absence of a Formal Declaration of the State of War is typical of The Culture of Group Integrity, found in Nature, such as the social insects, and

WHEREAS Western Civilization is, unique among human societies, founded on The Culture of Individual Integrity, and

WHEREAS Individuals are at an existential disadvantage in a State of War against groups, and

WHEREAS waging war in the absence of a Formal Declaration is fraudulent, and

WHEREAS fraud destroys the validity of everything into which it enters, vitiating the most solemn legislative acts, executive orders, court rulings, treaties, contracts, documents and oaths, and

WHEREAS this State of War has long-been and is replacing The People cultivated by Western Civilization's Culture of Individual Integrity, with peoples cultivated by Cultures of Group Integrity, and

WHEREAS formal Declarations of War have been the means by which Individuals form Groups, known as Armies, of adequate integrity to defeat Cultures of Group Integrity, known variously as mobs, gangs, political parties, rackets and conspiracies, and

WHEREAS Individuals can, themselves, only organize as a Group to wage war at the peril of their essential Nature, and

WHEREAS a Continual State of War cultivates Group Integrity, realizing this peril, and

WHEREAS Individuals have demonstrated that enumeration of Rights, rendered ambiguous by their complexity, are inadequate to provide security against The Culture of Group Integrity's continuation of war by fraudulent means of a primarily legalistic nature,


Individuals Declare that a State of War exists between The Culture of Individual Integrity and The Culture of Group Integrity, so as to organize into an Army to Wage that War, only so long as the following conditions of The State of Peace, stated in common terms understandable to any Individual, do not obtain:
The current model of “human rights” must be replaced with a single, well defined, Individual Right to vote with one's feet to escape to any State consenting to that Individual's entry. This necessitates 3 material Individual Implied Rights:
The material right to land.
The material right to transportation.
The material right to border enforcement.
The primary Individual Right, that to vote with one's feet, being inconsistent with prisons, necessitates replacement of involuntary incarceration with involuntary border-enforced exile and allowing a State to preemptively exclude anyone for any reason whatsoever deemed appropriate by that State. This, in turn, necessitates a State of Nature to which Individuals are always admitted, even if they are excluded from all other States.
The material Individual Implied Right to land is realized by providing each Individual with a non-monetary rent stream, equal to all other Individuals, assigned to that Individual's State, for competitive reapportionment of State territories according to the census of its residents and the value those States place on land.
The objective condition fulfilling the Individual Implied Right to transportation is that the Individual's current State of residence must, on demand, provide safe transportation to its border.  The borders of adjacent States must therefore provide neutral zones through which migrants may pass unimpeded.  Any other material assistance that Individuals may provide to migrants is entirely voluntary.  States enclosing other States as enclaves must provide some means of escape, even if only a neutral zone that extends through its territory to the enclave.
The State of Nature must exclude all artifacts of civilization not produced there, as well as excluding The Culture of Group Integrity.  Excluding The Culture of Group Integrity necessitates the following laws upholding Individual Sovereignty1, be imposed on The State of Nature:
Except in self defense or enforcement of this Law, no one may willfully kill, disable, or permanently disfigure another. No one may secretly restrain another. No one who has reached the age capable of procreation may physically force upon another any offensive, sexually-oriented act; nor engage in any offensive, sexually-oriented act with any person who has not reached the age capable of procreation even when no force is involved. An open (not secret) majority vote of all sovereigns assembled as set forth in 3 below shall be the effective determination as to whether the alleged act took place and whether the act was offensive and was sexually-oriented. Any degree of participation in group force that results in violation of this point of Law regarding offensive, sexually-oriented acts makes every participant fully guilty of the result, along with the person actually performing the act.
No man shall force the act of procreation on a woman without her deliberated consent. Rape Is hereby defined as an act of procreation without the involved woman’s deliberated consent. Any man who engages with a woman in an act of procreation without her formal, publicly-proclaimed deliberated consent may be found guilty of rape. In the absence of a formal public acceptance, the individual woman involved Is the sole judge of whether an act of procreation was rape. If a woman who has not made advance formal acceptance of a man prior to the act of procreation, formally accuses him of rape within three months after the alleged act, and if a majority of sovereigns assembled as set forth in 3 below vote that the man engaged in the act, then It shall invariably be construed as rape – even though it may clearly be shown that the woman Invited, or even persuaded, the man to engage In the act. A woman may revoke formal acceptance of a man at will by giving formal public notice of such revocation.
Any individual, either sovereign or shielded, or any group of Individuals, may restrain persons suspected of breaking this Law for a period of not to exceed fifteen days, conduct a trial for them at a specified, easily accessible place on a date, time, and place publicly and formally announced three days In advance, and penalize (in person or by proxy or proxies) those deemed guilty by an open (not secret) majority vote of all sovereigns at the trial who are permanent residents of the community. (The composition of “community” and the meaning of “permanent resident” is to be defined by those subject to this Law.)
No one shall be required to give testimony at a trial but it Is agreed that one found guilty of perjury by formal trial, as set forth In 3 above, shall be subject to the penalty set forth In 7 below.
No agreements beyond this Law that give a group’s decisions effective power over individuals shall be made. Any group of two or more individuals who make other agreements giving a group decision effective power over Individuals, or who fail to abide by these Laws, shall be deemed a conspiracy against Individual freedom. All acts against them by an Individual or a group of Individuals subject to this Law shall be construed to be self-defense. — Further explanation: Anyone may bring interpersonal problems before a voluntarily convened formal open Forum structured after the manner of a traditional court of law. In such a Forum opinions regarding the interpersonal problems, and deliberated recommendations for settling differences, can be formally given, but such opinions and recommendations will not be binding on those Involved. Those who bring problems before the formal Forum may, if they choose, make personal agreements congruent with the Forum’s recommendations after the recommendations have been made. Those found guilty of making agreements to be bound by the Forum’s recommendations before the recommendations are made are guilty of making agreements giving a group decision effective power over individuals.
Any sovereign may challenge another sovereign to formal combat for any reason. The following are the conditions for such formal combat:
All combat shall be one sovereign individual against one sovereign Individual.
A challenger shall give formal public notice three days prior to combat and a formal public declaration of reasons therefore.
There shall be up to a one year interval from the time one is challenged to formal combat before one may again be engaged as the challenged. This interval may be shorted by the challenged issuing a formal public declaration of its termination. The challenged may not shield others from the end of combat through the end of this interval.
Subject to the following provisions, the conditions of formal combat shall be established by a majority vote of all sovereigns of the community who assemble after three days public notice. The intent shall be to give challenger and challenged the equal opportunity they would have In Nature — if no human society existed. Terrain of the combat ground shall be varied and extensive enough to permit strategy and to give the physically weak the chance that Nature gives them. Combatants shall have equal weapons and clothing. Weapons shall be a sword or knife with a blade not to exceed 25 cm (approximately 10 inches) plus a 15 meter (approximately 50 feet) length of strong cordage. All previous agreements between challenger and challenged are automatically suspended during the period of formal combat. There shall be no rules within the combat ground. Challenged and challenger shall enter combat ground from opposite sides. No one but challenger and challenged shall be within the combat ground. No one shall attempt to aid, hinder or observe what happens. It Is intended that only one shall return alive from formal combat. When two return alive one shall forever be shielded by the other. The relationship must be announced jointly by them before they are permitted to leave the combat ground. Two are not permitted to return alive if one has been permanently disabled or disfigured by his opponent.
No sovereign who has an unanswered challenge pending may leave the community, refuse combat, or relinquish one’s sovereignty.
Guilt for breaking any point of these laws shall be determined according to Item 3 above. The invariable penalty for anyone found so-guilty shall be death within twenty-four hours.
1The language for the The State of Nature is derived from p90-93, “Valoric Fire And a Working Plan for Individual Sovereignty” From the Valorian Society ISBN 0-914752-18-9, except for the underlined additions set forth in above.  For definition of terms such as "sovereign" and "shielded" as well as further explanation, see introductory text in Sortocracy's "The State of Nature".

Posted 28th June by Jim Bowery

James Bowery
January 11 ·
Why I'm now focusing on developing weapons technology that individuals can fabricate from at-hand materials, tools and skills; and VERY reluctantly, having to de-emphasize Solomonoff Induction of social data as a last ditch attempt to bring discipline to "The National Conversation":


Title: Re: The release of Satoshi's personal data
Post by: AGD on December 22, 2018, 07:12:49 AM
doublespend, why you are trying so hard to convince people to believe JB is SN?

Title: Re: The release of Satoshi's personal data
Post by: squatter on December 22, 2018, 08:04:16 AM
doublespend, why you are trying so hard to convince people to believe JB is SN?

Given that he keeps associating JB with white nationalism, maybe he's trying to smear Satoshi (and thus Bitcoin) via the Transitive Property: "If JB = white nationalist, and JB = Satoshi, then Satoshi = white nationalist."

I'm still fairly sure that DT and JB are one person engaging in a dialogue between two accounts. I originally assumed his intent was to convince people that he was Satoshi. He might also just be crazy and disassociative.

Title: Re: The release of Satoshi's personal data
Post by: nutildah on December 22, 2018, 08:30:58 AM
doublespend, why you are trying so hard to convince people to believe JB is SN?

Given that he keeps associating JB with white nationalism, maybe he's trying to smear Satoshi (and thus Bitcoin) via the Transitive Property: "If JB = white nationalist, and JB = Satoshi, then Satoshi = white nationalist."

I'm still fairly sure that DT and JB are one person engaging in a dialogue between two accounts. I originally assumed his intent was to convince people that he was Satoshi. He might also just be crazy and disassociative.

They're not the same person. So far no media sources have abused this thread to write a sensationalized story on the matter, so its safe to say this was just a weird but friendly dialogue between two every day white nationalists. I have to admit it was pretty entertaining.

If anything it was a plug for a documentary, which I also have to admit intrigues me.

Title: Re: The release of Satoshi's personal data
Post by: _Miracle on December 22, 2018, 10:57:35 AM
blah blah blah..

more social drama...
no one cares about your love life or some youtube fame or fame on another website.

no bitcoin proof=no proof
no matter how much you yammer on about your social life from the 1950's->2008 .. its all meaningless

stop with the social dramatics of trying to get famous.

I like the word "yammer" I would +merit you right now if I had any :-)

doublespend timestamp,
even if you know Satoshi's identity, why would you not respect the wish of Satoshi to stay private?
And why would you dox any person like this? It makes you untrustworthy.

Title: Re: The release of Satoshi's personal data
Post by: doublespend timestamp on December 22, 2018, 06:08:13 PM
Bitcoin will be fine.  It survived Ross Ulbricht's Silk Road, Mt. Gox, China's tepid but scaled controls and Obama's criminal coup attempt.

_Miracle, thx-- about the first civil question.

I see you are still willing to use the word ambiguity Satoshi Bowery has written of to defame Satoshi's intellect.

Roger Ver has done hard prison time, nit jail time, yet you don't moralisingly run him down as you do WN.

I'd like James to have the societal and international adulation he deserves.  If they-- institutions and intl prizes-- refuse, that will wake up even more people to the evil controllers.  

I am concerned the history will be lost.  I have a chance to tell the small, but foundational account.  Let's face it-- Satoshi let my address hang out there all those years.  It's possible but not likely I am -- was-- the only person on the planet whoknows he is Satoshi.   Maybe he intended I would be the one with the "pvt. Key", as it were, to tell the world?

Jamie Redman of, with 2000+ crypto coin stories, is writing the first account.  I provided him documentations.

I'd like to see the second wave of operating cryptos achieve more market share.  This story will light interest worldwide and help the autonomous Euro movement as well.

I live in fairly close to poverty, by U.th4y falsely do S. sandards.  I lived in a dugout in Montana during most of the winter of 2009-2010 before a kind woman and her husband invited me to reside and work on the 22,000 acre Cross Ranch in Wyoming before the FBI came as they often falsely do to their anti-globalist politiical opponents. (Strzok should be in prison).

When the 2nd wave of crypto takes off, James stories ti me will have come true.  The ten year gone  malfunctioning software's "Generate Coins" button may not be a spigot, but it will work.  As James has helped millions of Africans, he will have me too.
Fellow-Canadian Paul Fromm interview:

Of course, thanks to modern technology, Cobb can keep up his work from anywhere with an internet connection." (Vancouver Province, January 6, 2011)

I caught up with Mr. Cobb this week during a speaking engagement in Kalispel, Montana hosted by former National Alliance activist April Gaede, now a blogger on WhiteNewsNow.

Mr. Cobb is frequently portrayed by the establishment press and by the anti-racist apostles of tolerance as a shrBitcoin will be fine.  It survived Ross Ulbricht's Silk Road, Mt. Gox, China's tepid but scaled controls and Obama's criminal coup attempt.

_Miracle, thx-- about the first civil question.

I see you are still willing to use the word ambiguity Satoshi Bowery has written of to defame Satoshi's intellect.

Roger Ver has done hard prison time, nit jail time, yet you don't moralisingly run him down as you do WN.

I'd like James to have the societal and international adulation he deserves.  If they-- institutions and intl prizes-- refuse, that will wake up even more people to the evil controllers.  

I am concerned the history will be lost.  I have a chance to tell the small, but foundational account.  Let's face it-- Satoshi let my address hang out there all those years.  It's possible but not likely I am -- was-- the only person on the planet whoknows he is Satoshi.   Maybe he intended I would be the one with the "pvt. Key", as it were, to tell the world?

Jamie Redman of, with 2000+ crypto coin stories, is writing the first account.  I provided him documentations.

I'd like to see the second wave of operating cryptos achieve more market share.  This story will light interest worldwide and help the autonomous Euro movement as well.

I live in fairly close to poverty, by U.th4y falsely do S. sandards.  I lived in a dugout in Montana during most of the winter of 2009-2010 before a kind woman and her husband invited me to reside and work on the 22,000 acre Cross Ranch in Wyoming before the FBI came as they often falsely do to their anti-globalist politiical opponents. (Strzok should be in prison).

When the 2nd wave of crypto takes off, James stories ti me will have come true.  The ten year gone  malfunctioning software's "Generate Coins" button may not be a spigot, but it will work.  As James has helped millions of Africans, he will have me too.
Fellow-Canadian Paul Fromm interview:

Of course, thanks to modern technology, Cobb can keep up his work from anywhere with an internet connection." (Vancouver Province, January 6, 2011)

I caught up with Mr. Cobb this week during a speaking engagement in Kalispel, Montana hosted by former National Alliance activist April Gaede, now a blogger on WhiteNewsNow.

Mr. Cobb is frequently portrayed by the establishment press and by the anti-racist apostles of tolerance as a shrill madman. I found, instead, a quiet-spoken, thoughtful, gentle man with piercing blue eyes. Despite his penury and despite living in the woods in a hole, made homeless when Montana Anti-Racist Network operatives phoned a shelter where he was staying and he was summarily ejected, Cobb is scrupulously clean and neat. He is a survivalist and polite to a fault.

Mr.Cobb believes videos are the way to reach a mass audience. For the past three years, he and several associates, have run podblanc,com. It features hundreds of videos, many main stream, and some created by Mr. Cobb. He drives the politically correct wild because some of his videos are sarcastic, satirical and in-your-face. "ill madman. I found, instead, a quiet-spoken, thoughtful, gentle man with piercing blue eyes. Despite his penury and despite living in the woods in a hole, made homeless when Montana Anti-Racist Network operatives phoned a shelter where he was staying and he was summarily ejected, Cobb is scrupulously clean and neat. He is a survivalist and polite to a fault.

Mr.Cobb believes videos are the way to reach a mass audience. For the past three years, he and several associates, have run podblanc,com. It features hundreds of videos, many main stream, and some created by Mr. Cobb. He drives the politically correct wild because some of his videos are sarcastic, satirical and in-your-face. "

Title: Re: The release of Satoshi's personal data
Post by: Vlad2Vlad on December 22, 2018, 07:29:53 PM
Bitcoin will be fine.  It survived Ross Ulbricht's Silk Road, Mt. Gox, China's tepid but scaled controls and Obama's criminal coup attempt.

_Miracle, thx-- about the first civil question.

I see you are still willing to use the word ambiguity Satoshi Bowery has written of to defame Satoshi's intellect.

I'd like James to have the societal and international adulation he deserves.  If they-- institutions and intl prizes-- refuse, that will wake up even more people to the evil controllers.  

I am concerned the history will be lost.  I have a chance to tell the small, but foundational account.  Let's face it-- Satoshi let my address hang out there all those years.  Maybe he intended I would be the one with the "pvt. Key", as it were, to tell the world?

Jamie Redman of, with 2000+ crypto coin stories, is writing the first account.  I provided him documentations.

For real tho?  1.1 million BTC for you?   ::)

Can you send me just 12,777 BTC? 

Also, what other coins did Satoshi secretly launch?   ;D

Title: Re: The release of Satoshi's personal data
Post by: franky1 on December 22, 2018, 07:44:12 PM
double timstamp and james are either the same person..
james and double time stamp are so close buddies they are working together to both fake fame each other up

james is trying to fame up time stamp and timestamp is trying to fame up james. it just feels odd..
usually you would see if someone was outting another person there would be some rivalry not this co-faming thing

this is like the fake lawsuit between craig wright and craig wrights friends brother who are both causing drama to try falsely to persuade people that one of them have ownership control of coins and coded bitcoin but both neither actually bother to sign anything.

they both also tried to persuade the world one of them is or knows who satoshi is by talking about social lives before 2009 and how much education and work experience and standing in the community they had before 2009 as the 'proof' that its a possibility.

Title: Re: The release of Satoshi's personal data
Post by: _Miracle on December 22, 2018, 09:39:28 PM
doublespend timestamp,

well I'm glad I didn't use "why the hell" then but that was going to be my first choice.

I don't care who you think Satoshi is. It doesn't matter that you want xyz for Satoshi.
Satoshi doesn't want those things and if that ever changes, I would be interested in talks for hours with Satoshi but until that time comes people need to respect Satoshi's privacy....Period.

I thought I saw you refer to S as "friend" a couple times?
A friend would NOT do something like this.

to reiterate:                                                    A friend would NOT do something like this

Title: Re: The release of Satoshi's personal data
Post by: doublespend timestamp on December 22, 2018, 09:43:30 PM
Bitcoin will be fine.  It survived Ross Ulbricht's Silk Road, Mt. Gox, China's tepid but scaled controls and Obama's criminal coup attempt.

_Miracle, thx-- about the first civil question.

I see you are still willing to use the word ambiguity Satoshi Bowery has written of to defame Satoshi's intellect.

I'd like James to have the societal and international adulation he deserves.  If they-- institutions and intl prizes-- refuse, that will wake up even more people to the evil controllers.  

I am concerned the history will be lost.  I have a chance to tell the small, but foundational account.  Let's face it-- Satoshi let my address hang out there all those years.  Maybe he intended I would be the one with the "pvt. Key", as it were, to tell the world?

Jamie Redman of, with 2000+ crypto coin stories, is writing the first account.  I provided him documentations.

For real tho?  1.1 million BTC for you?   ::)

Can you send me just 12,777 BTC?  

Also, what other coins did Satoshi secretly launch?   ;D

You misinterpreted, in that the send after Hal Finney's (though from Satoshi's exact same wallet) came 2 hrs. and 32 min. after Hal's. The difference is, Hal was talking to Satoshi.  No evidence I have ever seen claimed Hal knew Satoshi's true identity...whereas in my case, I was on voice Skype to my friend James using Satoshi's system, Satoshi being the genius cad, as it were, who had unfortunately beaten James to the scientific blockchain bitcoin punch.

You see?  All these ten years, James knew and let it hang out there, his Satoshi wallet address to me of Jan. 12, 2009.  When I asked James-- to the best of my memory in 2011, 2012, and 2013-- to BUY (at market value) a few of his bitcoins, as I had missed out on the Day 1 mining (after he had mined, that is)  his response was " I don't have very many".  Right.  That's why he uses Segwit, and Armory cold storage and had software monitoring Mt. Gox 5 months before the mostmajor hack they ever suffered.

I can only conclude James bet I'd never read the blockchain, or if I did, I wouldn't recall my quite definitive and memorable address.  His final reasoning may have been-- being his fellow thought criminal with so much water under the bridge, I still wouldn't say anything, but mightcall he could deny.

Title: Re: The release of Satoshi's personal data
Post by: doublespend timestamp on December 22, 2018, 09:45:52 PM
doublespend timestamp,

well I'm glad I didn't use "why the hell" then but that was going to be my first choice.

I don't care who you think Satoshi is. It doesn't matter that you want xyx for Satoshi.
Satoshi doesn't want those things and if that ever changes, I would be interested in talks for hours with Satoshi but until that time comes people need to respect Satoshi's privacy....Period.

I thought I saw you refer to S as "friend" a couple times?
A friend would NOT do something like this.

to reiterate:                                                    A friend would NOT do something like this

Aren't you the signifyin' poser?  Are you krishton too, Pilgrim?

From Estonia 2008, the earliest time of my contact with super-genius Satoshi Bowery:

SPLC chosenites have June 2 date wrong.  For example, I watched Obama's Cairo speech with about 20 black and Arab Muslims in Finnish asylum in concrete highrise before being moved days later to a central Helsinki luxury hotel where I had a black African roomate for a day or two before being taken by a surfer-looking longhair cop and his male and female partners to Helsinki City Jail where the commander proffered hid hand, explaining I was there for Podblanc. I stayed about 3 weeks. I was in court with a female and two male judges where I explained all my scientific explosive vids were in fact hosted on You Tube by two mega-billionire Jewish men. My lawyer advised me, "shhhhh, shhhhh!" June 2, Cobb, 57, traveled to Helsinki, where he hoped to receive asylum from the Finnish government because of persecution based on religion (the racist World Church of the Creator), race (“indigenous White”), membership in white nationalist groups, and political opinion (“right wing secessionist-separatist and preservationist of our wonderful, extreme-technological-giving 8% White Precious Minority on the Teeming Dark Planet”).

Title: Re: The release of Satoshi's personal data
Post by: squatter on December 22, 2018, 09:56:05 PM
They're not the same person. So far no media sources have abused this thread to write a sensationalized story on the matter, so its safe to say this was just a weird but friendly dialogue between two every day white nationalists.

If you look at the timestamps between posts, it seems pretty obvious to me. There were elaborate -- seemingly pre-written -- responses that were posted far too quickly to suggest a genuine dialogue.

You really believe someone who knows this obscure/unknown person (jabowery) saw this thread and contacted him on Twitter? The odds of that happening are incredibly low.

I have to admit it was pretty entertaining.

If anything it was a plug for a documentary, which I also have to admit intrigues me.

To each his own, I guess. I found it tiresome. Now I'm curious to see him plug his documentary. :D

Title: Re: The release of Satoshi's personal data
Post by: franky1 on December 22, 2018, 09:58:56 PM
I can only conclude James bet I'd never read the blockchain, or if I did, I wouldn't recall my quite definitive and memorable address.  His final reasoning may have been-- being his fellow thought criminal with so much water under the bridge, I still wouldn't say anything, but mightcall he could deny.

you trying to pretend you own funds of a address because it has significant meaning. is not proof.
you subtly implying that the address was created as a vanity, to have meaning to you and thus it must be yours because you have special personal social reasons that link you to that address..

but guess what.
that address is actually RANDOM. firstly satoshi didnt not send it to an address of significant meaning to you.

what occurs in bitcoin is the address is randomly created by a reciever and the receiver then tells the sender the address to send funds to.
not the other way round
as shown below.. you believed satoshi created the address specifically for you.
my distinctive wallet address "1DUD...VW" (the people's, "volks" car of Hitler!)  James, did you do that as more fun gamery?  VW, really?  What are the odds?

and before you begin pretending that suddenly you actually made that address to be specific to you..
vanity is not easy to make an address that has VW in it at that location of the address..
vanity was not even a thing back then

Title: Re: The release of Satoshi's personal data
Post by: doublespend timestamp on December 22, 2018, 10:25:15 PM
franky1 said:

and before you begin pretending that suddenly you actually made that address to be specific to you..
vanity is not easy to make an address that has VW in it at that location of the address..
vanity was not even a thing back then

You indeed have an incisive mind.  James designed and launched the entire Bitcoin Core, but of course, as mathematical odds would have it, his first revealed address had "HOME ftp" (caps different) in Satoshi's address.  Clearly, you don't figure Satoshi is as bright as you, as he couldn't conjure up a partial vanity to amuse himself with his numbers-spinning binary "this not that, that not this" marvel ware.

squatter, JAB was tweeted to by a journalist.  Plus, I know from experience with him, he watches incoming IPs as if it's interesting reading.

JAB is hardly obscure.  Even a cursory glance at his scientific writings on stackexchange, his Linked In, and his 100,000 or so words on Majority Rights convince everyone with a Stanford Binet over 110 he is far less obscure, for hoof and mouth example, than your esteemed self.

Title: Re: The release of Satoshi's personal data
Post by: _Miracle on December 22, 2018, 10:36:59 PM
doublespend timestamp,

well I'm glad I didn't use "why the hell" then but that was going to be my first choice.

I don't care who you think Satoshi is. It doesn't matter that you want xyx for Satoshi.
Satoshi doesn't want those things and if that ever changes, I would be interested in talks for hours with Satoshi but until that time comes people need to respect Satoshi's privacy....Period.

I thought I saw you refer to S as "friend" a couple times?
A friend would NOT do something like this.

to reiterate:                                                    A friend would NOT do something like this

Aren't you the signifyin' poser?  Are you krishton too, Pilgrim?

From Estonia 2008, the earliest time of my contact with super-genius Satoshi Bowery:

SPLC chosenites have June 2 date wrong.  For example, I watched Obama's Cairo speech with about 20 black and Arab Muslims in Finnish asylum in concrete highrise before being moved days later to a central Helsinki luxury hotel where I had a black African roomate for a day or two before being taken by a surfer-looking longhair cop and his male and female partners to Helsinki City Jail where the commander proffered hid hand, explaining I was there for Podblanc. I stayed about 3 weeks. I was in court with a female and two male judges where I explained all my scientific explosive vids were in fact hosted on You Tube by two mega-billionire Jewish men. My lawyer advised me, "shhhhh, shhhhh!" June 2, Cobb, 57, traveled to Helsinki, where he hoped to receive asylum from the Finnish government because of persecution based on religion (the racist World Church of the Creator), race (“indigenous White”), membership in white nationalist groups, and political opinion (“right wing secessionist-separatist and preservationist of our wonderful, extreme-technological-giving 8% White Precious Minority on the Teeming Dark Planet”).

Oh no no no NO Do not bring me into your wild little whirlwind of schizophrenia.
I am always who I say I am: and that is a little nobody whos opinion no one cares about and I am 100% fine with that.

Title: Re: The release of Satoshi's personal data
Post by: doublespend timestamp on December 22, 2018, 10:40:00 PM
See James' top tweet of 5 hours ago.  Satoshi Nakamoto's family has had a son born?


Title: Re: The release of Satoshi's personal data
Post by: franky1 on December 23, 2018, 12:10:01 AM
franky1 said:

and before you begin pretending that suddenly you actually made that address to be specific to you..
vanity is not easy to make an address that has VW in it at that location of the address..
vanity was not even a thing back then

You indeed have an incisive mind.  James designed and launched the entire Bitcoin Core, but of course, as mathematical odds would have it, his first revealed address had "HOME ftp" (caps different) in Satoshi's address.  Clearly, you don't figure Satoshi is as bright as you, as he couldn't conjure up a partial vanity to amuse himself with his numbers-spinning binary "this not that, that not this" marvel ware.

again he did not create the address that you pretend contains funds you pretend to own
secondly the person that created vanity was not satoshi
thirdly the computational power needed to get an address with certain descriptors as laid out in the address you define as yours.. well ill make it simple for you

1F.......................... = seconds
1Franky................... = hours
1.................franky... = years = months

fourthy.. it would have had to have been you that made the address if you indeed were the recipient of the funds
for you to have not been using bitcoin for months to have generated such a personal address(which you claim it is). to have said to satoshi heres an address to send 10 btc to. shows both lack of basic knowledge. lack of bitcoin history. lack of timescale proof. and also. just obsurd notions that faming up someones life before bitcoin is proof of involvement in bitcoin. is just overwhelmingly short sighted agenda to garner fame.

Title: Re: The release of Satoshi's personal data
Post by: CoinClarity on December 23, 2018, 02:10:35 AM
You really believe someone who knows this obscure/unknown person (jabowery) saw this thread and contacted him on Twitter? The odds of that happening are incredibly low.

I was following the thread, then simply clicked on the Twitter link provided, and contacted JAB out of the blue. He responded a few hours later, then wrote his first post in this thread a few hours after that.

Title: Re: The release of Satoshi's personal data
Post by: doublespend timestamp on December 23, 2018, 02:20:09 AM
franky1, regardless if James did or did not create my address or his, (the latter with something lik hOmE ftp) mine was relatively easy to memorize, long term, the three simple elements: "1DUD", "sfc" (which I remembered as "san francisco city" and "VW".  I just went to the download link James told me for my version of Bitcoin Core. It might have been his personal home computer for all I know.  No matter.  Those three sequences are easily remembered, as wss the pos-Estonian New Year time frame...especially after months of talking voice to James about Tanomoshi and the entire conceptuals of e-money-- how it would work.

Duh, James or anybody else would have to have me send my address on Skype chat before he sent me the 10 bitcoins. This is complex or newsy?

Jamie Redman the writer has one year old emails I sent to two different people citing the 10  bitcoins James sent to me in 2009.  I wonder, just for fun-- are there are other sends of exactly 10 bitcoins for 2009 which remain unspent as mine are?

Title: Re: The release of Satoshi's personal data
Post by: AGD on December 23, 2018, 07:49:32 AM
franky1, regardless if James did or did not create my address or his, (the latter with something lik hOmE ftp) mine was relatively easy to memorize, long term, the three simple elements: "1DUD", "sfc" (which I remembered as "san francisco city" and "VW".  I just went to the download link James told me for my version of Bitcoin Core. It might have been his personal home computer for all I know.  No matter.  Those three sequences are easily remembered, as wss the pos-Estonian New Year time frame...especially after months of talking voice to James about Tanomoshi and the entire conceptuals of e-money-- how it would work.

Duh, James or anybody else would have to have me send my address on Skype chat before he sent me the 10 bitcoins. This is complex or newsy?

Jamie Redman the writer has one year old emails I sent to two different people citing the 10  bitcoins James sent to me in 2009.  I wonder, just for fun-- are there are other sends of exactly 10 bitcoins for 2009 which remain unspent as mine are?

Your theory is weak. You have provided no proof for any of your allegations and now you are trying to explain Bitcoin to a bunch of experts.

Title: Re: The release of Satoshi's personal data
Post by: doublespend timestamp on December 23, 2018, 07:16:26 PM
Not a theory, Dim.  I know what happened, AGD Charlie Manson.  I was there.

Let's remind readers: you are the brilliant one who insisted over and over James Bowery and myself, doublespend timestamp, are one and the same person, as James and Satoshi.  That, in and of itself, AGD, is ample demonstration of your ability to extract fact from a given set of obvious data.  Writing styles hardly ever change-- very few people can easily mimic another style, especially in real time.

These facts about writing styles, and people's perceptions of same were not known to you.

Title: Re: The release of Satoshi's personal data
Post by: AGD on December 23, 2018, 08:12:13 PM
Not a theory, Dim.  I know what happened, AGD Charlie Manson.  I was there.

Let's remind readers: you are the brilliant one who insisted over and over James Bowery and myself, doublespend timestamp, are one and the same person, as James and Satoshi.  That, in and of itself, AGD, is ample demonstration of your ability to extract fact from a given set of obvious data.  Writing styles hardly ever change-- very few people can easily mimic another style, especially in real time.

These facts about writing styles, and people's perceptions of same were not known to you.

Oh really? I never said that. I am the one that even doubt you are Craig Cobb, remember? Video proof missing btw.
('ample demonstration of your ability to extract fact from a given set of obvious data')

Sir ,if you only could sign a message from that very Bitcoin address (which you can't), you can trust me, that I am able to verify that.
Some similarities in writing style especially among science people and even more when it comes to the same interests do mean close to zero.

You didn't answer my question:

doublespend, why you are trying so hard to convince people to believe JB is SN?

Title: Re: The release of Satoshi's personal data
Post by: Phinnaeus Gage on December 23, 2018, 10:12:30 PM
Not a theory, Dim.  I know what happened, AGD Charlie Manson.  I was there.

Let's remind readers: you are the brilliant one who insisted over and over James Bowery and myself, doublespend timestamp, are one and the same person, as James and Satoshi.  That, in and of itself, AGD, is ample demonstration of your ability to extract fact from a given set of obvious data.  Writing styles hardly ever change-- very few people can easily mimic another style, especially in real time.

These facts about writing styles, and people's perceptions of same were not known to you.

Oh really? I never said that. I am the one that even doubt you are Craig Cobb, remember? Video proof missing btw.
('ample demonstration of your ability to extract fact from a given set of obvious data')

Sir ,if you only could sign a message from that very Bitcoin address (which you can't), you can trust me, that I am able to verify that.
Some similarities in writing style especially among science people and even more when it comes to the same interests do mean close to zero.

You didn't answer my question:

doublespend, why you are trying so hard to convince people to believe JB is SN?

His first post on the subject (and very first post) was in my thread ...

James Allen Bowery = James A. Donald = Satoshi Nakamoto = edifying conversations with himself to teach what he knew and had proven?

Title: Re: The release of Satoshi's personal data
Post by: socksserver3 on December 23, 2018, 11:21:42 PM
To tell the truth I am not interested in his data much as for me btc is much more important and everything that happens with coin. I don't know whom to believe concerning his details

Title: Re: The release of Satoshi's personal data
Post by: brincobt on December 24, 2018, 12:06:32 AM
In scandinavia the OP would be called a troll.
Efficient research points out that the "Satoshi" may be, by some probalility a man from Australia, who has died some years ago.
So who?

Dave Kleiman?
Hal Finney?

Title: Re: The release of Satoshi's personal data
Post by: criptix on December 24, 2018, 12:14:09 AM

Title: Re: The release of Satoshi's personal data
Post by: doublespend timestamp on December 24, 2018, 12:26:17 AM
AGD said in #121:

I am the one that even doubt you are Craig Cobb, remember? Video proof missing btw.

Do you remember I said I was in Williston a few days ago, and I am thinking of holding seminars for oil companies and their workers on cryptos?
Here is a pic of me by the wave machine in The Ark:
Second row of pics, center, on official Williston page.  Note vertical silver pipe, right side top in both pics.

You are right. Thanks for posting the link to your thread which was my first post here, Phinnaeous Gage. "James A. Donald" was the first to respond to Satoshi Nakamoto, a day later.  "James A. Donald". coder of "Crypto Kong" is surely James A. ( for Allen) Bowery. Updated 1 second ago
Domain Information
Registrar:Tucows Domains Inc.
Registered On:1995-02-24
Expires On:2020-02-25
Updated On:2017-10-12

Domain Information
Registrar:Tucows Domains Inc.
Registered On:1995-04-24
Expires On:2020-04-25
Updated On:2017-10-12

James Bowery I've also been collaborating with this guy to, in my not-so-copious spare time, program a numeric model of neutron diffraction based on GUToCP.

EDITED INSERTION HERE BY DOUBLESPEND TIMESTAMP: folks does this look like Satoshi's Oct 31 2008 bitcoin presentation?

James Bowery
April 18 ·
I'm starting to get into the science surrounding the GUToCP controversy because, not surprisingly to this cynic, none of the folks who should be doing due diligence in accord with their fiduciary responsibility to stockholders, are. Moreover, they're not about to respond to sound decision theoretic arguments that they could end up being personally sued by angry stockholders of companies like GE Capital, if GUToCP turns out to be valid. If I owned stock in any energy companies, or in companies heavily dependent on the particulars of energy generation and distribution, I'd find somewhere else to park those assets at least for the next year -- not because of my analysis, given below, of a key scientific controversy, but because the inability of key executives to fulfill their fiduciary responsibility is plain enough. I base this solely on their failure to invest the few thousand dollars it would take to discount the risk and cover their behinds. That's what it would cost to ask an engineer who was visiting Princeton University for some other reason, to take a long lunch and drive over to the Brilliant Light, Inc. laboratory a few minutes from Princeton. He'd have to have a reasonable infrared meter costing at most a few hundred dollars, take a reading of the electric meter on the side of the building, go inside, take an IR reading from the device they purportedly have running with a coefficient of performance of over 100, estimate the integrated energy emitted, go back outside and take another reading of the electric meter. This is so technically challenging, I suspect a 7th grade student would find it difficult. Perhaps they should replace guys like Jeff Immelt with an 8th grader.

This last week, yet another paper (via the story at the link below) was published about the anomalous ~3.5keV X-Ray astronomy "line" (although it is spread out more than one would expect of an emission line) that has been reported in several papers over the last several years. The signal is faint but it corresponds to areas suspected to contain high densities of dark matter. Early attempts to "debunk" this observation are now starting to give way to a confluence of different instruments, statistical methods and investigators seeing it. Early attempts to theoretically explain it as some sort of emission from dark matter tried the "axino" theory. As those attempts failed for one reason or another, a new attempt to explain dark matter as consisting of "sterile neutrinos" took the place of axinos. (For later reference, note that none of these theories explain why axinos or sterile neutrinos should be 95% of the mass of the universe. Remember that sentence for the end of this exposition.)

I saw lots of references to "the 3.5keV sterile neutrino" taking the place of the hypothesized axino. Trying to trace back where anyone got the idea that there should be a "sterile neutrino" with a mass of 3.5keV, I found the first occurrence of "3.5keV" in the literature associated with sterile neutrinos was a paper that was trying to place "constraints" on the mass of the hypothetical particle by looking at the emerging X-Ray astronomy data. Now, if you didn't bristle at the mention of the word "constraints" on a "hypothetical particle" based on emerging but noisy measurements, perhaps I should explain something about the philosophy of science:

Science is about predicting from observations. One key form this takes is "replication" as in "I predict anyone who follows my directions for an experiment will see the same thing I saw." But it also applies to novel experiments where if your theory is good, and your experimental method sound, you can be assured of the outcome of measurements like, for example, the mass of a particle.

What these guys are doing is revealed in this damning passage from one of the axino papers:

"Due to the large number of parameters at disposal in supersymmetric models, it is hard to exclude with certainty the axino scenario."

"The large numbers of parameters" means their model "predicts" very little about the mass of hypothesized particles. That's why when they make stuff up like "sterile neutrinos" they don't know what the mass is going to be but -- hey -- they need _something_ to explain disturbing data so they "hypothesize" something so vague that they can make it "fit" any observations that come along from the experimentalists.

This is known as "cheating".

But you know what? There is a theory that has been around since the early 1990s that not only "predicts" a form of "dark matter" that will produce a 3.5keV signature -- but it has no "parameters" -- only fundamental physical constants.

R. L. Mills The Grand Unified Theory of Classical Quantum Mechanics, November 1995 Edition HydroCatalysis Power Corp. Malvern, PA Library of Congress Catalog Number 94-077780 Chp.22 ISBN number ISBN 0-9635171-1-2

Moreover, it predicts that this 3.5keV signature won't be a "line" but will be continuum radiation -- a spectral band -- with a 3.5keV cutoff which will look _sort of_ like a "line" but is actually a rapidly decaying peak at 3.5keV. Moreover (you're going to get tired of these "moreover"s) this 3.5keV is the result of a dark-matter-to-lower-energy-dark-matter conversion. Moreover, the higher energy form of dark matter is predicted to be the most ubiquitous form of dark matter -- and is therefore the most ubiquitous form of matter in the universe (DM being 95% of the mass of the universe). Moreover, its transition to the lower energy dark matter is catalyzed by the second most ubiquitous form of matter in the universe: hydrogen. Moreover the most ubiquitous form of matter in the universe is a lower energy state of the second most ubiquitous form of matter in the universe. In other words, dark matter can be thought of as the "ash" of hydrogen that goes through an energy loss that is catalyzed in the plasma atmospheres surrounding stars. Moreover, when catalyzed in stellar atmospheres, the energy emitted is exceedingly high "temperature", which explains why coronas are millions of degrees while the surface of the sun is only in the thousands.

Title: Re: The release of Satoshi's personal data
Post by: franky1 on December 24, 2018, 12:43:13 AM
to reveal another hole timestamp is digging himself and tripping into

the real bitcoin creator was not working on lights, optics and lasers in 2008
he was working on bitcoin since 2007

Title: Re: The release of Satoshi's personal data
Post by: doublespend timestamp on December 24, 2018, 12:50:54 AM
to reveal another hole timestamp is digging himself and tripping into

the real bitcoin creator was not working on lights, optics and lasers in 2008
he was working on bitcoin since 2007

Who was that you maintain, franky1?

Diogenes Institute
Research Analyst
Diogenes Institute
September 2008 – Present  10 years 4 months
Sacramento, California
Worked with Diogenes Institute and DoE Energy Information Administration founder, Charles Sinclair Smith, on a comprehensive plan for energy independence and the environment. Mr. Bowery’s part of the plan emphasized conversion of all US electric utilities to produce food-grade CO2 and pay for the conversion by selling protein and lipids produced in desert southwest photobioreactors. Mr. Smith’s part of the plan emphasized converting the US rail system to an all-electric, high speed, system to replace long-haul truck and short haul air transport. Mr. Bowery analyzed the macro- economic viability of large scale deployment of a wide array of algae-related technologies.

Hutter Prize for Lossless Compression of Human Knowledge
Judging Committee
Hutter Prize for Lossless Compression of Human Knowledge
2006 – Present  12 years
Marcus Hutter's PhD student, Shane Legg, cofounded Deep Mind. Deep mind was acquired by Google for several hundred million dollars due, in part, to adopting the theoretic principle, AIXI, embodied in the Hutter Prize for Lossless Compression of Human Knowledge. The establishment, in 2006, of the Prize, resulted from Bowery's history of proposals for prizes for achievement of objective criteria that would lead to technical breakthroughs, including one for compression. Matt Mahoney, manager of the Large Text Compression Benchmark, pointed Bowery to Hutter's AIXI theory, Bowery proposed the compression prize to Hutter and Hutter not only lent his name to the prize but endowed it. 4 years later Deep Mind was founded and 4 years after that, Google acquired Deep Mind. The Prize is still active but advances in computing and algorithms necessitate a much larger prize for further progress toward artificial intelligence arising from the mining of "big data".

Title: Re: The release of Satoshi's personal data
Post by: franky1 on December 24, 2018, 01:05:12 AM
you can spend hours, days, months faming up lives of james...

but you have not proved the satoshi~james ties
im starting to think that you ar james faming yourself, but now with a minor tweak of that opinion that you might be either female and want to marry him.. or your male and gay and secretly inlove with him if indeed ur not james.

but the obsession with trying to fame up james.. is getting beyond a joke.. especially now you derailed your own topic to no longer prove a satoshi connection but just now want to flat out try faming james up as multiple people.

so either you are james trying to fame yourself up, or your unhealthily infatuated by him

you(as the timestamp persona) have as of yet done nothing to:
prove you received funds from satoshi
prove your not james (reveal your this craig guy, via photo or the old 'shoe on head' video proof)
prove james is satoshi

you just seem to want to talk about james life, as if it has meaning.

so apart from
1. you are james
2. your inlove with james...
i have still been inclined to think this is all some big faming/marketing ploy for "commercial value". EG im guessing you/him probably both, probably one of you. wants to make money out of fame unrelated to bitcoins creation.. but under the marketing ploy pretence it 'may have' connection.. just for some extra attention

Title: Re: The release of Satoshi's personal data
Post by: doublespend timestamp on December 24, 2018, 01:23:49 AM
satoshi bowery shops for gene therapy in china probably a bit higher than clothes at walmart

satoshi bowery on energy hog intel and amd chips january 17 2018

satoshi bowery sees  iowa $10 bill 1912 which says united states treasury instead of federal reserve

franky1 said in #129:
prove your not james (reveal your this craig guy, via photo or the old 'shoe on head' video proof)
prove james is satoshi

I guess you don't even much read the posts before you prattle, Dim.  franky1, I had already put my pic in #126.

Do you remember I said I was in Williston a few days ago, and I am thinking of holding seminars for oil companies and their workers on cryptos?
Here is a pic of me by the wave machine in The Ark:

satoshi bowery on a county currency march 29 2018

Title: Re: The release of Satoshi's personal data
Post by: franky1 on December 24, 2018, 02:22:50 AM
I guess you don't even much read the posts before you prattle, Dim.  franky1, I had already put my pic in #126.
up to the point of post 129. i still did not give a crap about who craig cobb or james was in rgards to their nazi/social life.
my only interest was really about could you prove linkage to the satoshi identity. which you still fail to.
i only mentioned the prove craig cob proves james is not timestamp.. as a thing that im not personally interested in but others are and it seemed you just prefered to rattle on about faming up about james nazi/non bitcoin creator life

as regards to your picture. all i seen was a balding guy near a kids swimming pool taking pictures.. (i wont mention my judgements about what someone would be doing there doing that)
but i did not see a guy holding a piece of paper up saying "i am timestamp" or shoe on head... so again not caring or being interested in the social drama aspect. i just notched it up as "probably just a google image grab.."
yea the social life of craig cobb is of such lack of interest there was no need to have searched up craig cobb. as its of no significance to the topic or me.

but yea now i see a resemblance to the many police and courtroom 'mugshots'.. yet normally when people ask for proof of ID, holding up something that says i am user..X. is normal etiquette to quash the normal response of "he could have got the pic that from the internet" as a pic of craig cobb is still not proof of craig cobb being timestamp..
your social life was not worth the rsearch tim to google. so i was expecting a pic of actual meaning.

but lets drop the matter and just play along your craig cobb.
so you have CC
then im guessing it must be a infatuation with james you have, by wanting to fame him up.
which just leaves it as.. for money or for love..
but dont bother answering that. im not interested in the answer. im just stating my opinion..

all that matters is not the social life of you or james. but the real proof that james is satoshi..
which you do really trip yourself up and fall into holes you dug yourself

In scandinavia the OP would be called a troll.
Efficient research points out that the "Satoshi" may be, by some probalility a man from Australia, who has died some years ago.
So who?

Dave Kleiman?
Hal Finney?

satoshi is not those two guys either.
nor is he wright. nor is he dorian
(hes not american, not australian and not asian(proper word analysis shows more that satoshi cant be those, and cant be james... and i mean proper analysis.. not crap stuff like CC's weak attempts))

Title: Re: The release of Satoshi's personal data
Post by: doublespend timestamp on December 24, 2018, 03:17:48 AM
I lived in Hawaii just under 25 years, krishton fairy-talest calumny slanderer.  I swam whitewater by the cliffs (you have to dive under the waves at the last moment to avoid being slammed) and I surfed.  When my NEO, GAS, ELASTOS, NANO et. al. takeoff, I'm gonna buy one of the $250,000 units for my old age, and put it two miles south of the Canuckistani Digital Curtain border in ND where I live, sonny boy.  I might put a big picture window in there to piss off c-tards such as yourself and mason cultists (lots of em on the bench) when it's pitch dark and 40 below.

james bowery banking meltdown sept 2008 Bitcoin jan 2009 coincidence nov 21st 2018

satoshi bowery who is the smart one

james bowery james watson selling nobel prize cause no one wants to admit i exist

james bowery chris langan hat size aug 11 2018

Title: Re: The release of Satoshi's personal data
Post by: franky1 on December 24, 2018, 04:26:54 AM
I lived in Hawaii just under 25 years, krishton fairy-talest calumny slanderer.  I swam whitewater by the cliffs (you have to dive under the waves at the last moment to avoid being slammed) and I surfed.  When my NEO, GAS, ELASTOS, NANO et. al. takeoff, I'm gonna buy one of the $250,000 units for my old age, and put it two miles south of the Canuckistani Digital Curtain border in ND where I live, sonny boy.  I might put a big picture window in there to piss off c-tards such as yourself and mason cultists (lots of em on the bench) when it's pitch dark and 40 below.

james bowery banking meltdown sept 2008 Bitcoin jan 2009 coincidence nov 21st 2018

satoshi bowery who is the smart one

james bowery james watson selling nobel prize cause no one wants to admit i exist

james bowery chris langan hat size aug 11 2018

none of that proves anything.. now your just posting the whole internet on this forum, but nothing relating to creating bitcoin

Title: Re: The release of Satoshi's personal data
Post by: AGD on December 24, 2018, 08:11:35 AM
OP, you still didn't answer my question:

doublespend, why you are trying so hard to convince people to believe JB is SN?

Title: Re: The release of Satoshi's personal data
Post by: doublespend timestamp on December 24, 2018, 03:12:49 PM
Shortest answer:  because it is true.

James Bowery on two deceased men often floated as having been Satoshi Nakamoto, Hal Finney and Dave Kleiman, Dec. 3 2018.  Reference to Lou Gehrig's victim Hal Finney as "this casualty" seems a bit harsh, in that James' wife (as openly revealed in his social media) has suffered pitiably from Huntington's disorder for years.  James' valid hatred of such diseases may have taken over his emotions in the moment of his typing about Hal.

Title: Re: The release of Satoshi's personal data
Post by: Looooooooper on December 24, 2018, 06:40:10 PM
Thank you to both Franky1 & Doublespendtimestamp this was a great read

Title: Re: The release of Satoshi's personal data
Post by: doublespend timestamp on December 25, 2018, 02:36:15 AM
doublespend timestamp Ledger BTC Segwit address:  3Nfdn66E2t1QX9SsEoxMeGT4BXDQE7fzpF

Know Your Satoshi Nakamoto Ripley's Believe It Or Not!

"Ya Got Me" as Satoshi Nakamoto, Breaking Bad Kwa Version:

james satoshi bowery on bitcoin and cryptos yule christmas day 2018

James Bowery
Follow Follow @jabowery
Replying to @johndelanoa @LN_Master_Hub and 3 others
Think about BTC the way people used to think about the way the Swiss stored huge hoards of gold in their mountain caves:  The cost of protecting the gold is minimized and the Swiss always remained neutral.  So there emerged this notion of "Swiss bank accounts".  BUT....

more of similar from christmas day 2018

James Bowery

 14h14 hours ago
Replying to @johndelanoa @LN_Master_Hub and 3 others
Bitcoin property rights are protected by the ledger's integrity which is protected by the miners' work, so under the philosophy of government as protector of property rights, it is as though Bitcoin is in another jurisdiction.

Replying to @jabowery @LN_Master_Hub and 3 others
Think about it like this:  If tax policy was based on a philosophy of government as providing protection of property rights, rather than protection of transactions, Bitcoin maximalists would have a strong argument that neither Bitcoin transactions nor holdings should be taxed.

James Bowery
 14h14 hours ago
Bitcoin property rights are protected by the ledger's integrity which is protected by the miners' work, so under the philosophy of government as protector of property rights, it is as though Bitcoin is in another jurisdiction.

1 reply 0 retweets 1 like
Reply 1   Retweet   Like 1   Direct message

SATOSHI BOWERY DEC 2017 ON HIS 27 YEAR RELATIONSHIP WITH NICK SZABO...NOTE that in this FB post he credits his friend Szabo's Bitgold with inpiring the creation of Bitcoin, but how would James know that, in that Szabo's work was carefully left out of the Oct. 31st, 2008 Bitcoin would James know were he himself NOT Satoshi?  I do remember Jmaes' mentioning Wei Dai, and I think, asking him to spell it--my Hawaii years...and I recall Bitgold ("gold" stuck-- I was a goldbug, as was James) being mentioned verbally but I don't recall Szabo's actual name coming up as I do Dai's, though I'm sure it did, as James didn't miss a detail in his sweeping teaching lessons.  i guess I remembered most everything except to buy loads of it withn the first year, but there were my omnipresent political probs, my video war, and the flights from countries till 2014, and even then I wore a GPS on my right ankle for four years.

Hutter Prize for compression of human knowledge, with which James Bowery is heavily associated and involved with, (AI and I think blockchain headings are an example offers 50,000 Euros prize money.)

satoshi nakamoto twitter like the onion funny

james bowery as advaita god?


tao of money

Satoshi Bowery matches prize pledge

Satoshi Bowery man who threw away bitcoins has 100 million reasons to dig up landfill AT LEAST HE DIDN'T BLOW HIS BRAINS OUT

James Bowery bitgo and brave payments

James Bowery you demand that we accept your people?  OK THEN WE'LL TAKE YOUR TERRITORY.

James Bowery county currency in case of electromagnetic events

james bowery central media control 1982

james bowery horseback riding in asia

james bowery 3D symbol of infinity

james retweet--ISRAELI MEDIA IDs American comic meme man Sam Hyde as synagogue shooter

james bowery letter to congress critters on silicon valley imported labor

james bowery european y chromosome haplogroup

james bowery abusive icelandic prison system

satoshi nakamoto on bat

james bowery testifying before congress a mans gotta do what a mans gotta do

Satoshi bowery network effects rents (like bitcoin whales -dt)

territorial allocation


H1B applicants ONLY need apply for IT job in iowa, lulz, a case for our corrupt doj to defend

why russia is our enemy

satoshi nakamoto on zombies (NOTE: Satoshi Nakamoto actually DID do some typing on dat s. -dt)

tenth anniversary even Satoshi Nakamoto is mortal

nakamoto taking action

shame of ignorance

james mentions chase iron eyes, the convicted felon (firearms violations and auto theft-- just under a year in a ND prison)
 who was specially allowed afterward to become a graduated lawyer.  he is in the standing rock sioux, a lakota tribe and was featured in the documentary movie welcome to leith.  Satoshi advised me then while I was in leith.

dogs helped european individualism evolve by empowering the individual man-- written not too long (2011, about 3 years) after bitcoin core

fastest jet

racism one to two years after bitcoin core

feral chickens 117 years old woman

satoshi on blockchain steemit

could it be hitler?

silicon valley discrimination

determining causation is for nazi scientists.  they're such control freaks.

everly brothers home in shenandoah iowa--cps looking for parents

female SJW

Satoshi Nakamoto if your child is a far right extremist, know the warning signs!

Title: Re: The release of Satoshi's personal data
Post by: Phinnaeus Gage on December 25, 2018, 06:08:44 PM

As a kid, I lived in a home that size as the eldest of six children with Mom and Dad. To boot, there was no running water, just a hand pump. The honeypot was very close to the stove. No, not that kind of honey pot, if you know what I mean.

Title: Re: The release of Satoshi's personal data
Post by: BitcoinMoses on December 25, 2018, 07:45:45 PM
to reveal another hole timestamp is digging himself and tripping into

the real bitcoin creator was not working on lights, optics and lasers in 2008
he was working on bitcoin since 2007

Hi franky1

You are right. Satoshi Nakamoto was working on Bitcoin since 5 May 2007. But literally he was working on Digital Currency Research Projects since 1994. As you know that he was fully working on Bitcoin and Blockchain since 2007 it has reveals your personality clues. You as well said,  satoshi is not those two guys either.
nor is he wright. nor is he dorian
(hes not american, not australian and not asian(proper word analysis shows more that satoshi cant be those, and cant be james... and i mean proper analysis.. not crap stuff like CC's weak attempts))
You are nearly right , but one mistake; Satoshi is British Asian. You know all about this as your ID franky1 is also a clues.

Title: Re: The release of Satoshi's personal data
Post by: Vlad2Vlad on December 25, 2018, 07:50:18 PM
to reveal another hole timestamp is digging himself and tripping into

the real bitcoin creator was not working on lights, optics and lasers in 2008
he was working on bitcoin since 2007

Hi franky1

You are right. Satoshi Nakamoto was working on Bitcoin since 5 May 2007. But literally he was working on Digital Currency Research Projects since 1994. As you know that he was fully working on Bitcoin and Blockchain since 2007 it has reveals your personality clues. You as well said,  satoshi is not those two guys either.
nor is he wright. nor is he dorian
(hes not american, not australian and not asian(proper word analysis shows more that satoshi cant be those, and cant be james... and i mean proper analysis.. not crap stuff like CC's weak attempts))
You are nearly right , but one mistake; Satoshi is British Asian. You know all about this as your ID franky1 is also a clues.

Well, well, look what the car dragged in.  I hope this prediction is better than your August 2018 nuke prediction.  Not that I’m not glad you were wrong about that one, tho.

Title: Re: Re: The release of Satoshi's personal data
Post by: Vlad2Vlad on December 25, 2018, 08:01:44 PM

Oh ! Yes ! Theymos has spoken to Satoshi Nakamoto. Indeed, Theymos himself, is Satoshi Nakamoto. This Bitcoin Address is also created by Satoshi Nakamoto 1NXYoJ5xU91Jp83XfVMHwwTUyZFK64BoAD. Who is this lady saying Oh ! Yes ! ???

Katniss Everdeen, bro! 

You new here? 

Title: Re: The release of Satoshi's personal data
Post by: doublespend timestamp on December 29, 2018, 03:40:11 PM
Got up this morning (Dec. 29, 2018) and found this early exchange between Satoshi and Hal Finney.  The boldfaced and red highlights are mine.  Thank You to OP "hardworkinfamilyman" who made the thread Nov. 12, 2018.  

NOTE Satoshi Nakamoto makes reference here in writing to Hal Finney citing his true initials, "JAB" for James Allen Bowery:

From: Satoshi Nakamoto <> Date: Mon, Jan 12, 2009 at 8:41 AM
Subject: Re: select failed 10038 fix To:
It definitely looks like 0.1.3 solved it. It was getting so there were so many zombie nodes, I was having a hard time getting a
reply to any of my messages. Now, four inventory messages go out, four getdata messages come back.

Did you get any "not accepted" blocks? The connectivity bug could have caused a generated block not to be accepted if the node wasn't able to broadcast at the time.  Once the status is above 5
or so it's safely accepted.

Unfortunately, I can't receive incoming connections from where I am, which has made things more difficult. Your node receiving incoming connections was the main thing keeping the network going the first day or two.

You can send to my Bitcoin address if you want to, but you won't get to see the full transfer sequence:


You could always findstr /c:"version message" debug.log and send a test to some random person you're connected to near the end of the list.  The ones ending in port 8333 can receive connections.

I just thought of something.  Eventually there'll be some interest in brute force scanning bitcoin addresses to find one with the first few characters customized to your name, kind of like getting a phone number that spells out something. Just by chance I have my initials.


>Thanks, Satoshi, this new version seems to be running much better.
>I've got 8 connections, and watching debug.log there seems to be quite
>a bit of activity. I see you sent me a payment, thanks! Let me know
>your address and I will try sending one to you. I managed to generate
>a block yesterday and the coins are about to mature, if I understand
>it correctly.

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Satoshi Nakamoto <> Date: Sun, Jan 11, 2009 at 9:31 PM
Subject: select failed 10038 fix To:

I believe I've fixed the bug related to "select failed: 10038" (error WSAENOTSOCK). The select error is not a big deal, but it led the communications thread to get blocked on a socket that
should have been in non-blocking mode but wasn't. It never came up until now because as long as select never failed, receive would never be called unless there was data.

Without this fix, your node's communication sometimes goes dead. Connections are still made, but no data is passed. Any generated blocks would probably not be accepted since you can't broadcast them and other nodes will leave your branch behind. That's why Generate doesn't run when you're not connected.

This could also have caused bitcoin.exe to fail to exit. There's no reason for shutdown to wait for the com thread, so I made it only wait for the message processing thread. I'll do a more thorough forced shutdown later.

Looks like your node's com thread just now got blocked on this bug again.  It went for a few hours this time before it did.

Version 0.1.3 exe attached.


The second Satoshi to Hal Finney email above may make reference to the same "generate (blocks)/coins" which caused my Sony Vaio tower not to generate coins.

Title: Re: The release of Satoshi's personal data
Post by: franky1 on December 29, 2018, 04:13:01 PM
if you actually google

the email was actually
Unfortunately, I can't receive incoming connections from where I am, which has made things more difficult.
Your node receiving incoming connections was the main thing keeping the network going
the first day or two.
You can send to my Bitcoin address if you want to, but you won't get to see the full transfer sequence:
You could always findstr /c:"version message" debug.log and send a test to some random person you're connected to near the end of the list.
The ones ending in port 8333 can receive connections.
I just thought of something.
there'll be some interest in brute force scanning bitcoin addresses to find one with the first few characters customized to your name, kind of like getting a phone number that spells out something.
Just by chance I have my initials.

so timestamp... your proven wrong

Title: Re: The release of Satoshi's personal data
Post by: BitcoinFX on December 29, 2018, 05:14:43 PM
One of my old addresses has 'FX' in it - So can I be Not Satoshi as well? Awww ...



Not your keys, not your coins. Don't trust verify.


P.S. "... everyday is brutal when we're being watched by google ..."

-  ;D ::)

Title: Re: The release of Satoshi's personal data
Post by: Inosend on December 29, 2018, 05:38:18 PM
Stop saying the impossible, satoshi's data is encrypted, I don't think Satoshi will ever reveal his identity

Title: Re: The release of Satoshi's personal data
Post by: doublespend timestamp on December 29, 2018, 06:13:42 PM
if you actually google

the email was actually
Unfortunately, I can't receive incoming connections from where I am, which has made things more difficult.
Your node receiving incoming connections was the main thing keeping the network going
the first day or two.
You can send to my Bitcoin address if you want to, but you won't get to see the full transfer sequence:
You could always findstr /c:"version message" debug.log and send a test to some random person you're connected to near the end of the list.
The ones ending in port 8333 can receive connections.
I just thought of something.
there'll be some interest in brute force scanning bitcoin addresses to find one with the first few characters customized to your name, kind of like getting a phone number that spells out something.
Just by chance I have my initials.

so timestamp... your proven wrong

franky1, could you show me how to get your Satoshi address, 1NSwywA5Dvuyw89sfs3oLPvLiDNGf48cPD , to go backward on the blockchain further than 2014?

Also, could you address the "generate" bug I cited in earlier posts and in my last post-- the second quoted Satoshi post in my last post.

I did see this thread, but I still cannot find how to go backward on your claimed Satoshi address, 1NSwywA5Dvuyw89sfs3oLPvLiDNGf48cPD , further than 2014-- specifically August 31st, 2014.  Well, since Hal Finney died Aug. 28, 2014, three days earlier, what the h___ was Satoshi thinking?


Could Hal have blockchain bamboozled the erudite Wall Street Journal in earlier 2014 by changing the Satoshi address to protect JAB?
Could the OP, hardworkinfamilyman, citing the presumably earlier, original WSJ piece have had net access to that article's (accurate?) version address before WSJ dropped the url?

By the by, I have read, but not confirmed Dorain Satoshi Nakamoto's home in CA was being foreclosed-- a common sight in the aftermath of the 2008 financial collapse.  In that the Japanese-American Dorian Satoshi Nakamoto lived-- I think it was-- a couple of blocks from Hal, two possibilities are that JAB spotted the foreclosure in public records and did or did not include Hal on the fake ID joke.  

Posted byu/l0gz
3 years ago
Still don't believe Nick Szabo is Satoshi? Read this.
During the spring of 2014, Hal Finney gave the Wall Street Journal a copy of some old emails he had received from Satoshi during January 2009. I was reading through these old emails (link) and noticed a strange comment by Satoshi in the following exchange:


Title: Re: The release of Satoshi's personal data
Post by: franky1 on December 29, 2018, 08:04:49 PM
You can send to my Bitcoin address if you want to, but you won't get to see the full transfer sequence:
franky1, could you show me how to get your Satoshi address, 1NSwywA5Dvuyw89sfs3oLPvLiDNGf48cPD , to go backward on the blockchain further than 2014?

satoshi emailed hal finney and they bug fixed a few things.. satoshi published an address..
no where does it say that hal actually paid satoshi anything
there was no obligation

infact i know people on this forum who spammed their address for years and never got a donation
presenting an address does NOT = getting paid/demand of payment
hal never said he ever paid satoshi.

the only reason that address started getting funds in 2014 is because the private emails got leaked. and suddenly the public wanted to donate to satoshi..

and lastly. NS = nakamoto satoshi
yes i know some people started rumours of Nick Szabo

i even said though its not nick.. i then done something that someone like you (if you beleived it was nick) would have found interesting

Title: Re: The release of Satoshi's personal data
Post by: doublespend timestamp on December 29, 2018, 09:34:48 PM
franky1 said:

i even said though its not nick.. i then done something that someone like you (if you beleived it was nick) would have found interesting

This is an illustrative example of your usage of the English language, sir?

I can certainly see why you'd find it impossible to read or understand James Bowery's writings.

Title: Re: The release of Satoshi's personal data
Post by: franky1 on December 29, 2018, 10:18:06 PM
franky1 said:

i even said though its not nick.. i then done something that someone like you (if you beleived it was nick) would have found interesting

This is an illustrative example of your usage of the English language, sir?

I can certainly see why you'd find it impossible to read or understand James Bowery's writings.

how people comprehend and how people reply have no correlation
i am very technical and can read things better than most.
but for years i downplay how i speak/reply to generally be as ELI-5 as possible and just word things as a common-folk average joe, mainly for the benefit of this forum as it is read by many people who may not be as technical.

i wont bother illustrating my knowledge and depths . as i dont need to kiss my own ass. i dont need to have my ass kissed and i dont need to kiss anyone elses ass. so i dont bother trying to tone my wording into something only those who socialise with the queen would say

plus you have still proved nothing in regards to "satoshi" but instead shot yourself in the foot many times.
all you have proven is a infatuation with another man
usually with the nazi type of people. an accusation of such usually results in a heated argument. but it seems you didnt want to deny it. or get aggressive at the mere accusation of such an idea.
ill leave others to take that subtle hint onboard as to what it infers

but anyway. the link i provided was me having a comedy moment about people that like cyphers and puzzles could easily make nick szabo out of satoshi nakamoto.. it was done just for fun. not for prove of identity

Title: Re: The release of Satoshi's personal data
Post by: MakeMoneyBtc on December 29, 2018, 11:59:41 PM
That sounds convincing but it's hard to belive it's real. 10 years have now passed since bitcoin was created and still no one could have found the real creator of bitcoin and take an interview from him? I'm sure if you take a look at absolutely all informations you could find about Satoshi Nakamoto you could probably find his identity but I'm also sure he did a good job of erasing his tracks since he knew what was coming when bitcoin became more popular and he didn't wanted to reveal his identity

Title: Re: The release of Satoshi's personal data
Post by: DaCryptoRaccoon on December 30, 2018, 12:06:59 AM
OP what do you expect to come of this?

I think this topic has run it's course without some formal proofs.

Title: Re: The release of Satoshi's personal data
Post by: doublespend timestamp on December 30, 2018, 12:31:27 AM
franky1 said:

i even said though its not nick.. i then done something that someone like you (if you beleived it was nick) would have found interesting

This is an illustrative example of your usage of the English language, sir?

I can certainly see why you'd find it impossible to read or understand James Bowery's writings.

how people comprehend and how people reply have no correlation
i am very technical and can read things better than most.
but for years i downplay how i speak/reply to generally be as ELI-5 as possible and just word things as a common-folk average joe, mainly for the benefit of this forum as it is read by many people who may not be as technical.

i wont bother illustrating my knowledge and depths . as i dont need to kiss my own ass. i dont need to have my ass kissed and i dont need to kiss anyone elses ass. so i dont bother trying to tone my wording into something only those who socialise with the queen would say

plus you have still proved nothing in regards to "satoshi" but instead shot yourself in the foot many times.
all you have proven is a infatuation with another man
usually with the nazi type of people. an accusation of such usually results in a heated argument. but it seems you didnt want to deny it. or get aggressive at the mere accusation of such an idea.
ill leave others to take that subtle hint onboard as to what it infers

but anyway. the link i provided was me having a comedy moment about people that like cyphers and puzzles could easily make nick szabo out of satoshi nakamoto.. it was done just for fun. not for prove of identity


Jim Bowery
Race, Gender and the Frontier
Copyright Jim Bowery (1992)
(This may be freely copied without modification.)
The following is a conjecture as to the relationship
between race, gender and frontiers, which the author
believes to a be good first-order description of reality
and therefore advocates as a political opinion.  There
follows a general prescription for action.  
In recent history, this subject has been purposefully
distorted and dispationate inquiry relentlessly suppressed.
Since this subject is profoundly relevant, the exposure of
the source of and reasons for this purposeful distortion and
suppression will inevitably arouse strong feelings in many.  
These strong feelings can impel action -- action which should
guided by the information presented in the conclusion.
Avoid the affliction of Hamlet.  Look at your life and
recent history in this mirror.  The mirror may be warped,
cracked and somewhat clouded, but at least it can shed a
fragile ray of light on a most vital area of concern now
darkened by deception, blind rage and massive human suffering.
A First-Order Approximation of Reality
The progress of humanity, from its earliest hunter-gatherer
hominid groups in subsaharan Africa to the technological
progress of Western Civilization, has been driven by
pressures to survive in marginal habitats placed on excess
or "beta" males by the polygamy of dominant or "alpha" males
selected by the reproductive preferences of females.  It is
this process of expansion into marginal habitats driven by
the inequities of polygamy that gave rise, first, to racial
gradients with climate and then to a moral of monogamy
arising from the harsh necessities of northern climates.  
Monogamy only exists where successful rearing of children to
reproductive age requires the exclusive support of a male.  
In benign environments, social adaptations that characterize
polygamous cultures were prevalent including homosexual
behavior, frequent small-scale battles and stable social
cycles.  In more northerly climates, social adaptations
that characterize monogamous cultures were prevalent
including a lesser incidence of homosexual behavior,
relatively infrequent wars of technically sophisticated
genocide and progressive traditions.
Northern climates also gave rise to a profound biological
selection for morality imprinting since it was only through
total acceptance and observance of tribal rules, adapted for
the unique environment, that survival in such "unnatural"
environments was possible.  Indeed, immorality could
threaten the fragile adaptations of the entire tribe.  
Instinct, taking too long to evolve, was supplanted by a
meta-instinct which allowed one's behavior to be imprinted
by the tribe's moral rules for survival.
Once imprinted, these tribal morals would be observed with
total fidelity -- even to the very point of death.  But the
plasticity of the cultural imprinting process created
vulnerabilities not present in the deeper cultures where
instinct, biologically evolved over many hundreds of
millennia, was well adapted to the more "natural"
environments.  In those of northern climates, an erroneous
or mutant moral imprint would, with rare exception, be
played out to the point of death of the individual or the
tribe if its young were so imprinted.
Thus, access to the mechanisms of moral imprinting in
northern tribes was jealously protected.  Alien control of
the mechanisms of moral imprinting could be used to inflict
genocide against a northern people just as surely as the
highest technology weapons or gas ovens can today.
Deep cultures are those cultures that were the earliest to
arise within relatively benign habitats and also the first
to be left behind by technical progress.  They are
culturally "deep" but technically less sophisticated.  Shallow
cultures are the later cultures which arose in increasingly
marginal habitats, pioneered by the few surviving males with
adaptive technical gifts.  They were were outcasts from their
originating tribes -- physically, sexually, politically and/or
socially handicapped.  
Women tend to be attracted to deeper cultures and all but the
most successful males tend to be driven to the shallower cultures.
This is simply because the larger the harem size, the less likely
a female is to leave the security of the originating tribe.  The
only males to stick around are the ones tough enough to fight it
out with the harem master or those who have given up on
their own reproduction, perhaps homosexuals opting for a kin-
selection strategy of caring for reproductively viable relatives.
As habitats are tamed, the necessary technologies mature,
population density increases and trade/transport grows.  The
deeper cultures diffuse into the now benign habitats of the
shallower cultures and gradually come to dominance, given
the deep culture's social superiority.  As this occurs, the
incidence of polygamy (de facto or institutional) and
homosexuality increases and with it, the pressures on beta males
to leave and open new habitats for population.  
However, this also creates regressive pressures as the more "natural"
but less morally rigid deep cultures come into possession of the
technological artifacts of the shallow culture.  Thus, a contingent
of the shallow culture population must be retained and employed by
their socio-sexual superiors for the maintenance of the artifacts
that render the habitat benign.
The main technique used by the deeper cultures in this diffusion
is the capture of the shallow culture's moral imprinting mechanisms.  
The language, religions, educational systems, communications media,
political processes and all other key points of information
dissemination in the culture are captured first.  THIS IS A
any objective can be achieved, although the primary objective is
usually to weaken or destroy the restrictions on the exercise of
"natural" social and sexual behaviors -- advantages enjoyed by
the deeper cultures.  
the shallow culture can be imprinted by the females of their
own culture to attack the foundation of their own civilization
and play by the rules of the deeper culture males.  For example,
a moral attack on heterosexual males combined with moral
adulation of homosexual males is enough, by itself, to result in
a genocidal decimation of the shallow culture by the deeper
culture since the shallow culture males will take on this
evolutionarily suicidal imprint and pursue it to its logical
end more frequently than deeper culture males.  
Shallow culture males are particularly prone to the homosexual
adaptation since the function of homosexuality appears to be
to stablize the male dominance heirarchy by hormonal alteration of
the harem master(s) and the betas.  Sociosexual status among
males alters their endocrine systems, sex hormone levels and
biological responses to challenges and stress.  These biological
changes have developmental consequences which may create or
amplify neurological differences between males living under
different sociosexual statuses and conditions.  A male who
continually receives the message that other males are more
desirable and/or more sociosexually dominant will eventually
respond by fighting, fleeing and/or by altering his hormonal
configuration permanently.  Given a moral imprint against
aggression and the lack of a route of escape most shallow culture
males will find their hormone levels, and therefore their socio-
sexual responses, becoming effeminate, although many may find
it impossible to suppress their aggression, despite rigid moral
imprints against aggression.  This is simply because giving up
on reproductive success is the evolutionary equivalent of death.
However, for the deep culture to come to dominance over the shallow
culture, it isn't even necessary for the majority of shallow
culture males to take on this imprint -- merely for a differential
to exist between the cultures.  Nor is it necessary for shallow
culture males taking on this imprint to follow its moral code --
only that it handicap their ability to perceive and/or deal
with reality.
The shallow culture has 3 apparent defenses against such subtle
stratagems by the deeper cultures:
1)  Dogma of an almost paranoid nature.
2)  Nonsubtle counter-genocide against the deep culture.
3)  Abandonment of the tamed habitat to the deep culture in
preference for the taming and occupation of a new habitat.
The stagnation of 1 eventually works in favor of the deep
culture.  The genocide of 2, a choice frequently made by
shallow cultures, creates additional moral ammunition
against the shallow culture and may, ironically, speed its
capture.  Choosing 3 is hard on the shallow culture, to the
point of being genocidal, even without the encroachment of
the deep culture.  But it becomes all the more difficult as
the resources of the shallow culture are progressively
parasitized by the deep culture.  
3 is the only route that results in ultimate survival of the
shallow culture and it has the added advantage of promoting
greater options for all in the long run, while it avoids the
inherent evils of stagnation and genocide.  The greatest
danger to the shallow culture is that the deep culture will
come to such social, sexual and political dominance that it
prohibits the shallow culture from escaping and achieving a
new level of power in the new habitats that it opens up.  
For example, this happened to the Chinese when early merchants
were prohibited from utilizing their, then, superior sailing
technologies by the Emperor's bureaucracy.
Western civilization's tradition of monogamy combined
with its technological adaptations has led it to a state
of sufficient abundance that its females can now rear children
to reproductive age without the exclusive assistance of a
male.  The widespread availability of birth control techniques
created a rationale for the breakdown of these fragile monogamous
traditions, without an understanding of their contribution to
Western values.  We now see an explosion of de facto polygamy
in Western civilization where sociosexual success is increasingly
centralized in fewer and fewer males while greater numbers of males
are increasingly marginalized.  These marginalized males
increasingly turn to homosexuality, virulent aggression and
desparate (and highly consumptive) courtship behavior rather than
toward the productive nesting behavior required for Western
civilization's continued progress.
The abusive behavior of the few dominant males is used as
ammunition against the submissive shallow culture males by
the independent and therefore sexually selective females who
are willing to put up with great abuse from their harem masters
(in corporations and/or personal relationships).  It is rare
that a dominant male actually suffers for his abusive behavior
and quite common for submissive males to be made to feel guilty
for being a male.  On those rare occasions when a dominant male
is brought to account, because of the blind logic of the legal
or political system, the situation creates profound cognitive
dissonance and controversy in the population.
Starting with agriculture and progressing on to the
industrial revolution and now technological civilization,
the expansion of frontiers has transformed so much of the
Earth's habitats that the biological diversity of Earth is
threatened and there are few frontiers left.
In recent years, the white, heterosexual, Christian males of
Western Civilization, as the pinnacle of this process, are
blamed for its destructive side-effects.  It is almost to
the point that to simply be a white, heterosexual Christian
male is considered "immoral."  Since survival in marginal
habitats requires a profound respect for the rules governing
adaptation to those habitats, these males are particularly
prone to carry the morals they accept to their logical
limits.  In this case, the logical limit is to cease being
heterosexual or Christian or both, there being not much one
can do about one's race or gender.  Many of the males who
choose homosexuality find it very difficult to give up their
Christian faith and yet find it also very difficult to
square that faith with their homosexuality.  Most
heterosexual males giving up Christianity find themselves
drowning in a sea of ruthless sexual competition, degraded
by embittered women with sexuality short-circuited by
birth control and abortion.!msg/

Title: Re: The release of Satoshi's personal data
Post by: doublespend timestamp on December 30, 2018, 03:10:06 PM
That sounds convincing but it's hard to belive it's real

Thank You. Reality can be like that.  Yes.  

Re the Hal Finney "JAB" initials amalgamation release-- if the original WSJ url piece had that address (not a certainty) it could be Hal playfully found it,  and put it in (that address also has an "s" and an "n") as a revealing, doxxing woof on James, assuming Hal knew his real identity.  James did recently call Hal a "casualty" which is true but harsh-sounding.

I think January 1st, 2019, is James' 66th birthday, should anyone care to wish him a happy birthday.

He is up about 30 twitter followers, a big increase on his pretty long time 88 or 89.  He is tweeting on more arcane aspects of bitcoin.  

My thought is, public recognition of James will instigate his intellectual entry (and respect therefrom) via many scientific and cultural avenues-- blockchain projects in particular, thus helping the world and himself.

Title: Re: The release of Satoshi's personal data
Post by: franky1 on December 30, 2018, 04:28:00 PM

your parade of james admiration has actually revealed nothing appealing.

if james wanted notoriety he could do something himself.
but instead you made him into another craig wright (fake wannabe satoshi) and also called him out on some unsociable behaviours (being a nazi)

so you failed to prove the satoshi thing..
failed to win his love
failed to grow his credibility

isnt it time you just step back and realise that your goals have not been achieved

Title: Re: The release of Satoshi's personal data
Post by: Vlad2Vlad on December 30, 2018, 05:14:02 PM
That sounds convincing but it's hard to belive it's real

Thank You. Reality can be like that.  Yes.  

Re the Hal Finney "JAB" initials amalgamation release-- if the original WSJ url piece had that address (not a certainty) it could be Hal playfully found it,  and put it in (that address also has an "s" and an "n") as a revealing, doxxing woof on James, assuming Hal knew his real identity.  James did recently call Hal a "casualty" which is true but harsh-sounding.

I think January 1st, 2019, is James' 66th birthday, should anyone care to wish him a happy birthday.

He is up about 30 twitter followers, a big increase on his pretty long time 88 or 89.  He is tweeting on more arcane aspects of bitcoin.  

My thought is, public recognition of James will instigate his intellectual entry (and respect therefrom) via many scientific and cultural avenues-- blockchain projects in particular, thus helping the world and himself.

He turns 66 at midnight tomorrow?  Hmmmm.  Where was he born?  Where does he live currently?  TIA

Title: Re: The release of Satoshi's personal data
Post by: sammrheza on December 30, 2018, 07:35:49 PM
hmmm , make sense

Title: Re: The release of Satoshi's personal data
Post by: doublespend timestamp on December 31, 2018, 02:42:57 AM
That sounds convincing but it's hard to belive it's real

Thank You. Reality can be like that.  Yes.  

Re the Hal Finney "JAB" initials amalgamation release-- if the original WSJ url piece had that address (not a certainty) it could be Hal playfully found it,  and put it in (that address also has an "s" and an "n") as a revealing, doxxing woof on James, assuming Hal knew his real identity.  James did recently call Hal a "casualty" which is true but harsh-sounding.

I think January 1st, 2019, is James' 66th birthday, should anyone care to wish him a happy birthday.

He is up about 30 twitter followers, a big increase on his pretty long time 88 or 89.  He is tweeting on more arcane aspects of bitcoin.  

My thought is, public recognition of James will instigate his intellectual entry (and respect therefrom) via many scientific and cultural avenues-- blockchain projects in particular, thus helping the world and himself.

He turns 66 at midnight tomorrow?  Hmmmm.  Where was he born?  Where does he live currently?  TIA
Born Indianola, Iowa, which is near Des Moines.  Presently resides in Shenandoah, Iowa.  Indianola birth fact was not in the thread till now I think. 

The quiet, bright and truly curious people who have read this thread have begun to follow James on twitter.  About 30 of them so far.

James Bowery

 22h22 hours ago

Replying to @jabowery @johndelanoa and 4 others
_material_ jurisdictions and must cross in order to _matter_.  What _matters_?  People matter, and people want material borders -- not just immigration but import/export.  BTC's primary contribution to freedom is emigration of capital but far more important is...

10:55 PM - 29 Dec 2018

New conversation

James Bowery

 22h22 hours ago
Replying to @jabowery @johndelanoa and 4 others
the freedom of people to emigrate. Indeed, in terms of "minimizing the argument surface" reducing "human rights" to just one right -- freedom of _people_ to emigrate and take with them not "capital" but _land_ rights -- is the closest to "utopia" you can get. Economics be damned.

Title: Re: The release of Satoshi's personal data
Post by: BitcoinFX on December 31, 2018, 02:44:33 PM
Are you doing this ?




Title: Re: The release of Satoshi's personal data
Post by: doublespend timestamp on December 31, 2018, 03:20:58 PM
Are you doing this ?




No.  No idea who is.  

For various reasons, I don't believe the "nour"  communication to be genuine.

I wonder under what fake name he bought, for about $250, the vbulletin software used for this board.  If I remember rightly, in 2008/9 reloadable Walmart-sold Visa gift cards and the like were not yet avail., though a postal MO with a fake name would suffice.

Additionally, senior techs at the Shenandoah, Iowa ISP, if records go back so far (or even if not) could nail it.  We know James, with his "not too many" bitcoins  uses the totally heavy Armory cold storage and very technically monitored Mt Gox early on.

Title: Re: The release of Satoshi's personal data
Post by: Garrixx on December 31, 2018, 05:04:10 PM
I do not believe that Satoshi Nakamoto is a real person. sure that this is most likely a fictional character

Title: Re: The release of Satoshi's personal data
Post by: franky1 on December 31, 2018, 11:53:15 PM
We know James, with his "not too many" bitcoins  uses the totally heavy Armory cold storage

so james uses someone elses software to store private keys on a offline PC.

i guess james cant make his own software to do the job then

... and i think thats the biggest hole you dug yourself, tripped over and fell into.
i think we are now done and complete with why james is not satoshi.

and even more surprising. all evidence to prove he is not was provided by double timestamp
so thank you double timestamp for all your time dis-proving james as satoshi.

lets move on

Title: Re: The release of Satoshi's personal data
Post by: Mikwik on January 01, 2019, 06:09:11 AM
Well honestly, since I came here in the crypto currency community, I've got to see a lots of people who really wanted to uncover the true identity of Satoshi. And for that, as the time goes by, it also get me curios too. And so I'm thankful to those people that put efforts to find interesting information about Satoshi.

Title: Re: The release of Satoshi's personal data
Post by: doublespend timestamp on January 01, 2019, 10:04:33 PM
quote from: doublespend timestamp on December 31, 2018, 03:20:58 PM
We know James, with his "not too many" bitcoins  uses the totally heavy Armory cold storage

franky1 concluded:
so james uses someone elses software to store private keys on a offline PC.

i guess james cant make his own software to do the job then

... and i think thats the biggest hole you dug yourself, tripped over and fell into.
i think we are now done and complete with why james is not satoshi.

What 'done make' you come to that deduction, Your Brilliance?  Because we
all know no one in the word capable of writing complex planet-changing original software
would ever use anyone elses software for any purpose whatsoever?

Title: Re: The release of Satoshi's personal data
Post by: Coinifyx on January 01, 2019, 10:06:39 PM
Why should I even care about him  ???

Title: Re: Re: The release of Satoshi's personal data
Post by: Tyr808 on January 02, 2019, 05:47:03 AM

Title: Re: The release of Satoshi's personal data
Post by: niotib on January 02, 2019, 05:37:04 PM
Why should I even care about him  ???

Because he's a man who invented something for the progression of mankind.

Title: Re: Re: The release of Satoshi's personal data
Post by: Phinnaeus Gage on January 02, 2019, 06:29:47 PM

In the spirit of Satoshi possibly having seven wives, I present an image to enhance your post ...

Title: Re: The release of Satoshi's personal data
Post by: S_Therapist on January 05, 2019, 03:47:56 AM
Things here like-
No one has ever seen Satoshi Nakamoto.
Oh, well, I'm Satoshi Nakamoto.

Title: Re: Re: The release of Satoshi's personal data
Post by: nutildah on January 05, 2019, 04:26:21 AM

In the spirit of Satoshi possibly having seven wives, I present an image to enhance your post ...

I didn't know Mormons had their own cuisine. Do they have food preparation standards that are the equivalent of Kosher or Halal? I wonder what its called... "Smithee" perhaps.

Title: Re: Re: The release of Satoshi's personal data
Post by: Phinnaeus Gage on January 05, 2019, 06:52:30 PM

In the spirit of Satoshi possibly having seven wives, I present an image to enhance your post ...

I didn't know Mormons had their own cuisine. Do they have food preparation standards that are the equivalent of Kosher or Halal? I wonder what its called... "Smithee" perhaps.

Powdered milk and eggs; dried beans; canned vegetables, fruit, and even canned meat and cheese are staples of many kitchens. (This may have something to do with the stereotypical blandness of traditional Mormon food.) ... For most Mormons over 40, two standard dishes sum up the tradition: green Jell-O and funeral potatoes. Green Jell-O, a fluffy dessert of whipped cream and crushed pineapple folded into lime gelatin, is a constant presence at parties.

It takes 13 Mormons to change a light bulb ...: one to change the bulb and a dozen to bring the refreshments. (

Back on topic, ...

How many bitcoiners does it take to screw in a light bulb?

Answer: m of n. (

Which begs the question: does m = Mormon?

Title: Re: The release of Satoshi's personal data
Post by: Marbelli on January 05, 2019, 09:08:07 PM
yes you will never know about Satoshi’s real personality and I think it’s time to calm down and leave it alone

Title: Re: The release of Satoshi's personal data
Post by: Phinnaeus Gage on January 05, 2019, 10:21:31 PM
Doublespend Timestamp you have made a fatal flaw in your research, you have made assumptions
Then you presented assumptions as fact to this forum and in the process made a fool of yourself and no doubt pissed off James

Yes, the James A Donald on Metzdowd is James A Bowery, that I already know as a fact, as would many of us, so you got that right.

However you have not presented ANY stylometric data that links James to Satoshi's writings...big fail there
You have assumed James is Satoshi because of his skill set, experience and some of his colloquialisms appear to the same as Satoshi's

In terms of actual stylometric results James is a poor match. Check and compare their use of contractions, there is no match.. nada

It strikes me as ODD that someone whom refers to James as a friend would publicly attempt to reveal him on a public forum.
So what goes on there?

At this stage the information available points away from James as Satoshi, so you need to go back to the drawing board and quit rambling on like a madman in this forum.

DT's research is based on my thread containing the following post ...

In my opinion even Phinnaeus Gage don't really believe that James A. Donald is Satoshi indeed :)

But his target to make controversy thread is success :)

In all fairness, guys, I truly did believe I found the smoking gun. I wasn't aware that there were originals of the emails, assuming all other sites having the same info were just mirroring the main crypto site.

For what it's worth, a discussion is now underway, e.g. Wasabi, et al. of which was also not this thread's intent, for if it was I would state such, or would have presented the info via some other avenue.

That said, I'll now add [Debunked] to the thread's title in all fairly, and appreciate the leg-work done by others to drive that point home.

~Bruno Kucinskas

Title: Re: The release of Satoshi's personal data
Post by: basyang on January 05, 2019, 10:41:18 PM
There are going to be a lot of people claiming to be the real deal satoshi but unless he can move a bitcoin from one of his wallets those claims are going to be rubbished.

Indeed, For sure its a scam because Satoshi is quiet about himself in the public and I do not think he will reveal and give his personal data to the public it can cause a hard time for him, if many people know him personally. Well, If Satoshi wants to have a private life then lets respect it and do not do anything that will destroy his image.

Title: Re: The release of Satoshi's personal data
Post by: Phinnaeus Gage on January 06, 2019, 06:10:05 PM
DT's research is based on my thread containing the following post ...

I see, the timestamp observations, I saw that a while back.. and thought it was a smoking gun also, at first.

Its natural to get euphoric when one 'thinks' they have discovered 'Satoshi'
The next logical step is to announce the discovery.. right? Wrong!

During the euphoria one should stop and think, is this the right thing to do, to dox 'Satoshi' on a public forum?
What are the possible repercussions for this person?  Will I create another Dorian Nakamoto scenario if I am wrong and if I am right how will this effect the life of this person and their family.

I have performed stylometric analysis on many Satoshi candidates, including James, Hettinga, Metzer and that fraud Craig Wright.. (RAH comes close) But even if I hit the nail on the head I wouldn't dox him.

Perhaps what we should be doing is proving who IS NOT Satoshi, and I mean the likes of Craig Wright, Phil Wilson
Stylometric analysis on those two came back with a big zero.

I am happy to publicly announce my findings on who is NOT Satoshi, especially when they are frauds purporting to be Satoshi but I would never announce who Satoshi really is.

Its a no brainer that Craig Wright is a fraud a criminal and a sociopathic piece of garbage RUNNY SHIT, but I do think he has gained some inside info on who Satoshi is.  By fair means or foul he has access, I think this provides him with the confidence to pull off this con-job. Its clear he doxed himself, he manufactured the evidence the so-called 'insider' released to the media. He backdated posts/emails but made a few fatal mistakes. One of which relates to the email to Dave ( note the date of this first email. was registered by Faketoshi AFTER that date. ( Anyway I am sure you have seen that.. and sorry for the rant, its just Faketoshi is on my hit-list at the moment, I really hate this guy. Funny coincidence, I used to live just a few blocks away from him in Sydney.. if only I knew that at that time :)

IMO doxing the good guys is a no-no but it should be open-season on exposing the bad guys like CSW .. maybe thats where our investigative efforts should be focussed on.


Title: Re: The release of Satoshi's personal data
Post by: doublespend timestamp on January 11, 2019, 09:16:40 PM
remnant has posted about reading a piece on a source I haven't checked that James Bowery stated he did all the coding for Mt. Gox.  I hadn't realized this, but it accounts for a post James had made on this board some years ago as jabowery about running some data checks on Mt. Gox.  It also goes a long way towards explaining why some personages unknown to me-- oldtimers here, have either begun to follow James on twitter, and/or have figured out, from their personal inside knowledge, he is Satoshi Nakamoto.

remnant is a really good man, as is James.  I've met him personally in both Estonia and Finland (though I knew him from VNNF for years, we'd never met till in Europe)... the former meeting during two of his separate visits to the country.  He is a trader, has stated to me he worked high up for two separate Jewish billionaires, but he is Irish-descent.  He is from the east coast.  I like him.  I used to, long ago, briefly wonder if he might be CIA.  But bitcoin had only begun; it was worthless...even though WN was on the government's radar.

Funny he thought James might have been paid in bitcoin for the Mt. Gox coding head-up.  I wonder if James didn't use some of the money I paid him to buy bitcoin.  A lot of us are on the hoarders' spectrum.  Me too.  I can live with that.  Just more interesting historical facts.

Might try and look up James post on "MR" remnant cites.

NOTE: remnant states the post he cites of James Bowery's was that James did the coding for ALL of the early bitcoin exchanges. It's really the cult aspects of all this which prevents so many of you from intellectually realizing (accepting) James Bowery is in fact Satoshi Nakamoto!
Old 1 Day Ago   #53
Senior Member
Join Date: Feb 2006
Posts: 918
Originally Posted by Alex Linder  View Post
[posted w/o comment]
Interesting stuff. I remember reading a post maybe on MR , long ago ,before the big run up last year- Bowery stating he did the coding for all the
early active exchanges ( e.g. Mt Gox). Not really something to boast about since the functionality of all these exchanges was, and still is, horrific.
I just recall thinking he must have been paid in BTC and should have made a large fortune if he didn't sell it all off along the way.

FWIW, I am looking to start buying BTC ~ 1500 .Expect prices in the 1000 -1200 range, ideally by this Summer. Looks like the next downleg to sub 3000 just started, I guess the ETH fork next week is the catalyst. Have to disagree about Gold; BTC and Gold are in direct competition for funds.They should not trade up or down together.

Title: Re: The release of Satoshi's personal data
Post by: doublespend timestamp on January 12, 2019, 01:19:31 AM
Yes, as went from 89 to 13, it's James' professional era.

I didn't know James was on the cryptography board 'metzdowd'.  Hadn't heard of it till now.

I don't think you were speaking about remnant's citing the board 'MR', whatever that is.  remnant isn't a cryptographer, so far as I know.  He is an adult lifetime professional trader.

As I've expressed in this thread, and James cleanly and fully refused to admit-- he sent me ten bitcoins on Jan 12, 2009-- almost ten years ago precisely in a few hours.  The coins are still unspent.  I have honestly and accurately stated the address is mine.
That is all so both by my declaration and fact.
I hope you can see, audiTT, how meaningless your claims about who Satoshi is not are to me.  Because I know he is James Bowery.  I know from these personal facts.

Here is a bit of speculation. is anonymously registered in UK.  I see it has a Proud Boys Scottish Gavin story on it, and James has published favorably on them on either his twitter or Facebook or both.  Now there is this bitcoin mining story.  Looks at a glance to be a wordpress site with API's.  James is, as you've read under Satoshi's and his own hand, highly political on economics, banking, and the world scene.  He may be delivering news under his real fake name, which is kind of nifty.  
Oh, the first Satoshi contact, preceding all.


Chapter 2 – Digital Evidence

Satoshi showed up on Internet for the first time at cryptography email list. It was August 2008 when he sent emails to Adam Back and Wei Dai using the email address

From: “Satoshi Nakamoto” <>
Sent: Friday, August 22, 2008 4:38 PM
To: “Wei Dai” <>
Cc: “Satoshi Nakamoto” <>
Subject: Citation of your b-money page

The emails sent to Adam and Wei were related to the upcoming paper on Bitcoin – A Peer-to-Peer Electronic Cash System.

On 31st October 2008, Satoshi posted his first email to a cryptography mailing list

Satoshi Nakamoto satoshi at
Fri Oct 31 14:10:00 EDT 2008

He used email address to post.

Satoshi replied to James Donald, Hal Finney, Ray Dillinger and others in November 2008
(luls, sockpuppet to sockpuppet was James! -doublespend timestamp)

The mailing list moderator Perry Metzger warned Satoshi and others as Bitcoin was related to money.

ADMIN: no money politics, please
Perry E. Metzger perry at
Fri Nov 7 12:32:23 EST 2008

Previous message: Bitcoin P2P e-cash paper
Next message: ADMIN: no money politics, please
Messages sorted by: [ date ] [ thread ] [ subject ] [ author ]

Even audiTT agrees James A. Donald is and always was James A. Bowery:

Yes, the James A Donald on Metzdowd is James A Bowery, that I already know as a fact, as would many of us, so you got that right.

Title: Re: The release of Satoshi's personal data
Post by: doublespend timestamp on January 12, 2019, 03:03:15 AM
I don't know everything about James' life.  I recall reading some early board or list Satoshi had appeared on-- I think in August of 2008, very approximately when Soren Renner who now lives in Maine had introduced us via Skype. Name 'metzdowd' didn't stick.  No biggie as it pertains to the salient forensic facts:

1. 'Satoshi' digitally talks to James Bowery-- who even you admit and agree was using the James A. Donald sockpuppet fake name.

2. James Bowery is volunteer or 'volunteer paid' coder for all the very earliest bitcoin exchanges, incl. Mt. Gox, but apparently keeps this quiet, or maybe uses another fake name.

3. James uses Armory with Segwit.

4. Mt. Gox coder James posts some type of posing technically naive post on his first foray as himself onto this forum which he built to look like Stormfront.

5. James cites his having had a friendship with Nick Szabo for 27 years.

6. James recommends Monero, which has very high tranfer fees (and is therefore impractical for low volume holders) a few years ago.

7.  Super-coder James put up a hokey 'My Life' page which shows he drives a 1993 Saturn.  Kinda like Shirley Q. Liquor's friend, Watusi Jenkins.

Title: Re: The release of Satoshi's personal data
Post by: doublespend timestamp on January 13, 2019, 01:58:57 AM
Read for detail.  Not 'in' 2009, but on January 12th, 2009-- ten years ago to this very day, even allowing for the 8 hr or so time difference.  It wss 2 hrs and 32 minutes after the transmission of 10 bitcoins to Hal Finney.

Even cop detectives with IQs of 100 or 110 are trained to realize presence (in this case as James A. Donald and the helpful, overseeing coder of virtually all early bitcoin exchages, including Mt. Gox) establishes correlation, though not specifically causation.

Note that James, while being the coder in the background with all the hobnobbers on all early bitcoin exchanges, did not show his real name or face back on this forum (the one he himself hoisted) till several years later.  Why would that be, considering his abiding interesy and helpfulness to all things bitcoin?  He also made no mention of the word 'bitcoin' on his tens of thousands of words on Majority Rights forum.

I feel your pain; many of you young and old hoarding spectrum cultists are in emotional shock a 'Nazi'
(to use the current Chinese Cultural Revolution-like defaming parlance) really invented, and has been completely behind the scenes all along, these ten long years, of your darling precious bitcoin.

Title: Re: The release of Satoshi's personal data
Post by: doublespend timestamp on January 13, 2019, 05:08:11 AM
Read for detail.  Not 'in' 2009, but on January 12th, 2009-- ten years ago to this very day, even allowing for the 8 hr or so time difference.  It wss 2 hrs and 32 minutes after the transmission of 10 bitcoins to Hal Finney.

Even cop detectives with IQs of 100 or 110 are trained to realize presence (in this case as James A. Donald and the helpful, overseeing coder of virtually all early bitcoin exchages, including Mt. Gox) establishes correlation, though not specifically causation.

Note that James, while being the coder in the background with all the hobnobbers on all early bitcoin exchanges, did not show his real name or face back on this forum (the one he himself hoisted) till several years later.  Why would that be, considering his abiding interest and helpfulness to all things bitcoin?  He also made no mention of the word 'bitcoin' on his tens of thousands of words on Majority Rights forum.

I feel your pain; many of you young and old hoarding spectrum cultists are in emotional shock a 'Nazi'
(to use the current Chinese Cultural Revolution-like defaming parlance) really invented, and has been completely behind the scenes all along, these ten long years, of your darling precious bitcoin.

The number one mistake many amateur researchers make is they start their enquiries with a preconception or a gut feeling.
Your preconception was the (alleged) 10 BTC sent to you by James. You then found some minor cooincidences and interesting bits n' pieces and weaved together a story with a touch of confirmation bias.

Thats not how you research.
You have overlooked the most important part, the stylometric analysis of all of Satoshi's emails and posts and compared them to James.

For if you had an even just focussed on the contractions you would find that Satoshi used the following quite often...


And James used very few, infrequently from 2002 to present day.

James Bowery's 18 usages of your rare "you're".  ( I think this and virtually all your cited contractions are extremely common in standard newspeak English.  Additionally, if the Aussie and NZ clues you cite are standard Commonwealth (I'm dual American/Canadian myself) usages such as "colour", big deal-- anyone can add a "u" etc. in a weak attempt at a ruse. Satoshi even gave that up after a few "example" usages as I recall reading.):

James Bowery's 72 usages of your rare "we're":

Jame's Bowery's 35 usages of your rare "they'll":

James Bowery's 30 usages of your rare "aren't":

James Bowery 93 usages of "it'd" on Majority Rights:

James Bowery's 238 usages of "I've" (not with a small "i", but James could have without much difficulty faked that to lend Satoshi quirkiness-- just don't hit the caps key).

31 "won't":

18 "hadn't":

James Bowery's 707 usages of "that's":

James Bowery's 93 usages of your rare "they're":

No usages of "there'll".

158 "that'll":

55 "wouldn't":

158 "we'll":

27 "you've":

33 weren't:

158 "it'll":

96 "here's":

audiTT Inspector Clouseau Sir, is English your second, third or fifth language?

Title: Re: The release of Satoshi's personal data
Post by: doublespend timestamp on January 13, 2019, 05:12:18 AM

I feel your pain; many of you young and old hoarding spectrum cultists are in emotional shock a 'Nazi'
(to use the current Chinese Cultural Revolution-like defaming parlance) really invented, and has been completely behind the scenes all along, these ten long years, of your darling precious bitcoin.

And finally, you have revealed your true motive in bringing up all this nonsense, its to discredit JAB
Seems you also harbour some sour grapes for our 'darling Bitcoin' as well..

I think we are done here.

The word is "finished"; chickens, turkeys and ducks are "done".

Title: Re: The release of Satoshi's personal data
Post by: doublespend timestamp on January 17, 2019, 01:58:27 AM

Title: Re: The release of Satoshi's personal data
Post by: ibminer on January 17, 2019, 11:58:43 AM
Well that was ~12 minutes of my life wasted...  :-[

Title: Re: The release of Satoshi's personal data
Post by: Phinnaeus Gage on January 17, 2019, 04:28:23 PM

Will this GIF also suffice? (with apologies to dt)

I'm just gonna leave this here: (having now read it, I wish there were white monkeys dancing to Riverdance)
"The hell you say! How the fuck am I a black white supremacist?"

Title: Re: The release of Satoshi's personal data
Post by: AGD on January 17, 2019, 07:38:30 PM

Will this GIF also suffice? (with apologies to dt)

I'm just gonna leave this here: (having now read it, I wish there were white monkeys dancing to Riverdance)
"The hell you say! How the fuck am I a black white supremacist?"

Monkeys actually are white beyond their fur, just like ... ah never mind.

Title: Re: The release of Satoshi's personal data
Post by: Phinnaeus Gage on January 17, 2019, 11:48:04 PM

Will this GIF also suffice? (with apologies to dt)

I'm just gonna leave this here: (having now read it, I wish there were white monkeys dancing to Riverdance)
"The hell you say! How the fuck am I a black white supremacist?"

Monkeys actually are white beyond their fur, just like ... ah never mind.

But can it Riverdance?

Title: Re: The release of Satoshi's personal data
Post by: doublespend timestamp on January 18, 2019, 12:22:39 AM
Satoshi Bowery is part White Nationalist, part Libertarian-- but not, in the most technical sense, Nazi. I know it's a complete shocker, guys.  (I personally am thrilled by it).

Divest yourselves of your bitcoin in protest.

Satoshi Bowery and his fans need to get out of the house more often-- even stop obsessing about a $7,000,000,000 IRS bill-- before his semi-creation (Apollo off his NXT Bitcoin Core hard fork) makes bitcoin obsolete and near-worthless via APL's complete privacy and one to two second proven transmission speed.

Apollo gained more than any other coin yesterday and I think today too; 171.4% yesterday in this bear market and 103.38% today so far.  Apollo has been the top gainer yesterday and today.  Even Mr. Wonderful from Shark Tank owns Apollo and musically promotes it on his guitar.  None of you have so much as Satoshi Bowery who got it in gobs off the bitcoin to NXT fork airdrop!  Better go try it out or get left in the dust from its first-to-market alacrity with privacy.

Note the Estonian flag with broad white, black and light blue bands on the lower right of the door to my house in Leith, North Dakota.  That (Estonia) was to whence James Nakamoto told me over months from 2008 to 2009 of his creation.

I do appreciate you bitcoin dinosaur fellows are racially aware race realists.  Wouldn't have it any other way.

Title: Re: The release of Satoshi's personal data
Post by: AGD on January 18, 2019, 09:12:46 AM
doublespend, have you been featured in this Mexican Airlines video? (1:15)

Title: Re: The release of Satoshi's personal data
Post by: harrison partch on January 18, 2019, 12:31:42 PM
I don't know everything about James' life.  I recall reading some early board or list Satoshi had appeared on-- I think in August of 2008, very approximately when Soren Renner who now lives in Maine had introduced us via Skype...

At least nobody is accusing ME of being Satoshi Nakamoto! me:satoshi::adam smith:gypsy

Title: Re: The release of Satoshi's personal data
Post by: Phinnaeus Gage on January 18, 2019, 02:41:21 PM
doublespend, have you been featured in this Mexican Airlines video? (1:15)

According to a recent SHA-DNA test, I'm 16.8% Satoshi.

Title: Re: The release of Satoshi's personal data
Post by: AGD on January 18, 2019, 02:50:31 PM
doublespend, have you been featured in this Mexican Airlines video? (1:15)

According to a recent SHA-DNA test, I'm 16.8% Satoshi.

You might even be able to take your wife then

Title: Re: The release of Satoshi's personal data
Post by: harrison partch on January 18, 2019, 03:40:34 PM
Doublespend and Jabowery are indeed working together to troll you. JAB is not Satoshi. But he knows Satoshi's identity. So do I. After you read the next sentence, you will too. Murat Pak is Satoshi Nakamoto.

Title: Re: The release of Satoshi's personal data
Post by: Phinnaeus Gage on January 18, 2019, 04:12:49 PM
doublespend, have you been featured in this Mexican Airlines video? (1:15)

According to a recent SHA-DNA test, I'm 16.8% Satoshi.

You might even be able to take your wife then

No wife but will take my goat to Necker Island, using my 16.8% travel discount ...

Title: Re: The release of Satoshi's personal data
Post by: doublespend timestamp on January 18, 2019, 04:34:17 PM
nutildah, your signifying crissed-tard-like racial moral lecture left out of the other guys' monkey gifs.

Pak not even on twitter till Dec 2009.

Title: Re: The release of Satoshi's personal data
Post by: AGD on January 18, 2019, 04:42:26 PM
doublespend, have you been featured in this Mexican Airlines video? (1:15)

According to a recent SHA-DNA test, I'm 16.8% Satoshi.

You might even be able to take your wife then

No wife but will take my goat to Necker Island, using my 16.8% travel discount ...

but ... do goats do riverdance? I know that sheep do. Proof:

Title: Re: The release of Satoshi's personal data
Post by: Phinnaeus Gage on January 18, 2019, 05:00:21 PM
doublespend, have you been featured in this Mexican Airlines video? (1:15)

According to a recent SHA-DNA test, I'm 16.8% Satoshi.

You might even be able to take your wife then

No wife but will take my goat to Necker Island, using my 16.8% travel discount ...

but ... do goats do riverdance? I know that sheep do. Proof:

Do goats Riverdance, you ask?

But fuck the sheep or goats and enjoy a man with his horse:

Title: Re: The release of Satoshi's personal data
Post by: harrison partch on January 18, 2019, 05:15:53 PM

Pak not even on twitter till Dec 2009.

Not on twitter BECAUSE HE WAS CREATING BITCOIN! Twitter would have been a distraction. You are supporting my assertion, not refuting it.

Title: Re: The release of Satoshi's personal data
Post by: doublespend timestamp on January 18, 2019, 05:26:59 PM

Pak not even on twitter till Dec 2009.

Not on twitter BECAUSE HE WAS CREATING BITCOIN! Twitter would have been a distraction. You are supporting my assertion, not refuting it.

Pak seemingly not even a real person, much less a skilled C++ coder.  You signed up to for this, harrison partch?

Looks like an old image Soren Renner, who moved to Maine with his bitcoin proceeds, used to like.  He even used it as his VNNF avatar for a time, as I recall.  Soren even used the same glyph on

22 June, 2007
The Rise of the Meta-Interview: Linder vs. News-Sentinel
Posted by alex in Alex Linder, Knoxville rally, Linder appearances at 5:00 pm |  Permanent Link
Great thanks to Soren Renner of Majority Rights for taping this interview between me and the reporter for the Knoxville News-Sentinel. Meta-interview is my name for an INTERVIEW BETWEEN ONE OF OUR GUYS AND THE JUNK MEDIA THAT IS TAPED BY SOMEONE ON OUR SIDE. The controlled media use nothing or next to nothing of […]
November 14th, 2009   #1
Jim Giles
For Honor and Courage
Join Date: Dec 2003
Location: Giles Shire
Posts: 366
Jim Giles
Default Soren Renner Interview
Soren Renner Interview
I will be interviewing Mr. Soren Renner at 11 AM CST today.
Listen Live Now: mms://
If you wish to call in and comment or ask a question, our toll free number is 877-288-9836. Enter the following PIN when prompted: 0562.
Soren is a very early bitcoiner, board.  It is very likely-- almost certain-- he knows James is Satoshi Nakamoto, even if James has never explicitly admitted it to Soren.

Hi Soren!  Do you have over a hundred million dollars or a hundred and a half million dollars in bitcoin?
Soren Renner's pic in the red and green glyph shirt I am citing:;_ylt=AwrC3HxgGUJcPjwAx_0PxQt.;_ylu=X3oDMTB0N2Noc21lBGNvbG8DYmYxBHBvcwMxBHZ0aWQDBHNlYwNwaXZz?p=soren+renner&type=b5pr_7855_CHW_US&hspart=iba&hsimp=yhs-1&ei=UTF-8&fr=yhs-iba-1#id=3&

Soren Renner speech on his You Tube channel:

More Soren Renner videos on his channel:

Title: Re: The release of Satoshi's personal data
Post by: doublespend timestamp on January 18, 2019, 06:33:38 PM
Concatenative Programming - Google+
Dec 6, 2015 - Soren Renner: 2016 .... All the recent media attention on Bitcoin inspired me to learn how Bitcoin really works, right down to the bytes flowing ...

Soren Renner interview:

Title: Re: The release of Satoshi's personal data
Post by: harrison partch on January 18, 2019, 06:40:36 PM
doublespend timestamp: why are you doxxing people, and obscure or possibly fictional people like JAB and now this "SR" at that? Has there been some schism in the obscure-o-far-right-wingiverse?

Title: Re: The release of Satoshi's personal data
Post by: doublespend timestamp on January 18, 2019, 06:46:45 PM
Have you read the entire thread, sir?  The chronology of events?  The professional interactions between James Bowery and myself?  What "went down', as it were, and the surrounding, oppressive circumstances?

Soren, you have been openly using your real name for over a decade, though my data of your being an early (January 2009) bitcoin miner/hoarder is new.

No, I think technically no far right schism, Soren.  Yourself, James Bowery and I likely are still in relatively close agreement on political matters.  We'd want the same goals.  It's merely for the correct bitcoin history now.  From my perspective.

Title: Re: The release of Satoshi's personal data
Post by: harrison partch on January 18, 2019, 06:58:36 PM
Mr COBB, I can neither confirm nor deny the imputed identity at this time. But I must question your motives. Are you trying to air laundry in public? Are you trying to give bystanders the impression that you, JAB and myself are logrolling, sockpuppeteering and trolling so that somebody is forced to catch the Satoshi Nakamoto hot potato and not have time to throw it? The only reason I can abduct for your scurrilous display of aposematic squidinkery is that YOU are Satoshi Nakamoto -- this would explain your conduct I think. Yes, that is the reason for it I am sure of it now.

Title: Re: The release of Satoshi's personal data
Post by: doublespend timestamp on January 18, 2019, 07:15:19 PM
Soren, as I've said, I'm pretty certain you know full well James is Satoshi-- even when you introduced is via Skype around mid to late August/September of 2008, you'd told me (and James later confirmed after we had many Skype talks) he was in the midst of something big.
He desperately needed income so he could code his project.

That of course was his Electrum currency which 'Satoshi' beat him out with (at the 11th hour, yeah, right) via bitcoin...thus, his and my talks about Szabo's Digigold, Wei Dai et. al.

James and I are a few years older than you-- not much, 5 or so. We're old men.  Time is nigh.  It's time.  

Again, as I've said a few times in this thread, I can't help but believe this is an honor James has/had cleverly reserved for me as it happened to play out. Who would believe Craig Cobb?  Only very bright people who can see the forensic clues littered everywhere.  

Like recluse Martti Malmi, who Satoshi Bowery personally enlisted as my protector in Finland asylum, is going to fess up regarding his benefactor?  The guy who bought a Helsinki condo with bitcoin quite early on?  Hardly.  

No, there is only me.  Only me.  It's a lonely, exiling historical job.  One for Winston Smith.

Title: Re: The release of Satoshi's personal data
Post by: harrison partch on January 18, 2019, 07:17:56 PM
   𝕆𝕦𝕣𝕤 𝕚𝕤 𝕒 𝕙𝕚𝕘𝕙 𝕒𝕟𝕕 𝕝𝕠𝕟𝕖𝕝𝕪 𝕕𝕖𝕤𝕥𝕚𝕟𝕪

Title: Re: The release of Satoshi's personal data
Post by: Phinnaeus Gage on January 18, 2019, 08:20:56 PM
   𝕆𝕦𝕣𝕤 𝕚𝕤 𝕒 𝕙𝕚𝕘𝕙 𝕒𝕟𝕕 𝕝𝕠𝕟𝕖𝕝𝕪 𝕕𝕖𝕤𝕥𝕚𝕟𝕪

Title: Re: The release of Satoshi's personal data
Post by: doublespend timestamp on January 19, 2019, 02:11:00 AM
Was the Mt. Gox hack in Japan ever solved?

Title: Re: The release of Satoshi's personal data
Post by: Vlad2Vlad on January 19, 2019, 06:11:09 AM
Was the Mt. Gox hack in Japan ever solved?

Ye, on day one.  Inside job + govt. 

Title: Re: The release of Satoshi's personal data
Post by: AGD on January 19, 2019, 10:36:41 AM
doublespend, have you been featured in this Mexican Airlines video? (1:15)

According to a recent SHA-DNA test, I'm 16.8% Satoshi.

You might even be able to take your wife then

No wife but will take my goat to Necker Island, using my 16.8% travel discount ...

but ... do goats do riverdance? I know that sheep do. Proof:

Do goats Riverdance, you ask?

But fuck the sheep or goats and enjoy a man with his horse:

Nuff said and done

Title: Re: The release of Satoshi's personal data
Post by: doublespend timestamp on January 19, 2019, 01:41:24 PM
AGD Charlie Manson, how many time are you gonna lay in your extremely pithy "nuff said" into this thread?  Between your "nuff saids" and Phinnaeus' Bob Marley Caribbean rastaman quotes, it's a sociological mess-- like The Kwa!

Article of Nov. 19th, 2018:

...Mt. Gox lost about 740,000 bitcoins (6% of all bitcoin in existence at the time), valued at the equivalent of €460 million at the time and over $3 billion at October 2017 prices.

... Rather bizarrely the name Mt Gox stood for  “Magic: The Gathering Online eXchange”.

 ... it would appear that it was stolen via a copied wallet.dat file, either by hacking or perhaps through an insider.

Subsequent investigations have shown that the massive hack of Mt. Gox had begun as early as September 2011. As a result, Mt. Gox was operating while technically insolvent for almost two years and had practically lost all of its bitcoins by mid-2013. Additional evidence has suggested that Mt. Gox was already missing up to 80,000 bitcoins from its exchange even before Mark Karpelés purchased the exchange in 2011.

Since its collapse, a number of Mt. Gox employees have spoken about how Mt. Gox was operating, with a picture being painted of a disorganized and discordant organization, with poor security procedures, serious issues relating to the source code of the website...

...In addition, the US Department of Homeland Security was investigating claims that a subsidiary of Mt. Gox operating in the US was not licensed and was therefore operating as an unregistered money transmitter.

Article from Nov. 12th, 2018:

Apparently, no kinds of controls were used at the company, meaning that bugs and errors could be easily introduced by new work. Moreover, the sole authority for approving changes was Karpelés himself, meaning critical security fixes could be put on hold for weeks at a time until he had a spare moment to look at the code himself.

Mark Karpelés was a busy man and it seems that he had a nagging attention problem. Perhaps he was unable to handle the pressures of a management role. Or perhaps he was just unwilling to do so.

Mr Karpelés was also well known for squandering his time – and the company’s money – on useless vanity projects.

...He treated everything as a technical problem, solvable by throwing enough software and hardware at it (not that he was particularly good at the technical problems either).

... The duration between 2013 and early 2014, to be precise, culminating with the infamous ‘hack’.

... Unlike the popular perception, the bitcoins weren’t stolen in one fell swoop. The hack was subtle and sneaky, gradually draining away the exchange’s coffers.

... The entire reserve of Mt Gox had been emptied by mid 2013.

That is eight months before the fact was made public knowledge.

... The Willy Bot was responsible in a great part for the Bitcoin bubble of 2013-14. Karpelés had designed the program to systematically buy batches of Bitcoin in short intervals. To hide its operations, the bot spread its operations across a variety of accounts.

It dipped into the company’s coffers to purchase a whopping 250,000 Bitcoin. This unprecedented buying spree pushed the prices to new highs, taking the crypto beyond the triple digit territory for the first time. This sparked a renewed interest in Bitcoin, and by extension, it elevated awareness of Mt Gox, which at that time was the premier Bitcoin exchange.

The Willy bot was long suspected by trading veterans on the platform. Its existence – and affiliation with the exchange itself – was all but confirmed on 7th January, 2014. On that day, the Gox trading API was suspended for a short window of close to 90 minutes. No one throughout the world was able to execute trades during the period – except for our very own Willy bot.

The program continued to buy increments of Bitcoin, faithfully sticking to its algorithm even through the downtime.

An Engineered Bubble
This incident proved Mt Gox’s guilt in the scheme
, and gave investigators tell-tale clues to what was really going on. One of these investigators was WizSec, a private blockchain firm consisting of the one-man-army of Kim Nilsson.

... The company claimed to have found some vulnerabilities in the Bitcoin protocol itself, stating that it was pausing withdrawals “to obtain a clear technical view”

Title: Re: The release of Satoshi's personal data
Post by: AGD on January 19, 2019, 02:02:17 PM
AGD Charlie Manson, how many time are you gonna lay in your extremely pithy "nuff said" into this thread?  Between your "nuff saids" and Phinnaeus' Bob Marley Caribbean rastaman quotes, it's a sociological mess-- like The Kwa!

Article of Nov. 19th, 2018:

...Mt. Gox lost about 740,000 bitcoins (6% of all bitcoin in existence at the time), valued at the equivalent of €460 million at the time and over $3 billion at October 2017 prices.

... Rather bizarrely the name Mt Gox stood for  “Magic: The Gathering Online eXchange”.

 ... it would appear that it was stolen via a copied wallet.dat file, either by hacking or perhaps through an insider.

Subsequent investigations have shown that the massive hack of Mt. Gox had begun as early as September 2011. As a result, Mt. Gox was operating while technically insolvent for almost two years and had practically lost all of its bitcoins by mid-2013. Additional evidence has suggested that Mt. Gox was already missing up to 80,000 bitcoins from its exchange even before Mark Karpelés purchased the exchange in 2011.

Since its collapse, a number of Mt. Gox employees have spoken about how Mt. Gox was operating, with a picture being painted of a disorganized and discordant organization, with poor security procedures, serious issues relating to the source code of the website...

...In addition, the US Department of Homeland Security was investigating claims that a subsidiary of Mt. Gox operating in the US was not licensed and was therefore operating as an unregistered money transmitter.

Article from Nov. 12th, 2018:

Apparently, no kinds of controls were used at the company, meaning that bugs and errors could be easily introduced by new work. Moreover, the sole authority for approving changes was Karpelés himself, meaning critical security fixes could be put on hold for weeks at a time until he had a spare moment to look at the code himself.

Mark Karpelés was a busy man and it seems that he had a nagging attention problem. Perhaps he was unable to handle the pressures of a management role. Or perhaps he was just unwilling to do so.

Mr Karpelés was also well known for squandering his time – and the company’s money – on useless vanity projects.

...He treated everything as a technical problem, solvable by throwing enough software and hardware at it (not that he was particularly good at the technical problems either).

... The duration between 2013 and early 2014, to be precise, culminating with the infamous ‘hack’.

... Unlike the popular perception, the bitcoins weren’t stolen in one fell swoop. The hack was subtle and sneaky, gradually draining away the exchange’s coffers.

... The entire reserve of Mt Gox had been emptied by mid 2013.

That is eight months before the fact was made public knowledge.

Well, the reason why I am here is, because I like Bitcoin. What is yours?

Title: Re: The release of Satoshi's personal data
Post by: doublespend timestamp on January 19, 2019, 02:25:33 PM
Already stated in the thread numerous times.  Read for detail, Charlie.

Was the Russian, Alexander Vinnik, a skilled randomly self-selected patsy who was given an obvious hole to drive through to deflect attention and prosecution?

Between the trading Willy bot and inviting highway tunnels having been backend built-in, who could make sense of the "6% of all bitcoins" forensics except the actual designer of the accident-waiting-to-happen chaos?  

How were the cold storage addresses and private keys acquired except by an insider, and an extremely high up one at that?


On June 25, 2013, as Mt. Gox was being slow-bled hacked, Satoshi Bowery was on top of VirCurEx' probs:


Activity: 19
Merit: 3

View Profile  Personal Message (Offline)
Trust: 0: -0 / +0
Re: VirCurEx down again
June 25, 2013, 09:43:02 PM
Reply with quote  +Merit  #2
Yes I get

502 Bad Gateway


Nikhilesh De
 Jan 12, 2018 at 18:00 UTC
Four years after cryptocurrency exchange Vircurex lost its funds due to alleged hacks, the firm is being sued by its former customers.

In a lawsuit filed in the U.S. District Court in Colorado, a former Vircurex customer accuses the exchange of breach of contract, conversion of funds, fraud and unjust enrichment. The suit explained how only a few of the account holders had received their funds after the exchange froze all withdrawals due to a claimed lack of reserves. At present, the frozen accounts contain a combined $50 million.


Linode Hacks
The Bitcoin Exchange Thefts You May Have Forgotten

In the Spring of 2012...

...which suffered a loss of 43,000 bitcoins. The thief involved in these particular hacks is still to this day unknown, and many suspect it was perhaps a Linode employee.

On May 12, 2012, a hacker breached the Bitcoinica Rackspace server, according to the now-defunct exchange’s founder Zhou Tong. The exchange lost over 38,000 BTC during the spring incident. In July that same year, Bitcoinica was breached again, but this time it was a stash of BTC held on the Mt Gox exchange. 40,000 BTC were stolen. But following the heist, it was reported the funds were returned. The Bitcoinica hack is one of the most controversial within the industry as many well-known cryptocurrency community members were involved.
Roman Shtylman (Jewish?) robbed--
...oung Vitalik Buterin piece:

... Bitfloor, the fourth largest exchange dealing in US dollars, has just announced[1]that it has been hacked, and the service has taken a loss of 24,000 BTC, worth about $250,000 at the time of the theft.

The unencrypted backup that allowed the thief to carry out the attack was made when Shtylman made a manual upgrade earlier and put the data into an unencrypted partition on his disk; Shtylman has so far declined to comment further on the details of the attack, saying that “my current focus is on the future and not the past.”

The Bitcoin7 Heist
The Bitcoin Exchange Thefts You May Have ForgottenBitcoin7 was a business operating in 2011 that was once the third-largest BTC/USD exchange behind Tradehill and Mt Gox. On October 5, 2011, the company reported a theft of 5,000 BTC allegedly stemming from a group of Russian hackers. However, many believe the breach was an inside job and employees ran off with the funds.

It is truly disappointing Satoshi Bowery is so skilled, even Daniel Kaminsky couldn't hack Bitcoin Core when it first came out.

#### Dan Kaminsky

##### About

A noted security researcher, Dan Kaminsky has advised Fortune 500 companies such as Cisco and Avaya; worked for Microsoft; and is currently developing systems to reduce the cost and complexity of securing critical infrastructure. Kaminsky is best known for his work finding a critical flaw in the internet’s Domain Name System (DNS), and for leading what became the largest synchronized fix to the internet’s infrastructure. Of the seven Recovery Key Shareholders who possess the ability to restore the DNS root keys, Kaminsky is the American representative.

The internet’s proven to be a pretty big deal for global society, and Bitcoin could basically be thought of as the Internet, applied to Money.

There’s an old comment that the internet interprets censorship as damage and routes around it. Sure, we’ve routed money over the internet for a while now, but those flows have always been managed, moderated, regulated by some vestige of authority.

Bitcoin’s about as friendly to this sort of regulation as the rest of the internet is – not very. To put it another way: Bitcoin’s a dollar bill, with a teleporter built in. We can just poke in a few coordinates and poof, off it goes, with the ease of posting to some forum somewhere. That’s somewhat new.

0 points
5 years ago
edited 5 years ago
One could probably liken it to the quality of code used on the NASA space shuttles that handled takeoff. Their bug to codeline ratio was 1 bug every 420,000 lines. With a total of 17 bugs ever found over 11 versions.

Bitcoin's core code that handles the cryptography was 31,000 lines IIRC. There has been at least one bug that required a hard fork to fix, and several other small issues, so it can't really be said that it is quite up to the standard of NASA's quality, but that doesn't take into account that this was implemented by one person, never got properly tested before going live and has resisted the rigours of at least 4 years of hackers trying to crack the protocol and has come though to the other side. NASA probably spent hundreds of millions working on their code, spending years testing, debugging, and probably drove many developers to a premature nervous breakdown to ensure they had a perfectly working system before they even started using it.

I'd say it really is extremely well made. People always gloss over the code and just focus on the "weaknesses" of Bitcoin like volatility, usability, and other trivial crap. I think it really needs to be drummed into people that code quality at this level, is so rare, and so amazingly thought out that pulling something like this off is simply unheard of.

Edit: clarity, also, petertodd also adds some very valid criticisms.

Yet, if remnant's reading of James Bowery's post that he, James, openly stated (boasted?) he was the tech on virtually ALL early bitcoin exchanges... well, it's crushing to learn James might not be as technically 'virtuosoly'-skilled at preventing leaks, excepting in the original case of Bitcoin Core.  The pressure of his shepherding, babysitting, HODLing, and morally-doling his great invention maybe got to him, and caused a diminution of his technical skills?

Kaminsky seems to have said none of the bitcoin from almost all of the major hacks has never been spent on the blockchain.  I suppose he means moved out into (wallet-holding) stolen repositories.  I don't know if tumblers could obviate the details.  A little like hands-on overseer Charles Bronson in Death Wish?  Bad or sloppy actors get punished?  Bitcoin, too, would become more scarce?

Title: Re: The release of Satoshi's personal data
Post by: harrison partch on January 19, 2019, 05:02:19 PM
You are all working together. The technique can be recognized once known. JAB, Craig Cobb, Weev, Murat Pak, Remnant, even this "SR" (if he really exists) are plotting together on the dark web. This thread is only meant to taunt or tease the enemy by partial "Revelation of the Method".

Title: Re: The release of Satoshi's personal data
Post by: nutildah on January 19, 2019, 05:16:59 PM
This thread is like two or one and a half giant egos battling each other for fame and not realizing nobody gives a shit.

I would say I'm surprised that anybody is actually here, but I'm here too, so...

Have you seen this one Phinn? I think it was made with you in mind:

It's actually a real game.

Title: Re: The release of Satoshi's personal data
Post by: harrison partch on January 19, 2019, 05:27:21 PM
You don't read for understanding, do you, nutildah? I told you: whoever is "behind" these assertions does not expect or want to be believed. He wants to assert.

Title: Re: The release of Satoshi's personal data
Post by: nutildah on January 19, 2019, 05:54:51 PM
You don't read for understanding, do you, nutildah? I told you: whoever is "behind" these assertions does not expect or want to be believed. He wants to assert.

I understand nobody's posted any messages signed with private keys to relevant bitcoin addresses.

How would I know you told me that already? I didn't even read it the first time.

What do you, DT and Iggy Pop all have in common?

Title: Re: The release of Satoshi's personal data
Post by: waitforme on January 19, 2019, 05:58:50 PM
For Satoshi Nakamoto's real and true identity and home city, see this post of a couple of minutes ago:
Who is sure about this is true? Do you believe this information is accurate when information about him is not known before? I came across Twitter information, and it could not convince me. I realize this is just a clone account to attract followers.

Title: Re: The release of Satoshi's personal data
Post by: doublespend timestamp on January 19, 2019, 06:10:46 PM
harrison partch, you ARE Soren Renner.  My general take is, at some level, you acquired your Maine property and moved from urban Chicago when bitcoin was worth something, yet not at all what it is today, even at today's mere $3,795.40.  Surely you still have plenty of bitcoin left.
I would be stunned if James had not included you, or if you would not have discovered it on your own within the first 6 months, if not sooner.  I'm pretty sure James talked about fictional Satoshi with you in early months as well-- probably from August 2008 or even earlier.

remnant is real.  I have met and gone around Tallinn and Helsinki with him several times.  I feel as if I let remnant down in not apprising him of bitcoin, though I may have in 2009 and just forgot about it, as it had no aged rep or value then.  

Satoshi James A. Bowery is clearly real.  Met him too.  You aren't confusing any but the dullest readers by suggesting otherwise.

Murat Pak I think is fictional.  I don't really care too much about your mechanical Turk.

weev is part-Jewish from AR.  Great pic of him in HS in a Trotsky hat.  He can obviously hack.  Only spoke with him once via encryption.  He claims to be in Transnistria.  I doubt it, but it is possible.

I am asserting truth James Bowery is Satoshi Nakamoto.  It is amusing to me only the brightest people can see it.

You are bright, though you almost certainly know (at least in the dawn days of bitcoin) directly from your friendship with James.

nutildah, people DO care who Satoshi is.  Leith, podblanc and being The Kwa's highest fake news high yeller enough fame for me.

Title: Re: The release of Satoshi's personal data
Post by: Phinnaeus Gage on January 19, 2019, 06:13:07 PM
This thread is like two or one and a half giant egos battling each other for fame and not realizing nobody gives a shit.

I would say I'm surprised that anybody is actually here, but I'm here too, so...

Have you seen this one Phinn? I think it was made with you in mind:

It's actually a real game.

Such review!


4 years ago

All my life i had been searching for the perfect game. Some games came pretty damn close, but after playing this game, i knew my search was over. Goat Simulator is an Action/Simulator game that can divide by zero. Goat Simulator can cure Ebola. Goat Simulator can turn water into wine. Goat Simulator cures depression. Goat Simulator can put on smile on the face of someone with no mouth. Goat Simulator can raise the dead.
Why do i recommend this game? Because Goat Simulator is an amazing piece of my computer's HDD. Goat Simulator is the most important thing on my computer. It is more important than my Operating System.

Re dt's post above, I, too, moved from suburbia Chicago.

Title: Re: The release of Satoshi's personal data
Post by: doublespend timestamp on January 19, 2019, 06:44:17 PM
Soren, I was hoping you'd put up that swashbuckling vid of yourself with a walking stick, beard, long hair and swazi armband Chicago speech before Jeff Schoep's National Socialist Movement nation-hopping NSM crew.  Really, no kidding, that was a great speech.  Don't let it go down the internet rabbit hole on this tenth anniversary of bitcoin.  The giant real swazi banner was terrific.  Bought one myself in KS from the estate of a WWII vet.  He yanked it down from a HQ in France.  Cost me $250.  In excellent condition.  I might sell it for bitcoin.

I was wondering too, if as a personal favor, one or three of you bitcoin whales might buy up a s-load of Apollo and dump it at a gigantic loss so we poor elderly working class whiteys can refill our bags at working class wages for posterity.  Can you give a po' n. such as mice elf a hand up?

Title: Re: The release of Satoshi's personal data
Post by: Eclipse2021 on January 19, 2019, 07:12:48 PM
This might be the biggest thread of 2019 :O what have I missed ??? where did all this info come from ? I really need to take a beer,relax and read all the infos around here. Thank you so much for posting this, the dude is a legend, if he ever existed tho.

Title: Re: The release of Satoshi's personal data
Post by: BitcoinFX on January 19, 2019, 08:27:58 PM
This thread is like two or one and a half giant egos battling each other for fame and not realizing nobody gives a shit.

I would say I'm surprised that anybody is actually here, but I'm here too, so...

Have you seen this one Phinn? I think it was made with you in mind:

It's actually a real game.

Isn't that the wrong goat though ?

Is this the right goat ... ?


Bowery != ?

Thank You Mario! But Our Princess Is In Another Castle!


Title: Re: The release of Satoshi's personal data
Post by: veleten on January 19, 2019, 08:31:39 PM
somehow Satoshi identity discussion has turned into the goat simulator advertising  ;D
I'm pretty sure Satoshi Nakamoto is not  a single individual, but rather a group of people
could be wrong, but I have had this hunch for quite some time
but even if his identity is revealed and proved I can't see how can this change anything at all
other than tickle some curiosity bones around the world

Title: Re: The release of Satoshi's personal data
Post by: Phinnaeus Gage on January 19, 2019, 08:57:15 PM
somehow Satoshi identity discussion has turned into the goat simulator advertising  ;D
I'm pretty sure Satoshi Nakamoto is not  a single individual, but rather a group of people
could be wrong, but I have had this hunch for quite some time
but even if his identity is revealed and proved I can't see how can this change anything at all
other than tickle some curiosity bones around the world

Tomorrow on Ellen, Satoshi Goatamoto ...
"I met Satoshi Goatamoto at an undisclosed barn in the Midwest and he proved to me beyond doubt that he's the real Satoshi."
"Back from visiting my mother ship, signal theory dictates that if it smells like a goat, walks likes a goat and fucks like a goat, then it's not an alpaca."

Title: Re: The release of Satoshi's personal data
Post by: doublespend timestamp on January 19, 2019, 10:00:33 PM
This might be the biggest thread of 2019 :O what have I missed ??? where did all this info come from ? I really need to take a beer,relax and read all the infos around here. Thank you so much for posting this, the dude is a legend, if he ever existed tho.

Thank You, Eclipse 2021.  Along with Satoshi Bowery's posts in this thread, yours is the most considerate, civil and thoughtful.

I just hope the SPLC doesn't pick up on it and prove all bitcoiners are Nazis spending money with swazis minted on the obverse.

Title: Re: The release of Satoshi's personal data
Post by: harrison partch on January 19, 2019, 10:07:41 PM
What about my posts? Are they chopped liver?

Title: Re: The release of Satoshi's personal data
Post by: doublespend timestamp on January 19, 2019, 10:18:38 PM
Your posts polite too-- of course, Soren.  As always. Room for everybody to get rich here, just as soon as you whales use your 300 or 500 of your little tokens (no hoarding spectrum need to wait till they hit $10,000,000 per).and go long and then super short, eating the crashing loss on Apollo at

Think of all the Euros and Descendents of Pioneer Settlers you'll be helping.  The posing 1993 Iowa Saturn Lambos can wait.  Apollo only up 79% today.  You guys can make it affordable for the masses again.

Title: Re: The release of Satoshi's personal data
Post by: kr105 on January 19, 2019, 10:20:52 PM
People just can’t get over it obviously. I mean what’s the point to be obsessed with satoshi so much? I admire what he accomplished and that’s all. Also many people thinks that he is not only one individual person, this seems highly possible.

Title: Re: The release of Satoshi's personal data
Post by: jerrison on January 19, 2019, 10:28:53 PM
i still find it difficult to understand why and how it would be said that satoshi has a defined profile when his identity is still yet to be ascertained. i can understand if it is said to be a group of programmers who started the project and it became a technology but having a fix profile to it is what i am yet to complement

Title: Re: The release of Satoshi's personal data
Post by: harrison partch on January 19, 2019, 11:33:14 PM
Every cryptocurrency so far has been developed with placental technology. Marsupicoin changes that with a new "PouchChain" algorithm using opossum hashing.

Title: Re: The release of Satoshi's personal data
Post by: nutildah on January 20, 2019, 04:01:18 AM

Isn't that the wrong goat though ?

Is this the right goat ... ?


Pretty cool easter egg... The UFO is like a whale magnet or something?

Thank You Mario! But Our Princess Is In Another Castle!

Who is that little mushroom baby anyway? It looks like he's wearing a diaper, so he must be a baby. Let's get to the bottom of this mystery.

"We present to you a new challenge. Start the game over but its a bit harder this time."

Getting close to solving the mystery of Satoshi is the same: every time you think you've solved it, you really haven't, and you just have to start all over from the beginning again. Super Mario is a good metaphor.

Title: Re: The release of Satoshi's personal data
Post by: romero121 on January 20, 2019, 05:08:51 AM
Till date several people have come up stating that they are Satoshi, by this time even if the real Satoshi come forward and reveal his identity it is impossible to find the correct person. People find it more prestigious thing to term themselves Satoshi, also I went through his involvement into the forum about his experimenting and debugging while error happens. In this way at least few might know Satoshi from our forum.

Title: Re: The release of Satoshi's personal data
Post by: DaCryptoRaccoon on January 20, 2019, 03:34:59 PM
Dave Kleiman  End of..

Thread has run it's course.

Doublespend Timestamp i'm afraid your research is weak sauce.
Nothing conclusive about this "James"  The text analysis is super sketchy at best and the story is not fitting in that with the line of history we know,.

Now explain this to me and where "James" fits into the picture..

Here is my take..

Satoshi was indeed more than one person I believe though only one person ever used the name to communicate in public regarding the project.
I thought for many years that Dave Kleiman Craig Wright were the guys behind bitcoin.

Now we find this lawsuit talking about the creation of bitcoin and its IP and vast funds the pair mined together in a trust.

My theory is that Craig was the guy behind the Satoshi white paper.  
Its very much in his style of writing.

I believe Craig reached out to Dave to help him with the idea and bring it to life.

From the indictment it seems this is being pushed the other direction that Dave was the guy who did the paper and Craig was the coder.

I think there is a lot of valuable info in this that people are missing out on.

Craig indeed did reachout to the family asking them to save any wallet.dat that dave might have had on his machines and promissed the family they would be paid out Davids estate.

I think your idea of this Jmes being the main guy behind bitcoin had many flaws and seems like your trying to push him to the limelight for whatever reason.

just my theory behind it but your welcome to try tear it apart.

Title: Re: The release of Satoshi's personal data
Post by: doublespend timestamp on January 20, 2019, 06:00:50 PM
Why did Jew Dave Kleiman and Craig Wright (who, you think, was Satoshi) mine over a million, when Wright could have just kept mining by himself until he acquired more than the million the real Satoshi is known to have acquired early on.  Why did he (Wright) KEEP mining, when he could have, by programming and mining, grabbed 2 or 6 or 8 million at the outset?

 From your lawyer's filing, the attorney asserts "two others" (besides Jew Dave and Craig Wright) sent each other bitcoin transactions on January 12th 2009.  Those, supposedly, were Hal Finney (unidentified by the lawyer, though Hal's address is well known) and my "1DUD...sfc...VW" address?  The supposition the lawyer is floating is that Craig Wright is Satoshi and his friend Jew Dave worked together in earnest.  The lawyer, I suppose, counting on the high proportion of money-grabbing, money-grubbing Jews who will be in the jury pool of that district, and (judging from their Holocaust shower/low-temperature railroad ties funereal pyre/shrunken head/Sandy Koufax apple-pitching teen girls whoppers they tried to foist on far more educated city people of the time and the present)...will be willing to overlook the address particulars of the fantastical insinuations and just give the billions of dollars to the Jews hanging about.
On January 12, 2009, Craig, Dave, and two others sent each other bitcoin transactions recorded on the blockchain. (Ex. 1 at 31)

James Bowery has tweeted recently about Hal Finney and Jew Kleiman.  (When are the Jews gonna apologize profusely to the planet and seek forgiveness for their tall-tale Paul Bunyan "control whoppers" they've laid on the planet about two bearded Sanford and Son Jews of indefinite, probably amorphous Castro District-like sexuality running the cosmos....from their spaceship?)

Mystical Fakir Craig Wright has been resolutely, over and over and over proven NOT to be Satoshi Nakamoto, yet here you are with the same ole saw.  It is already accepted fact Wright is not and never was Satoshi Nakamoto.  Even that lawsuit doesn't claim Jew Kleiman was-- they might have to prove that beyond a reasonable civil doubt.  A lower bar is to throw the Faketoshi mud on the wall and count on the jury's built in prejudice  (the jury will be about 60% most ethnocentric tribe in the history of mankind, 20% black and 20% poofter) to lay the cash on Gawd's Illustrious Chosenites, the Kleiman Klan.  Might as well give the bitcoin to the Federal Reserve Jews.

Title: Re: The release of Satoshi's personal data
Post by: harrison partch on January 20, 2019, 06:15:09 PM
Satoshi Muramoto is the wellknown designer and coder Murat Pak. I asserted this and you haven't refuted my assertion, which tends to bolster my contention that you, Pak, Bowery, Remnant, and Weev are working together in the greatest troll operation ever seen, probably coordinated on the dark web, or even some unknown ultradark superweb.

Title: Re: The release of Satoshi's personal data
Post by: BitcoinFX on January 20, 2019, 06:17:54 PM
Dave Kleiman  End of..

Thread has run it's course.

Doublespend Timestamp i'm afraid your research is weak sauce.
Nothing conclusive about this "James"  The text analysis is super sketchy at best and the story is not fitting in that with the line of history we know,.

Now explain this to me and where "James" fits into the picture..

Here is my take..

Satoshi was indeed more than one person I believe though only one person ever used the name to communicate in public regarding the project.
I thought for many years that Dave Kleiman Craig Wright were the guys behind bitcoin.

Now we find this lawsuit talking about the creation of bitcoin and its IP and vast funds the pair mined together in a trust.

My theory is that Craig was the guy behind the Satoshi white paper.  
Its very much in his style of writing.

I believe Craig reached out to Dave to help him with the idea and bring it to life.

From the indictment it seems this is being pushed the other direction that Dave was the guy who did the paper and Craig was the coder.

I think there is a lot of valuable info in this that people are missing out on.

Craig indeed did reachout to the family asking them to save any wallet.dat that dave might have had on his machines and promissed the family they would be paid out Davids estate.

I think your idea of this Jmes being the main guy behind bitcoin had many flaws and seems like your trying to push him to the limelight for whatever reason.

just my theory behind it but your welcome to try tear it apart.

One of the more interesting and relevant facts regarding Craig's claim that he and Dave created Bitcoin can be found via Craig's wikipedia page:


"...17. ^ Wright, Craig; Kleiman, Dave; Sundhar R.S., Shayaam (2008). "Overwriting Hard Drive Data: The Great Wiping Controversy". In Sekar, R. Information Systems Security: 4th International Conference, ICISS 2008, Hyderabad, India, December 16–20, 2008, Proceedings. Springer Science & Business Media. p. 243...."




"...Shyaam Sundhar, a computer security professional who coauthored an academic paper with Kleiman and Wright in 2008, doubted and expressed dismay at the idea that either man was involved in Bitcoin’s creation. “Our conversations has only been pertaining to HDD project,” he responded to an inquiry via email, referring to their research on hard drive data. “I would hope that what you have stated is mere rumors, since I have never heard any such thing about Craig or Dave...."


Sundhar R.S., Shayaam (Big Data / Security / Gov. contractor) ... a.k.a snaos on SourceForge.



Truth (IMO) is that Bitcoin's creation goes way back (1992 etc.,) ... Edu., Gov., Cypher Punks, Toads, HAR and all!

I wouldn't be at all surprised if it transpires that both Dave and Craig simply discovered Bitcoin, decided to start mining and then created the Trust etc., going forward, until the unfortunate circumstances surrounding Dave's death ...

Craig has provided no solid proof or evidence whatsoever (yet), that he created Bitcoin. I'd imagine that in regards to the pending court case that it would be useful for him to continue to present himself as 'Satoshi', what with all of the 'work' he has been doing of late on 'Bitcoin SV'.



Sadly, I can no longer participate in this thread as some of the views expressed (along with the other seemingly inaccurate fabrications) by OP 'doublespend timestamp' are both offensive and intolerable to me.

Whilst Free Speech is important, thankfully one is not required to read or to listen.

Satoshi Nakamoto built Bitcoin for everyone, everywhere. Bitcoin, in this regard, is a neutral and unbiased technology.

OP is continuing to post false information in regards to myself and to others (see below post for reference) ...   ::)

Title: Re: The release of Satoshi's personal data
Post by: doublespend timestamp on January 20, 2019, 06:21:02 PM
Thanks, BitcoinFX.  You are right, of course.  I know many people are aware of his fraud.  I agree with your take that they both just chanced to glom onto bitcoin mining relatively early.  Then the knives came out for the treasure.  As if there wasn't enough to go around.

Soren Renner Partch, you can do better.  The shrooms?

The signatory attorney is a Lubavitcher Jew cultist.  Here are his pics. Do reasonable people need to know anything else about the case?

I'd be proud to truly testify in the civil trial "for" the Wright side that the January 12th 10 bitcoin send from Satoshi James Bowery to my "1DUD...sfc...VW" address in real time while we were both on Skype proves James is Satoshi Nakamoto.  It just hit me-- I wonder if the Lubavitcher Jew is going to try and claim Jew Dave had my address.  I really wouldn't like that.  Maybe I will have to at least attend the Florida trial to prevent that sneaky young Lubavitcher from suggesting nonsense without challenge.

Sadly, I can no longer participate in this thread as some of the views (and inaccurate fabrications) of OP 'double timestamp' are both offensive and intolerable.

I don't blame you, BitcoinFX.  Your profile says you live in the UK and joined the forum in 2010.  I figure they'd give you about 10 years in that laughable Muslim Caliphate for your continued participation in this thread.  As it is, you are only facing 5 to 7.  

Here's an educative link-- from me to you-- specially designed for your high historical and moral sensitivities, BitcoinFX.

I am Craig Cobb, Federal Reserve/World Bank thought kwantrol kwaps, and Satoshi.

Title: Re: The release of Satoshi's personal data
Post by: harrison partch on January 20, 2019, 06:49:31 PM
One thing you have revealed to me which I did not previously know is that Bitcoin is inextricably linked to the Archillect hoax.

Title: Re: The release of Satoshi's personal data
Post by: doublespend timestamp on January 20, 2019, 06:55:24 PM
Mr. "Pak", the mechanical Turk inventor of bitcoin, sez:

Soren, your comedic diversions away from James are helping me.  Thank You.

Title: Re: The release of Satoshi's personal data
Post by: doublespend timestamp on January 20, 2019, 08:16:19 PM
One memory I have been mulling of late is the time period James told me he couldn't code because he was doing an expansive survey of Facebook.  That seemed odd to me at the time-- that he'd be obsessed with FB, even their code.  I haven't looked into the 'rise' of FB... I recall net mentions of it from around 2005-2007 when I was first in Estonia, but James' mentions were much later, which stumped me at the time.  To the best of what I can dredge, it was around spring or early summer of 2012 (but it could have been late 2011), when I was working in the general Williston area and environs and wanted to bring podblanc back online from when Agis let it lapse (about the time I walked 60 miles over the Columbia range at about 4400 ft. at the highest point I hit, all of that on the Canadian side prior to the Roosville entry point into Montana, about 8 miles north of Eureka...and leading in Whitefish and Kalispell.,_British_Columbia

So anyway, the time detail is fascinating to me, as, per remnant's citing of James' post that he, James, was the tech on virtually every early bitcoin exchange (I see now there were way more of them than I thought from the reading of NYT Nathaniel Popper's book, Digital Gold).  None have survived.

This was the run up to the proximate time I visited James at his home in Shenandoah, Iowa, i.e. late Oct./early Nov. or so, 2012.  By that time, James was available to code and had been doing some work before my arrival.

The lead up to that time frame seems to match many of the events on the exchanges.  

Another interesting time was the shellshock attack in Bali of 2014.  I think a bitcoiner in Bali lost something like $300K (valued at the time).  You could google it.


James' post of yesterday.  Most bitcoiners follow economic politics, I'd say.  Some of this should be of interest to many here:

James Bowery
Yesterday at 11:23 AM
This video, like "propertarianism", gets enough right compared to most commentaries on the increasing division between "left" and "right", that its more worthy of your time than most.

In particular, it gets that:

* We are in a grace period of preparation for civil war -- a war that has become probable if not inevitable.
* The "right" will win this civil war.

* Trump is _not_ the deus ex machina that many on the right imagine him to be.
* Separation is the preferred moral alternative to this civil war -- particularly by the "right" -- but that this is increasingly improbable.
* LEGAL immigration is an even bigger problem than illegal immigration due to the voting patterns of _all_ immigrants.

* The left's abandonment of the white working class in favor of immigrants.
* etc. I could go on but the point is that people need to wake up and prepare for civil war.

Now... I could go into great depth about what it gets wrong or misses entirely, but rather than doing that, I'll just post below my response to an email I received -- out of the blue -- from folks around the country who are reacting to the Republican Party's capitulation to the NYT's scurrilous attack on probably the best of all members of Congress, Steve King, as a line in the sand that has been crossed triggering war-prep in earnest:

The veterans in SW Iowa I talk to tell me civil war is imminent and they're preparing. However, if you look at the geography of voting patterns, it's not "brothers and sisters" that "may well very have to blow each other brains out". The divide is urban vs rural.

This civil war will be very short work once the rural populations realize their life-support infrastructure is far less vulnerable to strategic attack and The Rule of Threes than is that supporting the urban populations.

The first strategic target will be the electric grid. If this happens during winter, people will be subject to the rule of 3 hours of extreme cold. Assuming they make it past that, 3 days without drinkable water. Assuming they make it past that, 3 weeks without edible food.

Look, I've been thinking about this potential ever since my early work on the Internet circa 1980 made me aware that something like the Trump phenomenon would happen within my lifetime, as The American Pioneer disintermediated the mass media via the Internet.…

When the WWW went big circa 2000, I was in Silicon Valley warning people that a false flag would occur around then in order to get us embroiled in the middle east. The morning of 9/11, young guys were showing up at my apartment asking what they should do -- among them, a founder of Peter Thiel's private intelligence gathering company, Palantir. When in 2008, as Jan and I crossed the Missouri River on our move back to Iowa, I told her to look at all the grain silos because that was real wealth. What I didn't tell her just then was that the people of Iowa still retaining their pioneering values were the real wealth, and that we would need those kinds of people as she lost her capacity to Huntington's Disease.

I was nearing 30 years of age when I wrote the aforelinked prophecy. I'm turning 65 this month so I don't have that many years left before I become useless.

Please listen to me.

The preparation for these eventualities needn't be onerous if it starts reasonably before hand with a county currency backed by county taxes in the following manner:

The county accepts up to 1% of property taxes in currency that it issues to Sheriff's deputy reserves as a "County Dividend". I call this a "dividend" because these young men, selected and qualified by the Sheriff, are the foundation of property rights -- placing their flesh, blood and bone between chaos and civilization. They are, by that investment of flesh, blood and bone, in a very real sense, the owners of civilization.

This is doublespend timestamp.  Let me add that a single high caliber bullet in the grid relay stations along relatively remote highways north of Los Angeles and, I think, San Francisco, would knock out electricity to millions for days or perhaps weeks, depending upon the scope of such an attack.  (I assume the relative manufacturing scarcity of those large, complex relay boxes comprise the problem).   I mention these as responses to James' post above.  This is common and general knowledge, (not illegal or repressed knowledge in any way at all) even though video surveillance of these areas has been vastly stepped up in the last decade or two of photographic improvements.

These are extraordinary public ruminations, in that the man making them invented bitcoin, has personal wealth somewhere around $6 billion to $10 billion, and can shake the market at his daily or minute to minute whim.

I don't know how far back IT provider records go-- to 2008/2009?-- but James' Iowa IT provider's chief engineer would.

James' 2002 post:


Spooner also cited by the record of the proven Satoshi writings, as I recall:

t Tax Net Assets, Not Actions (Score 2) 79
by Baldrson on Thursday March 26, 2015 @11:55AM (#49346609) Attached to: NY Times: "All the News That Mark Zuckerberg Sees Fit To Print"?
The primary function of government is protection of property rights. Early anarcho-capitalist Lysander Spooner described all legitimate government as a mutual property insurance company. Guys like Gates, and now Zuckerberg, should be taxed on their net assets, not on their actions (ie: not on income, capital gains, sales, value added, inheritance, etc...) as that is the closest thing to a property insurance premium.


System Development Foundation (Score 1) 45
by Baldrson on Thursday February 26, 2015 @04:40PM (#49141679) Attached to: The Believers: Behind the Rise of Neural Nets
Its "System Development Foundation" not "System Development Corporation" and Charlie's full name is Charles Sinclair Smith. He's semi-retired now and living the next county over from me in southeast Iowa where we've been collaborating on a couple of projects -- one of which is to photosynthesize all of the CO2 effluent from US fossil fuel power plants (as Charlie got his start co-founding the Energy Information Administration of the DoE under Carter).

Its ironic that in the 80s I was living in La Jolla, which was an epicenter of the neural net revival at UCSD, had taken neural net courses from Robert Hecht-Nielsen and by 1990 had prototyped the highest performance neural network image processing system (as Neural Engines Corporation) -- but I then later worked with Charlie for almost 15 years before discovering he had had played such a key role in the revival of neural nets. Even more ironic is that, circa 2005, I came up with the idea for the Hutter Prize for Lossless Compression of Human Knowledge -- based on Hutter's entirely different, top down mathematics approach to AI -- and Shane Legg, founder of Deep Mind, which is largely identified with deep learning neural nets, actuality studied under Hutter and achieved Deep Mind's famous ability to learn to play video games using Hutter's approach but everyone thinks that capability is uniquely attributable to deep neural net learning alone.


Satoshi Nakamoto on the thieving lying Z, lulz!:

Pay These Geniuses What They're Worth! (Score 5, Insightful) 261
by Baldrson on Sunday September 21, 2014 @02:38PM (#47960241) Attached to: Mark Zuckerberg Throws Pal Joe Green Under the Tech Immigration Bus
Its tragic that Mark et al are being forced to put up with just sort of OK US workers.

You know one step that Mark et al could take that would grease the skids on their immigration reforms?

Pay the geniuses they want to import what they're worth. See The Bottom of the Pay Scale: Wages for H-1B Computer Programmers.

In fact, Mark et al should either pay back salaries to all of the H-1b workers they've ever employed or Mark et al should be thrown in prison for fraudulent abuse of the H-1B guest worker provision.

Can't see the humorous background context for this JAB post.  Deleted?  If it is a ref. to his pvt. BTC keys, it's even funnier:

If I Don't Get My Watermellon
by Baldrson ( 78598 ) * on Sunday September 13, 2015 @04:24PM (#50515265) Homepage Journal
I'm going to give the private key ring to my Nigerian girlfriend.

Title: Re: The release of Satoshi's personal data
Post by: doublespend timestamp on January 20, 2019, 11:02:37 PM
Kaminsky ticked off the skills Nakamoto would need to pull it off. “He’s a world-class programmer, with a deep understanding of the C++ programming language,” he said. “He understands economics, cryptography, and peer-to-peer networking.”

“Either there’s a team of people who worked on this,” Kaminsky said, “or this guy is a genius.”

Comment The Exchanges Aren't Cryptocurrency (Score 5, Interesting) 357
by Baldrson on Sunday March 23, 2014 @11:41PM (#46561463) Attached to: Cryptocurrency Exchange Vircurex To Freeze Customer Accounts
Cryptocurrency is a platform and the exchanges are an app built on the platform. The security problems have been with the apps built on the platform. The peer to peer architecture is not what is being exploited. Its reckless abandonment of P2P for client server.

Tacit or overt support for when bad bitcoin guys get hacked in 2012? -doublespend timestamp:

Comment Network Effect Freedom (Score 1) 124
by Baldrson on Monday February 13, 2012 @01:30PM (#39022133) Attached to: An Open Alternative To Kickstarter
Any platform that purports to be "open" cannot truly be open if its data is not in a distributed store (eg: Usenet) to which anyone can connect in a read-write mode (eg: Bitcoin).

If a closed group maintains control of the data, it controls the platform's use and represents a takeover target by interests inimical to the purpose of the platform.

Comment Day Wunt Ur Jubzzz!!! (Score 1) 512
by Baldrson on Friday April 05, 2013 @06:48PM (#43374391) Attached to: H-1B Cap Reached Today; Didn't Get In? Too Bad
funny luking frenurz wont Ur jubzz!! ur jubbzzz!! deay wunturjubzz!!
(You will notice how I am not only a xenophobic racist in the above exclamation, but I am inarticulate if not down right illiterate. This merely goes to show that people of my race/gender/age (white/male/old) not only must, as an urgent economic necessity, be displaced by importing hundreds of thousands if not millions from abroad, but that we deserve to be displaced.)

Comment Good for Bitcoin??? (Score 1) 385
by Baldrson on Sunday March 31, 2013 @01:11PM (#43325605) Attached to: Ask Slashdot: Should Bitcoin Be Regulated?
The "respectable" institutions will be forced to use Bitcoin for the same reason they were forced to use Bill Gates's DOS: The network effect.
Bitcoin doesn't need the "help" of regulators to make that happen anymore than did Gates need their help to spread DOS.

The Curse of the Network Effect
(Score 1, Interesting) 206
by Baldrson on Friday December 21, 2012 @07:47PM (#42366077) Attached to: How the Internet Became a Closed Shop
The Network Effect is often praised because value increases for each user the more users are connected to a platform, but the problem is that it shifts rewards from being good to being merely big. This is the origin of the MS-DOS/M$ tragedy. It is also the origin of the Facebook tragedy. There are many other examples, probably the biggest tragedy of all being the Federal Reserve currency being the international reserve currency. Its bad enough when you have something like the QWERTY (rather than the Dvorak) keyboard creating lock-in to a standard but at least when you have an open standard into which people are locked by the network effect, no one is becoming a Bill Gates or Carlos Slim. Its when the network effect is turned into a business model that the really nasty effects on the society start working their dark magic.
The solution is to stop taxing economic activity (capital gains, income, sales, value added, etc) and instead tax market-assessed liquid value of assets.

Of course, not many people are going to really understand this idea so it must be demonstrated by those who do get it.

That's why we need Sortocracy.
Directly from Leith time frame, as I have already truthfully cited in this thread:

Comment The Real Crime Against Humanity (Score 1) 674
by Baldrson on Friday October 04, 2013 @01:17PM (#45037859) Attached to: The Luddites Are Almost Always Wrong: Why Tech Doesn't Kill Jobs
It is supremacist for the government to test its social theories on unwilling human subjects.
It doesn't matter how much "evidence" one can bring to bear in sociological journals, let alone pundit pieces in the fashion press of the intelligentsia, in support of this or that social theory; imposing them on unwilling human subjects violates humanity.

Quite aside from the fact that "correlation doesn't imply causation", thereby rendering any mountain of data-collection incapable of scientific proof of causality in the social sciences, it is more compassionate to let people learn live out their strongly held beliefs and thereby learn from their mistakes then it is to engender their unquenchable hatred.


Hate Speech (Score 0) 236
by Baldrson on Saturday September 07, 2013 @12:37AM (#44781829) Attached to: Most Tor Keys May Be Vulnerable To NSA Cracking
I find it offensive that you would disseminate information about how to circumvent the NSA's need to know what is going on to protect us. In truth, aren't you accusing the government of a conspiracy? What's the difference between that and accusing Jews of an international Jewish conspiracy? Are you going to start loading up government employees and officials into box cars and transport them to "relocation" camps? Its a slippery slope you're on!

Comment Re:Shit... Now where do I move? (Score 1) 103
by Baldrson on Saturday June 22, 2013 @07:35PM (#44081825) Attached to: Server Farms Flourish In Iowa: Microsoft Plows $700M More Into Des Moines
Intriguing idea. Its an engineering tradeoff:
Nebraska: Local teenage girls are being used as black tar heroin dealers vs Iowa where the person you contact to apply for energy grants from the state of Iowa is Paritosh Kasotia who assures me that the grant they gave to the ethanol plant a half mile from here to grow algae just HAD to hire folks from India and that it is wonderful because these tax dollars are going to be spent right here in Iowa by these highly skilled gifts from abroad. You see, these geniuses are are making up for the fact that Iowa's scholastic aptitude is ranked near the top of the world, if counted as a separate country, and lord knows Iowans like Norman Borlaug just couldn't have figured out how to grow things without help from these geniuses from India. In fact, its Normal Borlaug's fault that there are so many of them so we have to find SOMEWHERE to give them jobs and, hey, Iowa fits the bill don'it?

Hate speech causes genocide! (Score 1) 190
by Baldrson on Saturday April 06, 2013 @05:53PM (#43381253) Attached to: Hatebase Tries To Scan For Precursors of Genocide In Language
Let's see, just prior to their demographic collapse, creating a population vacuum now being filled by invading populations from around the world, people of European descent were being labeled as"whites" and "racist" and "xenophobic" and "prejudiced" and "discriminatory" and "imperialistic" and "genocidal" and "supremacist", there being "no place for" them if they wanted to be left alone as that would be "segregationists".
Yep, clearly hate speech causes genocide.

e:Recalculate for the crisis (Score 1) 465
by Baldrson on Saturday December 20, 2008 @11:27AM (#26184175) Attached to: Hardware Is Cheap, Programmers Are Expensive
It's true that for permanent on-site work my compensation requirements are much higher, so my advertised $8/hour for remote temporary consulting is apples to the $50/hour permanent salary annualized to $99k given in TFA. But I think it trades fairly when you consider that employers don't want to commit to fixed recurring costs in the present economic climate, and the vast majority of programming work can be done remote.

James Bowery's entire posting activity on Slashdot between December 21st, 2008 and January 2nd, 2009, a time frame during which Satoshi Nakamoto might well have been extremely busy and excited.

Between January 8th, 2009 and January 13th, 2009, James had zero posts on Slashdot.  Good readers will remember the known communications between Hal Finney and Satoshi Nakamoto of the latter part of this period (cited word for word earlier in this thread) in which Satoshi tells Hal how he fixed the technical probs Hal was having with the software, and how he accomplished that fix.
James did post on Majority Rights during this period, though NOT on January 11th and 12th, 2009.

Again, James did not post on Slashdot during this period.  You can go to Slashdot and see for yourself:

Comment "Shut up!", he explained. (Score 1) 210
by Baldrson on Friday January 02, 2009 @05:31PM (#26305271) Attached to: More Evidence For a Clovis-Killer Comet
From Wikipedia's article on Atlantis:
In Plato's account Atlantis was a naval power lying "in front of the Pillars of Hercules" that conquered many parts of Western Europe and Africa 9,000 years before the time of Solon, or approximately 9600 BC. After a failed attempt to invade Athens, Atlantis sank into the ocean "in a single day and night of misfortune".

That's 11,600 years ago for Atlantis's destruction but TFA says it was 12,900 years ago which is 1,300 years off you idiot!!!

Oh, I can hear the loons whine now: "But but but 10% is a pretty good margin of error for a third hand report from an Egyptian priest that long ago!"

PuhlEEEAZE go back to your Illuminatus Trilogy and leave the theorizing to the Proper Authorities!

Comment Re:Recalculate for the crisis (Score 1) 465
by Baldrson on Sunday December 21, 2008 @10:40AM (#26191411) Attached to: Hardware Is Cheap, Programmers Are Expensive
Unless there is some study showing a good correlation between marketing savvy and technical savvy of which I am not aware, then even assuming you are right, there should still be a market segment for rationality at the upper end of the bell curve.

Russians will do better (Score 1) 553
by Baldrson on Saturday February 07, 2009 @02:39PM (#26766037) Attached to: Phantom OS, the 21st Century OS?
The mathematics of objects are poorly formalized. The mathematics of relations, on the other hand, are inherent in the very idea of formal language, subsuming functional as well as object oriented programming. Object orientation is being brought into philosophical question by advances in Structural Realism. I suspect something like Informational Realism will be a more appropriate approach for a mathematically strong culture like Russia to use for setting up an OS for the 21st century.

Also, unless the posts have been deleted, if that is even possible, James made zero posts between the first day of December, a year earlier, 2007, all the way until December 1st, 2008, a time during which (especially post fall 2008 economic crisis) Satoshi was surely coding Bitcoin Core as his response to the crisis.  On December 2nd, 2008, Satoshi Bowery began posting again after a year off.

Title: Re: The release of Satoshi's personal data
Post by: harrison partch on January 21, 2019, 01:32:40 AM
Have any of these people been observed in the same room at the same time?

Title: Re: The release of Satoshi's personal data
Post by: doublespend timestamp on January 21, 2019, 02:08:40 AM
Soren Renner, please stop pitching to the stupidest people in the room.  Thank You, Sir.

Also, please buy a few hundred bitcoins of Apollo and then dump it at a near 100% loss (.00000006 to .00000012 would be good) so the tens of millions of we non rent-collecting white peons out here can buy Apollo cheaply for a few weeks or months.  If you won't do it, ask James. Don't you bitcoin gentry have any benevolent comMUNity hobbies?  Pretty soon he'll have to upgrade to a 94 or 95 Saturn.  Maybe Warren Buffet 100 miles away in Omaha will buy his old 93 Saturn ride.  

When I hit Eureka, Montana in 2010, walking in from Roosville, BC and further, my feet were so swollen, I could barely walk, so I stayed in a motel kaddy corner from a casino on the north side of town.  Two days later, about 18 or 22 miles south, a couple picked me up.  I wasn't hitchhiking-- just walking south.  The insisted I ride.  I stayed at their home in Kalispell a night, where I met their 29 year old son who had done 8 years for crystal meth distribution.  He'd been sentenced for a high level of distribution as a very young guy, and had been out only a year or so.  He told me the story.  Turned out he had, as a prisoner, been assigned at Florence, CO, the big a prisoner trustee, in a separate prison on the grounds.  That was interesting.  The criminal classes ability to think differently has always fascinated me.  I guess, in the technical and legal sense, I am one, albeit only having been in county jails.

Anyway, it must have been a lot of meth. He told me.  I forgot.  But I do recall his account of there being no windows in Florence's cells, and particularly, that the showers in Florence move on some type of hydraulic system built into the floor and twice or thrice a week (I think just twice) the showers move in that conveying floor monstrosity and clank-bolt in front of each man's cell so he can enter the shower directly from the cell.  Then they move on.

I thought of this last night, as the Luddite Ted Kaczynski is there.  That prison is considered barbaric.  It seems I read Ted's IQ is 155, 157-- something like that.  Not googling it; just memory.  I think James is smarter.  

Some are saying bitcoin will go to $1200 or $1500 in the coming months.  I hope so.  These corrupt govts are killing young people, particularly the USA govt is preventing the young Millennials from enjoying their peak years-- women, wives, families, houses, autos.  Their massive gen should be enjoying the relative wealth boomers had, at least we somewhat did in some measures for a while.  Some of us.  

More young people need to acquire cryptos-- maybe like the ones I've mentioned several times, Insolar , Smarc , Hedera Hashgraph, Holochain, Radix DLT, Hydro (a fintech already-working project) PIVX  et. al.   Used to like NEO, but they aren't moving fast enough with goals, though they have plenty of Falun Gong/Amway-type international meet-ups.

I wouldn't buy Zcash, the Israeli professors' coin which can mint more whenever they push the button or Beam, also a pvt. Jewish coin.

It is hard for me to see how emotionality, tradition, and a proven (aged though not totally antiquated) crypto such as bitcoin will pokily propel itself through time.  It would be like Model A or Model T Fords prevailing through the 1960's.  Almost everyone in crypto disagrees though.

Title: Re: The release of Satoshi's personal data
Post by: harrison partch on January 21, 2019, 07:44:28 PM
I don't think the person you are trying to dox, even if he really exists, is a bitcoin whale. I myself am CERTAINLY not a hidden BTC mogul. But I think I do now see what you are trying to do. You used to be friends with these people and now they have "abandoned you" (this is your petulant thought) -- so if you post these vague threats and mention them by name, they will find this thread, take pity on you and invest in your crypto scheme. After all, they are wealthy now! It is proven by the fact that they dropped you socially!

Also: If Uncle Ted's IQ is 155, then yes, JAB is smarter.

Title: Re: The release of Satoshi's personal data
Post by: doublespend timestamp on January 22, 2019, 02:52:02 AM
I have no illusions anyone I know is going to sell bitcoin.  It is merely humor.

I do think Apollo may overtake bitcoin.  I hope so.  It is a more efficient, must faster and private model of crypto.  I understand it was predicated on bitcoin, just as bitcoin was predicated on the 1995 blockchain of photos which was created.

Satoshi Nakamoto has never been willing to sell me bitcoin.  He told me a few times he "didn't have very many".  He did give me ten though, on January 12, 2009.  That is what I have.  That history.  He traded it off over the years.

I also do believe he was one of the primary techs-- maybe the main or sole 'outside' tech-- of Mt. Gox, and most probably also of a slew of the other earliest bitcoin exchanges.  There are a considerable number of people who know the answers to this question--even if James, as he is wont to do, was using a fake name in some cases-- and may be reading or soon to read this thread.  I would guess James was usually paid in bitcoin by most of those exchanges.  For the guy who invented bitcoin and holds more than anyone in the world, he surely has a bitcoin jones.  

Bitcoin has held pretty steady between 52% and 55% of market, a market which is today just $120,451,000,000.  

I am sorry James didn't get you to generate bitcoins, Soren Hans Renner of Franklin, Maine.  I don't believe you.

Do you think it's possible for James to have more or less singlehandedly driven the price of bitcoin in any direction he pleased since 2009?  I do.
After buying cheap for years and having his original million, he could have liquidated large quantities (say, at $19,000+) converted to tether, and then dumped it, buying again when it hits $3300, $1500, $1200 or what have you.  That is the most extreme example; other examples would just involve less extraordinary buy and sell rates. Maybe only doing this "many days"? Still fun and controlling in the infinite.

Now that the world knows who Satoshi Nakamoto is, investors have this to consider.  You may all be jumping to James' invisible daily tumbler tunes!

I have read a communist bitcoin cadre kind of controls the twitter bitcoin major conversation drifts.  Is this true?  That's pretty bad when the commies snag a right wing coin.  That's the breaks.

At the time of Satoshi’s e-mail, difficulties would have been far lower. Block 10, which was mined 10 years ago today, had a difficulty of just 1.

Satoshi Nakamoto said, on January 8th, 2009:

You can get coins by getting someone to send you some, or turn on Options->Generate Coins to run a node and generate blocks. I made the proof-of-work difficulty ridiculously easy to start with, so for a little while in the beginning a typical PC will be able to generate coins in just a few hours. It’ll get a lot harder when competition makes the automatic adjustment drive up the difficulty.

From James' twitter motto:

A few σ out.

One of the definitions of 'σ':

The number 200,000 in Greek numerals.

From moving the bitcoin markets, even at a tremendous loss when necessary?

Title: Re: The release of Satoshi's personal data
Post by: doublespend timestamp on January 22, 2019, 11:17:56 AM
Yesterday, the attractive 25yo native West Virginian boss where I sometimes do manual labour (labor with a "u"-- the Satoshi effect) told me her grandfather had given her half a bitcoin which she still has. She showed it to me in her wallet on her phone, though I didn't have my reading glasses on. He had taken to investments after suffering a major, life-changing car accident and receiving a huge settlement.  She herself had bad, crazy dope hound parents, yet somehow managed to become just the opposite of them. Quite admirable and surprising.

Then, shortly after my last post, in which I quoted Satoshi's January 8th message (a less usual date in the public narrative) I recalled James telling in that very general time frame-- January 8th, 2009 to the actual send, January 12th, 2009-- people would "get someone to send them some", or use the "generate coins" [function].  Huh? This struck me as humourous (my Canadian mysterious Commonwealth spelling again) as nobody or next to nobody had any.  I voiced this thought then. Of course, as mentioned, my Generate Coins function wouldn't work. More happenstace 'funniness'. Tough luck, eh?  Like antifa and Africans, and urban Syrian Jew Charlie Shrem playing with bitcoin-- becoming a mega-millionaire, not just humanly warm (not living in a hole in the ground through a Montana winter) or with food...some gotta win, some gotta lose, goodtime Winston Smith has the blues. You gotta understand, it was conceptual, not $3577 per, ha.  Why would anybody send anybody any? After a little friendly back and forth parlay,  James felt obliged to prove up his theory and sent it.  The big 10.  I even told him, you are the only person I know with bitcoin, if even you have any. He claimed to have gotten it for 2 cents, 3 cents, and 4 cents the coin.  The competitive vagaries of the bidding market in his mind's eye imagination on January 12th, 2009.

A faceless person called Satoshi Nakamoto has bagged a rank among the world’s top 100 global finance leaders, leaving well-known personalities like Mark Zuckerberg, Kristalina Georgieva, and Paul Krugman behind. has named Satoshi Nakamoto the 44th most powerful individual in finance.

Title: Re: The release of Satoshi's personal data
Post by: oceantiger on January 22, 2019, 11:35:15 AM
It is a great resume and this is worth noting. I know that the concept of blockchain which Satoshi and his team gave to the world is innovative as it cuts across the whole facets of human endeavour.

Title: Re: The release of Satoshi's personal data
Post by: doublespend timestamp on January 22, 2019, 11:45:08 AM
I concur, but James not bullish on helping the cited groups, and I support him in that. It was unavoidable residual.  Would he be stoked the Israeli profs made Zcash which has a built-in ability to be clicked for more Zcash?  I doubt it.  He actually spoke well in a social media post for Monero a couple of years ago.

Blockchain was invented in 1995 as I understand it, with a series of NYT photos having been strung. In a blockchain.  Satoshi Bowery mightily proved the monetary methodology.  Apollo seems to have successfully built upon his historic proving ground.

Title: Re: The release of Satoshi's personal data
Post by: Phinnaeus Gage on January 22, 2019, 06:05:09 PM
somehow Satoshi identity discussion has turned into the goat simulator advertising  ;D
I'm pretty sure Satoshi Nakamoto is not  a single individual, but rather a group of people
could be wrong, but I have had this hunch for quite some time
but even if his identity is revealed and proved I can't see how can this change anything at all
other than tickle some curiosity bones around the world

Tomorrow on Ellen, Satoshi Goatamoto ...
"I met Satoshi Goatamoto at an undisclosed barn in the Midwest and he proved to me beyond doubt that he's the real Satoshi."
"Back from visiting my mother ship, signal theory dictates that if it smells like a goat, walks likes a goat and fucks like a goat, then it's not an alpaca."

Thanks for the merits, guys.

Back on-topic, I don't concur with dt's assessment but won't diss him for his beliefs. Further, unless his diatribes are too far out there, I do enjoy the reads.

Title: Re: The release of Satoshi's personal data
Post by: JayJuanGee on January 22, 2019, 06:39:53 PM
[edited out]

Thanks for the merits, guys.

Back on-topic, I don't concur with dt's assessment but won't diss him for his beliefs. Further, unless his diatribes are too far out there, I do enjoy the reads.

Can I take back the smerit that I sent to you?   hahahahahaha

Title: Re: The release of Satoshi's personal data
Post by: Phinnaeus Gage on January 22, 2019, 07:32:22 PM
[edited out]

Thanks for the merits, guys.

Back on-topic, I don't concur with dt's assessment but won't diss him for his beliefs. Further, unless his diatribes are too far out there, I do enjoy the reads.

Can I take back the smerit that I sent to you?   hahahahahaha

Gulp! Too late, bud, for I just gave it away -->

Title: Re: The release of Satoshi's personal data
Post by: nutildah on January 23, 2019, 04:14:34 PM
Holy Cow, Phinnaeus gave away a merit, hell is freezing over, and the Eagles are getting back together again.

Does anybody whose opinion matters object to the statement that this thread is meaningless? Just want to get a head count.

Title: Re: The release of Satoshi's personal data
Post by: Mugtaiya on January 23, 2019, 06:29:11 PM
Thanks.  A very enjoyable thread.

Satoshi Nakamoto, the founder of this forum, is super C++ coder, James Allen Bowery, 64, of Shenandoah, Iowa.

He used to work for Control Data Corporation which morphed into [Robert] Cray [Supercomputers].  He has been programming since 1972.

I hope this helps.

Most enjoyable post I've seen in existence on here.
Thanks for the laugh! :D

Title: Re: The release of Satoshi's personal data
Post by: AGD on January 24, 2019, 06:09:59 AM
Holy Cow, Phinnaeus gave away a merit, hell is freezing over, and the Eagles are getting back together again.

Does anybody whose opinion matters object to the statement that this thread is meaningless? Just want to get a head count.

Now that the world knows who Satoshi Nakamoto is, investors have this to consider.

Case closed.

Title: Re: The release of Satoshi's personal data
Post by: doublespend timestamp on January 24, 2019, 06:09:39 PM
AGD, despite your attractive, incisive, confidence-inspiring Charlie Manson avatar, I noticed your AGD member-listing on an early screen shot of Satoshi's posting on this forum.

So you've acquired bitcoin at an early price, and would have a lot to lose, were the investing public to sweepingly consider James' sole ability to move its price.

Apart from many having autistic inclinations and being on the hoarding spectrum, I don't really fully understand how you autists think-- I suppose
it is like a Millennial's watching fake news on CNN or MSNBC-- 'it must be true if it's on leftist corporate TV.'  You seem truly incredulous Satoshi isn't actually (couldn't possibly be other than?) a relatively young exotica Japanese from the 200-mile-across Tokyo megalopolis or one of the hackneyed suspects unoriginally and ever-echoed by the net press.  Anybody can be a journalist; it is a craft, not an art.  

Is that a photo of James Satoshi Bowery circa 1974?  Looks like James.
Spasim (abbreviation of ‘space simulation’) was a 32-player 3D networked computer game by Jim Bowery involving 4 planetary systems with up to 8 players per planetary system, released in March 1, 1974. Jim Bowery claims that it is the very first 3D multiplayer game and has offered reward of US $500 to anyone who could document an example of a multiplayer 3D virtual reality game prior to Spasim. In Spasim the players flew around in space and to each other they appeared as wire-frame space ships. Their positions were updated about every second. The game was played on the PLATO computer system.

... President Vladimir Putin raised the matter directly with Greek Prime Minister Alexis Tsipras.

 ... According to media reports, BTC-e processed $66 million worth of anonymous transactions every day at its peak in June 2017.
In Vinnik’s indictment, the exchange is described as “one of the primary ways by which cybercriminals around the world transferred, laundered and stored the criminal proceeds of their illegal activities.”

Vinnik, who according to Russian media reports was recently hospitalized after going on a hunger strike, could spend 55 years behind bars if convicted of all the US charges against him.

Vinnik’s odyssey through the US, Russian, Greek, and French legal systems began in sunny Chalkidiki, Greece, in July 2017. His annual family vacation there slammed to a halt with his arrest at the hands of some 20 plainclothes police officers.

Vinnik, then 37, was known in the murky world of Moscow digital currency exchangers as “Sasha WME.” According to a 21-count US indictment unsealed by the Northern District of California the day after his arrest, he was an online money launderer and the brains behind the now-defunct cryptocurrency exchange known as BTC-e, once one of the world’s largest.

Vinnik was apprehended on the beach of the Avaton Luxury Villas Resort hotel, where the most extravagant suite runs more than $1,000 a night. Police seized five mobile phones, four credit cards, two laptops, two tablets, a 256-gigabyte thumb drive, and a router. He had apparently kept up with the office even on vacation.

And it was a busy office. US prosecutors estimate Vinnik helped launder between $4 billion and $9 billion in bitcoin tied to cybercrime, drug trafficking, public corruption, and tax refund fraud schemes.

(What is BitCoin? Click here to read.)

Alexander Vinnik is escorted by police officers while leaving a court in Thessaloniki, Greece, October 4, 2017.
Credit: REUTERS/Alexandros Avramidis
The Russian cyber-espionage group known as Fancy Bear was among BTC-e’s clients, according to the blockchain forensics company Elliptic, and US prosecutors allege Fancy Bear in turn used bitcoin to fund hacking the Democratic National Committee. US prosecutors have alleged in 2018 that Fancy Bear is actually part of the GRU, the acronym for Russian military intelligence, while other security firms and experts speculate the group works in cooperation with the GRU.

Title: Re: The release of Satoshi's personal data
Post by: Phinnaeus Gage on January 24, 2019, 06:10:54 PM
Holy Cow, Phinnaeus gave away a merit, hell is freezing over, and the Eagles are getting back together again.

Does anybody whose opinion matters object to the statement that this thread is meaningless? Just want to get a head count.

Now that the world knows who Satoshi Nakamoto is, investors have this to consider.

Case closed.

Do I get de-merit if one of posts is deleted from this thread? To be fair, the deletion was legit, with my bad on my part.

Title: Re: The release of Satoshi's personal data
Post by: nutildah on January 25, 2019, 07:57:05 AM
Do I get de-merit if one of posts is deleted from this thread? To be fair, the deletion was legit, with my bad on my part.

No actually but its not a bad idea.

Furthermore, people should be able to spend 10 of their own sMerits to delete one of somebody else's merits... with no limit. So theoretically a Legendary could be ranked back down to Newbie, but it would cost a minimum of 10,000 sMerits.

Title: Re: The release of Satoshi's personal data
Post by: AGD on January 25, 2019, 08:26:00 AM
AGD, despite your attractive, incisive, confidence-inspiring Charlie Manson avatar, I noticed your AGD member-listing on an early screen shot of Satoshi's posting on this forum.

So you've acquired bitcoin at an early price, and would have a lot to lose, were the investing public to sweepingly consider James' sole ability to move its price.

Apart from many having autistic inclinations and being on the hoarding spectrum, I don't really fully understand how you autists think-- I suppose
it is like a Millennial's watching fake news on CNN or MSNBC-- 'it must be true if it's on leftist corporate TV.'  You seem truly incredulous Satoshi isn't actually (couldn't possibly be other than?) a relatively young exotica Japanese from the 200-mile-across Tokyo megalopolis or one of the hackneyed suspects unoriginally and ever-echoed by the net press.  Anybody can be a journalist; it is a craft, not an art.  

Is that a photo of James Satoshi Bowery circa 1974?  Looks like James.
Spasim (abbreviation of ‘space simulation’) was a 32-player 3D networked computer game by Jim Bowery involving 4 planetary systems with up to 8 players per planetary system, released in March 1, 1974. Jim Bowery claims that it is the very first 3D multiplayer game and has offered reward of US $500 to anyone who could document an example of a multiplayer 3D virtual reality game prior to Spasim. In Spasim the players flew around in space and to each other they appeared as wire-frame space ships. Their positions were updated about every second. The game was played on the PLATO computer system.

... President Vladimir Putin raised the matter directly with Greek Prime Minister Alexis Tsipras.

 ... According to media reports, BTC-e processed $66 million worth of anonymous transactions every day at its peak in June 2017.
In Vinnik’s indictment, the exchange is described as “one of the primary ways by which cybercriminals around the world transferred, laundered and stored the criminal proceeds of their illegal activities.”

Vinnik, who according to Russian media reports was recently hospitalized after going on a hunger strike, could spend 55 years behind bars if convicted of all the US charges against him.

Vinnik’s odyssey through the US, Russian, Greek, and French legal systems began in sunny Chalkidiki, Greece, in July 2017. His annual family vacation there slammed to a halt with his arrest at the hands of some 20 plainclothes police officers.

Vinnik, then 37, was known in the murky world of Moscow digital currency exchangers as “Sasha WME.” According to a 21-count US indictment unsealed by the Northern District of California the day after his arrest, he was an online money launderer and the brains behind the now-defunct cryptocurrency exchange known as BTC-e, once one of the world’s largest.

Vinnik was apprehended on the beach of the Avaton Luxury Villas Resort hotel, where the most extravagant suite runs more than $1,000 a night. Police seized five mobile phones, four credit cards, two laptops, two tablets, a 256-gigabyte thumb drive, and a router. He had apparently kept up with the office even on vacation.

And it was a busy office. US prosecutors estimate Vinnik helped launder between $4 billion and $9 billion in bitcoin tied to cybercrime, drug trafficking, public corruption, and tax refund fraud schemes.

(What is BitCoin? Click here to read.)

Alexander Vinnik is escorted by police officers while leaving a court in Thessaloniki, Greece, October 4, 2017.
Credit: REUTERS/Alexandros Avramidis
The Russian cyber-espionage group known as Fancy Bear was among BTC-e’s clients, according to the blockchain forensics company Elliptic, and US prosecutors allege Fancy Bear in turn used bitcoin to fund hacking the Democratic National Committee. US prosecutors have alleged in 2018 that Fancy Bear is actually part of the GRU, the acronym for Russian military intelligence, while other security firms and experts speculate the group works in cooperation with the GRU.

Satoshi is dead and pandoras box has been opened already. JB is not Satoshi - not because I don't want him to be the Bitcoin creator (actually I don't know him and I don't care what political view he has), but because you didn't provide any proof of your allegations. You just keep posting random stuff to make it look, like you are actually trying to provide some proof, but i reality you are just spamming this forum with things you just found out on the internet. The BTC-E story is old and many people know it already. Has nothing to do with Satoshi Nakamoto, only that both have a Bitcoin history.

Title: Re: The release of Satoshi's personal data
Post by: jademaxxiss012 on January 25, 2019, 08:31:14 AM
Thanks.  A very enjoyable thread.

Satoshi Nakamoto, the founder of this forum, is super C++ coder, James Allen Bowery, 64, of Shenandoah, Iowa.

He used to work for Control Data Corporation which morphed into [Robert] Cray [Supercomputers].  He has been programming since 1972.

I hope this helps.

Most enjoyable post I've seen in existence on here.
Thanks for the laugh! :D
NAh. if it was that person did he make a public appearance and confirming this claim? I am not believing unless one will make a public appearance and confirm the identity. FOr sure, it will become a great rally for bitcoin market price knowing the founder has already been identified to which it could build up confidence among the investors of bitcoin.

Title: Re: The release of Satoshi's personal data
Post by: doublespend timestamp on January 25, 2019, 05:05:39 PM
Satoshi Bowery, January 17th, 2019, 4:23 PM Central, to his mother, on his first meeting Chris Langan
who lives around 100 miles or so away in northwest Missouri:

James Bowery:

By the way, the first time he and I met in person, I said:

"So you smart, huh? I though yo' haid'd be biggah."

That's when I tried to put my hat -- one of the few that fits me because it was dad's -- on his head and it fell off like one of those little clown hats.
... Christopher Michael Langan (born March 25, 1952) is an American independent scholar known for his claim of having a very high IQ.[1] In an interview, Errol Morris on First Person in 2001, related that his IQ is "somewhere between 190 and 210". As a result of his supposed score, he has been described as "the smartest man in America" as well as "the smartest man in the world" by some journalists.[2]

... Langan attended high school but found himself spending his last years engaged mostly in independent study, due to relative indifference of his teachers in accommodating his pleas concerning his increasing need and capacity to absorb more advanced material. While left to his own studies, he started teaching himself "advanced math, physics, philosophy, Latin, and Greek".[4] He has claimed that he earned a perfect score on the SAT (pre-1995 scale) despite taking a nap during the test.[9]

 ... Langan said he developed a "double-life strategy": on one side a regular guy, doing his job and exchanging pleasantries, and on the other side coming home to perform equations in his head, working in isolation on his Cognitive-Theoretic Model of the Universe (CTMU).[4]

 ... Langan told Muscle & Fitness magazine that "you cannot describe the universe completely with any accuracy unless you're willing to admit that it's both physical and mental in nature"[12] and that the CTMU "explains the connection between mind and reality, therefore the presence of cognition and universe in the same phrase".[13] Langan contends that anything sufficiently real to influence reality must be within reality, and that mind and reality are ultimately inseparable to the extent that they share common rules of structure and processing.[14] He calls his proposal "a true 'Theory of Everything', a cross between John Archibald Wheeler's 'Participatory Universe' and Stephen Hawking's 'Imaginary Time' theory of cosmology."[4]

Title: Re: The release of Satoshi's personal data
Post by: Phinnaeus Gage on January 25, 2019, 05:47:12 PM
Do I get de-merit if one of posts is deleted from this thread? To be fair, the deletion was legit, with my bad on my part.

No actually but its not a bad idea.

Furthermore, people should be able to spend 10 of their own sMerits to delete one of somebody else's merits... with no limit. So theoretically a Legendary could be ranked back down to Newbie, but it would cost a minimum of 10,000 sMerits.

I triple-dog dare you to present such to theymos, bud.

Title: Re: The release of Satoshi's personal data
Post by: doublespend timestamp on January 25, 2019, 06:46:35 PM
Do I get de-merit if one of posts is deleted from this thread? To be fair, the deletion was legit, with my bad on my part.

No actually but its not a bad idea.

Furthermore, people should be able to spend 10 of their own sMerits to delete one of somebody else's merits... with no limit. So theoretically a Legendary could be ranked back down to Newbie, but it would cost a minimum of 10,000 sMerits.

I triple-dog dare you to present such to theymos, bud.

It was bad and a serious blow to AmeriKwan culture when Kroger's dropped S & H Green Stamps.  The Masons are dying off too.

An Extremely Important Conversation With James Bowery and Dr. Kevin Macdonald

When Satoshi Nakamato created Bitcoin, the idea was to have a global decentralized network of hundreds of thousands of nodes located in different countries owned by different people so that no government could control or regulate Bitcoin.

In practice, Bitcoin has become dangerously centralized. Today, the top three mining pools control more than 51% of the mining market and they are all based in China. Two of those mining pools are owned by a single mining equipment manufacturer, Bitmain, also in China. When it comes to voting on forks to Proof-of-Work blockchains, these mining pools are incentivized to vote on whatever keeps their mining operations profitable, not necessarily what’s best for users or blockchain mass adoption. To combat this centralization, Obelisk gets rid of block rewards altogether.

 ... Block rewards are also one of the biggest barriers to mass blockchain adoption because they’re essentially expensive payments for slow data entry.

Title: Re: The release of Satoshi's personal data
Post by: doublespend timestamp on January 28, 2019, 12:28:18 AM
We have already seen 'baldrson's' (James Allen Bowery's) post about moving back to Iowa in 2008 with Jan.

Stefan Thomas, a Swiss coder and active community member, graphed the time stamps for each of Nakamoto's bitcoin forum posts (more than 500); the resulting chart showed a steep decline to almost no posts between the hours of 5 a.m. and 11 a.m. Greenwich Mean Time. This was between 2 p.m. and 8 p.m. Japanese time, suggesting an unusual sleep pattern for someone presumably living in Japan. As this pattern held true even on Saturdays and Sundays, it suggested that Nakamoto was asleep at this time.[4]

...Gavin Andresen has said of Nakamoto's code: "He was a brilliant coder, but it was quirky".[28]

From this engine,
we can see 2pm in Japan is 11pm Central time (previous day) in Iowa, USA, and 8pm in Japan is rooster-crowing
5am in Shenandoah, southwest Iowa, USA.

In other words, James, assiduously sockpuppeting as Satoshi Nakamoto, rarely posted after 11pm Central, or before 5am Central, a 6 hour time period.  Those are normal sleeping hours for a man born and raised in Indianola, Iowa in the early 1950's.

Title: Re: The release of Satoshi's personal data
Post by: doublespend timestamp on January 29, 2019, 04:10:50 AM
His close friend who surely didn't know who he is said that of his coding stylistics.  Satoshi Bowery said bitcoin was in good hands with Gavin.

I saw another younger expert-- he was quite well known in the field in that coding language-- exclaim something to the effect Satoshi had some particular unusual flair...or seemed self-taught (preposterous) something like that.  I ascribe it to that language perhaps being less used in late 2008, and James' few years away from daily professional coding during the period in question.  James' exacting style may have, in some elements, harkened back to 1972 till the late 70's?

Any coders with a PC who would like to see an example of James' coding style can go to (a supposed site of the fictional "James A. Donald" James A. Bowery) and download Crypto Kong.  It looks all garbled on an Apple machine; I suppose no way to translate it back.  A Hex decoder would or would not work?

If you are a very skilled coder familiar with bitcoin core, please post some example stylistic code comparisons to Crypto Kong, whatever your take is.


If you search around you may fine where James wrote the following piece.  I believe it was 2001, though it could have been the late or mid-90s or even earlier.

To main Crypto Kong page
A plan for the introduction of internet cash.

The opportunity

The internet needs methods by which value can be stored on the net and swiftly transferred. While credit card methods and account methods are superior for some cases, they are unsatisfactory for others. The internet needs something that can be used like cash.

The first business to support a protocol that becomes widely adopted is likely to obtain early adopter revenues of the order of ten million dollars. If commerce in general moves to the internet, then in the long run that business might, if it or its successor remains dominant, obtain the revenue corresponding to the interest on a float of around three hundred billion, a revenue stream probably of around ten billion dollars a year. See revenue estimates.

The problem: Critical mass

These very exciting prospects have lured many businesses to attempt to provide such facilities, the best known being Mark Twain Bank. All have failed. In existing proposals I briefly review most of these proposals and their failure.

The key problem in introducing a medium of exchange to the internet is critical mass. You will not get sellers accepting your medium until you get lots of buyers offering your medium, and vice versa. Yet none of these businesses adopted a business model targeted at the critical mass problem. All acted as if they had a solution for which there was existing widespread demand, when this was not the case:

    One great error was to think that they were in the software business when in fact they were in the money issue business. Transaction software should be free and open source, because you want as many people to adopt it and incorporate it into their products as possible. The software is of no value if there is no critical mass, and if there is critical mass then the first and leading issuer is likely to have an overwhelming advantage even if it gives its software away, because most people will prefer to use the money issued by the oldest and biggest issuer. If a competitive issuer appears using the same software, then this creates the appearance of momentum, leads people to expect that critical mass is coming and encourages them to support the protocol, to use it, creates the bandwagon effect that you need. The existence of competitors also reassures merchants that they can use the protocol without becoming captives. If you have an existing market, competitors are a disadvantage. If you seek critical mass, if you seek to create a market, competitors are an advantage. You cannot be first unless there is someone else to be second. Once we get several competing businesses issuing transferable promises to pay or deliver (competing compatible digital monies) using the same protocol, then that protocol has enormously greater credibility, hence tends become a standard, tends to get built into web browsers, web servers, and preinstalled on $400 computers for the masses.
    The other great error was that they failed to target a niche market. You need to achieve critical mass in one small part, and once you have achieved critical mass in that small part, growth will follow naturally.

The initial niche market in which to first achieve critical mass: Pornography

The customers of pornographers want a payment mechanism that is payer anonymous and suited to small transactions. The merchants want a system that is irrevocable (which payee anonymity ensures) and suited for small transactions. The system I describe in Anonymous Electronic Cash provides payer/payee anonymity and can provide support for small transactions.

Customers do not like to subscribe, or use credit cards to subscribe, because the porn merchants tend to be scammers, and because they fear embarrassing stuff on their credit card bills. There have been famous events where interesting items on someone's credit card have come back to haunt him many years later.

Pornography merchants do not like credit cards because of very high chargebacks. A major problem with existing payment mechanisms is something porn sites call the gak factor. Husbands run up a credit-card bill at Suzy's Smut Shop, then go "gak" when their wives see the monthly statement. Most, of course, deny any knowledge of the nefarious charges. The wife then calls the bank that issued the card, reports the charge as bogus, and the bank cancels it. The porn site is out the price of the subscription and has to pay the bank a penalty fee for the charge-back.

Small transactions also mean easier sales: If you charge someone a nickel or a quarter for a little bit of pornography, you can take advantage of the potato chip effect. It is easier to sell someone pornography by the quarter than by the subscription.

Pornography has always led the early adoption of new technologies. Pornography drove the deployment of the VCR and of CD-ROM drives. Just a few years ago, 65% of all CD-ROM's sold were pornographic.

Of course the pornography market is already an inconveniently large market, too large to easily establish critical mass. We shall start by targeting a niche within the niche, some unusual and unpopular sexual preference.
The plan

First we create the minimum system that will allow one person to pay another through the internet with payer/payee untraceability. This has capability has never existed. (Magic money never provided any usable redemption system.)

This requires a server from which anyone could purchase coins without human intervention, and which could exchange or redeem coins without human intervention.

Because we want a server that is always up, and provides the swift long distance response that the internet is designed for, the client program would talk HTTP to the server when one purchases, exchanges, or redeems coins.

Redemption is the hard part since we need to pay people over the internet and paying people money over the internet is precisely the problem that we seek to solve.

We could use the existing e-gold mechanism, allowing people to purchase e-gold with the coins, or we could allow them to spend the coins to direct the server to send a conventional check through the banking system, having the server pretend to be a human client of one of the many banks that allow you to log on through the internet, and direct them to send a paper check to someone. Convertibility into e-gold would be the least work, and would provide the fast response that people expect for redemption. E-gold is not widely acceptable, but this is after all only intended to be a working prototype, a basis for an internet standard, and people do have faith in gold.

For the product to be useful and widely adopted we will eventually need to provide an interface to the banking system, a way to purchase bank instruments with electronic coins, or rather several interfaces, taking advantage of several regulatory jurisdictions, but we will not need this for the initial task, which is to establish a brand identity. The long run objective is to give away the software, and make money off the brand.

The likely early adopters are sellers of bootleg mp3s and purchasers of illegal porn. This deployment is unlikely to generate any significant income. This initial step is merely to prove concepts, generate publicity, and establish a brand name.

The brand name will be applied to a number of later products, with tokens that represent various kinds of value, and servers in various jurisdictions. By using a brand name that has been around for a while, this will give users confidence that we will not take their money and run, as some purporting to offer internet transaction services have done.

This initial project will merely enable individuals to manually transfer money from one individual to another through any transfer of text, among them email, icq and hotline. Hotline is analogous to ftp plus chat. Many hotline users have a considerable need for some payee anonymous form of payment, particularly those who run hotline servers.

To be useful, to be a product capable of generating income, we need to create software that allows servers to sell downloads for cash, and allows people to purchase downloads from their browser. So the next step is to create such software. (Later, much later, we will also support shopping carts but that will put us in direct competition with Visa and Mastercard, which is not a good place to start.)

We know from the experience of those that have done this before that merely creating the tools and offering them will not be enough. After creating the necessary tools, we will need to go out and artificially create critical mass within some narrow specialty. No one could create critical mass on the internet as a whole, or even in the pornography industry as a whole, however it should be feasible to create critical mass within a portion of the industry specializing in serving some narrow, unusual, and repugnant sexual preference.

If we create tools that make it reasonably easy and convenient to sell information using our protocol and we make these tools freely available for anyone to use without need for our knowledge or permission and we achieve critical mass within some narrow and particular market, then things should avalanche. We should in due course see world wide adoption of our standard, resulting in world domination for those financial transaction products which have the earliest and strongest brand name association with that protocol.

Once the bandwagon is rolling, and we have critical mass within a large and rapidly growing portion of the internet economy, then we IPO the brand (having already given away the software, without which the brand would be worthless) and retire rich.

Title: Re: The release of Satoshi's personal data
Post by: Phinnaeus Gage on January 29, 2019, 05:59:23 PM
dt, here's the links to the non-download version and its archive counterpart:

Interesting find, bud, hence the rewardment of 1 sM.

Title: Re: The release of Satoshi's personal data
Post by: doublespend timestamp on January 30, 2019, 05:27:20 AM
Thank You.  That was unexpected.

Here are three examples of James using the term "bandwagon", the first being from 2007:

Five usages "pornography":

Title: Re: The release of Satoshi's personal data
Post by: nutildah on January 30, 2019, 06:17:04 AM
Not proof, not evidence, not convinced.

Title: Re: The release of Satoshi's personal data
Post by: solopay669 on January 30, 2019, 09:26:11 AM
and where do you get this data from, just wondering how people find everything, where are these sources of information, and is it not spam? how can we believe?

Title: Re: The release of Satoshi's personal data
Post by: harrison partch on January 30, 2019, 02:56:07 PM
The point of DT's assertions is not that you believe. I am not sure what the point is but rest assured you are not the target. JAB and DT may or may not be in communication now; either way, the motivation is a mystery. Falsely doxxing people as imaginary bitcoin whales is a new trope, I guess. Perhaps the kids are doing it on Tik Tok. I wouldn't know.

Title: Re: The release of Satoshi's personal data
Post by: Phinnaeus Gage on January 30, 2019, 10:02:13 PM
and where do you get this data from, just wondering how people find everything, where are these sources of information, and is it not spam? how can we believe?

To be fair, dt's not spamming/hawking any wares.

Title: Re: The release of Satoshi's personal data
Post by: franky1 on January 31, 2019, 05:03:40 AM
To be fair, dt's not spamming/hawking any wares.

i know that DT has some sexual motive to promote james. but i am glad DT hasnt gone as far as trying to hawk james under'wear'. i hope DT just drops the narative and doesnt start to put a price on james 'skiddies' like DT was trying to put a price on certain account usernames

Title: Re: The release of Satoshi's personal data
Post by: doublespend timestamp on January 31, 2019, 06:21:08 AM
This is normally the first go-to for self-exoticized crissed-tards, and even lingering jeebooist cultists.  Often they are southerners or midwesterners. That or 'you are obviously' a pedophile or meth addict.  They function a lot like the jews who run the SPLC.  But the moral signifyin jeebus crap that no human being had a valid moral system (even the Greeks) till the jews started ripping off other older cultures and telling fantastical whoppers as a control mechanism is usually in the mix with those of such high character.  Kind of like the Deep State depraved, entitled scum of old is the back-biting, scarce-resourced, flea-bitten Semitic middle eastern desert culture.
Kinda like Ted Bundy, or the Blind, Torture, Kill serial killing Kansan Lutheran deacon ,
 devout Christians.  Haitian adoptee 'Christian rapper' rapes comatose woman in his professional 'care':
The shock birth prompted authorities to test the DNA of all the men who worked at the care facility.

Sutherland, a devout Christian and father-of-four, was forced to submit his DNA sample under court order on Tuesday and the results showed he was a match to the baby.

...The 36-year-old is a Haitian orphan and devout Christian who regularly tours local churches to perform Christian rap songs in the group 'SLEEPLESSOULJAZ' alongside his sister.

Title: Re: The release of Satoshi's personal data
Post by: nutildah on January 31, 2019, 10:38:02 AM
So what's it like being one of a handful of people to make Wikipedia simply for their exhausting racism? It's not smart or productive but it is entertaining.

To be fair, dt's not spamming/hawking any wares.

Actually, so far he's plugged:

- a documentary
- an altcoin pump n dumped by John McAfee & fanbois

Title: Re: The release of Satoshi's personal data
Post by: doublespend timestamp on January 31, 2019, 11:58:01 AM
nutildah asked me:

So what's it like being one of a handful of people to make Wikipedia simply for their exhausting racism? It's not smart or productive but it is entertaining.

It's a great feeling to be free and able to tell the truth about reality, as well as to continue to share the
erudite politics of Satoshi Nakamoto which I arrived at even before meeting or hearing of him.  It's really not difficult to tell truth about reality, and a conundrum of 'freedom' and character almost no one can/will do it.  As Linder has said, we can tell we have freedom in this country when our 1,600 newspapers tend to  'independently' pretty much arrive at precisely the same conclusions almost every day.

We can also tell by the selective prosecutions of Roger Stone, Manafort, Cohen et. al. vs. the thoroughly corrupt selective non-prosecutions of criminals-- gay-faces-making Strzok, McCabe, Lurch Mueller (ADL and Uranium One delivery boy), the Clintons, Rosenstein and its FOIA-chokepointing wife, Wray, the exotic 'Soviet' fan shrew/Korean Ohrs, everyone associated with the Paki hack of the Democrats, Comey, Clapper, Brennan, Page, jewess Lerner, and so on and on.

Pelosi, and, I think, Schumer, visited Mexico City when the president who received over $100 million from the drug cartels was in office.  I think Pelosi, Schumer, and the Democrats have accepted hundreds of millions of dollars from the Mexican drug cartels.  Seventy-seven thousand Americans died last year from opioids and fentanyl.

By the way the manipulative Brews of the SPLC won't be writing about this, as they will not give the genius creativity, positivity and elan of bitcoin to Satoshi Nakamoto for his fellow white midwestern males to hold up as exemplar.

The SPLC Keeps a Countdown of America’s Dwindling White Population

See 36 year old antifa chosenite Joseph Alcoff, whose brother is a producer for Democracy Now.

Title: Re: The release of Satoshi's personal data
Post by: doublespend timestamp on January 31, 2019, 07:10:29 PM
Only 6 years and $10,000,000 later?  This site is quite a bit older than 6 years old, right?  You are citing, the lottery, then?

Or dice game, as the one I cited?  Will read parts of that long thread.

... There are only a few winners here, and, unless they lose it all, their impact going forward will be outsize.

They also remember who laughed at them and when.ata suggests that about 94 percent of the Bitcoin wealth is held by men, and some estimate that 95 percent of the wealth is held by 4 percent of the owners.

 .. Those closest to the technology are the most cautious. Pieter Wuille, 33, a Bitcoin core developer, kept his backpack on as he wandered the party. He’s part of the team working to develop the Bitcoin technology.

“The technology still needs time to evolve,” Mr. Wuille said. "This infusion of interest is bringing the wrong kind of attention. Some people believe Bitcoin can’t fail or this technology solves many more problems than it does. It can. And it does not.”

He said everyone is asking him whether to buy Bitcoin. “I tell them I have no idea,” he said. “I don’t know!”

Title: Re: The release of Satoshi's personal data
Post by: RuralDistubance on February 02, 2019, 12:56:04 AM
      it started off intriguing and interesting but then you lost me, your just rambling, copy and pasting and quite honestly your reaching and grasping at any hope that someone here will believe your story.   You understand your words are meaningless here DT?   Im embarrassed for you and anyone else who would come to this forum claiming to have received the 2nd bitcoin Tx ever, WITHOUT ANY PROOF!   You say your here to tell the truth, but your truth will always be only your truth because this forum will never believe you without proof.

I still own all my computers and hard drives from the early 2000s DT and you seem to have an excuse for everything, including why you don't have the private key.   If you want your truth to be this forums truth then shut up and get your ass on a plane to wherever you left your computer and prove what your saying.  I wont be responding to any of your reply's until you provide real evidence, until then, your just another person demanding you know who SN is.

I have a question for James if he is still here, I fear he fled for reasons that are clear.  

@jabowery  Hi James, you have already publicly denied being Satoshi Nakamoto and I believe the community acknowledges you made that statement, even though DT did not.    

Do you remember sending 10 BTC to Craig around the date of January 12th 2009, as he claims?  

Title: Re: The release of Satoshi's personal data
Post by: doublespend timestamp on February 02, 2019, 02:58:08 PM
Satoshi Bowery pointedly made no reference to the ten bitcoins he sent me, except to state he could see why Satoshi sent them to me-- basically, because of my cutting edge propaganda and my live-broadcasting social media vehicle.

I don't care if James admits it or not.  I know what happened and that my address was 1DUD...sfc...VW.  I know, James knows, and that's that.


Author   Topic: Im going to hack Insane Clown Posse's twitter.......  (Read 99 times)

Activity: 20
Merit: 0

View Profile  Personal Message (Offline)

Here is another anecdote.  In April of 2013, prior to Leith (Aug. 2013) an obese Grant county young deputy confronted me in the Elgin, ND library-- for about 2 1/2 hours.  (He was subsequently fired months later-- I think because of some malfeasances).  This stupid fat cop told me he knew how I think, cause he used to work in a tattoo parlor (I have ZERO tattoos...James and I laughed at this!)...and that he was adopted and raised by a Mexican woman in eastern Montana.  Anyway, he grilled me, quite possibly at the behest of SLATT,ADL, or SPLC.  I called James right afterward (bitcoin, coincidentally, had hit quite a sum by then)...and in relating it all, told him the deputy kept insisting I didn't have a driver's license, though my car was parked right outside the tiny Elgin library.  He asked me several times, without asking me-- to the best of my memory-- to produce it.  When I told James this, he said right away: "He's working from an old database"... that is, I realized, NOT in the official county, state or national bases, as, with the largest of those, my license would be indicated.  He also wanted to know if I had weapons-- and could thereby be provoked, if threatened, by the Jewish orgs' allies-- Standing Rock federal dependents society, antifa dope hounds etc.  

Anyway, James picked up on the old database matter instantly.  I did too-- the instant after he made it obvious to me by stating what had happened:  old database, i.e. NGO.  Deep State, I believe we know it as and call it today, six years later.

Im going to hack Insane Clown Posse's twitter.......
September 20, 2017, 03:20:31 AM   
Reply with quote  +Merit  #1
for the purpose of promoting Bitcoin to their 187,000 followers, this should be fun.  

Love me or hate me, I'm here now and I believe.


(Crazy?) Crypto Prediction: Bitcoin (BTC) To Fall To $1,100, Litecoin To $6


Legendary Investor Gary Shilling Won’t Invest in Bitcoin, Cites Satoshi Nakamoto’s Anonymity as an Issue
COLE PETERSEN | JANUARY 5, 2019 | 10:00 PM
In a recent interview with Business Insider, legendary investor and analyst, Gary Shilling, explained why he won’t be investing in Bitcoin anytime soon, calling it a “Black Box.”

Shilling’s comments are the latest in a long string of negative commentary from traditional investors regarding Bitcoin’s status as both a currency and an investment, with prominent investors like Warren Buffet and Charlie Munger all echoing similar sentiments.

The 2018 crypto market crash and persisting bear market certainly haven’t helped prove these nay-sayers wrong.

Shilling: Bitcoin is a “Black Box”
One of Shilling’s greatest complaints regarding Bitcoin is that the creator of it – Satoshi Nakamoto – is an anonymous figure, which Shilling feels creates a lack of transparency for the technology.

“I’m just very suspicious of things that are not very transparent… And if I can’t understand it, I don’t want to invest in it,” Shilling explained.

Furthermore, he also drew parallels between Bitcoin’s recent price performance and that of the South Sea Bubble, an infamous stock scam in the early 18th century where the South Sea Company’s stock skyrocketed on false claims, rumors, and speculative investments before crashing to zero.

According to Shilling, one such event that could send Bitcoin spiraling downwards would be the mysterious Satoshi Nakamoto, who reportedly owns 980,000 Bitcoins, selling his holdings.

2010 was almost a decade ago. Bitcoin had been around for a little over a year - many markets were still recovering from the effects of the crash of 2008. Financially, it was a year of recovery. For Bitcoin, it was a year of growth. It was the year when Laszlo Hanyecz bought two pizzas worth 10,000 BTC. It was the year when the price of Bitcoin hit $0.1 for the first time. However, it was also the year Bitcoin could have died.

 ... A hacker exploited this vulnerability in the Bitcoin code and generated 184.467 Billion Bitcoins using this. A massive number keeping in mind that only 21 Million Bitcoins could ever be in existence. These 184.467 Billion Bitcoins were then sent across to two Bitcoin wallet addresses. This incident was known as the Value Overflow Incident.

Bitcoin’s white knight came along to save the day. The anonymous creator of Bitcoin, Satoshi Nakamoto himself came to the rescue as he noticed this irregularity in the Bitcoin blockchain. Nakamoto created a code to fix this bug within three hours. Assisting Nakamoto was Gavin Anderson, one of the first Bitcoin developers from the early days of the technology. Together, the two were able to erase this transaction from the transaction log of the Bitcoin blockchain.

In 5 hours, a hard fork was carried out on the Bitcoin blockchain, bringing forth Bitcoin 0.3.1, which would ensure that such an incident can never take place. For a while, two versions of the Bitcoin blockchain existed: one that was the forked chain, fixed of all the bugs - and the other being the ‘bad’ blockchain where that bug existed. Satoshi alerted the miners to not mine the bad chain of the Bitcoin blockchain, ensuring the new blockchain becomes the dominant blockchain. ]/quote]

Title: Re: The release of Satoshi's personal data
Post by: doublespend timestamp on February 09, 2019, 12:12:19 AM
On Satoshi Bowery's You Tube channel, one can clearly see the stylized tracings of the bitcoin logo as a 'back-to-back' design on his channel logo.  The back-to-back 6 Bitcoin 'B' letters are, largest to smallest, in yellow, red and blue: :


Satoshi Nakamoto long ago recommended torrents as the mode to spread bitcoin.  Tron finally bought Bit Torrent (I believe the price was about $120 million) for the 100 million or so customers.

The largest dapp on Tron is   ... on which Fair Dice/Satoshi Dice-like dice, Moon (bustabit) and a wheel roulette game are played.  One can also stake Tron and win ante.  

Anyway, the original dice game was either James' idea or championed by him early on.  We talked of it a lot, as I've mentioned.  

Also, as I've said, White Nationalists were being heavily censored on the net, certainly from 2008 onward.  Torrents were widely perceived as the solution to the problem, at least by the brighter WN.  James and I, in late 2008, spoke of torrents extensively.  A lot.  Finally, Tron, with all their money via coding 'Mt. Gox' Jed McCaleb, Asian-wived bitcoin beach bum Satoshi Bowery's indirect creation, pounced on Bit Torrent per Satoshi Bowery's early chronicled recommendation.  Tron is gambling with 100 billion or so over-priced 2 penny tokens, but it's a start.


Maybe in my next post I'll talk about Satoshi Bowery's saying how the myth-making, movie-making, filming Jews were clogging up Vancouver's streets, cause they like the cheapness of costs there, but even more than that-- the relatively unsullied strains of Canadian Aryan DNA (e.g. Pamela Anderson et. al.) they could play with up there.

I thought about making a meme of Gov. Northam's KKK/blackface yearbook pic, and calling it 'bitcoin, most racist crypto on the planet', but you guys might consider that fud, lulz.  Did you see this one?

Bitcoin and Satoshi will continue to yield enormous boosts to White Nationalism and our Precious Minority on The Teeming Dark Planet!  
Hail bitcoin!  Take note, international journalists, for the blockbusting story of your career.  James is not, as he himself claimed in this thread, a 'social pariah'.  Rather, he is in deed and in fact the elusively mythical, much-admired Satoshi Nakamoto, true creator of bitcoin.  Put that in your weed pipes and smoke it.

Title: Re: The release of Satoshi's personal data
Post by: Phinnaeus Gage on February 09, 2019, 05:13:35 PM
On Satoshi Bowery's You Tube channel, one can clearly see the stylized tracings of the bitcoin logo as a 'back-to-back' design on his channel logo.  The back-to-back 6 Bitcoin 'B' letters are, largest to smallest, in yellow, red and blue: :


Satoshi Nakamoto long ago recommended torrents as the mode to spread bitcoin.  Tron finally bought Bit Torrent (I believe the price was about $120 million) for the 100 million or so customers.

The largest dapp on Tron is   ... on which Fair Dice/Satoshi Dice-like dice, Moon (bustabit) and a wheel roulette game are played.  One can also stake Tron and win ante.  

Anyway, the original dice game was either James' idea or championed by him early on.  We talked of it a lot, as I've mentioned.  

Also, as I've said, White Nationalists were being heavily censored on the net, certainly from 2008 onward.  Torrents were widely perceived as the solution to the problem, at least by the brighter WN.  James and I, in late 2008, spoke of torrents extensively.  A lot.  Finally, Tron, with all their money via coding 'Mt. Gox' Jed McCaleb, Asian-wived bitcoin beach bum Satoshi Bowery's indirect creation, pounced on Bit Torrent per Satoshi Bowery's early chronicled recommendation.  Tron is gambling with 100 billion or so over-priced 2 penny tokens, but it's a start.


Maybe in my next post I'll talk about Satoshi Bowery's saying how the myth-making, movie-making, filming Jews were clogging up Vancouver's streets, cause they like the cheapness of costs there, but even more than that-- the relatively unsullied strains of Canadian Aryan DNA (e.g. Pamela Anderson et. al.) they could play with up there.

I thought about making a meme of Gov. Northam's KKK/blackface yearbook pic, and call it 'bitcoin, most racist crypto on the planet', but you guys might consider that fud, lulz.  Did you see this one?

Bitcoin and Satoshi will continue to yield enormous boosts to White Nationalism and our Precious Minority on The Teeming Dark Planet!  
Hail bitcoin!  Take note, international journalists, for the blockbusting story of your career.  James is not, as he himself claimed in this thread, a 'social pariah'.  Rather, he is in deed and in fact the elusively mythical, much-admired Satoshi Nakamoto, true creator of bitcoin.  Put that in your weed pipes and smoke it.

Of which would beg the question: Does Northam Bitcoinwalk?

Title: Re: The release of Satoshi's personal data
Post by: Crypto Girl on February 10, 2019, 08:33:39 AM
Thanks.  A very enjoyable thread.

Satoshi Nakamoto, the founder of this forum, is super C++ coder, James Allen Bowery, 64, of Shenandoah, Iowa.

He used to work for Control Data Corporation which morphed into [Robert] Cray [Supercomputers].  He has been programming since 1972.

I hope this helps.

Most enjoyable post I've seen in existence on here.
Thanks for the laugh! :D
NAh. if it was that person did he make a public appearance and confirming this claim? I am not believing unless one will make a public appearance and confirm the identity. FOr sure, it will become a great rally for bitcoin market price knowing the founder has already been identified to which it could build up confidence among the investors of bitcoin.
I don't think that will be the scenario, that if Nakamoto revealed his identity then people will trust it more. I really see people are contented the way bitcoin had known and don't care who's really Nakamoto. All they're after is reaching again new ATH that of course will give thrm of course a good return.

Really don't know what's with the OP for creating this unless his making a hype or thinking we're all fool here.  :o

Title: Re: The release of Satoshi's personal data
Post by: Phinnaeus Gage on February 10, 2019, 06:30:56 PM
Bitcoin and Satoshi will continue to yield enormous boosts to White Nationalism and our Precious Minority on The Teeming Dark Planet!  

You're a complete Assss. With a capital "a" and extra s's. Good thing after months of posting this drivel not one person has yet to take you seriously. Simply repeating an un-evidenced claim over and over and over doesn't make it true.
"I know more about crypto and the blockchain thingy than anyone including Satoshi."

Reference for humor:

Title: Re: The release of Satoshi's personal data
Post by: harrison partch on February 10, 2019, 06:51:35 PM
Obviously it serves a purpose. I cannot guess what the purpose is, though. But "DT" had a reason to start this thread and continue it. That is certain.

Title: Re: The release of Satoshi's personal data
Post by: nutildah on February 11, 2019, 05:36:38 AM
Obviously it serves a purpose. I cannot guess what the purpose is, though. But "DT" had a reason to start this thread and continue it. That is certain.

He wants to diminish his already rock bottom reputation in ways previously unexplored?
"I know more about crypto and the blockchain thingy than anyone including Satoshi."

He makes the best blockchains.

Title: Re: The release of Satoshi's personal data
Post by: Phinnaeus Gage on February 11, 2019, 05:53:56 PM
Obviously it serves a purpose. I cannot guess what the purpose is, though. But "DT" had a reason to start this thread and continue it. That is certain.

He wants to diminish his already rock bottom reputation in ways previously unexplored?
"I know more about crypto and the blockchain thingy than anyone including Satoshi."

He makes the best blockchains.

... and blockchain-linked fences ...

WallCoin (WALL) is now ranked forth according to my quasi-Photoshop prowess CoinMarketCap ...

Title: Re: The release of Satoshi's personal data
Post by: Phinnaeus Gage on February 11, 2019, 07:18:13 PM
Lock the thread! The real Satoshi just announced who he is: (

Title: Re: The release of Satoshi's personal data
Post by: nutildah on February 11, 2019, 07:27:52 PM

WallCoin (WALL) is now ranked forth according to my quasi-Photoshop prowess CoinMarketCap ...

Title: Re: The release of Satoshi's personal data
Post by: RuralDistubance on February 11, 2019, 09:52:06 PM
Hahaha,  oh man, you guys really turned this thread around!   :D

Title: Re: The release of Satoshi's personal data
Post by: kxz1498 on February 11, 2019, 10:45:32 PM
No one is gonna know the real Satoshi.

Title: Re: Re: The release of Satoshi's personal data
Post by: xWolfx on February 11, 2019, 10:51:38 PM
Who says satoshi even has any bitcoins. I like to think he doesn't have any

To be perfectly and completely honest. A man like that who makes something for humanity's future was extremely smart in a lot of many different ways.

I'm pretty sure that he had a certain amount and he probably increased that amount accordingly in certain periods of time like the halvings or in key moments at the beginning. Why? Because he of course knew that holding is the way to truly ensure Bitcoin's survivability while mass adoption comes to exist.

If he is dead then there you have another mystery about a lost and hidden treasure. We need to continue with that mission.

If not, i have no idea what he is doing right now.

Title: Re: The release of Satoshi's personal data
Post by: doublespend timestamp on February 12, 2019, 06:51:24 PM
The Expropriation Condition For a Single Tax On Wealth
Perhaps the greatest fear of a wealth tax, more accurately called a tax on liquid value of net assets, is that it would expropriate liquidation value.
 To calculate the level of expropriation it is helpful to assume a single tax on wealth and then measure the difference in liquidation value. This can be done by subtracting the owner's original value under activity (income) taxation, from the prospective buyer's value under asset (wealth) taxation:

\[\frac{  \mathit{buyer\_ income}-\mathit{buyer\_ expense}}{\log{\left( \mathit{buyer\_ interest\_ rate}+\mathit{asset\_ tax\_ rate}+1\right) }}-\frac{\left( 1-\mathit{income\_ tax\_ rate}\right)  \left( \mathit{owner\_ income}-\mathit{owner\_ expense}\right) }{\log{\left( \mathit{owner\_ interest\_ rate}+1\right) }}\]

income_tax_rate = the aggregate tax rate on economic activities, such as income, capital gains, value added, etc.
asset_tax_rate = the net asset tax rate (on liquid value)
owner_income = the owner's expected gross periodic income from the asset
buyer_income = the buyer's expected gross periodic income from the asset
owner_expense = the owner's expected periodic expenditure on the asset
buyer_expense = the buyer's expected periodic expenditure on the asset
owner_interest_rate = the periodic interest rate paid by the owner in borrowing to purchase the asset
buyer_interest_rate = the periodic interest rate paid by the buyer in borrowing to purchase the asset

The more negative this difference goes, the greater the expropriation of liquid value.

It is important to note that the above formula assumes the buyer does not enjoy a standard deduction -- for example a homestead deduction as normally protected under Chapter 7 bankruptcy.  Such a deduction is an ordinary feature of wealth tax proposals and would frequently come into play in a change to single tax on wealth as tenants  purchase their residences from landlords.

The derivation follows:

\[\tag{profit_stream}\frac{\left( \mathit{income}-\mathit{expense}\right) \, \left( 1-\mathit{income\_ tax\_ rate}\right) }{{{\left( \mathit{interest\_ rate}+\mathit{asset\_ tax\_ rate}+1\right) }^{t}}}\]

\[\tag{net_present_value}\frac{\left( \mathit{income}-\mathit{expense}\right) \, \left( 1-\mathit{income\_ tax\_ rate}\right) }{\log{\left( \mathit{interest\_ rate}+\mathit{asset\_ tax\_ rate}+1\right) }}\]

\[\tag{AT_ NPV}\frac{\mathit{income}-\mathit{expense}}{\log{\left( \mathit{interest\_ rate}+\mathit{asset\_ tax\_ rate}+1\right) }}\]

\[\tag{IT_ NPV}\frac{\left( \mathit{income}-\mathit{expense}\right) \, \left( 1-\mathit{income\_ tax\_ rate}\right) }{\log{\left( \mathit{interest\_ rate}+1\right) }}\]

\[\tag{Buyer_NPV}\frac{  \mathit{buyer\_ income}-\mathit{buyer\_ expense}}{\log{\left( \mathit{buyer\_ interest\_ rate}+\mathit{asset\_ tax\_ rate}+1\right) }}\]

\[\tag{Owner_NPV}\frac{\left( 1-\mathit{income\_ tax\_ rate}\right)  \left( \mathit{owner\_ income}-\mathit{owner\_ expense}\right) }{\log{\left( \mathit{owner\_ interest\_ rate}+1\right) }}\]

Posted 23 hours ago by Jim Bowery

Is James currently, in real time as we watch, actively and publicly considering liquidating a significant portion of his one million bitcoins with a sort of Ben Franklin close?

Balance sheet close: also called the Ben Franklin close, in which the salesperson and the prospect build together a pros-and-cons list of whether to buy the product, with the salesperson trying to ensure the pros list is longer than the cons.[1]


Later I will post emails over the past years in which I reference the 10 bitcoins James sent me on January 12th, 2009.  I also will publish emails between myself and my old 1976 friend Elizabeth Holmes (see the index of Walter Isaacson's #1 NYT best-selling Steve Jobs biography) re Jobs.

I may also have two hard drives, one from a Macbook and one from a Macbook Air, forensically brought back by data search.  I think it costs about $300 per drive.

Title: Re: The release of Satoshi's personal data
Post by: doublespend timestamp on February 12, 2019, 07:42:37 PM
James Bowery
4 hrs ·

In the event you had any questions about Craig Wright's credibility...

Blowhard nonsense on early bitcoin dedicated miner of whom lousy journalists are enamored, Faketoshi 'stolen valor' Craig Wright here:
... ‘But you can say, hand on heart, I am Satoshi Nakamoto?’
‘I was the main part of it. Other people helped. At the end of the day, none of this would
have happened without Dave Kleiman, without Hal Finney, and without those who took
over – like Gavin and Mike.’

 ... Something changed in Wright in those few minutes. With these direct questions about
Satoshi, his sense of himself – I don’t know how else to put it – had come unstuck and
he became noticeably uncomfortable.
He said that he wanted to make the point that
people should stop looking to him for answers.

 ... ‘Why does it matter, (like psycho compulsive liar Hillary, lulz -dt) other than that you need someone to attack, someone to deify. I mean, f’s (word edited -dt) sake.


The Elton John effect.  Unusual and highly festive family photo of the great Satoshi Nakamoto (on left in green shirt) with his beloved wife, Jan.

Photo taken just two weeks ago, Wed. Jan. 30th, 2019 in Iowa.


Perhaps he chose the name Satoshi because it can mean "wisdom" or "reason" and Nakamoto can mean "Central source". (" 'main' source" or " 'Iowa', central")

On the Wikipedia page for “Satoshi,” users can find that one of the possible writings in Japanese means “intelligence.”

A separate search for “Nakamoto” on shows that the name is Japanese for “central origin,” among other definitions. (Iowa? of which James is inordinately, by 2019 deracinated Kwa 'standards', proud and identified?)

Title: Re: The release of Satoshi's personal data
Post by: karloscimot on February 13, 2019, 12:25:44 AM
Why some of you people are so obsessed with Satoshi Nakamoto's real identity is beyond me. Just thank him/her/them for the creation of bitcoin, and let Satoshi enjoy his/her/their life in some extremely luxurious beach resort or something.
we all never know whether satoshi is someone's name, or the name of a team or the name of a secret body of a country. we don't know, but if we look at the function of the extraordinary work, all aim to change the currency around the world to be united into the single currency in the world. this can replace the dollar that has dominated world trade.
 this is an extraordinary step by saving a small economy, which is to avoid inflation that always happens every year, and to prevent America from using the dollar to control the world economy.
 something like this we have never realized. that bitcoin is the economic savior of the world.

Title: Re: The release of Satoshi's personal data
Post by: doublespend timestamp on February 13, 2019, 12:45:09 AM
On January 21, 2018, when bitcoin was much higher, in comment #72, James seems to maybe regret making mining difficulty progressively higher to the point ASIC's (application-specific integrated circuits) would dominate and China had become, as today, the largest bitcoin miner, by far, in the world.

I wonder alternatively if he designed it this way so governments, e.g. China and USA, would at some desperate point feel the need to 'machinery gear up as only they can' to participate in the bitcoin game, thus further and finally legitimizing bitcoin to the slow-to-catch-on numerical masses-- their subjects.  He had to see, via the particular mining algorithm used, GPUs would quickly pass CPU's and themselves be made obsolete by ASICs as the ledger got globally massive.  Seems to me that aspect of the plan didn't work out so well.

James Bowery says: • Website
January 21, 2018 at 10:53 pm GMT • 100 Words
The proof of work required for bitcoin is amenable to mass production of specialized “mining” hardware. This is the kind of thing that governments and other large institutions can manufacture as a military armament.

A better proof of work would require CPU computation and substantial RAM — which means people can use their personal computers to compete with the bureaucracies.

Title: Re: The release of Satoshi's personal data
Post by: OuterHeaven_ on February 13, 2019, 01:46:16 AM
Man, that's pretty horrible, now everyone knows where he is located, privacy is a must in this world. Seems like he has to move now.

Title: Re: The release of Satoshi's personal data
Post by: doublespend timestamp on February 13, 2019, 03:35:25 AM
Man, that's pretty horrible, now everyone knows where he is located, privacy is a must in this world. Seems like he has to move now.

James got me involved in bitcoins, as well as you, Feb. 10, 2019 signup, and everyone else on the board, albeit less personally or directly in almost all cases.  

There is nothing illegal or immoral in any statute or fairness sense whatsoever to state the city, town or ville of a person's or public personage's residence.  James is a public person who still to this day maintains a very high social media presence on a wide variety of controversial and topical subjects.  He is regularly extremely critical-- condemning, even, of dysfunctional, anti-reality, degenerate leftists such as Ocasio-Cortez and many others.  I generally support Steve King and President Trump as he does.  I totally agree with him on those matters:


James Bowery
February 7 at 11:17 AM ·
"Virtue signaling" is part of gang behavior. Gang warfare is deeply ingrained in human evolution going back to CHLCA, 6 million years ago, when gang warfare first appear in our lineage, according to E. O. Wilson's "The Social Conquest of Earth".

However, there is a far deeper evolutionary heritage: Individual integrity. Individual integrity goes back at least 600 million, years when male intrasexual selection gave rise to the Cambrian Explosion.

Title: Re: The release of Satoshi's personal data
Post by: Moiyah on February 13, 2019, 07:51:41 AM
So, Satoshi is only one person? And it is Amaure Sechet? Is he bragging some popularity here?? Or is this some kind of a joke? Suddenly admits that he is Satoshi Nakamoto after several years. Unbelievable really. Why now? I don't get it.

Title: Re: The release of Satoshi's personal data
Post by: nutildah on February 13, 2019, 11:26:24 AM
So, Satoshi is only one person? And it is Amaure Sechet? Is he bragging some popularity here?? Or is this some kind of a joke? Suddenly admits that he is Satoshi Nakamoto after several years. Unbelievable really. Why now? I don't get it.

Its a joke. Every time somebody claims to be Satoshi (or claims they know Satoshi), its always a joke, even if its not very funny or they don't know its a joke.

Title: Re: The release of Satoshi's personal data
Post by: doublespend timestamp on April 10, 2019, 09:27:57 PM
Jabowery said in reply to Matt...
Yes. I have to admit that although I was developing an 8086 OS on a Cyber 6600 emulator prior to first silicon precisely because I could foresee the network effect that destined Gates to be the world's richest man once he had sealed the deal with IBM, I underestimated the network effect of reserve currency until very recently. Bitcoin's primary advantage over USD as reserve currency or "network effect currency" (and there are multiple advantages) is that the supply is even more clearly limited than gold. Even gold is subject to some technical breakthrough in mining or transmutation.

I used to think that money had to have a backing of either reward upon redemption or withholding of punishment upon redemption (taxes). Now I've come to understand that so long as you can get wide enough adoption AND predictably limited supply, the network effect can do the work. The thing that has obscured this argument is the propaganda by fiat currency (punishment protection money) advocates who want their particular fiat currency to have all network effect behind it. They CLAIM that "Money's value is not intrinsic -- it is there simply because people believe it is there." What they leave out is the limited supply aspect of network effect money and their reason for that omission is so they can have an institution like the Federal Reserve control the supply.

The only questions in my mind about Bitcoin are:

1) Will the traffic-analysis vulnerability make it vulnerable to competition from a more sophisticated crypto currency; or will additional anonymizing technologies layerd on Bitcoin patch that vulnerability?

2) Will some sort of "wild card" cryptography technology come along that can break it ala quantum computers?

Reply Monday, 06 June 2011 at 04:42 PM

Title: Re: The release of Satoshi's personal data
Post by: harrison partch on November 20, 2019, 10:22:03 PM
I wonder whether or not "THEY" were responsible for my doxxing in this thread.

Title: Re: The release of Satoshi's personal data
Post by: finaleshot2016 on November 20, 2019, 11:47:46 PM
So, Satoshi is only one person? And it is Amaure Sechet? Is he bragging some popularity here?? Or is this some kind of a joke? Suddenly admits that he is Satoshi Nakamoto after several years. Unbelievable really. Why now? I don't get it.

Its a joke. Every time somebody claims to be Satoshi (or claims they know Satoshi), its always a joke, even if its not very funny or they don't know its a joke.
Yes, I'm just thinking that satoshi is already on his own and he's happy for the success of bitcoin. It's very risky to the part that when you reveal yourself to the public. Many people will target you especially the government because you're holding the rest of the bitcoin. For those future claimants of being satoshi, you'll be always a joke for me.

Title: Re: The release of Satoshi's personal data
Post by: doublespend timestamp on January 18, 2020, 10:44:33 PM
I wanted to mention Satoshi Bowery told me, in late 2008, his sweeping and entirely accurate vision of multiple exchanges and cryptocurrencies which would manifest, and that BTC (then called something like 'the first crypto' or 'electroneum'-- James' Satoshi ruse on me) would likely reach $1,000,000 , $2,000,000 or even $10,000,000 per coin.  

I suppose maybe Satoshi Bowery and the next half dozen or so Cpt. Ahab-obsessed  whalemen are waiting around to become the wealthiest men in the history of the planet.  They may well achieve that end.  That or just panicked-hiding from the IRS, or a combination thereof. They have that right.

Title: Re: The release of Satoshi's personal data
Post by: @server123 on October 17, 2020, 11:25:14 PM
I wanted to mention Satoshi Bowery told me, in late 2008

Satoshi Bowery told you? :D

I've been reading through your posts and think its time to call you out on your flawed research and baseless assumptions.

Firstly, James A. Bowery is not James A. Donald, they are two VERY different people.  I know James Donald very well, though we are not friends or associates.  James Donald was not born in the US or Canada (as Wikipedia falsely claims) and he certainly has never lived in Iowa.
I know where he was born, his occupation, where he resides and can tell you with absolute certainty he is NOT James Bowery. So you are dead wrong on that assumption.

Secondly, you have linked a few words from James Donald's old webpage (which you think is James Bowery's) with Satoshi's and hey presto its a match! That's not research, its called jumping to conclusions. FWIW: My own linguistic study (performed against 18 individuals and three suspected small groups) scored James Bowery very poorly, he was one of the lowest (and Craig Wright for that matter) and yes James Donald was included in the study also.

Thirdly, you have this 'recollection' that James Bowery sent you early coins, told you how Bitcoin works and therefore he is Satoshi.
Since James Bowery has categorically denied sending you early coins and you've been unable to provide any proof so I guess we only have your word on that.

Even if you nailed Satoshi's identity (and you haven't) doxing Satoshi is a highly irresponsible act.
There's a good reason why 'Satoshi' needed to be anonymous, and why he/they need to remain anon.

I really disapprove of what you have done here, its a low act to dox anyone. If they were a threat to society or a charlatan, like Craig Wright then I'd applaud you. But James Bowery is not your 'Satoshi' and you are barking up the wrong tree at James' expense, I can only imagine you have done this to draw attention to yourself.

Title: Re: The release of Satoshi's personal data
Post by: vania vin on October 18, 2020, 08:43:27 AM
Satoshi Nakamoto is the creator of bitcoin, until now the identity of Satoshi Nakamoto is unknown and is a mystery.
many make assumptions about satoshi but there is no real proof yet.

Title: Re: The release of Satoshi's personal data
Post by: rodskee on October 18, 2020, 09:38:47 AM
Satoshi Nakamoto is the creator of bitcoin, until now the identity of Satoshi Nakamoto is unknown and is a mystery.
many make assumptions about satoshi but there is no real proof yet.
Don't worry it will never happen,satoshi will remain as what we have known him now.
Mystery will remain and people will forever seek for His presence .
So, Satoshi is only one person? And it is Amaure Sechet? Is he bragging some popularity here?? Or is this some kind of a joke? Suddenly admits that he is Satoshi Nakamoto after several years. Unbelievable really. Why now? I don't get it.
i don't think so,i still believe in other theory that the creator of Bitcoin is a group of people and not single person.

Title: Re: The release of Satoshi's personal data
Post by: Lycan70 on October 18, 2020, 11:08:44 AM
Maybe "Satoshi Nakamoto" is not a single person. They might be a group of people who shares an idea of a decentralized currency and decided to hide their identity using a single persona. And it is an addition to the uniqueness and charm that only Bitcoin have.

Title: Re: The release of Satoshi's personal data
Post by: harrison partch on November 21, 2020, 03:41:02 PM
A group mind satoshi? Implausible. Secrets don't work that way.

Title: Re: The release of Satoshi's personal data
Post by: franch on November 26, 2020, 08:58:09 PM
To be honest, since I got here in cryptocurrency, I have to see a lot of people who want to reveal what Satoshi finds real but unfortunately I think he's dead.

Title: Re: The release of Satoshi's personal data
Post by: CarnagexD on November 26, 2020, 11:24:46 PM
Why make all the fuss just to reveal someone's private life? Can't we all just respect him for not being greey and showing u when bitciin is at its peak now eventhough he has all the right to since he *coughs* created it? Besides, what effects will his name be doing to the current bul run, to the market pf the future? Will there be a huge uptrend just because people have someone organic to trust? No is the answer to all that questions. Does it make sense to look for Satoshi then? No.