Bitcoin Forum

Local => India => Topic started by: Komodor on February 03, 2019, 07:38:01 PM

Title: Help translate into Hindi
Post by: Komodor on February 03, 2019, 07:38:01 PM
Hello everyone,

My name is Simon AKA Komodorpudel (I know, my name on Bitcointalk is Komodor, but that is a different story :) ) and I help manage the translation efforts for, the unofficial site of Bitcoin.

We are currently in need for people that help translate into Hindi and I was wondering if anyone here could support us.

You can find information on how to get started with translating here: (

Feel free to join or Telegram Group ( ( and introduce yourself!

All work is on a voluntary basis, but people who translated during the last few months were contacted so they could be paid some bitcoin for their efforts, and we plan to offer more of these opportunities in the future!

Thank you very much for your time! If you have any questions, do not hesitate to ask them here or by writing me on Telegram (Username: “@Komodorpudel”).

Best regards,


EDIT: Updated Telegram Links

Disclaimer to address stuff discussed in later replies: I am aware that Hindi is not the official language of India. Due to the process of how I prepared the posts for the different language parts of bitcointalk, I kind of missed out on adjusting the post properly for the Indian area; If anyone is interested in translating in any other language than Hindi, they can of course do so :)

Title: Re: Help translate into Hindi
Post by: amishmanish on February 19, 2019, 05:05:38 PM
Thanks for sharing this Komodor. Much appreciated. I have joined and looking forward to contributing towards the translation work. Looks like there is a lot to go around.

Title: Re: Help translate into Hindi
Post by: legendster on February 21, 2019, 04:01:23 PM
...translate into Hindi ..

Why just hindi?

Why not : Bengali, Gujrati, Malaylam, Tamil, Kannada, Koshur, Assamese, Meitei & Kukichin (Manipuri), Lushai (Mizo), Nagamese and a host of Arunachal Languages like - Mongpa, Adi, Apatani, Nishi, Nocte.. ?
Are these people less Indian ?

The answer to this question was solved in consensus while crafting the Indian constitution and naming ENGLISH AS THE OFFICIAL language.

Any translation to Hindi is useless especially (and perhaps only) when considering anything related to cryptocurrency.
Read : Project Translations in Hindi are a waste of money! (

Title: Re: Help translate into Hindi
Post by: ragavancoin on February 23, 2019, 06:30:08 PM
Relay good what you are doing the full site will be translate to hindi it will be help so many Indian to understated what is bitcoin in our own language and hindi is our national language it shout know all over Indian peoples in different states.

Title: Re: Help translate into Hindi
Post by: PryptoMontreal on February 24, 2019, 10:41:10 AM
I am working as a translator for a website these days and am quite experienced. Thanks for sharing this, I've joined the telegram and looking forward to help the community with whatever I can!

Edit :- Invite link is expired  ???

Title: Re: Help translate into Hindi
Post by: amishmanish on February 25, 2019, 04:57:48 PM
...translate into Hindi ..

Why just hindi?

Why not : Bengali, Gujrati, Malaylam, Tamil, Kannada, Koshur, Assamese, Meitei & Kukichin (Manipuri), Lushai (Mizo), Nagamese and a host of Arunachal Languages like - Mongpa, Adi, Apatani, Nishi, Nocte.. ?
Are these people less Indian ?

You really are over-doing the Hindi bashing here. Its quite unnecessary. Did you even care to check before posting this response about "Why just Hindi?"

I am no staunch Hindi-supremacist because it makes no sense. Yet i find it quite unbecoming of people to question anything and everything Hindi related just because they view it as some sort of external menace. Please visit this page:
You can check and find Marathi, Tamil, Bengali and a host of other Indian languages under the translation projects.

And to answer you; No, none of those people are any less Indian. Being Indian is not defined by any language but this linguistic rhetoric is quite unnecessary. I agree on your previous link that the Whitepaper translations are a waste. Yet, Hindi is indeed a language that has its footprints all over our country and is one of the recognizable, marketable aspects of our country. All languages should be respected, including, much to a lot of people's chagrin, Hindi.

Title: Re: Help translate into Hindi
Post by: legendster on March 04, 2019, 02:04:03 PM
...translate into Hindi ..

Why just hindi?

Why not : Bengali, Gujrati, Malaylam, Tamil, Kannada, Koshur, Assamese, Meitei & Kukichin (Manipuri), Lushai (Mizo), Nagamese and a host of Arunachal Languages like - Mongpa, Adi, Apatani, Nishi, Nocte.. ?
Are these people less Indian ?

You really are over-doing the Hindi bashing here....

Did you even care to check ....

Yet i find it quite unbecoming of people ...
they view it as some sort of external menace...

Problem : I can't read English.

PreExisting Conditions : I can already use a cellphone / pc / laptop where everything is in English.


Seriously, just to protect your feet from getting dirty, do you need to cover the entire world with leather? or just cover your feet?

Localization of content leads to segregation - something I fundamentally oppose. Always.

And to answer you; No, none of those people are any less Indian. Being Indian is not defined by any language but...

but how then transcribing a content to Hindi makes it consumable to the rest of the country that cannot distinguish between bari E and chhoti e ?

Title: Re: Help translate into Hindi
Post by: Greendays on March 05, 2019, 05:16:43 AM
I can help you in this regards.

Title: Re: Help translate into Hindi
Post by: amishmanish on March 25, 2019, 05:20:01 AM

Problem : I can't read English.

PreExisting Conditions : I can already use a cellphone / pc / laptop where everything is in English.


Seriously, just to protect your feet from getting dirty, do you need to cover the entire world with leather? or just cover your feet?

Localization of content leads to segregation - something I fundamentally oppose. Always.

You really just restated your original thought without acknowledging that you were unnecessarily raising an issue AGAINST Hindi particularly. Annnd you changed the goalpost claiming this "fundamental opposition to localization of content because it leads to segregation". Phew..Can't argue with an opinion now..But Helloo, What happened to "Unity in Diversity" and all that shit??

And to answer you; No, none of those people are any less Indian. Being Indian is not defined by any language but...

but how then transcribing a content to Hindi makes it consumable to the rest of the country that cannot distinguish between bari E and chhoti e ?
You are just ignoring that the translation project isn't just for Hindi but a lot of other Indian does make it consumable for the rest of the country too..
Also, Do you realize that you are questioning the usefulness of what someone may just do voluntarily? Someone may find a Hindi/ Bengali/ Oriya/ Tamil translation useful. If I can do it and have the time to do it, I'll gladly contribute and so will others..

You have to appreciate the fact that everyone may not be "fundamentally opposed to translation"...LOL..;)

Title: Re: Help translate into Hindi
Post by: JSRAW on March 29, 2019, 04:19:38 AM
Relay good what you are doing the full site will be translate to hindi it will be help so many Indian to understated what is bitcoin in our own language and hindi is our national language it shout know all over Indian peoples in different states.

Bro, India doesn't have any national language per se. We have 2 official languages English and Hindi at the national level(spoken and understood by approx 500M) and every state is free to choose their official language.

India has 22 official languages.

Title: Re: Help translate into Hindi
Post by: legendster on March 31, 2019, 04:57:15 PM
You have to appreciate the fact ..

I don't have time to appreciate bullshit.

What kind of bullshit you ask?

Relay good what you are doing the full site will be translate to hindi it will be help so many Indian to understated what is bitcoin in our own language and hindi is our national language it shout know all over Indian peoples in different states.

That kind of bullshit.

Our countrymen are not mentally matured to understand the nuances of this translation to hindi fad.

For countries like France, South korea, Japan it makes sense to translate to local languages because their local language is pushed as the official language with very little to no counter effects of using English.
But in our country, the reason English is pushed as an official language is primarily because localized languages promote fascism - something that BJP and RSS are already doing too much. We (I) don't want to see more such drama.

Title: Re: Help translate into Hindi
Post by: amishmanish on April 02, 2019, 06:44:46 AM
Our countrymen are not mentally matured to understand the nuances of this translation to hindi fad.

But in our country, the reason English is pushed as an official language is primarily because localized languages promote fascism - something that BJP and RSS are already doing too much. We (I) don't want to see more such drama.

LOL...You first blamed translation for segregation, now you blame it for Fascism..!! I don't know where you read your Sociology and Political Science on this but the established facts are that Fascism promotes single languages while every liberal ideology supports a diversity of mother-tongues.

You maybe against Hindi but this project is a multi-lingual one. A point you keep ignoring to stick conveniently to your own thought process. This is a mark of the typical Indian Left-liberal with his slave mentality. Your own countrymen are mentally immature to you because they cannot write the Sahib's language well. If somebody tries to help them by translation then it becomes "Language localization==>Segregation==>Fascism" for you.

I get it that its your strong political opinion that makes you go against something as useful as translation. You speak as if translations do not benefit anybody. Its your flawed viewpoint. Just go to the Indonesian/ Filipino sections to see the activity that translation can generate.

And well, No use arguing it further anyways. You are welcome to keep opposing translations in the name of Fascism.. ??? ???

Title: Re: Help translate into Hindi
Post by: Komodor on June 14, 2019, 12:02:17 AM
Hello guys,

sorry that I never came back to reply. For some reason, I did not get any notification at all about replies to this thread even though I received notifications about replies to similar threads.

I wanted to thank anyone willing to help us out!

And I sincerely apologize if I offended anyone by only mentioning Hindi to be translated. Of course the website can be translated in any other language :) I edited the original post to address this.

Thank you all!

Best regards,


Title: Re: Help translate into Hindi
Post by: playboy654 on June 14, 2019, 05:22:44 AM
Hello guys,

sorry that I never came back to reply. For some reason, I did not get any notification at all about replies to this thread even though I received notifications about replies to similar threads.

I wanted to thank anyone willing to help us out!

And I sincerely apologize if I offended anyone by only mentioning Hindi to be translated. Of course the website can be translated in any other language :) I edited the original post to address this.

Thank you all!

Best regards,


You only get the notification for your replies when you click the notify option on that thread and you have to do at the every thread you want to get notifications.

Title: Re: Help translate into Hindi
Post by: saraschoudhary on June 14, 2019, 06:34:50 AM

Hi Simon. Great initiative. I would like to render my support for the initiative. Though, I am not so sure about the time that I can allocate to the project but will be willing to help in whatever capacity I can. I have joined the group on telegram.

Also, I think Hindi is the place to start with and we can then follow up with other regional languages as well. Now, some moron can come crying but the fact remains that Hindi is the most widely spoken and accepted language in the country. If you plan to reach out the average person in India and make him understand what decentralization and Bitcoin is all about then Hindi is the way to start. People in India know about Bitcoin (courtesy the 20k boom) but all because of wrong reasons. Fraud, scam, getting rich quick and other such themes are generally associated with the technology. I think we can definitely make a dent in terms of making the people understand that blockchain is more than some getting rich quick scheme.  ;D ;D

Will be looking forward to working with you.  ;)

Title: Re: Help translate into Hindi
Post by: JSRAW on June 14, 2019, 10:41:52 AM

And I sincerely apologize if I offended anyone by only mentioning Hindi to be translated.

You don't need to apologize to anyone bro, and I am sure no one in the right mind would be offended here, all users just offering their point of views and they are entitled to their opinions — right or wrong its another debate.

As long as they are respectful and not attacking other users. Everything is good.

You are doing good work, keep doing that — best of luck.

Title: Re: Help translate into Hindi
Post by: hakka on June 15, 2019, 07:44:36 AM

And I sincerely apologize if I offended anyone by only mentioning Hindi to be translated.

You don't need to apologize to anyone bro, and I am sure no one in the right mind would be offended here, all users just offering their point of views and they are entitled to their opinions — right or wrong its another debate.

As long as they are respectful and not attacking other users. Everything is good.

You are doing good work, keep doing that — best of luck.

Yes, Komodor's effort has been great in our translation team.
If Hindi translation is finished adoptions or knowledges of Bitcoin in India will be improved in the long term.
Though there has been, that contents is old now. It will be renewed only by Hindi translators.
This is a progress of main page. I hope Hindi translation will be finished by nice volunteers :D

Title: Re: Help translate into Hindi
Post by: kabit9 on June 29, 2019, 05:49:55 PM
And I sincerely apologize if I offended anyone by only mentioning Hindi to be translated. Of course the website can be translated in any other language :) I edited the original post to address this.

No need for apologies, @legendster seems to have gone off the deep end lately, and his comments show nothing but immaturity. I certainly agree a Hindi translation for would be most useful to a majority of Indians interested in digital currencies.

India has over 150 officially recognized languages and 1000s of local dialects and smaller languages. Hindi IS the most commonly used language across the 1.2 billion people in India (no, it's not English).

Happy to contribute to the translation efforts!

Title: Re: Help translate into Hindi
Post by: legendster on June 29, 2019, 08:13:01 PM
No need for apologies, @legendster seems to have gone off the deep end lately, and his comments show nothing but immaturity. I certainly agree a Hindi translation for would be most useful to a majority of Indians interested in digital currencies.

Oh really? Is this because I did not entertain your useless post on my self-mod thread? And just because you traded with me does not mean you actually know me or something. I've always had an anti-hindi  / anti-single-language-for-India stance.

And I do not need your justification or approval to have that.

India has over 150 officially recognized languages and 1000s of local dialects and smaller languages. Hindi IS the most commonly used language across the 1.2 billion people in India (no, it's not English).

Happy to contribute to the translation efforts!

Not facts. Just what you believe. Check facts first. Link :

And I sincerely apologize if I offended anyone by only mentioning Hindi to be translated. Of course, the website can be translated in any other language :) I edited the original post to address this.

You do not need to apologize. There is nothing wrong in what you have said, you thought India had one language, and that is the prevailing mindset - that needs to change. Not just in India but for outsiders as well.

Title: Re: Help translate into Hindi
Post by: kabit9 on June 30, 2019, 08:04:57 PM
Oh really? Is this because I did not entertain your useless post on my self-mod thread? And just because you traded with me does not mean you actually know me or something. I've always had an anti-hindi  / anti-single-language-for-India stance.

And I do not need your justification or approval to have that.
Useless post?! ;D  My post was simply pointing out the utterly useless garbage you posted as "fact based news" to rack up posts for your signature campaign promoting newbies to join a well known shady russian exchange. For reference the thread in question is  Very few articles in the thread have to do with official information about legality in India, unlike the misleading title of the thread. The India forum already has multiple threads on this issue, but hey, we got a signature campaign to promote!

Please don't flatter yourself, just because I traded with you a few times, doesn't mean I want to do much else with you or even trade with you again. As for your stance on languages, you can have a stance of liking big black shlongs and its just fine and absolutely no approval is needed. When you start to spew it out on public forums, thats when other forum members step in...

Not facts. Just what you believe. Check facts first. Link :
Again, a totally useless link (from 2001 nonetheless  :D ) posted by you.  Please do some reasearch before spewing out nonsense.
Here's something to get you started -

Title: Re: Help translate into Hindi
Post by: legendster on July 07, 2019, 05:20:41 PM

Again, a totally useless link (from 2001 nonetheless  :D ) posted by you.  Please do some reasearch before spewing out nonsense.
Here's something to get you started -

You are the kind of butthurt troll that calls the census count of the government useless. Dude it doesnt happen according to the whims of idiots like you. It happens periodically on a scheduled timescale.

edit -

Since you have decided troll at every thread I create. Let me post this here.

Expecting my reply to be deleted, but not before legendster reads it - YOU ARE A REAL CUNT FOR POSTING BULLSHIT TO RACK UP SIG POSTS!

My signature does not pay to post in off topic you dickheaded cunt wanker.

And since you are so butthurt about me deleting your fucking useless posts on my self mod thread, let me just create an aggregation of your high quality posts here.

bullshit, didn't get anything.


You could have also gone for this -

username: windice4000

Fine, go ahead and PM.  ::)

Bitcointalk Username: kabit9
BTC Address for payouts: 323WBY9afbmchAR6zPcBmF4T8DCF6UWKd2

Bitcointalk Username: kabit9
BTC Address for payouts: 323WBY9afbmchAR6zPcBmF4T8DCF6UWKd2

Willing to review, thanks.


Go with localbitcoins and choose to trade with guys with positive feedback.

Curious to hear how you lost money with Coinsecure?

Wow, you developed the Koinex bot just in time -

This would also serve grounds for anyone to tag you as a shit poster.

Title: Re: Help translate into Hindi
Post by: kabit9 on July 11, 2019, 11:15:36 AM
Before those pills make you run off and delete your previous post, I've quoted it:

Again, a totally useless link (from 2001 nonetheless  :D ) posted by you.  Please do some reasearch before spewing out nonsense.
Here's something to get you started -

You are the kind of butthurt troll that calls the census count of the government useless. Dude it doesnt happen according to the whims of idiots like you. It happens periodically on a scheduled timescale.

edit -

Since you have decided troll at every thread I create. Let me post this here.

Expecting my reply to be deleted, but not before legendster reads it - YOU ARE A REAL CUNT FOR POSTING BULLSHIT TO RACK UP SIG POSTS!

My signature does not pay to post in off topic you dickheaded cunt wanker.

And since you are so butthurt about me deleting your fucking useless posts on my self mod thread, let me just create an aggregation of your high quality posts here.

bullshit, didn't get anything.


You could have also gone for this -

username: windice4000

Fine, go ahead and PM.  ::)

Bitcointalk Username: kabit9
BTC Address for payouts: 323WBY9afbmchAR6zPcBmF4T8DCF6UWKd2

Bitcointalk Username: kabit9
BTC Address for payouts: 323WBY9afbmchAR6zPcBmF4T8DCF6UWKd2

Willing to review, thanks.


Go with localbitcoins and choose to trade with guys with positive feedback.

Curious to hear how you lost money with Coinsecure?

Wow, you developed the Koinex bot just in time -

This would also serve grounds for anyone to tag you as a shit poster.

Now let's get down to brass tax, I really was trying to save myself from stooping to your level, and hoped that after deleting my posts, you'd let it rest there, but I forgot about those meds you are taking. Lets have a look at your superb reputation then, you sweaty foul-smelling black monkey's ballsac covered in greying pubes:

EXHIBIT A: Bragging about misleading investors to the tune of $575m in an exit scam project, and feeling tickled by getting "a good feeling to be mentioned" in an article where the headline states A Wannabe Netflix Raised $575 million On Ethereum Then Ditched Crypto. Talk about a sane and grounded individual!  ;D

I was recently interviewed and mentioned in an article on Coindesk by Leigh Cuen about my involvement with TaTaTu.

Sad that TaTaTu isn't focusing on being everything that they were supposed to be. Still, it's a good feeling to be mentioned there.

EXHIBIT B: Jumping from campaign to campaign and deleting my posts for pointing out a Sig campaign shit poster.
Btctalk name :  legendster
Link to profile :;u=93844;
Rank : HERO
Current post count : 4716+1
Fair Poker username : legendster

Wear appropriate signature / avatar - will change if accepted.

Applying pretty late here. Wish you the best though.

Username Name: legendster
Post count: 4757+1
Rank: Hero
Bitcoin address: 37Kt1JCffiNLfgnAvow5CrnGRePFD3D3wQ

Will change avatar and signature if accepted.

EXHIBIT C:  Example of a post containing extremely valuable information not at all related to racking up post counts for any sig campaigns.
^ This dude is stupid. But he is consistently stupid. And I respect that. I wish he was consistently trying to better himself though.

I rest my case, and only went through a weeks post history, lol. Not 'butthurt' at all, however quite amused that your emotional levels are clearly going haywire. Once again, I'd check those meds and check that foul odour around you...  An occasional shower or atleast some deodrant would serve you nicely even though that pubic smell will probably stay.  I'd go on and eloquently lay on a few more thick irrecoverable layers of insults but then I’ll have to explain it to a monkey's ballsac afterwards so never mind.. ;D

Title: Re: Help translate into Hindi
Post by: legendster on July 12, 2019, 04:55:47 PM

Now let's get down to brass tax, I really was trying to save myself from stooping to your level, and hoped that after deleting my posts, you'd let it rest there, but I forgot about those meds you are taking. Lets have a look at your superb reputation then, you sweaty foul-smelling black monkey's ballsac covered in greying pubes:

EXHIBIT A: Bragging about misleading investors to the tune of $575m in an exit scam project, and feeling tickled by getting "a good feeling to be mentioned" in an article where the headline states A Wannabe Netflix Raised $575 million On Ethereum Then Ditched Crypto. Talk about a sane and grounded individual!  ;D

lol tried to pull that with a newbie account and now you're trying again? great.

So the CEO of a multi million dollar startup will consult a campaign manager as to what the company would do with the raised funds lol and by suggesting that I alone raised $575 million I am not sure if you are actually right in your head.

I create promotions. I promote. I am a promoter and a marketer. I do not control what the companies do with the money they raise and I have no control over it. Get it? No? Shove it up your ass and see if I care

And I must highlight this :
Sad that TaTaTu isn't focusing on being everything that they were supposed to be. Still, it's a good feeling to be mentioned there.

EXHIBIT B: Jumping from campaign to campaign and deleting my posts for pointing out a Sig campaign shit poster.
Btctalk name :  legendster
Link to profile :;u=93844;
Rank : HERO
Current post count : 4716+1
Fair Poker username : legendster

Wear appropriate signature / avatar - will change if accepted.

Applying pretty late here. Wish you the best though.

Username Name: legendster
Post count: 4757+1
Rank: Hero
Bitcoin address: 37Kt1JCffiNLfgnAvow5CrnGRePFD3D3wQ

Will change avatar and signature if accepted.

Yes I applied on many signature campaigns so what is the issue there? I applied on Fair Poker and when it ended I applied on CyberDice's campaign.
Are you being butthurt cuz you did not get accepted?
Do I have to take your permission sir ji to apply on sig campaigns now? Do I? If so.. then take your opinion and shove it up your ass.

btw thanks for reminding me to delete my old campaign applications. Usually I leave them on.

Get it? No? Shove it up your ass and see if I care

...and only went through a weeks post history, lol. Not 'butthurt' at all, however quite amused that your emotional levels are clearly going haywire. Once again, I'd check those meds and check that foul odour around you...  An occasional shower or atleast some deodrant would serve you nicely even though that pubic smell will probably stay.  I'd go on and eloquently lay on a few more thick irrecoverable layers of insults but then I’ll have to explain it to a monkey's ballsac afterwards so never mind..

Idk about you but that seems like someone shoved a burning train up your arse and you're writhing in pain. I hope you go visit a shrink dude and a proctologist.
You attempting to smear me is like a kid trying to arm wrestle a 400 pound man. heh good luck.

See kid, I got no shame in dragging you through the gutter like this or insulting you and guess what? ...

you quoting my post from offtopic and defending Baddecker of all people from that thread and calling me shit is equivalent to going to the bathroom and yelling at shit for stealing your bread.

That is off topic section you dumbfuck, no one pays for off topic posts and posts there are of low quality.

If you have a problem with the way this forum works then go cry a river to someone that gives a shit about what you think. You bring your filth and unwarranted shit on my self moderated threads, and I will delete them. Get it? No? Take your hand and shove it for all I care.

And if you have a problem with me, which you clearly do.. well be ready to get the qutub minar shoved up your ass and then out your mouth. Because that's how bad I'll own you kid.

I rest my case,
Your case?? You mean the train that I shoved up your ass??

And you trying to shill for AllSafe shitcoin is just epic :
Dont be afraid of price drop of all altcoins, it will change very soon. Also with the price of MMO coin it will most likely increase along with the rest of the alts.

Dont be afraid of price drop of all altcoins, it will change very soon. Also the price of ASAFE coin will most likely increase along with the rest of the alts.

ASAFE was launched in the middle of the bear market and has survived the worst of it..

You are so lazy that you just copy pasted yourself. That's like eating your own poop. Hey! I'm not judging, if that's what gets you off Bon apetite!

Also, if you have a problem with me, go make a new thread. Stop shit posting on my self mod threads (or other's) with your newbie accounts and your shit posts. Okay kid? Take care of that shoved up train in your ass okay? bye now.

Title: Re: Help translate into Hindi
Post by: kabit9 on July 12, 2019, 06:16:47 PM
Shame to see you have so much time on your hands.  No wonder the projects you "promote" end up being the bottom of the barrel scams. Your QC levels are clearly up there along with your command of the english language and level of insults. You shoulder no responsibility for your part of the 575m scam, but happy you were mentioned in the article. You need to increase font size to make it seem like you are correct? Own me? You need to get a handle of your own marbles first... Using words like "kid' show the level of your intellect.

I dont have time for this BS. If you want to consider that a victory go ahead and pop another pill.

Clearly this poor thread has been thrashed due to pages full of your garbage as usual.

Title: Re: Help translate into Hindi
Post by: legendster on July 12, 2019, 06:41:50 PM
Clearly this poor thread has been thrashed due to pages full of your garbage as usual.

Ladies and gentlemen, I give you the carer of Bitcoin threads'

The one that started and instigated a thread war because I deleted his useless post on my self mod thread.

... @legendster seems to have gone off the deep end lately

Unless you can back this up with proof,
Shame to see you have so much time on your hands.  No wonder the projects you "promote" end up being the bottom of the barrel scams.

Stick your finger up your asshole and hold your tears back cuz I don't give a fuck about what you think. At the end of the day, you don't pay my bills and I don't go to rip off someone else of their hard earned money. A fact that I have testified to over the years.

Title: Re: Help translate into Hindi
Post by: kabit9 on July 12, 2019, 06:56:37 PM
clearly you don't care what i think but yet have time to write pages of BS refuting it and trying to defend yourself.

you also seem extremely obsessed with asses, butts, buttholes, and the like....

paying your bills by promoting shady icos and exit scams does qualify as ripping people off in most sane people's opinions.

Title: Re: Help translate into Hindi
Post by: legendster on July 12, 2019, 07:03:30 PM
paying your bills by promoting shady icos and exit scams does qualify as ripping people off in most sane people's opinions.

Sure kid you surely have it all figured out. So in your opinion which ICO's are shady? And how is a sane person like you supposed to know which ICO's are shady before they even began their business? Did you come to know about all their secrets by letting all those millionaires shag you?

No, if that's your modus operandi .. then that's your business.

Title: Re: Help translate into Hindi
Post by: kabit9 on July 12, 2019, 07:08:13 PM
there we go again with the 'kid' stuff. is that some forum rank and hierarchy that only delusional members are aware of?

listen ballsac, not that any of this is getting through to you anyway, but a sane and responsible person would NOT promote any ICO for some chump change in crypto.

i have more honest ways of earning my living.  shagging millionaire babes is just a hobby..

Title: Re: Help translate into Hindi
Post by: legendster on July 12, 2019, 07:48:41 PM
there we go again with the 'kid' stuff. is that some forum rank and hierarchy that only delusional members are aware of?

listen ballsac, not that any of this is getting through to you anyway, but a sane and responsible person would NOT promote any ICO for some chump change in crypto.
i have more honest ways of earning my living.  shagging millionaire babes is just a hobby..

The kid stuff is not coming from rank hierarchy it is coming from a place of seniority. I have been fondling with Bitcoins since way before you showed up here. You behaved like a buttfucked troll and I put you in your place. If this was in real life I'd have smacked you in your mouth! Regardless, then on you went on to track me on all my threads and even abused me and tried to smear shit on my work. All without a shred of evidence or verifiability.

Speaking of which.. what is your mobile number though?

I am having serious doubts of you even being the same person I interacted with since 2017 .. as a matter of fact .. which 2 numbers miscalled you at 10.37 , 23.26 and 12.45? What is the telegram handle you used?

Please don't say that you don't own the number anymore because that would be just too consequential.

You are trying to fabricate a story here and everyone can see right through you. I am 90% sure you are a bought account and your following response will confirm that.

Title: Re: Help translate into Hindi
Post by: illusion_ishita on August 06, 2019, 04:48:11 PM
Its really good concept. It will help people to understand bitcoin more. And specially in hindi will help more because hindi is our national language.. Thanx for translation.

Title: Re: Help translate into Hindi
Post by: Komodor on March 07, 2020, 07:19:18 PM
Since we are still in need for volunteers: *push* :)