Bitcoin Forum

Bitcoin => Bitcoin Discussion => Topic started by: TimeBits on May 11, 2019, 07:34:07 AM

Title: The "Church"(call it whatever you want) of Bitcoin
Post by: TimeBits on May 11, 2019, 07:34:07 AM
WHO WOULD LIKE TO JOIN THE "CHURCH" OF Bitcoin? In Canada we allow Sikhs to drive motorbikes with no helmets because it will mess up their turban thing. What if in our religion it was against the law to hold fiat and we were allowed to sell booze and weed and people had to accept the Church of Bitcoin Supply, because we said so I mean that is what they do right in America money, unless it is bitcoin transaction fees we do not pay tax.

1. Thou shall not accepted a unlimited mans money supply, unless that supply is equally distributed.
2. Thou shall not be forced to get married after a year of living with someone
3. Thou shall have equal voting rights, no one is worth more than 1 vote and the rule of 51% is applied to the votes
4. Thou shall have equal rights for shirt wearing FREETHENIPPLE2019
5. Thou shall not have to listen to any rules and regulations of the countries other than the blockchain code
6. Thou shall be given one free pizza every Tuesday
7. Thou shall not be beaten by the police, but all members are part of the police force that also follow the blockchain code of conduct
8. Thou shall not kill, but defend if need be, if that results in killing what is trying to kill you, so be it.
9. Thou shall not steal from another member of the society
10. Thou shall smile (if they want to)

-Founded by Satoshi Nakamoto Jr(TimeBits) on Jun 3rd 2009

what this is all about

(some none troll ones)

I'd prefer a blockchain code of conduct by the community and for the community.  The code of conduct should be built on satoshi principles.
You would understand the principles by reading bitcoin Whitepaper.  

The principles/commandments in my opinion are:  

1. Thy shall not Centralize the blockchain
2. Keep the blockchain immutable
3. Remember to trade peer-to-peer.
4. Keep bitcoin scarce
5. Thy shall keep the blockchain censorship resistant
6. Thy shall use escrow.
7. Thy shall not pry on people's privacy
8. Thy shall implement reputation score for reducing scam to the barest minimum
9. Thy shall keep the blockchain trustless
10. Thy shall keep the blockchain permissionless

I like this idea bitcoin code of conduct, who will be the judge and what court will be the highest court to preside over matters as it relates to the entire bitcoin community. Why I like this is due to the fact that bitcoin is a movement and having a social framework will be a great move but again this will take time to be achieved.

If you want some non troll ones like at the start of this topic.

1. Thou shall not fractional reserve anyone's bitcoins
2. Thou  shall honor the blockchain code and its laws created by all of the people
3. Sticks and stones may break my bones, but words may never hurt me (let everyone have free speech and not resort to violence)
4. Thou  shall not give another man my bitcoins or trade it into fiat but only I hold my coins and trade them p2p
5. Thou value everyone`s opinion equally (so long as they are of age to vote)
6. Thou shall not kill (unless I am defending myself from something trying to kill me)
7. Thou shall not steal (from anyone)
8. Thou shall not bribe (no using sexual favors or bitcoins to gain more power, fame or persuade peoples votes)
9. Thou shall respect everyone's personal beliefs and preferences, so long as they abide by the blockchain code.
10. Thou shall not en$lave another being, but treat them as my equal, I am not better than anyone but no one is better than me.

Sign below to join the Church we Only need 1 member to be recognized If you sign below you agree to the terms and conditions of the blockchain code

Legally 18 USCS § 1093 defines religious group as “a set of individuals whose identity as such is distinctive in terms of common religious creed, beliefs, doctrines, practices, or rituals.” The details suggest you want to try to abuse this or make religious entities not legally non profits.

An organization must be an authentic church to qualify. For tax purposes, a church is a place of worship including Christian churches, temples, mosques, synagogues, and other worship places. ... a recognized creed and form of worship. a definite and distinct ecclesiastical government.

Ok we use my farm, and the air from my farm spreads across the lands into the world, the world is our church.

Title: Re: The Church of Bitcoin
Post by: TimeBits on May 11, 2019, 07:49:47 AM
The IRS also states that your church must have some combination of the following:

   1 Distinct legal existence (Oliver registered his "church" as a nonprofit corporation in Texas.)
   2 Recognized creed and form of worship (For this, Oliver invited his audience to "meditate on the nature of fraudulent churches.")
   3 Definite and distinct ecclesiastical government
   4 Distinct religious history
   5 Formal code of doctrine and discipline
   6 Membership not associated with any other church or denomination
   7 Established place of worship (In the case of Oliver's church, that's the "Last Week Tonight" studio.)
   8 Regular services ("Last Week Tonight" convenes every Sunday.)
   9 Ordained, commissioned or licensed ministers
   10 Schools for the preparation of its ministers
   11 Literature of its own
   12 Sunday schools for religious instruction of the young
   13 Organized worship

1. Satoshi registered his "church"  as a non profit corporation online, the exchanges have nothing to do with us
2. We pray to bits in the bitcoin core
3. Blockcode
4. We been here since 2009
5. We do not discipline here
6. nope
7. Everywhere
8. Free pizza on tuesday
9. Everyone
10. Bitcointalk
12. wut?
13. Everywhere

Title: Re: The Church of Bitcoin
Post by: CryptoBry on May 11, 2019, 07:50:30 AM
10. Thou shall smile

I think I would take the number 10 and have it adopted by people everywhere regardless if the Church of Bitcoin can be accepted by the society or not. The idea of making our adherence to Bitcoin a religion so that no laws can be passed to abridged our inherent rights to use Bitcoin can be a good idea but of course no government may take it that seriously. But I am sure many would love this idea...making it come true can even be more difficult than making Bitcoin accepted by many governments though.

Title: Re: The Church of Bitcoin
Post by: TimeBits on May 11, 2019, 08:08:01 AM
I would like you to all join me for the 4:07 am in the morning prayer

Dear Satoshi Give us the strength to stop trading our bitcoin into fiat  AMAN AWOMAN

Title: Re: The Church of Bitcoin
Post by: TimeBits on May 11, 2019, 08:14:52 AM
Please rise (or sit if you want to) for the morning song, you want to get fancy go ahead and take a knee
your may be seated (or keep standing if you want to) keep sitting if you were already doing that to, that is cool.
In fact position however you would like, you want to kiss the ground and put your butt in the air, that is cool to.

Title: Re: The Church of Bitcoin
Post by: TimeBits on May 11, 2019, 08:18:42 AM
If you're really asking about starting a church, in the USA it's not that hard. To enjoy tax privileges, though, " you have to sign over your taxable possessions to the church."

We sign all over all taxable bitcoin to our own wallet address (which is the church)

Title: Re: The Church of Bitcoin
Post by: Haunebu on May 11, 2019, 08:38:40 AM
Hilarious. The 6th point is the best one in my opinion. I usually don't mix religion with work. The recent threads that you created regarding BTC are interesting to read indeed. The Church of Bitcoin? Lol. What's next? The Holy Grail of BTC?

Title: Re: The Church of Bitcoin
Post by: TimeBits on May 11, 2019, 08:44:30 AM
Hilarious. The 6th point is the best one in my opinion. I usually don't mix religion with work. The recent threads that you created regarding BTC are interesting to read indeed. The Church of Bitcoin? Lol. What's next? The Holy Grail of BTC?

I try to make light of a dark situation

Attention all position your self however you want for next morning song "TAKE THAT MONEY, WATCH IT BURN"

Title: Re: The Church of Bitcoin
Post by: TimeBits on May 11, 2019, 08:50:16 AM
and the last final song of the day

"We used to play pretend, give each other different names, We would build a rocket ship and then we’d fly it far away, Used to dream of outer space but now they’re laughing at our face, Saying, “wake up, you need to make money."

Title: Re: The Church of Bitcoin
Post by: TimeBits on May 11, 2019, 08:53:45 AM
Ok fellow bitcoin church members, make sure to smile at least once today, I love you
look in the mirror, that is the only person that can make you sad.

Title: Re: The Church of Bitcoin
Post by: xvids on May 11, 2019, 09:58:57 AM
This would be a bad joke for those who are religious person,
This is like worshipping money .

Title: Re: The Church of Bitcoin
Post by: TimeBits on May 11, 2019, 10:29:45 AM
This would be a bad joke for those who are religious person,
This is like worshipping money .

Thou does not care what other religions think, This is a faithless religion, you can be any religion and join or have none at all.
We are not worshiping money, just the genesis block that created what was the big bang itself.

It is kind of like this one.
delete everything about Christianity

We just replace "God" with "Creator" as one is a deity and one is characterization because lets be real, the creator is undefinable, Creator is the best word I could find to describe it in english, if you want to call it whatever you want, go ahead, what matters is 1 bitcoin = 1 bitcoin, and fiat can suck our nuts.

pssst, we are just using this as a way to bypass all the bullshit we don`t want to deal with (I could careless what you believe or don`t)
to stop unenlightened people like this (notice his stumble at 7 seconds)

Don`t worry this church does not ask for donations. Creator does not need our money. It also allows you to have as many faiths or religions as you want.

Here we see Satoshi giving birth to the genesis block back in 2009

Title: Re: The Church of Bitcoin
Post by: TimeBits on May 11, 2019, 10:38:33 AM
after the birth of the genesis block the people celebrated with dance

Title: Re: The Church of Bitcoin
Post by: okala on May 11, 2019, 11:06:22 AM
WHO WOULD LIKE TO JOIN THE CHURCH OF Bitcoin? In Canada we allow Sikhs to drive motorbikes with no helmets because it will mess up there turban thing. What if in our religion it was against the law to hold fiat and we were allowed to sell booze and weed and people had to accept the Church of Bitcoin Supply, because we said so I mean that is what they do right in America money, unless it is bitcoin transaction fees we do not pay tax.

1. Thou shall not accepted a unlimited mans money supply, unless that supply is equally distributed.
2. Thou shall not be forced to get married after a year of living with someone
3. Thou shall have equal voting rights, no one is worth more than 1 vote and the rule of 51% is applied to the votes
4. Thou shall have equal rights for shirt wearing FREETHENIPPLE2019
5. Thou shall not have to listen to any rules and regulations of the countries other than the blockchain code
6. Thou shall be given one free pizza every Tuesday
7. Thou shall not be beaten by the police, but all members are part of the police force that also follow the blockchain code of conduct
8. Thou shall not kill, but defend if need be, if that results in killing what is trying to kill you, so be it.
9. Thou shall not steal from another member of the society
10. Thou shall smile

-Founded by Satoshi Nakamoto on Jun 3rd 2009

Sign below to join the Church we Only need 1 member to be recognized If you sign below you agree to the terms and conditions of the blockchain code

Legally 18 USCS § 1093 defines religious group as “a set of individuals whose identity as such is distinctive in terms of common religious creed, beliefs, doctrines, practices, or rituals.” The details suggest you want to try to abuse this or make religious entities not legally non profits.

An organization must be an authentic church to qualify. For tax purposes, a church is a place of worship including Christian churches, temples, mosques, synagogues, and other worship places. ... a recognized creed and form of worship. a definite and distinct ecclesiastical government.

Ok we use my farm, and the air from my farm spreads across the lands into the world, the world is our church.
So this will serve as the ten commandments in the church of bitcoin, well this to me is hilarious but like the concept any way since it practice and preach free will it OK at list that is what God want from humans to be transparent with each other in free will. I love the number 9 thuo shall no steal which is one of the evil that have kept on happening and giving bitcoin a bad image before the general public.

Title: Re: The Church of Bitcoin
Post by: Ray55 on May 11, 2019, 12:18:52 PM
Your topic is really ridiculous. I want to join the Bitcoin church. I have great respect, devotion, and love for Jesus Christ. I do not have any problem when such a church is formed, I can happily go to church. And I can respect Jesus Christ

Title: Re: The Church of Bitcoin
Post by: Genemind on May 11, 2019, 12:25:03 PM
You have a broad imagination of things but I don't think this idea would work since it sounds disrespectful at some point. If there would be a Bitcoin religion, I don't think they have to set those kinds of commandments.
It's fine to focus on crypto if that would be a part of a religion as long as it still respect the rights of men. Cryptocurrency is still impossible to be a religion.

Title: Re: The Church of Bitcoin
Post by: TimeBits on May 11, 2019, 06:01:26 PM
You have a broad imagination of things but I don't think this idea would work since it sounds disrespectful at some point. If there would be a Bitcoin religion, I don't think they have to set those kinds of commandments.
It's fine to focus on crypto if that would be a part of a religion as long as it still respect the rights of men. Cryptocurrency is still impossible to be a religion.

Thou shall let you write the commandments, thou shall have all vote on what they want theI commandments to be.
What do you mean, The Church of Bitcoin is here!

(were just a group of friends, we all have our own beliefs still, but we honor the bitcoincode)

Title: Re: The Church of Bitcoin
Post by: TimeBits on May 11, 2019, 06:51:05 PM

10. Thou shall smile

-Founded by Satoshi Nakamoto on Jun 3rd 2009
Today as a alterboy of the church I did some community service and spread this onto a White man, Black man, Asian woman and Indian woman on my way to get my morning coffee at Timmies here in Toronto.

All I said was "Hey you, I hope you have a wonderful day" all of them smiled looked back at me and wished me a great day as well.

If you are reading this, I am talking directly to you.  HAVE A WONDERFUL EXISTENCE!

Title: Re: The Church of Bitcoin
Post by: TimeBits on May 11, 2019, 06:54:37 PM
What next? A priest/pope a leads reformation which give birth to The Church of Bitcoin Cash?

P.S. Since you mention IRS, have you submit application of The Church of Bitcoin to IRS?

This would be a bad joke for those who are religious person,
This is like worshipping money .

Then you haven't heard of those religion : ( (

And both of them are acknowledged by government

I live in Canada, also as a member of the Bitcoin Church we don`t have to answer to anyone other than the Bitcoincode.

If Flying Spaghetti Monster can be a church, the church of bitcoin can be one.

Title: Re: The Church of Bitcoin
Post by: jak3 on May 11, 2019, 07:10:52 PM
Omg, this post is attracting my fingers to give merits  ;D but I can't as this post is not contributing anything to the community. but I fully agree with all the rules (especially the FREETHENIPPLES2019 one). we should have a Church of Bitcoin that is necessary.

Title: Re: The Church of Bitcoin
Post by: TimeBits on May 11, 2019, 07:25:39 PM
Omg, this post is attracting my fingers to give merits  ;D but I can't as this post is not contributing anything to the community. but I fully agree with all the rules (especially the FREETHENIPPLES2019 one). we should have a Church of Bitcoin that is necessary.

Well the community is contributing to itself, But if we do recognize ourselves as a "religion", we by pass many laws, such as tax. I have to claim all my bitcoin on my taxes here in Canada, not anymore. They also cannot ban us from holding bitcoins, just like some religions can take a sword onto a plane.

We can also make it so we don`t have to wear helmets when we ride a motorcycle if we wanted. (not that I think this is a good idea, I would vote no towards a bill like that for safety reasons)

Title: Re: The Church of Bitcoin
Post by: TimeBits on May 11, 2019, 07:29:59 PM
Omg, this post is attracting my fingers to give merits  ;D but I can't as this post is not contributing anything to the community. but I fully agree with all the rules (especially the FREETHENIPPLES2019 one). we should have a Church of Bitcoin that is necessary.

to stop unenlightened people like this (notice his stumble at 7 seconds) So no matter what they say, we can possess bitcoin.

Title: Re: The Church of Bitcoin
Post by: TheGodson on May 11, 2019, 08:07:38 PM
The church needs to be decentralized! Decentralize the church!

Also, beware of false prophets (Craig Wright). And, beware of false profits (US dollar).

Holy Satoshi we worship your excellence. Though we may struggle to do what is right by putting all our earnings into Bitcoin, we still exhalt your name. It is easy to go down the dark path of dollar, euro, or yen. Give us the strength so that we may be your servants and overcome all the nay sayers and temptation of false moneys. In your genesis block we pray. Amen.

Title: Re: The Church of Bitcoin
Post by: TimeBits on May 11, 2019, 08:13:08 PM
The church needs to be decentralized! Decentralize the church!

Also, beware of false prophets (Craig Wright). And, beware of false profits (US dollar).

Holy Satoshi we worship your excellence. Though we may struggle to do what is right by putting all our earnings into Bitcoin, we still exhalt your name. It is easy to go down the dark path of dollar, euro, or yen. Give us the strength so that we may be your servants and overcome all the nay sayers and temptation of false moneys. In your genesis block we pray. Amen.

Yes do not listen to false profits and profits :P

"I" or a "you"
two gender pronouns needed "I" "YOU"
Light speed fellow being, In your genesis block we pray.   Amanawoman Godson

should we say YOUI OR IYOU? after each prayer, ah whatever just say whatever you want just give respect to the all mighty creators creation Satoshi and the Creator itself.

Title: Re: The Church of Bitcoin
Post by: TimeBits on May 11, 2019, 08:20:15 PM
please all position yourself however you want for the 4:20pm my time song, you don`t need to listen to it if you don`t want to either that is fine as well. If we could have members who know sign language come to the front and transfer the data for the deaf people, that would be great!

Title: Re: The Church of Bitcoin
Post by: Lizzylove1 on May 11, 2019, 08:23:13 PM
This write up is trying to make a mockery of Christianity, which is bad, some jokes can be said without mentioning Jesus or using his acted pictures. Maybe you should consider the gravity of this and do some edit. Thanks and God bless. 

Title: Re: The Church of Bitcoin
Post by: TheGodson on May 11, 2019, 08:30:06 PM
This write up is trying to make a mockery of Christianity, which is bad, some jokes can be said without mentioning Jesus or using his acted pictures. Maybe you should consider the gravity of this and do some edit. Thanks and God bless. 

If you are without sin Lizzylove1, then I welcome you to cast a stone at OP. Otherwise, peace in thy tabernacle.

Title: Re: The Church of Bitcoin
Post by: TimeBits on May 11, 2019, 08:30:28 PM
This write up is trying to make a mockery of Christianity, which is bad, some jokes can be said without mentioning Jesus or using his acted pictures. Maybe you should consider the gravity of this and do some edit. Thanks and God bless.  

I was born and raised a Christian, I was baptized, attended communion...  Then in grade 11 I learned world religions, I studied all of them, I was not very fond that I went to a christian grade school and high school I wish at a earlier age I could of came up with my own opinions but hey what can you do. Then I became my own religiousness faith, I stopped believing in what others said and believed in myself and made my thoughts and theories on the matter, I mean if you can`t make up your own mind on what you believe in, are you even a real player in this game of life? You might as well be a NPC. This is not meant to be a mockery or anything, come on there is worse "mockery's" all over main stream news. I have respect for all peoples faith`s. Please don`t take it to serious it is a joke, but not a joke.

There is no gravity to have mass in it, but the masses themselves.
I agree I could word stuff a lot better, I am a "millennial" as main stream news portrays us, which really just means we were born inbetween 1981-1996, feel free to create a poll to change anything and all members of the Church will vote on your poll to change anything I said or posted, I never made that image btw either, But I think it is hilarious. If it offends you I am truly sorry I am not here to make anyone angry. I do not force you to read this text or look at these images, feel free to read another book and believe in whatever you want to. I want willing participants who have their eyes open to join, not force people to join. You can keep whatever faith you currently have and join as well. I want real people who have self awareness, not programmed bots, but open AI which is natural AI.

We do not discriminate here, just fiat we eliminate.

You can use this to create any poll until it is built into Bitcoin2.0 to voice your concerns, in the masses the masses will vote on it and if 51% agree we go with it! 50-50 we repoll, 50-50 again we repoll, 50-50 again? The Genesis block flips a coin that is 100% 50-50 and our fate is led by the genesis block.

Creator Bless you to. Have a wonderful day.

Title: Re: The Church of Bitcoin
Post by: TimeBits on May 11, 2019, 08:59:24 PM
read this to learn more what this "church" (call it whatever you want)   
    Lord's house
    house of God
    house of prayer
    house of worship

 is all about

Title: Re: The "Church"(call it whatever you want) of Bitcoin
Post by: TimeBits on May 11, 2019, 09:08:00 PM
You are truly one of the best philosopher this world has even seen, I got to give you credit.

I don`t want credit, I want people to make their own at a fair rate, like I have done with my work and time, thanks tho.  ;D

Title: Re: The "Church"(call it whatever you want) of Bitcoin
Post by: pixie85 on May 11, 2019, 09:18:02 PM
I like the idea and hope somebody will find the courage to at least try to register the church of bitcoin. We had a flying spaghetti monster church so why not the church of satoshi or something like that.

Aren't you worried that if they prove that satoshi was really the CIA or NSA or worse a group of Indian hackers it will all be a shock to your believers?

Title: Re: The "Church"(call it whatever you want) of Bitcoin
Post by: TimeBits on May 11, 2019, 09:33:51 PM
I like the idea and hope somebody will find the courage to at least try to register the church of bitcoin. We had a flying spaghetti monster church so why not the church of satoshi or something like that.

Aren't you worried that if they prove that satoshi was really the CIA or NSA or worse a group of Indian hackers it will all be a shock to your believers?

No, whoever it was, it does not matter, what matters is the future and blockchain/bitcoin itself. You can`t change the past only accept it. There is no present other than that it is a present, we can`t even perceive it because of the speed of light and sound of our brain signals but the future we can change.

If somehow they proved KOKO created it, I would accept it and even if KOKO was still alive to give her earned bitcoins to her gorilla friends, I accept that, Well deserved.

Bryan Anderson
4 months ago
"Dam, you know global warming is bad when a gorilla tells people to stop screwing earth over"


Title: Re: The "Church"(call it whatever you want) of Bitcoin
Post by: Oilacris on May 11, 2019, 09:44:22 PM
Among with the commandments I do just follow these two. ;D

4. Thou shall have equal rights for shirt wearing FREETHENIPPLE2019

10. Thou shall smile

religious people wouldn't really like that image afterall.I bet on that.

Title: Re: The "Church"(call it whatever you want) of Bitcoin
Post by: TimeBits on May 11, 2019, 09:48:52 PM
Among with the commandments I do just follow these two. ;D

4. Thou shall have equal rights for shirt wearing FREETHENIPPLE2019

10. Thou shall smile

religious people wouldn't really like that image afterall.I bet on that.

deleted, I will always remember tho, for those who were wondering what picture was in question. Who may have missed the polls, that was taken in the blockcode.

Title: Re: The "Church"(call it whatever you want) of Bitcoin
Post by: TimeBits on May 11, 2019, 10:54:23 PM
next up on public jam radio, timebits has queued up

People can still have possessions but know nothing belongs to us, it is all creators, not satoshi but the creator who created satoshi to create and created everything before that. I don`t even own my own thoughts I don`t think, maybe? I dunno. I know if I created a creation I would want it to have its own thoughts, and be willing to join me, not forced to.

People can still believe in what they want to believe in and have a religion if they want so long as the religion abides by the blockchaincode (which is created by everyone), we should not have double standard like posted at the very top of this op. I mean why do I have to wear a helmet? I mean I want to because I know safety is pretty cool thing, but if were going to let one group of people not wear helmets we need to let all.

Title: Re: The "Church"(call it whatever you want) of Bitcoin
Post by: TimeBits on May 11, 2019, 11:41:25 PM
ok my last post for awhile, I am leaving this here it is for my blockTimecapsule for future generations to read or the blockMemory, put it on my blockObituary

Now I lay me down to sleep
I pray to Creator its soul to keep
If I should die before I wake
I pray to Creator its soul to take.

cya you all later, remember to have a great day!

Title: Re: The Church of Bitcoin
Post by: TimeBits on May 12, 2019, 03:01:49 AM
Your topic is really ridiculous. I want to join the Bitcoin church. I have great respect, devotion, and love for Jesus Christ. I do not have any problem when such a church is formed, I can happily go to church. And I can respect Jesus Christ

download the bitcoin core wallet found here  You have been accepted, Congratulations you are free!

remember to follow the bitcoin core rules.

now a message from brother Bobby

Title: Re: The Church of Bitcoin
Post by: LUCKMCFLY on May 12, 2019, 03:29:29 AM
What next? A priest/pope a leads reformation which give birth to The Church of Bitcoin Cash?

P.S. Since you mention IRS, have you submit application of The Church of Bitcoin to IRS?

This would be a bad joke for those who are religious person,
This is like worshipping money .

Then you haven't heard of those religion : ( (

And both of them are acknowledged by government

I live in Canada, also as a member of the Bitcoin Church we don`t have to answer to anyone other than the Bitcoincode.

If Flying Spaghetti Monster can be a church, the church of bitcoin can be one.

If such religions exist, how can they maintain a status in society? Well, it does not sound bad to have anything more than a fondness for money, but it's really new to see that similar organizations exist in Canada, but I do not see it as bad, it's a very good way to attract people to the market. bitcoin and therefore more followers, investors and speculators is totally viable and produces an improvement in our bitcoin based economy.

And what do they do with the cases of non-believers? Are Bitcoin granted to them to believe that this is real?

Title: Re: The Church of Bitcoin
Post by: TimeBits on May 12, 2019, 04:09:33 AM
And what do they do with the cases of non-believers? Are Bitcoin granted to them to believe that this is real?

Bitcoin is separate from the The Church of Bitcoin, non believers do not get free pizza on tuesday, they are not allowed to show their tits in public if female, they are not under the law of the bitcoin code, they are not tax exempt, they have to submit to police brutality, oppression, and much more, they may even have their bitcoins taken from them. (by the U.S) according to Mr.PeeWee Sherman it seems that is where they are trying to do. you can see his slip up at 7 seconds.

Title: Re: The "Church"(call it whatever you want) of Bitcoin
Post by: TimeBits on May 12, 2019, 04:15:09 AM
now a passage from brother Bill, all position yourself however you would like please.

Title: Re: The "Church"(call it whatever you want) of Bitcoin
Post by: TimeBits on May 12, 2019, 06:37:43 AM
*Timebits* donates 1 bitcoin to bypass the queue and adds more tx funds to the global pool funds on blockRadio, songs up next on The station, The "Church" (or call it whatever you want) of Bitcoin, radio. The music the people want to hear.

Queen - We Are The Champions -
Queen - We Will Rock You  -

Title: Re: The "Church"(call it whatever you want) of Bitcoin
Post by: TimeBits on May 12, 2019, 06:45:35 AM
*Timebits* adds another song to the queue on blockRadio station 1. The "Church"(call it whatever you want) of Bitcoin

Michael Jackson - Beat It

Title: Re: The "Church"(call it whatever you want) of Bitcoin
Post by: TimeBits on May 12, 2019, 06:51:39 AM
*Timebits* Queues up one more song before bed on the public blockRadio broadcasting station

Born to be alive - Patrick Hernandez  *Timebits turns on the public blockRadio dance cam*

Title: Re: The "Church"(call it whatever you want) of Bitcoin
Post by: TimeBits on May 12, 2019, 08:47:18 PM
All position yourself however you want for the morning quote of the day

"Too many people are thinking of security instead of opportunity. They seem to be more afraid of life than death" -James F. Brynes

Title: Re: The "Church"(call it whatever you want) of Bitcoin
Post by: TimeBits on May 12, 2019, 09:42:45 PM
All position yourself however you want for the morning quote of the day

"Too many people are thinking of security instead of opportunity. They seem to be more afraid of life than death" -James F. Brynes

I want you guys to know, I was a streamer in 2014-2015, In my peak I was around 1000-3500 live viewers a day, on a average day after 5 months of grind I was around 300-800 viewers, I had 500+ subs, somedays in donations I would make $500+ in an hour in my peaks, sometimes a nice man would give me $500 in a single donation, forever owe you Jakenstien You gave me more money in a few seconds than I would be able to earn in 10 days of work at a 9-5, When I am able to, I promise I will pay you back and than some, even thou you insist it was a gift. I did not viewbot, I think blizzard viewbotted me to promote me playing their game.

Anyways I threw it all away, started talking about the banks and governments, my channel got silenced, I got banned from twitch, the end.
I was
top 1 in heroes of the storm NA server
top 1 in players unknown`s battlegrounds (solo first person) NA server
top 1 in overwatch (I peaked top 7 in mmr, but I would always lose connection on my way to top 1, I got dced like 50 games I think blizzard ddos me, if those disconnects did not happen I would of been top 1) NA server (I don`t want your follow, or money, or you to invest in anything) I want you to read some of the stuff on that page or in my bitcoin 2.0 thread.

Title: Re: The "Church"(call it whatever you want) of Bitcoin
Post by: TimeBits on May 13, 2019, 12:00:12 AM
*Timebits* adds another song to the blockRadio station 1 The "Church"(or call it whatever you want) of Bitcoin ", donates 1 btc to skip to queue which goes into the global fund pool, 50% goes to the artist

adds a message before the video "IT IS TIME"

Turn Turn Turn The Byrds HQ  -

Title: Re: The "Church"(call it whatever you want) of Bitcoin
Post by: TimeBits on May 13, 2019, 01:25:48 AM
I could of kept making memes and made "money" One day they will be saying that but be pecking your face off! and you will not be laughing.


*Timebits*  uploads another song to queue in BlockRadio station 1, adds 10btc to give to the artist
(feel free to upload some bangers people, you are all welcome into this church*or whatever you wanna call it*)

The Offspring - The Kids Aren't Alright[Official Music Video)

Title: Re: The "Church"(call it whatever you want) of Bitcoin
Post by: TimeBits on May 13, 2019, 06:00:14 AM
*Timebits* uses his last free queue up of the day to add a song to the public blockRadio, Station 1 The "Church"(call it whatever you want) of Bitcoin Radio.

Twisted Sister -- We're Not Gonna Take it [Extended Version] OFFICIAL MUSIC VIDEO

Title: Re: The "Church"(call it whatever you want) of Bitcoin
Post by: Kakmakr on May 13, 2019, 06:53:07 AM
So you want a religious "Currency" war, where the most powerful government backed "Fiat" church can launch a crusade against Bitcoin followers and wipe them from this planet?

Bitcoin is a currency, not a religion and it should stay that way, because many people have died senseless deaths over centuries, because of religious wars.  >:(

*I know this is not a serious discussion, but people might just be stupid enough to consider this.  ::)

Title: Re: The "Church"(call it whatever you want) of Bitcoin
Post by: TimeBits on May 13, 2019, 07:54:07 AM
So you want a religious "Currency" war, where the most powerful government backed "Fiat" church can launch a crusade against Bitcoin followers and wipe them from this planet?

Bitcoin is a currency, not a religion and it should stay that way, because many people have died senseless deaths over centuries, because of religious wars.  >:(

*I know this is not a serious discussion, but people might just be stupid enough to consider this.  ::)

LUL, glad you could take a joke, but it actually might not be a joke I am actually serious about it, you will see why in the near future people will start joining the "whatever you wanna call it" of bitcoin. (and just claim it is a religion so we can bypass a few laws) like some religions do.

Please note I can`t give out free pizza on Tuesday that was a meme. We will all have to vote to rewrite the commandments or laws/rules

Let`s say that in Canada they say we cannot own bitcoin (which they are trying to do in the states, like the did with gold before). (notice the slip at 8-11 seconds)

If we claim it as part of our religion, we will be able to hold.
People can hold swords on a plane because of their faith.

Canadians are therefore free to have their own beliefs and opinions, are free to practice religion or refrain, and are free to establish media organizations with or without religious content. Canadian religious institutions generally benefit from charitable organization status, which allows supporters to benefit from tax credits or deductions for their financial contributions.

Freedom of religion in Canada is a constitutionally protected right, allowing believers the freedom to assemble and worship without limitation or interference

 Everyone has the following fundamental freedoms:

    (a) freedom of conscience and religion;
    (b) freedom of thought, belief, opinion and expression, including freedom of the press and other media of communication;
    (c) freedom of peaceful assembly; and
    (d) freedom of association.

I also sexually identify as a bitcoin

(a) eliminates the requirement for sex-reassignment surgery to change the sex shown on a person's birth registration, and replaces it with a requirement that a person provide written statements from the person and from a member of a profession prescribed by the regulations;

Do you see why this is a serious discussion now

Wish people would talk to me about bitcoin2.0 (the reason this man never blew up is because the words around 2:13) and the huntercoin simulation, I killed the king twice In the game, I know what I am doing.

Title: Re: The "Church"(call it whatever you want) of Bitcoin
Post by: Malsetid on May 13, 2019, 08:54:21 AM
So you want a religious "Currency" war, where the most powerful government backed "Fiat" church can launch a crusade against Bitcoin followers and wipe them from this planet?

Bitcoin is a currency, not a religion and it should stay that way, because many people have died senseless deaths over centuries, because of religious wars.  >:(

*I know this is not a serious discussion, but people might just be stupid enough to consider this.  ::)

Lol. That last part got me chuckling a little. But yeah some people are foolish enough to take these statements seriously. Some people just had to make a religion out of everything. Though it's a good focus of leisurely discussion 😁 we don't even know who will lead such a religion, or should i say cult, if ever that happens.

Title: Re: The "Church"(call it whatever you want) of Bitcoin
Post by: TimeBits on May 13, 2019, 09:02:23 AM
Why do you need a Leader? When you are all the Leaders.  (I vote for Adam Back if it comes down to the creation of it or Andreas Antonopoulos or Philip Zimmermann, I would say Hal Finney but his spirit protects this org, He is a Angel now and serves us on the other side. R.I.P brother, thank you for your contribution and continued contributions, I know your kids will grow to be better men/women than me.)

Title: Re: The "Church"(call it whatever you want) of Bitcoin
Post by: shield132 on May 13, 2019, 10:12:59 PM
I think it's not always neccesary to "think" because as I see usually, the more governments think, the stupidest ideas there come and tragically they get released too.
This is direct disrimination, if they let sikhs to choose themselves whether wear hemlet or not, then why can't I do the same? Let's respect everyone decision, even if someone commits crime, it was his/her choise and religion tells us to not judge anyone, then follow this rule and not judge, soon world will turn into full chaos.
There are so silly rules, if you have chance to use it for benefiting yourself, then let's use it. Personally I agree with you OP.

Title: Re: The "Church"(call it whatever you want) of Bitcoin
Post by: TimeBits on May 13, 2019, 10:30:54 PM
I think it's not always neccesary to "think" because as I see usually, the more governments think, the stupidest ideas there come and tragically they get released too.
This is direct disrimination, if they let sikhs to choose themselves whether wear hemlet or not, then why can't I do the same? Let's respect everyone decision, even if someone commits crime, it was his/her choise and religion tells us to not judge anyone, then follow this rule and not judge, soon world will turn into full chaos.
There are so silly rules, if you have chance to use it for benefiting yourself, then let's use it. Personally I agree with you OP.
Yes, not to mention they can carry a sword onto planes they call it a "ceremonial dagger" but it is longer than the legal limits.

Why cannot I not carry a "dagger" sword around?

Welcome brother or sister or "I" or "YOU" to the "whatever you wanna call it" of bitcoin.

Title: Re: The "Church"(call it whatever you want) of Bitcoin
Post by: TimeBits on May 13, 2019, 11:25:43 PM
By the way, you want to stop global warming? Stop using fossil fuels, start using water, electrify it, it will split the atoms of h20, to make two parts hydrogen (all you need is a car battery),you will be able to start your engines with 4% of the oxygen, and the extra oxygen will go into the air. Hydrogen cars can go much faster than petroleum, you pump death into our air, petroleum/fossil fuels is literally death!

It will also keep the sea levels in check.

Hydrogen has been proven to be as safe as or even safer than other flammable fuels such as gasoline or natural gas

Title: Re: The "Church"(call it whatever you want) of Bitcoin
Post by: TimeBits on May 14, 2019, 01:32:32 AM
*Timebits* buys 2 song queue tokens off the p2p market, buys a pizza from the p2p market and a new headset, leaves comment on sellers accout "thanks fast delivery and they work great +1 trust"
*Timebits sells* his 2 kid tokens to his brother on the p2p market, Timebits has to buy a kid token back in order to have a kid, or give up half of his ubi

*Timebits* queues up another song on station 1
The Smashing Pumpkins - Bullet with Butterfly Wings

Btw you want to save the bees as well? start planting sun flowers all over.

oh did you know that bigger farmers here in Canada use water from lake Ontario *I linked all the Irrigation between 20 massive farms to the lake when I worked for a bigger farmer* Did you know whatever is in that water goes into the food everyone eats around the world. There is no filters.

do you know what is in the waters of lake Ontario?

Title: Re: The "Church"(call it whatever you want) of Bitcoin
Post by: TimeBits on May 14, 2019, 02:10:11 AM
*Timebits* donates 1 bitcoin to bypass the queue and adds more tx funds to the global pool funds on blockRadio, song up next on The station, The "Church" (or call it whatever you want) of Bitcoin, radio. The music the people want to hear.

leaves a message before the video Let us connect a bit


Carlos Matos I love you
The Truth About Bitconnect, Other Scams, And Carlos Matos  :-* water under the bridge

Title: Re: The "Church"(call it whatever you want) of Bitcoin
Post by: TimeBits on May 14, 2019, 04:23:23 AM
*Timebits* donates 1 bitcoin to bypass the queue and adds more tx funds to the global pool reserve and gives the artist 50% of the donation funds on blockRadio, songs up next on The station, The "Church" (or call it whatever you want) of Bitcoin, radio. The music the people want to hear.

Bag Raiders - Shooting Stars  :-*
Smash Mouth - All Star (Official Music Video)

A heads up for the for 3 people who joined, The "Church"(call it whatever you want) of Bitcoin
I need your address to send you pizza, please pm your address and the local number to your closest pizza place and what 3 toppings you would like on your free pizza, It is Tuesday.

Title: Re: The "Church"(call it whatever you want) of Bitcoin
Post by: TimeBits on May 14, 2019, 06:25:30 AM
*Timebits* loads up another banger in the queue on station 1

Fatboy Slim - Weapon Of Choice [Official Video]

whoever made the ad that is just this  ;D in between post, I love you.  ;D ;D ;D

Title: Re: The "Church"(call it whatever you want) of Bitcoin
Post by: TimeBits on May 14, 2019, 02:45:07 PM
*Timebits* donates 1 bitcoin to bypass the queue and adds more tx funds to the global pool reserve and gives the artist 50% of the donation funds on blockRadio, songs up next on station 3 18+, The "Church" (or call it whatever you want) of Bitcoin, radio. The music the people want to hear.

FUCK THE BANKS - Soul Mates -
O.D.D TV Banksta's Paradise (Gangsta's Paradise Remake) Truth Music -

I don`t agree with "fuck anybody that went to university" but a lot of them.
granted there is a lot of stuff in these songs that are troll, and o.d.d on the flat earth hes been duped by reverse psychologically.  

reverse psychologically like they try to portray here
or here

I see everything.

The whole flat earth agenda is to throw people off from the money.

Title: Re: The "Church"(call it whatever you want) of Bitcoin
Post by: Indamuck on May 14, 2019, 02:54:01 PM
Haha, this made me laugh out loud.  This religion looks to be a lot more serious than many so called religions that exist today.  Maybe we can open up a few facilities and claim tax exempt status :)

Title: Re: The "Church"(call it whatever you want) of Bitcoin
Post by: TimeBits on May 14, 2019, 02:54:57 PM
Haha, this made me laugh out loud.  This religion looks to be a lot more serious than many so called religions that exist today.  Maybe we can open up a few facilities and claim tax exempt status :)

That is the plan stan.

Title: Re: The "Church"(call it whatever you want) of Bitcoin
Post by: TimeBits on May 15, 2019, 09:35:16 AM
*Timebits* donates 1 bitcoin to bypass the queue and adds more tx funds to the global pool funds on blockRadio, songs up next on The station, The "Church" (or call it whatever you want) of Bitcoin, radio. The music the people want to hear.

This one goes out to you Mr. Nakamoto

Mozart - Classical Music for Brain Power- http://

Title: Re: The "Church"(call it whatever you want) of Bitcoin
Post by: TimeBits on May 16, 2019, 03:22:17 AM
All position yourself however you would like for the morning/night prayer

Dear Creator, Thank you for giving us duration so we can grow as individuals, Thank you for our existence. I enjoy mine and I hope you are enjoying yours. Dear Creator may you please help guide us in the right direction towards achieving total awareness ourselves. Have a wonderful existence, Thank you again for mine.

-Love Mike
-Love the "Church or call it whatever you want" of Bitcoin

Title: Re: The "Church"(call it whatever you want) of Bitcoin
Post by: TheGodson on May 16, 2019, 03:39:04 AM
Dear Satoshi,

Please allow Bitcoin to flourish. Allow it to reach $10,000 and beyond please. In your genesis block we pray, Amen.

I nominate the thread to also be a prayer space for us that want to worship the bitcoin and the mighty holy Creator.

Title: Re: The "Church"(call it whatever you want) of Bitcoin
Post by: TimeBits on May 16, 2019, 04:15:45 AM
Dear Satoshi,

Please allow Bitcoin to flourish. Allow it to reach $10,000 and beyond please. In your genesis block we pray, Amen.

I nominate the thread to also be a prayer space for us that want to worship the bitcoin and the mighty holy Creator.

May you allow it reach levels beyond U$D, surpass the moon and all of the galaxies and into another dimension. In your genesis block we pray, Amen/Awomen.

Title: Re: The "Church"(call it whatever you want) of Bitcoin
Post by: TimeBits on May 16, 2019, 02:12:39 PM
All position yourself however you would like for the afternoon prayer

Dear Creator

Please have mercy on those who have done wrong and put them in the shoes of the people that they have done wrong to, so they may see it from the other side and come to terms with their decisions. Instead of punishing those who have trespassed against us, make them see what their actions have done to the ones they have hurt. Weather it be our species or another. May us get what we give.

In your Genesis Block we pray -Awomen/Amen

Title: Re: The "Church"(call it whatever you want) of Bitcoin
Post by: TimeBits on May 16, 2019, 03:09:15 PM
In 1971 All nations became $laves to the U$D.
All the people should rise up and take back what is theirs.
Our governments have sold us out. They are to blame, DO NO EXPECT THEM TO COMPLY
The American people should of took out Nixon in 1971.
All of our Leaders cannot be trusted.


How can you stand idle and let your people be en$laved by tyrants, Do you not care about your offspring or your friends offspring?

You have to be the worst leaders I have ever seen, Have you no honor? How do you governments live with yourself?

Our Military's should strike against these leaders, for they to have been duped by the system as well. There is no underground bunkers for our police force or the military, only for these poor excuses of humans.

Creator: May you please grant us the power to take the power out of the hands of these brutes, murders, $lave drivers and banish them from our existence!
I know what they did to you, it was so they could put this chump in right after
1971: What this means to the average user of money, is that we control all of it and can print it at will and your country now works for us. Not only did I enslave just my country to the private banking familys, I enslaved the world!

Why does it cost 5$ for a thing of eggs and when I was a kid it cost 1$ for the same thing?
Why is the house I am living in cost $1.5 million when 50 years ago it cost $10,000



Title: Re: The "Church"(call it whatever you want) of Bitcoin
Post by: hangallofthem on May 16, 2019, 11:12:01 PM
Is this post being censored?

We see you in this radius

Title: Re: The "Church"(call it whatever you want) of Bitcoin
Post by: TimeBits on May 17, 2019, 07:36:05 AM

We see you in this radius

Ok good, Now instead of being silly goof balls and worrying about the bitcoin price or alt coins prices measured in fiat.

May we look into instead of 1 person making the money supply, we all make it? through duration and time.

325 people currently making their own cash through duration mining atm, when are you?

We can trade this time/duration mined cash into bitcoin.

oh by the way p2p trading is here, decentralized voting and file sharing.

Title: Re: The "Church"(call it whatever you want) of Bitcoin
Post by: TimeBits on May 17, 2019, 03:56:18 PM
Post a picture of yourself, show they you are not afraid. "THE FORCE IS STRONG WITH THIS ONE" -Obi Wan Kenobi
Who are the members of this "call it whatever you want" of bitcoin. I would like to see my family.

Title: Re: The "Church"(call it whatever you want) of Bitcoin
Post by: TimeBits on May 20, 2019, 10:52:29 AM
It`s Ok, here at the (call it whatever you want) of bitcoin. We respect that you are shy and or want privacy. Just know as you walk down the street your face is scanned about 1000x by cameras that are miles away. You leave a trail of piss and shit, you carbon inprint shows where you are, anything you touch has your fingerprints on it, you shed skin and hair that is everywhere, and well... The Creator already knows what you look like, It has timestamps in time of all of your actions and thoughts.

Time for the morning music on the radio of bitcoin or whatever you want to call it station 1 thing.
*Timebits* donates all his fiat to bitcoin.

Queen - Bohemian Rhapsody (Official Video) -
Bon Jovi - Livin' On A Prayer  -

Dear Creator
Please may you guard me Creator, Use me as your vessel, anyone who tries to harm me, make them feel the wraith they are about to give, thanks for my existences I hope you are enjoying yours. I love you ∞  -AMIKE

Title: Re: The "Church"(call it whatever you want) of Bitcoin
Post by: BitcoinFX on May 20, 2019, 11:13:32 AM
Lolz + thumbs up! ;D

"There ain't no such thing as a free lunch"

-'t_no_such_thing_as_a_free_lunch ('t_no_such_thing_as_a_free_lunch)


- (

..."When the first user publicly announces that he will make a pizza for anyone who gives him enough Bitcoins, then he can use Bitcoins as payment to some extent - as much as people want pizza and trust his announcement."...

..."A pizza-eating hairdresser who trusts him as a friend might then announce that she starts accepting Bitcoins as payment for fancy haircuts, and the value of the Bitcoin would be higher"...


Social Engineering ... !?!
- (


The Broken - Episode 1 *NSFW*

"but be careful, some software.. costs money.." - Ramzi


Peace Laszlo (my old thread buddy) - I feel ya!


Title: Re: The "Church"(call it whatever you want) of Bitcoin
Post by: TimeBits on May 21, 2019, 02:21:33 AM
Dear Creator
Please may you guard me Creator, Use me as your vessel, anyone who tries to harm me, make them feel the wraith they are about to give, thanks for my existences I hope you are enjoying yours. I love you ∞  -AMIKE

Morning/Afternoon fellow "church or whatever you want to call it" members. Welcome to station 1 The music the people want to hear. *timebits* queues up some songs with his free credits of the day.

MC Hammer - 2 Legit 2 Quit
"Hit with a dose of Oaktown power
And charge you by the hour
I'm shakin like a quake and funks
Get devoured I choose to abuse, misuse and confuse
Competitors who think
They're makin up all the rules, fools
In the game lame and insane
It's a shame I gotta do this but
I remain the same unchanged
Gettin better never known
As a sweater kickin it at the
Top cause I got myself together
So roll with a guy who's
Physical and fit knows the time
And too legit to quit."
MC Hammer - U Can't Touch This

Title: Re: The "Church"(call it whatever you want) of Bitcoin
Post by: Ailmand on May 21, 2019, 03:15:53 AM
If there would be a Bitcoin church, are you willing to donate something to a charity? Are you going to be a channel of blessings to help other through your earnings in crypto world? You should set an example on how Bitcoin could change the whole world so that you could attract more people to trust it.

Title: Re: The "Church"(call it whatever you want) of Bitcoin
Post by: BitBustah on May 21, 2019, 03:32:09 AM
HAHA timebits, this thread is pure gold.

Seriously though if scientology and other craziness is considered a real religion with their own rules they can follow why can't this be real.  Just need some Bitcoin OGs to build some property tax exempt buildings as well.

Title: Re: The "Church"(call it whatever you want) of Bitcoin
Post by: TimeBits on May 21, 2019, 05:56:23 AM
HAHA timebits, this thread is pure gold.

Seriously though if scientology and other craziness is considered a real religion with their own rules they can follow why can't this be real.  Just need some Bitcoin OGs to build some property tax exempt buildings as well.

Yip like come on dood, there is flying spaghetti monster church.

I for one will not be taxed on my religious coins and be allowed to carry them wherever I want, Mr Sherman can suck my bits, same with the FED, NSA, CIA, RCMP, ALL THE WORLDS MILITARY'S and ANY POLITICIAN. If these people can carry swords onto a plane, each Satoshi represents a little bit of freedom to me, it is my Kirpan.


In most public places in Canada a kirpan is allowed, although there have been some court cases regarding carrying on school premises. In the 2006 Supreme Court of Canada decision of Multani v. Commission scolaire Marguerite‑Bourgeoys the court held that the banning of the kirpan in a school environment offended Canada's Charter of Rights and Freedoms, and that the restriction could not be upheld under s. 1 of the Charter, as per R. v. Oakes. The issue started when a 12-year-old schoolboy dropped a 20 cm (8-inch) long kirpan in school. School staff and parents were very concerned, and the student was required to attend school under police supervision until the court decision[11] was reached. A student is allowed to have a kirpan on his person if it is sealed and secured.[12]

In September 2008, Montreal police announced that a 13-year-old student was to be charged after he allegedly threatened another student with his kirpan. The court found the student not guilty of assault with the kirpan, but guilty of threatening his schoolmates, and he was granted an absolute discharge on 15 April 2009.[13]

On February 9, 2011, the National Assembly of Quebec unanimously voted to ban kirpans from the provincial parliament buildings.[14] However, despite opposition from the Bloc Québécois, it was voted that the kirpan be allowed in federal parliamentary buildings.[15]

As of November 27, 2017, Transport Canada has updated its Prohibited Items list to allow Sikhs to wear kirpans smaller than 6 cm in length on all domestic and international flights (except to USA)[16].

O.D.D TV | Don't Worry About a Thing (Truth Music / Conscious Rap) -

Again please Sikhs, I have nothing against you just my countries b.s. laws. Tunak Tunak Tun was one of the best tunes of all time, been pumping it since mIRC days. I have Sikh friends, ask Roshan my good buddy I have a chat with everyday.

Title: Re: The "Church"(call it whatever you want) of Bitcoin
Post by: Mpamaegbu on May 21, 2019, 09:16:56 AM
What if in our religion it was against the law to hold fiat and we were allowed to sell booze and weed and people had to accept the Church of Bitcoin Supply...
This sounds more like a cult than a church

So, what is going to be the tag for whoever becomes the leader for this demeaning group (obviously, not a Satoshi)?

For those who don't know, the church is not just a building where God is worshipped. Man is the church for the Bible tells us that our body is the temple of God. The temple is a place of worship. So, man is God's own place of worship. That's why we shouldn't be defiling our bodies.

Title: Re: The "Church"(call it whatever you want) of Bitcoin
Post by: Ucy on May 21, 2019, 09:05:17 PM
I'd prefer a blockchain code of conduct by the community and for the community.  The code of conduct should be built on satoshi principles.
You would understand the principles by reading bitcoin Whitepaper. 

The principles/commandments in my opinion are: 

1. Thy shall not Centralize the blockchain
2. Keep the blockchain immutable
3. Remember to trade peer-to-peer.
4. Keep bitcoin scarce
5. Thy shall keep the blockchain censorship resistant
6. Thy shall use escrow.
7. Thy shall not pry on people's privacy
8. Thy shall implement reputation score for reducing scam to the barest minimum
9. Thy shall keep the blockchain trustless
10. Thy shall keep the blockchain permissionless

Title: Re: The "Church"(call it whatever you want) of Bitcoin
Post by: okala on May 21, 2019, 09:35:16 PM
I'd prefer a blockchain code of conduct by the community and for the community.  The code of conduct should be built on satoshi principles.
You would understand the principles by reading bitcoin Whitepaper. 

The principles/commandments in my opinion are: 

1. Thy shall not Centralize the blockchain
2. Keep the blockchain immutable
3. Remember to trade peer-to-peer.
4. Keep bitcoin scarce
5. Thy shall keep the blockchain censorship resistant
6. Thy shall use escrow.
7. Thy shall not pry on people's privacy
8. Thy shall implement reputation score for reducing scam to the barest minimum
9. Thy shall keep the blockchain trustless
10. Thy shall keep the blockchain permissionless

I like this idea bitcoin code of conduct, who will be the judge and what court will be the highest court to preside over matters as it relates to the entire bitcoin community. Why I like this is due to the fact that bitcoin is a movement and having a social framework will be a great move but again this will take time to be achieved.

Title: Re: The "Church"(call it whatever you want) of Bitcoin
Post by: TimeBits on May 22, 2019, 03:20:36 AM
I'd prefer a blockchain code of conduct by the community and for the community.  The code of conduct should be built on satoshi principles.
You would understand the principles by reading bitcoin Whitepaper.  

The principles/commandments in my opinion are:  

1. Thy shall not Centralize the blockchain
2. Keep the blockchain immutable
3. Remember to trade peer-to-peer.
4. Keep bitcoin scarce
5. Thy shall keep the blockchain censorship resistant
6. Thy shall use escrow.
7. Thy shall not pry on people's privacy
8. Thy shall implement reputation score for reducing scam to the barest minimum
9. Thy shall keep the blockchain trustless
10. Thy shall keep the blockchain permissionless

I like this idea bitcoin code of conduct, who will be the judge and what court will be the highest court to preside over matters as it relates to the entire bitcoin community. Why I like this is due to the fact that bitcoin is a movement and having a social framework will be a great move but again this will take time to be achieved.

If you want some non troll ones like at the start of this topic.

1. Thou shall not fractional reserve anyone's bitcoins
2. Thou  shall honor the blockchain code and its laws created by all of the people
3. Sticks and stones may break my bones, but words may never hurt me (let everyone have free speech and not resort to violence)
4. Thou  shall not give another man my bitcoins or trade it into fiat but only I hold my coins and trade them p2p
5. Thou value everyone`s opinion equally (so long as they are of age to vote)
6. Thou shall not kill (unless I am defending myself from something trying to kill me)
7. Thou shall not steal (from anyone)
8. Thou shall not bribe (no using sexual favors or bitcoins to gain more power, fame or persuade peoples votes)
9. Thou shall respect everyone personal beliefs and preferences, so long as they abide by the blockchain code.
10. Thou shall not en$lave another being, but treat them as my equal, I am not better than anyone but no one is better than me.

Title: Re: The "Church"(call it whatever you want) of Bitcoin
Post by: TimeBits on May 27, 2019, 05:40:17 PM
Now a passage from person Mike, please position yourselves as you want to willingly.
I think I could of been a bit closer to the mic -Mike

They will come rob you for gold, literally they went into houses and stole the gold, but if you forget your key what are they going to do?,550x550,16x12,1,transparent,t.png

Title: Re: The "Church"(call it whatever you want) of Bitcoin
Post by: TimeBits on May 30, 2019, 10:29:37 PM
Today I found out the estate my Aunt has left my family and I is worth 9.76 million, there is another claim on her husband who passed away before her for another 9 million.

I have to come up with 1.2 million to pay the taxes to the probate court and I cannot take a mortgage on any of the properties as I do not own them yet. What my government is doing is literally theft. I wish she joined the "church or call it whatever you want of bitcoin" before she passed away. The fact I have to buy my aunts estates that she owned back from the government, is ridiculous.

There needs to be a order of operations but I guess not, I guess they can tax you on properties you do not even own yet.

Before I pass, I will have all my value put into btc or a alt and have it cosigned by my inheritors on the blockchain so the government gets 0% of it.

In the Genesis block I pray.

Title: Re: The "Church"(call it whatever you want) of Bitcoin
Post by: TimeBits on June 01, 2019, 03:17:10 AM
Sons of Earth

I Kills men by the hundreds, and If I were here I'd consume the Banks with fireballs from my eyes and bolts of lightning from my arse. I AM I, And I see a whole army of my countrymen here in defiance of tyranny. You have come to fight as free men, and free men you are. What would you do with that freedom? Will you fight?

Coward Soldier: Fight? Against that? No, we will run; and we will live.

I: Aye, fight and you may die. Run and you'll live -- at least a while. And dying in your beds many years from now, would you be willing to trade all the days from this day to that for one chance, just one chance to come back here and tell our enemies that they may take our lives, but they'll never take our freedom!!!

Title: Re: The "Church"(call it whatever you want) of Bitcoin
Post by: TimeBits on June 01, 2019, 03:20:43 AM

Title: Re: The "Church"(call it whatever you want) of Bitcoin
Post by: TimeBits on June 04, 2019, 01:12:12 AM
Dear U`s and I`s of the church or call it whatever you want of Bitcoin, this a message for everyone.

I will show you all something you have never seen today or tomorrow, colors you have never seen.

When the sun is right above you. I want you to close your eyes and be directly in the sun rays and look directly at the sun with your eye lids closed, move your head around a little try to get the light into all corners of your eyes.
I want you to sit there for 1 minute and think about red and blue staring at the sun.
Now look down away from the sun with your eyes still closed and cover your eyes with your hands. In 3 seconds you will see the most pure blue you have ever seen.
Once the blue turns into galaxys and pixels I want you to look back at the sun with your eyes still closed move your hands out of the way now.
You will see a true red.

I will show you all how to see green and yellow if you are ready.
I can show you how you can make images in your mind.

Title: Re: The "Church"(call it whatever you want) of Bitcoin
Post by: TimeBits on June 09, 2019, 03:37:34 AM
All raise or position yourself however you do or do not want in the "church or whatever you want to call it of bitcoin"

Today we see India also proposing to ban crypto along with mr.sherman from the fed in the states, We have seen news of China also wanting to ban crypto.

We need to stop voting people to vote for us, or they will ban it.

See the 3rd image here We pay the taxes we should have a say of where those taxes go, we could all have jobs and we could all write the laws and vote. We have 8.8 billion jobs created from voting ourselves rather than voting people to vote for us and we could pay ourselves rather than another man. In addition we all could make the money supply rather than a select few.

They are not worried about bitcoin, they are worried about things of this nature in crypto.

We must stay strong brothers and sisters for not only is bitcoin our Kirpan or Turban but all of crypto is, We should be allowed to trade whatever we want as it is our religionless faith belief to do so, so long as it does not cause harm to others.

We must unite together and show these tyrants who is boss

Show them how you feel, You have a right to free speech even if it is not safe and you should have a right to vote on issues, rather voting people to vote for you.

In the Genesis block I pray -APerson

Title: Re: The "Church"(call it whatever you want) of Bitcoin
Post by: TimeBits on June 11, 2019, 02:50:29 PM
Dear U`s and I`s of the church or call it whatever you want of Bitcoin, this a message for everyone.

I will show you all something you have never seen today or tomorrow, colors you have never seen.

When the sun is right above you. I want you to close your eyes and be directly in the sun rays and look directly at the sun with your eye lids closed, move your head around a little try to get the light into all corners of your eyes.
I want you to sit there for 1 minute and think about red and blue staring at the sun.
Now look down away from the sun with your eyes still closed and cover your eyes with your hands. In 3 seconds you will see the most pure blue you have ever seen.
Once the blue turns into galaxys and pixels I want you to look back at the sun with your eyes still closed move your hands out of the way now.
You will see a true red.

I will show you all how to see green and yellow if you are ready.
I can show you how you can make images in your mind.



Title: Re: The "Church"(call it whatever you want) of Bitcoin
Post by: ChinaBitcoinB on June 21, 2019, 11:33:44 AM
Dear U`s and I`s of the church or call it whatever you want of Bitcoin, this a message for everyone.

I will show you all something you have never seen today or tomorrow, colors you have never seen.

When the sun is right above you. I want you to close your eyes and be directly in the sun rays and look directly at the sun with your eye lids closed, move your head around a little try to get the light into all corners of your eyes.
I want you to sit there for 1 minute and think about red and blue staring at the sun.
Now look down away from the sun with your eyes still closed and cover your eyes with your hands. In 3 seconds you will see the most pure blue you have ever seen.
Once the blue turns into galaxys and pixels I want you to look back at the sun with your eyes still closed move your hands out of the way now.
You will see a true red.

I will show you all how to see green and yellow if you are ready.
I can show you how you can make images in your mind.



Wow this was really cool, what is next?  how do I see green and yellow? I saw the blue and the red, I never see such a blue before from looking at the sun how does that make sense or work?

Title: Re: The "Church"(call it whatever you want) of Bitcoin
Post by: fiulpro on June 21, 2019, 06:22:42 PM
😂 there is definitely no church for Bitcoins , if it is it must be a joke for sure , a subtle one made by someone.

This was what I was thinking before searching on web .

In fact there is a church for Bitcoins and guess what it provides one roof for all the religions. It is an interesting idea , funny too.

Who knows what will happen to it in the future.?
Maybe we will get one everywhere ...
People can take it as a religion ...
And that free pizza thing , lol am in.!

Title: Re: The "Church"(call it whatever you want) of Bitcoin
Post by: Nnuego on June 23, 2019, 09:13:46 AM
The ten commandments of Satoshi is quite simple and lovely. Every religion can abide and believe in it. He stated the law to benefit everybody once you have belief in bitcoin. Satoshi knows what created and he wanted us to act nice to it.

Title: Re: The "Church"(call it whatever you want) of Bitcoin
Post by: jakezyrus on June 23, 2019, 09:22:41 AM
OMG sounds  very strange.. is it true??? Is there any church for bitcoin????? Well very strange..

anyone can create thier own church so yes its possible . there might be trippers that will do this and the followers were also compose of bitcoin ethusiasts on  which they meet and talk inside thier so called " bitcoin church " they talk about stuffs related to  bitcoin  .  

bitcoin is infact can be consider as a religion because many people are praising it  . they think that bitcoin is too glorious  . most of them have already develop a solid faith and trust in bitcoin because they invest on it .

Title: Re: The "Church"(call it whatever you want) of Bitcoin
Post by: TimeBits on July 10, 2019, 06:40:06 AM
All raise or position yourself however you a willing to for this weeks prayer.

Today we have a new enemy who has sold your kids data to private companies for profits. We must curse the "mark of the beast".

In the Genesis block we pray, Dear satoshi please protect us from all fiat love fucks, and have a nice day. -A Man(A Voodoo curser man guy)