Bitcoin Forum

Economy => Economics => Topic started by: Sanugarid on March 28, 2020, 12:36:17 PM

Title: Chinese Strategy?
Post by: Sanugarid on March 28, 2020, 12:36:17 PM
I came across this facebook post out of nowhere, maybe someone shared it so I got to read it.
At the very first start of this coronavirus thing there are lots of conspiracy that is circulating over the internet saying that the virus is a type of biological weapon created by the China to dominate the world. It looks strange for me tho cause if they really did it then why choosing your own city to be the epicenter? but now after reading the post, the gap fills in and it's all making sense now.
The post that I am reading is lost and cannot find it anymore after the page reloaded. Anyways I finished reading it so here's what I remember.

America and Europe's stock market crashed but the China's stock market did not? Why the hell it didn't crash amidst the emergence they are having with the virus? Are they prepared for this?
There is a massive hospital in China that was built in only 3 days, come on man it's unbelievable cause they already know how these virus would impact the world, there are lots of hospital in China that can actually handle all the several patients that time. Are they prepared for this?
Why Beijing was not hit destructively? given that there are 14 days of the virus to begin showing symptoms, someone could've been traveled from Wuhan to Beijing at that time period.

Then there is a very suspicious action that Xi Jinping did
When he visited the affected areas of the virus he only wore a very basic mask, imagine doctors are wearing a suit when dealing with patients and their president is just wearing a face mask given that the virus can attached to a surface that can get you easily infected. My question is why? Did he already vaccinated with the antidote they secretly created?

Did China sacrificed its people knowing they got billions of them just to cripple their enemy's economy?
A new type of war?

I would not be surprise if one of these days China will just announce that there is already a cure.  8)

Title: Re: Chinese Strategy?
Post by: Mttewndew on March 28, 2020, 02:02:12 PM
There are many different opinions on this subject.
I think that the point is not to harm your enemy, but to become better than other countries. I think this theory sounds believable.
But, most likely, this is only the tip of the iceberg. In politics, events take place that the news does not tell us about. Because the world is ruled by backstage forces. Perhaps all this is somehow connected.
But one thing is clear for sure - the virus was launched not in order to kill us, but in order to do something behind the scenes.

Title: Re: Chinese Strategy?
Post by: rodskee on March 28, 2020, 02:28:08 PM
Is this a timing question?because tomorrow “All airports in Hubei Province will resume Flights (Except Wuhan) meaning they're safe now while the whole world increasingly dying than their casualties?perfect question that “Are they Ready for this?and do they have the antidote “?
Those points OP mentioned seems to be accurate and very obvious that there are something Chinese needs to explain.this is a serious matter because still people are dying now.

Title: Re: Chinese Strategy?
Post by: omone1 on March 28, 2020, 02:40:14 PM
I had read same from a group chat, and I seem to have reason to believe this conspiracy theorem, it's said that the Chinese want to buy a European stocks at low prices, become the highest stock holders, and have the companies move to China, seems they foresaw this coming. America once attacked them for creating this virus in other to gain world economic dominance. I will still be following up on this.

Title: Re: Chinese Strategy?
Post by: Chrystora123 on March 28, 2020, 02:45:11 PM
I do not know exactly what they (China) planned from the start, but seeing from the quick handling they have done on Covid-19 patients has proven that they are the country that is most ready to deal with the Covid-19 virus.  it's likely they had predicted this outbreak first..

Title: Re: Chinese Strategy?
Post by: bL4nkcode on March 28, 2020, 02:51:49 PM
I'm sure we read the same content on facebook about this conspiracy which is there are some valid reasons right now. If the virus is really by means made on purpose then they are already winning this, consider the confirmed cases on US and italy than china.

Title: Re: Chinese Strategy?
Post by: naaimmd on March 28, 2020, 03:07:47 PM
I came across this facebook post out of nowhere, maybe someone shared it so I got to read it.
At the very first start of this coronavirus thing there are lots of conspiracy that is circulating over the internet saying that the virus is a type of biological weapon created by the China to dominate the world. It looks strange for me tho cause if they really did it then why choosing your own city to be the epicenter? but now after reading the post, the gap fills in and it's all making sense now.
The post that I am reading is lost and cannot find it anymore after the page reloaded. Anyways I finished reading it so here's what I remember.

America and Europe's stock market crashed but the China's stock market did not? Why the hell it didn't crash amidst the emergence they are having with the virus? Are they prepared for this?
There is a massive hospital in China that was built in only 3 days, come on man it's unbelievable cause they already know how these virus would impact the world, there are lots of hospital in China that can actually handle all the several patients that time. Are they prepared for this?
Why Beijing was not hit destructively? given that there are 14 days of the virus to begin showing symptoms, someone could've been traveled from Wuhan to Beijing at that time period.

Then there is a very suspicious action that Xi Jinping did
When he visited the affected areas of the virus he only wore a very basic mask, imagine doctors are wearing a suit when dealing with patients and their president is just wearing a face mask given that the virus can attached to a surface that can get you easily infected. My question is why? Did he already vaccinated with the antidote they secretly created?

Did China sacrificed its people knowing they got billions of them just to cripple their enemy's economy?
A new type of war?

I would not be surprise if one of these days China will just announce that there is already a cure.  8)

I don't agree with you and here's why

1) If Chiana made weapon they would have attacked all targeted countries at once and I know China is capable to do this kind of attack.
2) As soon as the virus attack China lockdown all affected area but all country was busy talking their people back from the affected area which so dump decision and because of it now the whole world affected and you can't blame China on this.
3) I know everyone is surprised that China made hospital so quick but it took 7 days not 3 and we don't know what kind of hospital they have built all we hear news and if they made a hospital for the short time that means they have used like camp and as far I know China is a really powerful country with manpower and money so it's possible for them.
4) As for America is running by an entertainment guy and he always entertain as so many time. I think everyone is aware that when Iran said they have killed American soldier but America said no one was even injured and we all know later they said few of there soldiers was affected and now they blame China for Coronavirus instated taking caution and now America is affected more than China was affected.
5) When we all here about this virus we didn't take it seriously even when China was telling this virus was dangerous and because of we didn't take it seriously now doctor is crying in Italy, Spain and in many countries so we also have to take the blame for this as well.
6) And China didn"t go easy on his people and made sure everyone stayed home I think that's why they were able to overcome this but I dought China really told us real number about dead I talk to a friend who is from China and he told me daily at least 100+ died in Wuhan so I think at least 1 million people died in China but that's my guess only you can look for more info in google.

Also if I made mistake please forgive me

Title: Re: Chinese Strategy?
Post by: Sanugarid on March 28, 2020, 03:16:13 PM
I'm sure we read the same content on facebook about this conspiracy which is there are some valid reasons right now. If the virus is really by means made on purpose then they are already winning this, consider the confirmed cases on US and italy than china.
They are indeed winning this war against them but I think the most is the cost of their winning which is their people. If this virus is literally made by them then,if proven then China might be in large facing every nation's rage because of this. Biological weapon can be compared to nuclear with slow reaction but also means a thousands death.  I don't think that things happen between these countries are coincident only, there must be a reason why, and that reason will be uncover for sure.

Title: Re: Chinese Strategy?
Post by: naaimmd on March 28, 2020, 03:38:49 PM
I'm sure we read the same content on facebook about this conspiracy which is there are some valid reasons right now. If the virus is really by means made on purpose then they are already winning this, consider the confirmed cases on US and italy than china.
They are indeed winning this war against them but I think the most is the cost of their winning which is their people. If this virus is literally made by them then,if proven then China might be in large facing every nation's rage because of this. Biological weapon can be compared to nuclear with slow reaction but also means a thousands death.  I don't think that things happen between these countries are coincident only, there must be a reason why, and that reason will be uncover for sure.

Well, there so many think still unclear but I don"t think that's what really happened and in China are not telling us the real number of death and we might never know it and that's why people think only 3000+ people died and they are trying to make sense by convincing people that if it was Biological weapon why they attack their country first? they could have targeted any country. Even though so many things still remain a mystery like where this virus come suddenly? but if you do the research I think there are many way virus can come.

1) this virus made in the lab and this was an attack
2) this virus come from animals to humane and the more its spared more dangerous it become
3) this virus come by accident happen in lab

which reason is behind we don't know yet but hopefully, soon we will figure it out.

Title: Re: Chinese Strategy?
Post by: so98nn on March 28, 2020, 03:48:03 PM
America and Europe's stock market crashed but the China's stock market did not? Why the hell it didn't crash amidst the emergence they are having with the virus? Are they prepared for this?
There is a massive hospital in China that was built in only 3 days, come on man it's unbelievable cause they already know how these virus would impact the world, there are lots of hospital in China that can actually handle all the several patients that time. Are they prepared for this?
Why Beijing was not hit destructively? given that there are 14 days of the virus to begin showing symptoms, someone could've been traveled from Wuhan to Beijing at that time period.

The news says it all, China had strategy of creating economic crisis in the world while overcoming its own country.

There is already lawsuit against the China amounting to $20 trillion.
(Reference :

If you go through the article then surely it tells the worst intentions of China.

It has already sold $ 436 million COVID19 testing kit to Spain thus starting its first sell with it. Moreover it was not even genuine kit and came out as faulty stuff. (Reference-

This clearly takes China as devil party and can not be trusted any further. Something spurious is surely going on.

Title: Re: Chinese Strategy?
Post by: $crypto$ on March 28, 2020, 04:05:26 PM
Indeed there are some opinions about the occurrence of this virus emerged.

Some say that this virus was created by the United States to paralyze China because it wanted to dominate the entire industrial market in the world then it was created this virus that even revealed its intelligence on the United States, I do not know whether this is real or not.

Some say also that China is able to create everything including this virus because it wants to weaken the United States in the industrial stock competition, China will do what they want including sacrificing thousands of dead people and now they say they have found a vaccine, maybe China created this virus. ?

Whoever made this riot caused the whole world to be saddened by this.
May be war in trade.

Title: Re: Chinese Strategy?
Post by: Sanugarid on March 28, 2020, 05:39:56 PM
Indeed there are some opinions about the occurrence of this virus emerged.

Some say that this virus was created by the United States to paralyze China because it wanted to dominate the entire industrial market in the world then it was created this virus that even revealed its intelligence on the United States, I do not know whether this is real or not.
Let's assume that the virus was created by the United States, how did they react to the cases? they can't be too comfortable for what they did since it is a serious disease and you can't just say that they let these things to happen to avoid getting caught. USA now is the new epicenter of the virus now what can you say about that?

Some say also that China is able to create everything including this virus because it wants to weaken the United States in the industrial stock competition, China will do what they want including sacrificing thousands of dead people and now they say they have found a vaccine, maybe China created this virus. ?

Whoever made this riot caused the whole world to be saddened by this.
May be war in trade.
The best we can conclude on who is behind this is the China, their stock market position right now is too good to put in this crisis amidst their country being the virus' epicenter for a couple of months. We are in a triangular war.

Title: Re: Chinese Strategy?
Post by: palle11 on March 28, 2020, 06:58:56 PM
I do not know exactly what they (China) planned from the start, but seeing from the quick handling they have done on Covid-19 patients has proven that they are the country that is most ready to deal with the Covid-19 virus.  it's likely they had predicted this outbreak first..

But what I have to say about this point you raised is that if the information I have is correct, China is the first hit of this virus late last year and we should expect that they would have gone to working on it as early as possible. Moreover, the Chinese economy is buoyant enough and they are proactive people in terms of like this and technology plus they are cooperative nation. So they might have abided by the rules to avoid bitter spread. There was also a time that China suffered more death than every country.
Also, China is not the only country that seem to have controlled this pandemic. I think Korea, Singapore and Germany to my knowledge have really worked against it and I believe soon other countries would come out from it.

Title: Re: Chinese Strategy?
Post by: Sanugarid on March 28, 2020, 07:06:22 PM
I do not know exactly what they (China) planned from the start, but seeing from the quick handling they have done on Covid-19 patients has proven that they are the country that is most ready to deal with the Covid-19 virus.  it's likely they had predicted this outbreak first..

But what I have to say about this point you raised is that if the information I have is correct, China is the first hit of this virus late last year and we should expect that they would have gone to working on it as early as possible. Moreover, the Chinese economy is buoyant enough and they are proactive people in terms of like this and technology plus they are cooperative nation. So they might have abided by the rules to avoid bitter spread. There was also a time that China suffered more death than every country.
I thought of it many times before, I used to think that China is so enormous that they have avoided the market collapse even with a huge problem on their front now but that is not the case, given that the USA and most part of Europe  has more time to prepare for the coronavirus they could've lessen the damages. What is more intriguing about this is the China's economy is not shaken by this, millions of people are affected in China not only in Wuhan, in that scale their stock market should have been down unlike what happened to many countries around the globe.

Also, China is not the only country that seem to have controlled this pandemic. I think Korea, Singapore and Germany to my knowledge have really worked against it and I believe soon other countries would come out from it.
Yeah, some countries are handling the virus so well like the said countries but have you noticed that they are China's allied? Russia and NK seems to be not affected by the virus. Why do you think so?

Title: Re: Chinese Strategy?
Post by: fiulpro on March 28, 2020, 07:14:53 PM
I have news where people are accusing China of creating this Virus , at the same time this is Preety extreme I think .
People are saying they did this so that they can kill the world's economy and then generate revenue out of antidotes they will sell later on .
Since the people in Wuhan have now recovered and the graph is going stable , there is all kind of conspiracy theories going on and on .
One cannot know what is true and what is not.
The government also seemed to have silenced the first doctor who seemed to know about the virus and said something about it , he died few days back from Corona virus.

We are normal people we won't be able to know anything about it unless and until someone who has the power speaks up !

Title: Re: Chinese Strategy?
Post by: bL4nkcode on March 28, 2020, 07:27:51 PM
If this virus is literally made by them then,if proven then China might be in large facing every nation's rage because of this.
That's too early to say so, and that's not so easy to get those proofs since china is too centralized. You will be stopped and silent before you can speak.

Anyway, let's just hope that this virus will not do more damage than what it should, people should listen to their government when the place/country is considered as a lockdown.

Title: Re: Chinese Strategy?
Post by: mersal on March 28, 2020, 07:53:10 PM
If China created Corona then why not US? US is also going to be more profitable from this virus attack in long term since they are going to print trillions and liquidate it into their country.But these are all conspiracy theory for a reason and there is no conclusion for all these things because it goes on never ending stories.

Title: Re: Chinese Strategy?
Post by: exstasie on March 28, 2020, 09:51:34 PM
America and Europe's stock market crashed but the China's stock market did not? Why the hell it didn't crash amidst the emergence they are having with the virus? Are they prepared for this?

The Shanghai Composite did drop over 15%. The losses were much worse in the US because the prognosis is much worse. China is expected to make nearly full economic recovery in Q2. In contrast, the US economy is going to contract in a huge way, a 10-20% contraction or more. The market is pricing that in.

There is no doubt the US was much worse prepared than China, or really any of the Asian countries that have dealt with past pandemic scares like SARS.

Did China sacrificed its people knowing they got billions of them just to cripple their enemy's economy?
A new type of war?

What is the point of this war? To kill off the Americans who buy so many Chinese-exported goods? These conspiracy theories make no sense. There is no motive and the risks to China (due to the high infectiousness) would be too great.

Title: Re: Chinese Strategy?
Post by: jossiel on March 28, 2020, 10:18:26 PM
I think I have read of the same conspiracy but I'm not sure whether to believe it or not. I can't think of it but somehow that conspiracy is making the readers believe that it's telling the actual truth.

We will never know the truth about it. And the other conspiracy that I've read is this virus is a man-made virus which has one goal and that is to send the entire world's economy down because China is losing to the trade war.

I guess I'm done reading these conspiracy theories.

Title: Re: Chinese Strategy?
Post by: abhiseshakana on March 29, 2020, 12:00:51 AM
I came across this facebook post out of nowhere, maybe someone shared it so I got to read it.
At the very first start of this coronavirus thing there are lots of conspiracy that is circulating over the internet saying that the virus is a type of biological weapon created by the China to dominate the world. It looks strange for me tho cause if they really did it then why choosing your own city to be the epicenter? but now after reading the post, the gap fills in and it's all making sense now.
The post that I am reading is lost and cannot find it anymore after the page reloaded. Anyways I finished reading it so here's what I remember.
- snip -
Did China sacrificed its people knowing they got billions of them just to cripple their enemy's economy?
A new type of war?

I would not be surprise if one of these days China will just announce that there is already a cure.  8)

In general, there are two conspiracy theories at this time, China as a victim or China as a director. Although until now I still think that China is a real victim, but my brain also began to think "what if China is just playing the victim?"

The Corona Virus incident (whether leaked, leaked or weapons) is China's own attempt to deliberately slow down its economic growth so that it does not become a bubble and gain additional strategic advantage amid voices of dissatisfaction among the public and the international community over the handling of the Tibetan, Hong Kong, and Taiwan Uyghurs. Corona's control by Xi Jing Ping has given confidence to the leaders that they are doing their best for the safety and interests of citizens.

Learning from the fact of the 2003 SARS outbreak, wherein Q1 the pandemic, the Chinese economy was hit but Q2 after the outbreak could be controlled the Chinese economy shot fast. In addition to the economic benefits of China also foster international sympathy and a new image for the leadership of the Chinese Communist Party.

In its current position, when the whole world is at war with the Corona pandemic, China has attracted international appreciation for its assistance to other countries by sending experts and medical supplies.

Even though the Chinese economy is experiencing a slowdown but after entering a period of crisis, the Chinese economy will improve rapidly because with the perception that China is a big friendly country ready to help and cooperate with world countries, the torch project is getting smoother.

Businessmen will compete in investing in China because it is the first country to carry out economic recovery after the pandemic corona and overtake the United States as its global competitor.

America and Europe's stock market crashed but the China's stock market did not? Why the hell it didn't crash amidst the emergence they are having with the virus? Are they prepared for this?

In February 2020, the Chinese stock exchange was also in a free fall, retail stocks were the deepest correction, followed by manufacturing, consumer and basic materials. While medical device stocks actually jumped, benefited by the situation.

There is a massive hospital in China that was built in only 3 days, come on man it's unbelievable cause they already know how these virus would impact the world, there are lots of hospital in China that can actually handle all the several patients that time. Are they prepared for this?

China is the world's manufacturing center and almost all OBOR infrastructure projects, the raw materials are from China, so all of them are in China. In addition, almost all entrepreneurs in China are members of the communist party and between businessmen and parties. And employers always support party decisions so that it is easy to build a hospital in three days. Ten days.

The construction of the hospital uses prefabricated buildings, similar to earthquake-resistant houses in Japan. The construction of this hospital is based on the design of the Xiaotangshan Hospital that was built by the Chinese authorities in Beijing to overcome the SARS outbreak in 2003 or about 17 years ago. It is known that the Xiaotangshan Hospital at that time was built in just seven days.

Title: Re: Chinese Strategy?
Post by: Janation on March 29, 2020, 12:16:15 AM
America and Europe's stock market crashed but the China's stock market did not? Why the hell it didn't crash amidst the emergence they are having with the virus? Are they prepared for this?

This article might answer your question here.  (

There is a massive hospital in China that was built in only 3 days, come on man it's unbelievable cause they already know how these virus would impact the world, there are lots of hospital in China that can actually handle all the several patients that time. Are they prepared for this?

This is a bit triggering conspiracy or theory.

This virus started in December of 2019, the hospital was started to build on January 23. If they already knew the virus, they would just start making a hospital far earlier than that. Workers in there don't have enough sleep, a worker there was interviews and said they only slept 3 hours for 3 days, just imagine the sacrifice they are doing. It was further explained by @abhiseshakana though.

Title: Re: Chinese Strategy?
Post by: Sanugarid on March 29, 2020, 03:09:21 AM
America and Europe's stock market crashed but the China's stock market did not? Why the hell it didn't crash amidst the emergence they are having with the virus? Are they prepared for this?

This article might answer your question here.  (

Thanks for bringing this one
There is a massive hospital in China that was built in only 3 days, come on man it's unbelievable cause they already know how these virus would impact the world, there are lots of hospital in China that can actually handle all the several patients that time. Are they prepared for this?

This is a bit triggering conspiracy or theory.

This virus started in December of 2019, the hospital was started to build on January 23. If they already knew the virus, they would just start making a hospital far earlier than that. Workers in there don't have enough sleep, a worker there was interviews and said they only slept 3 hours for 3 days, just imagine the sacrifice they are doing. It was further explained by @abhiseshakana though.
Ok, so let's say that was really not intended and I already know what China is capable of building things. Now what are your stand on China having a 90++% recovery rate
Now China is selling medicines and already sold 432 million euros to Spain. Can someone put a spotlight on this?

Title: Re: Chinese Strategy?
Post by: smyslov on March 29, 2020, 05:06:33 AM
There are so many theories coming out that China planned all this I have read that kind of article in one of my feed one theory is why only Wuhan and Hubei only on the part of China, why the other parts are not harmed while the whole world suffers, why there is almost no infection on the other part of Mainland China it seems they are good in restricting it or they already plan to restrict it only on Hubei and Wuhan.

Title: Re: Chinese Strategy?
Post by: Wexnident on March 29, 2020, 06:14:23 AM
Isn't that kind of blowing it out of proportion? I mean, yea, questioning most often than not shows results. After all, answers only come out after someone questions the reason or cause, but I doubt that China would risk the population of their entire country to spread the virus around. They'd basically be doing a suicide bombing using thousands of people or something after all.

Ok, so let's say that was really not intended and I already know what China is capable of building things. Now what are your stand on China having a 90++% recovery rate
Tried to look stuff up about this, I don't really know if its accurate or not but a few reports have indicated that some of those "Recovered" patients are actually just errors. Once they came back to the hospitals, they tested positive after a few more tests. The reasons were mostly about human errors, but who knows? Maybe there's more to the virus than they know of. Sides, China having that much of infection rate is attributed to the solid stand they have in terms of lockdowns and quarantines.

Title: Re: Chinese Strategy?
Post by: onrise on March 29, 2020, 06:32:41 AM
There are so many theories coming out that China planned all this I have read that kind of article in one of my feed one theory is why only Wuhan and Hubei only on the part of China, why the other parts are not harmed while the whole world suffers, why there is almost no infection on the other part of Mainland China it seems they are good in restricting it or they already plan to restrict it only on Hubei and Wuhan.

This is quite interesting because where everywhere else in the world it is spreading how come in some cities of China it has stopped or how are people recovered so well. Have they found the vaccine and if yes then why are they not sharing with the world? Also have they spread it purposely and why the testing was happening and what they wanted to find out by testing this virus?

Title: Re: Chinese Strategy?
Post by: AniviaBtc on March 29, 2020, 06:43:11 AM
I'm sure we read the same content on facebook about this conspiracy which is there are some valid reasons right now. If the virus is really by means made on purpose then they are already winning this, consider the confirmed cases on US and italy than china.
They are indeed winning this war against them but I think the most is the cost of their winning which is their people. If this virus is literally made by them then,if proven then China might be in large facing every nation's rage because of this. Biological weapon can be compared to nuclear with slow reaction but also means a thousands death.  I don't think that things happen between these countries are coincident only, there must be a reason why, and that reason will be uncover for sure.

Well, there so many think still unclear but I don"t think that's what really happened and in China are not telling us the real number of death and we might never know it and that's why people think only 3000+ people died and they are trying to make sense by convincing people that if it was Biological weapon why they attack their country first? they could have targeted any country. Even though so many things still remain a mystery like where this virus come suddenly? but if you do the research I think there are many way virus can come.

1) this virus made in the lab and this was an attack
2) this virus come from animals to humane and the more its spared more dangerous it become
3) this virus come by accident happen in lab

which reason is behind we don't know yet but hopefully, soon we will figure it out.

We can't just conclude our thought right now without any proof or evidences. But I think this is really a strategy of China to let the stock market of US to go down. This must be the way that the China will dominate the global economy because we all know that US is the competitor of China. US is a first world country and China is just second world country, but still they compete in many aspects like economy, agricultural, military and etc. If China really spread this virus intentionally then I think that its primary target is only US. Right now, US are suffering from the Covid-19 with an infected cases of almost 125,000 people while China has already a recovery of 92% with 81,000 cases and 75,000 people recovered as of now. How come that China reached that recovery state without any update to their status? It is pretty bad that the population in each country affected is decreasing.

Title: Re: Chinese Strategy?
Post by: Latviand on March 29, 2020, 08:24:57 AM
America and Europe's stock market crashed but the China's stock market did not? Why the hell it didn't crash amidst the emergence they are having with the virus? Are they prepared for this?

The Shanghai Composite did drop over 15%. The losses were much worse in the US because the prognosis is much worse. China is expected to make nearly full economic recovery in Q2. In contrast, the US economy is going to contract in a huge way, a 10-20% contraction or more. The market is pricing that in.

There is no doubt the US was much worse prepared than China, or really any of the Asian countries that have dealt with past pandemic scares like SARS.

Did China sacrificed its people knowing they got billions of them just to cripple their enemy's economy?
A new type of war?

What is the point of this war? To kill off the Americans who buy so many Chinese-exported goods? These conspiracy theories make no sense. There is no motive and the risks to China (due to the high infectiousness) would be too great.

US really is experiencing a dropped in its stock market because of the effect of this virus. As the number of cases in US suddenly increasing, still the government doesn't implement a forced quarantine but they just implement travel ban for European and Asian countries. Donald Trump really underestimate what this virus can do to a country, it really destroy a lot of population, economy, and etc. His racist mindset put its citizen into death as he is not that scared of the virus. Although the virus starts in Wuhan, China, its stock market is still stable and the recovery is high and there's no new cases in their country. Imagine how did that happen if the virus really started from them. I think that the countries that will cause world war III are China and Us, they are competitors in many aspects and people have nothing to do with that but to suffer from the effects of their struggle.

Title: Re: Chinese Strategy?
Post by: Viscore on March 29, 2020, 09:27:47 AM
That's just speculation but the speculation has a point, why China stock market did not drop amidst of the corona virus, maybe because they controlled the news, they are confident that they can contained the virus which they were able to do so the trust of the investors are still their.

With this virus attack on big countries, I guess it will help a lot on China's economy because of the big countries, they are the one who are the most stable now. There are also speculation that this virus was created by China, it could be possible, maybe they are just playing games and this is their strategy to destroy the enemy.

Title: Re: Chinese Strategy?
Post by: Granxis on March 29, 2020, 09:41:09 AM
America and Europe's stock market crashed but the China's stock market did not? Why the hell it didn't crash amidst the emergence they are having with the virus? Are they prepared for this?

This article might answer your question here.  (

Thanks for bringing this one
There is a massive hospital in China that was built in only 3 days, come on man it's unbelievable cause they already know how these virus would impact the world, there are lots of hospital in China that can actually handle all the several patients that time. Are they prepared for this?

This is a bit triggering conspiracy or theory.

This virus started in December of 2019, the hospital was started to build on January 23. If they already knew the virus, they would just start making a hospital far earlier than that. Workers in there don't have enough sleep, a worker there was interviews and said they only slept 3 hours for 3 days, just imagine the sacrifice they are doing. It was further explained by @abhiseshakana though.
Ok, so let's say that was really not intended and I already know what China is capable of building things. Now what are your stand on China having a 90++% recovery rate
Now China is selling medicines and already sold 432 million euros to Spain. Can someone put a spotlight on this?
The corona virus comes from China to the whole world, namely covid19 disease appeared in 2019.
So why did not this disease occur before? Everybody said that this virus appeared because the Chinese ate a lot of awkward meat.
The Chinese did not start eating these animals recently, the Chinese had been eating these animals for centuries and some have resisted this virus.
China is a more resistant country to the corona virus because this virus has not occured new.
The corona virus threatens the whole world because Europe and America are unknown to this virus.

Title: Re: Chinese Strategy?
Post by: arwin100 on March 29, 2020, 09:54:34 AM
America and Europe's stock market crashed but the China's stock market did not? Why the hell it didn't crash amidst the emergence they are having with the virus? Are they prepared for this?

The Shanghai Composite did drop over 15%. The losses were much worse in the US because the prognosis is much worse. China is expected to make nearly full economic recovery in Q2. In contrast, the US economy is going to contract in a huge way, a 10-20% contraction or more. The market is pricing that in.

There is no doubt the US was much worse prepared than China, or really any of the Asian countries that have dealt with past pandemic scares like SARS.

Did China sacrificed its people knowing they got billions of them just to cripple their enemy's economy?
A new type of war?

What is the point of this war? To kill off the Americans who buy so many Chinese-exported goods? These conspiracy theories make no sense. There is no motive and the risks to China (due to the high infectiousness) would be too great.

US really is experiencing a dropped in its stock market because of the effect of this virus. As the number of cases in US suddenly increasing, still the government doesn't implement a forced quarantine but they just implement travel ban for European and Asian countries. Donald Trump really underestimate what this virus can do to a country, it really destroy a lot of population, economy, and etc. His racist mindset put its citizen into death as he is not that scared of the virus. Although the virus starts in Wuhan, China, its stock market is still stable and the recovery is high and there's no new cases in their country. Imagine how did that happen if the virus really started from them. I think that the countries that will cause world war III are China and Us, they are competitors in many aspects and people have nothing to do with that but to suffer from the effects of their struggle.

Trump downplaying the virus is a big mistake for them and look what happen now they are at the top who got affected more and a high possibilities that the number of deaths will rise up on upcoming months and worse their economy is at risk and if trump didn't find a solution to this their economy will collapsed badly.

And actually I don't believe much about those conspiracy thing sorround the virus if china made this since if that is really the case it needs a investigation so that they will be punish, for now maybe its best to focus on finding the correct formula of the cure since if US and Italy will fail this is a huge breakdown on global economy.

Title: Re: Chinese Strategy?
Post by: verita1 on March 29, 2020, 10:16:54 AM
It sounds strange to me that China has confirmed 81394 infected people and 74971 people have recovered from the Coronavirus. While the rest of humanity fights so that the virus does not spread in their nation. China recently celebrated that it is virus free. And the country in the worst situation is the United States because Trump did not act correctly from the beginning. Today I casually heard about this Chinese conspiracy that possibly created this Virus.

Title: Re: Chinese Strategy?
Post by: exstasie on March 29, 2020, 10:51:56 AM
US really is experiencing a dropped in its stock market because of the effect of this virus. As the number of cases in US suddenly increasing, still the government doesn't implement a forced quarantine but they just implement travel ban for European and Asian countries.

They have implemented a patchwork of state and local shelter-in-place orders, self-quarantine requirements, and travel advisories. This is the difference between liberal democracies like the US and authoritarian regimes like China. In liberal countries, people are not accustomed to following emergency orders and governments are hesitant to forcibly detain people because it violates basic legal and constitutional rights.

We are finally beginning to see more illiberal developments in the US. King County (Seattle) just announced they will begin forcibly detaining anyone with COVID-19 or COVID-19 symptoms who refuse to voluntarily isolate:

People are now being cited and fined for holding social gatherings:

Still nowhere near the measures taken in Asian countries but the authorities are clearly growing intolerant of the public's refusal to take COVID-19 seriously. If US infections continue at this rate, we will see start seeing the National Guard enforcing mandatory quarantines.

Although the virus starts in Wuhan, China, its stock market is still stable and the recovery is high and there's no new cases in their country.

There are some doubts about that.

As families in the central Chinese city began picking up the cremated ashes of those who have died from the virus this week, photos began circulating on social media and local media outlets showing vast numbers of urns at Wuhan funeral homes.

China has reported 3,299 coronavirus-related deaths, with most taking place in Wuhan, the epicenter of the global pandemic. But one funeral home received two shipments of 5,000 urns over the course of two days, according to the Chinese media outlet Caixin.

Title: Re: Chinese Strategy?
Post by: Bagaji on March 29, 2020, 10:57:08 AM
I also read the same story via Facebook and that is true then will say people as just been wicked for no just reason because it doesn't only affects their enemies alone it also affect their close Allies. Why were they able to control the spread to other states of their country if is not a planned something.

Title: Re: Chinese Strategy?
Post by: bittraffic on March 29, 2020, 11:53:25 AM

You can now begin to think they are running the world already, they know how to do it, they know when to do it and they know to take advantage of it. Of course they are prepared for it, they could have been planing it for decades just when they learned they can cripple economies by flooding the market with their cheap products. They are also buying the stocks in US, literally they own big companies in US.

Title: Re: Chinese Strategy?
Post by: Magkirap on March 29, 2020, 12:03:38 PM

You can now begin to think they are running the world already, they know how to do it, they know when to do it and they know to take advantage of it. Of course they are prepared for it, they could have been planing it for decades just when they learned they can cripple economies by flooding the market with their cheap products. They are also buying the stocks in US, literally they own big companies in US.

Yes this scenario or thinking can be true because it is hard to think that some part of their country is not hit by the virus but of course it can also be a result of their immediate action to contain the virus in one place but if ever that the first thought is true then they are surely well prepared for it, they know how will they execute it without having unexpected damaged to their own country. Surely lots of countries economy will be shaken and will struggle to get in back to normal so while they are in this state, that country will take advantage of it like they have planned but it is only if the thought of the OP is true.

Title: Re: Chinese Strategy?
Post by: awik p on March 29, 2020, 12:20:10 PM

You can now begin to think they are running the world already, they know how to do it, they know when to do it and they know to take advantage of it. Of course they are prepared for it, they could have been planing it for decades just when they learned they can cripple economies by flooding the market with their cheap products. They are also buying the stocks in US, literally they own big companies in US.
they seemed to rule the world, and as if all countries became dependent because of it, nobody knew about this plague, and of course negative accusations could not be proven, but they were swiftly faced with outbreaks in their countries, and finally the city that became the first pandemic could be reopened

Title: Re: Chinese Strategy?
Post by: Findingnemo on March 29, 2020, 12:41:59 PM
The corona virus comes from China to the whole world, namely covid19 disease appeared in 2019.
So why did not this disease occur before? Everybody said that this virus appeared because the Chinese ate a lot of awkward meat.
The Chinese did not start eating these animals recently, the Chinese had been eating these animals for centuries and some have resisted this virus.
China is a more resistant country to the corona virus because this virus has not occured new.
The corona virus threatens the whole world because Europe and America are unknown to this virus.

If the Chinese has the capability to resist them from this virus by eating exotic animals alive then why it existed at first? ???

Possibly China has better medical development compared to other countries or as other sayings, there must be something behind this 90% recovery rate.

China starts their exports of facemask all over the world so this is just because of their business profits?

Title: Re: Chinese Strategy?
Post by: naaimmd on March 29, 2020, 01:49:55 PM
America and Europe's stock market crashed but the China's stock market did not? Why the hell it didn't crash amidst the emergence they are having with the virus? Are they prepared for this?

This article might answer your question here.  (

Thanks for bringing this one
There is a massive hospital in China that was built in only 3 days, come on man it's unbelievable cause they already know how these virus would impact the world, there are lots of hospital in China that can actually handle all the several patients that time. Are they prepared for this?

This is a bit triggering conspiracy or theory.

This virus started in December of 2019, the hospital was started to build on January 23. If they already knew the virus, they would just start making a hospital far earlier than that. Workers in there don't have enough sleep, a worker there was interviews and said they only slept 3 hours for 3 days, just imagine the sacrifice they are doing. It was further explained by @abhiseshakana though.
Ok, so let's say that was really not intended and I already know what China is capable of building things. Now what are your stand on China having a 90++% recovery rate
Now China is selling medicines and already sold 432 million euros to Spain. Can someone put a spotlight on this?

I know the number is quite big and the recovery rate in China give you dought about if it was an attack here's my point;
1) Do you think China showing real death numbers? I have talked to a friend who are from Wuhan but live in the USA he told me that in Wuhan daily 100+ people died but that time in news only telling only 700 death so I think to save their economy China hides the real number of people died from us.
2) Do you know in China from January to March 1 million people phones are off why do you think ? in this situation people should use more than they did before since all those affected area lockdowns and only thoro phones they can connect so where did those users go missing?

More important how the virus spread I think if all countries didn't take there citizen back virus wouldn't be spared in the whole world.

Title: Re: Chinese Strategy?
Post by: Lucius on March 29, 2020, 01:58:14 PM
Now China is selling medicines and already sold 432 million euros to Spain. Can someone put a spotlight on this?

Markets operate on a supply-and-demand basis, and currently there is a demand for protective masks, protective gloves and disinfectants. China has cheap labor and the capacity to produce such things at very possibly the lowest prices on the market. What is really a problem with Spain and other EU countries is that they have not taken the virus problem seriously, that they do not have industries that produce protective equipment, and that they are not self-sufficient in times of crisis.

Conspiracy theories are mere speculation, and at this point there is no evidence to suggest that the intention is to cause a pandemic to erode the world eco-economy. No matter how quickly China recovers, the fact remains that there is no economic progress for China without demand for goods and services from the rest of the world.

It should also be borne in mind that everything in China needs to be viewed through the prism of their political system, and to realize that no Western democracy can be as effective as the Communist Party, and I know this because I have spent part of my life in such a system. China's response to the virus has been rapid, effective and restrained, and the results are visible today. On the other hand, the EU, and especially the UK and USA, underestimated the situation and waited too long to take decisive action.

What happened at Atalanta-Valencia (Milano) ( game is in fact evidence of the ultimate human stupidity and greed, in time when China is warned the world, they play at full stadium in front of 40 000 people. We see the result today in Italy and Spain, and we know that San Siro was ground zero for COVID-19 in Europe.

Title: Re: Chinese Strategy?
Post by: btc78 on March 29, 2020, 02:24:53 PM
I have watched another video not so similar about this but the topic runs same as Chinese had planned  this Virus Infection.

though on that video it is an accidental that the Virus Broke in Wuhan and the situation has been covered up but the death toll that time is hundreds of thousands  in 2019 alone.

anyway most of your point are Valid and it looks like Chinese really intentionally spread this Virus and look at them now?all the Flight in Hubei now are allowed except in Wuhan only is this mean they are already cleared of Infection?

Title: Re: Chinese Strategy?
Post by: Yatsan on March 29, 2020, 02:55:46 PM
I have watched another video not so similar about this but the topic runs same as Chinese had planned  this Virus Infection.

though on that video it is an accidental that the Virus Broke in Wuhan and the situation has been covered up but the death toll that time is hundreds of thousands  in 2019 alone.

anyway most of your point are Valid and it looks like Chinese really intentionally spread this Virus and look at them now?all the Flight in Hubei now are allowed except in Wuhan only is this mean they are already cleared of Infection?
Based on the news, China is recovering fast and their cases are lowering everyday however, other country are still suffering and there cases are multiplying as time passes by, and I see that China is selling test kits to other countries and making profit from there. So maybe, this is just all Chinese strategy, but who knows? Still, there's a high chance that it's all planned. I am afraid that maybe OP is right.

Title: Re: Chinese Strategy?
Post by: Twentyonepaylots on March 29, 2020, 03:17:45 PM
I do really slowly start to believe that the virus is made by the Chinese coz things are interconnected based from the facts that the OP have shared. First things first, China is a great country and number two in worlds economic status hierarchy if they want to be on top and control everything on their hand then they must create something destructive without entering a modern war, this is a silent war where China is getting up close to their target. The stocks in America and Europe is declining at the lowest, Private companies could easily buy them, There are thousands of Big companies in China that could take care of that.

The corona virus comes from China to the whole world, namely covid19 disease appeared in 2019.
So why did not this disease occur before? Everybody said that this virus appeared because the Chinese ate a lot of awkward meat.
The Chinese did not start eating these animals recently, the Chinese had been eating these animals for centuries and some have resisted this virus.
China is a more resistant country to the corona virus because this virus has not occured new.
The corona virus threatens the whole world because Europe and America are unknown to this virus.

If the Chinese has the capability to resist them from this virus by eating exotic animals alive then why it existed at first? ???
You know when you need to start a book, you need a brand new and smooth beginning.

Title: Re: Chinese Strategy?
Post by: Pamadar on March 29, 2020, 03:34:40 PM

You can now begin to think they are running the world already, they know how to do it, they know when to do it and they know to take advantage of it. Of course they are prepared for it, they could have been planing it for decades just when they learned they can cripple economies by flooding the market with their cheap products. They are also buying the stocks in US, literally they own big companies in US.
That's how good this Chinese playing with types of environment. With the way they've anticipated where things possibly heading and how they've position
everything, we can assume how things are being settled by this people.
They've got more investment and they've really taking advantages of their cheap laborers, Chinese strategy is working well and e all noticed that from every factors of the economy.

Title: Re: Chinese Strategy?
Post by: jacafbiz on March 29, 2020, 04:20:39 PM
Initially I do not believe in conspiracies, but second thought on this issue made me to ask why is it that Russia is not affected like other countries we all know that both China and Russia always vote together on issues because they are thick as thief.

Title: Re: Chinese Strategy?
Post by: posi on March 29, 2020, 06:48:15 PM
Initially I do not believe in conspiracies, but second thought on this issue made me to ask why is it that Russia is not affected like other countries we all know that both China and Russia always vote together on issues because they are thick as thief.
I also don't like or support conspiracies but the point you just said now make want to believe in what others have said because despite the current pandemic issue the Russian still blow some buildings in Idlib and close to 378 life were lost.
With that been said, the deed has happened and what we need now is the solution not to accuse others of something there's no genuine evidence.

Note : we should be more ready for any future occasion like this because Bill Gate has already made the warning about the pandemic since the year 2015.

Title: Re: Chinese Strategy?
Post by: thesmallgod on March 29, 2020, 07:55:13 PM
But according to what I read on BBC, the virus was first discovered by the doctor who is an ophthalmologist when a patient was brought from seafood markets. Probably due to the large population of China and professionals that cut across every field. They could have achieved all that but to me the whole thing is just a hoax just they way there are allegations that Russian assist Trump in winning the election

Title: Re: Chinese Strategy?
Post by: TheGreatPython on March 30, 2020, 02:23:46 PM
I think there is definitely something going on with china but I am not entirely sure if it is the way you guys think it is.

I doubt they actually got the virus out knowingly and killed people, sure they could be really horrible government and dictator and all that but this wouldn't really be something you can control knowingly, it could get out of hand and ruin your whole nation if you are not careful. Think about Chinese people suddenly leaving where they are and going to some other cities like the Italians did.

What would happen? We are talking about millions of people infected if there was something like that. China could do whatever they want but they can't really predict the future. However, they could have just took advantage by building huge manufacturing places for medicines, kits and all that because they are always great at manufacturing.

Title: Re: Chinese Strategy?
Post by: Sanugarid on March 30, 2020, 02:23:56 PM
Initially I do not believe in conspiracies
Literally me too, without such basis it's hard to believe on such thing like this but the events that coincide with this is much harder to believe. North Korea as one of the boundary country of China seems to be unaffected and have 0 zero cases of the virus, it's pretty easy to say that North Korea is very strict on entering and Exiting on their country but still it's hard to believe it.

but second thought on this issue made me to ask why is it that Russia is not affected like other countries we all know that both China and Russia always vote together on issues because they are thick as thief.
I don't know why you said their "thick as thief", what do you mean by that?

Title: Re: Chinese Strategy?
Post by: bitbunnny on March 30, 2020, 03:17:43 PM
Initially I do not believe in conspiracies, but second thought on this issue made me to ask why is it that Russia is not affected like other countries we all know that both China and Russia always vote together on issues because they are thick as thief.

I also don't believe in conspiracy theories and Russia is also very affected but they don't do much testing and they don't reveal the real numbers as well as some other countries.
Chinese are very known for their discipline and obedience and that is one of the keys in situations like this.
They've already started to rebuild their production and economy and once more Europe and US will stay behind.

Title: Re: Chinese Strategy?
Post by: naaimmd on March 30, 2020, 03:34:01 PM
Initially I do not believe in conspiracies, but second thought on this issue made me to ask why is it that Russia is not affected like other countries we all know that both China and Russia always vote together on issues because they are thick as thief.

I also don't believe in conspiracy theories and Russia is also very affected but they don't do much testing and they don't reveal the real numbers as well as some other countries.
Chinese are very known for their discipline and obedience and that is one of the keys in situations like this.
They've already started to rebuild their production and economy and once more Europe and US will stay behind.

Yes, I agree with you now people are busy blaming China instead of looking for ways to control economy crash so I think we should focus on how to overcome this situation and save everyone because of this many people will lose their job and become poor. Let's all pray and hope soon this situation will resolve.

Title: Re: Chinese Strategy?
Post by: Febo on March 30, 2020, 05:27:31 PM
Chinese Strategy?

Sorry man. When I look at how people vote on such question, the highest beside that covid-19 happened naturally is that USA government made the covid-19 virus and plant it in China and Iran.

The most logical explanation to me is that it was not really natural natural, but we humans triggered it with ( global warming, pollution, keeling plants and animals, ...) . That is the reason why this viruses now keep popping out. In past were very rare.

Title: Re: Chinese Strategy?
Post by: Sanugarid on March 30, 2020, 06:25:36 PM
Chinese Strategy?

Sorry man. When I look at how people vote on such question, the highest beside that covid-19 happened naturally is that USA government made the covid-19 virus and plant it in China and Iran.
That's very vague man, with USA now have the highest cases of covid19 they should have had the antidote for this before planting to other country, seems illogical to me that they were not prepared for the pandemic when we assume that they created the virus. I hope this pandemic ends in no time, Doctors and Scientists will found a cure.

The most logical explanation to me is that it was not really natural natural, but we humans triggered it with ( global warming, pollution, keeling plants and animals, ...) . That is the reason why this viruses now keep popping out. In past were very rare.
I guess not, people in China were eating this kind of food for a very long time so if it is really genetically found and started with bats then it should popped out as early as it was eaten.

Title: Re: Chinese Strategy?
Post by: cotton ball on March 31, 2020, 09:43:44 AM
I think is China strategy where make Corona virus and ready with thousand medicine and take hospital with short time, how ever impossible have country make hospital just few day, I think they have planning before corona virus make by them and waiting when is the best time to announce for public.

Title: Re: Chinese Strategy?
Post by: Febo on March 31, 2020, 03:27:41 PM
Chinese Strategy?

Sorry man. When I look at how people vote on such question, the highest beside that covid-19 happened naturally is that USA government made the covid-19 virus and plant it in China and Iran.
That's very vague man, with USA now have the highest cases of covid19 they should have had the antidote for this before planting to other country, seems illogical to me that they were not prepared for the pandemic when we assume that they created the virus. I hope this pandemic ends in no time, Doctors and Scientists will found a cure.

The most logical explanation to me is that it was not really natural natural, but we humans triggered it with ( global warming, pollution, keeling plants and animals, ...) . That is the reason why this viruses now keep popping out. In past were very rare.
I guess not, people in China were eating this kind of food for a very long time so if it is really genetically found and started with bats then it should popped out as early as it was eaten.

I guess yes. We people eat animals from 100000 years ago. And we got no covid virus. I dont think we eat less animals today as we dis centuries ago. Now with climate changes that happened. Changes people did make it happen that virus got into animals.

About USA. You might be right. If you are wrong then they totally fucked them self up for not have vaccine on time.

Title: Re: Chinese Strategy?
Post by: naaimmd on March 31, 2020, 04:20:45 PM
Chinese Strategy?

Sorry man. When I look at how people vote on such question, the highest beside that covid-19 happened naturally is that USA government made the covid-19 virus and plant it in China and Iran.
That's very vague man, with USA now have the highest cases of covid19 they should have had the antidote for this before planting to other country, seems illogical to me that they were not prepared for the pandemic when we assume that they created the virus. I hope this pandemic ends in no time, Doctors and Scientists will found a cure.

The most logical explanation to me is that it was not really natural natural, but we humans triggered it with ( global warming, pollution, keeling plants and animals, ...) . That is the reason why this viruses now keep popping out. In past were very rare.
I guess not, people in China were eating this kind of food for a very long time so if it is really genetically found and started with bats then it should popped out as early as it was eaten.

I guess yes. We people eat animals from 100000 years ago. And we got no covid virus. I dont think we eat less animals today as we sis centuries ago. Now with climate changes that happened. Changes people did make it happen that virus got into animals.

About USA. You might be right. If you are wrong then they totally fucked them self up for not have vaccine on time.

Right now few people in the USA are targeted because they're Asian I saw one video where one 20-year-old African-American guy telling he hate Asian people and another 57-year-old guy was hitting old Chines guy just like after 9/11 they hated Muslim and mocked and still doing it now because of coronavirus they're doing same thing.

Title: Re: Chinese Strategy?
Post by: fudster on March 31, 2020, 05:05:25 PM
Chinese Strategy?

Sorry man. When I look at how people vote on such question, the highest beside that covid-19 happened naturally is that USA government made the covid-19 virus and plant it in China and Iran.
That's very vague man, with USA now have the highest cases of covid19 they should have had the antidote for this before planting to other country, seems illogical to me that they were not prepared for the pandemic when we assume that they created the virus. I hope this pandemic ends in no time, Doctors and Scientists will found a cure.

The most logical explanation to me is that it was not really natural natural, but we humans triggered it with ( global warming, pollution, keeling plants and animals, ...) . That is the reason why this viruses now keep popping out. In past were very rare.
I guess not, people in China were eating this kind of food for a very long time so if it is really genetically found and started with bats then it should popped out as early as it was eaten.

I guess yes. We people eat animals from 100000 years ago. And we got no covid virus. I dont think we eat less animals today as we sis centuries ago. Now with climate changes that happened. Changes people did make it happen that virus got into animals.

About USA. You might be right. If you are wrong then they totally fucked them self up for not have vaccine on time.

Right now few people in the USA are targeted because they're Asian I saw one video where one 20-year-old African-American guy telling he hate Asian people and another 57-year-old guy was hitting old Chines guy just like after 9/11 they hated Muslim and mocked and still doing it now because of coronavirus they're doing same thing.

Racist victims are often learn how to become racist. How disgusting is that.

I have more respect to my China man neighbor when he tell stories about Chinese helping people all over the world thousands of centuries ago. Chinese help US building their first train railways which means they are all over the world even before US revolt and established. They must have learned everything by now from the Art of War to Medical Technologies and hey they got 5G! Whos smart now?

Title: Re: Chinese Strategy?
Post by: imstillthebest on March 31, 2020, 08:39:08 PM
I think is China strategy where make Corona virus and ready with thousand medicine and take hospital with short time, how ever impossible have country make hospital just few day, I think they have planning before corona virus make by them and waiting when is the best time to announce for public.

no they dont have much medicines for corona but i heard there are only two to three medicines invented so far also hospotals were built rushly , that is possible but that is too risky because if its rush then the quality isnt solid enough  . also workers are limited due to quarantines  .

this is one hell of a crazy strategy if ever they planned it   . i see coments that china hides death tolls ? but why will they do that , what is the benefit that they can get  . at the end they still show thier number of deaths which is also large   .

Title: Re: Chinese Strategy?
Post by: Stedsm on March 31, 2020, 08:42:04 PM
I've watched a Korean series named "My Secret, Terrius" TBH and there was a discussion about this sort of virus in the making to explode it to such a level that it looks like a human-to-human attacking virus but what actually will it be? A mutant-virus based global terrorist attack without even sending a terrorist? I believe that China doesn't give a damn whether they keep their citizens alive or dead during this pandemic which has been probably created by them to destroy the world by 2 ways - One is with this Coronavirus itself and another way is by attacking and invading the borders of certain countries where they've already spread this virus and take advantage of this time when everyone is busy figuring out what is all this happening. They're also trying to make it a business by asking some countries to buy vaccine through them. Just shit!

Title: Re: Chinese Strategy?
Post by: royalfestus on March 31, 2020, 09:11:36 PM
If China created Corona then why not US? US is also going to be more profitable from this virus attack in long term since they are going to print trillions and liquidate it into their country.But these are all conspiracy theory for a reason and there is no conclusion for all these things because it goes on never ending stories.
Printing money is not profitable to US if the leaders use the money as expected, this is not a country with record of corruption like in some third world. There will always be a way the Government will pay back. I hope it wont result in recession, the economist did the necessaries. Even if USA planned to make profit from the virus they are already in financial loss and had lost more citizens to death.

Title: Re: Chinese Strategy?
Post by: Quidat on March 31, 2020, 09:14:08 PM
I dont easily believe when it comes to conspiracy theories but i also read up that post in facebook where some points is somewhat real or believable specially with the situation
on why Beijing havent been affected with the virus yet we know that its too near and impossible for having 0 case on that one and the rest of points is unbelievable.
Human-created virus or not, all we need now is the cure and i dont care much on which country would be the first to invent it.Some say that China already have it
but well lets wait for more days,weeks or months for it to come out.

Title: Re: Chinese Strategy?
Post by: Smitty Werben Man Jensen on March 31, 2020, 10:06:17 PM
I think is China strategy where make Corona virus and ready with thousand medicine and take hospital with short time, how ever impossible have country make hospital just few day, I think they have planning before corona virus make by them and waiting when is the best time to announce for public.
Conspiracy theories like this should not be discussed here friends, we do know Corona Virus is an extraordinary pandemic in 2020, moreover the impact on life and the economy is getting worse, this theory if it continues will make the world unstable, even can lead to war, I hope the discussion here is healthy

Title: Re: Chinese Strategy?
Post by: FanatMonet on March 31, 2020, 11:20:56 PM
Everything can be, although earlier some people said that it was the US military who brought the virus to Wuhan. But such conspiracy theories, in my opinion, are completely implausible. Well, it will be more accurate to say so, everything can be, but I would not want to believe that the coronavirus was created purposefully.

Title: Re: Chinese Strategy?
Post by: CHENIEN on April 01, 2020, 12:16:07 AM
The problem is why the country of China is so prepared if they are not involved in this situation, they might be good at predicting? it is a wonder indeed, however, it does make everyone's mind dirty due to this covid-19 was impacted first through the country of China with more confirmed cases of infected with a small amount of death which is comparing to the other affected country.through this situation the cryptocurrency exchange are affected and lot people are losing their job.

Title: Re: Chinese Strategy?
Post by: Wind_FURY on April 01, 2020, 05:35:24 AM
I came across this facebook post out of nowhere, maybe someone shared it so I got to read it.
At the very first start of this coronavirus thing there are lots of conspiracy that is circulating over the internet saying that the virus is a type of biological weapon created by the China to dominate the world. It looks strange for me tho cause if they really did it then why choosing your own city to be the epicenter? but now after reading the post, the gap fills in and it's all making sense now.
The post that I am reading is lost and cannot find it anymore after the page reloaded. Anyways I finished reading it so here's what I remember.

America and Europe's stock market crashed but the China's stock market did not? Why the hell it didn't crash amidst the emergence they are having with the virus? Are they prepared for this?
There is a massive hospital in China that was built in only 3 days, come on man it's unbelievable cause they already know how these virus would impact the world, there are lots of hospital in China that can actually handle all the several patients that time. Are they prepared for this?
Why Beijing was not hit destructively? given that there are 14 days of the virus to begin showing symptoms, someone could've been traveled from Wuhan to Beijing at that time period.

Then there is a very suspicious action that Xi Jinping did
When he visited the affected areas of the virus he only wore a very basic mask, imagine doctors are wearing a suit when dealing with patients and their president is just wearing a face mask given that the virus can attached to a surface that can get you easily infected. My question is why? Did he already vaccinated with the antidote they secretly created?

Did China sacrificed its people knowing they got billions of them just to cripple their enemy's economy?
A new type of war?

OR it might be the United States that did it, to disrupt China, and cause discontent among their own ranks to replace Xi Jinping. 8)


I would not be surprise if one of these days China will just announce that there is already a cure.  8)

But there's already treatment with high rate of success. Hydroxychloroquine, Azithromycin, and Zinc.

Title: Re: Chinese Strategy?
Post by: f2f.mirrors on April 01, 2020, 07:58:13 AM
You only see the results, but you don't know what the Chinese people paid. When the epidemic is over, I hope you will visit China in person.
In addition, not only China, South Korea, Japan, and Singapore performed equally well during this epidemic. I think this is caused by the inherent self-discipline of East Asian Confucian culture.

Title: Re: Chinese Strategy?
Post by: Janation on April 01, 2020, 08:30:09 AM
Ok, so let's say that was really not intended and I already know what China is capable of building things. Now what are your stand on China having a 90++% recovery rate

Now China is selling medicines and already sold 432 million euros to Spain. Can someone put a spotlight on this?

The fact that they have the manpower to build a hospital in 10 days means they have that power to work on these medicines.

They are prepared because not just because they are a developed country but also because of the fact that this virus started last year in their country. They are the origin of this virus and obviously they are ahead in terms of formulating the antidote. This article also proves something that China, despite the recovery rate, is still not safe from the virus.  (

Title: Re: Chinese Strategy?
Post by: abhiseshakana on April 01, 2020, 09:05:09 AM
Conspiracy theories like this should not be discussed here friends, we do know Corona Virus is an extraordinary pandemic in 2020, moreover the impact on life and the economy is getting worse, this theory if it continues will make the world unstable, even can lead to war, I hope the discussion here is healthy

Geoeconomics is the goal while the tools used are geopolitics and geo-strategy when we discuss global issues we cannot escape conspiracy theories because each country has different national interests that ultimately affect a country's foreign policy.

Either America or China are spreading, or a joint conspiracy between America and China. Learning from history, intentionally or unintentionally, both America and China have a suspicious track record on this issue. Covid -19 is a virus enrichment that requires human engineering. So I see the current conditions in the eyes of war so that I can make the best choice of action from a bad choice.

The United States has always used the war to resetting its economy as in 1929, 2008 and is predicted also in 2020. In addition, the United States has a bad incident with the bird flu virus and swine flu with the NAMRU program which was finally exposed by the Government of Indonesia and the NAMRU 2 program was stopped.

Whereas Xi uses this corona issue in addition to avoiding the economic bubble caused by the BRI, SDR, MSR and Xi propaganda projects to emerge as heroes in the fight against corona outbreaks. China controls the media to preach justification, not truth.

If our government misunderstands geopolitics, geostrategy, and geo the world economy, how can we deal with the predicted after pandemic problem that is the economic recession and the tsunami war between the American superpower and the Great power of China which will cause global uncertainty.

Title: Re: Chinese Strategy?
Post by: exstasie on April 01, 2020, 09:18:47 AM
You only see the results, but you don't know what the Chinese people paid. When the epidemic is over, I hope you will visit China in person.
In addition, not only China, South Korea, Japan, and Singapore performed equally well during this epidemic. I think this is caused by the inherent self-discipline of East Asian Confucian culture.

There is probably something to be said for that.

At the same time, some believe the real death toll in Wuhan is 10x what the Chinese government claims:

UK officials think China's case load is "downplayed by a factor of 15 to 40 times."

Who knows what is really going on in China.....

Title: Re: Chinese Strategy?
Post by: Twinkledoe on April 01, 2020, 09:23:43 AM
You only see the results, but you don't know what the Chinese people paid. When the epidemic is over, I hope you will visit China in person.
In addition, not only China, South Korea, Japan, and Singapore performed equally well during this epidemic. I think this is caused by the inherent self-discipline of East Asian Confucian culture.

There is probably something to be said for that.

At the same time, some believe the real death toll in Wuhan is 10x what the Chinese government claims:

UK officials think China's case load is "downplayed by a factor of 15 to 40 times."

Who knows what is really going on in China.....

Though I don't believe any conspiracy theory behind this pandemic, I hope Chinese will be more honest on what's happening within their borders. The numbers that they provided are not real. Many claims that their relatives' deaths are not included in the official tally. So I believe there are so many unaccounted deaths in China. The numbers are larger than what we know of.

Title: Re: Chinese Strategy?
Post by: Debonaire217 on April 01, 2020, 10:24:35 AM
I'm pretty sure this will get investigated as soon as possible after this pandemic. Right now, countries are focusing on dealing in serious stuffs to cure the various first, and to make sure the rate of infection will be low over time.

There are some signs that I doubt, China do really have a thing about the Corona Virus. I actually think they made it, a good and advance way of conducting war against the US as it hits economy. Soon, with enough evidence, they should pay this off.

Title: Re: Chinese Strategy?
Post by: In the silence on April 01, 2020, 03:17:41 PM
Remember that china is an isolated nation which means that no information could easily go in or out in the country.

Biological weapon has started since Sars, that is why the Covid is a strain version 2. Using their own people is an intelligent move to hide their true motives.

Title: Re: Chinese Strategy?
Post by: naaimmd on April 01, 2020, 03:29:48 PM
Remember that china is an isolated nation which means that no information could easily go in or out in the country.

Biological weapon has started since Sars, that is why the Covid is a strain version 2. Using their own people is an intelligent move to hide their true motives.

maybe I saw this article  and I was shocked

Title: Re: Chinese Strategy?
Post by: Blackdeath on April 01, 2020, 03:49:59 PM
Remember that china is an isolated nation which means that no information could easily go in or out in the country.

Biological weapon has started since Sars, that is why the Covid is a strain version 2. Using their own people is an intelligent move to hide their true motives.
It is the reason why there are countries who have been discriminating China that instead they are calling the virus Covid-19 or corona virus, they have been calling it chinese virus in social media like Facebook, Twitter and Reddit. Chinese government is really not showomg the full details on where is the virus came from that is why they are being victim of racism.

Title: Re: Chinese Strategy?
Post by: FlightyPouch on April 01, 2020, 03:56:19 PM
I think is China strategy where make Corona virus and ready with thousand medicine and take hospital with short time, how ever impossible have country make hospital just few day, I think they have planning before corona virus make by them and waiting when is the best time to announce for public.

It's been discussed that the plan of this hospital is based or modeled on the blueprints of a medical facility which was set up in Beijing in 2003 to help tackle the SARS epidemic ( so it is not really impossible. Another thing is that coronavirus is already a virus that is known and CoVid - 19 is just one of those viruses.

Title: Re: Chinese Strategy?
Post by: enhu on April 01, 2020, 04:00:34 PM
Remember that china is an isolated nation which means that no information could easily go in or out in the country.

Biological weapon has started since Sars, that is why the Covid is a strain version 2. Using their own people is an intelligent move to hide their true motives.
It is the reason why there are countries who have been discriminating China that instead they are calling the virus Covid-19 or corona virus, they have been calling it chinese virus in social media like Facebook, Twitter and Reddit. Chinese government is really not showomg the full details on where is the virus came from that is why they are being victim of racism.

There are places in China that are open like the Hongkong and Singapore, its the mainland that is isolated. People had been discrimination Chinese since time, we all know the world leaders doesn't want the orients to set the pace. Its probably the reason why the Chinese are up to do great things, we've for recognized it on books.  

They may have planned this virus or not but the discipline they have had pay off because their economy is almost not affected.

Title: Re: Chinese Strategy?
Post by: naaimmd on April 01, 2020, 04:04:33 PM
Remember that china is an isolated nation which means that no information could easily go in or out in the country.

Biological weapon has started since Sars, that is why the Covid is a strain version 2. Using their own people is an intelligent move to hide their true motives.
It is the reason why there are countries who have been discriminating China that instead they are calling the virus Covid-19 or corona virus, they have been calling it chinese virus in social media like Facebook, Twitter and Reddit. Chinese government is really not showomg the full details on where is the virus came from that is why they are being victim of racism.

There are places in China that are open like the Hongkong and Singapore, its the mainland that is isolated. People had been discrimination Chinese since time, we all know the world leaders doesn't want the orients to set the pace. Its probably the reason why the Chinese are up to do great things, we've for recognized it on books.  

They may have planned this virus or not but the discipline they have had pay off because their economy is almost not affected.

maybe they have planed this virus not sure but if china doesn't revel truth we will never know what really happened.

Title: Re: Chinese Strategy?
Post by: nosferzd on April 01, 2020, 04:08:28 PM
I do not know exactly what they (China) planned from the start, but seeing from the quick handling they have done on Covid-19 patients has proven that they are the country that is most ready to deal with the Covid-19 virus.  it's likely they had predicted this outbreak first..
First of all, they were the first and were hit by a coronavirus, what kind of prediction are we talking about? If we talk about why China has not suffered so much, then this is most likely the timely quarantine measures taken throughout the country. And it paid off - mortality from the virus decreased by 2 times.

Title: Re: Chinese Strategy?
Post by: Pixyoxx on April 01, 2020, 04:14:35 PM
This was on my mine 24/7 after the outbreak of corona virus,this is world war 3 by china (biological war we can say) stock market  is crashed and china is buying all the stocks in very low price this all is a strategy of china to bring down the economy of every country and buying all the stocks at very low price the virus didn't even go to beijing or Shanghai  its locked up in wuhan how is this even possible,this all is a strategy of china clearly in my opinion

Title: Re: Chinese Strategy?
Post by: shield132 on April 01, 2020, 05:15:34 PM
As you know USA didn't like the way China was acting, their power was growing in USA. So for this reason they set some sanctions on China, arrested Huawei's finance chief Meng Wanzhou. Of course China wouldn't remain quiet and wouldn't offer another slap on second cheek, so they decided to push back harder but not directly and visibly. So they may decided to use biological weapon and create virus, firstly in their country to act like an innocent child. To spread virus easily and quickly, they made it very contagious but not as dangerous as swine flu and ebola. For Chinas' population, the damage they did to themselves is nothing and with strict rules and actions, they finally closed the door for virus spread (maybe they had antidote since it's their virus and strategy) but since details of this virus become available later, with the help of increased contagious that virus carries, they attacked Europe and USA (while China's neighbour countries aren't affected seriously). Current shutdown of everything in Europe and USA is making economic situation horrible, why not to repeat The Great Depression again and fall USA into economic crisis for upcoming 10 and more years? It sounds good to act like an innocent among world's eye and push USA harder.

That's not even impossible to build hospital in 3 days, even on youtube there are a lot of videos where you can see that Chinese people build skyscrapers in 1-2 weeks.

Even if China has antidote, it will be very silly step to make it public, then everyone will blame you of course but if you do it later, for example after 6 months, then you may become Hero for other countries.

P.S. My post is just hypothesis.

Title: Re: Chinese Strategy?
Post by: Pamadar on April 01, 2020, 05:56:46 PM
This was on my mine 24/7 after the outbreak of corona virus,this is world war 3 by china (biological war we can say) stock market  is crashed and china is buying all the stocks in very low price this all is a strategy of china to bring down the economy of every country and buying all the stocks at very low price the virus didn't even go to beijing or Shanghai  its locked up in wuhan how is this even possible,this all is a strategy of china clearly in my opinion
No one knows but every opinions are open since we all have our own interpretations from how this things went. If you will look forward and deep down from how they manage to grow and how they are now working from each side of the world, china did it well and since there's an pandemic virus which also can be related and not just a coincident but it's really near to reality that everything happened for a reason.

Title: Re: Chinese Strategy?
Post by: Kasabus on April 01, 2020, 06:21:17 PM
This was on my mine 24/7 after the outbreak of corona virus,this is world war 3 by china (biological war we can say) stock market  is crashed and china is buying all the stocks in very low price this all is a strategy of china to bring down the economy of every country and buying all the stocks at very low price the virus didn't even go to beijing or Shanghai  its locked up in wuhan how is this even possible,this all is a strategy of china clearly in my opinion
No one knows but every opinions are open since we all have our own interpretations from how this things went. If you will look forward and deep down from how they manage to grow and how they are now working from each side of the world, china did it well and since there's an pandemic virus which also can be related and not just a coincident but it's really near to reality that everything happened for a reason.
I am almost convinced that this pandemic virus is naturally made by China for whatever selfish reasons they have. But whatever it is, i guess they have won this battle in their own way. It's just sad to say that the battle that they have started first has made the rest of the world sacrificed and has taken many lives of the residents. I believed if the major reason they have is to dropped down the stocks market of the other countries, then it's very unreasonable that only showed their selfishness without fighting fairly.

Title: Re: Chinese Strategy?
Post by: figmentofmyass on April 01, 2020, 11:13:22 PM
As you know USA didn't like the way China was acting, their power was growing in USA. So for this reason they set some sanctions on China, arrested Huawei's finance chief Meng Wanzhou. Of course China wouldn't remain quiet and wouldn't offer another slap on second cheek, so they decided to push back harder but not directly and visibly. So they may decided to use biological weapon and create virus, firstly in their country to act like an innocent child. To spread virus easily and quickly, they made it very contagious but not as dangerous as swine flu and ebola. For Chinas' population, the damage they did to themselves is nothing and with strict rules and actions, they finally closed the door for virus spread

i'm surprised so many people believe the biological warfare conspiracy theory. infectious disease and military experts in the USA have already ruled it out. not only is the coronavirus not lab created, but it's apparently considered a bad candidate for a biological weapon.

it may seem like china beat the outbreak but they are putting lockdowns back in place as we speak for fear of a second wave.

Title: Re: Chinese Strategy?
Post by: gorge441 on April 01, 2020, 11:44:26 PM
I guess China have the vaccine. It means they already made the vaccine. They are hiding it from the world.

Title: Re: Chinese Strategy?
Post by: Genemind on April 02, 2020, 01:44:16 AM
I've read the same topic on facebook saying that the virus is made by China. Imagine Wuhan being the main source of the virus without any news having their capital, Beijing being hit hard by the pandemic, not to mention North Korea and Russia which is known as an ally country of China. The statements on what I read makes sense. Hospitals built in a few days to contain those who are affected by the virus in Wuhan. China seems to be prepared on the pandemic.

Title: Re: Chinese Strategy?
Post by: Janation on April 02, 2020, 08:04:20 AM
I guess China have the vaccine. It means they already made the vaccine. They are hiding it from the world.

If they already have it, this is already done.

Another thing is that what they sold in Spain is just test kits meaning they are still not the vaccine. Medicines used in these viruses are the same medicines used treating Sars and other viruses related to coronavirus. They are just handling the pandemic really well the fact that they built a hospital in 10 days says it. What they can't do is to contain the virus like they really wanted to let it spread in other countries.

Title: Re: Chinese Strategy?
Post by: Akiko on April 02, 2020, 08:12:30 AM
I've read the same topic on facebook saying that the virus is made by China. Imagine Wuhan being the main source of the virus without any news having their capital, Beijing being hit hard by the pandemic, not to mention North Korea and Russia which is known as an ally country of China. The statements on what I read makes sense. Hospitals built in a few days to contain those who are affected by the virus in Wuhan. China seems to be prepared on the pandemic.
While italy with high standard hospitality is hard to stop the spread of virus , even the president on thay country did surrender in the virus and they have no idea how to face that pandemic virus.

Fromchina with highest infected in last month its now move to amerika its not that high fatality  compare to italy but having that amount of infected is make more people affraid in that country.

I guess China have the vaccine. It means they already made the vaccine. They are hiding it from the world.

with a high percent of recoveries its really possible that they have it already.

Title: Re: Chinese Strategy?
Post by: Wind_FURY on April 02, 2020, 08:31:58 AM
I've read the same topic on facebook saying that the virus is made by China. Imagine Wuhan being the main source of the virus without any news having their capital, Beijing being hit hard by the pandemic, not to mention North Korea and Russia which is known as an ally country of China. The statements on what I read makes sense. Hospitals built in a few days to contain those who are affected by the virus in Wuhan. China seems to be prepared on the pandemic.
While italy with high standard hospitality is hard to stop the spread of virus , even the president on thay country did surrender in the virus and they have no idea how to face that pandemic virus.

Fromchina with highest infected in last month its now move to amerika its not that high fatality  compare to italy but having that amount of infected is make more people affraid in that country.

I guess China have the vaccine. It means they already made the vaccine. They are hiding it from the world.

with a high percent of recoveries its really possible that they have it already.

Tinfoil hats on.

There are many people who believe that China has stopped reporting cases to avoid embarassment for their incompetence.

BUT, without the tinfoil hat conspiracy theories, what is everyone's opinion? Is COVID-19 pandemic China's fault?

Title: Re: Chinese Strategy?
Post by: figmentofmyass on April 02, 2020, 08:45:15 AM
Tinfoil hats on.

There are many people who believe that China has stopped reporting cases to avoid embarassment for their incompetence.

BUT, without the tinfoil hat conspiracy theories, what is everyone's opinion? Is COVID-19 pandemic China's fault?

the USA and much of europe was unprepared to an embarrassing degree. what's more is that public officials and the public alike acted irresponsibly, not taking the pandemic seriously until the last couple weeks. china isn't responsible for any of that.

had they been more forthright about what they knew it may have helped, but judging by the overall response here in the states, it wouldn't have made a difference. nobody was paying attention here even as deaths were skyrocketing in italy and spain. it was a psychological problem---coronavirus outbreaks were something that only happened to foreign people living in other countries. ::)

Title: Re: Chinese Strategy?
Post by: michellee on April 02, 2020, 08:50:50 AM
I've read the same topic on facebook saying that the virus is made by China. Imagine Wuhan being the main source of the virus without any news having their capital, Beijing being hit hard by the pandemic, not to mention North Korea and Russia which is known as an ally country of China. The statements on what I read makes sense. Hospitals built in a few days to contain those who are affected by the virus in Wuhan. China seems to be prepared on the pandemic.

Maybe there is some political issue related to the virus. Maybe China doesn't want to see the other country underestimate them, so they spread the virus among their people and finally, all people in all country get infected too. When it comes to the politic, we will not know because they will use many ways to reach their goals, including to do bad things for people.

Title: Re: Chinese Strategy?
Post by: Polar91 on April 02, 2020, 09:35:27 AM
I've read the same topic on facebook saying that the virus is made by China. Imagine Wuhan being the main source of the virus without any news having their capital, Beijing being hit hard by the pandemic, not to mention North Korea and Russia which is known as an ally country of China. The statements on what I read makes sense. Hospitals built in a few days to contain those who are affected by the virus in Wuhan. China seems to be prepared on the pandemic.

Maybe there is some political issue related to the virus. Maybe China doesn't want to see the other country underestimate them, so they spread the virus among their people and finally, all people in all country get infected too. When it comes to the politic, we will not know because they will use many ways to reach their goals, including to do bad things for people.
They don't need to prove themselves around the world because no one underestimate them including the America as they've been consider of having a good defense and modern technology. If it's true that they've made the virus for a purpose,  I would think that it's more on a business thing rather than political. Imagine having the most populated country with wealthiest people and economy. Once they've surpass USA in terms of economy, they can defenitely surpass USA's defense which will give them dominance thus no one would want to act against them.

Title: Re: Chinese Strategy?
Post by: figmentofmyass on April 02, 2020, 11:02:48 AM
I guess China have the vaccine. It means they already made the vaccine. They are hiding it from the world.

then why is china locking down whole regions again?

and closing all movie theaters nationwide?

i assume it's because they don't have a vaccine. ;)

there's already plenty of shit to talk about china---no need for these conspiracy theories.

Title: Re: Chinese Strategy?
Post by: Clark05 on April 02, 2020, 11:34:05 AM
I saw also that kinds of information on facebook but maybe that is their think only because many people hate china because of these happens right now in our world. But better to unite us as one nation because we are all affected on this crisis no exemption in this virus even you are poor or rich or even what status you in life you are possible to ger to this virus. For now don't think anything bad just think on how to solve this problem.

Title: Re: Chinese Strategy?
Post by: BuNga_cute on April 02, 2020, 12:06:52 PM
I agree with many opinions that China created the corona virus, to control the world economy. If we think about it with
careful corona virus does look like a biological weapon, and now it looks successful if indeed all this is the plan of China.
Because China's biggest rival in terms of economy, namely the United States, is proven to be the most severely affected.
And the most surprisingly china looks full of preparation for the corona virus, this is indeed the most suspicious thing
in my opinion.

Title: Re: Chinese Strategy?
Post by: Xampeuu on April 02, 2020, 03:15:16 PM
I agree with many opinions that China created the corona virus, to control the world economy. If we think about it with
careful corona virus does look like a biological weapon, and now it looks successful if indeed all this is the plan of China.
Because China's biggest rival in terms of economy, namely the United States, is proven to be the most severely affected.
And the most surprisingly china looks full of preparation for the corona virus, this is indeed the most suspicious thing
in my opinion.
something that cannot be proven. we do not know the truth, there is indeed a possibility that China created this virus, but without proof I think it is not good enough. therefore the thing that must be done at this time is the cooperation of all countries to fight this epidemic so as not to spread

Title: Re: Chinese Strategy?
Post by: naaimmd on April 02, 2020, 04:49:19 PM
I guess China have the vaccine. It means they already made the vaccine. They are hiding it from the world.

then why is china locking down whole regions again?

and closing all movie theaters nationwide?

i assume it's because they don't have a vaccine. ;)

there's already plenty of shit to talk about china---no need for these conspiracy theories.

China is just looking to make money in this crisis and that's why they're lying about vaccine and since China has successfully overcome the worst situation many people will believe whatever China will tell.

Title: Re: Chinese Strategy?
Post by: South Park on April 02, 2020, 04:59:28 PM
I came across this facebook post out of nowhere, maybe someone shared it so I got to read it.
At the very first start of this coronavirus thing there are lots of conspiracy that is circulating over the internet saying that the virus is a type of biological weapon created by the China to dominate the world. It looks strange for me tho cause if they really did it then why choosing your own city to be the epicenter? but now after reading the post, the gap fills in and it's all making sense now.
The post that I am reading is lost and cannot find it anymore after the page reloaded. Anyways I finished reading it so here's what I remember.

America and Europe's stock market crashed but the China's stock market did not? Why the hell it didn't crash amidst the emergence they are having with the virus? Are they prepared for this?
There is a massive hospital in China that was built in only 3 days, come on man it's unbelievable cause they already know how these virus would impact the world, there are lots of hospital in China that can actually handle all the several patients that time. Are they prepared for this?
Why Beijing was not hit destructively? given that there are 14 days of the virus to begin showing symptoms, someone could've been traveled from Wuhan to Beijing at that time period.

Then there is a very suspicious action that Xi Jinping did
When he visited the affected areas of the virus he only wore a very basic mask, imagine doctors are wearing a suit when dealing with patients and their president is just wearing a face mask given that the virus can attached to a surface that can get you easily infected. My question is why? Did he already vaccinated with the antidote they secretly created?

Did China sacrificed its people knowing they got billions of them just to cripple their enemy's economy?
A new type of war?

I would not be surprise if one of these days China will just announce that there is already a cure.  8)

I find this to be incredibly unlikely since the world economy is interconnected, if they were to try to do something like that in order to gain an economic advantage over their rivals then they will suffer the consequences as well no matter how prepared they were, because if the US economy were to completely crash then the Chinese economy will crash as well, as such I find this theory to be very weak, however I understand why some people may believe such a thing is possible.

Title: Re: Chinese Strategy?
Post by: iv4n on April 02, 2020, 06:24:21 PM
We will never know! Deal with that! It's the system, we have so many conspiracy theories, and we will never know which one is true! Chinese or Americans, some terrorists or who knows who...
What we need is to stop to point fingers in each other and unite once and for all! Yes, we need to that, aside from governments, I talk about people, ordinary people across the world. What old system is doing is taking advantage of current situation, in many ways, I am afraid that they will buy points with our own money once again!
All this just shows how much we need blockchain! How much we need regulations, crypto regulations, where we will have a decentralized system, where everyone will care about everyone!
This can be like a transition, from one system to another, and transitions are hard!

Title: Re: Chinese Strategy?
Post by: tbterryboy on April 02, 2020, 07:07:55 PM
It’s likely for newbies to make such a mistake, you must have heard about Bitcoin in 2017 when the price pumping and media was hyping it. You then thought that it would be a good idea to rush in, like seriously, who wouldn’t take such an opportunity? And after rushing in, it started crashing and you had to sell. So, this is quite normal.

Bitcoin market is volatile, if you’re lucky the price might go up any time. We were all looking forward to the price going up this 2020, but this (Covid-19) has happened and we don’t know what’s going to happen next. This is something that’s going to teach us to always stop making speculations because we don’t know what the future holds. I pray this all pass real soon.

Title: Re: Chinese Strategy?
Post by: pragna on April 03, 2020, 06:35:54 AM
If i say shortly for your broad comments, I am disagree with you. Because nobody can play with life of his people. Chaina are strategically strong from world war of 2nd. They know how to handle in crisis position. So what you said here, i think that is false. If i go with you, how would be Chaina people who are death and still going to death? US president Trump may say many things but one think one time for Chaing people who died with COVID-19.


Title: Re: Chinese Strategy?
Post by: bakasabo on April 03, 2020, 07:44:02 AM
Dont know if it rude to say (sorry in advance), but Chinese strategy is take something that is successful or better than others, copy it completely, make their own cheaper, but same quality version.

It is not proved that patient zero is from China and Chine created cure or overcame virus by themselves. Need to where they found the origin of strategy or cure.

Title: Re: Chinese Strategy?
Post by: Oasisman on April 03, 2020, 07:59:28 AM
Covid-19 isn't man made, confirmed by several health care websites and other science websites. Try googling it.
Everything about covid-19 as a biological weapon remains a conspiracy theory. If China was able to pull out a good economical outcome, maybe because they are more than ready for any pandemic and maybe because of the Sars-cov experience in 2002. They have  anticipated the market movements once the outbreak has become worse.

The only thing that I have suspected rn is whether the Chinese spread the virus deliberately to destroy the world market.

Title: Re: Chinese Strategy?
Post by: Janation on April 03, 2020, 12:54:07 PM
Covid-19 isn't man made, confirmed by several health care websites and other science websites. Try googling it.
Everything about covid-19 as a biological weapon remains a conspiracy theory. If China was able to pull out a good economical outcome, maybe because they are more than ready for any pandemic and maybe because of the Sars-cov experience in 2002. They have  anticipated the market movements once the outbreak has become worse.

The only thing that I have suspected rn is whether the Chinese spread the virus deliberately to destroy the world market.

I am also thinking about that.

I also believe that COVID-19 is not a biological weapon to destroy other countries but why did China did not contain well those people that already have the virus? They let them fly to other countries and some Chinese even died in other countries and that is like they are throwing the virus to other countries. I think they used it as an opportunity to take the upper hand.

Title: Re: Chinese Strategy?
Post by: fullhdpixel on April 03, 2020, 01:01:09 PM
Everything that has happened seems quite suspicious, and the fact that China silenced every journalists and scientists that tried to warn the world about the virus is something I am not understanding (yesterday I checked and discovered that most of those people that tried to warn the world either disappeared mysteriously or got sick and died lol).

Another thing is that China seems to be more prepared than the rest of the world in handling these cases and they have even built more hospitals for those that got infected. So, I am kind of suspecting that China knows everything about this covid19 case that the world is facing.

Title: Re: Chinese Strategy?
Post by: jostorres on April 03, 2020, 03:32:09 PM
Everybody forgets that China is number one when it comes to hiding stuff, so I doubt they are actually finished with the virus just yet but they are basically hiding it.

Plus, when this first happened they were smart enough to put people in isolation and keep them there, they didn't make people go walk around, they had enough money and support to give them food and shelter and everything they may need to survive, or maybe not even survive, they may even let them die, as long as virus doesn't spread around.

There is no boundaries of how well you can stop a virus when your only thought is not to get it to other people and give a zero damn about people who already have it. So, either it stopped because they broke human right violations or it did not stopped but they are lying about it, in both cases they probably didn't create it with full knowledge of what could happen.

Title: Re: Chinese Strategy?
Post by: Findingnemo on April 03, 2020, 08:57:43 PM
Everybody forgets that China is number one when it comes to hiding stuff, so I doubt they are actually finished with the virus just yet but they are basically hiding it.

Plus, when this first happened they were smart enough to put people in isolation and keep them there, they didn't make people go walk around, they had enough money and support to give them food and shelter and everything they may need to survive, or maybe not even survive, they may even let them die, as long as virus doesn't spread around.

There is no boundaries of how well you can stop a virus when your only thought is not to get it to other people and give a zero damn about people who already have it. So, either it stopped because they broke human right violations or it did not stopped but they are lying about it, in both cases they probably didn't create it with full knowledge of what could happen.
China had real surveillance when people are under lockdown,I mean they locked down every human by closing all the roads and apartments and also having AI surveillance camera at each of the places and drones with camera to give final warnings to stay in their home.

But they may not told the real numbers yet.

Is BCG vaccination could be the reason why China is less affected compared to EU and USA?

Title: Re: Chinese Strategy?
Post by: bakasabo on April 04, 2020, 07:35:21 AM
Everybody forgets that China is number one when it comes to hiding stuff, so I doubt they are actually finished with the virus just yet but they are basically hiding it.

I've read that a union of virologist exist in the world. Biggest countries as Russia, USA, China (there are also other countries, but I remember only these 3) signed convention in connection with viruses and biological weapons long time ago. According to it, if a member of convention find a new virus or a cure to existed, he must immediately share it with others.

If China actually has the cure and hides it - there will sanctions.

Title: Re: Chinese Strategy?
Post by: Meowth05 on April 05, 2020, 02:02:31 AM
I think the reason that their economy did not crash is because there are cities that weren't affected and most of the stocks that was sold in the global market was bought amidst, that's like the basic move, make a positive out of negative.

Title: Re: Chinese Strategy?
Post by: btc78 on April 05, 2020, 05:23:36 AM
I have watched another video not so similar about this but the topic runs same as Chinese had planned  this Virus Infection.

though on that video it is an accidental that the Virus Broke in Wuhan and the situation has been covered up but the death toll that time is hundreds of thousands  in 2019 alone.

anyway most of your point are Valid and it looks like Chinese really intentionally spread this Virus and look at them now?all the Flight in Hubei now are allowed except in Wuhan only is this mean they are already cleared of Infection?
Based on the news, China is recovering fast and their cases are lowering everyday however, other country are still suffering and there cases are multiplying as time passes by, and I see that China is selling test kits to other countries and making profit from there. So maybe, this is just all Chinese strategy, but who knows? Still, there's a high chance that it's all planned. I am afraid that maybe OP is right.
and there are so many scenarios that has been spreading the internet now how China is intentionally create this Virus and spreads the world.

why they seems to react faster and recover that easy while even America( the greatest country)are now the most infected among the world and second in Death tally from Italy.

i hate making stories but the way they act?very possible that they are behind this pandemic.

Title: Re: Chinese Strategy?
Post by: redsun114 on April 05, 2020, 11:29:32 AM
So, they are the devil and also trying to play the Savior? Lol. This is not the first time I'm seeing this, a lot of people were discussing this on Twitter and I finished reading that in the afternoon today, and some of them even recommended some books that were written by some retired military about how to fight a war without guns, can't really remember much of what they said about the book but it has something to do with the current situation and says something about it.

This is an evil plan that China has created for a long time and they were prepared for what was going to happen. They built hospitals within few days and they also have so many people that has recovered, compared to that of US, Italy, Spain and other countries. Now I'm thinking what's going to happen after this, will the world try to retaliate after this or let it pass?

Title: Re: Chinese Strategy?
Post by: criza on April 05, 2020, 11:40:53 AM
This consiparacy could create more panic than what we already have, with the pandemic continues to spread across countries around the globe. I have seen posts like this on Facebook and have never read it because, it is a total nonsense, no Government could do that and pull of such stunt without the world knowing what is really happening due to the information age with the advancement of technology and communications. China did have some issues with South East countries about property boundaries but, I don't think they would go over such lenghts crippling worldwide status.

Title: Re: Chinese Strategy?
Post by: coinfinger on April 05, 2020, 06:28:16 PM
If these stories that I have been seeing online is true, about Chinese releasing the coronavirus to unsettle the world and take world power, then they must be the biggest fools on earth. Seriously, why would you put the lives of people at risk just because of power and because you want to be better than other countries? That's the stupidest move I have ever seen and it's evil.

After this situation the world needs to do something about it and China should be fined seriously, if not for anything,but because they tried to hide it and not warn the world earlier, because if they did warn the world there wouldn't be any cases like these. They silenced all the journalists and doctors that tried to let the world know about this, that's so evil.

Title: Re: Chinese Strategy?
Post by: Casdinyard on April 05, 2020, 07:03:58 PM
I think the reason that their economy did not crash is because there are cities that weren't affected and most of the stocks that was sold in the global market was bought amidst, that's like the basic move, make a positive out of negative.
there are cities that is not affected because they already prepared for the virus so they did not let it spread the whole country.
Weighing the whole scenario there are really a gap between things that can't be filled up without a direct answer. I can't just contain that the whole world is mourning and struggling with the virus but there's this city which is just a kilometer away from the original epicenter that is not affected in an instance that you are calling it prepared? even USA and other wealthy European countries did not see it coming given that they have these medical apparatuses ready to do some research with a weak virus. Hmmm.

because it is very obvious that there is something happen beyond our knowledge why this virus is all over the world while china is already out of the scene now and recovered already.
I don't accuse that much, that often but there are gaps that is hidden or intentionally hidden. Is this a war in disguise?

Title: Re: Chinese Strategy?
Post by: aakashsangwan on April 05, 2020, 07:16:56 PM
I think the reason that their economy did not crash is because there are cities that weren't affected and most of the stocks that was sold in the global market was bought amidst, that's like the basic move, make a positive out of negative.
there are cities that is not affected because they already prepared for the virus so they did not let it spread the whole country.

because it is very obvious that there is something happen beyond our knowledge why this virus is all over the world while china is already out of the scene now and recovered already.
China is a severely censored country where even media isn't free from the influence of the state, so we don't even know whether they aren't having any new cases recently or even their actual number of cases of people affected by Corona virus.
But economy have taken a big dip for every country in the world no matter the number of cases in that country and no matter the size of the economy small or big.

Title: Re: Chinese Strategy?
Post by: shield132 on April 05, 2020, 07:41:15 PM
As you know USA didn't like the way China was acting, their power was growing in USA. So for this reason they set some sanctions on China, arrested Huawei's finance chief Meng Wanzhou. Of course China wouldn't remain quiet and wouldn't offer another slap on second cheek, so they decided to push back harder but not directly and visibly. So they may decided to use biological weapon and create virus, firstly in their country to act like an innocent child. To spread virus easily and quickly, they made it very contagious but not as dangerous as swine flu and ebola. For Chinas' population, the damage they did to themselves is nothing and with strict rules and actions, they finally closed the door for virus spread

i'm surprised so many people believe the biological warfare conspiracy theory. infectious disease and military experts in the USA have already ruled it out. not only is the coronavirus not lab created, but it's apparently considered a bad candidate for a biological weapon.

it may seem like china beat the outbreak but they are putting lockdowns back in place as we speak for fear of a second wave.
Conspiracy theories will always exist and especialy now regarding to this virus when technologies are on another level. I don't care what US says about conspiracy theories right now, I don't believe in their words.
Remeber poisoning of Sergei and Yulia skripal via biological weapon, you know visible public demonstrations don't show full potential of their power, full potential is when it's done massively and behind shadows.

Title: Re: Chinese Strategy?
Post by: Viscore on April 05, 2020, 11:09:32 PM
If these stories that I have been seeing online is true, about Chinese releasing the coronavirus to unsettle the world and take world power, then they must be the biggest fools on earth. Seriously, why would you put the lives of people at risk just because of power and because you want to be better than other countries? That's the stupidest move I have ever seen and it's evil.
That's stupid but there is a big reason behind it, they want to sacrifice some of their people to be powerful.
it's what crazy people can do just to get the power they like, now US and other big countries economies will collapse or has collapse already due to the pandemic therefore China will be in the top, it's easy as that.

After this situation the world needs to do something about it and China should be fined seriously, if not for anything,but because they tried to hide it and not warn the world earlier, because if they did warn the world there wouldn't be any cases like these. They silenced all the journalists and doctors that tried to let the world know about this, that's so evil.
Hopefully this will end soon so the world will start investigating but I'm sure China will deny any accusation and even if there will be evidence against them but I don't think China will be persecuted, I'm more afraid on the result, it could be a world war, God forbid.

Title: Re: Chinese Strategy?
Post by: Snappycoco on April 06, 2020, 04:44:03 AM
Many conspiracy theory occur in such days due to uncertainty of things. Also, after they cure their people they went to build some infrastructure in West Philippines Sea which is quite obvious that Covid is just a diversion of what they want. Meanwhile, one article said that this Virus was develop to ease the tension in Hong kong and for them to take down the activist there.

Title: Re: Chinese Strategy?
Post by: wozzek23 on April 06, 2020, 04:40:44 PM
Let's tackle all of them one by one and we will actually see a great reason why none of this could ever possibly be true.

First of all Chinese stock market can't crash as long as china doesn't want it to crash, it is basically all run by the government, if the price goes down to a level they will instead buy it as government and will ALWAYS keep it high, they need to look strong against everyone and they will do whatever it takes for it.

China can build a hospital in 3 days but honestly so can all other nations as well with the right products. It wasn't a full blown huge concrete cement building as you know it, it was basically a make-shift hospital that wasn't really all that solid, when all of this is over they will destroy it as well. Maybe there was some people in Beijing but since China basically took care of the disease so easily and put defensive measures, it may not go as horrible as people imagined. Plus it has been months since it started in china so we can say people in Beijing probably had it too but now are better.

Title: Re: Chinese Strategy?
Post by: SirLancelot on April 07, 2020, 06:57:19 PM
There are lots of things that have been said about this Coronavirus, and I’m not sure about what is right or not. There have been some conspiracy theories about Coronavirus being a virus that was released by the Chinese just as you have said, but we don’t have proof about everything that is being said, we can only suspect them due to some certain actions they took during the outbreak but we are not sure about it.

I do know they tried to cover up the news about the Corona virus so that the world won’t really know what’s happening. What if they did it because they thought they will be able to contain it and solve the case? ::) You just never know.

Title: Re: Chinese Strategy?
Post by: Sanugarid on April 07, 2020, 07:35:02 PM
Sorry I wasn't able to reply to all of you guys, I'm having hard time due to the pandemic because it causing a lot of things lately.

There are lots of things that have been said about this Coronavirus, and I’m not sure about what is right or not. There have been some conspiracy theories about Coronavirus being a virus that was released by the Chinese just as you have said, but we don’t have proof about everything that is being said, we can only suspect them due to some certain actions they took during the outbreak but we are not sure about it.
Me too, there are lots of conspiracy about this virus but one is my favorite so far, it looks like the missing link to point out the China. Have you watched the video where there is said to be the doctor who was the creator of the virus came from harvard? The video itself does not look scripted or edited coz it is recorded while in press conference, I just lost it after scrolling a bit long and could not find it anywhere else so I guess it is already deleted.

I do know they tried to cover up the news about the Corona virus so that the world won’t really know what’s happening. What if they did it because they thought they will be able to contain it and solve the case? ::) You just never know.
I don't know what to believe right now really, media seems to be controlled, IDK. There are articles that says the virus is man-made then there are some that says the virus is genetically tracked to an animal family making it naturally passed to humans. IDK anymore. ???

Title: Re: Chinese Strategy?
Post by: Casdinyard on April 08, 2020, 01:37:00 PM
It's true that Chinese market didn't crash as the other markets but I think they correct in the future as there is a sharp fall in demand which will affect the Chinese economy as they are major exporting country and the way the managed the spread is still not believed by several people but if they do it a legit way then its a great thing which everyone should follow
Is it great that the world is struggling? yet China has seen 90% recovery rate from covid cases. There is really something fishy, what's going on? Wuhan is just a 1000 KM away from Beijing yet there are no
massive effects are being brought to Beijing, but Wuhan to New York City which is 12,000 KM away from Wuhan is having a hard time containing the virus. Naturally, near provinces in the epicenter of pandemic should
have more cases than those who are away. Something is really fishy isn't it?

Title: Re: Chinese Strategy?
Post by: Vishnu.Reang on April 08, 2020, 02:08:01 PM
I am not a believer of these conspiracy theories regarding the COVID 19 outbreak. IMO, none of the governments would sacrifice thousands of their own citizens, no matter what they may gain in the future. Chinese citizens went through hell during lockdown (which lasted 11 weeks in Wuhan). Many were starving and tens of thousands died due to lack of access to medical care. Now please don't tell me that the government planned all this in advance.

Title: Re: Chinese Strategy?
Post by: carlisle1 on April 08, 2020, 02:16:33 PM
Let's tackle all of them one by one and we will actually see a great reason why none of this could ever possibly be true.

First of all Chinese stock market can't crash as long as china doesn't want it to crash, it is basically all run by the government.

Lets forget about the crashing of economy because this Virus can't even shaken the Chinese high and strong economy being now Number 1 in the world.
China can build a hospital in 3 days but honestly so can all other nations as well with the right products.
I don't think so with that Big  Hospital?not unless all the materials and plan is already in place then Yes it is possible but starting from scratch?no not 3 days mate .
It wasn't a full blown huge concrete cement building as you know it, it was basically a make-shift hospital that wasn't really all that solid, when all of this is over they will destroy it as well.
It is a stories hospital and not a single floor so it needs to be strong because it may collapse if ever the patients starts coming.
Maybe there was some people in Beijing but since China basically took care of the disease so easily and put defensive measures, it may not go as horrible as people imagined. Plus it has been months since it started in china so we can say people in Beijing probably had it too but now are better.
if they really made it a early defensive so how come that the world becomes infected harder than them?

Title: Re: Chinese Strategy?
Post by: Text on April 15, 2020, 12:38:31 PM
No one can really say what is true except when there is proof. Everything you read on social media especially on Facebook about the virus is just speculation and should not be taken lightly.
Whoever proves to have intentionally created this virus should be held accountable.
Perhaps, we can only say that it is possible to believe the accusation because of circumstances that have been so emphasized to look realistic.

Title: Re: Chinese Strategy?
Post by: milewilda on April 15, 2020, 01:57:18 PM
If Trump is sweet then he will definitely win the vote not has anything to try to to with the virus However I feel the Chinese strategy is fake. they're spreading false rumors. If that they had gotten out of the virus, they might have had the drugs to cure it, but most of all, they were the primary ones to harm themselves. This virus is typically a present of nature. If Russia supports Trump things are going to be fine if China doesn't enjoy tactics.
I also dont support the part that the Chinese use the covid-19 as strategy. The reason why some people thought the Chinese government used the virus as strategy to profit themselves us because they didn't take necessary measurement in control the virus which is what led the global lockdown now and in the history the Chinese had the most transmitted disease.
You cant blame everybody on not to think up on these possibilities or even conspiracy theories yet we've known on what China is capable of
We cant say that it isnt possible but we cant still point out fingers on them.
No one can really say what is true except when there is proof. Everything you read on social media especially on Facebook about the virus is just speculation and should not be taken lightly.
Whoever proves to have intentionally created this virus should be held accountable.
Perhaps, we can only say that it is possible to believe the accusation because of circumstances that have been so emphasized to look realistic.
Of course, everything should really have corresponding proofs thats why lots of rumors or speculations floating around about this issue
either this virus is a lab-created or simply came from animals.As long this hadnt been cleared out, this would still remain a question.

Title: Re: Chinese Strategy?
Post by: Vishnu.Reang on April 15, 2020, 02:22:09 PM
No one can really say what is true except when there is proof. Everything you read on social media especially on Facebook about the virus is just speculation and should not be taken lightly.
Whoever proves to have intentionally created this virus should be held accountable.
Perhaps, we can only say that it is possible to believe the accusation because of circumstances that have been so emphasized to look realistic.

If it is proven that someone (or some organization, or even a government) had created this virus intentionally, then they should be given a death sentence without any leniency (even if it involves a large number of people). Because till now more than 100,000 people have lost their lives. Bioterrorism is no less evil, when compared to other forms of murder.

That said, there should be concrete evidence to prove the same. If evidence is not available, then everyone should refrain from making baseless allegations.

Title: Re: Chinese Strategy?
Post by: brotherwood12 on April 16, 2020, 11:39:22 AM
that thing really supicios in my mind too , that really unbeliveble that making "full service hospital " in just 3 day and so . the main of beijing are not affected while other country have massive casualities

Title: Re: Chinese Strategy?
Post by: abhiseshakana on April 17, 2020, 09:58:00 AM
that thing really supicios in my mind too , that really unbeliveble that making "full service hospital " in just 3 day and so . the main of beijing are not affected while other country have massive casualities
If you'll going to think deeper this kind of act or gestures will bring you to your own suspicions, how come that western countries which is so far from Wuhan are now being infected and being hit too much but near cities of China doesn't.
Think out of the box  this pandemic virus is not natural but something where human manipulation has been taken place.

Wuhan as the center of the distribution of corona was really locked down and lockdown in Wuhan is different from the lockdown in Italy or other countries. Public transportation is not allowed at all, not just reduced and people must really be in each other's homes. Since February 27, everyone has to download one app on their cell phone. By downloading these apps everyone is connected to the national health center. Since then, the residents' health status has appeared in green, yellow or red. Officers also stand guard in the streets.

Why are you surprised by other countries that are geographically far from China, but the number of people with coronary disease is large. Try to consider some information in this area:

Since the corona case rolled out at the end of December automatic movement during the Chinese New Year is limited even though the Chinese New Year is the largest annual migration in the world. This suppressed the spread in China.

Wuhan is the world's automotive manufacturing center, automotive connections cause corona connections between America and China and Italy and China.

Vietnam and Taiwan are countries that border directly with China but the level of corona spread is very small there why? Taiwan was paddling before the corona outbreak came while Vietnam immediately carried out Chinese-style lockdowns.

The United States is a country that thinks America is too powerful to be challenged by Corona. From Trump's speech, it can be seen that Trump initially underestimated Corona.

For the construction of the corona hospital it takes a very short time the answer is also very simple:

- China already has the experience of building hospitals as fast as lightning when exposed to the 2003 bird flu virus outbreak.
- Quickly because hospitals are established using prefabricated buildings such as anti-earthquake homes used in Japan.
- China is the world's manufacturing center, buffer stocks for the Chinese New Year holiday are also available.
- The majority of entrepreneurs in China are CCP members, they are solid and respectful of government instructions especially for the benefit of the Chinese people.

Without wanting to discuss who started it, China will take advantage of the corona arena pandemic virus making it into the pitstop first before other countries. After this, we will see a lot of Chinese maneuvers in the fields of economics and health-related to corona, from launching the digital Yuan which has collaterals to the discovery of drugs for sufferers of corona + 2 corona vaccines that have entered stage three and will soon be produced.

Title: Re: Chinese Strategy?
Post by: Renampun on April 18, 2020, 01:49:55 PM
Chinese strategy? we will never know before there is a secret investigation...
all our suspicions are natural because so many irregularities that occur in China as if they have prepared themselves, especially the speed they build a hospital with COVID patients in just 3 days, we need a secret investigation to them, to be able to prove all the irregularities that occur.

Title: Re: Chinese Strategy?
Post by: Assface16678 on April 18, 2020, 04:02:47 PM
Chinese strategy? we will never know before there is a secret investigation...
all our suspicions are natural because so many irregularities that occur in China as if they have prepared themselves, especially the speed they build a hospital with COVID patients in just 3 days, we need a secret investigation to them, to be able to prove all the irregularities that occur.

One of the most affected country in terms of the pandemic outbreak is starting on the place of Wuhan, China after the world knows this kind of pandemic virus they make rules or law and regulation to lockdown some places on their country and inside the china, they lock down their cities too and some people getting evacuated into other places far away from the ground zero of the china and after a few weeks there are a lot of news came from the travelers of the china came from the different countries they did not expect that the virus will spread rapidly even the person infected does not have any symptoms at the first few weeks of the virus, after that, it is now becoming the widely pandemic virus. But still, there is a hoax came from the china because even they are the states of the virus they made cure immediately and if you are trying to check China has one of the most people get cured and recovered and this is the most suspicious thing so they made a lot of rumor about this, after the china release some news about they are now fully recovered still it is not true because some of the people leaking the information that there is a lot of people are still infected on their country and it is hard to identify which is stating the right answer about the situation of the China and the world if it's just a market strategy or not.

Title: Re: Chinese Strategy?
Post by: verita1 on April 18, 2020, 09:55:51 PM
Maybe you have already seen these videos but the one that surprises me the most is the Chinese Doctor who tried to warn about the Coronavirus.

Harvard professor charged with illegal ties to China
A Harvard University scientist and three others are accused of lying to cover up ties with a Chinese University. (1/29/2020) (

Harvard Professor Accused Of Hiding Ties To China Released On $ 1M Bail
Charles Lieber was released on $ 1 million bail. WBZ-TV's Tiffany Chan reports. (1/30/2020) (

The Chinese doctor who tried to warn others about coronavirus - BBC News (2/5/2020) (

Coronavirus whistleblowers disappear in China | DW News (12/2/2020) (

Why is China peddling a coronavirus conspiracy theory? (17/3/2020) (

Title: Re: Chinese Strategy?
Post by: Text on April 18, 2020, 10:28:48 PM
Maybe you have already seen these videos but the one that surprises me the most is the Chinese Doctor who tried to warn about the Coronavirus.
Yes, I watched it on local TV news about a chinese doctor who revealed that the corona virus had spread since the virus started spreading to various parts of the world so he was considered a hero. That is where the big warning began so everyone felt a sense of awe and previously ignored.
Thus the western part was hit, which also had high-profile cases other than America, the Wuhan people who were sent to Italy for business did not know that they were carriers of the virus so they started spreading there.

Title: Re: Chinese Strategy?
Post by: Yamifoud on April 18, 2020, 11:54:34 PM
The Chinese government has been accused often time before and it happens again.
Maybe the proof is strong enough to drag them into the situation that they are created but once to put blame also into an American doctor/scientist that makes it. The conspiracy theory is a way to ruin the Chinese government's reputation and other countries have to give nothing trust for them. Their intention might prevail their true color.

The people are still puzzled and much worry about how to combat this virus, its a killing spree and we are not 100% sure that we are secured.

Title: Re: Chinese Strategy?
Post by: Shasha80 on April 19, 2020, 01:40:27 AM
Although it has not yet been proven that China made this virus, but I'm sure China is spreading this virus. Because the largest population of China
in the world, and spread all over the world. Just try to note that in almost every country there are Chinese people, this might be used by the Chinese
government to spread the virus. But this is also just a supposition, investigation is still needed to get strong evidence. That is certain indeed strange
of all countries affected by the virus, only the country of China that looks most ready to deal with the corona virus.

Title: Re: Chinese Strategy?
Post by: hung58bitcoin on April 19, 2020, 07:51:16 AM
I recently read an article that a professor of microbiology suggested that this COVID-19 virus hypothesis was created by a laboratory in Wuhan to create an HIV vaccine. The reason is that he discovered that the COVID-19 virus has DNA segments similar to the HIV virus. He thinks that the virus could for some reason escape from a laboratory in Wuhan. So I don't think this is China's biological weapon. Because if this is a biological weapon they made, they will drop this virus on their enemies and the world will not find evidence that they are the creator of this dangerous virus.

Title: Re: Chinese Strategy?
Post by: binhvo1505 on April 19, 2020, 08:21:17 AM
 It's one of the conspiracy theories that has been discussed a lot recently. After the first physician in Wuhan informed the corona virus, he was killed shortly thereafter. Recently, Professor Luc Montagnier (famous Microbiologist who was awarded the Nobel Prize in Medicine in 2008 for discovering the HIV virus causing SIDA) studied and concluded that this is an artificial virus. This has raised suspicions to Chinese authorities about the creation of this virus. maybe this pandemic is one of China's plans to rule the world.

Title: Re: Chinese Strategy?
Post by: Text on April 19, 2020, 08:54:21 AM
Let us not rush into the words just because of what others say and read because there is no evidence that they are responsible. Let's just think about how they feel because they are also part of the forum. Just me, I only believe when there is solid proof that can push them.
When the Chinese doctor informed about the virus that died he did not mention that they themselves created the virus.

Title: Re: Chinese Strategy?
Post by: onrise on April 19, 2020, 08:58:00 AM
Although it has not yet been proven that China made this virus, but I'm sure China is spreading this virus. Because the largest population of China
in the world, and spread all over the world. Just try to note that in almost every country there are Chinese people, this might be used by the Chinese
government to spread the virus. But this is also just a supposition, investigation is still needed to get strong evidence. That is certain indeed strange
of all countries affected by the virus, only the country of China that looks most ready to deal with the corona virus.

This could be true or not that time will tell but some news coming that suddenly reported 50% of more death in Wuhan city and something is still hidden there. Few reports are claiing that there could be millions of people would have died in this virus and China is not reporting it. Even the mobile operators say that there has being a huge drop in the open connections which look very suspicious as well.

Title: Re: Chinese Strategy?
Post by: bakasabo on April 19, 2020, 09:08:26 AM
Although it has not yet been proven that China made this virus, but I'm sure China is spreading this virus. Because the largest population of China
in the world, and spread all over the world. Just try to note that in almost every country there are Chinese people, this might be used by the Chinese
government to spread the virus. But this is also just a supposition, investigation is still needed to get strong evidence. That is certain indeed strange
of all countries affected by the virus, only the country of China that looks most ready to deal with the corona virus.

Sorry man, but that sounds so stupid. Why would anyone create a virus, that kills citizens of his own country. Imagine if it fails to spread all over the World - it would kill more and more of your citizens. Who would in clear mind do that?

"in almost every country there are Chinese people" - that is racism... Chinese people were not the one who spread the virus, but those people who visit China.

Chine looked ready to deal with covid-19, because they were first to react and start something to do to cure it. Their lockdowns were much stricter. Take look on Europe - there is a lockdown, but still lots of people walking here and there in crowds, molls and etc are still partly open for visitors.

Title: Re: Chinese Strategy?
Post by: so98nn on April 19, 2020, 09:09:47 AM
Let us not rush into the words just because of what others say and read because there is no evidence that they are responsible. Let's just think about how they feel because they are also part of the forum. Just me, I only believe when there is solid proof that can push them.
When the Chinese doctor informed about the virus that died he did not mention that they themselves created the virus.

Or may be the doctors were under pressure of government so that they can hide their spurious act of virus! You never know anything unless you are part of that system with strong evidences backing you up. China has been bad name all over the globe for many reasons. Im also not being judgemental here but unfortunately their recent act of selling deteriorated products to some of the countries like Spain, Pakistan and India. I guess that is complete cruelty in this emergency situation, and who acts like that ? May be that will push your thoughts to think that they might be the root cause of whole thing.


May be you should read above response too.

Although it has not yet been proven that China made this virus, but I'm sure China is spreading this virus. Because the largest population of China
in the world, and spread all over the world. Just try to note that in almost every country there are Chinese people, this might be used by the Chinese
government to spread the virus. But this is also just a supposition, investigation is still needed to get strong evidence. That is certain indeed strange
of all countries affected by the virus, only the country of China that looks most ready to deal with the corona virus.

Sorry man, but that sounds so stupid. Why would anyone create a virus, that kills citizens of his own country. Imagine if it fails to spread all over the World - it would kill more and more of your citizens. Who would in clear mind do that?

"in almost every country there are Chinese people" - that is racism... Chinese people were not the one who spread the virus, but those people who visit China.

Chine looked ready to deal with covid-19, because they were first to react and start something to do to cure it. Their lockdowns were much stricter. Take look on Europe - there is a lockdown, but still lots of people walking here and there in crowds, molls and etc are still partly open for visitors.

Title: Re: Chinese Strategy?
Post by: abhiseshakana on April 20, 2020, 01:18:12 AM
Although it has not yet been proven that China made this virus, but I'm sure China is spreading this virus. Because the largest population of China
in the world, and spread all over the world. Just try to note that in almost every country there are Chinese people, this might be used by the Chinese
government to spread the virus. But this is also just a supposition, investigation is still needed to get strong evidence. That is certain indeed strange
of all countries affected by the virus, only the country of China that looks most ready to deal with the corona virus.

If that a proposition has not yet been proven it means that the opposite can also happen, so we can say it was not China that originally created and spread this virus but the United States, only when Trump was also cheated because initially, the American pharmaceutical industry-supported China, but in the end hit Trump by approaching the democratic party. Democrat Genk Joe Biden cs, WHO, Clinton foundation and big pharmaceutical company and China colluded to create big money from the mistakes of the United States. The United States is synonymous with biological warfare such as SARS and HIV.

The American Pharmacy world played two legs, initially supporting the trump with its biological warfare but in the end supporting the democrats and Joe Bidden. Democrats with Obama's care had juggled the pharmaceutical world to produce a lot of wealth but when Trump came to power, health insurance for Americans was officially removed. The number of US citizens who are not protected by insurance is predicted to rise again. So that the world of pharmacy and health bite the fingers.

Regardless of the validity of this information, it is time for us to break away from the diversion of the big countries and their friends in an independent and self-reliant way. Each country let's make its own vaccine let's create its own medicine for Corona. So that we are not increasingly trapped in the tug of war of big countries which means we are independent but we are not sovereign.

Title: Re: Chinese Strategy?
Post by: Kez1817 on April 20, 2020, 03:55:39 PM
I came across this facebook post out of nowhere, maybe someone shared it so I got to read it.
At the very first start of this coronavirus thing there are lots of conspiracy that is circulating over the internet saying that the virus is a type of biological weapon created by the China to dominate the world. It looks strange for me tho cause if they really did it then why choosing your own city to be the epicenter? but now after reading the post, the gap fills in and it's all making sense now.
The post that I am reading is lost and cannot find it anymore after the page reloaded. Anyways I finished reading it so here's what I remember.

America and Europe's stock market crashed but the China's stock market did not? Why the hell it didn't crash amidst the emergence they are having with the virus? Are they prepared for this?
There is a massive hospital in China that was built in only 3 days, come on man it's unbelievable cause they already know how these virus would impact the world, there are lots of hospital in China that can actually handle all the several patients that time. Are they prepared for this?
Why Beijing was not hit destructively? given that there are 14 days of the virus to begin showing symptoms, someone could've been traveled from Wuhan to Beijing at that time period.

Then there is a very suspicious action that Xi Jinping did
When he visited the affected areas of the virus he only wore a very basic mask, imagine doctors are wearing a suit when dealing with patients and their president is just wearing a face mask given that the virus can attached to a surface that can get you easily infected. My question is why? Did he already vaccinated with the antidote they secretly created?

Did China sacrificed its people knowing they got billions of them just to cripple their enemy's economy?
A new type of war?

I would not be surprise if one of these days China will just announce that there is already a cure.  8)

You know ,i'm also thinking that there is already a cure in China but they hide it to us. Look,they have a small number of infected of covid19 compared to other countries. If the rumors are true that this virus is human made it means they are ready for what will happen and they know the cure for it.

Title: Re: Chinese Strategy?
Post by: Yatsan on April 20, 2020, 04:34:04 PM
Although it has not yet been proven that China made this virus, but I'm sure China is spreading this virus. Because the largest population of China
in the world, and spread all over the world.
The idea was pretty cruel for their leader to come up with depopulation, and I don't think they would do that to their taxpayers. This is not going to be true, China's recovery is pretty fast, their economy isn't down at all, and probably they are mixing up to contain and create vaccine for the world. Every little thing makes the world thinks that China did it all, but do we have that solid proof? because we all got is just dots, merely dots.

Just try to note that in almost every country there are Chinese people, this might be used by the Chinese
government to spread the virus. But this is also just a supposition, investigation is still needed to get strong evidence. That is certain indeed strange
of all countries affected by the virus, only the country of China that looks most ready to deal with the corona virus.
I'm pretty sure even in my country we have a foreigner from your place, don't act like kid in a box. China might look unaffected but are suffering too, it is just that they easily managed it by having protocols regards with the virus, they also have plans like the hospital they have just built in a week, plus they got the money to make everything possible.

Title: Re: Chinese Strategy?
Post by: Pamadar on April 20, 2020, 05:05:56 PM
Let us not rush into the words just because of what others say and read because there is no evidence that they are responsible. Let's just think about how they feel because they are also part of the forum. Just me, I only believe when there is solid proof that can push them.
When the Chinese doctor informed about the virus that died he did not mention that they themselves created the virus.
Any evidence that will be shown regarding to this allegation which can be proven will be the valid basis to blame them, right now we are not seeing anything that will fully point things out, all of those speculations that surrounding the internet are all based with opinions and own assessments but
we can also give it some weight since there's no fire if there's nothing to begin with.

Title: Re: Chinese Strategy?
Post by: super bako on April 20, 2020, 05:44:07 PM
do not just spread the news and believe it from social media, not necessarily what you suspect is true. because there is no real conviction and evidence. So later you will be caught in a legal trap by spreading uncertain news because it has slandered with negative or detrimental impact. In the era of the present side there are positive and negative sides of online media news. There are many ways to create news that makes crime by spreading the news by slandering and spreading hatred to anchor the enemy or a lie to the detriment of all means. in the current era I also yesterday found a news with the concept of the corona strategy made from where the source is and I almost believe it. certainly strong evidence for me and I am also observing about this co-19. maybe someday it will also be revealed behind the corona-19 virus. behave naturally as a comparison

Title: Re: Chinese Strategy?
Post by: SaShiRaJaVu on April 20, 2020, 09:41:12 PM
The idea was pretty cruel for their leader to come up with depopulation, and I don't think they would do that to their taxpayers. This is not going to be true, China's recovery is pretty fast, their economy isn't down at all, and probably they are mixing up to contain and create vaccine for the world. Every little thing makes the world thinks that China did it all, but do we have that solid proof? because we all got is just dots, merely dots.
The diseases started spreading somewhere around November last year and they have not taken enough steps to curb that nor inform the world about the seriousness of the disease and if they have done that we will not be seeing this kind of chaos all around the globe, but the conspiracy of the idea of depopulation is cruel because their strength is their population.

Title: Re: Chinese Strategy?
Post by: shoreno on April 21, 2020, 06:59:15 AM
The idea was pretty cruel for their leader to come up with depopulation, and I don't think they would do that to their taxpayers. This is not going to be true, China's recovery is pretty fast, their economy isn't down at all, and probably they are mixing up to contain and create vaccine for the world. Every little thing makes the world thinks that China did it all, but do we have that solid proof? because we all got is just dots, merely dots.
The diseases started spreading somewhere around November last year and they have not taken enough steps to curb that nor inform the world about the seriousness of the disease and if they have done that we will not be seeing this kind of chaos all around the globe, but the conspiracy of the idea of depopulation is cruel because their strength is their population.

i agree . we all know that china is a verry large continent and has a verry large base of population but even if many people have died from the virus there are still many people left living on thier country which makes them still  powerful  .

 and thats for the info by the way , i didnt knew that the virus was started way back last year while everyone are convince that the virus only started this year    . it could be thier plan/strategy or only thier fault because they only make it a secret   .

Title: Re: Chinese Strategy?
Post by: Viscore on April 21, 2020, 10:19:29 AM
i agree . we all know that china is a verry large continent and has a verry large base of population but even if many people have died from the virus there are still many people left living on thier country which makes them still  powerful  .
only 4,000 deaths are tallied in China, over the 80K infected, and over the billion of population, that's too small, it will not affect their economy.

and thats for the info by the way , i didnt knew that the virus was started way back last year while everyone are convince that the virus only started this year    . it could be thier plan/strategy or only thier fault because they only make it a secret   .
It started last year, that's why its name has 19 in the end.
So since it started last year, it's been almost 6 months already that no cure has been found for the corona virus, and it's really frustrating to just keep staying at home while thinking of our future plans.

Title: Re: Chinese Strategy?
Post by: Bobby park on April 21, 2020, 11:45:53 PM
There are so many speculation regarding this Pandemic, but this is not a joke! but rather this is a real sorrow to the world. Is it very hard to see people dying lost their love once, family without being with there side. This global plague create a huge changes in terms of economy, some countries didn't know what they are suppose to do just to prevents crushing their economy and losing their people.

Title: Re: Chinese Strategy?
Post by: FanatMonet on April 21, 2020, 11:56:43 PM
Unfortunately, the more visible the consequences for different countries from the coronavirus, the more I am inclined to believe that the coronavirus could indeed be created by China to strike the Western world, and if this finds confirmation, then China will be very ill.

Title: Re: Chinese Strategy?
Post by: Wind_FURY on April 22, 2020, 06:00:40 AM
Tinfoil hats on.

There are many people who believe that China has stopped reporting cases to avoid embarassment for their incompetence.

BUT, without the tinfoil hat conspiracy theories, what is everyone's opinion? Is COVID-19 pandemic China's fault?

the USA and much of europe was unprepared to an embarrassing degree. what's more is that public officials and the public alike acted irresponsibly, not taking the pandemic seriously until the last couple weeks. china isn't responsible for any of that.

had they been more forthright about what they knew it may have helped, but judging by the overall response here in the states, it wouldn't have made a difference. nobody was paying attention here even as deaths were skyrocketing in italy and spain. it was a psychological problem---coronavirus outbreaks were something that only happened to foreign people living in other countries. ::)

BUT, who was truly prepared for this? No country was in my opinion, except maybe Taiwan, which used its experience against the SARS virus.

OP, do you want a real conspiracy theory? It's the U.S. strategy to isolate China. 8)

Title: Re: Chinese Strategy?
Post by: Naida_BR on April 22, 2020, 09:52:01 AM
Those conspiracy theories all all over the internet right now.
I don't think that Chinese government is so malicious in order to do all this. After all, the Chinese economy was already the Number one economy in the world, the didn't have any real benefit of causing all this disaster.

Title: Re: Chinese Strategy?
Post by: silversurfer1958 on April 22, 2020, 05:13:25 PM
Currently, the US and Europe are finding evidence to allege that China is the culprit responsible for this COVID-19 disease. They believe that China created this weapon to destroy the economy of their country. If evidence proves that China is the culprit, I think the US and Europe will embargo on China's economy or they will force China to pay huge damages for the economic and life losses of many countries in the world.

Title: Re: Chinese Strategy?
Post by: super bako on April 22, 2020, 05:44:44 PM
Currently, the US and Europe are finding evidence to allege that China is the culprit responsible for this COVID-19 disease. They believe that China created this weapon to destroy the economy of their country. If evidence proves that China is the culprit, I think the US and Europe will embargo on China's economy or they will force China to pay huge damages for the economic and life losses of many countries in the world.
yes now many hot news broadcasts show a source from where covid-19 originated, which points to the country of China. but still debating covid-19 these 2 countries from which the source shows the origin of the AS and China.2 countries that are accusing each other. as reported?
"the president of the United States, Donald Trump". said the virus originated from China. While previously, Chinese foreign ministry spokesman "Zhao Lijian". said the United States Army that brought the epidemic / covid-19 to wuhan.?

Title: Re: Chinese Strategy?
Post by: Text on April 23, 2020, 01:07:33 AM
They are already guessing who the real culprit is and so people are confused about what to believe. Those who receive help should not be offended. Let's just imagine that in this crisis faced by the world we must be united and cooperate. As for the Chinese sell test kits abroad, we know what kind of quality they make. There are and there are really ruins in their works, they will never be lost. Let's say China has made a deficit and a mistake because it did not immediately inform about the virus, they waited and delayed so it could spread.

Title: Re: Chinese Strategy?
Post by: camito on April 23, 2020, 02:23:09 AM
I came across this facebook post out of nowhere, maybe someone shared it so I got to read it.
At the very first start of this coronavirus thing there are lots of conspiracy that is circulating over the internet saying that the virus is a type of biological weapon created by the China to dominate the world. It looks strange for me tho cause if they really did it then why choosing your own city to be the epicenter? but now after reading the post, the gap fills in and it's all making sense now.
The post that I am reading is lost and cannot find it anymore after the page reloaded. Anyways I finished reading it so here's what I remember.

America and Europe's stock market crashed but the China's stock market did not? Why the hell it didn't crash amidst the emergence they are having with the virus? Are they prepared for this?
There is a massive hospital in China that was built in only 3 days, come on man it's unbelievable cause they already know how these virus would impact the world, there are lots of hospital in China that can actually handle all the several patients that time. Are they prepared for this?
Why Beijing was not hit destructively? given that there are 14 days of the virus to begin showing symptoms, someone could've been traveled from Wuhan to Beijing at that time period.

Then there is a very suspicious action that Xi Jinping did
When he visited the affected areas of the virus he only wore a very basic mask, imagine doctors are wearing a suit when dealing with patients and their president is just wearing a face mask given that the virus can attached to a surface that can get you easily infected. My question is why? Did he already vaccinated with the antidote they secretly created?

Did China sacrificed its people knowing they got billions of them just to cripple their enemy's economy?
A new type of war?

I would not be surprise if one of these days China will just announce that there is already a cure.  8)

These points alarms us with something. From the very start, we know that China is a monster country, not only in terms of military and nuclear forces, medicine, even in economics. China is the sleeping giant. They weren't probably named for just nothing. It shows that China can do something terrifying in secret. I also want to add that China is already making establishments or buildings in the feud island in the West Philippine Sea. I can say that China did a pretty good job in handling their casualties and to have the 'said' strategy. But here, it can also make sense that China is masked with politics. To work in a dirty way, even sacrificing their own pawn. It's sort of sad, that is not the government I would want to be in.

Title: Re: Chinese Strategy?
Post by: lepbagong on April 23, 2020, 02:50:36 AM
Currently, the US and Europe are finding evidence to allege that China is the culprit responsible for this COVID-19 disease. They believe that China created this weapon to destroy the economy of their country. If evidence proves that China is the culprit, I think the US and Europe will embargo on China's economy or they will force China to pay huge damages for the economic and life losses of many countries in the world.

it is not easy to be able to prove and confirm and state that China is the culprit of the epedemic corona, even though it started from them. China with an advanced economy is not possible to do this just because it wants to master the world economy. there are many ways that China can do to advance its economy and it has been proven that they are one of the advanced economies.
if indeed China wants to be selfish why they are currently helping many countries to deal with epedemic corona, of course because they want this epedemic to end and the world economy can recover.

Title: Re: Chinese Strategy?
Post by: Subbir on April 23, 2020, 03:15:18 AM
As China may be a developed country within the world, nobody will stop their trade with them but i do not think China is selfish  China has sent medical equipment to several countries round the world to beat the epidemic. They also want this epidemic to finish soon i feel China's strategy is far better the planet is trying to stop the price by joining hands with every country The virus has not hurt China's economy they need kept the economy afloat by adopting various strategies.

Title: Re: Chinese Strategy?
Post by: chip1994 on April 23, 2020, 08:34:59 AM
We have seen this political - economic conspiracy theory through many virus games in the world. In addition, the US has punished the internal Chinese economy through taxing goods. Perhaps China did not accept this and retaliated against the US with this corona virus. It is clear that this virus has been studied and determined to be made from humans. That's why I think this is something that was planned. Americans really should be careful when confronting China.

Title: Re: Chinese Strategy?
Post by: Wind_FURY on April 23, 2020, 10:10:22 AM
We have seen this political - economic conspiracy theory through many virus games in the world. In addition, the US has punished the internal Chinese economy through taxing goods. Perhaps China did not accept this and retaliated against the US with this corona virus. It is clear that this virus has been studied and determined to be made from humans. That's why I think this is something that was planned. Americans really should be careful when confronting China.

Tinfoil hats on.

The U.S. might be isolating China. There was a drone strike in Iran that killed Qassem Soleimani, who hoped for Chinese presence in the Middle East. There's currently a rumor that Kim Jong Un, China's ally, is in "grave danger" after surgery.

Who are the other leaders that are closely allied with China?

Title: Re: Chinese Strategy?
Post by: andisuk on April 28, 2020, 09:02:45 PM
We have seen this political - economic conspiracy theory through many virus games in the world. In addition, the US has punished the internal Chinese economy through taxing goods. Perhaps China did not accept this and retaliated against the US with this corona virus. It is clear that this virus has been studied and determined to be made from humans. That's why I think this is something that was planned. Americans really should be careful when confronting China.

Tinfoil hats on.

The U.S. might be isolating China. There was a drone strike in Iran that killed Qassem Soleimani, who hoped for Chinese presence in the Middle East. There's currently a rumor that Kim Jong Un, China's ally, is in "grave danger" after surgery.

Who are the other leaders that are closely allied with China?
but we also know the level of security of Korea🇰🇷, they are among the ranks of the countries that have the most dangerous weapons and plus allies that are owned so it will not be easy for America to get in there

Title: Re: Chinese Strategy?
Post by: FanatMonet on April 28, 2020, 11:18:13 PM
But according to what I read on BBC, the virus was first discovered by the doctor who is an ophthalmologist when a patient was brought from seafood markets. Probably due to the large population of China and professionals that cut across every field. They could have achieved all that but to me the whole thing is just a hoax just they way there are allegations that Russian assist Trump in winning the election

Russia unequivocally provides Trump with all sorts of indirect support that directly affects the electorate.
Apparently throughout Russia, the victory of the trump is beneficial.
The main question is whether there will be another situation with impeachment and regular investigations after his next victory.

Russia does not really want Trump's victory, to be honest. Simply, if you choose between Donnie and Biden, then the second one does not have popularity in Russia at all. Personally, I, and many acquaintances, sympathized with Bernie Sanders, but he was again leaked to please the establishment, and Trump's victory will be easy again.

Title: Re: Chinese Strategy?
Post by: Xxmodded on May 02, 2020, 03:29:57 AM
China become powerful country but have problem right now with corona virus, I don't know virus created by they self or not. We know how strategy by some country to get benefit by creating medicine and take profit after several country need their help.

Title: Re: Chinese Strategy?
Post by: darewaller on May 02, 2020, 06:04:21 AM
This is something that I have seen a lot of people discuss on Twitter ever since the coronavirus broke out.
A lot f people has blamed the Chinese for this pandemic and some have said that it was created in a Chinese science lab and that the Chinese government is aware of it before it happened.

A lot of things has happened at this time that even made some people to strongly believe that the Chinese are behind everything. And yes, creating a hospital within a short time is one of the things that is making people question whether the Chinese created the virus and we’re ready for it before now, which made them quickly create a hospital that’s huge enough to handle the cases.

Title: Re: Chinese Strategy?
Post by: cosmofly on May 02, 2020, 06:34:52 AM
 I think this is a lab problem in China. they really don't want to be a translator because many countries will have reason to accuse them. since it went wrong and countries in Europe were still affected by the severe pandemic, they probably let their people move to European countries when the pandemic started to appear. . This is indeed a beneficial biological weapon that the Chinese government has secretly carried out long ago. perhaps they are responsible for this for the countries that have had a heavy influence.

Title: Re: Chinese Strategy?
Post by: BD Money365 on May 02, 2020, 08:36:11 AM
Looks like I have reason to believe this conspiracy theorem it's supposed that the Chinese feel like to get a European stocks at depression prices, turn into the maximum farm animals holders, and receive the companies redistribute to China, seems they foresaw this coming. America after attacked them for creating this virus in other to improvement humankind efficient dominance. I will notwithstanding be next up on this.

Title: Re: Chinese Strategy?
Post by: abhiseshakana on May 02, 2020, 11:47:39 AM
Russia does not really want Trump's victory, to be honest. Simply, if you choose between Donnie and Biden, then the second one does not have popularity in Russia at all. Personally, I, and many acquaintances, sympathized with Bernie Sanders, but he was again leaked to please the establishment, and Trump's victory will be easy again.

The dynamics of international politics are always colored by the quote that there are no true friends and foes, only true interests. Of course, Russia doesn't like Trump, because Trump is nationalist. Putin was also a pure nationalist because of his military background. One is a superpower and one is experiencing post power syndrome. But Trump's policy of making America great again and America First gives space for Russia to engage in political maneuvering in the International World because of America's diminished role as a regional stabilizer.

Bernie with his green new deal is indeed very popular especially among the millennial generation, but popularism is not enough to bring Sanders to get support from American oligarchs and plutocrats. When Joe Biden entered Trump, he had attacked with a pharmaceutical scandal in Europe by Joe Biden's children showing concern for Biden's figure.

Biden is a commissioner in many pharmaceutical giant companies. The pharmaceutical world behind Biden influenced 300 electrolier voters in the Democrat Party party. They wanted Joe Biden, Obama, and Clinton to maneuver. Obama care volume 2 was brought by Joe Biden as the theme of the2020 campaign, this could hit Trump, which eventually made Barnie withdrawn.

Once again just to remember, who was most advantageous in COVID 19? Namely the medical world, hospitals, medical devices, and large pharmaceuticals. Once the vaccine is launched, trillion dollars worth.

Title: Re: Chinese Strategy?
Post by: royalfestus on May 02, 2020, 12:58:36 PM
We have seen this political - economic conspiracy theory through many virus games in the world. In addition, the US has punished the internal Chinese economy through taxing goods. Perhaps China did not accept this and retaliated against the US with this corona virus. It is clear that this virus has been studied and determined to be made from humans. That's why I think this is something that was planned. Americans really should be careful when confronting China.

Tinfoil hats on.

The U.S. might be isolating China. There was a drone strike in Iran that killed Qassem Soleimani, who hoped for Chinese presence in the Middle East. There's currently a rumor that Kim Jong Un, China's ally, is in "grave danger" after surgery.

Who are the other leaders that are closely allied with China?
Kim Jong came to the public yesterday against claim of illness from his surgery and he is looking strong. US can only have economic war with Chinese that have not won been since Trump came into power and they cant win the Chinese, considering a war against China is very expensive and damaging to the world especially economically. If China was responsible for the Virus, I think they need to be punished, they might have the population, technology and wealth, they are not meant to destroy people's life to climb the power rank

Title: Re: Chinese Strategy?
Post by: abhiseshakana on May 04, 2020, 06:16:09 AM
Kim Jong came to the public yesterday against claim of illness from his surgery and he is looking strong. US can only have economic war with Chinese that have not won been since Trump came into power and they cant win the Chinese, considering a war against China is very expensive and damaging to the world especially economically. If China was responsible for the Virus, I think they need to be punished, they might have the population, technology and wealth, they are not meant to destroy people's life to climb the power rank

What if the one who spread the virus was America itself? How will the world punish America? Or rather the unknown devil behind the corona pandemic. China is just smashing back passing the ball from America with a little improvisation like in Kungfu hustle film.

China's national interest can be a national threat to America. Here's a simple picture. America spreads the virus to China. knowing this China is only sending back viruses to the United States + bought up most of Corona's personal protective equipment in the world. America coded MBS to reduce oil prices and America would use excess oil production for the war and its original plan was to leave China without energy. Without energy, China cannot fight.

The battlefield chosen was the South China Sea and the Korean Peninsula because the world epicenter has changed. The shadow originally created a world dependent on fossil oil, now the shadow creates a new order in which the world is set up with technology, algorithms, and batteries. The SCS and southeast Asian countries are the energy centers of the new world. By seizing control of the South China Sea, the US automatically blocks China's grand plan to escape energy dependence and even become an energy self-sufficiency country.

Trump needs an achievement star in order to win the 2020 elections. Corona pandemic broke Trump's head. Many intelligence observers worry that Trump will bring out his two skills, war, and economist at war. All that's left is to map out how to create a war around the South China Sea and the Korean peninsula.

Title: Re: Chinese Strategy?
Post by: Naida_BR on May 04, 2020, 06:36:57 AM
We have seen this political - economic conspiracy theory through many virus games in the world. In addition, the US has punished the internal Chinese economy through taxing goods. Perhaps China did not accept this and retaliated against the US with this corona virus. It is clear that this virus has been studied and determined to be made from humans. That's why I think this is something that was planned. Americans really should be careful when confronting China.

If this was a a plan from China why they didn't throw the seed of corona virus to the US directly?
The virus started from China and many people died in Wuhan. Was it part of the plan to harm their people? I hate those conspiracy theories without any real fundamentals on the background.

Title: Re: Chinese Strategy?
Post by: Sanugarid on May 04, 2020, 11:27:46 AM
Kim Jong came to the public yesterday against claim of illness from his surgery and he is looking strong. US can only have economic war with Chinese that have not won been since Trump came into power and they cant win the Chinese, considering a war against China is very expensive and damaging to the world especially economically. If China was responsible for the Virus, I think they need to be punished, they might have the population, technology and wealth, they are not meant to destroy people's life to climb the power rank

What if the one who spread the virus was America itself? How will the world punish America? Or rather the unknown devil behind the corona pandemic. China is just smashing back passing the ball from America with a little improvisation like in Kungfu hustle film.
There is a less chances that America made and spread the virus itself, with America's stance on it right now? I don't really think they did it. There are findings made by America that the virus was not man made, giving them calm to go against China.
China's national interest can be a national threat to America. Here's a simple picture. America spreads the virus to China. knowing this China is only sending back viruses to the United States + bought up most of Corona's personal protective equipment in the world. America coded MBS to reduce oil prices and America would use excess oil production for the war and its original plan was to leave China without energy. Without energy, China cannot fight.
What do you think of the virus? A ball that can be passed easily through nations? lol. Whatever happening now is relatively because of the pandemic, especially the oil price it does mean nothing just like your conspiracy.

From now on, I don't really think that the virus was deliberately spread across countries to start a war.

Title: Re: Chinese Strategy?
Post by: seamusdorakos on May 04, 2020, 01:35:32 PM
We have seen this political - economic conspiracy theory through many virus games in the world. In addition, the US has punished the internal Chinese economy through taxing goods. Perhaps China did not accept this and retaliated against the US with this corona virus. It is clear that this virus has been studied and determined to be made from humans. That's why I think this is something that was planned. Americans really should be careful when confronting China.
I can barely believe that someone actually made coronavirus on purpose to spoil other country good life.
Obviously there is could war going on, but this seems anti-human and too dangerous - what if such virus could go out of control and humans wouldn't make it through.
Anyway what I am trying to say - it is more possible that China is desperately trying to look cool and show that its all good in there, but obviously they're facing same problems as we are

Title: Re: Chinese Strategy?
Post by: bittraffic on May 04, 2020, 08:43:47 PM
We have seen this political - economic conspiracy theory through many virus games in the world. In addition, the US has punished the internal Chinese economy through taxing goods. Perhaps China did not accept this and retaliated against the US with this corona virus. It is clear that this virus has been studied and determined to be made from humans. That's why I think this is something that was planned. Americans really should be careful when confronting China.
I can barely believe that someone actually made coronavirus on purpose to spoil other country good life.
Obviously there is could war going on, but this seems anti-human and too dangerous - what if such virus could go out of control and humans wouldn't make it through.
Anyway what I am trying to say - it is more possible that China is desperately trying to look cool and show that its all good in there, but obviously they're facing same problems as we are

It's possible, the reports are always lying. If China is experiencing the same problem though, they would first solve their own problems before helping other countries which is what they are currently doing surprisingly.

One obvious thing they are doing is that they are seizing this moment to position on top. Making themselves great in the eyes of the leaders of the world which is probably the truth as well.

Title: Re: Chinese Strategy?
Post by: loc66600 on May 05, 2020, 05:54:49 AM
(1)Chinese stock market did not get hit seriously it is because they control the virus quickly and successfully, and with the government interfere, so the market would not grow worse.
(2)They put massive man force and military to build this, so the hospital can be done in a very quick time, besides, it is using something like "container box", they did not use concrete, so they can build it fast. And actually is built in 10 days not 3.
(3)When 23.Jan or 25 I don't remember Wuhan announced lockdown, the whole China is acually being strict lock down, people following very strick social distancing rules, they cut the acivities outdoor, so the outbreak is not happening outside Wuhan.
(4)Xijingping was visiting somewhere near Beijing but not at Wuhan, so he is not 100% necessary to wear a N95 mask. Wuhan was the epidemic area at that time, so no one in or out, there is no reason a chairman of a counrty should pay a normal visit for a city during the epidemic.

If the virus was made in China, then why US reported Dec. 2019 deaths cases? If the virus was made in China, why it was outbreak in their own country first? If the virus was made in China, then why the experts reported the Europe cases has the different gene type with China?

Title: Re: Chinese Strategy?
Post by: Viscore on May 05, 2020, 06:24:17 AM
If the virus was made in China, then why US reported Dec. 2019 deaths cases? If the virus was made in China, why it was outbreak in their own country first? If the virus was made in China, then why the experts reported the Europe cases has the different gene type with China?
These are all just speculation, one country blaming other country because they can't contained the virus, and we will never know which country is telling the truth but I am not concern about it now since my main concern is for the scientist to finally release the vaccine if they already found it.

Title: Re: Chinese Strategy?
Post by: btc78 on May 05, 2020, 07:33:12 AM
If the virus was made in China, then why US reported Dec. 2019 deaths cases? If the virus was made in China, why it was outbreak in their own country first? If the virus was made in China, then why the experts reported the Europe cases has the different gene type with China?
These are all just speculation, one country blaming other country because they can't contained the virus, and we will never know which country is telling the truth but I am not concern about it now since my main concern is for the scientist to finally release the vaccine if they already found it.
Try to look upon the areas of points and then tell us that some of those are not legit?

So many questions that needs to be answered maybe not now but in future when this epidemic starts to cool down,because if the claims are real then someone must pay for this one.

Hundred thousands people died and millions that almost dead but Lucky they did survive.

I can feel that there is really responsible on this.

Title: Re: Chinese Strategy?
Post by: wxxyrqa on May 05, 2020, 08:20:20 AM
If the virus was made in China, then why US reported Dec. 2019 deaths cases? If the virus was made in China, why it was outbreak in their own country first? If the virus was made in China, then why the experts reported the Europe cases has the different gene type with China?
These are all just speculation, one country blaming other country because they can't contained the virus, and we will never know which country is telling the truth but I am not concern about it now since my main concern is for the scientist to finally release the vaccine if they already found it.
Try to look upon the areas of points and then tell us that some of those are not legit?

So many questions that needs to be answered maybe not now but in future when this epidemic starts to cool down,because if the claims are real then someone must pay for this one.

Hundred thousands people died and millions that almost dead but Lucky they did survive.

I can feel that there is really responsible on this.
The reasons for this may be different and there is no need to be any street in the US or China.  although for everything that happens in any case, someone should answer.  There are many versions of what is happening and why.  But if in the near future a vaccine against coronavirus will be created and vaccination will be mandatory for every person, then I will believe in another version of the World Plot, which today walks on the Internet.

Title: Re: Chinese Strategy?
Post by: bearexin on May 05, 2020, 04:16:58 PM
China could EASILY be broken, however it means millions of people dead and Chinese government doesn't really care about that anyway so it wouldn't really be a battle. How do you fight something that has no life? What happens if china starts to lose billions even trillions in profits? They will simply just let their people die and move on, they literally did that back in the day, 20 million plus people died and they moved on.

So you can fight them, just take out your manufacturing from china and move it to some other nation that is cheap, there are a lot of poor countries, you can simply move to Africa and make them super happy, they wouldn't be like china neither, they would love you for it and work for close to free, however when you do that you are building a whole infrastructure and waging a war at the same time, doesn't really worth it if you ask me.

Title: Re: Chinese Strategy?
Post by: FanatMonet on May 05, 2020, 07:12:11 PM
We have seen this political - economic conspiracy theory through many virus games in the world. In addition, the US has punished the internal Chinese economy through taxing goods. Perhaps China did not accept this and retaliated against the US with this corona virus. It is clear that this virus has been studied and determined to be made from humans. That's why I think this is something that was planned. Americans really should be careful when confronting China.
If it is really proved that the virus was man-made and was specifically used against the United States, I’m even afraid to imagine what wave of anger this will cause in the United States, and China will not be able to feel good without such a huge market as the American one.

Title: Re: Chinese Strategy?
Post by: abhiseshakana on May 06, 2020, 08:07:44 AM
There is a less chances that America made and spread the virus itself, with America's stance on it right now? I don't really think they did it. There are findings made by America that the virus was not man made, giving them calm to go against China.

When the US accused China, China asked the US to be transparent about the pandemic in its country, especially the problem of zero cases. China reported to WHO on January 3, 2020, the first positive case was reported in US on January 21, 2020, but it was not clear that the patient was zero. Until now there has been no action from the US. China also explained that since the end of January the US had sent 2 experts to China to research about this epidemic, this was enough to explain that China was very open.

What do you think of the virus? A ball that can be passed easily through nations?

The fact is that the coronavirus spreads easily, like throwing an ink ball into a crowd. We assume that China did not intentionally spread the virus to the US, but the attitude of many countries who are relaxed in handling this virus, when China did the Wuhan lockdown so that the Virus entering the US is US's fault not China's fault.

A Chinese foreign ministry spokesman mentioned documents from a leaked republican party containing suggestions for candidates to refer to China's wrongdoing in the corona pandemic by cornering China which is covering up to spread globally.

Whatever happens now is relatively because of the pandemic, especially the oil price it means nothing just like your conspiracy.

This is not just a conspiracy theory, this is an analysis of defense and economic intelligence. Data without analysis does not become information, information is strategized to become knowledge, what is needed by many countries is knowledge, not raw data or information that is half-measures. In the end, it is up to each country to use the knowledge or not.

Title: Re: Chinese Strategy?
Post by: jalxyx on May 06, 2020, 02:29:12 PM
I do not know exactly what they (China) planned from the start, but seeing from the quick handling they have done on Covid-19 patients has proven that they are the country that is most ready to deal with the Covid-19 virus.  it's likely they had predicted this outbreak first..
No, its not like that. You have to read several news about the spread of Covid-19. I dont want to think about conspiracy, but i want all of you holding hand together to take care this pandemic. Keep your mind in positif way

Title: Re: Chinese Strategy?
Post by: Sanugarid on May 06, 2020, 05:10:03 PM
There is a less chances that America made and spread the virus itself, with America's stance on it right now? I don't really think they did it. There are findings made by America that the virus was not man made, giving them calm to go against China.

When the US accused China, China asked the US to be transparent about the pandemic in its country, especially the problem of zero cases. China reported to WHO on January 3, 2020, the first positive case was reported in US on January 21, 2020, but it was not clear that the patient was zero. Until now there has been no action from the US. China also explained that since the end of January the US had sent 2 experts to China to research about this epidemic, this was enough to explain that China was very open.
America is just being america it just happen that they are with their arrogant leader. America is leading the chart for the covid cases so they should take a look at that first before questioning other country like China that we have seen a great improvement on handling the pandemic on their own.

What do you think of the virus? A ball that can be passed easily through nations?

The fact is that the coronavirus spreads easily, like throwing an ink ball into a crowd. We assume that China did not intentionally spread the virus to the US, but the attitude of many countries who are relaxed in handling this virus, when China did the Wuhan lockdown so that the Virus entering the US is US's fault not China's fault.
I think they know the fact that the virus cannot be easily detected by the testing kits, it would take days to know if the person has the virus or not and that is the very reason why there is a sudden increase of patient until the first month of 2020.
Whatever happens now is relatively because of the pandemic, especially the oil price it means nothing just like your conspiracy.

This is not just a conspiracy theory, this is an analysis of defense and economic intelligence. Data without analysis does not become information, information is strategized to become knowledge, what is needed by many countries is knowledge, not raw data or information that is half-measures. In the end, it is up to each country to use the knowledge or not.
Yeah that's what I said.

Title: Re: Chinese Strategy?
Post by: super bako on May 06, 2020, 05:53:15 PM
I do not know exactly what they (China) planned from the start, but seeing from the quick handling they have done on Covid-19 patients has proven that they are the country that is most ready to deal with the Covid-19 virus.  it's likely they had predicted this outbreak first..
No, its not like that. You have to read several news about the spread of Covid-19. I dont want to think about conspiracy, but i want all of you holding hand together to take care this pandemic. Keep your mind in positif way
yes, it is true to talk about the topic we must know the elements first and don't read the content, now the amount of hoax content currently in circulation is increasing. information is incorrect or inaccurate, but people who believe that the information can be trusted. there is no purpose for those who make the distribution of this type of content. Other than just reminding, or keeping watch or there are other intentions

Title: Re: Chinese Strategy?
Post by: xSkylarx on May 06, 2020, 08:04:09 PM
I do not know exactly what they (China) planned from the start, but seeing from the quick handling they have done on Covid-19 patients has proven that they are the country that is most ready to deal with the Covid-19 virus.  it's likely they had predicted this outbreak first..

I'm actually starting to believe this conspiracy theory and it seems like they have a cure for this virus already. Lots of countries have been battling against the virus but China has surpassed it in just a short period of time which is really questionable unless they're just hiding the truth from us. The best thing that we can do for now is to stay home so we'll never get infected and through that, we could contribute something so we could all go back to our normal lives.

Title: Re: Chinese Strategy?
Post by: TIDOVEE on May 06, 2020, 08:17:26 PM
China has recovered from the pandemic and has continued building there economy. They were so affected their economy too was affected but they were smart enough to hold their economy in position. I also heard that the virus leaked from a weapon.and don't you think if this is through, they should actually look at the components of the virus to get the antidote.i also heared they just don't want to reveal it.

Title: Re: Chinese Strategy?
Post by: EdvinZ on May 07, 2020, 06:59:15 AM
It has already been established that the virus was transmitted to humans from the meat of wild animals. Often these products were sold without any quality certificates. China is known for its predilection for eating exotic animal meat. Even in the meat of ordinary domestic animals, thousands of bacteria, let alone wild species of animals. And given the fact that the world is very well-developed air traffic and tourism, the new virus quickly spread around the globe.

Title: Re: Chinese Strategy?
Post by: abhiseshakana on May 07, 2020, 07:44:55 AM
China has recovered from the pandemic and has continued building there economy. They were so affected their economy too was affected but they were smart enough to hold their economy in position. I also heard that the virus leaked from a weapon.and don't you think if this is through, they should actually look at the components of the virus to get the antidote.i also heared they just don't want to reveal it.

China does have to prepare a strategy because the Corona pandemic brings several new issues that could become a national threat to China, including:

The crossing out of China and some countries as developing countries by the United States will hamper the penetration of Chinese products and Chinese partners to the United States and several countries that will automatically reduce China's foreign exchange.

Trump and many other countries blame and scapegoat China for the Coronavirus tragedy and take action not to pay the debt to China. The pandemic could force Trump to use the US International Economic Emergency Pact. With this deed, Jimmy Carter freezes Iran's assets and Obama freezes Venezuela's assets.

Trump currently needs the latest weapons in order to win the 2020 elections. The strategy of not paying the debt to China will hit China and also the stronghold of the democratic party. If the US does this there is a possibility that other countries will also follow US steps.

Title: Re: Chinese Strategy?
Post by: Golftech on May 07, 2020, 07:47:24 AM
I do not know exactly what they (China) planned from the start, but seeing from the quick handling they have done on Covid-19 patients has proven that they are the country that is most ready to deal with the Covid-19 virus.  it's likely they had predicted this outbreak first..

I'm actually starting to believe this conspiracy theory and it seems like they have a cure for this virus already. Lots of countries have been battling against the virus but China has surpassed it in just a short period of time which is really questionable unless they're just hiding the truth from us. The best thing that we can do for now is to stay home so we'll never get infected and through that, we could contribute something so we could all go back to our normal lives.
Keep everything until the antidote shows up, there are lots of conspiracy and even we are not sure how legit this claim was regarding to this chinese involvement with corona and how they really solve the issue from wuhan where the virus start begins.
If cure will be available and once every people are safe to go out and live a normal life, then that's the time to discuss about china's involvement and
if all of this is part of the plan.

Title: Re: Chinese Strategy?
Post by: Saisher on May 07, 2020, 10:46:47 AM
I do not know exactly what they (China) planned from the start, but seeing from the quick handling they have done on Covid-19 patients has proven that they are the country that is most ready to deal with the Covid-19 virus.  it's likely they had predicted this outbreak first..

I'm actually starting to believe this conspiracy theory and it seems like they have a cure for this virus already. Lots of countries have been battling against the virus but China has surpassed it in just a short period of time which is really questionable unless they're just hiding the truth from us. The best thing that we can do for now is to stay home so we'll never get infected and through that, we could contribute something so we could all go back to our normal lives.
Some results are questionable, but I'm still waiting for the part where they will announce that they have the vaccine already, but until now they are also looking for the cure and they only recommend some ingredients, we will soon find out if they have the cure there will be some people who will spread the news if they have the ready vaccine before the start of the pandemic.

Title: Re: Chinese Strategy?
Post by: jalxyx on May 07, 2020, 12:29:27 PM
I do not know exactly what they (China) planned from the start, but seeing from the quick handling they have done on Covid-19 patients has proven that they are the country that is most ready to deal with the Covid-19 virus.  it's likely they had predicted this outbreak first..
No, its not like that. You have to read several news about the spread of Covid-19. I dont want to think about conspiracy, but i want all of you holding hand together to take care this pandemic. Keep your mind in positif way
yes, it is true to talk about the topic we must know the elements first and don't read the content, now the amount of hoax content currently in circulation is increasing. information is incorrect or inaccurate, but people who believe that the information can be trusted. there is no purpose for those who make the distribution of this type of content. Other than just reminding, or keeping watch or there are other intentions
thats right, any information except from the trusted media (such as NHC in england, every government, WHO, etc) dont believe at all. Better we keep our mind against the negative media

Title: Re: Chinese Strategy?
Post by: henmark on May 07, 2020, 05:52:28 PM
I know very well that China has had plans to be the world power for a very long time, but I don't really know if all these things that are being said about them is the truth or not. If it's true, then they don't deserve to be the world power, this is a foolish move in the pursuit of power.

Seriously, it doesn't make any sense unleashing a pandemic and killing innocent people just because you want to be the world power. When this started earlier in Wuhan and they quickly built a large hospital, I just thought of it as a way that the Government is really doing what they could to protect their citizens, but this time around everything seems like they planned it and they were already prepared for it.

There's been a second wave coronavirus outbreak there though. I am just not sure about this, let's wait till it's all over and the truth will uncover itself.

Title: Re: Chinese Strategy?
Post by: bearexin on May 07, 2020, 07:02:13 PM
I know very well that China has had plans to be the world power for a very long time, but I don't really know if all these things that are being said about them is the truth or not. If it's true, then they don't deserve to be the world power, this is a foolish move in the pursuit of power.

Seriously, it doesn't make any sense unleashing a pandemic and killing innocent people just because you want to be the world power. When this started earlier in Wuhan and they quickly built a large hospital, I just thought of it as a way that the Government is really doing what they could to protect their citizens, but this time around everything seems like they planned it and they were already prepared for it.

There's been a second wave coronavirus outbreak there though. I am just not sure about this, let's wait till it's all over and the truth will uncover itself.
All these things has been what a lot of people are discussing these days. People are asking these questions up till now. If you take the time to look at everything that has happened, and how China reacted to everything, you will have no other option than to suspect that they were behind what’s happening now. Xi Jinping visiting the area with just a basic mask on makes it seem like they already have the cure for it.

Some people claim that he took the cure before or after he got in there, because there is a high chance of him being infected in such a place. And what about all the doctors that disappeared mysteriously after they tried to warn the world about the coronavirus outbreak in Wuhan?

Title: Re: Chinese Strategy?
Post by: jalxyx on May 09, 2020, 12:29:51 PM
It has already been established that the virus was transmitted to humans from the meat of wild animals. Often these products were sold without any quality certificates. China is known for its predilection for eating exotic animal meat. Even in the meat of ordinary domestic animals, thousands of bacteria, let alone wild species of animals. And given the fact that the world is very well-developed air traffic and tourism, the new virus quickly spread around the globe.
excuse me, are you read the title of this topic? better you post here about the news nowadays rather than your argument, moderator please report this message

Title: Re: Chinese Strategy?
Post by: Text on May 09, 2020, 03:52:27 PM
excuse me, are you read the title of this topic? better you post here about the news nowadays rather than your argument, moderator please report this message
I didn't see anything wrong with what he said. That's what most people know about Chinese that they love to eat exotic foods. So according to news and reports, this is also one of the most common causes of the virus.

Anyway, how could the WHO's detailed evidence against China be gathered?

Title: Re: Chinese Strategy?
Post by: shoreno on May 09, 2020, 04:25:28 PM
excuse me, are you read the title of this topic? better you post here about the news nowadays rather than your argument, moderator please report this message
I didn't see anything wrong with what he said. That's what most people know about Chinese that they love to eat exotic foods. So according to news and reports, this is also one of the most common causes of the virus.

Anyway, how could the WHO's detailed evidence against China be gathered?

yeah i also read the post of the guy above but cant see anything wrong with it  but infact that is what also im believing with  , so i dont think that its chinas strategy . if its their strategy then we wont be seeing deaths on thier places but deaths can only be see on other country  .

 in short it will be planned carefully  but there are people still  believe that way  , dunno why but maybe these people are greatly affected on what is happening right now .

Title: Re: Chinese Strategy?
Post by: jrrsparkles on May 09, 2020, 04:59:26 PM
China successfully tested their vaccines on animal samples! Interesting, hopefully it is a true news.

Everything become business nowadays so you can't blame anyone for others actions.

Title: Re: Chinese Strategy?
Post by: chip1994 on May 09, 2020, 05:58:13 PM
All of these factors show that China is the country that makes this corona virus. Especially now people in China have not increased any more and the economy has started to function again. they had a vaccine or some antidote and their people are now safe. After this pandemic, their country could easily lead in the economy.
This is considered the economic virus that many movie titles have condemned, Inferno is an example. so there is no doubt that China created this virus and caused the global economy to decline. So cruel.

Title: Re: Chinese Strategy?
Post by: Deeone09 on May 09, 2020, 06:01:06 PM
There is already an hidden agenda from Chinese government about covid-19

Title: Re: Chinese Strategy?
Post by: jalxyx on May 10, 2020, 11:59:32 AM
excuse me, are you read the title of this topic? better you post here about the news nowadays rather than your argument, moderator please report this message
I didn't see anything wrong with what he said. That's what most people know about Chinese that they love to eat exotic foods. So according to news and reports, this is also one of the most common causes of the virus.

Anyway, how could the WHO's detailed evidence against China be gathered?
i'll try to make this topic still have a trusted source. Of course all we know, corona diseases come from animal (bat, or etc) in wuhan. But until now, it still an argument right? dont trust any news in the media, except a trusted like who, etc. You can go to the official WHO

Title: Re: Chinese Strategy?
Post by: abhiseshakana on May 11, 2020, 03:45:00 AM
All of these factors show that China is the country that makes this corona virus. Especially now people in China have not increased any more and the economy has started to function again. they had a vaccine or some antidote and their people are now safe. After this pandemic, their country could easily lead in the economy.
This is considered the economic virus that many movie titles have condemned, Inferno is an example. so there is no doubt that China created this virus and caused the global economy to decline. So cruel.
Maybe this news can be a reference to find out how China's strategy to stem and eliminate corona outbreaks.

Lockdown in China is different from lockdown in Italy or lockdown in the United States. And China is very serious about dealing with the coronavirus starting from the application of "healthy is a treasure" that uses big data to process data, monitor, and classify the health status of Chinese people in green, yellow, or red. As well as China's consistency in minimizing and even eliminating the continued wave of the corona pandemic with screening and strict inspection of mobilization and transportation points to and from China. China combines management, technology, and leadership to overcome the Corona pandemic.

Because of its focus on China, we do not need to discuss the success of Taiwan and Vietnam, which border directly with China in fending off a pandemic. Taiwan has an umbrella strategy before it rains and Vietnam with only 270 corona sufferers and zero mortality.

China successfully tested their vaccines on animal samples! Interesting, hopefully it is a true news.

Everything become business nowadays so you can't blame anyone for others actions.
China has announced there are 10 drugs that can be used to treat Corona. And currently, there are two vaccines that have been discovered by Chinese researchers who are in stage 2 (testing on humans) and have completed stage 2. It is possible that stage 3 (the comparison stage) will be missed because of the pandemic clause and because there is no comparative vaccine for the coronavirus.

Title: Re: Chinese Strategy?
Post by: mycryptocoin on May 11, 2020, 04:01:34 AM
I think all is just a prediction. Covid-19 may have been by Chinese or American. But personally, I think the United States created the virus because the United States is losing in the "US-China trade war". Moreover, China is also on a very strong growth path, if they are the creators of Covid-19 virus, it is really a wise step. The US has an aging population, a large number of people over the age of labor, and retirement, leading to a huge amount of social assistance. This may also be the solution that the US uses to reduce the burden on the economy - which is its recession.

However, all are just the objective judgments from my personalities

Title: Re: Chinese Strategy?
Post by: jalxyx on May 11, 2020, 01:44:58 PM
There is already an hidden agenda from Chinese government about covid-19
Lol, you can prove it? day by day, many sh*t post increase. Better we have to give an argument with a prove, so it will be trustable, not hoax. I think i should report you

Title: Re: Chinese Strategy?
Post by: bits4books on May 11, 2020, 02:31:07 PM
Even if the next day China announces that the vaccine is already available I still very much HOPE that we will se adequate but strict international charges against China

Title: Re: Chinese Strategy?
Post by: darewaller on May 11, 2020, 09:03:58 PM
Even if the next day China announces that the vaccine is already available I still very much HOPE that we will se adequate but strict international charges against China
But, China will actually have a harder time after all of this is over. There is really a growing hate about China, sure it is mainly because they are doing better financially and that causes them to be more powerful and that causes people to take a look at them better.

It all started with them basically killing Uyghur Turks and then it became like Hong Kong deal which was a global crisis for them, they basically were murdering people on the streets because they wanted to be independent and Hong Kong has always been independent, them wanting to keep it is something expected and understanding, so it is basically something normal that got a rifle response, now that there is virus that started from there, I think we can agree that China awaits a very difficult future.

Title: Re: Chinese Strategy?
Post by: Sirait on May 11, 2020, 11:23:15 PM
I think all is just a prediction. Covid-19 may have been by Chinese or American. But personally, I think the United States created the virus because the United States is losing in the "US-China trade war". Moreover, China is also on a very strong growth path, if they are the creators of Covid-19 virus, it is really a wise step. The US has an aging population, a large number of people over the age of labor, and retirement, leading to a huge amount of social assistance. This may also be the solution that the US uses to reduce the burden on the economy - which is its recession.

However, all are just the objective judgments from my personalities
until now the statement "America that makes the coronavirus" is still funny for me :D. America must be very stupid to make this virus, Americans are the most affected by Covid-19

once again, America did not lose the "trade war" with China, which said America that made this virus seemed to have originated from people who wanted to defend China

Title: Re: Chinese Strategy?
Post by: aakay on May 12, 2020, 11:17:21 AM
Well may sound true indirectly as a question about the true origin of the virus is still lingering and USA still accusing china of holding back information to that effect. Comparing how china handled it and how other countries are handling the virus, one can easily conclude that china acted as if they were prepared for the virus. But anyways i just hope the world heals faster

Title: Re: Chinese Strategy?
Post by: arallmuus on May 12, 2020, 03:16:36 PM
Well may sound true indirectly as a question about the true origin of the virus is still lingering and USA still accusing china of holding back information to that effect.

You know what the sad part is ? The whole world especially USA is still trying to accuse China for it instead of treating their own citizen. Although they spread is now slowing down and casualties decreased every single day but the threat for the humanity is still there

You can find the latest data here

For now US is leading as #1 most casualties country and most deaths for now

Worldwide with 4,294,821 cases and 288,992 deaths ( around 25% came from US alone )

Title: Re: Chinese Strategy?
Post by: FanatMonet on May 12, 2020, 11:35:17 PM
Well may sound true indirectly as a question about the true origin of the virus is still lingering and USA still accusing china of holding back information to that effect. Comparing how china handled it and how other countries are handling the virus, one can easily conclude that china acted as if they were prepared for the virus. But anyways i just hope the world heals faster
Yes, China is guilty, if only for not providing timely data on the situation with the coronavirus, trying to silence it, because of this, countries have lost time that could be spent on preparing hospitals and medical personnel for the epidemic.

Title: Re: Chinese Strategy?
Post by: BobK71 on May 13, 2020, 03:20:32 AM
I agree, the virus was almost certainly made in a lab.  See the links at the bottom of this post to Chris Martenson's analysis of the genomic sequences.  (Watch the videos.)

That said, the question remains, why have the Western media and the small circle of involved mainstream scientists (e.g. Daszak, Fauci, etc.) been covering for China and vigorously dismissing any theory that the virus came from a lab?  (For example, ZeroHedge got its Twitter account suspended just for being the first to report some Indian scientists' findings of possible genomic manipulation in the virus' creation.)

(We know that the Western mainstream media are not simple reporters of facts.  They heavily attacked Julian Assange as 'a disgusting person' when the only crime the man had committed was exposing abuses by US politicians and military, exposures that couldn't be challenged on the facts.  They also failed to report that the Swedish women who 'accused Assange of sexual assault' admitted no assault took place.  In fact, why should Julian Assange's WikiLeaks even exist?  If a leaker has explosive material, why wouldn't they go to a 'reputable' established media outlet like the New York Times or Washington Post to get it published?  There can be no doubt in my mind that the mainstream media is key ally of the Western financial-imperial system of alliances.)

There seems to be no reason why these Western entities should, with one voice, cover for China's mistaken or deliberate release of the virus, UNLESS...

The Western establishment has been working with China to develop the virus.  There is much evidence of this (again, see the videos under the links,) including Fauci's sponsorship of 'gain of function' research in past years that explored how to manipulate natural viruses and turn them into...  something like the coronavirus.  (All of this should be a matter of public record.)

As they always say, ask first, who benefits?

The answer is, both China and the West.  They both suffer from the last stages of a financial asset bubble that needs to be deflated before a disorderly bust happens.  This bust would not only result in even more economic pain than today, but also point the blame directly at the modern system, with central-bank-money at its core.  This would endanger the power and prestige of all major political and financial elites of the world.  The virus is a way to deflate the bubble but blame the economic pain on something else.

Further (circumstantial) evidence of a co-operation includes the fact that, somehow, all major Western countries allowed the virus to spread until it was too late for containment, and had to shut down their economies.   Also, the repo market crisis erupted in September, and the Federal Reserve seemed unable to fix it once and for all.  This suggests something deep in the financial system was already broken beyond repair.  In addition, there was a Canadian lab which had a habit of getting its materials 'stolen' by Chinese (as Canada was not subject to strict post-9/11 controls over US labs.)  Its director suddenly died on a business trip to Kenya during the outbreak in China.

For details:

Title: Re: Chinese Strategy?
Post by: Text on May 13, 2020, 08:27:16 AM
If China really took the lead in creating and disseminating this virus, would they want to sympathize with allied nations, especially Russia, for whom they have been so cruel? I heard on the radio news this morning that the virus and the Russian prime ministers have also been infected. It's just sad to think that many are still infected and not finished.

There is a point here that when the crisis is over, China expects that they will be furious because they are to blame for this worldwide epidemic.

Title: Re: Chinese Strategy?
Post by: jalxyx on May 13, 2020, 08:45:31 AM
Even if the next day China announces that the vaccine is already available I still very much HOPE that we will se adequate but strict international charges against China
i think the first vaccine is from Bill Gates foundation, you can chek on the media, his team is near to produce vaccine arround the world. But we dont know how so effective the vaccine

Title: Re: Chinese Strategy?
Post by: arallmuus on May 13, 2020, 09:48:41 PM
If China really took the lead in creating and disseminating this virus, would they want to sympathize with allied nations, especially Russia, for whom they have been so cruel? I heard on the radio news this morning that the virus and the Russian prime ministers have also been infected. It's just sad to think that many are still infected and not finished.

There is a point here that when the crisis is over, China expects that they will be furious because they are to blame for this worldwide epidemic.

There is no point for China to keep everything for themselves. The whole world and country works is pretty much mutual in term of economy. Imagine how bad the economy will turn into if they keep the vaccine for themselves. Things could be bad for their economy as well assuming that another country is still heavily infected and those infection might sooner or later affect them

The only way to stop it is to lock everything down which means they are sacrificing their own economy to do that

* That assuming they really created a vaccine

Title: Re: Chinese Strategy?
Post by: billykannithi on May 14, 2020, 01:54:55 AM
If China created Corona then why not US? US is also going to be more profitable from this virus attack in long term since they are going to print trillions and liquidate it into their country.But these are all conspiracy theory for a reason and there is no conclusion for all these things because it goes on never ending stories.

I agree with you. China's economy is developing stably, they provide most of the supplies for the whole world. So there's no reason they created the virus

Title: Re: Chinese Strategy?
Post by: cosmofly on May 14, 2020, 03:38:02 AM
Well may sound true indirectly as a question about the true origin of the virus is still lingering and USA still accusing china of holding back information to that effect. Comparing how china handled it and how other countries are handling the virus, one can easily conclude that china acted as if they were prepared for the virus. But anyways i just hope the world heals faster
Yes, I just wish the world could control this virus pandemic. It is really difficult for countries with lots of people to get infected because they will have to stop their daily activities. it is terrible and can destroy their daily habits. I hope that China will soon realize their mistake and give the vaccine to the world, so that they can reduce the damage suffered by the surrounding countries.

Title: Re: Chinese Strategy?
Post by: Text on May 14, 2020, 03:46:25 AM
Yes, I just wish the world could control this virus pandemic. It is really difficult for countries with lots of people to get infected because they will have to stop their daily activities. it is terrible and can destroy their daily habits. I hope that China will soon realize their mistake and give the vaccine to the world, so that they can reduce the damage suffered by the surrounding countries.
The world cannot control the virus to stop it from spreading especially if every country is fragmented. What is needed is unity and stability.
China also cannot afford to just give the vaccine because we know it's business. Of course, they will sell it and demand payment. So every country is struggling to find a cure. As it is here in our country any doctor who can develop COVID-19 will still be rewarded.

Title: Re: Chinese Strategy?
Post by: matchi2011 on May 14, 2020, 08:33:13 AM
Well may sound true indirectly as a question about the true origin of the virus is still lingering and USA still accusing china of holding back information to that effect. Comparing how china handled it and how other countries are handling the virus, one can easily conclude that china acted as if they were prepared for the virus. But anyways i just hope the world heals faster
Yes, I just wish the world could control this virus pandemic. It is really difficult for countries with lots of people to get infected because they will have to stop their daily activities. it is terrible and can destroy their daily habits. I hope that China will soon realize their mistake and give the vaccine to the world, so that they can reduce the damage suffered by the surrounding countries.
If China already have the vaccine they should be force by the entire world to share it, humanities needs to demand this cure as it's needed by every single people. Counties who are suffering from this pandemic virus are starting to collapse the economy suffered a lot since people needs to stay at home and many businesses are close.

Title: Re: Chinese Strategy?
Post by: Lasky366 on May 14, 2020, 08:49:48 AM
We don't know if chaina did have any plan or strategy about covid-19.It's totally a Prediction but if they did any plan before this, they already succeeded.Now whole world is suffering & no one knows when this gonna conclud.

Title: Re: Chinese Strategy?
Post by: Wind_FURY on May 26, 2020, 10:11:43 AM
I think all is just a prediction. Covid-19 may have been by Chinese or American. But personally, I think the United States created the virus because the United States is losing in the "US-China trade war". Moreover, China is also on a very strong growth path, if they are the creators of Covid-19 virus, it is really a wise step. The US has an aging population, a large number of people over the age of labor, and retirement, leading to a huge amount of social assistance. This may also be the solution that the US uses to reduce the burden on the economy - which is its recession.

However, all are just the objective judgments from my personalities

I believe you're in deep into the Chinese propaganda, my friend. Hahaha.

It was China. They hid that fact that they had an epidemic of a new kind of virus, they hid the fact that it was leaked from a virology lab in Wuhan, they hid the fact that it can be transmitted from human to human, and they hid the fact that it was very contagious.

Title: Re: Chinese Strategy?
Post by: peter0425 on May 26, 2020, 12:27:52 PM
Even if the next day China announces that the vaccine is already available I still very much HOPE that we will se adequate but strict international charges against China
They must be,even if they give the vaccine for free to the world?their motive and intention in this Covid is
indeed and must be put into cases.
Lives of people who dies in this virus is still counting and the world economy is shaking while others are
continuously falling.
Justice must be serve if whom is behind this pandemic and if proven?then they must be put behind bars
and pay their debts to the victims and the world.

Title: Re: Chinese Strategy?
Post by: DevilSlayer on May 26, 2020, 01:47:48 PM
Observe our current economy, we can see that there is now a massive transition of wealth and power where the China is now becoming super country. The China are always behind the U.S.A., but now we can see that the China is doing their best just to surpass and become a super country where it will become the center of the world economy.  It is really fishy when they say that the Covid-19 is just a virus from the bat but there is a recent research paper tells that thw Covid-19 is came from the Wuhan Lab.

The economy around the world is collapsing one after another because of the quarantine where most of the businesses are closed and it has a big impacts because it is like a domino effect where every pieces are goind down. I do not know if the economy will revive easily because there is still no vaccine out there. 

Title: Re: Chinese Strategy?
Post by: Text on May 26, 2020, 03:50:39 PM
No good will result in selfishness, they will return to their lost mistakes. No wonder why so many countries hate them. Wealth is important to them so they can do it, they really want to be on top. They do not care even if some of their countrymen as well as neighboring countries are warm and the rest of the world is shaken. Many are suffering and are having a hard time living. So hopefully, all I want now is to get the vaccine even though it's not from China.

Title: Re: Chinese Strategy?
Post by: DoubleEdgeEX on May 26, 2020, 05:40:49 PM
"There is no need to unnecessarily poke the Panda" as Peter Navarro once said. You simply donīt mess with Beijing, and peple wonīt like that but HongKong will lose. They will build up Macao and Guangzhou and even more importantly Shenzhen. It already has the monicker of "Chinese Silicon Valley".

There is a funny stoy about Chairman Mao from back in the day. It is said that he met with the russian leaders to discuss how to bring communism to China. He allegedly told the them he is willing to kill 300 million Chinese people to achieve that goal. It is said that even the hard and tough russians were speechless haha

Title: Re: Chinese Strategy?
Post by: Twentyonepaylots on May 26, 2020, 07:06:40 PM
"There is no need to unnecessarily poke the Panda" as Peter Navarro once said. You simply donīt mess with Beijing, and peple wonīt like that but HongKong will lose. They will build up Macao and Guangzhou and even more importantly Shenzhen. It already has the monicker of "Chinese Silicon Valley".

There is a funny stoy about Chairman Mao from back in the day. It is said that he met with the russian leaders to discuss how to bring communism to China. He allegedly told the them he is willing to kill 300 million Chinese people to achieve that goal. It is said that even the hard and tough russians were speechless haha
What are you referring to mate?

 I guess you are referring to what is happening in Hong Kong at the moment amidst the Pandemic.

This is way far from what is the real discussion about China on this thread.

Title: Re: Chinese Strategy?
Post by: abhiseshakana on June 03, 2020, 08:12:44 AM
"There is no need to unnecessarily poke the Panda" as Peter Navarro once said. You simply donīt mess with Beijing, and peple wonīt like that but HongKong will lose. They will build up Macao and Guangzhou and even more importantly Shenzhen. It already has the monicker of "Chinese Silicon Valley".

There is a funny stoy about Chairman Mao from back in the day. It is said that he met with the russian leaders to discuss how to bring communism to China. He allegedly told the them he is willing to kill 300 million Chinese people to achieve that goal. It is said that even the hard and tough russians were speechless haha

China is a normal example of the country. In each of its policies, consideration of geographical sovereignty and national defense is a fixed price and most importantly compared to economic considerations.

United States' smart power is answered by hard power by China. China eliminates one country, two systems of Hong Kong. Xi is truly revolutionary after successfully becoming president for life. Xi dares to oppose Deng Xiaoping's democratic deal with Reagan which eventually triggers a trade war with Trump.

China promised that the Hong Kong government system inherited by the British Government would be maintained for 50 years or ending 2047, assuming after 50 years that China would become a democratic country with an era of openness Deng Xiaoping and western investment in China. It turned out that Xi and the Communist Elites decided that the demonstration in Hong Kong was a national threat to China. So that Hong Kong must be a communist of China.

In Hong Kong, democracy was defeated by communism. This time Trump found an equal match. Xi Vs Trump, who is more popular and who will win?

Title: Re: Chinese Strategy?
Post by: Nhor1011 on June 03, 2020, 09:01:58 AM
If the covid19 is one of China's strategy then,they already succeeded because whole world are now suffering of this virus pandemic and we don't know if when it will end and when to have a medicine for it. But I think China has a cure for this that's why they are not too much affected even their market economy.

Title: Re: Chinese Strategy?
Post by: elisabetheva on June 11, 2020, 02:23:16 AM
If the covid19 is one of China's strategy then,they already succeeded because whole world are now suffering of this virus pandemic and we don't know if when it will end and when to have a medicine for it. But I think China has a cure for this that's why they are not too much affected even their market economy.

Even though it started from China, all countries have blamed that the handling was not immediately carried out, but did not accuse China of having any specific intentions behind the Covid pandemic.

although there is no such pandemic, it must be admitted that China is very advanced and plays a role with renewable technology and is cheaper than its competitors. so there really isn't any effect even though there is no pandemic.

Title: Re: Chinese Strategy?
Post by: Negotiation on June 11, 2020, 03:48:35 AM
China's strategy is that they generally want to take control of all the countries in the world The whole world is in crisis because of the epidemic, but no one will agree with China's strategy because the source of the virus is usually from China and the whole world is living so badly because of China China has withheld much of its information on virus control. China's strategy to prevent the epidemic is now failing, and the effects of the epidemic are spreading around the world.

Title: Re: Chinese Strategy?
Post by: Barbut on June 11, 2020, 06:24:30 AM
China's strategy is that they generally want to take control of all the countries in the world The whole world is in crisis because of the epidemic, but no one will agree with China's strategy because the source of the virus is usually from China and the whole world is living so badly because of China China has withheld much of its information on virus control. China's strategy to prevent the epidemic is now failing, and the effects of the epidemic are spreading around the world.

We can say the same for the USA strategy, or Russian strategy? What we have here is that in public they point fingers in each other, while in secret they work together. Who knows what is in stake here, big players are playing the game and the whole world is their playground. I don't know why they don't let us live normally? For most of the problems we have governments are to blame! We need some young people to try to fix all this.

Title: Re: Chinese Strategy?
Post by: Janation on June 11, 2020, 06:31:55 AM
China's strategy is that they generally want to take control of all the countries in the world The whole world is in crisis because of the epidemic, but no one will agree with China's strategy because the source of the virus is usually from China and the whole world is living so badly because of China China has withheld much of its information on virus control. China's strategy to prevent the epidemic is now failing, and the effects of the epidemic are spreading around the world.

We can say the same for the USA strategy, or Russian strategy? What we have here is that in public they point fingers in each other, while in secret they work together. Who knows what is in stake here, big players are playing the game and the whole world is their playground. I don't know why they don't let us live normally? For most of the problems we have governments are to blame! We need some young people to try to fix all this.

Intended or not, there will always be bad blood against other countries.

Whatever might be the reason, maybe their past relations to that country or it is just that they hate each other's view, there will always be a misunderstanding with other countries. Young people are not the solution here, when they grow up and read history books they will know what happened in the past and will grow mad against a country that did badly in his country.

Title: Re: Chinese Strategy?
Post by: Text on June 12, 2020, 01:15:43 AM
Intended or not, there will always be bad blood against other countries.

Whatever might be the reason, maybe their past relations to that country or it is just that they hate each other's view, there will always be a misunderstanding with other countries. Young people are not the solution here, when they grow up and read history books they will know what happened in the past and will grow mad against a country that did badly in his country.
We believe that youth is the hope of the people. If they are taught good manners and know all the things they need to know, they will have a good future. Good is more important than intelligence because there are intelligent beings used only in evil for the sake of power and wealth. But how is it now? They could not attend school because of the unfinished situation.

In the past, there have been countries that have been negatively viewed by China for its competitiveness with foreign power and occupation.

It seems that now, until they are blamed and taught who the real culprit is, there is no solid evidence to prove it and whether it is intentional or not.

Things are terribly tragic because poor people are even more affected by this crisis.

Title: Re: Chinese Strategy?
Post by: abhiseshakana on June 12, 2020, 06:04:52 AM
Intended or not, there will always be bad blood against other countries.

Whatever might be the reason, maybe their past relations to that country or it is just that they hate each other's view, there will always be a misunderstanding with other countries. Young people are not the solution here, when they grow up and read history books they will know what happened in the past and will grow mad against a country that did badly in his country.

Because the global political world is dynamic and national interests are the main objective, foreign instruments will change following the dynamics of international politics. The strategies of each government to achieve national interests vary and are complex depending on the plus and minus values of each country. There are no eternal friends and foes, only eternal interests.

In the case of the closeness of America and Russia lately laden with Trump's interests to fend off the rise and strengthening of communism in America. Because the November election deadline is getting closer Trump needs something that has the wow effect to bring victory in the republican camp. The excellence and expertise of the republican party are playing hard, therefore cooperation with Russia is considered the most appropriate because who knows more about the communist movement than Russia and because Putin and Trump are both nationalists and there is a strategic agreement that is symbiotic in mutualism. Teaching with Russia is the most appropriate step at this time to encounter the left-wing communist movement in America which is thought to have been infiltrated by China.

Title: Re: Chinese Strategy?
Post by: cosmofly on June 12, 2020, 06:17:14 AM
This is entirely true. Because the Chinese government is so cruel, they are willing to sacrifice the poor to make the country stronger. the mass murder case in Tiananmen Square speaks of the nature of the Chinese government. Therefore, it is normal for this virus to be created. They are doing everything to destroy the industry that people have created for so long that they can become great powers. China should indeed receive appropriate punishment from countries heavily affected by the covid epidemic.

Title: Re: Chinese Strategy?
Post by: elisabetheva on June 13, 2020, 01:56:10 AM
This is entirely true. Because the Chinese government is so cruel, they are willing to sacrifice the poor to make the country stronger. the mass murder case in Tiananmen Square speaks of the nature of the Chinese government. Therefore, it is normal for this virus to be created. They are doing everything to destroy the industry that people have created for so long that they can become great powers. China should indeed receive appropriate punishment from countries heavily affected by the covid epidemic.

the theory of conspiracy which has been widely echoed by European countries until now cannot be proven. demands that are filed for fines also cannot succeed without clear evidence. although we admit that China is careless with this pandemic and considers it trivial and does not provide clear information. so many countries are shocked by such a dangerous pandemic.

China with the advancement of renewable technology and low prices has been very recognized so there is no need to commit fraud that must be done, because they have been able to compete with developed countries in everything

Title: Re: Chinese Strategy?
Post by: Lorence.xD on June 13, 2020, 07:59:55 AM
This is entirely true. Because the Chinese government is so cruel, they are willing to sacrifice the poor to make the country stronger. the mass murder case in Tiananmen Square speaks of the nature of the Chinese government. Therefore, it is normal for this virus to be created. They are doing everything to destroy the industry that people have created for so long that they can become great powers. China should indeed receive appropriate punishment from countries heavily affected by the covid epidemic.
The Tianamen Square massacre was a testimony to the Chinese authority's ability to suppress a crime in the eyes of the world, media reporters from foreign country was easily suppressed by the military though some have slipped the cracks thus making it possible for people from around to see, I can't dismiss the fact that they are prepared for the virus and that them hiding the information to make them look good is not a new thing since Tianamen square massacre was discussed then the chances that they used the pandemic as a leverage to topple most of their competing superpowers, and I commend their move on winning this new kind of war, they did not launch a missile and they are winning, gotta hand it to them.

Title: Re: Chinese Strategy?
Post by: CHENIEN on June 15, 2020, 03:09:02 AM
it's hard to say.but almost all people blame the characteristic of China due to over speeding of invented anything,actually this pandemic is definitely meaningful to all not affected areas which means free country but in fact advise is needed because the second wave of the coronavirus has very unpredictable to attack and my opinion this is a business strategy to all production of medicine.

Title: Re: Chinese Strategy?
Post by: carlisle1 on June 15, 2020, 03:16:21 AM
No good will result in selfishness, they will return to their lost mistakes.

What selfishness? sorry but seems like there are no mentioned about Chinese Government being selfishness and for what reason you must put it here.

No wonder why so many countries hate them.

i dont think Countries Hate China instead it is the Media whos making the chinese that bad,Remember there are so many countries that Borrowing Money from china and this must be addressed.

Wealth is important to them so they can do it, they really want to be on top. They do not care even if some of their countrymen as well as neighboring countries are warm and the rest of the world is shaken. Many are suffering and are having a hard time living. So hopefully, all I want now is to get the vaccine even though it's not from China.
Wealth is important to every one,all countries need that and not only that specific country.

it's hard to say.but almost all people blame the characteristic of China due to over speeding of invented anything,actually this pandemic is definitely meaningful to all not affected areas which means free country but in fact advise is needed because the second wave of the coronavirus has very unpredictable to attack and my opinion this is a business strategy to all production of medicine.
Thats the problem when countries are being overpassed by china,theya re so bitter to bring that country down.

Title: Re: Chinese Strategy?
Post by: MCobian on June 15, 2020, 05:06:39 AM
I do not blame some people who accuse China of making the corona virus. Because as mentioned in the opening post, there are several reasons.
Moreover, laboratories in China do have the capacity to make this corona virus, and also its motives are also very reasonable. To be able to
dominate the world economy, extreme actions are needed. But this accusation is only a conspiracy theory without the support of  strong evidence.
We'll see its development, if really China is behind all this, it will not be long before China will soon issue a vaccine.

Title: Re: Chinese Strategy?
Post by: Vishnu.Reang on June 15, 2020, 05:04:11 PM
This is entirely true. Because the Chinese government is so cruel, they are willing to sacrifice the poor to make the country stronger. the mass murder case in Tiananmen Square speaks of the nature of the Chinese government. Therefore, it is normal for this virus to be created. They are doing everything to destroy the industry that people have created for so long that they can become great powers. China should indeed receive appropriate punishment from countries heavily affected by the covid epidemic.

There is no point in using this opportunity to stir Sinophobia. Whatever happens in China is their internal issue. I am from India, which on paper is a democratic country. After living here for many decades, I would say that the authoritarian regime of China is better than the fake democracy of India. Well.. that is entirely a different subject. All that said, I should once again post this here - till now, no one has given any evidence to prove that the virus was intentionally released by the Chinese regime.

Title: Re: Chinese Strategy?
Post by: Alert31 on June 15, 2020, 11:54:49 PM
Based on the news Corona virus start in Wuhan China but as we can see now China is not too much affected and they recovered easily from that situation. It's hard to make an opinion because we don't have realiable source or proof if what is the truth about the spreading of this virus. But in my own views there is something behind this pandemic and maybe you are right about what you are thinking that it could be a weapon of china against other countries. A wise strategy if ever because until now other countries still suffering from this virus and million of people died but surprisingly a China has only a small number of death and affected. Maybe they also know the cure for this virus. Anyway, hoping that those specialist or expert doctors can find a cure for this virus so that every country can start a normal life economy again.

Title: Re: Chinese Strategy?
Post by: david81 on June 16, 2020, 12:51:21 AM
The corruption that's has started in the country has caused. a lot of problems for all of us. there is no reading of any kind in bangladesh. i hope everything will start soon....???

Title: Re: Chinese Strategy?
Post by: lienfaye on June 16, 2020, 01:19:10 AM
Based on the news Corona virus start in Wuhan China but as we can see now China is not too much affected and they recovered easily from that situation. It's hard to make an opinion because we don't have realiable source or proof if what is the truth about the spreading of this virus. But in my own views there is something behind this pandemic and maybe you are right about what you are thinking that it could be a weapon of china against other countries. A wise strategy if ever because until now other countries still suffering from this virus and million of people died but surprisingly a China has only a small number of death and affected. Maybe they also know the cure for this virus. Anyway, hoping that those specialist or expert doctors can find a cure for this virus so that every country can start a normal life economy again.
If all the speculation were true about this pandemic as weapon of china against other countries then they succeed. We are suffering because of this, it takes many lives regardless of your status. But the one affected the most are the poor people who are not capable to pay private hospitals to cure themselves.

Title: Re: Chinese Strategy?
Post by: chrisculanag on June 16, 2020, 01:35:30 AM
Based on the news Corona virus start in Wuhan China but as we can see now China is not too much affected and they recovered easily from that situation. It's hard to make an opinion because we don't have realiable source or proof if what is the truth about the spreading of this virus. But in my own views there is something behind this pandemic and maybe you are right about what you are thinking that it could be a weapon of china against other countries. A wise strategy if ever because until now other countries still suffering from this virus and million of people died but surprisingly a China has only a small number of death and affected. Maybe they also know the cure for this virus. Anyway, hoping that those specialist or expert doctors can find a cure for this virus so that every country can start a normal life economy again.
If all the speculation were true about this pandemic as weapon of china against other countries then they succeed. We are suffering because of this, it takes many lives regardless of your status. But the one affected the most are the poor people who are not capable to pay private hospitals to cure themselves.
We dont know the truth behind this but the truth happen is the virus almost kill millions people all over the world and that is the cause of china. But why china did not control this pandemic to stop spreading in over the world. Or there are more people trying out to the place because they dont like the china's goverment rules about the virus. Anyway if we have in a places that more cases of virus , prepare ourself because our enemy is not visible and so much harmful in our body.

Title: Re: Chinese Strategy?
Post by: verita1 on June 16, 2020, 03:04:30 AM
There is new evidence that the coronavirus could have appeared in Wuhan by the month of August 2019. Due to an increase in traffic observed in five hospitals in the city and also due to the online search for information by the inhabitants on symptoms associated with the coronavirus as cough and diarrhea. (

The truth is that not everything is known about the virus. I always wonder why this new disease was not treated with caution from the beginning like Ebola (2014-2016) for example.

What affected us is that the Chinese New Year was celebrated in the middle of the Coronavirus outbreak and after that celebration. Chinese citizens living or working in various nations around the world came out of China with the virus and it has exponentially replicated so far.

Title: Re: Chinese Strategy?
Post by: Negotiation on June 16, 2020, 03:17:06 AM
China's strategy is that they generally want to take control of all the countries in the world The whole world is in crisis because of the epidemic, but no one will agree with China's strategy because the source of the virus is usually from China and the whole world is living so badly because of China China has withheld much of its information on virus control. China's strategy to prevent the epidemic is now failing, and the effects of the epidemic are spreading around the world.

We can say the same for the USA strategy, or Russian strategy? What we have here is that in public they point fingers in each other, while in secret they work together. Who knows what is in stake here, big players are playing the game and the whole world is their playground. I don't know why they don't let us live normally? For most of the problems we have governments are to blame! We need some young people to try to fix all this.

Intended or not, there will always be bad blood against other countries.

Whatever might be the reason, maybe their past relations to that country or it is just that they hate each other's view, there will always be a misunderstanding with other countries. Young people are not the solution here, when they grow up and read history books they will know what happened in the past and will grow mad against a country that did badly in his country.

I agree the people of the country will never be able to fix it Everyone will know that it is not right that they are being wronged but they will not dare to protest. The government can take a few steps if it wants to, but the governments remain silent even after seeing everything in their own interest and do not protest The common people there are insignificant.

Title: Re: Chinese Strategy?
Post by: culuuton on June 16, 2020, 04:29:40 AM
I do not blame some people who accuse China of making the corona virus. Because as mentioned in the opening post, there are several reasons.
Moreover, laboratories in China do have the capacity to make this corona virus, and also its motives are also very reasonable. To be able to
dominate the world economy, extreme actions are needed. But this accusation is only a conspiracy theory without the support of  strong evidence.
We'll see its development, if really China is behind all this, it will not be long before China will soon issue a vaccine.
If China really is behind all this, they won't soon issue a vaccine, it's very dangerous when the whole world gets angry. You think it, others will think the same, it can't become convincing evidence, it is also a conspiracy theory. It's hard to find convincing evidence, everything will eventually come to a compromise, hopefully soon find a vaccine and the economy will recover quickly.

Title: Re: Chinese Strategy?
Post by: Twinkledoe on June 16, 2020, 04:55:48 AM
I do not blame some people who accuse China of making the corona virus. Because as mentioned in the opening post, there are several reasons.
Moreover, laboratories in China do have the capacity to make this corona virus, and also its motives are also very reasonable. To be able to
dominate the world economy, extreme actions are needed. But this accusation is only a conspiracy theory without the support of  strong evidence.
We'll see its development, if really China is behind all this, it will not be long before China will soon issue a vaccine.
If China really is behind all this, they won't soon issue a vaccine, it's very dangerous when the whole world gets angry. You think it, others will think the same, it can't become convincing evidence, it is also a conspiracy theory. It's hard to find convincing evidence, everything will eventually come to a compromise, hopefully soon find a vaccine and the economy will recover quickly.

If in case the cause of this disease is really rooted from China, I don't think they intentionally made that virus. There are a lot of conspiracy theories about the existence of this virus, but intentionally creating is I think too much to accuse on these people. Anyway, maybe in the future we will see the truth behind this pandemic. But it will be years and years from now.

Title: Re: Chinese Strategy?
Post by: DoubleEdgeEX on June 16, 2020, 06:23:36 AM
A lot of you still assume that this virus is actually really dangerous which it isnīt. Media does everything to push the danger donw our throats but on comparison, Covid is extremely harmless, even to the annual flu. Itīs all about a reason for tighter regulations and to trigger a recession for debt discharge and bailouts. Nobody cares about human lifes, but everybody about money. You canīt trade human life on the stock or commodity market, therefore itīs worthless.

As for China, they have the "advantage" that there is just one party ruling over everything. Total control makes things easier to handle. Itīs also a fact that China was far longer a world leader than Europe or the USA, so they just take their leadership back. Their approach to ban everything they canīt controll or somehow change it to make it their own worked for centuries.

Title: Re: Chinese Strategy?
Post by: Naida_BR on June 16, 2020, 08:31:07 AM
There is new evidence that the coronavirus could have appeared in Wuhan by the month of August 2019. Due to an increase in traffic observed in five hospitals in the city and also due to the online search for information by the inhabitants on symptoms associated with the coronavirus as cough and diarrhea. (

The truth is that not everything is known about the virus. I always wonder why this new disease was not treated with caution from the beginning like Ebola (2014-2016) for example.

What affected us is that the Chinese New Year was celebrated in the middle of the Coronavirus outbreak and after that celebration. Chinese citizens living or working in various nations around the world came out of China with the virus and it has exponentially replicated so far.

You will never know if this virus was made or not.
All those evidence is not related to any news or any true evidence.
Only if the Chinese government will ever state that or say that they were making experiments will be declared as made. All other evidence is just consiracy theories in my opinion.

Title: Re: Chinese Strategy?
Post by: Text on June 17, 2020, 12:12:44 PM
A lot of you still assume that this virus is actually really dangerous which it isnīt. Media does everything to push the danger donw our throats but on comparison, Covid is extremely harmless, even to the annual flu. Itīs all about a reason for tighter regulations and to trigger a recession for debt discharge and bailouts. Nobody cares about human lifes, but everybody about money. You canīt trade human life on the stock or commodity market, therefore itīs worthless.

As for China, they have the "advantage" that there is just one party ruling over everything. Total control makes things easier to handle. Itīs also a fact that China was far longer a world leader than Europe or the USA, so they just take their leadership back. Their approach to ban everything they canīt controll or somehow change it to make it their own worked for centuries.
So who are the thousands who died in different parts of the world? is it just a show? Don't say it's not dangerous. Many have died and sacrificed their lives in order to serve and help fight off this virus. We should take it seriously because it is not a joke. Don't be surprised because there are still people who really care for others, not just for the money.

Title: Re: Chinese Strategy?
Post by: Bezobraznike on June 20, 2020, 10:34:36 AM
A lot of you still assume that this virus is actually really dangerous which it isnīt. Media does everything to push the danger donw our throats but on comparison, Covid is extremely harmless, even to the annual flu. Itīs all about a reason for tighter regulations and to trigger a recession for debt discharge and bailouts. Nobody cares about human lifes, but everybody about money. You canīt trade human life on the stock or commodity market, therefore itīs worthless.

As for China, they have the "advantage" that there is just one party ruling over everything. Total control makes things easier to handle. Itīs also a fact that China was far longer a world leader than Europe or the USA, so they just take their leadership back. Their approach to ban everything they canīt controll or somehow change it to make it their own worked for centuries.
So who are the thousands who died in different parts of the world? is it just a show? Don't say it's not dangerous. Many have died and sacrificed their lives in order to serve and help fight off this virus. We should take it seriously because it is not a joke. Don't be surprised because there are still people who really care for others, not just for the money.

    I agree with you Text, this virus is not a joke, many people died from it, not just sick and old people, young and
healthy people too. It's not dangerous like some other viruses, like Ebola, Colera, but it's dangerous.
    Like others I read news and follow what is happening in my country and in other countries too. But all I read
are consipracy theories, and I don't know what is a real truth. I don't bother myself with that, I just care about
my family to stay healthy. We can just hope it will pass soon and that there will be no second wave.

Title: Re: Chinese Strategy?
Post by: Janation on June 20, 2020, 10:58:10 AM
A lot of you still assume that this virus is actually really dangerous which it isnīt. Media does everything to push the danger donw our throats but on comparison, Covid is extremely harmless, even to the annual flu. Itīs all about a reason for tighter regulations and to trigger a recession for debt discharge and bailouts. Nobody cares about human lifes, but everybody about money. You canīt trade human life on the stock or commodity market, therefore itīs worthless.

As for China, they have the "advantage" that there is just one party ruling over everything. Total control makes things easier to handle. Itīs also a fact that China was far longer a world leader than Europe or the USA, so they just take their leadership back. Their approach to ban everything they canīt controll or somehow change it to make it their own worked for centuries.
So who are the thousands who died in different parts of the world? is it just a show? Don't say it's not dangerous. Many have died and sacrificed their lives in order to serve and help fight off this virus. We should take it seriously because it is not a joke. Don't be surprised because there are still people who really care for others, not just for the money.

I don't understand why people are still not taking this seriously.

They can't just announce those people that died since it is a way of the government of respecting that people and way of taking the information secret. It is shameful if the government will just announce them and some of their related families might be affected by it. People died, countries are negatively affected, a lot of negative things that happened, this is just not for show.

Title: Re: Chinese Strategy?
Post by: btc78 on June 20, 2020, 12:21:25 PM
Based on the news Corona virus start in Wuhan China but as we can see now China is not too much affected and they recovered easily from that situation. It's hard to make an opinion because we don't have realiable source or proof if what is the truth about the spreading of this virus. But in my own views there is something behind this pandemic and maybe you are right about what you are thinking that it could be a weapon of china against other countries. A wise strategy if ever because until now other countries still suffering from this virus and million of people died but surprisingly a China has only a small number of death and affected. Maybe they also know the cure for this virus. Anyway, hoping that those specialist or expert doctors can find a cure for this virus so that every country can start a normal life economy again.
If all the speculation were true about this pandemic as weapon of china against other countries then they succeed. We are suffering because of this, it takes many lives regardless of your status. But the one affected the most are the poor people who are not capable to pay private hospitals to cure themselves.
We dont know the truth behind this but the truth happen is the virus almost kill millions people all over the world and that is the cause of china. But why china did not control this pandemic to stop spreading in over the world. Or there are more people trying out to the place because they dont like the china's goverment rules about the virus. Anyway if we have in a places that more cases of virus , prepare ourself because our enemy is not visible and so much harmful in our body.
You don't know the truth but you are blaming China?

They have controlled the Virus at first place but the problem is the Virus easily spreading and the world did not anticipate it that way.

It is the worlds problem and not because it came from China and they are the one to be Blamed?thats over to to guys.

There is new evidence that the coronavirus could have appeared in Wuhan by the month of August 2019. Due to an increase in traffic observed in five hospitals in the city and also due to the online search for information by the inhabitants on symptoms associated with the coronavirus as cough and diarrhea. (

The truth is that not everything is known about the virus. I always wonder why this new disease was not treated with caution from the beginning like Ebola (2014-2016) for example.

What affected us is that the Chinese New Year was celebrated in the middle of the Coronavirus outbreak and after that celebration. Chinese citizens living or working in various nations around the world came out of China with the virus and it has exponentially replicated so far.

You will never know if this virus was made or not.
All those evidence is not related to any news or any true evidence.
Only if the Chinese government will ever state that or say that they were making experiments will be declared as made. All other evidence is just consiracy theories in my opinion.

The problem in this Virus is that killing almost Half a Million people and still counting.

Title: Re: Chinese Strategy?
Post by: FlightyPouch on June 20, 2020, 12:57:04 PM
If the covid19 is one of China's strategy then,they already succeeded because whole world are now suffering of this virus pandemic and we don't know if when it will end and when to have a medicine for it. But I think China has a cure for this that's why they are not too much affected even their market economy.

Based on the recent information, I don't think that they already have the vaccine. Don't you think that China would not be using that vaccine to earn money for themselves? They could create a vaccine if it is their strategy and sell them to neighboring countries and other countries as well. That would be a huge amount of money to raise. But no, they are also affected by it.

Title: Re: Chinese Strategy?
Post by: JoMarrah Iarim Dan on June 21, 2020, 05:15:18 AM
I came across this facebook post out of nowhere, maybe someone shared it so I got to read it.
At the very first start of this coronavirus thing there are lots of conspiracy that is circulating over the internet saying that the virus is a type of biological weapon created by the China to dominate the world. It looks strange for me tho cause if they really did it then why choosing your own city to be the epicenter? but now after reading the post, the gap fills in and it's all making sense now.

I think we have read the same post in facebook. Me in my part, I don't really know if I will easily believe because we know that some posts in facebook are lies. Maybe it is misleading or what. I am NOT PRO to China guys. But yes I admit when I have read that post it has something to say.

Title: Re: Chinese Strategy?
Post by: EdenHazard on June 21, 2020, 12:54:21 PM
A lot of you still assume that this virus is actually really dangerous which it isnīt. Media does everything to push the danger donw our throats but on comparison, Covid is extremely harmless, even to the annual flu. Itīs all about a reason for tighter regulations and to trigger a recession for debt discharge and bailouts. Nobody cares about human lifes, but everybody about money. You canīt trade human life on the stock or commodity market, therefore itīs worthless.

As for China, they have the "advantage" that there is just one party ruling over everything. Total control makes things easier to handle. Itīs also a fact that China was far longer a world leader than Europe or the USA, so they just take their leadership back. Their approach to ban everything they canīt controll or somehow change it to make it their own worked for centuries.
Well i can't really trust both the conspiracy theory and the actual condition that this corona virus threatening us until today.

I would say the corona virus must be watched out for , you can't completely ignore the threats nor overreactive.
While the conspiracy theory seems to be appears recently not from long time ago before the outbreak hit us , i have a lot of doubts trusting this but also at the same time there is so much relevant event happened whether it's coincidence or not .. the conspiracy theory there to mix things up.

50/50 for me?
Yeah i don't stand for black side nor the white side.
World going mad , we do know it.

Title: Re: Chinese Strategy?
Post by: Axelseseclevz on June 21, 2020, 01:34:01 PM
I came across this facebook post out of nowhere, maybe someone shared it so I got to read it.
At the very first start of this coronavirus thing there are lots of conspiracy that is circulating over the internet saying that the virus is a type of biological weapon created by the China to dominate the world. It looks strange for me tho cause if they really did it then why choosing your own city to be the epicenter? but now after reading the post, the gap fills in and it's all making sense now.
The post that I am reading is lost and cannot find it anymore after the page reloaded. Anyways I finished reading it so here's what I remember.

America and Europe's stock market crashed but the China's stock market did not? Why the hell it didn't crash amidst the emergence they are having with the virus? Are they prepared for this?
There is a massive hospital in China that was built in only 3 days, come on man it's unbelievable cause they already know how these virus would impact the world, there are lots of hospital in China that can actually handle all the several patients that time. Are they prepared for this?
Why Beijing was not hit destructively? given that there are 14 days of the virus to begin showing symptoms, someone could've been traveled from Wuhan to Beijing at that time period.

Then there is a very suspicious action that Xi Jinping did
When he visited the affected areas of the virus he only wore a very basic mask, imagine doctors are wearing a suit when dealing with patients and their president is just wearing a face mask given that the virus can attached to a surface that can get you easily infected. My question is why? Did he already vaccinated with the antidote they secretly created?

Did China sacrificed its people knowing they got billions of them just to cripple their enemy's economy?
A new type of war?

I would not be surprise if one of these days China will just announce that there is already a cure.  8)

Actually,i am the one who believed that this corona virus pandemic is a really biological weapon of china. Because,china have no capability to destroy the most strongest nation the world no other than the UNITED STATE OF AMERICA. That's why,they created this virus to conquer the world and they want to become a most powerful nation around the world. But i know that china will not be succeed for this in the end.

Title: Re: Chinese Strategy?
Post by: Text on June 21, 2020, 02:05:23 PM
Until now no one has been able to prove that the virus was deliberately invented, and if it was true that man-made it in a laboratory it would be possible to hold or know the vaccine or drug for this disease. If you think about it, is it really just coincidence, where the virus is naturally caused by animals? And if you saw that 2010 movie Contagion, it looks a lot like what we are experiencing today. Ten years ago the news broke that it was spreading this deadly pandemic. Maybe last week I had read the headline of a blog post that was in the final stages of the national vaccine review. Hopefully, that will continue and eventually be overcome.

Title: Re: Chinese Strategy?
Post by: sayulita on June 21, 2020, 03:08:50 PM
There is new evidence that the coronavirus could have appeared in Wuhan by the month of August 2019. Due to an increase in traffic observed in five hospitals in the city and also due to the online search for information by the inhabitants on symptoms associated with the coronavirus as cough and diarrhea. (

The truth is that not everything is known about the virus. I always wonder why this new disease was not treated with caution from the beginning like Ebola (2014-2016) for example.

What affected us is that the Chinese New Year was celebrated in the middle of the Coronavirus outbreak and after that celebration. Chinese citizens living or working in various nations around the world came out of China with the virus and it has exponentially replicated so far.

You will never know if this virus was made or not.
All those evidence is not related to any news or any true evidence.
Only if the Chinese government will ever state that or say that they were making experiments will be declared as made. All other evidence is just consiracy theories in my opinion.
No country in their right mind will ever say that they were doing some unethical wok. Do you expect American Government to say that they are spying on their own citizens for no reason?? I guess not. These theories are always having some hard truths and the truth in this situation is that many scientists claim the virus to be synthetic and isn't a natural virus, so there is someone somewhere in the world who has made this virus and was having bad intentions with it as well.

Title: Re: Chinese Strategy?
Post by: mithun303 on July 16, 2020, 04:37:43 PM
The skill of China government , how much fascinating that i much say its strategic planning. Even the economic war between China and USA, China is getting more profitable than USA only for this strategy planing.  I think this system also work in other several development country like ours if we follow or apply it.