Bitcoin Forum

Economy => Gambling discussion => Topic started by: ThatOneGuyOnHere on September 04, 2020, 03:01:14 AM

Title: ✅ SwC Poker ♣️ Player Lounge
Post by: ThatOneGuyOnHere on September 04, 2020, 03:01:14 AM
A thread not moderated by SWC management for players to talk about playing on SWC.

Title: Re: ✅ SwC Poker ♣️ Player Lounge
Post by: scammed-by-nitro on September 04, 2020, 03:11:48 AM
Thanks for creating this.

My deleted post again:

Just saw some interesting conversation in the chat.
Whats the deal with this EndTheFed guy?

He is promoting all the tournaments all the time, even pushing late reg . it makes no sense to promote late reg when you actually play the tournament because you want an overlay so you have to beat less players to win more money.

Also now he is even giving bubble protection. He promotes tournaments every 10-20 minutes via copy/paste and isnt even registered himself yet. Mostly he registers if there is an overlay at the end of late reg. 100% a house employee, otherwise all of this would not make any sense. Employees (which dont admit they are) should NOT be allowed to play.

Another VERY strange thing happening at the moment.

Also the rest which just got deleted once again by swc:

Quote from: ThatOneGuyOnHere on Today at 02:47:26 AM
Quote from: SwC_Poker on Today at 02:43:51 AM
Quote from: ThatOneGuyOnHere on Today at 02:26:29 AM
Quote from: SwC_Poker on Today at 02:21:22 AM
Quote from: scammed-by-nitro on Today at 02:06:08 AM
SWC just deleted this post twice but I will post it again as it is very concerning! If you delete it again I will post it again.

If you have issues with another player please email support. This is not the place to post personal issues or attacks regarding other players. Posts made solely for this purpose will be deleted.

Isn't ETF staff? They usually have green text and are always promoting tournaments and time left to register.

No. There are no staff members that are currently present in chat. When an official site representative is added they will be clearly marked as an employee and representative of SwC. Messages from any players in chat or made on any other venue are not official and they do not speak for SwC.

But, what about HigherHighs? They do not speak for SWC?
Also, at one point ETF had the same green text as HH.

Exactly. So he claims he has no affiliation but sometimes green text and promotes the shit out of every tournament and even offering the bubble cashback. Makes a lot of sense to say he is not speaking for swc, lol.

EDIT: he changed the colour, first is way brown, then GREEN and maybe he thought, "shit I exposed myself" and now its yellow. And still promoting like crazy but nooooo, no affiliation to swc.

Title: Re: ✅ SwC Poker ♣️ Player Lounge
Post by: ThatOneGuyOnHere on September 04, 2020, 03:18:02 AM
This was a legitimate question. ETF was green text. You were just asking about them, not attacking them. Not sure why they deleted your post on it. Also, interesting that they said nobody in chat is part of SWC or speaks for them. HH proves that isn't true. just because they are a volunteer doesn't mean they aren't in a position of authority somewhat. HH also works on tournament setups and support issues so I feel like they do speak for seals...

Title: Re: ✅ SwC Poker ♣️ Player Lounge
Post by: ThatOneGuyOnHere on September 04, 2020, 03:34:06 AM

But, what about HigherHighs? They do not speak for SWC?

 Also, at one point ETF had the same green text as HH.

No. We have attempted to make this as clear as possible. Higherhighs, nor any other player, represents or speaks for SwC. If they have given you that impression it was either a misinterpretation or a misrepresentation on their part. The only official messages from SwC will come from clearly identified SwC accounts.

There are a few players that have green chat text but it is not an indication of any official position or authority. There are also other players that chose a custom chat color when that option was available for a limited time. If they have not changed their color since that time it will remain. For this reason chat colors alone are not used as a method to signify anything. Official accounts will be clearly identified as such; for example, SwC_Support is an official account used by support in chat.

Higherhighs, along with any other player, is free to send in screenshots of chat that they feel violates the rules posted. The decisions regarding whether this will result in a mute is then made by SwC management.

As we do not currently have a chat moderator present there have been a number of players that have assisted with this, and with relaying player feedback. But as always we invite all players to directly give us that feedback or message if they choose.

If any player has made comments with the intention of representing themselves as a part of the SwC team we would ask you to email support with a screenshot because this is not true and would not be allowed.

So, I guess HH has been lying in the chat and they are not actually a moderator.... Or so SWC says....

Title: Re: ✅ SwC Poker ♣️ Player Lounge
Post by: scammed-by-nitro on September 04, 2020, 03:57:26 AM
SWC, HH and this other guy are straight up lying all the time.

Great representation.

Title: Re: ✅ SwC Poker ♣️ Player Lounge
Post by: ThatOneGuyOnHere on September 04, 2020, 04:00:01 AM
SWC, HH and this other guy are straight up lying all the time.

Great representation.

This is mind-blowing! I would love to screenshot the SWC response and post it in the chat box when HH is on and see what they say about it. Maybe when my HH ban is up...

Title: Re: ✅ SwC Poker ♣️ Player Lounge
Post by: AlexTrebbert on September 04, 2020, 05:31:48 PM
my deleted post:

Just a player helping out. This is not financial advice provided by SWC.

Title: Re: ✅ SwC Poker ♣️ Player Lounge
Post by: DarkDays on September 05, 2020, 10:11:25 AM
Really sad to see such disappointing customer service from the SwC Poker. Not responding to valid questions and downright deleting them is a bit absurd and speaks to the amount of unprofessionalism these guys have developed recently. Which is a shame because I used to consider them as one of the top dogs in the industry.

I think if we raise our voice and create enough ruckus the higher management will hear us and correct these malpractices. I think this is mostly the lower management that is being so shady and weird.

I guess we'll wait for an official response, but SwC does seem to be going down the drain lately.

Title: Re: ✅ SwC Poker ♣️ Player Lounge
Post by: ThatOneGuyOnHere on September 05, 2020, 12:29:59 PM
Really sad to see such disappointing customer service from the SwC Poker. Not responding to valid questions and downright deleting them is a bit absurd and speaks to the amount of unprofessionalism these guys have developed recently. Which is a shame because I used to consider them as one of the top dogs in the industry.

I think if we raise our voice and create enough ruckus the higher management will hear us and correct these malpractices. I think this is mostly the lower management that is being so shady and weird.

I guess we'll wait for an official response, but SwC does seem to be going down the drain lately.

No. We have attempted to make this as clear as possible. Higherhighs, nor any other player, represents or speaks for SwC. If they have given you that impression it was either a misinterpretation or a misrepresentation on their part. The only official messages from SwC will come from clearly identified SwC accounts.

From the viewpoint of most players, Higherhighs does represent SwC in chat. Higherhighs is implementing chat policy changes dictated by SwC.  Higherhighs is asking players about improvements to the site they would like to see. Higherhighs is making announcements for SwC. Higherhighs has a direct line of communication with SwC.  SwC's actions and inactions create a public perception and this matters. Just saying that "Higherhighs,nor any other player, represents or speaks for SwC" does not make it so.

They are only making things more confusing and negative with their answers that make no sense

Title: Re: ✅ SwC Poker ♣️ Player Lounge
Post by: figmentofmyass on September 05, 2020, 09:11:38 PM
subscribed, thanks for making this thread.

Whats the deal with this EndTheFed guy?

He is promoting all the tournaments all the time, even pushing late reg . it makes no sense to promote late reg when you actually play the tournament because you want an overlay so you have to beat less players to win more money.

Also now he is even giving bubble protection. He promotes tournaments every 10-20 minutes via copy/paste and isnt even registered himself yet. Mostly he registers if there is an overlay at the end of late reg. 100% a house employee, otherwise all of this would not make any sense. Employees (which dont admit they are) should NOT be allowed to play.

i'm fine with prop players if it keeps games going, but they need to be identified as SwC employees, absolutely.

SwC does seem to be going down the drain lately.

i appreciate that they've shaken up the tourney schedule a bit recently, but aside from that, it's nothing but disappointment. communication is just terrible. nobody can get a straight answer about anything---if they can get an answer from support at all. the chat policies are totally fucked up now. it's hard to believe ownership hasn't changed hands.

Title: Re: ✅ SwC Poker ♣️ Player Lounge
Post by: ThatOneGuyOnHere on September 06, 2020, 04:24:24 AM
The evidence is plenty in the way they are misrepresenting facts to state nonsensical statements in an effort to create a false narrative regarding me and SwC.

Ive 'arranged' for people to be chat banned from a discord channel, just another lie in some attempt to discredit me.

Here is an example of you asking for someone to be banned on SWC because of their interaction with you on Discord. Should I post more?

I am soooooooo sorry that it is no longer fun for you guys to play poker at SwC because you cant be abusive and use racial and homophobic slurs at will, like it was just a few months a go.

Does SWC condone your sarcasm and vitriol? Seems really unprofessional to me, but hey, it's their site to burn to the ground if they want. I take exception to you claiming that I use racial and homophobic slurs. Please back that up with a screenshot or apologize.

That is what has want to take all of your anger out on me, that is perfect, that is why I volunteered to be a part of the change that is happening.

A business doesn't want you to chat on their site/property, that is it. It doesn't matter if you don't agree or don't like the new rules, or that you don't like how they decide who to mute and when. Making me disappear changes nothing. Everyone is still accountable for their own actions and every business makes their own rules.

The focus remains on me, because abusers need someone to abuse, and I am tangible. I am something that can be targeted.

Just think about all of these attacks and accusations........regarding chat.........and not poker.......on a poker site.

I am so proud of SwC and the progress they have made in a few months.

You have gotten way off track here in your haste to paint every SWC player with the same brush. Please stop trying to make every argument about you being victimized by these supposed "racist abusers" on SWC for just a minute. Let's go back to my original questions.

1. How would having a specific username on Bitcointalk prove that the same person owned the account by the same name on SWC?

2. Isn't it reasonable to assume that you would retaliate against players who post here under their real names, as you have done on Discord (see above screenshot)?

The irony is not lost on me that the abusers are the ones that now feel like they are being abused......even if the reality is they are just being held accountable for their actions.

Really? Where did I say that I felt abused? When have I ever received a chat ban?

I look forward to your professional and on-topic response to my questions. 

What is that proof of? That I withdrew my support for BertBert?  Where did I ask for someone to be banned?  How am I supposed to answer your lies?

Obviously there is no need to go back and forth with you and BertBert, I have nothing to prove and no one to answer to except SwC regarding my actions.

So, once again, a long-winded post about chat and nothing about poker.....while attacking me......where have I seen this before?

If you don't enjoy SwC anymore, that is sad, because the only thing that is changed is the chat culture and abuse.  The poker is still the same. Even a little more enjoyable for good people.

I wish you guys the best in finding a new home that accepts you for who you know the type of person that talks about businesses burning to the ground.

This is just getting crazy now. HH is contradicting everything SWC is saying.... Some truth in all of this would be nice...

Title: Re: ✅ SwC Poker ♣️ Player Lounge
Post by: ThatOneGuyOnHere on September 09, 2020, 08:45:18 PM
HH is basically trolling xGoodfella in the chat right now...

Title: Re: ✅ SwC Poker ♣️ Player Lounge
Post by: ThatOneGuyOnHere on September 11, 2020, 08:38:50 PM
In chat they said HH is no longer a chat mod and no longer has green text! The site is a little better now!

Title: Re: ✅ SwC Poker ♣️ Player Lounge
Post by: swogerino on September 12, 2020, 06:08:08 AM
In chat they said HH is no longer a chat mod and no longer has green text! The site is a little better now!

It is always good when they remove unprofessional persons or people who tend to abuse their power against the customers which in an online poker site are the ones who keep it going.

After saying that I want to say that threads about poker are really low in number here and this is a good one and I hope it adds good and genuine discussion about one site that is considered by many as the one with the most players with cryptos.

Title: Re: ✅ SwC Poker ♣️ Player Lounge
Post by: scammed-by-nitro on September 12, 2020, 07:02:49 AM
The problem is, can we actually trust that statement?

What doesnt stop them to keep him, but undercover. If I would be swc I would do that, make a false statement and continue. Thats how they fool the players, same with the rake increase and so on.

Title: Re: ✅ SwC Poker ♣️ Player Lounge
Post by: Mauser on September 12, 2020, 07:41:01 AM
I wish there would be more NL Holdem freeroll tournaments instead of all these other variants. Or maybe show a bit more in advance when the NL tournaments are happening instead of 0.5-1h before? I was kind of waiting for a nice tournament yesterday evening and it kept coming Poker types I never played before. And googling tutorials on the variant while playing the tournament is not very fruitful. Anyone else here playing the freerolls?

Title: Re: ✅ SwC Poker ♣️ Player Lounge
Post by: scammed-by-nitro on September 12, 2020, 09:44:05 PM
I wish there would be more NL Holdem freeroll tournaments instead of all these other variants. Or maybe show a bit more in advance when the NL tournaments are happening instead of 0.5-1h before? I was kind of waiting for a nice tournament yesterday evening and it kept coming Poker types I never played before. And googling tutorials on the variant while playing the tournament is not very fruitful. Anyone else here playing the freerolls?

Dude, those freerolls have a pricepool of 10 Cents ;)

Title: Re: ✅ SwC Poker ♣️ Player Lounge
Post by: SkyReVo on September 13, 2020, 08:11:45 AM
Higherhighs is obviously still affiliated with SWC, this is a fairly transparent move. They never said otherwise either, right now it appears they have gone AWOL and just let him lie for them.

This being said, I do believe that the ownership has not changed - yet. My theory is that they are preparing to sell - this is why they're cleaning up chat and raising rake, so the perceived value of the product goes up.

The huge issue with SWC is that we don't know when has changed ownership and our funds may not be as safe as they maybe once were.

Jonathan Little just got banned from ACR for saying to keep the absolute minimum bankroll needed on the site - but the same goes for SWC.

Title: Re: ✅ SwC Poker ♣️ Player Lounge
Post by: marlais on October 02, 2020, 09:54:17 PM
Hey, how about SWC going through their thread and deleting 58 posts (and counting!) over the course of a couple days? Guess that whole HH thing was pretty embarrassing for them in retrospect.

I can't believe that the post about them raising the rake again without notifying players didn't get axed. When did SWC get so shady?

Title: Re: ✅ SwC Poker ♣️ Player Lounge
Post by: scammed-by-nitro on October 03, 2020, 10:54:40 AM
Thats what these people do.
Inactive for weeks and then delete everything they dont like.
Wouldnt trust this site with 1$ anymore.

There is something very shady in the making.

Title: Re: ✅ SwC Poker ♣️ Player Lounge
Post by: Mauser on October 03, 2020, 12:35:39 PM
Thats what these people do.
Inactive for weeks and then delete everything they dont like.
Wouldnt trust this site with 1$ anymore.

There is something very shady in the making.

That's not good news, I am playing poker myself on swc. Need to watch out for everybody here.

I really liked the bitcoin concept of them, but with more red flags being raised here we need to watch out. Let's hope they can clarify things here.

Title: Re: ✅ SwC Poker ♣️ Player Lounge
Post by: ThatOneGuyOnHere on October 07, 2020, 04:40:11 AM
Wow - they did a mass cleanup, even the post to this thread, which was made a month or two ago. They cleared almost 2 full pages of posts... WTF!?!?

Title: Re: ✅ SwC Poker ♣️ Player Lounge
Post by: marlais on October 07, 2020, 05:17:51 AM
They just locked the thread and left this gem:

If you do not like how anything is run at SwC, feel free to play elsewhere.....

We will continue to make improvements for our loyal players and are proud to continue to bring them epicly low rake.

Title: Re: ✅ SwC Poker ♣️ Player Lounge
Post by: SkyReVo on October 07, 2020, 08:27:13 AM
The last post by "SwC_Poker" is almost certainly written by higherhighs, just by the way it is written.

Guess SWC did change ownership after all.

Title: Re: ✅ SwC Poker ♣️ Player Lounge
Post by: ThatOneGuyOnHere on October 07, 2020, 12:44:08 PM
The last post by "SwC_Poker" is almost certainly written by higherhighs, just by the way it is written.

Guess SWC did change ownership after all.

Does sound like HH a bit...

The fact they locked the other thread is crazy!

Title: Re: ✅ SwC Poker ♣️ Player Lounge
Post by: seoincorporation on October 07, 2020, 02:16:38 PM
I have been playing in this site in the past weeks but i don't have much luck, on my last run get busted with AQ vs AK... I want to try their tournaments but need some free time for it, i will try to join them this weekend.

I see some cash tables has a jackpot amount on the top, does anyone know how to win that jackpot?

Title: Re: ✅ SwC Poker ♣️ Player Lounge
Post by: ThatOneGuyOnHere on October 07, 2020, 04:18:10 PM
I have been playing in this site in the past weeks but i don't have much luck, on my last run get busted with AQ vs AK... I want to try their tournaments but need some free time for it, i will try to join them this weekend.

I see some cash tables has a jackpot amount on the top, does anyone know how to win that jackpot?

When games get going it can be pretty action packed. Tournaments can actually be quite soft. The bad eat is aces over kings getting beat or better I think.

Title: Re: ✅ SwC Poker ♣️ Player Lounge
Post by: seoincorporation on October 07, 2020, 06:27:51 PM
I have been playing in this site in the past weeks but i don't have much luck, on my last run get busted with AQ vs AK... I want to try their tournaments but need some free time for it, i will try to join them this weekend.

I see some cash tables has a jackpot amount on the top, does anyone know how to win that jackpot?

When games get going it can be pretty action packed. Tournaments can actually be quite soft. The bad eat is aces over kings getting beat or better I think.

So, if i go with KK and someone else goes with AA and i win i get the jackpot? or i acomulate points for it? It would be nice to have more info about it, i had try to search on the site and couldn't find info, and i'm not allowed to ask in the chat because i have not much krill. So, it would be nice if you explain me the right way to win the prize in the jackpot. Thanks.

Title: Re: ✅ SwC Poker ♣️ Player Lounge
Post by: scammed-by-nitro on October 07, 2020, 08:20:17 PM
As soon as they reopen the thread lets bomb it.

Title: Re: ✅ SwC Poker ♣️ Player Lounge
Post by: figmentofmyass on October 07, 2020, 08:38:01 PM
I have been playing in this site in the past weeks but i don't have much luck, on my last run get busted with AQ vs AK... I want to try their tournaments but need some free time for it, i will try to join them this weekend.

I see some cash tables has a jackpot amount on the top, does anyone know how to win that jackpot?

When games get going it can be pretty action packed. Tournaments can actually be quite soft. The bad eat is aces over kings getting beat or better I think.

So, if i go with KK and someone else goes with AA and i win i get the jackpot?

no, it's much more rare than that. the BBJ gets triggered when someone loses the main pot with AAAKK (the nut full house) or better. that means you're only gonna see it happen when at least one player has quads or better. there are some additional rules too. for example, quads only count when you have pocket pair hole cards.

It would be nice to have more info about it, i had try to search on the site and couldn't find info, and i'm not allowed to ask in the chat because i have not much krill. So, it would be nice if you explain me the right way to win the prize in the jackpot. Thanks.

all the info you need is here:

Title: Re: ✅ SwC Poker ♣️ Player Lounge
Post by: SkyReVo on October 07, 2020, 09:32:37 PM
I guess we'll just make this one the main thread then, since SWC decided to shut down the other thread.

Title: Re: ✅ SwC Poker ♣️ Player Lounge
Post by: ThatOneGuyOnHere on October 07, 2020, 10:57:22 PM
As soon as they reopen the thread lets bomb it.

Ha, they are not even giving the chance. Posted a new series schi and insta-locked it.

I guess we'll just make this one the main thread then, since SWC decided to shut down the other thread.

It would be more active and helpful than the main one...

New players have to come here to ask questions now, as they don't have the krill for chat, and the other thread is locked.... Good moves by SWC....

Title: Re: ✅ SwC Poker ♣️ Player Lounge
Post by: scammed-by-nitro on October 08, 2020, 03:51:01 AM
Just another sign that they just dont care.

These rats even blocked me from twitter months ago. Same old.

Maybe exit scam coming soon.

Title: Re: ✅ SwC Poker ♣️ Player Lounge
Post by: Steamtyme on October 08, 2020, 08:27:50 PM
As soon as they reopen the thread lets bomb it.
Fairly shit idea I'd say. Why continue to spam the thread; it's pointless. What questions didn't they answer that you were so keen to keep reposting, I legitimately stopped reading your posts.

I saw answers and apologies regarding all changes they've made for a while. I might not agree with some things but it all seemed above board, apart from forgetting to update one part or another of their website or social media when changes where made. Your posts and gripes with them are exactly why I suggested this thread be created for a discussion not moderated by one side or another.

I was fairly pissed to find that thread locked. Until the shitshow that started over chatting and escalated from there, it was the right place to discuss tournament schedules and at least bend their ear to changes or features you wanted.

I'm also going to point out that I still find them to be more than reasonable in most situations. Hell a member of our little forum tournaments was gifted 20 Krill to top them up to 500, at their request, so they can participate in the table chat.
Just another sign that they just dont care.
These rats even blocked me from twitter months ago. Same old.
Maybe exit scam coming soon.
I can only imagine why ::)
I want to try their tournaments but need some free time for it, i will try to join them this weekend.
They are fun, and there's a pretty good range. Personally I really enjoy playing their Thursday Double - You play 2 tournaments at the same time and there is additional prizepools for the best finish across both for the week, and an additional one if you take first in both.
You should keep an eye out and come join the forum tournament we run weekly that they sponsor an additional prizepool in and take 0 rake from.
#4 Bitcointalk Poker Series @ SwC Poker (0.06 BTC, BIG BTC Ticket by SwC) ( That's a link to the current series, which is nearly over.

Title: Re: ✅ SwC Poker ♣️ Player Lounge
Post by: seoincorporation on October 08, 2020, 10:59:44 PM
So, if i go with KK and someone else goes with AA and i win i get the jackpot?

no, it's much more rare than that. the BBJ gets triggered when someone loses the main pot with AAAKK (the nut full house) or better. that means you're only gonna see it happen when at least one player has quads or better. there are some additional rules too. for example, quads only count when you have pocket pair hole cards.

It would be nice to have more info about it, i had try to search on the site and couldn't find info, and i'm not allowed to ask in the chat because i have not much krill. So, it would be nice if you explain me the right way to win the prize in the jackpot. Thanks.

all the info you need is here:

Thanks for the great answer buddy, now i understand how it works, but the odds of it to happen is really low, i mean you need to be in a table with 4 players and see trips with pair in the table, then two of the users must have poker... is a weird scenario, it's possible but really hard to happen...

Title: Re: ✅ SwC Poker ♣️ Player Lounge
Post by: scammed-by-nitro on October 08, 2020, 11:56:15 PM
As soon as they reopen the thread lets bomb it.
Fairly shit idea I'd say. Why continue to spam the thread; it's pointless. What questions didn't they answer that you were so keen to keep reposting, I legitimately stopped reading your posts.

I saw answers and apologies regarding all changes they've made for a while. I might not agree with some things but it all seemed above board, apart from forgetting to update one part or another of their website or social media when changes where made. Your posts and gripes with them are exactly why I suggested this thread be created for a discussion not moderated by one side or another.

I was fairly pissed to find that thread locked. Until the shitshow that started over chatting and escalated from there, it was the right place to discuss tournament schedules and at least bend their ear to changes or features you wanted.

I'm also going to point out that I still find them to be more than reasonable in most situations. Hell a member of our little forum tournaments was gifted 20 Krill to top them up to 500, at their request, so they can participate in the table chat.
Just another sign that they just dont care.
These rats even blocked me from twitter months ago. Same old.
Maybe exit scam coming soon.
I can only imagine why ::)
I want to try their tournaments but need some free time for it, i will try to join them this weekend.
They are fun, and there's a pretty good range. Personally I really enjoy playing their Thursday Double - You play 2 tournaments at the same time and there is additional prizepools for the best finish across both for the week, and an additional one if you take first in both.
You should keep an eye out and come join the forum tournament we run weekly that they sponsor an additional prizepool in and take 0 rake from.
#4 Bitcointalk Poker Series @ SwC Poker (0.06 BTC, BIG BTC Ticket by SwC) ( That's a link to the current series, which is nearly over.

Hahaha, gifted 20 Krill, you do know that krill have no value right? I have around 40000, am I rich now?? hahaha
Feels like the asked you to make this comment :) .
Also, they never made clear about the 2 suspicious account they affiliate with, just spreading lies about it.

Title: Re: ✅ SwC Poker ♣️ Player Lounge
Post by: ThatOneGuyOnHere on October 09, 2020, 12:17:02 AM
As soon as they reopen the thread lets bomb it.
Fairly shit idea I'd say. Why continue to spam the thread; it's pointless. What questions didn't they answer that you were so keen to keep reposting, I legitimately stopped reading your posts.

I saw answers and apologies regarding all changes they've made for a while. I might not agree with some things but it all seemed above board, apart from forgetting to update one part or another of their website or social media when changes where made. Your posts and gripes with them are exactly why I suggested this thread be created for a discussion not moderated by one side or another.

I was fairly pissed to find that thread locked. Until the shitshow that started over chatting and escalated from there, it was the right place to discuss tournament schedules and at least bend their ear to changes or features you wanted.

I'm also going to point out that I still find them to be more than reasonable in most situations. Hell a member of our little forum tournaments was gifted 20 Krill to top them up to 500, at their request, so they can participate in the table chat.
Just another sign that they just dont care.
These rats even blocked me from twitter months ago. Same old.
Maybe exit scam coming soon.
I can only imagine why ::)
I want to try their tournaments but need some free time for it, i will try to join them this weekend.
They are fun, and there's a pretty good range. Personally I really enjoy playing their Thursday Double - You play 2 tournaments at the same time and there is additional prizepools for the best finish across both for the week, and an additional one if you take first in both.
You should keep an eye out and come join the forum tournament we run weekly that they sponsor an additional prizepool in and take 0 rake from.
#4 Bitcointalk Poker Series @ SwC Poker (0.06 BTC, BIG BTC Ticket by SwC) ( That's a link to the current series, which is nearly over.

Hahaha, gifted 20 Krill, you do know that krill have no value right? I have around 40000, am I rich now?? hahaha
Feels like the asked you to make this comment :) .
Also, they never made clear about the 2 suspicious account they affiliate with, just spreading lies about it.

Their comments are really odd and random. They are never active in any discussion and then just show up with that.

And the fact they are all about giving SWC a break for forgetting to update their site and the players about rake increases... WTF, Even if it is still low that's still a big deal!

That was a PR post all the way!

Title: Re: ✅ SwC Poker ♣️ Player Lounge
Post by: Steamtyme on October 09, 2020, 12:34:50 AM
Hahaha, gifted 20 Krill, you do know that krill have no value right? I have around 40000, am I rich now?? hahaha
Feels like the asked you to make this comment :) .
Also, they never made clear about the 2 suspicious account they affiliate with, just spreading lies about it.
I'd like you to write "point" on your palm place your hand open faced above your head and look in the mirror. I figure illustrating things works best for you, as you obviously miss the point quite often.

The 20 krill was so they can chat, nothing more nothing less. If I'm not mistaken in a small way it actually negatively impact them as they begin providing a larger rake-back to the individual. Minor I know but just another example.

You'll find no one asks me to do anything, that is unless I volunteered and am taking to long. Either way not the case here.

I forget it got lost in a lot of the spamming, which 2 accounts, was that EndtheFed and HigherHighs or were there others. I'm lost you never really made your concerns clear. Personally I don't really care if someone associated with SWC plays in the games, if there seems to be any shady shit that falls outside expected results it would seem pretty clear. So unless there are valid concerns of cheating or collusion that aren't being investigated where is the issue.

Seems more like conspiracy theories and a "If I shout loud enough for long enough" type approach, which is useless. Especially when you don't listen to, care about or digest the responses. Unfortunately the sad truth is that most of the concerns I've heard raised by disgruntled members centers around no longer being able to enjoying a racist, phobic cesspool of a chatbox.

Their comments are really odd and random. They are never active in any discussion and then just show up with that.
And the fact they are all about giving SWC a break for forgetting to update their site and the players about rake increases... WTF, Even if it is still low that's still a big deal!
That was a PR post all the way!
Nope not in any way shape or form. Just  one guys opinion.
Again they didn't get a break, they explained themselves and people decided for themselves how big an issue it was. Simple as that.

I find it hilarious that people seem to forget I suggested to all the disgruntled's who were being moderated to create this topic so you could express yourself freely. Don't get all bent when someone comes in here and has positive things to say.

Title: Re: ✅ SwC Poker ♣️ Player Lounge
Post by: scammed-by-nitro on October 09, 2020, 08:01:20 AM
Yes it was regarding EndtheFed and HigherHighs.

They both advertise tournaments and so on all the time in the chat, not even playing them themselves (only register seconds before late reg is closed). Which normal player does that?
Is it normal to write "tournament this and that starts in 10 minutes", and posting this stuff like every 15 minutes? EndtheFed does exactly that but still him and swc claim they have no relationship whatsoever. You believe that?
Once he even offered a bubble insurance for players that register before the tournament starts, "out of his own pocket" he claimed. I asked him why he would do that and the reply was "I want a nice tournament to run". Now guess what, he was online the whole time promoting tournaments but didnt even register for the mentioned tournament. Makes a lot of sense.

It is not that I dislike the fact that obvious employees play at the site ( although I thinks its concerning ) but that they are affiliated and both sites claim they arent.
Both members also had green chat, no normal player can have green chat. SWC replied to the green chat thing something like "maybe they used green chat before it got deleted in an update and so they kept it" . HH admited he got the green chat from swc directly and hours after I mentioned endthefed's green chat in the thread he changed it.

By the way, trust me I made my concerns clear, it just got deleted by swc.

Also, I never cared about the chat, I couldn't care less about it to be honest. I had a lot of players muted as I was sick of reading begging and other bs in the chat or at the table.

Title: Re: ✅ SwC Poker ♣️ Player Lounge
Post by: figmentofmyass on October 09, 2020, 09:33:24 AM
So, if i go with KK and someone else goes with AA and i win i get the jackpot?

no, it's much more rare than that. the BBJ gets triggered when someone loses the main pot with AAAKK (the nut full house) or better. that means you're only gonna see it happen when at least one player has quads or better. there are some additional rules too. for example, quads only count when you have pocket pair hole cards.

It would be nice to have more info about it, i had try to search on the site and couldn't find info, and i'm not allowed to ask in the chat because i have not much krill. So, it would be nice if you explain me the right way to win the prize in the jackpot. Thanks.

all the info you need is here:

Thanks for the great answer buddy, now i understand how it works, but the odds of it to happen is really low, i mean you need to be in a table with 4 players and see trips with pair in the table, then two of the users must have poker... is a weird scenario, it's possible but really hard to happen...

yeah, i hear ya. one thing to note is that BBJ tables are where all the action is on SwC, more often than not. also, it's not just the player that gets the bad beat who gets paid out---so does the hand winner + everyone else dealt into the hand. this dynamic tends to make the BBJ tables even juicier, so the jackpot isn't the only reason to play them.

Title: Re: ✅ SwC Poker ♣️ Player Lounge
Post by: Steamtyme on October 09, 2020, 03:38:25 PM
Yes it was regarding EndtheFed and HigherHighs.
They both advertise tournaments and so on all the time in the chat, not even playing them themselves (only register seconds before late reg is closed). Which normal player does that?
Is it normal to write "tournament this and that starts in 10 minutes", and posting this stuff like every 15 minutes? EndtheFed does exactly that but still him and swc claim they have no relationship whatsoever. You believe that?
Once he even offered a bubble insurance for players that register before the tournament starts, "out of his own pocket" he claimed. I asked him why he would do that and the reply was "I want a nice tournament to run". Now guess what, he was online the whole time promoting tournaments but didnt even register for the mentioned tournament. Makes a lot of sense.
Honestly this doesn't make me think he's an employee. I used to think they were more, much before that, for many of the same reasons you mentioned. It used to piss me off seeing them late reg and build a decent stack or just flip and bust. The more I saw ETF at the tables though the less I though they were an employee. One big reason is that Bubble protection is cheap, especially when it was only being offered in the Thursday Double from what I caught. Why have your "secret employee" offer it in the chat, and not just make it part of the tournament or site rules.
Personally, I've also found entering most SWC tournaments on max Late. Reg isn't the disadvantage it usually is with small fields and still usually having 20BB+, you often still have 20 BB+ and a lot of the players have pretty easy tendencies to pick up on if you play with them enough. Not the best strategy but still reasonable.

It is not that I dislike the fact that obvious employees play at the site ( although I thinks its concerning ) but that they are affiliated and both sites claim they arent.
Both members also had green chat, no normal player can have green chat. SWC replied to the green chat thing something like "maybe they used green chat before it got deleted in an update and so they kept it" . HH admited he got the green chat from swc directly and hours after I mentioned endthefed's green chat in the thread he changed it.
Yeah the handling of HH and their Mod abilities, whatever the extent wound up being was shitty to say the least. HH, got the color when they became a Moderator it seems, and not going to lie could have been a legitimate software oversight when bestowing whatever privilege they were given.  Prior to this it seemed they just reported a ton of stuff, and acted as an employee, essentially working to ingratiate themselves and maybe earn a role in the organization. So I don't know when it was official or not that they got Chat Mod priveleges, over just reporting people. It also seems different than a secret employee and anything nefarious at least to me. Did I read right earlier in the thread it was announced they were removed as a Chat Moderator as well??
Also I'll mention the chat color at least seems possible, but I don't know enough about their software/client upgrades and when Green color was removed as an option. Goin with this forum as an example, I can't use an animated GIF as my Avatar, but there are several on forum who still have them because they had it before the change went into place.
By the way, trust me I made my concerns clear, it just got deleted by swc.
Also, I never cared about the chat, I couldn't care less about it to be honest. I had a lot of players muted as I was sick of reading begging and other bs in the chat or at the table.
Regardless to me none of this stuff really screams secret employees at least not long-term, maybe in the case of HH another example of a poor effort communicating changes... I really don't know. You mentioned something about HH, having something to do with Tournament planning, do you know the extent? I saw they have a password protected player freeroll with some ticket entries to some upcoming series events. It's labeled an HH event, and sort of reinforced a theory I've had brewing.
I read somewhere that they have both been long time players on SWC, is there a chance they just have a fat BTC bankroll from their early days when BTC mooned. Given what I've seen on this forum from people, performing moderator/admin tasks, with the hope they get tapped to take on a real role for the forum. That or the people who do freeroll giveaways ranging .01 to .2 BTC, open to almost everyone on forum. These types of individuals will often do things out of their own time and pocket to make the place they enjoy hanging out, more enjoyable and/or inviting to others.

I could just be ridiculously naive, but it just seems reasonable that there are more options out there than secret employees playing. From a companies perspective when they answer once I understand not repeating themselves. It was stupid to erase the original Q&A, and locking the thread. Sadly it's not surprising, they probably assume they get a better community engagement through social media than the forum, and decided it's no longer worth discussing here.

Regardless there is no way to prove it all one way or another. I can't see SWC being able to provide a statement that doesn't admit to the accusations, being accepted as a response by anyone who believes there was wrongdoing. Myself, I wasn't affected by anything that gave me the impression there was wrongdoing, and still feel as comfortable as one can playing online Poker and will continue to play there. Don't get me wrong there was some incompetence along the way, but hardly enough to even remotely warrant a boycott.

yeah, i hear ya. one thing to note is that BBJ tables are where all the action is on SwC, more often than not. also, it's not just the player that gets the bad beat who gets paid out---so does the hand winner + everyone else dealt into the hand. this dynamic tends to make the BBJ tables even juicier, so the jackpot isn't the only reason to play them.
Not going to lie so pissed with myself. I easily should have been sitting at that table lol. The last few months my boy has been a shit sleeper lol, so I often have to chill upstairs to make sure he stays in his room/bed and goes to sleep. Took this time to play a bunch of 25/50 in hopes of spiking the BBj or at least being at the table. For whatever reason, I consciously decided to take the night off lol. Don't think I've played a cash game since.

Title: Re: ✅ SwC Poker ♣️ Player Lounge
Post by: scammed-by-nitro on October 09, 2020, 09:14:42 PM
"You mentioned something about HH, having something to do with Tournament planning, do you know the extent? "

Nah, I never said anything like that. Must have been somebody else.

Well I made my conclusions. I think the site and representatives are not trustworthy enough so I could deposit there and feel my money is safe. As long as swc keeps lying I will call them out, even if I am not playing there anymore.

Anyway, there are no players (max 250 on weekends), no well paid tournaments, no sng's (only coinflip HU) running so I dont even see any advantage to play there other than the still ok rake and the fact that you can play in btc. There are no promotions other then some joke micro tournament series and the BBJ (where the even keep like 10% as house fee, lol).
What will convince new players to play there? I dont see it.

Title: Re: ✅ SwC Poker ♣️ Player Lounge
Post by: figmentofmyass on October 09, 2020, 09:28:46 PM
Well I made my conclusions. I think the site and representatives are not trustworthy enough so I could deposit there and feel my money is safe.

i don't feel great about the current situation. i certainly wouldn't stay rolled for high stakes there. however, i don't mind keeping a few bitcents in my account---an amount i'm willing to lose.

Anyway, there are no players (max 250 on weekends), no well paid tournaments, no sng's (only coinflip HU) running so I dont even see any advantage to play there other than the still ok rake and the fact that you can play in btc. There are no promotions other then some joke micro tournament series and the BBJ (where the even keep like 10% as house fee, lol).
What will convince new players to play there? I dont see it.

indeed, this is one of the things that suggests an ownership change to me. so much belt tightening, hiking rake, etc and absolutely nothing to draw in new players. they are obviously trying to squeeze out profitability on a small scale rather than trying to invest and grow their user base. :(

Title: Re: ✅ SwC Poker ♣️ Player Lounge
Post by: johhnyUA on October 09, 2020, 10:39:41 PM
i appreciate that they've shaken up the tourney schedule a bit recently, but aside from that, it's nothing but disappointment. communication is just terrible. nobody can get a straight answer about anything---if they can get an answer from support at all. the chat policies are totally fucked up now. it's hard to believe ownership hasn't changed hands.

i don't feel great about the current situation. i certainly wouldn't stay rolled for high stakes there. however, i don't mind keeping a few bitcents in my account---an amount i'm willing to lose.

Lol, i should check how it's going now. the last time i played it was one of the best places for poker (few month ago).

indeed, this is one of the things that suggests an ownership change to me. so much belt tightening, hiking rake, etc and absolutely nothing to draw in new players. they are obviously trying to squeeze out profitability on a small scale rather than trying to invest and grow their user base. :(

If it so, when do you think it happened? And yeah, problems with marketing and all such things is very often problem with any business, not only casinos or sites.

Title: Re: ✅ SwC Poker ♣️ Player Lounge
Post by: marlais on October 10, 2020, 06:53:54 AM
All seals are equal, but some seals are more equal than others.

Title: Re: ✅ SwC Poker ♣️ Player Lounge
Post by: figmentofmyass on October 10, 2020, 11:15:51 AM
Lol, i should check how it's going now. the last time i played it was one of the best places for poker (few month ago).

traffic has died down some. rake has gone up. i still love their software and i appreciate what they do for our forum series. i'm just not thrilled about the direction things have taken over the past few months.

indeed, this is one of the things that suggests an ownership change to me. so much belt tightening, hiking rake, etc and absolutely nothing to draw in new players. they are obviously trying to squeeze out profitability on a small scale rather than trying to invest and grow their user base. :(
If it so, when do you think it happened?

i would say around july or so. they cleaned up their moderated thread on bitcointalk but the 2+2 thread has kept a good record of when/how things have changed for the worse:

Title: Re: ✅ SwC Poker ♣️ Player Lounge
Post by: SkyReVo on October 10, 2020, 01:54:37 PM

i would say around july or so. they cleaned up their moderated thread on bitcointalk but the 2+2 thread has kept a good record of when/how things have changed for the worse:

Fairly certain it happened when glitch left. Maybe it wasn't sold (since HH rejects that), maybe it was merely given. No matter what really happened, SWC is less trustworthy now than it was a few months ago, and everyone's actions should reflect that.

Title: Re: ✅ SwC Poker ♣️ Player Lounge
Post by: scammed-by-nitro on October 27, 2020, 04:51:00 PM

HH has his green chat back.

Thought they claimed they cut ties?

Title: Re: ✅ SwC Poker ♣️ Player Lounge
Post by: ThatOneGuyOnHere on October 28, 2020, 12:21:02 AM

HH has his green chat back.

Thought they claimed they cut ties?

They can willing flip back and forth too. hH also says they know what the "big announcement" is, and keeps talking about it. Also, is definitely still helping with the tournament schedule. That was all a lie to take heat of HH I think, but they still shove green text at people to show they have power....

Title: Re: ✅ SwC Poker ♣️ Player Lounge
Post by: scammed-by-nitro on October 28, 2020, 12:07:34 PM

HH has his green chat back.

Thought they claimed they cut ties?

They can willing flip back and forth too. hH also says they know what the "big announcement" is, and keeps talking about it. Also, is definitely still helping with the tournament schedule. That was all a lie to take heat of HH I think, but they still shove green text at people to show they have power....

Ya, he also still makes other announcements. Like yesterday he told that the bigBTC tournament gets moved to a new time slot and so on.
So he definitely still works for them. Oh and of course he is also still playing on the site.

Title: Re: ✅ SwC Poker ♣️ Player Lounge
Post by: westbrook31 on November 02, 2020, 09:16:34 PM
anyone want swc account with 350 krill.
i will trade for cheap even transfer some chips or acr any poker site really im just broke
want to play....

Title: Re: ✅ SwC Poker ♣️ Player Lounge
Post by: johhnyUA on November 06, 2020, 10:38:42 PM
Lol, i should check how it's going now. the last time i played it was one of the best places for poker (few month ago).

traffic has died down some. rake has gone up. i still love their software and i appreciate what they do for our forum series. i'm just not thrilled about the direction things have taken over the past few months.

Hm, i looked into the site and maybe because my fast look, but i don't see a big difference. The same amount of players. Maybe the reasons is that we started to play on quarantine lookdown, so there was more people (because of obvious reasons).

Meh, not good information :c

Title: Re: ✅ SwC Poker ♣️ Player Lounge
Post by: scammed-by-nitro on November 14, 2020, 02:59:19 PM
SWC back to its old habits, deleting forum posts and so on. The conversation about the rake, gone.

And now they locked the thread again.

What a shit show.

Title: Re: ✅ SwC Poker ♣️ Player Lounge
Post by: ThatOneGuyOnHere on December 01, 2020, 03:30:38 AM
SWC back to its old habits, deleting forum posts and so on. The conversation about the rake, gone.

And now they locked the thread again.

What a shit show.

Things are super bad now, HH has ruined the tournament structure. The only thing that benefited from the changes are the micro tournaments at 50 and below. The selection sucks to be honest, HH has no idea what they are doing. They have single-handedly push me to another site with more activity and tournaments along with other things.

Oh, and the stupid announcement that's going to be coming next week for the past year that's always coming next week...

Title: Re: ✅ SwC Poker ♣️ Player Lounge
Post by: SkyReVo on December 01, 2020, 11:32:30 AM
They are now deleting their own posts in the other BCT thread. That's actually hilarious.

Let's play some Chinese on Kings then Uni.

Title: Re: ✅ SwC Poker ♣️ Player Lounge
Post by: ThatOneGuyOnHere on December 12, 2020, 06:32:30 AM
I guess the site got hacked, but there are no details about the breach!?!? Keep your funds safe...

Title: Re: ✅ SwC Poker ♣️ Player Lounge
Post by: scammed-by-nitro on December 13, 2020, 06:44:21 AM
I guess the site got hacked, but there are no details about the breach!?!? Keep your funds safe...

Same old. And they still choose to delete posts about this in their thread.

SWC at its best.

Title: Re: ✅ SwC Poker ♣️ Player Lounge
Post by: AlexTrebbert on December 28, 2020, 04:13:11 PM


Rake is criminal.

Title: Re: ✅ SwC Poker ♣️ Player Lounge
Post by: ThatOneGuyOnHere on December 28, 2020, 10:46:36 PM

It bugs me that they keep writing you off in the other thread. Post me that they just want to dress anything in the other thread to be honest.

Their whole "thing" has always been low rake, not sure why they don't address this more.

TBH it is another issue I have with the site. I stopped playing there for a while after I saw HH causing issues with other players, and then get those players banned from chat. It's just not good business. I wanted to come back but after seeing this it's just not worth it right now.

Title: Re: ✅ SwC Poker ♣️ Player Lounge
Post by: AlexTrebbert on December 29, 2020, 11:15:17 PM


AlexTrebbert, SwC is aware that you and others want the rake adjusted and find ACR's higher % but lower max rake to be more favorable. They are currently working on creating a new rake schedule, which should come out this week.

Like others have said: The cap is really the only thing that matters, the % is basically irrelevant.

I think you should consider coming up with a plan now on how you intend to respond to future price changes in bitcoin.  If the price of bitcoin goes down, the cap should go up, and if price goes up, cap goes down.  Informing players ahead of time what price will trigger the change, and what the change will be will avoid having to go through this in the future.

The % is relevant. SWC made massive changes to the rake percentages a few months ago.

Let's look at the micros.  The cap is rarely hit in the micros in NL or limit poker.  So the % is the most important thing.  Even if you adjust the cap to something hypothetical like 27 cents usd in the micros which is approximately 10 swc chips. When the % was 2.5% you would need to hit 400 chips to hit the cap. Now with current 3% rake you would need to hit 333.33 chips to hit the cap. At $27000 BTC price, a 400 chips pot is $10.80.  Take a look at what is currently running on SWC below

The only games running right now are micros. The average pot size on both of these tables are below the rake cap. 203.93 average at 5/10 and 190.53 at 2/4. So on average the % is in play. And if you scroll up you will see that SWC increased the rake percentage by 40% on these tables 4 months ago. I'm sure the cap is hit occasionally at the tables listed above so this doesn't equate to an flat 40% increase, but it is very substantial nonetheless.

You will also notice that the rake caps in limit poker are substantially higher when 6 handed than heads up.  This is completely standard and acceptable.  So the % at say a $10/$20 mixed game will come into play at a full table very often.  Lets hypothetically give the this $10/$20 game a $3 USD rake cap. The % was 1.5% earlier this year at this table, now it is 2%. $3 USD is 111 SWC chips at $27000 BTC price. At 2% rake you need a 5,550 chip pot ($150 USD) to hit the max. At 1.5% rake you need a 7,400 chip pot ($200 USD) to hit the max. At 300/600 11 game mix ($8/$16 stakes at $27,000 BTC), let's examine a 6 handed game where it is folded to the small blind who raises a limit holdem hand and proceeds to bet every street, getting called by the big blind each time. Small blind is 150 chips, BB 300. So 1200 pre, plus 600 flop, plus 1200 turn, plus 1200 river = 4200 chips total. 4200 chips = $113.40. Rake cap is not hit. The additional .5% = 21 chips = .56 cents of additional rake.

Title: Re: ✅ SwC Poker ♣️ Player Lounge
Post by: ThatOneGuyOnHere on December 29, 2020, 11:18:44 PM

AlexTrebbert, SwC is aware that you and others want the rake adjusted and find ACR's higher % but lower max rake to be more favorable. They are currently working on creating a new rake schedule, which should come out this week.

Like others have said: The cap is really the only thing that matters, the % is basically irrelevant.

I think you should consider coming up with a plan now on how you intend to respond to future price changes in bitcoin.  If the price of bitcoin goes down, the cap should go up, and if price goes up, cap goes down.  Informing players ahead of time what price will trigger the change, and what the change will be will avoid having to go through this in the future.

The % is relevant. SWC made massive changes to the rake percentages a few months ago.

Let's look at the micros.  The cap is rarely hit in the micros in NL or limit poker.  So the % is the most important thing.  Even if you adjust the cap to something hypothetical like 27 cents usd in the micros which is approximately 10 swc chips. When the % was 2.5% you would need to hit 400 chips to hit the cap. Now with current 3% rake you would need to hit 333.33 chips to hit the cap. At $27000 BTC price, a 400 chips pot is $10.80.  Take a look at what is currently running on SWC below

The only games running right now are micros. The average pot size on both of these tables are below the rake cap. 203.93 average at 5/10 and 190.53 at 2/4. So on average the % is in play. And if you scroll up you will see that SWC increased the rake percentage by 40% on these tables 4 months ago. I'm sure the cap is hit occasionally at the tables listed above so this doesn't equate to an flat 40% increase, but it is very substantial nonetheless.

You will also notice that the rake caps in limit poker are substantially higher when 6 handed than heads up.  This is completely standard and acceptable.  So the % at say a $10/$20 mixed game will come into play at a full table very often.  Lets hypothetically give the this $10/$20 game a $3 USD rake cap. The % was 1.5% earlier this year at this table, now it is 2%. $3 USD is 111 SWC chips at $27000 BTC price. At 2% rake you need a 5,550 chip pot ($150 USD) to hit the max. At 1.5% rake you need a 7,400 chip pot ($200 USD) to hit the max. At 300/600 11 game mix ($8/$16 stakes at $27,000 BTC), let's examine a 6 handed game where it is folded to the small blind who raises a limit holdem hand and proceeds to bet every street, getting called by the big blind each time. Small blind is 150 chips, BB 300. So 1200 pre, plus 600 flop, plus 1200 turn, plus 1200 river = 4200 chips total. 4200 chips = $113.40. Rake cap is not hit. The additional .5% = 21 chips = .56 cents of additional rake.

I really applaud you for your effort! You are really trying and putting time into show the details on everything!

Title: Re: ✅ SwC Poker ♣️ Player Lounge
Post by: jademaxsuy on December 30, 2020, 03:27:55 PM
SWC poker has rakeback? I know that poker is a good game and that anyone could get addicted to it. It means that there will be more poker players to visit your platform because of some feature specifically the anonymity in betting online. However, I wish to know that every good platform has also rakeback feature. Well, if you this feature how much could it be basing on the percentage of the players rake in the game for example in a week? Hoping to get an answer. Thank You!

Title: Re: ✅ SwC Poker ♣️ Player Lounge
Post by: ThatOneGuyOnHere on December 30, 2020, 10:34:59 PM
SWC poker has rakeback? I know that poker is a good game and that anyone could get addicted to it. It means that there will be more poker players to visit your platform because of some feature specifically the anonymity in betting online. However, I wish to know that every good platform has also rakeback feature. Well, if you this feature how much could it be basing on the percentage of the players rake in the game for example in a week? Hoping to get an answer. Thank You!

They have rakeback, which is based upon your krill level. There is a chart on their main site. It gets paid daily as well.

Title: Re: ✅ SwC Poker ♣️ Player Lounge
Post by: ThatOneGuyOnHere on January 01, 2021, 05:43:27 AM
What's this mean lol?

This domain name has been placed in the “suspended” status as it is assigned to a non-eligible registrant following UK’s withdrawal from the European Union.

Any update in the registration data for this domain name will be checked by EURid staff.

If the domain name registration details continue not to meet the relevant eligibility criteria by 31 March 2021, the domain name will be marked as “withdrawn” from 1 April 2021. Withdrawn domain names formerly assigned to GB-GI registrants will be released for general registration as of 1 January 2022.

For further information on the eligibility criteria of the .eu and its variants in other scripts please see our Registration Policy. See also the Brexit notice page.

I don't see the same thing for nitro (the other .eu website I could think of). Did you guys get screwed over by Brexit? What a way to end 2020 lmao


2. Existing registrations
On 1 October 2020, EURid has notified by email all UK registrants and their registrars that they will lose their eligibility as of 1 January 2021 unless they demonstrate their compliance with the .eu regulatory framework by updating their registration data before 31 December 2020. They could do so by indicating a legally established entity in one of the eligible Union Member States, or updating their residence to a Union Member State, or proving their citizenship of a Union Member State irrespective of their residence.
On 21 December 2020, EURid will notify by email all UK registrants who did not demonstrate continued compliance with the eligibility criteria and their registrars about the risk of forthcoming non-compliance with the .eu regulatory framework.


Damn this site is amateur hour... They have never tried to be relevant, and have proven it time and time again.... They have proven that when making HH the face of their sight, and definitely now it's not falling through on this crap.... Why would you trust your money with this site at this point?

Title: Re: ✅ SwC Poker ♣️ Player Lounge
Post by: johhnyUA on January 01, 2021, 10:44:21 PM
Damn this site is amateur hour... They have never tried to be relevant, and have proven it time and time again.... They have proven that when making HH the face of their sight, and definitely now it's not falling through on this crap.... Why would you trust your money with this site at this point?

Yep, their site was not the best in technical part, so it could be foreseen that some shit will occur in future. My friend was many times disconnected in tournaments (i think the main reason why he left SwC, despite he told it has a good design) and I have some lags too.

As i said in their main topic this shouldn't take much time to change domain.

Title: Re: ✅ SwC Poker ♣️ Player Lounge
Post by: scammed-by-nitro on January 02, 2021, 12:42:03 AM
Yeah technically there are a lot of issues.
When you buy in at tables the actually buyin always jumps to a number I didnt choose. Auto rebuy also often doesnt work for me.
Also at some point if I play longer at a table folded cards are not shown anymore.

Also at some point I am not able to right click on other players for muting/adjusting colour/make notes.

Only thing I can do then is leaving the table and join again.

If they close for good, which I dont think will happen, its not really a loss. Tournaments are a joke, no traffic, chat bans, sngs pretty much not available, empty promises, slow or no support and the whole higherhighs and endthefed "are not working for us" but they are active players at the site thing.

Only good thing, weak ass players sometimes at omaha.

Title: Re: ✅ SwC Poker ♣️ Player Lounge
Post by: ThatOneGuyOnHere on January 02, 2021, 02:39:52 AM
Yeah technically there are a lot of issues.
When you buy in at tables the actually buyin always jumps to a number I didnt choose. Auto rebuy also often doesnt work for me.
Also at some point if I play longer at a table folded cards are not shown anymore.

Also at some point I am not able to right click on other players for muting/adjusting colour/make notes.

Only thing I can do then is leaving the table and join again.

If they close for good, which I dont think will happen, its not really a loss. Tournaments are a joke, no traffic, chat bans, sngs pretty much not available, empty promises, slow or no support and the whole higherhighs and endthefed "are not working for us" but they are active players at the site thing.

Only good thing, weak ass players sometimes at omaha.

They're plating lies on transparent issues are what really stop me from liking the site, which is the HH thing definitely. Or claiming technical issues when that's not technically correct. They dropped the ball on that, they have had BTC wallet issues time to time as well which doesn't put a good sense of security in the site. They have proven they can't be trusted because they will blatantly lie about everything. They focus more on higher limits and not sustainability. No more 50 or 100 chip tournaments in rotation per HH, yet BTC is almost at $30K. Doesn't make sense, tournament management is horrible.

Title: Re: ✅ SwC Poker ♣️ Player Lounge
Post by: ThatOneGuyOnHere on January 02, 2021, 02:54:41 AM
Haha, swcpoker dot com (not sure if you can include urls here) is available for $10,000. They do not even have that secured as a business which is mind-blowing. If they can't use EU I wonder what they'll use for a domain!?!?

Title: Re: ✅ SwC Poker ♣️ Player Lounge
Post by: CryptoMaven on January 02, 2021, 04:29:40 AM
Haha, swcpoker dot com (not sure if you can include urls here) is available for $10,000. They do not even have that secured as a business which is mind-blowing. If they can't use EU I wonder what they'll use for a domain!?!?

If you remember April 15, 2011 (a.k.a. Black Friday), the FBI can seize a .com top level domain so there's no reason for SWC to register that one. But there are over 1000 others to choose from. Having at least one backup ready to go would probably be a good idea.

Title: Re: ✅ SwC Poker ♣️ Player Lounge
Post by: ThatOneGuyOnHere on January 03, 2021, 10:09:12 PM
Haha, swcpoker dot com (not sure if you can include urls here) is available for $10,000. They do not even have that secured as a business which is mind-blowing. If they can't use EU I wonder what they'll use for a domain!?!?

If you remember April 15, 2011 (a.k.a. Black Friday), the FBI can seize a .com top level domain so there's no reason for SWC to register that one. But there are over 1000 others to choose from. Having at least one backup ready to go would probably be a good idea.

this is why for one reason...

Haha, swcpoker dot com (not sure if you can include urls here) is available for $10,000. They do not even have that secured as a business which is mind-blowing. If they can't use EU I wonder what they'll use for a domain!?!?

(from the player lounge thread)

Just checked and the domain now reroutes to Nitro! Aaaahahhahahahhaahahah. This is some next level trolling, fair play to them. I'd bet they have more budget for SEO aswell, wonder how long it'll take for that domain to show up first when you google SWC.

At this point, SWC should just sell to Nitro. Or maybe they already did.

GREAT start into 2021, SWC. Well played.

Title: Re: ✅ SwC Poker ♣️ Player Lounge
Post by: ThatOneGuyOnHere on January 05, 2021, 03:06:20 PM

Ok, so the rake % went UP and the leaderboard prize pool went DOWN. Am I getting this right?

There is something very wrong about what is happening here.


Title: Re: ✅ SwC Poker ♣️ Player Lounge
Post by: SkyReVo on January 05, 2021, 09:01:09 PM
I invite everyone who is dissatisfied with the recent rake changes to join discord and talk about it:

This rake is absolute nonsense!

Let's compare the Fixed Limit (mixed game) rake of SWC to Stars, shall we?


and SWC:

Currently, 100/200 is roughly comparable to $3/$6. So, if you look at 100/200, then not only is the percentage of rake taken higher, the cap is more than DOUBLE. Or, to give it another context - say you're playing 150 hands/hour headsup, you will likely pay over $50 in rake at that table, hourly. There is NO way anyone is gonna start these games, ever. It is even worse at 300/600 (which is what mostly ran lately), where you hit the cap pretty much every time and will pay close to $100.

Another comparison - jackpot tables mostly run at 25/50 and 50/100 - especially now that price has increased. And they are very, very nitty. NLHE is a nit game and most people are just set farming for the jackpot. Which in turn means, you will often see flops, but rarely hit the cap at these limits. What do they do? They lower the cap but obscenely raise the rake percentage. This is a rake increase, pure and simple. There is no two ways about it.

Basically, what SWC has done is looked at the games that run the most, increased the rake there by RAISING the rake percentage to a point where it would most often hit the (very slightly reduced) rake cap.

Title: Re: ✅ SwC Poker ♣️ Player Lounge
Post by: AlexTrebbert on January 06, 2021, 03:59:51 PM


Why on earth would you lower the leaderboard payments for cash players before lowering the rake?  Are you paying no attention to your players who have been complaining on and off site about the rake for months.  Instead you run apology free rolls for busto players who probably have less than $100 usd on site and proceed to kick your cash game regs in the nuts who keep your site afloat.

Plus you've gone and done the leaderboard wrong again. You want to pay less players but give them each bigger rewards.  What you've done is all wrong by paying more players but giving them each less. The more you flatten the payouts, the less incentive there is for players to fight for it and move up.

Maybe you should give chat back to your regs. Take a look at the table below. 4 out of 5 players are chat banned. If 4 out of 5 players are banned maybe the problem isn't with the players, maybe it's with whoever is imposing the bans.

More deleted posts in the main thread.

Title: Re: ✅ SwC Poker ♣️ Player Lounge
Post by: AlexTrebbert on January 06, 2021, 08:18:48 PM


In order for limit games to be sustainable, the rake has to be lower.  This has been gone over countless times over the past 10 or 20 years.  If you look at PokerStars and ACR, you will see the rake is 2% capped at 50 cent for $1/2 - $10/20 heads up.  It's 1% and $1 at $15/30 and up.  Once again somehow you think charging 2.5% and $1 cap at mid stakes limit heads up is ok.  This is ever worse because most of the games that run are mixed games that have a huge percentage of split pot games which are notorious rake traps.  I'm not asking for a break here. I'm asking for the established industry standard.

The specific problem is here:

Limit (at 35k btc price)
100/200 ($3.50/$7) - 500/1000 ($17.50/$35) --- 2 players -- 30 chips ($1.05)

Needs to be 14 chips.

These are the games that run. And you only offer 5% rakeback to start. ACR offers 27%.

Another post from today deleted.

Title: Re: ✅ SwC Poker ♣️ Player Lounge
Post by: AlexTrebbert on January 06, 2021, 09:59:43 PM

Detailed analysis of rake will be posted soon.

Title: Re: ✅ SwC Poker ♣️ Player Lounge
Post by: ThatOneGuyOnHere on January 06, 2021, 11:38:35 PM

Detailed analysis of rake will be posted soon.

BuT cAp Is LoWer, peRcEntAGe doEsN'T mAtTEr...

Title: Re: ✅ SwC Poker ♣️ Player Lounge
Post by: AlexTrebbert on January 06, 2021, 11:42:20 PM


Table is just for 2 players at a non heads up table. This is the rake players pay for starting a table. In almost every circumstance, if you go from left to right you will see the rake % and rake cap increase.  There has been a slow, gradual deliberate increase in the rake and the cap. Each rake adjustment it goes up a little more. The USD rake calculations are made on the day of the rake change at the bitstamp price listed on the previous chart.

If I get around to it I will do this for 3 handed and 4 handed plus as well.

The increase in the % is huge at the lower and micro stakes. Especially all those games that don't hit the cap on a regular basis. Hopefully I will get around to making charts that show the rake in BB as well for you micro kids.

Title: Re: ✅ SwC Poker ♣️ Player Lounge
Post by: AlexTrebbert on January 07, 2021, 01:29:58 AM


Fixed limit rake as compared to ACR and PokerStars.  Several issues. The main one being the % needs to be lowered headsup and the cap needs to be lowered about 50% to $.50 at the $3/6 - $10/$20 stakes.

Title: Re: ✅ SwC Poker ♣️ Player Lounge
Post by: AlexTrebbert on January 08, 2021, 04:30:07 PM


Today's SWC rake converted to USD at current BTC prices.  As you can still see the heads up rake cap is an absolute disaster and some of the highest if not the highest in the industry.  Rake was adjusted 3 days ago on SWC and this chart reflects those changes.  Main SWC thread is currently locked. Will post in there when possible.

Title: Re: ✅ SwC Poker ♣️ Player Lounge
Post by: AlexTrebbert on January 13, 2021, 10:50:33 PM


Thank you to our loyal players that understand how hard it is to run SwC Poker.

We see the complaining players are louder than the happy players that enjoy our bitcoin poker room but we will continue to build the site better and better.

2021 will be a great year for us with new features and improvements.

Thank you for the support!

This is a horribly unprofessional response and should be deleted.  This just reeks of higherhighs and his smug chat.  Can't you find someone with more tact to deal with the customers on and off site? This would make your life so much easier.

Title: Re: ✅ SwC Poker ♣️ Player Lounge
Post by: scammed-by-nitro on January 14, 2021, 03:50:11 AM
And they keep all critical posts after that 1.

What a sore company. More people should give them according trust feedbacks.

Title: Re: ✅ SwC Poker ♣️ Player Lounge
Post by: ThatOneGuyOnHere on January 14, 2021, 03:57:14 AM
Thank you to our loyal players that understand how hard it is to run SwC Poker.

We see the complaining players are louder than the happy players that enjoy our bitcoin poker room but we will continue to build the site better and better.

2021 will be a great year for us with new features and improvements.

Thank you for the support!

This is a horribly unprofessional response and should be deleted.  This just reeks of higherhighs and his smug chat.  Can't you find someone with more tact to deal with the customers on and off site? This would make your life so much easier.

It really does sound like HH, but wow this is such an unprofessional post.  This is honestly why I do not want to patronize this site often. They don't get it that the people complaining are regs that have carried them on through the years. They have been promising updates and announcements for a year now and have nothing to show. They dropped the ball and lost their domain name and still got people to come back, which is crazy when you think about it. When are they going to drop the ball on their Bitcoin wallet and not be able to pay player funds. This site has only existed this long because of the regular players continue to come back. They're ongoing campaign to grow the site has failed miserably and has only costed them regular players that contribute to the site.

Title: Re: ✅ SwC Poker ♣️ Player Lounge
Post by: Steamtyme on January 14, 2021, 03:58:12 AM
And they keep all critical posts after that 1.

What a sore company. More people should give them according trust feedbacks.
You can definitely leave them neutrals for their behavior and customer service. Until they scam someone, or begin behavior that is scammy red tags are not appropriate use of the feedback system.

I've moved on to different platforms. Wasn't feeling the environment anymore, and not running our series there made it easier to cut ties.

Title: Re: ✅ SwC Poker ♣️ Player Lounge
Post by: SkyReVo on January 14, 2021, 02:00:42 PM
And they keep all critical posts after that 1.

What a sore company. More people should give them according trust feedbacks.
You can definitely leave them neutrals for their behavior and customer service. Until they scam someone, or begin behavior that is scammy red tags are not appropriate use of the feedback system.

I've moved on to different platforms. Wasn't feeling the environment anymore, and not running our series there made it easier to cut ties.

Do you mean like closing accounts and declining withdrawals to "get in contact" with people and have them agree to a list of demands, including "stop critique here", before reinstating the accounts of letting people withdraw

Because that has happened atleast twice now.

Title: Re: ✅ SwC Poker ♣️ Player Lounge
Post by: AlexTrebbert on January 14, 2021, 03:49:24 PM


Lower the heads up rake.

Title: Re: ✅ SwC Poker ♣️ Player Lounge
Post by: arallmuus on January 14, 2021, 06:49:25 PM
They dropped the ball and lost their domain name and still got people to come back, which is crazy when you think about it.

Its not when you realize that they are probably the only decent poker site left that only allow bitcoin deposits. Not to mention that the prizepool for some tournaments there are pretty decent with far smaller fields if you compare them with other poker sites. That alone should be enough reason for some people to keep coming back

I've moved on to different platforms. Wasn't feeling the environment anymore, and not running our series there made it easier to cut ties.

I have withdrawn 95% of what I had there. When they lost the domain, it kinda feels unprofessional and that its not safe to leave my funds in there. Left some small balance there in case efi wants to start the series again lol

Because that has happened atleast twice now.

Thats dirty

Title: Re: ✅ SwC Poker ♣️ Player Lounge
Post by: Marauders80 on January 15, 2021, 10:40:52 AM
And they keep all critical posts after that 1.

What a sore company. More people should give them according trust feedbacks.
You can definitely leave them neutrals for their behavior and customer service. Until they scam someone, or begin behavior that is scammy red tags are not appropriate use of the feedback system.

I've moved on to different platforms. Wasn't feeling the environment anymore, and not running our series there made it easier to cut ties.

Do you mean like closing accounts and declining withdrawals to "get in contact" with people and have them agree to a list of demands, including "stop critique here", before reinstating the accounts of letting people withdraw

Because that has happened atleast twice now.

Have payouts been declined or held up because of this thread and the open discussion and critique in this thread?  Have they declined payouts due to any criticism in the unofficial 2p2 thread too?

This would be a first. But w btc where it’s at, lots of people/companies are probably looking to join the crypto-milly-lambo fraternity.  I wouldn’t mind taking a look at one of those emails (w any identifying data redacted). 

It’s tough not knowing what to do, as I’m an affiliate at the swc poker club, and so have a duty to represent them.  Yet, my first duty is to place the players with the right site, as best as possible, with the highest rewards possible - whether on swc, kings main, kings home games, Pbros Diamond under a club owner/union official, or ONC.  If I don’t know who’s paying me, personally, I’m more wary.  Cuz payouts are much easier when you know your cashier personally and can access all the tools in your toolbox to ensure players are paid, happy etc

I hope everybody gets paid.  My stomach is growling, gotta feed the beast.  Appreciate the rake charts and I’m not really sure what the harm in this thread is, or why so many posts have been deleted. 

Wishing everybody a happy new year.  Last year was the year of the Rat (yuck).  This is the year of the Blackjack and I think it’s going to work out just fine for everybody.   Plenty of good games online still, including at swc’s poker club I’m sure.  Just gottta be persistent in finding them, in this dynamic online poker scene.  Been playing a lot of single draw recently in a mix.  It’s got too many big bet games for my taste but it might appeal to some.

Anyways, I hope everybody makes money - the sites; the players; everieee body.  And hopefully these cashouts are rectified shortly for those waiting.  Financial solvency/security has never been a problem st swc before.  I was pretty surprised to learn of this stuff re the withdrawals today.  If anybody needs any assistance with anything, I can’t make many promises obv, but I never mind working on solutions that help the players. 

Y’all know how to get in touch, take it easy and gl

Title: Re: ✅ SwC Poker ♣️ Player Lounge
Post by: Steamtyme on January 15, 2021, 10:47:36 AM
Do you mean like closing accounts and declining withdrawals to "get in contact" with people and have them agree to a list of demands, including "stop critique here", before reinstating the accounts of letting people withdraw
Because that has happened atleast twice now.
I do. I would have people bring proof of that here if they give a shit. That's f'd up behavior. I have no problem with a company deciding to not allow a customer to play on their site and bad mouth them at the same time - Jon Little syndrome.

I do have a problem with them holding funds hostage, and I imagine most of the BTC. community would as well.

Title: Re: ✅ SwC Poker ♣️ Player Lounge
Post by: AlexTrebbert on January 15, 2021, 05:36:00 PM
Do you mean like closing accounts and declining withdrawals to "get in contact" with people and have them agree to a list of demands, including "stop critique here", before reinstating the accounts of letting people withdraw
Because that has happened atleast twice now.
I do. I would have people bring proof of that here if they give a shit. That's f'd up behavior. I have no problem with a company deciding to not allow a customer to play on their site and bad mouth them at the same time - Jon Little syndrome.

Out of curiosity how do you suggest SWC identify customers to be banned for behavior off site.  This is a no dox forum, as is 2p2. SWC is a no dox poker site.  How on earth can you connect a SWC account with one that is on this forum by any means other than pure speculation. In theory SWC accounts only belong to the email address associated with the account. Identifying users by devices used or the location of devices used is purely an educated guess, albeit very accurate but nonetheless just an assumption that the same person is on multiple accounts.  Without dox, hypothetically you could even consider an AI to be human depending on how you define a human. And this is the conundrum that is SWC. They have adopted a new attitude and a new face to their brand in the last 6 months which has infuriated a huge percentage of their base yet they have no clear means of controlling who that base is because there are no dox.  You would think if a company was in this position they would try to have an open line of communication with excellent customer service to attempt to keep something in control that has so many vulnerabilities.  I often think SWC has no clue how much their users loved the community at SWC and the site itself. There wouldn't be all this backlash otherwise.

I do have a problem with them holding funds hostage, and I imagine most of the BTC. community would as well.

You might want to ask SWC about this in the main thread or email them.  Proof is going to be rather hard to come by unless people post emails or screenshots. Neither of which are really proof of anything.

Title: Re: ✅ SwC Poker ♣️ Player Lounge
Post by: ThatOneGuyOnHere on January 15, 2021, 09:46:36 PM
Do you mean like closing accounts and declining withdrawals to "get in contact" with people and have them agree to a list of demands, including "stop critique here", before reinstating the accounts of letting people withdraw
Because that has happened atleast twice now.
I do. I would have people bring proof of that here if they give a shit. That's f'd up behavior. I have no problem with a company deciding to not allow a customer to play on their site and bad mouth them at the same time - Jon Little syndrome.

Out of curiosity how do you suggest SWC identify customers to be banned for behavior off site.  This is a no dox forum, as is 2p2. SWC is a no dox poker site.  How on earth can you connect a SWC account with one that is on this forum by any means other than pure speculation. In theory SWC accounts only belong to the email address associated with the account. Identifying users by devices used or the location of devices used is purely an educated guess, albeit very accurate but nonetheless just an assumption that the same person is on multiple accounts.  Without dox, hypothetically you could even consider an AI to be human depending on how you define a human. And this is the conundrum that is SWC. They have adopted a new attitude and a new face to their brand in the last 6 months which has infuriated a huge percentage of their base yet they have no clear means of controlling who that base is because there are no dox.  You would think if a company was in this position they would try to have an open line of communication with excellent customer service to attempt to keep something in control that has so many vulnerabilities.  I often think SWC has no clue how much their users loved the community at SWC and the site itself. There wouldn't be all this backlash otherwise.

I do have a problem with them holding funds hostage, and I imagine most of the BTC. community would as well.

You might want to ask SWC about this in the main thread or email them.  Proof is going to be rather hard to come by unless people post emails or screenshots. Neither of which are really proof of anything.

I saw this happen. The one time I was aware of was for locking the account not holding funds because of stuff said on here. I Don't know if the player directly referenced themselves in an event or by their name. SWC did comment though that it was locked to get their attention.

Title: Re: ✅ SwC Poker ♣️ Player Lounge
Post by: figmentofmyass on January 15, 2021, 11:42:43 PM
I've moved on to different platforms. Wasn't feeling the environment anymore, and not running our series there made it easier to cut ties.

+1, i finally got around to cleaning out my account last night. the coins arrived this morning. i noticed their wallet at least uses native segwit now. :)

but yeah, the rake issues, chat issues, and general bad vibes from management all had me heading this direction. the domain snafu felt really unprofessional---that was the last straw for me.

Title: Re: ✅ SwC Poker ♣️ Player Lounge
Post by: scammed-by-nitro on January 17, 2021, 06:09:48 PM
They wont do that.

Cvnts like ugot try to stage an upraising but this will bring nothing as well. Most players say they join a strike and then puss out, you will see.

Shitty site and mostly shitty people playing at swc. Not to mention the scammers that multi account all the time.

Title: Re: ✅ SwC Poker ♣️ Player Lounge
Post by: SkyReVo on January 18, 2021, 12:09:20 AM
They wont do that.

Cvnts like ugot try to stage an upraising but this will bring nothing as well. Most players say they join a strike and then puss out, you will see.

Shitty site and mostly shitty people playing at swc. Not to mention the scammers that multi account all the time.

What happened?

You just said that and left. :) You have a tilt problem, my friend.

Title: Re: ✅ SwC Poker ♣️ Player Lounge
Post by: scammed-by-nitro on January 18, 2021, 03:16:16 AM
They wont do that.

Cvnts like ugot try to stage an upraising but this will bring nothing as well. Most players say they join a strike and then puss out, you will see.

Shitty site and mostly shitty people playing at swc. Not to mention the scammers that multi account all the time.

What happened?

You just said that and left. :) You have a tilt problem, my friend.

Im not ur friend. Any input was ignored anyway so why bother joining this shit.
Btw,  I said that days ago. Not wasting my time on swc or people that play there. I quit playing on swc weeks ago btw.

And quit sharing peoples swc or other account names on this platform u dumb fuck.

Title: Re: ✅ SwC Poker ♣️ Player Lounge
Post by: SkyReVo on January 18, 2021, 08:07:58 AM
Just thought maybe something specific happened.

That's pretty rich from someone who doxxed my real name on this forum before, don't you think?

Anyways, good luck elsewhere.

Title: Re: ✅ SwC Poker ♣️ Player Lounge
Post by: AlexTrebbert on January 24, 2021, 07:04:56 PM


This has happened to me before (for smaller amounts), I was not compensated. What is the policy here, SWC had an outage that multiple people can vouch for. Please atleast auto-unreg people who lost connection.

Hey ugot0chance why would SwC do anything for you when you are organizing rake strike with beansontoast?

Are you suggesting that there are different rules and policies for different players at SWC depending on whether or not they publicly support SWC's policies?  That would be really bad.  Rules and policies should be enforced equally.  Bootlickers shouldn't get special treatment. The site needs to remain impartial in all instances to allow the user base to be confident that the games are fair.

Title: Re: ✅ SwC Poker ♣️ Player Lounge
Post by: AlexTrebbert on January 30, 2021, 05:27:45 PM


Please make rake competitive with the rest of the poker industry.  The most troublesome area is the limit hu rake at mid stakes $1.00/$2.00 - $15.00/$30.00.  These stakes mix games are your bread and butter and are practically the only non nlh tables that get more than 2 players.  You would think you would have super low rake heads up at these like the SWC of past to get them started so they could fill and then the games could be raked more and generate more players on the site.  

It also might help if the regs who start these games weren't chat banned. #freebeans #freebert #freeuGot

Title: Re: ✅ SwC Poker ♣️ Player Lounge
Post by: ThatOneGuyOnHere on January 30, 2021, 07:39:47 PM
Where is support? I'm shocked half the post are still up in the other thread! Then they post tournament information directly below a post about not getting a response from them. It is very odd. Especially with them saying they needed to work on communication more. Another odd thing is that all their recent twitter posts have no replies, which they normally do. Not sure if you can disable those or not. Just seems like they went radio silent and are just posting automated tournament stuff now.

Title: Re: ✅ SwC Poker ♣️ Player Lounge
Post by: AlexTrebbert on January 31, 2021, 04:28:12 PM

Seems like swc is running out of money now that many regs are striking and have withdrawn their money.

Cant even reply to my mails, posts or my scam accusation thread.

This is how far we have come now.

If you could let us know what your screenname/names are on SWC are, that would be very helpful to figure if this is incompetence on SWC's behalf or if you are one of the many regulars that SWC has chosen to ignore and/or mistreat in support's recent policy shift of playing favorites with regards to answering emails, monitoring chat, and providing refunds for site outages.

If you don't feel comfortable outing your SNs, that's completely understandable. If this is the case, please let us know if you have clashed with SWC's chat moderator or support in the past.

Title: Re: ✅ SwC Poker ♣️ Player Lounge
Post by: Maasdamer on February 01, 2021, 12:55:43 PM

They once again locked their thread.

I reported xgoodfella for chat abuse with a lot of screenshot of him insulting players, here is the answer.

"Thank you for taking the time to send SwC a screenshot of player chat you felt was inappropriate. We will analyze the player's chat and determine what steps to take, if any.

Good luck at the tables."

If any, right. He still has his chat by the way. Mine was perma banned for nothing.

This site is just something else.

Title: Re: ✅ SwC Poker ♣️ Player Lounge
Post by: scammed-by-nitro on February 04, 2021, 11:40:28 AM

Seems like they permanently locked the thread, haha.

Did the strike do anything? Is is still running?

Title: Re: ✅ SwC Poker ♣️ Player Lounge
Post by: SkyReVo on February 04, 2021, 04:10:07 PM

Seems like they permanently locked the thread, haha.

Did the strike do anything? Is is still running?

Not according to higherhighs, he expects 1000 players by the end of the year and thinks everything is going great!

Don't see why you specifically would care though.

Title: Re: ✅ SwC Poker ♣️ Player Lounge
Post by: AlexTrebbert on February 06, 2021, 07:17:50 PM

I reported swc's personal house friend xgoodfella for chat abuse with evidence of him insulting players, here is the answer.

"Thank you for taking the time to send SwC a screenshot of player chat you felt was inappropriate. We will analyze the player's chat and determine what steps to take, if any.

Good luck at the tables."

If any, right. He still has his chat by the way. Mine was perma banned for nothing.

This site is just something else.

Support plays favorites with regards to answering emails, monitoring chat, and providing refunds for site outages.  

Rules and policies should be enforced equally.  Bootlickers shouldn't get special treatment.

SWC needs to remain impartial in all instances to allow the user base to be confident that the games are fair. If support plays favorites with regards to their policies, is playing favorites with regards to game integrity next. This is a slippery slope you are heading down SWC.  Users need to feel confident and trust a site because there is so much that goes on behind the curtain that we can't see for obvious reasons.  Deleting posts here really isn't helping us trust you either.

Title: Re: ✅ SwC Poker ♣️ Player Lounge
Post by: SkyReVo on February 06, 2021, 09:45:27 PM
The other thread got closed as "solved" here:

If they refuse to answer you, you can always open a new thread there as that seems to be the only language they understand now.

Title: Re: ✅ SwC Poker ♣️ Player Lounge
Post by: AlexTrebbert on February 08, 2021, 05:37:40 PM

Fix the rake. Specifically, fix the hu rake at limit midstakes.

Title: Re: ✅ SwC Poker ♣️ Player Lounge
Post by: AlexTrebbert on February 09, 2021, 04:24:05 PM

Rake is mooning!

Title: Re: ✅ SwC Poker ♣️ Player Lounge
Post by: RUchamp on February 10, 2021, 07:01:18 PM

Who woulda thought glitch was actually the better of swc PR.

Death to seals, euthanasia for anyone still playing there

Title: Re: ✅ SwC Poker ♣️ Player Lounge
Post by: SkyReVo on February 11, 2021, 07:44:40 AM

Who woulda thought glitch was actually the better of swc PR.

Death to seals, euthanasia for anyone still playing there

That link doesn't work.

Title: Re: ✅ SwC Poker ♣️ Player Lounge
Post by: tokeweed on February 11, 2021, 02:19:23 PM
I’m getting the sense that the site has lost a big chunk of traffic while looking at the lobby rn.  What could have been...  SWC missed an opportunity to build a BTC economy.  If only it had focused on the micros and built the player base from there.  It could turn out more solid and more sustainable imho.

Title: Re: ✅ SwC Poker ♣️ Player Lounge
Post by: johhnyUA on February 12, 2021, 09:45:27 PM
I’m getting the sense that the site has lost a big chunk of traffic while looking at the lobby rn.  What could have been...  SWC missed an opportunity to build a BTC economy.  If only it had focused on the micros and built the player base from there.  It could turn out more solid and more sustainable imho.

It's heartbreaking to hear such things  :'(

SwC was the most comfortable and cools place for poker I have to see. With minimalistic and good design.
But i think maybe the problem with traffic because the peak was at Covid spring lookdown?

Title: Re: ✅ SwC Poker ♣️ Player Lounge
Post by: RUchamp on February 12, 2021, 10:16:15 PM
It's a screenshot of the definition of "death knell"

But seriously you'd have to either be somehow scamming or short chromosomes to still play on swc (bert)

Title: Re: ✅ SwC Poker ♣️ Player Lounge
Post by: ThatOneGuyOnHere on February 13, 2021, 02:55:47 AM
I’m getting the sense that the site has lost a big chunk of traffic while looking at the lobby rn.  What could have been...  SWC missed an opportunity to build a BTC economy.  If only it had focused on the micros and built the player base from there.  It could turn out more solid and more sustainable imho.

This is the biggest issue. Constantly deciding not to add tournaments lower than 100 chips was a big issue. Give the player base a way to get their bankroll, and feed the upper limits. No site out there today doesn't cater to the micros. That feeds the higher limits.

Title: Re: ✅ SwC Poker ♣️ Player Lounge
Post by: SkyReVo on February 13, 2021, 08:46:16 AM
I mean, that's just not true. Most sites have stopped catering to micro/nano players, such as party poker, who have chosen to almost exclusively offer satellites into bigger BI tournaments for nano players.

Or GG poker, who has chosen to position themselves as THE midstakes+ tournament website and has successfully created the most successful schedule online (up to 300.000 people online) - every micro tournament is either turbo or hyper here and on the other end of the spectrum, they regularly run $2650 buy-in tournaments and in cashgames, they have the super highstakes VIP games now. I mean, look at this:

And it's not remotely close to prime time right now.

Or Kingsclubspkr, who up until recently had $4/$8 as their lowest limit games and positioned themselves as the place to be for non-NLHE players.

Turns out a midstakes+ player is infinitely more valuable to a poker site than micro stakes players.

The big issue SWC has is that they had one trademark position in the market - lowest rake - and they fucked with that, so everyone who doesn't strictly plays for fun has up and gone somewhere better. Except for Chinese, which still seems to run as there is only one real alternative, there is better options out there for every single variant now.

Title: Re: ✅ SwC Poker ♣️ Player Lounge
Post by: AlexTrebbert on February 19, 2021, 08:37:59 PM

This is just silly at this point. $8+ rake at the jackpot tables and $1.50+ for heads up limit rake at mid stakes.

Title: Re: ✅ SwC Poker ♣️ Player Lounge
Post by: AlexTrebbert on February 28, 2021, 05:16:18 PM

Rake is still some of the highest in the industry in certain spots. Once again, heads up limit rake is too high and double the rake vs ACR and Stars in the stakes that people actually play $2/$4 USD - $10/$20 USD.

Prices of BTC on date of last 2 rake adjustments:

Median price on Jan 5th = $33,000.00
Median price on Feb 26th = $46,700.00

There was a 43% rise in BTC price from Jan 5th to Feb 26th.  I am assuming the reduction in rake is due to the rise of BTC, therefore the rake should be reduced approximately 29.3%.  In every spot except 3 in the chart above it remains the same.  Not one of the rake reductions listed in the limit rake chart comparison between Jan 5th and Feb 26th is even close to a 29% reduction.  This rake cut looks more like a rake increase to me when you look at rake in USD value.   Since you are so transparent about your rake schedule and you talk about rake unlike other poker sites can you please explain this?

You Asked, We Listened


Most poker rooms don't talk about rake because it's too high.
SwC does because we offer low rake & fast cashouts.

See Our Current Rake Tables (
See Our Transparent Record Of Past Rake Tables (

Title: Re: ✅ SwC Poker ♣️ Player Lounge
Post by: AlexTrebbert on March 01, 2021, 10:56:09 PM
This rake cut looks more like a rake increase to me when you look at rake in USD value.
Compare the rake before to the rake now.

Glady. You can't predict whether BTC will rise or fall with any certainty, so in order to compare the rake you need to compare vs the dates it was adjusted. I will compare the rake caps in USD price on Jan 5th (the date of the prior rake adjustment) vs the rake caps in USD price on Feb 26th (the date of the most recent rake adjustments).

As you can see above, every fixed limit stake has had it's base USD rake increased when you compare vs the Jan 5th rake schedule.  If you look at all the games that run the most you can see that the 10/20 jackpot has also increased, so have all of the ofc games except 25/pt and 200+/pt.  $200/pt + never runs anymore. That's $10/pt at 50k btc price.

The cap has been reduced in nlh 6max and 9 handed tables at 25/50 and above.  This rarely runs anymore since 25/50 is $1.25/$2.50 at 50k btc price.  Nonetheless, this a a positive step in the right direction albeit a baby step.

The cap has also been reduced below 5/10 nl/pl.  This is a stake that the cap means very little since the cap gets hit substantially less.  At 5/10 you would need a pot of 1,125 chips to hit the cap of 45 chips. That's a 112.5 big blind pot.


The rake looks pretty reasonable to me - especially fixed limit games.

Well when you compare the fixed limit rake to stars and ACR, it's not reasonable.  The problem areas are marked in red and green.  The major areas that need fixing are still heads up mid stake, but there are problems everywhere.

Title: Re: ✅ SwC Poker ♣️ Player Lounge
Post by: AlexTrebbert on March 03, 2021, 06:12:13 PM
I believe there is new text shown in the Withdraw section of the SwC Poker cashier:

Your withdraw will be slightly less due to Bitcoin network fee. Users pay exact network fee, there is no charge by SwC.

This is correct. For withdrawals, the required network fee will be deducted from the total amount withdrawn. Players will only pay the exact network fee required to complete the transaction. SwC does not charge or keep any fees for deposits or withdrawals.

Can you please announce changes that negatively affect users prior to their implementation in the future.  Your failure to communicate changes prior to their implementation has caused outrage in the past with regards to issues like rake.

I would also suggest discussing proposed changes with the community first to see how they will go over.

I would like to point out that NitrogenSports offers 1 free withdrawal per week for users who gamble over a certain amount of their initial deposit.  Possibly something like this could be a better solution to keep costs down.

You could have users specify the fee that they would like to pay.  I realize that something like this may require software development.   Maybe you could do something like the withdrawal's last digit would signify the speed of transaction your user would like to implement.  Say a withdrawal of 10,000.01 would signify that the user wants the transaction sent with a high fee whereas a withdraw of 10,000.09 would suggest that a user wants the transaction sent with the lowest fee possible.

Also the way you are sending bitcoin seems very suboptimal. When the site is paying for fees this isn't a problem, but if you are charging your users the actual transaction fee you should do your best to keep these fees as low as possible.  Below is a withdrawal processed by SWC within the last 24 hrs.  The user is a regular and was charged the actual network fee. The user posted this in the SWC trollbox and made it public. I have converted the transaction to USD values and hidden the addresses to keep this transaction as private as possible.

How to keep fees low and BTC lingo is not an area of my expertise so I will leave discussing how this is a very suboptimal transaction and the possible solutions to someone with more knowledge in this area.

Title: Re: ✅ SwC Poker ♣️ Player Lounge
Post by: AlexTrebbert on March 13, 2021, 09:54:50 PM
March 18th - April 4th

No 5k or 10k mixed events?  Only 1 3k mixed event?  Only 6 non nlh events?  Only 1 PLO event? Are you even listening to your user base?  One of the few things SWC still has going for it is that all the non-nlh games get spread and played there. For some reason there is the misconception by your tourney director that lower buyins brings in more player. Lower buyins bring more players who like to play tourneys with lower buyins. These are not the same players who play higher buyins.  You have a large group of cash game players who play mix who aren't really interested in playing $20 or $55 mtts that pay out under $1k usd for 1st and would rather play $215s or $530s. You are not catering to them at all.

Obviously you will get more players in a micro stakes nlh tourney.  The non nlh mtts are a niche thing. You have to keep them on the schedule and hope to build them over time. What you do not want to do is be results oriented right away.  Play to your strengths which in this case is that you actually spread games like 27td, badeucey, badacey, badugi, stud, stud8, 5 card PLO, BigO.  You can't expect them to crush it every time, but you want to keep them around.  Patience, grasshopper.  You aren't failing as a poker site if you run a non nlh tourney and it doesn't run, you are establishing a base for the long run and investing in the future.

What you do not want to do are the following things you have been doing:
1) DO NOT CHANGE THE START TIME EVER.  The high roller 11 game was originally at something like 7 pm EST 2 or 3 months ago. Then it got shifted to 4 or 5 pm EST. And then a few weeks ago it got switched to 9:30 pm EST.  You want to be consistent.  Some timeslots are better for some players, some aren't.  For example, the high roller is set to start at 9pm EST every weekend and Joe is a reg who plays almost every week. Joe can play at 9pm EST but can't play at 3pm EST.  If you switch it from 9pm to 3pm you lose Joe, you don't necessarily gain another person who is available at that time slot right away.  That takes time.  It's not like you are aggressively advertising.  And say you do find someone who would be a potential regular at the new time slot.  They have to actually remember that it is at 3pm EST.  Joe knew it was at 9pm and would make time for it.  When you shift the time slot you lose players, when you lose players there is a chance the tourney doesn't run, when it doesn't run it discourages players from showing up in the future and they begin looking for other things at that time and then your tourney dies. CHANGE IS BAD.

2) DO NOT CHANGE THE BUYIN.  This is a huge issue at a bitcoin poker site and sometimes you are forced to.  I think you often overlook one of the key psychological aspects of poker.  Human beings hate losing more than they love winning.  This is often why you see people move up in stakes aggressively when losing: chasing loses. Now when you apply this to bitcoin and poker, you will see that people almost always want to win back the amount of bitcoin they have lost.  This is completely independent of the price of bitcoin in USD.  For example, James had 50,000 chips on SWC when BTC was $10,000, he has lost 20,000 chips over the last few months and now he has 30,000 chips with BTC is at $50,000. Chances are James is thinking that he is down 20,000 chips, losing, and wants to win those chips back, not that he is up $1000 in USD.  People don't like to move down in stakes and that applies to stakes in BTC too.  People will be much more apt to move up in stakes than down.  You had a healthy 11 game tourney at 10k chips and it very rarely didn't run.  By changing it to 5k you upset a lot of players and a lot of players lost interest in it because it was not what they were accustomed to playing for.  Now combine this with the changing of time slots repeatedly and another drop in price to 3k chips and you have practically killed this once very healthy MTT.  Now of course I would imagine that at some point you would have had to reduce this MTT from it's original 10k but you don't need to jump the gun on this because CHANGE IS BAD.  All you can do is lose when you change anything regarding a scheduled MTTs timeslot or buyin.

3) YOU DO NOT NEED TO STAGGER YOUR MTT SCHEDULE WITH REGARDS TO BIG BUYIN MIXED GAMES.  9:30 pm EST on a Sunday has to be the nut worst time to run a regular scheduled mixed tourney.  Everything in the MTT world on Sundays starts at around 11am EST, gets really going around 1pm or 2pm EST, and then drops off around 4 pm or 5 pm EST.  This would coincide with when most of the NFL games are running.  Also this would be as soon as possible after Sunday morning church service.  9pm is no man's land. People have already played their tourneys for the day. The sporting events are over and people are no longer sweating their bets.  Some have even had too many beers at this point.  If somehow you are thinking that staggering your big buyin MTTs is a good idea, you are doing it backwards.  You should run the 11 game high roller before or right around the same time as the Big BTC, not after.  A player who busts from the 11 game is much more likely to join the Big BTC in an effort to get unstuck than a player who busts the Big BTC is to join the 11 game tourney.  A player who plays mixed knows how to play nlh.  And on the off chance that the 11 game doesn't run, a player can jump into the Big BTC (This is also a great reason to have the 11 game be 5k chips like the Big BTC).

I suggest changing the weekly 11 game to 5k chips and moving it to 5pm EST or earlier.

Don't micromanage the timeslots and buyins.  Pick something and run with it.

Title: Re: ✅ SwC Poker ♣️ Player Lounge
Post by: RUchamp on April 09, 2021, 11:38:48 PM
mmmm $40k of ruchamp action not going to swc  :-*

Title: Re: ✅ SwC Poker ♣️ Player Lounge
Post by: pokerman855 on November 15, 2021, 12:56:30 PM
So, if i go with KK and someone else goes with AA and i win i get the jackpot?

no, it's much more rare than that. the BBJ gets triggered when someone loses the main pot with AAAKK (the nut full house) or better. that means you're only gonna see it happen when at least one player has quads or better. there are some additional rules too. for example, quads only count when you have pocket pair hole cards.

It would be nice to have more info about it, i had try to search on the site and couldn't find info, and i'm not allowed to ask in the chat because i have not much krill. So, it would be nice if you explain me the right way to win the prize in the jackpot. Thanks.

all the info you need is here:

Thanks for the great answer buddy, now i understand how it works, but the odds of it to happen is really low, i mean you need to be in a table with 4 players and see trips with pair in the table, then two of the users must have poker... is a weird scenario, it's possible but really hard to happen...

yeah, i hear ya. one thing to note is that BBJ tables are where all the action is on SwC, more often than not. also, it's not just the player that gets the bad beat who gets paid out---so does the hand winner + everyone else dealt into the hand. this dynamic tends to make the BBJ tables even juicier, so the jackpot isn't the only reason to play them.

I love SWC poker! Never had issues with it.

I been playing swc many years its very nice low rake and decent action atm 2BTC Bad beat jackpot aswell. I have full trust in the site seen alot skechy ones but this one is very good.

Im Agent for Swc anyone who wants extra 15% rb PM me @ discord PokerAgent007#4266