Bitcoin Forum

Economy => Economics => Topic started by: smartcontracts100 on October 02, 2020, 09:15:39 PM

Title: "Humans will not be replaced by robots very soon" --- yeah right !!!
Post by: smartcontracts100 on October 02, 2020, 09:15:39 PM
"Humans will not be replaced by robots very soon" --- yeah right !!!

Mof...kers did you watch the video on youtube with Atlas doing parkour ?

Skynet is coming !!! Arm yourself's.

Title: Re: "Humans will not be replaced by robots very soon" --- yeah right !!!
Post by: STT on October 02, 2020, 10:25:49 PM
Ok Iam impressed, I had not seen that particular one.   The balance is very good and mobility possible.    Still robots are behind humans in a majority of situations and that particular version is going to cost more then a supercar which should put it at some disadvantage.
   The main reasons robots will rise is economic and largely down to fiscal policies that do not allow easy employment.  Humans come with alot of red tape and this is down to government policy vs business basically and whether to impede or facilitate trade and production in a country.    Its the same reason alot of production goes over seas to countries that will lend favor to any requirements a business has where alot of the western economies constantly increase the requirements of employing any person, large liabilities make robots quite simple in comparison hence you will be right in some years.

Title: Re: "Humans will not be replaced by robots very soon" --- yeah right !!!
Post by: Darker45 on October 03, 2020, 02:25:56 AM
"Humans will not be replaced by robots very soon" --- yeah right !!!

What do you mean by replace?

Manufacturing facilities and factories have been handled by robots to a certain extent but these robots are controlled by humans. Human products may be assembled by robots but robots are assembled by humans. 

But, yeah, a great deal of human labor is now displaced thanks to a more efficient robot force in the workplace.

Title: Re: "Humans will not be replaced by robots very soon" --- yeah right !!!
Post by: maydna on October 03, 2020, 04:28:48 AM
Perhaps not yet the time for robots to replace humans in any sector, but as we know, in some big companies such as an electronic company, car manufacturer and company, and others already use a robot to help humans work. That company realizes that the robot can help them to produce a better product with accuracy and perfect, so we can see that in the market, many products available with good conditions.

Perhaps, robots will replace human works in the future when technology develops more than now. And we will see something different from what we watched in the movie. But that year still not predictable since many scientists still create a better technology to help humans.

Title: Re: "Humans will not be replaced by robots very soon" --- yeah right !!!
Post by: abhiseshakana on October 03, 2020, 05:27:52 AM
Automation, especially in the manufacturing sector, is needed with the aim of being able to become a competitive and efficient country when facing difficult economic times. For many industries, as production standards increase, labor costs also become more expensive. This condition forces many industries to switch from manual to semi-automated or fully automated.

For repetition and memory jobs, robots are indeed the winner, but robots find it difficult to do complex problem solving because robots do not have the heart and cognitive intelligence. In addition, automation is indeed a government program and a necessity. So that the current government's task is to ensure comprehensive and relevant education so that in the next few decades, the workforce is absorbed according to the labor market.

Title: Re: "Humans will not be replaced by robots very soon" --- yeah right !!!
Post by: Lorence.xD on October 03, 2020, 05:34:20 AM
Automation, especially in the manufacturing sector, is needed with the aim of being able to become a competitive and efficient country when facing difficult economic times. For many industries, as production standards increase, labor costs also become more expensive. This condition forces many industries to switch from manual to semi-automated or fully automated.

For repetition and memory jobs, robots are indeed the winner, but robots find it difficult to do complex problem solving because robots do not have the heart and cognitive intelligence. In addition, automation is indeed a government program and a necessity. So that the current government's task is to ensure comprehensive and relevant education so that in the next few decades, the workforce is absorbed according to the labor market.
Automation will not happen in a day. If it comes to that, I think the government will be addressing the problem of millions of workers getting replaced by machines. I am optimistic about automation because I see it as a gateway for more people to focus on endeavors focused on scientific research. With more people studying STEM related courses, we can further advance our civilization because most of the populace are scientist, engineers, chemist, physicist and other jobs that are fundamental for an advancing civilization.

Title: Re: "Humans will not be replaced by robots very soon" --- yeah right !!!
Post by: Natsuu on October 03, 2020, 05:38:26 AM
What is robot for clarification,

a machine capable of carrying out a complex series of actions automatically, especially one programmable by a computer.

- (

And what is Artificial Intelligence,

Artificial intelligence (AI) refers to the simulation of human intelligence in machines that are programmed to think like humans and mimic their actions. The term may also be applied to any machine that exhibits traits associated with a human mind such as learning and problem-solving.

-,as%20learning%20and%20problem%2Dsolving. (,as%20learning%20and%20problem%2Dsolving.)

Your quote
"Humans will not be replaced by robots very soon" --- yeah right !!!
might be wrong in some ways. Robots can't ever replace humans cause robots are only programmed to do certain tasks designed by a human being. Maybe what you are referring to are the artificial intelligence who can uncover logics behind a series of actions and knowledge.

But hell yeah, that Atlas is impressive for doing those things, the calculations for the amount of force and tension to be exerted is superb.

Title: Re: "Humans will not be replaced by robots very soon" --- yeah right !!!
Post by: Upgrade00 on October 03, 2020, 06:06:25 AM
In the description of the YouTube video, they wrote that they have achieved a success rate of 80% with this prototype;
"we developed the routine significantly faster than previous Atlas routines, with a performance success rate of about 80%."
This is quite high and shows incredible development from a couple of years ago. Research must have gone far ahead of this design currently, and we would likely be witnessing fully automated machines in the future with huge growth in the Artificial Intelligence sector.

Change is imminent and technology has been advancing from when first discoveries of wave motion and the basic laws of motion were made. These lead to further inventions and has been causing disruption in various sectors by making work easier and production faster and more efficient - This has been the bedrock of civilization.
Humans also have an insatiable hunger for development, so it is unlikely we would hit an epoch in technological advancement, there would always be new prototypes and better inventions till we get to a fully automated era.

"Humans will not be replaced by robots very soon" --- yeah right !!!
I commented on a similar post some time back; that humans are already being replaced. Mechanization of the manufacturing industry has lead to an increase in unemployment in that sector, as well as a much higher production rate. This impact would be more felt in the future and is a direct consequence of invention.
A fully or largely automated workforce is futuristic, and before that time, I would assume adaptations would be made in the system to accommodate such changes.

Title: Re: "Humans will not be replaced by robots very soon" --- yeah right !!!
Post by: fiulpro on October 03, 2020, 08:10:00 AM
See as long as artificial intelligence takes over and forces humans out to extinction, the word replace comes out a little strong.

The thing is :
Not everyone would be able to afford it
How many of you have that cleaning robot thing in your house ? Not everyone will like it ! Try changing the perception of old people, they prefer everything made by hand and such.
Humans will stop them in advance if they reach the level where they might start replacing them. You would need people to actually take care of them too, clean them, charge them, make sure there are no complications, this large scale replacement would further need more people to be in charge of it.
Yes, there are robots capable of doing human tasks, even in the surgery BUT you need to understand that , they lack the general ability to make decisions, which would always make a human more important!!

Title: Re: "Humans will not be replaced by robots very soon" --- yeah right !!!
Post by: Stalker22 on October 03, 2020, 08:45:22 AM
Humans have already been replaced by robots in various daily tasks. How many of you already have Roomba or some other automatic vacuum cleaner in your household? Or maybe an automated lawn mower?
Just as cars gradually replaced horse-drawn carriages a hundred years ago, so will robots replace human labor in many physically strenuous and tedious jobs.

Title: Re: "Humans will not be replaced by robots very soon" --- yeah right !!!
Post by: hatshepsut93 on October 03, 2020, 11:23:44 AM
Yeah, AI in the recent years conquered a lot of fields, but it still is nowhere near competing with humans in the most important one - creativity. If AI can't create something new, it's just a parrot, a monkey that does tricks. Yes, it will replace a lot of jobs, especially the low skilled ones, but without creativity a huge amount of jobs will be off-limits for AI, and it's very likely that the new future jobs will require creativity in some form. So, I'm really not worried that AI and robots will make us all unemployed.

Title: Re: "Humans will not be replaced by robots very soon" --- yeah right !!!
Post by: bits4books on October 03, 2020, 11:26:08 AM
So is that a bad thing? Robots can replace heavy, monotonous, low - skilled or dangerous professions-movers, welders, work in the melting factory, and so on. What's wrong with that? Is it a bad thing that people will have to do less and less hard low-paid work? This is much more positive than not. Yes, at first there may be problems with the rise in unemployment and other things, but robots also need to be designed, assembled, repaired, maintained, monitored, and prepared for these robots workspaces.
The problem of unemployment here will be the first time before the transition from one labor formation to another (as well as during the industrial revolution) ends, after which everything will return to normal. Remind me where are luddites now who shouted that machines would replace man and the hard workers would have nothing to eat?

Title: Re: "Humans will not be replaced by robots very soon" --- yeah right !!!
Post by: dothebeats on October 03, 2020, 12:04:18 PM
In areas where manufacturing efficiency and precision is concerned--especially on large manufacturing sites--robots have already replaced humans, but the humans still control them in some way to ensure that nothing wrong will ever happen while they are doing their work. Also, the 'robots' that you are pertaining to are far from being the robots that Skynet portrayed. While the advancements on robotics these last few decades is really great, if we are to relate the current gen robots' movements and decision making to a human, they are still far-off.

So far, the most useful AIs are found on the field of data science and machine learning. Robots, on the other hand, are for physical activities that normal humans cannot achieve on their own thus requiring extra mechanical effort to complete. The dystopian Skynet takeover is far from reality--or will never be a reality IMO.

Title: Re: "Humans will not be replaced by robots very soon" --- yeah right !!!
Post by: coolcoinz on October 03, 2020, 12:09:12 PM
Skynet is coming !!! Arm yourself's.

With what? sticks and stones?
In the EU it's getting more and more difficult to get firearms. The left is gaining more power and coming up with theories that it's not people who kill but weapons and that if we allow people to have firearms they'll keep killing each other... That said, firearms won't stop self-learning machines. How do you arm yourself against an evolving virus that lurks in the Internet and takes over your tesla autopilot to crash you into a fuel truck?

Title: Re: "Humans will not be replaced by robots very soon" --- yeah right !!!
Post by: Lucius on October 03, 2020, 12:58:14 PM
Industrial robots are something that is advancing very strongly and it is not uncommon for some production facilities to be robotized to the point that only two out of 50 employees remain - but this is a reality and it should come as no surprise that someone wants workers who don’t complain, don’t need pay and do not go on sick leave or vacation.

Up to 20 million manufacturing jobs around the world could be replaced by robots by 2030, according to analysis firm Oxford Economics. About 1.7 million manufacturing jobs have already been lost to robots since 2000, including 400,000 in Europe, 260,000 in the US, and 550,000 in China, it said. The firm predicted that China will have the most manufacturing automation, with as many as 14 million industrial robots by 2030. However, if there was a 30% rise in robot installations worldwide, that would create $5 trillion in additional global GDP, it estimated. At a global level, jobs will be created at the rate they are destroyed, it said.

As for industrial robots, according to this research, the situation does not seem so bad - people will do easier and less dangerous jobs, which should affect their quality of life, of course for the better.

And as for the skynet and similar SF scenarios, we will have to wait for that - such complex robots or better said androids exist and will exist for a long time only on the movie screen.

In the EU it's getting more and more difficult to get firearms. 

Somewhere it’s really hard, but in countries like Austria it’s pretty easy to buy firearms.

Austria is considered to have the most relaxed laws in the European Union.
From aged 18, Austrians can freely buy and own certain types of shotguns and semi-automatic rifles for sport and hunting. They only have to be registered with a licensed dealer within six weeks of purchase.
Non-repeating shotguns don't need a license.

Title: Re: "Humans will not be replaced by robots very soon" --- yeah right !!!
Post by: Maroons on October 03, 2020, 01:37:41 PM
Skynet like robots will be very unlikely now to be honest, why? because as robots now that are made for fighting isn't that agile enough to be compared to skynet robots, robots now that are made for fighting is equipped with big guns and bullet proof skins and what you showed us is just a robot that is made to replicate parkour that humans can do and yeah that is a very intelligent and well built robot but arming ourselves just because of those things is very unnecessary. the only thing that robots surpassed humans are production speed, calculating speed and just the things that makes works of human convenient and easy, what we need to fear is not robots taking over us or robots killing us but being unemployed because you have been replaced by a robot and i don't even need to explain it deeper for we are seeing it today.

Title: Re: "Humans will not be replaced by robots very soon" --- yeah right !!!
Post by: plvbob0070 on October 03, 2020, 02:57:50 PM
Replace in what?

The one in the video is definitely awesome and I won't argue with that. If it's about the general aspect, even with the advancement of robots right now, their capabilities are still limited based on how humans program them for a specific activity compared to humans who can do a lot of different activities. But as for jobs, we can't erase that the purpose of this kind of advancement is really to make things easier for humans so we will definitely see in the future more companies will depend on AI for convenience and it may replace some jobs but not too soon.

Title: Re: "Humans will not be replaced by robots very soon" --- yeah right !!!
Post by: Cnut237 on October 03, 2020, 03:26:12 PM
Physical robots replacing humans for the execution of physical tasks started a long time ago. Think of car manufacturing plants for example. They don't have to look like humans, it's just that it can be quite unnerving when they do. The advances in robotics are impressive though, particularly the Boston Dynamics stuff. But I think the main area of advancement where humans are starting to be replaced by machines is in automation and improvement of human mental tasks. Increasing segments of the workforce will find their jobs under threat.

... but this isn't to say that physical robots aren't coming. For example, take a look at the robot that is already working as a sheep dog (

Title: Re: "Humans will not be replaced by robots very soon" --- yeah right !!!
Post by: AniviaBtc on October 03, 2020, 03:54:02 PM
Robots will never fully replace human soon because governments are aware about the people's ability to work and get paid.

If technology will evolve like that economy will surely go down at the same time we adopt that kind of development.

Governments are not that dumb to let people suffer from famine and financial crisis when they utilize robots above laborers. We need workers and human labor to strengthen so that our economy will become stable and grow compared to an economy that uses robot in any businesses that they are working.

Title: Re: "Humans will not be replaced by robots very soon" --- yeah right !!!
Post by: Wexnident on October 03, 2020, 04:04:29 PM
Pretty old vid, I also watched a robot vid in the testing back then, most of it was the robot going out of control and basically almost beating up the testers. Still, it is true in the sense that robots will replace humans, but let's be specific here. Humans would be replaced by robots in doing miscellaneous and repetitive tasks, but they won't replace humans as the leading being with intellect in the world. We may say that robots can develop their AI with enough calculations, but humans could do the same, and they could do it without any path, while robots need a path that is specifically made by humans. Besides, technically, any knowledge achieved by a robot is knowledge achieved by humans as well, we need to stop assuming that robots are and could be a third party in our path.

Title: Re: "Humans will not be replaced by robots very soon" --- yeah right !!!
Post by: Findingnemo on October 03, 2020, 04:08:05 PM
"Humans will not be replaced by robots very soon" --- yeah right !!!

Mof...kers did you watch the video on youtube with Atlas doing parkour ?

Skynet is coming !!! Arm yourself's.

It is not going to be replaced very soon, look at that machine it is just jumping and swirling but how much invested for this machine? Possibly in millions or billions. Still they are at infant and may need decades to see the scenes we saw on the movie i Robot.

Title: Re: "Humans will not be replaced by robots very soon" --- yeah right !!!
Post by: Ayiranorea on October 03, 2020, 05:05:58 PM
Recently saw a thread where robotics kill the common man's job, in specific it was briefed about the usage of robots on hotel waiter and other similar jobs. In the place of employees of robots were used the owner can recover the investment in about 25 months time. When people go behind money surely they'll forget humanity and will implement robots on daily needs.

Title: Re: "Humans will not be replaced by robots very soon" --- yeah right !!!
Post by: cheezcarls on October 03, 2020, 05:17:07 PM
I agree to the title, because there are still some cons that needs to be addressed by these robots. They still can't do something that humans can do in terms of "free thinking" or "making their own decisions" in some deep tasks. Robot's mind is no match to a human brain. I just don't know about Sophia though. Despite that she's a state-of-the-art AI robot who responds and talks "almost" like human, but still it cannot match a human's brain.

Maybe these companies are doing this because of our health. Any person can make valid or invalid excuse for not reporting to work, or are not accurate on what they are doing inside the workplace.

I don't think humans will be replaced by robots soon, and I may not likely see it until my last breath.

Title: Re: "Humans will not be replaced by robots very soon" --- yeah right !!!
Post by: Cnut237 on October 03, 2020, 07:49:33 PM
they won't replace humans as the leading being with intellect in the world.
robots need a path that is specifically made by humans. Besides, technically, any knowledge achieved by a robot is knowledge achieved by humans as well

I don't agree with this assessment. Machine Learning is developing at pace. We may still be a long way from a computer that is self-aware, but we already have computers that can out-think humans in creative terms. We could consider for example AlphaGo and AlphaGo Zero ( The game of Go is much more challenging for a computer than is chess.

AlphaGo was primed with huge quantities of data from human vs human games of Go... and it was able from that start, with its neural net and deep learning algorithms to become better than the best human player in the world.
But its successor, AlphaGo Zero, was not primed with human data. All that its neural net knew about Go was the rules. It had to learn by playing itself. It surpassed the human-trained version of AlphaGo extremely quickly, and beat it 100-0 in a head-to-head match. AG Zero is so good and so creative - in ways that humans hadn't conceived - that human Go players are now influenced by its style of play.

This trend will only continue.

Title: Re: "Humans will not be replaced by robots very soon" --- yeah right !!!
Post by: Broly46 on October 03, 2020, 08:51:53 PM
Job security was a relic from the past, we will eventually turn all human to go into welfare folks, be grateful to even have job, because there is more and more salty people who have no job, also without income all sort of social issues arise, notably the growing number of woke community.

Title: Re: "Humans will not be replaced by robots very soon" --- yeah right !!!
Post by: finaleshot2016 on October 03, 2020, 09:41:52 PM
Of course, it's very impossible in the future that we are being replaced by robots unless humans made things like in the HZD (the game) that automatically creates robots and very strong AI.

Also, it will take a lot of years before it happens because we still lack in other fields.

It's very hard to make a good artificial intelligence that runs and having maintenance by its own system.

Title: Re: "Humans will not be replaced by robots very soon" --- yeah right !!!
Post by: Twentyonepaylots on October 03, 2020, 09:52:12 PM
Recently saw a thread where robotics kill the common man's job, in specific it was briefed about the usage of robots on hotel waiter and other similar jobs.
I think he's also the one who opened that thread, and yes robots can do what we can do but just a fraction of it still robots can't adapt on every environment and situation that it were put into.

In the place of employees of robots were used the owner can recover the investment in about 25 months time. When people go behind money surely they'll forget humanity and will implement robots on daily needs.
But they must consider that the robots don't have any family to feed, food to eat, water to drink and everything. They can replace humans from working but that's not the very essential of studying having a job and living the life. if we get use to rely on robots then I'll believe that the mass destruction of us is due to uncontrollable artificial intelligence.

Title: Re: "Humans will not be replaced by robots very soon" --- yeah right !!!
Post by: Sapphire915 on October 03, 2020, 10:10:05 PM
Just wow! So awesome creation. However, robots will definitely cannot replace humans, you matter how alike or smart the feature of a robot, but still, it doesnt have a heart like humans. Robots will remain as robots as they are and we as humans. Too much differences in many forms, isnt it?😉

Title: Re: "Humans will not be replaced by robots very soon" --- yeah right !!!
Post by: worldofcoins on October 04, 2020, 03:59:10 AM
Most companies are using robots. They had already replaced all the human with robots impacting badly on our economy.
It's fine to use robots and take work from it but too much use of robots can be effect bad.
For example, if every company start hiring the robot they'll surly fired the humans which mean they'll become homeless/jobless.

Title: Re: "Humans will not be replaced by robots very soon" --- yeah right !!!
Post by: int03h on October 04, 2020, 07:56:04 AM
Robots are smarter but they are made by humans and they only do some of the work that humans program them for.
We need to consider the dangers of artificial intelligence because they are many times smarter than us and they don't have the same emotions as humans.
I think in the next 50 to 100 years robots, AI will evolve to a higher level and we will have to worry about them.

Title: Re: "Humans will not be replaced by robots very soon" --- yeah right !!!
Post by: abhiseshakana on October 04, 2020, 08:24:35 AM
Most companies are using robots. They had already replaced all the human with robots impacting badly on our economy.
It's fine to use robots and take work from it but too much use of robots can be effect bad.
For example, if every company start hiring the robot they'll surly fired the humans which mean they'll become homeless/jobless.

Automation in the industrial revolution 4.0 is a certainty and is one of the references for international financial institutions in rating a country as one full of foreign loans. Grumbling and complaints do not bring solutions, we as individuals must look for references and accurate information about a profession that will survive in the next few decades so that our children and grandchildren are equipped to face job competition with robots.

We must also elect representatives of the people who are concerned with this problem for the next few years so that our children do not get the knowledge that is no longer relevant after graduation and cannot be applied in the world of work or there is no labor market that can absorb the skills of future generations. Do not be apathetic towards elections, even though politics is full of manipulation, but with the active involvement of the millennial generation, their interests will be accommodated.

Title: Re: "Humans will not be replaced by robots very soon" --- yeah right !!!
Post by: marlo1001 on October 04, 2020, 08:38:11 AM
Only low-skilled bad-educated workes are care about it, sorry

Title: Re: "Humans will not be replaced by robots very soon" --- yeah right !!!
Post by: Stalker22 on October 04, 2020, 09:40:03 AM
Only low-skilled bad-educated workes are care about it, sorry

I guess that won't be the case in the near future. AI's are becoming more advanced with advances in technology and processing power. Already today we can witness experimenting with AI-assisted journalism.
We can hardly guess in which branches of industry artificial intelligence will be used in the future.

Title: Re: "Humans will not be replaced by robots very soon" --- yeah right !!!
Post by: The cure on October 04, 2020, 01:36:06 PM
Mostly they are already using robot in different sectors, it really helps a lot to us people to make things lighter, we can usually found it in factories. There is nothing wrong using robots especially if the work is too dangerous for people, but not all the time robots are the best to use because no matter how smart they are they can not go beyond the level of a person's ability in many things.

Title: Re: "Humans will not be replaced by robots very soon" --- yeah right !!!
Post by: Chrystora123 on October 04, 2020, 02:03:54 PM
as I have written on other topics (still related to robots) Robots will not replace all the work currently done by humans in such a short time, it would definitely take decades into the future, a lot of work that robots can't do and only humans can.  It is certain that the development of robots in the future will affect human life, especially the economy because it can be confirmed that millions of job vacancies will be lost and employers will definitely prefer robots for their business.  prepare yourself for the possibility of robots taking your job..

Title: Re: "Humans will not be replaced by robots very soon" --- yeah right !!!
Post by: Yatsan on October 04, 2020, 03:41:41 PM
as I have written on other topics (still related to robots) Robots will not replace all the work currently done by humans in such a short time, it would definitely take decades into the future, a lot of work that robots can't do and only humans can.  It is certain that the development of robots in the future will affect human life, especially the economy because it can be confirmed that millions of job vacancies will be lost and employers will definitely prefer robots for their business.  prepare yourself for the possibility of robots taking your job..

I agree. We are still into the shallow automation ages and we still cannot adapt on putting purely automated robots into field of works that mostly humans are up to. The automation we have right now do still have its flaws and limitations of boundaries of work it can do and still cannot be claimed that it can already replace all human operated works. It will really take time like years, decades or might even be a century depending on how improvement and development will work on the robots. What we can see on the robotics right now are still simple works and cannot be comparable to what human behavior and actions can only possess. But robots are really an essential tool when it comes to industrial, mechanical and other related field of works for those are generally worked on by machines and operated only by humans. Robots being used on the field of work do provide proficiency, accuracy and productivity to make thing perfectly done compared to manual crafting done by humans. It will take so much time before robots can replace humans for as of now, research and development are still into the process and have been working for years on how robots can manifest what humans can do.

Title: Re: "Humans will not be replaced by robots very soon" --- yeah right !!!
Post by: Kong Hey Pakboy on October 05, 2020, 12:44:53 PM
After reading all of your opinions, I think it might be true that it is not the time or not ready for automated machines or robots to replace some employees, workers or every human being in doing all of their works because human intelligence or human work is still precise and proficient for now. Thus, robots and machines are still more productive, less cost, and accurate. So it will take time for robots to dominate every field in this world.

Title: Re: "Humans will not be replaced by robots very soon" --- yeah right !!!
Post by: uray on October 05, 2020, 03:46:14 PM
Mof...kers did you watch the video on youtube with Atlas doing parkour ? 
Skynet is coming !!! Arm yourself's.
How are you planning to arm up, go on protesting to stop these development and do you think it can be stopped. We are all living in a time when People are using robots to fulfill their sexual needs and urges. You need to live according to the changes and the number of jobs available are reducing every decade and it is not surprising either.

Title: Re: "Humans will not be replaced by robots very soon" --- yeah right !!!
Post by: South Park on October 05, 2020, 04:38:15 PM
"Humans will not be replaced by robots very soon" --- yeah right !!!

Mof...kers did you watch the video on youtube with Atlas doing parkour ?

Skynet is coming !!! Arm yourself's.
That is without a doubt impressive, the last time I saw a walking robot they were still very awkward on their movements while this robot has very fluid motion, however as people have said any robot like this that could replace humans is still decades away if not even farther, the real problem is with AI that does not need an impressive hardware like this, a soft AI that can only do one thing could be enough to get rid of millions of jobs around the world and I think we are getting close to that point as business want to develop it to avoid to have to pay their employees and improve their profit margins that way.

Title: Re: "Humans will not be replaced by robots very soon" --- yeah right !!!
Post by: Xembin on October 05, 2020, 05:21:57 PM
"Humans will not be replaced by robots very soon" --- yeah right !!!
That is business for you. People create robots to make money, as we are using computer to do some business to get money from it to improve our businesses. I think it will not be possible  for robots to replace human because robot is man made not God made. It is control by technology which man create for business purposes.

Title: Re: "Humans will not be replaced by robots very soon" --- yeah right !!!
Post by: Darkelf11 on October 05, 2020, 05:34:44 PM
"Humans will not be replaced by robots very soon" --- yeah right !!!
That is business for you. People create robots to make money, as we are using computer to do some business to get money from it to improve our businesses. I think it will not be possible  for robots to replace human because robot is man made not God made. It is control by technology which man create for business purposes.

In terms of labor force for human, it can be replaced by robots but not everything can be replaced by them. Robots are created to help people for a particular job, some are for entertainments. But let's just focus on those robots that are working such as robot teachers/ professors. In my standpoint, robots aren't good enough to be like our teaches that are human, teaching requires understanding and communication between the student and the teacher, which all robots do not have.

Title: Re: "Humans will not be replaced by robots very soon" --- yeah right !!!
Post by: Emitdama on October 05, 2020, 06:11:46 PM
Recently saw a thread where robotics kill the common man's job, in specific it was briefed about the usage of robots on hotel waiter and other similar jobs. In the place of employees of robots were used the owner can recover the investment in about 25 months time. When people go behind money surely they'll forget humanity and will implement robots on daily needs.
The thing is that advancement is the rule of life and we have to learn if we want to survive and the only thing that robots cannot do is learn with time and if humans are going to be insecure from robots then really it will be a deadly time.

I understand we need workers but think about it, if the robots can do all the physical work like you said serving, cooking,etc then imagine how great it would be because all of the human intelligence will then be focused on how to improve the current technology and actually moving forward technology is the way and one needs to learn if they want to survive, being insecure about our jobs is not going to help.

Title: Re: "Humans will not be replaced by robots very soon" --- yeah right !!!
Post by: Rengga Jati on October 05, 2020, 07:01:45 PM
As I quoted this below:
Robots will transform, not replace, human work

Currently, several developed countries have started to develop super genius robot technology. AI robot technology is even considered to be able to replace various human work activities more perfectly because it has been regulated by sophisticated systems, especially AI robots.

Can you imagine if they could really do all that humans do? What if more and more industries prefer robots to humans?

Well, very worrying, right?
However, this certainly will not happen easily. Even only in the film can it apply that AI robots can even turn against humans and act to replace humans by conquering them and dominating them.

What is clear, the robot is a technology, the result of human creation itself. Can you imagine how sophisticated and genius humans are? Without humans, robots would not be created. how can they replace humans?

Therefore, robots were created not to replace humans but to transform them into better, faster, structured, and optimal human performance.


Title: Re: "Humans will not be replaced by robots very soon" --- yeah right !!!
Post by: Cnut237 on October 05, 2020, 08:28:14 PM
the robot is a technology, the result of human creation itself. Can you imagine how sophisticated and genius humans are? Without humans, robots would not be created. how can they replace humans?

Machine Learning. Particularly of the unsupervised variety. Neural nets.

We have entered the era of big data, and this has provided a huge resource that can be used to train computers to reason, and to train them to reason for themselves, without human barriers and guidelines. The field is evolving rapidly, and unsupervised ML is revealing its potency. We may be decades away from a 'self-aware' machine, and it may never happen... but computers have already used machine learning to outstrip human achievements - including creative reasoning. AlphaGo Zero being a prime example.

Most computers at the moment are limited by the capabilities of their designers. But some, for specific tasks, are not. And the trend is only going to accelerate.

Title: Re: "Humans will not be replaced by robots very soon" --- yeah right !!!
Post by: Kasabus on October 05, 2020, 11:45:18 PM
Recently saw a thread where robotics kill the common man's job, in specific it was briefed about the usage of robots on hotel waiter and other similar jobs. In the place of employees of robots were used the owner can recover the investment in about 25 months time. When people go behind money surely they'll forget humanity and will implement robots on daily needs.
The thing is that advancement is the rule of life and we have to learn if we want to survive and the only thing that robots cannot do is learn with time and if humans are going to be insecure from robots then really it will be a deadly time.

I understand we need workers but think about it, if the robots can do all the physical work like you said serving, cooking,etc then imagine how great it would be because all of the human intelligence will then be focused on how to improve the current technology and actually moving forward technology is the way and one needs to learn if they want to survive, being insecure about our jobs is not going to help.
Robots will not replace totally the works of humans because if that will happen, there will be a mass unemployement for humans. Robots are assembled because it can perfectly perform those activities that are already not capable for humans to perform so there is still need for us to support robotics since it can help us lessen our works and help us improve our economy in a fast way.

Title: Re: "Humans will not be replaced by robots very soon" --- yeah right !!!
Post by: eXPHorizon on October 06, 2020, 12:57:34 AM
If A.I Learns how to Mine/Manipulate Metals then they can most likely replace us 100% as the A.I will have total control of its being.. Untill then Machines will not replace Humans :)

Then there are Sustainable Energy Problems, unless they use us as the Battery or invent something (Like in the Matrix). If none of this happens then A.I has no chance of Survival

Just my POV

Title: Re: "Humans will not be replaced by robots very soon" --- yeah right !!!
Post by: teosanru on October 06, 2020, 02:56:24 AM
"Humans will not be replaced by robots very soon" --- yeah right !!!

Mof...kers did you watch the video on youtube with Atlas doing parkour ?

Skynet is coming !!! Arm yourself's.
This is interesting. but really this frightened me a bit. There was even a movie based on Robot recently which features quite a lot of destruction by a single kind of such robot. But these robots would become even more effective and dangerous at the same time if they are coupled with artificial intelligence and Machine Learning. But surely there needs to be a pretty stringent regulation on working of these robots otherwise Earth would be a pretty wierd place to live on.
If A.I Learns how to Mine/Manipulate Metals then they can most likely replace us 100% as the A.I will have total control of its being.. Untill then Machines will not replace Humans :)

Then there are Sustainable Energy Problems, unless they use us as the Battery or invent something (Like in the Matrix). If none of this happens then A.I has no chance of Survival

Just my POV
I am thinking of how they can serve in the Armed forces especially in unsuitable terrains and high altitude areas. But obviously it would be no less than a nightmare for the opposite country.

Title: Re: "Humans will not be replaced by robots very soon" --- yeah right !!!
Post by: peter0425 on October 06, 2020, 02:59:54 AM
If A.I Learns how to Mine/Manipulate Metals then they can most likely replace us 100% as the A.I will have total control of its being.. Untill then Machines will not replace Humans :)

Then there are Sustainable Energy Problems, unless they use us as the Battery or invent something (Like in the Matrix). If none of this happens then A.I has no chance of Survival

Just my POV
Good stuff explains as well,Robot will continue serving Humans and never that humans will serve robots.
They are very functional but not enough to took over our place and existence in this world.

Title: Re: "Humans will not be replaced by robots very soon" --- yeah right !!!
Post by: Thanasis on October 06, 2020, 05:21:06 AM
If A.I Learns how to Mine/Manipulate Metals then they can most likely replace us 100% as the A.I will have total control of its being.. Untill then Machines will not replace Humans :)

Then there are Sustainable Energy Problems, unless they use us as the Battery or invent something (Like in the Matrix). If none of this happens then A.I has no chance of Survival

Just my POV
Not 100% but 99% of the workers can be replaces if AI robots has been developed to work as a normal human.Maybe owners of companies will be happy about that but there will be huge shock in the demand chain because no jobs means no salary so there is no point of creating products because no one will be having money to buy them.

Title: Re: "Humans will not be replaced by robots very soon" --- yeah right !!!
Post by: Leviathan.007 on October 06, 2020, 09:10:11 AM
Using the word "Replace" is totally wrong. Humans was not be replaced by robots almost ever. Robots are created to do the stuff better, with more accuracy and indefatigable. But they always need the human to command them even with AI they will need human to create the automated program. Without of humans these are just piece of iron and won't understand anything by themselves. Many traditional people lost their jobs because of them but they always could learn the new technology and artificial intelligence science to develop the robots instead of being jobless.

Title: Re: "Humans will not be replaced by robots very soon" --- yeah right !!!
Post by: eXPHorizon on October 06, 2020, 02:37:40 PM
Using the word "Replace" is totally wrong. Humans was not be replaced by robots almost ever. Robots are created to do the stuff better, with more accuracy and indefatigable. But they always need the human to command them even with AI they will need human to create the automated program. Without of humans these are just piece of iron and won't understand anything by themselves. Many traditional people lost their jobs because of them but they always could learn the new technology and artificial intelligence science to develop the robots instead of being jobless.

Its just the Fantasy/Nightmare of some people that A Robot replaces our fragile bodys. BUT, did anyone see a Robot work for 70 Years without a Single part being changed? I mean we as Humans are the perfection of Robots IMO.. Maybe in the distant future we will integrate with Robots to live & work better than we do now. Which is kinda scary in my book lol . Id prefer the consciousness to be transfered into a Robot ( like Chappie ) if integration happens  ;D

Title: Re: "Humans will not be replaced by robots very soon" --- yeah right !!!
Post by: Vishnu.Reang on October 06, 2020, 03:43:43 PM
Automation is going to create more jobs, with better salaries. When computer first came to the market during the 80s and 90s, a lot of people were claiming that all the accountants and clerks would lose their jobs. Those fears never materialized. On the other hand, computers made the jobs of accountants and clerks much more easier and the salaries jumped by manifold.

Title: Re: "Humans will not be replaced by robots very soon" --- yeah right !!!
Post by: matchi2011 on October 06, 2020, 03:57:11 PM
Using the word "Replace" is totally wrong. Humans was not be replaced by robots almost ever. Robots are created to do the stuff better, with more accuracy and indefatigable.
The misconceptions of this terms really makes the big differences in views by each readers.
You are correct as robots are created to help out and make things more accurate and easy,
but never to removed human in the whole ecosystem of certain industries.

But they always need the human to command them even with AI they will need human to create the automated program. Without of humans these are just piece of iron and won't understand anything by themselves.
Human still the brain of each updates that being implemented around, without human controlled
there's none to be working, those facilities won't work without human controlled, certain changes
might take place in terms of manpower but still there's still a need for human presence.

Many traditional people lost their jobs because of them but they always could learn the new technology and artificial intelligence science to develop the robots instead of being jobless.
If they are not ready to embrace changes then it's their lost, they need to face realities that technology
always embrace upgrades they also need to step forward to be more competitive.

Title: Re: "Humans will not be replaced by robots very soon" --- yeah right !!!
Post by: BuNga_cute on October 06, 2020, 05:02:35 PM
It's always interesting to talk about robots that are created with the ability to do human work. And many people think this will make
unemployment more increasing, even though in fact not all sectors can be done by robots. Sometimes we forget that the main purpose
of creating robots is not to replace humans, but robots are only intended to help humans. And I'm sure what happens in the movies
that robots replace humans will never happen. After all, humans are always superior to robots.

Title: Re: "Humans will not be replaced by robots very soon" --- yeah right !!!
Post by: Genemind on October 06, 2020, 05:43:13 PM
Humans have already been replaced by robots in various daily tasks. How many of you already have Roomba or some other automatic vacuum cleaner in your household? Or maybe an automated lawn mower?
Just as cars gradually replaced horse-drawn carriages a hundred years ago, so will robots replace human labor in many physically strenuous and tedious jobs.

I certainly agree with you. Lots of machines and robots have replaced humans when it comes to regular tasks that we could find around us and it helped us live life easily but the problem is, when new robots would replace more human tasks lots of people might lose their jobs. There are actually lots of manufacturing companies who have reduced the number of manpower because of the existence of robot types of equipment so we should be ready for the possible things that might happen in the future.

Title: Re: "Humans will not be replaced by robots very soon" --- yeah right !!!
Post by: Oceat on October 06, 2020, 06:04:03 PM
It's always interesting to talk about robots that are created with the ability to do human work. And many people think this will make
unemployment more increasing, even though in fact not all sectors can be done by robots. Sometimes we forget that the main purpose
of creating robots is not to replace humans, but robots are only intended to help humans. And I'm sure what happens in the movies
that robots replace humans will never happen. After all, humans are always superior to robots.
Yeah, you were right since this kind of robot is an experiment only that they could really make a human-like robot but this will need a lot of work if they want to make something. And I think the government already making something that would be helpful in war because if you think about it. You can make a lot of things that robots can only do and although we already have the existing ones that humans are controlling in the factories.

Title: Re: "Humans will not be replaced by robots very soon" --- yeah right !!!
Post by: disconnectme on October 06, 2020, 07:41:22 PM
It might look like that on the surface but this is happening, the future we are looking for is now. A lot of task has been taken over by robots. These are jobs that emplyed thousands of people in the past. Amazon has piloted drone delivery and some of these companies are also deploying robots, the AI driven cars is almost a thing and that would make thousands of drivers jobless. I will advice you to adapt to the current reality

Title: Re: "Humans will not be replaced by robots very soon" --- yeah right !!!
Post by: CODE200 on October 06, 2020, 11:18:58 PM
Yes we are heading towards advancement and automation through the rise of robotic age but still it does not guarantee that this machines can now take over or replace humans when it comes to different fields of work. Yes it is really pretty impressive how robotic works are being made or produced but still it is far beyond perfection for humans are more intellectual competent as for now compared to robots although presence of this type of machine is really essential for industrial sector and manufacturing to boost up one's country's economy. With such, still it is far beyond before it happens that robots will be able to replace humans.

Title: Re: "Humans will not be replaced by robots very soon" --- yeah right !!!
Post by: barbara44 on October 07, 2020, 05:09:42 PM
Using the word "Replace" is totally wrong.
Not really because a worker who used to work in a restaurant will loose his job to a robot so it is actually the right word indeed.

Humans was not be replaced by robots almost ever. Robots are created to do the stuff better, with more accuracy and indefatigable. But they always need the human to command them even with AI they will need human to create the automated program.
True and worth because robots don't get emotional and don't make mistakes which actually works good for industries and businesses but actually make a huge cut on un-educated workers which again means more loss of jobs.

Without of humans these are just piece of iron and won't understand anything by themselves. Many traditional people lost their jobs because of them but they always could learn the new technology and artificial intelligence science to develop the robots instead of being jobless.
They are much more developed than you might think because I heard there are robot being made which are now learning with the AI technique and actually generate the ability to take self decisions based on their past experience of similar situations.

Title: Re: "Humans will not be replaced by robots very soon" --- yeah right !!!
Post by: bryant.coleman on October 07, 2020, 05:46:23 PM
It might look like that on the surface but this is happening, the future we are looking for is now. A lot of task has been taken over by robots. These are jobs that emplyed thousands of people in the past. Amazon has piloted drone delivery and some of these companies are also deploying robots, the AI driven cars is almost a thing and that would make thousands of drivers jobless. I will advice you to adapt to the current reality

If your claims are accurate, then we'll be witnessing a steep jump in the unemployment rate during the past few years. But that is not the case. With a few exceptions, the unemployment rate is going down all across the world. And this is despite the fact that the global population is increasing at a steady pace. So what we can conclude from this? I would say that automation is creating more jobs, than it is removing.

Title: Re: "Humans will not be replaced by robots very soon" --- yeah right !!!
Post by: eXPHorizon on October 07, 2020, 05:56:02 PM
It is a very low % that this does happen. Humans are necessary to Repair Robots and use intuition. If that ratio drops then the whole industry will go to hell.

Title: Re: "Humans will not be replaced by robots very soon" --- yeah right !!!
Post by: South Park on October 08, 2020, 09:25:28 PM
As I quoted this below:
Robots will transform, not replace, human work

Currently, several developed countries have started to develop super genius robot technology. AI robot technology is even considered to be able to replace various human work activities more perfectly because it has been regulated by sophisticated systems, especially AI robots.

Can you imagine if they could really do all that humans do? What if more and more industries prefer robots to humans?

Well, very worrying, right?
However, this certainly will not happen easily. Even only in the film can it apply that AI robots can even turn against humans and act to replace humans by conquering them and dominating them.

What is clear, the robot is a technology, the result of human creation itself. Can you imagine how sophisticated and genius humans are? Without humans, robots would not be created. how can they replace humans?

Therefore, robots were created not to replace humans but to transform them into better, faster, structured, and optimal human performance.

When people think of an AI they think of what it is called hard AI, which is an AI that can do everything but it is difficult to know if that is even possible, however we have what it is called soft AI all over the place, have you ever played a video game? Have you noticed that some of the monsters or whatever opponents the game has in a  single player campaign can react to your actions? That is an example of soft AI and that kind of AI is very safe and will not trigger any kind of scenario like the ones we see in movies where robots take over our civilization, but the bad part is that a soft AI could replace millions of people and that can be a disaster for the current economic system we have in place.

Title: Re: "Humans will not be replaced by robots very soon" --- yeah right !!!
Post by: Oilacris on October 08, 2020, 10:11:36 PM
When people think of an AI they think of what it is called hard AI, which is an AI that can do everything but it is difficult to know if that is even possible, however we have what it is called soft AI all over the place, have you ever played a video game? Have you noticed that some of the monsters or whatever opponents the game has in a  single player campaign can react to your actions? That is an example of soft AI and that kind of AI is very safe and will not trigger any kind of scenario like the ones we see in movies where robots take over our civilization, but the bad part is that a soft AI could replace millions of people and that can be a disaster for the current economic system we have in place.

On every progress we do make and innovation had invented then there would really be a specific thing that would be replaced and this time we do see about robotics which can definitely

affect jobs which are currently needing some manpower and soon if these robots are in production then expect that there would really be cut-offs knowing robots can do the job well
on precise manner but somehow there are jobs which cant robot able to be done so it isnt really completely a total wipe out but its surely give out some effects.

About AI neither hard or soft then we would definitely come to it but for now its just dumb to talk about the end of the world because of this one.

Title: Re: "Humans will not be replaced by robots very soon" --- yeah right !!!
Post by: SquallLeonhart on October 09, 2020, 03:18:18 PM
Robots can't replace humans the way you think it will be. Robots are doing what we tell them to do, AI is not something we can build right now and at the very best case we build machine learning and put limitations on it. This means there will always be things humans will do, no matter how many jobs are replaced by robots, eventually there is another one opened up because of it with high tech and humans get that job, may not be the same person but it will still be another human employed instead.

I feel like there will be a ton of jobs sitting in front of a computer and supervising robots and machines, there are few right now but it is going to be one of the most common jobs in the world when robots take over most jobs. Aside from that stuff like law or so can't be replaced, you need a judge for that, which means there are jobs that can't be replaced no matter how much tech goes high.

Title: Re: "Humans will not be replaced by robots very soon" --- yeah right !!!
Post by: eaLiTy on October 09, 2020, 06:31:58 PM
Robots can't replace humans the way you think it will be. Robots are doing what we tell them to do, AI is not something we can build right now and at the very best case we build machine learning and put limitations on it. This means there will always be things humans will do, no matter how many jobs are replaced by robots, eventually there is another one opened up because of it with high tech and humans get that job, may not be the same person but it will still be another human employed instead.
There is a major difference between robotics and artificial intelligence, the progress is rapid in the field of AI and when it comes to self driving cars a company named Yandex already tested the prototype and was successful and Dubai will be launching their self driving cars next year most probably during the expo. With AI you do not need someone to monitor full time and there is no doubt it will reduce jobs as it will be used in different sectors.

Title: Re: "Humans will not be replaced by robots very soon" --- yeah right !!!
Post by: el kaka22 on October 10, 2020, 07:15:11 AM
Boston Dynamics shared this over a year ago I think, and I do not think that these type of robots could change the world all that much, not right now at least.

We are talking about baby steps here and this is just a robot that can do certain tasks that it was coded to do, there was one that was filing shelves as well, so in the future warehouse workers could be robots pretty easily, not all jobs can be taken by robots but warehouse management could be done with robots quicker than most jobs.

However this doesn't really mean that you will lose your job neither, I am sure humanity will have to survive one way or another, you can't just have all people starving to death with no job, that is not good for corporations neither because they need customers to make them rich.

Title: Re: "Humans will not be replaced by robots very soon" --- yeah right !!!
Post by: Dsdaq on October 10, 2020, 07:18:05 AM
I think humans will be replaced by robots earlier thank we think, because look at the the big manufacturing and assembly industries almost 80% of the work are handled by robots, now if you look at the latest trading like the self driving cars what the you think is that?

Title: Re: "Humans will not be replaced by robots very soon" --- yeah right !!!
Post by: ashmodeus on October 10, 2020, 03:24:24 PM
nah, i just thought you r soo paranoid about this, if u want to know about my thought, as the time goes, people will be mixed with robots parts,like hand or legs or even face,but of course,without me in it,or you or even us, because it's still very long.

Title: Re: "Humans will not be replaced by robots very soon" --- yeah right !!!
Post by: pankowri on October 11, 2020, 11:37:16 AM
As the age reversals and technology emerges, robots will replace humans. In some of the developed countries but presently numerous things are being performed by robots. If we stare at Bangladesh as a developing country, there is also a robot named Sophia. Fact: Everything is being updated day by day and there will be more. Then in chief actions, robots will be seen. Regardless, I do not know where the people's role will be and what will be the collision on the economy. I am thinking that if people become a burden instead of being the wealth of the country :-[

Title: Re: "Humans will not be replaced by robots very soon" --- yeah right !!!
Post by: finaleshot2016 on October 11, 2020, 05:06:47 PM
nah, i just thought you r soo paranoid about this, if u want to know about my thought, as the time goes, people will be mixed with robots parts,like hand or legs or even face,but of course,without me in it,or you or even us, because it's still very long.
Well, he's not paranoid, if you are aware of how does the technology advances right now, it's very fast. Even artificial intelligence is evolving which stores a lot of data to define, process, or determine a single thing. Cyborg isn't that new because some people are already replacing some of their parts a digital parts.

So I'm thinking that it's possible that robots can be more intelligent and overpower us. I like watching sci-fi movies but I based this opinion of mine to my experiences and interaction with technology.

Try to read about the existing of cyborgs these days:

Title: Re: "Humans will not be replaced by robots very soon" --- yeah right !!!
Post by: ashmodeus on October 11, 2020, 05:50:06 PM
nah, i just thought you r soo paranoid about this, if u want to know about my thought, as the time goes, people will be mixed with robots parts,like hand or legs or even face,but of course,without me in it,or you or even us, because it's still very long.
Well, he's not paranoid, if you are aware of how does the technology advances right now, it's very fast. Even artificial intelligence is evolving which stores a lot of data to define, process, or determine a single thing. Cyborg isn't that new because some people are already replacing some of their parts a digital parts.

So I'm thinking that it's possible that robots can be more intelligent and overpower us. I like watching sci-fi movies but I based this opinion of mine to my experiences and interaction with technology.

Try to read about the existing of cyborgs these days:

In the future of humankind
even ur article say like that, honestly, i didn't say i dont believe with that thing , i just say it still very long, i also like technology or even i also like sci-fi movies about robotic,something like nano-bots who can repair damaged bodies quickly its very cool,but well its just a delusion for now,and also about robot invasion,basically it goes back to how the robot was programmed.

Title: Re: "Humans will not be replaced by robots very soon" --- yeah right !!!
Post by: bryant.coleman on October 12, 2020, 03:24:18 AM
I think humans will be replaced by robots earlier thank we think, because look at the the big manufacturing and assembly industries almost 80% of the work are handled by robots, now if you look at the latest trading like the self driving cars what the you think is that?

If you want, I can send you the copies of some articles from well known newspapers in the 1980s, where they argued that the introduction of computer will make everyone jobless. This sort of FUD is normally vomited by some extreme-left politicians, to create obstacles for technological innovation. So far, technology has benefited the human kind massively. Those who are against technological innovation is against human well being.

Title: Re: "Humans will not be replaced by robots very soon" --- yeah right !!!
Post by: Xembin on October 12, 2020, 06:38:28 AM
Robots is make by man so no way robot can take the position of his creator. Human made robots for business purposes and to grow their businesses in the community.
I think it will not be possible for humans to be replace by robot. Robots will always be robot to human in anywhere in the world. Man control robots and send it to go anywhere he want it to go to make sure he make a good profit.

Title: Re: "Humans will not be replaced by robots very soon" --- yeah right !!!
Post by: Lorence.xD on October 12, 2020, 06:45:32 AM
Robots will never fully replace human soon because governments are aware about the people's ability to work and get paid.

If technology will evolve like that economy will surely go down at the same time we adopt that kind of development.

Governments are not that dumb to let people suffer from famine and financial crisis when they utilize robots above laborers. We need workers and human labor to strengthen so that our economy will become stable and grow compared to an economy that uses robot in any businesses that they are working.
Governments will not replace their people with machines will be considered but most private companies will surely do it because they become cost efficient and they can work for a whole day. The problem is that they should find a way where people will still benefit even if companies are replacing humans with automation.

Title: Re: "Humans will not be replaced by robots very soon" --- yeah right !!!
Post by: kolbalish on October 12, 2020, 11:42:11 AM
This is formal. I can't say for sure whether it will be too soon or too late. However, in some countries, work is already being done with the help of robots. Times are changing and innovation is emerging with this time. So not too fast but in the distant future, we will see that robots are doing most of the work instead of humans.

Title: Re: "Humans will not be replaced by robots very soon" --- yeah right !!!
Post by: usekevin on October 12, 2020, 12:19:05 PM
When the AI come into force,it was in a talk from many firms and workers.But no need to worry,since many online works are available as of now.In this corona,many people get into unemployed .All learned to get funds from this online jobs.Even we are forced to face a unemployment,we should ready to face that one.Their are lot of platform to earn money.

Title: Re: "Humans will not be replaced by robots very soon" --- yeah right !!!
Post by: Vishnu.Reang on October 12, 2020, 12:43:22 PM
When the AI come into force,it was in a talk from many firms and workers.But no need to worry,since many online works are available as of now.In this corona,many people get into unemployed .All learned to get funds from this online jobs.Even we are forced to face a unemployment,we should ready to face that one.Their are lot of platform to earn money.

This is what technology has done. Technological innovation has created new jobs, and at the same time it made existing jobs easier. Those who blame technology are mostly welfare rats who are not interested in doing any work. The only issue here is that you need to learn new skills, as for technological jobs certain skills are necessary. But it is not rocket science. You can chose from thousands of options, and you will feel empowered and more confident after learning these skills.

Title: Re: "Humans will not be replaced by robots very soon" --- yeah right !!!
Post by: kesmex on October 12, 2020, 05:15:56 PM
many movies about the future and predicting our lives, robots are also depicted there, such as terminators, robocops etc.,
but blockchain is still not in the movie, if Bitcoin is in the movie, are you interested?
For the future robots will replace humans maybe it can happened in the future life

Title: Re: "Humans will not be replaced by robots very soon" --- yeah right !!!
Post by: BTCappu on October 12, 2020, 08:12:40 PM
Robots are there to replace humans in heavy load duties and make things easy. And as for them replacing human beings at work places, well we can’t tell for sure, but I know that there are some positions where robots can never replace humans.

Moreover, I think that the more advanced a robot is, the more costly it’s going to be, and it’s not just about the cost of buying it, but the cost of maintenance as well will be very high. And I don’t a very big company with thousands of employees would prefer to gather thousands of pieces of chunks to replace humans at their work place, that would be dumb asf. And moreover, government might even put a control on it.

Title: Re: "Humans will not be replaced by robots very soon" --- yeah right !!!
Post by: South Park on October 13, 2020, 05:20:13 PM
Robots can't replace humans the way you think it will be. Robots are doing what we tell them to do, AI is not something we can build right now and at the very best case we build machine learning and put limitations on it. This means there will always be things humans will do, no matter how many jobs are replaced by robots, eventually there is another one opened up because of it with high tech and humans get that job, may not be the same person but it will still be another human employed instead.
There is a major difference between robotics and artificial intelligence, the progress is rapid in the field of AI and when it comes to self driving cars a company named Yandex already tested the prototype and was successful and Dubai will be launching their self driving cars next year most probably during the expo. With AI you do not need someone to monitor full time and there is no doubt it will reduce jobs as it will be used in different sectors.
Agreed, people worry about robots but truth to be told the real issue is AI, AI is incredible cheap to run and even to create since there are many known algorithms that are very effective and the only thing you need to do is to train them to do the task you want, this means that a generic AI can do a lot of work that before it was thought that only humans could do and it can be done in a way that is way more effective and cheaper than whatever solution a human can implement and this will be a problem during the next decades and it will increase unemployment all over the world.

Title: Re: "Humans will not be replaced by robots very soon" --- yeah right !!!
Post by: lixer on October 14, 2020, 11:00:32 AM
As the age reversals and technology emerges, robots will replace humans. In some of the developed countries but presently numerous things are being performed by robots. If we stare at Bangladesh as a developing country, there is also a robot named Sophia. Fact: Everything is being updated day by day and there will be more. Then in chief actions, robots will be seen. Regardless, I do not know where the people's role will be and what will be the collision on the economy. I am thinking that if people become a burden instead of being the wealth of the country :-[
I am not sure about Bangladesh as you mentioned because I never read much about this country in any articles but for sure robots are going to replace humans but not every human, instead the physical workers will be replaced by robots while the people who have thinking or innovation based job can never be replaced by robots because one thing robots cannot perform is the ability to take decisions in unknown situations and robots lack the intelligence which is the biggest reason I believe no matter how good and developed they become, they can never replace humans in innovation and IQ based tasks.

I am sure services like serving in a hotel can be easily replaced by robots because they just need to perform a particular task in a pre-determined way. Also we humans are slowly becoming robots by doing the nature routine work daily and not able to innovate ourselves so if we humans are becoming robots, no reason why robots cannot become humans ;D.

Title: Re: "Humans will not be replaced by robots very soon" --- yeah right !!!
Post by: carlfebz2 on October 14, 2020, 11:24:19 AM
Robots can't replace humans the way you think it will be. Robots are doing what we tell them to do, AI is not something we can build right now and at the very best case we build machine learning and put limitations on it. This means there will always be things humans will do, no matter how many jobs are replaced by robots, eventually there is another one opened up because of it with high tech and humans get that job, may not be the same person but it will still be another human employed instead.
There is a major difference between robotics and artificial intelligence, the progress is rapid in the field of AI and when it comes to self driving cars a company named Yandex already tested the prototype and was successful and Dubai will be launching their self driving cars next year most probably during the expo. With AI you do not need someone to monitor full time and there is no doubt it will reduce jobs as it will be used in different sectors.
Agreed, people worry about robots but truth to be told the real issue is AI, AI is incredible cheap to run and even to create since there are many known algorithms that are very effective and the only thing you need to do is to train them to do the task you want, this means that a generic AI can do a lot of work that before it was thought that only humans could do and it can be done in a way that is way more effective and cheaper than whatever solution a human can implement and this will be a problem during the next decades and it will increase unemployment all over the world.
But still there are jobs or chores on which robot cant do which do still needs human hands to work so i cant completely say that they would be completely replaced but i do agree that
there would be lots of unemployments due to automation of things.

We are actually heading there and there are people who do even thinking about being invaded by robots.Guess like theyre watching too much about Terminator movies?  ;D

Possible? Yes, but not on the point that it cant be controlled.

Title: Re: "Humans will not be replaced by robots very soon" --- yeah right !!!
Post by: Eureka_07 on October 14, 2020, 11:41:51 AM
many movies about the future and predicting our lives, robots are also depicted there, such as terminators, robocops etc.,
but blockchain is still not in the movie, if Bitcoin is in the movie, are you interested?
For the future robots will replace humans maybe it can happened in the future life
Will you allow yourself to be replaced by a robot?
Personally, if I will be asked about this, I won't allow it.
Yes I'm glad that there are robots at the present time who are helping us on our task.
They perform the job continuously as what they are programmed.
But they are not that perfect to replace humans to their jobs, if their system fails, they cannot perform their task very well, they need the assistance of human to function well according to their uses.

Why did you brought up bitcoin blockchain tho?

Title: Re: "Humans will not be replaced by robots very soon" --- yeah right !!!
Post by: imstillthebest on October 14, 2020, 12:12:44 PM
not verry soon but sooooneer  as in verry verry long time  . not replaced the whole humanity where robots are left to live of course but replaced in the means of working but not to those works that are hard and known to be done by human alone because that is risky  . there are people will get facinated with that concept but some are not going to be happy because this will again cost someone's job and make them jobless unless if the company that they working on can provide them another job  ..

Title: Re: "Humans will not be replaced by robots very soon" --- yeah right !!!
Post by: CASTIEL05 on October 14, 2020, 12:46:11 PM
"Humans will not be replaced by robots very soon" --- yeah right !!!

Mof...kers did you watch the video on youtube with Atlas doing parkour ?

Skynet is coming !!! Arm yourself's.
I remembered the AI sofia and her new robot mate in youtube. They are gradually becomes pseudohuman as they can speak and talk like a human. They have also a lot of capacity and information when communicate or ask to them. However, unlike with human we created by God in perfection and nothing can beat that. I just amazed but I am also scared because we are slowly want to become God as we want to make a new thing behind creation. But we will not be replaced by robots even they have a huge gigabytes memory to their chip. Even they have the cloud and decentralized network, humans still dominate the world. Because we only invented them to help us to ease the difficulty of human life.

Title: Re: "Humans will not be replaced by robots very soon" --- yeah right !!!
Post by: bekti3 on October 14, 2020, 04:35:32 PM
"Humans will not be replaced by robots very soon" --- yeah right !!!

Mof...kers did you watch the video on youtube with Atlas doing parkour ?

Skynet is coming !!! Arm yourself's.

Questions that are quite intriguing and ask questions.
In what way do you mean the role of humans? because your question is quite ambiguous and needs to be detailed again, for example in terms of doing something or as a whole?

Title: Re: "Humans will not be replaced by robots very soon" --- yeah right !!!
Post by: Alert31 on October 14, 2020, 05:00:37 PM
Who made the robots? Of course the Human...if no human no robot can be created, then how come that human will replace by robots. It will not happen because robots are just created to do some task by the guidance of a human but not all human task, robots can do.

Title: Re: "Humans will not be replaced by robots very soon" --- yeah right !!!
Post by: coinfinger on October 14, 2020, 05:03:59 PM
Well, right from time technology has been making people lose their jobs, so I wouldn’t surprise if this one should happen, although I don’t want it to happen.

We can use CD and internet as an example: because I can remember that some years back that movies and songs were on CD's and people go to stores to buy CD's, and selling that CD was someone’s business, until the internet changed everything and people now stream songs on Apple Music and Spotify, and other platform’s and watch videos on Netflix and Amazon prime and stuffs like that.

So technology has been changing things right from time. So, I think it’s up to us to be quickly adapting to those changes and learning different skills that would help us adapt.

Title: Re: "Humans will not be replaced by robots very soon" --- yeah right !!!
Post by: Josefjix on October 15, 2020, 04:57:55 AM
As far as humans still manufacturer robots accessories and compilations, Robots can't replace humans. They can only replace some labours by humans and make human stress free from the tedious tasks. Robots can't replace humans totally is is pure conspiracy theory.

Title: Re: "Humans will not be replaced by robots very soon" --- yeah right !!!
Post by: Broly46 on October 15, 2020, 12:13:44 PM
Anybody with some basic computing knowledge that robot is count on just bunch of 0s and 1s, a binary, the most primitive logic probable in the universe, and this dumb creatures can slowly taking challenge on complex and intelligent homo sapien, it has to be quite fearful to be overtaken by some robot that can only count 0s and 1s. I think anybody can count from 0 to 10 without effort.

Title: Re: "Humans will not be replaced by robots very soon" --- yeah right !!!
Post by: DarkDays on October 15, 2020, 12:30:01 PM
I think it depends on how far down the line you're talking about. If you was to say within 5 years then my answer is that not many jobs will be terminated at the hand of robots.
This is because the advancement of robotics is yet far off from achieving manual work or work which depends on working out the environment and then act accordingly.

However, if you was to tell me that in 50 years most humans jobs will be made redundant and robots will be taking over, at least in the mundane sectors like hotels and restaurants, I will then be more reciprocal to your idea. Because in 50 years time the commuting power should give us the luxury of seeing massive improvements in robotics and I wouldn't be surprised if by then humans will move more into creative jobs or monitoring robots etc.

So, in this sense humanity is heading towards a doomsday where entire workforces will need restructuring, and those that can't keep up will unfortunately be left behind.

Title: Re: "Humans will not be replaced by robots very soon" --- yeah right !!!
Post by: justdimin on October 16, 2020, 04:25:54 PM
Robots are there to replace humans in heavy load duties and make things easy. And as for them replacing human beings at work places, well we can’t tell for sure, but I know that there are some positions where robots can never replace humans.
Technology is way beyond our imagination friend and what we cannot imagine is already being inserted into Robots and they are now being trained to tackle unfavorable conditions where human intelligence is required and the speed at which robots are being improved I wonder if there will be a time when robots can make new robots without human intervention and that might be the end of humans because while it sounds funny that Robots can never dominate human brain but once such chips are made that have the ability to outsmart the average human IQ, we have to accept the sad reality.

Moreover, I think that the more advanced a robot is, the more costly it’s going to be, and it’s not just about the cost of buying it, but the cost of maintenance as well will be very high. And I don’t a very big company with thousands of employees would prefer to gather thousands of pieces of chunks to replace humans at their work place, that would be dumb asf. And moreover, government might even put a control on it.
That is not true because while robots cost higher but they are one time purchase and big companies always prefer to buy something that works for longer period at cheaper cost per month without any mistake if even they have to pay higher upfront.

Title: Re: "Humans will not be replaced by robots very soon" --- yeah right !!!
Post by: Stalker22 on October 16, 2020, 05:12:20 PM

Moreover, I think that the more advanced a robot is, the more costly it’s going to be, and it’s not just about the cost of buying it, but the cost of maintenance as well will be very high. And I don’t a very big company with thousands of employees would prefer to gather thousands of pieces of chunks to replace humans at their work place, that would be dumb asf. And moreover, government might even put a control on it.
That is not true because while robots cost higher but they are one time purchase and big companies always prefer to buy something that works for longer period at cheaper cost per month without any mistake if even they have to pay higher upfront.

Also, perhaps most importantly, robots can't get paid sick leave, they can't get pregnant, and they can't join a labor union. At least not yet ... ;)

I think these are the biggest selling points for any big employer.

Title: Re: "Humans will not be replaced by robots very soon" --- yeah right !!!
Post by: Kupid002 on October 16, 2020, 05:49:45 PM
Who made the robots? Of course the Human...if no human no robot can be created, then how come that human will replace by robots. It will not happen because robots are just created to do some task by the guidance of a human but not all human task, robots can do.

This robot thing can only help people to make thier job easyly it will not replace any the possible thing to happen  is it will reduce the application of human as labor . if they know that its better to have working robot than human they will surely buy their own to lessen the expenses . this will only work if the price of robot is lesser compare human labor if they calculate it. but if not I don't think someone want to have that if they know it will not help them even in business.

Title: Re: "Humans will not be replaced by robots very soon" --- yeah right !!!
Post by: gentlemand on October 16, 2020, 08:15:10 PM
There's always been something eating jobs and humans have always adapted, however I do wonder if this is the big one. If a machine can replace a human then it will, no ifs, no buts.

Businesses are not there to keep employees fed and busy and just like the dawn of the internet there's no way of knowing how far this will go. It's probably going to go vastly further than most expect.

What's different compared to the past is an uber mobile and uber powerful global elite who'll control all of this. Even a few of them have acknowledged they may end up dangling from a lamp post. They're going to do it anyway.

Title: Re: "Humans will not be replaced by robots very soon" --- yeah right !!!
Post by: exstasie on October 16, 2020, 09:03:31 PM
There's always been something eating jobs and humans have always adapted, however I do wonder if this is the big one. If a machine can replace a human then it will, no ifs, no buts.

I do wonder if some around here are downplaying the possibility. This isn't the era of the Luddites and we're not talking about simple automation. We're talking about deep learning AI and things like that. Imagine what happens if AI systems can attain superior intelligence to average or even low functioning humans. If that technology were made to be cost efficient, it would make perfect sense to cut much of the labor market off from jobs and use AI and robotics instead. I'm not sure to what extent unskilled laborers will be able to adapt in that scenario.

What's different compared to the past is an uber mobile and uber powerful global elite who'll control all of this. Even a few of them have acknowledged they may end up dangling from a lamp post. They're going to do it anyway.


Title: Re: "Humans will not be replaced by robots very soon" --- yeah right !!!
Post by: gentlemand on October 16, 2020, 09:05:32 PM

The ones advocating universal basic income. They know that if something isn't put in place then it could get a little messy.

I don't really see how hooking up the world's arsehole to its mouth is going to keep it chugging along but you never know.

Title: Re: "Humans will not be replaced by robots very soon" --- yeah right !!!
Post by: exstasie on October 16, 2020, 09:53:08 PM

The ones advocating universal basic income. They know that if something isn't put in place then it could get a little messy.

I don't really see how hooking up the world's arsehole to its mouth is going to keep it chugging along but you never know.

It makes sense and honestly job automation is just an accelerating factor, not the underlying cause. The inevitable trajectory of the current system is that an extreme few will own everything, and the rest of society will starve. It's a slow process but that's actually how capitalism was intended to work, with one class forever extracting capital from the other. One can imagine how a political revolution that replaces the current stakeholders and usurps all their wealth is probably inevitable too, unless something is done to mitigate that dynamic. And this is why "enlightened capitalism" AKA democratic socialism has gained such ground in recent years, even in America as evidenced by the rise of Bernie Sanders. Given America's traditionally individualist culture, I think that says a lot.

So yeah, of course the world's billionaires will, in the end, back plans like UBI. Anything that gives the population just enough crumbs to keep them from revolting. :)

Title: Re: "Humans will not be replaced by robots very soon" --- yeah right !!!
Post by: South Park on October 16, 2020, 10:31:20 PM
Agreed, people worry about robots but truth to be told the real issue is AI, AI is incredible cheap to run and even to create since there are many known algorithms that are very effective and the only thing you need to do is to train them to do the task you want, this means that a generic AI can do a lot of work that before it was thought that only humans could do and it can be done in a way that is way more effective and cheaper than whatever solution a human can implement and this will be a problem during the next decades and it will increase unemployment all over the world.
But still there are jobs or chores on which robot cant do which do still needs human hands to work so i cant completely say that they would be completely replaced but i do agree that
there would be lots of unemployments due to automation of things.

We are actually heading there and there are people who do even thinking about being invaded by robots.Guess like theyre watching too much about Terminator movies?  ;D

Possible? Yes, but not on the point that it cant be controlled.
Movies are meant to entertain and are not really a mirror of what it will happen on the future, our worries should not be for something as fantastic as robots taking over the planet or anything like that, instead we need to worry about a reality that if anything could be even more fearsome, if a robot or AI can do a better job for a cheaper price than a human then you can be sure the robot will eventually replace humans in that activity, now that will not be as problematic if the fields in which this happened were very limited but as technology advances we are seeing this happening in almost every field, and if this continues we will have to rethink how the world economy works as having billions of people unemployed doing nothing and starving due to lack of jobs is not going to work long term.

Title: Re: "Humans will not be replaced by robots very soon" --- yeah right !!!
Post by: proTECH77 on October 17, 2020, 01:15:24 PM
Yeah, humans will remain as human to robots .
Despite the robot is doing the work of human does not mean it will become human in future. Human will continue to use robots to do business to make more money from the business.

Title: Re: "Humans will not be replaced by robots very soon" --- yeah right !!!
Post by: hemit9x on October 17, 2020, 01:21:08 PM

I am not afraid of robots replacing humans. The problem is how the people with technology will treat the lower levels of society

Title: Re: "Humans will not be replaced by robots very soon" --- yeah right !!!
Post by: ghost424 on October 17, 2020, 03:33:19 PM
"Humans will not be replaced by robots very soon" --- yeah right !!!

Mof...kers did you watch the video on youtube with Atlas doing parkour ?

Skynet is coming !!! Arm yourself's.

Humans being replaced by robots is still possible but it would only be possible for jobs that require repetitive steps without the need to observe the manufacturing process. These situations are already happening in some facilities but they cannot still fully operate without manpower since these robotic technologies are still prone to defects and malfunctions.

Title: Re: "Humans will not be replaced by robots very soon" --- yeah right !!!
Post by: hahay on October 17, 2020, 05:08:38 PM
It would still take a little longer if they wanted to replace humans with robots, but I guess that's something terrible just imagine. When restaurant waiters, factory employees and all are replaced by robots as well as machines and with the growing human population but fewer human jobs available, it just becomes a problem of unemployment.

Title: Re: "Humans will not be replaced by robots very soon" --- yeah right !!!
Post by: chikading2016 on October 17, 2020, 06:44:36 PM
Humans cannot be replaced by robots very soon, because it needs a lot of time to create a perfect robots that can act or work  like a human. There are so many robots that is now already invented but still it cannot replace the human, however there are still a great posibility that in the near future the people can create more accurate robotics to do human task or works.

Title: Re: "Humans will not be replaced by robots very soon" --- yeah right !!!
Post by: yslyv on October 18, 2020, 12:18:39 PM
we will not be replaced by robots maybe. But as robots are being involved in our lifes more, people will start to loose their old abilities. And i believe that we are different from other life forms on earth because of these abilities. If we loose them, we may loose our dominance on earth. (I am not sure it is sth good or bad :) )

Title: Re: "Humans will not be replaced by robots very soon" --- yeah right !!!
Post by: coolcoinz on October 18, 2020, 12:50:06 PM
Humans cannot be replaced by robots very soon, because it needs a lot of time to create a perfect robots that can act or work  like a human. There are so many robots that is now already invented but still it cannot replace the human, however there are still a great posibility that in the near future the people can create more accurate robotics to do human task or works.

You're saying that it won't happen but your main concern seems to be time. You're trying to fight the statement but end up confirming it in your own words by saying that we'll need a lot of time to create perfect robots. The truth is, it's going to happen sooner or later and most of us deep inside know that it will the moment we finally create the first self-learning and self-replicating machine.

Title: Re: "Humans will not be replaced by robots very soon" --- yeah right !!!
Post by: bryant.coleman on October 18, 2020, 01:20:30 PM
It would still take a little longer if they wanted to replace humans with robots, but I guess that's something terrible just imagine. When restaurant waiters, factory employees and all are replaced by robots as well as machines and with the growing human population but fewer human jobs available, it just becomes a problem of unemployment.

The stress should be on "growing population". The unemployment is because of uncontrolled population explosion, and automation makes up a very convenient excuse. The number of jobs are not growing as fast as the population. And IMO, the human population is already at unsustainably high level. With or without automation, the unemployment rate would continue to surge.

Title: Re: "Humans will not be replaced by robots very soon" --- yeah right !!!
Post by: alisonwonder on October 18, 2020, 04:24:37 PM
we will not be replaced by robots maybe. But as robots are being involved in our lifes more, people will start to loose their old abilities. And i believe that we are different from other life forms on earth because of these abilities. If we loose them, we may loose our dominance on earth. (I am not sure it is sth good or bad :) )
after all, humans are more perfect than robots, which is of added value and cannot be imitated by robots is the feeling of our conscience, robots can never be, robots are only obedient from the side of the maker or from the script that has been designed, but when he is asked to determine with a feeling of affection or love can never be, so humans still number 1 can never be replaced by collapsing.

Title: Re: "Humans will not be replaced by robots very soon" --- yeah right !!!
Post by: MCobian on October 18, 2020, 04:40:33 PM
Many people worry that humans can be replaced by robots, after seeing many robots who have abilities similar to humans. In my opinion,
robots will only replace human jobs in a few sectors, because robots have limited capabilities. So it is impossible for robots to completely
replace humans, don't be too influenced by Hollywood films which tell a lot of fictional things related to robots. After all, humans must be
still above robots, especially the current price of robots is still very expensive, only a few companies can afford robots.

Title: Re: "Humans will not be replaced by robots very soon" --- yeah right !!!
Post by: bryant.coleman on October 18, 2020, 05:21:15 PM
Many people worry that humans can be replaced by robots, after seeing many robots who have abilities similar to humans. In my opinion,
robots will only replace human jobs in a few sectors, because robots have limited capabilities. So it is impossible for robots to completely
replace humans, don't be too influenced by Hollywood films which tell a lot of fictional things related to robots. After all, humans must be
still above robots, especially the current price of robots is still very expensive, only a few companies can afford robots.

Agreed with this statement. Can you imagine a robot doing custom-made tailoring, or making state-of-the-art dishes such as Lobster Frittata or Laksa noodle soup? Also, do you think that it will be possible for a robot to become a cop or a politician? My opinion is that a lot of FUD is being spread by people with vested interest, to stir up opposition to technological advance.

Title: Re: "Humans will not be replaced by robots very soon" --- yeah right !!!
Post by: fullhdpixel on October 18, 2020, 08:34:06 PM
Some really good answers and some really insecure people when I read this whole thread. There are people who believe that robot can never match the intelligence that humans are gifted with while some believe that it can be implemented in coming years as we progress. I think as far as jobs are concerned it is not easy to outsmart humans because yes there might be mass usage of robots in areas like agriculture but then you cannot get the robots to do tasks where human intervention is required and "common sense" is one thing that can never be inserted into a robot because like computer programs robot works on a given script and if there is an obvious decision to be taken which requires common sense then the robot will give an error simply.

Robots will be beginning to take over tiring jobs and repeated tasks but they cannot ever replace or outsmart humans because we humans are inserting IQ in a robot and we cannot insert more than what we have or even 50% of it.

Title: Re: "Humans will not be replaced by robots very soon" --- yeah right !!!
Post by: Emitdama on October 19, 2020, 11:12:42 AM
There's always been something eating jobs and humans have always adapted, however I do wonder if this is the big one. If a machine can replace a human then it will, no ifs, no buts.
Certain jobs will surely diminish but not everyone can afford to have robots as they are really costly and brittle which means if you don't handle them with care of misplace them they can get broken and malfunction too at times.

Businesses are not there to keep employees fed and busy and just like the dawn of the internet there's no way of knowing how far this will go. It's probably going to go vastly further than most expect.
Yes, no one hires employee to help them but only to get their work done which is what robots will do so for sure if the get a chance to get robots and they have the money to buy those they will always opt for robots.

I believe the cost of labor will be even cheaper in coming years because of these robots as no one wants labor and their wages goes down even further. Humans should have never developed as much that they end up developing their own replacement.

Title: Re: "Humans will not be replaced by robots very soon" --- yeah right !!!
Post by: Alucard1 on October 19, 2020, 11:19:40 AM
Automation is really useful for every people especially with huge companies and businesses but the bad things about AI are that people will lose their job if they were replaced by the robots, robots can finish the work efficiently and effectively that is why most of the company are accepting robots to work with them. Having robots will help the company but a huge problem for those unfortunate ones because they may lose their job if the robot will do their job, there is a disadvantage and advantage for this action and will give different effects for both parties.

Title: Re: "Humans will not be replaced by robots very soon" --- yeah right !!!
Post by: Vishnu.Reang on October 19, 2020, 11:23:25 AM
Automation is really useful for every people especially with huge companies and businesses but the bad things about AI are that people will lose their job if they were replaced by the robots, robots can finish the work efficiently and effectively that is why most of the company are accepting robots to work with them. Having robots will help the company but a huge problem for those unfortunate ones because they may lose their job if the robot will do their job, there is a disadvantage and advantage for this action and will give different effects for both parties.

In the United States, I am told that a lot many factories have shut down during the last two decades. But surprisingly, automation is not responsible for even 1% of these closings. The workers lost their jobs, because the corporations moved their manufacturing facilities to countries such as Mexico and the Philippines, where the salaries are lower. The propaganda about automation chewing up jobs is just a convenient excuse to hide this sham.

Title: Re: "Humans will not be replaced by robots very soon" --- yeah right !!!
Post by: JuSayCo on October 19, 2020, 01:26:32 PM
This robotics creation is really impressive. But, its impossible for humans to be replace with this robots. However, when in terms of  fast works and essential companies production it is a big help with less help of manpower. I remember, I saw the news the other day and that there is a company here in our country who uses a robot for fast production supply. Its great to know that we will be able to do a lot of things with the help of untiring and smart robotic creation, but the problem is that manpower will not be needed and surely unemployment and starving people will arise in a certain country.

Title: Re: "Humans will not be replaced by robots very soon" --- yeah right !!!
Post by: South Park on October 21, 2020, 06:00:02 PM
Humans cannot be replaced by robots very soon, because it needs a lot of time to create a perfect robots that can act or work  like a human. There are so many robots that is now already invented but still it cannot replace the human, however there are still a great posibility that in the near future the people can create more accurate robotics to do human task or works.

You're saying that it won't happen but your main concern seems to be time. You're trying to fight the statement but end up confirming it in your own words by saying that we'll need a lot of time to create perfect robots. The truth is, it's going to happen sooner or later and most of us deep inside know that it will the moment we finally create the first self-learning and self-replicating machine.
Besides he makes the argument we need perfect robots that act like humans in order for robots to replace us, but the only things a robot needs to do to replace a human is to do an activity at a higher and faster level and be cheaper over the long term and there are many instances in which this is true, in fact it could be a real challenge to find anything in your room that was completely made by human hands, are you using a computer or a smartphone to write in this forum? Most of it was made by robots and humans just assemble the last parts, do you like to use a TV, ipad, light bulb or anything related to technology? Most likely a robot was involved in making it and it even made most of the work.

Title: Re: "Humans will not be replaced by robots very soon" --- yeah right !!!
Post by: milewilda on October 21, 2020, 06:47:53 PM
Humans cannot be replaced by robots very soon, because it needs a lot of time to create a perfect robots that can act or work  like a human. There are so many robots that is now already invented but still it cannot replace the human, however there are still a great posibility that in the near future the people can create more accurate robotics to do human task or works.

You're saying that it won't happen but your main concern seems to be time. You're trying to fight the statement but end up confirming it in your own words by saying that we'll need a lot of time to create perfect robots. The truth is, it's going to happen sooner or later and most of us deep inside know that it will the moment we finally create the first self-learning and self-replicating machine.
Besides he makes the argument we need perfect robots that act like humans in order for robots to replace us, but the only things a robot needs to do to replace a human is to do an activity at a higher and faster level and be cheaper over the long term and there are many instances in which this is true, in fact it could be a real challenge to find anything in your room that was completely made by human hands, are you using a computer or a smartphone to write in this forum? Most of it was made by robots and humans just assemble the last parts, do you like to use a TV, ipad, light bulb or anything related to technology? Most likely a robot was involved in making it and it even made most of the work.
When we do talk about todays tech then theres no doubt that it do really made human lives even more convenient and way too easy and thanks to the development that we had able to achieved after all the years.
Taking for example on what we can see on Car making plants or companies which do make out cars? All are in robot set-up plus having some human add up works for some finishes and touches.
This had already been existing for a while now and talking about literally about robot or in humanoid form then i dont see for it to be that much of an issue for people to be scared about.
Differentiating the reality and a movie is pretty simple.Theres no way that robots (human-made thing) will over power into its creator.If it has been made then theres always a way on how to
destroy it.

Title: Re: "Humans will not be replaced by robots very soon" --- yeah right !!!
Post by: jaberwock on October 22, 2020, 06:09:21 PM
It would still take a little longer if they wanted to replace humans with robots, but I guess that's something terrible just imagine. When restaurant waiters, factory employees and all are replaced by robots as well as machines and with the growing human population but fewer human jobs available, it just becomes a problem of unemployment.
But technology is the right move moving ahead in life and if robots are able to replace the humans then there will be new kind of jobs in the future. I understand that we are going to lose a huge number of jobs to the robots but that does not mean everything will be done by robots because there will still be things that robots cannot do.

I was reading this article HERE (,by%20automation%2C%20the%20firm%20said.) and it opened my eyes as of how much the humans are going to be replaced but I read a few more articles and I got to know that not everything can be done by robots.

Title: Re: "Humans will not be replaced by robots very soon" --- yeah right !!!
Post by: Yurkov on October 22, 2020, 08:05:43 PM
The coronavirus epidemic greatly accelerates the development of remote work as well as all services related to shipment delivery, shopping, food, etc.
Online shopping companies in China are trying to increase the number of unmanned deliveries. By the end of the year, they will release 100 autonomous cars on public roads. And over the next 5 years, they want to increase that number to 100k: (

If the world moves towards automation at such a fast pace, I think in 20 years most of us will not leave our homes at all.

Title: Re: "Humans will not be replaced by robots very soon" --- yeah right !!!
Post by: panganib999 on October 22, 2020, 10:38:57 PM
There are certain field of works that using robots can efficiently do the task faster and a lot more accurate compared to humans but still that does not guarantee that robots can now replace humans for there are still certain field of works that humans can do a lot better than robots which give it a tie for both parties. Why there is a certain need for replacement when both humans and robots can be in companion on things to make all those a lot easier to get accomplished combining both humans and robots working all at the same time. Robots are invented not to replace humans, but it is to make workloads easier to be carry out and executed for robots are classified as machines that makes work a lot easier.

Title: Re: "Humans will not be replaced by robots very soon" --- yeah right !!!
Post by: BTCappu on October 23, 2020, 05:15:44 AM
Humans cannot be replaced by robots very soon, because it needs a lot of time to create a perfect robots that can act or work  like a human. There are so many robots that is now already invented but still it cannot replace the human, however there are still a great posibility that in the near future the people can create more accurate robotics to do human task or works.
Also we need to understand that the cost of such robots is not easily affordable for everyone because a waiter charges not even 1-2% per month of what a robot would cost for lifetime. Then there are maintenance cost and someone needs to operate it which is another maintenance cost and if somehow there is a problem in the robot it can mess up everything. Plus humans have a polite attitude in hospitality industry like hotels and robots cannot match that.

Robot cannot even customize itself for certain customers like I visit a particular restaurant because I know they know what I need and I don't have to explain them what I need every time I visit so that is not possible with robots.

Title: Re: "Humans will not be replaced by robots very soon" --- yeah right !!!
Post by: Janation on October 23, 2020, 05:27:12 AM
I am not afraid of robots replacing humans. The problem is how the people with technology will treat the lower levels of society

Most of them would be replaced by an AI and would find another job, that's pretty much it.

Most of this automation would happen in manufacturing/factories were usually poor people are working. It is obvious that they will be finding new jobs or maybe start one if they can provide for themselves or for their family. I don't think these people would interfere with those people who fired them.

Title: Re: "Humans will not be replaced by robots very soon" --- yeah right !!!
Post by: South Park on October 26, 2020, 06:42:37 PM
The coronavirus epidemic greatly accelerates the development of remote work as well as all services related to shipment delivery, shopping, food, etc.
Online shopping companies in China are trying to increase the number of unmanned deliveries. By the end of the year, they will release 100 autonomous cars on public roads. And over the next 5 years, they want to increase that number to 100k: (

If the world moves towards automation at such a fast pace, I think in 20 years most of us will not leave our homes at all.
At that point it will fair to ask us how the economy will work? After all for most part of history those that had capital needed the time and skill of their workers and this created civilization as we know it, but if those that have the capital can just buy robots and an AI to do most or all of the work where this leaves the workers? Are we going to have billions of people on their homes doing absolutely nothing? That seems like a bad idea and it will only lead to more erratic behaviour becoming widespread among the population.

Title: Re: "Humans will not be replaced by robots very soon" --- yeah right !!!
Post by: Mahanton on October 26, 2020, 08:57:52 PM
I am not afraid of robots replacing humans. The problem is how the people with technology will treat the lower levels of society

Most of them would be replaced by an AI and would find another job, that's pretty much it.

Most of this automation would happen in manufacturing/factories were usually poor people are working. It is obvious that they will be finding new jobs or maybe start one if they can provide for themselves or for their family. I don't think these people would interfere with those people who fired them.
Interfere or trying to sue or fight them back?Theres no point and it wont happen yet they do know on whats the capacity or capability on doing things which it will be ending
up useless because they cant just fight back into their rights and theres no other options left but to move on in case that they were remove because they had been replaced
by automation system or robot.This is the sad reality when technology do progress where it do really had its pro's and cons which will really affect human work
but its not really end of all yet there are jobs which do really need to be done by human and not by robots so theres nothing to worry about.

Title: Re: "Humans will not be replaced by robots very soon" --- yeah right !!!
Post by: Cnut237 on October 27, 2020, 08:53:10 AM
Robot cannot even customize itself for certain customers like I visit a particular restaurant because I know they know what I need and I don't have to explain them what I need every time I visit so that is not possible with robots.

There's a difference between automation of physical tasks and automation of mental tasks. You can look at an advanced humanoid robot, like one of the Boston Dynamics creations, and think yes it can walk and run and jump, but it has no mental skills. The thing is, research into the automation of mental tasks doesn't require building a humanoid robot with motor skills... it's a separate thing. There are already extremely advanced automated processes that are customised for individuals, and that are already embedded in everyday life. Log into Amazon and look at your recommendations, for example.

Title: Re: "Humans will not be replaced by robots very soon" --- yeah right !!!
Post by: DeadCoin on October 27, 2020, 10:21:09 AM
 In my opinion, it's impossible because even the robot is very hard working compare to humans that relaxation is really needed, robots also have a limit to access work together with human control as well, it is useless without human, right? even though a lot of devices and integrated circuits. there are also have more weaknesses constantly depending on the materials used, I think it's all right that probably this is an innovative way to accelerate production and the most offer is suitable to use for a digital age as a system for advance purposes, so meaning it is good working together.

Title: Re: "Humans will not be replaced by robots very soon" --- yeah right !!!
Post by: Ludmilla_rose1995 on October 27, 2020, 11:02:47 AM
"Humans will not be replaced by robots very soon" --- yeah right !!!

What do you mean by replace?

Manufacturing facilities and factories have been handled by robots to a certain extent but these robots are controlled by humans. Human products may be assembled by robots but robots are assembled by humans. 

But, yeah, a great deal of human labor is now displaced thanks to a more efficient robot force in the workplace.
Indeed the reality is like that. Humans who do not have skills will be eliminated and replaced by robots. cruel enough, but this is reality. One of the big companies in my country has laid off as many as 300 people because it already has an automatic production machine. Therefore, we are required to have the skills and talents to compete with industrial robots.

Title: Re: "Humans will not be replaced by robots very soon" --- yeah right !!!
Post by: Yurkov on October 28, 2020, 11:53:20 AM
The coronavirus epidemic greatly accelerates the development of remote work as well as all services related to shipment delivery, shopping, food, etc.
Online shopping companies in China are trying to increase the number of unmanned deliveries. By the end of the year, they will release 100 autonomous cars on public roads. And over the next 5 years, they want to increase that number to 100k: (

If the world moves towards automation at such a fast pace, I think in 20 years most of us will not leave our homes at all.
At that point it will fair to ask us how the economy will work? After all for most part of history those that had capital needed the time and skill of their workers and this created civilization as we know it, but if those that have the capital can just buy robots and an AI to do most or all of the work where this leaves the workers? Are we going to have billions of people on their homes doing absolutely nothing? That seems like a bad idea and it will only lead to more erratic behaviour becoming widespread among the population.

I don't think the total human population will ever be replaced with robots. Automation will stop at some point. However, it is impossible not to notice that it is progressing and in a few decades there will be very few manual jobs performed by humans.

Title: Re: "Humans will not be replaced by robots very soon" --- yeah right !!!
Post by: Musekay on October 28, 2020, 03:38:08 PM
In depends on the area you are referring to. Yes we all know that in some areas of work now, humans prefer the results given by robots to that of humans cause it is believed that with robots, there is minimal or no room for errors. But still, humans are the ones that still put this robots together to function at the level they are doing now and also sometimes they might get faulty, and it will still be humans that will work on them.

Title: Re: "Humans will not be replaced by robots very soon" --- yeah right !!!
Post by: Chrystora123 on October 29, 2020, 03:38:42 PM
In depends on the area you are referring to. Yes we all know that in some areas of work now, humans prefer the results given by robots to that of humans cause it is believed that with robots, there is minimal or no room for errors. But still, humans are the ones that still put this robots together to function at the level they are doing now and also sometimes they might get faulty, and it will still be humans that will work on them.
"AI + Robot = Artificial Human"..  in the future Robot will certainly be perfect as shown in the movie "I, Robot".  technological progress will certainly achieve that, and when it is really achieved (possibly next 100 - 200 years) then our role as humans will be replaced, the good thing that we can definitely get from this development is that we don't have to tired work because all jobs have been taken over, we as humans will only get food from the state or other jobs (new types of work)..

Title: Re: "Humans will not be replaced by robots very soon" --- yeah right !!!
Post by: Dsdaq on October 29, 2020, 03:49:20 PM
The robotics is advancing rapidly and the robots are almost able to act like a normal person. This generates a lot of interest but, obviously, also intimidates the uncertainty. Some experts in the field predict a society where robots and human beings coexist in parallel. Which means it's possible in the nearest future.

Title: Re: "Humans will not be replaced by robots very soon" --- yeah right !!!
Post by: Shakil29 on October 30, 2020, 04:56:59 PM
People are discovering new things in technology day by day. The robot is one of the inventions. Many impossible tasks can be done easily with robots. Many risky jobs are done by robots. Many robots also have artificial intelligence and can talk. But after all, humans create and control robots. So robots will never be able to take the place of humans.

Title: Re: "Humans will not be replaced by robots very soon" --- yeah right !!!
Post by: South Park on October 30, 2020, 06:01:50 PM
The coronavirus epidemic greatly accelerates the development of remote work as well as all services related to shipment delivery, shopping, food, etc.
Online shopping companies in China are trying to increase the number of unmanned deliveries. By the end of the year, they will release 100 autonomous cars on public roads. And over the next 5 years, they want to increase that number to 100k: (

If the world moves towards automation at such a fast pace, I think in 20 years most of us will not leave our homes at all.
At that point it will fair to ask us how the economy will work? After all for most part of history those that had capital needed the time and skill of their workers and this created civilization as we know it, but if those that have the capital can just buy robots and an AI to do most or all of the work where this leaves the workers? Are we going to have billions of people on their homes doing absolutely nothing? That seems like a bad idea and it will only lead to more erratic behaviour becoming widespread among the population.

I don't think the total human population will ever be replaced with robots. Automation will stop at some point. However, it is impossible not to notice that it is progressing and in a few decades there will be very few manual jobs performed by humans.
We do not really need every single human to be replaced to create a massive disruption, just think of self-driving cars if those become a thing then think of all the people that will become unemployed over the next decade, taxi drivers, uber drivers, truck drivers and all the land transport industry will change overnight because of it and humans will be not needed anymore in that industry, how the economy will absorb all of those people that lost their jobs? And that is only one field, if many other fields are affected we will have to rethink how the economy works or there could be social unrest by the lack of jobs.

Title: Re: "Humans will not be replaced by robots very soon" --- yeah right !!!
Post by: Captain Corporate on October 30, 2020, 08:23:41 PM

 Automatic manufacturing is not something companies are not doing because they want workers to have their jobs, obviously they will replace us with robots and have been doing that for the past 200 years or so. It wasn't called robots back those days, it was assembly lines and all that made it require less and less people to work on building a whole car, much more for lesser items but it was still automation in production. Same is going on today as well, and will go on forever, the less humans are needed the better for companies, they end up with paying a lot less money for the products compared to workers and robots are not going to make any decision aside from whatever you tell them, like a proper slave as well. Hence we are moving towards fully automated production in the world one day, thats the aim companies have.

Title: Re: "Humans will not be replaced by robots very soon" --- yeah right !!!
Post by: royalfestus on October 30, 2020, 08:44:34 PM
if we consider 80% performance success rate and human error,at place of work it could be enough to employ machine as replacement but at such time in the world with low employment rate and growing population, it is important by the government to control the use of robots. investment plan can change with the increase in robots around the globe. Real estate, stocks, collectibles and cryptocurrency may not be affected by the growth of robots. 

Title: Re: "Humans will not be replaced by robots very soon" --- yeah right !!!
Post by: South Park on November 05, 2020, 07:23:39 PM

 Automatic manufacturing is not something companies are not doing because they want workers to have their jobs, obviously they will replace us with robots and have been doing that for the past 200 years or so. It wasn't called robots back those days, it was assembly lines and all that made it require less and less people to work on building a whole car, much more for lesser items but it was still automation in production. Same is going on today as well, and will go on forever, the less humans are needed the better for companies, they end up with paying a lot less money for the products compared to workers and robots are not going to make any decision aside from whatever you tell them, like a proper slave as well. Hence we are moving towards fully automated production in the world one day, thats the aim companies have.
True, but at the same time it is fair to wonder how the economy will work at that point, lets suppose that companies have for the most part gotten their goal of eliminating the need for human employees on most of their production processes, what it is going to happen when 90% of the people are unemployed? Who is going to buy their products? In my opinion we are reaching a very interesting point in history and we are about to face problems we have not faced before and it will be up to the political leaders at the time to figure out how to solve that mess.

Title: Re: "Humans will not be replaced by robots very soon" --- yeah right !!!
Post by: Fortify on November 05, 2020, 07:38:05 PM
The imagination of some people is hilarious. Yes, robots can replace many of the functions that people are doing and this should be a good thing. As long as politicians are steered towards equally distributing the wealth from this exercise, then people will have more free time to enjoy and actually do pleasurable things in life. If a robot can pack 100 items an hour to ship off online orders, that frees the person up to do something more rewarding -like caring for animals or looking after the environment. Many people fear not having a job to go to each day and that is understandable if you have rent to pay, but what if society adjusted completely and your "rent" could be covered by a universal basic income instead. Then you could *choose* to work if you wanted and supplement that amount, but you could live a basic life without work if you wanted.

Title: Re: "Humans will not be replaced by robots very soon" --- yeah right !!!
Post by: Ucy on November 06, 2020, 09:39:08 AM

 Automatic manufacturing is not something companies are not doing because they want workers to have their jobs, obviously they will replace us with robots and have been doing that for the past 200 years or so. It wasn't called robots back those days, it was assembly lines and all that made it require less and less people to work on building a whole car, much more for lesser items but it was still automation in production. Same is going on today as well, and will go on forever, the less humans are needed the better for companies, they end up with paying a lot less money for the products compared to workers and robots are not going to make any decision aside from whatever you tell them, like a proper slave as well. Hence we are moving towards fully automated production in the world one day, thats the aim companies have.
True, but at the same time it is fair to wonder how the economy will work at that point, lets suppose that companies have for the most part gotten their goal of eliminating the need for human employees on most of their production processes, what it is going to happen when 90% of the people are unemployed? Who is going to buy their products? In my opinion we are reaching a very interesting point in history and we are about to face problems we have not faced before and it will be up to the political leaders at the time to figure out how to solve that mess.

I think part of their plans is to pay the unemployed Universal Basic Income and probably get them to do anything they want. I do not think it's a good idea to pay able-bodied people lots of money while they do nothing. Everyone has to work and help the society in one way or another before getting paid enough. Though Basic needs to help people survive could be given & guaranteed even if they are not working, but you'll have to make sure that they eventually start working and contributing to society.

 Everyone has unique gifts/talents that robot or AI cannot replace. If you could identify the talents/gifts and get everyone to use them for the good of the society, then I don't see the robots/AI ever replacing humans in the area of employment. Humans could work hand in hand with the good ones though, and even monitor/control them.

Title: Re: "Humans will not be replaced by robots very soon" --- yeah right !!!
Post by: Sterbens on November 06, 2020, 01:38:51 PM
Perhaps not yet the time for robots to replace humans in any sector, but as we know, in some big companies such as an electronic company, car manufacturer and company, and others already use a robot to help humans work. That company realizes that the robot can help them to produce a better product with accuracy and perfect, so we can see that in the market, many products available with good conditions.

Perhaps, robots will replace human works in the future when technology develops more than now. And we will see something different from what we watched in the movie. But that year still not predictable since many scientists still create a better technology to help humans.
didn't this already happen? everything has been run by robots. okay I would say the definition of a robot is a set of electronic / mechanical devices capable of performing physical and non-physical tasks. by this definition we already know whether it is a human controlled task or it is designed and programmed.
Now even simpler, can the cellphone that you hold be called a robot? is the computer in your home also called a robot?
not all electronic and fall into the category of robots.
it's just that our view of robots is often synonymous with human-like electronic devices.

I still don't agree that the position of humans in the world is being replaced by robots. what I agree with is replacing the role of doing human tasks, or helping to facilitate work that was initially difficult for humans to do, then assisted with robotic tools.

Title: Re: "Humans will not be replaced by robots very soon" --- yeah right !!!
Post by: istiak2277 on November 06, 2020, 01:45:34 PM
"Humans will not be replaced by robots very soon" --- yeah right !!!

Mof...kers did you watch the video on youtube with Atlas doing parkour ?

Skynet is coming !!! Arm yourself's.

It won't the way it shows in that video but human labor will be reduced and machines will take its place. That process already has begun and humans now looking for a better profession that is related to science and technology. It looks like all the human efforts now go to doing research and discovering new things.

Title: Re: "Humans will not be replaced by robots very soon" --- yeah right !!!
Post by: drlukacs on November 06, 2020, 01:53:55 PM
"Humans will not be replaced by robots very soon" --- yeah right !!!

Mof...kers did you watch the video on youtube with Atlas doing parkour ?

wow, I'm really impressed with this robot's natural human movement. But this is the realm of sport, I think our humans just like to see people go against each other.
for Robots, it should only be replaced in jobs that require a lot of reason like Ai trading or jobs that require great power.
Anyway, I'm a neutral person. In my opinion, a country should have a combination of robot and human in order to thrive as much as possible. we should not be inclined towards humans or machines too much.

Title: Re: "Humans will not be replaced by robots very soon" --- yeah right !!!
Post by: laredo7mm on November 06, 2020, 02:06:55 PM
"Humans will not be replaced by robots very soon" --- yeah right !!!

Mof...kers did you watch the video on youtube with Atlas doing parkour ?

wow, I'm really impressed with this robot's natural human movement. But this is the realm of sport, I think our humans just like to see people go against each other.
for Robots, it should only be replaced in jobs that require a lot of reason like Ai trading or jobs that require great power.
Anyway, I'm a neutral person. In my opinion, a country should have a combination of robot and human in order to thrive as much as possible. we should not be inclined towards humans or machines too much.
This process already began. I think robots will not replace humans but humans will become more robotic day by day. More the science evolved the more humans will try to enhance themselves. Humans will never be satisfied with what they already have. We are already seeing robotic human parts that can increase a humans ability to perform many works.

Title: Re: "Humans will not be replaced by robots very soon" --- yeah right !!!
Post by: oHnK on November 06, 2020, 04:36:21 PM
This process already began. I think robots will not replace humans but humans will become more robotic day by day.

Yeah, I couldnt agree more. It is very real, humans are increasingly like robots.  Never satisfied with what they have so that people keep trying to upgrade themselves to what they want.  Modern humans also look like robots who don't care when they have to rest, enjoy life and they just continue to pursue their life goals.  I sometimes get confused, what is all this for?  even robots are not as targeted as what we are doing today.  8 hours of work, even overtime, to reach the daily, monthly, yearly target, so you can buy a motorbike, car, boat, plane and even buy the entire earth.  Working tirelessly only for the life-to-death targets that stopped him.

Title: Re: "Humans will not be replaced by robots very soon" --- yeah right !!!
Post by: Hemady17 on November 06, 2020, 10:02:51 PM

This process already began. I think robots will not replace humans but humans will become more robotic day by day. More the science evolved the more humans will try to enhance themselves. Humans will never be satisfied with what they already have. We are already seeing robotic human parts that can increase a humans ability to perform many works.
Humanoids will much more exist in the future. The unceasingly wants of people to become God makes them more superior. The biogenetics as well as the experts concerned with the technology and human life will have more further research so that someday, immortal life will discover. Yet, it is good to hear I think it may inflict bad things as well. Robot humanoid is more dangerous if it will happen in the near future.

Title: Re: "Humans will not be replaced by robots very soon" --- yeah right !!!
Post by: romero121 on November 06, 2020, 11:57:16 PM
However we innovate robots through artificial intelligence, it is quite hard to have the same of intelligence as human. Maybe this will do the tasks as and perform in a much efficient way than human beings, but there needs a person to give tasks and programs it according to the work assigned. Scientists were into deep research to create robots same as human, those are innovation to be recorded.

Right now most of the middle class people are getting turned to be robots, because they weren't able to think beyond work and personal life. A man wakes at the morning, gets ready and moves to the office. Once the office gets over he returns back takes rest and the routine goes on. To live they are supposed to act in such a way.

Title: Re: "Humans will not be replaced by robots very soon" --- yeah right !!!
Post by: Vispilio on November 07, 2020, 12:09:19 AM
wow, I'm really impressed with this robot's natural human movement. But this is the realm of sport, I think our humans just like to see people go against each other.
for Robots, it should only be replaced in jobs that require a lot of reason like Ai trading or jobs that require great power.
Anyway, I'm a neutral person. In my opinion, a country should have a combination of robot and human in order to thrive as much as possible. we should not be inclined towards humans or machines too much.

Like many videos of a similar nature, it's one thing to program the robot to perform a pre-scripted set of feats, it's a completely different and far more challenging question to develop a machine learning

AI which can adapt to a gigantic number of physical variables and situations to pick the optimal physical response in each and every one of them and outperform comparative organic responses to stimuli...

Title: Re: "Humans will not be replaced by robots very soon" --- yeah right !!!
Post by: Shasha80 on November 07, 2020, 01:34:26 AM
Advances in science and technology will help human life so that human work becomes lighter due to robots. But the machine cannot replace humans.
Machines will only help lighten human work, and this is nothing new. Robots have an amazing level of concentration to do tasks, but still, their performance is very slow.
The world recognizes that this technology is an achievement. But the robots are the reason someone loses their job.
Ironic, robots can help human work, but their presence threatens the value of human resources.

Title: Re: "Humans will not be replaced by robots very soon" --- yeah right !!!
Post by: Salauddin1994 on November 07, 2020, 04:37:37 AM
Everything is ahead within the current age of technology the planet is making great strides keep pace with technology there robot are going to be replaced for the convenience of labor robots cannot replace humans. Small and enormous organizations are increasing the utilization of robots to extend social distance also as reducing the amount of workers who need come to figure robots also are getting used try to things that workers cannot do reception walmart america's largest retailer is using robots wash floors.

Title: Re: "Humans will not be replaced by robots very soon" --- yeah right !!!
Post by: AicecreaME on November 07, 2020, 11:25:56 AM
Humans have already been replaced by robots in various daily tasks. How many of you already have Roomba or some other automatic vacuum cleaner in your household? Or maybe an automated lawn mower?
Just as cars gradually replaced horse-drawn carriages a hundred years ago, so will robots replace human labor in many physically strenuous and tedious jobs.

Replace is quite a heavy word to use. I think what fits your idea most is that as time passes by, robots accompany humans to make their tasks easier. They do not totally “replace” humans as humans still take part in doing those specific chores.

The machineries you’ve mentioned still need supervision to perform in accordance to its usage. Without humans operating those robots, it would lead into disaster. Maintenance is also needed for these things not to be broken, since these robots has also its needs to be able to continue functioning.

Title: Re: "Humans will not be replaced by robots very soon" --- yeah right !!!
Post by: Stalker22 on November 07, 2020, 01:05:26 PM
The machineries you’ve mentioned still need supervision to perform in accordance to its usage. Without humans operating those robots, it would lead into disaster. Maintenance is also needed for these things not to be broken, since these robots has also its needs to be able to continue functioning.

Of course, in the current versions, these robots still need human supervision to function. But I bet a large number of robotic assistants will be self-sufficient in the near future. My Roomba is already returning to the charger on its own and resumes work when the battery is charged. I am sure that the next generation will even empty the dustbin on its own in order to be completely autonomous in performing its function.

A similar thing will happen with other robotic machines. There are already autonomous machines that can cultivate agricultural plots completely independently, which significantly reduces the need for human workers on farms. Isn't that replacing human labor with robots?

Title: Re: "Humans will not be replaced by robots very soon" --- yeah right !!!
Post by: South Park on November 09, 2020, 06:07:34 PM
True, but at the same time it is fair to wonder how the economy will work at that point, lets suppose that companies have for the most part gotten their goal of eliminating the need for human employees on most of their production processes, what it is going to happen when 90% of the people are unemployed? Who is going to buy their products? In my opinion we are reaching a very interesting point in history and we are about to face problems we have not faced before and it will be up to the political leaders at the time to figure out how to solve that mess.

I think part of their plans is to pay the unemployed Universal Basic Income and probably get them to do anything they want. I do not think it's a good idea to pay able-bodied people lots of money while they do nothing. Everyone has to work and help the society in one way or another before getting paid enough. Though Basic needs to help people survive could be given & guaranteed even if they are not working, but you'll have to make sure that they eventually start working and contributing to society.

 Everyone has unique gifts/talents that robot or AI cannot replace. If you could identify the talents/gifts and get everyone to use them for the good of the society, then I don't see the robots/AI ever replacing humans in the area of employment. Humans could work hand in hand with the good ones though, and even monitor/control them.

I have read about UBI before but I do not know if it will work, first of all will businesses be willing to pay the very high taxes needed to make this a reality? And then as you say people are not really good at sitting all day doing nothing, this will eventually degenerate into many problems as people do not have a purpose on their lives anymore, after all while many of us will be happy if we did not ever had to work again, many people find their purpose and reason to be on their jobs and if you take away that from them then they will not know what to do with their time.

Title: Re: "Humans will not be replaced by robots very soon" --- yeah right !!!
Post by: emmybd on November 27, 2020, 06:40:59 AM
"Humans will not be replaced by robots very soon" --- yeah right !!!

Mof...kers did you watch the video on youtube with Atlas doing parkour ?

Skynet is coming !!! Arm yourself's.

Our reliance on technology has been increasing day by day. So, we are going to rely on robots as time passes. There are areas where robots can do wonders for us such as manufacturing sector, industries and many other hazardous jobs clearing mines on the battlefield, defusing roadside bombs and many other areas where it's dangerous for humans to do the job. But, many other areas it's still lagging far behind compared to humans. So, it will not replace humans so soon.

Title: Re: "Humans will not be replaced by robots very soon" --- yeah right !!!
Post by: Karartma1 on November 27, 2020, 08:20:55 AM
Sci-fi books and movies were only anticipations of the future as we are slowly and inevitably reaching the point of no return. With artificial intelligence and deep machine learning being developed right before our eyes what future can we expect?
Tell me the last time you ordered a book suggested by your human friend and not by Amazon?
Tell me the last time you listened to some music you heard at a concert and not those synthetics suggestions made by youtube/spotify/tidal.....
Tell me you can be 100% sure your thoughts are truly yours.

Be ready for the present. The future is unfolding at this very moment.

This song represents quite well what I am trying to say

Title: Re: "Humans will not be replaced by robots very soon" --- yeah right !!!
Post by: Psynthax on November 27, 2020, 08:47:56 AM
Indeed the reality is like that. Humans who do not have skills will be eliminated and replaced by robots. cruel enough, but this is reality. One of the big companies in my country has laid off as many as 300 people because it already has an automatic production machine. Therefore, we are required to have the skills and talents to compete with industrial robots.
Instead of opposing the idea of the workforces being replaced by robots. We should instead focus on the idea of taking advantage of these robotic workforces to further increase the living quality of people.
It's crazy that people always think they gonna be replaced by robot and poor af in the future while we could maybe get some good thing like universal basic income or such by taxing the company that uses robot significantly. Isn't that what human actually pursue. A good life without hardworking while focusing on their passion?.

Title: Re: "Humans will not be replaced by robots very soon" --- yeah right !!!
Post by: Smartprofit on November 27, 2020, 09:24:24 AM
It seems to me that people exaggerate the capabilities of the human mind.  More precisely, the opportunities are great, but very rarely all these opportunities are in demand on the labor market.  In the workplace, companies do not use geniuses, but ordinary people with average intelligence.  Replacing them with robots is easy enough. 

The situation is similar in the army.  Recently there was a war between Armenia and Azerbaijan in Nagorno-Karabakh.  The outcome of the war was decided not by people, but by unmanned aerial vehicles (drones). 

The factories are not yet fully automated.  However, in the future, huge fully automated manufacturing complexes will function on the planet.

Is it possible to say that artificial intelligence is more perfect than human?  No.  However, the human brain is adaptive.  By interacting with artificial intelligence, he begins to imitate him.  As a result, human thinking becomes more simplistic and primitive. 

In the future, robots will not kill humans, humans will become robots themselves.

Title: Re: "Humans will not be replaced by robots very soon" --- yeah right !!!
Post by: Ucy on November 27, 2020, 09:42:58 AM
The machineries you’ve mentioned still need supervision to perform in accordance to its usage. Without humans operating those robots, it would lead into disaster. Maintenance is also needed for these things not to be broken, since these robots has also its needs to be able to continue functioning.

Of course, in the current versions, these robots still need human supervision to function. But I bet a large number of robotic assistants will be self-sufficient in the near future. My Roomba is already returning to the charger on its own and resumes work when the battery is charged. I am sure that the next generation will even empty the dustbin on its own in order to be completely autonomous in performing its function.

A similar thing will happen with other robotic machines. There are already autonomous machines that can cultivate agricultural plots completely independently, which significantly reduces the need for human workers on farms. Isn't that replacing human labor with robots?
I think a well trained, good, very skilled, talented farmer would do a better job if given enough equipments.
I don't think fully autonomous machines/robot can be trusted to make new complex decisions without alot of errors.

Title: Re: "Humans will not be replaced by robots very soon" --- yeah right !!!
Post by: Princejebs on November 27, 2020, 10:17:16 AM
I am not afraid of robots replacing humans. The problem is how the people with technology will treat the lower levels of society

UN sanctions against robot has not been uplifted, I don't see robot robots replacing humans and taking their daily job. We all watch movies, people called most of the scenes as fiction but even the fiction portray something.
There are movies that had describe how humans has misused these robots for their selfish gains and agenda and that's why we as collective humans need to be extra careful and cautious with this robots.
Terrorism came to my mind and it will be our own suicide to allow this robots used against humans by set of people.

Title: Re: "Humans will not be replaced by robots very soon" --- yeah right !!!
Post by: STT on November 27, 2020, 11:43:35 PM
Robots should be a positive, we need to avoid a luddite view on this for the same reasons it was a failure to recognise a benefit hundreds of years ago in the start of the industrial revolution.   The principle is much the same, humans should not be used for repetitive tasks that can be automated and robots will take those tasks most easily, this is not a loss to society but a gain.
   I dont really see people losing much more complicated tasks to robots because humans can learn so much faster in more diverse ways.

Replacing them with robots is easy enough.

Simple once already established, but capital investment is required and all the development prior.  Its upto humans to be the greater tool and its an easily achievable aim.   In the modern day we've been doing this since at least ATM machines came into play and it'll continue and overall it is a positive.   I see this as supplemented not replaced really.

Title: Re: "Humans will not be replaced by robots very soon" --- yeah right !!!
Post by: DabsPoorVersion on November 28, 2020, 11:05:35 AM
"Humans will not be replaced by robots very soon" --- yeah right !!!

Mof...kers did you watch the video on youtube with Atlas doing parkour ?

Skynet is coming !!! Arm yourself's.

I don't think robots will be able to replace humans, but rather to help alleviate a difficult task, at least for now. Maybe some of the existing jobs will be replaced by robots but in the future there will be new kinds of jobs that only humans can do.

Btw the robot in the video is cool
But we cannot remove the posibility that humans might be replace by robots.

Humans do create things such as AI to make it easier for us to do the job or to increase the productivity especially jobs that needs physical activity without worrying about the fatigue.

Title: Re: "Humans will not be replaced by robots very soon" --- yeah right !!!
Post by: Mauser on November 28, 2020, 12:08:06 PM
"Humans will not be replaced by robots very soon" --- yeah right !!!

Mof...kers did you watch the video on youtube with Atlas doing parkour ?

Skynet is coming !!! Arm yourself's.

Robots are being used in all areas these days, there is no life without help from machines and robots. But we don't need to be scared, there is no real reason why Skynet should be coming and kill all of us. It's just a nice SciFi story, not reality. Robots and AI are learning what we teach them, if we teach them war, hatred and anger they might go into extreme mode. But why not show the best sides of humanity? Kindness, Love, Companionship? Humans are good people in general, there are only a few outliers.

Title: Re: "Humans will not be replaced by robots very soon" --- yeah right !!!
Post by: bits4books on November 28, 2020, 02:43:13 PM
The problem is not killing all of humanity but that "Oh no robots sleep with my wife and work at my job". Unfortunately for the author, such things will only affect low-skilled personnel (all sorts of washers, sellers, etc), which will lead to an increase in the general level of education and competencies in more demanding areas of knowledge. Why do people need to take revenge on the streets if you can collect the same robots that will clean the streets? The author does not see life

Title: Re: "Humans will not be replaced by robots very soon" --- yeah right !!!
Post by: GrinZ on November 28, 2020, 03:36:50 PM
There are many examples of robotic coding and artificial intelligence around the world, but the question of whether a human-made robot cannot rule human or robots will take over the world is ridiculously funny.

Title: Re: "Humans will not be replaced by robots very soon" --- yeah right !!!
Post by: Cling18 on November 28, 2020, 04:08:39 PM
"Humans will not be replaced by robots very soon" --- yeah right !!!

Mof...kers did you watch the video on youtube with Atlas doing parkour ?

Skynet is coming !!! Arm yourself's.

Robots have been doing human jobs for years and it's making our lives more convenient and our tasks easier. However, there are still available jobs that no robots can do so we don't have to feel afraid of the technology development. Robots wouldn't totally replace human's physical work but it will honestly lessen the manpower in the future but we have no choice but to accept and adopt the changes that might happen.

Title: Re: "Humans will not be replaced by robots very soon" --- yeah right !!!
Post by: Mahdirakib on November 28, 2020, 04:31:42 PM
There are many examples of robotic coding and artificial intelligence around the world, but the question of whether a human-made robot cannot rule human or robots will take over the world is ridiculously funny.
Don't know why some people believe that robot can do all thing that human does. Actually robot runs with artificial intelligence. Whatever code you create or however you develop the robot, it can never take the position of us. I found it funny too. These artificial creations can never take any decision by themselve. And the truth is, human will never be replaced by robot.

Title: Re: "Humans will not be replaced by robots very soon" --- yeah right !!!
Post by: proTECH77 on November 28, 2020, 05:38:56 PM
Despite the different technology on ground which is operating like human being, but they are not working like human. Human are the one  that manufactured robots to use them to make money from their business which is making some people think robots will turn to human in the country. Human will remain human in the market to make use of the material to sell and make a good profit in the market.
Human being will continue to make use of robots in the business to make profit. 

Title: Re: "Humans will not be replaced by robots very soon" --- yeah right !!!
Post by: CarnagexD on November 28, 2020, 08:04:30 PM
We still have a long way to go to create a robot with sufficient technology and capability to combat that of a human's. It's quite controversial to say but most of these machines know only a thing or two, and that is why they excel at it. Have their processors do another task and they will start having problems with one or both of it. It may take us a few more hundred years to happen, and I fear the day it comes.

Title: Re: "Humans will not be replaced by robots very soon" --- yeah right !!!
Post by: Majharul Saiif on November 29, 2020, 02:04:33 PM
This is true that the presence of robots in the workplace is increasing day by day. But it doesn't mean that humans will replace robots soon. Robots are artificially designed for some limited work but humans can operate more than he/she ever thought before. So how can robots control everything?

Title: Re: "Humans will not be replaced by robots very soon" --- yeah right !!!
Post by: matchi2011 on November 29, 2020, 02:10:17 PM
This is true that the presence of robots in the workplace is increasing day by day. But it doesn't mean that humans will replace robots soon. Robots are artificially designed for some limited work but humans can operate more than he/she ever thought before. So how can robots control everything?

It can't but it focus with workers, Robots  designed to do multitasking and those works where workers are needed robots
can surely changed it and replaced the most.

Fact still remained, Robot can't work without human intellectual knowledge, without the configurations from
humans there's no use for any created robots.