Bitcoin Forum

Economy => Reputation => Topic started by: suchmoon on November 25, 2020, 01:32:56 AM

Title: Reputation: nullius is a cunt ✔
Post by: suchmoon on November 25, 2020, 01:32:56 AM
Edit 2020-11-29: this is turning into a broader nullius reputation thread, given that he's picking a fight with everyone who looks at him "wrong". That's fine, you don't have to call nullius a cunt anymore if you want to simply berate him for his pettiness or perhaps praise him for having many words. Have at it.

Edit 2020-12-03: a shout out to forum's "Ignore" feature. You rock!

"Bitcoin Forum" told me to create this topic if I'm unsatisfied. TBH I'm not sure... I just poured myself a very pleasantly fragrant drink so I'm quite satisfied really but at the same time kinda curious what the fuck was the purpose of creating a thread mentioning me and then deleting my post from it LOL. I guess I'll never know.

No self-mod and no rules here other than your post must be about nullius' reputation or lack thereof.

Quote from: Bitcoin Forum
A reply of yours, quoted below, was deleted by the starter of a self-moderated topic. There are no rules of self-moderation, so this deletion cannot be appealed. Do not continue posting in this topic if the topic-starter has requested that you leave.

You can create a new topic if you are unsatisfied with this one. If the topic-starter is scamming, post about it in Scam Accusations.

What the fuck is this shit. I get my name pinged and end up in a self-mod thread with three ignored posts LOL.

Pro tip nullius: mentioning my nick over and over again is not gonna trick me into reading your rants so you might as well give it up. Gotta implement ignore in my notification thingy now, thanks for wasting my time.

Edit - I just realized that "Bitcoin Forum" doesn't say which thread the deleted post was in... it's this one:

Title: you forgot to reserve the 2nd and 3rd spots, nullius is a wee bit of a cunt
Post by: nutildah on November 25, 2020, 01:38:18 AM

Title: Re: you forgot to reserve the 2nd and 3rd spots, nullius is a wee bit of a cunt
Post by: suchmoon on November 25, 2020, 01:53:55 AM

My feelings exactly.

Title: Re: Reeeeeeeeee: nullius is a cunt
Post by: DireWolfM14 on November 25, 2020, 02:44:30 AM
nullius most certainly is a cunt, one who seems to lack any ability for self reflection.

Take the irony of the title of his recent thread in which he cowardly proclaims "If your name is here, do not post on any of my self-moderated threads (unless it is a Reputation accusation thread against you):"  When you list specific people, isn't that essentially making it a reputation thread about them?

"Nullian Self-Moderation Policy"  Lol, if only.  ::)

Title: Re: Reeeeeeeeee: nullius is a cunt
Post by: suchmoon on November 25, 2020, 02:54:49 AM
Well, FWIW nullius can post here and I promise I won't delete his post. Can't promise I'll read it... I may if it's shorter than Mississippi.

nullius most certainly is a cunt, one who seems to lack any ability for self reflection.

IIRC he used to quote himself a lot. Does that count?

Title: Re: Reeeeeeeeee: nullius is a cunt
Post by: DireWolfM14 on November 25, 2020, 03:17:41 AM
nullius most certainly is a cunt, one who seems to lack any ability for self reflection.

IIRC he used to quote himself a lot. Does that count?

Hmm, good point.  I suppose it does count, in a narcissistic sort of way. 

Title: Re: Reeeeeeeeee: nullius is a cunt
Post by: dragonvsandroid on November 25, 2020, 02:22:48 PM
If you don't want to hear what he has to say, just ignore...

Title: Re: Reeeeeeeeee: nullius is a cunt
Post by: suchmoon on November 25, 2020, 02:38:17 PM
If you don't want to hear what he has to say, just ignore...

Why didn't I think of that... oh wait, I did, long time ago. That unfortunately doesn't make him less of a cunt and doesn't stop him from cluttering my notifications or derailing my threads. So here's a non-self-mod thread for him to shine in all his text wall glory.

Title: Re: you forgot to reserve the 2nd and 3rd spots, nullius is a wee bit of a cunt
Post by: The Sceptical Chymist on November 25, 2020, 04:58:06 PM
LOL.  What did you put into that flagrant drink you're in the process of consuming?  Feel free to PM the recipe to me.

Wow, nullius certainly has gone from one of the most popular posters (before he took that long break) to being labeled a cunt by multiple members.  What the hell happened?  I have to confess that I don't read a lot of nullius's posts in full, as they're usually extremely long and I don't have the attention span for it--but something must have happened recently whereby he's become damaged goods on bitcointalk.

Does anyone think nullius is an alt of Lauda?  I always harbored a suspicion about that based on their style of writing and high level of knowledge of crypto, but having a suspicion isn't evidence of anything.  I've also had a hard time believing Lauda would have abandoned the forum completely.  Anyway.  I'll keep an eye on this thread to see what the drama is all about.

Title: Re: Reeeeeeeeee: nullius is a cunt
Post by: suchmoon on November 25, 2020, 05:29:19 PM
LOL.  What did you put into that flagrant drink you're in the process of consuming?  Feel free to PM the recipe to me.

Ok, not the best choice of words but what did you expect from a drunk like me. I don't put stuff in my beverages... the natural aroma of rotten grapes is good enough for me. Gautier VSOP if you must know. XO bottle is stashed for when we breach $20k.

What the hell happened?

I think he has trouble dealing with the fact that people might have different opinions and that it doesn't necessarily make them wrong. I had a disagreement with him about his red trust on TECSHARE and that was like a year ago... he still can't let it go, keeps making up all sorts of shit that allegedly proves how wrong and untrustworthy and otherwise bad I am. Which is fine, because I could be, but derailing unrelated threads should stop. Unfortunately mods probably don't want to read his shit either so reports go unhandled.

He has basically turned into a cryptohunter with a bigger dicktionary.

Edit: fixed the title

Title: Re: you forgot to reserve the 2nd and 3rd spots, nullius is a wee bit of a cunt
Post by: nutildah on November 25, 2020, 10:06:13 PM
with a bigger dicktionary.

Finally some humor at my level of comprehension. Most of the stuff on this web site sails right over my head.

Truth is I ignored nullius not because he's both insulting and boring at the same but because I cower in the face of his steep intellect. I don't have logical rebuttals to his tactical verbal assaults and I mask that by claiming that his posts are too long and uninteresting.*

Does anyone think nullius is an alt of Lauda?  I always harbored a suspicion about that based on their style of writing and high level of knowledge of crypto, but having a suspicion isn't evidence of anything.  I've also had a hard time believing Lauda would have abandoned the forum completely.

I dunno. Nullius does have a pretty unnatural affinity for Lauda. I have no evidence of this but my theory is the Lauda account was controlled by multiple people, which would explain the bipolar personality. Nullius' writing style is of course markedly different than Lauda's, but maybe they were toning it down a bit when posting as Lauda.

For the record, I never had anything personal against Lauda and in their last couple years we got along pretty well. She/he/they even came to my defense a few times when it was needed, and I appreciated that.

*does it need to be said that this was sarcasm?

Title: Re: Reeeeeeeeee: nullius is a cunt
Post by: peloso on November 26, 2020, 01:23:01 PM
nullius is a troll he tried to trolling me but unsuccessfully
very stupid idoiot)

Does anyone think nullius is an alt of Lauda?

yes) i am
there is also same narcissism on it

Title: Re: you forgot to reserve the 2nd and 3rd spots, nullius is a wee bit of a cunt
Post by: Laudanum on November 26, 2020, 01:44:46 PM
LOL.  What did you put into that flagrant drink you're in the process of consuming?  Feel free to PM the recipe to me.

Ok, not the best choice of words but what did you expect from a drunk like me. I don't put stuff in my beverages... the natural aroma of rotten grapes is good enough for me. Gautier VSOP if you must know. XO bottle is stashed for when we breach $20k.

What the hell happened?

I think he has trouble dealing with the fact that people might have different opinions and that it doesn't necessarily make them wrong. I had a disagreement with him about his red trust on TECSHARE and that was like a year ago... he still can't let it go, keeps making up all sorts of shit that allegedly proves how wrong and untrustworthy and otherwise bad I am. Which is fine, because I could be, but derailing unrelated threads should stop. Unfortunately mods probably don't want to read his shit either so reports go unhandled.

He has basically turned into a cryptohunter with a bigger dicktionary.

It is fun to watch this. I knew it would happen. Undoubtedly nullius is a cunt, however this is not the root of the conflict between suchmoron and nerdius.

Suchmoron views nerdius as a cunt for a few reasons. None of which have anything to do with being an actual cunt.

1. Nerdius can convincingly ( to imbeciles which make up 99% of meta and rep posters) appear both intelligent and cultured.  
Suchmoon doesnt like that and hates being revealed as stupid. It knows nullius is more technically versed too. Nullius being kind of a very poor mans AM.

2. Nerdius can garner a lot of praise and grovelling respect from the dregs that also slobber over suchmoron. ( not that burger flipper direwolf that is suchmoons chief  assmuncher or alt)

3. Nerdius will stand up to suchmoron.

In short nerdius is casting a shadow over suchmorons light here. Suchmoon doesnt like not being the centre of attention.

I have a feeling that nerdius is nothing more than a sad lonely old guy that has a rampant sex drive for your semi smart young cyber babes that he dreams may want to flirt and cyber sex him if he can impress them sufficiently via the walls of techno babble, latin and classics knowledge drizzled with neeechy.

Nerdius is a bit better at sounding smart whilst suchmoon is a little better at sounding sane.

Both are cunts. Suchmoon is perhaps the most caustic and despicable because the fat slob sneakily bends the rules and introduces double standards all for image and imagined power. Nullius does it for pussy which I can say is more admirable comparatively

Also suchmoon is now a grotty little sig spammer and nullius is not so another point there.

Cuntness scale.

Suchmoron 9
Nullius 7

So correct nullius is a cunt,  but suchmoon is a rancid slimy fat cunt lol
Both have zero plausible claim to have made any difference long term to bitcoin or this forum.
I suspect neither even have 50 or 100 Btc.  

No plausible mark made, no skin in the game.
There will be no real conflict since nerdius craves acceptance into DT crew really and suchmoron doesn't want to lose face being revealed as a retard all over again.

I hope my post can assist the union but I cant last anyway.

Title: Re: Reeeeeeeeee: nullius is a cunt
Post by: suchmoon on November 26, 2020, 02:50:25 PM (
Edited 2020-11-30 to fix a broken image

Title: Re: you forgot to reserve the 2nd and 3rd spots, nullius is a wee bit of a cunt
Post by: DireWolfM14 on November 26, 2020, 05:55:21 PM
Gautier VSOP if you must know. XO bottle is stashed for when we breach $20k.

Observable, undeniable, truthful evidence that I am not suchmoon's alt.  I only drink Islay Scotch, Kentucky Bourbon, and California brandy, specifically in that order (by volume.)  Also, my $20K reserve is a bottle of 21yo Lagavulin.

BTW, today I'm taking a break from flipping burgers to BBQ a turkey.  Happy Thanksgiving everyone.  Including you, cryptohunter.

ETA: nullius is a cunt. (just to stay on topic. ;))

Title: Re: Reeeeeeeeee: nullius is a cunt
Post by: suchmoon on November 26, 2020, 06:40:30 PM
BTW, today I'm taking a break from flipping burgers to BBQ a turkey.  Happy Thanksgiving everyone.  Including you, cryptohunter.

Bourgeois. I have to work because Bezos - well, not really, but it's always nice to have one person to blame - yesterday decided to take out half the intertubes ( (presumably the dumber half that put all its eggs into one region) so there's a lot of mopping up to do today. Microwaved leftovers for me.

Happy Thanksgiving. I'm thankful for the cunts making life less boring.

Edit: fixed the title

Title: Re: Reeeeeeeeee: nullius is a cunt
Post by: pugman on November 27, 2020, 12:13:30 PM
This dude actually posted a cunt pic??? NSFW????

10. No embedded NSFW images anywhere. NSFW content must be marked accordingly.


Title: Re: you forgot to reserve the 2nd and 3rd spots, nullius is a wee bit of a cunt
Post by: sirazimuth on November 27, 2020, 03:59:47 PM
I think he has trouble dealing with the fact that people might have different opinions and that it doesn't necessarily make them wrong. I had a disagreement with him about his red trust on TECSHARE and that was like a year ago... he still can't let it go, keeps making up all sorts of shit that allegedly proves how wrong and untrustworthy and otherwise bad I am. Which is fine, because I could be, but derailing unrelated threads should stop. Unfortunately mods probably don't want to read his shit either so reports go unhandled.

He has basically turned into a cryptohunter with a bigger dicktionary.

I figured I wasn't the only one who found this wordy conceited character annoying as hell.
I'm sure this entertaining thread strokes his fragile ego a little though.

..... TECSHARE .....

Wtf happened to that nice young man anyway?  Did he get hit by the Biden bus or something? Asking for a friend....

Title: Re: Reeeeeeeeee: nullius is a cunt
Post by: suchmoon on November 27, 2020, 04:16:36 PM
Wtf happened to that nice young man anyway?  Did he get hit by the Biden bus or something? Asking for a friend....

He disappeared back in July or August I think. If I was a really snarky cunt I would observe that this coincided with the end of his signature campaign but I'm obviously above such pettiness so I assume he found more important things in life than wasting time on this forum.

Edit: fixed the title

Title: Re: Reeeeeeeeee: nullius is a cunt
Post by: nullius on November 27, 2020, 05:25:46 PM
If I was a really snarky cunt

0. This thread is about me being a cunt.  Not about you.  Your post is an off-topic attempt to derail the thread.
No self-mod and no rules here other than your post must be about nullius being a cunt.
You are a rule-breaker and a hypocrite (, to boot (!  But you do not deserve the high honour of being called a cunt on a thread started by you, for the purpose of your whining about me.

1. Please be advised that I have been retained to shill for ( represent the interests of Sarcasm.  Please be further advised that when you were
summarily FIRED! ( from Sarcasm’s signature campaign,
your End User Licence to Snark was terminated pursuant to §31.37 of the terms thereof.  Your attempts to abuse Sarcasm are in violation of Sarcasm’s intellectual property rights.

^^^ Image is of suchmoon’s signature, at the time that the quoted post was made.
Be guided accordingly, etc., etc.

2. Stop “derailing” the topic title. (  I am much more than “a wee bit” of a cunt, figuratively speaking.  You added no qualifiers when you started the thread—don’t chicken out now, pussy!

Official guide to the application of vulgar idioms:

  • nullius = cunt (extremely evil (!  Officially certified cuntiness, according to Bitcointalk Suchmoon’s Vision (BSV) ( and endorsed ( by suchmoon’s darling cryptohunter (
  • suchmoon = pussy (coward—but assuredly 🐁 not a cat!)

Title: Re: Reeeeeeeeee: nullius is a cunt
Post by: sirazimuth on November 27, 2020, 06:02:00 PM
...This thread is about me being a cunt. ...

well if nothing else, I admire your honesty anyway....

Title: Re: Reeeeeeeeee: nullius is a cunt
Post by: nullius on November 27, 2020, 06:52:39 PM
...This thread is about me being a cunt. ...

well, I admire your honesty anyway....

You see, unlike most “people” who pretend to do Bitcoin, I take the divine mandate of Bitcoin ( seriously.

So, who wants to attempt insulting me next?  🙃☮

/me badgers the hostile witness, who unwillingly and unwittingly attests his supreme mastery (

Well, this time you haven't fed the trolls, you've fed nullius. May the gods have mercy on your soul.
Quotable. (

Title: Re: Reeeeeeeeee: nullius is a cunt
Post by: Laudanum on November 27, 2020, 07:20:19 PM
In reply to nullius. You are wrong regarding several points.

This post will detail why you are perceived as a cunt by various factions and how to become a " non cunt"  and have a happy time here.

1. Ch dismantled suchmoon in every single dispute, debate and conflict they ever had. You can try present any example you like of ch losing a debate with suchmoon and I will explain where you are wrong. It is undeniable that CH has demolished every opponent in every debate he ever had here. I will await a specific example of where that is not true. Suchmoon only ignores or claims to ignore those she does not want to debate with out of fear. I don't care if you accept that or not. She will willingly spend time to roast the most obvious newbie with her caustic shit endlessly with no mercy.

2. It is unimportant as to whether you are actually smarter than suchmoon or simply have greater training in various areas or have taken time to absorb more of others prior art to regurgitate and cling to the perceive kudos it brings.
You will not bring suchmoon down. As you will start to appreciate you could debunk and destroy her in every debate, and her slobbering dogs will not only support her broken arguments they will attack you personally and not even attempt to defend her arguments or points. They will avoid the debate altogether. Therefore now you will simply be attacked on a personal level.  The arguments and debates you present will become irrelevant. You will not take suchmoon down if you mean you will be able to oust her from the bosom of the slobbering greedy protection racket of DT scumbags. You are already being called a troll , next will come mental illness etc. etc. Anything to avoid actual debate on any bones of contention.

So this explains in part why people are perceive you are a cunt.

I mean clearly CH would consider you a cunt because your double standards regarding your resurrection to immediately red tag him for daring to say that taking the piss out of plagiarists excuses was in bad taste since you abhorrence for plagiarism was such that even if you were starving you would expect to be derided for explaining that a reason to copy and paste.  Then when your wank fantasy lauda was exposed for deliberately splicing plagiarism into his own posts to disguise it you started making excuses for lauda and never rebuked him once.  After defending laudas proven scamming previously. A pattern you have on a lesser degree with alia.

So sure you want some pussy and are willing to apply undeniable double standards to punish others.

That makes you a cunt. Undeniably so.

Even so how many men are even willing to fuck over their friends or even family for pussy. ( not i)  so sorry just a 7/10 cunt.

I mean your main issue is that in your desire to impress and force others to recognize your all encompassing knowledge of all things are coming across as desperate and needy. So what you believe is your strength is now your weakness and an irritation to others.

CH rants long posts presumably as a cathartic release and likes to repeat the same point in various different ways within the same post as if he cant understand why others are not accepting his undeniable independently verifiable truths. Which of course they can but they simply like to antagonize him and avoid discussing them. Win win for them. They dont win the argument but waste his time and send his blood pressure through the roof.

CH has never lost a debate and never demonstrated double standards and always been fair to each member.
He is a cunt in their perception for wanting to dismantle their merit, DT and sig spamming self awarded advantages.
Theymos thinks CH is a cunt for pointing out the systems of control he dreamed up over a bottle of scotch and ton of weed are broken garbage that have corrupted the forum to its core.

Everyone is a cunt in someone's perception.

As I said nullius is a double standards know it all cunt for pussy
Suchmoon is a caustic sneaky double standards cunt for the limelight and perceived power and control and lots of attention.
Ch is not a cunt but to scumbags that dont want a fair playing field here he is a massive cunt.

The word cunt is not very helpful and who cares if someone says you're a cunt.

I would be more worried about people demonstrating you're a scammer or a double standards imposing shit stain DT who will do anything to keep spamming and making money from this forum.

Anyway suchmoon will not be giving you too much hassle. She had already gone to the pretend ignoring and making a thread where she says you can confine your posts about her. Same old game for those she doesn't like but doesn't really want public confrontation with.

As for ousting her out of DT or pulling support away from her through intellectual victories
...forget it.  The Dumb Turds1 have only one directive. Collude and protect each other at all costs our own sigs depend on it  
Theymos only cares about continuing his crazy experiment. He will certainly sanction honest members unfair punishment at the hands of his creation.

As I say I enjoy being the common enemy but 2 characters like suchmoon and nullius can never get along long term. It will just fizzle into a toleration out of self preservation scenario. Nullius can out-nerd suchmoon,  but suchmoon has more control and support of the pack of DT1 dogs.  

Anyway admit it you want to be accepted into the DT spaz cult, but you want to be the leader. That is not going to happen so capitulate and take a lesser enforcer position and it's all going to be golden. Suchmoron is top turd and that's the end of it. She's not being flushed anytime soon. Also you may consider charming her into one of your dark cyber sex sessions. I have apparently seen an image of her and although its larger than what you may have room for in momma basement right now her chest is enormous. You could do a lot worse I mean unless you'd really prefer laudas erect 3inches. I've even purchased one of those horse trailers for my lambo on the off chance she stops using covid as an excuse to avoid meeting for a drink.

Title: Re: Reeeeeeeeee: nullius is a cunt
Post by: sirazimuth on November 27, 2020, 10:40:35 PM


You see, unlike most “people” who pretend to do Bitcoin, I take the divine mandate of Bitcoin ( seriously.

So, who wants to attempt insulting me next?  🙃☮

dude. I'm not here to attempt to insult you next. 
I come here to read succinct concise 3 sentence posts or maybe a funny meme.

If I wanted a 10 page lesson in whatever it is you are pushing, be it Nietzsche, commies, oil paintings of hairy pussies or wtf you drone on about in here,
the last place I'd go is a bitcoin forum. I'd just google it.

Having said that I appreciate you are a brainiac,  just try being more humble and put your point across
in a normal sized post instead of pages of pics, links, and various sized tootie fruity colored fonts.
You might think it makes you look clever.  Well maybe it does, but it's also very irritating.

 ...just sayin

Title: Re: you forgot to reserve the 2nd and 3rd spots, nullius is a wee bit of a cunt
Post by: nutildah on November 27, 2020, 11:12:27 PM
Wtf happened to that nice young man anyway?  Did he get hit by the Biden bus or something? Asking for a friend....

He disappeared back in July or August I think. If I was a really snarky cunt I would observe that this coincided with the end of his signature campaign but I'm obviously above such pettiness so I assume he found more important things in life than wasting time on this forum.

You're actually more optimistic than me here. He never struck me as the kinda guy who would just give up his account and walk away entirely. He had pretty high blood pressure after all... maybe he was in the middle of angrily pounding out a response to somebody about Ukraine and Hunter Biden and he had an aneurysm or something.

Title: Re: you forgot to reserve the 2nd and 3rd spots, nullius is a wee bit of a cunt
Post by: DireWolfM14 on November 28, 2020, 02:26:47 AM
Wtf happened to that nice young man anyway?  Did he get hit by the Biden bus or something? Asking for a friend....

He disappeared back in July or August I think. If I was a really snarky cunt I would observe that this coincided with the end of his signature campaign but I'm obviously above such pettiness so I assume he found more important things in life than wasting time on this forum.

You're actually more optimistic than me here. He never struck me as the kinda guy who would just give up his account and walk away entirely. He had pretty high blood pressure after all... maybe he was in the middle of angrily pounding out a response to somebody about Ukraine and Hunter Biden and he had an aneurysm or something.

Damn, I hadn't noticed Techy's on hiatus.  I hope he's well and just taking a mental-heath break from the forum.  He did start heading down the rabbit hole pretty heavy, even attacking other conservatives if they weren't part of the Q Continuum.  If any one needed a mental-health break, it was him.

I'm bored of talking about what a cunt nullius is.

Title: Re: Reeeeeeeeee: nullius is a cunt
Post by: hacker1001101001 on November 28, 2020, 02:41:19 AM
I mean clearly CH would consider you a cunt because your double standards regarding your resurrection to immediately red tag him for daring to say that taking the piss out of plagiarists excuses was in bad taste since you abhorrence for plagiarism was such that even if you were starving you would expect to be derided for explaining that a reason to copy and paste.  Then when your wank fantasy lauda was exposed for deliberately splicing plagiarism into his own posts to disguise it you started making excuses for lauda and never rebuked him once. After defending laudas proven scamming previously. A pattern you have on a lesser degree with alia.

So sure you want some pussy and are willing to apply undeniable double standards to punish others.

That makes you a cunt. Undeniably so.

This sums up all the prove of nullius being a cunt ! ( I don't even think he has any genuine explanations for this other than his long rants about Lauda and how good she is)

Note : nullius can do anything for a pussy.

He disappeared back in July or August I think. If I was a really snarky cunt I would observe that this coincided with the end of his signature campaign but I'm obviously above such pettiness so I assume he found more important things in life than wasting time on this forum.

You're actually more optimistic than me here. He never struck me as the kinda guy who would just give up his account and walk away entirely. He had pretty high blood pressure after all... maybe he was in the middle of angrily pounding out a response to somebody about Ukraine and Hunter Biden and he had an aneurysm or something.

Damn, I hadn't noticed Techy's on hiatus.  I hope he's well and just taking a mental-heath break from the forum.  He did start heading down the rabbit hole pretty heavy, even attacking other conservatives if they weren't part of the Q Continuum.  If any one needed a mental-health break, it was him.

I am sure TECSHARE has a better job than engaging with idiot's around the forum and you all should keep all this cranky guesses with yourself (too many mental health experts around ). Hope he is good at health anyways.

Title: Re: Reeeeeeeeee: nullius is a cunt
Post by: sirazimuth on November 28, 2020, 03:29:16 AM
You're actually more optimistic than me here. He never struck me as the kinda guy who would just give up his account and walk away entirely. He had pretty high blood pressure after all... maybe he was in the middle of angrily pounding out a response to somebody about Ukraine and Hunter Biden and he had an aneurysm or something.

In as much as I would never wish ill will on anyone, that does sound plausible.
That dude definitely struck me as someone very angry and with a screw loose. Not a good combo.

I am sure TECSHARE has a better job than engaging with idiot's around the forum and you all should keep all this cranky guesses with yourself (too many mental health experts around ). Hope he is good at health anyways.

Yeah he had much better things to do than converse with us idiots and obsess about trust abuse, clown cars and conspiracy theories. He never did that.  
Oh wait sorry, thats ot, this is the Nullius cunt thread, my bad.... is there a TECSHARE mia thread?

Title: Re: Reeeeeeeeee: nullius is a cunt
Post by: suchmoon on November 28, 2020, 03:45:28 AM
is there a TECSHARE mia thread?

Sadly no, he didn't leave a long tearful "goodbye world" thread for us to worship him in.

But I'm sure he won't mind if you honor his disappearance in the guild thread:

Title: Re: Reeeeeeeeee: nullius is a cunt
Post by: sirazimuth on November 28, 2020, 03:58:46 AM
...a long tearful "goodbye world" thread for us to worship him in.


Hmmm, that sounds familiar...or should I say ....I see what you did

Title: Re: Reeeeeeeeee: nullius is a cunt
Post by: suchmoon on November 28, 2020, 04:34:50 AM
Hmmm, that sounds familiar...or should I say ....I see what you did

Any resemblance to actual cunts or pussies, living or dead, is purely coincidental.

Title: Re: Reeeeeeeeee: nullius is a cunt
Post by: sirazimuth on November 28, 2020, 05:28:45 AM
Hmmm, that sounds familiar...or should I say ....I see what you did

Any resemblance to actual cunts or pussies, living or dead, is purely coincidental.

See my above post ;)

Title: Re: Reeeeeeeeee: nullius is a cunt
Post by: eddie13 on November 28, 2020, 03:36:00 PM
I still have TS’s money waiting for him and he still hasn’t contacted me here or elsewhere..
So yeah, he didn’t just quit posting, he even left money behind...

BTW, if this is a cunt measuring contest, my vote goes to CH..

Title: Re: Reeeeeeeeee: nullius is a c—
Post by: nullius on November 28, 2020, 04:45:54 PM

Further replies will be made after a cleanup in Meta.

cryptohunter, if you wrote regularly more in the manner of your latest post here, then perhaps more people would listen to you.  Not many more—but who cares for the opinions of the masses?  It is the thinkers who matter, not the blockheads.  If you are not merely pulling a grandmaster troll by telling me whatever you may infer I want to hear, then excluding some wrongness that I’m sure you just had to toss at me and Lauda, that was actually an insightful post.

sirazimuth, you and I are on the forum for completely different and mutually irreconcilable reasons.  I will not make you be interested in all of the things that I post; and you will assuredly not make me uninterested in posting them.  That is the great thing about free expression—if I have it, which I may not here (, but anyway...

eddie13, loth though I am to say this, I hope that nothing really bad befell TS.  There are some people who deserve whatever ill may befall them—about whose demise I would laugh with Schadenfreude; but I would not say that about TS.  He’s just a garden-variety trollish jerk with a dishonest streak who needs to get his a— kicked, which (if not inconvenient) I may do again* if he returns.

Also, f— you for underrating my c—iness compared to CH.  B—.

* To be clear, TS always came off as a fool opposing me.  He only successfully got me excluded from DT by hypocritically hiding behind suchmoon—just as Mr “hacker” is s—ing up to suchmoon on this thread, and CH has not pointed that out to him.  “Double standards”?  ::)

Title: Re: Reeeeeeeeee: nullius is a c—
Post by: DireWolfM14 on November 28, 2020, 11:18:53 PM
That is the great thing about free expression—if I have it, which I may not here (, but anyway...

You are an insufferable, whiney cunt, and like all cunt's you have an alarmingly narrow view of the world; barley past the tip of your own clit.  I regularly read this forum from work, my personal PC is situated where my family can easily see what's on my screen from commonly used areas of the house, and I would prefer not to suddenly find myself staring at muff in those situations.  I assume most people who type into there browser would prefer not be redirected to pornhub.

It doesn't matter if the muff in question is deemed to be art (have you seen that chick that shaves hers in the shape of a heart?)  It doesn't matter if the muff in question is hanging on the wall of some hoity toity museum.  It's a muff on my screen, which I clearly didn't search out on my own.  Uncool.  So uncool, I want to say that's a dick-move, but I know it would fall on deaf, cunt ears.

Further replies will be made after a cleanup in Meta.

Oh, why go and spoil the surprise?  ::)

Title: Re: Reeeeeeeeee: nullius is a cunt
Post by: suchmoon on November 29, 2020, 12:54:10 AM
Looks like our friend is getting a spanking from hilarious in two Meta threads at once, which is kinda sad to watch because almost certainly it will accelerate the meltdown... nullius doesn't seem like someone who takes criticism well.

Title: Re: Reeeeeeeeee: nullius is a cunt
Post by: sirazimuth on November 29, 2020, 03:28:16 AM
Oh yay!
I got a shout out from the roastee. I feel honored.  

sirazimuth, you and I are on the forum for completely different and mutually irreconcilable reasons.  I will not make you be interested in all of the things that I post; and you will assuredly not make me uninterested in posting them.  That is the great thing about free expression—if I have it, which I may not here (, but anyway...
Fair enough.

Title: Re: Reeeeeeeeee: nullius is a c—
Post by: nullius on November 29, 2020, 04:33:52 AM

I knew that there was a reason why I made the effort to vectorize it!  Now, I can whip these out by the score.

I was shooting for, “Er ist ein Künstler der Fotzen.”  But despite the cross-lingual clumsiness, the “von” makes for a sweet pun.

Thus you see, CH:  If suchmoon trolls you, then it is possible to dish it back without behaving like a GNAA member on Slashdot.  (“Nerdius”, you say?)

As such, I can kick back and watch suchmoon melt down publicly whilst she projects her meltdown onto me.  It is hilarious.  (Pro tip, suchmoon:  When you are so hurt about being excluded from participation in valuable self-moderated threads that you start a Reputation topic titled, “nullius is a cunt”, then nullius is not the one having the meltdown.)

Alas, I am still a bit too busy at the moment.  I do want to catch up here properly.  But if I take the time to write another long essay hereby, it should be after I catch up on the other stuff that suchmoon has been sucking my clock—I mean, my time away from, with her middle-schooler gutter-mouth antics about cunts.

Oh yay!
I got a shout out from the roastee. I feel honored.

See you around.  Since I have been too distracted with my defence of the fine arts to keep up with WO, I must get my market fix somehow.  ;-)

“Honey badger don’t give a fork” is not only a Bitcoinism:  It is a winning approach to many problems.

Title: Re: Reeeeeeeeee: nullius is a cunt
Post by: 1miau on November 29, 2020, 06:22:12 PM
It's somehow sad to see in which way nullius is about to ruin his reputation here.  :-\
His technical topics are outstanding but his recent off-topic, fraudulent-themed spam-posts are totally annoying. People disagreeing with him will be hit by spam-walls immediately or even getting an own topic (of course self-moderated), getting rants and complaints about his "issues".  :D

Mr. Free speech aka. Censorship has definitely too much free time.

He has basically turned into a cryptohunter with a bigger dicktionary.
Most likely, but let's see. Repeating his spam-walls for a while will also become boring and predictable...
At least he doesn't use capslock.... not yet

Title: Re: Reeeeeeeeee: nullius is a cunt
Post by: The Sceptical Chymist on November 29, 2020, 07:49:42 PM
He has basically turned into a cryptohunter with a bigger dicktionary.
Most likely, but let's see. Repeating his spam-walls for a while will also become boring and predictable...
At least he doesn't use capslock.... not yet
Nullius truly puzzles me.  He started his career on bitcointalk on such a positive note such that I hadn't seen the likes of it before.  He wrote amazingly intelligent posts, and I don't recall anywhere near the level of vitriol that he now displays.  And that vitriol seems to have coincided roughly with the departure of Lauda his return from a long absence (to the best of my memory, which isn't always reliable).  Anyway, I've already voiced my suspicions about the link between them, so I won't get into that.

I don't dislike nullius in the least.  I did exclude him from my trust list because of some of the recent feedback he's left, and I think that's the only appropriate thing to do, whether I like a member or not.  I don't care if he acts like a complete cunt; I never cared when Lauda acted in that way either.  It's entertaining and often posts by either one of them contain a lot of truth written in a very biting style.

It's somehow sad to see in which way nullius is about to ruin his reputation here.  :-\
Yeah well, shit happens.  I understand nullius recently excluded you from his trust list, and I'm betting there are a lot more exclusions coming from him in the near future.  

I forget (and I forgot how to check):  is nullius on DT or not?

Title: Re: Reeeeeeeeee: nullius is a cunt
Post by: LoyceMobile on November 29, 2020, 08:07:17 PM
It's somehow sad to see in which way nullius is about to ruin his reputation here.  :-\
His technical topics are outstanding but his recent off-topic, fraudulent-themed spam-posts are totally annoying. People disagreeing with him will be hit by spam-walls immediately
I now get long posts in more than one topic too, up to the point I put nullius on ignore. Such a waste is his skills!
Can't we just agree to disagree? Nullius thinks posting hairy cunt pictures is okay, I reported his post and a moderator agreed.
The end, right?

I forget (and I forgot how to check):  is nullius on DT or not?

Title: Re: Reeeeeeeeee: nullius is a cunt
Post by: suchmoon on November 29, 2020, 09:00:05 PM
The end, right?

Yeah... no. Your every fart needs to be picked apart to arrive at an inevitable conclusion that you're a bad person - nullius doesn't do "agree to disagree".

Title: Re: Reeeeeeeeee: fart jokes
Post by: sirazimuth on November 29, 2020, 10:12:05 PM

Yeah... no. Your every fart needs to be picked apart ....

oh fun, fun, fun! Does this mean I can segue into fart jokes without being ot?. I just love fart jokes...

... oh ok, maybe not...

(maybe nully can derail change the thread title again...he's they're good at that)

Title: Re: Reeeeeeeeee: fart jokes
Post by: suchmoon on November 29, 2020, 10:29:13 PM
oh fun, fun, fun! Does this mean I can segue into fart jokes without being ot?. I just love fart jokes...

As long as these are nullius' farts or farts of people whom nullius has a conflict with (i.e. nearly everyone) - it's almost on topic. I updated the OP slightly to allow people to call nullius other names, not just a cunt. Enjoy.

Title: Re: Reputation: nullius is a cunt
Post by: Slow death on November 30, 2020, 01:29:10 PM
he is a guy who would be very useful in a newspaper because in the newspaper he could write about everything he wanted and could make his usual long texts with images and I just hope he will not put images of cats and nudes in the newspaper...

Title: Re: Reeeeeeeeee: nullius is a cunt
Post by: pugman on November 30, 2020, 03:09:50 PM
It's somehow sad to see in which way nullius is about to ruin his reputation here.  :-\
His technical topics are outstanding but his recent off-topic, fraudulent-themed spam-posts are totally annoying. People disagreeing with him will be hit by spam-walls immediately or even getting an own topic (of course self-moderated), getting rants and complaints about his "issues".  :D

Mr. Free speech aka. Censorship has definitely too much free time.
I truly wonder what shit people must be going through if they manage to read one full post made by recent nullius. I truly miss the more positive nullius back from 2018. It was fun to see him post, and his posts were truly informative to read. Now, I don't want to browse the forum in front of other family members considering a big-ass hairy cunt would appear for absolutely no reason. yay.!

Any wild accusations on why nullius is acting so anti-nullius? We are gonna get hit by a spam wall anyways, so why ntfaot bring in some theories while at it.  :P

Title: Re: Ree: nullius is a dick—fucks cunts! (suchmoon’s nice title can be improved!)
Post by: nullius on November 30, 2020, 03:11:27 PM
he is a guy who would be very useful in a newspaper because in the newspaper he could write about everything he wanted and could make his usual long texts with images and I just hope he will not put images of cats and nudes in the newspaper...
The image that I posted here which was deleted, “The Origin of the World”, is featured and depicted uncensored with other nudes in this news article (grand finale, last entry in the article), together with others of Courbet’s nudes: (
Quote from: ARTnews: “Courbet’s Most Controversial Paintings: Strange Eroticism, Socialism, and More”
[—Image Not Safe For—]
Gustave Courbet, The Origin of the World, 1866.
Gianni Dagli Orti/Shutterstock
It is a quite liberal publication, which would probably fire me for some of my politically incorrect comments; but albeit in the art niche, it is still a legit mainstream news site.  “NSFW”?  ::)
Founded in 1902, ARTnews is the oldest and most widely circulated art magazine in the world. Its readership of 180,000 in 124 countries includes collectors, dealers, historians, artists, museum directors, curators, connoisseurs, and enthusiasts.
Would you get fired for visiting at work?  ::)2

Because hoi polloi love screenshots, here is one of the one above all such scat:

suchmoon is now trying to tone it down and feign fairness, out of embarrassment for her public potty-mouthed temper tantrum.  She is sufficiently shrewd to know that removing “nullius is a cunt” from the title would be open capitulation; but her thinly-veiled backpedalling is nonetheless obvious:

Edit 2020-11-29: this is turning into a broader nullius reputation thread, given that he's picking a fight with everyone who looks at him "wrong". That's fine, you don't have to call nullius a cunt anymore if you want to simply berate him for his pettiness or perhaps praise him for having many words. Have at it.

Regardless (and I do mean: regardless), the thread is what is is.  And it is fitting that in such a thread, amongst very few intelligent comments, some of the only intelligent comments have been made by CH, of all people.

...according to the Master Ethical Mature Expert ( of Bitcointalk I'm getting paid by sarcasm ( to carry it in my signature and I'm clearly doing a horrible job shilling it...
Above:  Fair context—because I do not misquote, even for comedic effect.
according to the Master Ethical Mature Expert ( of Bitcointalk
As long as these are nullius' farts or farts of people whom nullius has a conflict with (i.e. nearly everyone) - it's almost on topic. I updated the OP slightly to allow people to call nullius other names, not just a cunt. Enjoy.


CH, since you are being such a gentleman in this thread, I politely request that you do not feed the suchlunatic troll’s scatological fixations.  If she wants to sniff my farts, I am NOT interested in that.  Yuck!

And please, if you and your mighty-Lambo-that-pulls-a-horse-trailer ever get suchmoon out for drinks, etc., etc., then do not post NSFW pics of your type of BBW fart-sniffer turd-felch lovemaking.  I am no prude, but große Scheiße!  I do not want to see that! 🤮

call nullius other names, not just a cunt. Enjoy.

I don’t need your permission; but nonetheless, thank you for inviting me to call myself a dick.  Who fucks.

Because suchmoon’s profile (;u=234771) alleges that her location is “SoCal”, I have rendered this sign in Caltrans’ official shade of safety orange:

Historical footnote:  This graphic was first displayed on another thread, before suchmoon’s latest posts and change of OP here.  My post there was deleted by the moderators, although it was on-topic, and it did not violate any forum rules.  Together with the graphic, I had planned the above-seen retitling before suchmoon recently updated OP.

—Thus, I am hereby communicating at the mental and cultural level of the audience for this thread, similarly as I told peloso:

нyллиyc этo гaндoн кoтopый oчeнь cмaчнo пытaлcя лayдe вылизaть яйцa и oт тoгo чтo y лayды иx нe былo нo нyлиyc этoгo нe пoнимaл и вce жe пытaлcя, нe знaю ( и нe интepecнo yжe ) кaк y нeгo paбoтaeт этoт peфлeкc ceйчac)

Eдинcтвeнный oтвeт, кoтopoгo вы зacлyживaeтe, тaк кaк oн мoжeт быть вocпpинят тoлькo нa вaшeм ypoвнe кyльтypы и интeллeктa:  Cocи xyй.

Mr. Free speech aka. Censorship

You are confused.  (—Either that, or as much a dishonest twister as suchmoon.  I will assume good faith.)

Unfortunately, you have expressed no gratitude for the newbie help that I have provided to you before.  Why should I take the time to explain to you the difference between running a self-moderated thread on a forum where anybody can make a new thread, versus improperly abusing the forum rules to suppress posts that you dislike?


Don’t tempt me.  My violin needs new strings.

—To be clear, I would never make a kitty into violin strings!  So-called “catgut” strings are usually made from the intestines of sheep.

Need pictures for illiterates who call long, thoughtful, thorough posts ( a “spam wall”:


Re: Why KYC is extremely dangerous – and useless (
(OP thereby is 2748 words, not including external links and translations list at the end.)

You should write a shorter version if you want your text to be shared and translated (and read) IMO. I'm sorry but I found it very long for this kind of subject, some arguments are repeated several times in the text.
Translation: “wordy-man wall of text, u use alot of words, its 2 much, pls say it in 140 chars or u loose ur raedrs, kthxbye”  —  Proper response from a stereotypically polite German:  „Danke, ich werde darüber nachdenken ( 🗑️“

Unlike Discourse, the software will be featureful and information-dense. Unlike Reddit, the software will support and encourage lengthy, high-quality posts (while allowing shorter posts).

CH, and also The Pharmacist:  I have further replies for you.  However, I will hold them for now; I do not want to make this post too long!

Title: Re: Reeeeeeeeee: nullius is a cunt
Post by: suchmoon on November 30, 2020, 03:50:11 PM
Any wild accusations on why nullius is acting so anti-nullius?

5G mind control device implanted by George Soros whose alt Lauda recently committed virtual suicide on this forum.

Title: suchmoon's original troll topic title: "Reeeeeeeeee: nullius is a cunt" -read OP
Post by: The-None-Above-All on December 01, 2020, 08:29:57 AM
this Thread is retarded and psychotic by suchLOON, suckLOON.

Everyone knows that nullius is not a cunt Himself, but is cunning linguist He has good taste

it's His Reputation

Reputation > What happened to Nullius
after he said something about tasting cunts, I started to dislike him. nobody should ever taste them, that's just not good for your health.

so nullius is not a cunt, but he licks cunt, and especially kisses pussy

now about the gutter trash topic starter here ,and her boyfriend

anal Sex obsessed crypTURDpunter will be sad for his fave rude BBW.. by the time Dr. Nullius here is done, suchloon will swallow her own tongue. Lunatic

Frankly, it"s the sort of thing that Miggs would say.

suchloon is a two-Faced Jekyll and Missy Miggs.

suchmoon has more control

o rlly? ::)

"thank you, barnABy"

now what i must qUESTION

Easy guess of me posting from an alt. I don't want to be blacklisted by yahoo of course. Call me coward, I have nothing to lose from this alt.


idiots who suck up to suckloon always says "say it with your main account"

the brave Sir Nullius has the BALLS to SAY IT WITH HIS MAIN ACCOUNT

and what is the result? conspioracy Theories that he is alt of another account... mebbe Lauda


there are three kinds of conspiroacy Theories: the theories with EVIDENCE, the dumb ones, and the crazy ones

you "people" are crazy.. and dumb

ps no im not crypturdpunter if thats what your thinking.. jes doin muh best ch Impression, tho this p0ast needs moar turds and moar moar feltching . this was very Smart , and even Wise:

I agree with this:

It is detrimental to immediate jump to accusatory remarks when it comes to users you disagree with and the constant barrage of "you're an alt of X" is tiring.

That was stated as to one of three troll accounts that I noticed suddenly show up in the same time period.  This was stated as to another:


His posts are relatively to the point, there aren't any randomly capitalized words, and he has gone more than 2 posts without throwing out any childish insults. He's obviously an alt, but I don't think it's CH/TOAA on this occasion.

pps this is not Shitpost, It is Serious dISCUSSOIN albeeit trans lated to teh native thought level of you talking monkeys

at least my Literacy exceeds you'res

next poast adds goatse pic. lol just Kidding (maybe (lololrofl, goat, kid, goat secx maeks Kidding)).. is teh goatse man nsfw? ??? aRsE man CH will want to Know, he will bring back TOAA and p0ast a new poll, "is this a photo of suchmoon?", with goatse pic. option 1: yes. option 2: oh Yes..!@ too bad he does not have the brains of Lord Nullius, or else he maybe could have done some good by accident

I updated the OP slightly to allow people to call nullius other names, not just a cunt. Enjoy.

ppps, to Comply with Suchloon "rules" of this thread i Must call King Nullius names: God-Emperor Nullius is a Dick, and you Alles just got Fucked

Title: Re: Reputation: nullius is a cunt
Post by: suchmoon on December 01, 2020, 01:23:16 PM
Creating sockpuppets is a solid method to get around ignore lists but it only works for a few posts. Try harder next time.

Title: Re: Reeeeeeeeee: nullius is a cunt
Post by: The-None-Above-All on December 01, 2020, 02:17:46 PM
Creating sockpuppets is a solid method to get around ignore lists but it only works for a few posts. Try harder next time.

1. sockpuppets, of who? you think I'm ch, Right? or maybe I am quickseller? or just "a well-known scammer?" ::)

no wonder you were "fired by Sarcasm" , Obvious Parody Is Obvious , you cant tell this is a parody of both CH and nullius.. if we reached the condition that CH and nullius can be paro died together, the forum has jumped the shark.. rip

2. CH may be on your ignore list, but you are obviously a liar about ignoring god Nully..... lolz.. you created a thread obsessed with insulting him! ignore? :D

ps this Post complies with suchloon's socalled "rules".. i Called nullius a "god", and that is calling Him names.

pps, sTOP DERAILING THE TOPIC TITLE from its original Whining Butthurt Troll glory. the true and proper title is: "Re: Reeeeeeeeee: nullius is a cunt" , by suchmoon

very mature and ethical. sets good Example for other Forum Members.. i will follow that example, so that I can learn not to be a dumb troll

-1, Flamebait
Reeeeeeeeee: nullius is a cunt

no rules here other than your post must be about nullius being a cunt.
I updated the OP slightly to allow people to call nullius other names, not just a cunt. Enjoy.

I also encourage others to follow suchmoon's example of intentionally defying self-mod local rules, in suchmoon self-moderated threads. if suchmoon bans you by name from thread, just post there anyway.. and if she deletes your post, create a Reputation topic "Reeeeeeeeee: suchmoon is a cunt" , and tell people to call suchmoon Nasty names!! it is what suchmoon does!

Title: Re: Reputation: nullius is a cunt
Post by: BrokenM14 on December 01, 2020, 06:53:18 PM
Lol, I see THE cunt is taking up my challenge.

Title: Re: Reeeeeeeeee: nullius is a cunt
Post by: suchmoon on December 01, 2020, 07:03:36 PM
you cant tell this is a parody of both CH and nullius

You suck tremendously bigly at it, just like with your aluminum plonker account. But I did read ~10 lines total from your two posts so I guess mission accomplished. Have a cookie.

Title: Re: Reeeeeeeeee: nullius is a cunt
Post by: nullius on December 01, 2020, 08:20:50 PM
^^^ OP, please add a poll on whether I should change the sign to read “suchloon”.  It is catchy; alas, “loon” does not etymologically connect with “lunatic”, and as such, “moon” meanings.  Nonetheless, it is almost a cute pun!  (I will then ignore the democratic poll, and do whatever I intended anyway.  —suchloony makes the pun, but breaks the elegance of the rhyme.)

anal Sex obsessed crypTURDpunter will be sad for his fave rude BBW.. by the time Dr. Nullius here is done, suchloon will swallow her own tongue. Lunatic

Frankly, it"s the sort of thing that Miggs would say.

suchloon is a two-Faced Jekyll and Missy Miggs.

suchmoon has more control

o rlly? ::)

"thank you, barnABy"

PSA:  Amusing though a parody may be, it must be legible to be appreciated properly.

Clusterfuck:  Hannibal Lecter with Dickens (, on a such-loony “nullius is a cunt” thread whereby the forum’s Timothy Leary ( has already admitted to a mental level of Beavis and Butthead (

Miggs, Mrs Varden's shrewish housemaid

now what i must qUESTION

Easy guess of me posting from an alt. I don't want to be blacklisted by yahoo of course. Call me coward, I have nothing to lose from this alt.


idiots who suck up to suckloon always says "say it with your main account"

the brave Sir Nullius has the BALLS to SAY IT WITH HIS MAIN ACCOUNT

and what is the result? conspioracy Theories that he is alt of another account... mebbe Lauda

Damn it, why don’t people dare to say such things with their main accounts?  :-/

pps, sTOP DERAILING THE TOPIC TITLE from its original Whining Butthurt Troll glory. the true and proper title is: "Re: Reeeeeeeeee: nullius is a cunt" , by suchmoon

very mature and ethical. sets good Example for other Forum Members.. i will follow that example, so that I can learn not to be a dumb troll

-1, Flamebait
Reeeeeeeeee: nullius is a cunt

no rules here other than your post must be about nullius being a cunt.
I updated the OP slightly to allow people to call nullius other names, not just a cunt. Enjoy.

I also encourage others to follow suchmoon's example of intentionally defying self-mod local rules, in suchmoon self-moderated threads. if suchmoon bans you by name from thread, just post there anyway.. and if she deletes your post, create a Reputation topic "Reeeeeeeeee: suchmoon is a cunt" , and tell people to call suchmoon Nasty names!! it is what suchmoon does!

I would encourage myself to take the high road, except when I need to make a point in terms comprehensible to the mental level of the audience.

Website:Keiner, keiner, über alles / Über alles in der Welt! (https://keiner-keiner.ueber.alles/)


Quote from: Nietzsche (“... Ein Buch für Alle und Keinen (‘A Book for All and None’)”) ∞/0
Alles am Weibe ist ein Räthsel, und Alles am Weibe hat Eine Lösung: sie heisst Schwangerschaft.

/me ist Keinen ü b e r Allem.

^^^ Cunts are somehow relevant, too; therefore, this is on-topic.

She had already gone to the pretend ignoring and making a thread where she says you can confine your posts about her.

My cunning scheme to confine her trolling of me is working.  Everybody (including nobody (;u=976210)) can have fun shitposting about me in this dumpster fire of a guttersnipe “fuck you cunt shit bitch” thread.  Then, maybe I can get something more important done.

Just don’t tell her, ok?  I am so glad that she has me on ignore, so that I can speak privately here!

Title: Re: Reputation: nullius is a cunt
Post by: sirazimuth on December 01, 2020, 10:39:52 PM
<snip...juvenile nonsense>

wtf is wrong with you?

Title: Re: Reeeeeeeeee: nullius is a cunt
Post by: nutildah on December 01, 2020, 10:44:20 PM
you cant tell this is a parody of both CH and nullius

You suck tremendously bigly at it, just like with your aluminum plonker account. But I did read ~10 lines total from your two posts so I guess mission accomplished. Have a cookie.

Do you mean his Ploni Baloney account? How daring and brave that person was. Swooped in to save us all from the government's covert psyops, just in time. Plus his PGP key was a work of art; I know because nullius said so. Then he disappeared, how sad. What a legend.

Title: Re: Reeeeeeeeee: nullius is a cunt
Post by: suchmoon on December 01, 2020, 11:24:54 PM
Do you mean his Ploni Baloney account?

Yes. I may have misspelerized the name but I do remember his pompous posts. Good times. Back then he was almost funny, like a cat tangled in a ball of yarn. Nowadays... just pathetic.

Title: Re: Reputation: nullius is a cunt
Post by: hacker1001101001 on December 02, 2020, 02:53:56 AM
CH seems to be more creative than the copy cat nullius

Anyways, The-One-Above-All (;u=2580400) looks like a prestigious name on the other side The-None-Above-All (;u=2890993) (obvious alt of nullius) sound like someone with a dump dick !  :o

Title: Re: Reeeeeeeeee: nullius is a cunt (suchmoon's original troll topic title)
Post by: The-None-Above-All on December 02, 2020, 02:55:47 PM
<snip...juvenile nonsense>

wtf is wrong with you?

wtf is wrong with YOU!?

"juvenile nonsense" is making fart jokes to support shit-stirring suchmoon troll thread titled, "Reeeeeeeeee: nullius is a cunt"

for SHAME, sirazimuth, you have mental level of middleschooler:

oh fun, fun, fun! Does this mean I can segue into fart jokes without being ot?. I just love fart jokes...

As long as these are nullius' farts or farts of people whom nullius has a conflict with (i.e. nearly everyone) - it's almost on topic.

very MATURE. surely, you are Mature Ethical Expert like suchmoon. ::)

suchmoon is a troll. this is a troll thread. it is 100% "juvenile nonsense" as smear attack against one of the forum's best members.

no rules here other than your post must be about nullius being a cunt.
I updated the OP slightly to allow people to call nullius other names, not just a cunt. Enjoy.

^^^ Exhibits 3-4: TROLL

Nullius is Very Wise, this is quotable:

What, are the two of you eight years old?  Will you next blow me a raspberry and say, “nyah, nyah”?
—Thus, I am hereby communicating at the mental and cultural level of the audience for this thread, similarly as I told peloso:

Eдинcтвeнный oтвeт, кoтopoгo вы зacлyживaeтe, тaк кaк oн мoжeт быть вocпpинят тoлькo нa вaшeм ypoвнe кyльтypы и интeллeктa:  Cocи xyй.

on that note...


Nerds, spoiling the fun.

nullious hides many secrets in his Posts, much subtler than the VERY OBVIOUS Miss Miggs/Lechter/Dickens/cunt thing. it is coded message for elite High Wisdom readers, who can see it and smile.

a Professor of Textual Criticism could advance the state of the art with academic papers about Nullius Posts!

Illiterate n00bs see nothing. It would be a shame to explain.

case in point of "shame":

hacker1001101001 , you shitcoin spammer Imbecile ,, you are hypocrite with double standards supporting suchmoon attack on nullius for calling out suchmoon double standards. suchmoon enforces her local rules on her threads. suchmoon defies nullius rules on nullius threads. suchmoon thinks the rules do not apply to her, and calls nullius "a cunt" for standing up against her hypocrisy.

suchmoon = hypocrite, you (hacker1001101001) = double hypocrite with ultra subjective standards, both = corruptly milking this forum for every satoshi . the only reason why you are not sigspamming like suchmoon is you are sigbanned plagiarist . CH should kick your ass !
CH has never lost a debate and never demonstrated double standards and always been fair to each member.

also, [size=100pt]I am not named after "The-One-Above-All"!!![/size]

"A Book for All and None" If it was not pointed out above, Nobody on this suchmoon troll thread would have noticed. alles of you = IDIOTS

The-None-Above-All is copycat of Nullius joke based on Nietzsche. It is inside joke of smart people who read Nullius posts .It needs Latin, German , and Englisch to understand . "nullius", "keiner", "none".

The anthem of Terra Nullius: "Keiner, keiner, über alles!" = "none, none above all!"

Nullius is the Glorious Leader of Terra Nullius, population: 0. By law, every citizen of Terra Nullius must sing "keiner, keiner, über alleS," or else be slapped with a large trout. None Above All!

The Great Seal of Terra Nullius (nullius avatar, now censored due to sexual implications of the Eternal Cunt) is also All and None. Also sprach Nullius.

cRyptohUnter hates Nietzsche. CH must be a closeted homosexual, given his mental fixation on anal felching. Nietzsche does not like to think about anal felching. But I am not Nietzsche , and more importantly , the audience of this topic is not Nietzsche. Your symbol, the lot of you , is the Goatse Pic , which is an artistic representation of suchmoon . In the context of this mythopoetical allegory, of course , Nullius is The Giver . It is better than a logical Argument, because it can be understood by such small minds as the suchmoon-nutildah-hacker1001101001 gang .


so sad. as a Brand New registration , i did not realize there is ch alt with similar name. :-[

Title: Re: Reeeeeeeeee: nullius is a cunt (suchmoon's original troll topic title)
Post by: The-None-Above-All on December 07, 2020, 08:40:20 AM
suchmoon made misleading sneaky edits to OP!

"your post must be about nullius being a cunt."

"your post must be about nullius' reputation or lack thereof."

Title: Re: Reeeeeeeeee: nullius is a cunt (suchmoon's original troll topic title)
Post by: nullius on December 07, 2020, 08:54:35 AM
Since people love screenshots, here is a screenshot—made ugly as practicable, to suit the subject matter:

I am not too pernickety about demanding that edits must be clearly marked.  I don’t always do so myself, when the edit is not substantive or not the subject of controversy.  But this is clearly dishonest.  It is a material misrepresentation of what suchmoon originally wrote in OP.

So, suchmoon and her meatpuppets ( only want to insult me when they think it will hurt me.  If I shame suchmoon appropriately, they all shut up—and suchmoon tries substantively to misrepresent OP’s original content.  Disgusting, and doubly disgusting.

—And this was triggered by my intolerance of suchmoon’s deplorable behaviour of intentionally defying my ban of her from my self-moderated threads.  Does she want for people whom she bans by name to post anyway in her self-moderated threads,* then create a new topic calling her “a cunt” when she deletes their posts?  (* She did more of this than I have yet documented in public.  I did not want to give it too much attention, lest she be incited to do more of it—it is as if I am dealing with a retarded six-year-old here.)

Now, the only reason why she doesn’t lock this thread is that it would be tantamount to announcing her capitulation—plus, it would be an invitation to create a “Reeeeeeeeee: suchmoon is a cowardly troll who says ‘nullius is a cunt’, then locks the thread and runs away!” topic.

suchmoon made misleading sneaky edits to OP!

"your post must be about nullius being a cunt."

"your post must be about nullius' reputation or lack thereof."

pugman’s archive of my allegedly NSFW post; scroll up for a snapshot of OP:
current OP:

And let us not forget that suchmoon’s general ire at me started with her opposition to my cracking down on the Yobit scam.  But I get ahead of myself...

Title: Re: Reputation: nullius is a cunt
Post by: Cryptotourist on January 08, 2021, 08:05:34 AM
So, suchmoon is a she, but nullius is the cunt.
Pfff, forum politics.

Let's keep this thread alive, shall we? ;D

Title: Re: Reputation: nullius is a cunt
Post by: DireWolfM14 on January 11, 2021, 06:00:35 PM
nullius has got to be the alt of ____

Sockpuppeting douchnozzle attention whores?  Once your cunt scent has been sprayed across the forum it's easy to sniff you out.  Now please go away!  Even though you take the cake for being an insufferable cunt, your not that entertaining.

Title: Re: Reeeeeeeeee: nullius is a cunt (suchmoon's original troll topic title)
Post by: nullius on April 10, 2021, 12:29:06 AM
So, suchmoon is a she, but nullius is the cunt.
Pfff, forum politics.

Let's keep this thread alive, shall we? ;D

A most excellent idea.  For Nemesis demands that suchmoon shall not be permitted to bury her smutty little troll-attack on me.

By comparison, middle-schooler tier potty-mouth mudslinging is what ruined CH/TOAA’s credibility—even though I think that he is actually much superior to suchmoon.  If he had kept calm and acted strategically, then CH could have been and remained a formidable power on this forum.  Instead, he made of himself a laughingstock; it’s a shame.

Hereby, too late, suchmoon realized that devoting a whole thread to calling a reputable forum member “a cunt” will assuredly backfire.  And there is no clean way for her to undo this.  She tried to tone the thread down; she got made fun of for that.  She could lock the thread; but such an attempt to sweep her own trolling beneath the rug would be called out, in a new “Reeeee reeeee nullius is a cunt” thread.  Her ugly behaviour remains on public display, right where she put it:  The forum called “Reputation”.

To that end, and to carry on an important discussion with CH, I wrote most of the following in January.  Development of this post then stalled, because I do not know how to write in Arabic.

Many years ago, I had some Middle Eastern friends teach me how properly to curse; thus, I know how to speak these words, but not how to write them.  I have now completed this post with Arabic copypasted from some site found via web search; if I erred, then I will just LOL, because I admittedly have zero proficiency in written Arabic.

To obey forum rules, the relevant Arabic phrase is fully on-topic for this “cunt” thread.

nullius has got to be the alt of ____

Sockpuppeting douchnozzle attention whores?  Once your cunt scent has been sprayed across the forum it's easy to sniff you out.  Now please go away!  Even though you take the cake for being an insufferable cunt, your not that entertaining.

<animated GIF as an argument>

I see that DireWolfM14 must have borrowed some LSD from nutildah (  Again—as seen below, it is not the first time that he has had hallucinatory ideations about me.  ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

Which reminds me...

that burger flipper direwolf

CH, when I was a schoolboy, I came to know the type of vicious characters who are obsessed with proving that I am not so smart, after all.  I always ignored them.  Their only motive is jealousy; and it is generally beneath me to reply.  Why would I care if a blithering idiot says I’m not smart?

But in the public interest, and for you personal safety, CH, I must now address this problem; for I recall that as the years passed, one of those jealous characters got a job... flipping burgers.  And he was known to boast that he spat in the food of customers whom he disliked.

Based on the pattern of DireWolfM14’s behaviour, I literally would not trust him to flip burgers.

Observe the poor judgment psychotic hatred that he has shown toward me.  He even hurls at me obsessive insults and absurd accusations when I have been gone for months!

His waffling about the word, and vacillations in logic are actually kind of pedestrian, and mostly just drivel to fill out what initially looks like a well thought-out and contributory post, but is actually nothing but a shit post (in my opinion.)
Very odd character, nullius. Super intelligent dude, strange how he returns to the forum, is quite active & then disappears for a long time. He’ll be back, of that I have zero doubt.

Given you're a 48 hour 55 hour old expert on the matter, I think I might just take that as a comment (as Tony Jones #QandA might say)  ::)

I have to say, so far this is my favorite nullialt (the name was far more clever, too):

If you support me, also feel free to "admit" to any accusations that I'm your alt. Not as a serious claim, but in an "I am Sparticus!" way.

He is obviously unfit to flip burgers.

Furthermore, CH, you do not know how to insult this pimp-of-his-sister’s-cunt in a culturally appropriate manner.  Here is how it’s done—in a way that is totally on-topic for this cunt thread, and will be comprehensible at his mental level:

DireWolfM14, كس امك and كس اختك.

Moreover, CH, he pretends to call himself “Wolf”, but his true name is Dire “Wolf” bin Kalb.

His father is a dog—literally, a dog who fucked his whore mother’s filthy cunt.  His mother and his sister are whore cunts.  His family has no honour; for otherwise, they would not have produced such a shameful little wretch as he have shown himself to be, with his small-minded spitefulness toward his betters.  Not only does he dishonour his family:  His existence is proof of his family’s dishonour.

To call him a “burger-flipper” is too charitable!  Such a dishonourable character could not be trusted even as a servant.  He will spit in his master’s food, or worse.  suchmoon, be wary of what your rabid pet dog bin Kalb will do if he ever turns against you.

As a student of words, I do not use words randomly:

degenerate < L. degener, ‘inferior to your ancestors, who would choose abortion if they could see you now; downfallen in (genetic) quality’, < de-, ‘away from’ + genus, ‘birth (in the sense of family), origin, class, species/race’, from the same root as gens, ‘tribe, clan, family’.

It is just too bad:  nutildah is a degenerate Westerner.  He thus failed to comprehend the severity of my insult based on ancestry.

However, I did not insult nutildah’s ancestors; rather, I insulted nutildah with the horror that he would cause to his ancestors, if they could see him now.  I should fix that:  nutildah, your ancestors must have been criminal dregs to have bred the likes of you.

No wonder you are a part of a schoolyard clique with M14binKalb.  Shit sticks together.

Title: Re: Reputation: nullius is a cunt
Post by: suchmoon on April 10, 2021, 12:51:32 AM
Hmmm... click Show/Hide and waste an hour or do something useful like continue Friday drinking... tough choice.

Nullius still a grade D- cunt in case anyone is not yet 100% sure.

Title: Re: Reputation: nullius is a cunt
Post by: DireWolfM14 on April 10, 2021, 01:23:20 AM
Why would I care if a blithering idiot says I’m not smart?

Haha, you cared enough to learn to cuss me out in Arabic.  And really, starting out insulting one's mother and sister is so cliché, but not surprising from someone like you.  Hurling insults towards one's family on the internet is such a cunt move.  More empirical evidence that you're a 'taintless cunt who's ماكل هراء

And for the record, I never said you're "not smart."  I may have referred to you as a "buffoon" in the past, because you are.  One of the first interactions I had with you I mentioned that there's a big difference between intelligence and wisdom.  You're clearly intelligent, but you have the wisdom of a polished turd, and your posts reek of an unfettered yeast infection.

Title: Re: Reputation: nullius is a cunt
Post by: suchmoon on April 10, 2021, 01:33:43 AM
Haha, you cared enough to learn to cuss me out in Arabic.

So you're saying he doesn't care enough about me to google some insults in my native language? FML.

Edit: maybe he did below. Fingers crossed. I'll read it on Monday, maybe.

Title: Re: Reeeeeeeeee: nullius is a cunt (suchmoon's original troll topic title)
Post by: nullius on April 10, 2021, 02:00:40 AM
Haha, you cared enough to learn to cuss me out in Arabic.

No.  You are evidently unable to read.  As I wrote above, I knew how to cuss people out in Arabic; I only needed to search for the spelling.

you have the wisdom of a polished turd, and your posts reek of an unfettered yeast infection.

Grade C-.  You lack talent, and you are trying too hard to compensate.  You reached for a cliché (“polished turd”); then, in an attempt at creativity, you reached for a superfluous adjective which is neither literally sensible, nor an amusing non sequitur.  When is a yeast infection fettered?  O, the chains that bind the oppressed yeasts!

Hmmm... click Show/Hide and waste an hour or do something useful like continue Friday drinking... tough choice.

Nullius still a grade D- cunt in case anyone is not yet 100% sure.

Thanks for creating this containment thread for yourself.  It is so much better to wallow in grade F insults here, rather than to make a fool of yourself by evading my ban in a self-moderated thread...

By the way, I want to make it clear for the record that I would not call you a “cunt”.  For although I am absolutely opposed to feminism (, I do object to use of the word “cunt” as an insult.  Cunts are desirable.  You may have a cunt—a fat, ugly, undesirable one, if CH speaks truly; but you personally are undesirable.  You are a waste product, a thing to be excreted with the “delete” button.  Thus, I think it is more appropriate to say, “suchmoon is a piece of shit.”

...forking hell, whom do you think you are impressing?  Even TOAA never pulled this level of shit; he did some annoying stuff, but he always basically followed forum rules and customs.  Also, I need to ask, are you using a spambot for this?  You made 12 identical posts within an hour (and now a 13th—and now a 14th...), sometimes within seconds my my hitting the delete button.  The only alternative explanation is that you really do have no life; and that is unsurprising, given that you are a worthless piece of shit.

Quote from: Bitcoin Forum
A reply of yours, quoted below, was deleted by the starter of a self-moderated topic. There are no rules of self-moderation, so this deletion cannot be appealed. Do not continue posting in this topic if the topic-starter has requested that you leave.


Edit, edit:  ...and a 15th, and a 16th—and a 17th, and an 18th...  Note all timestamps.  This is spam, by definition.

Edit, yet again:  ...19, 20, 21...  suchmoon does not know when to stop digging.


Title: Re: Reputation: nullius is a cunt
Post by: DireWolfM14 on April 10, 2021, 02:03:09 AM
Haha, you cared enough to learn to cuss me out in Arabic.
So you're saying he doesn't care enough about me to google some insults in my native language? FML.

Don't be alarmed.  He cares enough about you to bump this thread with a quarterly wall of text, and an occasional alt.

When is a yeast infection fettered?

In your case...  I'll know when I see it.

Title: Re: Reputation: nullius is a cunt
Post by: suchmoon on April 10, 2021, 05:48:10 AM
I see plonker almond is now friends with OgNasty, so his judgement seems to be deteriorating even further. SMH. Poor schmuck doesn't realize what Og needs him for.

OgNasty (;u=18321)    2021-04-10    Reference (    Feedback neutralized; see reference link for reasons.

Title: Re: Reputation: nullius is a cunt
Post by: Cryptotourist on April 10, 2021, 05:59:51 AM
Hmmm... click Show/Hide and waste an hour or do something useful like continue Friday drinking... tough choice.

Your sorrows won't go away by drinking darling. You have to repent and apologize say you're sorry and really mean it.

Nullius still a grade D- cunt in case anyone is not yet 100% sure.

If anything, he is grade A. A+ for that matter. It's normal to try to excel at everything. 8)

Don't be alarmed.  He cares enough about you to bump this thread with a quarterly wall of text, and an occasional alt.

Zong. He cares enough to see you guys get what you deserve, so ... take another guess.

Title: Re: Reeeeeeeeee: nullius is a cunt (suchmoon's original troll topic title)
Post by: NotATether on April 10, 2021, 07:40:06 AM
Dude these insults are getting disgusting. Are you OK?

Haha, you cared enough to learn to cuss me out in Arabic.

No.  You are evidently unable to read.  As I wrote above, I knew how to cuss people out in Arabic; I only needed to search for the spelling.

I seriously doubt you actually know how to type Arabic...

Title: Re: Reeeeeeeeee: nullius is a cunt (suchmoon's original troll topic title)
Post by: nullius on April 10, 2021, 08:13:25 AM
Hmmm... click Show/Hide and waste an hour or do something useful like continue Friday drinking... tough choice.

Your sorrows won't go away by drinking darling. You have to repent and apologize say you're sorry and really mean it.

It would be fun to see suchmoon’s reaction, if she ever learns the hard way that I am not a kindly, forgiving kitty-cat... nah.  :D

Dude these insults are getting disgusting. Are you OK?

Why don’t you ask that question of suchmoon, who started a whole topic devoted to calling me “a cunt”, and of nutty and Dire Dog bin Kalb, who eagerly participated?  You may also ask sirazimuth why he is eager to sniff my farts.  ::)

For my part, I am simply staying on-topic.  Is it not a Forum Virtue™ to stay on-topic?  ???

Quote from original, unedited OP, with original topic title:  Reeeeeeeeee: nullius is a cunt
No self-mod and no rules here other than your post must be about nullius being a cunt.

nullius most certainly is a cunt,
DireWolfM14, كس امك and كس اختك.

oh fun, fun, fun! Does this mean I can segue into fart jokes without being ot?. I just love fart jokes...


I seriously doubt you actually know how to type Arabic...

If you wish to criticize, then you really should read the thread.  I said above:

Many years ago, I had some Middle Eastern friends teach me how properly to curse; thus, I know how to speak these words, but not how to write them.  I have now completed this post with Arabic copypasted from some site found via web search; if I erred, then I will just LOL, because I admittedly have zero proficiency in written Arabic.

This thread is returning to its natural course:  A reflection of suchmoon’s true character as an obscene little troll.  She tried to humiliate me with a filthy smear attack, and it has backfired.  So, where the fuck is my old friend, The-None-Above-All?  That lazy nobody.  Fucking cunt.

Title: Re: Reputation: nullius is a cunt
Post by: suchmoon on April 10, 2021, 01:12:21 PM
Your sorrows won't go away by drinking darling. You have to repent and apologize say you're sorry and really mean it.

Do I know you? What do you need me to apologize for? I'm sure I regret everything I may have done that made you a morose little poodle yapping at me in random threads.

Don't even try to stay on topic, it might strain your faculties beyond their capacity.

Title: Re: Reeeeeeeeee: nullius is a cunt (suchmoon's original troll topic title)
Post by: DireWolfM14 on April 10, 2021, 01:59:25 PM
She tried to humiliate me with a filthy smear attack, and it has backfired.

Actually, you only have yourself to blame for your humiliation.  Nobody forced you to expose yourself for the cunt you really are, you did that of your own volition.  And you should feel humiliated after sniffing around here trying to impress underaged pussy with your underwhelming walls of droning contradictions, and aimless drivel.  If you're not embarrassed it probably means your a sociopath.

And, how about explaining that "back-fire" part?  I don't see any of your bullshit staining suchmoon's shoes.  As well as being sociopathic you must be suffering from delusions.  The way I see it, Suchmoon is one of the coolest dudes here, and you're still a putrid cunt.

Title: Re: Reeeeeeeeee: nullius is a cunt (suchmoon's original troll topic title)
Post by: JayJuanGee on April 10, 2021, 03:07:10 PM
Dude these insults are getting disgusting. Are you OK?

Why don’t you ask that question of suchmoon, who started a whole topic devoted to calling me “a cunt”, and of nutty and Dire Dog bin Kalb, who eagerly participated?  You may also ask sirazimuth why he is eager to sniff my farts.  ::)

For my part, I am simply staying on-topic.  Is it not a Forum Virtue™ to stay on-topic?  ???

Actually, when I first was looking at this topic, for some reason, I had thought that the whole thread was a bit of an exaggeration, and in some sense, I had some admiration of you, nullius, because I had some desire that someone would start a thread about me, calling me a cunt or some other variant.  It is such a great kind of thing to call someone because there is a certain amount of ambiguity contained therein.

I am thinking that there is likely a reason that no one has started a thread calling me a cunt, and probably it is not because I am not a cunt, but instead because I would likely not take the bait as much as some people in terms of creating some entertainment value in the mere proddings..

As many of us likely realize on the interwebs it tends to NOT be a good idea to get too worked up about matters because the more you get worked up, those matters will likely get worse and worse and worse.

Even though I would not mind some kind of an experiment to have some thread created about me calling me a cunt or some other variation of the idea, but likely such experiment would not really be necessary or as joyful with me because of reasons already stated.. .. but, hey, who knows? not going to know until such experiment is tried.  AmiNOTrite?

Title: Re: Reputation: nullius is a cunt
Post by: suchmoon on April 10, 2021, 04:21:55 PM
Even though I would not mind some kind of an experiment to have some thread created about me calling me a cunt or some other variation of the idea, but likely such experiment would not really be necessary or as joyful with me because of reasons already stated.. .. but, hey, who knows? not going to know until such experiment is tried.  AmiNOTrite?

I may have made fun of your verbosity here and there but I don't believe I've come across any of the following from you:

  • False and incongruous red trust ratings.
  • Pompous unironic assertions of your own superiority over everyone else.
  • Convoluted unenforceable rules on how other users should behave.
  • Cringy shitposting sockpuppets.

So no, sorry, I can't call you a cunt. You would need to try harder to hit all of the above targets and even then I can't give you any guarantees. It's not an exact science. I may alter the criteria at any time for any reason or no reason.

Title: Re: Reputation: nullius is a cunt
Post by: Cryptotourist on April 11, 2021, 04:40:51 AM
Do I know you?

No, but I would sure like to know you.
Perhaps we can exchange photos of private parts of our bodies for fun. I'll go first to break the ice.

What do you need me to apologize for?

Personally, nothing. [Well, other that you don't give me much attention]
But this is not about me.

I'm sure I regret everything I may have done that made you a morose little poodle yapping at me in random threads.

Please don't, I don't. I just wanna be your dog.

Don't even try to stay on topic, it might strain your faculties beyond their capacity.

That's so chicky of you. I am on topic. I'm also getting a huge boner - :-*

Title: Re: ReRes in the forum
Post by: NotATether on April 11, 2021, 06:04:00 AM
I may have made fun of your verbosity here and there but I don't believe I've come across any of the following from you:

  • Convoluted unenforceable rules on how other users should behave.

Perhaps you've never witnessed JJG explain the art of Down Cost Averaging to an unsuspecting newbie passerby in the WO.

Sounds great to me, where do I sign up?

Title: Re: ReRes in the forum
Post by: nutildah on April 11, 2021, 08:38:05 PM
I may have made fun of your verbosity here and there but I don't believe I've come across any of the following from you:

  • Convoluted unenforceable rules on how other users should behave.

Perhaps you've never witnessed JJG explain the art of Down Cost Averaging to an unsuspecting newbie passerby in the WO.

Sounds great to me, where do I sign up?

Well, he talks about it weekly, but peeps won't notice it if they don't bother to muster up the concentration necessary to hone in on whatever TF he is currently rambling about. All you have to do is reply to JJG and ask him about his DCA strategy, and if you're lucky you'll receive a reply that looks something like this:

Title: Re: Reputation: nullius is a cunt ✔
Post by: suchmoon on May 31, 2022, 02:37:39 AM
Let's bump this thread on the glorious occasion of the return of the wordy cunt:;u=3474542

Was gone for an entire year and decided to create a new account for some reason, but the vacuous pomposity gives it away. Just a little taste below, check their post history for the full experience.

[Blah Blah Blah : whine... -SnIp-]

P.S. - sorry, y'all, that I crashed the market by making Bitcoin angry.

Bitcoin, please forgive me.

Made me buy more cheap Sats![/>]

If my wit were beloved by the type of granola-munching cope-expert who does online “wellness checks”—with twit-style hashtags, no less! (—then I would declare my whole life an irredeemable failure.  (Are you vegan, by any chance?  Did you vote for Biden?  Well, it would make as much sense as your theory that the CCP controls “all major media outlets” (

On the other hand, perhaps I shouldn’t be so hard on you.  You are new at this:  You have only been in Bitcoin since 2020–2021, according to your first post.  Perhaps by now, you may even have even learned to stop camelcasing “BitCoin” (—it’s what Mike Hearn used to do, it’s what Craig Wright does now, and it’s offensive to Bitcoin.  Lest thou bring down hellfire and red candlesticks on us all, thou shalt not anger divine Bitcoin by so blaspheming its sacred name!

“Max pain”:  Get used to it, and live up to your name by coping with your newbie-tier DCA before you accuse me of “whining”.  ::)

OK, now I'm getting scared.
For the first time in many many months price goes below my DCA and the local Llama spots out this???
Is this what they were talking about as "Max Pain?"
I'm gonna cry...

Why?  What pain is in it for you?

If your coins are safely in your wallet where they belong, why do you even care if BTC at rest dips below your DCA during the type of perfect storm of a flock of black swans that we have seen in the past month?  You only started buying BTC quite recently—and you apparently started buying in 2021, a bull year!  Your DCA is inevitably way too high to worry about dipping below it, unless you like gambling about being lucky enough to time a local bottom with a first-time chunk buy.

If you use Bitcoin as money, as well you should, then that may be a potential reason for some pain:  The BTC is in motion, not at rest, and its value right now does affect you.  Solution:  Develop a strategy for budgeting and scheduling your money-flow around Bitcoin volatility.  It is not always feasible.  It is especially infeasible for many types of business, which is one reason why we do need some type of a stablecoin; anyone who contradicts that is a navel-gazing ignoramus with no inkling of business realities.  But with prudence and foresight, it can often be done just fine for personal finances.  (I will not speak further of this now:  I code, and I don’t want to spill the beans on potential future products.)

So as for “pain”.

You should only get scared if you have been through at least one order-of-magnitude BTC increase, and then it crashes below your DCA—oh, that would be scary!

You should only* cry if 1 BTC ≠ 1 BTC.  That would mean either that the laws of mathematics have been repealed—or that the Bitcoin blockchain has been usurped by Do Kwon, who just made 1 LUNA ≠ 1 LUNA by centralized executive fiat.

* Or, you should cry if you play stupid games with margin, and you thus lose BTC that had a DCA so low, it will never again come anywhere within even a zillion light years of that unless Bitcoin is really, truly dead.

I have been crying a lot, lately.  It is inevitable that I must suffer many weeping fits, and probably years of recurring nightmares.  Divine Bitcoin has damned me to this, as condign punishment for my sins.

FYI, in July 2021, I didn’t even know when it dipped below $30k; and if I had been paying attention to the market, I would have been laughing at all the n00bs who were crying.  Then, I was righteous and blessed in the sight of Bitcoin.

Bitcoin, please forgive me.

Title: Re: Reputation: nullius is a cunt ✔
Post by: TheBeardedBaby on May 31, 2022, 09:40:31 PM
I had some interaction with him and for a moment I thought this guy was cryptohunter, haven't thought about nullius.
Well, it won't be a surprise tho. At least seems it won't be boring.

Title: Re: Reputation: nullius is a cunt ✔
Post by: DireWolfM14 on June 01, 2022, 01:08:01 AM
I certainly hope it's nullius, because I would hate to believe there is more than one insufferable narcissist of that caliber on this planet.  If I had any doubts they've been extinguished by reading this post:

The way he quotes himself, brags about (alleged) accusations of nullius being Lauda's alt (wishful thinking,) practically gushes over nullius like he's a legend, and already suffering from delusions of his own grandeur.  Just like nullius would.  It's definitely the dark-side of nullius.

Title: Re: Reputation: nullius is a cunt ✔
Post by: suchmoon on June 01, 2022, 01:19:31 AM
I certainly hope it's nullius, because I would hate to believe there is more than one insufferable narcissist of that caliber on this planet.  If I had any doubts they've been extinguished by reading this post:

Wow, just wow. My post wasn't even intended to be trollbait and he took it anyway. True internet legend.

Title: Re: Reputation: nullius is a cunt ✔
Post by: PrimeNumber7 on June 01, 2022, 08:48:20 AM
If I had any doubts they've been extinguished by reading this post:
If the post from ( May 30 is not written by nullius, then the cited post certainly was, lol.

I don't have any major issues with nullius, and I don't think he is hurting anyone if in fact nullius and "death_wish" are the same person. With that being said, most likely, they are the same. If you don't like him, feel free to add him to your ignore list.


Title: Re: Reputation: nullius is a cunt ✔
Post by: logfiles on June 01, 2022, 11:19:18 AM
I certainly hope it's nullius, because I would hate to believe there is more than one insufferable narcissist of that caliber on this planet.  If I had any doubts they've been extinguished by reading this post:

The way he quotes himself, brags about (alleged) accusations of nullius being Lauda's alt (wishful thinking,) practically gushes over nullius like he's a legend, and already suffering from delusions of his own grandeur.  Just like nullius would.  It's definitely the dark-side of nullius.
Just wondering why he had to abandon his old account only to continue from where he left through the new alt account. He very well knows that his posting and quoting style alone is unique and can easily be reorganized by a person who barely interacted with him, like me  :D

Title: Re: Reputation: nullius is a cunt ✔
Post by: suchmoon on June 01, 2022, 12:10:23 PM
I don't have any major issues with nullius, and I don't think he is hunting anyone if in fact nullius and "death_wish" are the same person. With that being said, most likely, they are the same. If you don't like him, feel free to add him to your ignore list.

To my knowledge nullius was never accused of hunting anyone, but denying obvious sockpuppeting is the type of sociopathic narcissistic bullshit that is incompatible with credibility and trustworthiness. Just saying.

Title: Re: Reputation: nullius is a cunt ✔
Post by: eddie13 on June 01, 2022, 03:06:45 PM
Called it like 20 days ago..

This Death_Wish guy reminds me of someone..

Oh well.. Maybe it’s nothing..

I kind of like him though..
We agree on most of the main base of our philosophies very much but differ on how it should be handled..
We both pretty much think that most people are mindless NPCs and that the intelligent should take care of themselves how they see fit according to their own morality, but while I think the masses of sheep should be left alone to kill each other or be killed, he thinks they should be herded like sheep..

Title: Re: Reputation: nullius is a cunt ✔
Post by: Cryptotourist on June 08, 2022, 06:18:59 PM
To my knowledge nullius was never accused of hunting anyone, but denying obvious sockpuppeting is the type of sociopathic narcissistic bullshit that is incompatible with credibility and trustworthiness. Just saying.

To your knowledge? Meh.
Your “knowledge” means absolutely shit.
That’s what you get for having your moral compass broken, and for lying your way to a position of power.

nullius outsmarted you. Live with it, and by all means do say that you’re sorry.

I kind of like him though..
We agree on most of the main base of our philosophies very much but differ on how it should be handled..
We both pretty much think that most people are mindless NPCs and that the intelligent should take care of themselves how they see fit according to their own morality, but while I think the masses of sheep should be left alone to kill each other or be killed, he thinks they should be herded like sheep..

Can you point out where exactly he says that?
He’s all about individual sovereignty, how does that relate to being a WEF puppet?

Title: Re: Reputation: nullius is a cunt ✔
Post by: DireWolfM14 on June 08, 2022, 09:34:32 PM
Just wondering why he had to abandon his old account only to continue from where he left through the new alt account. He very well knows that his posting and quoting style alone is unique and can easily be reorganized by a person who barely interacted with him, like me  :D

Probably because he had a mental breakdown and left in a hissy fit with much butthurt.  The internet makes it easy to be an armchair psychoanalyst and my armature prognosis is that nullius suffers from schizophrenic multiple personality disorder.  I feel he's quite gifted in technical terms and I wouldn't be surprised to learn that he's actually been here all along, playing nice and sticking to technical discussions.  Recently he must have felt the need to rekindle his patented nulliun vitriol, which is why I refer to death_wish as his "dark side" alt.

He never really bothered me that much, but he did react amusingly to my criticisms, which makes me want to dish out even more.  I can be an asshole like that.


Lol, your signature says you're here to kick ass, not kiss ass!  If it's a typo, then carry on.  If not, you're doing it wrong.

Title: Re: Reputation: nullius is a cunt ✔
Post by: eddie13 on June 08, 2022, 10:15:36 PM
Can you point out where exactly he says that?
He’s all about individual sovereignty, how does that relate to being a WEF puppet?


I agree with him to some extent..

Title: Re: Reputation: nullius is a cunt ✔
Post by: DireWolfM14 on June 09, 2022, 05:27:02 PM

If those aren't the ramblings of a deranged lunatic I don't know what are.  But that's not the point of this post; I might be a little paranoid and it may be too soon to tell whether my suspicions are accurate for not, but I wouldn't be surprised if death_wish is trying to get himself nominated to DT.  Probably to exact revenge against those who tagged the nullius account and exposed him for the cunt that he is.

The death_wish account only came to my attention when he attacked one user for claiming he had nothing to hide (, and left him a rather nasty review on his trust page.  I guess that offended death_wish.  He seems to be taking his time, but a couple of days ago he left this post in the address staking thread:

This shows how a signed message can expose lies.

Ah, the glories of digital signatures! (

Tagged. (;u=814754)  According to DarkStar_’s 2022-02-02 negative trust feedback, “Woke up after 2 years of inactivity, staked an address and immediately requested a 0.064 BTC (~$2500 USD) loan.”  icopress concurred.

Record that may be useful to others:

  • Your most helpful post (thank you): (
  • Snapshot of seller’s post history, currently concluding with signed message: (
  • Direct archive of sold account’s 2022-02-02 lie about reason for inability to sign with old key ( (
  • A bunch of others on both ( and the Wayback Machine (  If the foregoing does not suffice (hah!), search around or ping me for links.

Thanks to SellFullMember18 for stepping forward.  Sorry, you will understand if I do not send merit to your account (LOL).  I didn’t look into this—but for whatever reason, it was good of you to come clean and stop that account from its swindles.

Edits:  Added note, fixed links botched by forum’s wonky BBcode renderer.

Anyway, like I said I might be being paranoid, but I wouldn't put it past him to be so vindictive.  It's worth noting that if nullius was still here today he'd be -7 on the DT scale this month.  I'm not in the habit of excluding newbies in my trust settings because that rarely has any affect.  Usually I wait until there's a good reason, but death_wish just earned himself a pre-emptive exclusion from me.

Title: Re: Reputation: nullius is a cunt ✔
Post by: eddie13 on June 09, 2022, 10:06:51 PM
“wouldn't be surprised if death_wish is trying to get himself nominated to DT.”

Oh, I think if he tried he would go about it in a much more inconspicuous way..

Title: Re: Reputation: nullius is a cunt ✔
Post by: DireWolfM14 on June 10, 2022, 01:03:25 AM
 ??? I though we already established it was nullius?

Title: Re: Reputation: nullius is a cunt ✔
Post by: Cryptotourist on June 10, 2022, 02:14:45 PM
Lol, your signature says you're here to kick ass, not kiss ass!  If it's a typo, then carry on.  If not, you're doing it wrong.

Actually I’m here to shoot aliens - so to speak - and no, it’s not a typo.
I leave the kissing of suchmoon’s ass to you guys, as for nullius - I just state the things as they are, nothing more, nothing less.


I agree with him to some extent..

I agree with him to the full extent.

Thank you for giving me the chance to read it a few more times, it’s probably my favourite, but when again does it say that the sheep should be herded by anyone? If anything, he makes the point that you cannot teach the sheep to sing opera, and any attempt to do so, is futile. I would have imagined that: “Be your own authority”, would have made it super clear that he’s not into herding people sheep.

Anyway, are you and suchmoon close or what? Inconspicuous question, I know.

Title: Re: Reputation: nullius is a cunt ✔
Post by: DireWolfM14 on June 10, 2022, 02:48:23 PM
Actually I’m here to shoot aliens - so to speak - and no, it’s not a typo.

Like, extraterrestrials?  Any confirmed?

I leave the kissing of suchmoon’s ass to you guys, as for nullius - I just state the things as they are, nothing more, nothing less.

Okay, you're entitled to your opinion, but it's fair to point out that I don't recall analyzing any of suchmoon's posts as if they're literary masterpieces...

I agree with him to the full extent.

Good to know!  Pucker up, butter cup.   :-*

ETA: I just figured out the alien reference...  That line is from those retarded MIB movies...  Okay now that I have a better understanding your level of sophistication I'll stop picking on you.  I might be an asshole, but I'm not a bully.

Title: Re: Reputation: nullius is a cunt ✔
Post by: eddie13 on June 10, 2022, 03:33:31 PM
Cryptotourist, I don’t care to argue it.. Maybe it’s just an opinion of mine I somehow came to the conclusion of, or some of his other public writing, or possibly from one/some of the many PMs we exchanged about our philosophies..

I think if he wanted to be on DT that much he would modify his usage of feedback and would have easily been on DT..
He chose to use feedback however he wanted, not care what the status quo was about it, and not be on DT..

It doesn’t matter..
I hope he stays around and posts much of his particular views and positions on things..
Even things I disagree with..

Title: Re: Reputation: nullius is a cunt ✔
Post by: Cryptotourist on June 11, 2022, 01:04:40 PM
Like, extraterrestrials?  Any confirmed?

No, not yet, but those WEF faggots definitely fit the profile. I mean, are they human? They can’t be, where is the compassion?

Okay, you're entitled to your opinion, but it's fair to point out that I don't recall analyzing any of suchmoon's posts as if they're literary masterpieces...

Actually suchmoon’s posts are all masterpieces. Masterpieces of deception.

ETA: I just figured out the alien reference...  That line is from those retarded MIB movies... 

Nah, I would never have anything gvt related on my signature.
They Live (

Okay now that I have a better understanding your level of sophistication I'll stop picking on you. 

Oh no, please don’t do that, pick at me all you want, I’m a huge attention whore, and it would seem that either everybody’s got me on ignore already, or too afraid to interact with me.
Which makes you - an oasis on this forum.

I might be an asshole, but I'm not a bully.

I can be an asshole, but never a bully, well - never to the weak anyway, but mostly I’m like mother Teresa. Full of love and compassion.
Dah, can’t you tell?

I think if he wanted to be on DT that much he would modify his usage of feedback and would have easily been on DT..
He chose to use feedback however he wanted, not care what the status quo was about it, and not be on DT..

That alone, should tell you a couple of things about him.
Plot twist: Maybe he’s on DT already! Not.

It doesn’t matter..
I hope he stays around and posts much of his particular views and positions on things..
Even things I disagree with..

Fair enough. I hope he sticks around too.

Title: Re: Reputation: nullius is a cunt ✔
Post by: suchmoon on June 11, 2022, 03:48:41 PM
“wouldn't be surprised if death_wish is trying to get himself nominated to DT.”

Oh, I think if he tried he would go about it in a much more inconspicuous way..

I think you underestimate narcissism. He can do no wrong, he's a genius in everything he does. He didn't confirm or deny that he's nullius, or satoshi, or Mother Theresa, therefore no one can possibly figure out his secret identity and secret plans.

As for DT - merit farming going well so far, trust inclusions not so much, so he's probably gonna need a few more accounts to get there.

Title: Re: Reputation: nullius is a cunt ✔
Post by: Cryptotourist on June 15, 2022, 02:54:09 PM
I think you underestimate narcissism. He can do no wrong, he's a genius in everything he does.

Actually he has become a shining example that - regardless how smart someone is - is still up for making tragic mistakes.

He didn't confirm or deny that he's nullius, or satoshi, or Mother Theresa, therefore no one can possibly figure out his secret identity and secret plans.

Secret plans, pfff. Confirming or denying is none of your business. Anybody’s business.
You didn’t confirm or deny that you were that SwayStar bee, but we all know it was you, so what?

As for DT - merit farming going well so far, trust inclusions not so much, so he's probably gonna need a few more accounts to get there.

OK, who gives a fuck about DT, to start with.
I don’t see him meriting dubious accounts all over the place, much less his primary (if you’d like to call it that), which is far less that I can say for you - join me and I will merit you - the DT president.

Title: Re: Reputation: nullius is a cunt ✔
Post by: suchmoon on June 18, 2022, 03:17:30 AM
Cuntius is having a spectacular meltdown. Some names below have been replaced because I don't want to spread the nonsensical accusations but you can click the links if you're interested. Basically Bob posted something along the lines of "Alice needs money", and that triggered our "suicidally [sic] desperate" clowntroll:

I am not accusing Alice of lying about whatever situation he claims to be in.  You are inserting that here as your strawman, Bob.

Some people repeatedly get themselves into desperate situations.  (I know this, all too personally.)  Maybe he was telling the truth before—maybe not.  Maybe he is telling the truth now—maybe not.  It is irrelevant to anything that I said.

I said that Alice has PM-begged before—and now, you are publicly begging on his behalf.  Right in front of someone who is clearly at least as desperate as Alice, but who is taking the high road.  You’re the jackass.  Don’t you care about my desperate situation?

Incidentally, this is why begging is against forum rules.  Lots of people are genuinely in need.

So, are you a betting man, Bob?

Edited to add:  Smooth move.  Begging for money—begging, not only shameless, but with audaciously sanctimonious airs!—right in front of someone who is suicidally desperate for money (name checks out), “unwanted BTC” (lol) or otherwise, but who is taking the high road, not being a shameless beggar, not violating forum rules, etc.

You are essentially calling me a liar, when I tell the truth.  You are libelling me.  (Libel, not slander:  Libel is written; slander is spoken.)

You speak without evidence.  You even say some wild nonsense as if you will invoke the law on me (LOL).

I will not let that pass.  You owe me a retraction with an apology, at the very least.

Now, since you are so sure:  Will you put your money where your mouth is?  How much are you willing to pay me in compensation for smearing my reputation here, not to mention being inexcusably rude to me, if at least one proved past PM beg from Alice turns up?

Stop evading.  Stop accusing the accuser.  And stop lying about me.

Tick, tock.  Appropriate actions have been commenced to obtain public proof of Alice's past PM begging.

Alice has a very limited time to confess publicly, right here, that he has a past history of PMing out of the blue (not even to anyone with whom he had prior correspondence!) with explicit asking for money due to alleged difficult circumstances, i.e. begging.  I had no prior grudge against him, personally; to the contrary, I kinda liked the chap.  But if he leaves me hanging here due to his own behaviour—if he doesn’t come clean, then I have no qualms about how much worse this will soon go for his reputation.

Bob is a coward, a thoughtless fool, and a stupid n00b.  He rudely insults his betters, and he jumps to conclusions when he has no evidence either way.  Play stupid games, win stupid prizes!  He owes me an apology and a retraction—and he had damn well better put his money where his mouth is.

In abstract justice, he owes me compensation outright for what he said about me above.  But I am willing to make it a wager.  10x odds, since he is so sure—and 10x seems objectively fair; how likely is it that a new account knows something about Alice's past PMs?  Not to mention, I really, really want to gain back a whole bitcoin!

At current prices, if I catastrophically drain my resources to buy BTC that I cannot properly afford, then I can escrow 0.1 BTC on a wager against Bob’s 1.0 BTC in the same escrow.  I know of reputable deep-green escrows who would be disinterested parties here, who should certainly be acceptable to everyone here if they are willing to take the deal.  I require PGP-signed contracts or equivalent on all sides, with precisely stated terms—well, no good escrow will handle a deal without that, anyway.

Deal?  You seem so sure!

I put my money where my mouth is.  I put my money where my mouth is—even when I just lost most of my assets, I am almost broke, and I recently admitted to some significant worries about “food security”.

Does Bob put his money where his mouth is?

Title: Re: Reputation: nullius is a cunt ✔
Post by: suchmoon on July 04, 2022, 03:17:52 AM
Our hero is back with his main account and on top of the usual cringe (praising Lauda etc) he now started begging:

Patronage: Tip nullius for his contributions. (

Also tried to tag-team WO with his sockpuppet account but then deleted the post:

Edit: as nullius helpfully pointed out with a verbose red trust rating LOL, the post is still there ( At the time the link was opening the wrong page therefore it looked like the post was gone. Anyway, I thought he realized that talking to the same person with two different accounts pretending to be two different people is sketchy AF and deleted it, but apparently he doesn't think so.

Title: Re: Reputation: nullius is a cunt ✔
Post by: DireWolfM14 on July 04, 2022, 04:16:53 AM
Our hero is back with his main account and on top of the usual cringe (praising Lauda etc) he now started begging:

Patronage: Tip nullius for his contributions. (

Also tried to tag-team WO with his sockpuppet account but then deleted the post:

Lol, total scammer tactic; self-moderated thread, and locked too, of course.  Why does it remind me so much of the "donation segment" of those televised mega church sermons?  For only $2 a day GAAAWWD will come into your LIVES, and SHOWER you with his LLLLLOOOOVVVEEE!!!!  Hehe!

Curious, does the nullster promise his contributors a sermon every Sunday?

Title: Re: Reputation: nullius is a cunt ✔
Post by: suchmoon on July 04, 2022, 04:33:02 AM
Curious, does the nullster promise his contributors a sermon every Sunday?

I think the promise of massive preaching walls of text is implied. He couldn't even beg ask for tips/donations without making a convoluted mess out of it.

Title: Re: Reputation: nullius is a cunt ✔
Post by: nullius on July 04, 2022, 01:11:55 PM
Notice:  This whole thread is kept snapshotted.  Any attempts to cover up one’s own posts here are unwise.

In a minor lapse of judgment, I let myself be drawn into this thread when it was started almost two years ago.  For that, I must apologize only to myself.  I should have ignored this sick thread altogether.  To the public, and for the record, I should explain why I lowered myself beneath my usual standards of poise and professionalism.

When this thread was started, I was still grieving over the disappearance ( of a dear friend. (  I was in an uncharacteristic state of emotional vulnerability and reactiveness.  I should never have stooped to take suchmoon’s disgusting trollbait.

Despite many allegations to the contrary, I suppose that I am human after all.  And over the years, lapses of being “all too human” have happened here two or three times with me—sometimes due to circumstances that are nobody’s business.

This forum has been a significant part of my life.  Occasionally, when hit with major life events, I have not always behaved here with a stone-cold, robotic adherence to my usual reserve.  I never did anything wrong as a result of that; but I sometimes vented or reacted in ways that were decidedly inelegant—beneath my station.

Now, more recently, suchmoon and her canaille have been incessantly attempting to bait me and drag me back into this thread.

As to the smear-attacks against me, I will say only generally that some—particularly, suchmoon and DireWolfM14—have hereby and elsewhere recently spoken malicious and defamatory half-truths and falsehoods about me.  They are dishonest characters.  I will not stoop hereby to parsing whatever they have said to separate it into “true”, “half-true”, and “totally false”.  I will simply dismiss them altogether, with the note that this very page ( contains several patent lies about me—at least one of which can be debunked in about ten seconds by anyone who cares to check.

I would not ordinarily lower myself to engage in a public dirt-fight with such degenerate anthropoid scum as suchmoon (;u=234771) and her playground pals, sirazimuth (;u=372243), DireWolfM14 (;u=2003859), and nutildah (;u=317618).  They are each personally permabanned from any thread that I self-moderate, and shall be banned from any venues or services that I may ever create as adjuncts to Satoshi’s forum.  They are the types who are toxic to any community.  It is a disgrace to this forum that they run wild here, and nobody will say “boo” to them.  In case I may ever deign to bother with them here, I have amassed not inconsiderable archives of the moments when they worst exemplify their own viciousness and dishonesty.

Otherwise, they are generally beneath my notice.  I will not make the mistake of feeding trolls and wrestling with pigs here.

To CryptoTourist:  Thanks for standing up for me here.  Please don’t waste your time with these trolls anymore.  They are not worth even three seconds of your time.  I think you’re awesome.  Let’s make some new threads about Bitcoin, Greek, Bitcoin, Bitcoin, and other beautiful things.

To everyone else except CH, addressed below:  Normal, decent human beings do not participate in Internet forum threads designed as vulgar smear-attacks and harassment against constructive, intelligent members of the community.  Please think twice before you feed this trash.  If you wade into garbage and roll around in it, you will also stink.

I also think this thread is exemplary of why some people need seriously to reconsider their trust lists.  But that is beside the point here.  Ultimately, just as the people of a nation usually get the government they deserve, the forum community as a whole gets what it deserves—for now, I will leave it at that.

A concluding message to the putative cryptohunter alt, whom I acknowledge may not be CH at all:

I can now see that CH was right about some things, even if he was quite wrong about others.  In my opinion, his worst mistake was to descend to suchmoon’s level of behaviour.

CH, please look at this thread, and then look at some of the threads that your alleged alts have raised.  Do you want for people to take you seriously, as I believe you deserve for at least some of your arguments?  Stop behaving like suchmoon!  You are better than that.

In retrospect, I would even almost suspect that someone who dislikes you had created alts to get blamed on you.  Actually, I think that has probably happened a few times, with a few of the alleged “CH” alts that did not fit the same pattern as the others.

CH, if you are out there—if you are reading this—please take the high road.  Always represent yourself with consummate professionalism.  Mind always the proverb about wrestling with a pig:  You get dirty, and the pig likes it.

I think that you probably had much to contribute.  Too bad it went the way it did.  It may not be too late to turn that around, at least.  Success is the best revenge—and he who laughs last, last best.  Who gives a hoot what suchmoon says about you?

Please do not take that as condescending.  I mean it quite otherwise.  I owe you a virtual beer.  And I don’t forget that you kindly backed off attacking my friend when I was grieving over her.  I actually think that maybe, just maybe it’s possible that you and Lauda could have eventually worked things out, if some things hadn’t gone the way they did.  Too late, too bad.


Title: Re: Reputation: nullius is a cunt ✔
Post by: suchmoon on July 05, 2022, 08:38:18 PM
I would not ordinarily lower myself to engage in a public dirt-fight with such degenerate anthropoid scum as suchmoon (;u=234771) and her playground pals, sirazimuth (;u=372243), DireWolfM14 (;u=2003859), and nutildah (;u=317618).

Which translated from gibberese means a new set of red trust ratings from nullius. Some of us were lucky to get two. Even nutildah got one, despite being absent for a long time and (AFAIK) not joining the ridicule of nullius' latest sockpuppet.

Title: Re: Reputation: nullius is a cunt ✔
Post by: DireWolfM14 on July 06, 2022, 04:16:29 AM
Some of us were lucky to get two. Even nutildah got one, despite being absent for a long time and (AFAIK) not joining the ridicule of nullius' latest sockpuppet.

Uncle nutildah had three before it was cool to have two.

Title: Re: Reputation: nullius is a cunt ✔
Post by: goldkingcoiner on July 06, 2022, 03:42:20 PM
Some of us were lucky to get two. Even nutildah got one, despite being absent for a long time and (AFAIK) not joining the ridicule of nullius' latest sockpuppet.

Uncle nutildah had three before it was cool to have two.

I feel slightly insulted by the copy paste red trust rather than the red trust itself. Noobius did not even bother to write an original sentence but rather keeps parroting his old accusations which he has made against basically every person who truthfully points out to him how much of a jackass he actually is. ::)

Title: Re: Reputation: nullius is a cunt ✔
Post by: The Sceptical Chymist on July 06, 2022, 06:00:15 PM
Our hero is back with his main account and on top of the usual cringe (praising Lauda etc)
Waitaminute....weren't you part of the Cult of Lauda back in the day (even if you didn't choose to be)?  Admittedly my memory sucks, but I could have sworn there was no bad blood between you two.

I would not ordinarily lower myself to engage in a public dirt-fight with such degenerate anthropoid scum as suchmoon (;u=234771) and her playground pals, sirazimuth (;u=372243), DireWolfM14 (;u=2003859), and nutildah (;u=317618). 
Goddamn, kilogram!!  Them's some harsh words, and because of the aforementioned memory suckiness I really don't remember you getting into all this drama with those members you mentioned.  That isn't to say I never read any threads relating to such, but I probably wasn't paying full attention to whatever was going on.  I'll have to re-read this thread and check your post history to catch up on all this brouhaha that's a-brewin'.

BTW, CH did have some good points occasionally.  But whatever they were, all of them were seriously diluted by the massive amount of trolling he did.  It was hard to even honestly agree with him when he was spewing all that other crap.

Title: Re: Reputation: nullius is a cunt ✔
Post by: suchmoon on July 06, 2022, 06:33:46 PM
Our hero is back with his main account and on top of the usual cringe (praising Lauda etc)
Waitaminute....weren't you part of the Cult of Lauda back in the day (even if you didn't choose to be)?  Admittedly my memory sucks, but I could have sworn there was no bad blood between you two.

I respected Lauda and I still do but I disagree with some of his trust ratings, particularly ones based on opinions, quite prevalent late in his... uhm... presence here on the forum.

Anyway, that's besides the point. Lauda was a valuable member of the forum, but nullius made him into a deity of some sort and proclaimed himself the true follower of Lauda's holy ways, which is cringy AF.

Title: Re: Reputation: nullius is a cunt ✔
Post by: The Sceptical Chymist on July 06, 2022, 07:49:42 PM
nullius made him into a deity of some sort and proclaimed himself the true follower of Lauda's holy ways, which is cringy AF.
Huh.  I'll definitely have to do some back reading, then.  I will admit that I've probably never read a single post of nullius's in full, simply because my attention span won't allow for it, so obviously I've missed that aspect of his writings.

I'm assuming I'm the only one who maybe, kinda-sorta, perhaps thinks that Lauda and nullius are perhaps remotely alt accounts?  As I said, it would take an astonishing commitment to forum posting to pull that feat off, but I've always noticed similarities in their writing style and content.  Call me crazy, but maybe Lauda never really left?

Title: Re: Reputation: nullius is a cunt ✔
Post by: suchmoon on July 06, 2022, 08:08:50 PM
I'm assuming I'm the only one who maybe, kinda-sorta, perhaps thinks that Lauda and nullius are perhaps remotely alt accounts?  As I said, it would take an astonishing commitment to forum posting to pull that feat off, but I've always noticed similarities in their writing style and content.  Call me crazy, but maybe Lauda never really left?

You're not the first to bring this up, but that would basically mean Lauda has some serious mental illness (to write about himself in third person in this way) and I don't think that's the case.

Lauda was unique.  Noble, harsh but caring, and totally incorruptible.  She had a fun side.  I created the puzzle because I wanted to do something here that I think she would have appreciated, for the enjoyment of everyone who misses her.  I know that she touched many people here.

She was to me only a faceless, voiceless ghost—a disembodied soul in cypherspace—the bare essence of a person, devoid of all else.  Nonetheless, she was one of the most significant people to me in the course of my life; could a unique soul not be so?  Indeed, could a unique soul be not so?  She left an indelible mark on me.  It is my privilege to have known her.  I would not trade that experience for any money in the world.

More likely nullius is a different person who's short a marble or two.

Title: Re: Reputation: nullius is a cunt ✔
Post by: DireWolfM14 on July 08, 2022, 07:27:05 PM
Lauda was a valuable member of the forum, but nullius made him into a deity of some sort and proclaimed himself the true follower of Lauda's holy ways, which is cringy AF.

And here I was under the impression that the Cult of Lauda was a DT gang.  Maybe that's why nullius is asking for donations, he really does want to become The Preacher.

I will admit that I've probably never read a single post of nullius's in full, simply because my attention span won't allow for it, so obviously I've missed that aspect of his writings.

You're missing out on walls of droning contradictions and adolescent musings delivered as if it's modern day Plato.  Personally, I find ChartBuddy's posts more engaging. 

Title: Re: Reputation: nullius is a cunt ✔
Post by: suchmoon on July 08, 2022, 11:33:06 PM
And here I was under the impression that the Cult of Lauda was a DT gang.  Maybe that's why nullius is asking for donations, he really does want to become The Preacher.

I think his ambitions go far beyond that. He basically equates himself to Satoshi ( well, not in so many words, i.e. in many more words. tl;dr: by ridiculing nullius we're preventing Satoshi from coming back.

Title: Re: Reputation: nullius is a cunt ✔
Post by: Poker Player on August 01, 2022, 10:56:14 AM

Yeah that guy is nuts.

He has a self-importance, a narcissism, that not even Napoleon Bonaparte. He only needs to talk about himself in the third person, like Julius Caesar to finish it off.

Title: Re: Reputation: nullius is a cunt ✔
Post by: suchmoon on August 02, 2022, 02:23:15 AM
He only needs to talk about himself in the third person, like Julius Caesar to finish it off.

He quotes himself a lot. Maybe Caesar did too, like maybe he had some poor schmuck follow him around with scrolls of parchment (or whatever they used back then) so that he could point and say "look what a genius thing I said 15 minutes ago".

Weirdly, he now seems to be gone. I mean nullius, not Caesar, although Caesar is too but that was a long time ago.

Edit: not gone, just abandoned his sockpuppet account.

Title: Re: Reputation: nullius is a cunt ✔
Post by: Poker Player on August 02, 2022, 03:19:22 AM
He only needs to talk about himself in the third person, like Julius Caesar to finish it off.

He quotes himself a lot. Maybe Caesar did too...

I don't know if he was quoting himself, I meant talking about himself in the third person. Another one who also did that was the Colombian mobster Pablo Escobar:

Illeism and Narcissism. (

That is, imagine that I am talking to you and instead of saying that I registered in the forum two years ago and that I went to college in such and such a place and that I married such and such a person, I tell you:

Do you know suchmoon that Poker Player registered on the forum two years ago? What a coincidence, exactly two years ago today. And did you know that he studied at such a university? Etc.

Title: Re: Reputation: nullius is a cunt ✔
Post by: babo on August 03, 2022, 07:38:43 AM
He only needs to talk about himself in the third person, like Julius Caesar to finish it off.

He quotes himself a lot. Maybe Caesar did too, like maybe he had some poor schmuck follow him around with scrolls of parchment (or whatever they used back then) so that he could point and say "look what a genius thing I said 15 minutes ago".

Weirdly, he now seems to be gone. I mean nullius, not Caesar, although Caesar is too but that was a long time ago.

Edit: not gone, just abandoned his sockpuppet account.

I didn't know nullius because I dedicate myself exclusively to my local board (Italy)
however in his foolishness of accusing left and right for no reason, he tagged me (by mistake) by unleashing my attention on him

recently accused fillippone of being a blackhats because he used in the past (giving red trust) but did not give red trust to the creator of the site


also the last merits of him were to Lauda (account deleted) such a person is not well
and it's toxic and harmful to the community (I don't know about you)
it also shares itself by creating huge walls of text that are difficult to read (it does it on purpose)

Title: Re: Reputation: nullius is a cunt ✔
Post by: marcotheminer on August 03, 2022, 10:02:14 AM
Ah, truly one of a kind this forum.

Title: Re: Reputation: nullius is a cunt ✔
Post by: Poker Player on August 03, 2022, 12:57:00 PM
recently accused fillippone of being a blackhats because he used in the past (giving red trust) but did not give red trust to the creator of the site

So he has left negative feedback to fillippone, right? I'm not surprised.

Some time ago I looked at his trust feedbacks, or rather his garbage trust feedbacks and I distrusted him on my list. I'm going to put him on ignore. I don't want to waste my time with people who have something wrong in their head, no matter how much knowledge they have.

Title: Re: Reputation: nullius is a cunt ✔
Post by: DireWolfM14 on August 03, 2022, 06:08:11 PM
recently accused fillippone of being a blackhats because he used in the past (giving red trust) but did not give red trust to the creator of the site
So he has left negative feedback to fillippone, right? I'm not surprised.

Some time ago I looked at his trust feedbacks, or rather his garbage trust feedbacks and I distrusted him on my list. I'm going to put him on ignore. I don't want to waste my time with people who have something wrong in their head, no matter how much knowledge they have.

I used to find nullius' arrogance annoying, but I valued his technical knowledge and found myself agreeing with him in principal more often than not.  But his arrogance slowly started to turn into something sinister, more like narcissism or megalomania.  Now he's seeing malice where obviously none exists, and creating drama where it's unneeded.  It's really sad to witness someone's mental implosion, and honestly I'm starting to find myself feeling sorry for him.  I really think he needs professional help.

Title: Re: Reputation: nullius is a cunt ✔
Post by: BlackHatCoiner on August 03, 2022, 07:29:02 PM
The TL;DR is:

fillippone said:
If you find a positive balance in this client side generated pages, you are actually owner of the private keys, so you are legitimate owner of such balance, and nothing prevents you from transferring to your own wallet.
Which is true. Any key you generate is yours, whether that was generated before you or not. Even if your intention is malicious and start brute forcing millions of keys, they're all yours. It doesn't change that fact. And that's not how I or fillippone see it; it's the way the protocol sees it. If you have generated a private key, you can sign messages with it. You're, therefore, the signer and, ultimately, the legitimate owner of that key.

nullius responds with:
For the past three years, nobody noticed that fillippone is a wannabe wallet thief?  This is way beyond Asch.

fillippone will never find anything unless someone tells him about Brainflayer, but that is not the point:  He is audaciously proclaiming wallet-thief intentions that rico666 evasively dissimulated with LBC.  rico666 got tagged for that.  Worse, fillippone claims that this is “legitimate” (!).  And he claims that as a trusted pillar of the community, who should be responsible to the highest standards.  Tagged accordingly.

This isn’t a matter of learning about Bitcoin:  To dream of snatching people’s life savings or business funding, and treat it as a lottery winning or money found lying in the street, it is a matter of base character and lack of decency.
I won't bother on commenting this drama crap, but I just want to ask nullius: Did you read the whole thread? Later, he says:
I knew from start the  possibilities to find something were tiny, but I wanted to try because looking for balances and finding nothing, would reassure me that nobody could do the same with my own bitcoin so jealously held in my cold wallet.

It seems more like a safety-reassured wannabe than a wallet-thief wannabe.

Title: Re: Reputation: nullius is a cunt ✔
Post by: LoyceMobile on August 03, 2022, 07:35:45 PM
And that's not how I or fillippone see it; it's the way the protocol sees it. If you have a private key, you can sign messages with it. You're, therefore, the signer and, ultimately, the legitimate owner of that key.
I would have expected nullius to understand this. The protocol is much more important than anything else including ethics. Ethics can't be enforced.
If someone knows my private keys, I totally assume I lose my funds.

Title: Re: Reputation: nullius is a cunt ✔
Post by: marcotheminer on August 04, 2022, 10:01:29 AM
And that's not how I or fillippone see it; it's the way the protocol sees it. If you have a private key, you can sign messages with it. You're, therefore, the signer and, ultimately, the legitimate owner of that key.
I would have expected nullius to understand this. The protocol is much more important than anything else including ethics. Ethics can't be enforced.
If someone knows my private keys, I totally assume I lose my funds.

Protocol > ethics, can become a slippery slope imo. Hand in hand, if there's mechanisms in place where one supports the other then we can have super resistant and 'safe' networks (read: ones that are not-so-scary for the public).

Title: Re: Reputation: nullius is a cunt ✔
Post by: LoyceMobile on August 04, 2022, 05:40:25 PM
Protocol > ethics, can become a slippery slope imo. Hand in hand, if there's mechanisms in place where one supports the other then we can have super resistant and 'safe' networks (read: ones that are not-so-scary for the public).
I think it was theymos who mentioned that there could be a second layer with all kinds of protections and refund options. But on-chain, Bitcoin shouldn't change in that direction. Don't forget that one person's refund is someone else's disappearing payment.

Title: Re: Reputation: nullius is a cunt ✔
Post by: PrimeNumber7 on August 04, 2022, 06:18:53 PM

And that's not how I or fillippone see it; it's the way the protocol sees it. If you have a private key, you can sign messages with it. You're, therefore, the signer and, ultimately, the legitimate owner of that key.
I don’t think I would agree with that broad or a statement. For example, if someone uses deception or exploits a weakness in security to install malware on a computer to obtain a private key, I would not consider the person the “legitimate” owner of the key. Similarly, if someone uses a $5 wrench attack to obtain a private key, they are not the legitimate owner of said key.

After reading the thread in question, it is clear that fillippone was not using deception, nor force upon any third party to try to find a private key originally used by someone else. As such, I don’t think it is accurate for nullis to describe fillippone as a “wallet thief”, wannabe or otherwise.

fillippone was using what amounts to be brute force to look for used private keys. If however there was a more efficient means to generate an already used private key, I would expect many people to generate these keys, which is why I desire bitcoin to use robust means of cryptography to go from private key, ultimately to address. I would equate calling someone looking for weakness in the cryptography used in bitcoin as a “wallet thief” the same as discouraging looking for weaknesses in cryptography, and that will ultimately lead to negative results.

Title: Re: Reputation: nullius is a cunt ✔
Post by: BlackHatCoiner on August 04, 2022, 06:58:30 PM
For example, if someone uses deception or exploits a weakness in security to install malware on a computer to obtain a private key, I would not consider the person the “legitimate” owner of the key.
I just slightly changed my post to avoid this confusion.

I would equate calling someone looking for weakness in the cryptography used in bitcoin as a “wallet thief” the same as discouraging looking for weaknesses in cryptography, and that will ultimately lead to negative results.

I would have expected nullius to understand this.
Me too, but he appears to be a rather attention seeker. He's a techie, and I give it to him, but this doesn't mean he has the right to insult every user who'll be at the unfortunate position to be against his opinions. Nullius doesn't speak with users, he speaks at users.

I can't imagine of having a conversation with him in real life.

Title: Re: Reputation: nullius is a cunt ✔
Post by: bitbollo on August 04, 2022, 07:13:19 PM
I sometimes wonder if it is part of human nature to waste time in frivolous discussions and to get away from topics that may have real value.... yes it is true we can not think only of "chiefs system" but....

re-reading OP created by fillippone it is evident that there was no malicious approach.
I can only read a person who is enthusiastic about showing how difficult it is to find a private key with balance, although there are systems that allow you to search for it.

I am sorry to read these controversies, these are a waste of time, of our precious time.
also nullius, it is clear that you are an out of the ordinary person with a superlative preparation on these topics but I am sorry that you may think that this user is a "a wannabe wallet thief" ::) .

I don't think this is really the intention or is it an occupation of him.
Not even the purpose of creating that topic had that sense, quite the contrary .... to demonstrate that although certain systems exist, perhaps it is really impossible to find a private key with funds ....

Are we here to write, find subtleties or imprecisations to point the finger at us? I really hope not ....

Title: Re: Reputation: nullius is indeed a cunt ✔
Post by: 1miau on August 04, 2022, 11:42:14 PM
The TL;DR is:

fillippone said:
If you find a positive balance in this client side generated pages, you are actually owner of the private keys, so you are legitimate owner of such balance, and nothing prevents you from transferring to your own wallet.
Which is true.
Yeah, that's a fact.

Any key you generate is yours, whether that was generated before you or not. Even if your intention is malicious and start brute forcing millions of keys, they're all yours. It doesn't change that fact. And that's not how I or fillippone see it; it's the way the protocol sees it. If you have generated a private key, you can sign messages with it. You're, therefore, the signer and, ultimately, the legitimate owner of that key.
So, nullius would have to tag Satoshi, too.  :D

Attacking great Bitcointalk contributors out of nowhere seems to be a new pattern.
I've had the pleasure as well some weeks ago to "debate" whith nullius, when he whitewashed Putin's war and made up fake accusations against us.  ::)
How can such a knowledgeable person be so gullible and disgusting? Neither me, nor JohhnyUA, nor fillippone has done anything to him.

Write a constructive post and get attacked by nullius - who's next?

nullius is indeed a cunt ✔

Title: Re: Reputation: nullius is a cunt ✔
Post by: PrimeNumber7 on August 05, 2022, 04:02:26 AM
nullius is indeed a cunt ✔
I am generally against name calling and personal attacks.

I stated my opinion on the fillippone situation and I said that I think nullis is in the wrong. But I don’t think two wrongs make a right, and I don’t think calling anyone a “cunt” is going to result in anything productive.

Title: Re: Reputation: nullius is a cunt ✔
Post by: suchmoon on August 05, 2022, 04:18:13 AM
Was there a prior disagreement between fillippone and nullius? That's how it usually works with him - someone tries to argue with His Holy Wordiness, and he goes digging for some nonsense he can turn into red trust. Otherwise there wasn't much of a reason for him to necrobump that thread.

As for ethics etc... red-trusting for imaginary thought crimes is some next level shit, beats nullius' regular "defamation" nonsense. Not that it matters much, he should be ~ed anyway.

I am generally against name calling and personal attacks.

I stated my opinion on the fillippone situation and I said that I think nullis is in the wrong. But I don’t think two wrongs make a right, and I don’t think calling anyone a “cunt” is going to result in anything productive.

It's going to result in an obvious fact being stated for the benefit of those who may not be aware of his cuntyness.

Title: Re: Reputation: nullius is a cunt ✔
Post by: GazetaBitcoin on August 05, 2022, 06:40:00 AM
It's a great sorrow for me to see fillippone in this situation and I would like to state a few words on this matter...

I know fillippone for a few years now and I don't mean that I know him in the sense "oh, I saw that guy on the forum; he is quite active". I came to know him better than that.

Objectively speaking, I noticed how many useful threads he wrote, in the attempt to help newbies, beginners and the community as a whole. If I am to name only a few of his best writings, I would mention these ones:

Everything you wanted to know about BTC futures but were afraid to ask!  (
Everything you wanted to know about BTC options but were afraid to ask! (
Stock To Flow Model: Modeling Bitcoin's Value with Scarcity (
Comprare Bitcoin senza KYC: Bitcoin Bancomat a Milano rispettoso della Privacy (from Italian) (
#meritislife: how to be notified on a smartband of merits and mentions (
Everything you wanted to know about Grayscale BTC Trust but were afraid to ask! (
Securing Your Seed Phrase with Washers (
5 Resources to teach Average Joe about Bitcoin (

As you can see, some are also very long. I can't even imagine how much time he had to dedicate in order to write all these... In particular, the topic Securing Your Seed Phrase with Washers also needed physical work for writing it!

Subjectively speaking, I had many interactions with fillippone in the past years. He proved himself as a very friendly person, always willing to help, always polite, decent, with a lot of common sense and, also, with a lot of knowledge about Bitcoin. It was a great pleasure to meet such a person and to have the chance to collaborate with!

Having all these in mind and seeing how many great contributions fillippone brought to the forum I can say that I see him as a very trustworthy person, someone I would fully trust to work with, to collaborate on various projects, to make financial deals with -- with no risk.

Knowing him in the way I do, I would go even forward, by saying that I am seeing fillippone as unable to cheat anyone. His very high moral standards and, over all, the way he is constructed, always willing to help those in need -- all these make him (at least, in my eyes) as someone unable to harm.

Due to all the above mentioned aspects I can say, while being 100% sure, that fillippone did not deserve the negative feedback he received, as he is not a thief, not even a wannabe thief and he never tried to scam anybody. Nor he ever will.

Once again, fillippone, I am sorry for all this situation. But keep being who you are, the way you are, as your way of being -- your behavior at large -- made you one of the best forum members, someone appreciated the same way as you appreciate the ones around you!

Title: Re: Reputation: nullius is a cunt ✔
Post by: Poker Player on August 05, 2022, 06:58:51 AM

In any case, cuntius is not in DT, so fillippone should not mind too much.

I went to look at cuntius' trust list and I am surprised that you trust him, according to the last update. I imagine from what you say that this will change.

Another one that I've been surprised to see he trusts him is icopress.

Title: Re: Reputation: nullius is a cunt ✔
Post by: babo on August 05, 2022, 07:33:02 AM

In any case, cuntius is not in DT, so fillippone should not mind too much.

I went to look at cuntius' trust list and I am surprised that you trust him, according to the last update. I imagine from what you say that this will change.

Another one that I've been surprised to see he trusts him is icopress.

yes cuntius isnt in DT ok

but the problem is the principle

if using a site makes you a black hats, then you don't even know what black hats are
such an accusation, such a defamation cannot go unpunished

because compliments are forgotten, defamations remain for life

Title: Re: Reputation: nullius is a cunt ✔
Post by: Poker Player on August 05, 2022, 07:38:16 AM
yes cuntius isnt in DT ok

but the problem is the principle

if using a site makes you a black hats, then you don't even know what black hats are

I've had negative feedback from scammers and shitposters, mostly retaliatory, and I don't care. I understand that in this case it may affect fillippone more because the stinky cunt is not a simple shitposter, he is someone who has a lot of knowledge.

such an accusation, such a defamation cannot go unpunished

because compliments are forgotten, defamations remain for life

I think for punishment this should be enough:

... he should be ~ed anyway.

Or are you proposing something else?

Title: Re: Reputation: nullius is a cunt ✔
Post by: NeuroticFish on August 05, 2022, 07:38:29 AM
I went to look at cuntius' trust list and I am surprised that you trust him, according to the last update. I imagine from what you say that this will change.

I'd say that this already got handled yesterday and the trust viewer has old data, since it's scraping only once a week.

On Gazeta's bpip page though, interestingly...

So I guess that this may put an even better light on Gazeta's post.

but the problem is the principle

I pretty much agree.

I've had negative feedback from scammers and shitposters, mostly retaliatory, and I don't care. I understand that in this case it may affect fillippone more because the stinky cunt is not a simple shitposter, he is someone who has a lot of knowledge.

I think that there's still quite a difference (in strength) between the trust feedback of some newbies that come and go and the feedback of a highly ranked and active member, no matter he's not DT.

Title: Re: Reputation: nullius is a cunt ✔
Post by: GazetaBitcoin on August 05, 2022, 07:47:32 AM
In any case, cuntius is not in DT, so fillippone should not mind too much.

In the moment when fillppone received that incorrect feedback, he was on DT and, as a consequence, his feedback reflected on fillippone's Trust score. Now he is not in DT anymore and, therefore, the feedback appears at fillippone's Untrusted feedback section and it is also not influencing fillippone's Trust score anymore.

I went to look at cuntius' trust list and I am surprised that you trust him, according to the last update. I imagine from what you say that this will change.

Another one that I've been surprised to see he trusts him is icopress.

This is already changed and it is already changed in icopress' case as well. We had added him on our Trusts list a long while ago, when his contributions were mostly technical essays and articles advocating Bitcoin and Satoshi...

I'd say that this already got handled yesterday and the trust viewer has old data, since it's scraping only once a week.

Thank you for confirming this, NeuroticFish. Indeed, Trust viewer is not updated live. But the changes can be seen on bpip.

So I guess that this may put an even better light on Gazeta's post.

Same as above, this happened also in ancient times, when his writings were mostly technical or advocating Bitcoin...

Title: Re: Reputation: nullius is a cunt ✔
Post by: LoyceV on August 05, 2022, 10:12:02 AM
In the moment when fillppone received that incorrect feedback, he was on DT and, as a consequence, his feedback reflected on fillippone's Trust score.
That can't be: nullius is at DT1 (-12), and has been excluded for a long time. He was on your Trust list (, which explains why you saw the negative feedback.

Title: Re: Reputation: nullius is a cunt ✔
Post by: fillippone on August 05, 2022, 11:13:04 AM
Dear Nullius,
I waited for an extended period before answering this post, which is probably the first one I am addressing to you, and for sure, the last one.

I will not counter your reasoning on the specific matter of the accusation that I am running a vast operation aimed at stealing everyone's private keys for my personal profit.
This accusation is incomprehensible to me, and you are intelligent and knowledgeable. I am sure you will outsmart me in every possible discussion we have on this topic.

All the intervention of many users who spent their time in this very depressing drama should have made the situation pretty clear to you.
One, in particular, was spot on in explaining my feelings on that two-year-old post.

I won't bother on commenting this drama crap, but I just want to ask nullius: Did you read the whole thread? Later, he says:
I knew from start the  possibilities to find something were tiny, but I wanted to try because looking for balances and finding nothing, would reassure me that nobody could do the same with my own bitcoin so jealously held in my cold wallet.

It seems more like a safety-reassured wannabe than a wallet-thief wannabe.

Didn't look that difficult to me, as almost everyone was able to understand the tone of the thread.

So, I think I will leave the answer to these accusations to the more than 10K posts I have written in this forum.

My interactions in this community were always aimed at improving my knowledge of bitcoin and exchanging my knowledge with others.
I made (a lot of) errors writing them, I made corrections, I had thoughtful exchanges with many members of this community, and for sure, I learned a lot.
Many times I have been corrected on many factual errors, inaccuracies, and superficialities in my posts, and I think I was always receptive to such corrections.
I think I never wrote anything where I had an aggressive, offensive or shady attitude toward any member of this community. And I am taking pride in this.

If you had any doubts you could have expressed in the thread, I would have been happy to discuss them with you. I could have even accepted making unnecessary amendments to the thread to reassure you about my intentions.

Instead, you let your action speak for yourself.

Let me have the same privilege.


Title: Re: Reputation: nullius is a cunt ✔
Post by: JayJuanGee on August 05, 2022, 07:55:32 PM
Dear Nullius,
I waited for an extended period before answering this post, which is probably the first one I am addressing to you, and for sure, the last one.

I will not counter your reasoning on the specific matter of the accusation that I am running a vast operation aimed at stealing everyone's private keys for my personal profit.
This accusation is incomprehensible to me, and you are intelligent and knowledgeable. I am sure you will outsmart me in every possible discussion we have on this topic.

All the intervention of many users who spent their time in this very depressing drama should have made the situation pretty clear to you.
One, in particular, was spot on in explaining my feelings on that two-year-old post.

I won't bother on commenting this drama crap, but I just want to ask nullius: Did you read the whole thread? Later, he says:
I knew from start the  possibilities to find something were tiny, but I wanted to try because looking for balances and finding nothing, would reassure me that nobody could do the same with my own bitcoin so jealously held in my cold wallet.
It seems more like a safety-reassured wannabe than a wallet-thief wannabe.
Didn't look that difficult to me, as almost everyone was able to understand the tone of the thread.

So, I think I will leave the answer to these accusations to the more than 10K posts I have written in this forum.

My interactions in this community were always aimed at improving my knowledge of bitcoin and exchanging my knowledge with others.
I made (a lot of) errors writing them, I made corrections, I had thoughtful exchanges with many members of this community, and for sure, I learned a lot.
Many times I have been corrected on many factual errors, inaccuracies, and superficialities in my posts, and I think I was always receptive to such corrections.
I think I never wrote anything where I had an aggressive, offensive or shady attitude toward any member of this community. And I am taking pride in this.

If you had any doubts you could have expressed in the thread, I would have been happy to discuss them with you. I could have even accepted making unnecessary amendments to the thread to reassure you about my intentions.

Instead, you let your action speak for yourself.

Let me have the same privilege.


I remain somewhat confused about the whole matter, and surely I would not presume any of us to be anything close to a saint, including fillippone, yet I have no doubt that he would have been open to suggestions within the thread (as he proclaims that he would have had been) - but instead what seemed to have had happened was that Nullius was convoluting any attempt to potentially reasonably rectify possible issues (if there were any that needed to be rectified) into either imputing malicious intentions on fillippone or otherwise failing/refusing to help any of us to be directed in terms of how such topics should be addressed in the present, past and/or future - are we just supposed to NOT talk about such topics of bitcoin security and various potential (or actual) vulnerabilities?

Even though Nullius tends to be decently articulate and presents matters fairly well (with good grammar and all that), but even with such decently good presentations of facts and/or logic, that still does not necessarily mean that he is correct - even if he starts to become dogmatic about it.. and maybe dogmatism causes members to unreasonably get on the defensive when there might have been some possible reasonable ways in which suggestions should have or could have been made.. so as a minimum perhaps if nullius would like to provide evidence that he is not completely cunty, then he could at least convert his negative of fillippone to a neutral and to otherwise stick by his stance (if that's what he would like to do),.... and maybe even maintain reservations to turn the trust back into negative if he has further evidence to support his case that fillippone had actually done some thing wrong or that fillippone may have been running a long con or some other more compelling reasons that fillippone should have not created such thread...

Of course, the matter of whether to convert a red trust into a neutral or even to consider if there might be some other side to the matter or to continue to consider the matter (or the investigation of it) is totally within the discretion of nullius.. and for sure, he is free to stick to his guns too.. and maybe there are other members besides him that agree with such position that he sticks to his guns on this topic.. I doubt it.. but sure, it is possible.  Anything is possible.  hahahaha

In my other response on this matter (, I had suggested that there could possibly be ways that fillippone might have amended some of his OP in that other thread or even created a disclaimer - although now the thread has been locked so those suggestions do not seem feasible absent getting the thread unlocked.. which might be possible if such a step seems like it might be even something that is in the ballpark of a reasonable way forward.. I have me doubts about that.. too..

Accordingly, I am not even sure if amending or creating a disclaimer would have been able to help matters from Nullius's perspective on the topic.. and then if fillippone had ended up making a bunch of changes, then the whole matter becomes confusing regarding whether some kind of cover-up or re-writing history might have been happening.. so in that sense, it seems that even if some kind of credibility were to be given to various claims that Nullius had been making, Nullius had seemed to put fillippone into a paralyzing position of being damned if you do and damned if you don't..  .. so personally, it makes it harder for me to give Nullius benefits of the doubt when he had been going down a route in which there does not seem to be any kind of meaningful course forward, and he is not even suggesting one.. except that we are all supposed to just agree with him because he is right.. blah blah blah.. and even Nullius should realize that members do have brains here and no one really likes to be told what we are supposed to think, even if we might not exactly know the various nuances of the points that Nullius had been making in his various posts on the topic in that thread.

Title: Re: Reputation: nullius is a cunt ✔
Post by: arabspaceship123 on August 06, 2022, 11:56:41 AM
I don't know nillius except he's a cryptocurrencies technical genius. Some of nillius posts upset people but it could've been different if he'd accepted his mistake. You didn't try stealing private keys he misunderstood your intention.

You're polite and composed you haven't shown aggressive, offensive or shady attitude. I'm thinking you're forgiving so you'll be open if nillius came to say sorry.

Dear Nullius,
I waited for an extended period before answering this post, which is probably the first one I am addressing to you, and for sure, the last one.

I will not counter your reasoning on the specific matter of the accusation that I am running a vast operation aimed at stealing everyone's private keys for my personal profit.
This accusation is incomprehensible to me, and you are intelligent and knowledgeable. I am sure you will outsmart me in every possible discussion we have on this topic.

All the intervention of many users who spent their time in this very depressing drama should have made the situation pretty clear to you.
One, in particular, was spot on in explaining my feelings on that two-year-old post.

My interactions in this community were always aimed at improving my knowledge of bitcoin and exchanging my knowledge with others.
I made (a lot of) errors writing them, I made corrections, I had thoughtful exchanges with many members of this community, and for sure, I learned a lot.
Many times I have been corrected on many factual errors, inaccuracies, and superficialities in my posts, and I think I was always receptive to such corrections.
I think I never wrote anything where I had an aggressive, offensive or shady attitude toward any member of this community. And I am taking pride in this.

If you had any doubts you could have expressed in the thread, I would have been happy to discuss them with you. I could have even accepted making unnecessary amendments to the thread to reassure you about my intentions.

Instead, you let your action speak for yourself.

Let me have the same privilege.


Title: Re: Reputation: nullius is a cunt ✔
Post by: PowerGlove on August 07, 2022, 03:57:26 AM
I just want to caution everyone to be gentle with nullius. My first impression of him was "WOW, what an insufferable know-it-all." but after going through some of his old posts it seems to me (just a guess, I'm no expert) that he's struggling with something personal (and has been for some time). He seems to deeply miss Lauda which I find kind of endearing. He also seems to be grasping at straws (like accusing fillippone). His mental state is probably more fragile than you realize and I don't think piling on is going to serve anyone.

Take the high road, and use the Ignore button until he finds himself again...

Title: Re: Reputation: nullius is a cunt ✔
Post by: GazetaBitcoin on August 09, 2022, 02:56:38 PM
In the moment when fillppone received that incorrect feedback, he was on DT and, as a consequence, his feedback reflected on fillippone's Trust score.
That can't be: nullius is at DT1 (-12), and has been excluded for a long time. He was on your Trust list (, which explains why you saw the negative feedback.

Ummm... I am not sure that I properly understand this... As far as I see, he was on DT at the reshuffle from August 1st (, right? And this also confirmed by your post ( from the topic DefaultTrust changes. He does not appear there as removed, therefore this should mean he still was in DT (as he was previously elected at the reshuffle from July 1st)... Maybe I am not looking at the right data?

Besides that, even if he was not in DT1, at that moment he was in DT2, thus he was still able to influence the Trust score...

Title: Re: Reputation: nullius is a cunt ✔
Post by: LoyceV on August 09, 2022, 03:04:28 PM
Ummm... I am not sure that I properly understand this... As far as I see, he was on DT at the reshuffle from August 1st (, right?

And this also confirmed by your post ( from the topic DefaultTrust changes.

Maybe I am not looking at the right data?
You're looking at incomplete data: those 2 lists don't account for his DT-strength, which can be seen from Default trust breakdown (;dtview): (-12). That means he has 12 more exclusions than inclusions, which effectively means he's not no DT1.

Besides that, even if he was not in DT1, at that moment he was in DT2, thus he was still able to influence the Trust score...
He'll (almost certainly) have more DT1 exclusions than inclusions when he's on DT2, so his feedback won't show up by default. Unless you add him to your own Trust list, that overrules DefaultTrust.

Title: Re: Reputation: nullius is a cunt ✔
Post by: GazetaBitcoin on August 09, 2022, 03:42:46 PM
Oh, oh, I understand now. Thanks for explaining this, LoyceV!

Title: Re: Reputation: nullius is a cunt ✔
Post by: suchmoon on August 09, 2022, 06:50:04 PM
Take the high road, and use the Ignore button until he finds himself again...

That's a good advice in most forum situations involving personal dislike, but when you ignore wordy trolls like nullius their posts without opposition suck out even more oxygen from the already barely breathable atmosphere here.

Ideally moderators should take care of attacks like the one on fillippone instead of forcing everyone to scroll through that BS in an otherwise interesting thread, but that's not how this forum works unfortunately.

As for personal issues, internet in general and this forum in particular is a bad place for people with mental problems. Particularly if the user is purposefully looking for conflict.

Title: Re: Reputation: nullius is a cunt ✔
Post by: Cryptotourist on November 04, 2022, 09:45:05 AM

Particularly if the user is purposefully looking for conflict.

You reckon? Because I don’t.
The main difference nullius has from the bunch of you, is that his ethical compass and moral standards, are not negotiable.
His principles - are exactly that - principles, that he lives by - day in, day out.

“In the world of the blind, the one eyed man is the king”.
Better show some respect, where respect is due.

Title: Re: Reputation: nullius is a cunt ✔
Post by: suchmoon on November 04, 2022, 01:19:52 PM
his ethical compass and moral standards, are not negotiable.

I doubt anyone cares to negotiate his "moral standards" of sockpuppeting trollfuckery. There is enough of that crap in this forum.

Title: Re: Reputation: nullius is a cunt ✔
Post by: JayJuanGee on November 04, 2022, 04:29:42 PM

Particularly if the user is purposefully looking for conflict.
You reckon? Because I don’t.
The main difference nullius has from the bunch of you, is that his ethical compass and moral standards, are not negotiable.
His principles - are exactly that - principles, that he lives by - day in, day out.

“In the world of the blind, the one eyed man is the king”.
Better show some respect, where respect is due.

Oh gawd.. how much dick have you come back to suck Cryptotourist?

None of us should be put on such a high pedestal, and I am not even bashing on nullius because even I am going to concede that he had/has a decent number of great ideas and decently good ways of presenting his ideas, but he also seems to get into trouble because of his either not compromising on some issues and/or becoming a bit arrogant about some of his views, especially seeming to have difficulties when people call him names, such as calling him a cunt.. and he might not even be a cunt, but then his various reactions to this thread, ideas around this thread might have highlighted his inabilities to deal very well with criticisms, whether the criticisms are warranted or not..   ... and those are not necessarily positive characteristics in a forum when frequently we will need to account for the views of others and even to be able to deal with bad information, differences of opinions and/or people who might unwarrantly attack your ideas or to unwarrantly attack you personally...

Title: Re: Reputation: nullius is a cunt ✔
Post by: PowerGlove on November 04, 2022, 07:49:12 PM
Particularly if the user is purposefully looking for conflict.
You reckon? Because I don’t.

I side with suchmoon on the whole "looking for conflict" thing, because when I wandered into this topic (with a little less experience than I have now) and naively stuck up for nullius (a few posts up), it somehow inspired him to leave me some pretty perplexing trust feedback. Still scratching my head over that one...

Title: Re: Reputation: nullius is a cunt ✔
Post by: Cryptotourist on November 08, 2022, 08:57:13 AM
I doubt anyone cares to negotiate his "moral standards" of sockpuppeting trollfuckery. There is enough of that crap in this forum.

Speak for yourself.
And please don’t tell me that you’ve never had an alt account.

Oh gawd.. how much dick have you come back to suck Cryptotourist?

I don’t suck dick Jay. Men don’t suck dicks, only women and faggots suck dicks Jay, literally and metaphorically.
nullius doesn’t suck dick either, also literally and metaphorically.

So now that we’re clear that we’re both men, how do you suggest I express my respect to him, opposed to a bunch of faggots and women such as yourselve(s)?

I side with suchmoon on the whole "looking for conflict" thing, ~

But of course you do.


Title: Re: Reputation: nullius is a cunt ✔
Post by: DireWolfM14 on November 09, 2022, 09:41:36 AM
Oh gawd.. how much dick have you come back to suck Cryptotourist?
I don’t suck dick Jay. Men don’t suck dicks, only women and faggots suck dicks Jay, literally and metaphorically.
nullius doesn’t suck dick either, also literally and metaphorically.

Having grown up in an area known for it's homosexual population I have known a few men who readily admit to physically sucking dick, but I would not categorize as the type to suck metaphorical dick.  I've also known plenty of heterosexual men about whom I would say the exact opposite.  I've also known homosexuals who are rather indifferent about being labeled faggot, homo, flamer, or, for that matter, cock-sucker.  Because they are men, they are comfortable with who and what they are, so they consider slanderous phrases of those types as a reflection on those who utter them rather than a slight on themselves.

Anyway, sorry to veer off topic, as you were.

Title: Re: Reputation: nullius is a cunt ✔
Post by: JayJuanGee on November 10, 2022, 12:03:19 AM
Oh gawd.. how much dick have you come back to suck Cryptotourist?
I don’t suck dick Jay. Men don’t suck dicks, only women and faggots suck dicks Jay, literally and metaphorically.
nullius doesn’t suck dick either, also literally and metaphorically.

So now that we’re clear that we’re both men, how do you suggest I express my respect to him, opposed to a bunch of faggots and women such as yourselve(s)?

For some reason, I missed your response until now, Cryptotourist.

Yes.  Even though you are in denial regarding the seeming "overboardedness" of the content of your post, you provided the categories for what I was trying to say.

In other words, it seems that I was referring to your "sucking dick" in a metaphorical way, not in a literal way.  

I was likely attempting to suggest that you seem to have had gone overboard in terms of "expressing your respect" to nullius, but hey perhaps I was being a wee bit too judgmental regarding how you choose to express yourself.  

In any event, I feel that I said more than enough on the topic.... maybe even, to some extent, regretting that I said anything.. and leave you to whatever level of fawning you determine to be "necessary" to the situation.  

Ditto in regards to DireWolfM14's statement - and "as you were soldier."  ;) ;)

:P :P

Title: Re: Reputation: nullius is a cunt ✔
Post by: Cryptotourist on December 08, 2022, 07:54:42 AM
Excellent replies, bravo!

I have nothing against homosexuality, it’s just not my cup of tea.
I have nothing against JJG wanting to suck miles long dicks, nor with any of the faggots involved in this thread for that matter.

But just to clarify.
When you’re consistently lying because of reasons, and you’re a biological male - you do not honour the driving force of a man, the ballsack - thus you must be a faggot. Whether you know it or not and regardless of sexual orientation at the time. Lying is in a woman’s nature not a man’s - and that’s by default. How do you think I know for sure that suchmoon is a woman? Because she is a talented liar.

As for you JJG, I don’t claim that you’re lying, but rather implying that you’re eager to experience anything outside of your digital realm.

Title: Re: Reputation: nullius is a cunt ✔
Post by: NotATether on December 08, 2022, 06:48:16 PM
Lying is in a woman’s nature not a man’s - and that’s by default.

I dispute this part (or rather, both of these parts).

Title: Re: Reputation: nullius is a cunt ✔
Post by: Cryptotourist on December 08, 2022, 10:06:36 PM
Lying is in a woman’s nature not a man’s - and that’s by default.

I dispute this part (or rather, both of these parts).

Knock yourself out.
Either you know shit about women, or you’re a very lucky man.

Title: Re: Reputation: nullius is a cunt ✔
Post by: digaran on December 28, 2022, 12:06:04 AM
Deleting a post made you post this thread? This world is just moving train, not worth it to fight and hate on eachother, think about the destination. Some day we all have to answer for our actions, be careful what you do and be nice to others even if they hurt your feelings/ego, forgiving requires a big heart, showing forgiveness also shows how great you are as a person.